3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 2: The Holy Spirit

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), CA Murray, Jill Morikone, Kenny Shelton, Mollie Steenson


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000002A

00:01 The Bible tells us
00:23 Our study today is The Holy Spirit and Spirituality
00:33 Hello friends, welcome to 3 ABN Sabbath School Panel
00:36 We're so excited we have a wonderful array of guests
00:40 can you all say Amen to that? Amen
00:42 And we are as it were charged and commissioned by the
00:45 Holy Spirit to communicate the Holy Spirit working behind the
00:50 scenes, Lesson No. 2 in our series of lessons that we are
00:54 so excited to share with you. And I tell you when we study
00:59 God's Word and we ask the Spirit of God to lead us we know that
01:02 we will never be disappointed. But before we have our prayer
01:06 and we talk of the central theme of our lesson and unfold how
01:10 it's gonna unfold, I want to tell you where you can get a
01:13 copy of the lesson because what makes this lesson fun is that
01:16 you follow along with us. And some of you may not have a
01:19 Sabbath School lesson. We're studying the first quarter
01:22 od 2017. This is January, it covers February and March
01:27 and the entire theme is the Holy Spirit and Spirituality
01:31 To get a copy and follow along go to this website
01:39 and download the lesson entitled The Holy Spirit and Spirituality
01:44 And then you can follow along because when you have it you
01:47 know what we're talking about. If we miss something you'll be
01:50 informed because you have it before you, yourself.
01:52 Now we're gonna have some prayer in just a moment I'll ask
01:55 Pr. C.A. but before we do that to my left is my good friend
01:59 my former pastor, my present pastor and before I was even
02:03 a pastor he was preaching to me and now I'm a pastor preaching
02:08 to him. Good to have you here Pastor C.A. Murray
02:11 Good to be here. Good to study the Word. It's a powerful lesson
02:15 Yes. And by the way you're gonna be covering today a very
02:18 important part of the lesson, "The Spirit At Creation"
02:22 Creation, and very important but who's to your left?
02:26 To my left Pr. Kenny Shelton of Behold the Lamb Ministries
02:29 student of the Word, strong preacher of the Word
02:33 and Kenny, good to have you here man. It's good to be here
02:36 Thank you Pastor, I appreciate that.
02:37 To my left Sister Molly Steenson So good to have you be here
02:43 and be able to study the Word of God together and to have all
02:46 these different thoughts and things come together, it's just
02:50 amazing and kinda put it to ten minute little portions.
02:53 Some people say why didn't you cover this, why didn't you cover
02:55 somebody on the panel will cover it so praise God for that
02:58 so we didn't need to get our pencil and paper and Bibles out
03:00 and study along since we're here together.
03:03 And our confidence is that God, by the power of the Holy Spirit
03:08 is inspiring us to speak what needs to be spoken, Amen
03:11 and our prayer is that God will touch the hearts of every one
03:15 that's listening, open them up and that we'll all be changed
03:18 into the image and likeness of Christ, Amen
03:21 And as I told Jill earlier, I'm humbled and so delighted
03:26 to be able to sit with you esteemed teachers. To my left
03:30 is a very dear friend a coworker at 3ABN, a hard worker but
03:36 she's also a very noteworthy Bible teacher, Jill Morikone
03:40 Thank you Molly, It's just a privilege to share together
03:43 and I totally agree with you it's a privilege to sit with
03:47 the esteemed panel and to open up the Word of God. And if we
03:51 complete the circle goin around we began with Pr. John Lomacang
03:54 and he is our pastor here at the Thompsonville SDA Church
03:59 also World Evangelism Director at 3ABN and an anointed student
04:04 of the Word of God. So we're blessed that you're here.
04:06 Thank you so much Jill. Pr. C.A. would you have prayer for us
04:09 as we open God's Word?
