3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 10: Prophecy and Scripture

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jill Morikone, Molly Steenson, Pr. Tom Ferguson, Pr. John Dinzey


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000022A

00:01 The Bible tells us,
00:02 "In the beginning was the word,
00:04 and the word was with God, and the word was God."
00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness
00:09 the implanted word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls,
00:13 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God
00:17 rightly dividing the word of truth.
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel."
00:24 Our study today is,
00:26 "Feed My Sheep," I and II Peter.
00:32 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
00:34 and we welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
00:36 where we are studying
00:38 the adult Bible study guide
00:41 from the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference,
00:44 and it's called Feed My Sheep.
00:46 This is the second quarter's studies
00:50 and we want you,
00:52 if you don't have one of these Sabbath School study guides,
00:55 to go to the website absg
01:00 that's for adult Bible study guide,
01:02 absg.adventist.org
01:05 and download these lessons
01:07 but you can study along with us.
01:09 At least, get your Bibles, pens,
01:11 and some paper, and take notes.
01:13 We're so glad that you're joining us
01:14 and this is going to be a wonderful study.
01:17 Today, we're doing lesson ten on prophecy and scripture.
01:21 Let me introduce the rest of the panel
01:23 because we have some wonderful folk here,
01:25 who have been studying hard to share with you.
01:28 Next to me, I've Pastor Tom Ferguson,
01:31 then Mollie Steenson,
01:33 John Dinzey, and Jill Morikone.
01:35 And I'm just so glad that you all are here today
01:38 because it's so much fun to hear
01:40 everyone's perspective on their day.
01:43 What I'd like to do is, let's start off with prayer.
01:46 Tom, would you like to have a prayer for us?
01:48 Dear heavenly Father, thank You so much
01:50 for the opportunity to study Your Word today.
01:53 We thank You for the lessons
01:54 that we read from the pen of Peter
01:57 that when the Holy Spirit spoke through this humble instrument.
02:01 And, Father, I just pray that, once again,
02:03 Your Holy Spirit will inspire these words
02:05 that we will hear from Your voice,
02:08 speak to those that are watching,
02:11 those that are listening,
02:12 and also speak through
02:14 into each one of us here on the panel.
02:16 Lord, may this be a time and hour with You,
02:18 we pray in Jesus' name.
02:20 Amen. Amen.
02:21 Before we go to the memory verse,
02:23 I want to back up a couple of scriptures
02:25 from the memory verse and read something
02:27 that Peter wrote in 2 Peter 1:16.
02:32 In 2 Peter 1:16, he said,
02:34 "For we did not follow cunningly devised fables,
02:37 when we made known to you the power
02:39 and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
02:41 but we were eyewitnesses of His glory."
02:44 Peter had walked with Jesus, he'd seen the miracles,
02:48 he had seen everything that Jesus was doing
02:52 and fulfilling prophecy over and over.
02:55 But he saw Jesus transfigured,
02:59 transformed on the Mount of Transfiguration.
03:03 And so he saw the glory of the Lord
03:05 and he was speaking from eyewitness experience.
03:10 But then he goes on
03:12 and he says in the memory text
03:14 which is 2 Peter 1:19.
03:18 It's important to be an eyewitness
03:19 but because he knows
03:21 that not everybody can be an eyewitness,
03:23 at this time Jesus had already ascended into heaven
03:28 after His resurrection.
03:29 So now he is telling us something
03:31 that's even more important.
03:33 He says, "We have also a more sure word of prophecy,
03:37 whereunto you do well that you take heed,
03:39 as unto a light that shineth in a dark place."
03:43 So the word of prophecy is shining forth God's truths.
03:47 And he says, "Until the day dawn,
03:50 and the day star arise in your hearts."
03:54 We can have absolute confidence
03:57 is what Peter is saying in the Word of God.
04:00 Because this is not man's thoughts about God,
04:04 this is actually the Word of God.
04:08 All scripture Paul says
04:09 was given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
04:13 And when we think about this,
04:15 in the Bible there is archeological proof,
04:17 historical proof, scientific proof,
04:20 but the predictive,
04:23 prophetic accuracy is so amazing,
04:26 30% of the Bible is predictive prophecy,
04:30 telling the future.
04:31 And to foretell the future, what you have to do, Mollie?
04:35 You have to know the future. You have to know the future.
04:38 And God said in Isaiah 46:9-10, He says,
04:42 "I'm God there is none like me,
04:44 I know the end from the beginning,
04:45 and I foretell the end from the beginning."
04:48 So that's what we're seeing in this prophet, in the Bible.
04:52 And I just wanna to point out that in Daniel,
04:55 just in Daniel alone,
04:57 it predicted with absolute accuracy
05:01 the rise and fall of Babylon,
05:03 Medo-Persia, Greece,
05:05 Rome, the division of Rome,
05:08 and in the rise and resurgence of the papacy.
05:11 So there's been enough Bible prophecy that has come to pass
05:15 to make us have absolute assurance and trust
05:20 that the rest of what God has prophesied
05:22 is going to happen.
05:24 So let's look at Sunday's lesson
05:28 'cause God knows the future,
05:30 he including our future and so we can trust Him.
05:33 Because in the end of the book what happens?
05:36 God wins, doesn't He?
05:37 Sunday, Peter is talking in 1 Peter 10:12.
05:42 He's saying that the prophets have all received
05:45 from the Holy Spirit
05:47 the promises that pointed to...
05:49 1 Peter 1:2?
05:51 This is 1 Peter, 1-10:12. Thank you.
05:54 He is saying that these,
05:57 the Holy Spirit gave them these prophecies
06:01 that pointed to Christ in His sufferings,
06:04 in His subsequent glories, and His salvation by grace.
06:09 Now in Hebrews, you don't have to turn there,
06:11 I'll just read this to you.
06:12 In Hebrews 11:13, the writer says that,
06:16 "These all died in the faith,
06:20 not having received the promise
06:22 but having seen them afar off,
06:26 they were assured of them, they embraced them,
06:29 they confess that they were strangers
06:32 and pilgrims in the earth."
06:34 The Old Testament believers
06:37 knew that Christ coming was in the future.
06:41 And now when Peter is writing,
06:44 these promises have already been fulfilled.
06:46 You know, Peter trusted the Word of God so much.
06:49 That's how he recognized Christ was the Messiah.
06:52 He knew the Word of God,
06:54 and when he was walking with the living word,
06:56 he knew He was the one.
06:59 In Acts, which is the record of the first 30 years
07:02 of the early church,
07:05 there is a Jew who is named Apollos,
07:08 and what the scripture says is that he was an eloquent man,
07:11 and that he was mighty in the scriptures.
