3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Habits of a Steward

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180012A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:13 And to be diligent to present yourself approved to God
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is
00:27 "Stewardship Motives of the Heart."
00:32 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:35 I'm Jill Morikone, and we're delighted
00:37 that you're taking time to open up God's Word
00:39 with us and study together.
00:41 It's hard to believe
00:42 we are almost at the end of the quarter.
00:44 We are on lesson number 12, we only have one more week.
00:48 In our lesson this,
00:50 this week is on the habits of a steward,
00:53 the habit of seeking God first,
00:56 of looking for the return of Jesus,
00:58 of using our time wisely.
01:01 I need to learn that, of keeping a healthy mind,
01:04 body and soul and the habit of self-discipline.
01:07 So if you don't have a quarterly,
01:09 you can go to the website,
01:10 ABSG.Adventist.org
01:14 that stands for Adult Bible Study Guide
01:17 dot Adventist dot org.
01:19 And you can download the lesson and follow along with us
01:22 or you can always visit
01:24 your local Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:25 and get a copy.
01:27 Right now I want to introduce our wonderful panel
01:29 that we have here.
01:30 Sitting next to me...
01:31 Sitting next to me,
01:33 this is a blessing, my husband, Greg.
01:34 Good to be here.
01:35 Good to have you here and then Shelley Quinn,
01:37 Mollie Steenson and Pastor John Lomacang.
01:40 And it's always a privilege
01:41 to open up the Word of God together and to share.
01:44 Before we go any further, let's open up with prayer.
01:47 And, sweetheart, would you pray for us?
01:48 Sure. Yes, I'd be happy to.
01:49 Father in Heaven Lord,
01:51 what a privilege it is to open Your word.
01:53 And, Lord, we just ask
01:54 for Your Holy Spirit to be with us
01:57 during this important study.
01:59 And Lord, I just pray for those that are viewing and listening,
02:01 Lord that they would also be in-tuned to Your Holy Spirit
02:05 as You speak to each one of us everyday.
02:08 Lord again, we thank You for Your word
02:09 and we thank You for Jesus Christ
02:11 and in His name we pray, amen.
02:13 Amen.
02:14 We're talking about the habits of a steward.
02:17 So I looked up, "What is a habit?"
02:20 The dictionary says,
02:22 "It's a routine of behavior that's repeated regularly
02:26 and tends to occur subconsciously."
02:29 So a habit is something that's so ingrained,
02:32 we're not even really thinking about what we're doing.
02:35 When the alarm rings in the morning,
02:38 you jump out of bed or hit the snooze.
02:40 That's a habit, right? You're either...
02:42 You hear that noise
02:43 and I'm gonna hit the snooze or I jump out of bed,
02:45 either one is a habit
02:46 and we become ingrained in that.
02:48 Think about walking.
02:50 When I stand up from this chair,
02:51 I'm not gonna think,
02:53 "Does the right foot go first or the left foot?"
02:55 In fact, I can't even tell you
02:56 which foot I usually start with.
02:58 We just know, the feet move, the legs move, the arms move,
03:02 it's a learned habit that we have learned.
03:05 What about if someone yells at you?
03:09 Now your natural inclination or learned behavior, habit.
03:14 Some people might cry,
03:15 some people might get in their face and yell back,
03:18 some people might sit back and listen.
03:22 Either one of those responses would be a learned habit.
03:26 There's a quote in the lesson on Sabbath.
03:28 This is from fourth volume of the Testimonies page, 452.
03:31 It says
03:33 "We shall be individually for time and eternity
03:37 what our habits make us.
03:40 The lives of those
03:41 who form right habits and are faithful
03:43 in their performance of every duty
03:46 would be as shining lights,
03:48 shedding bright beams upon the pathway of others."
03:51 So we're gonna talk today about some of the habits
03:53 that we have to develop as stewards of God.
03:57 Let's read our memory text.
03:59 We're in Psalms 119 verses 9 through 11.
04:03 This has taken from the New King James Version
04:04 of the Bible.
04:06 We'll read together here.
04:07 "How can a young man cleanse his way?
04:10 By taking heed according to Your word.
04:14 With my whole heart I have sought You,
04:18 Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments.
04:21 Your word I have hidden in my heart,
04:25 that I might not sin against You."
04:29 On Sunday we look at the habit of seeking God first,
04:33 to seek God first.
04:35 You know, if you think about the development of a habit...
04:38 Greg and I, we were in Florida a couple years ago,
04:41 we went to the Zoo.
04:42 Now when you go to the zoo,
04:43 my favorite place at the zoo was the big cats.
04:46 You have the lions and the tigers,
04:49 you have the leopards.
04:51 This particular cage, but it was a big cage,
04:54 it was the leopard cage.
04:56 Now he had a lot of room to roam,
04:58 even though I don't like seeing them caged up,
05:00 but he did have a large cage for a zoo.
05:02 But when Greg and I were there,
05:04 he walked on one side down this way,
05:06 turned around and he came back,
05:08 then he went down this way
05:10 and he turned around and he came back.
05:12 The whole time we stood there.
05:14 Down this way, he turned around and he came back.
05:17 Now the grass in his cage was lush and green
05:20 and beautiful and the whole cage,
05:21 except for where he was walking.
05:23 There was no grass.
05:24 And it was not just dirt packed,
05:26 it was actually, had formed a rut.
05:29 It was a depression in the ground.
05:32 To me that's a habit.
05:33 We do this, we come back.
05:35 We do this...
05:36 Whatever it is, it can be a good habit,
05:38 it can be a bad habit,
05:39 but it's something that's developed,
05:40 it almost forms a rut as it were in the mind.
05:44 And so if we look at the concept
05:45 of seeking God first,
05:46 if you are not used to seeking God first,
05:49 we can develop a new habit.
05:51 We can get out of that rut
05:53 and begin walk in a different way
05:56 and pretty soon the grass is gonna grow
05:58 where the old rut used to be,
06:00 and we can form a new rut
06:02 that would be seeking God first and that's the beautiful thing.
06:05 God can enable us to develop new habits.
06:08 Let's look at Matthew 6:33.
06:10 If you think of seeking God first,
06:12 this is the first verse that comes to mind.
06:14 Matthew 6:33.
06:17 "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,
06:22 and all these things shall be added to you."
06:25 In the Greek for seek it means,
06:26 to seek, to search for desire or strive after.
06:31 We are to seek or strive after God,
06:35 first and foremost above everything.
06:37 I want to talk today in my time
06:39 about four keys to seeking God first
06:43 or four keys to developing a habit to seek God first.
06:48 First would be in Matthew 22:37.
06:51 This would be love God supremely.
06:54 Love God supremely. Matthew 22...
06:56 We're already in Matthew,
06:57 just turned over to a couple chapters.
06:59 Matthew 22:37.
07:04 Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God
07:06 with all your heart, with all your soul,
07:09 with all your mind."
