3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 8: The Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000008A

00:01 The Bible tells us, in the beginning was the word,
00:03 and the word was with God, and the word was God.
00:07 It says to receive with meekness
00:09 the implanted word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls,
00:13 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the word of truth.
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:24 Our study today is
00:25 "The Holy Spirit and Spirituality."
00:30 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN's Sabbath school.
00:33 We are so excited to be here, and so excited about our
00:38 quarterly for the first quarter of 2017.
00:42 We're glad that you're joining us.
00:44 And if you would like to follow along,
00:46 if you don't have a Sabbath school quarterly,
00:48 this quarter is the Holy Spirit in Spirituality,
00:52 an incredible study.
00:54 But if you don't have that,
00:56 you can go and download that
00:58 by going to absg that stands for
01:01 Adult Bible Study Guide
01:03 absg.adventist.org
01:08 and follow along with us.
01:10 Thank you for joining us.
01:12 We encourage you to get your Bible,
01:13 get a pen, and let's delve into the word of God.
01:17 Joining me today on this illustrious panel,
01:19 and I say that because they're all stars
01:22 in the Kingdom of God.
01:23 They shine for the Lord, are some dear friends,
01:26 and people who each and every one
01:28 are teachers of the Word of God
01:30 so, I can't wait to hear what they have to talk
01:33 about during this.
01:35 We've got with me here is Brian Hamilton.
01:38 And, Brian, you are going to do Monday's lesson,
01:41 then we have Mollie Sue Steenson
01:43 who will be doing Tuesday's lesson,
01:46 Jill Morikone will be doing Wednesday's lesson,
01:48 and Pastor John Lomacang will do Thursday's lesson.
01:52 I'm Shelley Quinn and I'll be kicking it off
01:55 for Sunday's lesson.
01:56 But before we begin, let's go to the Lord in prayer.
02:01 Pastor John, would you like to pray?
02:03 Loving Father in heaven,
02:04 it is so important that heaven pours into us
02:07 before we can even attempt
02:10 to pour into someone else's life.
02:12 And so, Lord, come now near to us
02:13 and speak to our hearts.
02:15 We've written down notes, but, Lord,
02:18 shed your light upon them that they may be food in the hearts
02:22 and minds of those who are watching
02:23 and listening to the program,
02:25 and anoint each of us that Jesus may be exalted
02:28 we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
02:31 Amen.
02:33 Well, if you have your study guide,
02:35 today is lesson eight.
02:36 It is the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit.
02:41 You know there's some confusion in the world
02:43 about that, in the church,
02:44 about the Gifts of the Spirit,
02:46 so I'm so glad that we are doing this study today.
02:48 And let's look at our memory text
02:52 which is found in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6.
02:58 It's 1 Corinthians 12:4-6.
03:02 Why don't we just say that together?
03:04 "There are diversities of gifts,
03:06 but the same Spirit.
03:09 There are differences of ministries,
03:11 but the same Lord.
03:13 And there are diversities of activities,
03:17 but it is the same God who works all in all."
03:22 If someone asks you to build a home,
03:27 let, John, I will just ask you, if I tell you, John,
03:31 I want you to build a home while I'm gone.
03:34 And it's out in the country,
03:35 but I leave you no instructions,
03:38 no tools to work with,
03:40 how successful are you going to be?
03:42 I wouldn't want you to see what I've built,
03:44 put it that way.
03:45 I don't think you want to,
03:47 I think you'd want your money back.
03:48 Amen.
03:49 Put it that way, I'll be terribly a failure.
03:52 Or you know when you think of it.
03:53 Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the church, is He not?
03:56 He is the foundation, but when He went to heaven,
04:00 what He left a specific task for us to do.
04:03 And that was to build God's house,
04:07 which is the church.
04:09 But what He commands us to do or commissions us to do,
04:12 He enables us to do.
04:14 So that is where both the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit,
04:18 I believe come into play.
04:20 I'm going to read to you,
04:22 if you'd like to turn their 1 Corinthians 1,
04:27 and these are verses 4-7.
04:29 I'm kind of a let a little bit out here,
04:33 but Paul is giving thanks for the grace of God
04:38 which was given to you.
04:39 Everything comes to us by God's grace.
04:42 Grace is the unearned,
04:44 undeserved gifts of God or favor of God.
04:48 He says, "For the grace of God
04:49 which was given to you in Christ Jesus,
04:51 that in everything you were enriched in Him
04:53 so that you are not lacking in any gift."
04:58 And when you think of this,
05:00 that is what this week study is all about.
05:03 We're going to be looking
05:04 at the Holy Spirit as the sovereign giver
05:08 of his remarkable gifts
05:11 and it will be looking at the difference
05:13 between the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit.
05:17 So in Sunday's lesson, we have fruit.
05:20 We have gifts.
05:23 Who's the author?
05:25 One and the same. One and the same author.
05:28 The fruit comes from the Spirit,
05:29 the gifts come from the Spirit, but they're all,
05:32 we will look in moment that the Godhead is included.
05:36 Have you ever noticed is there any specific commandment
05:40 for any one of us to manifest one of the gifts of the Spirit?
05:46 Actually, no.
05:47 No. There's not really any.
05:48 There is not a single commandment.
05:52 That is the gift that is given by the Holy Spirit
05:55 according to his will,
05:57 but all Christians are supposed
06:00 to manifest the fruit of the Spirit.
06:04 Amen.
06:05 Because this is the essence of Christ's nature,
06:07 of God's nature and when the Spirit is in us,
06:10 that love, joy, peace, patience,
06:13 kindness, goodness, gentleness,
06:14 faithfulness, and self-control,
06:16 is something that's to be in us.
06:19 So that is something that grows out of relationship
06:23 with divine, does it not?
06:24 But let's take a little closer look then now at the gifts,
06:29 because this is something the Holy Spirit is going to,
06:33 it's up to him who receives those gifts.
06:36 Let's go back to 1 Corinthians 12,
06:39 our memory verse, verses 4-7.
06:42 All three members of the Godhead
06:44 are shown in this scripture passage
06:47 1 Corinthians 12:4-7.
06:49 And I want you to notice, Paul is so good at wordplay.
06:54 I want you to notice his play on diversities and difference
06:59 and the same Spirit, the same Lord Jesus Christ,
07:04 the same God.
