3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 8: Who is the Man of Romans 7?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000047A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:04 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:08 It says to receive
00:09 with meekness the implanted Word
00:12 which is able to save your souls,
00:14 and to be diligent to present yourself
00:17 approved to God
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth.
00:21 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:26 Our study today is Salvation by Faith Alone,
00:30 the Book of Romans.
00:33 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:37 My name is Jill Morikone.
00:38 And we are delighted
00:40 that you are taking time from your day,
00:41 whether it's during the week
00:42 when we air or at Sabbath morning
00:44 to open up God's Word and to study with us.
00:47 We are in the midst of our discussion
00:49 on the Book of Romans,
00:50 Paul's epistle to the believers there in Rome.
00:54 And we are in lesson number eight.
00:56 Who is the man of Roman 7?
00:58 If you don't have the Sabbath school quarterly,
01:00 you can always go to the website,
01:02 that is ABSG.Adventist.org.
01:07 That stands for Adult BibleStudyGuide.Adventist.org.
01:12 You can download the lesson,
01:13 and you can follow along with us.
01:15 Or you can always go to your local
01:18 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:20 join a Sabbath school class there,
01:22 and get involved in fellowship
01:24 with others brothers and sisters.
01:26 We've a wonderful panel today
01:28 that I want to introduce to you at this time.
01:29 To my left Pastor John Lomacang,
01:32 and Pastor CA Murray,
01:34 Miss Mollie Steenson, and Miss Shelley Quinn.
01:36 And it's a privilege to open up the Word of God
01:39 with each one of you
01:40 because I know
01:42 that you're students of the Word.
01:43 And they are friends and mentors.
01:45 So I'm so blessed to be joining with them
01:48 for the Sabbath School Panel today.
01:49 Before we go any further, we want to open up with prayer.
01:52 And, Pastor John, would you pray for us today?
01:54 Sure.
01:55 Loving Father in heaven,
01:57 we bow our hearts and heads before You.
01:59 And as we dive into this book
02:02 that reminds us of our shallowness.
02:05 We pray that Your Spirit will pull us to the depth
02:08 of the knowledge,
02:09 necessary to reveal
02:10 to those listening and watching this program
02:12 the beauty of the saving grace of Christ.
02:15 Guide our hearts and minds,
02:17 bring the Word alive that all things
02:19 might be done to further your cause in the earth
02:22 and bring us to a saving walk with You,
02:24 in Jesus' name, amen.
02:26 Amen.
02:28 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
02:29 Romans 7 has been a topic you could say of controversy
02:33 among Christians for generations,
02:36 for a long time.
02:38 May be since it was written, I'm not even sure.
02:40 Some people say, is it autobiographical?
02:42 Is it about the life of Paul?
02:44 Is it maybe an experience writing about someone?
02:47 Is he converted? Is he unconverted?
02:49 And we're going to unpackaged
02:51 that here as we discuss Romans 7 here today.
02:55 You know, as I look at the Book of Romans,
02:57 when you begin
02:58 from the very beginning Romans 1,
03:01 Paul really follows
03:02 a wonderful theological progression of thought.
03:05 And Paul is a wonderful scholar,
03:07 he's a great writer.
03:08 And you see that progression Romans 1, 2, and 3
03:11 deals with the indictment of the world,
03:13 the judgment that comes over all the world, right?
03:16 Romans 1 is the judgment over the gentiles.
03:19 Romans 2, the judgment also extends to the Jews.
03:22 Romans 3, we all have sinned
03:25 and fallen short of the glory of God.
03:27 Then halfway through Romans 3 because we all have sinned,
03:31 we all are in need of a Savior.
03:33 And there is that concept of salvation of justification
03:36 by faith that Romans are so known
03:38 for that treaties on justification by faith.
03:41 Then when we get to Romans 6,
03:43 we begin the process of sanctification by faith
03:47 or being dead to that old man.
03:50 We talked about that last week,
03:51 that analogy of baptism into the watery grave
03:54 and then rising to newness of life.
03:57 We have Romans 7 and then Romans 8
04:00 of course is walking in the spirit
04:02 and the power of the Holy Spirit
04:04 to be dwelling in us to give us that victory over sin.
04:08 And then somehow between Romans 6 and Romans 8
04:12 we have Romans 7
04:13 which is our discussion here today.
04:16 It's the battle you could say between the flesh and the law
04:21 that takes place once we come to Jesus
04:25 because when we come to Jesus,
04:26 we don't even know sin unless we know the law,
04:30 unless we know Jesus.
04:31 And when we come to Jesus,
04:33 we see there is that battle between that flesh
04:36 and between the Spirit.
04:37 But praise the Lord, He can give us victory.
04:40 So we want to look at that.
04:42 I just want to look at two laws discussed here in Romans 7
04:45 and then we'd jump into Sunday.
04:47 In Roman 7 we see the law of sin and death
04:50 and then we also see God's law.
04:52 Let's look at the couple of scriptures.
04:54 Roman 7:7
04:56 and I know this will be discussed
04:57 in further detail on the panel today.
05:00 I just wanted to lay this foundation, Roman 7:7,
05:03 Paul says, "What shall we say then?
05:04 Is the law sin? Certainly not!
05:06 On the contrary,
05:08 I would not have known sin except through the law."
05:12 What law is he referring to?
05:13 It's very clear,
05:15 it's the Ten Commandment moral law
05:16 'cause he says,
05:17 "For I would not have known covetousness
05:19 unless the law had said, 'You shall not covet,'"
05:21 and that's one of the Ten Commandments.
05:23 And then verse 12, he says, "The law is holy,
05:26 and the commandment holy, and just, and good."
05:29 God's moral law shows us sin and His law is holy,
05:33 just and good.
05:34 But Paul introduces another law
05:36 that's warring in his members in this chapter.
05:40 In verse 25, he says,
05:42 "With a mind I myself serve the law of God..."
05:46 That's the Ten Commandment moral law.
05:49 "But with the flesh the law of sin."
05:53 So there's two different laws warring for master
05:56 you could say.
05:57 Verse 22, he says, "I delight in the law of God,"
06:00 that's the moral Law.
06:01 According to the inward man
06:03 but I see another law in my members
06:06 warring against the law of my mind,
06:07 bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
06:10 which is in my members.
06:12 So let's jump into Sunday where we read our memory text,
06:15 that is Romans 7:6, and let's say that together.
06:20 "Now we are delivered from the law,
06:23 that being dead wherein we were held,
06:27 that we should serve in newness of spirit,
06:30 and not in the oldness of the letter."
06:34 So the portion on Sunday is Romans 7:1-6.
06:38 So let's take a look at that, Romans 7:1-6,
06:41 freed from the law.
06:42 And we're going to look at what law that is
06:44 'cause there's some controversy.
