3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Offerings of Gratitude

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180009A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word
00:11 which is able to save your souls,
00:13 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is
00:27 "Stewardship Motives of the Heart."
00:32 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:35 I'm Jill Morikone
00:36 and we are delighted that you are sharing this time with us
00:39 as we open up God's Word and study together.
00:42 We are in first quarter here, 2018, lesson number 9,
00:47 Stewardship Motives of the Heart.
00:49 And last week we talked about tithing.
00:51 This week, I love this week, it's about offerings,
00:55 offerings of gratitude.
00:57 Right now I want to introduce to you our panel.
00:59 We have sitting next to me Shelley Quinn,
01:02 then Greg Morikone,
01:04 this is a privilege to introduce
01:05 my husband here on the panel,
01:07 so, sweetie, it's good to have you here too.
01:09 Next to you is Pastor Kenny Shelton
01:11 and Mollie Steenson.
01:13 It is a joy to have each one of you here
01:15 and to open up the Word of God and to share together.
01:19 I want to encourage you,
01:20 you can always follow along with us.
01:22 You can go to the website ABSG.Adventist.org.
01:28 That stands for Adult Bible Study Guide.Adventist.org.
01:33 You can download the lessons and follow along
01:36 or we always encourage you
01:38 to visit your local Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:40 and they will give you one of these quarterlies for free,
01:44 and you can join a Bible study group there.
01:47 Before we go any further
01:48 into our lesson on offerings and gratitude,
01:50 let's go to the Lord in prayer.
01:52 And, Shelley, would you pray for us?
01:53 Absolutely.
01:54 Heavenly Father, we come once again to thank You
01:57 for Your grace to thank You
01:59 that You are the giver of every good and perfect gift.
02:02 And that You have entrusted to us
02:04 Your possessions as stewards.
02:07 And, Lord, we want to give You an offering of gratitude.
02:11 And we want to learn how to be good stewards.
02:14 So please send Your Holy Spirit to be our teacher today,
02:17 speak through us, give us all ears to hear
02:20 what the Holy Spirit has to say
02:22 and His power to put it into practice
02:25 in Jesus' name, amen.
02:26 Amen. Amen.
02:28 The foundational principle of God's government
02:31 is self-sacrificing love.
02:34 We know that sin originated in self-seeking.
02:37 Lucifer in heaven, he had a spirit of pride,
02:41 a spirit of covetousness,
02:44 a spirit of greed
02:47 and that spirit continued from Lucifer,
02:51 it was introduced here on this earth
02:53 when Adam and Eve made the choice to eat of the fruit
02:56 from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
02:58 And from that point, that spirit of me first,
03:04 that spirit of covetousness
03:06 is present in each one of our hearts,
03:09 that spirit God wants to eradicate,
03:12 but in the natural human heart it is present.
03:14 And we see that spirit even present in the church.
03:17 I only give because I have to, right?
03:21 That is the spirit of selfishness
03:24 instead of the spirit of giving.
03:27 I only give because God says, "Oh, bless me,
03:29 so maybe I'm going to give something."
03:32 The true motive, the motivation for giving is
03:35 because we love our Father in heaven.
03:37 Amen.
03:39 Because of His gifts to us, and our joy, and gratitude,
03:43 and sacrificial giving back to Him...
03:46 Amen.
03:48 It is the spirit of self-sacrificing love.
03:50 You think about Jesus from the cradle to the cross,
03:53 He lived to bless others.
03:56 He had the essence of self-sacrificing love.
03:59 Now we're talking this week about offerings.
04:03 When Greg and I got married, just before we got married,
04:05 when we were engaged,
04:06 we talked about some of those things
04:08 young couples talk about and one of them was money,
04:11 how are we going to handle our finances
04:13 as a married couple?
04:15 And I remember we discussed
04:17 the issue of tithe and offerings.
04:19 And I always paid my 10% tithe and Greg did too.
04:23 But to be honest with you, my offerings were hit and miss.
04:27 I would hear a special appeal, and my heart would be moved,
04:30 and I'd give an offering.
04:32 Greg on the other hand gave systematically,
04:35 "God I want to give You
04:37 this percentage every week in offerings."
04:41 And then sometimes will give in even greater percentage.
04:44 And that was something we made a covenant together,
04:47 when we first married that we would do
04:49 and God has blessed us immeasurably.
04:52 So let's read our memory text, then we'll get into Sunday.
04:55 It's John 3:16,
04:56 you can quote it at home with us.
04:58 Let's read it together,
05:00 "For God so loved the world
05:02 that He gave His only begotten Son,
05:05 that whoever believes in Him should not perish
05:09 but have everlasting life."
05:12 Amen. Hallelujah.
05:14 Sunday we'd look at where your treasure is
05:17 or storing treasure in heaven.
05:20 Before we get to our key scripture for Sunday,
05:23 I just want to lay just a little groundwork
05:25 since we're talking about offerings.
05:28 The principle of money throughout the Bible,
05:30 you think about the Old Testament,
05:31 it's very clear on the system of tithing,
05:35 they were to give their 10%
05:38 to the work of the Levites and the priests,
05:41 the work of the tabernacle in the temple.
05:43 There were also to bring freewill offerings
05:46 and the Bible is clear on that.
05:47 And the New Testament,
05:48 I think the New Testament focuses
05:50 almost more on the motive,
05:53 the giving from the heart and the sacrifice.
05:57 I just want to look at a couple of points real quick
05:59 before we jump into the other about where your treasure is.
06:03 Matthew 23:23, let's look at that scripture,
06:07 we have talked about it on previous lessons
06:10 but let's look at that, Matthew 23:23, "Woe to you..."
06:13 Jesus is speaking, "Woe to you,
06:15 scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
06:17 For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin,
06:20 and have neglected the weightier matters of the law,
06:24 justice and mercy and faith."
06:26 So Jesus was not negating the tithing principle
06:29 in the New Testament.
06:30 It was still in force,
06:32 but they were supposed to continue
06:35 with the other things as well
06:37 and not make tithing legalistic.
06:40 They were to do it out of that gratitude
06:42 and that joy of the heart,
06:43 the motives of the heart made a difference.
06:46 Also in the New Testament
06:47 we see that money is to be given
06:49 to support the gospel minister.
06:52 In 1 Corinthians 9:14.
06:55 It says, "Even so the Lord has commanded that those
06:59 who preach the gospel should live from the gospel."
07:02 So we see that in the New Testament Church,
07:05 not only is our motivation important
07:07 on what we give for tithe and offerings,
07:09 but we're to support the work of the gospel ministry.
07:12 Number three, we're to give to support the gospel work
07:15 in other parts of the world.
07:18 We see that in 1 Corinthians 16.
07:21 Let me turn over there real quick.
07:24 1 Corinthians 16,
07:28 we'll look at just the first couple of verses.