07:06 So, Mollie, read verse 4.
07:11 "There are diversities of gifts,
07:13 but the same Spirit."
07:14 Okay, so we've got on one hand the diversities of gifts,
07:17 the same spirit.
07:19 The gifts there in the Greek that's charismata,
07:22 these are gifts of grace is what the literal meaning is.
07:27 So when the Holy Spirit dwells in us,
07:30 and if he gifts us,
07:32 then he is working in a very special way
07:35 in each individual
07:38 but all operation is controlled by him.
07:41 So there is no room for pride.
07:43 Brian, why don't you take verse 5?
07:44 Okay.
07:46 "There are differences of ministries,
07:50 but the same Lord."
07:51 All right, and when we use the word Lord
07:53 in the New Testament who are they referring to?
07:55 Jesus. Lord, Jesus Christ.
07:57 So here, again, we've got differences but the same.
08:02 So we've got the same Spirit, the same Lord.
08:05 So there is different ministries or services
08:07 and they're all originated
08:09 and controlled by one Lord Jesus Christ
08:11 and then verse 6, Jill?
08:14 "And there are diversities of activities,
08:16 but it is the same God who works all in all."
08:20 So here we see once again all three.
08:23 We've got the same Spirit, the same Lord, the same God.
08:29 So we see that the Godhead is all wrapped up here,
08:34 but then these diversities of activities
08:37 are worked out by the divine energy of God.
08:42 And, you know, all of these gifts
08:46 reflect the essential unity of the Holy Spirit
08:51 and it is all unified,
08:54 it's the unified work of the Spirit,
08:56 the Father and Jesus Christ.
08:59 The Holy Spirit gives us these gifts,
09:01 he uses them and powers them for what purpose?
09:04 What is the purpose of the gifts?
09:07 To build up the church.
09:08 To build up the church.
09:10 The purpose of the fruit
09:12 is that we develop the character of Jesus Christ,
09:16 but the purpose of the gifts is to build up the church.
09:21 And there's no room for pride
09:23 when you have any one of these gifts
09:26 because it is given by, controlled by,
09:30 and employed by the Holy Spirit.
09:32 So if God is giving His gifts...
09:38 Let me put it this way, God is love,
09:40 He gives us gifts to build up His house, His temple.
09:45 What is the motivation that we should have
09:48 to use these gifts?
09:50 Love. Love.
09:51 Amen.
09:53 To serve God and to serve His people.
09:55 Now, look at verse 7.
09:56 John, would you take verse 7?
09:58 "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given
10:01 to each one for the profit of all."
10:05 Okay, so these gifts that are given by the Spirit
10:09 are to reveal the true nature of God,
10:13 but for what purpose are they given?
10:15 Everybody should profit from it.
10:17 Yes, for the common benefit, so this isn't something that
10:20 when God chooses, you know, the way I look at this, well,
10:23 let me reserve this comment, let's look at verse 11
10:27 and, Brian, would you read verse 11?
10:29 Okay, "But one and the same Spirit
10:32 works all these things,
10:35 distributing to each one individually as He wills."
10:40 So all the gifts of the Spirit work
10:43 in harmony with the plan
10:46 that God has to build His church,
10:48 but He gives him to surrendered souls
10:51 to equip them to do His work, doesn't He?
10:52 That's right.
10:54 And see, what I love about this is
10:56 that verse shows the personality
10:57 of the Holy Spirit.
10:59 It shows him as the sovereign, his sovereignty,
11:02 he distributes these as he wills.
11:05 But he chooses.
11:07 So we see the person of the Holy Spirit
11:09 and we see his sovereignty.
11:13 Now, one thing that I've noticed
11:14 and we're not going to have time to get to this,
11:17 I don't think,
11:18 is that we have a list of the gifts
11:22 in 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12,
11:24 Ephesians 4, and then they're touched on in
11:26 1 Peter 4,
11:28 but they're always mentioned in the context of love.
11:33 In 1 Corinthians 12:8 it talks about the word of wisdom,
11:37 word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing,
11:39 miracles, prophecy,
11:41 distinguishing between Spirits of discernment,
11:44 the tongues, interpretation of tongues.
11:46 But immediately after comes the supreme description of love
11:52 and he says that,
11:53 if we operate any of these gifts without love,
11:56 we're like a clanging cymbal, are we not?
12:00 Now, in Romans 12:6-8 it lists prophecy,
12:05 ministry or serving, teaching, exhortation,
12:08 giving, leadership, and mercy,
12:10 but immediately following he says,
12:13 "Let love be without hypocrisy.
12:16 Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good.
12:19 So, and be kindly affectionate to one another
12:22 with brotherly love."
12:24 And when we think of this then what we see is that
12:29 everywhere that it's listed,
12:31 the gifts of grace are listed
12:35 in the context of being motivated by love,
12:38 being surrounded by love,
12:40 and they are given to accomplish
12:43 what God has commissioned His people to do.
12:47 It's good.
12:48 We serve the God of love in reaching others
12:51 and the gifts are really practically worthless
12:54 without love.
12:56 That's right. True.
12:57 Any comments?
12:59 You know I noticed... Go ahead.
13:01 What I noticed is,
13:02 and I'm glad you brought this out.
13:04 There's personal benefit from the fruits.
13:06 Absolutely.
13:08 You know this personal benefit.
13:09 So don't ask for gifts for personal benefit.
13:12 That's true. That's good.
13:13 To ask for gifts to personal benefit is,
13:15 is contrary to the whole purpose of gifts,
13:19 is for the building up of the church.
13:20 So when people say, well, I want the gift of...
13:24 I want the gift of and whatever they follow with.
13:26 It's never intended for you to be the personal benefactor.
13:29 It's always intended, the gift is given through you
13:32 for the benefit of the church.
13:33 Absolutely.
13:35 Not for your own personal benefit,
13:36 so to brag that you have a certain gift
13:38 is contrary to the spirit,
13:40 and secondly,
13:42 you can't brag that you have a gift
13:45 unless the Spirit has given you that gift.
13:46 Yes.
13:48 See so, it's all that he decides, well, Jill,
13:51 you needed particular gift because of the circumstance
13:53 I allowed you to be in, and I would also say this,
13:57 while the gift, while the list is given there
13:59 and you know Romans has other list
14:01 and we have other...