07:11 This is the first and great commandment.
07:15 We are to love God supremely.
07:20 It talks about in here three different parts of us.
07:23 You could say that we're to love God with.
07:24 What does it say?
07:26 Love God with our heart, love God with our soul,
07:30 love God with our mind.
07:33 The word in the Greek for heart
07:35 is used over 800 times in scripture.
07:39 It's never referred
07:40 to as the literal heart that pumps.
07:42 It's, in scripture it's referred to as the center
07:45 or the seat of our spiritual life,
07:49 heart, our mind, our character as it were.
07:54 Love God with your character, your mind.
07:58 We also love God with our soul and that word in the Greek
08:00 is similar to our word psychology.
08:04 And it means a person's distinct identity
08:06 or their personality.
08:07 So we don't just love God with our character as it were
08:11 or the place where the seed of our spiritual life is,
08:14 we also love God with just who we are.
08:16 We all have a different way, a different personality
08:19 but we love God in the midst of that.
08:22 And then finally, the mind.
08:23 And in the Greek that means critical thinking,
08:26 thorough reasoning,
08:28 incorporate both sides of a matter
08:30 to reach a conclusion.
08:32 So some people love God emotionally, right?
08:35 Just from the heart,
08:37 but yet you put critical thinking aside.
08:39 Some people only analyze and think about God
08:43 but they neglect the emotional side.
08:45 But we have to love God with everything we have,
08:48 both the thinking, the emotion, who we are as a person,
08:51 everything combined.
08:53 Number two.
08:55 How do we develop this habit of seeking God first?
08:57 Don't allow anything between you and God.
09:01 Exodus 20:3, that commandment,
09:03 "You shall have no other gods before me."
09:06 So this passage...
09:08 You know, what's interesting?
09:09 We don't pick our days for a lesson,
09:11 they are always assigned.
09:12 And it seems like,
09:13 I always get the day that I most need.
09:16 And when I think about this, what gods do we put between...
09:21 I'm saying little "g," what gods,
09:24 do we put between us and God?
09:27 What about my time? And I'm talking to myself here.
09:30 Do I spend more time?
09:32 What percentage of time do I spend in the Word of God,
09:35 in prayer with Jesus verses doing something else,
09:40 doing something worldly pursuits,
09:42 doing something to please myself?
09:44 If I do more for myself, that's not seeking God first,
09:47 that's seeking my own pleasure
09:49 or my own pursuits instead of God.
09:51 What about my talents?
09:53 Are the skill and ability
09:55 that God has given to each one of us,
09:56 do we put that for selfish means
09:59 or selfish pursuits, or are we seeking God first,
10:02 then we give everything
10:03 we have to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.
10:07 What about the money that God has entrusted to me?
10:10 Do I spend it on spreading the gospel
10:12 or do I spend it over here on myself?
10:15 What about the things I look at and the things I listen to,
10:18 all of that?
10:20 This principle of seeking God first comes
10:23 into every area of our lives.
10:28 Third, we act intentionally. Third, we act intentionally.
10:33 Ephesians 5:15 and 16 says,
10:36 "See then that you walk circumspectly."
10:40 The word in Greek for circumspectfully means
10:42 carefully with exactness.
10:45 "Not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time,
10:50 because the days are evil."
10:53 If I'm going to see God first, sweetheart,
10:55 I need to act intentionally about it.
10:58 If I just say
10:59 "Okay, I want to follow God but I don't make a plan
11:01 and I don't have any sort
11:03 of specific intentions about it,
11:05 what's gonna happen?"
11:06 I'll probably do my own thing.
11:07 I'll do my own way, I'll go my own,
11:10 instead of making a specific plan
11:11 and it's a choice.
11:13 It is a choice.
11:14 So act intentionally for God
11:17 and to seek God first and to put Him first.
11:19 And finally, make God a priority.
11:22 And I think one of the most important ways
11:24 we can do that,
11:25 is to spend early morning time in prayer and Bible study.
11:30 I think in Psalms 119:147,
11:33 it says "I rise before the dawning of the morning."
11:38 That means I get up early.
11:39 "And cry for help, I hope in Your word."
11:45 You know, I used to have this habit
11:47 and I have gotten out of this habit,
11:49 so I want to incorporate this habit again,
11:51 of asking God before I go to bed,
11:55 to wake me up in the morning.
11:56 When He wants me to get up and spend time with Him.
12:00 Now Greg and I do get up early
12:02 and we do have our devotional time
12:04 every morning with God.
12:06 But I used to say "God, will You wake me up?"
12:09 You know what my days gonna face.
12:11 You know what's going to be coming.
12:12 Well, You wake me up when You want me to get up?
12:15 So you know how much time tomorrow
12:17 I'm gonna need with You.
12:18 And I would pray that before going to bed
12:20 and then the next morning, God will wake me up.
12:23 And I remember one time, the clock read 3:59.
12:28 And I thought, "God, you're crazy.
12:31 You're crazy, 3:59?"
12:34 You know, we don't get up to five, that's early,
12:37 that's too early, I'm not getting up.
12:40 And I remember, I turned over in bed
12:42 and I was wide awake
12:44 when God had woken me up 'cause when He wakes you up,
12:45 you're wide awake.
12:47 But I turned over in bed, now I'm back to sleep,
12:48 the alarm rang at five
12:50 and I was super groggy, got up, studied,
12:53 went into the day
12:54 and it was one of those hard days.
12:57 And I felt God say, "I knew that.
12:59 I wanted you to have an extra hour with Me."
13:03 And so the next day, I said,
13:04 "God, please, will you wake me up?"
13:06 And that day it wasn't 3:59, it was a different time.
13:09 But when He woke me up, I spent that time.
13:12 And that's a beautiful habit of getting early in the morning
13:15 and spending time with God.
13:16 And there are several Bible examples of people
13:19 who got up early to spend time with God,
13:21 I know we're almost out of time.
13:22 Greg, will you take Genesis 19:27?
13:25 Shelley, Mark 1:35? Mollie, Exodus 34:4?
13:30 And Pastor John,
13:31 Genesis 28:18?
13:36 So, Greg, you have Genesis 19:27.
13:39 Now this is the example of Abraham.
13:42 Genesis 19:27 says,
13:44 "And Abraham got up early in the morning to the place
13:48 where he stood before the Lord."
13:50 So Abraham got up early to spend time with God.
13:52 Amen. Shelley, you have Mark 1:35?
13:55 Mark 1:35.
13:58 Now "In the morning having risen a long way
14:00 before daylight, He being Jesus went out
14:03 and departed to a solitary place
14:06 and there He prayed."
14:07 Jesus got up early to spend time with God.
14:09 Mollie, you have Exodus 34:4?
14:12 "And he hewed two tables of stone like unto the first,
14:15 and Moses rose up early in the morning,
14:18 and went up unto Mount Sinai, as the Lord had commanded him,
14:22 and took in his hand the two tables of stone."
