Participants: CA Murray (Host), Jill Morikone, John Lomacang, Kenny Shelton, Mollie Steenson
Series Code: SSP
Program Code: SSP000003A
00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness 00:09 the implanted word, 00:11 which is able to save your souls, 00:13 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God 00:17 rightly dividing the word of truth." 00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel. 00:24 Our study today is, 00:25 The Holy Spirit and Spirituality. 00:31 And we welcome you once again to 3ABN Sabbath School 00:34 and the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel. 00:37 I'm CA Murray, and it's my privilege, 00:38 my pleasure to ask you to join us as together 00:41 we study the Word of God 00:43 and over the last several weeks, 00:45 we've been talking about the Holy Spirit 00:46 that has been the focus of our study, 00:48 and God has blessed us 00:50 as we have delved into this most intriguing aspect 00:54 of the Godhead 00:55 and a part of our Christian walk 00:57 in our Christian experience. 00:59 Let me say this, just now, 01:01 before we introduce the rest of our panel, 01:04 we really want you to join into this experience. 01:08 So we want you to download the Sabbath School materials. 01:13 The lesson is to be found at ABSG 01:18 that's Alpha Boy September Gravel 01:21 01:23 You can get the lesson there, and you can join us. 01:27 You can take notes. 01:28 You can study right along with us. 01:30 You may even disagree with some of the things 01:33 we have to say though I doubt it 01:34 because we're talking about the Holy Spirit. 01:36 And you can add to your own knowledge, 01:39 your own library, as you download 01:40 and walk right through this with us 01:42 because this is a wonderful study, 01:44 and it will be a blessing to you. 01:46 I am sitting next to my boss. 01:48 So I'm behaving myself here today. 01:51 A wonderful person to work 01:52 for as are all the people here at 3ABN. 01:54 This is the lady, Mollie Steenson, 01:55 vice president and general manager 01:57 a student of the word, 01:59 one of the best bosses one can have, 02:01 is kind, is caring, 02:03 and even when she has to correct you, 02:05 she does it so surgically 02:06 that you don't even know you're cut 02:07 until you see the blood on the floor, 02:09 just a wonderful person. 02:10 Mollie, good to have you here. I'm not so sure. 02:14 But I'll tell you this, 02:15 it is a joy to be here. 02:17 I love working with you. 02:19 Ya'll are such Bible scholars, 02:21 and I am honored to be a part of it, 02:23 and I'm learning so much from each one of you, 02:26 and to my left is, 02:28 I always introduce you as my friend, my co-worker, 02:31 a hard worker, this lady is and she's also a Bible scholar. 02:36 Jill, it's just a joy to have you with us, the Jill Morikone. 02:39 Thank you, Mollie. 02:41 It's a joy to be here, and I was thinking 02:42 as Pastor CA introduced you. 02:44 I was thinking, to me, 02:45 you are the mother of us here at 3ABN. 02:48 You know, Mollie, mother is in such a wonderful way, 02:51 so it's a joy to be here and to open up God's word 02:53 and talk about the Holy Spirit 02:55 and to my left is Pastor John Lomacang 02:58 and you and your precious wife, Angie, 03:00 are such a blessing to the ministry of 3ABN, 03:03 such a blessing to the church here. 03:05 The thing, one of the things I love the most about you 03:08 and your wife is you stand for principle, 03:10 for what the word of God says, and thank you. 03:11 Amen. Thank you, Jill. 03:13 Appreciate it so much 03:14 as we come to you from this wonderful place 03:17 where God has given us the opportunity to minister. 03:19 We encourage you to stay tuned with us 03:22 because a walk through the study 03:23 of the Holy Spirit is always inspiring. 03:25 And to my left is Pastor Kenny Shelton, 03:28 Pastor and founder of Behold The Lamb Ministries. 03:31 Good to have you here. It's good to be here... 03:33 He's the other Shelton. 03:34 Yes, the other one, that's right. 03:37 They say they love... Go ahead. 03:39 You were also the first vice president of 3ABN. 03:45 And I'm the vice president now, but you were the first one, 03:48 so we honor you, Mr. Shelton. 03:50 Oh, how sweet to be here. 03:52 I really enjoyed myself and making, you know, 03:55 new acquaintances and really getting involved 03:57 more with 3ABN, 03:59 it's really been a joy to my heart. 04:01 It has been a learning experience, 04:03 but it's been a valuable experience, 04:05 and I've come to love and appreciate each one 04:08 and the job that everybody does, 04:10 it just so far off my head. 04:11 I look and say, "It takes all the stuff to put it together 04:14 but I praise God for it," but, you know, behind it all, 04:16 the Holy Spirit that gives us gifts. 04:18 So I am glad to be here, praise God, 04:20 back to you my brother, CA Murray. 04:22 God bless you. 04:24 I doubt that we could have a better subject 04:26 than the Holy Spirit. 04:27 One that is so energizing to us to talk about. 04:30 Before we launch out into it, 04:31 Jill, I'm going to actually... 04:33 if you would 04:34 ask the Lord's blessing upon our study today. 04:36 Sure. 04:37 Father, we come before you in the name of Jesus, 04:39 and we thank you even now 04:40 that you want to open up our minds 04:42 and hearts to receive, what you have for us. 04:45 Amen. We ask for surrendered hearts. 04:48 We ask for those who listen at home, 04:50 that you would give us ears to hear 04:53 what the Holy Spirit has for us in these pages of the Bible. 04:57 And we thank you in Jesus' name, amen. 05:00 Amen. Amen. 05:01 Again, we encourage you to go to 05:07 to download the lesson, 05:10 and you can follow along right with us, 05:12 as we study together, 05:14 The Divinity of the Holy Spirit. 05:16 This is one of the more subtle doctrines of the church 05:20 that we've been taking a look at 05:23 and in doing so, I'm going to stick 05:25 a little closer to the lesson 05:27 for just a little bit because of the way 05:30 this doctrine portrays itself in the Word of God, 05:33 but we can all affirm certainly that the Holy Spirit is God, 05:36 it is a divine being with personality, 05:40 and we will walk our way through that 05:42 and unpackage that in just the next little bit. 05:44 Our memory text is found in 2 Corinthians 13:14. 05:52 Bible says, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, 05:56 and the love of God 05:57 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit 06:00 be with you all." 06:02 So right there, we see a joining, 06:05 a blending of these three personages 06:08 that constitute what we call 06:11 God as orchestrated by Paul in his letter 06:15 to the Corinthians. 06:16 Now, I want to say a couple things. 06:19 The Bible says, not the Bible, the Sabbath School lesson says, 06:21 "The Deity of Jesus also is affirmed 06:24 in many places in Scripture, Old Testament and New, 06:29 gospels and epistles." 06:31 But it is one of the more subtle doctrines 06:36 and the Bible says, it's simply assumed 06:39 it is assume that you understand 06:41 that the Holy Spirit is God. 06:43 That assumption is also made about God himself. 06:49 Hebrews 11:6. 06:50 You know, Paul is trying to convince 06:53 the Hebrews to stay with Jesus. 06:55 The Book of Hebrews is really unapologetic 06:57 for the supremacy of Christ, but it says, 06:59 "Without faith it is impossible to please him: 07:03 for he that cometh to God must believe 07:05 that he is, and that he is a rewarder." 