Series Code: SSP
Program Code: SSP000048A
00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:04 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 00:08 It says to "Receive with meekness 00:10 the implanted Word 00:12 which is able to save your souls. 00:14 And to be diligent to present yourself 00:16 approved to God 00:18 rightly dividing the word of truth." 00:21 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel. 00:25 Our study today is Salvation by Faith Alone, 00:30 the Book of Romans. 00:33 Good morning and happy Sabbath. 00:35 We welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath school panel 00:39 where we have been studying the book of Romans. 00:42 And it's been an incredible study so far. 00:45 We are all excited about what God is showing us 00:49 afresh and anew. 00:50 We are being reminded again of the great teachings, 00:54 the truths that Paul has revealed to us 00:57 through the book of Romans. 00:59 The title of this whole study, this quarter study 01:03 is Salvation by Faith Alone 01:06 and we find that so clearly in the book of Romans. 01:10 I want to tell you something that Martin Luther said 01:14 concerning this book, now Martin Luther 01:17 is the father of the Protestant Reformation. 01:21 He said, "The epistle is really the chief part 01:25 of the New Testament and the very purest gospel." 01:29 He went on to say that every Christian 01:32 should know it word for word, 01:35 by heart as the daily bread of the soul. 01:39 So let me encourage you. Study the Book of Romans. 01:42 I hope you have your Bible. 01:43 And we also want you to have a study guide. 01:47 We are teaching out of the Seventh-day Adventist 01:50 Adult Study Guide. 01:51 And if you don't have one, first we encourage you to go 01:55 to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church, 01:57 ask them for a copy, they'd be so happy to meet you 02:01 and to provide you 02:02 with our Sabbath School Study Guide 02:04 or you can go to online to 02:11 I believe that's on your screen, 02:13 go there and you can download your lesson. 02:15 Well, allow me to introduce our panelists today. 02:19 First, to my left, 02:21 my very precious sister Shelley Quinn. 02:23 Shelley, it's a joy to have you here. 02:25 My pastor and very good friend Pastor John Lomacang. 02:29 Good to be here, Mollie. 02:30 My precious little sister Jill Morikone, 02:33 she's also a very good friend. 02:35 And a man I have come to respect and admire 02:39 because of his knowledge of the Word of God. 02:42 Pastor CA Murray. Good to be here. 02:44 So what a good panel we have today 02:47 as we continue to delve into this book of Romans. 02:53 Today, we are looking at the eighth chapter of Romans. 02:59 Now last week, we looked at the seventh chapter of Romans 03:04 where Paul... 03:06 Here is something Paul says in that seventh chapter. 03:10 "O wretched man that I am." 03:12 Thank God for Romans chapter eight. 03:14 Amen. 03:15 Romans chapter eight is Paul's response 03:19 I believe to Romans Chapter seven. 03:22 So before we go into our study, we need prayer. 03:26 None of us will do anything of any value 03:29 if it is not touched and anointed by God. 03:33 Pastor Lomacang, would you pray, please. 03:34 Sure. 03:36 Our loving father, we open your Word 03:37 but we do pray that we also open our hearts. 03:39 Yes. 03:41 Connect us, Lord, with your Holy Spirit 03:43 that can work in the lives of those watching 03:45 or listening to this program. 03:47 And may these words that are words of life 03:50 find in us fertile soil. 03:52 May Jesus work in us both to will 03:55 and to do of His good pleasure. 03:57 May people recognize that Christ is being revealed 04:00 and reflected through our lives by You in dwelling power, 04:03 we pray in Christ's name. 04:05 Amen. 04:06 Amen. Amen and amen. 04:08 Memory text, let's read our memory text together. 04:12 And that is Romans 8:1. Let's read. 04:16 "There is therefore now no condemnation to those 04:21 which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, 04:27 but after the Spirit." 04:29 Oh, and don't you always want to go on to Romans 8:2? 04:31 That was our memory text, Romans 8:1. 04:35 And the Scriptures that I get to cover today, 04:38 Sunday which is in Jesus Christ is Romans 8:1 and 2. 04:43 Those are exciting texts and I love those scriptures. 04:46 And I know, I think we get redundant 04:49 in loving the scriptures 04:50 because every scripture we share, at that moment, 04:54 that is our favorite scripture, I truly believe that. 04:59 The Scripture again, "There is therefore now 05:04 no condemnation to those who are," where? 05:08 In Christ Jesus. "In Christ Jesus." 05:10 So I want to look at a couple of things. 05:13 What does condemnation mean? 05:16 There's no condemnation. What is condemnation? 05:21 That you are condemned or are being condemned. 05:26 Condemned is the sentence of the guilty, 05:30 before punishment is meted out. 05:32 Now something Pastor Lomacang shared a little earlier 05:36 and probably it's in his lesson but see, 05:39 he shared it so that makes it that I can steal it from him. 05:43 So that's we're going to do. Go ahead, go ahead. 05:45 And that would be John 3:16 and 17. 05:49 We're talking about condemnation. 05:50 What is John 3:16? 05:52 First scripture we all memorized. 05:54 "For God so loved the world that He gave 05:57 His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him 06:01 should not perish but have everlasting life." 06:04 John 3:17, "For God sent not his Son into the world 06:08 to condemn the world 06:10 but that the world through Him might be saved." 06:13 So when we say that there is therefore no... 06:17 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them 06:20 who are in Christ Jesus," 06:22 well, God sent Jesus into the world to start with 06:27 so that there wouldn't be condemnation. 06:29 Amen. Thank you, Lord. 06:31 Good point that you brought out there, Pastor Lomacang. 06:33 Could I add something to that? Yes, please do. 06:35 He didn't even come to condemn the sinner, 06:37 He came to condemn the sin. 06:39 That's the joy, that's the joy of it 06:41 because we are already condemned. 06:43 He came not to tell us what our condition is 06:45 but to rescue us from it. 06:47 So what you are saying then is that sin 06:50 is what has been sinnest 06:53 and that punishment will be meted out for that sin 06:57 to get rid of the sin that we can live pure 07:01 and holy before the Lord. 07:02 Okay. 07:06 Punishment that which is meted out to those 07:10 who don't walk in the Spirit but after the flesh. 07:15 Romans 6:23 says, 07:18 "For the wages of sin is," what? 07:20 Death. 07:22 "But the gift of God is eternal life 07:24 in Jesus Christ our Lord." 07:27 Paul uses the phrase, "In Christ Jesus" quite often. 07:34 What does it mean? 07:35 Here is a good theological question for you? 07:38 What does it mean to be in Christ Jesus? 