07:32 "Now concerning the collection for the saints,
07:34 as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia,
07:36 so you must do also,
07:39 on the first day of the week lay something aside,
07:42 storing up as he may prosper
07:44 that there be no collections when I come."
07:46 So Paul says, just pick a day and laid aside every day,
07:49 every week so that when I come,
07:51 we don't even have to take up a collection,
07:53 you will already have the money prepared.
07:55 And then they would send the money
07:58 to those who were struggling,
08:00 those who were in need in Jerusalem
08:02 take up that collection.
08:04 Number three, we're to give
08:06 from the heart willingly and cheerfully.
08:10 What does it say?
08:11 "Each one give as he purposes in his heart,"
08:13 2 Corinthians 9:6 and 7.
08:17 Not grudgingly, how many times do we give grudgingly?
08:20 Not grudgingly or of necessity, I just give because I have to.
08:26 What does it say? For God loves a cheerful giver.
08:30 Hilarious.
08:32 Number five, give sacrificially even when it hurts.
08:38 2 Corinthians 8,
08:40 the first five verses of that section,
08:42 it talks about the churches in Macedonia.
08:45 They gave out of their deep poverty
08:49 to support the work elsewhere.
08:51 The Bible says they gave even beyond what they were able
08:55 and they still gave, they gave freely, liberally,
08:59 urging their sacrificial gift upon Paul
09:01 and then he would take it
09:03 to the needs of those who were in need elsewhere.
09:06 So give even when it hurts.
09:09 Next one, give to relieve
09:12 others' needs or others' sufferings.
09:15 Acts 11:29, let's turn there.
09:19 Acts 11:29.
09:25 Verse 28 talked about this prophecy
09:29 that Agabus gave that there was going to be a great famine
09:33 throughout all the world.
09:34 Verse 29, "Then the disciples determined
09:37 each according to his own ability determine to send
09:41 relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea."
09:43 And they sent it by the hands of Barnabas and Saul,
09:46 so they gave to relieve others' needs.
09:50 And then finally the parable, not the parable,
09:53 but the lived out object lesson
09:55 of the widow with the two mites.
09:57 Because that wasn't the story Jesus told,
09:59 it was something the disciples watched in action.
10:02 Remember the rich men came in
10:04 with all their trappings of success
10:06 and they gave just a few coins into the temple treasury.
10:10 And this poor woman who had two mites,
10:13 she turned it in and Jesus said, "She gave all she had."
10:18 Yes.
10:19 When I think about that giving radically,
10:23 in my own life, in my own experience,
10:26 I don't think I've ever given radically.
10:29 Confession is hard on the reputation
10:32 and that's the honest truth.
10:33 I don't think I have given sacrificially, sometimes,
10:37 but I don't think I have ever given radically.
10:39 So I think as we talk about
10:41 this principle of giving to God,
10:44 ask God what He would have you do to support His work
10:48 around the world.
10:49 Let's look at Matthew 6.
10:51 This is storing your treasure in heaven.
10:53 We want to make sure we get to that.
10:54 Matthew 6:19-21 is our passage here for today.
11:00 Matthew 6:19-21,
11:03 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,
11:07 where moth and rust destroy,
11:09 and where thieves break in and steal.
11:11 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
11:14 where neither moth nor rust
11:16 destroying were thieves do not break in and steal..."
11:19 Then the clincher, "For where your treasure is,
11:23 there your heart will be also."
11:27 We talked in the beginning the principle of God's Kingdom
11:29 is self-sacrificing love.
11:32 Whatever we put, time, money,
11:35 and effort into that is what we love.
11:38 That is what we will grow to love.
11:41 And that's the principle that Jesus is laying forth here,
11:45 whatever His disciples, that's you and I,
11:48 whatever we put time into, whatever we invest money into,
11:52 and thought that is what we are eventually
11:55 going to grow to love.
11:58 The word for moths in the Greek is a clothes-moth
12:02 and I have definitely seen some of those,
12:04 and they can wreck some damage, havoc.
12:07 They can really get in and eat.
12:09 The word for rust is in this sense meaning corrosion.
12:13 Now rust does corrode, rust destroys, rust eats away.
12:19 The word for thieves,
12:20 talking about a thief who comes in
12:22 and steals in secret.
12:25 And so if we lay up our treasure,
12:27 if we put our time,
12:28 our effort, our money, our every energies
12:30 into earthly things,
12:32 it's going to eventually be eaten up,
12:34 it's going to be eventually be destroyed,
12:36 but if we set it on heavenly things,
12:39 what an incredible difference?
12:41 That treasure is secure forever.
12:43 Let's look at one more scripture Colossians 3.
12:46 Colossians 3:1-2.
12:52 "If then you were raised with Christ,
12:54 seek then those things which are above,
12:57 where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.
13:01 Set your mind on things above, not on things of this earth."
13:06 It's kind of the same principle as Jesus explained in Matthew 6
13:11 about putting those treasures in heaven,
13:13 we're to set our mind, our thoughts,
13:15 our affections, things above.
13:19 So practically speaking, how do we accomplish that?
13:22 Three things, number one, spend more for eternal things.
13:28 Give more for the needs of others.
13:30 Give more for the salvation of souls.
13:33 Give more for spreading the gospel, spend more.
13:36 If I think I want to a new dress
13:39 or I could spend that to help someone else.
13:41 Now that does not mean, we do need clothes,
13:44 so we're not talking about that.
13:46 But at the same time where are my priorities.
13:49 And take a look at that,
13:51 how many dresses do I already have in the closet
13:53 and do I really need that
13:54 or can I spend that to support the work?
13:57 Number two, radically alter your lifestyle
14:00 so that it becomes focused on other people.
14:03 Becomes focused on spreading the gospel.
14:05 I think Jesus is relentless
14:07 in His call to a radical lifestyle
14:11 to spread and sacrificially give for others.
14:15 I think about the people
14:16 who write us and call us here at 3ABN.
14:19 I think about one person
14:20 who said they gave up eating out.
14:23 This makes me want to cry,
14:25 so that they could send that money
14:27 to support the gospel work going forward here.
14:32 Now that is a radical, right? Yeah.
14:34 They still ate and we need to eat,
14:36 but that's a radical choice to get out of our comfort zone
14:40 and seek to support the work of the gospel.
14:43 And number three,
14:45 we experience the joy of giving, Acts 20:35,
14:49 "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
14:53 So when we give,
14:54 when we store up treasure in heaven,
14:56 it's not that we're going to get,
14:59 but the blessings we receive
15:02 just far surpass anything that this world has to offer.
15:05 Amen. Well said, Jill.
15:08 Thank you so much.
15:10 It's interesting when you think of offerings of gratitude.
15:15 My lesson is Monday's lesson, stewards of the grace of God.
15:21 And if there is anything for which I am thankful,
15:25 it is for God's grace.
