3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 7: The Road to Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Pr. CA Murray, Pr. John Dinzey, Pr. Ronny Shelton, Shelley Quinn


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000032A

00:01 The Bible tells us...
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:24 Our study today is, The Gospel of Galatians.
00:33 Hello and welcome to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 I'm Jill Morikone.
00:38 And we're so glad that you have tuned in
00:40 and are taking time as we open up the Word of God
00:42 and share from our hearts and from the Word of God.
00:46 If you're just joining us, we are studying,
00:48 The Gospel in Galatians.
00:50 This is the quarterly put out by the
00:52 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:53 And you are welcome to attend a local SDA church
00:57 and they would be happy to give you a quarterly,
00:59 or you can go to the website.
01:06 That stands for, Adult Bible Study Guide.
01:11 And we are on lesson number seven, The Road to Faith.
01:16 We're discussing Paul's epistle to the Galatian church
01:20 and the concept of justification by faith
01:25 that just runs like a thread, you could say,
01:27 through the entire book.
01:28 I want to introduce our panel here today.
01:31 To my left is Pastor Ronnie Shelton.
01:33 And it's a joy to have you here.
01:34 Thank you, Jill. Appreciate the offer.
01:36 And brother Johnny Dinzey.
01:38 And we're so glad that you're here too.
01:40 Good to be here. Praise the Lord.
01:41 And Pastor C.A. Murray, welcome.
01:44 You're quite welcome.
01:46 It's a joy to have you.
01:48 And Shelley Quinn.
01:49 Oh it's always fun to be with you all and to discuss
01:52 these wonderful truths.
01:54 Amen, it's just a joy to open up the Word of God
01:57 and to see what His Word has for us.
02:00 And I'm always blessed by each member of this panel,
02:02 because they have a walk with God.
02:04 And they share from their own experience
02:07 and from their knowledge of the Word.
02:09 So before we go any further, let's go to the Lord in prayer.
02:12 And Pastor Ronnie, would you pray for us?
02:15 Our heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit,
02:17 again we thank You that You have promised to be with us
02:21 when we open the Word.
02:22 And I pray that our hearts and our minds
02:25 can be drawn closer to You today.
02:27 Lord, help us to get into the Word
02:29 and discover the truths, the treasures, that You have there
02:32 for each of us.
02:33 Bless again, and most of all that You be worshiped above all.
02:37 - In Christ's name, amen. - Amen.
02:40 My mom and I were taking a cross-country trip.
02:43 We left in my little green car, this is before Greg
02:47 and I got married, Washington state
02:49 and we drove all the way to Virginia
02:51 in just a couple of days.
02:52 So it was a long journey.
02:55 And I remember we were kind of mid-country,
02:59 I think we were in Nebraska.
03:01 And we did not have GPS.
03:03 I don't even think we had cell phones.
03:05 And so, there's none of those gadgets that
03:08 kind of help direct you.
03:09 And we were on a country road because we were
03:12 going to go visit some friends.
03:14 On the way we were spending the night at their house.
03:16 And so on this country road it was pavement.
03:20 And then it turned to gravel, brother Johnny.
03:22 And you would think the smart thing would be to turn around.
03:27 But we kept going.
03:29 It turned from gravel, it went to dirt.
03:33 And you would think the smart thing at that point
03:35 would be to turn around.
03:37 But we kept going.
03:38 We were convinced from looking at a map,
03:41 but it's not that blown up,
03:42 but we thought this was the right way.
03:44 And then from the dirt road it turned into a field.
03:48 And we actually almost got stuck.
03:51 It was a little muddy, and we actually ended up in the field.
03:54 We had to turn around and we had to come back.
03:57 I think many of us have experienced that situation
04:01 where maybe you become disorientated
04:03 or you become lost.
04:04 But spiritually that happens as well.
04:08 Even after we accept Christ, as Paul talked to the Galatians,
04:12 they received Christ; they were justified in the Spirit.
04:16 But then we can become disorientated.
04:18 And we can all of a sudden think it's all about works.
04:21 It's all about something that I have to do.
04:24 And we kind of lose our way or lose our road map.
04:27 So that's why we're talking today about the road to faith.
04:31 Or you could say, the road map that leads us to faith.
04:36 There's two viewpoints out there.
04:37 You could say it's all gospel.
04:40 We're not under the law, but under grace.
04:42 Or you could say it's all about the law,
04:45 or it's faith plus works.
04:48 But really, the two are inseparable.
04:50 The law points us to Jesus.
04:53 And then at the foot of the cross
04:55 we experience justification.
04:57 We accept Jesus.
04:59 He brings us into right standing.
05:01 And God enables us by the power of His Spirit
05:04 to transform us and write His law on our hearts.
05:06 So this week we're looking at, The Law and the Promise.
05:09 Galatians 3:21-25 is really the verses that we'll be
05:15 focusing on this week.
05:16 Let's read our memory text.
05:18 Galatians 3:22
05:21 We'll say that together.
05:23 "Scripture has confined all under sin,
05:26 that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be
05:31 given to those who believe."
05:34 Sunday is, The Law and the Promise.
05:35 And let's read Galatians 3:21.
05:39 Galatians 3:21, the Bible says,
05:41 "Is the law then against the promises of God?
05:45 Certainly not!"
05:48 I want to stop there just a second.
05:49 The New King James says, "Certainly not!"
05:51 I think King James says, "God forbid."
05:55 NIV says, "Absolutely not."
05:58 If you look at it in the Greek, "Never may it be."
06:02 "May it be," would be, come into being, to happen or become.
06:05 So Paul is saying, "Never may that take place."
06:07 "Never may that happen."
06:09 "Certainly not!
06:11 For if there had been a law given which could have
06:16 given life, truly righteousness would have been
06:19 given by the law."
06:20 Paul's opponents, the lesson brought this out,
06:24 that Paul's opponents believed that the law
06:28 somehow gave spiritual life.
06:32 Can the law give life?
06:35 - It cannot. - No, it cannot.
06:36 That's right, Pastor Ronnie.
06:37 I think of Leviticus 18:5.
06:40 "You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments,
06:44 which if a man does, he shall live by them: I am the LORD."
06:47 So you might think, "Oh, if I do these I would be okay."
06:52 However, we forget Romans 3:23.
06:54 "...all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God..."
06:58 Therefore, no matter what I try to do now,
07:01 even though maybe we could keep the letter of the law,
07:05 it would not be, what we would say, the spirit of the law.
07:08 And we know that in our past we would have all sinned,
07:11 some point, and fallen short of the glory of God.
