Participants: Kenny Shelton (Host), CA Murray, Jill Morikone, John Lomacang, Mollie Steenson
Series Code: SSP
Program Code: SSP000004A
00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 00:07 It says, "To receive with Meekness 00:09 the implanted Word, 00:11 which is able to Save your Souls 00:13 and to be Diligent 00:15 to present yourself approved to God... 00:17 Rightly dividing the Word of Truth." 00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel. 00:24 Our study today is, 00:25 The Holy Spirit and Spirituality. 00:32 Happy Sabbath, and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel. 00:36 As most of you know already, 00:38 you've been enjoying these lessons. 00:40 We pray the Holy Spirit's been working on your heart 00:42 and on your life. 00:43 And we're going to be studying lesson number four, 00:45 so if you have your book, 00:47 we want you to get it out, get your Bible, 00:48 get pencil and paper 00:50 because this is going to be a fantastic study, another one. 00:52 And in a moment, we'll give you, 00:54 how you can get these lessons in case you do not have them. 00:57 But you know, I thought that it might be good, 00:59 you know, even as a panel, 01:01 I'm going to introduce the panel in just a moment too, 01:03 maybe to go over and I think we can do this 01:05 because starting, now this is just a fourth lesson. 01:09 So it would be nice just to go over and just, 01:11 in case some people missed it, just a few of the high points, 01:14 not all of them at all, 01:15 just few high points of things that's been covered 01:17 on the previous lessons. 01:18 Now, if you get deeper into it, 01:20 it'd be difficult to cover every little thing. 01:21 So I jotted down a few things I thought would be 01:23 very, very interesting. 01:25 And again we're so glad you're here. 01:26 You know, what do we have? 01:28 You can't have a lesson study without people. 01:29 So we'll praise God that you've tuning in. 01:32 We want you to make this a habit. 01:33 Things that we have learned, I jotted down, 01:35 the Holy Spirit active 01:37 with the Father and the son in creation. 01:39 This is the topic many people get 01:41 little confusion on some time. 01:43 Active in the incarnation, active in redemption, 01:46 Holy Spirit is much a person as the Father and the son. 01:51 The Holy Spirit inspired Bible writers. 01:54 How wonderful to know all these things, 01:55 They are so good and positive! 01:57 The Holy Spirit filled Christ's life 01:59 with power and gave him victory, 02:01 you know, over the temptations. 02:03 The Holy Spirit, we've been learning draws us 02:06 and convicts us, 02:07 and if we respond to that drawing 02:09 and conviction, we have a heart change 02:12 and a character change, must be a response to that. 02:15 And then also the Holy Spirit gives gifts to the church. 02:19 Aren't you glad to the churches that Spirit gives them 02:21 as He will severally, praise God for that. 02:24 The Holy Spirit, we're learning has, leads us into all truth. 02:29 And also the Holy Spirit bears witness 02:32 of Jesus Christ. 02:33 So the function of the Holy Spirit, 02:36 Christ representative and bears witness of Christ, 02:39 not Himself, so these are good points 02:41 and just, you know, simple things 02:43 I think that we need to maybe put in your mind 02:45 as we begin to study today. And I also, 02:48 I want us to always remember, 02:49 we're going over some of the same passages, 02:52 but even though I might read one 02:54 and Sister Mollie may read one and Sister Jill 02:57 or, you know, Brother Bryan, it's okay, 02:59 read it again because the Holy Spirit 03:00 will give you something different. 03:02 Do not worry about. The scriptures never get old. 03:06 So praise God for that. 03:07 Again, lesson number four, 03:09 and I'm gonna tell you, in case you do not have 03:11 these lessons and you want to get them, 03:13 I'm going to give you 03:14 the way in which you can get these lessons right now. 03:17 You can receive it, download these 03:19 through 03:26 Now, if you do that, I'll run it again, 03:28 03:34 I thought very interesting, 03:36 I looked at that said help me to remember that 03:37 and ABS is, you know, 03:40 Automatic Braking System that got brakes. 03:43 If that's okay with you, 03:45 I can remember the way I want to, 03:46 it's all right, it helped me, isn't that? 03:48 Because you have ABS system on your car 03:51 and God is my, praise God, my braking system... 03:54 Amen. God is there for us. 03:55 So anyway be sure you get that lesson 03:57 study along with this. 03:58 I'm going to introduce the ones who are with us today. 04:01 And right after that, 04:02 we're going to have prayer, don't you go. 04:04 We can't study, 04:05 can't understand the Holy Spirit without prayer. 04:06 So on my left, you know, I'm very grateful and thankful, 04:09 Jill Morikone. 04:10 God bless, you know, 04:11 it's always good to sit and study the Word, 04:13 and we've had opportunities 04:15 to do it on several different occasions 04:17 and, you know, family worship and whatever today's 04:20 and just, you know, on this panel, 04:21 and it's always a delight, 04:23 and you've been such a help and encouragement 04:25 to my wife and I, 04:26 and we love you guys for that and thank you. 04:28 I'm so glad to have you today. 04:30 Thank you so much, Pastor Kenny. 04:31 It's a privilege to be here 04:32 and Greg and I feel the same about 04:34 you and your precious wife. 04:35 It's a joy to open up God's Word 04:38 and to study about the Holy Spirit 04:39 and to my left is Mollie Steenson. 04:42 She is my boss. 04:43 She is a woman of God, a woman of the Word, 04:47 a woman of grace and dignity, 04:49 and it's just a joy to have you here, Mollie. 04:50 Amen. Thank you very much. 04:52 I am humbled to be a part of this 04:55 group of people studying God's Word. 04:57 Thank you all for letting me work with you all. 05:00 And to my left is just, 05:02 I usually introduce people like this, 05:05 people that have become my friend to me 05:07 that's first and foremost, first you're my friend... 05:10 Amen. And he's a pastor. 05:12 He is also 3ABN's chief financial officer, 05:16 Brian Hamilton. 05:18 Brian, thank you so much for joining us. 05:19 It's a blessing to be here. 05:22 This is my first time on this particular panel, 05:25 and I'm looking forward to it, the subject of the Holy Spirit. 05:29 I can't think of a better subject 05:31 to be studying, 05:33 a more needful subject to be studying, 05:36 particular at this time in earth's history, 05:38 and, Kenny, I'm going to hand the mic back over to you, 05:45 you're our moderator today and we're so happy 05:47 to have you a part of our team. 05:49 We love you and your wife and family, 05:51 and it's nice to have you part of us here at 3ABN. 05:54 Praise the Lord. 05:55 It's good to be a part of God's team. 05:56 Amen. Isn't it? 05:58 We like that and so but, you know, 05:59 I going to have to throw it right back to you 06:01 because I want you, Brother Brian, to pray for us. 06:04 How desperately we that and after we have prayer, 06:06 I like Sister Mollie the other day, you said, 06:09 "Let's read the memory text together." 06:11 So we'll do that right after you have prayer. 06:12 So let's pray, shall we? 06:14 Bow your head's with us, Father in heaven, 06:17 it's so nice that Jesus told us 06:20 that we can address you that way. 06:21 Amen. You are our Father. 06:23 Yes. 06:25 There's warmth and closeness 06:27 and, we're so happy that you're willing to consider us 06:32 your children like Jesus. 06:33 Amen. Amen, thank you. 06:35 Our savior, gave your life for us, 06:38 became one flesh with us... 06:40 Amen. 06:42 That we might be one with the Father. 06:45 Amen. Amen. 06:46 Holy Spirit, we address you too 06:49 because you are Christ representative on Earth. 