3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 10: Children of the Promise

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000049A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:04 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:08 It says, "To receive with meekness,
00:10 the implanted Word,
00:12 which is able to save your souls
00:14 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of Truth."
00:21 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is, Salvation by Faith Alone,
00:30 the Book of Romans.
00:33 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 We are so excited
00:38 to be having the opportunity to present this lesson,
00:42 Salvation by Faith Alone in the Book of Romans.
00:46 And we're glad that you are joining us.
00:49 We hope you have your Bible, we hope you have pen and pad.
00:51 And if you don't have the Sabbath School quarterly
00:55 and you would like to follow along,
00:57 you can go online
00:58 to ABSG.Adventist.org
01:05 and download the lesson.
01:07 That should be on your screen, but please do join with us
01:11 because this is going to be a great study.
01:13 We have...
01:15 Let me just introduce the panel that we have here today.
01:19 It has been such a joy to work with each one of you,
01:22 Pastor CA Murray, Mollie Steenson, Jill Morikone
01:26 and my own pastor John Lomacang.
01:29 Hasn't it been a joy just to get...
01:32 I think we've all been learning
01:34 as we've been going through this.
01:35 It's not just our own study but everybody brings something
01:38 just as you say that put them a bean in the pot
01:42 and we've been feasting on this pot, have we not?
01:45 Indeed yeah. Amen.
01:46 Well, we are going to look this Sabbath at Romans 9.
01:52 And the title of the lesson is 'Children of the Promise'.
01:56 Before we begin,
01:58 I would very much like it
01:59 if Mollie Steenson, if you could say a prayer
02:02 for God's anointing and His presence.
02:05 Yes, Holy God, praise You
02:07 and thank You for Your presence here, Father.
02:09 Lord, we just bring ourself...
02:10 We just present our hearts to you, O God,
02:13 and ask You Lord,
02:14 that you would look into our hearts and Lord,
02:16 if there be anything unlovely and unlike,
02:19 You just root it out is our prayer in Jesus' name,
02:21 Father, that we can stand before Your people
02:24 with clean hands and a pure heart.
02:25 Now, Father, we ask for a coal from the altar
02:28 to be placed on our lips,
02:30 the words we speak today will be anointed of you
02:34 and bring hope and deliverance to everyone that hears.
02:38 That's our prayer, in Jesus' name.
02:40 Amen. Amen.
02:42 Well, I want to kind of hurry things along
02:44 because I want to spend a little time
02:46 in Sunday's lesson.
02:47 And let's look at our memory verse
02:51 and say that together,
02:52 and people sometimes get so upset by this verse.
02:56 I want to take time to look it over.
02:58 This is Romans 9:18 from the King James Version
03:02 and saying this together,
03:03 "Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy,
03:09 and whom he will he hardeneth."
03:12 Let me read that to you from me the Amplified.
03:14 It says, "So then, He," speaking of God,
03:16 "Has mercy on whomever He wills,
03:18 whomever He chooses
03:20 and He hardens or makes stubborn
03:23 and unyielding the heart of whomever He wills."
03:26 Now, to understand properly the character of God,
03:29 we've got to understand this scripture,
03:31 and to understand the scripture
03:32 you have to understand the character of God.
03:36 Paul uses Pharaoh, and that's the example that I want to use.
03:39 He has used the example of Pharaoh.
03:41 But I want to say this,
03:43 God's mercy is not based on anything
03:45 that God sees in a person.
03:47 It's not based on your worth or your...
03:51 He is not judging you the value that you have.
03:55 God wants all men to be saved, that is His heart of love.
04:00 But His purpose in election
04:03 also does not depend on a man's desire or effort
04:09 but He chooses on the basis of His purpose.
04:13 So when it says
04:15 that, "He hardens whom He will harden."
04:18 In Exodus, the Bible portrays that Pharaoh hardened his heart
04:24 against God repeatedly,
04:25 but it also says that God hardened Pharaoh's heart.
04:30 And what you'll find that, in the Bible,
04:33 God is often presented as doing something
04:36 or doing something that He did not prevent from happening.
04:39 So they'll say, "Well, He did it
04:41 because He didn't prevent it."
04:43 What happened with Pharaoh?
04:44 He repeatedly was in stubborn rebellion
04:49 and God just gave him over to a hardened heart.
04:54 That's the flip side of mercy, is the hardening of the heart.
04:57 He just allowed justice to run its full course
05:03 and let Pharaoh have what he had deserved.
05:06 See, God had purposed
05:08 that He was gonna show His power through Pharaoh
05:11 but the way He showed His power
05:12 would depend upon Pharaoh's choice,
05:15 because when you think about the king of Nineveh,
05:17 when God sent Jonah to Nineveh, what happened?
05:20 He's saying, "Okay, I'm gonna destroy you,"
05:23 but when he went and preached, what happened?
05:26 The king of Nineveh repented.
05:28 He brought his whole nation into repentance.
05:30 That's right. And God relented.
05:32 So I think that that was very important
05:33 for us to understand that,
05:35 had Pharaoh submitted to God's will,
05:38 God's name would have been magnified through the world
05:41 but He didn't.
05:43 So God's name was magnified
05:44 through the judgments on Pharaoh.
05:46 So let's look at Sunday, and this is Paul's burden.
05:52 Sunday's lesson begins
05:54 with one of my favorite scripture passages
05:56 from Exodus 19:4-6.
06:00 God is speaking to the children of Israel.
06:04 He is yet to speak the Ten Commandments to them
06:07 or appear on the mountain
06:11 but He tells Moses,
06:12 "Tell the children of Israel this.
06:14 You have seen what I did to the Egyptians,
06:16 how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you to myself."
06:21 That's covenant love language.
06:24 God is saying, "I love you so much
06:26 that I bore you on wings,
06:30 an eagle's wings to bring you to myself.
06:32 And I destroyed the Egyptians for you.
06:35 Now therefore because of my covenant love for you,
06:39 if you will indeed obey my voice
06:41 and keep my covenant,
06:42 then you should be a special treasure to me
06:45 above all the people for all of the earth is mine
06:48 and you shall be to me a kingdom of priest
06:50 and a holy nation."
06:52 These are the words He says to Moses
06:54 that you are to go tell the children of Israel.
06:57 When God chose Abraham,
07:00 He said, his descendants would be missionaries for Him
07:05 to the whole world.
07:06 He said the whole world will be blessed,
07:09 His covenant people were to be the seed of Abraham
07:14 or to be a blessing to the people of the earth.
07:18 They were to reveal the character of God
07:21 and take His truths to a pagan world.
07:25 So His election of Israel as a covenant people,
07:30 a royal priesthood was not based on the size of Israel,
07:34 it was not based on any merit that Israel had
07:39 but rather that it was based
07:42 on the purpose of fulfilling His plan of salvation.