07:14 I think about Jesus and the sermon on the mount.
07:17 You know, the Jews kind of prided themselves that they
07:19 were keeping the law pretty well.
07:21 And if you look at simply the letter of the law:
07:25 "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
07:27 Okay, I'm faithful to my spouse.
07:29 "Thou shalt not steal."
07:31 I'm not going to steal something of Shelley's.
07:34 "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
07:36 Okay, I won't...
07:38 But if you look beyond that to the spirit of the law,
07:43 there's no way that any of us
07:46 could keep the spirit of the law.
07:48 The Bible says whoever even looks at a woman with lust,
07:52 or whoever...
07:53 It goes so much deeper.
07:56 If you even have hatred for someone, or unforgiveness,
07:59 it's the same as committing murder.
08:02 We know that the law cannot give life.
08:04 Only God and His Spirit can make us alive.
08:09 I want to look at just a couple of scriptures about that.
08:12 Let's look at John 5:21.
08:15 John 5:21
08:17 Looking at God and His Spirit can make us alive.
08:24 Do you have that Shelley? You want to read that?
08:25 Certainly. John 5:21
08:29 "For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them,
08:33 even so the Son gives life to whom He will."
08:37 So who gives us life, from that scripture?
08:39 That's Jesus.
08:41 Yes, absolutely.
08:43 "The Father raises the dead and gives life to them,
08:45 the Son gives life to whomever He will."
08:48 There's another verse I love; John 6.
08:51 We're still in John.
08:52 Just jump over a chapter here.
08:55 John 6:63
09:01 John 6:63
09:03 "It is the Spirit who gives life."
09:05 Now here it's the Spirit.
09:06 "The flesh profits nothing.
09:09 The words that I speak to you, they are spirit
09:13 and they are life."
09:14 Now the word in here in the Greek, in the words,
09:17 and you can correct me, but it's the "rhema" word.
09:20 The spoken word.
09:22 "Rhema," would be a specific word spoken by God
09:25 with an applied purpose.
09:27 It goes beyond me just saying,
09:29 "I'm going to claim a certain scripture."
09:31 It is a confession of faith.
09:33 A word of faith that declares, "I am who God says I am."
09:38 Not what I think, not what Pastor Ronnie thinks about me,
09:42 but who God says I am.
09:45 You think about the word, "in the beginning,"
09:46 when Jesus, God spoke and there was light.
09:50 Spoke the world into existence.
09:52 The same power is here inherent in the Word of God.
09:56 "The words I speak to you..."
09:58 So the life; we're talking about what makes us alive.
10:02 The law cannot make us alive.
10:04 Jesus can make us alive.
10:05 We read that in John 5:21.
10:07 The Spirit makes us alive.
10:09 That's John 6:63.
10:12 But also the Word.
10:15 The Word makes us alive.
10:17 Let's jump over to another scripture.
10:18 Romans 4:17
10:26 Romans 4:17
10:34 Now this is talking about Abraham
10:36 and the faith of Abraham.
10:38 Then he says, Abraham, "...in the presence of Him
10:40 whom he believed," meaning Abraham believed,
10:42 "God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things
10:46 which do not exist as though they already did..."
10:51 "...calls those things that do not exist..."
10:53 So when I speak the Word of God over my life,
10:56 it's calling those things that do not exist.
10:59 2 Corinthians 5, you think about, "If anyone is in Christ,
11:03 he is a new creation.
11:04 Old things have passed; behold, all things have become new."
11:07 Now I can say, Pastor Ronnie, "Well, I don't know about that.
11:11 And I don't feel like a new creation.
11:13 And I don't think I'm very new today.
11:15 And I feel disconnected from God."
11:17 The Word of God says, "If anyone is in Christ,
11:20 He is a new creation."
11:22 I can claim that word over my life.
11:24 You're saying we can't go by our feelings?
11:26 Yes, that's what I'm saying.
11:28 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
11:30 That's right, we can't go by our feelings because our feelings
11:33 will always cast us down.
11:35 That's right.
11:36 Seldom does your feelings cause you to rise.
11:39 Most of the time it's, "You are unworthy.
11:42 You're a sinner.
11:43 How do you have the audacity to claim anything?"
11:46 - Amen. - That's right.
11:47 Even in those times when the feelings are telling you
11:49 you're pretty good, don't go by that either.
11:51 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
11:53 So we go by the Word of God and not by what I feel.
11:56 Amen, whether I wake up in the morning and you feel like,
11:58 "Oh it's a rainy day, and I've prayed,
12:00 and I don't feel real connected to God.
12:02 So today must not be a good day."
12:03 No, we don't go by how we feel.
12:05 We go by what the Word of God says.
12:08 And the Word of God gives us life.
12:10 Jesus gives us life. The Holy Spirit gives us life.
12:14 So if the law cannot save us, and the law cannot
12:19 give us life, what benefit do you think the law has for us?
12:24 It can't save us, and it can't give us life,
12:28 but what benefit does the law have?
12:29 When you say, the law, you're talking
12:31 about the Ten Commandments?
12:32 Yes, the moral law.
12:34 Well, the moral law helps us to understand sin.
12:37 Sin in our life.
12:39 It reflects the character of God so that we know,
12:45 you know, who God is and understand His holiness.
12:49 But it also points us to our need for a Savior.
12:53 - Amen. - Amen.
12:54 You know what else it can do?
12:55 It cannot give you life,
12:57 but it can protect the life that you have.
12:59 - That's good. - Good.
13:00 Just think, if everyone in the world were faithful
13:03 to the seventh commandment, would we have an aids epidemic?
13:08 If everyone was faithful to their spouse,
13:11 they did not commit pre-marital sex,
13:13 or extra marital sex, or homosexual sex,
13:17 or sex with animals, or whatever else perversion we can.
13:20 If we all just did what the commandment says,
13:23 a lot of pain, a lot of death, and a lot of sorrow
13:26 could be alleviated, would never exist.
13:28 So it does protect the life that we have.
13:30 Amen, absolutely.
13:32 Pastor Ronnie, you have, "Kept Under the Law."
13:35 I do.
13:36 "Kept Under the Law," under Monday's portion.
13:39 And we're looking at Galatians 3:23.
13:43 We talked about that somewhat.
13:46 Let's look at that, Galatians 3:23.
13:49 And there it says, "For all have sinned
13:52 and fall short of the glory of God."
13:54 Are you in Romans 3:23?
13:55 I am. What am I doing over there in Romans?