07:14 So let's look at Acts 18:28,
07:17 "He is a mighty eloquent person
07:21 knowing the scriptures
07:22 and he'd accepted Christ as the Messiah.
07:25 He's defending the faith,
07:26 and greatly encouraging
07:28 those who have believe through grace."
07:29 So, Mollie, or, Jill, do you have Acts 18:28,
07:33 what does it say?
07:35 "For he vigorously refuted the Jews publicly,
07:37 showing from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ."
07:42 And then someone lets turn to Luke 24
07:47 and we're gonna read verses 25-27.
07:50 We see this picture of Apollos, who is eloquent in speech,
07:54 he is mighty in the scriptures.
07:55 And how is he convincing people of Christ?
07:59 He is going to the scriptures of the Old Testament
08:02 to show that Jesus was the Christ.
08:04 Now let's look Luke 24:25-27.
08:07 Tom, why don't you read that?
08:09 "Then He said to them, 'O foolish ones,
08:11 and slow to heart to believe it
08:13 all that the prophets have spoken.'
08:14 Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things
08:17 and to enter into His glory?
08:20 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets,
08:22 He expounded to them in all the scriptures
08:24 the things concerning Himself."
08:26 Now who is Jesus speaking to here?
08:29 There is two disciples
08:30 that are walking along the path
08:32 on resurrection Sunday, and they are so dejected,
08:36 they were disciples of Christ, and they had seen Him crucified
08:39 but they did not yet know that He was risen.
08:44 So they're walking the seven miles
08:46 from Jerusalem back to Emmaus
08:48 and all of the sudden Christ comes alongside side of them,
08:50 they don't recognize Him.
08:52 But He opens up the scriptures
08:55 and He begins to expound to them
08:58 and He says that,
09:00 "Beginning at Moses and all the prophets,
09:02 He expounded to them on the Scriptures."
09:05 The things that concerned him,
09:07 when you think about this the,
09:09 in Jesus day,
09:11 they subdivided the Bible into three sections.
09:13 The first five books
09:15 were called the law of Moses
09:17 and then there were the prophets,
09:19 the minor and the major prophets,
09:20 and then the wisdom books, they call the Psalms,
09:23 they were the wisdom books of Psalms,
09:26 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the song of Solomon.
09:29 So what is Jesus saying here?
09:31 He is affirming
09:33 the authenticity of the entire Old Testament here.
09:37 And He says,
09:38 that these things testified of me.
09:41 We find Christ throughout the Old Testament.
09:44 It's interesting to me,
09:46 Jesus could have performed a miracle
09:47 to prove He was Him, that He had risen.
09:51 Why didn't He perform a miracle?
09:53 You know what I think?
09:55 The devil, can he not perform false miracles?
09:59 I think Christ didn't want them
10:01 to have their trust in a miracle,
10:03 but rather He wanted them
10:05 to have their trust in the Word of God,
10:08 the more sure word of prophecy.
10:11 The Old Testament contains
10:12 more than a 125 prophecies of Jesus Christ
10:17 that He fulfilled during His lifetime.
10:20 So it's an amazing thing
10:22 that must have been some Bible study,
10:24 don't you know?
10:25 So then we see Jesus,
10:28 after these disciples
10:31 they run back to Jerusalem,
10:33 we've got the rest of the disciples
10:35 still hiding behind closed doors in Jerusalem
10:38 for fear of the Jews.
10:40 And the women had come to say, "He is risen."
10:43 And they are not quite sure what's going on.
10:46 Now these two disciples come back to tell them,
10:49 "We've seen Him."
10:51 And in Luke 24-44:49.
10:57 Mollie, I'm gonna ask you to read Luke 22:44,
11:00 but what happens in this passage
11:03 is that Jesus appears to these 11 disciples,
11:07 that are gathered behind the closed doors
11:09 and those who are with Him.
11:11 And then he says to them Luke 24:44.
11:16 "And being in an agony,
11:19 He prayed more earnestly..."
11:21 Luke 24:44?
11:23 I thought you said, 22:44. No. 24:44.
11:26 24:44.
11:30 "And He said unto them,
11:32 'These are the words which I spake unto you
11:34 while I was yet with you,
11:36 that all things must be fulfilled
11:38 which were written in the law of Moses,
11:40 and in the Prophets,
11:42 and in the Psalms concerning me."
11:44 So I imagine that he probably took them
11:47 through the same Bible study,
11:49 but what we've got here is the Old Testament
11:52 predictions of the Messiah were so specific,
11:55 and so clearly fulfilled by Jesus' life.
11:59 And that they knew that these things were of God,
12:04 that He was the Messiah.
12:07 I want to read something to you,
12:09 Dr. Peter Stoner,
12:11 who was the former chairman
12:13 of the department of mathematics
12:15 and astronomy and engineering
12:16 at Pasadena College in California,
12:19 chose just 8 of these 125 prophecies,
12:24 just 8 of them.
12:25 And then working with students,
12:28 over 600 students,
12:30 in his class for several years,
12:32 they applied the principle of probability.
12:36 Now, I took probability in college.
12:42 But, anyway, the principle of probability
12:44 to just those eight prophecies,
12:49 they found out that for eight prophecies,
12:52 just eight to be fulfilled in one man's lifetime
12:57 the odds were one.
13:00 And I can't even say it.
13:01 I don't even know if there is a name for this number,
13:04 1 with 330's
13:08 behind it.
13:10 How many zeros does a billion have behind it?
13:14 I guess nine.
13:16 A billion has...
13:19 Yeah, nine, that's right.
13:20 And a trillion... Good job, Brother John.
13:22 Is a billion nine or six?
13:26 A million has six zeros. A billion has nine.
13:28 A million has six zeros, you are right.
13:30 So you just think it would be like
13:33 taking a billion times a trillion
13:36 to come up with all of the zeros.
13:38 So if that,
13:41 what would if that's the odds for eight only,
13:45 what would the odds be
13:47 that any one man could fulfill 125 prophecies?
13:51 I've got a list here
13:53 and I don't have time to go over it.
13:55 But let me just tell you some of the things
13:57 that were prophesied about Jesus.
14:00 Micah 5:2, "That He born in Jerusalem."
14:03 Daniel 9:25 tells the time of His birth
14:06 and that's what convinced Sir Isaac Newton
14:08 to become a Christian
14:10 that the Bible was absolutely accurate.
14:12 It was when he looked at history
14:13 and looked at these prophecies.
14:15 Isaiah 7:14, "That He be born of a virgin."
14:19 Isaiah 53:3, "That He would be rejected
14:22 by His own people, the Jews."