07:08 So it's saying before you come to God, 07:11 you got to believe that there's somebody 07:12 on the other end of your prayer, 07:14 that your study of the word has been orchestrated by some. 07:18 Well, it is the same way with the Bible. 07:19 The Bible just says, in the beginning God, 07:21 it makes no apologetic for, it makes no apologies for it, 07:24 it does not try to defend it, it does not try to justify it. 07:27 When you open the book, you are presented with God. 07:30 Amen, That's right. 07:32 You either accept that or close the book, 07:34 but it doesn't try to apologize for that. 07:38 You gotta believe it, when you open the book. 07:40 And if you accept that, 07:42 then the book opens itself up to you. 07:43 That's right. 07:44 And some wonderful things happen. 07:46 So then, as we believe that God is creator, 07:52 we believe that the Holy Spirit is God. 07:55 Now, the pendulum 07:56 as to what and who the Holy Spirit 07:59 is you will know swings violently. 08:02 You've got some who believe you cannot be saved 08:05 without the Holy Spirit, 08:06 that it's all about the Holy Spirit, 08:08 that you have to have this glossolalic experience 08:11 or you are not possessed with Holy Spirit 08:13 and you are not in Christ, it swings that way, 08:15 then it swings back to the Holy Spirit 08:17 is just this inanimate force that comes from God, 08:19 the kind of pushes people around, you know? 08:21 So you've got violent swings in theology 08:24 as to who and what the Holy Spirit is, 08:26 but what we will attempt to show you today 08:30 from the Word of God is that 08:31 when you are dealing with the Holy Spirit, 08:33 you are dealing with verily God. 08:35 And God with a personality, and God who can get offended, 08:41 and God who can be grieved, and God who has a personality. 08:45 In the Sunday section of the lesson, 08:47 of course, we deal with this story 08:51 of Ananias and Sapphira 08:54 and I want to go to that text there in Acts Chapter 5. 08:58 So I'm going to ask you all to turn with me 09:01 because it, you know, 09:03 it sort of jumps out at us right away. 09:07 And what I want to refer you to, 09:10 I think we will start with verse 3. 09:12 But Peter said, "Ananias, 09:15 why had Satan filled your heart to lie 09:18 to the Holy Spirit and keep back 09:21 part of the price of the land?" 09:23 Everybody had everything in common. 09:24 The church was trying to support itself, 09:27 new people were coming in, they were trying to share 09:29 so that the haves and the have not's shared equally. 09:33 Land was going to be sold for the support of the church. 09:36 Ananias and his wife concocted a scheme to say 09:39 it was worth so much, we sold it for so much. 09:42 But really, it was a sort of a collusion 09:45 and they did not do so. 09:47 So the husband now here is caught 09:51 and Peter says, "Why did you lie to Holy Spirit?" 09:54 And of course, at that point, he expired. 09:58 Some hours later, his wife comes in. 10:00 And she is not aware of what is going on. 10:03 And the same question is put to her. 10:05 Well, that hatched up the story. 10:07 So she gave the same answer. And she also expired. 10:13 Now, the key to the linkage here 10:16 is at the end of verse 4 because Peter says, 10:21 "You have not lied to men, but to God." 10:24 That's right. 10:26 So the equation is made that the Holy Spirit is God. 10:31 When you lie to the Holy Spirit, 10:33 you're lying to God, and of course, 10:36 this penalty seems rather harsh. 10:38 It seems pretty strong. 10:41 But you had a brand new church, you had brand new people 10:45 who are being influenced by what is being done. 10:48 And I think, this was an example set by God 10:52 for a couple of reasons one: 10:54 It gives confidence that... 10:57 Confidence may not be the right word. 11:00 It gives us an understanding of the severity 11:05 of playing with God 11:07 because God knows the truth whether you tell it or not. 11:10 That's right. 11:12 And as a Christian, 11:14 our lives are viewed by others who may or may not know God 11:19 and our actions have an effect on them. 11:22 So there is a strong linkage between the Holy Spirit 11:26 and God, and we see that here. 11:30 So over and over again, 11:32 there is this linkage between the Holy Spirit and God, 11:37 and we will flush that in just a little bit. 11:39 I want to go back to the 1800s for just a moment. 11:43 A name that you may not know, Dudley M. Canright 11:47 was a great preacher in the Adventist Church. 11:49 In fact, Dudley M. Canright 11:50 may have been the greatest evangelist 11:51 the church has ever had. 11:54 He had the ability that few had 11:57 to argue people into the church. 12:00 He was such a powerful messenger 12:03 for the Lord, 12:04 he would provoke debates with other preachers 12:09 and usually when you're debating a person, 12:11 you're not going to bring them to God, 12:13 you just aggravate them, they aggravate you. 12:15 But he would actually debate people 12:16 into the Adventist Church. 12:18 People would come to his meetings 12:19 just to taunt him and tease him 12:22 and interrupt his sermons and by the end of the message, 12:25 they were giving their hearts to the Lord. 12:27 He was an unusually anointed preacher for God. 12:31 But Dudley Canright hit on the idea, 12:33 "I'm so good that the only thing 12:36 that is holding me back, I could be a Charles Finney, 12:38 I could be anything in this country. 12:41 It's the message that's holding me back. 12:44 If I got rid of some of this 12:45 objectionable stuff in the message. 12:47 There's no telling what I could do," 12:50 and the moment he began, 12:52 Mollie, to soften his message, the Holy Spirit left him. 12:55 It can choose. 12:57 Yes, and the Holy Spirit left him 12:58 and he never converted another soul. 13:01 In fact, he went from being a great fairly, 13:04 wealthy fairly comfortable person 13:05 to a poor homeless vagabond. 13:08 One of his eyes was lost, he wore patch over his eye, 13:11 and he would cry and weep 13:13 and it was just as he would come 13:15 to Adventist Church and would sit in a back 13:17 and hear the sermons and people say, 13:19 "Come back to Lord. You can come." 13:20 He said, "No, the Holy Spirit is gone. 13:21 I'm lost, I'm lost." And he died. 13:24 He never came back to the church 13:25 and people would beg him and pleaded but he said, 13:26 "No, I've gone too far." 13:28 Now, no one said that about him. 13:30 He said that about himself. 13:32 "I don't have the Holy Spirit any more. 13:33 I can't, I can't come back." 13:34 Now, whether that was true or not, 13:36 I don't know, but what we do know, 13:38 he left the church, he never returned to God, 13:40 and he went from being a powerful tool 13:43 in the hand of God to just nothing 13:46 and dying in shame and ignominy. 13:49 It says this that we are to give credit 13:52 where credit is due. 13:55 Anything good and everything good 13:57 that we ever accomplish 13:59 is through the agency of the Holy Spirit in our life. 14:01 Amen. Amen. 14:02 Without the Holy Spirit, we are nothing. 14:04 Our greatest gifts, 14:05 our greatest talents can work to our destruction 14:08 if we don't give credit to God, the giver of all good gifts. 14:11 The Holy Spirit is God, 14:13 and you can offend the Holy Spirit 14:14 by your actions, but God is very 14:17 and willing to forgive and to bless. 