3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 5: The Baptism and Filling of the Holy Spirit

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikoni (Host), Ps Kenny Shelton, Mollie Steenson, Brian Hamilton


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000005A

00:01 The Bible tells us in the beginning was the word,
00:03 and the word was with God, and the word was God.
00:07 It says to receive with meekness
00:09 the implanted word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls,
00:13 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the word of truth.
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:24 Our study today is
00:25 "The Holy Spirit and Spirituality."
00:32 Hello, and welcome to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 We're so glad that you have tuned in
00:38 and that you're joining with us,
00:40 as we discuss the Holy Spirit and Spirituality.
00:43 It's been such a blessing, we are on lesson number 5.
00:47 And we have been so blessed by each one of these lessons,
00:51 showing us the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
00:55 the anointing of the Holy Spirit,
00:56 the infilling of the Spirit, the divinity of the Spirit,
00:59 the personhood of the Spirit.
01:01 And today in a special way
01:03 we look at the baptism and filling of the Holy Spirit.
01:06 I want to introduce our panel at this time,
01:09 and then we'll give you the special website
01:11 where you can download the lesson,
01:12 and you can follow along with us.
01:14 To my left is Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:17 you are president of Behold the Lamb Ministries,
01:21 an integral part of the ministry here at 3ABN
01:24 and I appreciate you as a man of God,
01:26 a man of the word.
01:27 And you and your wife Chris are such a blessing to us.
01:30 So thank you for being part of the panel here today.
01:32 It's such a blessing to always be involved in Bible study.
01:35 So love to study the Word of God
01:37 because we want to find out what truth is.
01:40 It's very important that part of what's going on.
01:42 So anyway we're thrilled to be a part
01:43 and thank you for the invitation to be able join in.
01:46 And then to my left Sister Mollie Steenson,
01:47 bless your heart,
01:49 it's always good to study the word with you too.
01:50 Thank you. Thank you.
01:52 I'm always inspired and just get a little higher up,
01:55 you know, elevated by the Spirit
01:57 when the Lord gives you,
01:58 Holy Spirit gives you words to speak.
02:00 So I'm glad you're here.
02:01 Can't imagine a better subject for us to be studying,
02:03 Pastor Kenney.
02:04 And this word is powerful and it's changing us.
02:07 Isn't it, Brian? Yeah.
02:09 This is to my left is Brian Hamilton.
02:10 Now let me just tell you a little about Brian.
02:12 Oh, no. He is our CFO.
02:15 He is a pastor but he is a gifted Bible teacher
02:18 as we will see...
02:20 And, Brian, I just appreciate so much
02:21 you being on the panel with us.
02:23 Yeah, amen. Thank you.
02:24 It's a fun to be a part of this panel.
02:25 Yes, it is.
02:27 And as I have mentioned before,
02:29 I can't think of a better subject
02:31 to be studying than the Holy Spirit.
02:33 And the person that started this out here
02:36 on our study was Jill Morikone.
02:39 Jill and Greg are, been with 3ABN for many years.
02:43 We're blessed with Jill's,
02:45 both her presentation and she does a program,
02:48 and she is a writer.
02:51 Jill is Danny Shelton's assistant
02:55 and administrative assistant, and she is a blessing.
02:58 Jill, you are a blessing to 3ABN,
03:01 and we're glad to be a part
03:02 that you're kind of moderating our panel today, so.
03:06 Well, we ask for the Holy Spirit
03:07 to do any moderation that takes place.
03:09 We are so glad that you have joined us as well.
03:13 We want to give the website.
03:14 This is the Seventh-day Adventist Church's website.
03:16 We are following along with the lesson,
03:19 the Holy Spirit and Spirituality.
03:21 So go to that website
03:23 absg.adventist.org.
03:29 That stands for Adult Bible Study Guide.adventist.org,
03:34 you can download the lesson
03:36 and you can follow along with us
03:38 as we study the lesson here.
03:40 As I mentioned at the open, we are in lesson number 5,
03:43 the baptism and the filling of the Holy Spirit.
03:46 If you're just joining us lesson number 1,
03:50 we talked about the Spirit in the word
03:52 and how the Holy Spirit inspired the word of God.
03:55 Lesson number 2 was the Holy Spirit
03:57 working behind the scenes at creation,
04:01 through the incarnation, redemption,
04:03 the Holy Spirit behind the scenes
04:05 and always lifting up the Lord Jesus Christ.
04:08 Lesson number 3,
04:10 the divinity of the Holy Spirit,
04:12 that the Holy Spirit is not lesser
04:14 than God the Father or God the Son.
04:16 He is equal, he is divine.
04:20 Lesson number 4,
04:21 the personality of the Holy Spirit.
04:23 Amen. The Holy Spirit is not a force.
04:25 He is a person, divine, part of the Godhead.
04:29 In today's lesson,
04:30 the baptism and filling of the Holy Spirit.
04:33 Before we jump into the lesson,
04:35 we always want to go to the Lord in prayer
04:37 and ask for the Holy Spirit
04:38 to open up our minds as we study.
04:40 So, Pastor Kenney,
04:42 would you open in prayer for us.
04:43 Yes, those of you're at home,
04:44 be sure and pray along with us, will you?
04:46 Bow your heads and let's pray.
04:47 Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus,
04:48 we just thank you and we give you praise for these lessons.
04:52 We pray and they have already opened our hearts and our minds
04:56 to receive more of you.
04:58 We're more receptive
04:59 to the power of the Holy Spirit,
05:01 we realize the existence of the Holy Spirit,
05:03 the importance of the Holy Spirit.
05:05 And I just pray in a special way that
05:07 you will pour that spirit out upon this panel here
05:10 as we study this most important lesson today.
05:12 And upon everyone of those who view,
05:15 those who listen,
05:16 we pray that you will stir the heart
05:18 and the mind to draw them closer to you,
05:20 bring conviction to them.
05:22 We praise you will give them victory in any part
05:24 that they need in their life
05:25 that we may be candidates for heaven.
05:27 Bless us we pray to this and may you have your will
05:30 and your way and everything that said and done,
05:34 that we may bring glory and honor unto you,
05:37 the King of kings and Lord of lords,
05:38 and we thank you and we praise you
05:39 in Jesus' name, amen.
05:41 Amen.
05:42 Prayed up and ready to go.
05:43 We're gonna do our memory text first
05:45 and then we jump into Sunday.
05:47 Our memory text is John 10:10,
05:50 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
05:57 I have come that they may have life,
06:01 and have it to the full."
06:03 Now I'm used to King James there, to me it says,
06:06 "I am come that they would have life,
06:08 and have it more abundantly."
06:11 Oh, I love that word. Yeah, abundantly.
06:13 Now, you may notice we have four people on our panel today.
06:16 That's because Sunday's lesson,
06:18 we're going to discuss together.
06:20 And then we jump in
06:21 and Pastor Kenney will have Monday's lesson
06:23 but Sunday's lesson kind of kicks us off
06:26 with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
06:28 Let's turn to our scripture
06:30 and then we can kickoff our discussion.
06:32 Let's turn to Mark 1.
06:34 We're talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
06:38 Mark 1, this is when Jesus came to be baptized
06:42 of John in the Jordan River.
06:45 Mark 1, and someone want to read versus 9:10.
