3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 11: The Elect

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000050A

00:01 The Bible tell us:
00:20 Join us now for the:
00:24 Our study today is:
00:32 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 My name is John Lomacang.
00:37 Thank you for taking the time on this Sabbath morning to tune in
00:40 and study the word of God with us.
00:41 If this is a repeat, and it's a different day of the week,
00:44 we welcome you once again anyhow.
00:46 We've been studying the overall theme, Salvation by Faith Alone,
00:49 in the book of Romans.
00:51 And today's lesson focuses on this week's theme, The Elect.
00:55 And so we'd like to invite you to get your
00:57 Sabbath School lessons.
00:59 If you don't have one, you can get it one of two ways.
01:01 You can go to your local Seventh-day Adventist church
01:03 and request a copy, or you can go on line to ABSG.Adventist.
01:10 org and download a copy of the lesson, hopefully in PDF format.
01:13 If you're one of those electronic guru's,
01:15 you know how to do that.
01:16 But we have a wonderful panel.
01:18 And it's so good to have you here panel, Amen? Amen!
01:20 Jill Morikone, Shelley Quinn, Pastor C. A. Murray,
01:23 and Mollie Steenson.
01:25 And we have tended to stay together mostly in our
01:29 week to week study.
01:30 And it's been a wonderful blessing to know that each of
01:32 you is a student of the Word of God, and open your heart
01:34 for God to lead you.
01:36 Before we go into our lesson, which my portion today is,
01:39 Christ and the Law, which I could subtitle, Legalism.
01:42 We always like to begin with a word of prayer.
01:45 Shelley, could you have prayer for us today?
01:47 Absolutely. Holy Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus,
01:50 thanking You for this Sabbath day, that it is a sign that You
01:53 are the God who sanctifies us.
01:54 Thanking You for the gift of salvation by grace
01:58 through faith alone.
02:00 And Father, as we open Your Word, Lord, we ask in the name
02:04 of Jesus that Your Holy Spirit would lead us, that You would
02:08 anoint our minds, our thoughts, and give us ears to hear what
02:14 the Holy Spirit has to say.
02:16 We dedicate this time to You, and we praise You, and we just
02:21 give You all honor and glory.
02:23 In Jesus' name, Amen.
02:24 Amen. Now the memory text, I'd like us to read together.
02:30 It is in the King James Version, Romans 11:1.
02:34 If we could read that together.
02:36 I say then, Hath God cast away His people? God forbid.
02:42 For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham,
02:47 of the tribe of Benjamin.
02:50 The person who formulated this lesson study focused on
02:55 introducing it in the context of legalism.
02:57 And I like that because there are a lot of terms today
03:01 that are floating around in Christianity.
03:03 Some of those say, I'm not into organized religion, which almost
03:07 tends to allude that we prefer disorganized religion.
03:12 And anything else that's disorganized we
03:14 are repulsed by it.
03:17 But for some reason people tend to buy into the idea that
03:20 organized religion is an issue.
03:22 On the other side of that, legalism, that Paul begins to
03:26 address comes in many, many forms he talks about.
03:30 One he points out is those who look to themselves.
03:34 And, as you know, sometimes it's so easy to look at
03:38 ourselves, and look at others, and compare ourselves with
03:42 others, and tend to feel good about ourselves when in fact
03:46 we must always remember that the only One to compare
03:48 ourselves to is Jesus.
03:51 He's the only One to compare ourselves to.
03:52 Then on the other side of that are those that suffer with
03:56 what I call Spiritual low self esteem.
03:59 What I mean by that is they say, Well, I don't sing,
04:02 I don't preach, I don't teach, I don't have the gifts,
04:04 I'm not a public figure, I don't like being up in front,
04:06 I'd prefer being in the closet, I like to be in the dark,
04:09 I don't like to be involved in anything that will
04:11 cause me to be nervous.
04:13 And they tend to say to themselves,
04:15 I am pretty disqualified.
04:16 How can the Lord use me?
04:18 When in fact our qualification comes not from how the Lord
04:21 uses, how we work for the Lord,
04:24 but how the Lord works in us. Amen!
04:27 And a candle, a tiny little candle, is sufficient
04:30 to dispel darkness. Yes.
04:32 So you don't have to be a flood light, or a torch to do that.
04:35 The other thing is, as an Adventist people, and this is an
04:38 area I think that we have to be really distinct about,
04:40 because legalism could easily pour into how we eat.
04:44 You know, people say, I remember we had food police.
04:48 Pastor, I know that you had food police in your church.
04:50 And maybe some of us have had experiences with food police.
04:54 Being here in Thompsonville, we remember very well Ronny Hogue,
04:58 who's now resting in Jesus.
04:59 Before he found out about all the dietary parameters,
05:03 he would bring beans to Fellowship Lunch.
05:07 And we remember very well those beans were probably
05:11 one of the first items to go.
05:12 They were pretty good.
05:14 They were really good.
05:15 And people had to ask him, what's the
05:17 secret in your recipe?
05:18 He said, Well, I just put a little slice of pork in there,
05:20 and simmer it down.
05:21 And all the Jews tried to kill themselves.
05:24 Ah, not really. But sometimes we look at our diet and we think,
05:29 Well, I must be righteous, because I don't eat this,
05:32 and I don't eat that.
05:33 And then there are others who say, Well, I've got to be
05:36 righteous because I don't dress that way.
05:38 My sleeves are all the way down here.
05:40 My collar's all the way up here.
05:41 My dress is all the way down there.
05:44 I've got to be righteous by wardrobe.
05:47 And then there are others who just don't know how to relax.
05:50 They cannot come to a social event except in a
05:52 black suit and a tie.
05:53 And they are righteous by exclusion.
05:56 And I'd rather be excluded from anything that's social because
05:58 to smile means I'm no longer Godly.
06:01 And all these are parameters of legalism.
06:03 But we have to remember that every moment of our lives we
06:09 must keep before us the holiness of God in
06:12 contrast to our sinfulness.
06:14 So I want to dive into this by reading Romans 10:1-4.
06:21 And I want to reiterate.
06:22 I stated those things not to belittle any of those avenues
06:25 of practice, because it's important to be a very...
06:28 It's important to be a person of modesty.
06:31 It is important to be a person who's concerned about what goes
06:34 into his or her body.
06:36 I've become more aware of that having a bout with colitis.
06:41 You know, that thing is just not a good thing.
06:43 And thank the Lord it was not an advanced case.