04:11 Gracious Father we praise you and thank you for the power
04:14 of your Word. We thank you Father that when we dive
04:18 as it were into your Word we never come forth disappointed
04:22 for there is so much depth and it is so broad and so wide and
04:26 so deep. It is an endless field of study. So Father we ask you
04:32 that you would be with us just now the same Spirit that we
04:35 seek to expose and talk about and lift up so that we can
04:41 speak Your Word that Christ can be seen and glorified this day
04:44 through what we hear and what we say. May Jesus be seen
04:49 may those who sit and consume what we have to offer
04:52 be led to take one more step on the road that leads to glory
04:55 We thank you and we praise you in Jesus' name. Amen
05:00 Well you know when we start on the lesson we talk about the
05:03 theme. Now the theme is the Holy Spirit working behind the scenes
05:08 Now one of the things that was brought out very early in the
05:11 lesson is that the Holy Spirit is not the central theme of the
05:14 Bible. Now that's very important to communicate because today
05:18 there is a movement in the world and it's not a very new movement
05:22 but there's a movement that's pleading for the Holy Spirit
05:25 some people say the Holy Spirit did that or this is the power
05:29 of the Holy Spirit, when in fact the work of the Holy Spirit
05:32 is not to exalt the Holy Spirit but the work is to exalt Jesus
05:36 And so I would like to begin by saying we don't have the Holy
05:41 Spirit, the Holy Spirit has us. We don't use the Holy Spirit
05:46 the Holy Spirit uses us. But as I combine the central fact
05:52 that Jesus is the theme of the Bible, unmistakably, the Spirit
05:56 of God points to the work that Christ is to accomplish.
05:59 The Spirit exalts the person of Christ. The Spirit empowers us
06:03 to live a Christ like life and although He is not the central
06:08 theme, He's the essential agent of the Bible. Nothing can be
06:13 done without the work and power of the Holy Spirit
06:15 Amen, amen. Nothing can be done. For example, I'll use an organ
06:20 illustration. I heard many years ago, I read a story, matter of
06:22 fact it was in the Daily Word when I used to travel on the
06:25 road with the Heritage Singers we'd stop at different churches
06:28 and whenever we stopped at the Baptist Church I'd always get
06:30 the little Daily Word. Lots of great stories in there
06:33 And I would always pick the ones theologically in harmony
06:36 with the Bible but this one was very interesting to me because
06:40 it told a story of a man who was playing the organ and he
06:45 played it so well that at the end of his performance
06:49 he received a resounding standing ovation
06:52 in the concert hall. And people were clapping and screaming
06:56 his name and yelling and all of a sudden he heard three knocks
07:01 on the wall behind the organ and the guy that was pressing
07:05 the bellows and pumping all the air into the organ said
07:08 "what about me?" "What about me" Don't forget me. Because without
07:13 the guy behind the scene the organist would have no ability
07:18 to get the least sound out of the organ.
07:19 He said, 'what about me?'. In fact he was the one in all those
07:23 old organs, he's back there pumping his heart out
07:25 stepping on the bellows making sure the air is flowing through
07:28 the organ. In the very same way the work that we do could never
07:34 be done on our own without the Holy Spirit behind the scene
07:38 It just cannot happen. Matter of fact I want to begin with John
07:42 3 because we talk about the elusiveness of the Holy Spirit
07:45 The Holy Spirit is like air. You know we could, we can't
07:50 bottle. Somebody once said when you go to the Philippines
07:53 bring me back some of the Philippine air. And I remember
07:56 somebody, I saw one of our guys in our pack, they took an
08:00 empty soda bottle and went like this, swooped it and
08:03 then sealed it real quickly. What are you doing?
08:06 They said to bring back some Filipino air.
08:10 Are you serious? How are they gonna know there's Filipino air
08:13 in that bottle. He said I don't know but they told me to bring
08:16 some back so he scopped it through the air and sealed it up
08:18 real quickly. You know we cannot harness the power of the Holy
08:23 Spirit. The Bible uses a very powerful illustration
08:26 In John chapter 3 and verse 8 I'll read. He says the wind
08:32 blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it but
08:36 cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes.
08:40 So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.
08:43 I'm always amazed by people and I could talk of my panel here
08:47 I'm always amazed by people that sometimes say I was born again
08:50 on January 2nd and they give the year.
08:53 I say, no that's when you acknowledged it.