06:51 "And it came to past..."
06:54 Mark 1:9-10,
06:58 "And it came to past in those days
07:00 that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee,
07:04 and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
07:08 And immediately coming up from the water,
07:11 he saw the heavens parting,
07:14 and the Spirit descending upon him like a dove."
07:19 And let's read verse 8 as well.
07:21 We should've read versus 8-10
07:23 'cause that kind of give us that jumping into it verse 8.
07:26 Okay.
07:28 Verse 8 is,
07:29 "I indeed baptized you with water..."
07:33 And this is John speaking.
07:36 "And he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit, "
07:41 that's of Christ.
07:43 Amen.
07:44 So, John baptizes with water,
07:45 but he's saying that Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit.
07:49 So from this passage or other passages
07:51 you all want to share,
07:53 when does the baptism of the Holy Spirit take place?
07:58 You know every time it seems like,
08:01 when there is confession forsaking of sin,
08:04 Holy Spirit comes in and brings conviction.
08:06 You make a decision to follow Christ, and then,
08:09 you want to go down into that watery grave.
08:12 And then, you know,
08:13 and then come up in newness of life
08:15 and then it say "when you come up,
08:16 then you receive the power of the Holy Spirit."
08:19 So that's one aspect of it,
08:21 receiving power of the Holy Spirit.
08:23 Once we follow through with that,
08:24 which God has laid out in his word we receive power,
08:29 we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
08:31 or the ability by the grace of God
08:33 to walk that Christian walk, that life of holiness.
08:37 Amen. Mollie.
08:38 What Acts tells us that,
08:41 we knew accept Jesus Christ as your Lord,
08:44 say if you repent of your sins, you're baptized,
08:48 then you receive the gift of the Spirit,
08:51 the gift of the Holy Spirit.
08:52 We're in Acts.
08:53 Where you in Acts? That's Acts 2:37-38.
08:55 Yeah, let's read that. I like that.
08:57 "Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart..."
09:00 And I'm going to be teaching on this in Tuesday,
09:02 but let me read it now.
09:03 "And said to Peter and the rest of the apostles,
09:06 Men and brethren, what shall we do?
09:08 Then Peter said to them, number 1,
09:10 repent and let every one of you be baptized
09:13 in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins
09:16 and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
09:19 So when do we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit?
09:23 At conversion. Conversion.
09:24 At conversion you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
09:27 Amen, amen.
09:29 That's what goes along with what you were saying,
09:30 Pastor Kenny, when we confess Him,
09:33 when we repent, when we accept Him,
09:35 then that gift comes along at the same time.
09:38 Brian, you look like you're going to...
09:40 Well, I was just looking at the title,
09:42 the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
09:46 That's an analogy, okay,
09:48 to help us understand what's being conveyed here.
09:53 Baptism is where you go
09:57 into a body of water,
10:00 could be in prison we've done it in a cart,
10:06 A laundry cart,
10:07 fill up the laundry cart with the water.
10:08 Okay. Yeah.
10:10 I have seen it in rivers, I have seen it in lakes,
10:11 I have seen it in swimming pools,
10:13 but you go into a body of water and are laid into the water.
10:18 Water is used as a cleansing.
10:21 We take a shower and we cleanse our body with the water.
10:25 Yeah.
10:27 So when it says the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
10:30 it's referring to I think this cleansing in
10:35 what would we cleansed off, of course would be sin.
10:38 Yeah. Amen.
10:39 So the baptism of the Holy Spirit
10:41 has to do with cleansing.
10:42 Jill, just a second ago,
10:44 they probably didn't show it on television
10:46 but you picked up this and you sip some water.
10:50 What does the water do on,
10:52 it does on the inside as we drink it,
10:55 what water in a shower does on the outside.
10:58 So the infilling of the Holy Spirit,
11:01 both baptism is outside,
11:04 the drinking is on the inside.
11:06 So the Holy Spirit in the analogy of baptism
11:10 cleanses us both inside...
11:12 Amen.
11:13 ..and outside.
11:15 Amen.
11:16 Can I touch on three baptisms here?
11:17 Okay. Please.
11:19 And I want to use Matthew 3:11 to springboard,
11:22 "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance,
11:26 but He who is coming after me is mightier than I,
11:29 whose sandals I am not worthy to carry.
11:32 He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."
11:36 What does fire do as well as water?
11:38 Purifies. Purifies.
11:40 Purifies. It cleanses.
11:41 When you come out of darkness and into the light,
11:45 you enter into,
11:47 are you a part of the body of Christ.
11:49 When you ask Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life,
11:52 you are put into something,
11:54 you're put into the body of Christ.
11:56 Okay.
11:57 You've been born again.
11:59 Well, now it says we are to follow
12:01 the Lord in believer's baptism.
12:03 Amen.
12:04 So what does the pastor do?
12:06 The pastor takes you
12:07 and he puts you in a baptistery tank
12:10 like we've got into that water baptism.
12:14 And what's left in that tank...
12:15 The old man.
12:17 What's supposed to be in the bottom of the tank?
12:18 Lot of old dead people. Yeah, the dead people.
12:20 So you need to come up,
12:21 you need to come out of that tank,
12:23 you've been baptized and now you're a member of the church,
12:27 the local church.
12:28 Ken, next,
12:30 but there is one coming after me.
12:31 Oh, boy.
12:33 John the Baptist says...
12:34 Yes.
12:35 Who is going to baptize you with the Holy Spirit,
12:37 who baptizes you with the Holy Spirit and fire?
12:40 Jesus. Jesus does.
12:41 Yes.
12:43 He baptizes you into all that power,
12:46 all that dunamis,
12:48 the Holy Spirit and fire.
12:50 There are three baptisms I find in the word.
12:52 There might be more but those are the only three
12:55 I'm thinking of right now.
12:56 So do you think those baptisms are synonymous
13:00 or would they occur at separate times.
13:02 In other words,
13:04 could I be baptized into the water
13:06 and not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
13:08 at the same time.
13:09 See it can't all happen at the same time
13:11 but usually it doesn't.
13:13 You can get born again
13:14 and it might be two weeks before
13:16 that can get you down in the water.
13:18 That was probably inappropriate,
13:21 but you actually do go to the water grave,
13:24 but then the scripture is clear
13:27 that you receive a gift of the Holy Spirit.
13:30 Now this Holy Ghost and fire,
13:34 that's a purifying and perfecting process,
13:37 I think it comes with some of that
13:39 sanctification process they must have.
13:41 The growth process,
13:44 I found something that I thought interesting
13:45 because of fire we need that.
13:47 Again, we're baptized,
13:49 we come up in newness of life.
13:51 I've heard some people say, Brother Brian,
13:53 sometimes says "Well, you know, I would accept Christ
13:56 and I would be baptized, but I'm just afraid,
13:58 I'm gonna fall right back.
14:00 I'm afraid I can't follow Christ
14:01 the way I want to."
14:03 They miss the point as once they accept Him,
14:06 once they follow what He said to do,
14:08 then He gives the power.
14:10 Amen.
14:12 Dunamis, right, the power,
14:13 explosiveness to be able to follow His teachings and then,
14:17 I think, it begins...
14:19 In my life it seems like
14:20 the fire is being heated seven times,
14:23 is somebody still with me,
14:25 seven times hotter because of the impurities
14:28 that need to go
14:29 and so I just kind of looked up and just a small Review
14:32 and the Herald, I think it was 12/11,
14:34 1900 that says.