14:25 So Moses went up early
14:26 in the morning to spend time with God
14:28 on the Mount Sinai.
14:29 And Pastor John, you have Genesis 28:18?
14:32 "Then Jacob rose early in the morning
14:33 and took the stone that he had put at his head,
14:37 set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it."
14:41 So he rose early in the morning,
14:43 Jacob did as well.
14:44 So we see many examples
14:46 of Bible characters of rising early.
14:47 So God calls us to seek Him first,
14:50 to love Him supremely,
14:52 don't allow anything between yourself and God,
14:54 act intentionally and make God a priority.
14:57 Amen. Amen.
14:58 Well said.
15:00 I have Monday,
15:01 the habit of looking for the return of Jesus.
15:06 I have here always be ready for his return.
15:10 You know, and a lot of times some people can get weary.
15:12 They say, "Well, we don't know when Jesus is gonna come.
15:15 I'm tired of waiting."
15:17 You know, New York Times put out,
15:19 they printed an article several years ago
15:21 and there was a particular airport
15:23 that they mentioned
15:24 where they received a lot of complaints
15:26 at baggage claim.
15:27 There was a whole crowd of people
15:28 waiting for their baggage.
15:30 So they said, "Let's hire some more baggage handlers."
15:33 So they hired more baggage handlers
15:36 and guess what?
15:37 They cut down the time by a minute.
15:39 So people didn't have to wait as long,
15:41 but there were still just about the same amount of complaints.
15:44 Yeah. Isn't that amazing?
15:46 So then the airport said, "Oh, I know what, let's do."
15:49 Let's have people instead of coming
15:51 into a terminal that's close to baggage claim,
15:53 let's put them way down yonder and have them walk."
15:57 So long story short.
15:58 People had to walk six times longer
16:01 and were basically arriving at the same time
16:03 the luggage was coming through the carousel
16:06 and the complaints went down to almost zero.
16:07 Isn't that funny?
16:09 So here people were just walking, right?
16:10 They were, yeah, busy,
16:11 but yet they felt like they weren't waiting
16:14 because they were doing something.
16:16 In the same article, they said, the elevators.
16:19 When elevators were invented
16:21 and they had high-rise buildings
16:23 that people were complaining about the time
16:24 they had to wait by the elevators.
16:26 So what did they do?
16:28 I hadn't noticed this before but they said that they started
16:30 putting mirrors by the elevators,
16:32 so people could look at themselves.
16:34 You know, is my hair I guess "Okay."
16:36 They said this that people
16:38 were actually spying on other people,
16:39 actually there too,
16:41 like kind of look in the mirror saying,
16:42 "Oh, wow, look at that person."
16:44 So like, kept them busy.
16:45 In the same article,
16:48 I guess you could take that wrong.
16:50 Yeah, you shouldn't be spying up
16:51 people inappropriately.
16:52 But grocery stores, they said, it's a $5.5 billion industry.
16:58 When they have the gum, the candy, the tabloids
17:00 because again people didn't want
17:02 to just stand there in the grocery line
17:04 waiting for the checker to check out their groceries,
17:06 so they started putting things there to keep people
17:08 temporarily occupied buying more things.
17:11 And they also mentioned...
17:12 Now this was interesting, they said,
17:13 that often times
17:15 if we're looking as society at two lines,
17:17 one short and one is long.
17:20 We'll pick the shorter line even though it's moving slower
17:24 and not pick the longer line even if it's moving faster.
17:27 Isn't that amazing? Yeah.
17:28 It kind of funny society and I'm part of society.
17:29 I know I don't like wait,
17:31 I become a little impatient at times.
17:33 But we're looking for the return of Jesus Christ
17:36 and we don't want to grow weary
17:38 in looking for Jesus Christ,
17:40 we want to occupy until He comes.
17:42 Amen. So we want to look at that.
17:43 Let's look at Luke Chapter 12
17:47 and this is kind of a long passage,
17:48 so we won't read all of it.
17:50 But Luke Chapter 12, starting with verse 35,
17:53 we'll just read several of these verses.
17:55 Let's see, verse 35 of Luke 12 says,
17:58 "Let your loins be girded about,
18:01 and your lights burning,
18:02 and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord,
18:07 when He will return from the wedding,
18:09 that when He comes and knocks,
18:11 they may open unto Him immediately.
18:14 Blessed are those servants,
18:16 whom the Lord when He comes shall find watching.
18:20 Verily I say unto you, that he that girds himself,
18:24 and make them to sit down to meat,
18:26 and will come forth and serve them.
18:28 And if He shall come in the second watch,
18:30 or come in the third watch and find them so,
18:33 blessed are those servants."
18:35 Let's skip down verse 40.
18:38 "Be ye therefore ready also,
18:41 for the Son of man comes in an hour
18:43 when you think not."
18:45 And, boy, there are so many great verses.
18:47 Verse 43 says,
18:48 "Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord,
18:51 when He comes shall find so doing."
18:55 And then all the way down to verse 48,
18:58 it says, "But he that knew not
19:01 and did not commit things worthy of stripes,
19:03 shall be beaten with few stripes.
19:05 For unto whomsoever much is given..."
19:09 This is pretty critical here.
19:10 "Of him shall much be required,
19:12 and to whom men have committed much,
19:15 of him they will ask the more."
19:17 I want to just comment
19:18 a little bit on some of these verses.
19:20 Verse 35, if you go back to that,
19:21 that we just looked at.
19:23 "Lions girded and lights burning."
19:25 It's not like, "Oh, no, my light, my light.
19:28 Where is my fuel or my match?"
19:30 You know, to get it going. No.
19:31 Their light is burning and they are ready,
19:34 they have their clothes on, their loins are girded.
19:36 Verse 36 says what? I like this.
19:39 They opened the door immediately.
19:42 It wasn't like, "Oh, no, someone's at the door.
19:44 We need to get ready." It's like, no.
19:46 They opened the door immediately.
19:48 They were ready. The servants were watching.
19:50 In verse 37, they were ready, they were watching and looking.
19:53 Verse 40,
19:55 "Be ye therefore ready" says in the verse.
19:58 Verse 43
19:59 "Blessed is the servant whom his Lord
20:03 when He comes will find so doing."
20:05 I have here, keep busy with God's work.
20:11 And then, of course verse 48.
20:13 "Whomsoever much is given,
20:15 of him shall be much be required
20:18 and to whom men have committed much,
20:21 of him they will ask the more."
20:23 I have written down.
20:24 Since we know Jesus is coming soon,
20:27 our responsibility...
20:28 This is, in my opinion, is much heavier.
20:30 I mean, the Bible is very clear that Christ is coming soon.
20:35 This is from the lesson,
20:36 if you want to look in your lesson.
20:37 It says, "Faithful stewards carry out
20:39 their responsibilities by watching and working
20:44 just as if their master were present.