14:03 Ephesians have other list of other gifts.
14:06 They're all given to the,
14:08 to the position that God has chosen for you to be in.
14:11 For example, if Brian's on the basketball court,
14:14 he doesn't need,
14:15 he doesn't need the gift of administration.
14:18 But the position he's in,
14:20 he does need the gift of administration.
14:22 And while it's a skill...
14:23 If I was a coach, maybe I would.
14:25 See, that's true. Okay.
14:26 That's a good application. Yeah.
14:28 So it's a given for,
14:30 the benefit is the fruits personally.
14:32 Yeah, but, you know, I do think of one scripture
14:34 that's coming to mind, I don't know where it's,
14:36 where it is but I know Paul wrote it.
14:37 He said, "Eagerly desire the greater gifts."
14:40 Yeah.
14:42 And I think this is something that we should pray
14:46 and ask God, what is my job?
14:49 Everybody in the body of Christ,
14:52 it doesn't matter if you are the janitor of the church
14:55 or you're mowing the lawn,
14:57 everybody's got something to do.
15:00 That's a, you know, gift of helps
15:02 I think of that people help,
15:04 but what we need to do is pray and say, Lord,
15:07 use me in the greatest way You can.
15:10 1 Corinthians 12:31 in the Scripture.
15:12 1 Corinthians 12:31.
15:13 Okay, Brian, why don't you tell us about Monday?
15:17 Okay.
15:18 The title for Monday's lesson,
15:22 "God the Sovereign Giver of the Spiritual Gifts."
15:26 Amen. Okay.
15:28 Just in summary a bit.
15:29 What Shelley has covered for us in Sunday
15:33 was contrasting the fruits versus the gifts.
15:38 Two different emphases there, same spirit but two emphases.
15:44 We've learned by looking at 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.
15:50 Yes.
15:51 We learned that really all three of the Godhead
15:54 are involved in this gift, gifts of the Spirit.
15:59 Because we had the spirit in verse 4,
16:03 the Lord in verse 5,
16:05 and God, the Father we're speaking in verse 6.
16:09 And there was an interesting wordplay, Shelley,
16:12 about gifts, ministries, and activities.
16:16 That's a neat poetic,
16:17 or the Hebrew way of doing things I think, okay.
16:21 We learned it is for the profit of all,
16:25 this is not for us individually like pastor,
16:27 it's for the profit of all.
16:29 And then lastly the point was in verse 11 that,
16:36 "But one in the same Spirit works all these things,
16:39 distributing to each one individually as He wills."
16:44 So this something that is the will of the Spirit,
16:48 the will of God, to be doing.
16:50 I don't sit down and say,
16:52 "Oh, I think I'm gonna have the gift of prophecy.
16:55 Lord, would you give me..."
16:56 No, the Lord sits down, He decides.
16:59 Brian, I will give you, you know, such and such.
17:04 Now, so He is the sovereign.
17:08 In the center part of our study,
17:13 the main point that the author brings out
17:17 is contrasting a bit of, well, let me just read it.
17:21 It's in the paragraph that starts,
17:23 innate ability as such is not spiritual gift.
17:30 I stopped and thought about that a bit.
17:32 And I'm going to say maybe at least I have thoughts
17:36 that differ with the author.
17:38 I hope I'm not introducing heresy, okay.
17:42 Innate ability as such is not a spiritual gifts.
17:45 Spiritual gifts are not the same as natural talents.
17:51 Let me give you an example, say,
17:54 I have given my heart to the Lord.
17:57 I have been baptized, I joined the family of God.
18:03 Now, I don't have any inherent abilities or talents
18:07 really for music, okay.
18:11 I am not good at rhythm.
18:13 I can hold a tune in a bucket,
18:15 but it can't go much farther than that, all right.
18:18 So all of a sudden now the Holy Spirit decides,
18:21 "Brian, I want to give you the gift of music."
18:23 So now, I can sing like Pastor Lomacang, Reggie,
18:28 I can play the piano like Tim Parton.
18:31 You know, because the Holy Spirit
18:33 is gonna give this to me
18:35 so that I can be a blessing to his body.
18:39 Can that happen?
18:41 Yes, it can happen.
18:43 It is possible to happen.
18:46 I think of the early church.
18:47 There are, the apostles spoke in different languages
18:51 that they didn't have the ability to do beforehand,
18:55 and I would guess they spoke it fluently.
18:58 But is that normally how the Spirit acts or works?
19:05 In, in my thought it's more like
19:08 Brian had certain innate abilities
19:12 and talents
19:14 and the Lord has taken those innate abilities
19:17 and talents that He created me with...
19:19 I was going to say, God given talents he got.
19:22 He created me with them,
19:24 and now he gives those to the church, as a gift.
19:30 He takes those innate talents that he originally inherited,
19:35 he created me with, he gives them to the church
19:39 and he multiplies them
19:40 and he adds to them and he blesses them,
19:43 to me that's, that's more
19:47 in keeping with how I see the practice
19:50 of the Spirit giving the church gifts.
19:55 Every time he gives a new person
19:59 coming into the body as a gift to the church,
20:03 that person brings in all kinds of gifts in his train
20:08 that he inherently was born with.
20:11 Now, if he uses those gifts for himself,
20:16 then they're no blessing to the church, in fact,
20:18 they often become a curse to the church.
20:21 You know?
20:22 So, I'm just suggesting forethought.
20:26 I'm not saying this is absolute truth.
20:29 I'm suggesting forethought
20:31 that maybe the lists of the gifts,
20:35 as you see in scripture apostles, teachers,
20:38 you know, administrators,
20:40 along with the myriad of other talents
20:43 that people have when they come to the Lord
20:48 and they join the family of God,
20:51 those are gifts of the spirit to the church.
20:55 And so there's a wider body of gifts
20:59 more than just the ones listed in scripture.
21:01 What do you think of that?
21:03 I'm just, I got two minutes left so...
21:05 What, if you come in, let's say that
21:06 you can play the piano like Jill Morikone.
21:09 Okay.
21:10 And you've got pride in that,
21:12 you're such a good piano player then can God use that?
21:16 But if you come in with these gifts
21:17 and abilities and you surrender them to God,
21:21 maybe what God,
21:22 the gifting God has graced you with,
21:24 it says an intercessor but you can never,
21:26 you don't even know what an intercessor is,
21:28 but as you surrender your life,
21:30 and you surrender your talents,
21:32 you surrender your abilities to God,
21:34 then God will draw you.