06:45 But then all of a sudden you begin to realize, Well, barbeque
06:47 chips on a daily basis is not the best diet.
06:50 And more fruit, like my wife says, will be better
06:53 than processed foods.
06:54 And I've learned that in a very real way.
06:57 So it's not about stewardship in the sense of boasting,
07:01 but it's about stewardship in the sense of recognizing that
07:03 our bodies and our lives are the temple of God, and our witness
07:08 is important to others.
07:09 But Romans 10:1-4, Paul makes it so clear.
07:14 He says, Brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for
07:19 Israel is, that they may be what? saved.
07:23 That they may be saved.
07:24 And I want to pause there because what I want to bring
07:27 out, as I understand this, salvation, when you look at the
07:31 economy of the Jews, you know the Jews were so exclusive.
07:34 They didn't go to that nation, and part of their Old Testament
07:37 journey I could understand how they developed that attitude.
07:41 You know, when the Lord destroyed the Amalekites,
07:42 and the Hittites, and the Jebusites, and the Parazites,
07:45 and the Hivieites, and He said don't marry other nations,
07:47 and don't mix your sons and daughters.
07:49 Don't give your daughters to their sons and vice versa.
07:51 I can understand how 1500 years of that can make you think
07:56 that nobody but us is worthy of God's notice.
08:00 So they developed that attitude.
08:02 But it spilled over and it blocked the reason
08:06 why God chose them. Yes.
08:07 God chose them, not to exclude other nations, but to extend the
08:12 call of righteousness to all nations.
08:14 And so Paul says in Verse 2, For I bear them witness
08:19 that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.
08:23 In other words, you can do the right thing
08:25 for the wrong reason.
08:26 You could be like a speeding bull in a china closet of all
08:33 expensive china; knocking everything over,
08:35 but you've got a journey ahead of you, and you're going to
08:37 make it no matter what.
08:39 So we have to make sure that our zeal is tempered by
08:43 understanding, as I've talked about this, understanding why
08:48 you do, not just what you do and how you do.
08:51 And the third thing, in Verse 3, For they, being ignorant of
08:55 God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own
08:59 righteousness have not submitted to the righteousness of God.
09:03 And then the part that is often sometimes a quandary:
09:06 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to
09:10 every one who believes.
09:12 A couple of points: salvation is not omitted from any race,
09:16 because all have sinned, and therefore all need salvation.
09:20 We're all sinners. We are brought into the fellowship of
09:24 saints by the righteousness of Jesus.
09:26 The other thing: salvation is not
09:28 accomplished through knowledge.
09:30 It is so tempting. We've got an extensive library as
09:35 Seventh-day Adventists.
09:36 We've got Bible Commentaries, we've got electronic,
09:38 we have it in all of Ellen White's writings in digital
09:41 format, as well as in hard back, and soft back,
09:43 and many different languages.
09:46 And we can say we've got all this knowledge, and we can tend
09:50 to lean on that knowledge as the pillar of our salvation,
09:53 when in fact we should lean on Christ as the
09:55 surety of our salvation. Amen!
09:58 The other thing is salvation is not enthusiasm
10:01 for the things we do.
10:02 Look at me, how I sing, how I preach, how I teach,
10:05 how many baptisms I have.
10:06 And Pastor C. A., when I was growing up, and you were part of
10:09 the establishment when I was growing up,
10:13 in our church we used to say, How many tracts did you
10:15 pass out this week?
10:16 How many Bible studies did you give?
10:18 How many people did you reach for Christ?
10:20 How many handbills did you pass out?
10:22 And we'd stand up in pre-Sabis and say fifteen.
10:24 Or the person with twenty-five must be more righteous
10:26 than the one with fifteen.
10:28 And we'd begin to itemize.
10:29 Remember that? Yes.
10:31 And we'd send those reports in to the Conference.
10:33 And surely your church has 700 people this week,
10:36 and the one with 45 has an issue.
10:39 You know, we tend to itemize and, how should I say,
10:44 in a statistical way begin to count our salvation.
10:49 But Galatians 3:28 is a very leveling passage,
10:54 so let's look at that together.
10:55 Galatians 3:28. And this is what Paul was trying to get across
11:01 to those who were a part of the New Testament church.
11:04 Because many of the Jews rejected Jesus.
11:06 They were so accustomed to the law of Moses and its practices
11:10 that they tried to insist.
11:12 And that was the case in Galatia.
11:13 That was the case in Corinth.
11:15 And Paul made the statement in Galatians 3:28.
11:18 Do you have that Jill? I do. Read that for me.
11:20 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free,
11:24 there is neither male nor female: for you are all
11:27 one in Christ Jesus.
11:29 And so this is talking about whether gender, or nationality,
11:33 or country of origin, whether you are a person of means,
11:38 or whether you're a person who is working for someone.
11:40 No matter what the category, in Christ, He looks at us all as
11:45 citizens of an eternal kingdom, possible heirs of salvation.
11:49 So he says, There's no place that we should separate
11:52 one from the other.
11:54 But the Jews sought to separate one from the other.
11:57 And they did that in many of their dietary restrictions,
12:00 many of their practices, washing their hands in jugs
12:03 that are very deep, up to their elbow, the way they dressed,
12:06 where they sat, the preferred seat.
12:08 It's important that...
12:10 I was doing an evangelistic series at one of the churches,
12:14 and the pastor in preparing the church for the community to
12:17 come, and he said, Now for those of you who have purchased your
12:19 seats; if somebody comes in and sits in that seat
12:22 let them stay there.
12:24 Because a lot of Christians, and I guess this is the case not
12:28 just in Adventism, but sometimes people choose a particular seat,
12:31 and that's their seat for the rest of their lives.
12:35 So don't sit in my seat!
12:37 And we have to make sure that in that sense that person,
12:42 the number one concern is not where you sit now,
12:45 but where you're going to stand in the judgment. Amen!
12:48 The other thing is salvation is not obtained by knowledge.
12:51 Let's go to Hebrews 10:1.
12:53 Look at that very carefully.
12:55 Salvation is not attained by the abundance of knowledge.
13:00 Look at that! Hebrews 10:1, in the New King James Version.
13:04 Do you have that, Shelley?
13:05 Yes. For the law having a shadow of good things to come,
13:08 and not the very image of the things, can never with these
13:12 same sacrifices, which they offer continually, year by year,
13:17 make those who approach perfect.
13:20 And you know, in some Christian communities they have
13:25 communion every day.
13:26 You can get that in some Catholic communities.
13:28 You can go light candles, and light incense.