06:53 You're here to be our helper, our friend, our guide, 06:58 our comforter and so much more. 07:01 Please help us today... 07:02 Praise Father. 07:04 As we look at this subject of you. 07:07 And we ask for your guidance... Amen. 07:09 That you open our minds... Thank you. 07:11 And even more open our hearts... 07:13 To the wonder of knowing you better. 07:18 Thank you in Jesus name, amen. Amen. 07:20 Amen, praise the Lord. 07:22 So those of you at home be sure you get your bible, 07:24 open it up, our memory text for lesson number four 07:27 which covers January 21st to the 27th 07:31 and it's found in the book of John 14:26. 07:36 Now, I realize there's, you know, 07:37 you have the, this is from the NASB, 07:40 many will be reading from the King James 07:42 and the New King James, 07:43 but we're going to read it out of the book 07:45 so that kind of we keep our voices together. 07:47 Are we ready? 07:49 It says, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, 07:53 whom the Father will send in my name, 07:56 He will teach you all things 07:59 and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." 08:04 That's just, you know, that's powerful. 08:06 When you read that, we realize as children of God 08:09 all that He has given to us that's accessible to us. 08:13 You know, there would be whole lot less complaining, 08:15 whole lot less, I'm not sure of, 08:16 just going forward doing what He's asked us to do 08:19 through the power of the Holy Spirit. 08:22 And so, we look at that 08:23 and I thought about the memory text 08:25 and it just dawned on my heart, it dawned on my heart. 08:28 He said, "Kenny, I'm going to teach you all things." 08:31 Amen. 08:32 I can remember being called to the ministry, 08:36 I gave every excuse that I possibly could not to 08:40 because I felt inadequate, 08:42 and I still do today after all these years. 08:44 I never feel content, I never feel like, "Oh, 08:46 I've got it all together." I always have apprehensive... 08:49 I'm apprehensive because, not because the Holy Spirit, 08:52 because I know myself. 08:54 And so, I rely and lean upon God 08:56 as each one does. 08:57 And when he said, "I'll teach you," 08:59 and so I remember when he called, 09:00 it simply, the call was, "I want you to witness for me, 09:05 I want you to minister for me." And, of course, 09:08 I said no quite a few times, but then I finally said, 09:11 "You know what, Lord, somebody be careful 09:13 with this one. 09:14 I'm not been to the school of the prophets." 09:17 And the Holy Spirit said to me as plain as date, 09:20 "Kenny, I don't want you to go," 09:22 not so wrong for other people to do it, 09:24 this is... Everybody's different. 09:26 Everybody needs whatever and God knows where you're at, 09:29 and He said, "Kenny, I don't want you to." 09:30 And I said, "Well, Lord, why not?" 09:32 He said, "Because I can teach you 09:34 more in five seconds than all the learned men 09:36 of the world can in a lifetime. 09:38 Stay close to me, I'll teach you." 09:41 That brought such comfort to my heart to realize 09:44 which we should, it's not I. 09:47 Yes. But Christ. 09:48 Amen. And this leads.. 09:49 Sunday's lesson talks about 09:51 Jesus' description of the Holy Spirit, 09:54 and we will cover as many things 09:55 that we can in the time that we have together. 09:58 It gives us understanding, I'm thankful, 09:59 as we read this the personality of the Holy Spirit. 10:03 Again, it covers some of the same things 10:05 maybe over and over, 10:06 but if you're like me, I need it. 10:07 And little different aspect of it 10:09 and helps me to learn. 10:11 People say, "Why you jot all these things down?" 10:13 Because it helps me as I jot them down, 10:15 I learn them, puts it in my mind 10:17 and in my heart, that's the way I need to do it. 10:20 Others don't need do it that way, it's okay. 10:22 We are not all the same. 10:25 We know it when Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit, 10:27 which He did many times, 10:28 Jesus's description of the Holy Spirit 10:31 and I, this came to my mind, it was 1 John 2:6, 10:37 it says that, 10:39 "He that abides in him ought to walk as what..." 10:44 As he what? He walks. 10:45 If we abide in Christ, then we must walk as He walks 10:47 so Jesus then is talking about the Holy Spirit 10:50 and it describes the Holy Spirit 10:53 as a personality, as a deity, as a being, as a divine, 10:56 then, if Jesus said it, it's okay with me. 10:59 I don't care what all the other men might say or... 11:02 It's what the Bible says that's so important. 11:05 Jesus said this is the Holy Spirit, 11:07 then I just let everything else go and say 11:08 that's what he said then I believe in. 11:11 He speaks of, example, 11:13 I think it was mentioned maybe in the prayer, 11:15 Brother Brain, you mentioned, 11:16 says the Holy Spirit, it guides... 11:17 Amen. 11:19 It speaks, hears, convicts, it glorifies, it teaches, 11:24 dwells, testifies all of these beautiful things. 11:28 Again, read John 14, 15, 16, the whole chapters, 11:31 you'll get it, and you'll see what Jesus said 11:34 when Holy Spirit begins to come changes 11:36 begin develop in our hearts and our lives. 11:38 Jesus said, "I'm not going to leave you alone," 11:41 some of the things that we covered. 11:42 "I'm not going to leave you alone, 11:43 I'm going to send you," you remember, "a comforter," 11:45 and I'll tell how interesting that is, 11:47 comforter, we have discussed and been over is... 11:50 It's distinct, when He said the comforter, 11:53 it's distinct from the... But it has the same characters, 11:57 He is taking from Jesus, 11:58 but it has a distinctive characteristic, 12:00 a character, one like Himself, 12:04 one who would talk and would take His place, 12:07 one that would act in His stead, 12:10 so thus, you know, take Jesus, 12:12 the Holy Spirit representative of Jesus Christ. 12:15 I love this passage in Desire of Ages 669. 12:19 You'll find out as we do the study, 12:21 I'm a believer in the spirit of prophecy. 12:23 I'm not bashful, I'm not ashamed of it 12:25 because I have found over all the years 12:27 and it doesn't mean I've studied anything, 12:29 but what I have studied and I've taken the Bible, 12:31 and I've learned what truth is from the Word of God first 12:35 and know what the Word of God says 12:37 and then, I can go if it's other books, 12:40 and I don't go to other books to find out what truth is. 12:42 There's only two avenues, the Bible 12:43 and Spirit of Prophecy for me. 12:45 And so I look and Spirit of Prophecy 12:47 has always harmonized... 12:48 Amen. 12:50 With the Bible, every time, 12:51 it's just makes it simple and clear for me. 12:53 So if I read from it, 12:55 it's because my mind is simple and I need 12:56 to make it real clear and it really helps me. 12:58 Desire of ages 669 says this, notice, 13:01 "The Holy Spirit is Christ's representative, 13:04 but divested of the personality of humanity, 13:08 independent thereof..." 13:10 Okay? 13:11 So the Holy Spirit is not 13:12 Jesus came down here what did he have? 13:14 Humanity, He was in human form, 13:17 He couldn't be every place at once... 13:18 That's right. I finally got it in my head. 13:21 I finally got it in my head, you now, Jesus said, 13:24 "I'm going to send you a comforter. 13:25 I'm going to send someone to take my place 13:27 and it's going to be a blessing," 13:28 as it were that, send the Holy Spirit 13:31 because Christ couldn't be every place at once. 13:33 That's right. 13:35 So notice how this article goes on. 13:36 It's said, "Cumbered with humanity, 13:38 Christ could not be in every place personally. 13:42 Therefore, it was to their interest 13:45 that He should go to the Father, 13:47 and send the Spirit..." 13:48 The Holy Spirit, notice, "to be his successor on earth." 