07:41 What is it when we're in Christ Jesus? 07:44 He says, in Christ Jesus, "There is therefore now 07:49 no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." 07:54 I don't want condemnation, so what do I want to be, 07:57 in Christ Jesus. 07:59 How do you get in Christ Jesus? 08:02 You make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. 08:05 You see, you were wandering around in darkness, 08:10 and I want to look at this again in a minute. 08:13 You were in this world. 08:15 You were under the condemnation of sin and death. 08:20 So you were in the world and someone shared 08:24 the gospel message with you. 08:25 You heard the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ 08:28 and you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior. 08:32 You know what happened to you, you came out of the world 08:37 and you came into Christ. 08:39 You know what the church is? 08:41 If you've made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, 08:43 are you part of the church? 08:45 And the church is the Body of Christ. 08:49 So if you are part of the Body of Christ, 08:51 then you are in Christ. 08:53 Now this finger of mine is part of my body. 08:58 I can't cut this finger off and say it's not my body. 09:01 No, I need my fingers. 09:03 So, every one of us are vitally important. 09:05 We are in Christ Jesus when we make Jesus Christ 09:09 the Lord of our lives. 09:13 That we have accepted Christ as our Savior 09:16 that we have placed our trust in Him 09:18 and his instruction for our life, 09:21 in other words, what the Bible says 09:23 as opposed to trusting in any thing 09:26 or anyone else including ourselves 09:29 which results in our personal relationship 09:32 with Jesus Christ becoming a close intimate, 09:37 in a close intimate relationship with Him. 09:40 Now, when we make Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives, 09:46 when we get transformed out of darkness and into light, 09:50 that's what Colossians says. 09:53 Then, you know, 09:54 it's not a long drawn out process, is it? 09:57 When you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, 10:00 it's an immediate change. 10:02 And in Christ Jesus is contrasted within the flesh. 10:08 "There is therefore now no condemnation to those 10:11 who are in Christ Jesus who are not after the flesh 10:15 but after the Spirit." 10:17 See the contrasting between the flesh and the spirit. 10:23 When you're in Christ Jesus, you aren't condemned to death. 10:26 When you're in the flesh, 10:28 you are under the penalty of death and you are condemned. 10:31 When we are born again, 10:34 or when we are born into this world 10:36 as members of a fallen human race 10:39 with no hope, we have to have hope. 10:43 Thank God. 10:45 Once we come in to this world in that fallen condition, 10:51 He has made a way. 10:54 When you're born into this world 10:57 in the fallen human race who had no hope, 11:00 God immediately made a way, 11:03 before the foundation of the world was laid 11:06 as a matter of fact, to give us hope. 11:08 We have hope because God in the form of His own Son 11:14 sent us help. 11:16 And that help is the Lord Jesus Christ. 11:18 Now I want to go on to Romans 8:2. 11:23 Romans 8:2 says, 11:25 "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus 11:30 has made me free from the law of sin and death." 11:33 Now I know that in weeks past, that Scripture has been 11:37 perfectly and thoroughly looked into. 11:40 But I love to look at it where Jesus Christ 11:45 becoming our Lord and Savior. 11:48 And we come out of darkness into light. 11:51 The law, then it says, "The law of the Spirit of life 11:54 in Christ Jesus made me free from another law." 11:58 And that was the law of sin and death. 12:00 You see, before we make Jesus Christ 12:02 the Lord of our life, we are under another law. 12:06 We are in this world, we are serving another god. 12:10 Did you know that it's called 12:11 the prince of the power of the air. 12:14 We are under another legal system. 12:17 We are in the in darkness and when we make Jesus 12:20 the Lord of our life, we come out of darkness 12:23 and we come into light. 12:25 Well, the legal system that we were in 12:28 is the law of sin and death. 12:31 But when we make Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives, 12:34 we come into the legal system of the law 12:38 of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. 12:41 Now it would be like we were a citizen, 12:45 let's say we are a citizen of a foreign country, 12:49 and in that foreign country, they have strict laws 12:54 that are in effect for all of its citizens. 12:57 And the citizens can only, let's say that they have 13:01 no freedoms whatsoever, but then, you do something. 13:05 You come from that country 13:07 and you come into the United States 13:10 and the United States accepts you 13:13 and makes you a citizen 13:14 of the United States of America. 13:17 And let's say in that other country, 13:18 you had absolutely no rights as a woman, say, 13:23 to vote or to go out in public, 13:26 but now you come into the United States. 13:29 Can you vote? Can you go out into public? 13:32 Do the laws of the country that you were in before, 13:35 does that nation's laws any longer 13:37 have any control over you? 13:39 No, they don't. 13:41 You have been transformed out of the kingdom of darkness. 13:44 You've come into the kingdom of God's Dear Son. 13:47 And now the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus 13:51 is the legal system that you're operating under. 13:54 You are no longer under the law of sin and death. 13:56 So when that law, when the law of sin and death 14:00 tries to reach over and enforce its law upon you, 14:04 you can say, "No, wait. 14:06 I am no longer a citizen of that country. 14:10 I am no longer a citizen of that kingdom. 14:13 I am now a citizen of the Kingdom of God. 14:16 The Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. 14:19 God is my very own Father, I am his very own child. 14:23 The very life and nature of God flows through me 14:25 just like sap flows through a tree. 14:28 I belong to Almighty God. 14:31 Jesus is my Lord and Savior." 14:33 And the law of sin and death has no control over you. 14:36 Amen. Oh, Mollie, that was beautiful. 14:38 Thank you for setting all of this up. 14:39 You know, when we ended last week, 14:42 Paul was crying out, "Oh, wretched man that I am, 14:45 who will deliver me from this body of death?" 14:48 And then he says, "Oh, thank God, 14:51 it's through Jesus Christ." 14:53 So with conviction of sin comes hope 14:55 when you know about Jesus. 14:58 Let's look at Romans 8:3 and 4. 