13:30 In our church we have communion four times a year.
13:32 There's no Scriptural command as to how frequent to have it.
13:35 But what is being said is no matter what ceremony you involve
13:39 yourself in, none of those things can resolve imperfection.
13:43 But in obedience to the command of God, like Naaman knew that
13:47 when the Lord said dip seven times He meant seven times.
13:51 So the following of God's command is an act of obedience,
13:56 an act of recognition of His authority; not the act in and of
14:00 itself causes us to be righteous.
14:02 Doing the right thing, honoring the only blessed day,
14:06 remaining pure from unclean meats, abstaining from vices
14:09 whether chemical or material, can give one the impression
14:12 that works can save them.
14:15 The other thing is Isaiah 4:1.
14:18 Just before we transition I want to hit two
14:20 more texts: Isaiah 4:1.
14:23 And this is something else because today there's another
14:25 side; there's a boomerang side to that.
14:27 There are those who say, You don't have to do
14:29 anything to be saved.
14:30 We just want to be Christian.
14:32 And that's a guard we must also prevent against.
14:35 Isaiah 4:1. And in that day seven women shall take hold of
14:39 one man, saying, We will eat our own food,...
14:42 That's our own doctrines.
14:43 ...we will wear our own apparel:...
14:45 Our own righteousness.
14:46 ...only let us be called by Your name,...
14:48 To do what?... to take away our reproach.
14:51 We just want the name Christian.
14:53 And there's some people today that their Christianity is an
14:55 offense to God, because nobody would look at them and
14:58 say, I want to be that.
14:59 You know, they go to church.
15:01 Right after church they smoke, and drink, and cuss,
15:02 and carouse, and live loosely.
15:04 And people will say, How could you be a Christian?
15:07 I don't want to be that.
15:08 My last text: Jeremiah 33:16.
15:11 This is the thing that we must always keep before us.
15:16 Jeremiah 33:16. Who has that? I do. Okay, Jill.
15:20 In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell
15:23 safely: and this is the name by which she will be called,
15:26 The Lord our righteousness.
15:28 That's right. So remember whatever you do, do it so that
15:32 the righteousness of Jesus will be seen in obedience with His
15:36 law, not leaning on His law, but leaning on Him
15:39 for your saving grace. Jill...
15:41 Amen! Well done, Pastor.
15:43 Thank you so much for that foundation, and that wonderful
15:46 focus on Christ our righteousness,
15:48 as opposed to our own legalism.
15:51 I have Monday, which is The Election of Grace.
15:54 And the verses we'll be looking at particularly
15:57 are Romans 11:1-10.
16:00 But before we do that, I know there's several verses in
16:03 Romans 10 that I just want to just touch on briefly as it
16:07 leads into Chapter 11.
16:09 Otherwise Chapter 11 doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
16:11 Coming into Chapter 11, Chapter 10, of course, Verse 12,
16:17 there is no distinction between Jew and Greek: for the same Lord
16:20 over all is rich to all who call on Him.
16:22 And you reference that with the verse in Galatians.
16:24 There is neither Jew nor Greek.
16:26 We are all one in Christ Jesus. That's right.
16:28 Verse 13. For whoever calls on the name of the
16:30 Lord shall be saved.
16:31 But then Verses 14-21, we begin to see where the nation of
16:36 Israel as a whole is rejecting Jesus as the Messiah;
16:40 rejecting that gospel.
16:41 You see Verse 20. But Isaiah is very bold and says, I was found
16:47 by those who did not seek Me.
16:49 I was made manifest of those who did not ask for Me.
16:52 Meaning the Gentiles are reaching in
16:54 and asking after Jesus.
16:56 But Israel, He says, all day long I have stretched out My
17:02 hands to a disobedient and contrary people.
17:05 Now last week we talked about this, that we're not discussing
17:09 corporate rejection of the nation of Israel for salvation.
17:13 That was never the issue with election.
17:15 But in a sense rejection for the work that God had called them
17:20 to do to be that light to the Gentiles.
17:22 And the gospel was to go in a special sense to
17:25 Jew and Gentile alike.
17:27 Now let's pick up 11, Verse 1.
17:29 I say then, has God cast away His people?
17:35 What does Paul say? certainly not!
17:37 And Paul makes two arguments here in Romans, Chapter 11
17:41 the lesson brought out; first that blindness is only in part.
17:45 There is still a remnant, and that's what my day focus is on.
17:48 A Remnant and Election of Grace, as proof that God has not
17:53 cast away His people.
17:54 And then as we go on and proceed in the panel,
17:57 to look at the second part, that that is only temporary until the
18:01 fullness of the Gentiles come in.
18:03 Let's look at Verse 1.
18:05 It says: I say then, has God cast away His people?
18:07 Certainly not. Cast away literally means to thrust away,
18:12 to push or reject, repulse.
18:16 So God's saying, Have I repulsed My people?
18:19 Have I rejected them?
18:21 Have I cast them away?
18:23 Certainly not. Because then He says, I also am an Israelite,
18:27 of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
18:31 So he was certainly part of that Remnant.
18:33 He was not rejected.
18:34 God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew.
18:38 And then he references that, remember the showdown on
18:43 Mount Carmel; 1 Kings 19, or 18 is the showdown.
18:47 And then after that, remember when Elijah stood
18:50 strong for the Lord?
18:52 And then he ran from Jezebel, and he was afraid for his life.
18:56 And then he said, I am the only one left.
18:59 This is what Paul was referencing.
19:01 Verse 2, we're in the middle there.
19:03 Or do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah?
19:06 How he pleads with God against Israel saying, Lord, they have
19:10 killed Your prophets, and torn down Your altars;
19:13 and I alone am left; and they seek my life.
19:17 He said, I'm the only one left.
19:19 I'm all alone. But what does the Divine response say to him?
19:24 I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed
19:30 the knee to Baal. Praise the Lord for that.
19:33 You may feel like you're all alone.
19:35 You may feel like, I don't know!
19:36 I'm all alone! But God says, I have people everywhere who are
19:41 still seeking Me in heart, and in truth seeking My Word.
19:44 There's still seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal.
19:48 Next, Verse 5. Even so then at this present time there is a
19:53 Remnant according to the election of grace.
19:57 There is a Remnant.
19:59 That reminds me of, I just want to jump to Revelation 12:17.
20:04 It talks about a Remnant that will be found
20:07 at the end of time.
20:09 Revelation 12:17. And we know this text.
20:14 We could quote this text.