13:54 Not His spirit or the Father spirit, 13:57 separate entity here we're talking about the spirit, 13:59 the divine spirit, His successor, 14:02 His representative. 14:03 No one, I like this, 14:04 "No one could then have any advantage 14:08 because of his location 14:10 or of his personal contact with Christ." 14:13 So some of you could say, 14:15 "Well, I wasn't there when He walked the earth 14:16 or those who were there, they had an edge, 14:19 they had an edge on it 'cause I didn't get to see him, 14:21 I didn't..." 14:22 Notice what Christ says, "Can't use that excuse, 14:26 I go back to the Father, I sent my representative, 14:28 I send the one that's going to be My successor 14:31 here on earth, that can be every place, 14:33 everywhere at the same time, 14:34 no one's going to be neglected," 14:36 notice that, "By the Spirit, 14:38 the Savior would be accessible to all, 14:41 in this sense, He would be nearer to them 14:45 than if He had not ascended on high," 14:47 that just wrapped it up for me. 14:50 Because He ascended on high. He says what. 14:53 "Oh, He's nearer to us then He could have been." 14:57 What if he stayed here, He's near. 14:59 So praise God for that, I thought how interesting 15:01 but again, the disciples said, oh, time's running out. 15:04 Disciples said this, they... 15:05 most generally disciples never did, 15:08 maybe the first time get what Jesus said, 15:10 I think I might be that way too. 15:12 He said it over and over to me and some time I said, 15:14 "What did He say now, what did that mean?" 15:16 Desire of Age 670 said this. 15:19 "Jesus tried to reach them," 15:20 remember when they couldn't understand it, 15:22 Jesus tried to reach them. 15:23 When I couldn't understand it, Jesus tries to reach me 15:24 through the power of the Holy Spirit, 15:27 all the work on this earth to save sinners, 15:29 give victory over sin is by the power of the Holy Spirit, 15:32 how indebted we are to the Holy Spirit! 15:33 Amen. 15:35 You know, that's just an awesome thought. 15:36 Jesus tries to reach to me and He says this, 15:38 "The disciple still failed to understand Christ words 15:41 in their spiritual sense." 15:43 He again explained, notice, His meaning, 15:46 and, of course, you can read that, 15:47 He said, by the Spirit, he said, 15:49 He would manifest Himself to them. 15:52 So by the Holy Spirit, 15:53 He would manifest Himself to them. 15:55 If we had time, we'd reach Ephesians, 15:56 we do not, 3:18-19, really powerful 16:01 because it talks about the fullness of the spirit. 16:04 I thought how beautiful that is, 16:05 the fullness of the spirit, 16:07 that means, what's filled up, that means a power, 16:09 that means the agency, 16:10 that means the riches to be full of the Holy Spirit 16:13 is what maybe we might lack a little bit 16:15 maybe in the church, be filled of the Spirit means, 16:18 there's going to be conversion, you know, where Jesus is, 16:21 that things happen. 16:23 Oh, anyway, Jesus describes the Holy Spirit 16:25 and when He describes it, 16:27 you know that it's right. Praise God. 16:29 You know, we're just going to go right on, right quickly 16:30 because I think I've talked a little too much on that. 16:33 Unless you have a comment, anybody have a comment on that? 16:35 If not... You do, you covered... 16:37 Oh, we just talked, yeah, we're going to... 16:39 This is little different because we have four 16:42 rather than five on the panel. 16:44 So this gives a golden opportunity, 16:45 probably the first time 16:47 that we're going to look at the subject 16:48 and we're all going to be involved. 16:50 So I'm not going to ask you to throw your two cents, 16:53 I'm going to ask you throw you nickel's worth... 16:54 Oh, wow. Is that all right? 16:56 Maybe a dime's worth in on this 16:57 because it's very important 16:59 because we are going to be studying 17:00 personal aspects, 17:01 that's Monday's lesson, January 23rd, 17:05 of the Holy Spirit, 17:06 personal aspects are something 17:08 that we've been talking about over and over 17:09 and it makes sense... 17:11 and new light is always thrown upon it 17:13 as we study this is. 17:15 I'll just read a line here 17:17 and then we are going to throw a dime 17:18 and we would do some discussion here. 17:19 Your lesson that says, "Can an impersonal force 17:23 intercede in our behalf?" 17:26 You know, I'd love to have time sometime to go back 17:28 and look at that, many people send me 17:30 a lot of stuff sometime 17:31 and they'll say the pioneer said. 17:33 That's a beautiful, beautiful statement 17:34 and they should be right. 17:36 But you don't get truth by the pioneers. 17:37 You get truth by the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. 17:39 Amen, that's right. 17:40 Seriously, and that's not trying 17:41 to put anything or anybody down, 17:43 but if you're looking for truth, 17:44 why, why do I say that? 17:46 Because we understand God was bringing people 17:49 in from all different backgrounds. 17:51 And many of them thought Jesus was begotten 17:54 or there was a time and place that He came into being, 17:57 He was born as it were. 17:58 Many believe that there was no Holy Spirit. 18:01 When they first come in to Adventist move, 18:02 they call it is as essence of the spirit. 18:04 Many of our leaders at that point in time 18:07 did not believe the true position 18:09 until Ellen White began to come out on it, 18:12 and once she made some statements, 18:13 they just backed down and began to follow. 18:15 Is that what we should do? When light comes and evidence, 18:17 what should we do 18:19 when we're talking about personal aspects 18:20 of the Holy Spirit? 18:21 When the Holy Spirit speaks to us, 18:23 what should we do? 18:24 I think we go and go back to the Word of God. 18:25 The Holy Spirit, 18:27 we talked about this in a previous lesson, 18:28 never leads us contrary to the Word of God. 18:31 Because the Holy Spirit inspired the Word of God. 18:34 Now, you mentioned, Pastor Kenny, 18:35 "Can an impersonal force intercede on our behalf? 18:38 And it reminds me of Romans 8. 18:40 Okay. 18:41 Romans 8:26, 18:42 "Likewise the spirit helps in our weaknesses, 18:45 we don't know what we should pray for as we ought 18:48 but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us 18:51 with groaning which cannot be uttered." 18:53 Is very clear the Word of God says 18:56 the Spirit intercedes for us. 18:59 If He were an impersonal force, He could not intercede. 19:03 This shows us that personal aspect, 19:06 one of the personal aspects of the Holy Spirit. 19:08 It's also points out, Jill, to me, 19:11 why we need the Holy Spirit so much? 19:13 I'm thinking of our children when they were growing up, 19:17 their hearts would yearn for something, 19:19 they would beg and they would plead 19:21 and, you know, I mean they just 19:23 really pull out your heartstrings, 19:25 but we as parents, with more years of experience, 19:29 more understanding, more knowledge knew 19:32 what they were begging for and felt like 19:34 this was the only thing in the world 19:37 that would make them happy, 19:39 wouldn't do for them what they thought it would do. 19:40 Yeah. That's right. 19:42 And so as parents, you had to say no sometimes. 19:43 Yes. 19:45 Well, that's how the Holy Spirit is. 19:47 We plead for something, beg for something, 19:49 cry for something. 