06:45 Some people say that means we're free from the moral,
06:48 the Ten Commandment law,
06:49 but we'll find out that's not the case here.
06:52 Romans 7:1, "Do you not know, brethren,
06:55 for I speak to those who know the law..."
06:57 He's writing to the believers
06:59 who knew and understood the law.
07:02 "That the law has dominion
07:04 over a man as long as he lives?"
07:06 And then Paul begins to unpackaged
07:09 this by an illustration of marriage.
07:12 He says verse 2, "For the woman..."
07:14 Now, we know in the Bible woman represents a church.
07:17 This could symbolically represent
07:19 the people of God or you and I.
07:22 "For the woman who has a husband,
07:25 is bound by the law to her husband
07:27 as long as he lives, but if the husband dies,
07:31 she is released from the law of her husband."
07:34 Let's read the next verse and then we'll unpackage this.
07:36 "So then, if while her husband lives
07:38 she marries another man,
07:41 she will be called an adulteress.
07:43 But if her husband dies, she is free from that law,
07:47 so that she is no adulteress
07:49 though she has married another man."
07:51 So the first time you read this, you might say,
07:53 "What in the world is Paul talking about here?"
07:55 This is an example,
07:56 an illustration but what does he mean,
07:58 the woman has a husband,
07:59 we would say the old husband or the first husband,
08:02 and then there's another husband.
08:05 So what exactly does that mean, and what does that mean,
08:07 the first husband dies,
08:09 and then she can be legally married
08:10 to the second husband.
08:12 So let's look at that.
08:13 We already talked about the woman represents you and I,
08:15 Christians, the body of believers,
08:19 the people of God.
08:21 Now let's look at if she is married
08:23 to the husband,
08:24 let's look at the first husband,
08:26 that is the law of sin and death
08:29 and we will unpackage that.
08:32 It's the habitual tendency to sin to the carnal
08:36 or fleshly nature from which man is freed
08:40 and to which he dies when he is connected to Christ.
08:44 1 John 3:4 says,
08:46 "Sin is the transgression of the law."
08:50 When we come to Christ, what would you say?
08:53 We die to sin.
08:55 Or we die to that old nature.
08:59 Once her husband dies, she can marry another man.
09:03 What does that mean her husband dies?
09:05 Let's look at Romans 6,
09:06 and I know we study this last week.
09:08 But Romans 6:2,
09:12 it says, "How shall we who die to sin,
09:16 live any longer therein?"
09:20 How shall we who die to sin live any longer therein?
09:25 If the first husband represents that law of sin and death,
09:28 the old man, and when he dies she is then freed from that law
09:34 of sin and death.
09:36 Romans 6:6, "Knowing this,
09:38 that our old man was crucified with him,
09:42 that the body of sin might be done away with,
09:45 that we should no longer be slaves of sin."
09:49 When the old man is crucified with him,
09:51 when it is put to death, we are no longer slaves to sin,
09:55 we're no longer married to that old husband,
09:58 that old husband, the law of sin and death.
10:01 Verse 7, "He who has died, has been freed from sin."
10:06 So when the old husband in Romans 7 died,
10:09 she was then free to marry another man.
10:12 She's been freed from that old husband,
10:15 that law of sin and death.
10:17 So when she dies to the old man,
10:19 then she is set free.
10:22 Romans 6:22,
10:24 "But now having been set free from sin..."
10:26 Meaning that old husband is dead.
10:29 "And having become slaves of God,
10:30 and have your fruit to holiness,
10:32 and the end everlasting life."
10:36 Romans 8:2,
10:39 "For the law of the Spirit of life
10:40 in Christ Jesus
10:42 has made me free from the law of sin and death."
10:46 So now what Paul does is he takes this principle
10:49 and he applies it to the believers.
10:51 Verse 4, "Therefore, my brethren,
10:53 you also have become dead to the law..."
10:56 Meaning to the law of sin,
10:57 he's not talking about the Ten Commandment law,
11:00 they're not dead to that law.
11:01 They're dead to the law of sin through the body of Christ
11:07 that you may be married to another,
11:09 that's the Lord Jesus Christ.
11:11 Remember when we're buried with Christ into baptism,
11:14 death of that old man, the man of sin,
11:16 that law of sin and death,
11:18 we're raised up to walk in newness of life
11:23 with the spirit.
11:25 "Become dead to the law of sin through the body of Christ
11:28 that you may be married to another,
11:30 to him who has raised from the dead
11:32 that we should bear fruit to God."
11:34 The only way we can bear fruit to God
11:36 is if we are connected to Christ,
11:39 if we are walking in the spirit not according to the flesh.
11:44 But now we've been delivered from the law,
11:46 meaning that old man,
11:48 the law of sin and death having died
11:50 to what we were held by so that we should serve
11:53 in the newness of the spirit,
11:56 and not in the oldness of the letter.
11:58 Now there's also another application
12:00 that we could give
12:01 and that is definitely given out there
12:03 in the lesson brought this out
12:05 that they could be talking about the old ceremonial laws
12:09 that were put to death
12:10 'cause remember Paul's writing to those
12:11 who are coming out of Judaism
12:14 and accepting Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
12:16 So it could be that old laws that you're putting to death.
12:20 And now we are living life in Christ Jesus,
12:24 not saying the moral law is put to death
12:26 but those old ceremonial system,
12:28 the sacrificial system
12:30 that pointed forward to the coming of the Messiah
12:33 that that is put aside,
12:35 and now we are walking in Christ Jesus.
12:37 So you have that analogy too,
12:39 maybe a dual application here that we could put there.
12:43 Matthew 6:24, last scripture
12:45 and then I'll turn it over to Pastor John here.
12:48 "No man can serve two masters: either we hate the one,
12:53 and love the other, or we love the one,
12:56 and hate the other.
12:57 We have to choose today."
12:59 Joshua 24:15,
13:01 "Choose you this day whom you will serve?"
13:05 And it's a daily battle and I know
13:07 as we go through the lesson today,
13:08 we will be discussing that
13:09 it's not just a once in a lifetime
13:12 we buried the old man, we come up resurrection,
13:14 newness of life
13:15 but we have a daily battle against our flesh,
13:19 against that fleshly nature
13:20 that strives or struggles for the supremacy.
13:24 So we'll take a look at that as we move forward.
13:27 And, Pastor John, you have the next one.
13:30 Thank you, Jill.
13:32 This topic of Romans 7 is probably one
13:35 of not only the most controversial
13:38 but it is one of the most revealing,
13:40 it talks about law, the law of sin and death,
13:42 the law of my mind, another law in my members,
13:46 the law of the spirit of life.
13:48 And what I want to begin it
13:49 by picking up on something you said
13:51 because unless you understand
13:56 what the law that Paul is referring
13:59 to that's really controlling him,
14:02 unless we understand what that law is,
14:04 then we could misconstrue thinking
14:06 that Paul is referring to the commandments
14:08 as being a bad thing or the ceremonial law
14:11 as being the capturing aspects of the Jewish economy.