15:27 Let's look at Ephesians 2:8, the Sabbath School lesson says,
15:32 "What according to Ephesians 2:8
15:34 is something else we have been given by God.
15:38 And Ephesians 2:8 tells us, it's salvation by grace.
15:44 It says, "For it is by free grace
15:46 by God's unmerited favor that you are saved,
15:51 that you're delivered from judgment,
15:53 and made partakers of Christ's salvation
15:58 through your faith."
15:59 This salvation is not of yourself,
16:01 it's not of your own doing,
16:04 it came not through your own striving,
16:07 but it is what the gift of God.
16:10 Amen. That's right.
16:12 Let me quote this from the quarterly,
16:13 well written, "Grace is undeserved favor,
16:17 it is a gift you do not deserve.
16:19 God has poured out His grace on this planet,
16:21 and if we would simply not rejected,
16:26 His grace will reach down and transform our lives
16:29 now and for eternity.
16:32 All the wealth and power of heaven
16:37 is embodied in the gift of grace
16:41 and even angels long to look into these things.
16:44 No question of all that God has given us,
16:46 the grace given us in Jesus Christ
16:49 is the most precious gift of all..."
16:50 Yes, amen.
16:52 "Without grace we would be without hope.
16:54 Since doleful impact on humanity
16:57 is too great for human power ever to free themselves of it,
17:01 even obedience to God's law couldn't bring us to life."
17:06 And then it quotes Galatians 3:21,
17:09 "It is the law then..."
17:11 It is the law, Paul asks against the promises of God,
17:15 "God forbid for there not been a law
17:19 given which could have given life
17:22 verily righteousness should have been through the law."
17:25 And it says, "After all..."
17:27 If any law can save us, it would be God's law,
17:29 but Paul says, "That even that can't do it,
17:32 if we're to be saved, it would have to be of grace."
17:36 I want to share with you
17:38 when God was showing me what grace,
17:42 when I was trying to understand grace
17:45 and I'm just sitting at the feet of the Lord,
17:48 and finally it soaked in and I understood it,
17:53 and I asked the Lord for an illustration,
17:56 and He gave me the illustration of the grace pipeline
18:00 for which I've written a book by that title
18:02 and done a program by that title.
18:04 But here's what God showed me,
18:07 God's heart, just think of up there in heaven,
18:09 God's heart is welling over with love for you.
18:14 He says, "I've loved you with an everlasting love."
18:16 And therefore, He is wooing us with loving kindness.
18:20 Well, from that overflowing well of love,
18:25 all, He is the giver of every good and perfect gift
18:28 and it comes down to us through the grace pipeline,
18:32 every gift comes to us by God's grace.
18:36 Romans 5:2 says,
18:37 we have access into grace by faith.
18:40 So faith is how you tap in to the grace pipeline.
18:47 Then how do we open up the faith faucet?
18:50 The prayer of faith... Amen.
18:52 Trust is the foundation for the prayer of faith,
18:56 relationship is the foundation for trust,
18:59 and love is the foundation for relationship.
19:03 See we only love Him
19:04 when we understand how much He first loved us.
19:08 But the more we understand His love,
19:10 the more that we then come
19:13 into that intimacy of relationship with Him,
19:16 the closer we are in relationship,
19:19 the more we trust Him,
19:21 and lean not on what our thoughts are
19:24 but on what His word is...
19:26 Then the more we trust Him, the more we pray
19:29 and that prayer of faith we tap in to His grace pipeline.
19:34 And let me tell you God's three greatest gifts of grace.
19:38 Number one, Jesus told the woman at the well,
19:43 John 4, he said, "If only you knew the gift of God
19:48 and who it is that speaking to you,
19:51 for God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son,
19:54 that whosoever should believe in Him would not perish,
19:57 but have everlasting life.
19:58 Jesus is God's greatest gift of grace.
20:01 The second greatest gift of grace is the Holy Spirit
20:06 and the third greatest gift of grace
20:08 is the Holy Scriptures.
20:09 Amen.
20:11 So when we think about God's grace, this is,
20:13 I liked what this lesson said
20:17 that all the wealth and power of the heaven
20:20 is embodied in the gift of grace.
20:23 See, grace doesn't give us license to sin.
20:26 Grace is what enables us to overcome the power of sin.
20:32 In 1 Peter 4:10,
20:36 we have received this grace.
20:40 Everything we have is by grace.
20:42 And 1 Peter 4:10 shows us
20:46 how we are to be stewards of God's grace
20:48 and make this offering of gratitude.
20:51 1 Peter 4:10 says, "As each one has received a gift..."
20:56 Every one of us have received a gift.
20:58 Every Christian has received a gift of grace,
21:03 minister that gift, "Minister it to one another,
21:07 as good stewards
21:10 of the manifold grace of God."
21:15 So he's referring here to a spiritual gift,
21:18 the divine endowment that God has given to each one of us.
21:23 And you know God doesn't give it to us
21:25 so that we can be show offs.
21:28 God doesn't give it to us
21:30 that we just use it for our own benefit.
21:33 He gives it to us
21:34 for the benefit of the body of Christ
21:37 and anyone who is living
21:39 in the light of Christ's Second Coming
21:40 and we know He's coming soon.
21:43 I mean, I believe that with all my heart,
21:45 but if you're living in the light of that knowledge,
21:49 knowing He's coming soon
21:51 and you want to demonstrate agape love,
21:55 this unconditional love,
21:57 the self-sacrificing love of Jesus Christ,
22:01 then what you need to do is take those gifts of grace
22:05 that God have given you
22:07 and intensely serve others with them.
22:12 That's how we demonstrate love.
22:15 And this is how as we share
22:19 that we are faithfully ministering
22:24 the manifold grace of God.
22:27 We are only agents of grace
22:31 and we're supposed to share with others.
22:34 Let me read this to you from Matthew 10:8.
22:40 Matthew 10:8,
22:45 Jesus is speaking here
22:48 and He says, "Freely you have received..."
22:52 Yeah, that's right. Freely gifts.
22:53 "Freely gifts."
22:54 See everything that we have, even our time,
22:58 boy, you can attest to this, can you not, Kenny?
23:02 Our time is a gift from God. That's right.
23:06 The devil tried to take you out last year,
23:09 and God has given you the gift of time, hasn't He?
23:12 Amen, that's true.
23:14 I mean, every day when I wake up,
23:15 I thank God for the gift of time,
23:17 I thank Him for this new day.
23:21 There is none of us know... That's right.
23:24 You know, none of us are promised of tomorrow, right?
23:27 So everything we have, it is our time, our talents,
23:32 all of our treasures,
23:33 all of our possessions actually belong to God.
23:36 They were freely bestowed on us,
23:39 entrusted to us by God our Father,
23:42 but why does He give this to us?
23:45 It is to...