07:47 So now, the lesson asks us, what...
07:52 How is God's faithfulness portrayed in Romans 9:1-12?
07:58 "Amid human failures".
08:00 Because what's happening here, Paul's about to...
08:04 He's preparing to announce to the Jews,
08:07 the rejection of Israel as God's people
08:10 that are going to carry out His covenant purposes.
08:13 Now the Jews believed,
08:15 I mean, they thought they were it.
08:17 They believed that
08:19 because they were the physical descendants of Abraham,
08:22 that they were in.
08:25 They were in with God so tight, it didn't matter.
08:28 Did you know that the priest taught
08:31 that anybody who was uncircumcised
08:33 would not go to...
08:35 I mean, anybody who was circumcised
08:37 would not go to hell?
08:38 The priest...
08:40 It didn't matter how they lived their life,
08:42 what their character was like.
08:44 So Paul's going to announce that,
08:47 "Hey, the physical nation of Israel
08:52 is not going to be the one,"
08:53 there's going to be a special remnant
08:55 but he knew that the Jews would vehemently reject this idea.
08:59 So now he is kind of softening the blow with this approach.
09:03 Let's read Romans 9:1-12.
09:06 He says, "I tell the truth in Christ,
09:08 I am not lying,
09:09 my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit,
09:13 that I have great sorrow
09:15 and continued grief in my heart,
09:17 all for I wish that I myself were cursed from Christ
09:21 for my brethren and my countrymen
09:23 according to the flesh."
09:24 That reminds me of Moses, when Moses told God,
09:28 "Blot me from your book of life."
09:31 I mean, what love Paul had for his country men
09:34 to say that he wished he could be cursed
09:37 from Christ on their behalf.
09:39 He says, "Those who are Israelites
09:42 to whom pertain the adoption,
09:43 the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law,
09:46 the service of God,
09:47 and the promises of whom are the fathers
09:49 and from whom according to the flesh Christ came,
09:53 who is over all the eternally blessed God."
09:57 Amen.
09:58 But it is not the Word of God that has taken no effect
10:02 and he knows that they're thinking it,
10:05 he tells them, "Hey, physical Israel, isn't it?"
10:09 They're gonna think, "Hey, you're setting the Word of God
10:11 had no effect."
10:12 He said, "Because they are not all of Israel
10:16 who are of Israel."
10:18 And verse 7 he says, "Nor are they all children
10:22 because they are the seed of Abraham
10:26 but in Isaac your seed shall be called."
10:30 We know that Abraham had a son through Sarah,
10:35 the son of promise was Isaac.
10:37 He had a son through Hagar, Ishmael.
10:39 And then he had sons through Keturah, no matter...
10:41 I don't know how many sons Abraham had.
10:44 But he had many sons.
10:46 But it was only in Isaac,
10:48 the child of promise that his seed would be called.
10:51 So Paul's beginning to reason this out now.
10:55 He's saying, God didn't choose all of Abraham's seed.
10:59 He only chose the child of promise
11:02 to carry out this covenant
11:04 and Abraham's seed
11:06 Isaac was of supernatural birth.
11:09 He's like a type of Christian, if you will,
11:12 because we're children of the promise, are we not?
11:15 That's what Paul tells the Galatians in 4:28,
11:18 "We're children of the promise."
11:20 But only those who received
11:22 and accepted God's promise to Abraham
11:25 through the seed of Jesus Christ
11:29 were the true children of Abraham
11:31 and heirs according to the promise.
11:34 So now, it wasn't their heritage
11:35 or their ancestry,
11:37 it depended on something other than fleshly descent.
11:40 So he goes on in verse 9 and he says,
11:42 "For this is the word of promise,
11:44 at this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son,
11:48 and not only this
11:49 but when Rebecca also had been conceived by one man,
11:52 even by our father Isaac
11:54 for the children not yet been born,
11:56 nor having done any good or evil
11:58 that the purpose of God
12:00 according to election might stand,
12:03 not of works but of Him who calls,"
12:05 saying, "It's up to God, election."
12:07 His purpose in election,
12:09 CA, it doesn't matter how good you are
12:10 if God didn't elect you to be a pastor,
12:12 you wouldn't have been one.
12:14 So he said, it was said to her, to Rebecca,
12:19 the older which was Jacob, excuse me,
12:26 Esau was born first,
12:28 the older shall serve the younger.
12:30 So God chose Esau, over to...
12:34 or chose Jacob over Esau.
12:36 I'll get it right here.
12:37 So what He's doing here,
12:39 see, it wasn't even all the seed of Isaac
12:41 that was chosen.
12:43 It was through Jacob that this election
12:47 and His purpose was to be carried out.
12:49 And all Paul is doing is establishing God's salvation,
12:55 His election flows along spiritual lines of faith,
12:59 not because of their physical ancestry.
13:04 So what does the Bible say?
13:07 Paul says, "We must be led by the Spirit of God
13:10 to be sons of God,
13:11 the covenant promises come through faith."
13:14 And I just want to say this
13:15 while I'm thinking of it because I'm rushing so much.
13:18 It is not...
13:21 Because your parents are Christians,
13:24 that doesn't make you a Christian.
13:27 You may be a third Adventist generation,
13:29 that doesn't make you an Adventist Christian.
13:32 It is only those who have personally embraced
13:36 the seed of the promise Jesus Christ.
13:39 So Paul is showing that from the plan, God's...
13:45 From the beginning God's plan through Abraham
13:49 was that there would be a spiritual seed.
13:51 There's going to be a remnant to carry on
13:56 because the children of the promise
13:58 are those who believe
14:01 the promise is given to the God of Abraham...
14:04 Are in the God of Abraham
14:06 and that their faith is imputed as righteousness to them
14:11 just as God imputed righteousness to Abraham.
14:14 That's right.
14:16 I don't know if it was well said,
14:17 it was a little bit jumbled but the points were in there.
14:21 You know, I appreciate
14:23 and I want to build a little pontoon
14:24 between where you started because...
14:29 There are certain nuggets in Romans
14:31 that are right on the surface.
14:33 You can pick them up fairly easily
14:34 and understand them, then you get to the point,
14:37 we've got to dig a little deeper to get the truth.
14:39 That's right.
14:40 Over the last couple of lessons,
14:42 we were at that point
14:43 where it's not sitting on the surface,
14:45 you got to dig a little deeper.
14:46 And you've got a little...
14:47 You must have an understanding of the cultural milieu
14:52 to try to get at this
14:54 because there are certain things
14:55 that are almost code language
14:57 that certainly his audience understood
15:00 but we may not
15:01 unless we are digging a little bit deeper.