08:55 But the work started long before that
08:58 Yeah. Matter of fact, in the Bible when Jesus even said
09:01 follow me and I will make you fishers of men
09:04 Peter followed Jesus a year and a half after Andrew his brother
09:09 introduced him to Christ. So from the time Andrew introduced
09:12 him. the Spirit began to work on Peter but we read in the
09:16 Bible, Jesus said to Peter follow me and the Bible says
09:19 immediately he followed. When I study the theological context
09:22 between one verse and the other is a year and a half
09:25 difference. I was amazed by that And so those who finally respond
09:29 to the work of the Holy Spirit, often happens because family
09:32 members have been praying, Lord work on the heart of my sister
09:37 my brother, friend, my colleague and then finally they get this
09:41 breakthrough and people say, you know the Lord just spoke
09:44 to me today and we said if you only know how many years
09:47 I've been praying and the Lord has been chiseling away
09:51 at that exterior to finally get to the interior of the heart
09:54 and while the Spirit is not the essential or the central theme
10:00 of the Bible the Church cannot work without the Holy Spirit
10:03 Amen. Look at Revelation 3:13 And you find this repetitively
10:08 in Revelation over and over again. The book of Revelation is
10:13 the revelation of Jesus but over and over again you find this
10:15 word being said, Revelation
10:20 we find, we're told "he who has an ear let him hear what the
10:27 Spirit says to the churches.'
10:31 I was startled by a statement I heard one person say
10:33 They said that you know, today if the Spirit of God were
10:37 withdrawn from the church many of the activities that go on
10:41 will continue. And so we have to be very careful that we are not
10:47 activity driven but that we are Spirit driven.
10:50 Amen. Because without the Spirit of God the Pentecost could not
10:54 happen. And Jesus, I'll go to the timing of the Holy Spirit
10:58 Jesus said to the disciples and to those who were praying for
11:02 the power to come into their lives, He said it's all about
11:05 timing. He said I could send you forth cause I spent three years
11:08 educating you, three and a half years educating most of you
11:11 but you can't go forward with education unless you have the
11:15 Spirit of God. And look at Acts 1, verse 8. The Holy Spirit is
11:19 not the central theme but He is the activation through the
11:21 power that Jesus made available to them.
11:26 But you shall receive, what's the next word? power
11:31 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be
11:36 witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria
11:40 and to the end of the earth. And so what we have to keep in
11:43 mind here is the Spirit is the active power.
11:46 So if you preach a sermon with out the Spirit it might be a
11:48 good message but it has no active power to convert anybody
11:51 That's why I remember reading in one of Ellen White's writing
11:54 I think it was Evangelism, she talked about how there are some
11:57 great orators but they're devoid of the Spirit of God.
12:01 And she also mentions, she says don't focus on eloquence
12:05 you may even be a person whose speech is not as it were in
12:10 Moses' case, he didn't have good speech.
12:12 But he was imbued by the Spirit of God to work that God saw him
12:16 qualified to do and you know what? When we recognize our
12:20 lack of qualification, we recognize our need of the Spirit
12:24 Amen. You see these men on the day of the Pentecost, it was so
12:28 amazing what God did through fishermen. Some of them were
12:31 educated but the majority of them were not. And when they
12:34 spoke the Word of God with boldness all throughout the
12:36 Book of Acts, it was amazing how those who were educated received
12:40 them, they said these men are unlearned and uneducated
12:43 but it was clear they had been with Jesus.
12:46 To be with Jesus means you've got to have the active power
12:50 of the Spirit of God in your life. So, once again to say that
12:53 we cannot do that without the Spirit of God upon us. He may be
12:57 elusive but we'll know when His presence is needed. Amen
13:01 Like the hurricanes, the tsunami the tornadoes and the typhoons
13:05 and the all those things that happen that's the work of the
13:09 wind. We can't stop it. We can see it's powerful work.
13:13 Look at Isaiah 61:1. This was the declaration of Jesus in his
13:19 humanity. But Isaiah the prophet declares these words
13:23 He says in Isaiah 61:1,The Spirit of the Lord God is what?
