3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 7: Overcoming Sin

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000046A

00:01 The Bible tells us:
00:20 Join us now for the:
00:24 Our study today is:
00:33 And we welcome you once again to 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel.
00:38 We hope you're all charged up and ready because we are moving,
00:41 making our way through the book of Romans.
00:43 And if you have been with us the past several weeks, you know
00:46 this is an intense and exciting study, and a liberating one.
00:51 It liberated Martin Luther, and I think it is a freeing thing to
00:56 everyone who truly understands the message of
00:59 righteousness by faith.
01:01 And that's the undergirding, the underpinnings,
01:04 the foundation of this entire book.
01:06 We've had a good time studying, and we welcome you to join us
01:09 in our study as together we walk through this
01:12 exciting book of Romans.
01:14 I'm C. A. Murray, and I'm going to introduce the family that is
01:17 here to join us in study.
01:19 Jill Morikone, to my immediate left, Ms. Mollie Steenson,
01:23 the Lady Shelly Quinn, and Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:26 Good to have you all here guys.
01:28 It's a blessing to be here.
01:29 And we praise the Lord for your study.
01:32 And these are students of the word.
01:33 We've been finding out some wonderful things.
01:35 And it is good to see how the lesson appears to each one in
01:40 a slightly different way, yet we're all pulling on the same
01:42 team, heading in the same direction.
01:44 And everyone has their own little, dare I say,
01:46 bean to add to the pot, which makes a beautiful stew.
01:49 And it's really fun by the time we together we've all learned
01:53 so very, very much.
01:54 So, should you have an iPad, iPhone, i anything, or pen, or
01:59 pencil, or piece of paper, whatever you have to take
02:01 notes on, please do so.
02:03 And may I encourage you, if you do not have a Sabbath School
02:06 Study Guide that you go to ABSG.Adventist. org and you can
02:14 download one for your very own.
02:16 I like to have paper in front of me because I can mark on it,
02:19 and write on it, and make little notes.
02:21 That's why I'm not a Kindle person, because you can't
02:23 make notes on a Kindle.
02:25 Well, actually you can if you get the advance one,
02:26 but it's sort of difficult.
02:27 Easier to just grab a pen and write on your paper.
02:30 So do that. Or, should you wish, go to the closest Seventh-day
02:35 Adventist church and they will be happy to get one for you
02:38 and you can have it.
02:39 And while you're there stay for service.
02:41 You'll be blessed, I guarantee you.
02:43 So we're studying in the book of Romans.
02:45 I'm going to ask Pastor Kenny, would you have
02:48 prayer for us, please? Yes.
02:49 And then we'll launch right out into Lesson 7, Overcoming Sin.
02:55 Pastor, if you would.
02:56 Let's pray. Loving Father in Heaven, truly it is a blessing
02:59 to be able to open the pages of this beautiful
03:02 book called the Bible.
03:03 We pray for the power of Thy Holy Spirit to consume each
03:06 and every one of us.
03:08 How desperately we need to hear from heaven.
03:09 Lord, we just cannot comprehend these Spiritual things
03:13 without the Spirit.
03:14 So we pray that You will help each one who watches, who views,
03:18 listens, whatever the case may be; that each one
03:20 will be tuned in to heaven.
03:22 They'll hear the words that will encourage them along
03:24 life's road to a richer, fuller, deeper experience with You.
03:28 And Lord, we want that experience.
03:29 We need that experience.
03:31 Open now our hearts, and our minds, and our eyes that we may
03:33 see Jesus in a special way, and always be grateful, and thankful
03:37 for all that You do for us, and that You're doing
03:39 right now in our behalf.
03:41 And for that beautiful, wonderful, free gift:
03:43 Calvary, I thank You.
03:45 In Jesus' name, Amen.
03:47 Amen! Amen! We are talking, as I mentioned,
03:50 about overcoming sin.
03:52 Our memory text is found in Romans 6:14, Romans 6:14.
03:58 I invite you to turn to that text with us as we recite
04:03 together: Sin shall not have dominion over you:
04:07 for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
04:13 There is a multiplicity of sermons that can be drawn
04:16 from that one line.
04:18 It is very, very important, and dare I say, very pregnant with
04:22 meaning and import for all of us.
04:25 Two words I want to just touch on: one is dominion,
04:28 the other is under.
04:30 Sin shall not have lordship over you.
04:35 It shall not overlord you.
04:38 The Greek word is koreseu you; koreseu you!
04:41 And it means to have the power to determine, as a lord,
04:47 a lease lord determined what his servant was going to do,
04:51 when he was going to come, when he was going to go,
04:53 how far he was going to move.
04:56 He could not move without permission.
04:57 Well, the Bible is saying in this first line,
05:01 sin is not going to be your controller.
05:04 Sin is not going to dictate your life.
05:07 Sin is not going to force you.
05:09 When I was younger in school, as an Adventist going
05:13 to a secular school, I was on a basketball scholarship,
05:15 the kids in college had to go out on Friday night.
05:19 You know, it was just like there was something, they had to be
05:22 out of that dorm running around in town.
05:24 And it was almost like a lemming kind of thing.
05:27 Everybody at the dorm; it was empty on Friday night.
05:29 And I was in the dorm and trying to behave myself.
05:32 But everybody, it's like it's Friday night; we have to go out.
05:35 We just have to go out.
05:37 And I could never understand that.
05:38 And I was so glad when I got to an Adventist school that
05:41 it was not this push.
05:42 Well, on Friday night we actually had to go out, too.
05:44 It was to worship. You know, it was a Vespers.
05:47 But this idea that you have to go out, and you have to drink,
05:50 and you have... There's this pressure to do what the
05:52 world is trying to do.
05:54 And that's dominion.
05:55 You're not in control of your own facilities.
05:57 In my book I wrote years ago, a young lady went to a party
06:01 and she smoked crack.
06:02 She didn't know that just; crack was so addictive.
06:04 Back in the day they didn't know that from your first
06:06 sampling you're hooked.
06:08 You have no control. It's got you.
06:09 That's dominion, where you're not in control of
06:12 your facilities anymore.
06:13 That's dominion. Well, your Bible is saying sin is not
06:17 going to have that over you when you're in Christ Jesus.
06:19 You're not going to be subject to wherever sin wants to take
06:22 you, and whatever sin wants to do.
06:23 The second word is under.
06:25 I heard it on an illustration years ago about under.
06:30 The illustration was that you would be on a road
06:34 that has no exit points.
06:36 And you're driving on that road, and you are subject to go
06:41 wherever that road leads you, which I thought was an
06:44 interesting way to look at it.