13:57 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
13:59 - You did that earlier. - I did that before.
14:00 That's contagious.
14:02 Let me look over here again.
14:03 Three and twenty three.
14:05 I even had the bookmark in the right place.
14:07 And there it says,
14:10 "But the Scripture has confined all under sin,
14:16 that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be
14:20 given to those who believe."
14:22 That's verse 22. He's reading Galatians 3:22.
14:26 And then 23, "But before faith came, we were kept
14:30 under guard by the law, kept for the faith
14:34 which would afterward be revealed."
14:38 And so Paul writes that before faith came,
14:40 that we were kept under the law.
14:44 And you notice by, "we," Paul is referring to the
14:47 Jewish believers in the Galatian churches.
14:51 By, "we," he's including himself when he says, "we."
14:55 And then they are the ones acquainted with the law,
14:59 and Paul has been speaking to them in particular
15:02 since Galatians 2:15.
15:04 You remember what happened before Galatians 2:15?
15:08 He talks about the Jerusalem Council,
15:10 the first part of Galatians 2.
15:11 Yeah, there he was talking about, this is where he went
15:13 face to face with Peter.
15:15 Remember and he said, "You were associating with the Gentiles
15:21 until the brethren came down from Judea."
15:24 Or from Jerusalem, rather.
15:26 And he said, "Now you aren't."
15:27 So they had a face to face confrontation there.
15:30 And so this can be seen in the contrast then;
15:33 the, "we," in Galatians 3:23 and the, "you," in Galatians 3:26.
15:40 Galatians 3:23 reads, "Before faith came..."
15:44 But in the literal Greek, it read, "Before the faith came..."
15:49 Because Paul then is contrasting the place of
15:53 the law before and after Christ.
15:55 So he said that's two different things.
15:58 The law says one thing before Christ,
16:00 but after Christ now it's saying something a little different.
16:04 So, "the faith," is more likely a reference to Jesus Himself
16:08 and not a reference to Christian faith in general.
16:12 Now Paul says that we are kept under the law
16:15 before the coming of Christ.
16:17 What does it mean to be under the law?
16:21 As Adventists we've been told that a lot;
16:23 "Oh you people live under the law."
16:25 What does it mean to be under the law?
16:28 Don't you think it's under the condemnation of the law?
16:30 - Precisely - Okay.
16:34 Were you going to add to that, C.A.?
16:35 No, that's precisely what I was going to say.
16:38 The reference that is give there is, compare Galatians 3:22-23,
16:42 which we just read, with Romans 6:14-15.
16:45 So let's look at Romans 6:14-15.
16:55 Romans 6:14-15
16:57 "For sin shall not have dominion over you:
17:01 for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
17:04 What then? Shall we sin, because we are not
17:07 under the law, but under grace?
17:09 God forbid."
17:10 Yeah, certainly not. God forbid.
17:12 Paul uses the phrase, "under the law,"
17:14 twelve times in his letters.
17:16 Depending on its context, we have a couple of
17:20 different connotations.
17:22 And the first one it talks about in our lesson studies
17:25 is, "under the law," as an alternative way of salvation.
17:29 This is the way the Jewish nation was looking at it.
17:33 I told you the story in another lesson study about
17:36 the Jewish lady radio syndicated person, Laura Schlessinger.
17:43 And she wrote a book called, The Ten Commandments.
17:45 And she said, in the Christian view she said we are saved,
17:50 "You say that you are saved by the merits of Christ.
17:54 That He gave His life for you."
17:56 And she said that's the way Christians look at it.
17:59 She said, "But me, as a Jew, I look at it as if we are saved
18:03 by our merits."
18:05 In other words, by the keeping of the law still.
18:09 And you know, I think the Jewish nation still does that,
18:11 because they still have not accepted Christ.
18:13 They still are looking for their Messiah.
18:16 And so they are not going to be saved by the merits of Christ
18:21 because they don't recognize Christ.
18:23 What's sad about that is, if you do not have Christ,
18:26 the only way to get right is to work your way.
18:29 And it's impossible.
18:31 So you're climbing a wall that you can never scale.
18:34 Because your ability, you cannot do it.
18:38 You cannot do it consistently, you cannot do it thoroughly,
18:40 you cannot do it from the heart.
18:42 And you cannot meet the demands of the law
18:43 because you are not a holy person.
18:46 So you're kind of working against the wind, basically.
18:52 You know, and some have said, brother, that when Jesus came
18:56 He did away with the law.
18:57 But did Jesus do away with the law?
19:00 In reality, He did more...
19:03 In reality He required more from the law keeping
19:08 than the commandments did.
19:10 In other words, you referred to it about,
19:12 "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
19:13 Jesus said, "Don't even think about it."
19:16 So He made the law even a bigger issue
19:18 about being obedient to that part of the law.
19:21 The moral law.
19:23 So Jesus didn't wipe out anything.
19:25 He said, "Don't think I came to destroy the law and prophets.
19:28 I didn't come to destroy them but to fulfill them."
19:30 And some people will still say,
19:31 "See, there He did away with it."
19:33 But He said He fulfilled it.
19:35 And we look at that, well what is it then that Jesus fulfilled?
19:39 Somebody give me that.
19:41 What is it that Jesus fulfilled?
19:42 He said, "I didn't come to destroy but to fulfill."
19:44 The word, "fulfill," is to fill it to its fullest.
19:47 So as you just said, when it comes to the letter
19:50 of the law, He added.
19:52 Because to Jesus, lust was the sin,
19:56 adultery was the fruit of the sin.
19:58 Hatred was the sin, murder was the fruit of the sin.
20:01 But He also fulfilled all of the ceremonial laws,
20:07 everything that had to do with the sacrificial system,
20:10 which pointed to Him.
20:11 So in all ways when He fulfilled that, it came to an...
20:16 He fulfilled it and it was over, because it only pointed to Him.
20:20 But in the Ten Commandments, He filled it to its fullest.
20:24 And it's eternal.
20:27 It also means, to meet the requirements of.
20:29 Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.
20:33 Someone had to meet that requirement.
20:34 It's like all of us have gone to school and gotten a degree.
20:37 Somewhere on your degree it says, "Because you have
20:38 fulfilled the requirements of...," yada, yada, yada,
20:41 "...we give you this degree."
20:42 Now it doesn't mean that those requirements are gone.
20:46 The next person that wants to get that degree
20:48 has got to fulfill those requirements too.
20:49 But for us, Christ has fulfilled them.
20:52 So now they are done.
20:54 And that's what the book of Hebrews says.
