3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 7: Honesty with God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180007A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls."
00:13 And to, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is,
00:27 Stewardship, Motives of the Heart.
00:32 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, and we welcome you once again
00:35 to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:38 You know, so many of you have written or called
00:40 and said this is one of your favorite programs
00:42 and we are glad
00:43 because it's one of our favorite programs to do.
00:47 It is so much fun to,
00:49 with people we work with daily to get together
00:52 and really study the Word of God.
00:54 So let me introduce our panel to you.
00:56 We have Jill Morikone,
00:58 Danny Shelton is joining us again, we are so glad,
01:01 Mollie Steenson, and Pastor John Lomacang.
01:04 Good to be here.
01:05 And thank you all for the study that you've put
01:08 into this week's lesson.
01:09 We are studying the first quarter of 2018,
01:12 this is "Stewardship, Motives of the Heart".
01:16 And if you don't have a quarterly,
01:18 you can go to ABSG.Adventist.org
01:25 and download the quarterly,
01:26 or better yet, go to your local Seventh-day Adventist church,
01:31 get a quarterly from them,
01:32 and maybe, do you even want to join them
01:34 for the Bible study,
01:35 it's so much fun.
01:37 Well, what we would like to do before we begin,
01:40 this is lesson seven,
01:41 in this coverage, the week of February,
01:43 the 10 through the 16,
01:45 and it is titled, "Honesty with God".
01:48 And what I'd like to do is,
01:50 I'm gonna have Jill open with prayer
01:52 and then we'll get right into our study.
01:54 Let's pray.
01:55 Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus
01:57 and we thank You for the privilege
01:59 of being able to come into Your presence
02:01 as Your sons and daughters.
02:03 Right now, we ask for the anointing
02:05 of the Holy Spirit
02:06 that You would open up our minds and hearts
02:09 to what You have in Your Word
02:11 and that we would receive it with gladness
02:14 and put it into practice what you show us,
02:17 and we thank You in Jesus' name.
02:19 Amen. Amen.
02:20 Before we do our memory text, I want to set this up
02:24 for people who may not know what this is about.
02:27 Jesus was telling a parable about the sower.
02:30 And there were four different kinds of soils,
02:33 places where, when he cast his seed, where it landed.
02:36 The seed He explained is the Word of God.
02:40 Now there was some seed though
02:43 on the wayside, on the pathway,
02:45 and the devil came and snatched it up.
02:47 These were people
02:48 who did not really let the Word penetrate their heart,
02:52 they refused to believe.
02:53 Then there was seed that fell on the rocky ground.
02:57 It had a little thin layer of dirt
03:00 and it sprung up quickly,
03:01 but then when the sun came out, it withered up and died
03:04 because it just didn't have any roots.
03:07 These are people who believe it when they hear it
03:10 but they don't do anything about it.
03:12 Then the ground that accepted it
03:16 and started off with the good crop
03:19 let the thorns come in, the weeds and the thorns,
03:23 and it began to choke out the life of the seed.
03:27 And Jesus said that this was people
03:29 who received the Word with gladness
03:32 but then they get the world's concerns
03:35 and maybe the allure of materialism
03:38 actually begins to choke off the Word.
03:40 But then He said, "There is some that lands on good soil
03:45 and this good soil,
03:46 these people hide it in their heart
03:49 and they encourage the growth of the seed
03:52 by meditating on it
03:54 and it may persevere through testing and temptation.
03:58 So let's read together our memory text
04:01 because this is about the good seed.
04:03 And He says in Luke 8:15,
04:07 "But that on the good ground are they,
04:10 which in an honest and good heart,
04:14 having heard the word, they keep it,
04:17 and bring forth fruit with patience."
04:20 Here's the good news though.
04:22 Soil can be improved, soil can be tilled up,
04:26 soil can be fertilized.
04:28 And if you come to God and just say,
04:29 "Lord, give me a new heart."
04:31 He will. Amen.
04:33 So what we are going to do is,
04:34 study this spiritual concept of honesty
04:39 through the practice of tithing
04:41 and we are going to see
04:42 why tithing is so important to our Christian life
04:45 and to the church.
04:46 I have Sunday's lesson, so let's look at that.
04:49 Sunday is called a matter of simple honesty.
04:53 One thing that we all have in common
04:55 is we don't like dishonesty, do we?
04:57 When you see it manifested in somebody else,
05:00 you kind of avoid that person if they are dishonest.
05:03 But you know something that's interesting?
05:05 Sometimes we don't recognize it in our self.
05:08 Maybe we've exaggerated just a little,
05:10 or maybe we are kind of wiggling around something,
05:13 and we make excuses.
05:14 Well, I didn't want to hurt their feelings.
05:16 What we've got to do is
05:19 know that we might fool our self some of the time,
05:21 but we never fool God.
05:24 E.G. White said in Testimonies for the Church,
05:27 "Dishonesty is practiced all through our ranks
05:30 and this is the cause of lukewarmness
05:33 on the part of many who profess to believe the truth.
05:36 They are not connected with Christ.
05:39 They're deceiving their own souls."
05:42 So our lesson points us to Luke 16:10,
05:45 let's look at Luke 16:10,
05:49 and here Jesus is the one who is speaking and He says,
05:55 this is a principle that Christ is going to clearly state,
05:59 He says, "He who is faithful in what is least,"
06:03 with the little things, "Is faithful also in much.
06:07 And he who is unjust in what is least,
06:12 is unjust also in much."
06:15 So what He's doing here is exhorting us
06:19 to be trustworthy with the use of our resources.
06:23 No matter how little we have,
06:26 and our faith is measured by what we do
06:31 with what God has supplied to us, right?
06:35 So we can only be trusted with more
06:39 when we develop the habit of being faithful with a little
06:44 because the habit follows as, you know, some people think,
06:48 "Oh, if I were rich,
06:49 I would give generously to support 3ABN,
06:52 or I'd give generously to support this charity
06:56 or that charity."
06:57 And you are only fooling yourself
06:58 because if you are not faithful with a little,
07:02 when you get a lot
07:03 you're not going to be faithful.
07:05 Jesus clearly says that that this is a biblical principle,
07:10 so if we're careless and unprincipled
07:13 in the way we support God's work now,
07:16 if we neglect God's work,
07:18 wouldn't matter what God gives us,
07:21 we'll be careless with eternal matters as well.
07:25 So the time, and the talents, and the treasures
07:27 that God has given to us are really,
07:32 He has entrusted them to us
07:34 to use for the benefit of the church
07:38 and we are to be the stewards of the divine things.
07:42 Now, let's look at Leviticus 27:30,
07:47 and this is a very important text,
07:49 Leviticus 27:30,
07:53 and it says, "All of the tithe of the land,
07:57 whether of the seed of the land or the fruit of the tree,
08:02 is the Lord's."
08:03 It is holy to the Lord.
08:05 Tithe is not a human invention.
08:08 Tithe is a command.
