3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 5: Living for God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Molly Steenson, Pr. Tom Ferguson, Pr John Lomacang, Jill Morikone


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000017A

00:01 The Bible tells us
00:33 Hello and we welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
00:37 You know the reason we do this, as much as we love to get
00:41 together and study the Bible, the reason we do this
00:44 is for you and we hope it will be a blessing to you. So we want
00:48 to encourage you to get your Bibles and join us as we
00:51 continue in the 2nd quarter, the Sabbath School Quarterly
00:57 is Feed My Sheep and we're still on the first epistle of
01:00 Peter and I don't know about you all but this has been such
01:04 a good review for me, I forgot how much meat there is in
01:09 the first epistle of Peter. So Peter is writing to people who
01:12 are being persecuted from without, persecuted from within
01:16 when we get into his second epistle. But we want you to
01:22 study along with us. Now if you don't have an adult Bible study
01:30 guide, you can go to absg that stands for adult Bible
01:36 study guide. absg.adventist.org
01:40 and you can download the lesson As we continue in the first
01:45 epistle of Peter, you know since the fall of mankind sin has been
01:51 a very serious problem. And the disciples were well aware of it
01:56 and they were very well aware of what Jesus had to do, the
02:01 suffering that He went through, they were painfully aware of
02:04 the suffering and Him having to die for us to provide a
02:09 solution for this. But you know both Paul and Peter, I remember
02:12 when Paul wrote to Timothy saying, you know this is a
02:16 worthy saying, He's died for us, for sinners, how does he say
02:20 that? He came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the
02:25 chief. So Paul knew that he had a background, as C.A. says
02:30 Paul had stuff, you got stuff, I got stuff, we've all got stuff
02:35 but what I love about both Paul and Peter, we'll see this today
02:40 is that they're both looking at and rejoicing in what Christ has
02:47 done for us and the transformation that it brings
02:50 about because it's the kind of transformation that they say
02:54 people will notice. And let me introduce our panel to you
02:58 since I got off into this with out. Next to me is my dear
03:02 friend Molly Steenson. Molly, thank you so much for being here
03:06 Pr. John Lomacang it's good to have you here.
03:09 Pr. Tom Ferguson is returning with us once again. Tom, we're
03:13 so thankful to you, appreciate your filling in here
03:16 And then we have Jill Morikone So we're very, very thankful
03:21 I need to have someone say a prayer while I clear my throat
03:25 and Tom would you like to pray? Sure. Heavenly Father we count
03:29 it a privilege to come before the throne of grace
03:32 and invite your presence in this study. Lord there are
03:36 souls that are watching and listening just now and we just
03:40 invite your Spirit to minister to them. Meet them where they
03:43 are and take them to Yourself. And Lord as we continue to study
03:47 through the epistle of Peter guide us with Your word
03:51 instruct us, enlighten our minds, show us the way Father,
03:55 in Jesus' precious name, Amen Amen.
03:59 You know the one thing that pervades the epistle, the first
04:05 epistle of Peter is that, that sense of God's very real
04:11 presence of love within us. He even says love covers a
04:14 multitude of sins. But let's read together our memory text
04:19 which is 1 Peter 3:12, and we're going to be reading from the
04:24 New King James version and it says, For the eyes of the Lord
04:29 are on the righteous and His ears are open to their prayers
04:33 but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil
04:39 So what I have is Sunday's lesson, excuse me.
04:44 And that is being of one mind. So why don't we turn to
04:47 1 Peter 3 and we're going to read verses 8 through 12
04:53 I'd like to read them through very quickly and then we'll go
04:56 through and kind of unpack what Peter is saying.
05:02 He says, finally all of you be of one mind, having compassion
05:06 for one another. Love as brothers, be tender hearted
05:10 be courteous, not returning evil for evil or reviling for
05:14 reviling but on the contrary blessing. Knowing that you were
05:18 called to this that you may inherit a blessing. For he who
05:23 would love life, now he's giving a quote here,
05:26 he who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his
05:29 tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. Let him
05:33 turn away from evil and do good. Let him seek peace and pursue it
05:38 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are
05:42 open to their prayers but the face of the Lord is against
05:45 those who is evil. In his former way of life what was
05:51 Peter's personality like?
05:54 Impetuous, impulsive, brash, impatient, proud but after the
06:03 Holy Spirit's baptism there was a total transformation in him.
06:07 And so what Peter is doing here is listing 5 qualities that will
06:12 characterize Christian believers after they've been baptized
06:16 with the Holy Spirit. Let's go over it again. So he says
06:20 in verse 8, 1 Peter 3:8. Finally all of you, that's all of us
06:28 be of one mind. This is the first characteristic
06:31 of Christian believers, that we are united in Spirit. It doesn't
06:35 mean that we think alike in everything but that we're
06:39 united in Spirit and that we have a unified goal, one purpose
06:44 for which we're living and you know when Paul, he gave a really
06:48 good example of this in 1 Corinthians when he talks about
06:51 the body having many different parts. You know you could be
06:56 the head, like at 3ABN, you're I don't know if you're the head
07:00 or the neck that turns the head You're the neck that turns the
07:03 head, aren't you? But Christ is the head we should say
07:09 Christ is the head but we're all part of the body.
07:12 and I might be a little toe, John might be a right arm
07:16 but we all, you know every body part works together or
07:21 it doesn't work at all, does it?