06:45 Under is whatever the logical end is, you've got to go there,
06:51 and you have no choice.
06:52 So if the law is taking you there, and the law is condemning
06:59 you, you have no choice but to go to that end.
07:03 But if you're under grace, and you're on a new road,
07:06 you have no choice but to go to that end.
07:09 And I'd not heard it put quite like that before.
07:12 And I found that very, very intriguing, that you're not
07:14 under the law now, you're under grace.
07:17 It has nothing to do with keeping the law.
07:19 It's where this is taking you.
07:22 The law is condemning you; grace is freeing you.
07:24 And if you stay on that road, that's where you're going to go.
07:27 You're going to go where the law takes you, or you're going to go
07:29 where grace takes you.
07:30 So let's wade on into our opening Saturday.
07:34 The word I want to look at now is hagiasmos.
07:38 Hagiasmos is sanctification, which in the Bible can be used
07:43 interchangeably with holiness.
07:46 And I think there's an interesting little...
07:50 How should I put this?
07:55 We are being sanctified.
07:58 We are sanctified. We have been sanctified.
08:05 And all three are countenanced by these two words:
08:09 sanctification and holiness.
08:12 There was a time when you dedicated your life to God,
08:16 when you gave your life to God, when you
08:18 committed your life to Him.
08:19 At that point you were sanctified.
08:22 Each day as you surrender and walk with God,
08:26 now we are the Sons of God. 1 John:6.
08:30 We are the Sons of God now!
08:32 So you are sanctified.
08:34 And one day you will be sanctified.
08:39 So this is a complete process: your past, your present,
08:43 and your future are all countenanced under
08:45 the word sanctified.
08:46 And that's how we can believe in 1 John 5.
08:50 Is it Verse 11 that says that you ought to know that you
08:53 have sanctification; that you ought to know
08:55 you have eternal life?
08:56 In 1 John 5 the reason you know is because the sanctification,
09:00 the sanctification process is ongoing.
09:04 And it is ongoing throughout the course of your whole life.
09:08 And if at any point in your life...
09:10 And this is what I really like about this
09:12 sanctification process.
09:13 If at any point in your life your life is cut short,
09:18 you are justified and sanctified.
09:22 So if at any point along that continuum your life is cut
09:27 short you are saved.
09:28 Because you're in Christ Jesus.
09:30 So He's taken care of it for you.
09:33 If you've been in church ten years,
09:36 you're ten years in sanctified.
09:38 If you've been 20 you're 20's in sanctified.
09:39 But if at any point during that time you die; sanctified,
09:43 and the blood of Christ cleanses you from all sin.
09:45 It's a wonderful, intricate, and intimate process
09:48 that we're looking at.
09:49 So we want to look at overcoming sin.
09:51 I want to jump over to Sunday, and Where Sin Abounds.
09:55 Let's look at, let's look at Romans 6, and I want to look at
10:14 Verse 1 here, and then I'll make a quick jump.
10:17 What shall we say then?
10:19 Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
10:22 Certainly not. How shall we, who died to sin,
10:26 live any longer in it?
10:33 Paul makes some powerful statements.
10:34 In Romans 5:20 he says, Where sin abounded,
10:38 grace did much more abound.
10:40 His point is that no matter how much sin there is,
10:44 or how terrible the results of sin are, God's grace is
10:47 sufficient to deal with it.
10:49 That is a powerful, powerful statement for those who've been
10:54 sinning a long time.
10:56 You can fall so far in sin that even as you're praying for
11:00 deliverance you don't believe that deliverance can come.
11:02 That's how the Devil can rearrange your thought process.
11:07 But the truth is there's nothing you have done, there's nothing
11:12 you are doing, there's nothing you can do that Christ has not
11:17 seen before, dealt with before, and cured before.
11:21 So even when you feel your sins are too ugly for you,
11:26 Christ can cure you, clean you; Ellen White says inherited
11:32 tendencies, and cultivated tendencies.
11:35 There are some things that your parents got; just give you.
11:38 When I went into the hospital for my surgery the doctor said,
11:43 this cholesterol thing is a little gift from your parents.
11:45 You know, you have got nothing to do with that.
11:47 He said, This other is probably stress.
11:50 But he said a lot of this is because of the way it's in
11:54 your veins and whatnot. It's hereditary.
11:57 So that's something I got from my parents.
11:59 So it's the same way with sin.
12:00 You can get predispositions from your parents.
12:02 You can get, you can get short temper, you know.
12:06 You can get the way you... You can get addictive personality.
12:08 A lot of that stuff you just got from your parents.
12:10 And then you go out and you add stuff, you know?
12:12 You go out and pick up stuff along the way.
12:14 And Christ can cure us from genetic stuff, and He can cure
12:20 us from stuff that you just thought was pretty cute,
12:22 so you went on and you grabbed the little brass ring,
12:24 and you found out that it was fools gold.
12:25 It wasn't a ring at all.
12:27 Which is why, you know, the big discussion now...
12:30 And I'll move on to this.
12:32 ... is homosexuality.
12:34 Is it inherited, or is it something that you
12:40 get, you go and get?
12:42 And I think for scientific purposes that is a good study,
12:45 because it's good to know.
12:47 But for spiritual purposes it doesn't really matter.
12:50 Because whether you've got it from your parents,
12:52 or whether you picked it up along the way, if you want to be
12:56 clean He is faithful and just to forgive.
12:59 And praise God, we've talked about this before, two cleanse.
13:01 So how you got there...
13:03 You know, we have a prison program, Free Indeed.
13:06 One question that's asked in prison, How you got here?
13:08 What are you doing here?
13:10 It occurs to me in hell that question will not be answered.
13:14 How did you get here?
13:15 Cause it doesn't matter.
13:16 You know, it doesn't matter.
13:18 There's another place it won't be asked is in heaven.
13:19 Cause it doesn't matter.
13:20 Because you all got here through Jesus.
13:22 If you got there it's through the blood of the Lamb.
13:24 So you are a saint because God calls you a saint.
13:28 And you are being sanctified.
13:30 One more thing and then I'll let it go.
13:33 Paul's apologetic is that provision is made for all sin.
13:44 The difference in dealing with an illness is not just
13:50 treating it, but curing it.
13:54 And that's what the blood of Christ does.
13:56 It treats it. It also cures it.
14:01 He is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse,
14:05 and He gives us the hope of a clean future.
14:10 He gives us the hope of a life without sin.
14:14 We can be in the presence of sin, but we do not have to be
14:18 sinful, because we died to sin.
14:23 And as we died to sin, we live for Jesus.