21:36 And it might be to play the piano like Jill,
21:38 but it might be that he's going to take you
21:40 in another direction as well.
21:43 And you know I'm thinking too like when you
21:45 what he says here in the lesson that
21:47 innate ability is not a spiritual gift
21:50 if you develop that, you know,
21:52 just because something has been developed by intense education.
21:55 What thought comes to my mind,
21:56 is there are people who actually go through seminary
22:00 and have studied, studied, studied,
22:02 and I have a lady that used to come
22:03 when I was in Texas.
22:04 She had her ThD
22:07 and she knew a lot about the Bible.
22:10 She did not know the Lord,
22:11 she thought she was a good teacher,
22:13 drives Auburn, drives the hills of Gilboa,
22:18 but the point that I'm saying is that she never surrendered,
22:24 controlled and yielded
22:26 to the Lord to be filled with the spirit so...
22:30 Then it wasn't really gift...
22:31 It wasn't really gift but she had an innate ability
22:34 because she had studied quite a lot so little, in a way.
22:39 In another point, the Lord brought to my mind
22:41 even when the gift is given, Philippians 2:13,
22:45 "For it is God who works in you both to will
22:49 and to do of His good pleasure."
22:51 Only when you recognize that this gift is given of God
22:56 and the gift is controlled by God.
22:59 Can you recognize that right now,
23:01 I'm just a vessel,
23:03 I'm just a vessel that God is using.
23:05 I can't take any credit on my own.
23:06 That's why he says in the very next verse in Philippians 2:14,
23:10 "Do all things without complaining
23:12 and with and disputing."
23:14 When you recognize it's not you,
23:16 why do you complain how that gift is used
23:18 because God is the one using it.
23:19 Yeah.
23:21 So let me just summarize in a few seconds I have left.
23:24 I think that the Bible does list a number of gifts,
23:29 but I don't think they're all the gifts, okay.
23:33 And certainly I think those gifts even our innate talents
23:38 that we are born with
23:39 can be given as gifts to his body.
23:42 That's the point I think I'm making.
23:43 That's absolutely true.
23:45 Mollie, why don't you take us on to Tuesday?
23:48 For the purpose of the spiritual gifts.
23:51 Spiritual gifts are certain capacities
23:54 given supernaturally by God, through the Holy Spirit.
23:58 These gifts fit the person for special type of service
24:03 that will build up the church.
24:05 Now what are the gifts given to us for?
24:08 To build up the church.
24:09 To build up the church,
24:11 that's what we have to keep in mind.
24:12 All the gifting that God through the Holy Spirit
24:16 gives are to build up the church.
24:18 Now I wanted to share this,
24:20 our Sabbath school superintendent Irish Eger
24:24 few weeks, several weeks ago,
24:26 shared something with us in just before Sabbath school,
24:31 she said, "A pastor was talking to his congregation
24:35 and he told the congregation every one of you have a gift."
24:39 Okay.
24:40 Everybody has a gift and this little lady says,
24:43 "I don't have any gifts.
24:45 I can't sing like Pastor Lomacang,
24:47 I can't play the piano like Jill.
24:49 I can't teach like Shelley and I don't know anything
24:53 about accounting like Brian."
24:56 "I can't, I don't have any gifts."
24:59 And the pastor says, "Everybody's got a gift,
25:02 if you don't know what your gift is,
25:04 go home and pray about it, the Lord will show you."
25:07 So she went home a bit discouraged
25:09 and she said, "Well, I'm going to pray."
25:12 And so she prayed and she asked God,
25:14 "God, show me what my gifting is."
25:17 And she really didn't think that the Lord spoke to her,
25:20 but she kinda had an impression to look in the phonebook
25:24 and so here is what she did.
25:26 She looked in the phone book,
25:28 at random she picked out 100 names,
25:33 and she started praying for those 100 people,
25:37 and she prayed for two years, she prayed.
25:42 She was faithful to that,
25:43 remember one of the fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness,
25:47 we looked at that.
25:49 She prayed for two years now after two years,
25:53 I might be getting a bit discouraged
25:54 not this lady, two years.
25:56 One Sabbath she was in church and a lady was being baptized.
26:01 And she thought, boy, that name is familiar.
26:04 She pulls out her list and that name is on the list.
26:08 And she goes to her pastor and says, pastor,
26:11 and she told about how this,
26:13 what you preached and I went home and prayed,
26:15 and I made my list of 100 people.
26:17 And the pastor said, "Let me see that list."
26:20 And he looked at the list and here's what he told her.
26:23 Let me read this, "When he looked at the list,
26:28 he realized that 96 out of the 100
26:32 had been baptized in the past two years."
26:34 Glory to God. We're getting goose bumps.
26:36 Me too.
26:38 What I wanted to encourage all of this with,
26:40 we're gonna look at the purpose of the gifts,
26:42 again is to edify the body of Christ it says
26:44 what is it for, but every one of us are graced,
26:48 we are gifted,
26:49 we may not have the abilities
26:52 that we see around us that are so easily
26:55 and readily identifiable as the gift of the Spirit.
26:58 We can't preach like, Pastor Lomacang,
27:01 I keep using you as an example,
27:03 but you're the one in that pulpit.
27:05 So you're the one that we can use,
27:07 but you are graced and you're gifted.
27:09 So I want us to now look at Romans,
27:12 we're going to look in Romans the 12 Chapter at the gifts,
27:15 we're going to look in Ephesians the 4 Chapter.
27:18 And again what we're looking at is
27:21 the purpose of the spiritual gifts.
27:23 Romans 12:3-8.
27:27 And I kinda identify these,
27:29 this might be my personal identification,
27:32 is the grace gifts and I'll explain to you why.
27:36 "For I say, through the grace given to me,
27:38 to everyone who is among you,
27:40 not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think,
27:44 but to think soberly,
27:45 as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.
27:49 For as we have many members in one body,
27:52 but all the members do not have the same function,
27:55 so we have many,
27:57 so we being many are one body in Christ,
28:00 and individually members of one another having then gifts."
28:04 There we're talking about gifts,
28:06 "Having then gifts differing according to the grace."