07:23 So let's see what he says. Then he continues in verse 8, so the
07:29 first characteristic is to have one mind. Then he says having
07:33 compassion for one another. Compassion means that you're
07:38 sympathetic, that you're responding to the needs
07:41 of others. And you know Pastor John wouldn't you say that
07:45 if there's one thing that characterizes our local church
07:48 it's compassion. Yes. We do, benevolence is something that's
07:54 very big here. As a matter of fact I've heard in the community
07:58 people say if you need help go to the Seventh-Day Adventist
08:01 Church. It's like disinterested benevolence, doing it without
08:04 expecting anything in return. Absolutely! One time I was privy
08:09 to the information concerning benevolence. It made me so, my
08:14 heart was so warmed for this congregation that they care
08:18 so much for people. They have compassion. Amen.
08:22 Then he continues on in verse 8 he says, love as brothers.
08:26 You are to treat others as your brother and sister in Christ
08:30 and you know he does later on in chapter 4 he'll say love
08:33 covers a multitude of sins, but it's repeatedly forgiving
08:38 there's a proverb that says hatred stirs up strife. But
08:43 love covers all sins. The 4th thing that characterizes
08:48 Christians, be tenderhearted, be sensitive and caring
08:51 and be courteous not returning evil for evil or reviling for
08:55 reviling. Now this requires humility. This means you have
09:00 to turn the other cheek when someone has offended you
09:04 And he goes on, in verse 9 he says, knowing that you were
09:07 called to this that you may inherit a blessing.
09:11 And we know that everything God calls us to, calls us to be
09:16 He will cause us to be, right? He works in us to will and to do
09:21 His good pleasure. And then verse 10 he says, he who would
09:25 love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue
09:29 from evil. From speaking deceit. What does James compare the
09:34 tongue to? Fire. A fire. And when you think about it a lot
09:40 of times an untamed tongue can have the same results of a fire.
09:45 It will do a searing that's irreversible. Irreversible.
09:50 So when we think of an untamed tongue I made a little list here
09:57 fits of anger, berating others, bullying, gossip, back biting
10:02 manipulating, flattering, bragging, exaggerating,
10:06 complaining or lying. Satan uses an untamed tongue to divide
10:13 and conquer, doesn't he? And really what he's doing is to
10:17 destroying, he damages people's feelings. He divides us
10:23 there's no unity. He's just destroying the unity.
10:26 But you can't control your tongue without the power of the
10:30 Holy Spirit. So that's what you need to do every day when you
10:33 get up is pray, Lord put a guard at the doorpost of my
10:37 lips and help me not to speak out of any kind of malice
10:44 There's 3 things you should ask yourself before you speak
10:48 Is that I'm about to say true
10:50 is it necessary and is it kind?
10:53 And if it doesn't meet those 3 don't go there. Then he says
10:57 let him turn away from evil and do good. Let him seek peace
11:00 and pursue it. This requires humility and humility is not
11:05 passive, it's active. The humble mind of Christ is supposed to
11:10 be in us. Moses was said to be the most humble man on earth
11:15 So this isn't something you're just passively sitting back
11:19 When he says the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
11:23 what we have to think about is what Paul says. There's only one
11:28 way we can be like this. Paul says in Galatians 2:20, I have
11:33 been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but
11:37 Christ lives in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh
11:41 I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave
11:45 Himself for me. I've got one more Scripture real quickly
11:49 Turn to Romans 8 because we have to see how can we crucify
11:55 our flesh? Because we have to put that old man to death
12:00 and let the new man take over. But let me tell you something
12:06 you cannot crucify your flesh by yourself. I can't nail both
12:10 hands, I might get one up there but I can't without the other
12:13 Look at Romans 8 and verse 13 is where we'll begin.
12:18 If you live according to the flesh, what's gonna happen?
12:22 You're gonna die. But if by the Spirit you put to death the
12:30 misdeeds of the body, you will live. So you see the Spirit's
12:35 not going to, the Holy Spirit won't force Himself upon you.
12:38 He doesn't do it by Himself but it says, if by the Spirit
12:44 you put to death, so there's two working together. You have
12:49 to cooperate, you can't do it by yourself without His power
12:53 He won't do it unless you cooperate with Him.
12:57 Molly, you've got Monday. You've just made a point
13:00 that I'm going to get to and that is that nobody is going
13:06 to crucify this flesh but we ourselves. But we can only do
13:10 it with the help of the Holy Spirit. So what I'm looking at
13:13 on Monday is to Suffer In The Flesh. Oh great, I get to talk
13:17 about the flesh suffering. But I've some amazing good news
13:22 for you. And that, let me give you a fact first. The fact is
13:26 Jesus Christ died for our sins and our hope of salvation
13:31 is found only in Him. Is that a fact? That's a fact.
13:35 Here's some amazing good news. When we accepted Jesus Christ
13:40 as our Savior. When we were born again as Scripture tells us
13:45 the Bible teaches we are accounted righteous. What is
13:50 righteous, in right standing with God. Because of Jesus
13:56 we are accepted before God just as if we had never sinned.
14:03 Now think about that, isn't that amazing? Pr. John it was as
14:08 though we, and why is that? It's because of how God sees us now
14:13 God sees us through something He sees us through the shed
14:20 blood of His Son and I'm going to read to you Hebrews 12:24
14:26 now what does God sees us through? We accept the Lord
14:29 Jesus Christ as our Savior and God sees us differently.
14:33 He sees us through the blood of His Son. Hebrews 12:24
14:39 says, To Jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to the
14:45 blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel
14:51 That is saying that the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ speaks to
14:55 do you all know that blood speaks? This says it speaks
14:58 better things than that of the blood of Abel. What did Abel's
15:02 blood, remember it cried out from the ground the Word says
15:06 what did the blood of Abel speak think about that. It cried out
15:09 for vengeance, justice. What's the blood of Jesus, now think
15:15 about the blood of Jesus, what does, the Scriptures say that
15:20 happened to the blood of Jesus. Did He not take it up into the
15:24 portals of the heavenly sanctuary and He put it some
15:30 mercy seat, remember He sprinkled it on the mercy seat
15:36 Now when God looks at us, when He looks at Jill Morikone
15:42 He looks at her through the mercy seat and what is the blood
15:48 of Jesus crying out? Amazing good news Jill, it's crying out
15:53 for mercy. So when God looks at us now, He looks at us
15:59 through the blood of Jesus that is saying oh God have mercy on
16:03 John. Oh God have mercy on Shelley. He sees us through the
16:08 blood of His Son. But when you think about this, God's grace
16:15 doesn't just end with our salvation did you know that?