14:24 Psalm 41:9, "That He would be betrayed by a close friend."
14:28 Zechariah 11:12,
14:29 "Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver."
14:32 "He would be accused," he Psalms tell us in 35
14:35 that "He would be accused by false witnesses."
14:38 And then it goes on,
14:39 there's different prophecies
14:41 throughout Isaiah, Zechariah, and Psalms.
14:45 He'd be silent to His accusers.
14:47 He's be spat on and struck, hated without reason,
14:50 crucified with malefactors.
14:52 He'd be pierced through His hands and feet.
14:55 He would pray for His enemies,
14:56 the soldiers would gamble for his clothing.
14:58 No bones would be broken, His side would be pierced,
15:02 buried with a rich.
15:03 It just goes on and on.
15:07 And if the odds are 1 with 330's
15:12 behind it to 1 for just eight prophecies,
15:16 it is absolutely impossible
15:18 that any man could have fulfilled 125 prophecies,
15:23 unless he was the Son of God.
15:25 Amen. Amazing.
15:27 I think that no one would want to fulfill
15:29 all of those prophecies...
15:31 I think you're right.
15:32 When you look at Isaiah 53, for example.
15:34 Absolutely.
15:35 Absolutely. Yeah.
15:37 And to think that the people at large
15:38 had rejected that fulfillment
15:41 and only those who were listening
15:42 with the voice of God accepted it.
15:46 Somebody who is an earnest seeker
15:48 for Him and for His truth will find it
15:50 by looking at scriptures.
15:54 Well, eyewitnesses of majesty...
15:55 I invite us to turn together to...
15:58 Let's go to 2 Peter 1...
16:05 Yeah, that's definitely proves or refutes the idea
16:08 that these were cunningly devised fables.
16:13 2 Peter 1 says,
16:14 "For we did not follow cunningly devised fables,
16:17 when we made known to you
16:18 the power of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
16:20 You know, cunningly devised fables are something
16:22 that were very common in that day.
16:25 It is something that different philosophers
16:29 or success...
16:30 If you've been to success seminar,
16:32 they go out, they raise funds for this.
16:34 They're actually trying to gain followers,
16:36 it's the strategy also was with the philosophers
16:39 to control others when they did this.
16:42 But they were eyewitness to Jesus' majesty.
16:46 In verse 17, "For he received from God
16:48 the Father honor and glory,
16:51 when such a voice came to him from the excellent glory,
16:53 'This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.'"
16:57 And in verse 18, it says,
16:59 "And we heard this voice which came from heaven
17:02 when we were with him on the Holy Mountain."
17:07 I want us to turn now to Luke 9,
17:11 where we actually see this experience.
17:18 Luke 9.
17:20 We're gonna begin with verse 27.
17:25 Luke 9 beginning with verse 27.
17:29 "But I tell you truly, there is some standing here,
17:33 who shall not taste death,
17:36 till they see the kingdom of God."
17:38 You know, I think that
17:39 the ones that were hearing that...
17:42 We're dealing with the time in Jesus' ministry
17:45 where the popular view is turning against Him,
17:48 He was actually...
17:51 People were expecting Him to set up His kingdom,
17:53 He hadn't set up His kingdom.
17:56 It was the...
17:57 The church leaders were leading a charge
17:59 against Him at this time.
18:01 And when he said these words, "You will not taste death,
18:06 until they see the kingdom of God."
18:10 What does that really mean?
18:11 What does that really mean?
18:13 If you go into the next verse,
18:14 they came to pass about eight days after these sayings.
18:16 If you go to Matthew's Gospel, you'll see that it was,
18:19 they mentioned six days,
18:21 but about a week
18:22 this is where Luke is being approximating
18:26 how long it's going to be,
18:28 "That He took Peter, John, and James
18:31 and went up to the mountain to pray."
18:32 We all know that Jesus had His disciples,
18:35 His 12 disciples.
18:36 He also had other disciples,
18:38 who are not part of that inner circle.
18:39 But then He had those three that were the closest to Him.
18:43 And those three disciples
18:44 went with him to the mountain to...
18:49 In verse 29, this is what they see,
18:51 "As He prayed,
18:52 the appearance of His face was altered,
18:54 and His robe became white and glistening.
18:57 And behold, two men talk with Him,
19:00 who were Moses and Elijah,
19:02 who appeared in the glory and spoke of his decease,
19:05 which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem."
19:08 You know, when you look at these two men,
19:11 we have Moses representing...
19:13 Well, there is two ways to look at this,
19:15 one of them is that Moses represents those
19:17 who have died and been raised again.
19:19 We have Elijah,
19:20 who, are those that were taken to heaven
19:22 without seeing death.
19:23 But there is also the angle of this is Moses
19:26 the law and Elijah representing the prophets.
19:31 They're standing there with Jesus,
19:34 as He is being glorified, and they're speaking of what?
19:37 What are they speaking of in verse 31?
19:41 "His decease." His decease.
19:42 Yes.
19:43 Did you know that the disciples really didn't get this?
19:46 They just did not get this,
19:48 even though this was going on at this time.
19:50 As a matter of fact if you go to verse 32,
19:52 "But Peter and those with him were heavy with sleep.
19:57 And when they were fully awake, they saw His glory,
19:59 and the two men who stood with Him.
20:02 Then it happened, as they were parting from Him,
20:04 that Peter said to Jesus,
20:06 'Master, it is good for us to be here
20:09 and let us make three tabernacles
20:11 one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.'
20:16 Not knowing what he had said."
20:19 And let me ask you,
20:21 do you think this was a kosher thing
20:23 for them to make a tent for Moses, and for Elijah,
20:29 as well as for Jesus?
20:32 What is this telling us?
20:34 When they are, you know,
20:36 up until the time of Jesus everyone...
20:40 It was Moses, Abraham, Elijah,
20:41 those are the ones that the Israelites
20:44 looked up to as their leaders.
20:47 And they were actually, as you look at this text,
20:50 they were an object of worship by the people.
20:55 And what they're really saying in this text is, you know what,
21:00 along with Moses, and along with Elijah,
21:03 we want you to stand among them.
21:07 You don't get it that way.
21:09 And making three tabernacles one for you, one for Moses,
21:12 and one for Elijah, not knowing what he said,
21:14 he is really referring to the fact
21:16 that Moses and Elijah were not to be worshiped.
21:20 They were not to receive worship.
21:23 Can I give you my interpretation of verse 35?
21:25 Sure, go ahead. Sure.
21:26 Verse 35, "And there came a voice
21:29 out of the cloud, saying, 'Shut up, Peter."
21:33 Yeah.
21:35 Here is an interpretation. And hear Him.