19:50 Yes, yes. 19:51 When that something may not be what we really need... 19:54 Amen, that's true. 19:56 But the Holy Spirit knows what we do need. 19:57 Amen. Yes. 19:58 Is that why, Sister Mollie, you think about, is that why, 20:01 you know, I read one time, it said, 20:02 "We don't even know what we ought to pray for?" 20:04 Yeah. 20:05 And when I was little, seriously, when I was little, 20:06 I said, "Then why should I pray?" 20:08 Sounds kind of rebellious anyway, 20:10 you know, I mean I read this. 20:11 Not trying to be that way but the question came up... 20:12 Yeah. 20:14 In my limited knowledge which still is... 20:16 Yeah. 20:17 Spiritualness of the Word, 20:19 we don't even know what we need, 20:20 how to pray for us, I said, "Then why, 20:22 why should I pray if I don't know 20:23 what I should do then, pray for it? 20:25 Just let it go." If you found that... 20:27 Well, have you ever, let me just ask this. 20:30 You're going to get down, 20:32 and you're going to pray for something 20:33 that you feel like you really need 20:35 and you submit yourself to God, 20:38 you ask the Holy Spirit to direct you, 20:40 and you're just praying up storm, 20:42 do you all pray up storms? 20:43 Do you know what I mean by that? 20:44 Just beseech God... Amen, amen. 20:46 And pray and really get performing, 20:49 you find yourself praying for something 20:52 you didn't even know, you were going to pray for. 20:54 And what happens, 20:55 this is what I think happens is, 20:57 you know, the scripture that says God gives you 21:00 the desires of your heart. 21:01 Yes. That's right. 21:03 Does that mean, "I've got a desire in my heart 21:05 and God's going to give it to me"? 21:06 Or does that mean, 21:09 God drops the desires in my heart, 21:11 God gifts me those desires that are in my heart. 21:15 And as I pray, you know, my heart starts changing... 21:18 Yes. 21:20 And maybe I realize, I don't need 21:22 what I was think I was heading for, 21:25 but what the Lord dropped in my heart, 21:27 that desire if He replaces in the heart, 21:29 that's the thing that God has for me, 21:32 and He's just given me the desires of my heart. 21:35 Amen. Amen, beautiful. 21:36 So sometime the circumstances are not really changed, 21:39 the change comes inside. 21:41 That's it. And it comes by what? 21:44 Talking about it, yeah, 21:45 aspect of the Holy Spirit here in my heart... 21:48 Changed my desire, I thought I got my way. 21:50 Yeah. 21:52 You think, well, oh... Yeah. 21:54 You know, well, this change, that of the, no, He changed... 21:56 You know, 'cause it tells that the things, 21:58 that we, you know, we once love, 22:00 we now hate, love your enemies. 22:01 Yeah. 22:02 There's no way to love them 22:04 without the power of the Holy Spirit, 22:05 you just can't... 22:06 If you ever found out that be true, Brother Brian? 22:08 It's very difficult to love the unlovely, 22:09 you can't do it on your own or no, can you? 22:11 No, no, it's very difficult. 22:14 You have to have a heart change, 22:15 and we can't change the heart. 22:16 That's right. 22:18 And that's the issue, but the Holy Spirit 22:20 can help us and that's what we need. 22:24 Mollie, did you have... 22:25 I see you're turning your pages. 22:26 Well, I was just thinking of the Holy Spirit, 22:29 and I think the subject matter today 22:32 was aspects of the Holy Spirit. 22:34 Yes. 22:35 And what and... Something we had discussed 22:38 I think in the green room a little earlier 22:41 was the Holy Spirit is a free moral age, 22:43 He has free will, He has his own volition. 22:46 Amen. 22:47 And I wanted to cover 22:48 some scriptures on that if it's okay. 22:50 1 Corinthians 12, 22:52 and we're going to read several scriptures there, 22:54 so I'll hurry, it's 4-11 22:57 and it's about the gifts of the spirit. 22:58 Amen. Yeah. 23:00 So let me read, "There are diversities of gifts 23:02 with the same..." 23:04 And all you know want that next word is. 23:05 Spirit, "There are differences of ministries 23:08 but the same Lord 23:10 and there are diversities of activities 23:11 but it is the same God." 23:12 Yeah. 23:14 So what we have there is the Spirit Lord in God, 23:16 the power of the God. 23:18 There it is, okay. 23:19 "Who works all in all 23:21 but the manifestation of the Spirit is given 23:23 to each one for the profit of all." 23:26 And then He lists all nine spiritual gifts and... 23:32 But let's read the verse 11, 23:35 "But one and the same spirit works, what?" 23:38 "All things distributing to each one individually as..." 23:44 What? As He would. 23:46 Yes, He would. 23:47 So the gifts that God has graced us with, 23:50 these are the grace gifts, 23:52 nine grace gifts that He's graced us with, 23:55 we didn't get to say, "You know what? 23:57 I think I want the gift of prophecy 23:59 or I think I want the gift of healing." 24:01 Oh, if we could do that, you know, 24:03 what we want is all nine gifts, 24:05 but we don't get to pick and choose. 24:07 Who picks and choose of His own world, His volition, 24:10 the Holy Spirit looks at each of us 24:12 and then He graces us with the gift that... 24:14 Is it possible to exercise your own will 24:19 as it were to try to put you in a position 24:21 where you're not supposed to be there, 24:23 God never called you? 24:25 Oh, yeah. Is it? 24:26 And not concern with... You know, we are self willed. 24:29 Yeah. Thank you. 24:30 If you're not graced for the place, 24:32 you'll fall flat on your face. 24:33 Face, yeah. 24:35 Good, that's a Good way to put that. 24:36 Yeah. Good. 24:37 And you think in the Corinthian church here, 24:39 they were having discussions about the gifts 24:41 and which was more important, it reminds me of the disciples, 24:44 when they walked when Jesus and who was the most important. 24:47 And so I think it's important here 24:49 as we look at these gifts and that the Holy Spirit 24:52 gives to each one as He wills and... 24:54 He knows which one is best for us. 24:56 That's right. 24:57 It's not like I think I want this gift 24:59 or I should have this gift, 25:00 we were talking about the gift of singing 25:02 which I do not possess. 25:05 But the Holy Spirit knows... 25:07 As it deals in which one to give to each one. 25:08 Amen. 25:09 So you talk about the personality of us all, 25:12 you know, we gain, we mentioned in even in another lesson 25:14 before that only a personal being can be lied to 25:18 and a personal being can be deceived. 25:20 Right. 25:21 Only a personal being can be, 25:23 I think you mentioned grieved at one time. 25:25 Ephesians 4:30, can be grieved. 25:27 So and then only a personal being 25:29 can have the ability as it were to choose as he wills. 25:33 That we've just been reading here. 25:35 So the lesson comes out really clear on this 25:38 about the personality, the aspects of the Holy Spirit. 25:42 So the Holy Spirit is self-conscious, 25:45 self-knowing, self-willing, self-determined being. 25:50 That's good, self conscious. 25:51 Yes. Self knowing. 25:53 Self-conscious, self-knowing, 25:54 self-willing will and so are self-determined 25:57 as it were being and so we look at it. 25:59 So maybe another part of the lesson we'll get to go 26:02 because again, the Spirit speaks, 26:04 people should give Bible passages for that, 26:05 1 Timothy 4:1, "It teaches," 1 Corinthians 2:3, 26:09 "Bears witness," Romans 8:16, 26:11 "Makes intercessions," Romans 8:26, 26:13 "Distributes the gifts," 1 Corinthians 12, 26:15 you read in 11, 26:17 "Brings conviction and invites the sinner," Revelation 22:17, 26:21 "Whosoever will may come." 26:24 Amen. 26:25 Okay, I think it's time right now for Tuesday's... 26:29 Tuesday. Lesson, Sister Jill. 26:30 And we actually continue the same discussion. 26:33 We're looking at personal aspects 26:34 of the Holy Spirit part two. 26:38 As we talk about this, 26:39 the personhood of the Holy Spirit, 26:42 it brings to my mind a question what makes a person? 26:47 Now, if you look at that, what makes a person? 26:49 A person has a mind to reason. Would you say that's accurate? 26:53 We have our pet cat, she is precious, 26:57 her name is Pebbles, and she does not reason. 27:01 She acts out of instinct we could say, 27:04 what she has been trained in instinct, 27:06 there might be a little bit of something, 27:08 but she does not reason as humans do. 27:11 So a person reasons, we see that in Romans 8:27, 27:14 the mind of the Spirit. 