3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 6: The Priority of the Promise

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jill Morikone, Pr. CA Murray, Pr. John Dinzey, Pr. Ronny Shelton


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000031A

00:01 The Bible tells us...
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is, The Gospel of Galatians.
00:33 Hello and welcome once again to, 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 I'm Shelley Quinn, and I can tell you that
00:38 all of us are excited to be here with you today.
00:41 Please grab your Bible, a pen, and join in.
00:44 If you do not have the Sabbath School study quarterly,
00:48 you can go to ABSG.Adventist.org
00:59 And download that.
01:01 We are studying the gospel in Galatians.
01:04 And let me introduce our illustrious panel
01:08 of my brothers and sisters.
01:09 We have with us Brother C.A. Murray,
01:11 Pastor Kenny, whoops, Pastor Ronnie Shelton.
01:16 Pastor John Dinzey, and Jill Morikone.
01:19 And just so glad each and every one of you
01:22 could make it with us.
01:23 Now C.A., would you like to open in prayer, please?
01:26 Glad to.
01:27 Gracious Father, we do praise You and thank You
01:28 for this opportunity to open up and study the Word of God again.
01:32 We thank You for the book of Galatians and the
01:34 truths that are there in.
01:36 Help us now to know and understand.
01:38 And once understanding, help us to do.
01:41 And we thank You and praise You.
01:42 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:45 This is such a wonderful study.
01:48 And we are on lesson six, which is, The Priority of the Promise.
01:54 Let's read our memory text together.
01:56 And this is Galatians 3:18.
01:59 We're looking at the English Standard Version,
02:02 which is essentially a literal translation.
02:05 "For if the inheritance comes by the law,
02:09 it no longer comes by promise;
02:12 but God gave it to Abraham by a promise."
02:17 So what I thought I would do, and this is probably
02:20 ill advised, but I have several pages of thoughts here
02:25 on God's covenants, and what I want to do
02:28 is just paint a broad picture of God's covenants for you
02:31 before I get into Sunday's lesson.
02:34 So I'm just going to kind of run through this rather quickly.
02:38 And there's going to be a lot of information in here.
02:40 But hopefully it will help you understand
02:44 what is all of this about covenants.
02:47 So essentially what happened is, before time began
02:50 God determined that He wanted to have a bond of intimacy
02:55 with His people.
02:56 And He wanted it, not only here on earth,
03:01 but throughout eternity.
03:03 So what covenants do is they contain the promises of God.
03:07 And they are oath bound promises for people who are
03:10 willing to enter into covenant relationship,
03:13 which is an intimate relationship with Him.
03:16 Human beings are so used to people breaking their promises
03:22 to them that it is hard for us to believe that God and
03:25 Jesus Christ are completely faithful to their promises.
03:29 But God authored this concept of covenant making,
03:35 and He is the one who confirms it by His faithfulness
03:41 and His power to fulfill His promises.
03:44 So He began this promise keeping, the source of the
03:48 first covenant began in the Garden of Eden.
03:52 In Isaiah 46:11, He shows us that His word is unchanging
03:59 and it is sure.
04:00 He says, "Indeed I have spoken it;
04:03 I will also bring it to pass.
04:05 I have purposed it; I will also do it."
04:09 So during the Old Testament times, there wasn't just the
04:12 covenants that God made with people.
04:15 People made covenants with each other.
04:17 I mean, they followed this concept.
04:19 And what we find, that covenants are either bilateral,
04:22 meaning there is more than one party involved
04:25 that are making the promises.
04:27 So you have this relationship between parties where
04:31 each one binds themselves to the other
04:34 to perform a certain service or duty.
04:37 But God's covenants are always unilateral.
04:40 He's the only one doing the promising.
04:42 I know people are going to say, "Wait a minute."
04:45 But we're going to prove this in just a moment.
04:47 So He's the one that makes the promises.
04:50 And people enter into covenant with Him
04:54 accepting His offer.
04:56 And they keep the covenant as commanded,
04:59 then they receive His oath bound promises.
05:02 Now the unifying theme of Scripture is this:
05:05 God is a covenant making, covenant keeping God.
05:09 And we ought to be so excited about that.
05:12 What happens, we see His covenants, they actually
05:16 all build one upon the next.
05:20 It is a progressive unfolding of His plan of salvation
05:25 through Jesus Christ who is promised before time began.
05:29 And again, His ultimate purpose of these covenants
05:32 is that He can have an intimate relationship with you
05:36 and with me.
05:38 So the original meaning for, "covenant,"
05:40 in the Hebrew the word was, berith.
05:44 And it's used 280 times.
05:46 Sometimes that references between two parties;
05:49 sometimes between God and His people.
05:52 It means, to obligate, to fetter, to bind yourself.
05:59 Now in God's covenant, He initiates the bond
06:03 between us and Him.
06:05 His covenants are either unconditional
06:08 or they are conditional promises.
06:12 And He guarantees to fulfill the unconditional, I mean,
06:15 the parts of His promises.
06:17 If it's a conditional, we then fulfill ours.
06:23 So what covenants do, is they contain statements
06:27 of God's responsibility.
06:28 Because He's the one that's doing the binding.
06:30 And as I said, the parts of His covenant
06:33 which are conditional on human response,
06:36 He commands to be accepted.
06:40 But humans enter into this covenant.
06:43 In the 39 books of the Old Testament,
06:46 from Genesis to Malachi, God made many covenants.
06:50 And I want to run through them very briefly for you.
06:53 There was the covenant at creation which included
06:55 marriage, the Sabbath, and work; six days of physical labor,
06:59 one day of rest.
07:01 Possibly a covenant between God and Adam before the fall.
07:04 We see that in Genesis 2 where He commanded Him
07:06 not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
07:10 There's the covenant of Genesis 3:15.
07:13 That's the everlasting covenant God introduces
07:17 when He talks about the promised Seed.
07:20 And this is an unconditional promise that Christ is
07:23 going to come as our redeemer, He's going to pay our penalty,
07:27 He is going to destroy evil and recreate paradise.
07:31 Then there's a covenant with Noah.
07:33 Conditional or unconditional?
07:35 - Unconditional. - Unconditional.
07:36 He says, "I'll never again flood the earth with water."
07:39 The next time it's going to be with fire.
07:42 God's covenant with Abraham, conditional or unconditional?
07:48 It was conditioned on faith.
07:52 Justification was conditioned on faith.