15:02 Number one, looking at these texts,
15:07 you may think that we serve a capricious God
15:10 who is kind of, not only capricious
15:12 but little mean.
15:14 I take you, I reject you.
15:17 And you can come away with that idea,
15:20 a couple things we need to re-establish.
15:23 One, he that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love.
15:27 And that's not some time, that's all the time.
15:30 That's what He is, not just what He does,
15:32 that's what He is.
15:34 And then Malachi 3:6, "I don't change."
15:37 So you've got to kind of put those both together
15:40 in your understanding of where we're going with this.
15:42 Yes, exactly.
15:44 That He's not capricious and He does not change.
15:47 So if He loved yesterday, He's going to love today.
15:51 If He loves Shelley, He loves Mollie,
15:54 He loves Jill, He loves Pastor Lomacang.
15:56 I almost called him Lomie, Pastor Lomacang.
15:58 That's okay.
15:59 So He loves all the time.
16:02 He loves everyone,
16:03 there is no one who is outside of the realm
16:05 or the purview of that love.
16:07 Now, given that understanding, let's read the next two texts.
16:10 I'm in Romans 9,
16:13 dealing with the subject 'Elected'.
16:15 This is Monday.
16:16 Romans 9, I start at verse 12.
16:18 Romans 9:12.
16:21 "It was said to her,
16:23 the older shall serve the younger
16:25 as it is written Jacob I have loved
16:27 but Esau I have hated."
16:33 Yeah, let's stop there.
16:34 Let's stop there.
16:35 Lest I lip over into Miss Steenson's area.
16:40 The lesson takes pains to note.
16:42 And we should understand
16:44 that we're not talking about salvation.
16:48 I accept you to be saved, I reject you to be saved.
16:53 And, Shelley, you did this well.
16:54 I think you made this point very clear.
16:56 We're talking about being elected
16:59 to fulfill a specific purpose.
17:02 Because one is called to fulfill that purpose,
17:05 it doesn't mean that the other one
17:07 who is not called has no business with God
17:10 or God has no use for them.
17:12 They're just not called for that specific purpose.
17:17 We believe that the call to ministry is a call from God.
17:22 Everyone is not called to be a minister.
17:25 There are some who...
17:26 A pulpit minister, a pastor should I say,
17:29 because there are doctors who minister,
17:31 there are lawyers who minister,
17:32 there are teachers who minister.
17:34 Adventist teachers and Adventist classrooms
17:36 and Adventist schools
17:38 are ministers of the highest order.
17:39 They are not called to be pastors
17:41 but they are called to minister.
17:42 In fact, their life is ministry.
17:44 And we have great ones here at our Thompsonville School.
17:47 So because one is not accepted for position A,
17:52 does not mean they are rejected totally by God.
17:55 God has something else for them to do,
17:57 more in line with their talents.
17:58 So when we look at, "I have accepted Jacob and Esau,
18:03 I have hated."
18:04 We must look at it through that lens.
18:07 In accepting one and rejecting the other,
18:11 let's just take a look at the words,
18:12 the language that are used.
18:14 Yes, please.
18:15 Because it will help us to know
18:16 and understand what we're talking about.
18:18 "I have loved one," of course that is agape.
18:20 It's not an emotional attachment,
18:22 it is not setting on a erotic attachment.
18:24 It is love at the level of principle.
18:27 It is love in a moral sense, "I have loved this one,
18:33 I'm going to use this one to do this for me."
18:36 Hated is miseo,
18:39 which is an interesting kind of word.
18:41 It has a lot of nuance to it.
18:43 It doesn't...
18:44 It can be translated hated
18:45 and the Bible translates it hated
18:48 in some of its translations.
18:52 But there are other translations that say,
18:56 I've loved less or I've loved differently.
19:00 Or I have the word rejected is there.
19:04 But it seems, it simply means,
19:06 it's like trying to put a round peg in a square hole
19:09 or a square peg in a round hole.
19:11 They're not suited for this particular thing.
19:14 So rather than what we would call hate,
19:17 it's more than that you are not suited
19:20 to do a particular task.
19:22 Shelley is more suited for that task.
19:24 Mollie has another task that she should do.
19:27 So it's using one for this purpose
19:30 and not using one for another purpose.
19:32 And you touched on something that I think is very important.
19:34 In the Semitic mind what God allows,
19:39 He is actively spoken of as doing.
19:42 So if He allows a heart to be hardened,
19:45 it will be written as, "He hardened his heart,"
19:47 but you see, we've got to understand
19:50 God only has one way of doing things.
19:53 He loves and everything is done through love.
19:56 And if love hardens your heart, what else can God do?
20:01 Because He cannot change the way He functions.
20:04 He just loves.
20:05 And if you don't want to be loved
20:08 or if love chafes you,
20:09 or if love hardens you,
20:11 He has no other mechanism because that's all God has.
20:15 Now Satan has a hundred mechanisms.
20:17 He can coerce, he can force, he can lie on,
20:20 he can do all kinds of things.
20:21 The only arrow God has in His quiver is love
20:25 and He cannot change that
20:27 because that's the way He is.
20:29 So if love hardens you, well, then you're gonna be hard
20:32 because He cannot change what He does.
20:34 He cannot change who He is.
20:35 He can no more be unfaithful to Himself
20:38 than a leopard can change his own spots
20:40 or an Ethiopian his skin.
20:42 That's what God does.
20:44 And so the New Living Bible says,
20:49 "I have rejected him,"
20:51 but it also says, "I have another purpose for him
20:55 in the margin, I have another purpose."
20:57 So that rejection is not an outright rejection,
21:00 it is another purpose.
21:04 The lesson says, "He is here speaking of particular roles
21:08 that God is calling upon certain individuals to play."
21:12 So it's the role and function that God has given you.
21:16 Just a couple of texts, 2 Peter 2:3-9,
21:19 we know God is not willing that any should perish.
21:22 And we need to reemphasize these oft times
21:25 because you may think
21:27 in a light reading that God is rejecting people.
21:30 And of course, we talked about this
21:32 in last week's lessons, John 3:16-17.
21:37 "For God came not into the world to condemn the world
21:40 but that the world through Him might be saved."
21:43 So God is not trying to keep you out,
21:46 He is looking for reasons to get you in.
21:48 And He wants you to be saved.
21:50 So in this rejection, we're not talking about,
21:54 and this is important,
21:55 we're not talking about individual salvation.
21:57 And this is where many stumble.
22:00 They're thinking, "Well, He's rejecting that person.
22:02 That's not fair, that's not God."
22:04 No, it is not God.
22:05 He's talking about fitting you into a particular position
22:10 for a particular function.
22:12 And for other people
22:13 He has other kinds of functions.