16:21 He declares us righteous, in right relationship. He sees us
16:26 through the blood of His Son but He also gives us the power
16:32 to overcome sin. Now we've been forgiven, if we confess our sins
16:37 and I bet you I'll end this study with that Scripture
16:40 1 John 1:9, always gonna get that in there.
16:43 But He doesn't just forgive us of our sins, what's the other
16:48 the rest of that Scripture? He also cleanses us from all
16:52 unrighteousness. So when we make Jesus the Lord of our lives
16:56 remember, let me take you back to that time when you asked
16:59 Jesus Christ, you surrendered to Him, He became your Lord
17:03 and your Savior. Remember, I don't know some of us got up
17:06 from an altar, I know it doesn't happen the same for everybody
17:10 but you get up from the altar and the burdens of your sin
17:15 are rolled away and you feel fresh and clean and pure
17:18 and you know you're standing before God pure and clean
17:22 However, within us there is a propensity, y'all know what that
17:27 word means? There is a propensity, a leaning to sin
17:33 and so we can't overcome by ourselves. We can't not sin by
17:39 ourselves. We've got to have help. God has given us a helper
17:47 of course the Holy Spirit. But let's see what Jesus has done
17:53 for us. I want you to go to 1 Peter. You knew I'd get you
17:56 in 1 Peter sooner or later. 1 Peter chapter 3, verse 18
18:01 For Christ also suffered, that word is sacrificed, once for our
18:10 sins. The word sacrifice, Greek word is Hapax. That's as close
18:17 as I can get and it means once and once for all. He suffered
18:26 He sacrificed for everyone of us. The just, was He just?
18:32 He's just, for the unjust. He suffered once and once for all
18:39 and didn't have to do it again for every one of us. We're the
18:43 unjust, He's the just. But you know what He did, He justified
18:48 us. He gave us His justification that He, and here's the reason
18:53 He did, that He might bring us to God being put to death in
18:59 the flesh. Who was put to death in the flesh? He suffered the
19:03 death that we should suffer, that we might live the life
19:09 that we don't deserve. But He suffered that. But it goes on
19:14 to say that He was put to death in the flesh but made alive
19:22 in the Spirit. Ok, Peter points out that Christ suffered for
19:27 our sins in order that He might bring us to God. Ok let's look
19:33 at 1 Peter 4:1. There's a therefore and you know what
19:36 if there's a therefore you wanna see what is therefore
19:39 so 1 Peter 4:1. Forasmuch then Christ has suffered for us in
19:47 the flesh, arm yourselves like wise, do what? Says something
19:53 about we're to arm ourselves likewise meaning we're gonna
19:57 be in a like example, 1 Peter 4:1, with the same mind for He
20:02 that hath suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin. Now I
20:07 don't know about you but I know that this ceasing from sin
20:12 is something I need help with. Let's look at verse 2
20:15 that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the
20:20 flesh to the lust of men but to the will of God. Telling us
20:24 we are to live for the will of God. Now you make Jesus Christ
20:30 the Lord of your life and what is the next step that needs to
20:35 happen after you come to the Lord? You need to be baptized
20:39 do you not? Follow the Lord in the believer's baptism. When we
20:45 follow the Lord in believer's baptism what does our baptism
20:50 signify? Here's what happens. Pr. Lomacang we've got a
20:54 baptistery in our sanctuary, do we not? So we fill it up with
20:58 water, we always put a little heater in it I think to heat
21:02 that water up. So we have this sinner that's made Jesus the
21:08 Lord of their life but they still have that propensity to
21:10 sin and so Pr. Lomacang takes that believer and they follow
21:17 the Lord in the believer's baptism. The pastor places them
21:22 in the watery grave. Now what is supposed to happen in that water
21:26 grave? What becomes of that old man? Oh that old man is
21:30 supposed to stay in that watery grave and you come up into
21:34 newness of life. So you've crucified that flesh, that flesh
21:41 should be left in the baptismal tank. You're resurrected
21:45 to newness of life. But I've got news for you. Sometimes that
21:49 old man resurrects his ugly head have you ever seen that?
21:56 That can happen and so we thank God for the Scriptures that
22:02 tell us, I'm just going to read you Galatians 5:24.
22:06 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the
22:12 passions and desire. So some thing Shelley made so clear and
22:16 I wanted to reiterate, what is it? Tell them what you're gonna
22:19 teach them, then teach them tell them what you taught them
22:21 then we'll get it. That's what we want to do today. When you
22:26 make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life then we start the
22:30 sanctification process and that propensity to sin is there
22:34 and this Scripture tells us that we're the ones to put to death
22:39 the misdeeds of our flesh but we can only do it through the power
22:43 of the Holy Spirit. And we're forgiven but we can't continue
22:49 in sin. The old man was put in a watery grave and you know
22:53 that God is going to help us to leave that old man in the watery
22:56 grave. But if we sin, what does the Scripture say? We've got
23:01 I thank God for the advocate with our Father. I'm going to
23:05 quote 1 John 1:9 one more time because this is what we have to
23:09 live by on a daily basis. If we confess our sins, He is faithful
23:14 and just to, step number 1 forgive us of our sins and thank
23:18 God for step number 2, cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
23:23 Wow, thank you Molly. This is a topic that needs maybe 3 or 4
23:27 programs. Oh absolutely. And I have the joy of talking about
23:32 the one about being born again.