14:15 We could almost put those two laws
14:19 in contrast to each other
14:20 or make them fight against one another,
14:22 when in fact God gave them both.
14:25 He gave Moses the Law of Moses,
14:27 and then he also gave the Ten Commandments.
14:29 And God wouldn't give two laws
14:31 that are out of harmony with each other
14:33 but one was designed to lead us to the coming Christ,
14:37 and the other one was designed to continue
14:39 to amplify the righteousness of the character of God.
14:43 One had a particular duration of time,
14:44 the law was added because of transgression,
14:46 Galatians 3:19.
14:48 But what Paul is talking about here,
14:49 he's talking about this thing we're born with.
14:53 When Adam and Eve sinned,
14:55 there was a transitional change and I want to go first,
15:00 we're going to talk about this husband.
15:01 Let's talk about the husband first
15:03 because the husband to me has a broader...
15:06 Jesus brought this picture into view in Genesis 3.
15:11 Let's go to Genesis very quickly.
15:14 He brought this view
15:15 and we know all of you who are women,
15:17 who are married, who have children
15:19 and you know that your husband's seed
15:23 was necessary to produce children.
15:28 Jesus made it very clear to Eve,
15:30 from now on this is going to be the condition of humanity.
15:34 You notice what he says in Genesis 3,
15:36 and I'm going to begin with verse 16,
15:39 then I'm going to go back to verse 15.
15:41 "To the woman he said,
15:44 'I will greatly multiply your sorrow
15:46 and your conception,
15:48 in pain you shall bring forth children.'"
15:51 In other words when these children come forth,
15:53 you're going to recognize the pain of these children
15:56 but then he said something in verse continuing,
15:58 he says, "Your desire shall be for your husband,
16:01 and he shall rule over you."
16:04 Now when you think about this, your desire and your husband,
16:07 Paul uses the same analogy as husband and wife
16:10 in Romans 7.
16:11 Now desire, this is huge
16:14 because the desire shall be for her husband.
16:18 In other words, she's going to prefer her husband,
16:20 and why would she prefer her husband,
16:22 because her nature has not been corrupted by sin.
16:26 And the Lord is immediately connecting
16:28 that to her husband,
16:29 but it gives our hope in the prior verse.
16:32 Let's look at verse 15
16:34 because he talks about the husband in verse 16,
16:36 and then he talks about the seed in verse 15,
16:40 he says, "Now I will put enmity between you and the woman,
16:44 and between your seed and her seed,
16:47 he shall bruise your head, you shall bruise his heel."
16:51 He brings seed,
16:52 woman and husband in these two verses together.
16:54 Now what do you need to produce fruit?
16:57 You need seeds. Absolutely.
16:59 The law that Paul talks about here
17:01 that's producing in our lives in Galatians
17:03 has two contrast, we look at all the...
17:06 Before we see the fruit of the spirit,
17:08 we see the works of the flesh.
17:10 And what I'm suggesting to you is the fruit of the spirit,
17:13 the fruit has seed, the seed is from Christ.
17:18 The works of the flesh also have seed
17:21 and that's from that husband who controls our desire.
17:24 Now we know the natural inclination
17:25 is to do wrong because we have Adam's nature.
17:28 As in Adam all die,
17:29 even so in Christ all shall be made alive.
17:32 So let's go now to Matthew 7 and let's look at the law.
17:35 Now this is particularly to me this law of sin and death
17:41 that Paul is talking about,
17:43 the law of sin and death
17:45 because as we are subject on earth to the law of gravity,
17:49 no one can break the law of gravity
17:51 within the confines of earth's atmosphere.
17:54 You've got to go a long way away
17:56 before the law of gravity
17:57 no longer has any power over you.
18:00 So what I'm saying is as long
18:01 as you're walking on terra firma,
18:02 the law of gravity has power, you cannot break that.
18:06 What I'm going to suggest now,
18:07 as long as you're walking in the nature of Adam,
18:09 you cannot violate that law,
18:11 it will produce in you the fruit that its seed
18:15 is intended to produce
18:17 which is Galatians 5 brings out all those,
18:20 you know, lying, stealing, adultery,
18:22 fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness...
18:24 They produce, that's what's going to happen.
18:27 And when you see it and when you see it
18:29 as the Bible says,
18:30 "In pain you shall bring forth children."
18:32 You're going to see all
18:34 these seeds of corruption in your life.
18:35 It's going to be painful to you.
18:37 But you can't change it
18:39 because you're married to that man
18:40 but as you said in Romans 7,
18:42 as long as that man is your husband,
18:44 he is going to produce that seed in your life
18:46 and that's going to be the end result
18:47 pain, and suffering, and death, and all those straits of sin.
18:51 But look at the principle of this law, Matthew 7:18,
18:55 "A good tree together cannot bear bad fruit.
18:59 Nor can a bad tree bear good fruit."
19:02 So here's the key.
19:03 Once the tree, that man of sin,
19:07 that old husband is still in control,
19:10 you cannot bear good fruit.
19:14 But when Christ is in control,
19:16 this is the beauty of the righteousness of Jesus.
19:18 When Christ is in control, you cannot bear bad fruit.
19:22 Amen. You cannot.
19:24 So what's the difference now? Let's go to Romans 6.
19:27 Romans 6.
19:29 There's a transition,
19:30 we've got a part to play in this
19:31 because some people may say, "Well, I'm a Christian,
19:33 so why are there bad fruits still showing up in my life?"
19:35 That's the challenge to all of us.
19:37 Well, Paul answers, we must die daily,
19:39 but I'm gonna deeper than that,
19:41 and use the writings of Paul to say that.
19:44 Romans 6:16, that's exactly where I'm going, Romans 6:16.
19:48 Here is what I was call and what Ellen White calls,
19:51 the right action of the will, you got to decide daily.
19:55 Joshua 24:15, "Choose you today,
19:59 this day whom you will serve."
20:00 Here it is, Roman 6:16,
20:03 "Do you not know
20:04 that to whom you present yourselves..."
20:07 The King James Version says, "To whom you yield yourselves,
20:10 slaves to obey,
20:11 you are that one slave whom you obey,
20:14 whether of sin leading to" what?
20:16 "Death, or of obedience leading to" what?
20:19 "Righteousness?"
20:20 And so the key is we've got to decide
20:22 as Christians daily
20:24 because the one thing that survives baptism,
20:26 you know, first of all we're safe
20:27 from the penalty of sin, that's justification.
20:29 That's when we give our lives to Christ dead, buried,
20:32 walking in the newness of life on the resurrection.