27:16 A person, Mollie mentioned this, 27:19 the last lesson, has the will to choose. 27:21 Well. 1 Corinthians 12:11. 27:24 "The Holy Spirit gives it to whomever he wills." 27:26 We see God gave to Adam and Eve the gift in the Garden of Eden, 27:30 the gift of free choice. 27:31 Amen. 27:32 "You can eat of all the fruit in the garden 27:35 but of the fruit and the knowledge 27:37 of the good and evil, don't touch it, 27:39 don't eat of it or you're going to die." 27:41 Yes. That was the gift of free will. 27:44 Because otherwise, 27:46 they would have served God not out of, 27:50 "I'm choosing to follow you because I love you. 27:53 I'm choosing not to do this and I want to serve you." 27:55 So the gift of free will is inherent in us 27:58 and it's inherent in what makes a person, 28:00 the gift of free will. 28:02 Another aspect of what makes a person 28:05 is the speech to communicate. 28:06 Yes. 28:07 The ability to communicate, the spirit in Acts 8:29, 28:12 let's turn there. 28:13 I don't think we've looked at one up yet today, 28:16 Acts 8:29, the Spirit speaks, 28:22 so this is fill up 28:24 and He's going the angel of the Lord 28:26 in verse 26 told Him, 28:29 "Arise and go down the road that leads toward God. 28:32 And so He arises and He starts going down 28:35 and all of a sudden, 28:36 there is the unit of great authority 28:39 under the queen. And He's riding in His chariot 28:42 and He's reading out of Isaiah the prophecy." 28:47 And then the verse 29, the spirits said to Philip. 28:51 Okay. 28:52 "Go nearer and overtake this chariot 28:56 and so Philip obeyed." 28:59 Yeah. Wow. 29:00 We're going to find that in a future lesson 29:01 about one of the conditions of the Holy Spirit 29:04 is to walk in obedience. 29:06 But we're looking here at the personhood, 29:08 the personal aspects of the Holy Spirit, 29:10 so the Holy Spirit speaks how many times have you heard 29:14 the Holy Spirit speak into your heart? 29:16 You know, how many times have... 29:19 Oh... Mercy. 29:20 "I heard the Holy Spirit and I said no." 29:23 Do you know that? That's happened to me. 29:25 I know times when the Holy Spirit prompting me, 29:28 "Jill, go over here and apologize to Pastor Kenny." 29:31 Mercy. 29:33 Which I think we're good, 29:34 so I don't think I need to do that. 29:35 Absolute. Amen. 29:38 But I'm just making this up, 29:39 so the Holy Spirit says apologize, 29:41 and I say, "But I might look bad 29:43 if I go apologize to Pastor Kenny 29:45 or he might think badly of me," or I think, 29:48 "I was in the right and it was your issue." 29:52 All these mind games we play with ourselves 29:54 instead of saying, 29:56 "The Holy Spirit told me to do this." 29:57 Yes. I need to walk in obedience. 29:59 So in this case Philip walked, 30:01 he'd listened to what the Holy Spirit said 30:04 and he stepped out. 30:05 So what makes a person? 30:06 A mind to reason, 30:08 a will to choose, speech to communicate, 30:10 I think a heart to love, the ability to love. 30:14 Amen, that's big, yeah. And we see that in Romans 15. 30:18 Let's look at Romans 15. 30:25 Romans 15, we're going to look at verse 30, you got it. 30:29 Yeah. 30:31 "Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, 30:34 and through the love of the Spirit, 30:37 that you strive together with me 30:39 in prayers to God for me." 30:40 You noticed that, 30:42 "Through the love of the spirit." 30:44 Yeah, amen. The Holy Spirit loves. 30:47 It's difficult for me in my own human understanding 30:51 to conceptualize the Holy Spirit. 30:53 Yes. You know Jesus is easier. 30:57 He took on human flesh 31:00 and so we imagine the form of a man now, 31:02 you know, how artists draw pictures of Jesus. 31:05 Some people say He looked Middle Eastern. 31:09 So darker skin a little bit, dark eyes, 31:12 probably some people draw other pictures 31:14 but still we have the image of the form of a man. 31:18 God's a little harder to conceptualize, 31:21 you think the disciples remember, 31:23 they said, "Show us the Father." 31:24 Yes. 31:25 And what did Jesus say, 31:27 "Have not I been with you so long, Philip?" 31:29 Yeah, you've seen me... 31:30 "You've seen me, you've seen the father." 31:32 Amen. 31:33 Hebrew 1, I think it's Hebrew, anyway, it's expressed image. 31:37 Yeah. Amen. 31:38 Of the father, you'll see, yeah. 31:39 Yeah. That's it. Yeah, beautiful. 31:41 And so then, we think of the Holy Spirit. 31:46 Now, if God is a little difficult 31:47 to conceptualize, the Holy Spirit, 31:50 but we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, 31:53 the Holy Spirit is divine. 31:55 The Holy Spirit is part of the God... 31:56 Yes. The Holy Spirit is the person. 31:59 Now, what that form or what it looks like? 32:03 We can't really conceptualize that, 32:04 but we know the Holy Spirit is not a force. 32:07 Romans 15:13, we just jumped back, 32:10 they had something interesting in the lesson they said 32:13 what if we replace some of these passages 32:15 where it says the Holy Spirit with the impersonal word power. 32:19 What if we put power in? 32:20 So if you do that say in Romans 15:13, 32:22 "Now may the God of hope fill you 32:24 with all joy and peace in believing, 32:26 you may abound in hope by the power 32:28 of the power." 32:29 No. No, no, yeah. 32:31 That does not work. 32:32 Fit. It does not fit. 32:34 The Holy Spirit is a person, that's right. 32:38 Amen. 32:39 We see the divine nature 32:41 of the Holy Spirit, the combination. 32:43 They mentioned in Matthew 28. 32:45 Let's just turn there, and I know 32:47 we've talked about this on a previous lesson 32:49 about Matthew 28:18-20, 32:52 we see the Godhead mentioned here together... 32:56 Amen. 32:57 In concert, in unity, Matthew 28:18-20, 33:01 "Jesus came and spoke to them saying 33:04 all of the authority or King James' 33:06 all power has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 33:10 Go there for 33:12 and make disciples of all nations, 33:14 baptizing them in the name..." 33:18 You notice name is singular, it doesn't say the names 33:22 of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. 33:23 Now, I don't mean this to be sacrilegious. 33:25 Oh, well. 33:26 What if we said we baptize 33:28 in the name of Kenny, Brian, and Mollie. 33:30 I'm not trying to be sacrilegious, 33:32 but it would be names, right? 33:34 That's right. 33:35 Because you are three separate people 33:37 but this says in the name. 33:39 Singular. 33:40 Singular... 33:42 That's right. 33:43 Of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit 33:44 because it shows the Godhead... 33:47 Amen. 33:48 It shows they're one in purpose, 33:49 one in mission, 33:51 but three separate distinct people. 33:53 Amen. 33:54 And how that happens, I really don't know. 33:57 Yeah, that's a little... 33:58 But it's so need to understand 34:02 more of the personal aspect of the Holy Spirit. 34:05 How do you think the understanding 34:06 of the personhood of the Holy Spirit? 34:08 How does it make a difference in our own walk with God? 34:11 Why does it matter? 34:13 The number one is truth. Good. 34:17 Truth matters. Good. 34:18 You know, and Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, 34:21 "Every word that proceeds out of the mouth," 34:23 you know, every word is important, 34:25 truth is important, 34:26 sanctification comes by knowing what truth is. 34:28 So we need to understand that so that we may show 34:32 proper reverence and respect 34:35 and this is encouraging me always the Holy Spirit. 34:39 Many times, I think we've left Him out, 34:42 maybe I'm the only one, sometime we pray, 34:44 you know, the Father in the name of Jesus, 34:46 you know, thank the Holy Spirit and leave it on, you know. 34:48 It's bigger than that. 34:50 We learned that, we learn to love and respect 34:52 and submit to the Holy Spirit. 