14:35 It says, "Fire reveals the difference
14:39 between gold and silver and precious stone."
14:43 Interesting, now it says right here,
14:46 "Against that which is hay and stubble and the world,
14:53 so the Day of Judgment will try or test the characters of man
14:59 from that which is not like Christ's likeness."
15:02 So I thought, how interesting.
15:03 When the fire is turned up, it really does what?
15:05 It tests the character.
15:07 Am I going to be that precious gold,
15:10 am I going to be that silver that can be refined
15:12 and be seven times in the furnace of affliction,
15:14 or is it going to be a fire that if I am not right,
15:17 I am hay, stubble, boom, I go up in smoke as it were,
15:20 or that I burn and it's going to boil down
15:23 to the test of character?
15:26 It's kind of an interesting thought,
15:27 but we're all going through that...
15:29 Do you see that the fires of, I hear, persecution,
15:32 and I hear the fires of things
15:34 in our own hearts and our lives,
15:36 and I am trying to learn to,
15:38 by the grace of God to thank Him for those things,
15:42 the knots, the whippings.
15:44 Yes.
15:46 The knots on the head,
15:47 somebody follows that, you know,
15:48 they seem like the things that go,
15:50 and many times we cause them ourselves,
15:52 we allow them as bad choices that we make.
15:54 But there's still things, I've learned this,
15:56 some of the greatest mistakes
15:59 that I have made has been my biggest blessings
16:01 in the long run.
16:03 If you went through that fiery furnace.
16:05 If you go through it and you learn the lesson,
16:08 you've made things right
16:09 and you move forward is the biggest blessing
16:11 because you will say,
16:13 "I never want to go there again."
16:15 Amen.
16:16 God wants to purify us but you said that
16:19 quote from Sister White, reminds me of 1 Peter 1:7,
16:21 "The genuineness of your faith
16:24 being much more precious than gold that perishes
16:26 though it is tested by fire, "
16:28 there is that word, God is trying us,
16:31 He's changing us,
16:32 He's in the process of perfecting us
16:34 through the work of the Holy Spirit.
16:36 Now not only on Sunday
16:37 we talked about the baptism of the Holy Spirit taking place
16:41 when we make Jesus Christ the Lord of our life.
16:43 When we repent, but we also daily, hourly,
16:47 moment by moment,
16:49 need a special filling with the Spirit.
16:51 So, Pastor Kenny, you have Monday
16:52 with infilling of the Spirit.
16:53 Monday's lesson I think is just an awesome
16:55 because when you say being filled with the Spirit,
16:58 everybody comes up with something different.
16:59 I don't know if you met people filled with the Spirit,
17:01 what does that mean?
17:03 And they get a little jumpy about
17:04 and they get a little bit nervous about
17:06 being filled with the Spirit.
17:07 But, you know, I have learned over the years
17:10 and I am still learning that,
17:12 that is essential in my walk with Christ
17:15 as to being filled with the Spirit
17:17 every day of my life.
17:19 I have to be filled with the Spirit.
17:21 If I am not, there's something going on,
17:22 there's a leak somewhere and it needs to be patched up.
17:25 So what does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
17:27 I thought the New Testament gives several examples,
17:30 and in the time we have we'll cover them
17:31 quickly as we can.
17:33 It is a point to remember is being filled,
17:35 when I said being filled
17:37 with the Holy Spirit doesn't mean...
17:39 And I think this is brought out in a lesson
17:40 before which is good, it's not...
17:43 It doesn't mean we posses more of the spirit,
17:46 it means the spirit possesses more of us.
17:50 I think that was talked about several times,
17:51 that is beautiful when you think about it.
17:53 Well I posses, I have.
17:54 No, it's giving,
17:56 it's submitting to the Holy Spirit to use us.
17:59 Too many people try to use the Holy Spirit,
18:02 I say in the religious realm, that's a no, no.
18:05 You don't want to do that,
18:06 you want to submit to the Holy Spirit
18:08 because the Holy Spirit has your best interest.
18:10 The Holy Spirit wants you to be saved.
18:12 Amen.
18:14 Holy Spirit is going to do everything possible
18:16 to make sure that you are there and that I am there.
18:18 I have that confidence and that assurance.
18:20 If I am not there,
18:22 it's because I have chosen not to be there.
18:24 That makes sense?
18:25 Yes. It does.
18:27 Because He's done everything, Calvary's already there,
18:28 so everything's all been placed,
18:30 my ticket at the will call window,
18:32 if I don't have the courage to go to will call window
18:34 and say get my ticket, I'm not going to get it.
18:37 I understand that well for many years in basketball,
18:41 you know, you want to go see a game,
18:43 I'll be careful now,
18:44 close to the Sabbath hour so you go ahead
18:46 and get your ticket before the sun goes down,
18:49 you leave at the will call window,
18:51 so you don't waste your time you run to will call
18:52 'cause I already paid for it and you just get it and go.
18:54 Got somebody come and tell you and say
18:56 what must I do to be saved and you say,
18:59 sorry, too late,
19:00 everything's already been done.
19:01 Yes. That needs to be done.
19:03 Amen. It's paid for.
19:04 It's paid for.
19:06 Being filled with the spirit just, you know,
19:07 it really encourage me.
19:09 To me it signifies that it's an ongoing process.
19:13 Does that make sense?
19:14 Is being filled is an ongoing process,
19:17 of being filled with the Spirit is just not a one time,
19:20 I had people who are filled with the Spirit,
19:21 I had this experience it should be every day,
19:24 it's an ongoing experience to be filled
19:27 and continue to be filled because,
19:29 you know, you should be giving and as we give we are filled,
19:34 you know, our people say my cup is full,
19:37 my cup is full and bless your precious little heart.
19:42 It's nice to have the cup filled
19:44 but you can only give
19:45 what's going over in the saucer.
19:49 What's that one song
19:50 which says my cup's running over...
19:52 Drinking from my saucer.
19:53 I'm drinking from the saucer.
19:55 My cups are overflowing.
19:57 So it's an ongoing process.
19:59 So in receiving this and seeking this,
20:01 it tells it's a continued growth in grace.
20:06 And the Holy Spirit wants to live
20:07 and abide in us and the beautiful,
20:10 I think it's been read three or four different times.
20:13 I can't get over Acts 1:8
20:16 'cause you were talking about...
20:17 You now receive.
20:18 It says, "But you shall receive power after us."
20:21 almost like after the Holy Ghost is come upon you.
20:25 We were raised basically so many years ago
20:27 that when the Bible said Holy Ghost,
20:30 I changed the word to Holy Spirit.
20:32 I was afraid to say Holy Ghost.
20:35 Some people don't get that, Sister Mollie,
20:37 but we heard so many different things
20:38 about different things beside Holy Ghost
20:40 and I have come to figure out that they're the same,
20:43 so that's good, the Holy Ghost.
20:45 This says, you receive the Holy Ghost after, right.
20:47 After the Holy Ghost will come and you receive power
20:49 after the Holy Ghost.
20:50 Here's a comment from the Sabbath-School
20:52 Worker 11/28 in 1905.