13:27 upon me and then He declares what this Spirit of God enables
13:32 Him to do to preach, to heal the broken hearted,
13:34 to proclaim liberty open the gates of those who are bound
13:37 and all the other things that follow in verses 2 and 3.
13:39 But He couldn't do it unless the Spirit of God was upon Him.
13:43 So while we have information,
13:45 what we need more than just information is
13:48 transformation. That's also the other work of the Holy Spirit
13:51 And so when we talk about the Spirit behind the scenes
13:54 you may see a person and I'm looking at my own life
13:57 I look at where I was and where I am today, and I would not
14:01 and I say this sometimes humbly I would not have hired me
14:05 years ago to join the Heritage Singers. I didn't like my own
14:09 voice. But God saw something and look at all of us. I look
14:13 back at some of the pictures of Jill when she first got here
14:16 I don't want to embarrass you Jill, please put any pictures of
14:18 her up there, but Jill has grown as a woman of God
14:20 Molly has grown from her former beliefs to what God has
14:24 anointed her to be now. Pr. Kenny has grown
14:27 Pr. C.A. continues to grow. We all continue to grow. Why?
14:30 Because the Spirit is the active agent that continues the work
14:35 that Jesus began in us. Amen. And so when we think about
14:39 what can we do without the Spirit of God, we can't do
14:41 anything. That's right. We can't do anything. Matter of fact
14:44 let's look at also, the book of I'm looking here now at the book
14:50 of Ephesians. Look at Ephesians 4:30. The Spirit, The elusive
14:55 work that we cannot ignore. Look at Ephesians 4:30
14:59 That's why when we talk about the work that God has to do
15:03 let's not focus on joining a church, or becoming a part of
15:07 a membership but to be baptized is one thing, but John even said
15:12 I baptize with water but the one who comes after, He's gonna
15:16 baptize with the Holy Spirit or fire. You need that baptism
15:20 for there to be any conversion any effect in your life.
15:23 Ephesians 4:30. The essential work of the elusive Spirit
15:27 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were
15:33 sealed for the day of redemption It's shocking to me that if we
15:36 speak against Christ we'll be forgiven but if we sin against
15:40 the Holy Spirit the Bible says, the unpardonable sin we won't
15:44 be forgiven. Now while many people try to define what that
15:48 is, let's not try to define it but in fact I think one of the
15:52 best definitions I've heard is continual persistent rejection
15:56 that the Spirit of God does in our lives. Which is what
15:59 happened in the antediluvian world. Where the Lord says
16:02 My spirit will not always strive with man. So here's the point
16:07 I wanna make before I transition the Spirit maybe elusive
16:11 but if He's speaking to your heart and sharing truth with you
16:14 and knocking on the door of your heart to accept Christ
16:17 don't say well I've got other times. Who was it, Agrippa
16:21 said that you almost persuade me to be a Christian
16:23 Was it Festus who said that? And then Agrippa said,
16:26 well I'll call for you at a more convenient time.
16:29 The most convenient time to respond to the Spirit of God
16:32 is when His voice is the loudest because you can hear that voice
16:36 so long like a parent and after a while you can shut that voice
16:39 off. So let's transition now from the elusiveness of the
16:43 Spirit to the Holy Spirit at creation. Pr. C.A.
16:46 You know I think it's so interesting just tell em
16:47 what you said Pastor that the Spirit is at once elusive
16:51 but also very eminent. Just a prayer away and we tend to be
16:55 comfortable putting our hands on things, touching things, tasting
16:58 things contacting through the senses. And the Spirit is above
17:02 the senses so there is an elusive quality to it. But then
17:05 there's also this very eminent quality He's as near as a prayer
17:08 He's as near as your heart, He's as near as an open mind
17:12 He's right there. When we talk about creation one of the things
17:15 that impresses me, I'm blessed and impressed by the thought
17:18 realization that in heaven there was no division
17:22 no rancor, no jealousy that there is this perfect working
17:28 together and that of course is what Christ desires for His
17:31 church on earth. No division, no rancor, no jealousy
17:34 no striving for the ascendency. God the Father, God the Son,
17:39 God the Spirit working together. So the Holy Spirit is present at
17:43 creation. The lesson says in the very first line, the first major
17:47 work of God on this planet was its creation. Hebrews says
17:52 Bereshith, Elohim bara. Bereshith, Elohim bara.