23:35 When you talk about the new birth it may be surprising to us
23:39 when you think of the word born again well the phrase born again
23:42 it only appears two times in the Bible. And both times in
23:46 the book of John chapter 3. That John chapter 3 verse 16
23:50 where we so often quote, it is in fact a statement, it's a
23:55 conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. He's saying in
23:59 John 3:3, Jesus answered and said to him, Most assuredly I
24:05 say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom
24:10 of God. Now this is very interesting because what would
24:13 happen is according to 1 Corinthians 15:22, as in Adam
24:18 all die, you know we're all born with the nature of our
24:21 father, we have our father's nature. Many years ago Amy
24:25 Grant, you may remember she sang a song called My Father's Eyes
24:29 Well we do have our father's eyes. When we're in Adam we see
24:33 all the bad in everybody. Our eyes see all the evil in
24:37 everyone. When we're in Christ we see the good in others.
24:40 It affects the way we see. And that is true in Revelation
24:43 when it says buy of me eye salve that you may see. So one of the
24:48 first things that is affected because Satan appealed to Eve
24:52 on the basis of what she saw. She saw the tree was good for
24:56 food, pleasant to the eyes. A tree desirable to make one
25:00 wise. He appealed to her based on what she saw, the very tree
25:04 that the Lord said to avoid. And so one of the first things
25:08 that I thought was amazing that Jesus brought out, the very
25:11 thing that Satan used to deceive Eve is the very thing Jesus
25:15 says is affected when you are born again, your sight. You
25:18 cannot see. So when people say I can't see the Sabbath
25:22 Well I agree with that, you're not born again. I can't see
25:26 this and I can't see that. I really question where a person
25:30 stands when the truth of God is screaming at them and they
25:33 can't see it. It does say that some new birth needs to take
25:38 place. So let's talk about this new birth.
25:44 When Jesus, another parallel that came to me, when Jesus
25:48 began His ministry, by the way we can't begin ministry of any
25:51 kind unless we're born again, it's not possible. You could be
25:55 a person that's mimicking ministry but unless you're born
25:58 again you can't be involved in ministry. Because the first
26:02 thing that even Jesus the perfect one did was He was
26:05 baptized. You talked about baptism. That was the anointing
26:09 that was the approval of the Father putting to death that
26:12 flesh that He took on Himself. The flesh was in stages. Jesus
26:16 was always dealing with human flesh because He didn't need
26:18 to get baptized. So why did He get baptized? Not just to set
26:22 an example but to establish a righteousness that could not
26:26 have been established prior to Him being baptized.
26:29 That's why He said to John, allow it, King James version
26:33 suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh to fulfill
26:36 all righteousness. I'm doing something here John that you
26:38 won't understand until later on when I meet a guy on the cross
26:41 who can't get baptized. I'll impute and impart to him my
26:45 righteousness. If Jesus had not been baptized He was incapable
26:49 of imputing to the thief on the cross what He did not have,
26:52 because He took on human flesh. The other thing though is
26:55 when we're baptized, I always say this to everyone that's
26:59 baptized because this happened to Jesus right after His baptism
27:01 go to Matthew 4, look at this.
27:05 This born again, I'm gonna talk about born again but I wanna
27:07 talk about some of the things that happen when you're born
27:10 again. Matthew 4, look at what happened. And then we're gonna
27:16 go to Romans 8. Shelley when you went there it opened the door
27:20 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit, Matthew 4:1
27:29 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness
27:34 to be tempted by the devil. Now go to Romans 8
27:40 This is amazing.
27:43 Which shows the validity of the Bible
27:46 Ok Romans 8, I'm going to read verse 14. Now where was Jesus
27:52 led? Tell me where was Jesus led Wilderness. For what purpose?
27:57 To be tempted. Ok check this out verse 14, For as many as are led
28:02 by the Spirit of God these are sons of God, now let me make
28:06 the connection. You'll never know your need of God
28:10 unless led by the Spirit through moments of temptation. Now why
28:15 did Jesus, why did the Spirit lead Him there? Because the very
28:18 three areas that Eve and Adam failed Jesus had to succeed
28:23 And He points out all sin is in only 3 categories.
28:28 Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life.
28:31 Pr. Tom will be dealing with that one about the sins of the
28:35 flesh. Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life.
28:38 3 areas where Adam failed, where Eve was deceived
28:41 Jesus was also tempted in all points as the writer of Hebrews
28:45 says, all points as we are. Some people say what about
28:48 marijuana, what about drugs, what about movies, what about
28:50 all points, they all fall into one of the three categories
28:53 But I thought it was amazing that it says, led by the Spirit
28:57 You'll never know your need of Christ unless you're led by the
29:01 Spirit. Well how does the Spirit lead? One, being born again
29:05 that's justification. That is just as if I had not sinned
29:10 That is salvation from the penalty of sin. But as we all
29:14 know, as pastors and those who are Bible students,
29:18 deep students of the word, we all know that's just the
29:21 beginning of the journey. That is salvation from the penalty
29:24 of sin. In other words we're taken off death row. That's the
29:27 birth that Peter was talking about. In 1 Peter 4 notice what
29:30 he talks about, 1 Peter 4:3 he talks about the very things
29:34 that we have to be saved from these sins, these are the
29:38 penalties that are showing up.
29:42 Do you have that Shelley? For we have spent enough of our
29:47 past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles when we walked
29:50 in lewdness, lust, drunkenness revelries, drinking parties
29:54 and abominable idolatries. And Molly, verse 4. Wherein they
30:00 think it strange that you are not with them to the same excess
30:04 of riots, speaking evil of you. In other words, when you're
30:08 born again people say, why is it that you don't wanna party
30:11 anymore? You don't wanna drink with me anymore. The things
30:14 that you used to do, you think you're better than me now?