28:10 That's why I call these the grace gifts.
28:13 "According to the grace that is given to us,
28:16 let us use them and prophesying,
28:18 let us prophesy in the proportion of our faith,
28:20 or ministry, let us use it in our ministering,
28:23 he who teaches, in teaching, he who exhorts,
28:25 in exhortation, he who gives with liberality,
28:29 he who leads, with diligence, he who shows mercy,
28:32 with cheerfulness."
28:34 So, these grace gifts that are mentioned,
28:36 these gifts are all acts that we do for others.
28:39 We always, the purpose of the edifying,
28:42 the lifting, the building up of the body of Christ,
28:45 they are things that we do that minister and help others.
28:48 Now, let's look at the Ephesians 4,
28:52 we're going to look at verses 8-13.
28:54 And I identify these as the ascension gifts
28:57 and I'll show you why in a minute.
29:00 Ephesians 4:8-13,
29:03 "Therefore, he says,
29:06 when He ascended on high, He led captivity captive,
29:10 and gave gifts to men."
29:11 Now this, "He ascended"
29:13 what does it mean but that He also first descended
29:16 into the lower parts of the earth?"
29:18 So who are we talking about?
29:19 Jesus Christ. The Lord, Jesus Christ.
29:22 "He who descended is also the One
29:25 who ascended far above all the heavens,
29:28 that He might fill all things."
29:30 Now this is what this scripture is saying
29:32 about the Lord Jesus Christ,
29:35 "And He himself gave some to be apostles,
29:40 some prophets, some evangelists,
29:43 and some pastors, and teachers,
29:45 the one who ascended gave these gifts the Lord Jesus Christ."
29:50 And here is the reason that he gave them, Shelley,
29:53 "For the equipping of the saints
29:55 for the work of ministry,"
29:57 Now, Pastor Lomacang, you,
30:00 God graced you,
30:02 he gifted you with this office of a pastor
30:06 not so that you can go out and do all the work,
30:09 it's so that you can equip the saints,
30:12 for the saints to go out and do out there.
30:14 I don't know how many people
30:16 we have here in the Thompsonville
30:17 Seventh-day Adventist Church
30:19 200 or 300 people,
30:20 I would say something around that,
30:22 200 or 300 people can accomplish
30:24 a whole lot more than that one man in the pulpit.
30:26 Except we want that one man in pulpit to do it all.
30:29 Do it all.
30:30 And that's the sad reality
30:31 because that's what Jesus meant when He says,
30:33 "Greater works than these will you do."
30:36 He was talking about the exponential,
30:38 the coverage when He said,
30:40 "To go unto all the world,"
30:41 He said, "I'll give you the power to do that,
30:42 I'll equip you with the Holy Spirit,
30:44 and I'll give you the gifts and the abilities,"
30:46 but I'm only, Jesus never took a vehicle anywhere,
30:50 I mean, he never took any major transportation,
30:53 they didn't really have it then like cars and all,
30:55 everywhere He went He practically walked.
30:58 So He remained in a particular vicinity,
31:00 but He said, I'll go to all the world,
31:01 that's what He meant, go to all the world.
31:03 So, yes, we could do much more collectively
31:06 than we can individually.
31:07 So this apostle, prophets, evangelist,
31:10 pastor and teacher, now what do I call that, Jill?
31:12 The five fold ministry. The five fold ministry.
31:14 These aren't things that you do the ministering,
31:18 these are offices,
31:20 and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself,
31:22 you know, I could say, you know,
31:23 I think I want to be a teacher
31:25 or I think I want to be an apostle.
31:27 The Lord Jesus Christ makes those determinations.
31:30 And He places that office on the man
31:32 and the purpose for it again, I'll read it again,
31:35 for the equipment of the saints,
31:36 for the work of the ministry,
31:37 for the edifying of the body of Christ,
31:41 till we all come into the unity of the faith.
31:43 And I wanted to share that
31:44 till we all come into the unity of the faith that until,
31:47 that's a time space word, until.
31:50 So here's my question,
31:51 have we come into the unity of the faith?
31:54 Brian, is the church in unity?
31:56 Not always, no Not at all.
31:59 So are these gifts still given to the church
32:01 is the apostle, prophets, evangelist,
32:03 pastor and teacher still at work in the church.
32:05 Of course, they are because
32:07 we haven't accomplished all that he says,
32:09 that we are going to accomplish
32:11 and I wanted to say this,
32:12 I think we've touched on this before.
32:14 We must remember that all the gifts and gracings
32:17 that God blesses us with is not self-centered,
32:21 it is Christ-centered, it's for the edifying
32:24 and the building up of the body of Christ.
32:26 If ever we start looking at it like God has graced you
32:31 or you're gifted to sing, to play the piano,
32:34 whatever that grace gifting may be,
32:37 if that kind of goes to your head.
32:39 Oh, God, by the power of his Holy Spirit
32:41 has the ability to let that air out of your head.
32:45 I must say, I like that.
32:48 And, and, Brian,
32:50 again it's I think the crux and the bottom line
32:54 of the grace and the giftings of God
32:56 is that you're surrendered.
32:58 Shelley, you teach on surrender so much.
33:00 If you're surrendered and give it to,
33:02 there is no end of what God can accomplish through
33:05 any servant of His that is surrendered into His hands.
33:09 And let me encourage you also pray,
33:11 if you don't know what your grace gifting is,
33:13 if you because God has a work for you to do
33:16 that only you can do.
33:18 I can't do it, Jill can't do it.
33:20 Only you can do it.
33:21 Pray and ask God and He will show you.
33:23 That's right.
33:24 And I just, you know, you made me think of something.
33:26 I think we all need to be careful
33:28 how we compliment someone.
33:31 If your pastor gives an exceptionally good,
33:35 has an exceptionally good sermon,
33:37 be careful and don't go and say,
33:39 "Oh, that was the best sermon you did."
33:44 If it was led by the Spirit what you should be say is,
33:47 "Glory to God for the sermon, he gave you."
33:50 Because I think that the tripwire of the devil
33:54 for across the board is to get us into pride,
33:58 and if he could get us to feeling a little like
34:01 we're wanted and we're puffed up a little bit
34:04 about you know,
34:05 "Oh, boy, I did, that was good."
34:07 Then that's when God can't use you anymore
34:10 because that is absolutely antithetical to humility.