17:56 And I just want to parse those in looking at this a little bit
17:59 Starting from the back, the word Bara is a word that is
18:03 singularly used in connection with God. It doesn't really have
18:07 any use outside of a connection with God. So when you say Bara
18:11 you're going to see Elohim next to it. Because only Elohim
18:15 can Bara. You see only God can create from nothing.
18:19 And Bara envisions nothing there, something there
18:25 and only God can do that. Nothing there, something there
18:29 No love in my heart one day, love in my heart. That's God
18:33 Amen. Hate and jealousy, bigotry in my heart. One day all gone.
18:37 That's God. Only God can Bara. And it's used in connection with
18:44 Him. Now we back up to the word Elohim, used about 2500 times
18:49 It means the strong one. Or God Almighty. So when connected
18:55 with Bara, it's saying in the beginning the Almighty did
19:00 something that's never been done before when it comes to
19:03 this planet. Something brand new was done by the strong one
19:07 by the Almighty One. God began to create. Now let's back up
19:10 just a little bit because Elohim as you all know is a plural word
19:15 that encompasses the three agencies or entities that we
19:19 know of as God. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
19:25 So I want to go to the Shema which is Deuteronomy 6:4
19:29 but I want to go to the New Testament so I'm going to ask
19:32 you to go with me to the book of Mark because Jesus also
19:36 quoted the Shema. While you're turning, Shema simply means
19:42 to hear. It is the beginning of that part of the Torah
19:46 Hear O Israel the Lord your God is one
19:49 He is Ehad. But in Mark chapter 12, I'm turning there really
19:54 fast. Mark 12, Christ quotes the Shema
19:59 The Bible says, Jesus answered him the first of all the
20:03 commandments is, what verse? 29. I'm sorry, Mark 12:29
20:09 I heard my wife saying that, what verse? Hahaha
20:17 Jesus answered him, the first of all the commandments is,
20:21 Hear O Israel the Lord our God, the Lord is One.
20:26 And of course He uses that as the foundation for the fact that
20:29 we need to be one. We need to live like one, love like one
20:33 But again you have Father, Son, Holy Ghost all one
20:38 I see the term God or Elohim not as a personal name
20:44 but almost an office or a title. You are John. You are Kenny
20:51 You are Molly, you are Jill. But you're also pastor
20:55 You're also pastor. You're also Vice President General Manager
20:59 So when I saw you this morning I said, how're you doing pastor?
21:01 Right. That's your title. But that is who you are too.
21:05 But you're also John. So one is a name given to you by
21:09 your mom or someone in charge of you at that time. The other
21:14 is an office that you have ascended to. Or selected to
21:17 function in. So God is a title it's not a personal name
21:22 there are more personal names for God, it's a title.
21:24 So it's God. God is Father, God is Jesus, God is Holy Spirit
21:29 And all were involved in creation experience.
21:33 So we Bereshit, in the beginning when it all got started
21:38 all three Bara. Did something that's never been done before
21:43 They began to work with this planet and create it something
21:47 brand new. The Holy Spirit, the Bible says hovered over
21:52 the planet. And the lesson talks about like an eagle hovers over
21:56 its young. When God came to make man, this thing is very
22:03 personal with God. You know it's very, it's not, He could've
22:06 stayed wherever heaven is and one day we'll find out
22:10 praise the Lord but He could've stayed there and by fiat
22:13 and just said 'done, bird' Bird. In fact, He did but
22:20 when He came to man it got real personal
22:22 Yeah it got real personal. He rolled up His sleeve
22:26 got down on the ground and began to create in a personal
22:32 way and then the Holy Spirit 'whoosh" breathed into
22:38 his form and he became a living being. Very, very personal
22:45 So God is very, very personally involved in mankind
22:51 He is involved in the creation of mankind and praise God
22:56 He is intimately involved through the Spirit in sustaining
23:00 the relationship with mankind. So that's what the, can I say
23:05 agency, the purview of the Holy Spirit now to recreate
23:10 and to sustain. So when we come back to God it is through the
23:16 agency of the Holy Spirit. And when we abide in Him
23:23 from John, it is through the agency of the Holy Spirit
23:29 You'll forgive my pejorative English, there ain't no abiding
23:33 without the Holy Spirit.