22:15 I'm gonna read a couple things from the lesson
22:16 and then I'll be done.
22:17 Again, Paul is not speaking of individual salvation,
22:20 lesson says it two or three times
22:22 because in that area God extends mercy to all
22:25 and we can praise the Lord for that.
22:29 "It is His will that all men be saved,"
22:32 1 Timothy 2:4.
22:34 "The grace of God, that bring us salvation has appeared,"
22:36 praise God, "On to all men".
22:39 So we all have that's Titus 2:11.
22:41 "But God can choose nations to play roles.
22:44 He can choose people to play roles.
22:47 They can refuse to play those roles
22:49 but they cannot prevent God's choice."
22:52 Now, He can put His hand on you, Shelley,
22:54 and you say and say, "I want you to do this for Me."
22:56 And you can say, "I'm not doing it."
23:00 You can choose to reject the call
23:02 but you cannot change the fact that God called you.
23:06 Yes. You know, He makes the call.
23:08 You can say, "I don't want that call."
23:10 But He did call you, that does not change.
23:13 Now, Israel was called.
23:15 And after nearly a millennia, they never fulfilled that call,
23:20 they never did actually get it right.
23:22 But the fact is they were called
23:25 and God called them and He wanted to use them
23:27 and as they allowed Him, He did use them.
23:31 There were times when they actually get it right
23:33 for short periods of time,
23:35 but ultimately they didn't get it right.
23:37 And when of course, the Messiah came,
23:39 the ultimate rejection came in the killing of the Messiah.
23:44 So we need to understand
23:46 that God does not call one
23:52 or reject one unto salvation
23:55 but He does call people
23:57 and use people for particular times.
24:00 Oh, 3ABN.
24:02 Danny was looking for someone to lead.
24:04 There are... What?
24:05 Four Shelton brothers and one sister.
24:08 So it wasn't Ronnie, it wasn't Kenny...
24:11 Tommy. It wasn't Tommy, wasn't Tammy.
24:14 He called Danny.
24:15 Now does that mean that He rejected Kenny?
24:17 No, Kenny is a preacher.
24:19 Did He reject Ronnie? No, Ronnie is a preacher.
24:22 Did He reject Tammy? No, Tammy works here.
24:25 But Danny got the call to lead 3ABN.
24:29 So everybody's getting used
24:31 but He had a particular function for Danny
24:34 and Danny, praise God, has filled that function
24:37 these, almost 33 years.
24:39 That's the call. Amen.
24:40 And that's what God wants to do for each of us
24:42 to give us something to do.
24:43 You know, Ellen White says this and then I'm done, or I'm over.
24:46 "No more surely is there a place in heaven for you
24:50 than there is a particular role and function
24:52 that God wants all of those people to fulfill
24:54 down here on earth."
24:55 He's got something for everybody.
24:57 Amen. Amen.
24:58 Every one of us have a purpose and a function.
25:00 Amen. Amen.
25:01 Everybody has a part to play
25:03 and if we'll all play our parts,
25:04 then the whole gets accomplished
25:07 through what God's called you to do.
25:08 Well, on Tuesday, I look at Mysteries.
25:13 There are just mysteries in the Word of God.
25:16 Things like they have been talking about,
25:17 Shelley and Pastor CA talked about that make you go, "What?
25:21 God said that?"
25:22 Well, let's look at Isaiah 55:8-9.
25:27 This is what the scripture says, it's talking about God.
25:30 Now, this is God talking,
25:32 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts
25:35 nor are your ways my ways," says the Lord,
25:39 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
25:42 so are my ways higher than your ways
25:45 and my thoughts than your thoughts."
25:48 Now, we don't know His ways and we can't know His thoughts
25:52 but there is something we can know about God,
25:55 that's His character.
25:58 He is always, always totally faithful
26:03 and totally trustworthy.
26:07 But we do find instances in the Bible
26:11 that we don't understand.
26:13 On the face of it, it may look like God isn't being faithful
26:17 and He isn't being trustworthy.
26:19 And we're going to look at one of the incidences.
26:22 And Shelley covered it beautifully
26:25 but let's look at where, I'm in Romans 9,
26:29 that's what we're teaching from.
26:30 I'm going to look at verses 17-24
26:33 but let's look at verse 17 now.
26:36 Verse 17, "For the scripture say to the pharaoh,
26:41 for this very purpose, I have raised you up
26:44 that I may show my power in you,
26:48 and that my name may be declared in all the earth."
26:53 Now Paul is talking about Exodus 9,
26:57 where God tells Pharaoh.
27:00 First He pronounces plagues on Egypt
27:05 unless Pharaoh will do something.
27:07 What is it that Pharaoh must do
27:09 so these plagues won't come on Egypt?
27:12 Let the people go.
27:13 Let my people go.
27:16 Verse 9 says, "But the heart," and this is Exodus 9.
27:20 Pardon me, Exodus 9:7.
27:23 It's the B part.
27:24 "But the heart of Pharaoh became hard
27:27 and he did not let the people go."
27:30 What was the result?
27:32 It was exactly what God said the results would be.
27:36 Those plagues came on Egypt,
27:39 and God said in Exodus 9:16.
27:43 "But indeed for this purpose,
27:46 I have raised you up that I may show my power in you
27:51 and that my name may be declared in all the earth."
27:55 Now Paul continues in Romans 9:18.
28:01 "Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills
28:06 and whom He wills He hardens."
28:09 Now that sounds like a difficult saying, doesn't it?
28:13 That's a mystery.
28:15 A mystery that we're looking at.
28:16 "You will say to me then,
28:18 why does He still find fault for who has resisted His will
28:24 but indeed oh man,
28:25 who are you to reply against God?"
28:28 That's a good question.
28:30 Will the thing formed say to Him who formed it.
28:33 Are you a formed thing?
28:34 Oh, yes.
28:35 We're like the clay, He's the potter.
28:37 "Why have you made me like this?"
28:40 Why I cannot be like Shelley?
28:42 Why I cannot be like Jill?
28:44 No, God made us just... Why I cannot be like Mollie?
28:46 God made us just like we are.
28:48 "Does not the potter have power over the clay
28:51 from the same lump to make one vessel for honor
28:54 and another for dishonor."
28:56 Verse 22.
28:58 "What if God wanting to show His wrath
29:01 and to make His power known endure
29:04 with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath
29:06 prepare for destruction
29:08 and that He might make known
29:09 the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercies."
29:13 See, God's got a master plan.
29:15 We don't know His thoughts and we don't know His ways
29:17 and we sure don't know His master plan
29:20 which He had prepared before hand for glory.
29:24 "Even us whom He called,
29:26 not of the Jews only but also with the gentiles."
29:29 Not just the Jews but hey, we gentiles too.