30:16 One of the great tasks as you're being led by the Spirit is when
30:20 you come in contact with fellow associates who are in that
30:24 wilderness part of your life, you're still being led by the
30:28 Spirit but Israel was led by God out of Egypt through what?
30:32 The wilderness. The woman through 1260 years of
30:36 persecution was led into the wilderness and the woman
30:41 led in purely came out corrupt.
30:45 Follow that carefully. Say that again. The woman in Revelation
30:48 12 when she was led into the wilderness, she was led in as a
30:52 commandment keeping people but when you go to Revelation 17
30:56 you find the woman, it took 1260 years to corrupt her
31:02 a completely different church came out. That's why the Lord
31:06 began a movement back to the Bible. That's why the Protestant
31:09 reformation was necessary to get the woman back to where she
31:11 used to be. So you don't have two women, you only have one
31:15 And they're both of them, one being led in there, one being
31:18 seen in there. Look at that in Revelation 12:17
31:21 Two different conditions but one woman. There are no two women
31:24 in the Bible, there's only one. It's a revelation.
31:29 So God sees us, get this now, let's make the application
31:32 He sees us as we are led into the relationship with Him
31:35 corrupt as all get out, but He keeps us in the wilderness
31:39 because He's preparing us for the promised land.
31:42 And He's beginning a work in us. Very quickly, let's talk about
31:44 that work. Let's talk about that work.
31:46 First of all salvation from the penalty of sin.
31:50 That's what justification is. But what about daily?
31:53 Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:31
31:57 I affirm by the boasting in you which I have in Jesus Christ
32:01 our Lord, the next 3 words, I die daily.
32:08 You gotta die not just once. But you gotta die everyday
32:11 because we still have something I think Molly you alluded to
32:13 this, we still got this flesh. The one thing that the Lord is
32:17 gonna replace is our flesh. He's gonna transform us into His
32:22 glorious body but until that happens we've got this flesh
32:26 that's a daily battle. Our mind that remembers the past
32:29 our skin that becomes habitual in picking up the cigarette,
32:32 picking up the alcohol, doing all the things that sinful
32:35 flesh controls, as the Bible says, Paul says it's no longer
32:38 I who do it but the sin that dwells in me.
32:40 We have to die every day and maintain that relationship
32:44 but the good news is that sanctification, that daily dying
32:47 but that sanctification is not something we do, but Paul says
32:51 in Philippians 2:13, it is God who works in you both to will
32:55 and to do of His good pleasure. So even the sanctifying process
32:58 is not us. Born again is not us we're born of the Spirit.
33:01 The daily walk is not us, we have to decide to die so that
33:05 Christ can continue the work but then the glorification process
33:09 of the whole birth process of being born again
33:11 You know I just have to say this because when Peter talks
33:14 about being born again what is he, he uses that term, he says
33:18 you've been born again not of corruptible but incorruptible
33:24 and I just want people to know that he says you've been born
33:27 again by the incorruptible word of God, and when you think
33:32 about it that is the seed that gets planted. That's what we're
33:36 doing here. We plant seeds and the potential of the harvest
33:42 is in the seed. You plant corn you get corn. You plant wheat
33:46 you're gonna get wheat. You plant. When the implanted Word
33:50 James said is in our hearts, it has the power to save our souls
33:53 That's why this Bible study is so important.
33:57 Let me transition to Pr. Tom here. One plants though
34:01 another waters. But God gives the increase. That's the whole
34:06 key and lastly to be encouraged when you look at yourself in
34:10 the journey, in the wilderness don't be discouraged because
34:12 being confident of this very thing that He who has begun
34:16 a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ
34:20 Amen. So desire being born again but remember it's always
34:23 about Christ. Once, every day and eternally.
34:26 Amen. Pr. Tom
34:28 You know when I think about 1 Peter chapter 4 you went to
34:31 verse 3 where it talked about the lust, lewdness, lust
34:35 drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties and the abominable
34:38 idolatries. You know when you're born again you do have to change
34:43 your close friends need to become acquaintances
34:48 I say that from experience. Ok And hopefully you'll have a
34:53 positive influence on them as they're an acquaintance but
34:55 often times the sins of the flesh, when you're around them
35:00 it sets you up for weakness, by beholding you become changed
35:03 You know we're living in a world today where anything goes
35:07 and I mentioned this before. But I want to focus mostly on
35:10 there's a term I had to learn as of late, LGBT.
35:16 OK? Now when I think of this God created us to procreate
35:22 as a matter of fact I think that is one of the things the enemy
35:24 is very angry about is the fact that Christians can have
35:27 Christians. And he works against that in any form. And also
35:33 one of the two institutions from creation is marriage
35:37 is one of them. And the marriage bed is sacred. God has made
35:43 and created us to have that intimate experience in a
35:47 wholesome, healthy way that glorifies Him and is an
35:53 experience that is positive for both parties. So what the enemy
35:58 has done is he has attacked something that God had made
36:02 was beautiful, with beautiful intent. And so today what I'm
36:07 discovering is our young people are very confused. They're being
36:10 where the LGBT is the norm and anyone that doesn't agree
36:17 with that is a bigot. There's no love in their hearts, they're
36:22 not accepting of people and this is a brand new thing
36:26 in this generation. It has fully blossomed into something that
36:30 wars against Christian values and what the Bible teaches.