08:11 Tithe is 10% of your increase, it belongs to God.
08:16 You know, somebody said,
08:17 "Well, why does God give us His money?"
08:21 And I'll tell you why.
08:23 I think, it's because He's trying to develop in us...
08:27 Tithing is a powerful antidote to overcome selfishness.
08:31 Absolutely.
08:32 It is a powerful reminder
08:34 that we need to be honest and disciplined
08:36 and that everything comes from the Lord,
08:39 but that 10% that He gives us that is His,
08:43 we don't pay tithe, we return the tithe.
08:48 Amen, that's right.
08:49 So there's a story that is written in Genesis,
08:52 the first book of the Bible,
08:54 and it is the story about Abraham.
08:56 And as Abraham goes out, he meets Melchizedek,
09:00 who is a priest
09:01 the Bible says for ever.
09:03 And obviously, Abraham was used to the principle of tithing.
09:08 He paid a 10% tithe to Melchizedek.
09:13 Now when we look at Jacob, who was the son of Isaac,
09:17 the grandson of Abraham,
09:20 Jacob also, he was in exile and a fugitive
09:23 but he pledged to God to pay 10% of all of his incomes
09:30 upon his safe return.
09:32 And that's found in Genesis 28:22,
09:34 he says, "Of all that you give me, Lord,
09:37 I will surely give the tenth to you."
09:41 Now, when Israel was established as a nation,
09:43 after they had left Egypt
09:45 then what we find in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy,
09:49 is that God reaffirmed, is the way to say it,
09:55 God reaffirmed tithing
09:57 and as the divine institution that it was,
10:00 and explained to them
10:01 that their prosperity depended upon it,
10:04 so returning tithe has always been a very important part
10:08 of religious worship.
10:10 And during the reign of King Hezekiah,
10:14 a great reformation broke out
10:16 and the first thing the people did
10:18 when their hearts were touched and reformation broke out
10:21 was to return the tithe to the Lord.
10:24 Now the New Testament assumes the validity of tithing.
10:30 There is no New Testament writer
10:34 that does away with tithing.
10:37 Jesus approved tithing, let's look at Matthew 23:23,
10:41 Jesus said, in Matthew 23:23,
10:45 He is upholding tithing as necessary and He says,
10:50 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
10:54 For you pay tithe of mint, and anise, and cumin,
10:57 and have neglected the weightier matters
11:00 of the law, justice, and mercy, and faith,"
11:04 then listen to what He says,
11:05 "These you ought to have done," in other words,
11:09 paying the tithe of your mint, and your cumin, and the anise,
11:14 but He says, "These you ought to have done
11:17 without leaving the others undone."
11:19 Yes.
11:21 So the most, to me the most compelling argument for tithing
11:27 is found in Hebrews 7
11:30 as far as it being in the New Testament,
11:32 because here in Hebrews 7, it is comparing Christ
11:37 to the order of the Melchizedek,
11:39 as a priest forever,
11:41 and it repeats the story of Abraham paying the tithe,
11:45 and it is, you know, it sets it up
11:49 that we are to pay tithe to Christ
11:52 as a divine institution.
11:54 But it is so casually mentioned that it shows you
12:00 that the New Testament church
12:02 was already used to paying tithe,
12:04 you know, this is a good indicator
12:07 that this at the early state, the church was doing this.
12:11 So here's my question for all of us.
12:14 Would you be brash enough to rob God?
12:17 Turn to Malachi 3:8,
12:22 Malachi 3:8,
12:25 this is probably
12:26 one of the most important scriptures there is on tithing.
12:31 And this is God speaking, "Will a man rob God?
12:37 Yet you have robbed me!
12:39 But you say, 'in what way have we robbed you?'"
12:43 And God says, "In tithes and offerings."
12:47 The tithe belongs to God.
12:50 It is used for His purposes, and He equates,
12:55 when we don't return that tithe to Him,
12:57 He equates that to robbing him,
13:01 and if we know that we're supposed to pay a tithe
13:04 and we don't,
13:05 then we are breaking the eighth commandment,
13:08 "Thou shalt not steal."
13:10 So everything that we have belongs to God
13:13 and if we selfishly held on to a 100% of it,
13:17 we are just saying,
13:18 God, we don't trust you to take care of us.
13:21 Let me just quickly go through this,
13:24 the lesson asks,
13:26 "How can paying tithe help you remember
13:28 who ultimately owns all that you have?
13:31 Why is it important?"
13:33 Never to forget who owns all of our positions,
13:36 stewardship is a privilege that has been given to us by God.
13:39 It nurtures Christian maturity,
13:42 it increases a responsible attitude,
13:45 it develops His self-sacrifice and love in us,
13:49 and it gives us victory over selfishness and Covetousness.
13:53 Amen.
13:54 God hasn't trusted us
13:56 with time and opportunities, positions, and abilities,
14:00 and we are to be a blessing.
14:03 All the earth's resources that He has given to us,
14:06 we're just managing His estate here.
14:09 It's in a estate we're going to inherit
14:11 because we're going to be joint heirs with Jesus Christ.
14:14 So tithe and offering represents a proper attitude
14:21 toward all of our possessions being God's,
14:23 and Christians have a great motive
14:26 to return the tithe and give God offerings
14:30 when we consider everything that God has done for us,
14:35 and when we're faithful in our tithe and offering,
14:37 guess what happens?
14:39 Jesus Christ becomes our partner
14:41 in everything that we do.
14:42 Amen. Amen.
14:44 That's beautiful, Shelley, thank you so much.
14:46 What a privilege we have... Amen.
14:47 To return to God our tithe
14:49 and, I know, in a subsequent lesson
14:52 we'll look at offering as well
14:53 and that's a tremendous privilege.
14:54 Where you talk about honesty and tithing,
14:56 I know, Mr. Danny, you have faith in tithing.
14:59 Mollie, you're talking about holiness in tithing.
15:01 And, Pastor John, revival, reformation, and tithing.
15:04 And my day, initially, you would think,
15:06 has nothing at all to do with tithing,
15:08 we're talking about the life of faith,
15:10 that's Monday.
15:11 Let's look at Genesis 22,
15:14 if you want to turn in your Bibles with me,
15:17 Genesis 22.
15:19 I kind of divided this segment up into three parts.
15:23 We're going to look at tested faith, growing faith,
15:28 and joyful faith.
15:30 So as we have the journey of the life of faith,
15:33 we'll look at tested faith, growing faith,
15:36 and joyful faith.
15:37 The first faith, the tested faith,
15:39 we see this ultimate test.
15:41 Abraham, when he was called by God
15:43 to sacrifice his son Isaac upon Mount Moriah.
15:47 So we pick up the story in Genesis 22:1,
15:51 "Now it came to pass after these things
15:53 that God tested Abraham, and said to him, 'Abraham!'
15:58 And he said, 'Here I am.'"