20:35 Then daily the sanctifying part is we are safe
20:38 from the power of sin but only as we yield,
20:42 choose you this day whom you will serve.
20:44 And so Paul in verses 19
20:46 he makes this clear what he's talking about.
20:49 He says, "I speak in terms
20:51 because of the weakness of your flesh.
20:55 For just as you presented your members as slaves
20:57 of uncleanness and of lawlessness
21:01 leading to moral lawlessness."
21:03 Now he says,
21:05 "You got to make a different decision,
21:06 you got to yield in a different direction."
21:08 So now present your members
21:09 as slaves of righteousness for what?
21:12 For holiness.
21:14 I like to read here in Ministry of Healing,
21:17 page 176,
21:19 and it is under the subtitle everything depends
21:21 on the right action of the will.
21:23 Now remember your desire shall be for your husband,
21:25 this is important because Ellen White uses the word,
21:27 desire for goodness and purity are right as far as they go.
21:31 But if we stop here, they avail nothing.
21:35 Many will go down to ruin while hoping and desiring
21:40 to overcome their evil propensities.
21:43 They do not yield the will to God.
21:46 They do not choose to serve Him.
21:48 And so I have recently over the last five,
21:50 six months or so,
21:51 I've adopted a new idea about this whole thing.
21:54 We cannot choose what to do but we can choose who to serve.
21:59 Because when we choose who to deserve,
22:00 he is the husband.
22:02 He's going to produce in us righteousness or lawlessness.
22:06 When Jesus is the husband, He produces righteousness.
22:10 But if we allow that old man to come back to life,
22:12 he's going to produce
22:13 all manner of evil as Paul says,
22:16 Romans 7:23,
22:17 "I see another law in my members,
22:19 warring against the law of my mind,
22:21 bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
22:24 which is in my members."
22:25 That law of sin is what I'm referring to,
22:27 that law of sin that controlling.
22:30 It is first an enslaving power and then a controlling power.
22:36 When we yield, we are enslaved.
22:39 And then he controls
22:40 and the seed naturally produces the results in our lives,
22:44 and Galatians brings out all those seeds.
22:46 But let me wind up on this point.
22:48 I like the fact that
22:50 the Lord has given us a way to break this.
22:51 Galatians 2:20,
22:53 "I have been crucified with Christ.
22:55 It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.
22:58 And the life which I now live in the flesh,
23:01 this flesh we have every day,
23:03 I live by faith in the Son of God,
23:05 who loved me, and gave Himself for me."
23:07 When we allow Christ to come in,
23:09 that old man is dead and daily the fruit is born
23:13 under the righteousness of Christ.
23:14 Amen. Pastor CA.
23:16 Amen. Amen.
23:17 I just have to add one thing
23:18 because that was so beautifully done.
23:20 I have a fairly extensive study on the world
23:22 using many of those same quotes
23:23 that we've been talking about among ourselves,
23:26 and I always,
23:27 it has always occurred to me
23:29 that to use the will not to do something is incorrect
23:31 use of the will.
23:33 If you have an addiction or something and you're saying,
23:35 I'm going to use my will not to think about this.
23:39 And it's incorrect use of the will.
23:40 There are some days
23:41 when you can put down a cigarette
23:43 through the force of your will.
23:45 Today I'm not going to smoke and you defeat it that day.
23:48 But tomorrow you lose to it
23:50 because your will is not enough to sustain you.
23:52 What you've got a will to do is serve Jesus
23:55 and then He works out His will through you,
23:58 then comes your victory,
23:59 that's the correct use of the will.
24:00 And if you put down
24:02 the cigarette today without Jesus,
24:05 who's going to turn for the cigarette
24:06 you smoke yesterday, or the day before that,
24:08 you still need Christ
24:09 because you cannot be righteous without Him,
24:11 so thank you, man.
24:12 We've talked about this
24:13 and we've gone through this before,
24:15 it's good stuff.
24:16 And I got to rebuttal,
24:18 it is giving your will over to Christ
24:19 and let him become no longer
24:21 I who live but Christ living in me.
24:22 Well said. Well said.
24:24 We could go back on this word for a good lifetime.
24:27 This is a two hour study, if we don't get an hour,
24:28 that's terrible.
24:30 Yeah, the law is holy I'm on to...
24:32 I'm going to try to stay in a very narrow lane
24:34 because there's so much stuff
24:35 and this is such a good study that
24:37 and it flows so easily one to the other.
24:40 I just want to read Romans 7:12,
24:44 it's a fairly short scripture
24:47 but it is pregnant with meaning.
24:50 "Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy,
24:53 just and good."
24:55 As I said before,
24:57 you will find that Paul repeats, repeats, repeats,
25:00 of course, repetition does deepen the impression.
25:03 But since he's bringing
25:05 some radical new concepts into play,
25:08 he repeats them and comes to them
25:12 from many directions,
25:13 you know, in sermonizing
25:15 when you take your harmless glasses
25:17 and say try to hit it one way,
25:18 half will get it in and try to hit it another way
25:20 and then try to hit it a third way.
25:23 And some people will get it the first time,
25:25 some will get it in the second time,
25:26 some will get it in a third.
25:28 And so Paul is doing that.
25:29 Paul is dealing with the necessity of the law,
25:32 the value of the law, the purpose of the law,
25:35 the power of the law, the purview of the law,
25:38 and now he becomes very intellectually honest
25:40 by talking about man versus law.
25:43 How does what I have said to you
25:45 in the previous several chapters,
25:47 how do I relate to that?
25:49 And as such how can you relate to that?
25:51 So I like the fact
25:54 that he is intellectually honest,
25:55 he doesn't come to this discussion
25:57 as one saying, I got this all together.
26:01 He is showing us now in the next two chapters
26:04 that I'm struggling to now.
26:05 Some say this is autobiographical,
26:07 some say it is not.
26:09 That's not really the crux of the argument,
26:11 it's not really important.
26:13 What is important
26:14 is that somebody is going through this,
26:17 somebody was going through it then
26:18 and somebody is going through it now.
26:19 So whether it's autobiographical or not,
26:21 it's not really that important save to say
26:24 that all God's people will wrestle with these issues
26:28 at some point in their Christian walk.
26:30 You've got to ask
26:31 how much does Jesus mean to me
26:33 and how much am I willing to surrender my life to Jesus?
26:37 Success only comes through total
26:38 and complete surrender.
26:40 So the lesson asked the question at its outset.
26:43 How do I understand this text in light,
26:46 then in the context of what Paul
26:48 has been discussing?
26:49 Well, again he's talking about the necessity of the value
26:52 of the purpose of the purview and power of in man versus law.
26:58 The idea of law settles into a nice place
27:03 when we realize and reaffirm.
27:05 And Paul does this over and over again.
27:08 What the purpose of the law is
27:10 and that that's foundational to everything
27:13 that when you talk about coming out
27:15 from under the law or not being saved by the law.