23:47 So that we will have the opportunity
23:50 to develop our character
23:51 and to further His kingdom message, is it not?
23:55 Oh, yeah.
23:56 So as God showers us with His blessings,
24:00 what Jesus is saying is we should generously,
24:05 freely we receive, freely give.
24:08 I just want to encourage you at home,
24:11 maybe you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ
24:13 as your personal Savior,
24:15 maybe you would like to know the abundant life
24:19 that He has come to give you.
24:21 You know, Jesus said in John 10:10,
24:24 "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy,
24:26 but I have come that they may have life abundant."
24:30 And maybe you're in the church,
24:33 maybe you've got the head knowledge,
24:34 but you've never developed the relationship with Jesus,
24:39 if you want to connect to Jesus,
24:42 all you have to do is pray and ask God
24:45 to let Him come into your heart
24:47 to send His Holy Spirit into your heart.
24:50 And by the power of the Holy Spirit,
24:53 by the power of Jesus Christ,
24:55 by the power of the Word
24:57 you will receive the grace of God
25:01 and you can become a steward of the grace
25:05 to share the message with others.
25:07 Amen. Amen.
25:09 Well said, Shelley. Praise the Lord.
25:10 It's a blessing to open His Word.
25:12 Yes, it is.
25:13 It is a study and it's always a blessing to,
25:14 I know we're here on the Sabbath School Panel,
25:17 but we know that you're studying at home
25:18 and it's always nice to know that
25:20 and to realize that we're one big family...
25:23 And we're studying the Word of God.
25:24 Mine is Tuesday and it's our best offering.
25:29 And what kind of gifts do you give to your family?
25:33 I hope good gifts.
25:35 I won't ask if it's chunk of coal or anything like that.
25:38 We are here at the end of February already,
25:40 it's hard to believe,
25:41 but several months ago was Christmas
25:43 and Jill and I have several nephews
25:46 and it's always a lot of fun
25:47 'cause we go and buy the Christmas presents.
25:50 And many times we can be there together
25:52 as they open them
25:54 and it's a lot of fun to watch the little youngsters,
25:56 they're getting older now, but to open their gifts.
25:58 And it's always, we enjoy that time
26:01 of family fellowship together,
26:02 but to give good gifts.
26:04 I remember as a child,
26:06 my parents were trying to get out of debt
26:07 and we didn't have much,
26:09 we would eat a lot of beans and rice
26:11 and my birthday came around,
26:14 and this is probably giving my age,
26:16 but for my birthday I received a record player,
26:20 it wasn't a CD player or cassette player,
26:21 it was a record player.
26:23 And looking back, I was just a young man,
26:26 but looking back now on that I realized that my parents
26:29 sacrificed to give me a good gift.
26:32 It wasn't brand new, it was used,
26:34 it was from a yard sale,
26:36 but it was what they could afford
26:38 and they wanted to see me happy.
26:40 So I knew that they were giving me what they could,
26:42 looking back on now.
26:44 I want to look at Matthew 7.
26:48 Matthew 7.
26:51 I'm in Luke 7, let's get to Matthew 7,
26:57 and let's look at verses 8-11.
27:02 And it says, "For everyone that asketh, receiveth
27:06 and he that seeketh, findeth,
27:08 and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."
27:11 And then ask the question, "Or what man is there of you,
27:15 whom if his son asks for bread..."
27:18 What does it say? "Will he give him a stone?"
27:20 Of course not, for father loves his son,
27:22 he's going to give him bread if he certainly can.
27:25 "Or if he asks for a fish will he give him a snake?"
27:29 No loving father would do that.
27:31 No.
27:32 "If ye then being evil,
27:34 know how to give good gifts unto your children..."
27:36 I'm thinking of my folks giving me
27:38 that used record player,
27:39 it's all they could afford,
27:40 "How much more shall your heavenly Father
27:45 give good things to them that ask Him?"
27:49 Yeah. It's good.
27:50 Beautiful passages, isn't it? Yes.
27:52 We think about God's illustration
27:53 of the human family here,
27:55 we like to give good gifts to each other.
27:57 But He wants to give us gifts, doesn't He?
28:00 And that's a precious thing.
28:02 Yes. Amen.
28:03 But our lesson is what?
28:05 Is entitled Our Best Offering,
28:06 that's giving back to God, isn't it?
28:08 Yes. Yeah, it sure is.
28:10 There's a beautiful scripture
28:12 and that's the Luke 7 that originally had, Luke 7,
28:15 a great story of Mary
28:18 and the alabaster box of perfume.
28:22 And for the sake of time you all know the story well,
28:26 but here is a lady that didn't have much,
28:30 but she had the alabaster box of oil which was a lot.
28:33 I understand I think, Shelley, was that may be a year's wage.
28:37 Yeah. A very expensive perfume.
28:39 Yes. This is her retirement.
28:41 Her retirement, yeah. There you go.
28:43 And so here she is washing Jesus' feet with her tears
28:46 and anointing Him with His very precious perfume.
28:49 And there was some murmurings going on
28:50 amongst the people that were in attendance,
28:52 they could smell the wonderful perfume
28:53 and saying, "Well, this could be given to the poor.
28:56 You could have done better with this."
28:58 And what does Jesus say?
28:59 Well, let's see, skipping down to verses,
29:02 well, there is certainly a lot here.
29:06 Let's just start with Luke 7:45.
29:09 "Now gaveth me no kiss..."
29:10 He's talking to Simon who is hosting this dinner.
29:13 "But this woman since the time
29:15 I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet,
29:19 my head with oil, Simon, you did not anoint.
29:22 But this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment.
29:25 Wherefore, I say on to her..."
29:27 Beautiful, isn't it?
29:29 "Her sins which are many are forgiven,
29:31 for she loved much,
29:33 but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
29:36 And he said unto her..."
29:37 Powerful, isn't it, Pastor Kenney, what does it say?
29:39 "Thy sins will be forgiven."
29:41 That's right. Yes.
29:43 She had a lot to be thankful for, didn't she?
29:44 Oh, wow. Yes.
29:45 So you think about what she was doing for Christ.
29:47 Yes, maybe her ointment could have been sold
29:49 for much money for the poor,
29:51 but what she was doing was giving her offering of what?
29:54 Gratitude for what God had done for her.
29:58 I want to read this from the lesson,
30:01 it says, "His generosity..."
30:03 God's generosity," also prompts us to give.
30:08 And when coupled with our gratitude,
30:11 both make up ingredients of meaningful offerings
30:13 including our time..."
30:15 We talked about time, Shelley, remember that?
30:17 Talents, treasures, or money, and our bodies.
30:20 So I have here God's generosity which is amazing,
30:26 plus our gratitude equals a meaningful offering to God.
30:30 Why do I give my best to God?
30:33 Again, a quote from the lesson,
30:34 "Giving God the best shows that we put Him first in our lives."