29:32 By dealing with Egypt at the time of the Exodus,
29:36 in the manner He did,
29:37 God was working for the salvation
29:40 of the human race.
29:42 And that's something we've got to know,
29:44 God always deals redemptively.
29:46 I've shared this so many times and you can say,
29:49 "Oh no, but look at what He did?"
29:52 The end result
29:55 is for the redemption of humanity.
29:57 God never deals punitively. It's always for redemption.
30:01 It's just like us with our children,
30:03 and I've got to be quick today.
30:05 With and I've used my son who happens to be
30:08 one of the camera operators here today.
30:10 So often there were times
30:11 he would do things that I told him not to do,
30:13 for instance put himself in a position
30:16 where he could get hurt.
30:17 Well, now I would tell him,
30:19 "Son, if you do this, I'm gonna have to correct you,
30:21 I'm gonna deal with you maybe in paddling
30:25 or what the end result would be."
30:28 Now, am I doing that
30:29 because I want to punish him, to hurt him?
30:32 No, I'm doing it to redeem him, to protect him.
30:35 So God always deals
30:37 with the ultimate goal of bringing people unto Him.
30:40 Oh, He wants everybody to be saved.
30:43 Now, let me go on.
30:46 "By dealing with Egypt in this way,
30:48 God was working at the salvation
30:49 of the human race.
30:51 God's revelation of Himself in the plagues of Egypt
30:53 and in the deliverance of His people
30:56 was designed to reveal to the Egyptians,
30:58 as well as to other nations
31:00 that the God of Israel indeed was the true God.
31:04 It was designed to be an invitation
31:07 for the people of the nations to abandon their gods,
31:11 and to worship Him."
31:13 You see, and something we've got to know, remember,
31:16 we know God's character, He always deals redemptively.
31:21 Jesus Christ died for Pharaoh just like He did Moses,
31:25 just like He did every one of us.
31:28 Pharaoh had already made his choice against God.
31:33 God gives us all free will.
31:35 His heart was hardened against God
31:37 and God wasn't cutting him off from salvation,
31:40 God wants everyone to be saved.
31:44 Christ blood was for the whole world,
31:47 for God so loved the world,
31:49 not just one individual or individuals.
31:53 The point that is being made
31:55 is that we are a fallen human beings.
31:59 We're all fallen human beings
32:02 with a very narrow view of the world
32:07 and how God works.
32:09 Let me ask you this question.
32:12 Is the world flat or is the world round?
32:16 Now, for how many years, how many centuries,
32:19 how many thousands of years
32:21 did people believe that the world was flat?
32:24 Was that the truth? No.
32:26 We have a narrow view,
32:28 we don't view everything correctly.
32:31 Just our quarterly tells us this,
32:34 just a 171 years ago,
32:38 doctors learned that it might be a good idea
32:43 to wash their hands before performing surgery.
32:47 Do you know there were many that kicked against that.
32:51 When talking about germs or explaining that germs
32:55 could be passed from one patient to another,
32:57 they didn't think anything
32:59 that small could harm another person
33:02 or could be harmful to us, or germs harmful.
33:05 Just a 171 years ago,
33:08 the surgeon started washing their hands.
33:10 Did it save a multitude of lives?
33:12 Yes.
33:13 The human race still has much to learn.
33:17 As smart as we think we are, we've still got much to learn.
33:20 But one thing we do know is that
33:24 we don't understand God's ways
33:27 but we know His character, and we can trust Him.
33:32 That's right.
33:33 The Pharisees couldn't stand Him,
33:36 but they found they couldn't stop Him.
33:38 It's good.
33:40 Pilot couldn't fault Him, Herod couldn't kill Him,
33:44 death couldn't conquer Him,
33:46 and the grave couldn't hold Him.
33:48 He is the Alpha and Omega, He's the first and the last,
33:53 He's the God of the future and he's the God of the past.
33:57 We know His character,
33:58 He is for us and if God be for us,
34:02 who can be against us.
34:03 We know His character, and we can trust Him.
34:08 Amen. Amen.
34:10 Beautifully done, Mollie, thank you so much.
34:12 You know, sometimes as we read the Word of God,
34:15 and I have to say I've come to this.
34:17 And you think, "Now what is it exactly saying?
34:20 I know God is love,
34:21 but what does this passage really mean?"
34:23 So thank you so much each one of you
34:26 for unpacking and opening some of those mysteries
34:29 or deep things to understand.
34:31 I have Wednesday, army, my people.
34:34 We're looking at Romans 9:25-29,
34:38 and 25 and 26 actually quote from the Book of Hosea.
34:43 So what I want to do first
34:44 is to just set a little background.
34:46 We're gonna look at those verses in Hosea.
34:48 Then we'll jump and read it in Romans.
34:50 So if you have your Bibles, turn back to the Book of Hosea.
34:55 It's a minor prophet,
34:56 one of those difficult books to find.
34:58 It's right after the Book of Daniel.
35:00 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea.
35:04 Now, Hosea was a prophet to the kingdom of Israel,
35:07 the Northern Kingdom.
35:09 And he was a prophet from 750 to 722 BC,
35:14 till the time
35:16 when the Israelites were taken away, 722
35:20 is when the Northern Kingdom came to enact.
35:24 And they just passed out of history really,
35:26 they just completely passed out of history.
35:28 So he was a prophet right at those,
35:30 you could say closing years of the nation of Israel,
35:34 the Northern Kingdom.
35:35 And just appealing and calling to the people,
35:39 they worshipped idols,
35:40 they had forsaken God
35:41 and they had turned their own way.
35:44 And God called Hosea to do something,
35:46 that to be honest with you, I would not want to do.
35:50 We're all married here on this panel,
35:52 and I don't think any one of us
35:53 would want to do what God called Hosea to do.
35:56 That was we're in Hosea 1:2,
36:00 "When the Lord began to speak by Hosea,
36:03 the Lord said to Hosea,
36:04 'go, take yourself a wife of harlotry
36:09 and the children of harlotry,
36:11 for the land has committed a great harlotry
36:14 by departing from the Lord."
36:17 Take yourself a wife of harlotry,
36:18 literally it means unfaithfulness, fornication.
36:23 Figuratively, of course,
36:24 it's referring to the idolatry and the infidelity
36:30 that was taking place with the children of Israel
36:33 because they were had turned
36:34 from worshiping their Creator God,
36:36 the one true God.
36:37 And they were turned now to worshiping false gods.
36:41 So Hosea was called to take her,
36:43 and he went 1:3,
36:44 "And took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim,
36:47 and she conceived and bore him a son."
36:49 And she bore him three children,
36:51 two sons actually and a daughter.
36:53 But what we're looking at is the name
36:55 of the third son, that is in verse 9.