27:19 When you understand what the law is supposed to do,
27:21 you can use a brick to drive a nail.
27:25 It's not the most efficient way
27:27 because that's not the purpose of a brick,
27:29 you can do it
27:30 but that's not the purpose of a brick.
27:32 So when we talk about the law and you try to use the law
27:35 as a means of righteousness you're trying to drive a nail
27:37 with the brick,
27:39 it's not what the law is intended to do.
27:41 It was intended to show you some other things.
27:43 So Paul returns to that in this particular passage.
27:49 And I want to just run through quickly.
27:50 Give you a bunch of text
27:51 that I don't have time to go through
27:53 but they all deal
27:54 with the necessity value purpose purview of the law.
27:57 We looked at Romans 3:20,
28:00 James 2:10, Ephesians 2:8-10,
28:04 we talked about that, and 1 John 2:3-6.
28:08 If I had time I would go through them all
28:10 but we got so much to say.
28:12 The law is holy just and good.
28:14 Now we know that he's talking about
28:17 and, Jill, you mentioned this before
28:18 that he's talking about the Ten Commandments
28:20 because he says,
28:21 "I would not have known covetousness,"
28:22 so that, that establishes for us
28:24 what he's talking about, that is in Romans 7:7.
28:28 And then again it is repeated in 11:9,
28:30 so we know he's talking about the Ten Commandments
28:33 as being holy, just and good.
28:37 And I want to just run through holy,
28:38 just and good.
28:40 Holy, interestingly enough here the root word hagios,
28:44 or hagios is the same word that is used sometimes
28:47 for sanctification, for blamelessness,
28:50 and for consecration and sanctity.
28:52 So he's talking about something
28:54 that is holy and that helps us to be holy.
29:01 Same root words
29:02 so when you come from the same root
29:04 you're going to the same place.
29:07 The commandment is just.
29:10 The word deals with being equitable and innocent
29:14 and I really like that combination
29:15 if you study into the Greek, equitable and innocent.
29:18 The law is not trying to hurt anybody,
29:22 it's not trying to destroy anybody,
29:24 what it's trying to do is show you
29:25 where you're wrong.
29:27 It's innocent, it's hands are open,
29:28 there's nothing hidden, nothing secret,
29:31 it's just trying to keep you going in the right direction.
29:34 So it is equitable and innocent.
29:37 In other words, God is not planning,
29:38 trying to play any angle, Shelley.
29:41 He is not trying to keep you out,
29:42 He's trying to get you in.
29:44 You know, and we need to remember
29:46 that when we look at the law, He's trying to get us in.
29:48 So the law is innocent, it is what it is,
29:51 it is a transcript of the character of God.
29:53 It is a pure, innocent thing
29:56 that is trying to do its best to keep you in line.
30:00 That's what it does.
30:02 And that word is dikaiosyne.
30:07 And then good.
30:10 Several words but the one
30:14 that I like the best is beneficial,
30:17 the law is beneficial, it is of benefit to you.
30:21 It will make you better.
30:22 It will show you where you are going wrong.
30:25 It will keep you in the right way.
30:27 It will help you to walk with God and show you.
30:30 It's beneficial to your walk.
30:33 Not only it's beneficial, it's necessary to your walk,
30:36 you cannot walk straight...
30:40 apart from the law.
30:41 The law keeps you in the right...
30:45 Well, I'm tempted to tell a story
30:46 but I'm looking at the time, we can't do it.
30:49 The Bible says or the lesson says rather
30:52 because the Jews revered the law,
30:54 Paul exalted in every way possible.
30:56 In other words, the way to get to a man's heart
30:58 is through a stomach if he is a good eater.
31:00 The way to get to the Jews is to try to do it
31:02 through and exposition of the law.
31:04 So Paul is like Christ a tactician,
31:07 he knows his people, he knows his audience,
31:09 and he knows how to get through them,
31:11 trying to trash the law.
31:13 First of all it's biblically unsound,
31:14 but secondly it just wouldn't work
31:16 with these people, it just would not work.
31:18 So he's uplifting the law but he's giving them the way,
31:22 the law ought to be used.
31:24 Now quickly on my last...
31:25 Oh, my goodness, time.
31:30 Who does he blame? Who does Paul blame?
31:31 He blames the law in his own flesh,
31:34 or rather sin.
31:36 Got to get that straight, he bring sin in his own flesh.
31:40 The law is not weak,
31:42 he is weak through sinful flesh.
31:44 And that's what he's saying, that I want to do right,
31:50 the law shows me how to do right.
31:53 But if I try in my own flesh, I'm defeated before I begin.
31:57 How can an unrighteous person keep a righteous holy law
32:02 that is the expression of a righteous holy God?
32:05 It's just, it's non sequitur.
32:07 If an unrighteousness person is going to meet
32:10 the demands of a righteous law,
32:11 he's got to have the righteousness of that law
32:14 giver working in him.
32:16 And that's what Paul is saying,
32:20 "I don't have the ability to resist,
32:22 I don't have the ability to keep up with the law,
32:25 I don't have the ability to meet the dictates of law,
32:29 but in Christ I am more than a conqueror.
32:32 In Christ I can do these things.
32:35 In Christ I can meet the demands of the law.
32:39 And that segues my dear lady
32:42 into what you are going to be talking about,
32:44 in fact what both of you are going to talk about.
32:47 I am almost breaking a commandment,
32:49 I'm jealous because you get to go
32:50 into this good stuff,
32:52 so I'm almost covetous, and Paul says,
32:55 "I would not have known covetousness except,
32:57 I saw this and I know you got it,
32:58 so now I know covetousness, so, Mollie, take it away.
33:01 Well, the portion that I have is for a Wednesday
33:04 and it's the man of Romans Sabbath.
33:07 And the scripture that I'm going to cover
33:09 is Romans 7:16-20.
33:12 So turn to those scriptures if you will please.
33:16 Now I want you to know something
33:18 in these scriptures that we're about to cover,
33:21 Paul uses the word I 13 times,
33:25 and he uses the word may or might 5 times.
33:30 So again CA alluded earlier to the fact
33:33 that there is some controversy
33:35 and I'm going to look at that controversy here
33:37 in just a moment.
33:38 But right now let's read these scriptures again,
33:41 it's Romans 7:16-20.
33:44 "If then I do, what I will not to do,
33:48 I agree with the law that it is good.
33:51 But now it is no longer I who do it,
33:54 but sin that dwells in me, for I know that in me,
34:01 that is in my flesh, nothing good dwells,
34:05 for to will is to is present with me,
34:08 but how to perform what is good I do not find.
34:12 For the good that I will to do, I do not do,
34:15 but the evil I will not to do that I practice.
34:20 Now if I do what I will not to do,
34:23 it is no longer I who do it but sin that dwells in me."