34:54 Go ahead, Mollie. No, I want ahead last time. 34:56 You go ahead this time. 34:58 Okay, well, Jill, I remember when I was a young boy 35:03 at a youth camp, 35:05 and we had a youth leader there, 35:07 and all of us boys just worship this youth leader. 35:10 He was so much fun, 35:12 he was just someone we looked up to, we admired, 35:15 and we all want to get to know him. 35:17 We wanted him to know us personally, 35:19 we wanted to know him. 35:20 Yeah. 35:22 But there were like 300, 400 of us at camp. 35:25 And some of the kids were more tenacious 35:29 at getting around close to him, 35:31 tugging on his pant legs, you know, 35:33 and getting attention 35:35 and then others of us were not quite as bald, 35:37 you know, and we were on the outskirts 35:40 looking in longingly, 35:42 wishing we could know him and he would know us. 35:45 But it wouldn't be possible. 35:47 But you see the Holy Spirit isn't encumbered... 35:50 That's right. With human flesh. 35:51 Praise God. That's good. 35:53 And He can know each one of us... 35:54 Amen. 35:55 Personally as if we're the only ones. 35:57 Amen. 35:59 And that little experience I had as a kid 36:01 with that youth director taught me that lesson... 36:02 Yes. 36:04 That with God, the Holy Spirit, there's no limitations, 36:08 we can have that personal relationship. 36:10 Oh, that's beautiful. That's beautiful. 36:12 You know, I think you asked, 36:13 what is the importance of knowing 36:15 the person of the Holy Spirit, the person of Jesus, 36:17 and the person of God, the Father? 36:20 It's's called Mary the most. 36:23 And that is clarification for understanding, 36:28 clarification for knowledge, not clarification for division, 36:34 we're separating them for clarification. 36:36 Yes. 36:37 Not for division, they all work as one. 36:40 And as we have clear understanding 36:43 of the free personalities in the Godhead... 36:46 Yes. 36:48 Then we know them better, we understand them better, 36:50 and we can worship them deeper. 36:52 Amen. 36:53 Amen, Mollie, you are on a roll, Sister 36:54 Mollie, you are on a roll Wednesdays lesson, 36:57 Spirit of Truth. 36:58 Spirit of Truth, Well, I thought the first thing 37:00 I should do is clarify what truth is. 37:04 And so I want you to go to John. 37:06 We are going to be in John 37:08 the 14 chapter here for just a minute. 37:11 John 14:6, "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth,'" 37:17 he is what? 37:19 "The truth and the Life. 37:20 No one comes to the Father except through me." 37:23 So Jesus is the way the truth in the life. 37:24 Amen. 37:26 So now go to John 1:1, go to in the beginning. 37:29 You say, "Go to in the beginning," 37:30 people want to run to Genesis, no, no, let's go to John 1:1, 37:34 "In the beginning was the... 37:35 Word. 37:37 And the Word was with God and the Word was God." 37:41 John 1:14 and the what? 37:44 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." 37:48 So who was in the beginning with God 37:50 and who became flesh to dwell with us? 37:53 Who would that be? Jesus. 37:54 That would be the Lord Jesus Christ. 37:56 Now, in John 17:17, the scripture says, 38:02 "Sanctify them by your truth." 38:05 Truth, amen. "Your word is truth." 38:08 So John 1:14 says, "The Word became flesh. 38:12 Who became flesh? The Lord Jesus Christ. 38:14 "Sanctify them by your truth, your word is truth." 38:19 So when we say that, 38:21 that we're talking of the Spirit of Truth, 38:24 we're talking about the spirit 38:26 that expressly reveals only one thing, 38:30 and that is the truth of God's Word. 38:32 Amen. 38:34 What did we learn last week? That the directive 38:37 and I think the week before as well 38:39 of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus. 38:40 Amen. 38:42 He always is pointing us to Jesus, 38:44 and so he's also always pointing us to the word. 38:48 And Brian, one of the most amazing things 38:51 we find in the scriptures that this word was written 38:56 when the Holy Spirit breathed on 39:00 or prompted or moved the holy Menoval. 39:03 So who initially prompted 39:06 the Menoval to write this word, 39:08 it was the Holy Spirit and today, 39:11 both of you prayed before we sat, 39:13 before we started today. 39:14 Both of you said, "Holy Spirit... 39:16 Amen. 39:17 Direct our hearts." 39:19 Amen. 39:20 So the very Holy Spirit that initially 39:24 brought this word into being 39:25 for the holy Menoval is the very Holy Spirit 39:28 that is with us right now... 39:30 Amen. Amen. 39:31 Teaching us and revealing to us this word of truth. 39:36 Our understanding of truth, 39:38 minding your understanding of truth can be abstract. 39:41 Now, let me ask you this, 39:43 has anyone ever told you something 39:46 and swore they were telling you the truth? 39:48 Oh, mercy. And you believed them? 39:51 Oh, yeah. 39:52 And you found out later 39:54 that they were just lying to you. 39:57 How can you know without any reasonable... 40:00 With no question that something is the truth? 40:04 If it's written in this Bible... 40:06 Amen. Amen. 40:07 If the Spirit of Truth reveals it to us... 40:09 Yes. 40:11 Then if it's written in this bible, 40:12 we can count on it 40:14 and this word in Psalms 1:19, 1:89, 40:20 the scripture says, "Forever oh, Lord 40:24 your word is settled in the heavens." 40:26 Don't you love Psalms 1:19? That's beautiful. 40:29 That is the... 40:30 Yeah, settled. 40:32 It's long but it tells you so much 40:33 about God's word... 40:34 Amen. 40:36 "Forever oh Lord, your word is settled in the heavens." 40:38 Now, that word settled, 40:40 the word is natsab, N-A-T-S-A-B, 40:43 you know what natsab means? 40:45 To be established as a fortress. 40:47 Mercy. Amen. "So forever oh, God, 40:50 This word is settled as a fortress in the heaven." 40:54 Beautiful. 40:55 This word is guarding, it can't be changed, 40:58 it will never be changed and it's established, how long? 41:03 "Forever, oh, God, Your word is established 41:05 in the heavenly." 41:07 Now, go, I still got you in Chapter, 41:10 John, let's look at 15:26. 41:16 John 15:26, "But when the helper comes..." 41:20 I think we've already shared this once today. 41:22 Yes, all right. 41:23 "Whom I shall send to you from the Father, 41:26 the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father, 41:30 He will testify of Me," Jesus says. 41:32 Amen. 41:33 So the only thing the Spirit of truth is going 41:36 to testify of is Jesus, and we've already determined, 41:40 Jesus is the Word and the Word is Jesus, 41:43 His word is established in the heavenly... 41:45 Yes. 41:46 And is there to guard or to garrison 41:48 or to protect us... 41:49 Amen. 41:51 As long, Brian, is our mind 41:52 is securely in of the Word of God 41:54 and it's guarded or protected by God's word, 41:57 then we cannot be led astray. 41:59 That's right. 42:01 People can lie to us all day long, 42:03 but this word will never do anything. 42:04 Amen. Amen. 42:06 But establish us in the truth. Very good, that's right. 42:08 John 16:13, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, 42:14 He will guide you into all truth." 42:15 So what is that is the Holy Spirit going to do? 42:18 Guides. "Guide you in to all truth... 42:20 For He will not speaking on His own authority 42:23 but whatever He hears, He will speak 42:26 and He will tell you things to come." 42:28 Oh, glory. 42:29 "The truth, the Spirit of truth will lead us 42:31 into our living faith and relationship 42:34 with the Lord Jesus Christ." 42:35 Amen. 42:37 "Truth is in the Bible, is an abstract, 42:40 it's not a theory." 42:41 The truth in the Bible is something 42:44 you can take to the bank every time. 42:46 Yeah. 42:47 This is the truth, 42:49 this is what is spirit of truth opens up 42:50 and reveals to us because this truth is settled, 42:55 it's established, it will never change. 