30:39 Yes. Mercy.
30:40 "We don't give offerings in order to receive favors."
30:43 You know, many times we take that Malachi text and say,
30:45 "Oh, okay, so I'll give, so I'll get more."
30:47 No, we don't do that,
30:48 we look at the motive of our heart which I know,
30:50 that yours, Pastor Kenney, is the motive, right?
30:52 That's your lesson. Yeah, your day. Okay.
30:54 Instead we give what we have out of love.
30:57 I like that. Amen. Yeah.
30:58 Gratitude for what we have been given
31:00 in the wonderful gift of Jesus Christ.
31:03 We've been bought with a price."
31:04 1 Corinthians 6:20.
31:08 Let's see our offerings that are pleasing to God,
31:10 I have several things written down here,
31:12 how do you give your best to God?
31:14 We have several references in the Bible.
31:16 One is going back to the Old Testament
31:19 and the Israelites,
31:20 when God said in Exodus 34:26,
31:24 "The firstfruits of your land you shall bring to the Lord."
31:28 So he had very specific instructions
31:30 on what to give back to him.
31:32 And let's look at the Proverbs.
31:34 It's wonderful to open God's Word.
31:35 Proverbs 3,
31:38 I see Psalms,
31:39 Proverbs
31:42 3:9-10 says,
31:47 "Honor the Lord with your substance,
31:51 and with the firstfruits of all your increase,
31:53 so shall your barns be filled with plenty,
31:57 and thy presses shall burst with new wine."
32:01 I have honored the Lord with the substance
32:03 and with the firstfruits of what God has given to you.
32:06 So we have, how do you give your best?
32:07 I have down, "Giving God the firstfruits."
32:10 Number two, "Bring God an unblemished offering."
32:13 And again, going back to His instructions
32:16 to the children of Israel in Exodus 12:5,
32:21 it says "Your lamb shall be without blemish,"
32:24 that means the sacrificial lamb,
32:26 which is representation of who, Shelley?
32:28 It's representation of Jesus. It is, isn't it?
32:31 The unblemished lamb for sure.
32:33 So in Malachi, let's look at Malachi.
32:36 So many scriptures here, Malachi 1,
32:41 get here, just before Mathew.
32:46 Malachi 1,
32:50 let's look at verses 6-8.
32:54 And it says, "A son honoreth his father,
32:57 and a servant his master:
32:59 if then I be a Father, where is Mine honor?
33:04 And if I be a Master, where is My fear?"
33:07 So God is asking a question here
33:08 because He's not being honored.
33:11 Okay, so where is my fear saith the Lord of hosts unto you,
33:14 "Oh, priests, that despise my name
33:17 and ye say wherein have we despised you?"
33:20 And here is the answer,
33:21 "You have polluted bread upon mine altar.
33:24 You say where and how we polluted you?
33:27 And that you say the table of the Lord is contemptible."
33:32 And let me just read one more verse 8,
33:34 "And if you offer the blind for sacrifice."
33:37 So here the people were bringing blind animals.
33:39 What do we just read about in Exodus?
33:41 Unblemished. Unblemished.
33:43 "So they're bringing blind sacrifices, is not this evil?
33:47 And if you offer the lame,
33:48 they're bringing lame sacrifices and sick,
33:51 is it not evil?
33:52 Offer it now unto thy governor, will He be pleased with you?"
33:56 Of course not.
33:58 "Or except thy persons saith the Lord to hosts."
34:00 Basically, they were bringing
34:02 a corruptible sacrifice to the Lord.
34:06 Yes. That's blasphemous.
34:08 It is. It's blasphemous.
34:10 So God has specific instructions,
34:12 bring unblemished offerings.
34:14 Now for us we don't bring a lamb anymore,
34:16 but what we give to God needs to be our very best.
34:19 Amen. It really does.
34:22 Let's see, dedicate all to God.
34:24 So how do we give our best to God?
34:25 Give our firstfruits,
34:27 bring in unblemished offering to God,
34:28 dedicate all that we have to God.
34:31 And I have down, time, talents, money, and ourselves.
34:37 In closing I have several things
34:38 'cause time has gotten away from me.
34:41 I have here several points.
34:42 We should give God the best in terms of our money.
34:47 And quickly 2 Samuel 24:24,
34:50 David was faced with the choice
34:53 and he wanted to give an offering
34:55 that cost him something.
34:56 Yes. He did.
34:58 He wanted to give an offering to God that cost him something.
34:59 So we should give God the best in terms of our money.
35:03 Number two, we should give to God
35:05 the best in terms of quality...
35:08 We're talking about the unblemished.
35:10 Number three, we should give to God
35:12 the best in terms of our priority.
35:15 Think of Matthew 6:33,
35:17 "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God."
35:19 Number four, we should give to God
35:21 the best in terms of personal integrity,
35:25 our motives.
35:27 I think of again Malachi, there's a verse in Malachi,
35:29 where we make a vow and that serious.
35:31 Sometimes we can make a vow
35:32 and say, "Look at me, look at me,
35:34 and then behind closed doors..."
35:35 You know what?
35:37 Maybe I really shouldn't do that,
35:38 we do it for public demonstration
35:39 which we shouldn't do.
35:41 So I want to encourage you to give your best to God,
35:44 but with the happy attitude.
35:46 Amen. Amen. Amen.
35:48 Sorry, I took some of your time.
35:49 No, well covered. That's alright.
35:50 No, it's all good. Good.
35:52 We're going to be looking at the motives of the heart,
35:54 you know, I think it's our Wednesday's lesson
35:57 and I want to just go back just a little bit,
35:59 I think Sister Jill brought it up in the very beginning,
36:01 the widow giving.
36:03 I think it was two mites, two mites
36:04 and we realize that's not very much,
36:06 but the story of the widow's mite
36:08 shows her true character,
36:10 we've been talking about here and her heart,
36:12 we just opened up.
36:14 Really, it's not all the noise that she made
36:15 when she went by like the rich man.
36:17 That's right.
36:18 Some will say, "Well, the rich just,
36:20 you know, went by and just gave a little bit."
36:21 But in my mind, if you let me do this,
36:23 in my mind some of the rich,
36:24 they had nice big bags probably of whatever, coins
36:27 and I think when they went by,
36:28 I won't say the offering, the place they deposited,
36:31 I think they rattled it a little bit,
36:32 they shake it up a little bit, make a little bit of a noise,
36:34 and when they went in there you go, "Wow!"
36:37 You were embarrassed to follow them through.
36:41 And here comes the lady anyway
36:42 from an honest heart and true motives of the heart,
36:45 she gave all that she had,
36:47 what's been brought out here in our lesson, Luke 21.
36:51 I think that's probably in the US,
36:53 less than a penny, isn't it?
36:54 Wow.
36:56 Two mites is probably less than one penny right now.