20:55 The old system, you had priests who would come and live and die,
20:58 and then someone else would come.
20:59 But Christ did it once and for all.
21:01 He fulfilled the requirements, so now they are fulfilled,
21:03 and they have been lived out in His life.
21:05 If you'll give me that thought.
21:06 That's was exactly what I was going to say,
21:08 is what Pastor C.A. said.
21:09 Not only the sacrificial system pointed forward to Christ,
21:12 and He fulfilled that, but He also fulfilled the law.
21:16 You know, "Without the shedding of blood,
21:17 there is no remission of sin."
21:18 And He lived a perfect life, died as the perfect sacrifice,
21:22 for you and for me.
21:23 You know, and I can add to that too, that when He says
21:25 He came to fulfill the law and the prophets,
21:28 we can go back and look into the book of Isaiah and
21:31 other places where it predicted the Messiah would come.
21:35 And He said, "I fulfilled that.
21:37 I came."
21:38 And the book of Isaiah told how He would be born,
21:41 and how He would suffer, and how He would die.
21:44 And the prophets foretold this, and that, and the other
21:46 about Him, He said, "I fulfilled all of those things."
21:49 Could I just add one scripture?
21:51 You were in Romans, what was it, Romans 6:14-15
21:57 about not being under law but being under grace.
22:00 And then, he's basically saying, "No one can serve two masters."
22:04 You can't serve the law and serve grace.
22:06 But look at verse 16, because we have a choice of masters.
22:10 Here he says, you're not under the law, but,
22:11 "Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves
22:15 slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey,
22:19 whether of sin leading to death,
22:22 or of obedience leading to righteousness?"
22:27 I just think that is...
22:28 We know that righteousness by faith is the only kind of
22:33 righteousness there is.
22:34 But when Christ's righteousness is working in us,
22:37 there is going to be that we're going to follow
22:40 that path of obedience.
22:42 So we talked about the first part of, "under the law,"
22:45 the first as an alternative way of salvation.
22:50 And we've just said that's impossible.
22:52 If I could live perfect from this moment on, which I can't,
22:56 if I could, I would still be lost.
22:58 Because my past is full of sin, you see.
23:02 And if I have to pay for my own sin...
23:05 And I always ask this to people, "Do you think
23:07 you can pay for your own sin?"
23:09 And I'll get mixed...
23:12 And I'll say, "Yeah, you can."
23:13 And millions will pay for their sins.
23:16 But I don't want to.
23:17 And explain that, what happens when you pay for your sin?
23:21 It's the eternal second death.
23:23 That's it, that's it.
23:25 And millions and millions of people will pay for their sins.
23:27 But not and live.
23:29 Yeah, that's right.
23:30 Because you pay for your sin, and it's over.
23:34 And so the second thing we look at then about,
23:39 "under the law," in the sense of being under
23:42 its condemnation.
23:44 We are under the law, the condemnation of the law.
23:48 Because the law cannot atone for sin, the violations of it
23:53 demands ultimately results in condemnation.
23:58 This is the condition of all human beings.
24:05 We always talk driving down.
24:08 We're all tempted at times to go faster than the law allows.
24:13 You know, we're in a big hurry, C.A.
24:15 "I've got to get to the airport because the
24:17 plane won't wait on me."
24:18 You know?
24:19 "I've got to get there."
24:21 The next thing you know the speed limit says, "70,"
24:22 and I'm doing 80 or 85, or something.
24:26 And when the policeman pulls me over, what can I say?
24:29 I'm guilty.
24:31 I'm caught. The radar has got me, you know.
24:33 I'm guilty.
24:34 And he says, "You know, there's a penalty for this."
24:38 And Jesus looks at our lives and He says,
24:40 "There's a penalty for what you've done.
24:43 But if you will surrender to Me, I'm going to pay your penalty."
24:49 And so when my name comes up in the courts of heaven,
24:51 He stands by me and He says,
24:53 "I'm going to pay the penalty for him.
24:55 Because He's one of My own."
24:57 And so we're talking about being under,
25:00 you know, being under the condemnation of the law.
25:04 Johnny, help me with that.
25:07 Well thank you very much.
25:09 You know, as you were talking, and you said that
25:15 you mentioned the punishment for somebody breaking
25:19 the speed limit.
25:21 And we've mentioned this before,
25:23 but it's good to bring it out again.
25:24 Maybe somebody is listening that has not heard it before.
25:28 When Jesus saves you from the punishment of sins,
25:33 it doesn't then give you license to say,
25:36 "Well, He's forgiven me. I can go ahead and..."
25:39 I don't have to obey the speed limit no more.
25:41 I've been forgive, you know.
25:42 So it doesn't do that.
25:45 It's wonderful when you look at 2 Corinthians,
25:49 I think it's 2 Corinthians 5:21.
25:54 "For He hath made Him to be sin for us,
26:00 who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness
26:04 of God in Him."
26:06 So it's not only that God wants to forgive us,
26:09 and I'll say that again, and again, and again,
26:12 it's not only that God wants to forgive us,
26:15 He wants to change us so that we don't do it again.
26:18 Because what really are the Ten Commandments?
26:21 They're protecting us from hurting ourselves
26:24 and they're protecting us from hurting others.
26:27 So they are to our benefit.
26:30 So if they are protecting us and protecting others,
26:34 then they are good, they are good.
26:36 I remember one time I was in a country.
26:39 For some reason my mind says, "Don't mention it."
26:43 But it could happen here in the U.S.
26:46 And I had to rent an apartment at that place.
26:49 And there the home had a little gate that if somebody
26:57 really wanted, they could jump over that gate.
26:59 But there was a gate to keep people out of there.
27:02 Maybe dogs or other creatures, whatever.
27:04 But then I was given a key to open another gate
27:09 which was taller, and you really couldn't get through that
27:11 unless you really, really wanted to.
27:13 And so now I go to the door and there's a lock
27:18 to get into the door.
27:20 But wouldn't you know it, I had to close the door
27:23 but then there's another iron gate inside.
27:27 The first day I did this, I said...
27:30 And I looked at the windows and they had bars also.
27:33 I said, "I'm in jail in here."
27:36 And so I could look at it that way, but at the same time
27:40 I could say, "I am safe here.
27:42 Because really, who is going to be able to get in here.
27:46 It has to be somebody that really, really is desperate
27:49 to get in to where I am."
27:50 So I was somewhat safe.
27:52 Looking at this in Tuesday's portion, it says,
27:56 The Law as Our "Guard".
27:59 The Law as Our "Guard".