34:15 You go out of being led by the Spirit to in the flesh.
34:18 Yes. That's right.
34:20 Yes. Jill?
34:21 On Wednesday, we look at, "The Gift Then and Now."
34:24 And really the purpose of Wednesday's lesson
34:26 is do the spiritual gifts still exist today.
34:29 Are they still in existence?
34:30 Some people say, "They were given for the early church
34:33 for the early believers"
34:35 and then maybe not so much now, we're at the end of time.
34:37 So that's what we're looking at.
34:39 But before we jump into that
34:40 and we'll have a couple of scriptures,
34:42 we'll look at that.
34:43 I want to go to another scripture
34:44 which was actually not in Wednesday's lesson.
34:46 We're going back to Isaiah.
34:48 If you want to turn there with me Isaiah Chapter 6,
34:52 I love what each one of you have been sharing
34:54 because talking about the purpose of the gifts
34:56 and what the gifts are in the meaning,
34:58 but I think that prior to receiving the spiritual gifts
35:03 for the edification of the church for the unity
35:06 and I agree with you, Brian.
35:07 Sometimes God gives a natural talent.
35:10 It's inborn and then God wants to develop that
35:13 into a spiritual gift.
35:15 I agree with that.
35:16 But prior to that I think
35:18 we all have to go through a certain process,
35:21 a certain experience in order to effectively use the gifts,
35:26 in order to effectively minister
35:28 and I'm thinking of the calling of Isaiah.
35:30 I just wanted to look at that briefly,
35:32 Isaiah Chapter 6.
35:35 Now, Isaiah had been in ministry prior
35:38 to the calling in Isaiah Chapter 6.
35:40 So it's not like all of a sudden God gave this
35:43 and Isaiah 6, and the vision, and all of that,
35:46 and then all of a sudden Isaiah said,
35:48 "Okay, now I'm stepping out of ministry."
35:49 He was already serving God, he was already in ministry,
35:53 but this to me is a special anointing
35:56 and calling from God.
35:57 And what I see take place here in Isaiah,
36:00 I think God wants you and I would experience.
36:02 Each one of us to experience in order to effectively
36:05 build up the ministry in the body of Christ.
36:08 Verse 1, it says, he had the vision,
36:11 we know that vision,
36:12 "I saw the Lord sitting on a throne,
36:14 high and lifted up,
36:15 and his train filled the temple."
36:17 I think the first principle as Isaiah saw a picture of
36:19 who God truly is.
36:21 Yes.
36:22 So before we can utilize the spiritual gifts
36:24 and before we step out into ministry,
36:26 we have to have a sense of who God really is.
36:30 The second thing, in contrast to who God is,
36:33 Isaiah realized who he was.
36:35 We see that in verse 5, "So I said:
36:37 "Woe is me, I am undone!
36:40 I am a man of unclean lips.
36:42 I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.
36:44 My eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts."
36:47 Anytime we begin to think, I got this,
36:51 I got this spiritual gift.
36:53 I got this work in ministry,
36:56 and I think each one of us here
36:58 at this table serve in ministry.
36:59 I know many of you at home serve in ministry.
37:02 And I think there's a danger when you serve in ministry.
37:05 Yes.
37:06 "I have this gift," people say "God has given me",
37:09 and so it's always from God
37:14 and we have to look at that
37:16 in the sense of who God is high and lifted up, Holy.
37:22 And then who am I?
37:23 I am but dust, I am nothing,
37:28 I am unclean,
37:30 Isaiah repented and confessed his sin,
37:32 I am unclean,
37:33 I'm in the midst of an unclean people.
37:35 And then the seraphim verse 6,
37:37 "Flew to him, having in his hand a live coal
37:40 which he took from the tongs of the altar.
37:42 And he touched his mouth and said,
37:44 "This has touched your lips, your iniquity is taken away,
37:47 your sin is purged."
37:48 And then he heard the voice of the Lord saying,
37:51 "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?"
37:53 Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."
37:55 So I think before any equipping with a gifts,
37:58 before any work has to be done at any time in the church,
38:03 we need to sit before the feet of Jesus.
38:04 Yes.
38:06 Spend time in His word,
38:07 asked to be emptied of ourselves,
38:09 asked to be cleansed and forgiven and covered
38:12 and then God says, "You're ready.
38:15 I can use you."
38:17 And I don't think this is, I know,
38:18 an Isaiah situation it's a one time,
38:20 but I think it's a daily sitting at the feet of Jesus--
38:23 Sometimes hour by hour.
38:24 Yes, looking and new to him and being filled.
38:27 So Wednesday's lessons
38:28 we're looking at the gift then and now.
38:30 And the three scriptures particularly
38:32 we want to look at, let's go to 1 Corinthians 1.
38:35 We're looking at does the spiritual gifts
38:38 still exist in the church today?
38:41 Do they still exist in the church?
38:42 And you all have done a great job
38:44 of discussing the spiritual gifts.
38:46 I think 1 Corinthians 12
38:48 we talk about the word of wisdom,
38:50 the gift of that wisdom internally and sharing it.
38:54 We have the word of knowledge,
38:56 the gift of clear explanation.
38:58 We have the gift of faith.
39:00 I think Brother Danny Shelton has a gift of faith
39:03 like no person I have ever met.
39:05 It's not, everyone is giving a mustard seed of faith,
39:08 a small measure of faith, but in a special sense,
39:11 God has gifted him with the gift of faith.
39:14 We have the gift of healing, supernatural.
39:17 We have the gift of miracles, the gift of prophecy,
39:21 that's mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12,
39:22 in Ephesians 4 and Romans 12, all three books,
39:27 it's mentioned the gift of prophecy.
39:28 We have the gift of discernment and I know,
39:30 Pastor John, you're going to talk about that,
39:32 the gift of tongues, both speaking other languages
39:35 and the interpretation or the hearing.
39:37 God gives us ears to hear the tongues.
39:40 And the gift of apostles, the gift of helps,
39:43 administration, leadership, evangelist, pastors,
39:47 ministry, exportation,
39:48 the gift of financially blessing
39:51 and giving to other people, the gift of mercy.
39:53 Those gifts are mentioned,
39:55 but as you mentioned I think it was you,
39:56 Brian, there's more than one,
39:58 there is more than just listed here or you, Mollie,
40:01 there's many gifts that are mentioned.