20:47 They live for the future and faithfully work."
20:50 And I think that's really key, they faithfully work.
20:53 What does it say? "Day-by-day."
20:56 It's a daily choice and a daily process.
20:59 We're talking about what do we do while we wait?
21:02 Luke 19, a couple of chapters further on in Luke.
21:06 We were 12,
21:08 so Luke Chapter 19 and verse 13 says...
21:13 And it's the last part
21:15 I want to look at but we'll start...
21:17 Yeah, yeah verse 13.
21:19 "And He called his ten servants..."
21:20 This is a parable that Jesus is talking
21:24 about here and says,
21:26 "And delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them,
21:29 Occupy until I come."
21:32 Now the Greek word for Occupy
21:34 is to basically keep yourself busy
21:38 or too busy oneself.
21:40 And I want to talk about
21:41 that just in the next few minutes.
21:43 But I want to look at, focus on the eternal.
21:46 You know, what do we do as we wait?
21:48 We want to focus on the eternal.
21:50 And 2nd Corinthians 4:18.
21:54 My Bible is the King James Version
21:55 but I actually wrote down here from the NIV.
21:57 I liked what it said, but 2nd Corinthians 4:18 says,
22:00 "So we fix our eyes
22:02 not on what is seen but on what is unseen."
22:07 It seems kind of strange, doesn't it?
22:09 When you're looking at something you can't see it,
22:10 quite seem to make sense, does it?
22:12 But it says
22:13 "Since what is seen is temporary."
22:15 That's where I think
22:16 we can get caught up his things all around us
22:18 and what's going on like our day-to-day lives,
22:20 we can get so caught up in that,
22:21 they were not thinking about Christ soon return.
22:23 That's right. But what is unseen is eternal.
22:27 "So we fix our eyes not on
22:28 what is seen but on what is unseen,
22:30 since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal."
22:35 I have some Biblical examples of those
22:37 who focused on the eternal.
22:39 We have Abraham, Hebrews,
22:42 this all actually comes from the Book of Hebrews.
22:44 It's kind of interesting.
22:45 Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 10 says,
22:47 "Abraham looked for..."
22:49 What?
22:50 "An Eternal City."
22:52 Paul who I believe wrote the Book of Hebrews,
22:54 in Chapter 10 verse 25, says "Looked for Christ's return."
23:00 Jesus mentioned, is mentioned in Hebrews 12:2.
23:03 It says, "He endured the cross because of..."
23:05 What?
23:06 "The joy that was set before him."
23:09 That's correct.
23:11 Moses, Hebrews Chapter 12 verses
23:13 24 through 26 says,
23:16 "He endured by faith.
23:18 He had respect
23:20 unto the recompense of the reward."
23:23 So how do I busy myself or I keep myself occupied
23:27 while waiting for Christ return?
23:29 But at the same time,
23:30 we remain focused on the eternal.
23:32 Let's look at Titus. Titus Chapter 2.
23:39 Should be just be four Hebrews.
23:41 You have Titus, Philemon and Hebrews.
23:43 Yeah.
23:45 Titus Chapter 2 verses...
23:48 Let's go 11 through 13.
23:51 "For the grace of God
23:52 that bring salvation has appeared to all men."
23:56 That's right, Pastor.
23:58 "Teaching us that,
23:59 denying ungodliness and worldly lusts,
24:03 we should live soberly."
24:05 This is how we should live, "soberly,
24:08 righteously and godly in this present world."
24:10 Verse 13, "Looking for that blessed hope,"
24:14 Christ soon return,
24:16 "And the glorious appearing
24:17 of the great God our Savior Jesus Christ."
24:22 From the Lesson I like this.
24:23 "Instead of peeking..."
24:25 I like that description.
24:27 "Instead of peeking now
24:28 and then and casually glancing at prophecy,
24:31 we need to continuously look, watch,
24:35 and do, always being aware of the eternity
24:38 that awaits us when Christ returns."
24:41 So be ready at anytime.
24:42 Matthew 24:44, "Therefore be ye also ready,
24:46 for in such an hour as he think not the Son of man comes."
24:49 So do we look for the return of Jesus Christ?
24:51 Yes, we do. How do we do it?
24:53 We occupy our time
24:55 by, of course, doing our day-to-day duties.
24:56 We don't want to be just off, you know...
25:00 You know, we need to be practical
25:01 but at the same time,
25:02 we need to always remember that Christ can come quickly,
25:05 because we don't know when our life may end
25:07 in a moment's notice,
25:08 we want to always be ready for His return.
25:11 Amen and amen. Well done, Greg.
25:14 Well, so we're looking at the habits of a steward
25:17 to seek God first,
25:19 to be looking and thinking about His soon return.
25:24 And my day is Tuesday and it is use time wisely.
25:30 Let's look at Job.
25:33 And we'll look at Chapter 8 and verse 9.
25:35 The easy way, if you don't know where Job is,
25:38 it's right before Psalms.
25:39 And the way you can think of this is,
25:42 how appropriate that after Job here came
25:46 those beautiful Psalms, right?
25:47 So it's right before Psalms.
25:49 And Job 8:9 says
25:51 "For we were born yesterday and know nothing,
25:57 it's because our days on earth are a shadow."
26:01 In the quarterly,
26:02 it says, you can stop a clock but not the movement of time.
26:06 Time does not wait.
26:08 It keeps moving forward
26:10 even if we stand still and do nothing.
26:13 So life is short, life is fleeting.
26:16 It's like a vanishing shadow.
26:18 Let's look at how precious our time is.
26:21 James 4:14,
26:22 would you take that please, Jill?
26:24 Absolutely.
26:25 And, Greg, will you take Psalms 90 and verse 10?
26:30 And then, let's see, Mollie, 90 and verse 12.
26:33 And Pastor, Psalms 39:4 and 5. Okay.
26:37 So let's look Jill at James 4:14.
26:40 "Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.
26:42 For what is your life?
26:43 It is even a vapor that appears for a little time
26:46 and then vanishes away."
26:47 So tomorrow is uncertain. That's right.
26:51 The time is so brief.
26:53 We can not arrogantly predict
26:57 what is going to be happening tomorrow.
26:59 Life is fragile, is it not?
27:01 A catastrophe,
27:03 an accident can happen in our...
27:06 He's saying that, our life is like a vapor,
27:10 it's like a little puff of smoke,
27:12 that's here and then it's gone.
27:15 So no matter how long we live, when you think about this,
27:18 I don't care if you live to be 110,
27:20 when you think about the line of eternity,
27:24 the continuum of eternity,
27:26 the whole history of the world
27:28 will be this little tiny pinprick
27:31 on that line and our life,
27:33 the time that we spend on this earth
27:35 is insignificant compared to eternity.
27:40 So what do we need to do? Reassess our priorities.
27:44 Seek first the Kingdom of God,
27:46 make certain that we're looking for,
27:49 the return of Christ.