20:15 And the dragon, Satan, the Devil, was in rage...
20:20 The King James says, was wroth with the woman.
20:23 ...and went to make war with the rest of her offspring.
20:27 Now King James would say the Remnant of her seed,
20:31 who keep the commandments of God, and have the
20:33 testimony of Jesus Christ.
20:35 Now this is not the purpose of the study here,
20:38 but the identifying marks of the Remnant church in the end
20:43 time is that they will keep the commandments of God,
20:46 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
20:49 Let's go back to Romans. We're in Verse 6.
20:51 And if by grace, then it is no longer of works:
20:55 otherwise grace is no longer grace.
20:58 But if it is of works, it is no longer grace:
21:01 otherwise work is no longer work.
21:03 Now initially when you read that it's one of those tongue
21:06 twisters almost, and you think, I've got to think
21:08 about that a minute.
21:09 He says, If it's by grace then it's no longer works:
21:13 otherwise grace is no longer grace.
21:16 In other words, if you work for something
21:18 it's no longer a gift.
21:19 It's no longer grace.
21:21 But if it's of works it is not of grace.
21:24 No longer grace. Otherwise work is no longer work.
21:28 What then? has Israel not obtained what it seeks?
21:32 But the elect have obtained it, and the rest were blinded.
21:37 Who are the rest? the unbelieving Jews, the ones who
21:41 did not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
21:44 (Just as it is written, God has given them a spirit of stupor,
21:49 eyes that they should not see, ears that they should not
21:51 hear;) to this very day.
21:54 Now it's interesting.
21:56 This Scripture here, we talked last week, and I think Mollie,
21:59 you had that portion where the mysteries, some of those things
22:03 that are hard to understand in the Scripture.
22:05 And this is one of those verses.
22:07 When you initially read it, God has given them spirit of stupor,
22:10 eyes that they should not see, ears that they should not hear.
22:13 You would think God wants us to hear.
22:15 You would think God wants us to see what's going on in His Word.
22:18 But I think what it's referencing is that God is just
22:22 simply giving them, or allowing them the freedom of choice,
22:25 giving them what their heart desires.
22:27 Now in the remaining time I have, I want to look at four
22:31 takeaways that I get from this passage.
22:33 1. Israel saw righteousness before God on the basis of their
22:39 works, not on the basis of faith.
22:42 We saw that in the verse that Pastor read.
22:46 And let's go back... Actually it was last weeks.
22:49 I apologize. Romans 9:30, 31.
22:52 They sought righteousness before God on the basis of their works,
22:55 not on the basis of faith.
22:57 Romans 9:30. What shall we say then?
22:59 That Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness,
23:02 have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith.
23:06 But Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness.
23:08 So they were pursuing the law of righteousness.
23:11 They have not attained to the law of righteousness.
23:16 So they wanted righteousness.
23:17 They were pursuing the law of righteousness,
23:19 but not on the basis of faith.
23:22 Take away 2. If you seek righteousness based on your
23:26 works, then you don't need a Savior,
23:28 and Christ has died for you in vain.
23:32 Turn with me to Mark 10:45, Mark 10:45.
23:41 Do you have that Ms. Mollie?
23:43 Mark 10:45, yes. Now mine's in the King James.
23:47 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,
23:52 but to minister to, and give His life a ransom for many.
23:57 Amen! So Jesus came to give His life as a ransom for us.
24:02 But if I seek righteousness based on my own works,
24:05 then I don't need that ransom.
24:07 I don't need Jesus standing in as a propitiation for my sins.
24:11 I don't need that. 3. If you seek righteousness based on
24:16 your own works, you have not judged your pride
24:19 which is the root sin.
24:21 Pride is the root sin.
24:22 The great danger in the religion of righteousness by works
24:27 is it allows our human pride to play a role in salvation.
24:31 Martin Luther pursued salvation by works before he understood
24:36 the principle of justification by faith,
24:38 and that would negate God's grace.
24:40 Remember that verse in Romans 11:6 where it says if it's of
24:44 grace, and you try to bring works in
24:46 it's no longer of grace.
24:47 And 4. If you seek righteousness based on your works,
24:51 God will not prevent you from hardening your
24:55 heart against the truth.
24:57 God only reacts out of love.
24:59 That's His own motivation.
25:02 He can't... Satan forces and coerces.
25:05 He causes deception and manipulation.
25:08 God can only love. That's all He can do.
25:11 1 John 4:8. God is love.
25:13 If you think about the sun hardens clay, and it brings
25:17 hardness to clay, but at the same time it melts snow.
25:21 So what is that all about?
25:23 The sun is the same.
25:24 The sun hasn't changed.
25:25 It's the reaction to that.
25:28 So what I get from this is that God has an election that He
25:33 wants to save you and I, each one of us.
25:36 We accept Him by faith; accept that righteousness
25:39 of Jesus Christ, and we can be part of the Remnant.
25:42 Amen! Thank you. Well done, Jill.
25:44 And you have perfectly laid the foundation to
25:48 continue on in Tuesday's.
25:50 It is talking... The lesson study is, The Natural Branch.
25:56 So we're going to pick up in Romans 11 with Verse 11.
26:00 And we've got a lot of Scripture to cover,
26:02 so I'm going to kind of just buzz through this.
26:04 Paul says in Romans 11:11, I say then, Have they stumbled...
26:10 Speaking of Israel.
26:11 ...that they should fall? Certainly not: but through their
26:16 fall to provoke them to jealousy salvation has
26:20 come to the Gentiles.
26:22 So let's unpack this.
26:23 The lesson points out that this is Paul's second answer to the
26:28 question that he raised at the very beginning of the chapter
26:33 where he says, has God cast away His people?
26:36 So, he said, Have they stumbled that they should fall?
26:39 Certainly not. Israel's stumble was not beyond... It would not
26:46 cause them to fall beyond recovery.
26:49 In fact what he's telling us here; salvation was given to
26:54 the Gentiles by the grace of God to make Israel jealous.
27:00 Now when you think about this word jealousy, in the Greek the
27:05 word is parazeloo, to provoke to jealousy.
27:10 Parazeloo, which comes from zeloo.
27:13 And it isn't like our modern day word jealous; you know when
27:16 it talks about God is a jealous God.
27:19 It wasn't a possiveness.
27:21 This word was not possessiveness, it was not
27:25 based in insecurity or control, but it meant to eagerly desire.
27:31 So God had given all these covenant blessings to the
27:35 Gentiles to cause the Israelites to eagerly
27:40 desire, and return to Him.