14:27 We become slaves, if you will, of righteousness.
14:32 And just as we were slaves to sin, we now get new tastes,
14:36 new habits, new facilities that make us sons and daughters
14:41 of God, indeed slaves to God, and slaves to righteousness.
14:48 Amen! Thank you so much, Pastor C. A. Well done.
14:51 As we look at Monday we talk about, Where Sin Reigns.
14:56 Let's look at Romans 6, and we're going to look at Verse 12.
15:02 The Bible says, Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal
15:08 body, that you should obey it in its lust.
15:11 Now the word for reign is an interesting word.
15:14 I can't pronounce it: basilyoo'o something.
15:19 But it means to reign as a king.
15:22 To exercise dominion over, or to rule.
15:26 Now it's also used in Romans 5, talking about
15:30 sin reigning as well.
15:31 Romans 5:14, Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses...
15:36 That word for reign is the same word.
15:38 It means to reign as a king.
15:41 To have dominion over.
15:43 It's also used in Romans 5:17.
15:47 For if by one man's offense... Meaning Adam's death.
15:51 ...death reigned through the one;...
15:53 There's that word reigned.
15:54 And then, of course, we have it in Romans 6:12.
15:56 Do not let sin reign in your mortal body.
16:00 So Paul is using, we call it in English, a personification.
16:03 Where you would take... It's the attribution of a personal
16:07 nature, or a human characteristic to
16:10 something non-human.
16:12 Of course, we know sin is not human, as it were.
16:14 But yet at the same time he's making it, he's attributing a
16:19 personal characteristic.
16:21 He's personifying sin as a king, which we could all agree.
16:25 Sin could be like a king ruling over its subjects.
16:28 And if I were to say sin is a king,
16:30 it is a cruel tyrant, you could say.
16:33 He says, Do not let sin reign in your mortal body,
16:37 that you should obey it in its lust.
16:40 Now Verse 12 begins with Therefore, which means we need
16:43 to take a look at some of the verses before.
16:46 Paul talks about the analogy of baptism.
16:50 That's in Verse 4, and we won't read all of that.
16:52 But just as we're buried with Christ through baptism into
16:56 death, then we're raised with Him into that newness of life.
17:01 This death, being like a burial, and then the
17:05 resurrection to the new life.
17:07 Look at Verse 11. Likewise you also reckon yourselves to be
17:11 dead indeed unto sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
17:18 Sin wants to assume authority, or to rule over our lives.
17:22 It wants to dictate our behavior.
17:26 I remember one of the girls when I did the prison ministry
17:29 with the girls at jail.
17:31 I'll call her Grace.
17:32 That's not her real name.
17:33 And she was in jail for some time,
17:35 and then she came out of jail, cause we didn't see her.
17:37 And they said, Oh, she got released.
17:39 And we said, Praise God! She's out!
17:41 And then a few months later...
17:42 We're having our weekly Monday night Bible study.
17:45 ... here's Grace! What's she doing back in?
17:48 And she told me an interesting story.
17:51 She said that I got out... And she had been in for drugs.
17:54 She had gotten clean in jail, and she was going to not let
17:58 that sin of drug addiction rule over her life.
18:01 And she went back out, and you know the old acquaintances,
18:04 the old associations, is a strong pull in anyone's life.
18:09 I know in my own life.
18:11 And so she got out, and her family and some friends
18:14 were involved in it.
18:15 And she said, Jill... I remember she's just crying!
18:18 My cousin died in my arms; drugs.
18:23 She didn't mean to OD.
18:25 She didn't mean to take too much, it just happened
18:27 at that particular time.
18:29 It killed her, and she said she died.
18:31 And Jill, I went right out and I got high again.
18:34 That is the control that sin has over our lives.
18:40 Now you might not have a drug addiction;
18:41 it might be another kind of addiction.
18:43 It might be a habit.
18:45 It might be something sinful in your life.
18:47 We all have something, because the Bible says, All have sinned
18:50 and fallen short of the glory of God.
18:53 It might feel in your life like it's tightly controlling
18:57 you, but the truth is God came to set us free.
19:02 I want to talk for just a moment about the power of choice;
19:05 the right action of the will.
19:08 God gave us choice in the Garden of Eden, Pastor C. A.,
19:10 so that Adam and Eve, they would serve Him
19:12 out of love, not out of fear.
19:15 Yet, Ms. Mollie, He also gave us choice, so that it enables us to
19:20 have victory over sin.
19:22 And I think one of the biggest keys with that is the
19:26 choice to surrender. Amen!
19:28 I think surrender, sometimes we think it's a complicated topic.
19:32 It's a complicated subject.
19:33 And it's really not hard, except it puts to death our carnal
19:37 nature, and our own desires.
19:39 And that's what makes it seem difficult.
19:41 But the concept is just simply, Lord Jesus, every time I'm faced
19:45 with the choice I say, Yes, to Jesus.
19:49 To me that's all surrender is.
19:51 In the morning I wake up; God I give you my heart.
19:54 I want to be dead to the old man.
19:57 I want to live a new life in Christ Jesus.
20:00 I say yes to Jesus, and then all of a sudden I'm driving
20:03 in to work, and someone cuts you off in traffic,
20:06 and you have a choice.
20:07 Okay, I want to get upset at this person, or I can say,
20:10 yes to Jesus; take my emotions at this point.
20:14 I'm choosing You. Amen!
20:15 That gives Him access to come in and give me victory.
20:20 You get to work and someone calls on the phone,
20:23 or whatever it is in life.
20:24 Maybe it's a cigarette.
20:26 You think, Oh, I really want a go out and smoke!
20:28 The choice at that time; surrender, say yes to Jesus.
20:34 Romans 8:2, just a chapter over here, two chapters.
20:37 Romans 8:2, and we'll get to this in our study,
20:40 but I love this. It says, For the law of the Spirit of life
20:42 in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
20:48 Choosing Jesus allows you to access His power.
20:52 Or maybe a better way to put it is it allows Him to fill you
20:57 with His power, and to give you that victory over sin.
21:01 Sometimes we say, Well, I'm not really making a choice.
21:05 I'm just living my life.
21:07 But if we don't make a choice, we are automatically making
21:10 a choice for the enemy.
21:12 Matthew 12:30. Let me turn there real quick.
21:17 Matthew 12:30. Jesus speaking.
21:21 He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather
21:26 with Me scatters abroad.
21:27 So if I just wake up and I say, I'll just live
21:30 my life my own way.
21:31 I've made a choice already to serve the Devil;
21:34 to serve the enemy.
21:35 We have to make a choice instantly for
21:38 the Lord Jesus Christ.