28:01 So Paul gives us two basic conclusions about the law.
28:03 One, the law does not nullify or abolish God's promise
28:07 to Abraham, which is found in Galatians 3:15-20.
28:11 And number two, the law is not opposed to the promise,
28:14 which is Galatians 3:21-22.
28:17 So we have to ask ourselves, what role does the law
28:21 actually play then?
28:23 What benefit?
28:24 We already mentioned some benefit.
28:26 It protects us and protects others.
28:28 And you mentioned about the law that protects the people.
28:32 Imagine if it says, "Thou should not steal,"
28:34 and everyone obeyed that.
28:36 Wouldn't that be wonderful that you could put your things
28:38 anywhere and you know when you come back
28:40 it will be there?
28:43 And that you could park your car anywhere
28:45 and not have to lock it up?
28:47 But people not only have locks for their cars,
28:49 they have alarms.
28:52 And so we live in a society where we are not guaranteed
28:56 that the other person is going to obey the laws of the land
29:01 and the laws of the Lord.
29:04 And so we have to consider these things.
29:06 And I am reminded one time while I was in the army,
29:09 there was this young man that was reading the Bible
29:13 for the very first time.
29:15 And interestingly enough, the Lord said to me,
29:20 "Don't bother him."
29:22 Because I said, "Wow, first time that he's reading the Bible.
29:25 I get to share with this person the wonderful things."
29:29 And the Lord said, "Don't bother him."
29:32 And I said, "Okay Lord, I won't."
29:34 So as time went on, I noticed that he would come to me
29:39 and tell me what wonderful things he was
29:41 discovering in the Bible.
29:43 And when he got to Moses, he said, "Is this the one
29:47 that died on the cross for us?"
29:49 This is how little he knew.
29:51 And then he got to the Ten Commandments.
29:53 "Wow, I just read the Ten Commandments.
29:56 They are wonderful."
29:58 And he said this...
29:59 Now he was in the army at that point.
30:02 He says, "If in the United States everyone kept
30:06 these Ten Commandments,
30:08 what a different country this would be."
30:11 So he, reading this for the first time,
30:14 his mind was open to the beauty of the Ten Commandments
30:19 and how wonderful they are.
30:20 So when we think of God's laws as our guard,
30:25 we can think that God provided them for our benefit.
30:29 And as we mentioned before, they are a transcript
30:32 of God's character.
30:35 So, I would like to bring some things that are mentioned here
30:39 in Galatians 3:19-24.
30:43 In Galatians 19...
30:45 Chapter 3. There's no chapter 19.
30:47 Galatians 3:19-24, it talks about the Ten Commandments.
30:53 And I'm just going to look at some of the verses here.
30:56 We already talked much about 19-21.
31:00 But verse 22 says, "But the scripture hath concluded
31:02 all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus
31:06 might be given to them that believe.
31:10 But before faith came, we were kept under the law,
31:13 shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed."
31:18 Now notice this, "...under the law, shut up
31:21 until the faith afterwards be revealed.
31:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster..."
31:27 See, it's making a conclusion
31:30 based on what was mentioned before.
31:32 "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us
31:35 to Christ, that we might be justified by faith."
31:39 And that is something we're going to talk about later
31:42 in another study, about the law being our schoolmaster.
31:46 So here, the word translated, "kept," in verse 23
31:49 literally means, to guard.
31:52 And it can be used in a negative sense
31:54 as well as in a positive sense.
31:56 As I mentioned, the illustration about being in a house
32:01 apparently protected, but at the same time I felt like
32:04 I was in jail initially until I analyzed it and said,
32:07 "I am safe in here."
32:09 And so we see that Paul talks in a positive way
32:16 about the Ten Commandments.
32:18 He says that the law is good, and just, and it's beautiful.
32:25 Let's look at a scripture that is found in the Old Testament
32:31 here in Psalm 19.
32:37 Psalm 19
32:38 Wow, I just thought of a scripture
32:40 I never put together with this.
32:41 We may have to read that, it may fit very well.
32:45 Notice this.
32:48 I hope I have time.
32:49 Psalm 19:7-8, it says the following,
32:55 "The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul:
32:59 the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
33:04 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart:
33:07 the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes."
33:10 So this psalmist makes a declaration that the
33:13 law of the Lord is perfect.
33:16 I would like to ask for somebody to read in 1 Corinthians 13,
33:20 maybe read the last three verses.
33:22 Because I never put these two together until this moment.
33:24 And it may be something that we need to look at,
33:27 because I think there's...
33:29 What verse do you want? 1 Corinthians 13?
33:30 1 Corinthians 13, the last three verses.
33:34 "When I was a child, I spoke as a child,
33:36 I understood as a child, I thought as a child;
33:39 but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
33:42 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.
33:47 Now I know in part, but then I shall know
33:49 just as I also am known.
33:51 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three;
33:55 but the greatest of these is love."
33:58 Amen.
33:59 It's not the scripture that I thought it was.
34:01 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
34:02 You're looking for the one that parallels the same thing
34:05 from 19 and then the New Testament?
34:07 Yes, because it says, "When that which is perfect has come..."
34:10 I can find it in a moment.
34:11 "When that which is perfect has come..."
34:13 So we see here that the law of the Lord is perfect.
34:15 And if something is perfect, I question...
34:18 Verse 10, "When that which is perfect has come,
34:20 then that which is in part will be done away."
34:22 - That's right. - Okay.
34:23 So, "When that which is perfect is come,
34:26 then that which is partial will be done away,"
34:29 then we can look at that verse and understand
34:32 that the law of the Lord is perfect,
34:33 talking about the Ten Commandments,
34:35 it's not in part.
34:37 It cannot be done away because it's perfect already.
34:40 That's the point I wanted to make here.
34:42 And so we see that the law of the Lord is perfect,
34:45 converting the soul, created by a perfect God,
34:50 a transcript of His character.
34:52 And it helps us understand that we are to love God
34:55 with all of our hearts, and our fellow man as ourselves.
34:58 I think we have something that doesn't need to be changed.
35:02 It's already perfect. It cannot be improved upon.
35:04 - Amen. - Amen.
35:06 You cannot improve upon perfection.
35:08 "The Law as Our Schoolmaster."
35:10 So we undertake now to delve into the schoolmaster
35:14 aspect of the law.
35:16 I'm in Galatians 3, reading verses 24-25.
35:20 "Therefore the law is our tutor," I have in the
35:23 New King James, "to bring us to Christ,
35:26 that we might be justified by faith.