27:43 He goes on in Verse 12: Now if their fall is riches...
27:47 If their fall, Israel's fall, ... is riches for their world,
27:51 and their failure riches for the Gentiles;
27:54 how much more their fullness?
27:57 Israel had stumbled over the stumbling stone.
28:01 Their transgression was they failed to accept the Messiah.
28:04 They did not accept the gospel.
28:08 And in the Greek the word used here for fall is
28:12 basically a sidestep.
28:14 It's kind of to fall off to the side a little.
28:16 So they lost God's favor.
28:19 They were no longer His chosen ambassadors to carry His
28:23 gospel to the world.
28:25 But this brought riches, because what happened,
28:30 when Israel rejected Jesus and the gospel they started
28:36 persecuting the Christians, there was the dispersion,
28:39 and it actually caused the Christian message to go more
28:44 rapidly throughout the world and spread among the Gentiles.
28:48 So their fullness, when he says that their fullness will be so
28:54 much more for our benefit, he's basically saying once they've
28:58 been converted to Christ, you know, here's this possibility
29:02 he's setting forth that a repentant Israel will bring
29:06 a revival like we've never seen before.
29:08 Then in Verse 13 he says: For I speak to you Gentiles,
29:13 inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify my
29:16 ministry: If by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who
29:21 are of my flesh,... The Israelites.
29:23 ...and save some of them.
29:24 He wanted to awaken them from their apathy and cause them
29:27 to desire God, so he's saying: For if their being cast away is
29:33 the reconciling of the world, what will be their acceptance
29:36 but life from the dead?
29:38 This is like Ezekiel's vision of dry bones when God says,
29:42 I'll breathe My Spirit on you, and you will live.
29:45 That God will bring life to His children again.
29:51 So the thing he keeps pointing out that God's
29:56 trying to make him jealous.
29:57 Have you ever? Mollie you've probably seen this
29:59 with your children.
30:01 You give, you offer a child, I offered my nephew something,
30:04 and he says, No, Aunt Shelley, I don't want it.
30:06 And so I offer it to my niece and she says,
30:08 Thank you, Aunt Shelley.
30:10 And then all of a sudden guess what? He wants it.
30:14 So that's kind of what God is doing here.
30:17 He goes on in Verse 16, Romans 11:16: For if the first fruit is
30:23 holy, the lump is also holy: if the root is holy,
30:26 so also are the branches.
30:29 The first fruit principle comes from Numbers 15:20.
30:33 When the Jews would offer up a cake they would take a portion
30:37 of that as their first fruits to offer to God.
30:41 Then the whole lump was accepted as it's ready for general use.
30:47 So Israel's not only the first fruit of God's program of
30:51 salvation, they are the root of salvation if you think about it.
30:57 He says in Verse 17: If some of the branches were broken off,
31:00 and you being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them,
31:04 and with them became a partaker of the root and
31:07 fatness of the olive.
31:09 In Jeremiah, Chapter 11, Israel is portrayed as a
31:17 cultivated olive tree.
31:18 God pruned them, He cultivated them so that
31:21 they would bear fruit.
31:23 And the root here is Abraham, the patriarchs.
31:27 The root was good. The branches though, that had come up from
31:32 that were failing to produce fruit.
31:33 So what happened, those branches that had no fruit,
31:37 God pruned them. He trimmed them away.
31:40 And then it was the Gentiles who were this wild olive tree,
31:45 that God then grafted them into this root.
31:48 Now this is contrary to nature.
31:51 Typically the way they would do that to make a wild olive tree
31:55 become cultivated is they would take a branch from the
31:59 cultivated one and graft it into the wild one.
32:02 So that's kind of interesting.
32:04 But what he's showing us here is that some of the branches,
32:08 some of the people of Israel, had been broken
32:10 off through unbelief.
32:12 So then when he's talking about being grafted into,
32:16 what's he talking about?
32:18 They've been converted.
32:19 That's the conversion.
32:20 That's just a Pauline metaphor for conversion.
32:22 Then he says in Verse 18, Do not boast against the branches.
32:28 But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the
32:31 root, but the root supports you.
32:34 Salvation had come to the Gentiles through the Jews.
32:38 Even Jesus declared in John 4: 22, He said,
32:43 Salvation is of the Jews.
32:47 Our Lord was Jewish, the apostles were Jewish,
32:50 most of the members of the early church, the majority of
32:53 the early church were Jewish.
32:54 So we... Here's the point: Judaism was the matrix in which
32:59 Christianity was formed.
33:01 And if we don't understand Judaism, we'll never fully
33:07 understand Christianity.
33:09 Wouldn't you agree?
33:10 I think that's a point that I'd like to make.
33:13 And then he says in Verse 19: You will say then,
33:17 branches were broken off that I might be grafted in.
33:20 Well said, because of unbelief they were broken off,
33:24 and you stand by faith.
33:25 Do not be haughty, but fear: For if God did not spare the
33:31 natural branches, He may not spare you either.
33:36 The only way we can be grafted in is by grace.
33:39 And what this verse shouts to me... Tell me if you agree.
33:42 ...This shouts that continued favor with God means that we
33:47 have to walk in obedience in covenant loyalty, doesn't it?
33:51 It says: Hey, He didn't spare the natural branches,
33:54 He may not spare you either.
33:55 God is no respecter of persons.
33:57 He judges impartially.
34:00 But He even judged the angels that followed Satan,
34:04 and He tossed them out.
34:06 So He says in Verse 22: Therefore consider the goodness
34:11 and the severity of God: on those who fell, severity;
34:15 but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness:
34:18 otherwise you will also be cut off.
34:21 As Jill has already mentioned, God is love.
34:23 He doesn't want anyone to perish.
34:26 But the severity of God is His judgment on sin.
34:33 God is holy; God is just.
34:35 Sin, what is the penalty for sin? death.
34:40 So that is where the severity comes.
34:44 But whether you experience God's goodness or God's severity
34:49 depends; it's determined by your behavior.
34:52 Wouldn't you agree?
34:53 So He says in Verse 23, and I've got to hurry!
34:56 And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief...
34:58 Talking about Israel.
35:00 ...will be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.
35:03 For if you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by
35:07 nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a
35:11 cultivated olive tree; how much more will these, who are natural
35:15 branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?
35:19 When Israel ceases their unbelief,
35:22 God will graft them back in.
35:25 But the point is that we have got to remember that there is no
35:30 place for Spiritual pride in salvation.