15:00 Just picking up where Mollie left off. 15:03 Romans 8:3 says this, "For what the law could not do, 15:07 in that it was weak through the flesh, 15:09 God did by sending his own Son 15:11 in the likeness of sinful flesh, 15:13 on account of sin, He condemned sin in the flesh 15:18 that the righteousness requirement of the law 15:20 might be fulfilled in us, 15:22 who do not walk according to the law," 15:24 excuse me, "according to the flesh, 15:26 but according to the Spirit." 15:27 So let's unpack that. 15:29 Verse 3, "For what the law could not do, 15:31 in that it was weak through the flesh." 15:35 The Mosaic Law was good, it was perfect, it was holy, 15:39 but the problem was 15:40 it was given to an imperfect people. 15:44 A perfect set of requirements was given 15:46 to an imperfect people who could not fulfill that 15:51 in the weakness of their flesh. 15:53 And the law couldn't bestow power over sin. 15:56 It could not justify them. 15:59 It was weak because 16:01 without the impartation of the Holy Spirit, 16:05 the flesh is too weak to live by the laws' tenants. 16:09 So what the law was given was to show our need of grace. 16:14 And when it was given, God gave the remedy. 16:17 He gave the grace in the sanctuary, 16:20 in the temple services. 16:22 So right from the beginning, it was by grace 16:26 but now there is something that's going to be so different 16:29 because when Christ came, then after He returned, 16:33 He sent the Spirit. 16:35 So continuing in verse 3, he said, 16:38 "What the law could not do, 16:40 in that it was weak through the flesh, 16:41 God did by sending his own Son 16:45 in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin." 16:51 Jesus had to come in our likeness. 16:54 He had to become one of us to be our substitute. 16:59 In Philippians 2:6, it says that He made himself 17:02 of no reputation but He took on the nature of a servant 17:07 being made in human likeness. 17:10 And there's a great mystery there 17:13 to think about someone who is perfectly divine 17:17 and yet, all so perfectly sin... 17:22 perfectly human. 17:24 Now I want to point out something. 17:27 Christ, when He became like us, Hebrews 2:14, it says, 17:33 "Since the children are shares in flesh and blood, 17:36 He in like manner partaken the same." 17:39 And Hebrews 2:17, it says "It behooved Him in all ways 17:44 to be made like his brethren." 17:46 Hebrews 4:15 says He was tempted in all ways 17:51 as we are tempted. 17:53 So divinity did not enable him not to sin, 17:58 it did not render Him incapable of sin 18:03 because when He was here, He emptied Himself 18:07 and He relied purely on the power of the Father 18:11 and the power of the Holy Spirit. 18:13 So He came in the likeness of sinful flesh. 18:18 He wasn't Himself sin or sinful because it says that 18:24 He knew no sin 18:26 but He came on account of sin to be our offering. 18:30 Now in verse 3, continues, 18:32 "He condemned sin in the flesh." 18:37 There's a parallel between Christ's incarnation 18:42 and his sacrifice on the cross. 18:46 In the Old Testament sacrificial system, 18:49 everything about the Old Testament 18:50 sacrificial system pointed to Jesus. 18:54 But it also demonstrated God's... how God... 18:58 with what seriousness God looked upon man's sin 19:03 because what was required for the remission of sin? 19:06 Shedding of blood. 19:07 The shedding of blood was required. 19:09 And then, Jesus sent his own Son 19:13 to become one of us so that He could stand in 19:16 as our substitute and make the sacrifice. 19:19 So God demonstrated His condemnation of sin 19:24 when He sent His son to die for us. 19:27 Man's sin was condemned in Christ's flesh. 19:32 He perfectly kept the law, then He paid our penalty 19:36 by sacrificing Himself for us. 19:39 You know, when you think about it, 19:41 Christ achieved perfection as a man, did He not? 19:44 Relying on the power of whom? 19:46 God the Father. Of the Father, the Holy Spirit. 19:49 And His perfection, He obeyed all of God's Commandments, 19:55 His every word. 19:56 And Christ's faith, His love of the Father, 20:00 His obedience was perfect. 20:02 And now, that perfection is credited to us 20:08 when we accept Christ. 20:09 That's what Paul is talking about salvation by faith alone 20:13 that this is imputed or credited to us 20:17 when we accept Christ. 20:20 And he goes on to say... 20:25 When he's talking about He condemned sin in the flesh, 20:29 He did not condemn man, 20:34 the Law of Moses condemns sinful man. 20:38 He condemned sin by stripping sin of its power 20:43 to hold us captive. 20:45 And sin's condemnation was condemned if you will. 20:50 So He bore the burden of our sin and we were spared. 20:56 So he goes on in verse 4 saying this, 20:59 "That the righteous requirement of the law..." 21:02 Let me go back and read that fully 21:04 so that we're getting there. 21:06 "For what the law could not do, 21:07 in that it was weak through the flesh, 21:08 God did by sending His own son 21:10 in the likeness of sinful flesh, 21:13 on account of sin, 21:14 He condemned sin and flesh that the righteous requirement 21:19 of the law might be fulfilled in us 21:23 who do not walk according to the flesh 21:26 but according to the Spirit." 21:30 Remember, we talked about before. 21:33 There is positional sanctification, 21:36 that's when we are in Christ. 21:38 We are sanctified. 21:39 We are set apart for God's purpose. 21:41 But then, there is practical sanctification 21:45 as we walk in God's will. 21:48 And we see a parallel to Romans 8:4 21:51 in Ephesians 2:8 through 10 when he says, 21:54 "By grace, you've been saved through faith." 21:56 And then he said, you know, not by works 21:58 that you should boast but what does he go on to say, 22:00 "That you've been saved by faith to do good works 22:04 which God prepared in advance for you to do." 22:07 So here Paul is saying that He condemns sin 22:11 that the righteous requirement of the law 22:15 might be fulfilled in us. 22:18 So this shows that God's purpose 22:20 in reference to His commandments, 22:23 God has never diminished or changed that. 22:28 He expects the righteous requirement of the law 22:31 to be fulfilled in us. 22:33 In fact, that's the great purpose 22:34 of the redemptive act 22:36 that as we are filled with the spirit, 22:39 we are declared innocent, filled with the spirit 22:43 that we are given the power by the Holy Spirit 22:47 to walk in the law of God and fulfill that law. 22:51 You know, the Holy Spirit is mentioned 19 times 22:54 in Romans chapter eight. 22:56 And so that gives us, shows us the power 22:59 when sin or when self is dethroned, 23:03 and Christ is placed on the throne, 23:05 where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 23:08 So it is when he says that the righteous requirement 23:11 of the law might be fulfilled in us, 23:13 it is God who is working in us 23:15 to willing to do His good pleasure. 23:17 It is God who will fulfill in us 23:22 His righteous requirements of the law, 23:26 if we continue so on, 23:28 to those who do not walk according to the flesh 23:31 but according to this spirit. 