07:55 Then He renewed the covenant with Abraham,
07:59 Genesis 26:5, when He's renewing it with Isaac,
08:03 what does he say?
08:04 He says, "I'm going to renew this covenant."
08:07 He repeats all of the covenant terms to Isaac,
08:10 and then He says, "Because your father Abraham
08:14 obeyed My commandments and My ordinances."
08:17 So when He gets to the Mosaic covenant,
08:21 this was, He is bringing a people out of bondage,
08:26 a people who don't even read, out of bondage.
08:30 And what He gives them was the constitution
08:37 for Israel as a nation, as a theocracy.
08:40 He gives them civil laws,
08:42 He gives them the ceremonial laws,
08:45 which is His remedy for sin, and He gives them...
08:49 The heart of the covenant was the Ten Commandments.
08:52 - Right? - Amen.
08:54 So now God's covenant then with David,
08:57 conditional or unconditional?
08:59 Unconditional.
09:01 He said that Christ would eternally
09:05 reign on David's throne.
09:06 So the Davidic covenant is one that's
09:09 going to be on the throne.
09:11 And then there's a few more minor covenants.
09:13 But in Hebrews 9:15, I'm going to skip over some of this
09:17 because my time is going away, Hebrews 9:15 shows us that the
09:22 foundation for the new covenant was Jesus' death.
09:26 It says, "For this reason He," Jesus, "is the Mediator
09:31 of the new covenant, by means of death..."
09:36 Now sometimes people get confused when it's talking about
09:38 Hebrews 8 and Hebrews 9, talking about the first covenant.
09:42 And it's in context of comparing the old covenant
09:49 to the new covenant.
09:50 So it was first...
09:51 The old covenant was first before the new,
09:53 but it was not first of God's covenants.
09:58 But now here's the question.
10:00 Is the new covenant, salvation by grace through
10:04 faith in Christ Jesus, is this conditional or unconditional?
10:10 It's conditional.
10:12 - Conditional. - It's conditional.
10:13 Just as Abraham's was conditioned on faith,
10:17 the new covenant is conditioned upon receiving
10:20 Jesus Christ as your Savior, living in faith with Him.
10:26 Does it also, like God blessed Abraham because of
10:30 his obedience, does the new covenant
10:32 bless us because of obedience?
10:33 Absolutely, Hebrews 5:9 says that once Christ was perfected,
10:38 He became the author of eternal salvation
10:42 to all those who obey.
10:45 And Jesus said in John 14:15,
10:47 "If you love Me, obey My commandments."
10:49 And we know 1 John 2:3-4 says that if anybody says
10:54 he knows Him, but doesn't keep the commandments,
10:56 hey, "he's a liar, and the truth is not in him."
10:59 So that takes us quickly to Sunday.
11:02 And we're going to be talking about the law and the faith.
11:06 The interesting thing here, which helps prove
11:10 that God's covenants were all unilateral...
11:14 We have a tendency, and until I really started researching this,
11:17 I had a tendency to believe that the old covenant,
11:22 the Mosaic law, was bilateral.
11:25 Rather than seeing it as there were conditions,
11:29 I saw it as...
11:30 Because the people come right out and say,
11:33 "All that the Lord has said, we will do."
11:35 So it was kind of like...
11:36 And He said, "If you obey Me, you're going to be
11:39 My kingdom of priests, a holy nation."
11:42 Right?
11:44 But in the New Testament, and in our Sunday's lesson,
11:47 it brings out an interesting...
11:50 There's two words in the Greek for, "covenant."
11:53 One was, diatheke.
11:56 And diatheke is a will.
11:58 It is always unilateral.
12:01 Only one person is making the promise.
12:03 So "diatheke" was used in the New Testament
12:08 of God's covenants, any covenant,
12:10 even of the old covenant, "diatheke" is the word
12:14 that was used in the New Testament, always,
12:16 thirty-three times, when it's referring to the covenants.
12:19 It's unilateral. There's only one person.
12:22 It's only God that's making the promises
12:25 to bind people to themselves.
12:27 And "diatheke" means that it's going to distribute the property
12:32 either after the death of someone, according to
12:35 the owner's stated desires.
12:37 But it's an irrevocable decision.
12:39 Can't be canceled, can't be annulled.
12:42 And here's the interesting thing.
12:44 When the Septuagint was written...
12:48 The Septuagint is the Greek translation
12:51 of the Old Testament.
12:52 It was written by seventy rabbinical scholars.
12:56 You know what word they used?
12:58 There's another word in Greek for a covenant,
13:02 like a mutual agreement or a contract.
13:06 And that word is, syntheke.
13:09 They never once, none of these rabbinical scholars,
13:13 ever used the Greek word, syntheke.
13:16 They always used, diatheke.
13:19 So in the Old Testament, as they translated this,
13:25 they used, diatheke, 270 times for God's covenants.
13:32 Meaning that these rabbinical scholars saw
13:39 that this was only a unilateral covenant.
13:45 And, I mean, I think that is so exciting to me.
13:47 Let me, really quickly, we're going to run through
13:50 Galatians 3:15-18.
13:52 He says, "Brethren, I speak in the manner of men:
13:54 Though it is only a man's covenant," diatheke,
13:57 yet if it were confirmed, no one annuls it or adds to it."
14:01 So once it's formally accepted, it can't be changed.
14:03 "Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made."
14:07 He does not say, 'And to seeds,' as of many, but as of one,
14:12 'To your Seed,'" capital S, because Paul says,
14:16 "who is Christ."
14:18 So the objective of God's covenants have always been
14:22 pointing to Jesus Christ and that the coming of the Messiah
14:26 would bring the salvation of men and great blessings.
14:30 Then he says, "This I say, that the law, which was
14:33 four hundred and thirty years later..."
14:35 That's the date given for the sojourn out of Egypt
14:38 in Exodus 12:40.
14:41 He said, "...it cannot annul the covenant..."
14:44 See, this was the everlasting covenant of grace that was
14:47 given in Genesis 3:15 and repeated to Abraham
14:51 that you're going to be saved by grace through faith.
14:53 And he's saying, "Hey, this didn't annul the covenant
14:56 that was confirmed before by God in Christ,
14:59 that it should make the promise of no effect."
15:03 He goes on and says...
15:06 Uh, I think that's it. That was it.
15:08 Yeah, that's through number 18.
15:11 Oh no, here's number 18.
15:13 And so he says, "For if the inheritance is of the law,
15:19 it is no longer of promise;
15:21 but God gave it to Abraham by promise."