35:34 And that the nourishment of the Christian faith comes from
35:39 the root of the faith of Judaism.
35:43 Amen, Amen, well said.
35:46 I think we are beginning, and I am on Wednesday,
35:50 All Israel Shall be Saved.
35:52 Not beginning, but certainly we're working our
35:54 way through a pattern.
35:56 Pastor Lomacang stated a premise.
35:59 And then in Jill's portion we see that Paul
36:04 restated the premise.
36:06 Shelley picked up the restatement of the premise.
36:09 So Paul follows what could be called almost perfect
36:12 homoletical syncretism.
36:16 He states his premise, which you ought to do.
36:21 You state your theological premise, then you restate
36:24 your theological premise, and then you bring back your
36:27 theological premise.
36:28 And now, in a very pragmatic sense, he moves to so what?
36:32 And when I used to teach pastors, I always said,
36:36 If you're going to take 30, 40, 45 minutes,
36:39 depending on how long a preacher you are, or teacher you are,
36:42 you've got to answer the question, So what?
36:44 You've got to deal with how does all of this affect me?
36:49 Because you put out this massive information, now I need to know
36:53 if I do this what will happen? if I neglect to do
36:57 this what will happen?
36:58 You've got to answer the so what.
37:00 So now Paul is moving into the so what.
37:03 He's telling you, Here is the theological premise.
37:06 Now here's what you need to do, given this premise.
37:08 So we're looking at Romans, Chapter 11,
37:12 and I want to read 25 through 27.
37:15 Wednesday, All Israel Shall be Saved.
37:17 I'm reading from the New King James, Romans 11,
37:20 beginning at Verse 25.
37:22 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be
37:26 ignorant of this mystery.
37:28 The mystery is what Shelley was just talking about.
37:30 This grafting in. How the Gentile road can be grafted into
37:37 this basically Jewish thing; this Jewish body.
37:41 How can that happen?
37:43 ...lest you should be wise in your own opinion,
37:45 that blindness in part has happened to Israel,
37:49 until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
37:53 And so all Israel will be saved: as it is written,
37:56 The Deliverer will come out of Zion and He will turn away
38:01 ungodliness from Jacob: for this is My covenant with them,
38:06 when I take away their sins.
38:09 So he is following in the same trajectory that he establishes
38:15 at the very beginning of this chapter.
38:18 He is reaffirming the fact that not all Israel rejected God.
38:23 There were some who certainly did.
38:24 But not all Israel rejected God.
38:26 And certainly God did not reject them.
38:28 To which we can say, Praise the Lord!
38:30 There were people, like Joseph of Aramathia, Nicademus who,
38:34 can I say, Came out of the the closet, in due time,
38:38 and gave of their substance, and their wealth, and sometimes
38:40 their reputation to support this new church.
38:43 The original Christian community saw themselves, those who had
38:49 studied the Scriptures, though it was heavily Jewish,
38:52 understood that Christianity was not opposed to Judaism.
38:57 It was, can I say, an evolution in Judaism.
39:01 Those prophecies in Isaiah, and in Jeremiah, and other places
39:05 in the Old Testament, that Christianity and Christ Himself,
39:09 simply fulfilled those prophecies.
39:11 So it wasn't an overturning of Judaism,
39:14 it was a natural evolution.
39:15 It was a fulfillment.
39:16 These things were predicted.
39:18 Now they are being fulfilled.
39:20 So the true students of Scripture
39:23 understood the Jewish roots.
39:24 Most of the resistance, of course, came from Jews
39:28 who saw Judaism as opposed to Christianity.
39:33 So much so, and Paul did a great work here, forty years later
39:39 at a place called Jamnia, it was the Jewish community that made
39:44 the strong steps to divorce itself from Christianity.
39:48 Because the early Christians were meeting in
39:51 Jewish houses of worship.
39:52 They were assymbolating with the Jews.
39:54 But in 95 A.D. there was this thing called the Omnidia
40:00 these blessings that were recited as part of
40:03 the, of part of the worship service.
40:05 Well, in 95 A.D. they added... Pastor you know this.
40:08 ...the beercot hominin, which was a blessing
40:10 against the heretics.
40:12 So basically it was called a blessing, but it's really a
40:14 cursing of Christians.
40:16 And it smoked out the Christians, because when the
40:18 statement was made everybody had to say, Amen.
40:21 But it's like, Shelley's not nice, Shelley is cruel,
40:24 Shelley is... Well, Shelley can't say Amen to that,
40:26 because she knows it's not true.
40:28 So now the Christians began to filter their way out of the
40:31 Jewish temples, because they could not say Amen to the
40:34 blessing against the heretics.
40:35 So the moves to get Christians out really came from the Jewish
40:40 community, not the Christian community.
40:42 Because the Christian community understood the
40:45 Jewishness of their faith; the Jewishness of who they were.
40:51 So they understood that the root, Shelley, was Jesus.
40:56 Jesus was a Jew. He was predicted
40:58 through a Jewish economy.
41:00 So they understood that.
41:01 But it was the Jews who sort of opposed that,
41:04 and would not accept that.
41:05 And, of course, about 100 A.D. that break was made.
41:10 So Paul reaffirms and reasserts again,
41:13 Hath God cast away His people?
41:15 The answer is certainly not.
41:17 He has not done that.
41:18 He has not cast them away.
41:19 And there were those who did not cast Him away.
41:23 Now the next issue that we deal with is the
41:25 fullness of the Gentiles.
41:26 What does that mean?
41:28 There is some discussion of what it means, but I think in
41:33 general most scholarship says it's talking about the Gentile
41:39 believers coming in, and the fulfillment of
41:41 the gospel commission.
41:43 That Jew and Gentile together will finish this work;
41:49 will become part of this: Jew and Gentile together.
41:54 My time is getting away, so I've got to jump
41:55 to a couple of things.
41:57 Another visible point is all Israel being saved.
42:01 Now there are many who looked at that as being physical Israel
42:05 and Spiritual Israel.
42:06 Because we know that all of physical Israel was not saved.
42:10 There were those who reject it.
42:12 So now I think he's, can I say, Spiritualizing
42:15 this a little bit. Physical Israel,
42:17 Spiritual Israel will all be saved.
42:21 They will accept. Now, the lesson takes pains to say that
42:27 nowhere in the Bible is there this universalist idea that
42:31 everybody's just going to be saved.
42:32 You still have the ability to accept or reject.
42:36 Israel had the ability to accept or reject.
42:39 Some accepted, some rejected.
42:42 And it is that way in the Christian community.