14:19 If we will just let Him lead 14:21 and give credit where credit is due. 14:23 All good things come from the Lord. 14:25 Amen. Amen and amen. 14:27 And that reiterate this, 14:30 the gifts and callings of God are without repentance, 14:33 but the Holy Spirit, 14:34 the anointing of the Holy Spirit 14:36 that's for God to give or for God to remove, 14:39 that is all in God's hands and also, you know, 14:43 he was talking about Ananias and Sapphira 14:46 and what happened to both of them. 14:47 It says they breathed their last 14:49 and the young man came wrapped them out, 14:51 took 'em out, 14:52 and you know what happened verse 14 says, 14:54 "And the church continued to grow daily." 14:57 It says, "Multitudes of both men and women," 15:00 Pastor Lomacang, think about this. 15:03 If you...if in our church, 15:04 somebody came in and told a lie and drive dead, 15:07 do you think people would just come flocking in here. 15:10 I just found very interesting. 15:13 One of the things that Pastor CA pointed out 15:15 which was very important. 15:17 There was a power manifested that made it clear 15:21 at the beginning of this church 15:23 that that was God, that God was really... 15:25 Because the challenge was establishing 15:27 the validity of God. 15:29 All the Apostles were against 15:31 all these foreign Gods of Mars Hill, 15:33 the Unknown God, 15:34 so all of a sudden in the society 15:36 where they see the manifestation of God 15:38 in a very miraculous, but a sad way, 15:41 they said, "This is it. 15:42 This is really it." This is the real deal. 15:44 And the reason why God allowed them 15:45 to drop dead, He said at the very beginning, 15:47 "I want you to know 15:48 that there are high standards here." 15:50 Yes. 15:51 So he established a plateau for his church 15:52 that no other organization had. 15:54 Praise God. Praise God. 15:56 Well, established then right from the get go, 15:59 the power of the Holy Spirit. 16:00 Amen. And the Godhead. 16:04 I'm looking at Monday: 16:05 The Holy Spirit's Divine Attributes. 16:09 And it's God the Father, 16:11 God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. 16:13 There's the Godhead. 16:15 And as CA said, 16:17 the deity of the Holy Spirit is taught in very subtle terms 16:22 as opposed to that of God the Father, God the Son, 16:25 and but there are several scriptures 16:28 in which the Holy Spirit is described 16:30 as being divinity and so I hope, 16:33 you've got your Bible because if you do 16:36 I want you to open it up with me 16:37 because I'm going to go through several scriptures now 16:40 and just give you the attributes of the Holy Spirit 16:43 that show the divinity of the Holy Spirit. 16:46 We're going to start with Luke 1:34-35, 16:50 the scripture says, "Then Mary said to the angel, 16:53 'How can this be, since I do not know a man?' 16:57 And the angel answered and said to her, 16:59 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you with 17:02 get this, the power of the Highest 17:05 will overshadow you, therefore, also, 17:08 the Holy One who is born will be the Son of God." 17:12 Now, who all is mentioned in these two scriptures? 17:15 Let's look at that. 17:16 Mary and the angel of course, 17:18 but then, the power of the highest 17:22 as the Holy Spirit 17:24 and then, the Holy One who is born 17:26 and, of course, that's the Son of God. 17:28 So tying all three of them together, 17:31 Paul speaks of the power of the Holy Spirit 17:35 in Romans 15:19. 17:37 It says, "In mighty signs and wonders 17:41 by the power of the Spirit of God, 17:44 so that from Jerusalem and round about to..." 17:49 Somebody, Pastor Lomacang, can you pronounce that word? 17:52 Which one is it? Illyricum? 17:54 Illyricum. Illyricum, yes. 17:58 "I have fully preached the gospel in Christ." 18:00 Yes, wow. 18:02 And in 1 Corinthians 3, pardon me, 2:9-11, 18:07 "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, 18:10 Nor have entered into the heart of man the things 18:13 which God has prepared for those who love Him. 18:17 But God has revealed them how to us through His Spirit. 18:23 For the Spirit searches all things, ye, 18:27 the deep things of God. 18:28 For what man knows the things of God, 18:31 except the spirit of man which is in him? 18:34 Even so no one knows the things of God 18:37 except the Spirit of God." 18:38 And what Paul is arguing here 18:41 is that only through the Spirit of God 18:43 that the deep things of God are revealed to us. 18:46 It's like knows like. 18:50 "Only one who is equal to God 18:52 can know the deep things of God. 18:55 There is no knowing God as does the Spirit of God 18:59 for He knows Him from the inside. 19:02 He's omniscient." I like to hum that word. 19:05 "He's omniscient." The Holy Spirit is omniscient. 19:08 What does that mean? He is all knowing. 19:11 The presence of the Spirit is the presence of God 19:15 and that's Psalm 139:7, 19:19 "Tell us we can't flee to a place 19:22 where the Spirit of God is not. 19:24 He is omnipresent." There is another through those. 19:27 "Omniscient, all knowing, omnipresent, 19:30 everywhere all times." 19:32 The Holy Spirit was in the beginning 19:34 of creation that's Genesis 1:1-2, 19:38 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 19:42 The earth was without form and void, 19:44 and darkness was on the face of the deep." 19:47 And what hovered over? Spirit of God. 19:50 And the Spirit of God 19:51 was hovering over the face of the waters. 19:53 And I dare say He is still hovering today. 19:57 Only, it's not over the face of the waters 20:00 which were without form and void 20:03 but over each one of us because in each one of us, 20:06 there areas in us that are without form and void. 20:10 And God is wanting to create within us 20:12 with the power of His spirit all that he has for us. 20:15 Hebrews 9:14, we're just using a lot of scriptures, says 20:20 that the Holy Spirit is eternal. 20:22 Now, we've looked at omniscient, 20:23 all powerful, everywhere at all times, 20:27 all knowing, now eternal. 20:31 "How much more shall the blood of Christ." 20:33 We've used this scripture a few times, haven't we? 20:36 "Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself 20:39 without spot to God, cleanse your conscience 20:43 from dead works to serve the living God?" 20:46 Hits the button. The Bible is telling us 20:49 that the Holy Spirit is eternal. 20:51 He's all powerful. 20:53 He's all knowing, 20:54 and He's everywhere at all times. 20:57 But the most amazing work of the Holy Spirit 21:02 is that he has the ability 21:05 to change a human heart and the mind. 21:07 Hallelujah. 21:09 It's in the Holy Spirit only that can... 21:12 That the new birth is accomplished, 21:14 and I've got that scriptures, John 3:8 and, Pastor CA, 21:19 it reminds me of this gentleman 21:22 that had such a powerful ministry 21:25 that you were talking about earlier. 21:27 It was only through the power of the Holy Spirit 21:31 that all those conversions... 21:32 How many of you remember your conversion experience? 21:36 Was it the power of God working through the Holy Spirit 21:40 that touched your heart. 21:42 You know, someone said earlier, maybe, it was last week, 21:47 about the power of God at work within you 21:50 and you started hearing the word, 21:53 and I remember when I was born again, 21:55 when God by the power of His spirit, well, it didn't... 21:59 I think my conversion was instantaneous. 22:02 I do think that, 22:03 but I think God had been working on me 22:06 for years through different things, 22:09 through different names. 