15:25 So all of God's blessings in God's covenant
15:29 is diatheke.
15:31 Means that the covenant obligations have been
15:34 undertaken by a single person.
15:37 And the Bible tells us in Isaiah that Jesus Christ
15:41 is the covenant.
15:43 He is God's covenant.
15:46 And He tells us in Jeremiah, He says,
15:50 "This is His name: the Lord our righteousness."
15:54 So looking at the whole picture, every one of God's covenants
15:58 builds on the next.
16:00 Did I butcher that or what?
16:02 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
16:03 - Go. - Thank you, Shelley.
16:07 Monday deals with, Faith and Law.
16:12 And I want to read Romans 3:31, but
16:14 we do well to read verses, really actually
16:20 beginning at verse 28 to the end of the chapter,
16:23 which is verse 31.
16:26 The Bible says, "Therefore we conclude that a man
16:29 is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.
16:32 Or is He the God of the Jews only?
16:36 Is He not also the God of the Gentiles?"
16:38 That's important because it leads us
16:41 to this idea of inclusion.
16:43 And that whatever is for the Jews is also for the Gentiles.
16:48 So that gets you and me, Shelley.
16:50 You know, we get in there, Pastor Ronnie, also.
16:55 I want to pick it up now in verse 30.
16:57 "...since there is one God who will justify the circumcised
17:00 by faith and the uncircumcised through faith."
17:04 Again, Jew and Gentile.
17:06 "Do we make void the law through faith?
17:09 Certainly not!"
17:11 That's about as strong as Paul can get in this context.
17:15 "On the contrary, we establish the law."
17:19 So Paul is pushing back against this,
17:22 "baby out with the bath water," kind of idea
17:26 that it's all faith and the law is done away with,
17:30 or of no effect, or of no consequence to us.
17:35 One of the things that we will see, if you have
17:39 a hammer and a spoon, even a large hammer
17:45 and a large spoon, if you want to drive a nail,
17:51 that spoon will probably not do you too good.
17:56 But if you want to serve soup to your guests,
18:00 that hammer is not going to help you too much.
18:03 Because they each have a function.
18:06 And Paul is telling us through these preceding chapters,
18:10 it is not the function of the law to bring us righteousness.
18:15 It is not the junction of the law to justify us.
18:18 Now we will get to what the function is
18:21 as we move through this.
18:22 But if you think because he's saying it's not good
18:25 for serving soup that it's not good at all,
18:28 then you've misconstrued what Paul is trying to say.
18:31 It does have a function.
18:32 It's just not good for soup.
18:34 The law does have a function.
18:36 It's just not good for righteousness.
18:38 It's not good for justification.
18:39 It's got a very vital function, and we'll take a look at that
18:43 in just a moment.
18:44 The word there in the Greek for...
18:46 And I'm so glad that we have Greek study, because
18:50 the English language is so impoverished
18:52 and the Greek language is so well inflected
18:55 and gives us such good meaning.
18:56 It's, katargeo.
18:59 And that word is for what?
19:00 - For, to make void. - Okay.
19:03 Or to establish.
19:05 Paul talks about the works of the law.
19:08 And here is where we run into that tension
19:10 that has always existed between the moral law
19:13 and the Mosaic law.
19:15 Because sometimes it looks like it's very much
19:17 talking about Mosaic law.
19:18 Other times it's looking like it's very much talking about
19:22 the moral law or the Ten Commandments.
19:24 And I tend to think that he moves kind of back and forth.
19:28 I really do.
19:29 And in the early days of Adventism the struggle was,
19:33 is it all this or all that?
19:35 And I think there are times when he moves back and forth.
19:37 Because when you're talking about circumcision
19:39 and some of those other things, you're actually
19:41 dealing with Mosaic kinds of things.
19:44 And that did not, per se, come to an end.
19:48 They were just fulfilled and were no longer necessary.
19:51 They could not bring the kind of righteousness
19:53 that the death of Christ offered to us.
19:55 These rituals, these typical things, could not fulfill
20:01 what the type could fulfill.
20:02 Then of course, when you're talking about the moral law,
20:05 it goes on forever, for it is an unchangeable transcript of
20:08 the character of God.
20:10 So we're talking about the correct place of the law
20:15 in our lives of faith and law.
20:20 So we need to now examine just a little bit
20:24 what Paul is talking about when he talks about
20:26 the works of the law.
20:28 Going back to Romans 3:31, "Do we make the law void
20:31 through faith?
20:33 No, we establish it."
20:35 So he's beginning to draw a line,
20:37 that it's not faith over against law.
20:39 They really work to buttress each other,
20:41 they really work to make each other strong.
20:44 In Romans 7:7...
20:46 And it's interesting that so much of the justification
20:49 for Galatians comes in the book of Romans.
20:52 He's talking to the church of Rome, but they're suffering
20:55 the same kind of things.
20:58 There was this tendency of the early church to sort of
21:02 move back into Judaism, because at least in the Roman economy
21:09 Judaism was a recognized religion.
21:13 It was recognized.
21:15 Christianity was religio illicita.
21:17 It was illegal, it was underground,
21:20 it was under attack.
21:21 So there was this tendency to move back into
21:25 something that was comfortable,
21:27 something that had worked before,
21:29 and something that they were culturally and experientally
21:32 accustomed to.
21:34 But Paul is really turning everything on its head now,
21:37 because he is saying that those things that are very
21:41 comfortable for you, which are very known to you,
21:43 just don't work anymore.
21:45 And Christ is not just trying to put
21:49 shoe polish on this pair of shoes.
21:51 He's giving you a brand new pair of shoes.
21:53 He's throwing out the old and bringing you something
21:56 brand new to walk in.
21:57 And just polish is not going to work here.
21:59 This is total replacement.
22:01 You've gone to the store, you've got a brand new pair of shoes.
22:04 And they may squeak a little bit, may hurt your toes,
22:06 but wear them, you'll get use to it and you'll be fine.
22:10 Because Christ is bringing in something very, very new.
22:14 So do we make the law void through faith?
22:17 No, no, not at all. We establish the law.
22:20 We make it stronger.
22:21 And we make it much more applicable to you
22:25 as men and children of God.
22:28 Back in the lesson.
22:30 "The plan of justification by faith reveals God's regard
22:33 for His law in demanding and providing the atoning sacrifice.