20:57 It says, "Christ is represented by the Holy Spirit
20:59 we understand,
21:01 when this spirit is appreciated,
21:03 " I think this is the part of the lessons,
21:04 I am coming more to appreciate the Holy Spirit
21:08 and what the spirit is doing.
21:10 The work that the spirit has to do in this world
21:14 as it were is been put back to the Holy Spirit.
21:17 God is there, Christ, you know,
21:19 and the Holy Spirit is down working
21:20 with mankind representing naturally
21:22 but notice,
21:23 "When those control by the Spirit
21:26 communicate to others,"
21:27 notice this,
21:29 "the energy with which they are in viewed,
21:31 an invisible cord is touched which,
21:35 " notice church "
21:36 which electrifies the whole,
21:38 with that we could all understand
21:40 how balanced are the divine resources."
21:43 When the Spirit of the living God,
21:45 when the Holy Spirit comes upon us,
21:48 there is an energy that you can't explain.
21:51 I'm getting goose bumps now.
21:52 I feel that energy,
21:54 you see it coming out of my neck.
21:55 I feel that energy of the Holy Spirit
21:57 and I know the Holy Spirit touches a cord
22:00 and the wording in here is whoo,
22:03 it electrifies, it electrifies.
22:06 See some people don't get that
22:07 because they've not been electrified.
22:09 That's right.
22:10 There are not plugged into the source.
22:12 You've got to plug in to the 110.
22:14 Be careful with 220 but now I'm looking for that too
22:17 when it comes to that Holy Spirit.
22:18 But the 110,
22:20 even when you're striving, and looking, and praying,
22:23 "Lord I want to be filled with Your Spirit.
22:25 I want to get more involved with, "
22:27 sometime we get little relax, little lazy along the way.
22:31 I was working the other day on a house and I forgot that,
22:35 you know, there's no plug-in in the wall outside there
22:37 and I was laying some stone up to there.
22:38 So I pull that little wire out of the sockets and when I did,
22:41 I pull the face of it off, you know, the plug-in part.
22:44 Well, you know,
22:45 it had two different wires running too
22:46 one coming off the other.
22:48 So, you know, you just out there as it could be,
22:49 oh, man, I watch that,
22:51 no big deal, you know, so I was...
22:53 Again take this to the power of Holy Spirit,
22:55 sometime it gets a hold of us and it shocked us.
22:58 I was busy laying the stone,
22:59 and I come back and I laid my arm back there and said ooh.
23:03 And it weren't the Holy Spirit.
23:04 And it weren't the Holy Spirit
23:06 but it was an electrifying that got my attention.
23:08 I did, I said ooh, praise the Lord,
23:10 whoa, that's good.
23:12 I'm getting loose, anyway,
23:14 I thought that was interesting because we need to let
23:16 the Holy Spirit of the living God
23:18 come and electrify us.
23:20 Yeah. Yes, amen.
23:21 And when we are, we become potent
23:23 in the cause of Christ
23:24 and I think that dunamis
23:26 we're talking about really in our language
23:28 really we get our word dynamite.
23:30 Dynamite. That we're dynamite.
23:31 We need to be exploding
23:33 as it were for the cause of Christ.
23:34 So wherever you go,
23:36 there should be things moved out of the way.
23:37 Every obstacle that's in the way is moved out
23:40 because of the explosion
23:41 of the power of the Holy Spirit.
23:43 We don't have to do it, the Spirit does it.
23:44 So those are things I thought was so interesting.
23:47 Ephesians 5:18 simply says, quickly says,
23:50 "And be not drunk with wine," interesting,
23:53 "where in is excess but be you feel with what, the spirit."
23:58 The spirit.
23:59 Fill is simple is to fill up.
24:02 It's to top off, is to make it complete,
24:05 to render notice,
24:07 perfect to make known God's will and to obey it.
24:13 Too many people in the world today
24:15 says in not right way.
24:17 They know the will of God but they refuse to obey.
24:20 They know the spirit's prompting.
24:22 They know what they need to clean up their act.
24:24 They know what they need to get right with God,
24:28 but they refuse to yield
24:29 to the Holy Spirit even pointing out.
24:34 Yeah.
24:35 I wish we had more time I'd talk about this.
24:36 I realize the conversion for me,
24:38 I said many times, I know conversion
24:40 when it comes is different for different people.
24:42 But the Lord did my covert in the dream,
24:44 pointed out three things in my life
24:45 that had to be changed or I was going to miss heaven.
24:47 You were in a dream sleeping?
24:48 It was a dream sleeping, the Lord came to me in dream
24:50 'cause I was praying about things
24:52 that I need to get right whatever...
24:53 and he named those three things,
24:55 and He supposedly said,
24:56 and you know what?
24:58 I love this, I won't go into all the detail with it,
24:59 He knows you. Amen.
25:01 He knows me so intimate through the Holy Spirit.
25:04 He knows me so intimate,
25:06 that when He came to me He said,
25:09 "Kenny."
25:11 He didn't say, hey you. Amen.
25:13 He didn't say, hey, Mr. Shelton.
25:16 He knew me, He said, you know what?
25:18 He said, "Kenny," and you know what it is,
25:20 even though you may be drifting off
25:22 and you're still searching,
25:24 you still want,
25:25 I recognize the voice of the shepherd.
25:29 He said all one word, "Kenny," and I said, "Yes Lord."
25:33 Amen.
25:35 His sheep will know that voice.
25:37 Even if they're teetering,
25:39 they're going to know if they really listen,
25:40 He speaks to them, so I thought out, anyway,
25:43 that God works that...
25:44 He wants us to obey, obey Him, and I look,
25:48 there's so much more to covering
25:49 and being filled with the spirit is
25:50 just an exciting thing,
25:52 but again it's an ongoing process,
25:54 it's everyday, it's not these week old,
25:57 10 years ago experiences that we need,
26:00 we need a fresh supply, fresh graces everyday,
26:03 fresh experiences with Him.
26:05 And I tell you when you're fresh,
26:07 people are going to know you're fresh.
26:08 If you're a little bit day old,
26:09 they're going to know you're day old.
26:11 Yeah. That's it.
26:12 They're going to know it.
26:14 And so we need to be fresh in Jesus Christ.
26:15 So okay, my time's up.
26:16 And vitally important that we have enthusiasm
26:21 and I don't mean fake enthusiasm.
26:22 Oh, no, no, no.
26:24 Kenny, you are just overflowing with the Spirit of God,
26:26 there is...
26:27 You can't be lackadaisical and lukewarm
26:31 and be full of the Holy Spirit.
26:33 When you are full of the Holy Spirit,
26:34 it's gonna show and,
26:36 Kenny, it's gonna show on you and praise God for that,
26:38 you're supposed to.
26:39 This isn't supposed to that Christ in us right,
26:40 the hope of glory shows out.
26:42 I'm scared to death somebody will see me.
26:45 I don't know about...
26:46 They see me, I can't change anybody.
26:48 I can't do anything or mess anybody.
26:50 But Christ in me,
26:51 the hope of glory can change somebody.
26:53 And that's a beautiful thing,
26:54 God wants to do in each one of our hearts
26:56 and lives and praise Jesus.
26:58 I just feel like I'm getting on fire here.
27:01 I'm getting electrified, praise God.
27:03 Thank you Jesus
27:04 for the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
27:06 for the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
27:08 And now, Mollie, you start with conditions.