22:11 I remember a gentleman that I worked with. 22:14 He would... when the boss was out, 22:16 he wanted to preach evidently because he would capture 22:19 we girls in the office and he would stand up like 22:22 he was behind a podium and he would preach to us, 22:25 but it was irritating and annoying. 22:28 That's what it was. 22:30 However, his words were impacting 22:34 as the Holy Spirit used those words 22:36 that in my mind, I was thinking, 22:38 "I need to get back to word, I wish," 22:40 but the power that was in the word 22:43 through the unction of the Holy Spirit, 22:45 gets in your heart and it starts changing you. 22:48 Let me read this, the new birth, that's John 3:8, 22:54 "The wind blows where it wishes, 22:56 and you hear the sound of it, 22:58 but cannot tell where it comes from 23:00 and where it goes. 23:02 So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. 23:06 So work of the Holy Spirit within you." 23:08 Each of these scriptures testifies 23:11 to the divine attributes of the Holy Spirit, 23:15 and there is coequality in the Godhead. 23:19 Can we agree with it? Coequality in the Godhead. 23:21 Amen. 23:23 But there is only one directive, 23:26 each person in the Godhead 23:29 has a different mission to accomplish. 23:32 But the purpose is to accomplish 23:35 one directive... 23:36 That all work together in harmony, 23:39 in unity headed in the same direction, 23:42 but just as Angie and Pastor Lomacang, 23:45 they're what? 23:46 They are one. 23:48 There is coequality in that relationship, 23:51 but there is differences of administration 23:54 of the purposes to accomplish what? 23:57 A happy godly home. 23:58 So that's what we have in the Godhead. 24:02 God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, 24:05 all moving in the same direction. 24:07 Amen. Amen Very well said. 24:09 Mollie, who but God could conduct Jesus 24:13 from the courts of glory to the womb of Mary. 24:15 Yeah. There had to be God to do that. 24:17 No lesser entity could do that. 24:20 No lesser entity could search the deep things of God. 24:24 Yeah. Save God Himself. 24:26 It's something we'd be still studying 24:28 throughout all eternity 24:29 and probably will never get it all, 24:31 but that's a subtle statement 24:34 that the Holy Spirit had to be God 24:36 God because only God could handle God 24:39 and escort God from the realms of glory 24:42 to the womb of a little girl that He would be born. 24:45 Or even created. Yes. 24:47 You know, either divinity has the ability to create 24:52 or it doesn't, and I use the word it. 24:56 You know, I'll clarify that in a moment 24:58 because I don't want to jump ahead of myself, 25:00 but this whole creative power 25:01 that happened to Mary surely was directed by God, 25:05 and it was contributed to the Holy Spirit. 25:07 The power of Almighty God 25:09 through the working of the Holy Spirit. 25:10 That's right. 25:12 It's something I can't even fathom. 25:13 You know, you just think how it is deep. 25:16 How do you even understand how that takes place 25:19 or I just... it's beyond me. It is just amazing. 25:23 Step down transformer 25:26 'cause Mary could have been consumed. 25:27 Yeah. This is God himself, so in her. 25:31 I mean, that's just... 25:32 She became a temporary nuclear reactor for divinity. 25:36 It's just powerful to think about that all the power 25:38 that can consume everybody was housed right in her. 25:40 Yeah. Amen. Amen. 25:41 Well done, Mollie, thank you so much. 25:43 Jill? 25:44 I have Tuesday biblical hints. That's a nice one. 25:48 It is, I love it 25:50 because we're looking at various scriptures, 25:53 same thing you did. 25:54 Now, you talked Mollie about the scriptures showing 25:57 the divine attributes of the Holy Spirit. 25:59 Now, this is comparing scripture 26:01 similar to your's, Pastor CA, with the one in Acts 26:04 where we equate God with the Holy Spirit. 26:07 So these would be, maybe, it's nuanced a bit, 26:09 but we can see if we compare the parallel passages, 26:13 this is God, this is Holy Spirit. 26:15 Therefore, the Holy Spirit is equal, 26:18 the Holy Spirit is divine, the Holy Spirit is God. 26:20 But before we go to the scriptures 26:22 in the lesson, 26:23 and I want to make sure we get to that. 26:24 Let's go to John 14. 26:26 I just want to look at this before we do those Scriptures 26:27 from the lesson. 26:29 John 14. And in the Book of John, 26:34 these are probably my favorite parts 26:35 14, 15, 16, 17, you know, the last supper 26:39 just took place John 13. 26:41 Jesus washed the disciples' feet and then now, 26:44 He's headed out to the Garden of Gethsemane, 26:47 going to the cross, and He's leaving them 26:50 and just before He leaves them, 26:52 He says, "I have final words of importance to give to you." 26:57 So we're on John 14:16, "I will pray the Father, 27:03 excuse me and He will give you 27:05 another Helper or another comforter advocate 27:09 that He may abide with you forever." 27:12 If you look in the Greek, 27:13 the word for helper is "Parakletos". 27:16 Now, I believe you Bible scholars can correct me 27:19 because I am the newbie in the group here, 27:21 but I believe parakletos is used five times 27:23 in the New Testament, 27:25 four times in the Gospel of John, 27:26 John 14, 15, 16. 27:28 They all refer to the Holy Spirit. 27:31 And one time in 1 John, parakletos is used in it 27:34 actually refers to Jesus himself, 27:36 but these four times in the Gospel of John, 27:38 it refers to the Holy Spirit 27:40 and if you think in the ancient court of law, 27:42 parakletos was a person 27:45 who was assigned to somebody in the court of law. 27:48 They helped him physically, 27:49 maybe, they needed blankets and food and water. 27:52 They helped him emotionally, 27:54 maybe, going through the legal proceedings 27:56 was a difficult time 27:57 and you need hope and encouragement. 27:59 And legally, they came to their defense. 28:02 They were their advocate in their time of need. 28:07 And the word before that word for parakletos, 28:10 I will give you another Helper the word "another" 28:13 is Alose meaning, 28:16 someone another person of equal quality not "Heteros" 28:21 which would be another person of different quality. 28:24 This is another person of equal quality, 28:26 so Jesus knows that He's going to the cross 28:29 and then, He's returning to heaven 28:31 and He said, "I'm not leaving you comfortless." 28:33 Amen. "I'm not leaving you alone. 28:35 I'm sending someone else 28:37 who is just like Me, equal quality." 28:41 You know, you think the gold rush. 28:42 They went out to California. 28:44 And they're panning for gold 28:46 and, you know, you imagine someone saying, 28:48 "I found something, this is gold," 28:50 and it turns out to be fool's gold. 28:52 Well, that would be Heteros, right? 28:54 This is another something, but it's not equal. 28:57 It's not equal quality. It's not the real deal. 29:02 But if you find the real deal, okay, 29:04 that is the real gold and so Jesus is saying, 29:06 "I'm going away, 29:07 but I'm sending you someone else 29:09 just like Me who would be your advocate, 29:12 your help, your encouragement. 29:14 I'm sending you the Holy Spirit." 29:16 So let's look at a couple of these, 29:18 we're looking at biblical hints. 29:20 We're going to go to 1 Corinthians, 29:22 1 Corinthians 3. 29:29 1 Corinthians 3. 