21:36 That's just my interpretation.
21:38 That's absolutely right.
21:40 That's absolutely right.
21:41 You know, it just shows that as they were eye witnesses
21:44 of the majesty of the Christ.
21:47 And really, what they're really seeing here
21:49 is His divinity flashed through His humanity.
21:53 They'd have been veiled.
21:54 And Jesus had called these three
21:56 to this special meeting with two others,
21:59 when you think about Moses and Elijah,
22:00 if Jesus failed, who would be the faith there?
22:04 Yes. Okay?
22:05 Because we know that Moses...
22:08 It talks about in Jude...
22:12 The body of Moses was argued over
22:14 and Moses was resurrected.
22:16 Right.
22:17 And that's why they never found his grave.
22:18 So he is the one we know that's up there that was,
22:21 as you said, part of the resurrection.
22:23 But then Elijah was translated.
22:25 But if Jesus wasn't praised...
22:28 If he didn't succeed...
22:29 If he didn't succeed that would be it for them.
22:33 We have for all of us by the way.
22:34 Oh, that's true. Amen.
22:36 And so here we have verse 34 where "He was saying this,
22:41 the cloud came and overshadowed them,
22:44 and they were fearful as they enter the cloud,
22:47 then this voice came as..."
22:50 Mollie's version is...
22:52 and "But the voice came out of the cloud saying,
22:56 'This is my chosen Son.'"
23:01 If you go back to the original language,
23:02 "This is the one I have chosen."
23:05 You have chosen Elijah, you've chosen Moses.
23:09 I have chosen Christ.
23:11 Like Jesus said, "You search the scriptures
23:12 for in them ye think ye have eternal life:
23:14 and these are they which testify of me."
23:16 And it was Moses saying Elijah
23:18 and the other along the prophets
23:19 where it would all testified of Him.
23:24 Now listen to what happens in verse 36,
23:25 "When the voice had seized, Jesus was found alone.
23:28 But they kept quite, and told no one in those days
23:31 as they think of the things which they had seen."
23:34 So here God is doing several things.
23:37 Christ is being glorified in their mix,
23:40 it's actually encouraging...
23:43 Can you imagine being in that inner circle
23:45 and hearing that Jesus is going to die?
23:50 Everything that's happening politically
23:52 on the outside is going to come to fruition.
23:55 He is going to die.
23:57 "But this is my chosen vessel," the Father is saying
24:01 and Moses and Elijah are supporting...
24:06 Have a supportive roll in the picture
24:08 that these disciples needed,
24:10 but also this was encouraging for Jesus.
24:14 The one who, by choice,
24:17 submitted His divinity to His humanity
24:19 and had victory the way you and I have to have victory.
24:23 For a brief moment,
24:24 His divinity was flashing through.
24:28 They needed more of Christ and less of Moses and Elijah.
24:32 We need more of Christ and less of maybe that special speaker
24:37 that happens to be our favorite.
24:39 Yeah. Yeah.
24:42 We need more of Christ
24:43 rather than watching someone else's journey
24:46 and respecting that.
24:47 We need more of Christ ourselves.
24:50 It's good.
24:51 See, sometimes when we do worship church leaders,
24:54 and Christ must increase but they must decrease.
24:57 Amen.
24:58 See, every day is to be an opportunity,
25:02 to be an eyewitness of majesty, every day is an opportunity.
25:07 You know, I think about some of the things
25:09 that happen in life.
25:11 What about that job that the Lord provided for you
25:13 when you needed it, you've been praying?
25:15 That to me is an eyewitness of majesty
25:17 that He indeed is Lord of my life.
25:19 What about when you have the birth of that first child?
25:23 If you were a parent, you know what that feels like.
25:26 That is an eyewitness of majesty.
25:29 What about watching a transformed life?
25:32 Someone that you have been praying for,
25:34 it could be your child, it could be your loved one,
25:36 or spouse, that is when you see that transformed life.
25:39 It's an eyewitness of majesty.
25:40 What about when you receive a call
25:43 and you see God opening and closing doors saying,
25:46 "This is the way, walk ye in it"?
25:48 And every time you have your devotional life,
25:51 and every time the church comes to worship
25:53 is an opportunity to be an eyewitness
25:56 to the majesty of Christ.
25:58 Amen. Amen.
25:59 Amen. Beautiful. Beautiful.
26:03 An eyewitness to the majesty of Christ,
26:05 an eyewitness to the morning star
26:07 rising in your arm.
26:09 That's right. That's what it is.
26:10 And that is what I'm going to look at,
26:13 my portion of scripture is on Tuesday,
26:17 The Morning Star in Our Hearts.
26:19 And in 2 Peter 1:19 we've read it several times,
26:25 but let's read it one more time.
26:28 And so we have the prophetic word confirmed
26:31 and this is the New King James version,
26:33 in the King James Version we were saying earlier
26:36 it says that, "We have a more sure word of prophecy,
26:39 which you do well to heed, as a light" that does what?
26:44 "A light that shines in a dark place."
26:46 Now, what is this more sure word of prophecy?
26:49 What is this prophetic word confirmed
26:51 that we have determined already?
26:53 It's the Bible.
26:55 This is what it is,
26:57 "Which we do well to heed as a light,"
27:00 this word, "that shines in a dark place,
27:03 until the day star and the morning,
27:06 until the day dawns
27:08 and the morning star rises in our heart."
27:11 So where does the morning star rise?
27:14 It rises in our hearts.
27:16 So where is this word going to shine?
27:21 It's going to shine in our hearts.
27:23 Now I want to go ahead and just right of the bat,
27:28 go to Revelation 22:16,
27:30 I want to confirm
27:33 who the Word of God
27:35 refers to as the bright and morning star.
27:39 As a matter of fact,
27:40 in my Bible it's written in red.
27:42 So when it's written in red, who's doing the talking?
27:45 Jesus. That would be Jesus.
27:47 Revelation 22:16, "I, Jesus,
27:51 have sent my angel to testify to you
27:55 these things in the churches.
27:57 I am the root and the offspring of David,
28:01 the Bright and Morning Star."
28:05 Now there is something very unique
28:07 about the Morning Star.
28:11 Is in...
28:13 The star in the sky
28:16 that we refer to as the Morning Star,
28:19 is it actually a star?
28:21 What is it?
28:23 Planet. It's the planet.
28:24 It's the planet Venus.
28:26 Now in the morning, the planet Venus,
28:29 referred to as the Morning Star,
28:32 is situated in such a place on the eastern horizon
28:38 that the reflection of the sun
28:43 that hasn't arisen yet it's in such a place
28:48 that that Morning Star shines brightly
28:53 and you know what it's telling us,
28:55 it's announcing to those who are still in darkness
29:00 that light is just about to come.