27:10 Conditions to being filled with Holy Spirit,
27:12 and the first thing I wanted to head on was,
27:14 who is the baptism of the Holy Spirit for
27:16 and that would be 1 Corinthians 12:13,
27:20 "For by one spirit
27:21 we were all baptized into one body
27:24 whether Jews or Greeks, whether slave or free.
27:29 And have all been made to drink into one spirit."
27:32 So, Kenny, who is this
27:33 infilling of the Holy Spirit for?
27:35 Whosoever will, everybody.
27:41 I wanted to do a little springboard.
27:42 I'm going to pick on a statement of Sister White's,
27:45 it's in Manuscript Releases,
27:46 volume 14, page 71, she says,
27:50 "I wish to impress upon you the fact
27:52 that those who have Jesus abiding
27:54 in the heart by faith have actually
27:57 received the Holy Spirit.
27:58 Every individual who receives Jesus
28:01 as His personal savior
28:03 just as surely receives the Holy Spirit
28:06 to be his counselor,
28:08 sanctifier, guide, and witness."
28:11 Amen.
28:12 So, now, we're going to look at the conditions.
28:16 What are the conditions laid out in the word of God,
28:20 because there are conditions?
28:21 Amen.
28:22 Every promise of God is condition.
28:25 Amen. We know that.
28:27 Its condition is laid out and the word to determine,
28:31 if our heart is truly ready to receive Christ.
28:35 Amen.
28:36 That's what is important is the condition of the heart.
28:39 I wanted us to go to Mark 4,
28:41 because we're going to look at some conditions of the heart
28:45 and we're going to start in Mark,
28:47 it's the parable of the sower.
28:49 And let me tell you,
28:51 were going to read Mark 4 starting in verse 4,
28:54 but I'm going to skip over to verse 14
28:57 because we are talking about the sower sowing.
28:59 And I want to show you what the sower is sowing.
29:02 Verse 14 says, "The sower sowes the word."
29:04 Amen.
29:06 So that's where we liken the word
29:08 to the seed of a living God,
29:09 "The sower sows the word."
29:11 Now, starting in verse 3,
29:12 "Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow
29:16 and it happened as he sowed,
29:19 that some seed fell by the wayside
29:22 and the birds of the air came and devoured it."
29:24 Now what we're talking about is conditions of the heart.
29:27 That's right.
29:29 We've got all these people in the congregation,
29:31 the preacher is up there
29:32 preaching a powerful salvational message.
29:36 It's going forth.
29:37 There are people out there
29:39 that just don't even know the word's going on.
29:40 "That is those that fell by the wayside.
29:44 Some fell on stony ground,
29:47 where it did not have much earth
29:49 and immediately it sprang up
29:51 because it had no depth of earth."
29:53 Some of our hearts are stony,
29:54 some portions of our hearts are stony.
29:56 Yeah.
29:58 But in verse 7,
30:00 "And some seeds fell among thorns,
30:03 and the thorns grew up, and choked it,
30:05 and it yielded no crop."
30:07 But, thank God for the but in the word of God, verse 8,
30:10 "But other seed fell on good ground,
30:12 and yielded a crop that sprang up
30:15 increased and produced..."
30:16 Amen.
30:17 Some thirty fold, some sixty, and some hundredfold."
30:20 And that's what we want to be.
30:22 As for this word to go into our heart
30:24 and to spring up
30:26 and we'll be hundredfold producers,
30:28 fruit producers in the kingdom of God.
30:30 Okay, now I want you to go to Acts,
30:33 I read this a little earlier, told you was in,
30:35 what I was gonna teach on, Acts 2...
30:38 Can you give it again? Amen.
30:40 Now this is Peter.
30:43 Peter is just coming out of the upper room.
30:45 And y'all, what happened in that upper room?
30:47 Holy Spirit poured out.
30:48 The Holy Spirit has cloven tons of fire
30:52 and they came out of that upper room
30:55 endued with power from own high.
30:57 Amen.
30:58 Now here is what Peter says, he remember,
31:02 he expounded on the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
31:06 He told the people
31:08 what the Lord impressed upon him
31:09 and the Holy Spirit spoke through him.
31:11 He says now, when they heard this,
31:13 when they heard Peter's sermon,
31:16 that the first sermon
31:18 at the first evangelistic sermon
31:20 Peter had preached, this is it.
31:22 In Acts 2:37. In fact 2:37-38.
31:26 "Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart."
31:29 Remember what is it that the seed is sown into?
31:32 It's the heart. Amen.
31:34 They were cut to the heart
31:35 and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles,
31:37 man, brethren, what shall we do?
31:40 Then Peter said to them, number one, "Repent".
31:43 What's that word repent mean?
31:45 That's not just I'm sorry, I did it.
31:47 That's right.
31:49 Repent means...
31:50 Turning away. A complete turn around.
31:52 Repent, change your ways.
31:54 If you were headed this direction,
31:56 turn around,
31:57 you've got to go this direction, repent.
32:00 Mercy.
32:01 Man, brethren. Yeah.
32:03 "Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized
32:06 in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins
32:10 and you shall receive the Holy Spirit."
32:13 So what are the conditions?
32:14 Number one,
32:16 you have to have God's word come forth into your heart.
32:20 You must hear the word of God. Amen.
32:23 We were talking last week I believe it was,
32:25 how our salvation every one of us
32:29 we had heard, and heard, and heard,
32:32 and I know God by the power of His spirit
32:34 slowly softened my heart.
32:37 But then the day came,
32:38 when the word was planted right into my heart
32:40 and it was time, I had to make a decision.
32:42 Yes.
32:44 By an act of my will,
32:45 I chose to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
32:48 I got changed.
32:49 I got born again.
32:51 And I have never been the same.
32:52 Once you accept Jesus, turn from your wicked ways,
32:56 receive His spirit, your will never be the same.
32:59 You hear God's word, it goes into your heart,
33:02 it convicts your heart of its condition
33:05 and you don't say,
33:06 "Oops, I'm sorry.
33:07 Oh, look how that I am."
33:09 You repent, you change. Amen.
33:11 Then follow the Lord in believer's baptism.
33:16 We're told to do that.
33:17 And then you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,
33:20 those were the conditions.
33:22 Amen.
33:23 The power of hearing the truth of words,
33:25 God's word is life changing.
33:27 Our conscience is pricked and we see sinfulness of us.
33:32 We see our sinful condition.
33:34 We see our lost condition.
33:37 True repentance then follows and then,
33:41 this is something that it took me a while to see this.
33:45 where it says
33:49 "Not knowing that it's the goodness of God
33:53 that leads us to repentance."
33:55 See, now I've got this frame of reference
33:58 that I'm looking here none of you three haven't know.
34:01 I wasn't raised in the Adventist church
34:04 and I'm not going to tell you the denomination I was in,
34:07 but they preached hell hot and I mean, they,
34:11 they...
34:13 And it scared people into repenting.
34:17 Well, I'm going to say what, if it works for you, fine,
34:20 but that's not what the word says.
34:22 The word says,
34:24 it's not holding you at over hell
34:27 and saying burn baby burn and roasting you, no.
34:31 It's telling the goodness of God.
34:34 It's God's word and the goodness of God...
34:36 That's right.
34:37 That leans you to repentance, to that change of way.