36:58 "Then God said call his name Lo-ammi,
37:02 for you are not my people,
37:06 and I will not be your God."
37:09 Literally, it means, Lo-ammi means not my people.
37:13 That's why Wednesday,
37:14 we're looking at Army which means my people.
37:17 But this literally means not my people.
37:20 The Book of Hosea is really about,
37:22 of course, you could say the beginning
37:23 about his love life.
37:25 But it's really an example of God's steadfast love.
37:29 If a person's love is temporary and fickle,
37:33 then unreturned love or rejection
37:35 doesn't really present any major problem.
37:38 Weak love simply finds another object
37:40 that it's gonna reach out to in love.
37:43 However when love is steadfast,
37:46 rejection and unfaithfulness cause unspeakable pain.
37:51 Amen.
37:52 Since love goes on
37:54 while the object no longer returns that love,
37:57 tremendous suffering results.
38:00 Israel's unfaithfulness caused unspeakable pain
38:05 to the heart of God.
38:07 Unspeakable anguish to his heart of steadfast love.
38:12 "You are not my people," he said.
38:16 And then we would jump
38:17 over Hosea and 2, the first part of Hosea 2.
38:23 Talks about the punishment,
38:25 Israel's going to get really what she deserves,
38:27 because she's been worshipping other gods,
38:29 other idols she has turned from God.
38:32 And there's many verbs of separation,
38:33 we won't read it.
38:35 It talks about take back, uncover, cause to cease,
38:41 destroy, punished.
38:43 Now those all sound like harsh words.
38:46 But then at verse 14 a significant shift occurs,
38:52 all of a sudden beyond all expectations.
38:57 God promises what they do not deserve.
39:01 That is verbs of healing.
39:03 "I will allure you, I will speak comfort to you,
39:07 I will give to you, I will betroth you,
39:12 I will have mercy."
39:15 And then we see the last verse of chapter 2:23
39:17 and this is what Paul is quoting
39:19 from in Hebrews 9.
39:21 "Then I will say to those who were not my people,
39:25 you are my people," there is our word army,
39:29 I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right.
39:30 "And they shall say you are my God".
39:33 So this is what Paul is quoting from, in Romans 9.
39:38 So let's go to Romans 9.
39:42 We get that picture of God's incredible love for His people
39:45 even when they turn their back, even when they rejected Him,
39:48 He said, "I will call you again,
39:50 you are my people."
39:53 Romans 9:25,
39:55 as he says also in Hosea which we just read.
39:58 "I will call them my people, who were not my people,
40:02 and her beloved who was not beloved."
40:06 And it shall come to pass in the place
40:08 where it was said to them, "You are not my people,
40:11 there they shall be called sons of the Living God."
40:17 That word for Sons, huios in the Greek adoption.
40:21 Sons by adoption or birth either one,
40:24 but it means that they will share
40:26 the nature of their father.
40:30 Now, who are the people,
40:32 and then we'll go to the next verse.
40:33 Who are the people? Who are God's people?
40:35 He says, "You are My people now."
40:37 Was he referring only to the Jewish nation?
40:39 No, because you just read verse 24, Mollie.
40:43 Go back a verse,
40:44 "Even us whom he called not of the Jews only,
40:49 but also of the gentiles."
40:51 So not just the Jewish people are called army,
40:55 My people, My sons.
40:58 Each one of us have the privilege and opportunity
41:01 to be excepted in Him.
41:04 Let's go on, verse 27.
41:07 Isaiah, now this is quoting from Isaiah.
41:09 "Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel
41:13 though the number of the children of Israel be
41:15 as the sand of the sea, the remnant shall be saved."
41:20 Now I know there are several different words
41:21 used for remnant.
41:23 This particular one, I can't pronounce it right,
41:26 hypo leipo
41:28 and it means to leave behind pass
41:31 and left surviving.
41:32 It's used twice in the New Testament.
41:34 Once here, once in Romans 11:3,
41:37 where Elijah, remember,
41:40 after the Mount Carmel experience
41:42 and then he fled from Jezebel
41:44 and he said to God, "I only I am left alone."
41:49 That's the same word that's used here.
41:51 "A remnant shall be saved."
41:54 Paul is saying, he had great sorrow of heart,
41:57 verse 2 you started with Shelley.
42:00 Romans 9:2,
42:02 "I have great sorrow
42:03 and continue a grief in my heart."
42:04 Why did he have sorrow? Why was there grief?
42:07 I think one of the reasons he had sorrow was
42:09 because God's people,
42:12 the Jewish people had turned away,
42:14 had rejected Jesus as the Messiah.
42:17 They had turned away from this gospel
42:20 that the Christians were trying to bring to them.
42:24 They had turned away from them.
42:26 So he had this sorrow of heart that they had turned away.
42:30 But the encouraging thing is the remnant will be saved.
42:32 We are called to take the gospel message to everyone,
42:36 to a lost and dying world.
42:38 It reminds me of Revelation 14.
42:40 I think we have time just to turn there.
42:42 Revelation 14:6,
42:45 the first of the three angels' messages.
42:48 Revelation 14:6, John's writing,
42:52 "I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
42:54 having the everlasting gospel to preach to those
42:57 who dwell on the earth."
42:58 And who does he preached to?
43:00 Who was called to be God's people,
43:03 to every nation, tribe,
43:05 tongue and people and then it continues on.
43:09 "Fear God and give glory to Him
43:10 for the hour of his judgment is come."
43:12 So the promise is that there will be a remnant.
43:15 There will be a group of people
43:18 who love the Lord Jesus with all their heart.
43:20 And that He can look at them and say,
43:22 "Army, you are My people.
43:25 You have not gone after other gods,
43:28 you have not turned away to idolatry,"
43:31 or to be honest
43:32 we all have turned away to idolatry,
43:33 "But you have repented.
43:35 You have turned back to me."
43:37 And now God looking down can say,
43:40 "You are My people."
43:41 Amen. Wow.
43:43 Pastor John. Thank you all.
43:44 I've been sitting here like a volcano on a very hot day
43:48 wondering well, I'm about to explode a bit.
43:50 Thank you.
43:51 This takes us now
43:52 to the single phrase stumbling, stumbling.
43:57 I want to begin in an odd place.
43:58 I want to go to John 4.
44:01 And I want to bring into the picture
44:03 that Paul has so aptly introduced.
44:07 I pointed in one of our prior studies we had,
44:09 I think a few weeks ago about the phrase husband,
44:14 your desire will be for your husband.
44:16 And then Paul introduced the very same thing,
44:19 woman who has a husband is bound by the law
44:21 to her husband as long as he lives.
44:23 But I want to show you, I want to show you
44:24 that getting to Christ is sometimes a journey,
44:29 it's not an instant jump
44:31 from super sinner to super saint.