21:39 And as we make those choices, I just divided them up into
21:42 three different areas in the remaining time we have.
21:44 First is thoughts, second is words, third is habits,
21:50 actions, addictions.
21:52 To me they all fall in the outward outworking.
21:54 But to me it all begins with our thoughts.
21:56 It begins, sin begins in the mind.
21:58 It begins with what we think first, and then we act that out.
22:02 One of my favorite Scriptures, 2 Corinthians 10:4, 5.
22:12 Paul says,... Let's start with Verse 3.
22:14 Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war
22:16 according to the flesh:...
22:17 Cause we try to fight this battle against sin
22:19 in our own strength.
22:20 We are destined to fail every time.
22:23 Verse 4. So we can't battle it in the flesh.
22:27 We have to battle it in the Spiritual.
22:28 (The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God
22:33 for pulling down strongholds;) Casting down arguments...
22:37 Or King James says imaginations.
22:40 ...and every high thing that exalts itself against
22:43 the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every
22:46 thought to the obedience of Christ;...
22:48 You know, this happens all the time.
22:50 Our thoughts are constantly pulled in a
22:53 myriad of directions.
22:54 You're having prayer in the morning.
22:56 Lord Jesus I thank You for today.
22:57 I give You my life.
22:59 BOOM! Jill, you didn't send so-and-so an email.
23:01 Where'd that thought come from?
23:03 Okay, Lord, I'm getting back.
23:05 BOOM! Another thought comes in.
23:07 Those thoughts constantly bombard us.
23:09 And we have a choice at that moment,
23:11 God I'm giving You my thoughts; redirecting the mind,
23:15 bringing the thoughts back to Jesus, replacing a negative
23:19 thought with a positive, replacing a negative
23:22 thought with Scripture.
23:24 They overcame him by blood of the Lamb, and the word of their
23:27 testimony, and they loved not their lives to the death.
23:30 Or with a Psalm. Second thing is words.
23:33 Choose our words carefully.
23:35 Mollie, you quote this a lot.
23:36 Ephesians 4:29. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of
23:41 your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying,
23:43 that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
23:46 Choose the words that you speak.
23:49 Psalm 141:3. I pray this almost every morning
23:53 cause I really need it.
23:55 I can speak sometimes before I think.
23:59 It says, Lord, set a watch over my mouth;
24:04 keep the door of my lips.
24:06 God guard me in that.
24:08 Then we don't have time for those addictions and habits,
24:11 but look up Romans 4:12.
24:14 The word of God transforms us.
24:17 2 Corinthians 3:18. Spend time beholding Jesus.
24:22 Romans 12:1, 2. Let Him transform you by the
24:27 renewing of your mind.
24:28 So what God wants to do, I think, in a special way,
24:32 as we put to death the old man, the old man of sin,
24:35 really it comes down to that surrender;
24:38 making a choice for Jesus.
24:40 And then it's not me gritting my teeth, or me trying harder.
24:43 It's allowing God, by the power of His Holy Spirit, to fill me
24:48 with His grace, with His goodness, and to change me
24:52 from the inside out.
24:53 Excellent, and thank God for His grace.
24:56 You know, my portion of Scripture is Tuesday.
25:00 I'm going to start with Romans 6:14.
25:03 And what Tuesday is entitled is, Not Under Law, But Under Grace.
25:08 What Jill was talking about: Not Under Law, But Under Grace.
25:13 Romans 6:14. For sin shall not have... Miss Jill was teaching.
25:19 ...dominion over me:... Rule over me.
25:22 ...for you are not under law, but under grace.
25:26 What does that mean, you're not under law but under grace?
25:32 Does that mean that we no longer are responsible to obey the law,
25:37 because the law has been replaced by grace?
25:40 You know, some would say that's what it means.
25:44 Some would say that because we're under grace we no longer
25:49 have to keep the law.
25:52 I want to look at that.
25:54 And we're talking about the moral law of God,
25:57 the Ten Commandment law.
25:58 You see, it's a sin issue when someone would reject that moral
26:07 law of God and say, No, we're under grace!
26:09 It's a sin issue. Quite often when you find someone holding
26:15 tenaciously to error, it's because that error allows them
26:20 to sin, whereas the truth renounces
26:25 and calls sin what it is.
26:27 You see, men love darkness rather than light. Why?
26:33 Because their deeds are evil.
26:36 So let's look at what sin is.
26:39 1 John 3:4. Whosoever committeth sin transgresses also the law.
26:47 For sin is the transgression of the law.
26:50 So do away with the law. Hey, what? No sin.
26:52 Now why do men love darkness rather than light?
26:57 Because their deeds are evil.
26:58 It's a sin issue. If we break God's law by sinning...
27:05 Think about this... then we come under the law.
27:09 It's over us. It has a claim on our life.
27:14 Now what makes the law have a claim on our life?
27:17 It's when we sin that law comes over us,
27:21 because we have broken the law.
27:23 It's if I'm riding down the road going 80 miles an hour,
27:27 I've broken the law.
27:29 Do you know the police can pull me over and give me a ticket?
27:33 And the last time I knew anything about
27:35 this they cost $75.00.
27:37 But as long as I'm going 60 miles an hour, do you know that
27:42 law has no dominion over me.
27:45 Do I make a parallel here?
27:47 It is only those who keep the law that are not under the law.
27:53 Think about that. If you keep the law
27:55 you're not under the law.
27:57 It has no claim over your life if you keep the law.
28:01 Romans 4:15 tells us, where no law is,
28:05 there is no transgression.
28:06 Matthew 5:17. Do not think that I have come
28:12 to destroy the law,... Who's saying this?
28:14 Whose words are these?
28:15 Jesus says, Don't you think that I've come to destroy the law,
28:20 or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
28:25 Now I want to make some statements.
28:27 Jesus didn't come to set us free from the law.
28:32 He came to free us from sin.
28:35 He didn't come to set us free from the law.
28:39 He came to set us free from sin.
28:41 He didn't need to free us from the law, because the law never
28:46 put us in bondage in the first place.
28:48 You don't need to be freed for something
28:50 you're not in bondage to.
28:52 Sin puts you in bondage.
28:55 You need to be freed from sin not the law.
28:58 Do you, are you catching the parallel here?
29:01 Our freedom in Christ is freedom from sin, not freedom to ignore
29:08 the holiness of God, nor the freedom to ignore
29:11 the Ten Commandments.
29:13 See, the holiness of God, when you start talking about being
29:16 holy for He is holy, then there's, Yeah, you're trying to
29:20 bring us into bondage.