16:00 Now let's pause a moment, the word for tested,
16:03 most translations say God tested Abraham,
16:07 the King James would say, God did tempt,
16:09 that's right, Mollie,
16:11 God did tempt Abraham.
16:13 In the Hebrew,
16:15 the word literally means to test, try, or prove.
16:18 But it is not a term to invite someone to do evil
16:23 rather it's to test a person to develop positive qualities
16:28 in that person.
16:30 To me that's fascinating,
16:31 because God looks at Abraham and he says,
16:34 "There is positive qualities in you that I want to develop
16:37 and that I want to bring out."
16:39 So God is not testing him to bring evil,
16:42 He's trying to bring out the positive qualities,
16:45 the good in Abraham.
16:47 And God said, Abraham,
16:48 and Abraham said, what did he say?
16:50 "Here I am."
16:52 It reminds me of Isaiah 6. Yes.
16:54 Remember the call of Isaiah,
16:56 "And he saw the Lord, high, and lifted up,
16:58 and the holiness of the Lord filled the temple,
17:00 and he said, 'Woe is me, I'm undone!'"
17:03 And remember God called to him and said, "Who will go for us?"
17:06 And what did he say,
17:08 the same thing Abraham said here.
17:09 "Here I am, send me."
17:12 And as we talk about tested faith,
17:15 to me there's five lessons that I learned from Abraham's test.
17:19 The first is to answer God with a yes.
17:21 You might be going through a test right now
17:24 and you might want to say no.
17:25 You might want to say,
17:27 "God, I don't want to go this direction,"
17:29 but answer God with a yes.
17:31 Let's look at verse 2,
17:33 then He said, meaning God,
17:35 "Take now, your son, your only son, Isaac,
17:39 whom you love and go to the land of Moriah
17:41 and offer him there as a burnt offering
17:43 on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."
17:46 Now initially, when I look at this, Mr. Danny,
17:48 this seems kind of harsh.
17:50 "Take now your son," like God's giving a command,
17:53 but if you look at the word "now" in Hebrew,
17:57 it's actually please.
17:58 Oh, wow.
17:59 Or I pray you, or I besiege you,
18:02 So God's saying, "Please, take your son,
18:05 your only son, and offer him as a sacrifice."
18:09 Now, what God was asking Abraham to do
18:11 is definitely against anything in the Word of God.
18:15 Human sacrifice is clearly forbidden in God's Word,
18:19 and not only in God's Word,
18:21 in ancient times, in the pagan culture,
18:24 we know that they did childhood sacrifices,
18:27 but they never sacrificed people
18:29 who were more grown,
18:30 they would do maybe an infant sacrifice.
18:32 So God is asking Abraham to do something
18:34 that's forbidden in the Word of God.
18:36 And he's also asking him to do something that,
18:39 even the heathen cultures would not do.
18:42 Now, if I were Abraham, I'd be going, "Is that God?"
18:45 Yeah, I would do it.
18:47 Did I really hear God's voice?
18:49 Is that God talking to me?
18:51 So how did Abraham know it was God's voice?
18:55 First he had heard God talk to him before,
18:57 he had communicated with God before.
19:00 You look previously in Genesis, you see that,
19:03 he had communicated with God.
19:05 The other thing is that Abraham is identified in James 2
19:09 as the friend of God.
19:12 You know, if I'm in a crowded, say a crowded restaurant,
19:15 there's a lot of people and Greg's way across the room
19:18 and he says something,
19:19 guess what? I know my husband's voice,
19:21 because he is my friend, because I know him,
19:24 and instantly, I would recognize his voice.
19:27 So Abraham, even though the command seemed contrary
19:30 to everything in God's nature,
19:32 he said, "I know God's voice, I recognize His voice,
19:36 and I will obey."
19:38 So the second,
19:40 the first is to answer God with a yes,
19:41 the first lesson when you're being tested,
19:43 the second lesson is learn to identify the voice of God
19:47 and you learn to identify the voice of God,
19:49 by becoming His friend, by spending time with Him.
19:53 Third is to walk in obedience.
19:56 We see the next verse, verse 3,
19:58 So Abraham rose early in the morning
20:00 and saddled his donkey.
20:01 I think I'd want to be like Jonah.
20:03 Greg and I don't have kids
20:04 but if God said, "Sacrifice your child,"
20:08 I'd wanna run away.
20:09 And yet, Abraham rose early in obedience
20:13 to a command he could not even understand,
20:16 that is tested faith.
20:19 His faith was surely tested at that moment,
20:22 so he walked in obedience.
20:23 Lesson Number four, withhold nothing from God.
20:26 We see that in verse 12,
20:28 we won't go through the whole story
20:29 but we know he went up to Mount Moriah,
20:31 he actually, Isaac's on the altar
20:34 he held out his hand with the knife.
20:37 Verse 12, God said,
20:38 "Do not lay your hand on the Lad
20:40 or do anything to him.
20:42 For now I know that you fear God,
20:43 since you have not withheld your son,
20:45 your only son from me."
20:47 So withhold nothing from God, give Him everything.
20:51 And Lesson Number five
20:52 is to trust God in spite of everything.
20:56 When it's the end of your hopes and dreams
20:58 and you're in a testing time,
20:59 it seems like, it's dark
21:01 and you don't even know what God is doing,
21:03 trust Him anyway,
21:06 one of my favorite quotes from Ellen White
21:08 is Desire of Ages 225,
21:10 it says, "Of all the gifts that heaven can bestow upon men,
21:13 fellowship with Christ in His sufferings
21:16 is the most weighty trust and the highest honor."
21:20 So you might be being tested today,
21:23 trust God, in the midst of your testing time
21:26 as Abraham did.
21:28 Now we talked about tested faith,
21:30 now we have growing faith.
21:32 Faith is not static... That's right.
21:35 We can't say that I wake up today
21:37 and I can just continue,
21:38 we're either growing, developing strength,
21:41 and deepening,
21:42 or my faith is atropine.
21:44 My faith is getting smaller and weaker.
21:48 Let's see, if you all can look up some scriptures,
21:50 Mr. Danny, can you take Romans 10:17?
21:53 Shelley, can you take James 2:17?
21:57 Pastor John, will you take Romans 4:17?
21:59 And, Miss Mollie, can you take Romans 12:3?
22:04 Romans 12:3.
22:05 And we'll start with Mollie's,
22:07 I should've given you, yours first,
22:08 I apologize for that.
22:10 Romans 12:3.
22:12 Romans 12:3,
22:14 "For I say, through the grace given unto me,
22:18 to every man that is among you,
22:20 not to think of himself more highly
22:22 than he ought to think,
22:24 but to think soberly
22:25 according as God has dealt to every man,
22:29 the measure of faith."
22:31 So God has given what each one of us,
22:33 a measure of faith.
22:36 Everyone, you at home,
22:37 have been given a measure of faith.
22:39 How do you help that faith to grow?
22:42 Mr. Danny, you have Romans 10:17?