36:34 And that's God's created order. Yes, God's created order, it's
36:39 an attempt to destroy the apple of God's eye and when I think
36:43 of that I think about Romans chapter 1 being lived out in
36:46 society where you take God out of the picture, you reject Him
36:50 and you'll find that even unnatural affections are the
36:54 result of that. And I wasn't so much going to read from
36:58 chapter 1 of Romans but I just wanted to mention it because
37:01 that would be a good chapter for the audience to actually
37:04 read through and just see how we got where we are as a society
37:08 but it's not where God is calling us to, He's calling us
37:10 to the very place that He started things. I invite us all
37:14 let's turn to Galatians chapter 5, and we see here
37:21 is a list that isn't complete but it does cover all the
37:26 parameters. As a matter of fact in Galatians 5 you'll see
37:29 as the Galatians forsook the Holy Spirit's guidance in their
37:33 lives, they entered these things entered in the church.
37:35 Sensuality, superstition. What verse are you in? Not into verse
37:40 yet. You'll see selfishness, and intemperance that are covered
37:45 in this list as we go through Let's begin with verse, I want
37:49 to just read verse 16 to begin with. I say then, walk in the
37:53 Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
37:57 And I really think that that is so important for a Christian
38:01 because one of the things when you're born again you mentioned
38:04 there is this flesh and if we're not born again, if we're not
38:07 this isn't a recommitment on a daily basis, that's all we've
38:10 got that is warring against the Spirit throughout our walk
38:13 our journey here and so we receive the final phase of
38:17 salvation, the glorification. I'd like for us to drop down
38:21 to verse 19 as we start to look into the works of the
38:24 flesh which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness
38:30 and lewdness which is lust. When I think of the word lust
38:34 it doesn't necessarily mean sexual but lust is something
38:39 that the flesh lusts after things. We might lust after food
38:43 that's not good for us. We might after a soap opera
38:46 we might lust after things that are just that the flesh is
38:50 craving. Relationships. Often times lust is, we're lusting
38:55 out of our damage, we're trying to find a way to medicate
39:00 through this lustful journey that the flesh is on. And it is
39:05 warring against the Spirit. So we are to walk in the Spirit
39:09 and don't fulfill the lusts of the flesh when that happens.
39:14 So here we have the first few that are mentioned is adultery
39:17 fornication, uncleanness and lewdness which really is dealing
39:20 with immorality and I think about, my mind just went to
39:28 there was a time where a young man said he wanted to be
39:31 baptized but he and his girl friend were living together
39:34 and I said I'd love to baptize but I shared why I couldn't
39:39 at this very point in time. And he really was sincere, but
39:43 he came out of a society where this is what you do
39:46 it's acceptable, yeah when you have a girlfriend this is what
39:49 you do. So I just prayed for him. And what happened was
39:55 within 30 days she had moved out. They were never going to
40:01 separate, everything was wonderful but things had turned
40:04 and they ended up separated and she ended up moving out
40:09 And what happened was eventually I did end up baptizing him
40:14 what happened to her was she ran into the arms of another man
40:18 ended up getting pregnant and ended up being alone.
40:24 And you know when someone doesn't have the guidance of
40:27 the Word and the fellowship of believers, all they've got is
40:32 what the world is telling them to operate on. So the role of
40:35 the church in a situation like this, you know it's not a time
40:39 to, it's a time for compassion. Amen. It's a time to reach out
40:43 to those who are in need. Well the long and the short of it
40:45 I ended up baptizing both of them. Praise God. Amen
40:51 That's a better ending. Yes, yes and the church family really
40:56 welcomed them in and I just see the sins of the flesh. This is
41:00 something that as Christians we need to be not only examples in
41:03 but also be reaching out to those that are caught up into
41:07 what the society is telling them Idolatry is another one
41:11 You know anything that takes the place of God in your
41:15 is your first and foremost thinking is becoming a god
41:18 to you and needs to be dealt with. The other thing is sorcery
41:23 that I want to talk about. Has anyone here noticed
41:28 that everything in the media now, like Halloween, all the
41:32 time. We're getting into the supernatural just as prophesied
41:38 In the heaviest does that I've ever seen in my life.
41:41 Yes. And I'm very concerned for this generation that is dealing
41:46 with that but there's many false spirits out there claiming
41:51 you know that when you die you don't really die. It's in the
41:54 church and it's out of the church. That's true spiritualism
41:56 funerals. I'm glad you brought that out because sometimes
42:00 it doesn't have to be a show. Right. Somebody could just make
42:04 a comment on the news, well they're in heaven now or they're
42:06 with my mother now or they're in a better place. I understand
42:10 that. It's constant spiritualism Spiritualism is in and outside
42:13 of the church. And it's ramped up like I've never seen before
42:17 outside of the church. So now you're continuing in verse 20
42:20 Uh yeah, I guess I am. Idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions
42:26 jealousies, outbursts of wrath selfish ambitions, dissensions
42:30 heresies, we kinda talked about this. We talked about this
42:34 before, these are all sins of the flesh. And it's an attempt
42:37 to be number 1, we want worship
42:41 That's good. We want to be worshipped. And we'll go to any
42:45 length to do it.
42:48 You know one of the, we sin the most when we're right and right
42:51 is not happening for us.
42:54 Say that again. We sin the most when we're right and right is
42:58 not happening for us. Think about a church setting that you
43:01 might remember where that's the case. It is uh Christians
43:06 can fall prey to this very easily. Then there's envy
43:09 murders, drunkenness, revelry you know when it comes to
43:13 adultery, when it comes to murder it's not the action
43:16 it's the heart. Are you hating, the seed of murder, are you
43:22 hating someone, why? Are they getting in your way?
43:25 That is not of God. And that needs to be, well the problem
43:31 with a living sacrifice is it can get up off the altar anytime
43:33 it wants. Amen. In an instant. In a heartbeat it'll be off
43:39 that altar. And it is so important. Our, my job is to
43:44 behold my Savior and drink in what He has to give me so that
43:50 I don't look at, this doesn't control my life. And if we
43:53 stumble, and we do, then we have a Savior that is reaching
43:58 out, is ready to rescue us every step of the way.