35:29 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor."
35:34 Now I want to read something from Ellen White,
35:36 Selected Messages, book 1, page 234.
35:40 "In this scripture," that is Galatians 3:24,
35:43 "the Holy Spirit through the apostle is speaking
35:45 especially of the moral law.
35:47 The law reveals sin to us, and causes us to feel our need
35:52 of Christ and to flee unto Him for pardon and peace
35:57 by exercising repentance toward God and faith
36:01 toward our Lord Jesus Christ."
36:05 The text that was read in Romans 6 reminds me,
36:12 when we look at the word, "under,"
36:15 "under," has been used by many people to suggest
36:19 that being out from under is saying that we no longer
36:23 have to keep.
36:25 But, "under," really has to do with whatever
36:28 penalty, or sanction, or encouragement
36:31 that particular part of the law has to do.
36:34 That's why if you're under grace, there are certain things
36:36 that come with being under grace.
36:38 If you are under the law, there are certain things
36:40 that come with being under the law.
36:42 I'll tell you a quick story.
36:43 Years ago I was in New York City pastoring
36:45 and I was late for prayer meeting, Wednesday evening,
36:47 and I was flying along the parkway,
36:49 and a police stopped me.
36:50 And I had on my dashboard a little clergy sign.
36:55 And he said to me, "Are you a real clergyman?"
36:58 I said, "Yes sir, I am."
37:00 New York City policeman, he said, "Okay."
37:02 He said, "Slow down or you're going to meet your Boss."
37:06 - Ha, ha, ha, ha... - That's great.
37:09 He said, "And you make take some others with you
37:11 who may not be so ready.
37:13 So slow down."
37:15 And I thought about that.
37:17 Because we have established here that the law
37:20 protects us and protects others.
37:22 You know, it protects us and protects others.
37:24 And he said that.
37:25 "You may be ready to meet your Boss, but you may take
37:27 some other people with you who are not so ready.
37:28 So slow down."
37:30 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
37:33 I thought about that. That was many years ago.
37:37 But this part of the lesson looks at the schoolmaster.
37:41 And I knew about this idea of the "paidagogos,"
37:45 or the teacher, or the tutor,
37:47 but I did not know that it was a slave.
37:49 I thought it was an indentured person or someone assigned
37:53 to take care of the children.
37:55 But we find here that it is a slave.
37:57 And evidently the owner of the home, or the lord of the home,
38:03 had great confidence in this person.
38:06 Because he put this person in the hands, gave them
38:10 charge over his children.
38:12 Not only to teach them, but the lesson gives indication
38:16 that they took care of the physical needs.
38:19 So it was almost like a nanny.
38:21 But it was a nanny who was a slave.
38:24 They provided food.
38:26 They were also allowed to punish.
38:28 Now of course that goes back to the old days
38:30 when we went to school; they punished.
38:32 Ha, ha, ha, ha...
38:34 You can't do that anymore because they'll
38:36 call Child Protective Services.
38:37 But back in those days you could punish.
38:40 So this tutor was responsible really for every aspect
38:46 of the child rearing process of those young people.
38:50 And he was turned over.
38:54 The idea that they served a dominant position
38:58 in the life of that child.
39:00 They could reward, they could punish.
39:01 They really had charge of the disciplinary aspects
39:05 of that child's life.
39:06 Well, if we transport that to the commandment of God,
39:12 the commandments of God really keep us from a lot of suffering.
39:16 They keep us from a lot of bad things happening.
39:19 And we've sort of, we've touched on this.
39:21 If the commandments of God were kept as best man could,
39:27 what a different world we would have today.
39:31 It would be just a far different experience
39:34 than we now find ourselves in.
39:37 So now we come to Christ and we are no longer
39:42 under the condemnation, as you well said, Pastor Ronnie,
39:46 of the law.
39:49 "There is now, therefore, no condemnation," Romans 8:1,
39:53 "to those who are in Christ Jesus."
39:55 We are out from under the negative aspects
39:58 of the law.
40:00 So the law becomes to us, for us, a very positive thing.
40:05 I have never looked at the Ten Commandments
40:07 as negative aspects of walking with Jesus.
40:12 You know, I don't see them as restrictive,
40:15 I don't see them as against me or negative.
40:18 They're something that I willingly do.
40:21 Plus they're something that I know if I do these things
40:23 my life will be better off.
40:25 You know, my life will be happier.
40:27 I have a wife that I love and care for.
40:29 I have no desire to break the seventh commandment.
40:33 Why would I want to do that?
40:34 - And break her heart. - And break her heart.
40:36 So doing these things, keeping these commandments,
40:39 don't keep us from anything that is good for us.
40:42 And point in fact, they keep us from things
40:44 that are bad for us.
40:46 They are not only a transcript of the character of God,
40:50 they become part of my character when I accept them.
40:54 So being faithful to Irma is not work.
40:57 It is not something that I have to force myself to do.
41:00 It's something that I want to do because we have an
41:02 existing love relationship.
41:04 And my love relationship with the Lord
41:07 filters through all of those commandments.
41:09 And that's why when Exodus 31 says that the Sabbath is
41:14 a sign of our sanctification, it is the most visible...
41:19 Our sanctification by God.
41:20 But it is the most visible of the signs.
41:22 But they all really are signs.
41:24 When I'm faithful to my wife,
41:26 that's a sign of my sanctification.
41:28 When I don't covet, when I don't lie,
41:30 when I don't cheat; those are all emblems of the fact
41:33 that something is going on between me and the Lord.
41:36 And the Sabbath is the most visible of those signs.
41:39 But I'm not under the law,
41:40 I'm not under the penalty of the law,
41:42 because I'm walking within the confines of the law.
41:46 And God is guarding me and keeping me.
41:49 And I think if we were to think of that as a guardrail
41:55 along a cliff, you're driving along a cliff
41:57 and there's a guardrail there, that guardrail is keeping you
42:00 from doing something, but it's something you
42:02 wouldn't want to do anyway.
42:04 I don't want to go over that cliff.
42:05 That guardrail is my friend.
42:07 I love that guardrail.
42:08 - Thank you, Jesus. - I love that guardrail.
42:10 Lord, please let that guardrail continue.
42:13 And so that's the mindset that we need to have.
42:16 The schoolmaster says, "Come to the Lord."
42:20 And when you get there, you get free.
42:23 You're not under condemnation anymore.
42:25 You are free.
42:27 So you don't need the tutor now because Christ is inside
42:30 and He's teaching me from within, not from without.
42:34 Amen. Well said.