22:38 If justification by faith abolishes the law,
22:42 then there was no need for the atoning death of Christ
22:46 to release the sinner from his sins,
22:48 and thus restore him to peace with God."
22:52 If we could just work it through or change it that way,
22:59 then the death of Christ is unnecessary
23:01 and does no good for us.
23:04 If you could get into right relationship with God
23:08 by any other way than the death of Christ
23:11 then you render the death of Christ unnecessary.
23:15 And if Christ has indeed died to bring you righteousness,
23:18 and you attempt to work your way into favor with God
23:22 by any other way than the death of Christ, you are saying,
23:25 "For me, the death of Christ is not sufficient.
23:28 It must be the death of Christ, plus a little help from me."
23:32 And back in the early days of our church,
23:34 people would actually preach that.
23:35 It's grace and faith, plus a little effort.
23:39 You know, you need a little jump start.
23:41 Just hook up the battery charger,
23:43 and then we'll get this thing running.
23:44 And we had to wrestle our way to the fact
23:48 that it is grace and faith alone in Jesus.
23:52 The work has already been done.
23:54 You just need to decide whose side you're going to be on.
23:57 And once having made that decision, all of the benefits of
24:00 that grace, all of the benefits of the faith
24:03 given to you to be exercised in behalf of your love of Christ,
24:07 now apply to you.
24:09 Having said all that, now what's the place for the works then?
24:12 The works come once the faith and grace are...
24:17 See, the Bible says that Christ will live out His life in you.
24:21 So if it's in you, He's working, but He's working through you
24:25 to get it done.
24:27 So it's not like you say, "Okay, I've got to get up today
24:29 and I've got to be kind to Shelley,
24:31 and I've got to be kind to Ronnie,
24:32 and I've got to be kind to Johnny,
24:35 and I've got to be kind to Jill."
24:36 Hope I don't leave somebody out.
24:37 Yeah, right, right.
24:39 See, then you put yourself under bondage
24:41 because what if I forget, I'm looking this way,
24:42 what if I forget that Shelley is back over here...
24:46 ...and I wound her, you know?
24:48 And then I, "Oh Shelley, I am so sorry."
24:50 Ha, ha, ha, ha...
24:51 That kind of thing.
24:52 But no, what happens is, once Christ is living in me,
24:56 it's not something I'm trying to do or trying not to do,
25:00 it's a natural consequence of my relationship with Him.
25:02 So someone would say, C.A., someone would ask the question,
25:04 "Then aren't we saved by our works?
25:06 If we aren't saved by our works, are we judged by our works?"
25:10 "Faith without works is dead."
25:12 So, you know, this is the thing that so many people are worried.
25:16 When you talk about grace, it's like, "What are you going to
25:17 do about the Ten Commandments?"
25:19 They are the heart of the new covenant.
25:22 He puts them in our, writes them in our minds and in our heart.
25:26 But as you said, it is Christ who is working in us.
25:30 And you know, if the law could have been done away with,
25:35 then Christ died in vain.
25:37 He didn't have to die for our transgressions.
25:39 And if we think about the law, the Ten Commandment law
25:44 is what defines sin.
25:46 It is also a transcript of Christ's character.
25:51 So when we keep the Ten Commandment law
25:55 by His power, what are we doing?
25:57 We're reflecting His character.
26:00 The key is, the connecting link between Jeremiah
26:04 and Hebrews is the fact that the language of the law
26:09 does not change.
26:11 It's just the material upon which the law has been written.
26:15 The language is the same.
26:17 One, it's on tables of stone.
26:20 The other, it's on the tables of the heart.
26:22 But the language has not changed.
26:23 It's much better to live it than to read it.
26:27 And so now since the law is written in my heart,
26:31 I don't have to work at it.
26:33 I surrender to Christ, and He lives out His life
26:35 in me and through me.
26:37 - Amen. - Well said, well said.
26:40 Let's look at Tuesday's part, The Purpose of the Law.
26:43 We've talked about the law, pros and cons.
26:47 Let's find out the purpose of the law.
26:49 "In Galatians 3:19-29 Paul makes multiple
26:53 references to 'the law.'
26:56 Now what law is Paul primarily referring to in this
26:59 section of Galatians?"
27:02 Let's look just a little bit at that.
27:04 Galatians 3:19-20, especially verse 19.
27:09 Let's take a good look at that.
27:12 I have here Galatians 3:19-20.
27:14 "Wherefore then serveth the law?
27:16 It was added because of transgressions,
27:19 till the seed should come to whom the promise was made;
27:23 and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.
27:27 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one."
27:31 Thank you, Johnny.
27:34 "Some, believing that the word, 'until,' in verse 19..."
27:39 I want the panel to take a look at that
27:41 word, "until," in verse 19.
27:44 Some indicate that the law was only temporary.
27:49 Some have thought the passage must refer
27:51 to the ceremonial law because it must have come to an end
27:56 when Christ fulfilled the law.
27:59 "Though this makes sense by itself, it does not appear
28:01 to be Paul's point in Galatians.
28:03 While both the ceremonial and the moral law were 'added'
28:07 at Sinai because of transgressions..."
28:10 So I want somebody to help me with that.
28:12 Does Paul say that the law was added?
28:17 Well I have here a dictionary that helps with that.
28:20 "Added," can mean also added, as you find
28:25 in the King James and maybe other Bibles.
28:27 But it also means, to place additionally,
28:30 also to repeat, and to again, and to proceed further.
28:38 So these words, I think, will help us understand this text.
28:41 That it could mean then, repeated again.
28:46 Repeated, because they already knew it.
28:48 They already knew it.
28:49 And of course, you know, they had been
28:53 in bondage for 430 years.
28:57 God had to bring them again the Sabbath.
29:00 God had to teach them all over again.
29:05 And I think we can discuss that further.
29:08 So the law was not really an afterthought.
29:11 You know, I love this because that just proves the point,
29:14 all of His covenants are a progressive revelation.
29:18 He repeated this, He added a little more.
29:22 He repeats this, He adds a little more.
29:24 And it's just a beautiful thought that it's all about
29:29 salvation through Christ.
29:31 And you know, I'm glad you said it that way, because
29:34 when you go to Daniel and you see him in Daniel 2
29:41 talk about four kingdoms, and it just mentions metals.
29:45 Babylon is the head of gold, and etc, etc.
29:48 But then you keep going and it gives you more information
29:51 about the kingdoms and what they actually do.
29:54 So it's beautiful how the Bible does that.
29:56 It repeats and then enlarges,
29:59 and says it again, because I didn't get it the first time.