29:30 We're talking about the indwelling temple 29:34 3:16, 17, 29:38 "Do you not know that you are the temple of God 29:41 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 29:45 If anyone defiles the temple of God, 29:46 God will destroy him. 29:48 For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are?" 29:52 Now, the word for temple, 29:54 I don't know how to pronounce it, 29:56 Naos, N-A-O-S, in Greek Naos. 30:00 And it was a word used by the ancient Greeks, 30:03 it meant the innermost cell or shrine 30:06 where their deity was kept, 30:08 way inside their deity was kept in the inner most part. 30:12 And so, He said this is not pagan, 30:14 the Spirit of God 30:16 now comes into the inner most part, 30:19 the Holy Spirit comes into the inner most part, 30:22 and He says, "The Spirit of God dwells in you?" 30:24 and then he says, "The temple of God." 30:26 You see the comparison between the temple of God 30:29 and the Spirit of God. 30:30 Those are those biblical hints, 30:33 God and the Holy Spirit are equal, 30:36 Alose, another of the same 30:38 and look also the same thing in 1 Corinthians 6, 30:41 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. 30:46 Now, this one is in the middle of a discussion about 30:49 actual purity, sexual immorality 30:52 or in 1 Corinthians 6:19, 30:54 "Do you not know that your body is the temple of Holy Spirit." 31:00 The same word for temple, 31:02 meaning the innermost part were God dwells. 31:05 "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit 31:07 who is in you. 31:09 Whom you have from God and you are not your own, 31:12 For you were bought at a price, 31:14 therefore glorify God in your body 31:16 and in your spirit which are God's." 31:19 Same comparison, Holy Spirit. 31:22 The Holy Spirit can dwell in us in the bodily temple, 31:25 in our hearts and in our lives, 31:27 just like we are the temple of God 31:30 comparing Holy Spirit to God. 31:33 It's powerful because God wants to dwell. 31:36 I mean, we were just talking about Mary 31:39 and through the conduit of the Holy Spirit, 31:42 Jesus coming and dwelling. 31:43 Amen. 31:45 And then, you think about us today. 31:48 The Holy Spirit wants to dwell within us 31:52 and changes us, 31:54 to make us into the image of Jesus 31:56 dwell within us and if we have time 31:58 let's look at one more scripture. 32:01 Isaiah 63, we're going to compare this to Numbers 14. 32:06 But first, we'll look at Isaiah 63. 32:11 We're looking at verse 10, 32:13 but if you go back a couple of verses. 32:17 Let's see. 32:18 Verse 8, He said, 32:20 "God speaking they are my people. 32:22 He became their savior," verse 9, 32:24 "And all their affliction He's afflicted, 32:26 the angel of his presence 32:27 save them in His love and His pity, 32:29 He redeemed them and He bore them 32:30 and carried them." 32:32 Verse 10, this one's hard for me to read, 32:35 "But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit." 32:41 You know, those verses in the Bible 32:44 where I think about the one in Ezekiel. 32:47 He says, "Turn you back to me for why will you die." 32:52 They rebelled. 32:54 He said, "I became your Savior 32:55 and I carried you and I loved you." 32:58 They rebelled and grieve the Holy Spirit. 32:59 Now, keep that concept of turning against 33:02 the Holy Spirit, 33:03 and we're going to go to Numbers 14, 33:07 and we have a very similar situation here. 33:09 "The children of Israel turning away from God." 33:14 But instead of using the word Holy Spirit, 33:15 there's a different word used here Numbers 14:11, 33:21 "Then the Lord said to Moses, 33:23 how long will these people reject me?" 33:28 So in this case, the Lord is saying, 33:30 "How long are they going to reject me? 33:31 In Isaiah 63, 33:33 They're rejecting, they're rebelling, 33:35 they're grieving the Holy Spirit. 33:37 We see that's synonymous, 33:40 the Holy Spirit, God the Father. 33:43 That's true, that's right. 33:44 We see the Godhead in Matthew 28:18, 19, 20, 33:49 "Go ye there forth 33:51 and teach all nations baptizing them 33:52 in the name of the Father and the Son 33:55 and the Holy Spirit," linked together. 33:59 Praise the Lord, amen. Excellent. 34:02 Well done, very well done. 34:04 You know, if God had sent 34:06 and said, "Mollie, CA, John, Kenny, Jill, 34:10 I'm going to send you my best angel." 34:13 I would say, "Okay," that works for me. 34:17 I mean, yeah, one angle cut 185,000 people in one night, 34:19 so he'll take care of me. 34:21 He loved us so much, Christ said, 34:24 "I will go and I'm going to send you God." 34:26 Amen. 34:28 "I am gonna send you someone equal to me. 34:30 I'm going to... who will be alongside you 34:32 but who will be in you." 34:34 Yeah. 34:35 That's the passing love of God. 34:36 "I'm going to send... 34:38 God is leaving and I'm sending you God," 34:40 Can't do it better than that? 34:42 No. That's not a step down. 34:43 No. That's a parallel move. 34:45 Maybe, a little step up 34:47 because He is going to be with you. 34:48 Of course, I can't be everywhere, 34:49 but He can dwell inside you and be right by you. 34:51 Amen. 34:53 God gave us the best. Okay. 34:55 God gave us the best, 34:56 and I'm glad you brought that out 34:57 because a lot of times, 34:59 we think of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, 35:02 and I've received documents, 35:04 and I'm sure that many of you have 3ABN, 35:06 we get a lot of documents from well-meaning people 35:09 and I want to just acknowledge that. 35:10 I don't think people send us things maliciously. 35:13 But I think that 35:15 everybody has a corner of understanding 35:16 and then, in their own experience, 35:19 they sometimes want to... 35:21 If they feel that something's a passion to them, 35:23 they want to communicate it 35:25 and surely as supporters of 3ABN, they do that. 35:27 Sometimes, they send Encyclopedia. 35:29 Sometimes, they send books 35:30 that are just written on the inside 35:32 and out in the pages, they have no space at all. 35:35 It is overwhelming. 35:36 We're encouraging you, 35:37 please send it so that we could digest it, 35:40 not that it digest us 35:42 because there's a difference between 35:43 being digested and digesting, 35:45 but this is one of those topics that really has caused. 35:49 I get emails. I get messages on Facebook. 35:51 I get messages in my people sending letters 35:54 and envelopes and doctoral dissertations 35:58 almost as it were about the Holy Spirit, 36:00 and it's almost passionate, 36:02 almost like to say 36:03 how dare you make him equal with God? 36:07 How dare you make him equal with Jesus? 36:09 This is passion. 36:10 I received one where somebody even said, 36:12 "You know, I feel that you've rejected 36:14 the light of God's word to even make 36:16 the Holy Spirit eagle with God." 36:19 Well, it almost, 36:20 I think to myself why will Jesus leave 36:23 and send us a lesser substitute? 36:26 Why would He send somebody 36:28 who couldn't do as well as He did? 36:29 That's right. Amen. 36:31 You know? 36:32 Why will the father send a son 36:33 who one denomination calls him mighty God 36:37 and calls the Father Almighty God, 36:39 why would the Father send a lesser God? 36:41 And then lesser God would send a lesser God? 36:44 It's somewhat they've to step up 36:45 and step down transformer 36:47 where these three manifestations of God 36:49 and the Holy Spirit is drawn into this arena of confusion 36:54 by people that say, "Well, God need to do it. 36:58 Don't send a son that's only Mighty God. 37:00 We need the Almighty God," 37:02 but when they get to Revelation speaking about the Alpha, 37:04 the Omega, the beginning of the end, 37:06 God Almighty presents a quandary 37:10 as it were so what I could use here, 37:14 they almost stuck in the quagmire 37:15 of Jesus saying, "I am Almighty God." 37:18 And then, you go to Hebrews where He says, 37:20 "To which of the Angels has He ever said 37:23 your throne of God is forever," but to the son He says that. 37:27 So you go, "Well, okay, 37:28 how could Jesus be the son but be God?" 37:32 When you get to eternity, you'll understand, 37:36 but to try to capture God in the minds of its finite dust 37:42 that can't remember what we ate yesterday. 