34:30 Well, Paul could be speaking illustratively.
34:33 The most obvious way to take it
34:36 is that he is speaking of his own experience.
34:39 Now here's what the question are what some will argue
34:43 that this is before Paul was converted,
34:46 others will argue no,
34:47 this is after Paul is converted,
34:49 or if it's illustratively
34:51 it's before someone is converted
34:53 or after someone is converted,
34:55 and I'm not a theologian and I don't argue anyway.
34:59 Obviously his experience
35:02 is representative of the experience
35:06 of all who have struggled against sin.
35:08 So let me ask everybody on this panel,
35:10 have you struggled with sin?
35:12 Absolutely.
35:13 So it can, it is applicable to me in my
35:17 and I've made Jesus Christ the Lord of my life.
35:20 I love the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you know what?
35:24 There are times I want,
35:25 I have to say I'm going to do this and you know what?
35:27 I don't do it,
35:28 then those things I say I will never do,
35:30 I wind up doing.
35:32 But this is something that I think
35:35 we are all coming into the knowledge of...
35:37 And all of us must come into the knowledge,
35:40 within myself I can do nothing.
35:43 But we're going to look at a scripture,
35:45 I'll go ahead and share that scripture with you.
35:47 We'll look at it.
35:48 I can do all things,
35:51 but it's only through Christ as He strengthens you.
35:55 Let me finish this.
35:59 We all must learn from Paul's experience,
36:02 it's the same struggle we all contend with.
36:05 And here's what that struggle is,
36:08 how to live a yielded surrender life
36:13 as opposed to self sufficiency.
36:17 That's good.
36:18 Trusting in the Lord, in every area and relationship
36:22 and still that's trusting in I can do it myself.
36:26 And you know that's a hard thing to do
36:29 and we've talked in lessons past of how it is
36:33 so much easier for us to do something
36:38 to earn our salvation than to have faith,
36:42 faith you can't see.
36:44 And we as Christians must walk by faith,
36:47 not by sight, not by what we see.
36:50 And that faith in Him is something
36:53 that's a learning process.
36:55 So what I thought I would do today
36:58 is look at what the root problem is.
37:02 Let's go to the root.
37:03 What is the root problem in this situation?
37:07 And I think the root problem is
37:10 that in trying to do things in our own strength
37:14 what we don't realize
37:16 is the sinfulness of our own hearts.
37:20 We think we're about ready for sainthood.
37:23 When in reality we are selfish, or self-centered,
37:27 or self-seeking, or self-serving,
37:29 we can do it ourselves.
37:32 And so and I'm thinking of an illustration
37:36 that we have over in Exodus,
37:38 remember when God gave Moses the covenant
37:44 and he came and he presented that covenant to the people.
37:48 And what did the people in unison
37:50 all of them say concerning that covenant?
37:53 All that Lord has said we're gonna do.
37:57 Okay, how much longer was it
37:59 before they were dancing before a graven image?
38:02 Forty days.
38:04 Just in no time they had totally broken the covenant.
38:08 Sister White says this,
38:10 "The people did not realize
38:12 the sinfulness of their own hearts."
38:14 I'm concerned that's where we all can be
38:18 and that without Christ
38:20 it was impossible for them to keep God's law
38:24 and they readily entered into a covenant
38:27 with God feeling that they were able
38:29 to establish their own righteousness.
38:32 They declared all that the Lord had said
38:36 will we do and be obedient but they weren't.
38:39 Now, did they have good intentions?
38:41 Did they mean well? Were they?
38:43 You know, that's self deception, is it not?
38:47 What's the scripture say?
38:50 "Be a doer of the word, not a hearer."
38:52 The Amplified says,
38:54 "Not a forgetful hearer deceiving your own selves.
38:58 They were in self deception.
39:00 They were saying we can do this
39:02 but they couldn't and they didn't.
39:04 Jeremiah 17:9 says,
39:08 Remember we're looking at the root problem
39:10 because when I show you the root problem,
39:12 I want to show you also the root solution.
39:15 Don't come to me with a problem
39:17 if you can't come to me with a solution.
39:19 Root problem, Jeremiah 17:9,
39:22 "The heart is deceitful above all things
39:27 and desperately wicked who can know it?"
39:30 So Paul says that the very things
39:34 he means to do that he doesn't do,
39:37 and those things he has determined
39:39 not to do anymore he finds himself doing.
39:42 In our self-reliance,
39:44 we find ourselves doing those things.
39:47 And just ask yourself,
39:49 how many times have you said I just can't,
39:51 I can never do this, ever again,
39:53 I am never going to tell another lie.
39:57 And then you find yourself telling whopper gullies.
40:00 You all know what whopper gullies are?
40:02 Pagans.
40:03 And so, but when you go to God and say,
40:06 "God in my own strength I cannot overcome this,
40:10 but Lord if You will help me, then I'll overcome.
40:14 Then He will help you."
40:15 Amen.
40:16 Our only hope is coming to the realization
40:19 that in our ability we are destined to failure.
40:22 Now here's what we need to do, step number one,
40:26 on how to recognize that you have a sinful heart
40:29 and in your own strength you can't do it.
40:31 Step number one, you know what step number one is?
40:34 Repent of our self-reliance instead of God-reliance.
40:39 Repent would be 1 John 1:9,
40:42 "If we confess our sins,
40:44 He is faithful
40:45 and just to forgive us of our sins,
40:47 and then cleanse us from that lying,
40:50 from that cheating, from that stealing,
40:51 anything that you will give to God."
40:54 And that word repent doesn't mean...
40:57 To repent means to not just explain
41:00 or not just acknowledge that you've done.
41:02 It means to turn away from it.
41:04 And here are some scriptures
41:07 that I want you to write these down,
41:09 I'm going to quote them for you.
41:10 But it's Psalms 139:23-24,
41:15 here's some scriptures we can pray.
41:17 That would be,
41:18 "Search me, O God, and know my heart."
41:21 Now what is desperately wicked above all things?
41:24 That's your heart.
41:25 We do not know what's in our hearts.
41:27 Search me, O God, the Psalmist says,
41:29 "And know my heart, try me and know my anxieties,
41:32 that would be my thoughts.
41:34 And see if there is any wicked way in me,
41:37 and lead me in the way everlasting."
41:38 How many of you want God to show you the wickedness
41:41 that's in you so you can confess it,
41:43 repent of it, and turn away from it.
41:45 This is like having an investigative judgment
41:48 before the investigative judgment.
41:50 Let's get this stuff out of us while there is still time.
41:54 Don't be shortsighted, this isn't all there is,
41:56 there is an eternity to begin.
41:59 Psalms 139:13,
42:01 "Keep back your servant from presumptuous sins,
42:05 let them not have dominion over me,
42:08 then I shall be blameless,
42:09 and I shall be innocent of great transgression."