42:44 God will not coerce, He will not force,
42:46 He will not kick the door down.
42:47 That picture we were talking about yesterday of Christ
42:50 knocking on the door.
42:52 You notice there's no handle on the outside of the door.
42:53 You've got to open it in from the inside.
42:55 So He's not going to fight your radio.
42:57 He's not going to fight your computer.
42:58 He's going to need you to turn that noise down so that you can
43:01 hear the still small voice of Jesus Christ.
43:03 And you can accept or you can reject.
43:06 But the Lord is still knocking.
43:09 And I dare say, as long as you are alive,
43:11 that knocking is still there.
43:12 It's still there. You can have a lot of noise,
43:15 so it's kind of faint, but if you turn down the noise,
43:19 and listen to your heart, you'll hear that knocking still there.
43:25 Now, one last thing I want to read before my time gets away;
43:28 talking about the Jewish community.
43:31 And this is a statement from Ellen White.
43:33 There is a mighty work to be done in our world.
43:35 The Lord has declared that the Gentiles still be gathered in,
43:39 and not the Gentiles only, but the Jews.
43:44 There are many among the Jews, many who will be converted,
43:48 and through whom we shall see the salvation of God go forth
43:53 as a lamp that burneth.
43:54 There are Jews everywhere, and to them the light of present
43:59 truth is to be brought.
44:00 There are many among them, many who will come to the light,
44:04 and who will proclaim the immutability of the law of God
44:08 with wonderful power.
44:10 That's from the book, Evangelism.
44:11 You know, it is so interesting, as you look at God's working
44:16 among the Jewish community, He said to Abraham, In you all
44:23 nations shall be blessed.
44:25 That, that in your seed.
44:27 And that is repeated in the book of Acts 3:25, that through your
44:33 offspring all nations shall be blessed.
44:35 Then you have this statement in Matthew 27:25, His blood be on
44:41 us and our children.
44:42 And as you look at the history of the Jewish communities
44:45 throughout the world, both of those things are still in force.
44:51 And they are juxtaposed against each other.
44:54 But wherever they go in science, and arts, and culture,
44:58 the Jewish community tends to float to the top.
45:01 One of our, Pastor Lomacang and I, our great hangout is
45:06 B and H Photo in New York City.
45:08 B and H closes at 3:00 o'clock on Friday afternoons.
45:12 It's like Disney Land for techies.
45:15 That industry is controlled by the Jewish
45:19 community to a great extent.
45:21 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, three Jewish brethren who
45:24 took care of Hollywood; the whole diamond
45:29 industry in New York City.
45:30 So wherever they go that idea of being children of God,
45:34 God has never pulled that promise back, even though they
45:37 failed to meet parts of it.
45:39 But there's also this corresponding thing: His blood
45:42 be on us and on our children.
45:44 And that has played out through the years.
45:46 So it's interesting that we see this pattern.
45:50 And yet God is faithful.
45:52 And we believe in these last days when massive numbers
45:55 of Gentiles are coming in, God will not have forgotten about
45:58 His Jewish brothers.
46:00 Amen, and Amen. Thank you, Pastor C. A.
46:02 You know, I'm going to pick up on some of the Scripture
46:06 that you covered, and you covered it beautifully.
46:09 But to move into mine I need to do that.
46:11 I'm covering Thursday and that's,
46:14 The Salvation of Sinners.
46:16 And what does God desire?
46:18 What is God's number one desire?
46:20 That would be 1 Timothy 2:3-4, and I believe we've
46:24 quoted it many times.
46:25 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;
46:30 who desires... How many men? all.
46:33 ...all men to be saved, and to come to the
46:36 knowledge of the truth.
46:38 All that God does is redemptive.
46:40 And I think I've heard this several times
46:43 here already today.
46:44 God is always redemptive.
46:46 His ultimate goal is to redeem not just some of mankind,
46:51 but all of mankind.
46:53 In our personal lives even those things that seem destructive
46:58 or painful are designed to draw us closer to our Lord and
47:03 Savior Jesus Christ.
47:06 Whom the Lord loves He does what? He chastens.
47:10 And so we want to be loved of the Lord, and we want those
47:14 things that are impure in us to be brought to the surface
47:18 so that they can be removed from our lives.
47:20 And that is God's purpose, to redeem mankind.
47:24 Although Paul was called to be the Apostle to the Gentiles,
47:28 his love for his own people wasn't lessened by his mission.
47:33 He defines himself as a Pharisee of the Pharisees.
47:37 Our memory verse today redefines the fact of how much
47:41 God loved His people.
47:42 All he had ever known was Judaism.
47:45 We have mentioned that many times.
47:48 And he had a deep and abiding love for God and for his people.
47:52 He also had been knocked down on the Road of Damascus,
47:57 and had a close encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ,
48:01 and made Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior.
48:07 He had accepted Jesus Christ as the coming Messiah,
48:12 the Messiah that he had been taught about all his life.
48:17 Now his heart's desire, his heart's cry was for his people,
48:23 for the Jewish people to come to know that Savior.
48:27 God called him. His mission was to the Gentiles, but that didn't
48:31 lessen his mission to those that he loved; the Jewish people.
48:35 He loved his people, but, you know, he was very
48:39 honest about his people.
48:41 And the Scripture that Pastor C. A. covered, Romans 11:25-27,
48:49 Paul says in this: that blindness in part had happened
48:54 to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come.
48:59 He defined them. He acknowledged
49:03 that they were blind.
49:04 What were they blinded to?
49:06 Did they know the law forwards and backwards? Yes, they did.
49:09 What they were blinded to was the coming Messiah.
49:13 And when He came then they didn't know to accept Him.
49:16 And I loved what Shelley said.
49:18 The reason the Gentiles are grafted in,
49:23 it said to make them jealous.
49:25 But that's not our understanding of the word jealousy.
49:29 isn't the accurate defining.
49:31 It was to provoke Israel to return to God.
49:37 See, everything God does is redemptive.
49:41 It may look on the surface, or on the face of it sometimes
49:45 that God is doing something that is unlovely.
49:48 But, Oh, as Jill made so clear, everything God does is
49:53 motivated by pure love. His is pure love.
49:57 Now Paul was quoting from Isaiah, Chapter 59.
50:00 And I wanted to go over that.
50:02 Isaiah, Chapter 59.
50:04 We're going to look in Verses 1 and 2.
50:07 The Scripture says: Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened,...
50:11 Remember, I'm talking about the salvation of sinners.