42:56 Yeah, beautiful. 42:57 Just as God will never change, this Word will never Change. 43:01 Amen. 43:02 Did you do read verse 15 on that, it was just 14 43:06 'cause that just got my attention 43:07 on the John 16:15, did you read that one? 43:11 I don't know if you... 43:12 I think you stopped at 14. Will you go ahead and read? 43:14 I just thought how interesting 43:15 because once again it established 43:17 what we've been talking about here? 43:18 Yes. 43:19 "All things that The Father has are mine..." 43:22 Interesting, who's the owner? 43:24 Jesus, everything's been right putting His hands. 43:27 "Therefore, said I that He shall take of mine 43:30 and shall show it unto you." 43:34 Holy Spirit is showing us Christ, right? 43:37 Everything that Christ did, everything that He lived, 43:41 everything about Christ. 43:42 I mean, think about with Calvary, 43:43 think about conviction with one for the Holy Spirit, 43:46 all of that, be careful with this, 43:47 would all be in vain. 43:49 Because there has to be conviction 43:50 for us to fill our need of a savior, 43:52 that I am a sinner, that I'm in need of grace 43:55 that I am in need of the Holy Spirit 43:56 and when it convicts me, 43:58 it drives me to the further cross, 44:00 you know, I don't want to lay that heavy burden down. 44:02 Amen. 44:03 So, you know, thank God, you know, for... 44:05 I'm like you, one of the favorite books, 44:07 the book of John because it just... 44:08 I love John. 44:09 Reveals the Spirit and Jesus in such a manifest way 44:12 that I can help, but love it. 44:14 It shows us our Lord. 44:15 It shows us the truth of His Word 44:17 and establishes our heart with God's Word. 44:21 We can never go wrong 44:23 in reading and studying God's Word 44:25 because it's His Word. 44:27 We've been predestined. 44:29 Do you all believe in pre-destination? 44:31 You know, there's... 44:32 I do biblical one. 44:33 Biblical, there it is biblical pre-destination 44:36 and the entrance of God's Word, you know, it changes us... 44:40 Amen. 44:41 Into very image and likeness of God 44:43 and Romans tells us that 44:45 we have been predestined to be conformed... 44:48 That's right. 44:50 To the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. 44:51 And, you know, 44:53 seed produces after its own kind, 44:54 you ever heard that? 44:55 Seed produces it, what is this word like 44:58 and don't you. Is it like under sea? 45:00 Remember the sower in Mark 4, 45:03 so we sow seed, that's what I pray so often... 45:07 Before I start teaching, Father as this word goes forth, 45:10 let it be planted deeply within the soil of our heart 45:14 and let this seed take root within us and grow 45:19 and produce a crop. 45:20 And the crop, seed's going to produce a after its own kind 45:23 and so that means the image and likeness 45:25 which we've been predestined to be conformed to... 45:28 The image of Christ 45:30 is what is going to be reproduced within us... 45:32 And this in Mark using that illustration, 45:36 it said, you know, there was often types of soils 45:40 but the good soil which I hope we are, 45:42 and everyone that is listening today 45:44 is good soil that 45:45 that seed will go into your heart 45:48 and it will produce the good soil 45:50 not 34, not 64, 45:53 what kind of bumper crop do we want. 45:54 A hundred full. Yeah. 45:55 We want to be fruit producers in the kingdom of God 45:58 by letting the very image 46:00 and likeness of Christ come forth in our lives. 46:03 Amen. Through the Word of God. 46:04 You know, such a beautiful point, 46:05 Sister Mollie, because it took me a while 46:08 to learn this I think even though 46:10 you had the head knowledge sometime, 46:12 it's just what you're saying every seed that is sown... 46:16 Yes. Will produce a harvest. 46:20 When I finally got that through the mind 46:22 that means every action, 46:24 you know, every make could have even be thought, 46:27 the way we talk to people, 46:29 the way we deal with individuals, 46:31 there's an influence. 46:32 There's a seed that is sown and it will, you said, 46:35 produce the harvest after its, after its kind. 46:38 Seed produces after its kind. 46:39 So, there's nothing going to escape 46:41 the king of kings and lord of lords. 46:42 I believe that was the first principle 46:44 laid down in God's Word, 46:45 seed produces after its own kind. 46:47 Amen, amen. 46:49 Well, Thursday's lesson is, I like the topic, 46:52 why does it matter? 46:53 So we've been talking about, so why does it matter? 46:55 Yeah, so what? Yeah, so what. 46:58 Often people do say that about truth, you know... 47:01 They're contending for one view 47:03 and then you present another view, 47:05 and, "So what? It really doesn't matter." 47:07 So we've been talking about the Holy Spirit, 47:10 is the Holy Spirit like an energy force, 47:14 kind of like static electricity, 47:18 you know, just an energy that emanates from God 47:22 and somehow interacts with us 47:25 or is the Holy Spirit actually a person? 47:28 So that's, and we've been looking at evidence 47:31 for or against that 47:33 and the evidence overwhelmingly points us to the fact 47:37 that the Holy Spirit is indeed a person. 47:40 That's right. 47:41 So what does that matter? Why is that so important? 47:45 Well, the lesson had about four points 47:48 that they had brought out that, 47:49 if the Holy Spirit is a person 47:51 and then, we treat it as if is just an energy force, 47:56 then we're not giving that person 47:59 the deference or the honor 48:01 or the love thus do him, that was one point. 48:03 Yes, that's big. 48:05 Another point was that 48:06 if the Holy Spirit is just an energy force 48:11 versus a person, our natural tendency is to say, 48:15 "Well, how do I use it? 48:16 How can I use it more?" Yeah. 48:18 Yes. 48:19 You know, I have a pen here laying on my desk here. 48:22 I use this pen, okay. 48:25 I write checks with it, pay bills, sign documents. 48:30 Jill, you're a writer, you use a pen for writing. 48:34 Kenny, you're pastor, 48:35 you use pen for taking notes, you know. 48:38 This is an object, 48:40 I have no relationship with it, I use it. 48:43 Yes. 48:45 Okay, but I have no relationship with it. 48:47 Is the Holy Spirit an object that I use? 48:52 Good point, you know. 48:53 Or is the Holy Spirit... 48:54 It's good. 48:56 A person and if it's a person, I don't use the person, 48:59 I hope I don't use a person. 49:00 You shouldn't. 49:02 Instead, I have a relationship. Yeah. 49:03 Amen. With a person. 49:04 That's right. There's a big difference. 49:06 No, wow, yes. 49:08 Diane and I have known each other, 49:11 been married for over 40 years, okay. 49:15 And through those years, 49:17 we've gone through positive times, 49:20 good times, fun times. 49:22 We've gone through tragedy together... 49:25 Heartache, difficult situations and in through it all, 49:30 we've maintained a relationship, you see. 49:34 What if Diane was just an energy force 49:37 so I got acquainted with in college? 49:39 Just an energy force, I don't know. 49:42 No. Yeah. 49:44 It wouldn't be the same. That's right. 49:45 It would not be the same and I'm... 49:48 This is so nice to know that the scripture tells us 49:51 that the Holy Spirit is a person 49:55 that you and I can have a relationship... 49:57 Praise the God. Amen. 49:58 And think what would miss... 50:00 Yes. That's right. 50:01 You know... Amen. 50:02 If we didn't have that relationship, 50:04 if I had just got to know Diane's name, 50:08 met her once and then now 40 years, 50:11 never had any relationship with, 50:14 what I have missed out you see. 50:16 You know, I've had all these years 50:19 of this relationship 50:21 and thinking of the Holy Spirit, 50:23 what if you miss? 50:26 Yeah. 50:27 You know, a lifetime 50:29 of not having a relationship with a being 50:32 who really wants to have one with you. 50:34 Absolutely. Amen. 50:36 One of the things that it pointed out 50:38 is that we tend to want to use something. 