34:41 And then
34:44 we ask in faith in the James 1:6-8.
34:49 We ask in faith,
34:51 "But let him ask in faith with no doubting,
34:54 for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea,
34:58 driven and tossed by the wind.
35:00 But let not that man supposed
35:02 he will receive anything from the Lord,
35:04 he is a double-minded man,
35:05 and he is unstable in his way."
35:07 We are to be persistent. Yeah.
35:12 The scripture that's Luke 11:9-10.
35:14 "So I say to you: if you will be given to,
35:18 seek and you should find,
35:20 knock and it shall be open to you.
35:22 For everyone who asks, receives, who seeks,
35:25 finds and to him who knocks it will be opened."
35:27 Amen.
35:28 We have to be persistent, Brother Kenny,
35:30 and how much more
35:31 what the heavenly father gift us.
35:33 I love this, Luke 11:13.
35:36 "If you then, being evil,
35:37 know how to give good gifts to your children,
35:40 how much more."
35:41 How much more?
35:43 Do you want little bit of the Holy Spirit?
35:45 Do you want a lot of the Holy Spirit?
35:47 Oh Father!
35:48 Fill me to the capacity I'm at,
35:50 till my cup is running over
35:52 and we're drinking from the saucer.
35:54 That's how we want to be.
35:55 "How much more would your heavenly Father
35:58 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him."
36:01 Isn't that beautiful?
36:03 Go head. No, no.
36:05 No please, go ahead.
36:06 That's just a quick comment because you just brought this
36:07 ahead in my notes in Desire of Ages 172,
36:09 because when you are talking about the Holy Spirit said
36:11 "The Christian life is not a modification
36:14 or an improvement of the old."
36:16 I liked that.
36:17 "But a transformation of nature."
36:19 There is a death,
36:20 death to self and sin, a new life altogether.
36:25 Notice this change can only be brought about
36:29 by the Holy Spirit,
36:30 effectual workings of the Holy Spirit.
36:33 How that works in?
36:34 It's not, well, I'm better than I used to be.
36:36 The old man's supposed to die.
36:38 The old man for me keeps trying to get up
36:39 and I keep try and choke him
36:41 and put him back down there by grace of God.
36:42 You know, don't come back up.
36:44 So it's a bad world, it goes on.
36:45 Yes, it is.
36:47 But this working can be done and will be done
36:49 because of power of the Holy Spirit.
36:50 Amen.
36:51 Thank you, Mollie, so much for that.
36:53 God wants to change us
36:54 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
36:56 Make us into the image of Jesus through that repentance,
36:59 baptism, the faith, the prayer,
37:00 I love that and you have more conditions for us,
37:02 Brian, don't you?
37:03 Yeah.
37:05 Wednesday, it's conditions part two
37:08 and so there are more conditions.
37:11 But before I launch into that, Mollie,
37:13 I really appreciated what you had to share with us
37:15 in Mark 4,
37:18 about the soil, the conditions of the heart,
37:21 and the impact that,
37:23 that has on the Holy Spirit's ability
37:27 to be able to make change in our lives.
37:30 I didn't grow up here in the Midwest,
37:33 I grew up out in Pacific, Northwest,
37:36 and there you some very rocky rugged terrain, okay.
37:42 You have some actual mountains
37:44 that you lack here that we lack here in the Midwest.
37:47 It's true.
37:48 It's flat in Illinois, you know.
37:50 All though there are some rolling hills
37:52 and they may be called those mountains.
37:53 But out in Washington, Oregon,
37:55 there are true mountains, okay.
37:58 Rugged with cracks, rock sticky,
38:01 and it amaze me how in some areas
38:04 where there is almost zero soil.
38:08 You can see a tree growing out
38:11 and blossoming in what seems the most inhospitable area.
38:18 And so, let's remember that the Holy Spirit
38:22 even in most inhospitable areas can bloom and grow.
38:28 Amen.
38:29 So we don't want to write anybody off.
38:31 Thank you for that.
38:33 By looking at the outer appearance and thinking,
38:35 oh, they're just an old rugged, no.
38:38 I've even seen in parking lots, in cities.
38:42 I have seen cracks in the parking lot
38:44 and out bloomed a little flower,
38:46 a daisy, okay.
38:48 So God's spirit,
38:50 if there is even a crack in the side walk,
38:53 will drop the seed in that crack
38:56 and it will bloom and then it will blossom.
38:58 That's beautiful. Let's remember that.
38:59 So they were not so harsh on each other
39:02 about the conditions of our hearts, you know,
39:04 because we all need that.
39:06 Acts 5,
39:10 why don't we turn to Acts 5:32?
39:15 Acts 5
39:18 and I got into Romans, so I realized.
39:23 Acts disappeared from my Bible.
39:26 I bet it's still there.
39:27 You know what, you're right, Mollie, it's there.
39:31 So Acts 5:32,
39:34 I'm going to really start in verse 31.
39:36 Okay. "Him."
39:38 Who is the him?
39:40 The Him is Jesus.
39:41 "Him God has exalted to his right hand."
39:46 So God has exalted Jesus to his right hand
39:49 "To be Prince and Savior to give repentance."
39:54 So, Mollie, you talked about repentance,
39:56 even repentance is a gift.
39:59 It's a gift. It's good.
40:00 We don't have it of ourselves but we can ask for it.
40:04 So to be a Prince and a Savior, to give repentance to Israel
40:09 and forgiveness of sins.
40:11 And we are His witness to these things,
40:15 and so also is the Holy Spirit that God has given
40:19 to those who obey Him."
40:24 So there is again a condition
40:27 and I feel this as an ongoing condition.
40:31 Not a one time, I obeyed once in the past.
40:35 It's a continual,
40:36 daily type of thing of surrendering for obedience.
40:41 Those, I remember as our children,
40:43 our two sons grew up,
40:45 and the day came
40:46 when they wanted the keys to the car.
40:49 Oh mercy.
40:51 Did that ever happen to you, Kenny?
40:52 Yes.
40:54 Mollie, did it happen to you? Yeah.
40:56 They wanted the keys to the car.
40:59 It was easy to hand the keys over
41:02 when they had consistently showed their life
41:06 as obedient to your instructions.
41:09 It's good.
41:11 But when they hadn't,
41:13 I found it very difficult to hand those keys over,
41:16 because I was afraid of what they would do to the car,
41:21 with the car, or to somebody else...
41:24 That's right.
41:25 Who the car might come in contact with.
41:27 It was their consistent life of obedience
41:33 that helped me have confidence to hand over the keys.
41:37 And I just wonder if the Holy Spirit looks at us
41:41 in a way like I looked at our children,
41:45 that the Holy Spirit longs to lend the car as it were,
41:50 longs to hand over the keys.
41:53 But what are we going to do with that car when we get it?
41:57 Are we going to use it show off.
42:00 You never did that, Kenny, I know.
42:02 But I probably did.
42:06 That's men have more of a problem with that issue,
42:08 I think than you ladies.
42:09 But you know...
42:11 Maybe we show off in other ways though,
42:12 so I think pride is a...
42:14 Yeah. Human condition.
42:16 So the lesson says,
42:19 "The Holy Spirit is granted to all who obey God."
42:22 Amen.
42:24 "In the Bible love and obedience go hand in hand.
42:27 Amen.