27:50 Work diligently to do God's will.
27:53 All right. Psalms 90:10.
27:55 Psalms 90:10 says,
27:56 "The days of our years are threescore years and ten,
28:01 and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years,
28:05 yet is their strength, labor and sorrow,
28:07 for it is soon cut off and we fly away."
28:10 So basically, what this is saying is,
28:13 70 to 80 years
28:14 is the average lifespan of most people.
28:17 And when we live beyond that,
28:18 there's little room to boast because you become...
28:22 I mean, as we grow older, we become more decrepit.
28:26 So there's sorrow, there's labor.
28:29 So life even for the Godly, there's blessings,
28:33 but there's adversities
28:34 because a life without trials would lead us
28:37 to be too independent of God, is what I think.
28:40 Mollie, Psalms 90:12.
28:42 "So teach us to number our days,
28:45 that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
28:49 Teach us to number our days.
28:51 We need to weigh and value each day
28:56 and use our time wisely.
28:57 Take into account how brief life is.
29:00 The Lord once spoke this into my heart.
29:05 He was teaching me not to waste my life
29:07 but to invest my life for eternity
29:10 and how He taught me was by saying this.
29:13 "Time is life.
29:16 How you invest your time is how you invest your life."
29:20 And I thought that that was so amazing.
29:23 Psalms 39 verses 4 and 5.
29:27 "The Lord, make me to know my end..."
29:30 "Lord, make me to know my end
29:32 and what is the measure of my days,
29:35 that I may know how frail I am.
29:38 Indeed you have made my days as handbreadths
29:43 and my age is as nothing before you.
29:46 Certainly every man at his best state is but vapor.
29:50 Selah."
29:52 Her best state,
29:53 were nothing more than a puff of air.
29:55 I mean, no matter how long that we live.
29:58 So earth...
30:00 I mean, our earthly life will definitely come to an end,
30:04 should we not be alive when Jesus returns.
30:06 But what we have to think about here is that,
30:10 as time marches on and we go to our grave,
30:13 the human accomplishments
30:14 that we've made begin to fade away,
30:16 unless it's been something for the glory of God, right?
30:19 That's right. So here's some thoughts.
30:23 Time is limited. It's un-renewable.
30:26 We need to be good stewards of our time.
30:29 Time is a gift that God has given to us.
30:32 So I think of myself.
30:34 JD will always tell me,
30:36 you're the most productive person I know.
30:39 My schedule stays with...
30:41 As soon as I meet one deadline, I've got the next one,
30:44 then the next one, then the next one.
30:46 I'm not using my time wisely.
30:49 I may be getting the most out of my time
30:52 but that doesn't mean I'm using my time wisely.
30:55 We need to know,
30:56 you know, Jesus told His disciples come aside
31:00 and rest for a while.
31:01 We can run ourselves into the ground
31:04 even doing the work of the Lord.
31:06 And so the Lord,
31:07 as I was looking at this thinking
31:09 I'm pretty good at how I used my time
31:11 because I'm producing,
31:12 producing, producing, that's not what God wants.
31:16 Listen to this from Christ's Object Lessons.
31:19 "Our time belongs to God, every moment is His.
31:22 And we are under the most solemn obligation
31:25 to improve it to His glory.
31:27 Of no talent he has given,
31:29 will He require more strict account
31:31 than of our time?"
31:33 The most strict account
31:35 that God is going to demand and accounting for,
31:39 is how we used our time.
31:41 "The value of time is beyond computation.
31:44 Christ regarded every moment is precious
31:47 and it is thus that we should regard it.
31:49 Life is too short to be trifled away.
31:52 We have but a few days of probation
31:54 in which to prepare for eternity,
31:55 no time to waste,
31:57 no time to devote to selfish pleasure,
31:59 no time for the indulgence of sin."
32:02 But what we do have time for?
32:03 God has set aside,
32:05 a templing time every seventh day.
32:08 He made certain that that time
32:11 would be a time that we will spend with Him
32:13 and with our family.
32:15 You know, you sometimes see pastors
32:17 who put the work of the church
32:20 before their family, that's wrong.
32:22 You're investing your time in a wrong way.
32:25 We need to prioritize God first,
32:28 then family and then the work.
32:30 And I'm speaking to myself, I'm not a pastor,
32:33 but I'm speaking to myself
32:34 because there's so many times
32:36 that I let projects come above the priority.
32:41 I mean, I let them be a priority
32:42 over spending time with my own husband
32:44 and so I'm talking to myself here.
32:47 Ephesians 5:16. Oh, excuse me.
32:50 Ephesians 5:15-16. Boy, time just rushes away.
32:55 He says, Paul writes to the Ephesians
32:59 and considering the brevity of time.
33:01 He says, "See then that you walked circumspectly,
33:05 not as fools but as wise,
33:08 redeeming the time because the days are evil."
33:12 There's many words in the Bible that are used for time
33:15 and it can be a day or an hour, or an season, or an age,
33:18 but the most important word is the word that is used here,
33:23 which is Kairos, K-A-I-R-O-S.
33:27 If you contrast that to one of the words kronos.
33:30 Kronos is talking about chronology,
33:34 things happening one right after another,
33:36 you know, the chronology of time.
33:38 But this word Kairos means, it is a special time,
33:43 it is a time that is especially significant
33:47 for special purpose.
33:48 Like when it said,
33:50 when his time had come speaking of Jesus,
33:52 it's a special time.
33:54 So He's saying,
33:55 we are to redeem this special time.
33:57 And I think that what He's saying is,
33:59 we need to look around.
34:01 We need to give prayerful attention
34:03 to what our circumstances
34:04 are and make the most of every opportunity
34:08 that God gives us.
34:09 You might be in Walmart,
34:11 you might see someone in Walmart
34:13 that God just impress
34:15 upon you to go pray with that person,
34:17 go pray with him
34:19 if he impresses that upon you.
34:21 To redeem the time
34:22 and make the most of every opportunity,
34:25 the price is self-denial.
34:28 That's what it cost to redeem the time.
34:30 And we have to be ready to do that.
34:34 Time, it's not neutral. It can...
34:36 If it's not being used for good,
34:38 it can be used for evil and we certainly know
34:41 that the days are evil.
34:42 But we can redeem our time from evil and use wisdom,
34:49 use care when we are considering
34:53 how we will spend this most precious resource
34:56 that God has given to us.
34:58 Amen and amen. Wow, very good.
35:00 You know, we just must not be short sighted.
35:03 This isn't all there is. That's right.
35:05 It's what we do
35:07 with this short time that we have,
35:10 that determines our very eternity.
35:12 Amen. We must redeem our time.
35:14 Well, I have Wednesday.
35:17 And Wednesday is habit,
35:20 keeping a healthy mind, body and soul.
35:25 Should have been mine.
35:27 You know, we were originally created perfect.
35:31 Were we not?