22:45 I do.
22:47 Okay, 10:17, "So then faith cometh by hearing,
22:51 and hearing by the Word of God."
22:53 So how does our faith grow?
22:55 Comes through hearing,
22:56 and then it says, "Faith comes by hearing
22:58 and then hearing by the Word of God."
23:00 So our faith grows
23:02 when I spend time in the Word of God.
23:04 That's right, Miss Shelly, you have James 2:17.
23:08 "Thus also faith by itself,
23:10 if it does not have works, is dead."
23:13 So faith grows by our actions,
23:16 faith is not faith if we just sit on it.
23:18 We have to step out and act on that
23:22 and as we do that, our faith grows.
23:24 Pastor John, you have Romans 4:17.
23:27 "As it is written,
23:29 I have made you a father of many nations
23:32 in the presence of Him whom He believed.
23:36 Even God, who gives life to the dead
23:38 and calls those things which do not exist
23:41 as though they did."
23:42 So faith grows as we spend time in the Word of God,
23:45 faith grows as we exercise it,
23:48 and faith grows when we speak God's Word over our lives.
23:53 We speak His word aloud over our lives.
23:56 We talked about tested faith, we talked about growing faith
24:00 and I'll do one verse for joyful faith
24:03 because I'm out of time.
24:04 Hebrews 12:2,
24:06 we know, Hebrews 11 is the faith chapter,
24:09 and then Hebrews 12:1
24:10 talks about the great cloud of witnesses,
24:12 those men and woman of faith
24:15 who have run the race with endurance,
24:17 and you and I are called to do that as well.
24:20 Verse 2, "Looking unto Jesus,
24:21 the author and finisher of our faith,
24:23 for the joy that was set before him
24:25 endured the cross."
24:28 Why did Jesus endure the test, the trial and the cross?
24:31 Because of the joy that was set before Him.
24:35 God is working something in your life that,
24:37 even right now, you cannot see.
24:39 So trust God in the midst of
24:41 while your faith is being tested,
24:43 trust Him to grow your faith
24:46 and you can be joyful in the midst of it.
24:48 Wow, that's beautiful. Amen.
24:50 You can take as much of my time as you want.
24:52 I can just sit down and learn,
24:54 I'm learning a lot, I don't know about you at home,
24:56 but mine is a statement of faith
24:59 and tithes and offerings are indeed a statement of faith,
25:01 because faith is something that continually grows
25:06 and our giving, if we think about it
25:09 who gives to something that you don't believe in?
25:12 So it's a statement of faith
25:13 because I'm not going to give
25:15 to something I don't believe in,
25:16 so when I give my tithes and my offerings to God,
25:20 I am showing that I believe in God,
25:23 that I believe in the work of the church and ministries
25:27 that our commission is to do what?
25:30 Take the gospel into part of the world.
25:32 All the world. Oh, thank you, Jill.
25:33 It's right, all right.
25:35 Into all of the world.
25:36 So it's an action and it's a growth process,
25:40 and so I'm so thankful for that.
25:42 But when, it's just like this
25:45 if I tell God, "I really love You, Lord,
25:47 I love you, I praise Your name."
25:49 I can lift my hands up, I can shout, I can do a dance,
25:53 I can do all of these things
25:54 but if I don't show Him that I love Him,
25:57 how does He say to show us that you loves Him?
26:00 In John 15:14, He says...
26:02 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
26:05 14:15. Keep my commandments.
26:07 14:15, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
26:10 So you all, you women have your husbands',
26:14 if your husband say to you, "Mollie, I love you,"
26:17 "Jill, I love you,"
26:20 "Shelley, I love you," JD says,
26:23 but he's never nice to you, he's not kind to you,
26:27 he never spends time with you,
26:30 he never puts you in place of him,
26:35 then does he really love you?
26:36 Absolutely, not.
26:38 So we've already gone through
26:39 which was one of the scriptures I had, the Malachi 3:8-10,
26:44 so what God is saying is
26:45 if you love Me then let's see some action
26:49 and this action is not for Him.
26:51 Does God actually need our tithes?
26:55 He doesn't, Shelley, you kind of hit it,
26:56 it keeps us from being too selfish.
26:58 Yes. Really.
27:00 And the principle of tithing
27:02 was started in the Old Testament.
27:04 We can look back
27:05 at all the firstfruits and things they did
27:07 and how the Lord even said,
27:08 "Go off to a place and get in my presence,
27:10 and do all of these."
27:12 So it's really interesting for me
27:13 when you're studying for these things,
27:15 'cause you learn, we learn ourselves.
27:16 Hopefully, we're working with you in learning together,
27:21 but the principle of tithing is the Old Testament,
27:24 I think, it's very interesting that we just said that,
27:28 if you love Me, keep My commandments
27:29 but if I watch and some of you probably do,
27:31 I watch sometimes,
27:33 especially if I'm traveling in a hotel
27:35 and you turn on the television, there'll be televangelist.
27:38 Now, people know televangelists,
27:39 some of them say, "What are you talking about?
27:41 You all are televangelists."
27:42 Well, I guess if you preach on television, you are
27:44 but some of them make a specialty.
27:47 John out of, I'm glad you're not that way,
27:50 but televangelist,
27:51 and the fact is that they hit this tithing thing
27:55 from a totally different perspective.
27:57 Many of these televangelists say,
27:59 when you talk to them
28:01 about keeping the commandments of God,
28:02 they say all those commandments there're,
28:04 that's Old Testament.
28:05 I don't believe in the Old Testament.
28:07 We don't, you know, I don't subscribe to that,
28:10 you don't have to keep the Sabbath anymore,
28:12 that's the Old Testament.
28:14 But boy, when it comes to tithing and offerings
28:17 they really believe in the Old Testament.
28:19 They all go back and tell you about all the firstfruits
28:21 and all the things that God will bless you,
28:24 so we use the Bible sometimes when it fits us
28:28 to what we really want.
28:29 So I wonder, well, if they're consistent,
28:31 if they really believe in the tithing system,
28:33 because they do,
28:34 because it sometimes turns into great wealth.
28:37 So what I really want to hit on today is
28:39 why do we give tithe,
28:42 and what's our purpose and what our motives.
28:45 The Bible is clear but, excuse me,
28:48 but there is so much teaching that's very confusing
28:52 when you watch television and listen to radio.
28:56 And that's, you give your tithes to get.
29:00 Right.
29:02 That's called the prosperity gospel maybe.
29:03 Yeah, it is. Right.
29:04 Healthy, wealthy and wise.
29:06 You know, name it, claim it.
29:08 This type of things, so people will preach,
29:11 they are preaching all the time,
29:13 if you, well, one preacher said,
29:14 I heard him,
29:16 "If you'll give me your Cadillac,"
29:17 one of his members had a nice, really nice Cadillac,
29:20 he said, "you've got a nice Cadillac,"
29:22 and he named the guy by name, reached out in the audience,
29:25 there must have been a thousand people there.