40:03 So we're in 1 Corinthians 1.
40:05 Let's look at verse 6-8.
40:06 Someone want to read that,
40:09 1 Corinthians 1:6-8?
40:11 "Even as the testimony of Christ
40:13 was confirmed in you,
40:15 so that you come short in no gift,
40:18 eagerly waiting for the revelation
40:20 of our Lord Jesus Christ,
40:22 who will also confirm you to the end,
40:25 that you may be blameless
40:27 in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ."
40:29 So we're talking about the revelation of our Lord.
40:32 We're talking about the second coming, right?
40:35 We're talking about when Jesus comes again
40:37 and He's saying, don't fall short in any gift
40:40 as you look for the coming of Jesus Christ.
40:43 So if we're at the end time
40:45 waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ,
40:47 and Paul says,
40:48 "Don't fall short in any spiritual gifts"
40:50 then that tells you what?
40:51 Yeah.
40:52 We're going to have spiritual gifts at the end of time
40:55 for the edification and unity of the church
40:57 at the end of time, the gifts will be manifest.
40:59 When you think about it, it's even more necessary
41:02 at the end of time
41:04 than it would be in any other time, it was,
41:08 to be able to bring the harvest in if you have those.
41:10 Yes.
41:11 The gospel has to be preached. Go ahead.
41:13 You know, could I add this,
41:14 I think it says necessary at the end of time
41:16 as it was in the very beginning
41:17 because in the beginning, the Christians,
41:19 the church there were many educated people,
41:22 Bibles weren't very available
41:24 so they didn't have people to as Paul's going around
41:28 planting churches
41:29 and they're all going around among these gentiles,
41:31 these people didn't know that much
41:33 the gifting was poured out abundantly.
41:36 Yes.
41:37 You know, in the early, but again
41:39 which you just said is absolutely,
41:41 we've always needed them
41:42 and we're going to need them to a greater degree.
41:44 And you think about the early rain,
41:45 the plowing of our hearts, preparation for
41:48 I think in the special sense the latter rain.
41:50 I believe will include a special outpouring
41:53 of the spiritual gifts at the last day
41:54 of course, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit filling us
41:57 but outpouring of spiritual gifts.
41:59 And the other verse I want to look at is Ephesians 4
42:01 and you read this, Mollie.
42:03 Ephesians 4, we'll look at verse 11-13.
42:08 Now, you already talked about the five fold ministry,
42:10 the prophet, apostles, prophets, evangelists,
42:12 pastors, and teachers.
42:14 And the purpose of the gifts you,
42:15 you touched on that,
42:16 the equipping of the saints, the work of ministry,
42:18 the edifying of the body of Christ.
42:20 But the verse I wanna look at is 13.
42:22 "Till we all come to the unity of the faith
42:25 and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
42:27 to a perfect man,
42:28 to the measure the stature of the fullness of Christ."
42:31 You know what that tells me?
42:32 Not only are the spiritual gifts
42:34 poured out for us at a special way,
42:36 before the end of time, you know,
42:37 for the edifying of the work the body of Christ.
42:40 But in a special way there's,
42:41 I think, it's for us to grow up.
42:44 Do you see that? Amen.
42:46 "To a perfect man
42:47 to the measure of the stature of Christ."
42:48 So then the gifts have something to do,
42:51 and I don't even fully understand this
42:52 just being honest with you as a panel,
42:54 but they must have something to do with me
42:56 growing up into the fullness of Christ,
43:00 into the measure of the stature of Christ.
43:02 Well, part of the work of the church is to nurture.
43:05 Yes.
43:07 That's one of the main functions.
43:08 I mean it's evangelism, it's worship,
43:11 but it's also nurture and nurture is growing people
43:15 but it takes the Spirit to grow up people.
43:17 Yes.
43:18 And so I believe the Holy Spirit
43:22 uses the leadership of the church
43:24 to nurture its people.
43:26 So they grow up to the full stature.
43:28 Well said. It's good.
43:29 Amen. Very good.
43:31 Pastor John?
43:33 Well, discerning of spirits,
43:35 one of the things that came out to me very carefully
43:37 when I talked about this
43:39 was the, was the very prayer
43:41 that David prayed in 1 Kings 3:7 he said,
43:45 "Now, O Lord my God,
43:48 you have made your servant king,"
43:51 I mean, not David but, yeah,
43:54 you made your servant...
43:55 Your where 1 Kings? 1 Kings 3:7.
43:57 All right.
43:58 "Now, O Lord my God,
44:01 you have made your servant king
44:04 instead of my father, David."
44:06 But notice the discernment where he was asking,
44:09 "But I am a little child,
44:12 I do not know how to go out or to come in."
44:16 And what I want to emphasize as far as discernment,
44:18 one of the first things we need
44:19 as far as discernment is concerned
44:21 is the wisdom to know how to move in God.
44:23 It's good.
44:24 Lot of times we are gifted, we talked about gifts
44:27 and spiritual gifts and abilities.
44:30 But to be an effective administrator, a pastor,
44:33 a teacher, an evangelist, the gift of helps,
44:36 the gift of healings,
44:37 the gift of interpreting tongue.
44:39 The first thing I think we need the most to say, Lord,
44:42 I don't even know what to do with these things.
44:44 I don't know how to go out.
44:46 I don't know how to come in."
44:48 And so if we say because the Bible says,
44:50 "The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord."
44:53 We have to ask God to first guide us
44:55 what do we do with this and sometimes,
44:58 you know, I think of Uzziah became king
45:00 when he was 16 years old.
45:02 How many of us would put any of our departments
45:03 in the 16 years old hands, come on, Mollie?
45:06 If a 16 years old came and said,
45:08 I like to be in charge of production.
45:09 You say, "Did God tell you that?"
45:12 He's not telling me that.
45:14 We wouldn't do it, but what we're seeing is
45:17 when God gives the gift, it is not age-preventive
45:24 because it's led by the wisdom
45:25 and the direction of God's Spirit, this discernment.
45:28 But the biggest portion of this...
45:31 the other thing I bring out is,
45:32 is when you look at the failure in the crucifixion of Jesus.
45:36 The failure?
45:38 The failure following, the failure in the crucifixion,
45:40 I know you...
45:41 No, the failure in the crucifixion.