30:02 So it says it to me again, and then enlarges some more.
30:05 So let me ask the panel then, what is sin?
30:07 How do we know what sin is?
30:09 I think sin is the transgression of the law.
30:12 You see that in 1 John 3.
30:13 There you go. And the wages of sin is death.
30:16 So if we don't want to die, we've got to have something
30:19 then that tells us when we're going wrong.
30:22 I always think about the law, and maybe some of you do too,
30:24 that it's like, if I've been out working in something
30:27 in the garden and I've rubbed my head, you know.
30:29 When I go in the house and the wife says,
30:31 "Boy, your face is dirty,"
30:32 I say, "I don't think so."
30:33 "Well here's a mirror."
30:35 And I look in it and I say, "You're right, I am dirty."
30:38 This is what the law is.
30:40 The law is a mirror that shows me when I'm dirty.
30:43 Now can the mirror fix me?
30:45 It can't clean me up.
30:47 But it leads me to the one who can clean me up,
30:50 which is Jesus Christ.
30:52 So therefore, the law then being the tutor
30:55 that takes us to Christ.
30:57 The law is still there, right?
30:59 It's not gone once it took me to Christ.
31:00 The law still stands, right?
31:02 It's eternal.
31:03 I'm talking about the Ten Commandment law.
31:05 It's eternal.
31:06 And therefore, it takes me to Christ because it shows me
31:09 that I'm dirty.
31:11 And I go to Him then to be cleaned.
31:13 Does that make sense?
31:14 You know, and we're just looking at things.
31:17 I was looking at 1 John 2:7-8.
31:21 And just to sort of give a summary, seven says,
31:25 "Brethren, I write no new commandment to you,
31:28 but an old commandment,
31:29 which you have heard from the beginning."
31:31 Then in eight he says, "Again, a new commandment..."
31:34 Now if you're just reading literally,
31:36 you're getting a little confused.
31:37 Because, "Okay, you told me I don't get a new commandment,
31:39 now you're telling me it is a new commandment."
31:42 The two words there...
31:44 And I don't remember what they are,
31:45 but I do remember what they mean.
31:47 One is, "new," as in brand new,
31:51 the other is, "new to you."
31:53 Like, I bought a car a couple of years ago.
31:56 It wasn't brand new, but it was new to me.
31:59 You know, it was new for me.
32:01 So at one time it was new, but it was just new to me.
32:05 And so the children of Israel had forgotten so much
32:07 it was new to them because, I mean,
32:09 the law had always been there, but it was new to them because
32:12 they had been in bondage, they were out from under
32:15 connection with God.
32:16 So now they get it again and it's new to them,
32:18 but it's old in the sense that it's always been.
32:21 But it's new to them because it's a new understanding.
32:23 And to help us with this, Galatians 3:19 that we read
32:27 where we have the word, "added," maybe Sister Jill,
32:30 if you could read Luke 20:12.
32:33 This same word is there.
32:36 But it doesn't say, "added."
32:38 It says something else, which runs along with the
32:41 same line of thought that we read in the definition
32:44 for this Greek word.
32:45 Sister Jill, if you have it.
32:47 Sure, this is the parable of the vine dressers.
32:49 Luke 20:12 says, "And again he sent a third;
32:54 and they wounded him also and cast him out."
32:57 So the Greek word here is translated, "And again."
33:00 - Is that correct? - Yes.
33:01 So that's the same word for, "added," is, "again."
33:03 It just means, to be repeated again.
33:05 I love this.
33:08 That's what it said; when God brought
33:10 the commandments actually to be written on stone,
33:14 He started out with the fourth commandment, "Remember."
33:17 In other words, "He's told me before about this,
33:19 but I'm forgetting it."
33:20 So He says, "I'm reminding My people now.
33:22 Because I told you hundreds of years before,
33:25 but now you've gotten away from it."
33:26 So as a reminder, we say, "Remember."
33:29 - Can I say one thing? - Yeah, go ahead.
33:31 And I say this often, but I just have to.
33:33 Do we realize, the Bible tells us that the Sabbath
33:39 is the sign of the everlasting covenant.
33:42 In Exodus 31:13, God says that the Sabbath is a sign
33:47 that He is the one who sanctifies us.
33:51 So the Sabbath is a sign, just like the rainbow
33:58 was a sign for Noah's covenant.
34:01 The Sabbath is a sign of the covenant of grace.
34:04 That's why it's so interesting, sometimes people will say,
34:08 "You're a Sabbath keeper. You're legalistic."
34:11 And I'll say, "No."
34:12 The Sabbath is a sign that I'm remembering
34:17 that God saves me by grace.
34:19 And I know that you said you were brought up
34:22 in a kind of legalistic environment.
34:24 As was I. Not a Seventh-day Adventist.
34:26 There's many people who try to...
34:29 I think it's pride that makes us think that
34:32 we can do something to help save ourselves.
34:34 But when I learned that Sabbath truth...
34:36 And this whole study here is what brought me,
34:40 as God was teaching me on the Sanctuary
34:43 and going through this to understand His covenants,
34:46 when I understood the Sabbath truth, that was so liberating.
34:49 And still from week to week,
34:52 from Friday night to Friday night,
34:53 sometimes I can get into a performance mentality.
34:57 Like, oh I haven't been praying enough, or whatever.
34:59 The Sabbath rolls in and it's just like...
35:02 "Oh Lord, thank You that it's all about You.
35:04 It's nothing about me."
35:06 We've done a lot of talk now, we've talk a lot about
35:07 the ceremonial laws and the moral law.
35:10 Somebody just give me a quick wrap-up.
35:12 What is the ceremonial law? What are we talking about here?
35:15 Drink offerings, meal offerings, it's the sacrificial offerings.
35:22 - Sabbath days, small "s." - The annual sabbath days.
35:25 So there's more than one sabbath.
35:27 Yes, all these annual sabbath days.
35:29 THE Sabbath is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
35:30 Always identified as such. Always.
35:32 There are other sabbath days
35:33 that don't carry that designation.
35:35 - The feast days. - Yeah, the feast days.
35:37 You know, the ceremonial law was called, ordinances.
35:41 And those were nailed to the cross.
35:43 That's right. Colossians 2:14.
35:45 Yeah, yeah. Okay.
35:47 And then real quickly, the moral law then is...?
35:50 - The Ten Commandments. - The Ten Commandments.