44:02 Just recently I was watching a prison ministry program
44:09 these are people that had gone through the lusts of the flesh
44:12 ended up in prison as a result and all I heard them saying
44:16 over and over again is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. They were singing
44:20 it, they were talking His name, they found their hope in Christ
44:24 and that's the only place any of us can XXXX. Absolutely!
44:27 Amen, that was wonderful. That's powerful. You think
44:31 as we look at those lusts of the flesh, the sins of the flesh
44:34 that you talked about Pr. Tom it reminds me that we're living
44:37 in the end of time because we know at the end of time iniquity
44:42 will abound even greater and that transitions us into
44:45 Thursday. Let's look at 1 Peter chapter 4, going to 1 Peter 4
44:53 we're going to start with verse 7. Now Thursday's is actually
44:57 Love Covers All but we're gonna get to that. First we look at
45:01 the end of all things. 1 Peter 4:7
45:05 Peter's writing, But the end of all things is at hand
45:10 Now when was 1 Peter written? Early 60s, would we say that's
45:16 accurate? AD 60s. He probably was killed AD 65, 66 would that
45:22 be accurate, something like that So this is written shortly
45:26 before his death. Now when I read that he says, the end of
45:30 all things is at hand. Now we're in the 21st century, I look back
45:36 I can think he thought in AD 60 whatever the end of all things
45:43 is at hand. You know today as SDA Christians we live with the
45:49 expectation, the hope that Jesus is coming again soon
45:54 Greg's grandfather is, I think he's 94, I think he just turned
45:59 94 and grandpa and grandma, they were raised SDAs and
46:05 they were counseled when they got married, do not have
46:10 children, Jesus is coming so soon. The world is so bad
46:17 you don't want children in this day and age. That was years ago
46:23 and yet time goes on. So we're in this waiting time. I believe
46:27 we live as if Jesus is gonna come tomorrow. But yet we plan
46:32 as though it were sometime in our lifetime. But we have to
46:37 be prepared and ready and expectant as if His coming is
46:42 tomorrow. Remember William Miller, he said I'm gonna live
46:45 today, today, today until He comes. So the end of all things
46:51 is at hand. So as we're living at the end of time what are we
46:54 to do as Christians in the end of time? He says be serious
46:58 and watchful in your prayers or King James, be sober
47:02 and watch unto prayer. Live with expectancy of the soon
47:09 return of Jesus. You know Greg went on a trip and usually when
47:14 he travels I get to go with him which is a blessing, but this
47:18 particular time I didn't go with him and it was a short trip
47:21 just overnight one or two days and so I lived while he was gone
47:26 with expectancy, eager for him to return. What's gonna be his
47:33 favorite meal? I gotta make sure I have that fixed and on the
47:35 table when he comes home. When you go to bed at night and
47:39 praying for him and God bring him back safely to me. I think
47:43 as Christians at the end of time we keep our mind, our thought
47:47 I love what you said Pr. Tom, focus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
47:51 our mind, our thoughts focused on Jesus. But it doesn't stop
47:56 there. Verse 8, and above all things, now this gives the
48:00 Thursday's nut and bolt of the lesson, love covers all
48:03 Above all things have fervent love for one another.
48:07 For love will cover a multitude of sins. Let's turn back to
48:13 Proverbs because how does love cover sin? And Shelley alluded
48:17 to this at the beginning of the lesson here. Proverbs 10
48:24 Proverbs 10:12, Molly you have that? Proverbs 10:12
48:30 Hatred stirs up strife but love covers all sins.
48:35 Yes. When we love each other as from the heart, the love that
48:40 only God can put in our hearts and lives for each other
48:44 when we have that we more readily forgive those who hurt
48:50 us, those who offend us we more readily forgive. And so how do I
48:56 forgive you may be asking yourself, how can I forgive?
48:59 How can I forgive someone, they've hurt me I don't know
49:03 how to forgive them. I've tried and I can't pull that out. In my
49:07 own experience there's five steps to forgiveness.
49:11 First ask for God's forgiveness 1 John 1:9, Molly you mentioned
49:17 it but I love it, if we confess our sin He is faithful and just
49:21 to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
49:25 We ask God for forgiveness for ourselves. First of all, I need
49:29 to be forgiven. Then we ask for His forgiveness for someone else
49:34 Remember Jesus on the cross? To me that's the ultimate
49:36 expression of forgiveness for someone else. He went to the
49:41 cross through no fault of His own, bearing the sins, my sins
49:46 your sins, the sins of the world on His shoulders and while they
49:51 drove those nails in, He said Father forgive them for they
49:58 do not know what they're doing. So first we just ask God for His
50:02 forgiveness for ourselves and other people. Second, we choose
50:06 to pray for that person. Maybe Pr. John has offended me
50:11 I'm just making this up, hypothetical, and I can every
50:15 morning get down on my knees, throughout the day pray for
50:20 Pr. John. I have done this in my own experience I said
50:24 sometimes myself when I got my cell phone here, sometimes
50:27 I'll set my cell phone for an alarm. God you know right now
50:31 I'm struggling with Sister Jane and I need to pray for her
50:36 so every hour on the hour, ting Lord Jesus I ask that you bless
50:44 Sister Jane right now in her walk with you, in what she's
50:47 doing. As we focus our mind on God and pray for other people
50:51 God works to put His forgiveness and His love in our hearts
50:56 for other people so we ask for His forgiveness, we pray for the
51:00 person, we surrender the desire for revenge. Wow!