29:27 "You've got a really nice Cadillac
29:29 but if you give that to me, God will give you a better one.
29:32 He'll give you some better car, but you need to..."
29:35 Another preacher said,
29:37 because these are things I have heard,
29:39 I have witnessed with my own eyes,
29:42 but he said to his audience, "You need to give,
29:45 you have to sow into my ministry,
29:47 you have to sow into my ministry.
29:49 God wants you to sow into ministry.
29:52 So here's what I want you to do,
29:54 I don't really need the money, I have five homes.
29:57 He said, I have a piano that's gold plated,
30:00 but because you need it,"
30:02 there must have been
30:03 2,000 or 3,000 people out there,
30:04 "because you need blessed, and you want to sow
30:08 so God will bless you, make you wealthy like me,
30:10 when the offering plate goes around,
30:12 women, I want you to turn your purses upside down.
30:16 Every penny in there must go in that offering plate.
30:20 Men don't hold back a penny.
30:23 Open your wallets, put it all in there.
30:25 Now, do I need it?
30:26 I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing it for you."
30:28 But guess pastor, who took the money home?
30:31 He did.
30:32 He took the money home, maybe got the sixth home.
30:36 So why do we give?
30:38 We give tithes because we love God.
30:40 That's right. Amen.
30:41 And because we have faith, it's a statement of our faith
30:45 that we believe that Jesus is coming very soon
30:48 in the clouds of glory
30:49 and in order to get the gospel to the world,
30:53 it takes finances.
30:55 And so we encourage you, we thank you
30:59 for finances that you send here to 3ABN.
31:03 Because without it,
31:04 we couldn't take this great gospel,
31:06 the kingdom into all the world.
31:07 So we're gonna study later about tithes and offerings,
31:11 and all of this is giving.
31:13 Again, and it's really not,
31:14 God doesn't have to have our money
31:16 because money won't finish the work,
31:19 but God finishes work through His people,
31:22 if we allow Him to work in us and through us,
31:25 and when we're willing to give out of a good heart.
31:29 He says He loves a cheerful giver.
31:32 I want to read a couple of,
31:33 my time, I'm talking a lot here,
31:34 many time is, Jill, you're much more organized
31:37 and you go right to the point,
31:38 and I get more down
31:40 to what I've seen and what I've heard.
31:41 But I'd like to bring it to practicality...
31:43 It's Good.
31:45 And why we tithe.
31:47 It's not out of the legalistically
31:48 that Jesus gave numbers of scriptures
31:51 and we won't read them all,
31:52 but you can write some of them down
31:53 if you want to.
31:55 I have some of them down
31:56 but I do want to read 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.
31:58 If Jill, maybe you'll read that for us.
32:01 Yes. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.
32:04 "But this I say, He who sows sparingly
32:06 will also reap sparingly
32:08 and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
32:11 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart,
32:14 not grudgingly or of necessity,
32:16 for God loves a cheerful giver."
32:19 So the point here is that
32:20 we give because we want to give,
32:22 not because we have to,
32:24 but a lot of these preachers I've been talking about,
32:27 they use this and they use scripture
32:29 like the Matthew 23:23, Luke 11:42,
32:33 you can write those down and look them up later,
32:35 Luke 18:12,
32:37 and when Jesus is talking about in the New Testament
32:42 about tithes and offerings,
32:44 He basically was getting on to
32:47 and you covered it, both of you some,
32:49 getting on to the scribes and Pharisees
32:51 because he says you're given legalistically
32:53 but you are passing basically, justice,
32:57 you are passing mercy,
32:58 you're not saying justice, you're not saying mercy.
33:01 You're standing out on the streets, saying,
33:03 "Lord, I'm glad I'm not as other men,
33:04 as you brought out."
33:06 And so we're missing the big point,
33:08 the love of God.
33:09 So it's legalistic,
33:11 so maybe, we should ask ourselves
33:13 and ask yourself,
33:15 why do you give your tithes and offerings.
33:17 And why do you give?
33:18 There is something else that I want to bring up
33:20 in the last minute and a half
33:22 and there's so much I'd like to bring up
33:23 but I'm not too organized today
33:25 but, I think, this is really important,
33:27 is we're talking about finances,
33:30 but how about of what your gifts and your talents?
33:33 We should be tithing our gifts and our talents to God.
33:37 What is that that you can do,
33:38 you can volunteer in a prison ministry.
33:42 We have prison ministries here,
33:44 quite a few people are involved in that.
33:46 Nobody's getting paid for that.
33:48 We're giving time to others,
33:50 you can be a deacon, you can be an elder,
33:52 those who sing, those who teach,
33:54 those who volunteer,
33:56 you can be a good neighbor to someone,
33:58 I think that God expects us to do spiritual tithing
34:02 is probably better for us than the physical tithing.
34:05 It's good.
34:06 Because spiritual tithing draws us close to Jesus
34:09 because we keep our eyes on Him,
34:11 so turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face
34:15 and the things of earth will grow strangely,
34:17 dim in the light of His glory and His grace.
34:20 So tithing of ourselves, not just our finances
34:23 but say, "Lord, here I am, send me."
34:26 And I promise you that
34:27 if you do that, God is going to send you out,
34:29 the fields are waiting to harvest
34:32 but the reapers, where are they?
34:34 So today, I know that you want to be a reaper,
34:36 we do here at 3ABN.
34:38 So I want to thank you for your love,
34:40 and your prayers, and your financial support,
34:42 and prayers
34:43 and those of you who come and volunteer,
34:45 we appreciate that also.
34:47 Appreciate that, Danny,
34:49 stretching the, defining of tithing
34:52 past just the financial aspect
34:54 but every aspect that God has blessed us with.
34:56 That's right.
34:57 That's being good stewards
34:59 of everything God has made available to us.
35:02 Well, I have Wednesday and Wednesday is honest tithe,
35:07 holy to the Lord.
35:09 And I'm going to read Leviticus 27:30,
35:12 just to lay it as a foundation, you know,
35:14 Shelley covered earlier, honesty
35:18 and how we want to be around honest people,
35:22 and people that have shown us dishonesty in their life,
35:26 we become very suspect of anything they say.
35:29 So let's look again, laying the foundation,
35:32 Leviticus 27:30,
35:35 "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land
35:39 or of the fruit of the tree is the Lord's.
35:43 It is holy to the Lord."
35:45 Two important points here,
35:47 the first 10% of our increase is who's?
35:53 God's.
35:54 It's God's,
35:56 doesn't belong to us, it belongs to God.
35:58 Amen.
36:00 The first 10% of our increase is holy.
36:06 Now here's a quote from Angel Rodriguez,
36:09 he's the stewardship ministries department
36:11 at the General Conference.
36:14 Tithes belongs to the Lord and therefore is holy.
36:18 It does not become holy through a veil
36:22 or a consecrated act.