29:21 No! Christ never freed us from the holiness of God.
29:26 We have been predestined to be conformed to what?
29:30 To the very image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
29:33 That does not mean externally.
29:35 None of... Jill, you are never going to look like the person
29:40 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
29:41 We have been predestined to be conformed to the image
29:45 of the Lord Jesus Christ on the inside.
29:48 What is Christ? He is holiness.
29:51 And so we are to be conformed internally into the image and
29:56 likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ;
29:58 to have that holiness at work within us.
30:00 Adhering to the moral law, the Ten Commandments don't make
30:06 you a legalist, or bring you into bondage.
30:10 Adhering to the moral law of God is liberating.
30:14 It frees you from bondage.
30:17 Remember, Jesus didn't come to free us from the law,
30:21 because you don't need to be freed from something
30:25 you're not in bondage to.
30:27 What we are in bondage to is sin.
30:30 Christ came to free us from sin.
30:34 Grace doesn't do away with the moral law of God.
30:37 Grace is God's unmerited pardon of our sins, making it possible
30:43 for us to be obedient, through the Holy Spirit that is given
30:49 to those that obey God's commandments.
30:52 Ephesians 2:8. For by grace you have been saved... through what?
30:59 ...through faith; and that not of yourselves:
31:02 it is the gift of God:... What does it go on to say?
31:05 ...Not of works, lest any man should boast.
31:08 Now I want to give us two sets of Scriptures.
31:11 Well, first I want us to look at John 14:15.
31:17 And I know we have...
31:19 We know this one by heart, don't we?
31:20 We should! John 14:15, and then I'm going to have you
31:24 look in 1 John 2:3, 4.
31:28 What does John 14, 15 say?
31:31 If you love me keep My commandments.
31:35 Well, how many of you love the Lord Jesus Christ?
31:37 It doesn't say if you love Me have the ewie gooies,
31:41 and feel all tingly on the inside.
31:43 If you love Me pay your tithes every Sabbath morning.
31:48 We need to pay our tithes.
31:49 But that's not what the Scripture says proves
31:52 that you love the Lord.
31:54 That could be if you think, Oh if I pay my tithes that's proof
31:58 that I love the Lord.
31:59 Then that could be like trying to buy your way into heaven.
32:02 No, if you love Me do something: keep My commandments.
32:06 And then 1 John 2:3, 4.
32:08 And hereby we do know that we... Pardon me.
32:13 Yes, I said it right.
32:14 And hereby we do know that we know Him if we... what?
32:19 If we keep His commandments.
32:22 He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His commandments,
32:25 is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
32:28 So if you love Me, keep My commandments.
32:31 Now that we have cleared up that the law brings us liberty,
32:38 that the law doesn't bring us into bondage.
32:41 The law never put anyone into bondage.
32:44 The law brings us liberty.
32:46 It's sin that puts you into bondage.
32:48 There is a law... Now we're talking about the
32:51 Ten Commandment law.
32:52 The moral law of God doesn't bring you into bondage.
32:54 There is a law that we've been freed from.
32:57 And I think I'm sure everybody here has already used this
33:00 Scripture, but I'm going to use it again.
33:02 That would be Romans 8:1, 2.
33:04 So run over to Romans 8:1, 2.
33:07 And that Scripture says, There is therefore now no condemnation
33:13 to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the
33:17 flesh, but after the Spirit.
33:20 Now here's Verse 2.
33:23 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me
33:29 free from the law of sin and death.
33:32 You have been set free from the law of sin and death.
33:34 See, before you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life,
33:37 you were under the law of sin and death.
33:40 Sin had dominion over you.
33:42 The law of death had you captive.
33:46 But when you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life you came
33:49 out of darkness and into light.
33:51 Then the law of the Spirit of life... This is the law
33:54 that you're under now.
33:55 The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus sets you free from
34:00 the law of sin and death.
34:02 The Ten Commandment law of God was in effect before it was
34:06 written by God Himself on the tablets of stone at Mount Sinai.
34:11 Its always been in effect.
34:13 Its in effect currently.
34:15 It will always be in effect.
34:17 You're not set free from that.
34:19 That law gives you freedom and liberty.
34:22 But that law of sin and death no longer has dominion over you
34:27 through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
34:29 Sister Shelley. Amen! Well, done Mollie Sue.
34:31 I'm going to go a totally different way than I'd planned
34:35 to go on this, because I just have to touch on this.
34:37 My lesson is Wednesday's lesson, Sin or Obedience.
34:44 We're talking about overcoming sin.
34:46 But Romans 6 is so rich, and it is so meaningful to me.
34:51 And let me share why.
34:52 I've been baptized four times.
34:54 The first three times it was hell insurance.
34:56 In other words, I was taught that if I wasn't baptized just
35:00 right I'd go to hell.
35:02 So I'd get dunked, is what I call it.
35:05 I mean, seriously, I'd get dunked.
35:07 But then one day I was reading Romans 6, and I understood
35:13 what the meaning of baptism was.
35:15 That it was symbolic.
35:17 But Paul says that when we were baptized into Christ,
35:22 we were baptized into His death.
35:24 It says in Verse 3, that we came up; we were buried with
35:28 Him through baptism.
35:29 That means we were baptized into His death, and we came up
35:33 in the likeness of His resurrection; that we would
35:36 walk in newness of life.
35:38 And he says if we'd been united... In Verse 5.
35:41 ...together in the likeness of His death, so will we be united
35:44 in the likeness of His life.
35:46 So he goes on in Verse 6 saying, ... our old man was crucified...
35:50 ...the body of sin that might be done away with,...
35:52 And he says that we buried it.
35:55 Now when I understood that, Kenny,
36:00 I surrendered to the Lord, and I understood that I was to die
36:05 to self and be raised.
36:08 And then I was re-baptized to show that this is what,
36:12 you know, it's just symbolically showing what God has done in me.
36:16 That's what baptism is all about.
36:18 Well, now as Jill brought out, it...
36:22 Well, let me look at Verse 10.
36:24 He says, the death that Christ died, He died to sin once
36:28 and for all, but the life that He lives, He lives to God.
36:31 So sin was dethroned.
36:33 We're talking about sin reigning.
36:35 And sin was dethroned.
36:38 And then he says, reckon yourself also dead to sin,...
36:42 And Verse 11, and he says in 12, Do not let sin reign in your
36:47 mortal body that you should obey it in its lusts.
36:51 We're not supposed to let sin... I mean we've got a choice.
36:55 There's two contending masters: there's sin,
36:59 and there's righteousness.
37:00 There's two contending masters.
37:02 And God has given us the power of choice.