50:41 I see some, and I don't want to be real critical here, 50:46 but I see some evangelists 50:48 who are heavy into the spirit 50:50 who act like they demand the spirit, 50:54 they control the spirit 50:56 as if it was just a force, you know, 50:58 and they may hit somebody on the head, 51:01 you know, and they fall over 51:03 or do a chest thing with them and they... 51:04 Mercy. 51:06 You know, fall and I go, 51:08 "Is that how I use a person? No." 51:11 That's right. 51:13 In fact, if He is a creator, He participated 51:18 the Spirit of God hovered it off with patience. 51:20 If He is a creator and I'm a creature, 51:24 He is infinite and I'm finite, 51:29 if He's eternal and I'm mortal... 51:32 Yeah. 51:33 You know, it just seems to me, I wouldn't use him. 51:39 It would maybe actually be the other way around, 51:42 I would want to yield myself. 51:43 Amen. Right. 51:44 That's Him to be you. Amen. 51:46 Okay. That's right. 51:48 And in a marriage relationship, 51:49 it seems like each party 51:53 and a good marriage is submitting to the other. 51:58 Yeah. 51:59 It's not one ruling over the other, 52:03 it's each submitting to the other, 52:06 and so I wonder if the Holy Spirit, 52:10 He is serving us and we should be willing, 52:15 like in a marriage, to yield to his service. 52:19 Just like a marriage relationship, you know. 52:22 Amen. So I think it does matter. 52:23 I think it matters a lot... Amen. 52:25 Whether the Holy Spirit is a personage 52:28 versus just the energy force. 52:31 Absolutely. 52:33 Another point they had here 52:35 is if we do not accept the Holy Spirit as a person, 52:39 it will be easier for us to ignore, 52:43 just close our ears to the voice. 52:46 Yeah, 52:48 No, because it's just an energy force, so it doesn't speak, 52:50 it just somehow moves, no, 52:52 the Holy Spirit does speak to us. 52:55 I think it was you mentioned about times in your life 52:58 where you've felt the Holy Spirit speak 53:01 and then you haven't. 53:04 I've had that same wrestling and for me, 53:08 it's like, is it my voice? 53:09 Yes. Or is it His voice? 53:13 Is this my own thinking or if it's His thinking? 53:17 And one of the things Diane and I've talked about this 53:21 in our study 53:23 and some people are just more attuned 53:27 to recognizing the voice and following it. 53:31 Yes. 53:33 And I'm wondering, if like for myself, 53:35 if I'm not, if I don't always 53:38 recognize the voice 53:40 because I'm not as in tuned to it. 53:42 I'm living my life as though... 53:44 Yes. 53:45 I'm in charge and not listening to anybody else, 53:49 then I'm just listening to myself 53:51 and so then when he does speak, I'm not is sensitive 53:55 that it's Him speaking versus me, you know. 53:59 You know, I wonder when you say, 54:00 I don't mean to interrupt... 54:02 It just as you give me a lot of thoughts here... 54:03 Thoughts that change quickly was is, 54:06 how can you know what voice it is that speaks? 54:10 I'll give you a quick illustration. 54:12 Many years ago, my son was gone 54:14 for a longer period of time than he should have been gone. 54:17 And couldn't figure out where is at, 54:19 I couldn't get a hold of him, I couldn't do and, you know, 54:21 getting late, couldn't figure out 54:23 what's going on. 54:24 So we, you know, as parents you begin to worry, 54:25 say something has happened, 54:27 maybe he got in the wrong crowd, 54:28 something's happened and I said, "Lord, 54:30 I need to know where he's at, can you tell me where he's at, 54:33 so that I may go and see?" 54:35 You know, Lord told me. 54:36 He said, "You go, 54:38 This is his time, you go to Carbondale 54:40 and you go to such and such a store 54:43 and he'll be coming out when you go there." 54:45 And I thought, "Man, this is either one spirit 54:48 the other saying so late at night, 54:50 I'm going to get a drive all way over there." 54:53 I drove all way there, went to that building, 54:56 got out of my truck and says I did the door open, 54:58 here he came with three or four other fellows. 55:01 And so anyway, I got to get him in the truck, 55:03 get him scold him, way so... 55:04 I know for me, I want... 55:06 I longed to be able to discern that voice... 55:09 Amen. Amen. 55:11 When He speaks... 55:12 And then respond to us, you know, and not hold back, 55:16 there's many times where Lord's has prompted me, 55:19 I feel the Lord's prompted me 55:21 to say something, to do something. 55:22 That's right. That's it. 55:24 You know, and then, I just sort of neglected it, 55:27 you know, and Mollie? 55:29 Well, I wanted to do a little clarification here 55:32 because we're saying the voice of the spirit, 55:35 and we with our Christianizes, you know, what we're saying, 55:38 we need that prompting, that still small voice... 55:40 Come on. 55:42 That is from internal, not external. 55:44 And so if you're thinking, "I've never heard a voice," 55:48 you know, most people don't... maybe some people do, 55:51 but I've never heard of audible voice 55:54 but I have had that prompting in my speech. 55:56 That's right. 55:57 And that's what we're talking about 55:59 the voice of the Spirit, it's from internal. 56:02 But it's so real, isn't the time, 56:03 it's almost like reading it off of prompter. 56:06 You know, yeah, you sit there and you just... 56:09 that's how indelibly it's putting your mind 56:11 and your heart... 56:12 And we just say, "The Spirits spoke to us." 56:15 And that's how He's chosen spoke to us, 56:17 so thank you for bringing that. 56:18 And Kenny, just as I close here with my time, 56:21 you mentioned when you began our study this morning, 56:26 a book, is that Desire of Ages 56:29 and you think you quoted page 699 56:31 or something like that, 56:34 and I was just thinking our viewers, 56:35 if any of you are interested in that book 56:37 and that book is a book on the life of Christ. 56:39 Amen. Desire of ages. 56:41 Every once in a while on this program, 56:42 we will share information about resources, 56:46 well, that's a resource, you just call 3ABN. 56:48 Good. 56:50 And we can provide that book for you. 56:51 So it's the best book 56:53 you'll ever read on the life of Christ. 56:54 Amen, amen. 56:55 And I know most of us here have read it, 56:57 re-read it and it's a blessing every time. 56:59 You know, I want to thank each one, 57:01 If you have just a quick something 57:02 you want to say, would do. 57:03 We have a little less than a minute left, 57:05 but it's been a good study 57:06 and sure appreciate the insight that the Holy Spirit 57:08 has given each one of you 57:09 and each one of you spoke, my heart's been... 57:12 The Holy Spirit's been speaking to my heart... 57:14 Bringing things to my mind 57:16 and so and it's hard not to just jump right in, 57:18 say something sometime because the Holy Spirit 57:21 has motivated you and it's spoken to my heart. 57:23 So we're very grateful and thankful 57:25 for your input today 57:26 from the power of the Holy Spirit. 57:28 I'm thankful for what was said here. 57:30 All kind of materials that you can get from 3ABN, 57:33 just need to call them anything that you have, 57:35 the questions you have, be sure and give them a call. 57:37 And again, I'm going to give you that address 57:39 real quick for that, if you want the study guides, 57:42 if you want to get that download them 57:43 Sabbath School lesson, do that, 57:49 Please get you one, download it, study with us, 57:53 we need you to study with us 57:54 and we need for you to tune in every time 57:58 and share the blessings of the Holy Spirit. 58:00 God bless you. See you next time. |
Revised 2017-01-19