23:34 You know, when we have been made 23:40 righteous by accepting Christ, then what happens is God puts, 23:46 gives us a new heart. 23:47 He empowers us to keep those new covenant commandments 23:54 as he says in Hebrews 8:8 through 10 23:57 that his law of love, 23:59 this wonderful law, he says, I will... 24:02 This is the new covenant. 24:04 It's not just going to be written on stone, 24:07 I'm also going to now write it on your heart, on your mind, 24:12 and put them in your heart 24:13 so that you can walk in obedience. 24:17 So he frees us from sin and death so that we may, 24:22 as we walk according to the spirit, 24:24 that we may fulfill the righteous requirement 24:28 of His law. 24:29 Amen. Amen. 24:31 Good. Wow, Shelley, that's powerful. 24:32 I'm just swimming here. 24:34 This book is deeper than I thought it was. 24:36 I need to get a new tank or refill tank. 24:40 I thank you so much. 24:42 And the Apostle Paul in his writings 24:43 is just so clear. 24:46 We just have to allow the Spirit of God 24:48 to make it clear to us. 24:49 Couple of things I want to set in place as I go down, 24:51 as I go not to the flesh or the spirit. 24:55 I want to tap on a few things 24:57 that were in one of our past lessons 24:59 and I think we may have alluded to that today. 25:01 But when Paul pointed out that 25:03 when he became aware of the sin, 25:05 sin revived and he died. 25:07 I wanted to really make it clear 25:08 that the law exposed Paul's condition 25:12 like the mirror exposes our condition. 25:15 Yes. 25:16 So without the mirror, Paul didn't understand 25:18 his condition but when the mirror, 25:20 which is the law of God according to James, 25:22 when we look into that perfect law of liberty 25:25 like a mirror and see our condition, 25:26 then all of a sudden, the mirror is not the problem, 25:30 we are the problem. 25:31 We are carnal, sold under sin. 25:34 The mirror, and so I want to make it clear, 25:35 the law of God is not the issue here, 25:37 the commandments of God is not the problem. 25:40 So often we think if we can get rid 25:41 of the commandments of God, then the remedy, our situation, 25:45 you can no more get rid of the commandments of God 25:48 to remedy your situation 25:49 than getting rid of the mirror cleans you up. 25:51 That's right. 25:53 So the law of God is very necessary. 25:54 It shows us where our need is. 25:57 Another thing is, when Paul says, 25:59 "Sin revived and I died," I want to make it clear, 26:01 the law did not die, Paul died. 26:04 That's something that's very important 26:06 to understand. 26:07 But now we go to Romans 8:2, 26:08 and we're going to go down to 5. 26:10 When the Bible says, 26:12 "For the law of the Spirit of life 26:13 in Christ Jesus," and you know what's amazing about this, 26:15 Mollie talked about it, Shelley talked about it. 26:16 I know, Jill's going to talk about it 26:18 and Pastor CA is going to talk about it. 26:19 We're going to all be talking about the same thing. 26:21 We're going to be stepping over each other's notes 26:23 because you cannot separate the whole context 26:26 from its tentacles. 26:28 You know, we talk about different aspects of it 26:30 but the law of the Spirit of life 26:33 in Christ Jesus has made me free 26:34 from the law of sin and death. 26:36 Now let me make a statement 26:37 that I'm going to qualify in a moment. 26:40 The law of the spirit of life is not the Ten Commandments. 26:44 The law of the spirit of life is not the Ten Commandments. 26:48 The Ten Commandments shows our condemned condition 26:51 but the Ten Commandments cannot free us. 26:53 That's correct. 26:54 It shows us our condition but it cannot clean it up. 26:58 In the same way, the mirror shows us 27:00 we have issues but the mirror 27:02 cannot straighten our issues out. 27:04 So when the Bible says the law of the spirit of life, 27:06 it is not the Ten Commandments. 27:07 I would submit to you that the law of the spirit of life, 27:10 it is the power over sin that brings us into harmony 27:16 with the Ten Commandments of God. 27:17 Amen. 27:19 Let me give you a couple of examples. 27:20 When the Bible says the law of the spirit of life, 27:21 it is also not the Holy Spirit that's talked about here. 27:25 It's the law of the spirit of life. 27:28 Let's look at the couple of examples 27:29 to see what that law of the spirit of life is. 27:31 As I looked at the Logos, 27:33 I have a number of commentaries. 27:36 And I walk through this. 27:37 And the expositive of theologians and logos 27:40 had all concurred that the law of the spirit of life 27:46 is not talking about the Holy Spirit. 27:48 It's the law of the spirit of life. 27:51 Now here's the point. 27:52 If the Holy Spirit was the one, this is the power, 27:56 if the Holy Spirit is the one to make us righteous, 27:58 then Jesus is not necessary. 28:02 So where does this power come from? 28:04 The Holy Spirit communicates it. 28:07 But if you remember John 16, He says, 28:09 I'll communicate to you whatever I receive. 28:13 I don't even speak on my own authority. 28:15 Whatever I hear, 28:16 that's what I'm going to convey. 28:18 Look at a couple of passages. 28:20 Ephesians 3:20 to talk about the law of the Spirit of Life, 28:24 where does it come from? 28:25 Well, we know, Ephesians 3:20, the Bible says, 28:29 "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly, 28:32 abundantly above all that we ask or think 28:35 according to the power that works in us." 28:40 Where does this power come from? 28:42 It comes from Christ. Amen. 28:45 But it resides in us through His Holy Spirit. 28:48 Let's look at John 1:12. 28:50 When we receive Christ, the power is in Christ. 28:55 Remember, when he was raised, He said, 28:58 "All power is given unto to me." 29:01 He didn't say all power is given unto the Holy Spirit. 29:03 He gave the Holy Spirit the power 29:05 that the Holy Spirit conveyed to us 29:07 on the day of Pentecost but you shall receive power 29:10 but the Holy Spirit, the power did not reside 29:12 in the Holy Spirit, it resided in Christ. 29:15 He received it from Christ and conveyed it to us. 29:18 Here is the evidence of that. John 1:12. 29:22 "But as many as received Him," remember He said to the Jews, 29:25 "I came to my own and they did not," what? 29:26 Receive me. 29:28 They didn't receive me, so they had no power. 29:29 They had the law but they had no power. 29:32 But He said, "But as many as received Him," 29:35 John 1:12, "To them gave He power," 29:40 I'm reading in the King James Version. 29:41 "To become the sons of God, 29:44 even to them that believe on His name." 29:47 Now this is powerful. They became the sons of God. 29:50 I was thinking of this 29:51 and I had my devotion this morning 29:53 and I like Oswald Chambers. 