35:33 Originally in the garden where Adam and Eve, perfect?
35:36 They were perfect, mentally,
35:39 physically, spiritually, mind,
35:42 body and soul.
35:44 Sin ruined that.
35:47 Now we know it was a spiritual fall.
35:49 Was there not?
35:50 They were walking in the cool of the day with the Lord
35:53 and then they were hiding themselves.
35:55 There was a spiritual disconnect.
35:59 But do you know physically and mentally,
36:04 we fail, humanity fail as well.
36:08 And now, there's good news.
36:12 And the good news is that among other things,
36:17 God is in the process of restoring
36:22 what we were meant to be in the first place.
36:25 Now that's good news. That is good news.
36:27 I want us to turn to Acts, the 3rd Chapter.
36:31 We're going to look at verses 19 through 21.
36:35 Acts Chapter 3:19-21.
36:39 This scripture says, "Repent, therefore,
36:42 and be converted
36:43 that your sins maybe blotted out,
36:46 so that the times of refreshing
36:49 may come from the presence of the Lord.
36:53 And that he may sinned, Jesus Christ,
36:57 who was preached to you
36:58 before whom heaven must receive."
37:02 Now let's look at that word receive.
37:04 That word receives means to retain or keep,
37:10 whom the heavens must keep.
37:13 But there's until, until is a time space word.
37:17 Heaven is going to keep Jesus,
37:20 retain Him until the times
37:24 of restoration of all things.
37:27 How many things are going to be restored?
37:29 All things which God has spoken by the mouth
37:33 of all His holy prophets since the world began.
37:37 We are in a process
37:39 and it's called a restoration process,
37:44 mind, body and thank the Lord, soul,
37:48 mentally, physically and spiritually.
37:51 Now total restoration.
37:55 Jill, if you have...
37:56 Let's say you've got antique chest
38:01 and you're going to restore it.
38:03 What does that mean? What does restoration mean?
38:07 Bring it back to its original quality.
38:09 She said that perfectly.
38:11 Bring it back to its original condition.
38:16 So this restoration process
38:18 that we are in is to bring us back to, what?
38:22 To our original condition.
38:25 Now what was our original condition?
38:28 That would be Genesis 1:31,
38:30 you don't have to turn to that
38:32 because most people know this scripture.
38:36 "Then God saw everything that He had made,
38:40 indeed it was very good."
38:44 Saw the evening and the morning,
38:46 were the sixth day."
38:47 God had created everything and it was very good.
38:53 Christ worked tirelessly
38:57 while He was here to lift humanity up
39:00 in all areas of our lives,
39:03 spiritually, mentally and physically,
39:06 mind, body and soul.
39:09 So that, Acts 10:38,
39:12 you can turn to that if you want to.
39:14 Acts 10:38.
39:16 The scripture tells us
39:20 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
39:24 with the Holy Spirit and with power
39:27 who went about doing good
39:30 and healing all who were oppressed
39:33 by the devil, for God was with him.
39:35 We were created perfect.
39:40 Adam and Eve were perfect.
39:43 Then there was the fall and we fail in all areas,
39:47 mind, body and soul, mentally, physically, spiritually,
39:51 there was a fall.
39:53 Christ in His coming...
39:55 What He...
39:56 He spend his time doing, was ministering
40:00 and lifting humanity up spiritually,
40:05 mentally and physically.
40:07 Everywhere Jesus went,
40:10 people were healed, were they not?
40:13 Jesus went about doing good
40:14 and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.
40:18 Now I want us to turn to Isaiah Chapter 53.
40:22 Isaiah 53:5.
40:25 You know what Isaiah tells us?
40:28 That, what was accomplished for us
40:32 at the crucifixion of Christ...
40:34 Isaiah tells us what Christ accomplished,
40:39 roam out for us at Calvary.
40:42 Isaiah 53:5,
40:45 "But He was wounded for our..."
40:47 Transgression.
40:49 What are transgressions? Our sins.
40:51 Sins.
40:53 He was wounded to heal us spiritually.
40:58 "He was bruised for our iniquities."
41:00 What are iniquities? Cherished sins.
41:03 Cherished sins. Immorality.
41:06 "The chastisement of our peace was upon Him."
41:10 What is the chastisement of our peace?
41:13 That would mean our mental wellbeing was upon Him,
41:18 and by His stripes we are healed physically.
41:23 So there we see at the cross,
41:25 where all three areas taken care of,
41:30 spiritually, mentally and physically.
41:33 It was accomplished at Calvary.
41:36 It's so important to Christ
41:39 that we are healed in all three areas,
41:43 all three areas.
41:44 He died to accomplish this for us.
41:48 Thus, here is the teaching that we have today,
41:52 habits of a good steward
41:54 and its habits for us to form in all three areas.
41:58 If it was so important to Christ,
42:01 shouldn't it be important to us?
42:02 It was important enough to Him
42:05 that He would lay down His life,
42:07 then we need to form habits
42:10 as good stewards to develop areas,
42:14 mind, body and soul
42:16 that would promote a healthy lifestyle.
42:19 Jill, I loved what you called it,
42:22 natural inclinations.
42:24 Natural habit is a natural inclination,
42:27 a natural inclination for us to be healthy
42:32 and for us to have good mental acuity
42:35 and spiritually strong.
42:38 For a new behavior to become automatically,
42:41 it takes about 66 days
42:45 and for the new behavior to become a habit,
42:48 can vary widely depending on the behavior of the person
42:51 in the circumstance.
42:53 So what I wanted to do was be able to tell you,
42:55 if you will do this for 66 days,
42:58 then you're going to develop a new behavior,
43:02 but a new behavior must then become a habit.
43:05 And I wanted to say,
43:06 "No, 10 more days and you got your habit."
43:08 But it's not that cut and dried.
43:11 It depends on what the thing is.
43:13 But here is what I want us to look at.
43:16 For us to have new behaviors for our minds,
43:19 that would be Philippians 4:8.
43:21 As a matter of fact, Jill,
43:23 I want you to read Philippians 4:8.
43:26 Shelley, will you read Proverbs 14:30?
43:31 And, Pastor John,
43:32 if you will read 3rd John 1 and 2?
43:38 We're looking at our mind,
43:39 how to develop the new habits or new behaviors for our minds.
43:44 Jill, Philippians 4:8.
43:46 "Finally, Brethren, whatsoever things are true,
43:48 whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just,
43:51 whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely,
43:55 whatsoever things are of good report?
43:57 If there is any virtue, if there is any praise,
44:00 meditate on these things."
44:02 And, Greg.
44:05 Shelley? Shelley.
44:06 Shelley. Me.
44:07 Proverbs 14:30.
44:09 "A second heart..."
44:10 Excuse me,
44:12 "A sound heart is life to the body
44:14 but envy is rottenness to the bones."
44:16 And I will...
44:18 Greg, I meant to give you Isaiah 26:3,
44:20 but let me just read that to you.