37:45 Yeah, come on. 37:46 We try to explain God is like ants 37:48 walking around my house trying to say, 37:50 "How did they build this thing?" 37:54 And I've seen ants on my land sometime, 37:56 I've seen ants in my yard, and I'm thinking, 37:59 "I am so glad 38:01 that God chose to make me out of His image 38:03 rather than an ant. 38:05 I have a long journey to get to the front yard." 38:07 And so sometimes as ants, 38:09 as pieces of dust on this planet called dust 38:11 and God is a ray of dust calls unknown galaxies 38:16 which I want to explain something 38:17 that's beyond our understandings 38:19 and then because we come up with this little corner 38:21 where we found a spider web, we conclude that 38:23 the whole world has spider webs. 38:25 Well, let's not pocket the Holy Spirit 38:27 into this lesser, lesser, lesser place 38:29 and make him so insignificant in the work of God, 38:32 the saving of our souls. 38:33 One thing I want to clarify, 38:36 and I'm on Wednesdays... Thursday? 38:38 Wednesday. Wednesday. 38:40 Divine work of the Holy Spirit. 38:41 I want to bring out a beautiful passage 38:43 that became... 38:44 I want to read just the note that starts as, 38:46 "The Holy Spirit performed certain works 38:49 which the Bible ascribes only to God. 38:51 He is active in the divine work of the creation 38:55 and He is just as active in Gods recreation of sinners," 38:59 and we start with Titus 3:4, 6. 39:02 Titus 3:4, 6, beautiful passage 39:06 but entire Bible is beautiful passage. 39:09 Amen. 39:13 "But one kindness and the love of God are Savior 39:17 to what man appeared, not by works of righteousness 39:21 which we have done 39:22 but according to His mercy He saved us." 39:23 Amen. 39:25 "Through the washing of regeneration 39:27 and renewing of the Holy Spirit 39:30 whom he poured out on us abundantly 39:34 through Jesus Christ our Savior." 39:37 Now, you have ever sing song Standing on the promises, 39:40 God my savior. 39:42 You know, I've seen people stumble on that. 39:45 Because they wanna say Christ my savior 39:46 rather than God my savior. 39:48 Well, is Christ God or is Christ Christ. 39:52 Yes. Okay. 39:54 They wanna say, 39:56 "Standing on the promises of God my Savior," 39:58 I've heard people say, 39:59 "Is it supposed to be Christ my Savior?" 40:01 God my Savior, God our Savior verse 4, 40:07 Jesus Christ our Savior verse 6, 40:11 and the Holy Spirit 40:12 working with the Father the Son 40:14 in the regeneration and renewal of humanity. 40:18 This is one of the passages 40:19 in the Bible where you have the Father, 40:20 the Holy Spirit and the Son all mentioned together. 40:24 And then, we go to that beautiful example 40:26 and I want to just establish this, 40:29 the Holy Spirit is not it, but He. 40:34 Absolutely. 40:35 John, chapter 15, How can you grieve in it? 40:40 You can't grieve in it, right? 40:43 But you can grieve a he 40:44 because to even feel grief, you have to have emotion. 40:46 Yes. 40:48 Let's look at John 15:26, 40:50 "But when the helper or the comforter..." 40:51 as the King James Versions says, 40:53 "When the helper comes 40:55 whom I shall send to use from the Father, 40:59 the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father 41:03 He will testify of me." 41:06 So you find here, He is a helper. 41:11 How can it help me? 41:14 He can help me. He can greave. 41:17 See, he can understand what I'm praying about. 41:20 So to be able to understand, you have to have a mind. 41:23 So when He interprets what I'm praying, 41:26 He understands what I'm praying 41:27 and understands it better than I do, 41:29 so He interprets it with groanings 41:31 which cannot be uttered, 41:33 then Jesus receives it and presents it to the Father. 41:36 That's a personage 41:37 and so often we limit and deal in it 41:40 and put brakes on the power that is manifest 41:43 in this divine being God the Spirit. 41:45 Here's another one John 16:13, we read this before, 41:48 but once again establishing the fact that 41:50 He is the active person of the Godhead. 41:55 "However when He the Spirit of truth 41:57 has come He will guide you into all truth for, 42:00 He will not speak on His own authority 42:04 but whatever He hears He will speak 42:07 and He will tell you things to come." 42:08 How many more he is do we need? 42:10 That's a lot of... 42:11 That's a whole he, his, he's, he, he, he 42:13 not to laugh about, 42:15 but a very serious issues, he. 42:18 Jesus is saying He's coming. I'm not going to leave you. 42:22 I'm not going to forsake you. 42:24 Wait a minute. 42:26 If you're not going to leave us and not going to for sake us, 42:29 but you're sending the Holy Spirit, 42:32 then He must be just like you. 42:33 Amen. That's right. 42:35 Now, let's put this together. 42:37 The Holy Spirit didn't die on the cross, 42:39 the Son did. 42:41 The Father didn't die on the cross, 42:42 the Son did, 42:44 but at the baptism of Jesus, you found the spirit of God 42:47 descending in the form of a dove 42:49 and a voice from heaven saying, 42:51 "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." 42:54 The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. 42:56 Jesus was not a ventriloquist. 42:58 And He didn't send his voice to take on 43:01 and continue the work. 43:03 He sent this active power who is so important 43:06 that we cannot afford to grieve Him. 43:08 Let's go another one, the Holy Spirit speaks, 43:11 the work of the Holy Spirit, divine works, a Revelation 2:7, 43:15 I share this in one of our prior studies, 43:17 but it fits right here because the church, 43:20 you know, we have five senses 43:22 and one of those that the Spirit of God relies 43:23 on very much is our ears. 43:27 Revelation 2:7, "He who has an ear." 43:32 Let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. 43:34 I like that, "He who has an ear." 43:37 You know, I thought about that. 43:38 And this is in the context remember that, 43:41 you know, if your hand offend, you do what? 43:44 Cut it off. 43:45 It is better to go with one than not got of, 43:46 if you've an eye pluck it out. 43:48 It's better to go with one. 43:49 What is being said here, the context of this 43:51 is if you have only one ear, 43:52 at least use it to listen to the spirit. 43:55 You may not have both working, but if you only have one, 43:58 use it to listen to what the spirit is saying. 44:00 And that's the context here, 44:01 so what is in essence being said 44:02 is we have no excuse to ignore 44:06 what the Spirit is saying to us. 44:07 Amen. 44:09 Now, Pastor CA used 44:10 one about Ananias and Sapphira, 44:11 beautiful passage in which the Lord showed 44:14 when you lie to the Holy Spirit, 44:16 you lie to God. 44:17 And then, one more. 44:20 Wow! 44:21 There's so many more, but I can narrow it down 44:23 because I am going to pitch you the ball 44:24 and we could always have time 44:25 to emphasize even a little further. 