29:02 Now, isn't that exciting?
29:04 That's what the Morning Star does.
29:06 It lets us know that there is hope,
29:10 that the darkness is going to be dispelled.
29:12 Amen.
29:15 And Peter speaks up the Morning Star
29:19 rising in the hearts of God's people.
29:22 Now remember the significance.
29:24 The significance is that the morning star
29:28 rises as a hero to that which is to come.
29:32 And for Peter,
29:35 the Word of God shone like a light in dark places
29:39 until darkness was dispelled.
29:42 And we determine that the word
29:45 is what shines in the dark places.
29:48 And there is the scripture Psalms 119:130.
29:51 And I think I've shared this with you all before.
29:54 I was...
29:56 There was a little Baptist church
29:58 on a winding road going from the inner state
30:02 into Clarksville, Tennessee.
30:04 This was years ago, at least 30 years ago.
30:09 My husband and I were right going up there.
30:12 And as we came round at a corner,
30:15 there this little Baptist church was.
30:18 And over its door was this big sign that says,
30:22 "The entrance of God's Word gives light."
30:26 When have you ever had a scripture
30:29 just grab you and as I read that...
30:33 I mean, it just, it grabbed me.
30:35 The entrance of God's Word gives light.
30:38 Hal and I had been Christians very long.
30:41 And all we were just still so in love with Jesus
30:45 and in the shame I stood still.
30:47 But remember when you first met Jesus Christ,
30:49 the Lord of your life.
30:51 Oh, it's so quick to repent
30:53 and everything was so new and refreshing
30:57 and good to you.
30:58 And so as I saw that scripture it just quickened to my heart
31:03 and I, to this day, I have studied that
31:08 and done more teachings on that scripture.
31:10 I know it was the Lord by the power of the Spirit
31:13 quickening that to me,
31:14 the entrance of God's Word gives light.
31:17 The rest of that scripture
31:19 as it gives understanding to the simple
31:22 and that tells us
31:24 that you don't have to be a great scholar
31:27 or a great theologian.
31:28 God's Word is for everybody,
31:31 the entrance of that word gives light.
31:33 Now I think about that and particularly at that time,
31:37 and as we grow and as we mature,
31:39 as we sing so beautifully in the life of Peter
31:42 that we do darkness does...
31:47 is dispelled around us.
31:49 But the way darkness is dispelled
31:52 is by the entrance of that word.
31:54 And so I look into my own life and see areas...
31:59 See, it doesn't matter how much I know,
32:02 there is still things I don't know.
32:04 No matter how deep you go in the Word of God,
32:07 there is depths you haven't attained to.
32:09 No matter, how high you go in the things of the Spirit,
32:12 there are heights you haven't attained to.
32:15 And so we want...
32:17 How many of you want clean hands and a pure heart?
32:20 That's really what you want.
32:21 And so we have to admit,
32:24 acknowledge that there is still error in our lives.
32:28 I don't want error to be in my life
32:30 and that was one of the prayers
32:31 that Hal and I prayed for years.
32:34 Oh, Father, show us that error that's in our lives
32:37 because we know we don't have it all right.
32:39 And I truly believe that the, an answer to that prayer
32:43 is why the Lord drew us the way He has drawn us
32:47 into what I consider a church
32:48 that's got more truth than any other church.
32:51 I know God honored that prayer
32:53 by bringing me to a church that has so much light,
32:58 that God has entrusted so much light to.
33:01 But as we read God's Word, just think about this,
33:04 as you read God's Word, study God's Word,
33:06 allow that light into you
33:09 areas of darkness in your light.
33:11 The power of that word will overshadow that darkness
33:16 and bring light to it.
33:17 And it's the example that I love to use,
33:20 Pastor Tom, is the rising of the sun.
33:24 So on...
33:27 In the mornings, here is the question,
33:30 does the sun get to come up
33:33 because darkness recedes or does darkness leave
33:39 because the sun comes up?
33:40 See darkness leaves because the power,
33:44 the light overshadows it.
33:46 And so as we read God's Word,
33:48 as we allow that Morning Star to arise in our heart,
33:53 darkness is dispelled,
33:54 it's called the road of sanctification.
33:57 As we...
33:58 Darkness is dispelled and as we are sanctified.
34:02 Oh, that's one of those fied words,
34:05 purified, justified,
34:06 you know, glorified, well, we have to be sanctified.
34:10 And what does that sanctification do?
34:12 It purifies your character.
34:15 And what is the only thing,
34:17 you mentioned that earlier I know today.
34:19 The only thing we can take into the presence of almighty God
34:22 is our character.
34:24 Oh, and we can't be shortsighted.
34:26 This is not all there is.
34:28 There is an eternity,
34:30 and it's what we do on this side of eternity
34:33 that determines the other side of our eternity.
34:37 And so we must allow that Morning Star
34:41 to arise in our heart,
34:42 and my goodness, I'm so forth...
34:46 I haven't even started good.
34:47 Colossians 1:13, "He has delivered us..."
34:51 Who is He?
34:53 Jesus has delivered, that's you and me.
34:55 "He has delivered us from the power of darkness..."
34:59 You've been delivered from that power of darkness
35:02 and He has conveyed you
35:04 into the kingdom of His dear Son.
35:06 We are not where we used to be, we're not who we used to be.
35:09 We meet Jesus Christ the Lord of our life
35:12 and everything changes.
35:14 We're placed on a road for you were once in darkness,
35:18 but now you are in light in the Lord,
35:20 walk as children of the light.
35:24 His rising in our heart is getting to know Him better.
35:27 And I just want to finish with this,
35:29 this is from Ellen White,
35:31 it says, "The whole earth is to be illuminated
35:34 with the glory of God's truth.
35:36 The light is to shine to all lands and all peoples.
35:40 And it is from those who have received the light
35:43 that it is to shine forth from, that's you and that's me.
35:46 The day-star has risen upon us,
35:49 and we are to flash its light on to the pathway
35:53 of those in darkness."
35:55 We've been given a great responsibility
35:58 and we've got to be the ones to shine that light.
36:01 Pastor John. Amen.
36:03 I think I don't want you to stop.
36:05 Yeah.
36:06 She is preaching over here.
36:08 Praise the Lord. Amen.
36:10 This is...
36:11 What a treat, what a blessing
36:12 to be in this panel to hear all these wonderful thoughts
36:16 from God's Word.
36:17 And I know all of you can continue sharing
36:21 even from the portion that you have already shared.
36:23 And it is just a marvelous thing
36:26 to see how much there is in God's Word.