35:52 And the difference between the two, in our quarterly,
35:57 it says, "While the ceremonial laws points to the Messiah
36:00 and emphasizes holiness and the need of a Savior,
36:04 is the moral law, with its, 'Thou shall nots,'
36:08 that reveals sin, that shows us that sin is not just
36:12 a part of our nature..."
36:15 You know, "Well that's just who I am.
36:16 I'm born with that. I can't help that."
36:19 It's not part of the nature.
36:21 The Ten Commandments point out it is a violation
36:24 of God's law.
36:27 A violation.
36:28 And let me sum up my time with this.
36:30 Some say the law is against the covenant promise.
36:34 Paul says, "Certainly not."
36:36 Law and promise have complimentary functions.
36:40 We touched on that a little bit.
36:42 They work together.
36:44 The law points out sin and drives the sinners
36:47 to the promise of Christ.
36:50 And He is the one that gives us forgiveness of that sin.
36:54 And He frees us then from the curse of the broken law.
36:57 Because the wages of sin is death,
36:59 and it's time for me to die, but He takes that.
37:02 So it is impossible for the law to be against the promise.
37:06 Because the two work hand in hand together.
37:09 Well thank you. Praise the Lord.
37:12 I'm sorry.
37:14 Ha, ha, ha, ha...
37:15 - Just hallelujah, amen. - There you go.
37:18 Well going into Wednesday's part really quick.
37:22 This brings us into the title, The Duration of God's Law.
37:26 How long has it existed?
37:27 When did it start?
37:29 And this is a very interesting question, because
37:33 some people think it was at Sinai that God gave the
37:36 the Ten Commandments.
37:37 And that's because that's when it was written by His finger
37:43 and given to the people.
37:44 However, we know it existed before because we have
37:47 wonderful evidence in the Scriptures for it.
37:50 One of the scriptures that we'd like to bring out,
37:52 and if someone will help me reading, Genesis 26:5.
37:58 Genesis 26:5, if anyone finds it, will you help me to read it?
38:04 And then if someone else will look up Genesis 39:7-9.
38:09 - I'll do 39. - I've got Genesis 26:5.
38:12 "...because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge,
38:16 My commandments, My statutes, and My laws."
38:20 Praise the Lord.
38:21 Now this scripture is way before Sinai.
38:24 And God declares that, "Abraham has kept My laws,
38:29 My commandments, My statutes."
38:31 And so, a very clear scripture that I don't think anyone
38:36 can say, "Well the law didn't exist."
38:38 Well according to...
38:40 And we can actually, Johnny, go back to before Abraham
38:42 because you can go back to the Garden.
38:43 How did Cain know that he had sinned
38:45 when he killed his brother?
38:46 That's the next scripture that we're going to look at.
38:48 - Alright. - Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
38:50 We're thinking along the same lines here.
38:51 Well actually, we're going to go to another one.
38:53 You mentioned that one.
38:54 I guess most people will know about that one.
38:56 But Genesis 39:7-9, I think somebody said they had that.
39:02 Genesis 39:7, "And it came to pass after these things
39:05 that his master's wife cast longing eyes on Joseph,
39:08 and she said, 'Lie with me.'
39:10 But he refused and said to his master's wife,
39:13 'Look, my master does not know what is with me in the house,
39:18 and he has committed all that he has to my hand.
39:20 There is no one greater in this house than I,
39:23 nor has he kept back anything from me but you,
39:27 because you are his wife.
39:29 How then can I do this great wickedness,
39:32 and sin against God?"
39:34 Wow, another powerful scripture.
39:37 Joseph understands that it is a sin.
39:39 He calls it a great wickedness.
39:41 And he says, against God.
39:43 Now how did he know that?
39:44 Well, we can see evidence here that it was handed down
39:49 from Adam down to his children,
39:52 and from his children down to their children,
39:54 and their children down, and so on.
39:56 This is how things were kept alive, if you want to say.
40:00 And of course people will say, "Well, writing didn't exist,"
40:03 and these type of things.
40:05 You know, I am so glad that God wrote the Ten Commandments
40:09 with His finger on stone so that nobody could mess with it.
40:17 And He wrote it with His own finger.
40:19 And not only did He write it with His own finger,
40:22 but He thought it was important enough that when
40:25 Moses, in a moment of quick temper, broke the stones,
40:31 He said, "Bring me some stones again,
40:33 and I will write them again."
40:36 He didn't say to Moses, "Okay, you broke the first ones.
40:38 Why don't you put them together?
40:41 You have it already. I already wrote it once."
40:42 No, He said, "I will write them again."
40:45 And so I praise the Lord He gave it that importance.
40:47 Let's look at some other ones really quick that this...
40:49 Oh, you mentioned all the way to the Garden of Eden.
40:56 You mentioned Cain.
40:58 But in Romans 5:12, we see an interesting scripture
41:03 there, because it brings the existence of the law
41:07 all the way to Adam and Eve.
41:09 And this is Romans 5:12.
41:12 It says, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world,
41:17 and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men,
41:20 for that all have sinned."
41:23 So what is this man?
41:26 This man, it must be talking about Adam.
41:28 And as sin entered through Adam, then that means the law existed.
41:32 So how do we know when the law came into being?
41:36 And I think sister Jill mentioned at one point
41:38 or another that it has existed throughout eternity.
41:43 But we can say that it was adapted to meet man
41:46 in his fallen condition.
41:48 And that's why some of the things you see there
41:51 perhaps was not, well I can say, not perhaps,
41:54 but it was not there before.
41:57 Like, for example, "Thou shalt not make any graven images."
42:03 When you look at that scripture, you must understand that it
42:06 was not perhaps that way.
42:08 Now let's go to a scripture that it brings us even
42:13 before the earth was created.
42:14 And for this we have to go to the book of Ezekiel.
42:18 And in the book of Ezekiel, we need to read two scriptures.
42:23 And I will ask for help.
42:24 Ezekiel 28:14-15
42:27 If someone has that, would you please read it?
42:30 Ezekiel 28:14-15
42:34 "You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you;
42:38 you were on the holy mountain of God;
42:40 you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
42:44 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,
42:48 till iniquity was found in you."
42:51 Amen, amen.
42:53 So what do we understand iniquity to be?
42:55 - Sin. - That's sin, rebellious sin.
42:58 And so here, talking to us about Lucifer that sinned in heaven,
43:05 we understand then the law existed before even
43:09 the creation of the earth.
43:10 So praise the Lord for that.