42:12 One last word one in that Psalms 19:14,
42:16 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart
42:21 be acceptable in your sight.
42:24 O Lord, my strength and my redeemer."
42:26 Doesn't really matter
42:28 whether the struggle is before or after salvation,
42:32 what is important is what we're doing now,
42:35 that we've made Jesus Christ the Lord of our life.
42:38 We've been transformed out of the kingdom of darkness
42:41 into the kingdom of God's dear Son.
42:43 Now let's live God like in Christ Jesus.
42:46 Amen and amen.
42:47 Mollie, perfect set up because, you know,
42:50 when you think about the law of God,
42:52 it was the moral law of God
42:55 was in place before Sinai,
42:59 then the Law of Moses was added
43:03 because of transgressions with all the civil laws
43:06 and it had to have the ceremonial laws.
43:08 And Moses thought this was such a glorious law
43:12 and that anybody who love God
43:13 should ought to be able to keep it.
43:16 But he didn't recognize
43:18 what Paul is about to say right now,
43:21 about this law of sin that's in our members.
43:24 But Paul being a good Pharisee of Pharisees,
43:31 he had a love for the Law of Moses.
43:35 Did he not? He of course did.
43:38 And now he's saying but I could never keep it.
43:42 It is important for us to recognize
43:44 that the Ten Commandments
43:46 were not just before Mount Sinai,
43:49 they were given in part of
43:51 the Mosaic covenant at Mount Sinai.
43:54 But they were also then later
43:56 written in stone by God and said,
43:58 "Put it inside the ark
44:01 because it's the foundation of His government,
44:03 and then they become the heart of the new covenant."
44:06 So we all have to figure out, how are we going to do this?
44:10 So let's look at Romans 7:21.
44:14 You know we're talking about
44:16 how we can be saved from this man
44:20 that this wretched man.
44:22 Romans 7:21, Paul says,
44:23 "I find then a law, that evil is present within me,
44:28 the one who wills to do good.
44:31 For I delight in the law of God according to my inward man.
44:36 But I see another law in my members,
44:38 warring against the law of my mind,
44:40 and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
44:45 which is in my members."
44:48 This is a summary of man's spiritual experience
44:51 as far as I'm concerned.
44:53 There's a conflict between these two laws.
44:57 God's perfect holy moral law in our inward man,
45:03 all we want to keep it,
45:04 we desire to please God and do good.
45:09 Because His law reflects His character and His purity.
45:13 And yes, we know that this is outlining
45:17 the standard of the behavior that he expects.
45:20 But what happens is we've got this law of sin
45:23 that's warring against us
45:25 and it's very real, it's very present.
45:28 This is the indwelling propensity of sin
45:33 that comes to our members.
45:34 What is he talking about
45:36 when he says in my members, in my tongue,
45:37 in my hands, in my body, it brings my body,
45:41 this law of sin into captivity.
45:44 Even I would say self righteousness
45:47 is part of that
45:48 that will bring you into the captivity category.
45:52 So then what we see is there's this constant warfare
45:56 and it's not just the devil
45:57 who's trying to trip us up
45:59 although he is trying to trip us up day by day,
46:02 that's for certain.
46:04 But it's self, it's this self that,
46:08 so even though God gives us a new heart
46:11 when He gives us the new covenant,
46:13 writes His laws on our heart, in our mind.
46:16 We've got this flesh, we're dealing with the self.
46:19 And so what happens is the selfish nature of man
46:25 makes us vulnerable to sin.
46:27 And as Mollie so aptly put it,
46:30 if it is unsurrendered, if it is unsubdued,
46:34 if we're being self reliant
46:36 and that's where Christians get off into trouble
46:39 is we're self reliant.
46:42 You know, we want...
46:44 Oh yes, well,
46:46 I'm a good student of the Bible, I'll study,
46:49 I do my devotions twice daily, I go to church,
46:54 I'm on the Sabbath school,
46:56 you know, I teach Sabbath school,
46:57 I do this, I do that, I'm a good person.
47:01 And we're not totally relying on the Lord.
47:05 So what the only good that is within a Christian
47:10 is the Holy Spirit's presence in us.
47:13 So and it's by His power
47:15 that He pick us up when we fall, right,
47:17 and gives us the ability to overcome.
47:19 So now here's Paul saying, "Oh, yeah, that was me,"
47:24 you know, I delight to do God's law,
47:29 but I find that there's this other law,
47:32 nobody's talked about
47:33 before this law of sin and death in me
47:34 and then he says in Romans 7:24,
47:38 "O, wretched man that I am!"
47:42 Can you hear the cry of the internal strife,
47:45 wretched man that I am?
47:47 "Who will deliver me from this body of death?"
47:50 He's got this propensity toward sin,
47:53 he's engaged in a constant conflict.
47:55 And if we're trying to do it in our own strength,
47:59 it is a helpless state of affair.
48:02 We are just besieged souls
48:05 and we can't overcome it in our own strength.
48:08 But in the middle of this heartfelt cry
48:13 of who can deliver me.
48:15 In verse 25, then here's what he says,
48:18 this is the crux of the matter, verse 25 he said,
48:22 "I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord!
48:28 Who can deliver me?"
48:30 Jesus Christ my Lord.
48:32 There's an outburst of praise
48:35 that shines in God's light
48:37 into this otherwise rather dark chapter,
48:39 would you not agree Romans 7 is a rather dark chapter.
48:43 The whole point that Paul is making
48:48 is that salvation belongs to God.
48:53 "Oh thank God, through Jesus Christ,
48:56 He's going to deliver me."
48:58 And then he goes on saying,
49:00 so then with the mind
49:03 I myself serve the law of God
49:06 but with the flesh the law of sin,
49:09 this is interesting.
49:11 Here he's just praise God saying here is what?
49:13 But now he's come back and he's kind of summarizing
49:16 what he's been saying throughout the chapter.
49:19 You know, he's basically saying,
49:21 "Hey, this is still going on in me
49:23 even though I'm a Christian,"
49:25 you know, even though I belong to Jesus.
49:28 So what's the answer?
49:29 The answer is to surrender day by day,
49:33 moment by moment, to get our help from God.
49:38 It is to pick up that cross daily
49:41 to give over control of our wills to the Lord.
49:47 And, you know, I know that I have prayed in the past.
49:51 And I remember once
49:54 I was praying so hard to surrender
49:56 and then I said, "Lord, I delight to do Your will."
50:00 And He said, "No, you don't."
50:03 I mean, I just heard that,
50:04 it wasn't audible but I heard that.
50:07 "No, you don't."
50:09 And I said, "Well, Lord, I'm willing to do Your will."
50:14 "If you were willing, you would be doing it."
50:17 I said, "Lord, I'm willing to be made willing."