36:31 So much is packed in there.
36:33 You know, you sometimes, I don't know if you've been to,
36:36 I'm sure you've seen these little things
36:38 that I guess you had these little things
36:40 you add a little bit of water to it
36:42 and it keeps growing and growing.
36:43 Yes.
36:44 So it's just like that,
36:46 in every verse there is so much there for us
36:48 to comprehend.
36:50 Well, as we continue in 2 Peter,
36:54 I'm going read verses 2 Peter 1:19-21 again,
37:00 and it says, "We have also a more sure word of prophecy,
37:05 whereunto you do well that you take heed,
37:09 as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,
37:13 until the day dawn,
37:14 and the day-star arise in your hearts.
37:16 Knowing this first,
37:18 this is first that no prophecy of the scripture
37:21 is of any private interpretation.
37:24 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man,
37:29 but holy men of God spake as they were moved
37:33 by the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit."
37:36 What a wonderful set of verses are even in these.
37:41 And as we look at these scriptures,
37:44 again, we come back to the idea "A more sure word of prophecy."
37:49 And it is true we have not follow
37:53 these cunningly devised fables,
37:54 we have to admit that even in these days...
37:58 You know, Jesus when He was speaking with His disciples
38:03 said something that shocked the disciples.
38:05 He said, you...
38:07 The disciples came to show Him the buildings, and the stones,
38:11 and Jesus said something that shocked them.
38:13 "You see all these stones, these buildings,
38:16 there shall not be one stone left upon another."
38:17 They were shocked to hear this.
38:20 And Jesus warned them because they came to ask,
38:23 "Lord, when is this going to be?
38:26 And what shall be the sign of the end of the world,
38:28 and of Your coming?"
38:30 And Jesus began to express to them things
38:34 that they were so anxious to know
38:35 and He blended these things together,
38:38 but He said...
38:39 One of the things He says,
38:41 "Take heed that no man deceive you."
38:43 And sure enough,
38:45 the backdrop of all these things that we've read,
38:48 here that these verses I've read.
38:50 Peter is saying something to them
38:52 that is due to the fact that in...
38:54 As you see in 2 Peter 2:1, he says,
38:58 "But there were false prophets also among the people,
39:03 even as there shall be false teachers among you,
39:07 who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,
39:10 even denying the Lord that brought them,
39:13 and bring upon themselves swift destruction."
39:16 So Peter saw false prophets in his day,
39:21 Jesus warned that false prophets would come,
39:22 Peter saw them, but Peter continues to warn us
39:26 that there will be false prophets
39:27 in the later days,
39:29 in the days that we are living in.
39:31 And so that's why he is telling us
39:35 that we have a sure word of prophecy,
39:37 the Holy Scriptures,
39:38 or God's Word that we can study with assurance
39:42 that what He has given us is the truth.
39:45 And so there are wonderful things to find here
39:48 and He says, "Knowing this first
39:50 that no prophecy of the scripture
39:52 is of any private interpretation."
39:54 And here is what we find some ground for some thoughts
40:00 and that is that from time to time,
40:04 you'll hear of somebody they came up with this idea,
40:06 somebody would came up with that idea.
40:08 Mollie, I'm sure throughout the years
40:10 you've seen and may be this year
40:12 you've already seen
40:13 that sometimes we get some studies
40:14 that come to 3ABN.
40:16 Have you seen any of those?
40:18 Oh, yes.
40:19 And through the years and now Jill gets some.
40:22 Oh, we get quite a few.
40:24 We get some studies and there are some people
40:26 that are doing some wonderful things.
40:28 But there are some studies that come to us and we say,
40:30 "How in the world did they come to these conclusions?"
40:34 And so we have to look at scriptures,
40:36 and compare scripture with scripture,
40:38 and see what the Bible is truly saying.
40:43 And we have seen in our days.
40:46 Just if you wind the clock a few years back,
40:49 some people have predicted the second coming of Christ.
40:53 Some have appeared to say they are Christ.
40:55 And I remember one that died, I think, within two years ago,
40:59 within the last two years, they said he could not die.
41:02 I remember him being interviewed by somebody
41:04 from one of the news channels.
41:06 And they said, "If you try to kill me,
41:08 I will not die."
41:09 But he died less than two years later
41:11 of some disease,
41:12 I don't remember if it was the kidneys
41:14 but he died.
41:15 And so we have here that they are false prophets
41:19 came up in the old days,
41:20 false prophets are coming up in these days.
41:22 And so for these reasons,
41:25 I want to ask for somebody to read for us
41:29 in 2 Timothy 2:15.
41:33 And whoever finds it first,
41:35 would you say amen
41:36 and read that for us 2 Timothy 2:15?
41:40 Well, taking into account that I've misread so many times,
41:42 let me make sure, I'm reading the right one.
41:45 2 Timothy 2:15.
41:47 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
41:50 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
41:52 but rightly dividing the word of truth."
41:55 Amen.
41:56 So we have here
41:57 that we are instructed that we are to study,
42:01 to show ourselves approved unto God.
42:03 And we have to be like those people,
42:06 the Bereans were they called?
42:08 That they heard the Word of God gladly,
42:10 but what did they do afterwards, Sister Jill?
42:12 Search the scripture.
42:13 They went back home,
42:15 and they went and searched the scripture to see
42:17 if these things were true.
42:18 And so today, even as you are hearing us,
42:22 study, go to the scriptures and see
42:25 what we're saying is true.
42:26 We believe they are true.
42:27 Because we're looking at the scriptures
42:29 and we have studied these things,
42:32 and compared scripture with scripture.
42:35 And so we encourage you
42:36 to compare scripture with scripture.
42:37 And study to show yourself approved unto God,
42:41 rightly dividing the word of truth.
42:43 And so going back to 2 Peter 1:20,
42:47 "Knowing this first,
42:49 that no prophecy of the scriptures
42:50 of any private interpretation."
42:53 Here I want to bring out something
42:55 that the church as a body of believers,
42:59 are to work together
43:01 for a unity of understanding of the truth.
43:04 And speaking of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
43:06 to which I'm a member.
43:08 We believe we have a body of doctrines and truth
43:14 that are founded on the scripture,
43:16 solid truth that the body of believers
43:21 have studied and agreed
43:23 this is the truth of God's Word.
43:25 And so that's why when you say any private interpretation,
43:31 we have to be united in what we believe as a people.
43:36 So this brings me to this scripture
43:41 that I would to like read,
43:43 and I think I have it written down here,
43:45 and that will be in Ephesians.
43:47 Ephesians 4.
43:49 In Ephesians 4
43:52 we have some scriptures that,
43:55 I think, I'll have to select maybe just two or three.