37:05 He goes on in Verse, let's start with Verse 15,
37:11 Romans 6:15. What then? shall we sin, because we're not under
37:16 law, but under grace? Certainly not.
37:19 Now Verse 16. Here's where my lesson comes in.
37:21 Do you not know that to whom you present yourself,
37:25 to whom you yield yourself slaves to obey, you are that
37:31 ones slaves whom you obey.
37:34 Let me stop right there.
37:35 The Romans understood the slave market.
37:39 The majority of Romans were slaves.
37:41 Over 50% were slaves.
37:43 But what they understood about the slave market is when you
37:47 were ransomed, when you went to another master,
37:51 the former master had no dominion over you.
37:54 The former master had no say over you.
37:58 So he's saying, Do you not know that to whom...
38:01 And, oh, by the way, they could either be slaves because they
38:06 were prisoners of war, or because it was voluntary.
38:09 It was kind of like an indentured household servant
38:12 to pay off a debt or something.
38:14 So Paul says, Hey, you've got a choice of masters here.
38:20 You're supposed to have died.
38:21 And you know what the problem is?
38:23 A lot of people... How can you say this?... when they are
38:30 buried in baptism, the problem is they were buried alive.
38:35 They didn't surrender.
38:37 So they didn't even say, Lord, let me die to self.
38:41 So if self is still, you know, comes back up on the throne
38:46 every now and then, that's our problem.
38:48 So Verse 16. Do you not know that to whom you present
38:52 yourself slaves to obey, you are that one's slave whom you
38:57 obey; whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience
39:02 leading to righteousness.
39:04 But we all know that sin leads to death.
39:06 I mean sin is a cruel taskmaster.
39:09 And he pays the wages of death.
39:12 Now God is not. God doesn't pay us wages.
39:16 God gives us the gift, right, of eternal life.
39:19 But I remember seeing this, and I said, What do you mean
39:23 obedience leading to righteousness?
39:25 We're talking about righteousness by faith.
39:28 How can you say that obedience leads to righteousness?
39:32 Well, let's turn to 1 John 3:7, cause here's the answer to that.
39:36 Because, you know, sometimes people think when we're
39:38 righteous by faith that we don't have to worry about obeying.
39:42 Well, then that means we'll be sinning, which leads to death.
39:46 But Paul says, Or obedience, leading to righteousness.
39:49 And in 1 John 3:7 here's what John says: Little children,
39:53 let no one deceive you: he who practices righteousness is
40:01 righteous, just as He, Christ, is righteous.
40:06 In other words, when you have died to sin, when you've said,
40:11 Lord, I'm ready to bury my old life with You, and come up to
40:15 newness of life; bury my past, come up to newness of life,
40:20 so that I can walk with You.
40:22 Then what we have to know is that we've been made righteous.
40:28 I mean God declares us righteous.
40:30 That's justification by faith.
40:32 But sanctification by faith, Christ, as you so aptly put,
40:38 Pastor Murray, is that we are sanctified.
40:44 Christ is our sanctification.
40:45 1 Corinthians 1:30. He is our wisdom from God,
40:48 our sanctification, and our reconciliation, our redemption.
40:51 He's everything! Right?
40:52 So we're sanctified by His blood.
40:54 We're sanctified by His body.
40:55 We're sanctified. But the Holy Spirit, we are sanctified by the
41:01 Holy Spirit unto obedience.
41:03 And so as the Holy Spirit is working in our heart,
41:08 as Christ is living in our heart by faith, do you think for one
41:12 minute the Spirit's saying, Oh, Mollie, we don't care if
41:16 you commit adultery.
41:17 Go ahead. Jesus and I don't care.
41:20 Just go do it! No, the whole idea is that God is working in
41:25 you, Philippians 2:12, 13, to will and to
41:29 do His good pleasure.
41:31 And Philippians 1:6, that He will complete the good work
41:35 that He has begun in you.
41:36 So he goes on then in Verse 17, Romans 6:17, But God be thanked
41:47 that though you were once slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the
41:52 heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.
41:56 I don't know how this has ever happened,
41:59 but somehow people have this idea.
42:02 Many people I hear say, Oh, don't talk to me about doctrine.
42:06 I don't even want to hear the word doctrine.
42:08 Doctrine simply means the teaching of
42:11 the Bible; the truth.
42:13 The reason I joined the Seventh-day Adventist church
42:15 is because they teach more Bible doctrines, more Bible truth,
42:20 than any other church that I've ever found.
42:23 And it was everything that, as I studied independently,
42:26 everything God was teaching me from the Scriptures,
42:29 it was like... I found out Adventists believed that.
42:33 Wow! It was exciting.
42:34 But we should be obeying from the heart.
42:42 We're in covenant relationship with God.
42:45 We've been saved by grace through faith.
42:48 And He wants us to express our covenant loyalty to Him.
42:55 And when we do that it is an expression of love, and loyalty
43:00 to Him when we walk in obedience;
43:04 when we choose to walk in obedience to the correct
43:08 doctrine, not the traditions of men, but the form of doctrine
43:12 that was delivered in the Scriptures.
43:14 And then he goes on in Verse 18 and says, And having been set
43:18 free from sin you become slaves of righteousness.
43:25 We can either yield to sin or yield to righteousness.
43:30 Let me give you this Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.
43:39 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
43:43 who is in you, and you are not your own?
43:47 For you were bought at a price: therefore...
43:51 And what was the price?
43:53 The price to pay your redemption, to free you from
43:57 the slave market of sin was the blood of Jesus Christ.
44:01 And he says, Therefore glorify God in your body,
44:06 and in your Spirit, which are God's.
44:08 Sin or obedience, there's definitely obedience that is
44:14 empowered by grace is what God expects of us,
44:20 and what God empowers us to do.
44:23 Amen, well put, well put, Praise the Lord!
44:27 Thursday's lesson. We get right into Thursday's lesson.
44:30 I like the title of it.
44:33 It's Free From Sin.
44:35 It's what I think we've all been talking about here:
44:37 Free From Sin, and how this takes place in our life.
44:40 And we found out there's only one way that we can be is
44:43 through the blood of Jesus Christ.
44:45 But does free really mean free?
44:48 Now that's the problem.
44:50 You can say free, you know, and then I think I saw an
44:54 advertisement one time where a little girl said, what was it?
44:57 Lemonade or something on a sign... Was it a buck?
45:00 A dollar, and then when he went to get it she said it was $2.00
45:03 and whatever, some odd cents.
45:05 He said, No, you said a buck on here.