36:25 It is simply holy by its very nature,
36:29 it belongs to God.
36:31 No one except God has a right to it.
36:35 No one can consecrate it to the Lord
36:38 because tithe is never part of a person's property.
36:44 We don't own that tithe. That's right.
36:45 Who owns that tithe? God.
36:47 See that's God's tithe and it's holy,
36:50 not by anything we've done
36:52 but nature of who it belongs to.
36:55 We don't make the tithe, we return to God, holy,
36:58 God already did it.
37:00 He has that right.
37:02 As stewards, all we are doing is
37:05 returning to Him what is His.
37:08 Tithe is dedicated to God for a specific task,
37:12 holding it for any other designation is,
37:17 now remember what my title is, honest tithe,
37:21 withholding that tithe or holding that tithe
37:25 for another purpose is dishonest.
37:29 There's the word.
37:30 How many of you want to be honest?
37:31 Amen.
37:33 We want to be honest.
37:34 Okay, we've covered a couple of times this
37:37 out of Hebrew 7:1-4,
37:40 where the Apostle Paul gives an account
37:42 of Abraham and Melchizedek.
37:44 And I just,
37:45 first let's look at it for just a moment,
37:48 I only have a few minutes
37:50 for Melchizedek, this is Hebrews 7:1,
37:54 "For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of,"
37:57 what?
37:59 "Priest of the Most High God,
38:01 who met Abraham returning from the slaughter,"
38:03 you know what, Abraham was coming back
38:06 with a huge bounty that he had received
38:12 from this war that he had just been.
38:15 And you know what Abraham did with this huge bounty,
38:18 all that he had taken, he gave a 10%, 10% of,
38:24 he tithed to the Melchizedek.
38:27 Now, did Melchizedek ask him to tithe to him?
38:32 Do we have any indication that Abraham was instructed
38:35 to tithe it to Melchizedek.
38:37 It was just a biblical principle, Abraham knew,
38:40 and he learned, and he lived by,
38:42 he knew that biblical principle that 10% of this is God's,
38:47 and so what did Melchizedek do in return?
38:52 He blessed him. He blessed him.
38:54 How many of you want to be blessed of the Lord?
38:58 Now, let me ask you this
38:59 who was Abraham really tithing to?
39:03 Was he tithing to a man, was he tithing to God?
39:07 That's right.
39:11 And then I want to, I want to do a parallel.
39:16 We have Abraham tithing to Melchizedek
39:20 and really tithing to God, and why is he doing this?
39:23 A biblical principle that has been embedded
39:25 in Abraham's heart,
39:27 he didn't have to be told to do what he already knew to do.
39:31 Now, I want to parallel the Sabbath and tithing.
39:36 You know, there is a parallel between the two.
39:40 As the Sabbath is holy, is the habit Sabbath holy?
39:44 Remember the Sabbath to...
39:46 Keep it holy. Keep it holy.
39:48 Now we are Seventh-Day Adventist
39:49 here at 3ABN,
39:51 and something we teach adhered to and hold to
39:56 is remembering the Sabbath.
39:58 Danny, should we worship on the Sabbath?
40:00 Absolutely.
40:01 It's that part of the in time message
40:03 God has committed into the...
40:05 Everyone should.
40:06 We should teach, proclaim,
40:09 and share this truth of the Sabbath.
40:11 Well, the word holy means set apart for sacred service.
40:16 The Sabbath and the tithe are connected in that.
40:21 We set apart the Sabbath day, Sabbath as sacred, as holy.
40:27 And we set apart the tithe as God's sacred possession.
40:32 And what did it say in Leviticus?
40:35 It is holy unto the Lord.
40:37 Do you see that parallel? That's right, that's good.
40:39 And we are so strong as Sabbath keepers
40:44 to instruct and to drive the point home
40:47 of keeping the Sabbath.
40:49 The paying of our tithe, of returning
40:52 it's not paying, it's retuning,
40:54 it's giving back to God what is already His.
40:57 It is just as sacred and just as holy.
41:00 Now who made this Sabbath holy? God.
41:03 Who made the tithe holy? God.
41:05 God did.
41:07 God has sanctified the seventh day,
41:09 that specific portion of time set apart by God himself
41:14 for us to give to Him and it continues.
41:17 Is keeping the Sabbath as sacred today
41:21 as it was the day that God hallowed it?
41:24 Yes! Amen!
41:25 Key is returning our tithe unto God
41:29 just as sacred today as it was in Leviticus.
41:33 That's good.
41:36 Sister White tells us
41:38 the New Testament does not re-enact the law of the tithe
41:43 as it does not that of the Sabbath
41:45 for the validity of both is assumed
41:49 and they are deep spiritual import explained.
41:52 Well, we as people are seeking faithfully to give God the time
41:58 which He has reserved as His own.
42:00 Shall we not also render Him that portion of our means
42:05 which He claims, the parallel of the two.
42:08 Now I want us to go back to Malachi,
42:11 I want to look at a command
42:13 and I want to look at a promise.
42:15 And I know we've looked at this, this is Malachi 3.
42:18 And I want to start with verse 6 says,
42:21 "For I am God," Malachi 3:6,
42:25 "For I am God I change not."
42:30 And then he says, verse 8, "Will a man rob God?"
42:35 And how on earth could we be robbing God
42:39 and what does He say, what?
42:40 By not returning our tithe under Him.
42:44 And verse 9 is what we did, we hadn't touched on yet.
42:48 If you don't return your tithe give that tithe back to God.
42:53 What does it say in verse 9?
42:55 You are cursed with a curse.
42:58 We don't want to be cursed and it says,
43:02 "For you have robbed me, even the whole nation."
43:05 Now here is a blessing,
43:06 listen at what happens when we bring our tithe.
43:10 Verse 10, "Bring all your tithe in to the storehouse
43:13 that there may be meat in my house and prove me now."
43:18 You wanna prove God,
43:19 "Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts,
43:22 if I will not do," what?
43:24 "Open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing
43:29 that there shall not be room enough to receive it."
43:31 Now I've got a little time so let me do this.
43:34 I want to show you the promise concerning the Sabbath
43:39 and that's in Isaiah, Isaiah 58:13-14.
43:44 Now we have this promise concerning paying our tithes,
43:48 "Prove me," says the Lord,
43:50 "If I will not pour you out a blessing
43:53 that you won't even have room enough to contain."
43:56 Well, now concerning the Sabbath,
43:58 I love the parallel between keeping the Sabbath
44:01 and paying our tithes.
44:02 So Isaiah 58:13-14,
44:05 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,
44:07 from doing your pleasure on my holy day,
44:10 and call the Sabbath a delight,
44:11 if you do this," Isaiah is saying,
44:14 "the holy day of the Lord, honorable,
44:16 and shall honor him, not doing your own ways,
44:19 nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words."
44:23 Look at verse 14,
44:25 "Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord
44:28 and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth,
44:33 and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,
44:37 the mouth of the Lord has spoken to be blessed."