44:01 Let's see which ones we should read.
44:04 How about the Ephesians 4, chapter 4 did I say 4?
44:08 Four. Yes.
44:09 Okay. Chapter 4 lets begin in verse 12.
44:12 No, no, we have to start in verse 11,
44:14 "And He gave some apostles, and some prophets,
44:17 and some evangelists,
44:19 and some pastors, and teachers."
44:21 Why?
44:22 "For the perfecting of the saints,
44:25 for the work of the ministry,
44:27 and for the edifying of the body of Christ."
44:30 None of this is private interpretation,
44:32 "Till we all come into the unity of the faith,
44:36 and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
44:38 unto a perfect man,
44:40 unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
44:44 That we henceforth be no more children,
44:47 tossed to and fro,
44:48 and carried above with every wind of doctrine,
44:52 by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness,
44:54 whereby they lie and wait to deceive.
44:57 But speaking the truth," how?
45:00 "In love, we may grow up onto him in all things,
45:04 which is the head even Christ."
45:07 And so we can keep reading
45:08 but here we see that
45:12 we have to come to a unity of the faith
45:14 and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
45:17 And it is true.
45:18 Jesus warned that there will be doctrines and false prophets.
45:22 Every wind of doctrine is even blowing today.
45:25 So we have to be founded on the sure word of prophecy.
45:29 And so I want to encourage our people, our believers,
45:32 our family, our friends that are watching us
45:34 to, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
45:37 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
45:40 rightly dividing the word of truth."
45:42 And the wonderful thing is
45:45 that Jesus promised the Holy Spirit.
45:48 The Jesus said
45:49 that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.
45:53 So we must come with humility, come to the Lord and say,
45:58 "Lord, here I am, teach me,
46:00 instruct me that I may know
46:02 what is the truth of that scriptures."
46:04 And I believe we'll be on safe ground
46:06 when we ask the Lord to be our guide, our teacher,
46:08 and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us into doctrine.
46:11 Amen. Amen.
46:12 That was beautiful, Brother Johnny.
46:13 I'm so enjoying the study this week.
46:17 The primacy of the Word of God. Amen.
46:19 No prophecy is by private interpretation
46:22 but holy men of God spoke
46:24 as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
46:26 Thursday's lesson is the Word in Our Lives.
46:30 And I wanna jump to 2 Timothy 3.
46:33 So if you wanna turn there with me,
46:35 we're going to 2 Timothy 3.
46:37 2 Peter, it was written just before Peter was killed,
46:44 just before his death,
46:45 and 2 Timothy was written just before the death of Paul.
46:50 You can consider this would be like
46:51 his last will in testament.
46:53 And we see that Paul encourages Timothy
46:57 to get into the Word of God
46:58 and to study the Word of God.
47:00 We're going to look at five purposes
47:02 for the Word of God in our lives.
47:05 We'll see all of these in 2 Timothy 3.
47:09 We're going to begin with verse 15,
47:12 he is writing to Timothy,
47:14 "And that from childhood
47:15 you have known the Holy scriptures,
47:17 which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith,
47:21 which is in Christ Jesus."
47:24 All scripture is given by inspiration of God.
47:29 Now I wanna stop just a moment,
47:30 there is two Greek words that we wanna look at here.
47:34 This is the first time,
47:35 I have really studied this passage
47:38 and I got so excited,
47:39 I ran back to the study and I told Greg,
47:41 you've got to hear
47:43 what this really means in the Word of God.
47:45 And I knew it meant
47:46 all scriptures given by inspiration of God.
47:48 And to me that means all of it.
47:51 But the word for all,
47:53 if you look back and you investigate it,
47:55 it means each and every scripture, singular.
48:00 So, of course,
48:01 it encompasses everything that's in the Word of God.
48:04 But to me that means,
48:05 nothing in this book is unimportant for our study.
48:08 Amen. That's right.
48:09 Every single scripture is given by inspiration of God.
48:14 Now inspiration of God literally is God breathe.
48:19 Now you think by the word of the Lord,
48:21 where the heaven is made, right?
48:23 That tells us in Psalm
48:24 "And all the host to them by the breath of his mouth".
48:27 And we know that God spake and it was created,
48:30 He spake and it was done.
48:32 And when at the beginning
48:34 let there be light and instantly it appeared.
48:37 And you think every word, each and every word,
48:41 in the Word of God is God breathe.
48:45 That same creative energy
48:49 that we see at the beginning of creation
48:51 is inherent in the Word of God.
48:53 So I just got so excited.
48:54 I just couldn't even sit still, it's wonderful.
48:57 So now let's look we are in 16,
49:00 "All of scripture,
49:01 each and every scripture is God breathe,
49:05 and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
49:09 for instruction in righteousness,
49:11 that the man of God may be perfect."
49:14 New King James says complete.
49:16 I think King James says perfect.
49:17 "Thoroughly equipped for every good work."
49:20 Now we're gonna look at the five purposes
49:23 for the Word of God in our lives.
49:24 And the first one is actually in verse 15,
49:27 "The Holy scriptures
49:28 are able to make you wise for salvation."
49:32 So the first purpose is that,
49:34 this Word of God points us to Jesus,
49:37 shows us the plan of salvation.
49:40 Let's turn to John 5:39,
49:43 if you want to turn with me keep your finger in 2 Timothy,
49:46 we'll comeback to that.
49:47 But John 5:39,
49:53 do you have that, Pastor Tom?
49:55 Yes. Do you wanna read that?
49:56 "You search the scriptures,
49:57 for in them you think you have eternal life,
49:59 and these are they which testify of me."
50:01 So the scriptures show us, point us to the Word of God.
50:05 It says all scripture is able to make us wise to salvation,
50:09 but really this scripture is all about Jesus.
50:11 Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life,
50:13 He is salvation to me.
50:15 When we read the Word of God, it's like a love letter,
50:19 finding out who Jesus really is.
50:23 You know, I have a whole box of letters from Greg
50:27 that I had saved during our friendship,
50:30 and courtship, our engagement.
50:32 And these are letters
50:34 I actually pulled them out of the box this morning.
50:36 I have them right here on the set.
50:37 This one was sent to me
50:39 when he first came to 3ABN, Mollie, this is in 1999.
50:44 And he tells me about coming to work at the ministry here
50:48 and it's my first week and I'm not really sure...
50:52 And we were just friends at this time.
50:54 Now that showed me a little glimpse into his life,
50:57 into his work, into, who he was as a person.
51:00 Now a couple of years later this is 2001,
51:03 this letter is him asking, if I would be his girlfriend.
51:08 Bless his heart.