36:58 And maybe not so funny, my uncle says,
37:00 sometime he'd asked me, one time he said,
37:03 "You know, who has change for a penny?"
37:07 I said, "No."
37:08 I said, "I don't know." He said, "I do."
37:10 I said, "How do you have change for a penny?"
37:11 He says, "I have a meal, his wife's name was Mildred.
37:15 So anyhow, that's food for thought, okay.
37:18 So anyway, it's less than a penny.
37:20 So, but she still gave all.
37:22 So again, I want to look at what are our motives.
37:26 So maybe just to look at the question,
37:28 what are our motives?
37:30 What does it really mean? Motive is our inner drive.
37:33 That's what I looked up, it's our inner drive.
37:35 It's our impulses that causes us
37:37 to act a certain way
37:39 or to do things in a certain way,
37:42 is our motives.
37:43 And a lot of times you just look at somebody said,
37:45 "Oh, they're doing so well, but yet the motive,
37:47 you know, their heart might be different than..."
37:50 So we're not to judge that,
37:51 but eventually it will show up what I've found out in life,
37:54 eventually it will show up what the motive really is.
37:57 Now is it possible, a major question here,
37:59 is it possible to have
38:00 the right actions with the wrong motives?
38:04 Oh, yes. Yeah.
38:05 The right action doing the right thing,
38:07 but the wrong motive, I think we have to say yes.
38:10 So, you know, how much faith then does it really take
38:12 when you think about it for us to give,
38:16 maybe a whole lot of stuff.
38:17 We've got a whole lot of stuff
38:19 and so how much faith it take to give
38:21 as it were some of this stuff, money, material things,
38:23 whatever it might be.
38:25 You know, if you've got a lot,
38:27 it really doesn't take a whole lot of faith
38:29 or the right motive just to give
38:30 'cause you've got a whole lot left.
38:32 I heard one person say one time,
38:34 they said, "Well, you know..."
38:35 Someone came in, they said, "Well, you know, I want a can,
38:38 you know, I need some food so a can of soup."
38:41 They went to the cupboard, there was 10 cans there
38:44 and so they gave one, you know, and said,
38:47 "What kind of sacrifice is that,
38:48 is that really sacrificing?"
38:50 The guy looked and says, "It's not much of a sacrifice
38:52 because you've got nine left."
38:53 Yeah, that's right.
38:54 Well, you should be glad to get the one,
38:56 but if you think about it,
38:58 you know, if I just have one can in the cupboard
39:01 and Sister Mollie needs that can,
39:03 and vice versa you give me that can,
39:06 I mean, you've given all.
39:07 That's sacrifice. That's a big difference.
39:09 That's a whole big difference.
39:10 It is always judged on what we have left.
39:12 Yeah.
39:13 So and so gave, I'll be careful.
39:15 So and so gave $100,000.
39:18 You know, hair on the back of our neck stands up
39:20 and we say, how...
39:21 And it is, praise God for those kind of folks that have it.
39:24 But the question what comes back was how much is left?
39:27 That's not for us to ask or do,
39:29 but it may not be a sacrifice at all
39:31 and a dollar is for you or for me.
39:34 So, you know, as I look at this,
39:35 remember, giving is left up to the conscience.
39:38 I like this.
39:39 You know, there's a lot of people
39:41 who try to judge what a person is giving maybe,
39:43 you know, things are written down,
39:44 well, they're giving this tithe enough
39:46 and I don't think that's,
39:47 you know, correct tithe or whatever.
39:49 It's up to our conscience.
39:51 God leaves it up to us and holds us accountable.
39:53 3 Testimonies 3:94 says this, notice.
39:56 "As the amount required God
39:58 has specified 1/10th of the increase..."
40:01 I've heard a lot of discussion on the increase.
40:03 Yeah. Notice.
40:05 "This is left to the conscience and the benevolence of men
40:08 whose judgment in this tithing system
40:11 should have free play."
40:13 It's kind of an interesting thought,
40:14 so I have to ask another question,
40:16 you know, what is left to the conscience?
40:18 Here it is.
40:19 It says, it's left to the conscience,
40:20 but what is left to the conscience?
40:22 The 1/10th or the increase, what is he talking about?
40:27 Well, I think the 1/10th will settle, how about,
40:29 are we right, panel?
40:30 The 1/10th is already settled, so let's not lift,
40:32 "Well, I am free to choose what I want to..."
40:34 God has already made a statement on that.
40:36 That's right.
40:37 But then so we have to look at the,
40:39 then giving the 10th, you know, our increase.
40:42 And so we have to judge, sometime people say,
40:44 "Well, my increase, you know, is it,
40:46 when I get on my paycheck or is it what I make?"
40:49 So all those debates are going on.
40:50 We just better make sure
40:52 our conscience is clear with God
40:53 when we get because we're going to have to answer for that.
40:56 Reading on, 3 Testimonies 3:94
40:58 it says these, I want to get some couple of points in here.
41:01 It says, "He has required a tenth of this,
41:04 he claims as his very least."
41:06 I think that's been brought out somewhat here.
41:09 God asked just for what?
41:11 One-tenth, that is the least. That's right.
41:13 Think about, the least, that man should return to Him
41:18 and then we go back and we say, in Mosaic dispensation,
41:21 think about as we go back, there is also what?
41:23 They had the sin offering, they had peace offerings,
41:26 they had thank offerings that they all gave,
41:29 you know, some more money
41:30 in addition to that 1/10th or the increase.
41:34 And then even in Israel we realized, there was what?
41:36 Three occasions during the year that they were,
41:40 the God said, "Don't come now to these occasions."
41:42 And that was the Feast of Tabernacles
41:44 and what, the Feast of Weeks,
41:46 and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
41:49 But He said, "Don't come empty-handed."
41:51 Wow.
41:52 So it says, "Give as you are able."
41:55 Yeah.
41:56 And so what it looks, then, at that point of time
41:58 they were giving we say, "A good Israelite,
42:00 a good Jew was giving at least a third of their income
42:04 back to the cause of Christ."
42:06 It's kind of interesting,
42:07 but again what are the motives for giving?
42:10 You know, we do not give God back that 10%,
42:13 we know we've been reading that we rob God.
42:16 And one word is embezzling, we'll read in a moment.
42:19 It's embezzling from God's treasure, its record in heaven.
42:22 Now, if you rob God maybe for many years,
42:24 I think this is important point.
42:27 Maybe we come to the point
42:28 that we find out that God requires this of us,
42:31 it's not just Old Testament.
42:33 It's heaven approved, it's Jesus approved.
42:35 Yeah. He gives us the nod.
42:38 This is the right thing to do.
42:40 And if we come this is a reality
42:41 because I dealt with an individual,
42:44 years of not, going to church,
42:46 but realizing should be tithing,
42:48 but wasn't tithing when giving their 10%.