42:29 True faith is expressed in obedience.
42:32 Yes.
42:33 So God loves to give us the Holy Spirit.
42:36 God's longing to give us.
42:38 Jesus has promised us the Holy Spirit.
42:40 Yes.
42:42 But when we live in a life of rebellion,
42:44 in disobedience,
42:48 even though his heart longs to give it,
42:50 he has to hold it back
42:53 until we are trustworthy you might say
42:56 to be able to hand over the keys to the car.
42:59 That's right.
43:00 So that was one of the conditions.
43:02 Let's look at Jude.
43:04 Jude is a little book clear back,
43:07 right before the Book of Revelation
43:09 which is the last book in the Bible.
43:12 Jude is one chapter long,
43:16 so you don't have any chapters in Jude,
43:18 you just have verses, okay.
43:20 In Jude verses 18 to 21.
43:25 And this is a description of those
43:31 who are lacking the Holy Spirit, okay.
43:35 So Jude verse 18 now,
43:38 "They told you that there would be mockers
43:41 in the last day, last time,
43:44 who would walk according to their own ungodly lust.
43:49 These are sensual persons, who cause division,
43:54 not having the Spirit."
43:57 Oh, my.
43:59 So this is something that we can look in our own lives.
44:03 We can look in other people.
44:06 We can look in surroundings where we work at.
44:09 Yeah.
44:10 And we say are the divisions. It's good.
44:14 If there is divisions,
44:16 that should be telling us that
44:18 there is something that is lacking.
44:21 And that something is the Holy Spirit.
44:25 Are we,
44:27 our ungodly lusts controlling our life.
44:32 And that should be prompting us,
44:35 telling us there is something missing in our life
44:39 and that is the Holy Spirit.
44:40 Amen.
44:41 The Holy Spirit is um...
44:46 It's kind of like our relationship with our spouses.
44:51 If we are central, lustful,
44:55 seeking something else other than
44:58 who we promise to be faithful to,
45:01 that severs relationship.
45:03 Yes, it does.
45:05 There is no longer, it does something that is
45:10 in fact, it causes grieves...
45:14 Yes. To our spouse, okay.
45:17 And the Holy Spirit,
45:19 wasn't that in one of our lessons in the past
45:20 that talked about that we can grieve the spirit of God.
45:24 Okay. It's good now.
45:25 So the spirit cannot give himself
45:28 in his fullness to us...
45:29 That's right.
45:30 While we are in a process of grieving him.
45:32 That's right. All right.
45:34 Just as our spouse can't give the fullness of love to us
45:37 that they would want to give... Yes.
45:40 If we're causing them to grieve.
45:41 That's right. Amen.
45:43 Good.
45:44 So another condition is, what is the heart?
45:47 What is the condition of our heart?
45:49 Oh, boy. You know.
45:50 And if we see that there is division and strife and lust
45:55 and other unholy things in our heart,
45:59 then that should prompt us that, let's go seek the spirit.
46:04 Let's ask the spirit to remove those things,
46:07 so that we have room for him in our hearts.
46:10 Oh, amen. Beautiful.
46:12 Praise the Lord. Amen.
46:13 That ends part two.
46:16 And, Jill?
46:17 Amen. That was beautiful, Brian.
46:18 I love that analogy of your spouse in the marriage and...
46:21 Amen.
46:22 I've thought of that with Jesus,
46:24 but I don't think ever with the Holy Spirit,
46:26 that was the first time... Amen.
46:28 I had processed that myself and that's a beautiful analogy,
46:31 how we could grieve the Holy Spirit
46:33 or how it could cause pain and it's not that,
46:36 these conditions we've been discussing
46:38 are not God being hard on us.
46:40 It's simply how can we come into total unity?
46:45 How can we be filled with the Holy Spirit
46:48 unless we choose to allow him to change us?
46:53 So that we can walk in obedience.
46:54 So that we can follow him fully.
46:57 If Thursday is self centered living
47:01 versus Christ centered living.
47:05 This week we've looked at kind of three major things.
47:08 We started with the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
47:10 the filling of the Holy Spirit.
47:12 We looked at the prerequisites, that's a hard word.
47:15 Prerequisites to receiving the Holy Spirit
47:19 or to be in filled with the Holy Spirit.
47:21 And now we look at the change, the transformation
47:25 that the Holy Spirit makes in our hearts and lives.
47:28 Let's go to Ephesians.
47:30 We also can see this in Galatians 5,
47:32 but I want to look at Ephesians first.
47:35 If we have time, we'll go to Galatians
47:37 if not, it's a good scripture for another time.
47:40 But Ephesians 5, we're going to read verses 1
47:43 actually through 21.
47:46 We see here the radical difference between those
47:50 who follow Jesus, follow the spirit,
47:52 walk in the spirit
47:54 and those who, as Galatians 5 tells us,
47:56 follow the works of the flesh.
47:58 Ephesians 5, kind of is divided into three separate categories.
48:03 And verses 1 through 7 deals with love versus lust.
48:09 Verses 8 through 14 is light versus darkness.
48:13 Verse 15 through 21, I'm sorry is wisdom versus foolishness.
48:20 It's all three different ways of looking at the same thing.
48:23 Living in the spirit versus living in the flesh.
48:25 So verse 1, we're in Ephesians 5.
48:28 "Be imitators of God as dear children."
48:32 The standard for Christian behavior is high.
48:36 Exceedingly high 'cause the character of God is holy.
48:40 Amen.
48:41 We can't reach that of ourselves
48:43 but the Holy Spirit in us can change us into His image.
48:47 He says, "And walk in love,
48:49 literally to live or behave in love.
48:52 As Christ loved us and gave Himself for us,
48:55 an offering and a sacrifice to God
48:57 for a sweet-smelling aroma."
48:59 Or I think King James is a sweet smelling savor.
49:02 Yes, walk in love. Amen.
49:05 He loved us. He gave Himself for us.
49:08 He calls us to walk in love,
49:09 toward our brothers and sisters.
49:11 Now we look at the opposite.
49:13 These are like those works of the flesh.
49:14 Verse 3.
49:16 "And these all do with lust, impurity,
49:19 fornication all uncleanness, covetousness,
49:23 let it not even be named among you
49:26 as it is fitting for Saints,
49:28 neither filthiness nor foolish talking
49:30 nor coarse jesting."
49:31 This is all what we speak, maybe not the physical act
49:35 but we're dealing now with
49:37 what we actually speak out of our mouth
49:39 and how it can be impure, how it could be immoral.
49:42 But instead of that we're to give thanks.
49:45 It says, rather giving thanks. Amen.
49:48 "For this you know that no fornicator unclean person,
49:51 or covetous man, who is an idolater,
49:54 has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God."
49:58 That's pretty heavy. That is.
49:59 When I read that, that's heavy.
50:01 "Let no one deceive you with empty words,
50:03 for because of these things the wrath of God
50:05 comes upon the sons of disobedience.
50:08 Therefore do not be partakers with them."
50:12 I remember when I was 13, one of those hard ages.
50:17 And acting out against my mom and dad.
50:21 Yelling, talking back.
50:23 Mercy.
50:25 Um, doing everything I could to walk away from God.
50:31 I remember, I physically wrote down in my journal.
50:35 God, you don't work.
50:37 Christianity doesn't work.