44:29 But Romans 8:2, 44:33 "The Holy Spirit is the spirit of life. 44:36 The Holy Spirit is the spirit of life, 44:39 for the law 44:41 of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus 44:44 has made Me free from the law of sin and death." 44:47 Amen. 44:49 This very spirit of life is talked about here 44:51 is the spirit that Paul says, if we walk in the spirit. 44:54 Now, we're not walking as a spirit 44:57 or walking in the spirit. 44:59 We are not walking in the spirit realm, 45:01 we are walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, 45:04 the very power manifested on the day of Pentecost, 45:06 the very power that imbues the church, 45:08 the very power that empowers us on a day-by-day basis 45:11 to understand things 45:13 that are only from the mind of an infinite God. 45:17 Amen, good. So is the spirit it? 45:21 No, He. Is the Holy Spirit God? 45:26 Yes, on the authority of God's word, He is. 45:29 Amen. Amen. 45:31 Pastor Kenny. Very well covered. 45:32 I think in this lesson here would be Thursday 45:34 the importance of His divinity 45:36 which really as you look through it 45:38 and listen to each one of you, 45:39 it's just going to become an overall, you know, 45:42 covering what we've already recovered here because again, 45:45 the importance of His divinity is really important 45:47 that we understand that He's divine. 45:49 Absolutely, it is, 45:51 and be able to worship Him in spirit and truth, 45:52 we have to understand what we're worshipping. 45:54 We have to understand who's doing the work. 45:56 We have to understand the work of the Holy Spirit. 45:59 So, I realize here as we've talked about this 46:01 that the Holy Spirit reveals to us, 46:05 we talked about responsible for regenerating 46:08 our hearts and our life has a responsibility. 46:11 There's a work which to do and as He dwells in our lives, 46:15 And notice this, our thinking changes, 46:17 our heart changes, our life, 46:19 the things that I used to hate, I now love and things you love, 46:21 you now hate and this certainly... 46:24 as with Holy Spirit dwells 46:25 within there's a character change, 46:27 and I'm thankful that the character does change, 46:29 it needs to be changed. 46:30 And if we allow the Holy Spirit continue to do the work, 46:34 I think our lesson brings out clearly 46:36 that He will lead and guide us, 46:37 and we will become holy, 46:40 interesting word, as He is holy. 46:41 Yes. 46:43 If he's living within that is what this is all about 46:46 that we may be fit material for what? 46:48 For heaven. This is what it's all about. 46:50 So we have to recognize that the Holy Spirit is deity. 46:54 It's divine, it has divine nature like God. 46:58 So it's not too far out to say God. 47:00 This will help us, I think, in our growth 47:03 that we not only come to love Him but obey Him 47:07 and to realize He's our sanctifier. 47:10 That's very important, He sanctifies us. 47:13 New Testament been brought out 47:15 mentions over and over and over, 47:17 the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, 47:19 side by side by side. 47:21 So Holy Spirit is mentioned with the Godhead. 47:24 I like the term if it's alright with each one, 47:27 I like the term Godhead. 47:29 No one here is mentioned so far the Trinity, you know, 47:33 and again because the word 47:34 causes confusion among many, many people, 47:37 safe to go back to the Word of God 47:39 and refer to what the Bible says 47:41 and talks about the Godhead. 47:43 It leaves a lot of space 47:45 where people can't go in the wrong direction. 47:46 True. 47:48 So it's important that we understand the power 47:50 and the work of the Holy Spirit. 47:52 Again, scripture always puts the three together 47:55 signifying to me, to you, to us hopefully, 47:57 that they are on the same level. 48:00 That's new for a lot of people. 48:01 This is new for a lot of people 48:02 because they just don't... 48:04 they see God, then they see Christ 48:05 as a little lesser and then so on 48:07 and many people are taught that in years past, 48:08 we know better. 48:10 The grace of Christ, Jesus Christ, the love of God, 48:13 communion of the Holy Spirit, I think I desperately... 48:16 That we need that. 48:17 Couple of things I wanted to read to you 48:20 if I can find it here, 48:21 I thought was very, very interesting 48:23 that the Holy Spirit is a divine person. 48:25 This found in Manuscript 66 in 1899. 48:28 I thought it was very interesting. 48:31 Speaking of the Holy Spirit notice, 48:33 "We need to realize that the Holy Spirit 48:36 is much a person as God is a person. 48:40 And he's walking through these grounds." 48:42 So it's very important 48:43 that we understand that he is a person, 48:46 the personalities which have been said 48:47 here in this panel and Manuscript 20, 1901, 48:51 "The Holy Spirit is a person for He beareth what? 48:55 Witness with our spirits 48:57 that we are the children of God, 48:58 " what you've been bringing out here. 49:00 The Holy Spirit has a personality, 49:02 else He could not bear witness to our spirits and our spirits 49:06 that we are the children of God 49:08 and then we talk about this third part, 49:10 "He must also be a divine person, 49:15 else He could not search out 49:16 the secrets which lie and hidden in the mind of God." 49:20 So the Spirit searches out what? 49:22 The hidden things. 49:23 It has to be divine that we've been talking about. 49:25 So the Holy Spirit realize, 49:26 I think, Jill, you mention the Holy Spirit 49:28 and you mention Matthew Chapter, 49:29 I think, was 28, "Go you therefore 49:31 and teach all nations baptizing 49:32 in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit," 49:35 that tells us a lot and lot of stuff right here. 49:37 I'm gonna read something else quickly 49:39 while we still have some time. 49:40 I think this reveals some important truths. 49:43 I believe in the weight of evidence, 49:45 when we read scripture, right? 49:47 The weight of evidence 49:48 will lead you and guide you 49:50 and this right here is interesting 49:52 because you've mentioned in here the gift 49:54 how special that gift 49:56 and why would He give a gift that was inferior 49:58 to Him being here 49:59 and here is what this... it says right here. 50:03 The third person is talking about the Godhead, 50:05 "So what gift could He Christ 50:06 Jesus bestow rich enough to signalize grace 50:10 and His ascension to the mediatorial throne. 50:13 It must be worthy notices of His greatness 50:17 and His royalty. 50:19 He determined to give His..." 50:21 I like this, is important, His representative, 50:23 not what's Christ spirit, it's God's spirit, 50:27 they're eliminating the Holy Spirit, 50:30 and I have often said this. 50:32 I could be wrong, but I often said this, 50:34 and I'm open for it. 50:35 I think we have to be careful. 50:37 I think this is a ploy of the enemy. 50:39 I tell you just as at least in my mind, 50:42 if we can reject the deity, the divinity of the Holy Spirit 50:47 that is a form of rejection of the Holy Spirit, 50:49 the unpardonable sin. 50:51 Wow, that's a very good... 50:52 Think about it, to throw out 50:54 who really the Holy Spirit is 50:55 and divinity is to unpardonable sin. 50:58 Wow, the very one that was once to save us. 51:01 Yes, yes. 51:03 And so it makes very clear here in this article, notice what, 51:05 this was in Sabbath School worker 11/28, 1905 so notice. 51:11 "So He's determined to give His representative." 