44:40 You've got to have an honest heart.
44:43 You in the honest heart,
44:45 you return that honest tithe unto the Lord you are blessed,
44:48 if you don't, you are cursed.
44:51 And if you keep the Sabbath,
44:53 you'll ride on the high places of the Lord,
44:55 isn't that what we want,
44:57 be in right relationship with God.
44:58 Amen! Halleluiah!
45:00 Thank you, Mollie.
45:01 Wow, you guys have left me some crumbs
45:03 but I'm gonna try to find some, praise God for that.
45:06 Just to dive right into it when we talk about
45:09 the relationship we have with God,
45:11 it is a covenant, it is not a membership.
45:13 That's right!
45:14 You think of membership, but it is a covenant.
45:16 Covenant relationships have obligations.
45:18 Membership, you could have a membership to gym,
45:21 a membership to a bi column,
45:22 a membership to American Airlines,
45:25 you could, that's optional.
45:27 You could take what you want and leave what you want,
45:28 but in a covenant relationship there are no options.
45:31 First of all, God never breaks the covenant He makes.
45:34 We cannot say we are in a covenant relationship
45:36 and break it or violate the conditions of it.
45:39 Let's go back to what Mollie talked about the Sabbath
45:41 is sanctified, is it not?
45:42 It is. Amen!
45:43 Because it's holy,
45:45 therefore if the tithe is holy it is also sanctified.
45:47 Yes, it is.
45:48 If you say you are
45:50 in a sanctified relationship with God
45:51 you don't, tithing is not optional
45:52 as a Sabbath is not optional.
45:54 But we live in a world today
45:55 where the Sabbath has become optional.
45:56 Yes.
45:58 And therefore the tithing, to many, have become optional.
46:00 Now here's the quandary.
46:02 How can people honoring Sunday say that Sabbath is optional?
46:06 How can those who keep the Sabbath
46:07 say tithing is optional?
46:09 That's right.
46:10 Notice the devil says, "I'm going to get those
46:12 who say the Sabbath is optional,
46:14 they keep another day."
46:16 I'm going to get those who keep the Sabbath
46:17 to say that tithing is optional,
46:19 so I will give what I want.
46:20 That's good.
46:22 So there is a demonic, you know, the boat, Danny
46:24 whatever side you fall out of.
46:26 Right. Yes.
46:27 So when the church that says they keep the Sabbath
46:30 say tithing is optional,
46:33 they are just as guilty
46:34 as those who say that Sabbath is optional
46:36 and keep Sunday.
46:38 So you cannot be a Sabbath keeper
46:40 that recognizes the sanctity and the holiness of the day
46:44 and say that Sabbath is not optional,
46:46 so I am gonna keep it, come what it may.
46:49 I am gonna keep the Sabbath because my mother did it,
46:51 my dad did it, this is my obligation,
46:53 God says it's holy, I have no option to violate it.
46:57 But we say we're in the Sabbath covenant
46:59 but we're not in a tithing covenant.
47:02 We are falling out of the boat anyway.
47:03 That's right, yes.
47:04 The other thing is,
47:06 and I want to correct something,
47:07 I know what you meant, Jill,
47:09 but the Lord did not try to bring out any good in Abraham,
47:12 because there is no good in Abraham,
47:14 there is no good in any of us.
47:16 So God does not bring out the good in us,
47:20 he tries to develop us so that they will be good.
47:24 Thank you, that's what I meant. Thank you.
47:25 And I know that's what you meant.
47:27 Because Jesus told the rich young ruler,
47:30 "Why do you call me good, there is none good but one
47:33 and that is God."
47:34 And then the Apostle Paul, and Psalms,
47:36 and two other Old Testament writers says,
47:39 "None of us, there is none that does good, no not one."
47:43 So what's the purpose of the Sabbath,
47:45 the purpose of the Sabbath is to sanctify us
47:47 so that the reflection of Jesus' character
47:49 will be reflected in us.
47:51 Now let's look at the tithing in the very same way.
47:53 How much did Jesus give to save us?
47:56 Everything. Everything.
47:57 So that He didn't hold back a thing for our salvation,
48:02 how can we hold back anything
48:04 if we say we are in a saving relationship?
48:06 Amen!
48:07 So that's why He said,
48:09 "You robbed me in tithe and offering."
48:11 He didn't say, "Well, you kept back some tithe.
48:13 Well, you kept back some offering."
48:15 When I sit down with my treasurers
48:17 and I have intentionally, I have, as the Pastor,
48:19 I have the right to look at the giving of every membership,
48:23 of every member.
48:24 You know the Levites could not be Levites
48:26 if they were dishonest in their giving
48:29 and nobody could serve in the conference.
48:31 Nobody could be on the executive committee
48:33 if they are not financially supporting the church.
48:35 How can you verbally say this is what the church does
48:40 if you don't even financially support the church?
48:42 Absolutely. That's right.
48:43 Am I right, Mollie? Absolutely.
48:45 You can't give your word if you don't give your heart.
48:49 And tithing is not a test of the pocket,
48:53 it's a test of the heart.
48:54 Where your treasure is,
48:56 there is your heart going to be also.
48:57 Also giving is evidence of a covenant relationship,
49:00 not a membership.
49:02 You know, the Lord gave Deuteronomy 18:18,
49:04 I am moving fast, Deuteronomy 18:18,
49:07 look at the covenant that God made,
49:10 "And you shall remember the Lord your God
49:12 for it is He who gives you power
49:13 to get wealth
49:16 that He may establish His covenant
49:19 which is for to your fathers as it is this day."
49:23 The Lord made a covenant,
49:25 so when He gave the Israelites the power to get wealth.
49:29 It was to establish the covenant.
49:30 It was a covenant,
49:32 it wasn't just because He liked them.
49:34 He said, "I didn't choose you
49:35 because you are a greater number
49:37 or because you are better than everybody else."
49:39 He made a covenant with them, so the covenant relationship,
49:42 and even there are still people today that says,
49:44 "The Lord is gonna bring the Jews back in
49:45 because He made a covenant with them."
49:48 Well, the Lord makes a covenant with anybody
49:50 who makes a covenant with Him.
49:52 Let me go further, He makes a covenant with everybody,
49:55 but we have to accept that covenant.
49:57 He's coming back the second time for those,
50:01 this is powerful tithing,
50:02 who makes a covenant with Him by sacrifice."
50:08 And there will be no evidence of your sacrifice
50:12 if you say you are in a covenant
50:13 but you do nothing to evidence that covenant.
50:16 Let's look at this,
50:17 let's look at the evidence of the covenant.
50:22 Isaiah 66:16, let's look at something,
50:26 now this is powerful,
50:27 we are talking about sanctification.
50:28 He says, "He is coming back for those
50:30 who make a covenant with Him by sacrifice."
50:33 Tithing is intended,
50:36 tithing is intended to show
50:38 that your covenant with God is in fact a valid one,
50:42 all right?