44:22 "You will keep him in perfect peace,
44:25 whose mind is stayed on you, because He trusts in you."
44:30 And, Pastor Lomacang, I think you have 3rd John 1-2.
44:34 Okay.
44:36 To the 3rd John, just verse one and two.
44:38 Okay.
44:39 "To the beloved Gaius whom I love in truth.
44:43 Beloved, I pray
44:44 that you may prosper in all things
44:46 and be in health just as your soul prospers."
44:49 Okay. And 1st Thessalonians 5:23.
44:53 "Now may the God of Peace himself
44:55 sanctify you completely
44:57 and may your whole spirit and soul and body
45:02 be preserved blameless
45:04 at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
45:06 We develop new patterns of behavior
45:11 by spending time in God's Word,
45:13 allowing Him to change those things
45:15 that are important to us.
45:16 Don't be short sighted. This isn't all there is.
45:19 There is an eternity to be gained.
45:22 Lomacang? Amen. Thank you, Mollie.
45:24 Thank you all for preparing the table,
45:28 putting all the vegetables on
45:29 and now it comes to me and I can eat it.
45:33 Habit, self discipline. March 22nd.
45:38 You know, discipline not desire,
45:40 determines our destiny.
45:42 Discipline not desire, determines our destiny.
45:44 Yeah, that's good.
45:45 And when I thought about this lesson,
45:48 you know, in a society,
45:50 in the vacuum that we live in here at 3ABN.
45:54 Let me just quote and draw in briefly.
45:57 What we need
45:58 more than anything else is self-discipline,
46:01 because every day something new comes our way.
46:03 I mean, Shelley just...
46:05 As the director of new programming,
46:08 you know that.
46:09 And Mollie, each one of us has hats that,
46:13 when we go home sometimes
46:15 we figure out which one do we wear today.
46:18 So self-discipline, sometimes discipline
46:21 could be as simple as saying, no.
46:24 Sometimes discipline
46:25 could be as gritty as saying, yes.
46:29 But discipline also comes with something else,
46:32 because we're talk about habit here,
46:34 habit and discipline together.
46:35 Habit is stronger than reason. Why should I do this?
46:41 If I make a decision about what I'm going to do
46:43 and I repeat that discipline over and over again,
46:46 it becomes a habit.
46:47 A habit becomes a character. A character becomes a destiny.
46:53 But the singular act and the thing
46:55 that oftentimes works against us
46:57 is because
46:59 we are sometimes motivated to get started
47:01 but its habits that's gonna keep us going.
47:04 So motivation, habit, self-discipline,
47:08 all these things are determining factors
47:09 as to what our future is going to be.
47:11 So when the author of this lesson
47:13 or the authors of this lesson,
47:15 they pointed out in the very beginning
47:17 of Thursday, March 22nd says,
47:21 "Self-discipline
47:24 is one of the most important character traits
47:27 a steward can have."
47:29 And 2nd Timothy 1:7
47:32 in the NIV communicates you this way.
47:35 "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity
47:41 but a spirit of power,
47:43 of love and of self-discipline or of a sound mind."
47:47 God did not give us a spirit of fear
47:49 but of power of love and of a sound mind.
47:51 I like that one better because I'm used to that.
47:53 You know, we're used to that.
47:55 Because timidity, it seem like...
47:57 But fear is a different word.
47:58 He's not given us a spirit of fear.
48:00 Fear to me is greater than just being timid.
48:03 But of power of love and of a sound mind,
48:06 a good friend of ours, many of you know her, Monic,
48:09 used to work here.
48:10 I was so thrilled.
48:13 Monic has been stretching herself in areas
48:15 that most of us wouldn't even think of
48:17 and just recently she jumped out,
48:18 she went to skydiving.
48:20 Oh, wow.
48:21 And you skydive at a maximum of 12,000 feet,
48:23 at 13,000 feet, you need oxygen.
48:26 So she did a tandem skydive
48:27 and I saw the picture of her on Facebook
48:29 with a hand stretched wide and the earth beneath her feet.
48:34 And she said, it was a great, great feeling.
48:36 How many of us would do that? Me.
48:39 I mean, I'd love to do that, but, you know,
48:41 when you jump out of the plane
48:42 and here is where habit comes in.
48:45 When you jump out of a plane, there is no going back.
48:49 That's right.
48:50 But that first act of starting
48:53 to develop a new habit is where, it is irreversible.
48:58 When you jump out or when you decide to dive
49:00 into something to create a new habit,
49:03 there's no going back.
49:04 You may live with regret.
49:06 And I have a saying here that really makes...
49:10 This is very, very, very powerful.
49:14 "The pain of self-discipline
49:18 will never be as great as the pain of regret."
49:21 Amen. I like that.
49:23 So should I have jumped out of this plane?
49:27 I've heard some horrible stories of people
49:28 that went skydiving.
49:29 A young lady
49:31 who was skydiving in Lodi, California,
49:34 and it was a solo skydiving,
49:36 and her chute didn't open and she landed on the Vineyard,
49:38 while the rest of the story is obvious.
49:40 But the pain of self-discipline
49:45 is not as great as the pain of regret.
49:48 So when we...
49:49 When we think about self-discipline,
49:52 it's the ability to do
49:55 what must be done and not to deviate.
49:59 The ability to do
50:00 what must be done and not to deviate.
50:02 And I'll be honest with you.
50:04 Sometimes we live
50:05 with what I might refer to as a spirit of entitlement.
50:10 I've worked hard. I have this time.
50:13 I'm just gonna do what I want to do right now,
50:15 I really worked hard.
50:17 And sometimes we take what I want to do to a level
50:19 that we think,
50:20 "Wow, I mean, I really overdid it,"
50:22 or I shouldn't have done what I've done,
50:24 but I thought of myself as being entitled
50:26 to this free time to do what I wanted to do.
50:29 And that comes in all the areas we talked about.
50:30 Sometimes entitled to spend the money we don't have,
50:34 sometimes to go on a vacation we can afford,
50:36 sometimes to purchase an item that we don't really need,
50:39 whatever that may be, self-discipline is important
50:43 because self-discipline teaches us
50:44 to govern our actions in a principal manner.
50:48 It teaches us to govern our actions in a principle
50:51 not in a feeling.
50:53 And when principle guides the way,
50:54 the moment will never override.
50:56 My wife and I have developed a way to go to Best Buy
50:59 with principles,
51:01 because Best Buy, you know, Black Friday,
51:02 gray Friday, whatever they may call it.
51:03 Now it's becoming Black Thursday,
51:05 used to be open on early Friday morning.
51:07 There's some people
51:08 who are so determined to get that next thing
51:10 and I'm looking at that, they spend the night,
51:13 they camp out two days ahead or week ahead,
51:16 because they have this perception
51:17 that the moment that door opens,
51:18 there's something
51:20 that I'm gonna be able to get access
51:21 to that no one else will get access to.