51:10 That's right. Bless his heart.
51:11 This is in 2001 and we were just,
51:14 we had been friends
51:15 and he was just asking, you know,
51:17 may I have the permission to be your girlfriend.
51:20 And showing me more of who his heart is, who he is.
51:23 And this note...
51:24 He writes me notes all the time,
51:26 this note he left today on the breakfast table.
51:28 And it just says, "Love you, baby."
51:31 So that's precious, you know, that's a short little note.
51:33 But the notes, what did they do?
51:34 They show me who he is.
51:37 And the Word of God reveals to us
51:39 the character of Jesus, who God is.
51:43 If you wanna find out who he is,
51:44 if you want to become wise into salvation,
51:47 get into the Word of God, that's purpose number one,
51:49 number two, is doctrine.
51:53 Verse 16.
51:54 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
51:57 or its God breathe,
51:58 and is profitable for doctrine."
52:02 John 17:17, Jesus said,
52:05 "Sanctify them through thy truth,
52:07 thy word is truth."
52:10 We know that
52:11 the word became flesh and dwelt among us,
52:13 Jesus is the Word of God.
52:14 And so all doctrine, in essence,
52:17 points us back to Jesus,
52:19 all doctrine is centered
52:21 around the person of Jesus Christ.
52:23 Number three is guidance.
52:26 Still on verse 16,
52:28 "It's profitable for doctrine after that as reproof,
52:32 correction, instruction in righteousness."
52:35 I kind of combine those three, the reproof, correction,
52:38 instruction in righteousness
52:40 underneath the heading guidance.
52:42 The scripture gives us guidance.
52:44 That word for correction in the Greek means reformation.
52:48 Setting straight again,
52:52 bringing it back straight.
52:53 2 Peter 1, let's look at just a couple of scriptures,
52:56 2 Peter 1:19 and I know we've read this scripture
52:59 over and over here on the panel.
53:02 "We have the prophetic word confirmed,
53:05 which you do well to heed
53:06 as a light that shines in a dark place."
53:10 When you're walking in a dark place
53:12 you need guidance, you need a light.
53:16 Psalm 119:105,
53:17 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
53:20 and a light to my path."
53:22 The Word of God gives us guidance,
53:25 gives us direction, gives us even that correction.
53:30 I remember, I received a letter from a woman in the office
53:34 and I'm not a woman in the office,
53:36 I was in the office
53:37 and I received a letter from a woman.
53:39 And she wrote about some issues
53:43 she saw in my life.
53:46 And I remember it was an eight-page handwritten letter,
53:49 and I thought...
53:53 "Ouch, it hurts."
53:57 And I didn't know her and I thought,
53:59 "Oh, but, God, I want to grow, I want to change,
54:03 I want to grow in the areas that you want me to
54:07 but I need help here."
54:09 And I was having my devotions,
54:11 just a couple days later, in my morning devotion.
54:14 I ran across Romans 15,
54:17 this is where the Word of God can correct us.
54:20 Romans 15.
54:24 Then I was just, I was not looking it up special,
54:26 I was just going through Romans,
54:28 and I happened to be in that chapter.
54:30 Romans 15:5-7, it says,
54:33 "May the God of patience and comfort
54:36 grant you to be likeminded
54:38 toward one and another according to Christ Jesus,
54:40 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify God,
54:45 and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
54:47 Verse 7 is where the Holy Spirit convicted me.
54:50 "Therefore receive one another,
54:53 just as Christ also received us to the glory of God."
54:57 And as soon as I read that scripture,
54:58 it was like the Lord spoke to me and said,
55:00 "I have received your sister,
55:02 this woman who wrote you the letter,
55:04 do you not think you can receive her,
55:06 as your sister in Christ."
55:08 And so I said, "Father, forgive me for my attitude."
55:11 That's where the Word of God corrected me.
55:13 Where I was at fault and said, "Jill,
55:15 you need to pull this is out and read it again,
55:17 and see where you need to grow."
55:19 So the word of God gives us knowledge of Jesus,
55:23 makes us wise to salvation.
55:24 The Word of God shows us doctrine
55:26 which leads us back to Jesus.
55:28 The Word of God gives us guidance, reproof, correction,
55:31 instruction in righteousness.
55:33 The Word of God gives us spiritual maturity.
55:36 I went back to 1 Peter instead of 2 Timothy, I'm sorry here.
55:42 Spiritual maturity, verse 17,
55:44 "That the man of God may be complete or perfect..."
55:48 It symbolizes that we are to grow up
55:51 to be complete in Him.
55:55 And finally, the Word of God equips us,
55:58 prepares us for the times ahead
56:01 thoroughly equipped for every good work.
56:05 Amen.
56:06 A quote from Great Controversy, page 598,
56:09 "It is the first and highest duty of every rational being
56:13 to learn from the scriptures what is truth,
56:16 and then to walk in the light
56:18 and encourage others to follow by example."
56:22 So day-by-day get in the Word of God
56:24 and let it change you.
56:25 Amen. Amen.
56:26 This has just been such a beautiful study,
56:29 I love the fact that it is the "more sure"
56:33 word that convinces us.
56:35 And for some of you out there, maybe you're saying,
56:38 maybe you're like me
56:39 and I would read prophetic books
56:41 and I would think especially when it came to Revelation.
56:44 Where does anyone agree? Let me tell you the secret.
56:47 The secret is that God's Word interprets itself
56:50 and Daniel is the key that unlocks Revelation.
56:54 And don't ever think,
56:55 I had to come before the Lord and say,
56:58 "Okay, Lord, teach me."
57:00 Don't ever think that we know sometimes we...
57:04 I think that sometimes preconceived opinions
57:07 will effectively insulate our mind against truth.
57:10 So we have to put down our preconceived opinions,
57:13 don't think you know it all because Proverbs 4:18 says,
57:16 "But the path of the just is like the shining sun,
57:20 that shines ever brighter until the perfect day."
57:24 So that day started
57:25 you were talking about rising in our heart.
57:28 When we think about what God's Word can do for us,
57:32 and when it's implanted in our heart,
57:34 it has the power to save our soul.
57:36 But you can trust the Word of God
57:39 because it is God's Word,
57:41 not just man's thought about God,
57:43 but it is the Word of God.
57:46 Well, we wanna thank you so much for joining us.
57:48 And we hope that you'll comeback
57:50 with us next week.
57:52 We're going to be studying... Ta-da!
57:56 False teachers. False teachers.
57:59 1 Peter was persecution without,
58:02 2 Peter's persecution within.
58:04 May the God
58:06 of our Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.
58:08 Bye-bye.


Revised 2023-10-16