44:34 And I want to illustrate this in John 4:16-18.
44:37 Remember, the Samaritan woman at the well
44:39 when Jesus went to visit with her.
44:41 He sent away His disciples because they had this issue
44:43 with Samaritans,
44:45 they had not yet gotten over their prejudices.
44:48 They had issues, they called those who were not Jews, dogs.
44:51 They throw the children's food to the swine.
44:54 They had issues.
44:55 So the Lord had to clear
44:56 the table to get access to a woman,
44:58 who the disciples would have scorned
45:00 had they been there in this transaction.
45:03 But Jesus bringing the issue to her
45:06 knowing that he is the water of life,
45:08 she said, "You have nothing to draw with in,"
45:09 we know the whole story,
45:11 if she knew who He was then she had just said,
45:13 "Lord, give me this living water,"
45:14 and she eventually did.
45:16 But when she asked for the living water,
45:17 He said something that was very instrumental
45:19 to the topic of righteousness.
45:21 He said in verse 16 of John 4.
45:24 "Jesus said to her go call your husband and come to me,
45:27 and come here.
45:29 And the woman answered and said
45:30 I have no husband.
45:31 And Jesus said to her
45:33 you have well said I have no husband,
45:35 for you have had five husbands,
45:37 and the one
45:38 whom you now have is not your husband,
45:41 and that you spoke truly."
45:43 And I thought to myself
45:44 and I was dealing with this topic
45:46 in a couple of sermons in the past.
45:47 But what the Lord is pointing out,
45:49 since we know the husband is the ruling factor,
45:52 the husband is the ruling nature,
45:54 this woman had to overcome one ruling factor in her life
45:59 after the other.
46:01 And there are many of us that come to Christ and we say,
46:04 "Okay, now what are you struggling with?"
46:05 "Well, I finally got over alcohol,
46:07 I'm dealing with the cigarettes now."
46:08 "Now what do you are struggling?"
46:09 "Well, I got rid of the cigarettes and alcohol,
46:11 now I'm dealing with lust."
46:13 "What are you struggling with now?"
46:14 "Well, I got over the alcohol,
46:16 cigarettes and lust but I'm dealing with anger."
46:17 "What are you dealing with now?"
46:18 "Well, I got over alcohol, cigarettes, anger, lust,
46:20 but I'm dealing with..."
46:22 I tell you, I just can't stand people.
46:24 All these husbands,
46:25 and we know
46:26 if you're a Christian of honesty,
46:28 you know, that the battle to be a Christian
46:30 is we've got to confront
46:31 every controlling element in our lives
46:35 and replace all those controlling elements with one
46:39 controlling element, that is Christ.
46:40 Amen? Amen.
46:42 So the woman had many husbands, she had five.
46:44 And so what I am pointing out here is
46:47 there are many obstacles
46:49 that the devil will present to us to say
46:51 that you can't really get to him.
46:53 And this woman before she found the Christ,
46:55 she had to go through five husbands
46:57 and finally was able to declare,
46:58 "I finally found a man, come see a man."
47:01 And for those who knew that she was familiar with men,
47:04 they recognized something different in her,
47:06 and as we know the story
47:07 the entire town came to see Christ
47:09 because of the testimony of a woman.
47:11 And here's the connection.
47:13 When Jesus becomes the husband of our lives,
47:15 witnessing for Him would not be an issue.
47:18 That's true.
47:19 When Jesus becomes the husband of our lives,
47:21 all the distractions that kept us
47:23 from introducing Him to others will instantly evaporate,
47:27 and the things that we embrace the most
47:29 will be willing to lay down.
47:30 She left her waterpot.
47:32 And so the question I would ask as I go into the topic
47:35 of this issue of lineage because the problem here,
47:38 the Jews and the gentiles, there was an issue here,
47:40 the Jews never saw the gentiles
47:43 as worthily connected to any father.
47:46 But they saw themselves as God is our father,
47:48 He's not yours.
47:50 So let's look at Romans 9:30-32,
47:53 "Whatever is between us and the Lord
47:54 must be laid down,"
47:56 and when she found Jesus she left her waterpot.
47:59 And lineage was no longer the issue
48:00 because she talked about
48:02 the well-being inheritance of Jacob, her father.
48:06 Verse 30 of Romans 9,
48:09 "What shall we say then that gentiles
48:11 who did not pursue righteousness
48:13 have attained righteousness
48:14 even the righteousness of faith,
48:16 but Israel pursuing the law of righteousness
48:18 has not attained to the law of righteousness.
48:21 Why?
48:22 Because they did not seek it by faith.
48:24 But as it were by the works of the law
48:28 for they stumble at that stumbling stone."
48:32 Well, the problem was they were trying to pursue
48:36 their destiny without the vehicle of Christ.
48:39 You cannot pursue your destiny without the vehicle.
48:42 We've got to use the vehicle to accomplish our destiny.
48:45 They saw the letter, but they didn't see the Christ.
48:50 They embraced and fell in love with the letter,
48:53 but they did not see the Christ.
48:54 And here's the caution,
48:56 because we are a people
48:57 that honor the commandments of God,
48:59 The Ten Commandments of God,
49:00 we cannot allow the commandments of God
49:02 to be our boast.
49:03 Amen. Amen.
49:04 Not one, not the first four, not the last six.
49:07 We cannot allow any one of those
49:09 whom we proclaim with great endearment,
49:13 I don't want to use the word pride,
49:15 but we proclaim our allegiance to the commandments of God,
49:18 keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.
49:21 Now the Jews would have said the same thing,
49:22 we keep the commandments of God,
49:24 but they didn't have the faith of Jesus,
49:25 they rejected the Christ.
49:27 Jesus is the vehicle.
49:29 Our destiny can only be accomplished
49:31 through Jesus who is the vehicle.
49:33 Not relegating Him,
49:35 but He became the stumbling stone,
49:38 because they didn't want Him, they wanted the righteousness.
49:42 But you cannot get the righteousness of the law.
49:45 And I want to make it very clear,
49:47 the righteousness of faith is not separate
49:50 from the law of righteousness.
49:54 Did you get that?
49:55 The righteousness that is by faith
49:57 is not separate from the law of righteousness,
50:00 they are both together.
50:01 But the Jews wanted one without the other.
50:04 The gentiles pursued the righteousness of faith
50:08 that enabled them to live in harmony
50:11 with the law of righteousness.
50:16 Now 2 Corinthians 3:4-6,
50:18 I want to bring another point out.
50:21 This was the focus of the Jews,
50:22 I'm gonna go to the end of verse 6.
50:25 2 Corinthians 3? 2 Corinthians 3:4-6.