50:18 "That's all I ask."
50:20 See we can't even will to do good.
50:25 It is just a matter of us coming before the Lord,
50:29 giving Him our will, and say,
50:31 "Lord, work in me to will and to act
50:36 according to Your good purpose."
50:37 It is the Holy Spirit in you
50:40 that will take your will
50:43 that little unstable floppy will,
50:47 and he will line it up with God's will.
50:50 And as he causes you to will as God wills
50:54 to desire the things of God.
50:57 What happens then
50:59 is there's still one step that you've got to take,
51:03 you've got to step out in faith
51:07 on that new desire, that new will.
51:09 And as soon as you do,
51:10 the power of the Holy Spirit shows up
51:13 and God works in you to act.
51:15 So it is just, the battle is not over,
51:19 it is a daily surrender.
51:22 The battle continues the war is over.
51:24 There's great tension in the Christian life.
51:27 We agree with God's commands is being good
51:29 but we're painfully aware of our shortcomings.
51:32 So we've got this inward struggle
51:34 and it was as real for Paul as it is for us.
51:37 But when we feel overwhelmed as Paul did,
51:42 sometimes I don't know about you all,
51:44 I still go through periods
51:45 where I feel a little overwhelmed.
51:46 I just feel disappointed like,
51:48 "Oh, Lord, I'm disappointing you, Father."
51:50 But when I do, what I do is the same thing that Paul...
51:55 If I feel overwhelmed by my shortcomings,
51:58 I just claim the freedom that is in Christ Jesus,
52:02 I surrender to Christ, and I thank Him,
52:06 I start quoting scriptures.
52:08 And I just thank Him that He is the one.
52:13 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord,
52:16 that He is the one who will deliver me
52:19 from this law of sin and death.
52:21 Amen. Well done, Shelley.
52:23 Thank you each one of you. What an incredible blessing.
52:26 My mind has been open and expanded as we've studied,
52:30 and as we've shared together.
52:33 Few years ago, Greg and I took a canoe trip
52:36 to the Current River that's in Missouri,
52:39 I don't know if any of you have been to the Current River.
52:41 And we rented a canoe, and we floated down the river.
52:46 Now it comes from natural springs that bubble up,
52:48 it's got a nice little current.
52:50 We went down the river and it was a very pleasant.
52:53 Well, we went quite a ways and Greg kept saying,
52:56 "Jill, don't you think you want to turn around yet?"
52:58 "Oh no, I'm having a great time."
53:00 "Jill, you know we got to go upstream,
53:02 when we go back."
53:04 "Oh, I'm having a great time."
53:06 So when it came time to turn around,
53:08 we turned the canoe around,
53:10 we started back to where we had come from,
53:12 guess what happened?
53:13 Half way through I'm like,
53:15 "Sweet heart, don't you think you could paddle,
53:17 and I'll just sit and rest."
53:18 Now he'd been paddling the whole time
53:21 but I was getting tired.
53:23 The point is when you're going with Satan, with the world,
53:29 things can be kind of easy
53:30 because you're not fighting against Satan at all.
53:35 But when you make a decision to make Jesus Christ
53:37 the Lord of your life,
53:39 when you enter into justification
53:41 and begin this walk of sanctification,
53:44 what happens?
53:45 That war we have been discussing in Romans 7.
53:49 That battle between the law of sin and death,
53:52 that fleshly nature,
53:54 and the law of the Spirit of Christ
53:55 in Christ Jesus that begins.
53:57 And I'm full of hope today
53:59 even though you said it can be a dark chapter,
54:01 I'm full of hope because we can surrender,
54:04 we can die to the flesh, and we can live to the Spirit.
54:08 So I want to give you each 30 seconds or so
54:10 for a closing thought,
54:12 maybe if you want to say something about
54:13 your own part or something else.
54:16 Well, you know there's something that I mean
54:18 this is just my topic, I mean, I love it,
54:20 praise the Lord for that.
54:21 But I find two things that are very important
54:23 and in both cases you find the phrase,
54:26 "It is no longer I."
54:27 Romans 7 and Galatians 2:20.
54:30 In Romans 7, "It is no longer I,
54:33 is we're dead in sin."
54:34 In Galatians 2:20,
54:36 "It is no longer I, we're dead to sin."
54:38 Now in both cases this is a powerful point,
54:40 in both cases the production of sin
54:43 or righteousness says we are not in control,
54:46 so how we include it,
54:47 when we decide to yield one way or the other.
54:51 It is no longer I.
54:52 Here it is, Romans 7:7,
54:54 "It is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me."
54:57 Galatians 2:20, "It is no longer I who live,
55:00 but Christ lives in me."
55:02 In both cases it is no longer I,
55:04 so where do you come in?
55:05 You've got to decide who is going to be in control.
55:09 When you put your will on the side of Christ,
55:13 it is no longer you.
55:14 When you put your will on the side of the enemy,
55:16 it is no longer you.
55:18 In both cases we lose control to either sin or righteousness.
55:23 And both fruit will be produced based on the way
55:25 we decide to yield.
55:27 "Do you not know to whom you present yourselves,"
55:29 Romans 6:16.
55:31 Amen. Thank you, Pastor. Pastor CA?
55:32 In looking at Romans 7, the backend of verse 6.
55:38 We have to be honest with ourselves.
55:41 The secret is realizing and being honest
55:44 with who you are.
55:47 And then a realization of who Christ is,
55:50 and they are both incredibly necessary.
55:53 You've got to admit, you cannot do it without Him.
55:56 But you also have to admit that the only way
55:59 it can be done is with Him.
56:02 You must be honest with yourself,
56:03 there is a battle, there's no sense pretending
56:05 that you don't have that battle,
56:06 you do have that battle.
56:08 You know who you are, Christ knows who you are.
56:10 Your success is not in you, it is in Christ Jesus.
56:13 Amen. Miss Mollie?
56:15 You know, the Apostle Paul
56:16 had struggles physically as well
56:18 and he went before the Lord,
56:19 and what did the Lord, say to him
56:21 when he asked him to remove this thing from him?
56:24 Grace is sufficient.
56:25 What the Lord said to Paul was, "My grace is sufficient."
56:29 So that's what my encouragement to all of us today,
56:31 God's grace is sufficient.
56:33 I have just a second so let me share a scripture Psalm 143:10,
56:38 "Teach me to do your will, for You are my God,
56:40 Your Spirit is good,
56:41 lead me in the land of righteousness."
56:43 Pray that daily.
56:45 Amen, What an incredible study. We thank you so much, panel.
56:48 And thank you for joining us.
56:50 We want to encourage you
56:51 to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life,
56:53 to choose to die daily to self in sin
56:56 and live for the Lord Jesus Christ.
56:58 We'll see you next time. Bye-bye.


Revised 2024-07-09