42:36 I would like to, for Thursday's lesson,
42:39 "The Law and the Believer," as Ellen White said,
42:42 this is in particular speaking to the moral law,
42:45 but I want to broaden this out just a bit.
42:47 Because in the entire chapter of Galatians 3,
42:53 he tells us in verse 10, he's speaking of the book of the law,
42:56 which is the old covenant of what Moses wrote
43:01 by God's dictation.
43:03 He says that this was something that was put into
43:07 process through a mediator.
43:09 So we know he's talking about the book of the covenant,
43:12 which included the ceremonial laws.
43:14 So my thought, Galatians 3:25, when he's been talking about
43:20 we're no longer under this tutor, I'm thinking
43:23 in a broader sense that the whole entire Mosaic covenant
43:27 was the tutor.
43:29 And he says, "Therefore," in verse 25, "after faith has come,
43:35 we're no longer under a tutor."
43:38 Now faith, here, is the provision of faith
43:44 by salvation in Christ Jesus as our Savior.
43:48 So this law, this whole system that Moses wrote,
43:55 is no longer the "paidagogos" that has to take us to school
43:58 safely every day.
44:00 Because what we have is, the Author of the law
44:05 is now our school teacher, is He not?
44:07 Jesus Christ.
44:08 And we've talked about the Ten Commandments
44:10 revealed our sin.
44:13 The Ten Commandments reveals our sin nature, I should say.
44:18 It reflects the character of God.
44:21 And it points us to the need for a Savior.
44:24 So that's how it was kind of something that was so special.
44:28 It points us to the need.
44:30 But then when you think of this ceremonial law,
44:33 it symbolized everything about Jesus Christ.
44:37 And He fulfilled everything that was typified.
44:43 But then the civil law, do we still follow the civil law
44:46 of that old covenant?
44:49 No. It was very strict.
44:51 It was harsh, almost.
44:54 Because God was working with a people
44:56 that could not understand their own sin.
45:00 So what we have is the moral law at the heart of
45:04 the old covenant, but it's the foundation of God's covenant.
45:10 So it's inside the ark.
45:12 And we see in Hebrews 8:10 that the Ten Commandment law
45:18 is also the heart of the new.
45:20 He says, "'This is the covenant that I will make with the
45:22 house of Israel after those days,' says the LORD:
45:26 I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts;
45:32 I will be their God, and they shall be My people.'"
45:35 So we don't obey the commandments to be saved.
45:39 We've said this a million times.
45:41 But we obey because Christ's nature is working in us.
45:49 It's imparted to us.
45:50 If this is the transcript of God's character,
45:54 as we obey we begin to reflect His character, right?
45:58 So what we look at, as you've said, that moral law is like
46:03 a fence to keep us protected to have happiness,
46:08 and our freedom is found in Christ.
46:11 Because now we can go on without any fear of condemnation
46:16 of our previous life.
46:18 Now our lesson takes us to Romans 8:1-3,
46:21 but I want to jump back.
46:23 Somebody look up Romans...
46:24 Well no, let me just, let me just, I'll give you a...
46:27 We don't have much time, so I will give you
46:30 a succinct, hopefully it will be succinct...
46:35 Ha, ha, ha, ha...
46:37 And I have to go back to one thing.
46:39 Some people think that Galatians 3:25, when he says
46:43 that, "After faith has come, we're no longer under a tutor,"
46:47 they think that dismisses the Ten Commandments.
46:49 But disobedience to the moral law is what?
46:53 - Sin. - Sin.
46:55 That's what 1 John 3:4 says.
46:57 And so Jesus said in John 8:34, "Whoever commits sin is
47:01 a slave to sin."
47:02 So we lose our freedom as we sin.
47:05 Now before I go to Romans 8, let me just kind of back up
47:08 to Romans 6.
47:10 In Romans 6:3, go ahead and somebody read Romans 6:3.
47:17 "Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized
47:20 into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?"
47:23 If we're looking at God's true process for sanctification,
47:30 first we've got to recognize the justification
47:34 that Jesus Christ accomplished for us, right?
47:37 Romans 6:11
47:40 Romans 6:11
47:42 "Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed
47:46 to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
47:50 Alright, so if we're reckoning that we have been dead to sin,
47:54 what are we going to do?
47:56 We're going to live by His righteousness.
47:57 This is God's process of sanctification.
48:02 Johnny, how about Romans 6:13.
48:04 Romans 6:13
48:06 "Neither yield ye your members as instruments
48:09 of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God,
48:13 as those that are alive from the dead,
48:16 and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God."
48:19 Alright, do you see this process of sanctification?
48:22 We understand the justification Christ has accomplished for us.
48:27 We know that we're dead to sin, we're living by His
48:31 righteousness, and we yield ourselves, surrendering totally
48:36 to Him day by day.
48:37 So now if you go on in Romans 7, and speaking specifically
48:44 to the moral law, it was intended to promote moral life
48:47 and guard against sin.
48:49 Could man keep the law under his power?
48:52 - No. - And what does Paul say?
48:53 You know, he's talking about this internal strife
48:57 that he suffered because he inherited this sin nature.
49:02 There were two natures in him.
49:05 And they were constantly warring with one another.
49:08 And what he found is that this sinful nature
49:13 brought him down quite often, right?
49:15 And here's what we have to remember.
49:17 When we are striving for sanctification by self-attempts,
49:24 if we're being sanctified in any other way than by grace,
49:29 if we're not surrendered to God, anything that you do to try
49:34 to sanctify yourself, it's going to be frustrated.
49:38 I mean, that's just the bottom line.
49:40 And Paul knows this by experience.
49:41 So Romans 8:1...
49:43 Here he's saying in Romans 7, "Oh who can deliver me
49:48 from this body of sin?"
49:50 But in Romans 8:1...
49:52 Well he ends in Romans 7,
49:54 "Thank God through Christ Jesus."
49:58 And then he says, "There is therefore now no condemnation
50:02 to those who are are in Christ Jesus, who don't walk
50:06 according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."
50:09 So God imputes Christ's righteousness to us.
50:14 And here our guilt, our death penalty,
50:18 was removed by Christ on the cross.
50:20 And when we receive Him as our Savior
50:22 we are no longer under that threat of God's punishment.
50:27 And then we've got this imputed righteousness.
50:29 And then here he's talking about it in verse 2.
50:32 "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
50:36 has made me free" from this law of the spirit of death.
50:39 That old sin nature, that's the law of the
50:43 spirit of death, isn't it?