51:25 Why if people have that self-discipline
51:26 about eternity?
51:28 Amen. Wow.
51:30 How badly and I think about this.
51:32 I am a person who has had a habit,
51:34 and this is a good one,
51:35 over the last six, seven years,
51:37 I really, really loved astronomy.
51:40 And I have on my iPad a few software apps
51:45 that I love to use when I turn the lights off.
51:49 And it is designed
51:50 when I just got most recent one about satellites.
51:53 And it's designed in such a way,
51:54 you could find every satellite that circles the earth.
51:57 And so when you turn the light off in your bedroom,
51:58 you lean in different directions,
52:00 and tells me when that satellite
52:01 is going to come around again,
52:03 how long the rotation
52:04 of that satellite is going to be.
52:06 And I thought about that, about missed opportunities.
52:09 When will that opportunity come around again?
52:11 That's good.
52:12 You know, when will it rotate in your direction?
52:15 And I thought as of those...
52:17 for those of us who in Southern Illinois,
52:19 we just had an event a few months ago
52:21 where we had a total eclipse,
52:23 one of the best places to be was here
52:25 in Southern Illinois, in Makanda, particularly,
52:28 in Makanda particularly.
52:30 And now to know that in the next seven years,
52:32 we're gonna have another event in the same small town.
52:36 What are the chances? Well, you think about that.
52:39 In life, if you look at the life of Christ,
52:41 there are many instances
52:42 where coming through a particular town,
52:44 when the woman who was bleeding for many years was healed,
52:47 that was the last journey of Jesus through that town.
52:50 And you find in many instances.
52:52 When the lepers said, "Have mercy on us,"
52:54 that was the last journey of Jesus through that town.
52:57 He wasn't coming back.
52:59 But these are the opportunities
53:00 where self-discipline becomes imperative for us
53:03 to be able to develop.
53:05 So I've put some things together
53:07 that I believe will help us develop self-discipline.
53:11 Let's go to Hebrews 5:14.
53:16 We have to...
53:18 In order for us to be able to get here,
53:20 we have to be able to know that.
53:21 The Bible says,
53:23 "But solid food belongs to those who are of full age,
53:26 that is, those who by reason of use."
53:30 That's constant practice.
53:31 "Have their senses exercise to discern both good and evil."
53:36 You know, there's something's now,
53:37 Mollie, I'm sure.
53:39 As we're older,
53:42 we say, "If I had only known then what I know now..."
53:47 I think everybody say,
53:49 "I would have done things, what?"
53:50 Differently. Different.
53:51 If I had all the known then, what I know now,
53:54 I would have done things differently.
53:56 But we're living in an information age
53:57 and Shelley talked about this.
53:58 We're living in an information age
54:00 where it's important
54:01 to really, really, really research something
54:03 before we dive into it.
54:04 So the point being made here is guidance,
54:07 pray for guidance to discern good and evil.
54:09 Yes. In the Word of God.
54:10 Instead of saying,
54:12 "How does this feel and whether or not
54:13 this is what I want."
54:14 Pray for guidance and God will guide you.
54:16 Another one, Shelley go to Ezekiel 44:23.
54:21 And the other one is James 1:5.
54:27 Greg, go there for me. Yeah.
54:29 And then one more, I'm gonna try to get this in,
54:31 which I'm gonna do it.
54:33 Because in this case self-discipline
54:34 just went out the window.
54:36 But let's go ahead hit that for me, Shelley,
54:37 Ezekiel 44:23.
54:39 Ezekiel 44:23, "And they shall teach my people
54:41 the difference between the holy and the unholy,
54:44 and cause them to discern
54:46 between the unclean and the clean."
54:48 So the Lord will give us discernment.
54:50 And that's where self-discipline discerned.
54:52 And I like the stories in the Bible.
54:54 I'll make some references here.
54:55 Daniel, when he was faced with the decision
54:58 to eat the king's food, he purposed in his heart.
55:01 That's right.
55:03 But that purpose didn't come at that moment,
55:04 it was a practice from the time he was the young person.
55:07 The three Hebrews on the plain of Dura,
55:09 they said, we were friends, Nebuchadnezzar,
55:11 but I'm not gonna
55:12 even talk to you about this matter."
55:14 Because before they were captives,
55:15 they made up their mind
55:16 in their training as young children
55:18 to determine not to violate
55:20 any of the commandments of God.
55:21 Which one did I give you? Oh, Hebrews, James.
55:24 James 1:5. Okay. Hebrew, James.
55:26 Sorry. Okay.
55:27 1 verse 5 says," If any of you lack wisdom,
55:29 let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally,
55:32 and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him."
55:35 Okay.
55:36 And Benjamin Franklin says this, think about this.
55:39 "Your net worth to the world is usually determined
55:42 by what remains after your bad habits
55:44 are subtracted from your good one."
55:47 That's good. From Benjamin Franklin?
55:49 Your net worth, what's your net worth?
55:51 If you subtract your bad habits from your good ones,
55:53 what's your net worth?
55:54 There you go. Amen.
55:56 Thank you so much each one of you.
55:57 Pastor John,
55:59 discipline not desire determines our destiny.
56:01 Mollie, we are
56:02 in the restoration process of body, mind and soul.
56:05 Shelley, time is not neutral and redeem the time.
56:08 And, Greg, we are to occupy till I come
56:11 and focus on the eternal
56:12 as we look for the return of Jesus.
56:14 I want to give each one of you a moment,
56:16 just a few seconds,
56:17 share a key thought from your day.
56:19 Well, I think for me is exactly what you were saying is that,
56:22 actually focus that Christ is coming soon
56:24 and do everything I can for His soon return.
56:26 Amen. Shelley?
56:27 Time is life, how you invest your time
56:29 is how you invest your life.
56:32 And the Lord Jesus Christ loves you so much
56:35 that He died on the cross for you
56:38 to be reform mentally, physically,
56:40 and restored mentally, physically and emotionally.
56:43 Take that seriously.
56:45 And simply, who you are going to be,
56:48 you are now becoming.
56:49 Oh, that's good. Oh, amen.
56:52 Who you are going to be, you are now becoming.
56:55 Praise the Lord.
56:57 So what a wonderful privilege is ours to spend time
56:59 in the Word of God,
57:00 to know that we can become like Jesus.
57:04 He can fashion and form
57:06 and make us into the image of Jesus.
57:08 We have one more lesson in this quarter.
57:12 Next lesson is "The Results of Stewardship."
57:14 We want to invite you to join us for that.
57:16 Thank you, Pastor John,
57:18 Miss Mollie, Miss Shelley, and Greg.
57:19 Thank you so much for sharing from your heart
57:21 and the Word of God.
57:22 We thank you for joining us as well.
57:25 You know that we pray for you
57:26 that you would redeem the time because the days are evil.


Revised 2018-03-29