43:12 So how long does it last then?
43:15 How long does that last?
43:17 In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus tells us something that is familiar
43:25 to many as we read it.
43:27 Matthew 5:17-18
43:30 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets:
43:34 I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
43:37 For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass,
43:41 one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law,
43:45 till all be fulfilled."
43:48 So we see here that Jesus is saying, "Not one jot."
43:53 And so we understand a jot to be what, and a tittle to be what?
43:55 The smallest little grammatical points of the Greek language.
44:00 It's like the dotting of an "i" or the crossing of a "t".
44:03 And so we see then that the law is not
44:06 going to be done away with,
44:07 it's not going to be made void, until all is fulfilled.
44:11 Question, is all fulfilled?
44:12 No, we are still here in this world of sin.
44:15 So, I would like to read a scripture here in Revelation 12.
44:21 And there are many scriptures we could point out.
44:25 But this one in Revelation 12, I like this one.
44:29 Because it tells us about a time that is close to our time.
44:36 So Revelation 12, there in verse 17.
44:42 If you read Revelation 12 you will understand
44:45 that this is talking about, this dragon mentioned in verse 17,
44:47 is the devil and Satan.
44:49 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman..."
44:52 That's a terrible word, wroth.
44:54 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
44:55 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
44:59 which keep the commandments of God,
45:02 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
45:05 So how long does the law last?
45:07 Well Satan knows it's beyond Christ dying on the cross,
45:11 because he is persecuting those that keep the commandments
45:15 of God and have the testimony of Jesus.
45:17 And when does this take place?
45:20 If you read Revelation 12, you will notice that it is
45:22 after the 42 months, after the 1260 days,
45:27 that this takes place.
45:30 And so way after the time of the crucifixion
45:33 we see Satan pursuing, going after those that
45:35 keep the commandments of God.
45:37 And for those that say we cannot keep the commandments of God,
45:40 what does Revelation 12:17 say?
45:43 These people are keeping the commandments of God.
45:46 And we understand they're not doing it on their own power
45:48 because Jesus Himself said to us in John 15:5,
45:51 "Without Me, you can do nothing."
45:54 But praise the Lord, with Him all things are possible.
45:58 So I praise the Lord for this.
46:00 And I think we see the duration of God's law,
46:04 that we need God's law.
46:05 Why? Because it is a transcript of God's character.
46:11 It tells us, the first four commandments, about
46:14 love God with all of your heart.
46:16 The last six commandments, as we've heard many times on 3ABN,
46:20 it talks about our relationship with our fellow man.
46:23 And so praise the Lord the duration of God's law,
46:26 God's law continues.
46:27 On Thursday we look at, The Superiority...
46:31 It's kind of a hard word for me to say, I don't know why.
46:33 The Superiority of the Promise.
46:37 And before we jump into that, let's look at Galatians 3.
46:42 I know we've spent quite a bit of time in Galatians 3:19-20.
46:47 But let's look at that just for a quick moment.
46:51 Galatians 3:19, "What purpose then does the law serve?
46:54 It was added..."
46:56 Or we just said, added again or repeated.
46:59 "...because of transgressions, till the Seed should come..."
47:03 Meaning Jesus.
47:04 Only Jesus can really solve the sin problem.
47:08 "... to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed
47:10 through angels by the hand of a mediator."
47:14 If we look at Deuteronomy 5:5, it talks about Moses,
47:18 saying, "I stood between the Lord and you at that time
47:22 to declare to you the word of the Lord;
47:24 for you were afraid because of the fire..."
47:26 Remember when the law was given at Mount Sinai.
47:28 And the people, they had their time of cleansing,
47:31 and then they stood there before the mountain.
47:33 Moses was up on the mount, and there was lightning
47:36 and thundering.
47:37 And I just think, a regular thunderstorm kind of
47:41 terrifies me a little bit.
47:43 Greg, my husband, loves thunderstorms.
47:45 He'll go out and sit on the front porch and say,
47:47 "Oh Jilly, come out and enjoy the thunderstorm."
47:50 And I always think, what if I get struck by lightning
47:53 or something, you know.
47:55 I can enjoy it from inside.
47:57 But my grandmother had lightning run through her house.
48:00 The window was open and it came in the front
48:02 and went out the back.
48:04 And ever since that time, I just have this thought of,
48:06 maybe I don't want to be out.
48:08 But you think, when the law was given at Sinai,
48:10 I think that would be the most terrific
48:12 of thunderstorms you can imagine.
48:14 The majesty, the greatness of God.
48:18 And He gave the law through a mediator.
48:21 We know the Ten Commandment law was written
48:23 with His own finger on the tablets of stone.
48:26 But the other laws, we could say the law of Moses
48:29 given at that time, Moses wrote down and then came down
48:31 from the mountain with that.
48:32 And Pastor Ronnie, you brought out the purpose of the law
48:35 being a mirror.
48:37 In James it talks about looking into the law of liberty.
48:40 I remember being at a school board meeting,
48:43 and coming out, this was some years ago,
48:45 coming out from the board meeting and using the
48:48 restroom before I went home.
48:49 And I walked into the restroom, and there's the
48:51 mirror above the sink.
48:52 And I had a piece of broccoli in my teeth.
48:55 And I thought, I sat for two hours at this board meeting
49:00 and discussed with people, and no one said,
49:03 "You know, Jill, you have broccoli from dinner
49:05 sitting in your teeth."
49:07 Because I wasn't there.
49:08 Shelley would have told me, okay.
49:10 So the law does not save.
49:14 The law does not redeem or make righteous.
49:18 But the law reveals my sin.
49:21 It reveals my need of a Savior.
49:24 The law points me to Christ.
49:27 It turns me to Christ.
49:29 Just like the analogy of a tutor.
49:31 We'll study this in a future lesson.
49:33 Verse 24, the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ.
49:37 And the word in the Greek there is not just a teacher, per se.
49:41 But it would be someone who had charge of the life and morals
49:45 of the boys in a family.
49:47 They had power to punish.
49:49 The law arouses the consciousness of sin.
49:52 Also power to instruct.
49:53 One of my friends... I have a ruler sitting here.
49:56 I don't know if you can see this.
49:58 When she was a young mom, her son was three years old,
50:03 and he had done something wrong.
50:06 And what do you do when you do something wrong?
50:09 You get a little whipping with this.
50:11 I had it with a wooden spoon when I was a kid.
50:13 But what she did was she took the ruler.