50:44 I am going to bring about,
50:45 I am going to talk about the values
50:46 in just a moment here.
50:48 But Isaiah 66,
50:49 we have often quoted this text to bring out the swine.
50:52 You know those who eat swine and eat unclean things,
50:56 but it's deeper than that.
50:57 Isaiah 66:16, Mollie, do you have it?
51:00 Isaiah 66:16? Yes.
51:02 "For by fire and by His sword
51:05 will the Lord plead with all flesh
51:08 and the slain of the Lord shall be many."
51:10 Why? Look at verse 17.
51:12 "They that sanctify themselves..."
51:14 Okay, let's stop right there
51:16 because this is all I want in the verse.
51:17 Because it talks about swine, flesh, and idols,
51:19 and all the abominable things.
51:20 But those who sanctify themselves,
51:22 now let's get even deeper,
51:23 the Sabbath is sanctified, is it not?
51:25 Yeah, it is.
51:26 Because it's holy, the tithe is holy,
51:28 therefore it is sanctified.
51:29 If I am in a relationship with God
51:30 and I am not living up to the covenant,
51:34 I am gonna sanctify myself.
51:36 So in my own sanctification I say,
51:38 "I don't have to give the tithe,"
51:39 because the conditions of my sanctification are these.
51:43 But if we are sanctified by Him,
51:45 He has established the conditions
51:46 of our sanctification,
51:47 so we don't say, "Well, you know,
51:49 I can't afford to give."
51:52 There's a text in the Bible, I want to find very quickly,
51:54 go with me to, go with me to Psalm.
52:00 Let's go ahead.
52:02 I want to, no Ecclesiastes,
52:05 because we were using the phrase here quite often
52:08 and I want to go ahead and hit this one.
52:12 Yeah, it is...
52:15 Let me go and type it in here, I got it.
52:18 I was looking at this early and I thought,
52:20 "Wow, how wonderful this is."
52:21 That when we make a vow, it's better not to make a vow
52:24 than to make a vow and not to pay, all right?
52:27 The Lord has said,
52:29 "If you make a vow, be quick to pay that vow."
52:32 But if you say that
52:33 that vow does not require any kind of obligation...
52:36 Here it is, okay.
52:38 When you make a vow.
52:39 What verse?
52:41 Ecclesiastes 5:4, thank you, Lord.
52:44 Ecclesiastes 5:4,
52:46 one of the most ridiculous things is that
52:49 we stand up on baptismal day and make a vow.
52:53 Look at this Ecclesiastes 5:4,
52:58 "When you make a vow to God, do not delay," to do what?
53:03 Pay it.
53:04 He could have said to live it,
53:07 but here He is talking about something deeper
53:09 than just live.
53:10 "Do not delay to pay it
53:13 for He has no pleasure in fools,
53:16 pay what you have vowed."
53:18 Now, we don't want to pay tithe, we return it,
53:21 but through out we saw that
53:22 the Pharisees paid tithe of mint and anise
53:25 and all these various things
53:26 as an evidence of their "Jewish covenant with God".
53:30 The sanctifying covenant as a Christian,
53:32 look what He says in the very next verse.
53:35 "Better not to vow," verse 5,
53:38 "than to vow and not to pay,
53:40 do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin
53:44 nor say before the messenger of God
53:46 that it was an error.
53:48 Why should God be angry at your excuse
53:51 and destroy the works of your hands."
53:53 Now what is the covenant with God when we return tithe.
53:58 Did He not say it Malachi?
53:59 Just look at how this connects.
54:01 Now the works of our hands
54:02 God promises to bless, does He not?
54:04 He just said,
54:05 "If you don't follow the covenant that you are in,
54:07 if you say I am going to covenant with You and pay
54:10 and you don't,
54:11 I am going to destroy the works of your hands."
54:13 But what is the covenant promise in Malachi?
54:15 I will rebuke the devour for your sin.
54:18 Amen!
54:20 And He will not destroy the fruit of your ground.
54:24 So the Lord will the keep the enemy
54:26 from destroying your work.
54:27 But if you're not, if you don't keep your covenant,
54:29 He will destroy your work.
54:31 That's powerful.
54:33 So when you think about the covenant relationship
54:34 when it comes to God,
54:36 remember this point,
54:39 if we hold back from God what He ask of us,
54:42 we cannot expect Him to respond to what we ask of Him.
54:46 Amen!
54:47 If we don't honor the covenant that we have made with Him,
54:52 He will not honor the covenant that He has made with us.
54:56 And tithing is simply the evidence
54:59 that the covenant is made between two individuals.
55:02 And both, God has always keeping His obligation
55:05 and, so must we
55:06 if we are in a covenant relationship with God.
55:08 Good. Amen.
55:09 You know, thank you, John.
55:10 That was so beautiful
55:12 and this whole lesson on honesty with God
55:13 has been so beautiful.
55:15 When you think about that the unifying theme of scripture
55:18 is that God is a covenant maker and a covenant keeper.
55:22 And His, there is a progressive Revelation,
55:26 His covenants all build one upon the next,
55:30 and when we mention that validity,
55:34 the New Testament writers
55:36 didn't just have to come right out
55:37 and say to tithe,
55:38 it's because you know what scriptures they use
55:41 for this New Testament's church?
55:44 They were using the Old Testament.
55:46 The Old Testament still vary valid
55:48 the New Testament wasn't even written.
55:50 I have to just say one thing,
55:52 when we were thinking about Abraham
55:54 and God testing him to give up his grown son Isaac,
55:58 big boy, Isaac have to really trust his father
56:01 that his father had heard God's voice.
56:03 But do you ever wonder
56:05 why does God ask us to do this kind of thing?
56:08 Listen to Hebrews 11,
56:10 and I am gonna start with verse 17,
56:11 "By faith Abraham, when he was tested,
56:14 offered up Isaac,
56:15 and he who had received the promises
56:18 offered up his only begotten son,
56:20 of whom it was said,
56:22 'In Isaac your seed shall be called.'"
56:25 So he knew this was God's gift to him,
56:29 and here he is God's asking him to do something unheard of,
56:34 but see Abraham trusted God 'cause he knew God's heart.
56:39 Jesus said, "Abraham saw my day and was glad."
56:43 So when God was making covenant with Abraham
56:46 and passing between the torn parts of the animals,
56:51 Abraham knew that God's was going to give his only son.
56:54 In verse 19 says, "He gave him up concluding that
56:58 God was able to raise him up even from the dead
57:02 from which he also received him in a figurative sense."
57:06 Abraham knew God was going to give his only son.
57:10 God gave his son for you,
57:12 and we hope that you will accept
57:16 the gift of salvation that you will turn to the Lord
57:19 and enter in to covenant with Him.
57:21 We thank you so much for joining us today
57:24 and we ask that you join us next week
57:27 as we continue in our Bible study.


Revised 2018-01-31