29:55 He talked about, he says, "When you have a father 29:58 and child relationship, 30:00 you know your father loves you." 30:02 You don't have a master slave relationship 30:05 because you are now in subjection to somebody 30:08 who is controlling you that you don't to be controlled by. 30:10 But when you know what we are, daughters and sons of God, 30:13 you have a father child relationship, 30:16 and you know the father wants nothing 30:18 but the best for his children. 30:20 So therefore, it's not a relationship of timidity 30:24 but a relationship of mutual admiration. 30:30 He loves me, I love him. 30:32 He brought me into the relationship with him. 30:35 I didn't bring my Father into being, 30:37 my Father brought me into being. 30:39 He goes on further, 30:40 Romans 1:16, talking about this power. 30:43 The power that is at work in us is the power of Christ. 30:47 Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed 30:49 of the gospel of Christ," 30:51 not the gospel of the Holy Spirit. 30:53 "For it is the power of God to salvation for everyone 30:56 who believes for the Jew first and also for the Greek." 31:00 What role does the Holy Spirit play? 31:03 He is the active agent in us 31:04 that the Lord left to continue working. 31:06 I'm leaving, He's coming and when He comes, 31:10 He will abide with you forever. 31:12 So the Holy Spirit is carrying on the work that Christ began. 31:16 Amen. 31:17 Another passage, 1 Corinthians 1:18. 31:21 "For the message of the cross 31:22 is foolishness to those who are perishing 31:25 but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 31:30 Well, who is the power of God? 31:32 Jesus who says, "All power is given to me." 31:36 Now let's go ahead 31:37 and I'm going to share this quotation 31:39 from Education 289 and paragraph one, 31:44 speaking about how do we embrace this power 31:47 by leaning our willing to His. 31:49 "The will is the governing power 31:51 in the nature of man. 31:52 The power of decision or choice." 31:55 We've got to exercise this power daily. 31:58 "Every human being possessed of reason 32:01 has power to choose the right." 32:04 That's the power He gave us. 32:05 "In every experience of life God's Word to us 32:08 is choose you this day whom you will serve. 32:12 Everyone may place 32:14 his will on the side of the will of God, 32:17 every one may place his will on the side of the will of God 32:20 may choose to obey Him 32:21 and by thus linking himself with divine agencies." 32:27 I love this part. 32:28 This is the power, 32:30 this is the extent of the power. 32:31 "He may stand where nothing can force Him to do evil." 32:34 Praise God. Amen. Amen. 32:36 Which takes me to my passage for my lesson, 32:38 I'll use this for the next two minutes. 32:41 So where nothing can force us to do evil. 32:43 That's Romans 8:5-6. 32:46 "For those who live according to the flesh, 32:48 set their minds on the things of the flesh. 32:50 For those who live according to the spirit, 32:52 the things of the Spirit 32:54 for to be carnally minded is..." 32:55 Death. 32:56 "Death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." 33:00 So the focus of the mind 33:02 becomes the controlling factor of the life. 33:05 Sin is first born in the mind 33:07 before it is carried out in the life. 33:09 True. 33:10 So whatever you focus your mind on will determine your action, 33:13 your action determines your habit, 33:14 your habit determines your character, 33:16 your character determines your destiny. 33:18 In James 1:14-15 makes it very clear. 33:21 The mind is the place where it all starts. 33:23 Amen. 33:25 But when that spark happens, 33:26 you have to determine to embrace it or to reject it. 33:29 In James, makes it clear, James 1:14-15. 33:32 "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away 33:35 by his own desires and into highest." 33:38 When you embrace it, then when desire has conceived, 33:42 see the sin again, see the seed again. 33:45 "When desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin 33:48 and sin when it is full grown brings forth death." 33:51 In the very same way 33:52 when we embrace the seed of Christ, 33:56 when that sin conceives it brings forth righteousness. 34:00 Amen. 34:01 And when it is full grown, 34:02 it brings forth the character of Christ. 34:05 So we have to make sure that the carnal mind 34:08 is not the place that the mind 34:12 does not become carnal by the focus 34:15 that we maintain. 34:17 You can look to the corner and look at those things 34:20 that chickens eat or you can be an eagle 34:22 and look up to the heavens and realize, 34:25 and I said this before 34:26 and I want to use the parody here, 34:28 you've never heard the phrase, "Kentucky Fried Eagle." 34:32 You've always heard, "Kentucky Fried Chicken." 34:35 See we can be Eagles in Christ by the things we focus on 34:38 and by the power that we embrace. 34:40 And through His nature, 34:42 we will rise to higher heights in righteousness. 34:44 Amen. Thank you so much, Pastor John. 34:47 What an incredible lesson. Praise the Lord. 34:49 I am so blessed getting into the Word of God and learning. 34:52 And as you mentioned, we're all sharing 34:54 some of the same scriptures, some of the same things, 34:57 but that's a wonderful thing because we want to learn, 35:00 we want to grow, 35:02 we want to be born again with the Word of God 35:05 that incorruptible seed and have that seed spring up 35:08 and bear fruit in our hearts and lives. 35:11 I have Wednesday. 35:13 Wednesday is, 35:15 what is my lesson, Christ in you. 35:18 So we're going to look at Romans 8 35:20 and our verses are 9-14. 35:24 Romans 8:9-14. 35:26 Before we begin, I just want to mention 35:28 and this is already been mentioned by 35:30 I think everyone here on the panel, 35:32 that we have two choices in life. 35:35 We can choose to live for Christ 35:37 or we can make a choice to live for the enemy. 35:41 We can choose to live and walk 35:43 according to the spirit, 35:45 walk in dependence on the Spirit, 35:47 have Christ in us, the hope of glory, 35:50 died a self in sin and live to Christ. 35:53 Or we can choose to live and walk 35:56 according to the flesh, walk in dependence on myself, 36:00 walk into that bondage and that addiction. 36:03 So we really have two choices. 36:05 There is no middle ground as it were. 36:08 You could wake up Pastor CA and say, 36:10 "Well, today I think I'm just going to serve Jill." 36:13 Well, if I make a choice, I'm just serving Jill, 36:16 I've already made a choice to serve the enemy. 36:19 There is no middle ground. 36:21 I can't say, I'm just doing my own thing 36:23 because my own thing, the carnal nature, 36:26 the carnal mind is automatically gonna go 36:28 on the ground of the enemy. 36:30 That's right. Mark 3:25. 36:33 "A house divided against itself cannot stand." 36:37 So I don't know, before we jump into our Romans 8:9, 36:41 I don't know where you are in your walk with God, 36:43 you might be saying, 36:45 "I'm not sure, I got one foot in the church 36:47 and one foot in the world. 