45:44 Jesus' head didn't fail him, his body did.
45:48 His body gave way
45:50 to the punishment of the crucifixion,
45:52 his body is what He sacrificed.
45:55 He didn't sacrificed His head,
45:57 and when Paul says,
45:58 "Christ is the head of the church."
46:00 Discernment is all right here, you think, you hear,
46:04 you speak, you listen,
46:06 all these are the discerning gavenues.
46:08 You don't discern in your hands,
46:10 your mind discerns what your hands must do.
46:12 Your eyes discern where your feet must go.
46:15 So when Christ is the head of the church
46:17 all the discerning gifts are His
46:19 and He imparts those to us.
46:21 So when we talk about discernment,
46:24 it's so vitally important.
46:25 One of the things I wanna also bring out is that,
46:27 discernment is needed today.
46:29 Discernment never leads to disunity.
46:32 Discernment never leads to disunity,
46:34 it always leads to unity.
46:36 And one of the reasons why
46:38 discernment is so vitally important
46:39 is because we are living in a different day and age.
46:41 The Bible says, "The devil has come down having great wrath."
46:45 Because he knows he has a short time.
46:47 Why do we need discernment?
46:49 Matthew 16:3.
46:53 And I'm going to read this is how it says,
46:56 "It will be foul weather today,
46:58 and in the morning it will be foul weather today,
47:02 for the sky is red and threatening."
47:04 But Jesus says, "Hypocrites!
47:06 You know how to discern the face of the sky,
47:10 but you cannot discern the signs of the times."
47:15 We've got people that can tell you the weather,
47:16 the position of the sun in five more months,
47:18 the position of the stars
47:20 but they can't see the position of our world.
47:22 Yeah.
47:23 And so what we need more than anything else,
47:25 and this is the work of the Spirit of God also,
47:27 is to have men and women
47:29 who understand the times that we should know what to do.
47:33 So, yes, we're discerning all the gifts,
47:35 but I want to put this
47:36 in a completely different package.
47:38 We need discernment of the urgency of the hour.
47:42 Discernment of the responsibilities
47:45 placed on us,
47:47 not just what responsibility,
47:49 but how grave and how important
47:52 and the voracity of our dedication
47:54 to this responsibility.
47:55 So if I get, if the Lord gives you a gift,
47:57 if the Lord says, "Brian, you're the coach."
47:59 No team.
48:01 No city is going to pay you millions of dollars
48:03 for your team to keep losing.
48:05 So you take it seriously
48:06 because you recognize your position is on the line
48:08 in the very same way
48:10 and I've had a readjustment as I've walked into 2017,
48:13 the Lord has said, "John, okay this has been 30 years,
48:16 we've been, we've been working together,
48:18 but I want you to go to another level."
48:20 And I said, "Lord, I can't go to another level
48:22 lest you get me there."
48:23 Yes.
48:24 Not for my glory, but for His.
48:26 So give me the wisdom to discern the times.
48:28 The other thing about discernment is,
48:30 discernment of the importance of the word of God.
48:33 You know, we talk about all the other gifts, miracles,
48:36 healings, all the other gifts that we talked about,
48:38 and so many people put emphasis on that.
48:41 We talk about the gift of music,
48:43 but the Lord when he was in the moment of temptation,
48:45 he didn't sing to the devil.
48:46 That's right. He said, it is written.
48:48 Now, here's my point.
48:49 Music is a great part of Christianity,
48:52 but if we think that music is the instrument
48:54 by which we're gonna become righteous,
48:55 we are mistaken.
48:56 That's right.
48:58 Jesus honors above music He honors His word.
49:00 Matter of fact, He honors His word above His name.
49:02 That's right.
49:04 And in the moments of temptation even one-to-one
49:07 Christ against the antichrist, Satan himself,
49:11 he said over it is written, it is written, it is written.
49:13 Here's my point.
49:15 We've got to discern the importance
49:16 of the word of God in our lives,
49:18 not just the operation of the gifts.
49:20 If the word of God is not planted in our lives,
49:23 we cannot discern error
49:25 because error is only distinguished
49:27 by an understanding of the truth.
49:29 We've got to be able to understand.
49:31 And here's a point I made.
49:32 We cannot recognize error
49:36 if we don't acknowledge and embrace truth.
49:39 That's right.
49:40 And what's going to happen in these last days
49:41 as the Bible says,
49:43 "Because they did not receive a love of the truth
49:45 that they might be saved,
49:47 God will send them strong delusion."
49:49 Now, God is not into sending you a lie, but He says,
49:52 "What else can I give you,
49:53 if you choose to reject My word."
49:56 Finally, this is an appeal to the entire Christian world.
49:59 Whatever your denomination, I pray that your desire
50:01 would be not just to have these gifts operational in your life,
50:05 but start where Jesus did in the word.
50:08 If you are in the word, if God's word abides in you
50:11 and you abide in His word, then these gifts
50:13 and all these abilities have a place in a context.
50:17 Amen.
50:18 The word of God is what we need.
50:19 It is the only,
50:21 it is the only discerning factor against error.
50:25 It is the only discerning factor
50:27 against our inability to accomplish anything.
50:31 It gives us the wisdom we need
50:33 to operate in all the other gifts,
50:35 and without discernment
50:37 and the word of God being the foundation,
50:39 we cannot see light from darkness,
50:41 truth from error,
50:43 and righteousness from unrighteousness.
50:46 So I'm praying for discernment first by God's word entering in
50:49 to make me all that the Lord knows that we can be.
50:51 That's the discernment I want.
50:53 Thank you, John.
50:54 What a wonderful lesson we've had today.
50:56 We want to once again thank you for joining us
50:58 as we have studied the Holy Spirit
51:00 and the Gifts of the Spirit.
51:01 We want to encourage you, that you can look for,
51:05 if you're not already enrolled in a Sabbath school class,
51:08 then you can actually look
51:10 for a Seventh-day Adventist Church in your local area
51:13 and go join that Sabbath school class,
51:15 'cause it's so wonderful to study
51:17 with your brothers and sisters.
51:18 But thank you so much for being with us today.
51:20 Join us again next time.
51:22 Our prayer for you is that the grace of our Lord Jesus,
51:25 the love of the Father
51:27 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
51:28 was with you always.


Revised 2017-02-09