42:50 And then they come into the advent movement
42:53 and they realize the importance of tithing,
42:55 and for years they haven't.
42:56 Every once in a while sitting in the church,
42:57 they're just doing a 10 or 20
42:59 and they said, "That's good enough."
43:01 Well, they found out that wasn't good enough,
43:03 they'd been robbing God for years.
43:05 And He went back, guess what he did?
43:07 How do you do this thing?
43:08 Let me read these 3 Testimonies and tell you the quick story.
43:10 He said, "It is not enough for them to change their course
43:14 and begin the work
43:15 from the time upon right principle."
43:17 In other words, they just now learned,
43:19 but they've been years robbing God,
43:20 notice this, "This will not correct the figure
43:23 made in heavenly record
43:25 for the embezzlement of the property
43:27 committed to them in the trust and to return to the lender."
43:30 Wow. So what does one do?
43:32 I thought was very interesting.
43:33 I sit down and I talked and this was my step dad.
43:37 Thought it was interesting thing,
43:38 we could sit down, we could talk,
43:40 and you know, put our arm around on each other,
43:41 and we love and say, "What does God require?"
43:43 Well, we sat down and we look and he said, "For 10 years,
43:46 I haven't paid a correct tithe.
43:48 For 10 years I've made this amount of money."
43:50 Wow. "And I owe God this amount."
43:53 But that's way too much, I don't have it.
43:56 I can't give it all right now.
43:58 I said, "Well, how would you suggest
44:00 maybe giving this back to God
44:01 since you said you've robbed Him,
44:04 your conscience have been pricked with the truth,
44:06 you want to do the right thing."
44:08 He said, "Sit down,"
44:09 he said, "I tell you what I'm going to do.
44:10 I'm going to give as I'm able extra and above, beyond my 10%.
44:15 Every week, every month
44:17 I'm going to give to God back
44:18 until I die or till I make up that amount.
44:22 And then I think I'll be square with God
44:24 and I think I'll be square with heaven."
44:26 I mean what a wonderful insight
44:28 that is that there are people who really care.
44:29 Yeah.
44:31 The right motives of the heart,
44:32 you see, encouraged him to come down and say,
44:36 it's not enough just to come and say,
44:38 "Oh, I've robbed Him all time."
44:39 We have to make things up,
44:41 it's recorded in the Book of Heaven
44:42 that I'm a robber.
44:43 I'm an embezzler, that's got to be cleared.
44:45 So, you know, everybody may not think along those lines,
44:47 but I want to think about
44:49 if I've taken something for someone here,
44:51 then I have a duty to give it back.
44:54 Didn't know maybe to begin with
44:56 but my conscience, you see,
44:57 the Spirit of God, I need to give that back.
44:59 Not just, "I'm sorry, I took your ten."
45:01 Right?
45:03 Brother, Greg, I took ten from you, I'm sorry.
45:04 You'll say, "Well, give me the ten back and we're okay.
45:07 We'll be settled."
45:09 I believe that there is a way in which it can be worked out,
45:11 everyone have to pray about it and see them,
45:13 make sure it's all right with God.
45:15 Last one, quickly 3 Testimonies 3:95,
45:17 "When they rob God in tithes and offering."
45:20 It's children of Israel,
45:22 "They were made to realize
45:24 that they were not only robbing Him,
45:26 but themselves, for He limited..."
45:29 This is interesting, "For He limited His blessings to them
45:32 just as in proportion
45:34 as they limited their offerings to Him."
45:36 Wow.
45:37 Man, if you want blessed, just do,
45:39 be obedient that we've talked about before
45:41 to what God says in His Word.
45:42 Yes.
45:43 "I'll open the windows of heaven."
45:45 Oh, glory, "And pour out a blessing,
45:46 they'll not be room enough to receive it."
45:48 And that's exactly what He says,
45:50 that's exactly what He will do, that's not having to withhold
45:53 those blessings that we won't desire.
45:55 I love that, the motive of the heart.
45:57 And I was thinking
45:58 if a billionaire gives a $100,000...
46:01 Go on.
46:02 Well, thank God, we,
46:04 you know, you need the income to further the cause of Christ,
46:07 but the little widow that gave the two mites,
46:10 the motives of the heart,
46:12 who was the greatest giver?
46:14 It has to be that widow.
46:15 It's not equal giving, it's equal sacrifice.
46:19 And I think that's the motive of the heart.
46:21 Well, I have Thursday,
46:23 and I'm looking at the experience of giving.
46:27 You know sometimes we just need to experience something
46:31 before we really understand the value of it.
46:36 Now here is a scripture that is contrary to our...
46:41 At first I put human reasoning,
46:45 then I decided it's contrary
46:47 to our untested human reasoning
46:52 and that's Acts 20:35.
46:54 And it's just the latter part of it.
46:57 It says, "And remember the words of the Lord Jesus
47:01 that He said it is more blessed to give than to receive."
47:07 Now untested human reasoning,
47:10 it's hard to convince someone of that
47:12 until they have experienced it.
47:14 Any of you ever experienced the blessings of giving?
47:18 Oh, yes. I can remember...
47:22 Oh, years ago, around the holidays
47:28 I was privileged to be able to take food baskets to people
47:33 that didn't have food for the holidays.
47:37 And how blessed I was to see the look on their face and,
47:42 you know, something that we were quick to do
47:45 was tell people,
47:46 praise God from whom all blessings flow.
47:49 Don't thank us,
47:50 but I left with my heart so full,
47:53 no gift that could have been given me
47:55 would have made my heart overflow with such love,
48:00 as that being able to minister to others.
48:03 Okay, just hearing someone say something
48:07 doesn't convince anybody of anything.
48:10 Actually experiencing the blessing
48:13 that comes from giving is the only way
48:17 we are going to be convinced.
48:19 Now Christ came to this earth
48:23 to reveal to us the character of God,
48:28 to let us know what God is like.
48:31 Satan lied about God's character, did he not?
48:35 Where did he lie about God's character?
48:37 It was in heaven. That's right.
48:40 Then he lied about God in the Garden of Eden.
48:43 And I wanted to just look at that.
48:45 I think I've got that scripture marked, it's Genesis 3.
48:51 I got it marked, Genesis 3.
48:53 And here is what the serpent in lying,
48:59 in lying to Eve in the Garden of Eden.
49:03 Dirty.
49:06 It says, "For God doth know
49:10 that in the day you eat thereof..."
49:12 Well, first of all, let's go back.
49:14 He asked Eve, "Hath God surely said?"
49:19 And Eve said, "But of the fruit of the tree
49:23 which is in the Garden," this is Genesis 3:3,
49:27 God has said, "You shall not eat of it,
49:28 neither shall you touch it, lest you do," what?
49:31 "Lest you die."
49:32 Now here's what Satan said to her.
49:35 "The serpent said unto the woman,
49:38 'You shall not surely die.'"