50:29 Go down to verse 6, just very quickly because...
50:32 Well, let me read the whole thing
50:34 because it's context.
50:35 "And we have such trust through Christ toward God
50:37 not that we are sufficient of ourselves
50:39 to think of anything
50:41 as being from ourselves but our sufficiency is from God
50:45 who also made us efficient as ministers
50:49 of the new covenant not of the letter,
50:51 but of the Spirit.
50:53 For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."
50:56 Now, the letter kills.
50:59 We would think well...
51:01 Whether we make the Ten Commandments
51:02 the letter or the moral
51:04 or the ceremonial law the letter,
51:06 what is being said here
51:08 is anything you try to accomplish outside of Christ
51:12 will only bring death.
51:14 Yes.
51:16 Anything we try to attain outside of the power
51:18 that is residing through Christ
51:20 is going to produce only death.
51:23 Because life is in Christ,
51:24 life is not in the law whether it is what is that,
51:27 it is the Mosaic Law or the Moral Law,
51:30 life is not in the law, life is in Christ.
51:33 I died... Daily.
51:35 And Christ is the one who lives in me.
51:38 I died and I've said to people before,
51:40 I've never gone to a funeral where I've seen the person
51:43 that has died follow me home.
51:45 But let's go even deeper than that.
51:47 The Jews claim to be the children of God.
51:50 They always said the gentiles were not.
51:52 Romans 9:6,
51:54 "But it is not that the Word of God
51:56 has taken no effect
51:58 for they are not all Israel who are of Israel."
52:00 Shelley brought that point out in her lesson study,
52:02 but let's go on,
52:04 how do you become children of God?
52:06 And I want to go back to this very short journey
52:08 but very imperative one.
52:10 But as many as received Him to them
52:12 make a power to become
52:13 the sons of God or the children of God
52:16 not only receiving him, but Romans 8:14,
52:19 "For as many as are led by the Spirit."
52:21 It's not enough to just receive Christ,
52:24 but the day to day journey is He leading us in our lives?
52:28 Because that's a powerful thing
52:30 because after Jesus submitted to the will of the Father,
52:34 remember the Bible says,
52:35 "He was led by the Spirit
52:37 into the wilderness to be tempted."
52:38 Now this is huge.
52:40 When you are led by the Spirit
52:42 you are not in control of the circumstances
52:44 that he leads you in,
52:46 but because you are led by the Spirit
52:47 He will never lead you into any circumstance
52:50 that is too great for you
52:52 to overcome by the power of God.
52:54 He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.
52:56 So if you are led by the Spirit,
52:57 here's the point,
52:59 don't try to tell the spirit where to lead you
53:01 even if it's in difficult circumstances
53:03 He never lead you where he does not keep you.
53:05 True.
53:07 And because He leads us,
53:09 the spirit now testifies
53:10 that we are the sons and daughters of God.
53:12 Very carefully, 1 John 3:1,
53:16 "Behold what manner of love the Father bestows on us
53:18 that we should be called the Children of God."
53:20 Now here's the point I want to bring out
53:22 as I end on this whole note.
53:23 The Jews claim to be the children
53:24 but they reject the Christ, so they are not the children.
53:27 The Gentiles didn't claim to be the children,
53:28 but they accepted the Christ and became the children,
53:30 grafted in.
53:31 Now we may not look like the children of God now,
53:34 but he said, it has not...
53:35 "Don't be discouraged, it has not yet been revealed
53:37 where you shall be but the joy is,
53:39 but when I am revealed you're gonna be just like me."
53:43 So here's my encouragement to you.
53:45 Don't be discouraged but make this decision
53:48 because he has purified us
53:50 we will daily walk in the spirit
53:52 to maintain that purity,
53:55 that one day we will become in vision
53:57 and in physical nature,
53:59 and in character children of God eternally.
54:02 Amen. Amen.
54:03 Children of the promise,
54:04 what a blessing the writings of Paul are.
54:08 Thank you very much, that was very good John.
54:11 I think that
54:12 what I'd like to do is give you each
54:15 just about 30 seconds or so 30 to 45 seconds,
54:20 and kind of put a little bow tie
54:22 on your day.
54:24 If I had to say anything about mine
54:26 that I had left out it would be this,
54:29 that God does not make any man evil.
54:34 You know, God does not make any man evil.
54:37 He, in fact, restrains men from evil.
54:42 But when a man persist in his evil ways,
54:47 then God lifts his restraint
54:49 and that man's heart becomes hardened.
54:52 Mercy is beyond, it's too late at that point,
54:56 his heart becomes hardened.
54:58 So we just want to make sure
55:00 that we understand the character of God.
55:02 CA, how about a bow on yours?
55:04 The greatest thing you can do in your life
55:09 is find God's will for your life.
55:12 And then function in that will.
55:15 God has selected something for each of us to do.
55:19 Spend your time finding that,
55:21 and then spend the rest of your days
55:23 doing that.
55:24 Amen. Mollie.
55:26 When you're tempted,
55:27 if you're ever tempted to question God
55:31 to think like people do sometimes,
55:36 when there's a big storm, they call them acts of God.
55:40 To question, to blame God in a situation,
55:43 just remember God's character is one of trust worthiness.
55:47 You can trust him,
55:49 he is always faithful, he's always true,
55:52 he will never do anything
55:54 that isn't designed to redeem you
55:56 and to draw you to Him.
55:58 Amen.
55:59 You might be feeling like you are lo-ammi,
56:02 not God's people, like, you drifted far from Him,
56:05 you're serving over other idols,
56:07 other gods but God says,
56:09 "Come back, come back home to me.
56:12 I love you with an everlasting love,
56:14 and right now
56:15 I want you to become my son and daughter."
56:18 That's right.
56:19 And simply by the right action of the will,
56:21 we align ourselves with the power
56:23 that is far more capable
56:26 of making us sons and daughters of God.
56:29 By the right action of the will,
56:30 we yield up our will to Christ.
56:32 We now partake of the divine power.
56:35 So I don't have to look for the will of God,
56:38 I got to simply accept Christ and he works in me both to will
56:42 and to do of His good pleasure.
56:44 Decide today to simply yield your will,
56:48 to the controlling
56:49 and changing powerful will of the Father.
56:53 Amen and amen.
56:54 Praise God once again for this wonderful study,
56:57 Salvation by Faith Alone,
56:59 as we go through the book of Romans,
57:01 and we pray that you will
57:03 join us again next week, same time.
57:05 You know these are also on Youtube,
57:07 so let people know,
57:08 they can watch them on Youtube.
57:10 Our prayer for you
57:11 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:14 the love of the Father
57:15 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:17 will be with you today and always.
57:20 God bless you. Join us again.


Revised 2023-03-27