51:13 Why? 51:15 If you... if I go somewhere for you, 51:17 I'm not you, am I? 51:19 No. 51:20 I'm representing you 51:21 so that means I need to talk like you 51:23 and I need to act like, 51:24 I need to do what you sent me there to do, 51:26 so it says here, "The Holy Spirit 51:28 is Christ representative," and notice clear, 51:30 the third person of the Godhead, 51:34 "This gift could not be excelled." 51:36 I like that. 51:38 "He would give all gifts in one," 51:42 therefore, notice the wording, "The Divine Spirit, 51:46 the converting knows the spirit, 51:48 the enlightening, sanctify, power would be His donation." 51:54 How wonderful that is! 51:56 I will not leave you comfortless, 51:58 you know? 52:00 That's beautiful to thank about 52:01 scripture mentioned divine beings. 52:02 I have had somebody call and say, 52:04 "There's no way you can prove in scripture 52:05 that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person. 52:08 Holy Spirit is eternal person." 52:10 We've just read some here, that is very clear 52:12 and sometimes it's just the lack of our understanding 52:15 or maybe study where we get off 52:16 and some kind of little group or whatever. 52:18 1 Peter 1:2, right quick, 1 Peter 1:2, says, 52:23 "Elected according to the foreknowledge of God, 52:25 the Father through sanctification of the Spirit." 52:28 That's the Holy Spirit, "and to obedience 52:30 and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus." 52:33 What do we see in that verse quickly 52:34 like we've been reading here, 52:36 you have the Father, He used to have the Son, 52:37 you have the Holy Spirit 52:39 so it becomes very, very clear for us. 52:40 The Holy Spirit is then I would say 52:42 a divine person to go with all four, 52:45 Luke 24, somebody is jotting down, 52:46 you jot a lot down, 52:48 but just jot Luke Chapter 24:48, 49. 52:52 All three are mentioned here. 52:54 John 14 has been read 16 and 17, 52:56 all three powers are mentioned together 52:58 on the same level. 53:00 John 16:13-15, all three is listed here. 53:04 John 15:26, all three. 53:06 Let me read one last thing, Gospel Workers 222, 53:09 notice this, "The Godhead 53:12 was stirred with pity for the race. 53:14 We had the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit 53:17 gave themselves to the working out 53:20 of the plan of redemption." 53:22 Man! 53:23 That just encourages me and strengthens me 53:25 to realize they all three were invested, 53:28 all three were worried, 53:30 that's not... that's maybe not a good word. 53:32 They were concerned about mankind. 53:34 And so, they all got involved for the plan of redemption 53:38 so that you and I could be saved in the kingdom. 53:40 Praise God for the Holy Spirit, I see it as a divine person. 53:45 That's right, that's right. 53:46 And what's the chief purpose of the Holy Spirit 53:48 is to draw on me unto Christ. 53:50 Now think about this. 53:51 The drawing power of the Holy Spirit. 53:54 If you reject God, 53:56 you still got the drawing power of the Holy Spirit. 53:59 You reject Christ, 54:01 you still got the drawing power of the Holy Spirit. 54:03 But if you reject the Holy Spirit, 54:06 there's no drawing power. 54:08 That's right. You're right. 54:09 Powerful. Amen. 54:10 And Jesus said that Himself, He said it, he made that, 54:13 the Apostle Paul talked about that, 54:16 we could not be sealed outside of the power 54:18 of the Holy Spirit, 54:20 outside of the work of the Holy Spirit. 54:21 That's right. 54:22 So you blaspheme Him, 54:24 then the power is cut off and you may know 54:28 the name of the power company, 54:29 but the power company has just said, 54:31 "You severed the line." 54:32 You know, think about that. 54:34 The Lord says, "I just sent you the power. 54:35 You just cut the line off. What you want me to do? 54:38 I just sent you my representative, 54:40 and you've rejected Him. 54:41 I've presented myself as the sacrifice, 54:44 but the work that I started in you, 54:46 He's going to complete that work, 54:48 but you've shut the power off. 54:49 How do you save?" 54:50 If I can just say something here, 54:52 we're talking about the danger of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, 54:56 but I know that some people, 54:59 you might be watching at home and you might be saying, 55:01 "I'm not sure if I've done that. 55:05 I want to be saved, and I'm not sure." 55:07 I know... just a couple weeks ago, 55:09 a woman called the office and she said, 55:11 "Jill, I can't be forgiven. 55:12 I just don't think I can be forgiven. 55:15 What have I sinned against the Holy Spirit." 55:17 To me, the evidence 55:19 that she has not is that, 55:21 she wants to come back to Jesus. 55:23 When the Holy Spirit draws us, He draws us to Jesus. 55:28 So if you have a desire in your heart 55:31 to come to Jesus, 55:33 then you have not committed the unpardonable sin, 55:35 and the time is now. 55:37 Today is the day of salvation. 55:38 So when you feel the draw of the Holy Spirit, 55:41 when you realize, "I am a sinner," 55:43 come to Jesus now. 55:45 Yes. 55:46 Fall on your knees and say, "Take me as your child. 55:48 Forgive me and cleanse me," and He will do that. 55:51 Yes, he will. Beautiful. Amen. 55:53 That's powerful. Well said. 55:54 You know, there are some nuggets of truth 55:57 that life fairly close to the surface. 56:02 The Sabbath, if you look at it, it's very, you know, 56:05 dig too deep, it's there. 56:07 This doctrine of the Divinity of Christ, 56:10 you got to dig to get it, but when you dig down, 56:13 it is worth the sweat equity you put into that surge 56:17 because it is a beautiful doctrine 56:19 that Christ asked us to lift Him up. 56:23 Who has the strength on there own to lift up Jesus? 56:27 Who can do that? 56:28 How can we lift up a holy God without a holy God working 56:32 in us to help lift of Christ 56:34 so that he can draw all men unto himself? 56:36 It's a powerful and wonderful and truly beautiful doctrine. 56:40 Amen, it is. Amen. 56:42 And that power that the Lord has made available to us 56:45 is one that every one of us is a benefactor of. 56:48 Every one of us is called to say, 56:51 "Father here I am, clean me out." 56:53 Yes. "Fill me up." 56:54 Yes. Amen. 56:56 I'm so mindful that we could be 56:57 delivered from all kinds of sin, 56:59 but if we're not filled by the Spirit... 57:01 Amen. 57:02 Then, we remain clean empty vessels. 57:04 Empty. Empty. 57:05 A beautiful car, very expensive, 57:07 no gasoline whatsoever is not going anywhere. 57:10 So we need that power to not only convert us, 57:12 but to empower us every day to live just like Jesus. 57:14 Amen. 57:15 And once again, we're not lifting up the Holy Spirit, 57:17 we're lifting up Christ. 57:18 Amen. That's right. 57:20 Yes, yes but the truth is there is 57:21 in the spiritual world of physics, 57:24 there are no vacuums in the universe. 57:26 It is gonna be filled with something. 57:27 Something is going to fill you. Something is going to move you. 57:30 Something is going to motivate you. 57:31 Something is going to impress you. 57:32 Something is going to impel you. 57:34 It will either be Satan 57:36 or the Spirit of the living God. 57:37 Amen. 57:38 And we pray that the Spirit of the living God 57:40 is moving in your heart now, 57:42 that if you have not talked to Jesus, 57:44 talk to Him, ask for the spirit 57:46 and then, live through the power of the spirit. 57:48 Your life will be enriched, your walk will be sweeter, 57:51 your life will draw closer and closer to Jesus Christ. 57:53 This is the 3ABN Sabbath School and we thank you. 57:56 We'll see you again, next time. |
Revised 2017-01-19