50:15 Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save;
50:19 nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities
50:25 have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden
50:30 His face from you, so He will not hear.
50:32 See Isaiah loved his people as well, but he's giving his
50:38 people, the nation of Israel, a message from God.
50:42 And you know what? God was very honest with
50:45 the nation of Israel.
50:47 Isaiah is being very honest, just as Paul was very honest.
50:50 He's calling sin the color that sin is.
50:54 Now just as Isaiah is rebuking Israel, have you found in the
51:02 word of God that every time there is a rebuke it's going
51:06 to be followed with a promise.
51:07 And so he promises here in Isaiah 59:19-20: So shall they
51:14 fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from
51:17 the rising of the sun.
51:18 When the enemy comes in like a flood,... What does God do?
51:22 ...the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against them.
51:25 The Redeemer... Now here is what Paul was quoting.
51:28 The Redeemer will come to Zion, and to those who turn from
51:33 transgression in Jacob, says the Lord.
51:36 But what do they have to do?
51:38 They have to turn from their transgression.
51:41 Now Paul continues in Romans 11:28-36: And this is to the
51:49 unbelieving Jewish people who will not accept Jesus Christ.
51:55 Paul is telling the Gentiles: Concerning the gospel,
51:59 they are enemies for your sake: but concerning the election,
52:04 they are beloved for the sake of the fathers.
52:06 That grafting in. Shelley covered that so beautifully.
52:10 Do you know we are Gentiles?
52:11 How many of you are Gentiles?
52:13 We are grafted in!
52:16 Thank God for that grafting in!
52:18 For the gifts and callings of God...
52:20 Don't you love this?
52:21 The gifts and callings of God are irrevocable.
52:25 God doesn't make you a promise, doesn't make a covenant
52:29 with you, and then break that covenant.
52:31 We break covenant. God has never broken a covenant.
52:35 God will never break a covenant.
52:37 Men break covenants.
52:38 Go on, Verse 30: For as you were once disobedient to God,...
52:42 Now he's talking to us.
52:44 You know, Pastor Lomacang, you said initially that you felt
52:47 like this was covering legalism.
52:49 I think my lesson that I'm looking at is covering us,
52:55 we Gentiles, getting a higher opinion of
52:58 ourselves than we ought.
52:59 It also covers racism.
53:02 Do you know it's not by race, it's by grace? Amen!
53:06 No longer can your race... You say, I am of
53:09 this race or that race.
53:10 Not by race honey, it's by grace.
53:12 For as you were once disobedient to God,... You Gentiles.
53:16 ...you have now obtained mercy through their disobedience:
53:20 Even so these also have now been disobedient,
53:25 that through the mercy shown you,
53:29 they also may receive mercy.
53:31 See, Oh this makes it so clear.
53:33 God wants to show His grace and His mercy not just to one group
53:38 of people, but to everybody.
53:40 For God has committed them all to disobedience,
53:43 that He may have mercy on all.
53:46 O the depths and riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
53:49 how unsearchable are His judgments,
53:52 and His ways past finding out.
53:54 For who has known the mind of the Lord?
53:57 or who has become His counselor?
54:00 Or who has first given to Him, and it shall be repaid to him?
54:05 For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things:
54:08 to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
54:13 Remember, God is always redemptive.
54:15 When we Gentiles realize the mercy that has been given us,
54:21 we're the wild olive branches that God has had mercy on,
54:25 then surely that should prompt us, motivate us to
54:29 have mercy on others.
54:31 As imitators of Christ, we must not draw a distinction
54:37 between precious souls.
54:38 No matter the nationality, the race,...
54:42 See if this touches you in any way.
54:46 ...the color of skin, is there any distinction drawn in your
54:52 heart just by what you see concerning a person?
54:57 There's not in the eyes of God.
54:59 Race, color of skin, financial status, caste, or political
55:06 persuasion, we, all we see, and all God sees,
55:12 poor souls in need of a Savior.
55:14 Just like we received redemption by the mercy of God, the foot at
55:20 the cross is what? it's level.
55:23 Whosoever will is welcome.
55:26 Joel 2:32, and then I'm through, Pastor Lomocang.
55:29 And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of
55:35 the Lord... Say it with me... shall be saved.
55:39 Wow, Wow! You know, this lesson is just... This whole study on
55:43 Romans has been, not only a journey for us, but it has been
55:47 a deepening of our journey.
55:49 You know, it's like a new coat of paint.
55:51 You cannot walk through the book of Romans without
55:53 being affected by it.
55:55 But thank you, each one of you.
55:56 And if I summarize what you said: Sunday I said avoid
55:59 legalism at all costs.
56:01 Monday, grace is not works, works is not grace.
56:04 I love the way you pointed that out.
56:05 And, Shelley, the Lord has not restricted salvation.
56:09 That's a beautiful thing.
56:11 That's the words I pulled from that.
56:12 Pastor C. A. began with the phrase, So what?
56:14 Salvation is not unconditional.
56:17 So what, salvation?
56:19 And so what do we do with this?
56:20 Now that we have all of this, what do we do with it?
56:22 And then Thursday. I brought a couple of things.
56:24 But Mollie, God is always... God's work is always redemptive.
56:28 Not by race, but by grace.
56:30 A new cliche. You always come up with these wonderful things.
56:32 And we don't have a ton of time.
56:33 We have about a minute here.
56:35 But one thing we didn't point out was the phrase in this whole
56:37 study: Christ is the end of the law.
56:39 I think this is so important, because people think that that
56:42 means that the law ended.
56:43 But it simply meant the goal and the purpose of the law
56:46 is to lead us to Christ.
56:47 And, you know, normally we would go ahead and summarize.
56:51 But, Jill, what would you say to those who are listening to
56:54 this program today?
56:55 You've got ten seconds, if so much.
56:56 2 Peter 3. The Lord is not willing that any should perish,
57:01 but that all should come to repentance.
57:03 Choose to accept Jesus.
57:04 Shelley. Amen, I would just say that Praise God for grace,
57:09 Praise God for the Old Testament Scriptures
57:12 that we may know our roots.
57:14 Pastor C. A., five seconds.
57:15 Amen. The grace of God who brings salvation has
57:17 appear unto all men. Amen.
57:19 Mollie. Praise God that it's appeared to all men!
57:21 That's right friends.
57:23 You could see that grace is in fact the foundation,
57:26 through faith in Jesus Christ.
57:28 May you know the God of Paul that wants to be your God also.
57:32 God bless you till we see you again.


Revised 2023-03-27