36:48 I have one foot sort of want to follow Jesus 36:51 when it works with me. 36:53 But when it doesn't, I think I'll do my own thing." 36:57 There is no neutrality in this battle, 37:00 this great controversy that we are engaged in. 37:02 We will have to make a choice. 37:04 And whether we make that choice today or tomorrow, 37:07 make a choice today. 37:09 While you hear the spirits call on your heart, 37:13 don't harden your heart 37:15 but make a choice to serve the Lord Jesus. 37:17 So let's look at this contrast being in Christ. 37:20 Romans 8:9. 37:21 "But you are not in the flesh but in the spirit. 37:25 If indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you," 37:28 I want to take a moment and just look at the word 37:30 "Dwells". 37:31 It's oikeo in the Greek, 37:34 and that's used a couple times here 37:36 in Romans and it's interesting. 37:38 It can indicate the Spirit of God dwelling in us 37:40 or it could be the enemy dwelling in us. 37:42 Oikeo simply means to inhabit, to dwell, 37:46 in dwell to make a home or to be at home. 37:50 So here that if the Spirit of God 37:52 dwells in me, that means He's taken up residence. 37:55 He is living inside of me. 37:58 To contrast that, we could look at Romans 7:20. 38:02 This word oikeo was used again but not in the same fashion. 38:05 "Now if I do what I will not to do, 38:08 it is no longer I who do it but the sin that dwells in me." 38:12 It's the same word. 38:13 In this case, sin has taken up residence in his life 38:16 and is living and dwelling in him. 38:19 One more scripture and then we'll move on. 38:21 Let's jump over to 1 Corinthians, 38:26 1 Corinthians 3:16. 38:32 1 Corinthians 3:16. 38:34 This is the same word oikeo, dwell. 38:37 "Do you not know that you are the temple of God 38:40 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you." 38:44 The Holy Spirit wants to come in to abide. 38:46 That's right. To make our heart His home. 38:48 Revelation 3:20, "Behold," Jesus says, 38:51 "I stand at the door and knock, 38:53 if anyone hears my voice, I will come in 38:55 and supper with him and he with me." 38:57 God wants to come into our hearts and lives and to abide, 39:01 to take up residence as it were. 39:03 Let's go back to Romans 8. 39:06 Romans 8, we're at verse 9. 39:11 "We are not in the flesh but in the spirit. 39:13 If indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you 39:15 or has taken up residence in you. 39:17 Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, 39:19 he is not his." 39:22 Verse 10, "And if Christ is in you, 39:24 the body is dead because of sin, 39:28 but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 39:31 But if the spirit of Him who raised Jesus 39:34 from the dead dwells in you," there is our word again. 39:38 "He who raised Christ from the dead 39:40 will also give life to your mortal bodies 39:42 through His Spirit who dwells in you." 39:46 What's Paul talking about here? 39:48 He's talking about dying to the flesh, 39:50 dying to the old man of sin, and being raised 39:54 or resurrected to a new life in Christ Jesus. 39:58 We think about Romans 6:1-11 40:00 talks about the symbolism of baptism to the old man 40:03 and then we're resurrected 40:05 to that new life in Christ Jesus. 40:07 I think of Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ. 40:12 Death of flesh, 40:13 death to my own sinful nature nevertheless, 40:17 I live yet not I but Christ lives in me," 40:20 but it doesn't stop there. 40:22 "The life which I now live in the flesh 40:24 I live by faith in the Son of God, 40:26 who loved me, and gave Himself for me." 40:31 It's not us who live. 40:32 Remember, last week, we talked about Romans 7 40:34 and that conflict between the law 40:37 and what he knew to be right and his flesh 40:40 that was still struggling for that supremacy. 40:42 Here we know when we died of Christ, 40:44 it's not us who lives... 40:47 Sorry, when we died a self in sin, 40:50 it's not us who lives any longer or that old man, 40:53 it's the Lord Jesus Christ 40:55 who lives in us, who dwells in us. 40:58 And it's not me trying to grit my teeth and work harder. 41:02 That's right. That's right. 41:03 It's not me trying to not get upset at Pastor CA 41:05 or someone else which I don't need to do 41:08 because he's my friend. 41:09 It's not me trying to not lust or not hate someone or not, 41:15 none of that stuff, it's Christ who lives in me, 41:19 Christ who does the work 41:21 because He has taken up residence with me 41:23 and he dwells in me. 41:25 And this is a daily battle. 41:27 1 Corinthians 15:31, Paul says, "I die daily." 41:30 And to be honest with you, for me it happens. 41:33 I would say moment by moment, not even hourly, you know. 41:38 Sometimes you're in Christ and then all of a sudden 41:40 the old flesh comes up and instantly, 41:42 we have a choice, 41:43 "Lord Jesus, I surrender to you. 41:45 I ask you put to death the old man 41:47 and I want you to live in me." 41:50 We know it's not our work, Philippians 2:13, 41:52 it is God who works in us 41:54 both to will and to do of His good pleasure. 41:56 He gives us the desire 41:58 and the power to live for Jesus. 42:01 There's so many scriptures. 42:03 Colossians 3:3, "You are dead 42:05 and your life is hid with Christ in God." 42:07 1 Peter 2:24, "Who in his own self bare our sins 42:11 in His body on the tree 42:13 that we being dead to sins 42:15 should live on to righteousness." 42:18 Galatians 5:24, "They that are Christ 42:20 have crucified the flesh 42:22 with its affections and its lust." 42:24 Let's look at verse 12. 42:27 Verse 12, Romans 8:12. 42:28 "Therefore, brethren, we are debtors 42:31 not to the flesh to live according to the flesh 42:33 because we are to be dead to that. 42:35 If you live according to the flesh, you will die 42:38 but if by the Spirit you put to the death 42:41 the deeds of the body you will live." 42:44 It's not me who is putting to death 42:46 the deeds of the body, it's the Holy Spirit. 42:48 It's that surrender to allow the Holy Spirit 42:51 to work in me and through me. 42:54 Let's look one more verse I think I have. 42:56 Verse 14. 42:59 "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, 43:02 these are the sons of God." 43:06 In Greek, it's huios, 43:08 a son it could be either by birth or adoption, 43:10 anyone sharing the same nature as their father. 43:14 It emphasizes the likeness of the believer 43:16 to their father in heaven. 43:18 So God says that He wants to call us as His children, 43:23 He wants to call us as His sons and daughters. 43:25 As you mentioned John 1:12, "To them who are..." 43:30 As many as receive them, 43:31 to them He gave the right to become the sons of God. 43:35 And so we were slaves under sin. 43:38 We were born under sin but the Lord Jesus came 43:42 that you when I can be set free 43:44 that we no longer have to serve sin. 43:47 We can serve a new master, 43:49 we can serve the Lord Jesus Christ. 