50:44 Plus it's like somebody says, you tell a kid,
50:47 "Don't touch this cake," what's the first thing they're going to
50:51 want to do if you turn your head?
50:52 All you think about is touching the cake, right?
50:55 And eating cake too.
50:57 And so it's kind of like the commandments
51:00 gave opportunity, it pointed out sin,
51:02 but it's kind of like, "Oh, don't? Okay, I will."
51:06 But it's interesting here because in Romans 8...
51:10 To this point Paul has only mentioned in the whole book
51:13 of Romans, he's only mentioned the Holy Spirit twice.
51:16 He mentioned it in Romans 1:4 and in Romans 5:5
51:20 when He said God pours His love into our hearts.
51:23 But now in Romans 8, he mentioned the Holy Spirit's
51:26 sanctifying influence nineteen times.
51:31 Isn't that amazing?
51:33 Twice in the book before, and now nineteen times.
51:36 So I just think of what he said, "Where the Spirit of the Lord
51:41 is, there is liberty."
51:43 And there is, you know, John tells us in 1 John 3:8
51:48 that, "He who sins is of the devil,
51:52 for the devil has sinned from the beginning."
51:54 So there's no freedom in sin.
51:57 You may think that if you don't pay attention to
52:00 God's commandments, you're free.
52:02 No, you're a slave to sin.
52:04 And so what Jesus did was take on our flesh and blood
52:09 to deliver us from that power.
52:11 And in verse 3, real quickly, he says,
52:13 "For what the law could not do in that it was weak
52:17 through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son
52:19 in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin:
52:23 and He condemns sin in the flesh, that the righteous
52:26 requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us by those
52:32 who don't walk according to the flesh
52:34 but according to the Spirit."
52:36 So the leading of the Holy Spirit is God's provision
52:40 for sanctification by grace through faith.
52:44 Amen. Well said, Shelley.
52:46 You know, Augustine, the great Catholic theologian,
52:49 ran into this same thing.
52:50 He knew that there were things in his life
52:52 He could not control.
52:53 He had this old man, new man fighting against.
52:56 - Oh, don't we all. - And we all do.
52:58 And that's my point.
53:00 He came up with an inadequate solution
53:03 because he focused so much on the weakness
53:05 of the law in the flesh.
53:07 Well, the solution is to get Christ in there
53:11 to counteract that.
53:12 It's not going to be by works,
53:13 it's not going to be by beating yourself up.
53:15 It's not going to be by those kinds of thing.
53:17 The secret is not fighting as much as it is surrender.
53:22 It's waving the white flag and letting Christ come in
53:25 and work His life out through you.
53:28 It reminds me of Galatians 5.
53:29 And we'll be studying this in a future lesson
53:32 about the work of the flesh, the works of the flesh,
53:36 lusting or warring against the fruit of the Spirit,
53:39 and how as we walk in the Spirit.
53:42 I love what you said, Pastor C.A., as we surrender.
53:45 It's all about saying yes to Jesus,
53:47 making that choice for Jesus.
53:49 Allowing Him to work in and through me.
53:52 There's a quote from Ellen White I wanted to read.
53:54 And then I'll pass it back to you all with a question.
53:57 This is from Friday's portion of the lesson.
53:59 In Selected Messages, book one, page 235,
54:03 "The law of ten commandments is not to be looked upon
54:06 as much from the prohibitory side, as from the mercy side.
54:12 Its prohibitions are the sure guarantee of
54:15 happiness in obedience.
54:18 As received in Christ, it works in us the purity of character
54:24 that will bring joy to us through eternal ages.
54:28 To the obedient it is a wall of protection."
54:33 And that's what you brought out, brother Johnny.
54:34 That guard, the law as our guard.
54:37 So in the couple of moments we have left,
54:40 a question for you as panelists.
54:43 How can we grow...
54:44 We've been talking this whole lesson about the law
54:46 and the role of the law in our lives.
54:48 How can we grow to love the law?
54:52 And I know, Pastor C.A., you touched on that a bit
54:55 when you talked about the love relationship.
54:57 But how can we grow to love the law in our lives?
55:00 I think grow to love the Lawgiver.
55:02 - Amen. - Amen.
55:04 Focus on the person of Jesus.
55:07 And then those things that are a part of the personhood of Jesus
55:10 become part of your personhood.
55:12 I wouldn't so much focus on loving the law,
55:15 or hating the law, or even my relationship with the law.
55:18 I would really work on my relationship with a Person.
55:21 With Christ Jesus.
55:22 And then these other kind of things fall into line
55:25 as I love the Lawgiver.
55:27 And He works out His law by putting His commandments
55:30 in my heart, as Hebrews 8 says,
55:32 and making me part of His kingdom that way.
55:34 Amen.
55:36 I think we see in the law, as we read, that it's perfect.
55:40 And when we consider that it came from the
55:43 perfect mind of God we can come to some degree of love.
55:47 David said, "How I love thy law."
55:49 Well, is it talking about the Ten Commandments
55:51 or the whole five books?
55:55 The Pentateuch, as they say.
55:57 But the priority is, "Love the Lord your God
56:02 with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind."
56:04 And as you learn more and more about Him,
56:08 you cannot but help to fall in love with Him,
56:10 because God is love Himself.
56:15 And when you see love in action in God through His people,
56:20 and how He can change the worse of people
56:24 to be such wonderful human beings,
56:29 to be kind and loving towards others,
56:31 you just have to say, "Only God can do that."
56:34 Amen. It's a beautiful thing.
56:35 I think that's what God wants to do in each one of
56:38 our hearts and lives as daughters and sons
56:42 of the Most High.
56:43 And that is our next lesson, From Slaves to Heirs,
56:47 and the adoption we have as God's children.
56:49 But I just want to encourage you to fall in love with Jesus.
56:53 If you don't know who He is, spend time in His Word.
56:57 Maybe start with the gospels.
56:59 It's a wonderful picture of who Jesus is, of who God is.
57:04 Find out who He is and make a choice to surrender
57:07 your life to His care and keeping.
57:09 I want to thank Shelley Quinn, Pastor C.A. Murray,
57:12 John Dinzey, and Pastor Ronnie Shelton
57:14 for sharing your thoughts from the book of Galatians.
57:17 And we just want to thank you for joining us
57:20 as you do each week.
57:21 I want to encourage you to check out your local
57:24 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
57:25 Spend time learning, growing, fellowshipping
57:29 with brothers and sister.
57:31 We will see you next time.
57:32 God bless you and keep you.


Revised 2024-06-17