49:39 What was he doing?
49:41 He was calling God a liar, was he not?
49:42 Yes, he was.
49:44 He was defaming the character of God.
49:47 And then he goes on,
49:48 "For God doth know that in the day you eat thereof,
49:52 that your eyes shall be opened,
49:53 and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil."
49:55 You know, what he was conveying to her.
49:58 God is withholding something good from you.
50:00 Yes. That's right.
50:02 So Christ came to earth to set the record straight,
50:07 to reveal to us the true character of God.
50:11 He continues to lie to this very day.
50:14 He hasn't stopped lying to humanity
50:19 about the character of God.
50:20 Christ is showing us the blessings that come to us
50:25 by being obedient to God's instructions.
50:28 He loves us.
50:30 And God wants the very best for us.
50:33 Amen. So that's what Christ is doing.
50:35 God doesn't ask us to do anything
50:38 that isn't designed to ultimately benefit us
50:42 to be in our very best interest.
50:45 So now we come to this tithing issue.
50:48 And what do people are giving are alms and their offerings.
50:53 What is the thought?
50:55 God wants my money.
50:57 And we have found through this study
51:00 that everything belongs to God.
51:02 We get to keep 90%, that 10% is holy.
51:09 Amen. And it's committed to God.
51:13 Our being generous with others doesn't just benefit them.
51:17 What does our being generous to others?
51:19 Bless others.
51:20 You know, you re-bought yourself.
51:22 And if you sow meagerly you're going to reap,
51:25 but if you sow with a generous heart
51:29 and Corinthians 9:7,
51:33 I've got that scripture here, "But this I say..."
51:37 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, "But this I say,
51:41 he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly
51:46 and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
51:50 So let each one give
51:51 as he purposes in his heart," where?
51:54 "In your heart." Yes.
51:55 Where do you make the purpose of your giving?
51:58 It's in your heart.
51:59 "Not grudgingly or of necessity,
52:02 for God loves a cheerful giver."
52:06 He wants us to experience the joy that comes with giving
52:11 and He also, see God wants to bless us.
52:15 God won't, He won't chase you down to bless you.
52:18 If you're willing and obedient,
52:20 then all the blessings of God will come upon you,
52:23 and if you bring all your tithes and offerings
52:26 into the storehouse, the blessings come on you.
52:28 And we don't, oh, we've made this so clear,
52:31 we don't give to get,
52:33 we give because we love God
52:35 and we want to be obedient to what He...
52:37 Well, in doing so we're putting
52:40 into practice a biblical principle
52:45 and when you put into practice
52:47 or into operation a biblical principle,
52:50 you are going to receive the principle,
52:55 the blessing that comes with it.
52:57 If God says, "If you bring all your tithes and offerings
53:00 into the storehouse,
53:01 He's going to rebuke the devourer
53:03 and pour you out a blessing you can't contain."
53:05 Do you know that if you are a tither,
53:08 that biblical principle comes into play in your life,
53:11 nothing can stop it.
53:13 The devourer is going to be rebuked
53:16 on your behalf and again,
53:18 God's going to chase you down to bless you.
53:21 Okay, Luke 6:38.
53:25 "Give and it will be given to you,
53:28 good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
53:30 and running over will be put into your bosom.
53:34 For with the same measure that you use,
53:36 it will be measured back to you."
53:38 Again, you're putting into a biblical principle,
53:41 "Give and it's going to come back to you.
53:45 Pressed down, shaken together, and running over."
53:48 If that's the motive of your heart,
53:50 then pray and ask God to remove,
53:53 God will put in your heart the right motives.
53:56 It is God who, Shelley, quote this for me,
53:59 both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
54:03 Okay, our giving is very personal.
54:05 And oh, I've got to get to this.
54:07 To the extent that we're able to,
54:09 we need to keep it between ourselves and God.
54:12 Yes.
54:13 Here's what Jesus tells us,
54:15 "Take heed that you do not do
54:17 your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them.
54:20 Otherwise you have no reward with your Father in heaven.
54:24 Therefore, when you do a charitable deed,
54:27 do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do
54:31 in the synagogues or in the streets,
54:35 that they may have glory from men.
54:37 Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward."
54:40 You know at 3ABN, occasionally,
54:43 you'll see these little white envelopes going around.
54:46 Somebody will get a little white envelope on their desk,
54:48 if somebody that's in need
54:50 and there is nobody's name on it,
54:52 this comes from.
54:54 And anytime, anybody receives anything,
54:56 again, it so, we better say,
54:59 "Praise God from whom our blessings flow."
55:02 And I want us to read Proverbs 19:17.
55:06 Proverbs 19:17.
55:11 Proverbs 19:17, "He that have pity
55:16 and that's he that ministers to upon the poor,
55:21 look at who he lendeth to,
55:23 he that hath pity upon the poor who gives,
55:26 who ministers to the poor lendeth" unto who?
55:30 "Lendeth unto the Lord,"
55:31 and the scripture goes on to say,
55:33 "and that which He hath given will He pay him again."
55:38 God is the one then that will take care of you.
55:42 Oh, I just don't have time
55:45 to get through with all of this,
55:46 but I just wanted you to say, if Jesus tells you something,
55:51 you can believe it.
55:53 And it was Jesus that says,
55:55 "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
55:58 And if Jesus says it,
56:00 it's more blessed to give than to receive.
56:03 Amen. Thank you so much, Mollie.
56:05 What a blessing.
56:07 One thing you said many things,
56:08 but one thing in particular piqued my interest,
56:10 not equal giving, but equal sacrifice.
56:14 Yeah, I like that.
56:15 On Friday's day of the lesson,
56:17 there's a quote from Ellen White.
56:18 This is from Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald,
56:20 October 17, 1882.
56:22 "The spirit of liberality is the spirit of heaven.
56:26 The spirit of selfishness is the spirit of Satan.
56:30 Christ self-sacrificing love has revealed upon the cross.
56:35 He gave all that He had
56:37 and then He gave Himself that man might be saved."
56:42 And so, as you consider what God wants you to give
56:46 and it's not even what God wants you to give,
56:48 but He has given to you everything,
56:51 and what you can share in return to Him
56:55 and to other people.
56:56 Think of the spirit of self-sacrificing love,
57:00 the Spirit of Jesus,
57:02 that is the essence of the gospel.
57:04 I want to thank, Miss Mollie,
57:05 Pastor Kenny, my husband Greg, and Sister Shelley.
57:09 Thank you so much for sharing from your heart
57:11 and your experience in the Word of God.
57:13 And we thank you at home for joining us.
57:16 What a blessing to open up God's Word
57:19 and to study together.
57:21 I want to encourage you to look into your heart
57:24 and see what God wants you to give to support His work.
57:28 We'll see you next time. Bye-bye.


Revised 2018-05-17