43:51 And how is that accomplished? 43:52 By death of the old man, by surrender 43:55 to the Lord Jesus Christ 43:57 and allowing Him by the power of His Holy Spirit 44:01 to come into you, into each one of us, 44:03 and into indwell to set up residence 44:07 in your heart and in your life. 44:08 Amen. Pastor CA. 44:10 Well done. 44:11 You talked about the right to become the sons of God. 44:13 One of Oswald Chambers most powerful statements 44:18 was his musing on the power to become 44:22 that one of the greatest gifts God has given us 44:24 is the power to become sons. 44:25 And it's interesting Oswald Chambers 44:28 died a hundred years ago, this year, he died 1917. 44:32 But he became more famous after he passed than 44:36 when he was living 44:38 because his wife carried on his legacy 44:41 and he did so much musing on the things of God. 44:45 On Thursday, we are dealing with the spirit of adoption. 44:48 And I'm going to take the noblesse 44:52 of this final chair 44:54 to step on one of your verses and add it to mine 44:56 because I need it so desperately. 44:57 Please. 44:58 Because my text actually is Romans 8:15, 45:04 but really to get the context and to flow it, 45:07 you need 14, 15 and 16. 45:09 Absolutely. So I'm going to read those. 45:11 The Bible says, "For as many as were led 45:13 by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God." 45:16 So those who are led by the Spirit become the sons. 45:20 "For you did not receive 45:21 the spirit of bondage again to fear 45:24 but you receive the spirit of adoption 45:27 by whom we cry out Abba father. 45:30 The Spirit himself bears witness with," excuse me, 45:33 "With our spirit that we are the children of God." 45:36 And I want to flip over quickly to Galatians from last quarter, 45:42 4:6, because Paul is carrying 45:46 this same message to the church, 45:47 to the brothers and sisters at Galatians. 45:50 He structures it slightly different, 45:51 it gives a little shade, a little nuance 45:53 but he's saying basically the same thing. 45:54 I'm in Galatians 4:6. 45:57 "And because you are sons God has sent forth 46:02 the spirit of his son 46:06 into your hearts crying out Abba father." 46:09 So saying the same but a slightly different nuance 46:11 which actually gives a little clarity 46:13 to what he's saying here at the Church of Rome. 46:16 The idea of adoption 46:17 was not really a Jewish thing too much 46:19 because of the way the laws were written, 46:22 there weren't certainly a lot of orphan children around 46:26 and their parents were to be taken care 46:29 of by the nearest kinsmen. 46:31 So, you didn't have a lot of children 46:33 around to be adopted. 46:35 In Rome, the idea of adopting 46:37 was much more common, particularly boys. 46:40 As those of the Praetorian class 46:43 got a little bit older, the patrician class 46:46 and they realized we're not going to have kids. 46:48 They would adopt from the lower classes 46:52 and make those boys, it happen with girls too 46:55 but not so much, mostly with boys. 46:57 And it was mostly something that was done to make sure 47:01 that the family line went on, 47:02 that the succession rights were taken care of, 47:04 and certainly if there was any kingship 47:07 or land ownership, 47:10 they wanted to make sure that that stayed in the family, 47:12 so they just go out and adopt a boy. 47:14 For rights, for honor, for privileges, 47:17 in fact, the most famous adoptee 47:20 was the first true emperor of Rome 47:22 and that was Octavian, Gaius Julius Caesar, adopted 47:27 and became Emperor. 47:30 So it was common, 47:31 so in Paul writing to the Church of Rome, 47:35 they would instinctively know what he's is talking about 47:38 and they would know and understand that 47:39 if you got adopted, 47:41 particularly if you got adopted into a royal household, 47:45 you were kind of made in a shade. 47:46 You know, you got it, you got it, you got it all. 47:49 Anything that they had became yours. 47:51 And so they would understand this idea that 47:54 if you are adopted you have been chosen 47:56 and selected by God. 47:58 And everything that God has is now yours. 48:02 And that would be fully understood 48:03 and accepted by them. 48:06 So Paul is dealing with a new relationship, 48:11 a new relationship to the law 48:13 and a new relationship to the Lord. 48:18 Bondage is trying to do a right thing 48:24 and not being right, is trying to serve a holy God 48:27 and not being holy, is trying to live up 48:30 to righteous law with no righteous. 48:32 That's bondage, that's like trying to do something 48:35 and not having the tool 48:36 or the mechanisms to get it done. 48:38 That's bondage. 48:39 When I look at myself, how can I keep that law? 48:45 How can I do that right thing? 48:49 Even when I want to do it, there's another law in me 48:54 that's saying, "You're not going to do that. 48:56 You're not going to that." 48:59 So I'm fighting against a standard that I cannot meet. 49:06 And I'm fighting against myself which is telling me, 49:09 "You can't meet that standard." 49:10 So I'm lost before I've started. 49:12 So Paul is talking about 49:13 now a brand new relationship to the law. 49:16 That's what legalism is, trying to do something 49:18 and not having the tools to do it 49:20 or trying to do it for the wrong reason. 49:21 So he's saying there's a new relationship now, 49:23 the new relationship is that now I'm a son. 49:28 Now I'm no longer a slave, I'm no longer afraid 49:32 of what the Master is thinking. 49:33 I'm no longer afraid of being beaten. 49:36 I'm no longer subject to those neighbor things. 49:39 Now I'm a son of the law. 49:41 Now I'm part of this whole experience. 49:46 So I go through what's called the curses honorarium, 49:49 the adoption process. 49:52 And now I become a son of the law. 49:54 And so now I can look at the Lord 49:58 as Abba, as Daddy. 50:02 But not only is it a term of endearment and familiarity, 50:06 it is also a term of respect. 50:09 There is with this familiarity, also this idea of respect. 50:15 He's my daddy, He's my friend, He is one that I can trust. 50:18 I remember years ago, we got a church picnic. 50:21 And a fellow with... 50:24 The son was going up to the slide 50:25 and jumping down and father's catching him. 50:28 And we're just all kind of watching. 50:30 And he said, "Go on up and when you jump, 50:33 I'll be there to catch you." 50:35 And the son went up and the dad got distracted 50:38 because his daughter came and grabbed his leg. 50:40 So he immediately looked at the daughter 50:42 and the son went up and jumped. 50:44 You know, because his dad said, "I'm going to catch you." 50:47 So he believed his daddy. 