45:07 Yeah, but you've got to put this in and that in, and kind of like
45:10 your phone, you know, all the little taxes, and all the little
45:12 da-da-da-da-da-da-!
45:14 So is free really that kind of a word?
45:17 You know, free actually means, when it comes to Christ
45:21 and the promises He's made, when He says it's free,
45:23 it is free, it is a gift.
45:25 And so it says, keep in mind what we have studied
45:28 so far in Romans 6.
45:29 So it's kind of a wrap up of Romans 6; everyone's passages
45:33 that they have read; how they would bear fruit in our
45:36 hearts and our lives.
45:38 Just read them. Accept them by faith.
45:39 Let the Holy Spirit live them out there in our life.
45:42 Romans 6:19. If you have your Bibles you want to
45:46 turn there quickly.
45:47 Maybe this has been read, I think maybe a time or two.
45:50 But let's read Romans 6:19-22, Romans 6:19-22.
45:57 It says, I speak after the manner of men because of the
46:01 infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members
46:05 servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity;
46:09 even so now yield your members servants to
46:12 righteousness unto holiness.
46:14 For when you were the servants of sin, you were free
46:18 from righteousness.
46:19 It's interesting. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof
46:24 ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death.
46:27 He's starting to bring it down now so we understand it.
46:31 But now being made free from sin, and become servants of God,
46:35 ye have your fruit... Notice this.
46:37 ...unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.
46:40 And, of course, Verse 23: For the wages of sin...
46:43 And we've, everyone says it certainly is death.
46:45 But I always, I like the other.
46:47 Without that I'm having problems.
46:49 I've heard that one quite a bit, you know,
46:52 The wages of sin is death.
46:54 There's death. But I like the praise God on there.
46:57 But the gift of God is eternal life through
46:59 Jesus Christ our Lord.
47:01 So what is Paul really saying here to condense it kind of
47:04 down for our thinking?
47:06 Paul's speaking to the human nature.
47:08 He's speaking to the people there,
47:10 I want to say in the church.
47:12 He's wanting to speak to the body of Christ.
47:14 And he speaks to the physical, he speaks to the mental,
47:18 he speaks to the Spiritual.
47:20 So he's addressing all aspects here.
47:22 But notice what he's addressing.
47:24 Not necessarily the victories, he's addressing
47:27 weaknesses to start with.
47:28 These are some weaknesses.
47:30 And so he's talking to the weaknesses.
47:32 He said, You have become... Now I don't know if you'd like
47:34 to have these kind of sermons or not.
47:36 The preacher get up and say, You guys are just, you know,
47:37 you're servants of sin.
47:39 You're just all doing the wrong things here.
47:42 You're in bondage and lawlessness, and whatever
47:45 it might be, impurity.
47:46 But then what does he do?
47:48 I like the way Paul addressed this.
47:50 He urges the Christians there, the people, he urges them to
47:55 put as much effort into doing the right thing
47:58 as they have put an effort into doing the wrong thing.
48:02 You know, some time you do the wrong things you have to put
48:04 forth a little bit of effort.
48:06 And so he's encouraging them to switch it around and put effort
48:09 into doing the right things.
48:10 He wants them to be holy as He is holy; as the Lord is holy,
48:16 and walk in sanctification.
48:18 And we've talked about it several times...
48:20 And those of you at home.
48:22 We've been over the issue a lot, but it's good to realize that
48:24 sanctification is a continuous process we've talked about.
48:29 It's an ongoing process.
48:31 And, you know, the Bible talks about perfection.
48:35 It talks about first the blade, then the ear,
48:37 and then the full corn.
48:39 And somebody said, Well, no, cause, you've got to have
48:42 the full corn before you're perfect.
48:43 I asked, The question is when that first little blade comes up
48:46 is it perfect in that stage?
48:48 Absolutely! Absolutely! It is.
48:50 The second stage it comes up, if there's three stages.
48:53 Is it perfect in that stage?
48:54 Yes it is. It's not an ear of corn yet.
48:56 It lacks an awful lot.
48:58 But for what you understand, and what you're putting into
49:01 your life, and you've surrendered all to Christ,
49:03 and you're covered by His blood; and then
49:05 certainly the full corn.
49:07 And so, you know, I've always liked that.
49:09 Physical, mental, spiritual, it's talking about here.
49:12 And to me the reason is God wants to restore me the way
49:18 that He created man in the beginning. Yes.
49:20 I want that, and that has to make sense to us.
49:22 This is what is perfection of character.
49:25 This is what's being like our Heavenly Father..
49:27 This is why Matthew 5:48, Be ye perfect as your Father which
49:31 art in Heaven is perfect.
49:32 You know, I, to be honest with you, it just kind
49:34 of gets all over me.
49:36 Somebody gets up and says, I know how it reads,
49:38 but it doesn't mean that.
49:39 You know, I can't wait to get up and say it does read that way,
49:42 and that's exactly what it means, and it has the Bible
49:43 that can back it up.
49:45 And I can use the Spirit of Prophecy on this
49:46 passage right here to say that's exactly what it means.
49:49 It says we can be as perfect in our sphere as God is in His.
49:54 That's pretty... that's heavy duty.
49:57 You know, and it's not that I'm trying to claim holiness.
49:59 But that's... We either look at those and we throw those out,
50:02 and if we threw it out we throw out one of the identifying marks
50:05 of God's last day church.
50:06 None of us want to do that.
50:07 So maybe we have to look a little closer than maybe we
50:10 have looked before as what does God require of me.
50:13 Yes. You know, unless we have His character, unless we are
50:17 like Him, when His character is fully reproduced
50:21 in us He will come.
50:23 That's what's holding it.
50:24 And I've often said it's not the Sunday Laws,
50:26 even though they're coming.
50:27 You know, it's not this, it's not that,
50:29 and blaming everybody else.
50:30 It's because our characters are not what they need to be
50:33 to repopulate heaven.
50:35 You know, in my studies, it's just always in my mind
50:37 we have to be righteous and holy.
50:39 In other words no longer I but Christ.
50:42 Why did Paul say that?
50:43 No longer I, you know, no longer Christ.
50:45 No longer my mind but His mind.
50:46 I tell the Lord every day, I am not capable to make one
50:50 decision on my own.
50:52 I am not capable, and I don't want to.
50:54 I don't know the beginning and the end, and I want You to make
50:56 those decisions for me.
50:58 I'll read this right here.
50:59 It's from The Great Controversy, 470.
51:01 It talks about sanctification and it continues the process,
51:05 developing day by day the physical, mental,
51:07 and spiritual powers... Notice.
51:09 ...until... I just talked about it.