50:16 So her son was three years old, and you know what he did?
50:18 He took it and he snapped it.
50:22 Three years old, snapped it.
50:24 So she decided, "Okay this is not a good method
50:26 of discipline," right?
50:28 "It's not working with him at three years old.
50:30 I need to do something else."
50:32 The law does have the power to arouse in us the consciousness
50:35 of sin, power to instruct, but it cannot change or redeem us.
50:40 The promise was not given, the lesson brought this out,
50:43 through a mediator.
50:45 The promise was given directly.
50:47 You think about Abraham back in Genesis 15
50:51 when He, God, first made the covenant, verses 1 through 6.
50:54 He came directly and made the promise directly
50:58 to Abraham, the covenant.
51:00 You think about the other direct encounters with God
51:04 that took place.
51:05 I think of Adam and Eve walking in the cool of the garden
51:08 each evening with God directly.
51:11 No need of a mediator.
51:12 Now we know when sin was introduced,
51:14 sin brings fear and guilt.
51:17 And they hid from the presence of God.
51:20 They were afraid.
51:21 I think of Jacob's ladder connecting earth with heaven.
51:26 Jacob when he ran away from home.
51:30 I think of Jesus appearing to Paul directly
51:33 on the road to Damascus.
51:36 But I don't not believe that the promise is superior for the law.
51:40 I believe it's just different.
51:42 It has a different role, different function.
51:45 The law does not save us.
51:49 The law points us to our need of a Savior.
51:52 Jesus Christ is the one who saves us.
51:54 But if we didn't have the law, we wouldn't even know
51:58 our need of a Savior.
51:59 And if we didn't have the Holy Spirit
52:01 to draw us and woo us to Jesus.
52:03 Salvation by grace through faith is a central part
52:07 of the covenant from the very beginning.
52:08 From Adam forward, they were looking forward
52:11 with the sacrificial system, as we've discussed,
52:13 to faith in the coming Messiah and the coming sacrifice.
52:17 For us today, we have faith looking back,
52:20 in Christ's death on the cross and His mediatorial work for us
52:25 right now in the heavenly Sanctuary.
52:27 But the law was still a central part of the old covenant
52:30 in the Old Testament...
52:33 Because without knowledge of sin,
52:35 there's no knowledge of sin without the law.
52:37 There would be no need of a Savior.
52:38 And part of the new covenant in the New Testament
52:42 the law is central.
52:44 I want to look at Hebrews chapter 8.
52:46 We'll take a look at the law being written in our hearts.
52:50 And you mentioned this, Pastor C.A.
52:51 You referenced Jeremiah, and how the law was written
52:55 on tables of stone.
52:56 And we see in Hebrews 8 how it's written on our hearts.
53:00 So let's look at Hebrews chapter 8.
53:03 This is one of my favorite passages.
53:06 Hebrews 8:8-12
53:14 "'Behold, the days are coming,' says the LORD,
53:17 'when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel
53:21 and with the house of Judah;
53:23 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers
53:25 in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of
53:28 the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant,
53:32 and I disregarded them,' says the LORD.
53:34 'For this is the covenant that I will make with the
53:37 house of Israel after those days,' says the LORD."
53:39 I want to pause a moment.
53:40 If you read the other covenant in Jeremiah 31,
53:43 it's almost identical.
53:45 The covenant of grace in the Old Testament is still
53:47 the covenant of grace in the New Testament.
53:50 But we see, He writes His law in our hearts.
53:53 "I will put My law in their mind and write them on their hearts;
53:58 I will be their God, and they shall be My people."
54:04 What a beautiful picture of the love and grace of our Father.
54:07 We've talked about the perpetuity of the law,
54:10 how it continues.
54:11 But God's grace is what works in our hearts and lives,
54:17 in us and through us, to write in us the law.
54:22 Write in us His law.
54:23 Write in us the transcript of His character.
54:27 Because that's all the law is,
54:28 is a revelation of who God is and what He is.
54:31 Verse 11, "None of them shall teach his neighbor,
54:34 and none his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,'
54:36 for all shall know Me, from the least of them
54:40 to the greatest of them.
54:41 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,
54:43 and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."
54:49 God wants to write His new covenant, His law,
54:53 in our hearts and in our minds.
54:55 So I would say the superiority of the promise,
54:57 to me they're both important and they're both needed.
55:03 Praise the Lord.
55:05 You know, this is such a beautiful study.
55:06 And as I said, I know I started of..
55:10 But our God is a covenant making, covenant keeping God.
55:16 And over 279 times, I believe, in the Old Testament
55:19 the word that is used for God's covenant with us...
55:24 He talks about His "hesed."
55:26 And that is, it's an equivalent to the word for grace
55:31 in the New Testament.
55:32 So we see that from the very beginning
55:35 salvation has been by grace.
55:37 When Adam and Eve sinned, He put the sacrificial
55:41 system into place, pointing to Jesus Christ.
55:44 He started explaining it there, we see in Genesis 3:15.
55:48 Then as He goes forward with the covenant with Abraham.
55:51 But God is progressively unfolding.
55:55 When He gets to the old covenant, it had its place.
55:58 But Jesus is the Mediator of the new covenant.
56:03 Jesus is the surety of the new covenant.
56:07 He is the guarantor that God's promises
56:10 to us will be fulfilled.
56:11 But He's also the guarantor of us to God that
56:16 He will work in us to follow all of God's commandments
56:22 to do God's perfect will.
56:24 To me, this is, we do not obey to be saved.
56:30 There's nothing we can do to add to salvation.
56:32 Zero, zilch.
56:34 But when God works in us by His Holy Spirit,
56:39 and Christ and the Father live in us by faith,
56:43 then we're going to follow God's will.
56:46 Thank you each and every one.
56:48 Jill and Johnny, thank you for the Greek on that word, added.
56:53 That surely helped clarify things.
56:56 Pastor Ronnie, thank you for joining us.
56:58 And Pastor C.A.
56:59 I just love this study.
57:03 I think we're barely scratching the surface.
57:05 But we hope that you're enjoying this study as well.
57:08 And remember, you can go to...
57:13 Download that study so that you can join us.
57:16 For next week, and I'm not sure, let me look here,
57:19 we're going to be talking about, The Road to Faith, next week.
57:22 Our prayer for you is that the grace of our Lord and Savior
57:25 Jesus Christ, the love of the Father,
57:28 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:30 will be with you always.
57:32 Join us next time.


Revised 2024-06-17