50:50 He caught me before, 50:51 so why wouldn't he catch me now? 50:53 But he didn't know that the daughter 50:54 was grabbing on to daddy's leg. 50:55 And so when he finally came to himself and looked up, 50:59 that boy was right here, he was right here. 51:02 He was about a foot from his head 51:04 because he had jumped. 51:05 And the father caught him. 51:07 Well, he expected daddy to be there. 51:10 So he leapt, he didn't look. He just leapt. 51:13 And that's the way this is. 51:15 When we come into this new relationship 51:18 and the Lord says, "Leap." 51:20 Guess what we do? We leap. 51:21 We leap, that's what we do. 51:23 Abraham looked for a city. God said, "Get up and go." 51:28 You know what Abraham did? 51:29 He got up and went 51:31 because God told him to get up and go. 51:32 Well, it's that kind of relationship 51:34 so that you have a full trust in God. 51:37 You leap when God says leap 51:38 because you know He's going to be there to catch you. 51:40 So it's not a leap in the dark 51:42 because God has caught you before, 51:44 you know he's going to catch you again. 51:46 And so there's a brand new relationship to the Lord. 51:50 The lesson says this. 51:54 It talks about the bondage relationship, 51:56 the slave relationship where you don't really know 51:58 what your master is thinking, you have no insight into 52:00 what's going on in master's head, 52:02 and you have no real right to know. 52:04 You can't go into the master's house 52:05 and say, "Okay, what's happening in here," 52:07 because you're just a slave, you're hireling 52:09 and you're a person who just works for them. 52:11 But a son can come in and say, "What's going on, dad?" 52:14 Because the relationship has changed. 52:16 So the lesson says, "Not so with one 52:18 who accepts Jesus Christ first, 52:21 he or she renders voluntary service." 52:23 It's voluntary. 52:24 We want to come in, we want to serve. 52:25 Second, "He or she serves without fear, 52:29 for perfect love casteth out fear." 52:31 I John 4:18. 52:34 When we come to the Lord, praise God, there is no fear. 52:39 You cannot love what you fear. You cannot. 52:44 The opposite of fear to me is not really hate. 52:49 The opposite of fear is apathy. 52:52 I'm sorry, let me correct that. 52:54 The opposite of love is not fear, 52:56 is not hate, the opposite of love is fear. 53:02 And you cannot love what you fear. 53:05 You cannot love what you don't feel comfortable 53:07 in the presence of. 53:08 And so, as we lose fear of God, we are able to love God more. 53:14 Because when you test God and try God, 53:17 you find out you can trust God. 53:20 So you lose your fear. 53:25 And in that losing of fear, it is replaced with love. 53:31 It's coming. 53:34 Third, "When you're adopted as a child, 53:37 you could become an heir 53:39 and an inheritor of all that God has promised. 53:45 The spirit of bondage is engendered 53:47 by seeking to live in accordance 53:48 with a legal religion through striving to fulfill 53:52 the claims of the law in our own strength." 53:54 That is the textbook definition of bondage, 53:57 trying to lift a holy law in your own strength. 54:01 And you know that, in you dwelleth no good thing. 54:04 There's nothing in there that reaches out and grabs that law. 54:08 But love comes and Freedom comes 54:10 when Christ comes in you which is what Galatians says. 54:13 When Christ comes in you 54:15 and then that law is worked out through you 54:17 and become acceptable to the Lord. 54:19 And, man, time goes fast. Yes, it does. 54:22 And thank you, Pastor CA. That was amazing. 54:25 What we have learned from Pastor CA 54:28 is that we have been adopted into a royal family. 54:32 Now I want to quote him. 54:34 Pastor CA says we've got it made in the shade. 54:37 That's a quote right from you, Pastor. 54:38 Indeed it is. 54:40 And that we have been chosen and selected by God Himself. 54:45 Now, isn't that encouraging? 54:47 Well, I am just encouraged 54:49 because of the whole lesson, Jill, Christ in us. 54:51 Pastor Lomacang, you showed us 54:53 that there's a new law in our heart now 54:56 and it's the law of the spirit of life. 54:58 And Shelley came, what the law couldn't do, 55:01 what Christ can do. 55:03 I want each of you to share just a few moments. 55:06 I think, Jill, we'll start with you. 55:08 Sure. 55:10 Romans 8, the end of the chapter, 55:11 we have not discussed in this lesson. 55:14 So there's one verse I want to read. 55:15 Romans 8:35, "Who shall separate us 55:19 from the love of Christ?" 55:20 And if you read that, 55:22 there is an entire list of things. 55:23 Nothing can separate you from the Lord. 55:26 So when you have made Him the Lord of your life, 55:28 you are justified. 55:30 And as you walk in this journey of sanctification, 55:32 allowing him by the power of His Holy Spirit 55:35 to dwell in your life, 55:37 nothing can separate you from Jesus. 55:39 Amen. Pastor Lomacang. 55:41 You know what the Bible says? 55:43 There is no condemnation to those who walk. 55:44 You know, when we allow Christ to come in, our walk changes. 55:47 When our walk changes, our direction changes. 55:50 When our direction changes, our destiny changes. 55:53 So I would encourage you to invite Christ 55:55 into change your walk, 55:58 your direction, and your destiny. 56:01 Amen. Sister Shelley. 56:03 I was just thinking that, you know, here he's saying, 56:06 "Who will deliver me? 56:07 Thank God, He will through Jesus Christ." 56:10 It's similar to what he wrote, then again. 56:12 Here, he's talking about being delivered 56:14 from the law of sin and death. 56:16 But then in the I Corinthians 15, 56:18 he's talking about again, 56:20 you know, this corruptible is going to put on him, 56:22 corrupt immortality will put on immortality. 56:26 And it's all because he goes on to say 56:29 death is swallowed up in victory. 56:31 And then he again, "Thanks be to God 56:33 who gives us the victory in Christ Jesus." 56:37 That's the answer. Amen. Pastor CA. 56:40 The Bible says, "When you develop this new relationship, 56:43 His spirit, there's witness with your spirit," 56:47 so that you know you are walking in the Lord, 56:49 you know that you can trust the God 56:51 who has called you because like calls to like. 56:54 His spirit is in you and that spirit in you 56:57 put there by God answers to His spirit 56:59 so that you know you are one in Christ Jesus. 57:01 Amen, and amen. 57:02 I want to thank each of you 57:04 for a wonderful Bible study today. 57:06 Thank you so much. 57:07 I want to thank each of you for being here with us. 57:09 And I want to invite you back next Sabbath. 57:12 Same time, same place. 57:14 We come to you every Sabbath morning 57:17 opening up the bread of life, feeding you 57:20 what the Lord has given us. 57:21 Next week, we were on lesson 10 57:24 and we're going to look at children of promise. 57:26 If you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, 57:29 then you are a child of promise. 57:32 See you then. 57:33 Amen. |
Revised 2024-07-09