51:10 ...until the image of God in that which we were originally
51:15 created is restored in us.
51:17 It's an ongoing. But there will be a people at the end of time.
51:22 You know, people love to talk about the 144,000. Praise God!
51:25 Because they will be without fault.
51:27 They will be without sin.
51:28 And they will be without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing.
51:30 It's the idea of, and we're told we need to pray
51:33 to be in that number.
51:35 We need to pray to be in that number.
51:36 And some people, well, they don't want to talk about it,
51:39 and they don't want to do it.
51:40 But free, I like that.
51:41 Signs of the Time, 3, Page 30, says the Only Begotten
51:47 Son of God came to our world as a man to reveal to the world
51:51 the fact that men, through divine power,
51:55 could keep the law of God.
51:57 So what does that mean?
51:58 By divine strength.
52:00 Nothing we have. We can't do it.
52:02 It's all God. It's all Him.
52:05 But what? Jesus proved it could be kept.
52:08 He had no edge on us, and that is His example for us.
52:11 So if we think we're fudging a little bit here, and a little
52:14 bit there, we're not going to match up here and there.
52:16 We've got some problems.
52:17 Because Divinity living in me, Christ in me...
52:20 Somebody was getting ready to... Was it John 15,
52:24 the Divine and the Branch? Yes.
52:27 You know, when you look at that, really you think about it,
52:29 Divine and the Branch.
52:30 If we are really connected to that vine, the only way that we
52:34 can produce and be is like that.
52:35 We're the branch, right? coming out.
52:37 We have to be exactly like that vine is, that main stalk.
52:40 So these are things that we need to really look at,
52:44 and to think about.
52:45 Another one here, Review and Herald, 308 says: Through Him
52:49 comes power by which the character may be reshaped,
52:52 the soul renewed to bear the moral image of God.
52:57 What is the plan? What is the plan?
53:01 Think about it. You know you say our message is what?
53:04 the three angels' message, Give glory to Him.
53:06 I've had people say, Well, how do we give glory to Him? Huh?
53:09 By rightly representing Him.
53:11 By showing His character to the world is how
53:14 we give glory to Him.
53:16 And the pastor was talking about before all of the hereditary,
53:21 and all the other things, and all of the problems we have,
53:23 victory is assured to each and every one of us.
53:26 Christ redeemed man, The Signs of the Times, 4, 528.
53:30 Christ redeemed man from the condemnation of the law,
53:34 we've been talking about here.
53:35 Notice why: And imparted divine power.
53:38 And through man's cooperation the sinner could be restored
53:43 to his lost estate.
53:44 Amen! So these go on and on, and hundreds of them.
53:47 You know Bible passages; I'm like you,
53:49 I write them in my Bible.
53:51 You know, when it says free from sin, dead to sin,
53:53 and sin shall not rise up.
53:54 You know, and Jude talks about in there.
53:57 There's just hundreds of passages that indicate,
53:59 Praise God to us, that through Him, through giving our lives
54:04 to Him, dedicating to Him, justification by faith,
54:07 and walking sanctification, being obedient to God.
54:10 He's going to come back after a people
54:12 who's going to be like Him.
54:14 And I say, By God's grace let it happen.
54:16 And I know I need a lot of work.
54:18 And I'm praying for that work, you know.
54:20 And you know what?
54:21 You may be praying for it, too, some of you still at home.
54:23 Be praying because God wants to work that miracle
54:24 in you as well as me.
54:26 Amen, amen, and amen.
54:28 We've taken a look at a very important part of the Christian
54:32 walk, and that is overcoming sin. Yes.
54:35 If in this world we only have what we are involved,
54:38 we are the most miserable.
54:39 There's got to be something better than what we see now.
54:42 We are told in the Spirit of Prophecy that our lives ought
54:45 not be an endless round of sinning and repenting,
54:48 sinning and repenting.
54:49 That bespeaks that there can be victory in this life.
54:55 There can be overcoming power.
54:57 You can live above sin.
55:00 You know, there is something called the snake lion.
55:02 Have you heard that?
55:03 When you're climbing in altitudes, there's a certain
55:05 line above which snakes cannot live.
55:08 When you get up so high on a mountain you don't have to worry
55:11 about snakes anymore, because they only go up so high.
55:13 We can live above the snake line.
55:15 We can live above the line where snakes live.
55:18 We can live victoriously in Jesus.
55:21 And that is the wonderful thing about our life.
55:23 Now, we'll give you each just thirty seconds to run through
55:25 this quickly; sort of put a little bow on your own,
55:27 or something you heard today that moves you.
55:29 Let's start with Jill.
55:31 This quote is from Steps to Christ, Page 47.
55:33 What you need to understand is the true force of the will.
55:37 This is the governing power in the nature of man, the power of
55:40 decision or of choice.
55:42 Everything depends on the right action of the will.
55:46 You can't change your heart.
55:47 You can't of yourself give to God its affections.
55:50 But you can choose to serve Him.
55:53 You give Him your will.
55:55 He will then work in you to will and to do of His good pleasure.
55:59 Amen! Amen, and Mollie.
56:00 And I just want to say that if God be for you,
56:03 who can be against you?
56:04 And that would be Romans 8:31.
56:07 We are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb,
56:09 and the word of our testimony.
56:11 No weapon formed against you can prosper.
56:13 You can overcome, and don't be shortsighted.
56:17 This isn't all there is.
56:18 There is a heaven to gain. Amen!
56:20 I just want to say that sanctification
56:22 is our gift from God.
56:26 It is something that He is working in us when we
56:28 we cooperate with Him.
56:30 And in 1 Thessalonians 3:13 Paul talks about how God will
56:36 establish us perfect in holiness.
56:39 And then he finishes.
56:40 I want to read this.
56:42 1 Corinthians 5:23 says: May the God of peace Himself sanctify
56:46 you completely, and make your whole spirit, soul, and body
56:49 be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
56:52 He who called you is faithful, who will also do it.
56:56 It's God's work as you cooperate with Him.
56:59 Amen. Just a life and death issue.
57:00 Just quickly say the very image of God is to be
57:03 reproduced in humanity.
57:04 The honor of God, and the honor of Christ is involved in the
57:08 perfection of the character of His people.
57:10 Amen! 2 Corinthians 2 says, God always leads us in
57:14 triumph in Jesus Christ.
57:16 When I look at myself, I don't see how I can be saved.
57:19 When I look at Jesus, I don't see how I can be lost.
57:22 God bless you! We'll see you again next week.
57:24 Come back and be with us.
57:26 There's so much more in this wonderful book of Romans.


Revised 2024-07-09