50:39 What I see in the Bible isn't real.
50:41 It doesn't work, I don't want you.
50:44 And I wrote that God, I'm walking away from you.
50:47 That's heavy.
50:48 And in the midst of this pain,
50:51 I was involved in a certain friends you could say.
50:55 My mom sat me down and she said,
50:56 you are not gonna associate with those people anymore.
51:00 And I said, you're not being fair
51:02 and all my other friends can do that.
51:04 And you're not treating me right,
51:06 and how dare you do that?
51:08 And she said, you live in this house.
51:10 Come on, now.
51:12 You follow by what your father and I believe
51:15 God wants you to do.
51:17 Jill, they're pulling you from Jesus.
51:19 Yeah. Wow.
51:21 And praise the Lord, when I look back in my life,
51:24 that was one of the turning points in my life.
51:26 Amen.
51:27 Because that association with people,
51:30 who even though I was really teetering
51:33 and not sure what I wanted to do,
51:34 but it was pulling me to the darkness,
51:36 all of these things.
51:38 This says, do not be partakers with them.
51:40 Let me just throw these things. Yes.
51:43 But your mother and father had trained you upright.
51:47 So they're that is on behalf of how you parents
51:51 that are training you children upright
51:53 just like Jill, may have wanted to go astray
51:56 that training brought her right back.
51:59 Amen. Amen.
52:00 And that's the power of the Holy Spirit.
52:02 And that's the story for another day,
52:03 how God works in that.
52:05 In verse 8, now we're looking at light versus darkness,
52:07 but it's still the same.
52:09 It's walking in the spirit versus walking in the flesh.
52:12 For you who were once darkness, now you are light in the Lord,
52:15 that's you, that's me, that's each of us.
52:17 The Bible said all have sinned
52:19 and fallen short of the glory of God.
52:21 We were all darkness but God wants to transform us.
52:24 Mollie, I always says this out of the kingdom of darkness
52:26 into the kingdom of God's dear son,
52:28 the kingdom of light.
52:29 "Walk as children of light, for the fruit of the Spirit
52:33 is in all goodness, righteousness, truth.
52:35 Have no fellowship
52:37 with the unfruitful works of darkness,
52:39 but rather expose them."
52:40 Let's jump on 'cause our time is running away.
52:42 Verse 15, we see wisdom versus foolishness.
52:47 "See then that you walk circumspectly,
52:50 not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time,
52:53 because the days are evil."
52:56 Verse 18, do not be drunk with wine,
52:58 in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit."
53:02 "Speaking to one another
53:04 in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
53:06 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father
53:09 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
53:12 submitting to one another in the fear of God."
53:15 If we contrast self centered living
53:19 versus Christ centered living.
53:22 Self centered living is flesh filled living.
53:24 Yeah.
53:26 It's controlled by passion, slave to sin,
53:31 shows the fruits of sin, walks in lust,
53:36 walks in darkness.
53:38 Walks in foolishness is an idolater.
53:42 But by contrast if we have a Christ centered life,
53:49 spirit fill living,
53:50 we are controlled not by the flesh
53:52 but by the Holy Spirit.
53:54 Amen. That's right.
53:55 We're not a slave to sin,
53:57 we choose everyday daily to die to self in sin.
54:02 Our life reveals the fruit of the spirit.
54:05 We walk in love which is Jesus,
54:09 from the manger to the cross as our wages tells us,
54:12 live the principle of self-sacrificing love.
54:15 The opposite of living for myself and selfishness,
54:19 self sacrificing love.
54:21 Christ centered living lives for other people.
54:24 Yes.
54:26 So when I read this list,
54:27 I say God what areas of my life are not in harmony with you?
54:32 Ask God by the power of a spirit
54:33 to show me those places that are not in harmony with you.
54:37 And this list is not to discourage you,
54:40 not to make you think,
54:42 I do some of those works of the flesh
54:44 and I'm not sure what I know.
54:46 We can't change ourselves.
54:48 Jeremiah 13 says,
54:49 "Can the Ethiopian change his skin color
54:51 or the, is that the right, "or the leopard his spots?"
54:55 Then may we also do good who are accustomed to evil.
54:58 It is God by the power of His Spirit.
55:01 I want to look at one more scripture Ezekiel 36,
55:05 Ezekiel 36.
55:08 This is one of my favorite scriptures.
55:11 Ezekiel 36...
55:16 25, verse 25.
55:18 "I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean,
55:22 I will cleanse you from all your filthiness
55:25 and from all your idols."
55:26 God wants to purify us and cleanse us.
55:29 Forgive us from sin but he doesn't stop there.
55:31 Verse 26, "I will give you a new heart
55:35 and put a new spirit within you;
55:37 I will take out the heart of stone."
55:39 The heart that's contrary to God's commandments,
55:41 that heart that does not want to walk in accord with him.
55:44 And I will give you a heart of flesh.
55:46 I will put my spirit within you.
55:49 Praise the Lord.
55:50 And cause you to walk in my statues.
55:52 And you will be my people. Amen.
55:54 And I will be your God.
55:56 That is what God wants to do in our lives
55:59 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
56:02 When we choose to surrender to let him work in our lives...
56:07 Amen.
56:08 He wants to change us. Yes.
56:10 A quote from Desire of Ages, page 215.
56:13 "There is no limit to the usefulness of one
56:17 who put in self aside..."
56:19 Oh, boy.
56:21 "Makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit
56:23 on his heart..."
56:24 "And lives the life wholly consecrated to God."
56:28 I know we have just a couple moments left in.
56:30 I'd like a closing thought from each one of you.
56:33 So I don't know, Pastor Kenny, we'll start with you.
56:35 It brings to my attention, it think it's Romans 2:4,
56:38 it the talks about the, "The goodness of God
56:41 leadeth thee to repentance."
56:43 That's just a bottom line for me.
56:45 It's his goodness, his longsuffering.
56:47 Yeah.
56:48 You know, he continues to call and I'm thankful.
56:50 Amen.
56:51 And, Kenny, I'm just going to agree with you.
56:53 Thank God for the power of the Holy Spirit
56:56 that will draw us into goodness of God,
56:59 that wants us out of darkness and in light.
57:02 Thank God for this. Amen.
57:03 I work every week with men that have chosen the wrong route...
57:08 Yeah.
57:09 And just left them in bondage...
57:11 Yes.
57:12 In present, addictions, you know.
57:16 God's way with the Holy Spirit is to free us.
57:19 To give us our freedom. That's right.
57:20 Our self governance back again. Amen.
57:22 That's such a blessing...
57:24 Yes, it is. To have that.
57:25 Praise God for what he wants to do.
57:26 Thank you each one of you,
57:28 Pastor Brian and Mollie and Pastor Kenny.
57:30 It's a privilege to open up God's Word
57:32 to see what He wants to do in our hearts and in our lives.
57:36 We want to thank you at home for joining with us.
57:40 We pray that everyday this next week,
57:43 you will get in the word of God.
57:44 The word of God can change you, you will choose
57:47 and when you get up in the morning,
57:48 "God, I surrender myself to You today.
57:51 I ask you would fill me with Your spirit
57:53 and You would empower me for the work
57:55 that You have called me to do."
57:57 That's all the time we have for today.
57:59 Until next time God bless you and keep you.


Revised 2017-01-30