51:05 Trust God. Romans 8:28. All things, even if it's painful now
51:09 but God can work this out for good to those who love Him
51:12 to those who are called according to His purpose
51:14 Romans 12:19, we trust Jesus Vengeance is mine I will repay
51:20 says the Lord. You know my sister lives in North Carolina
51:23 and her husband is a charge nurse at a hospital, he works
51:27 nights. So she's usually alone in the evening. Now, she at this
51:31 time she had 3 boys. And all of a sudden, at the middle of the
51:35 night the siren goes off, beep beep, beep. Now here we'd say
51:40 the national weather service in Paducah, Kentucky has issued a
51:43 in this case it was a tornado warning. Now in Thompsonville
51:47 the siren goes off you know. When a tornado happens the siren
51:51 goes off that does not mean there's dangerous weather
51:53 coming, it means funnel cloud activity has been spotted
51:56 And so she jumps out of bed waking out of sleep through
52:00 tornado warning, I gotta get my boys to safety.
52:04 Her husband's at work, what am I supposed to do?
52:06 And so she grabbed the oldest picked him up, he's sleeping now
52:10 in his bed, picked him up, ran through the kitchen into the
52:13 garage and underneath the house and put him, they have a crawl
52:17 space under the house. She thought this is the safest place
52:20 for him under the house in a tornado. She runs back upstairs
52:24 grabs the second child, picks him up carries him underneath
52:28 the house. The third child, the same thing. Now you know what
52:32 the amazing thing to me is, they never woke up.
52:34 Now those boys sleep hard. They didn't hear the sound, they
52:40 didn't wake up when their mom picked them up and rushed them
52:43 underneath the house. She had them underneath the house and
52:46 they're still sleeping. To me that's what true surrender
52:50 is all about. Amen. Completely at rest. Completely trusting
52:56 that my Father knows what He's doing and I can trust Him with
53:00 that. No. 4, we choose surrender forgiveness is a process so we
53:06 choose to pray for that person and to surrender and
53:10 re-surrender and surrender again until God changes our
53:14 heart. It's not a once is a life time surrender, it takes time
53:17 Let's go back quickly here. We'll do the last couple verses
53:21 We know the end of all things is at hand. We are to be sober
53:26 and watch to prayer, that's verse 7, verse 8 we forgive
53:30 others for love covers a multitude of sins
53:33 verse 9, we are hospitable. Be hospitable to one another
53:38 without grumbling. As the second coming is near we're called to
53:42 stay connected with our brothers and sisters. Not just staying
53:46 some sort of monastic seclusion but to associate and be
53:50 in community with our brothers and sisters. Verse 10, we are to
53:55 speak and minister for God. As each one has received a gift
53:59 minister it to one another as good stewards of the manifold
54:04 grace of God. If anyone speaks let him speak as the oracles
54:08 of God, if anyone ministers let him do it as with the ability
54:11 which God supplies that in all things God may be glorified
54:15 through Jesus Christ to whom belong the glory, the dominion
54:19 forever and ever Amen. With the full knowledge of the
54:22 shortness and the seriousness of the time we are to communicate
54:27 spiritual truths with a lost and dying world. Amen.
54:31 Praise the Lord. Thank you Jill. You know, I don't know
54:34 about you, but as we've been going through in reviewing
54:37 this first epistle of Peter I'm struck by how many things
54:42 he says that echoes what Paul says. I've never really seen it
54:47 as much as I'm seeing it this time. But we've been talking
54:50 today about living for God and if we are children of God
54:55 born again, we should be bearing a family resemblance to our
55:00 Heavenly Father. If you think about it this way, we talk about
55:05 the flesh, sometimes I think that's confusing to people
55:08 what is the flesh? The flesh is just our own nature without
55:14 the leading of the Holy Spirit. That's the flesh, that old
55:18 nature and yes we can resist and grieve the Holy Spirit
55:23 we can even quench the Holy Spirit, so the whole thing about
55:28 it is that just day by day we submit and commit our life to
55:32 the Lord and ask Him fill us afresh with the Holy Spirit
55:36 so that we can live for you Father. One of my favorite
55:40 quotes of Ellen White is that she would pray, Father take
55:45 my heart for I can't give it You know we can't even
55:48 surrender to God without the help of the Holy Spirit
55:53 So we just want to encourage you to get into the Word
55:58 bring your prayers before the Lord, He knows everything
56:02 that's going on. Confess your sin, He's faithful and just to
56:06 forgive us our sin and as you can put away by the power of
56:12 the Spirit those sins of the flesh and learn to love
56:16 just open your heart up, see we can't even, I shouldn't
56:19 say learn to love, that's even from the Holy Spirit because
56:22 Romans 5:5 says it is God who will pour His love into our
56:26 hearts by the power of His Spirit. So we can even only
56:30 love others by that. So Jesus wants His disciples His children
56:38 to look like Him and I want to read something real quick
56:40 I'm glad I have time. As you all were talking, I think we
56:45 were talking about how often the flesh rears its ugly head
56:50 but I want to read to you from Micah chapter 7, verses 8 and 9
56:55 I love these Scriptures. So Micah writes, Do not rejoice
57:01 over me my enemy, when I fall I will arise, when I sit in
57:05 darkness the Lord will be a light to me. I will bear the
57:10 indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against Him
57:13 until He pleads my case and executes justice for me. He will
57:19 bring me forth to the light I will see His righteousness
57:24 So no matter how many times you fall, just know that
57:29 He will lift you back up. Thank you so much for joining us
57:32 thank you Panel members for all your wonderful insights
57:35 Our prayer for you is that the grace of our Savior Jesus Christ
57:40 the love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:43 will be yours always. Join us again next week as we continue
57:48 what is our study next week? Suffering for Christ.
57:52 Doesn't sound like something we want to talk about, but
57:56 it's gonna be good. So join us again next week. God bless.


Revised 2023-10-09