23:36 And as you well intone, if anything good comes through us
23:40 by us, for us, to us, it's the Holy Spirit working in our lives
23:45 It is the Holy Spirit that is actuating us, that's sustaining
23:50 us, that changes our tastes and habits. It makes those
23:54 who hated now love, that makes those who were once
23:59 couch potatoes now get up and knock on doors. That makes
24:02 me forgive the things done to me that I don't like, and
24:09 something inside me says you know you really ought to go
24:11 over there and deal with that. But the Holy Spirit says, No
24:16 let me deal with that. And while I'm dealing with them I'm also
24:22 going to deal with you. Hahaha You know it's both ways.
24:26 That's the Holy Spirit. Creation and re-creation are the agency
24:31 of the Holy Spirit and God the Father, God the Son
24:35 God the Holy Spirit are all involved in all of these
24:39 because that is the love that God has for us. So God is
24:46 Ehad it says in the Shema. He is one. He is one in purpose
24:53 and I think one of the things we're gonna be understanding
24:55 and studying throughout eternity I can get one in purpose
24:59 because everybody here is one in purpose. We're all going in
25:02 the same direction, we're all studying the lesson together
25:04 we're all working at 3ABN. It's that next level that the Holy
25:09 Spirit and God the Father and God the Son, that is gonna be
25:12 the study that I think is gonna blow our minds when we get
25:14 I don't know if we'll ever really totally understand it
25:16 but it's worth a good couple million years, I think
25:19 you know to get my way through it, to try to understand it
25:22 but God is one and at creation all of God, all that is God was
25:28 involved in it and it became very personal when He came
25:32 to create you and me and I'm so glad that He did.
25:37 Oh praise the Lord. Questions, comments?
25:39 Well I want to make a very, I mean you brought out something
25:42 about God working in us and we cannot disconnect that
25:45 inward work from the Holy Spirit Amen. You know John 14:17
25:48 for He dwells with you and will be in you and that's the Spirit
25:52 of Truth and then Philippians connects that Spirit to God
25:55 For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of His
25:59 good pleasure. That's Phil 2:13 So if the Spirit is in you
26:03 and the Bible says God is working in you, who is that?
26:07 God the Spirit. That's a hard statement for a lot of people
26:10 nowadays because there's this argument about whether or not
26:12 the Holy Spirit is God at all. But the Bible confirms
26:16 if the Spirit will be in you and dwell in you
26:19 called the Spirit of Truth, very much the Bible says God is
26:22 working in you. Very true.
26:25 Pastor Kenny. We're gonna pass the baton to you.
26:28 I like this part of the lesson on Tuesday.
26:31 The Sanctuary. And I've often thought about it because
26:38 questions are asked, how does the Holy Spirit function in the
26:41 Sanctuary. What part does the Holy Spirit really play
26:45 because God spoke to Moses "Let them make"
26:48 and you say, well now how does that go? In Exodus 25:8 it says
26:52 Let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them
26:57 I say why? Number one, because in Psalm 77 it says, Thy way,
27:02 O God is in the Sanctuary and I always just in my simplicity
27:08 I always think the way to God is through the Sanctuary.
27:11 The way to find God is study the Sanctuary which most
27:15 people do not. Adventists study the Sanctuary a lot, we should
27:20 If you want to find God, if you want to find the plan
27:22 of salvation, you want to find what it's all about get into
27:25 the Sanctuary and study that Sanctuary. Every aspect
27:28 I heard someone say, well you know most of the aspects of
27:30 the Sanctuary refer to Jesus. I go so far as to say everything
27:34 Everything refers to Jesus in the Sanctuary. Let them make me
27:38 a Sanctuary. So as sinners, and I really appreciate what both of
27:41 you had to say already because it really lights some candles
27:44 underneath our seats, you know get to think about. Because
27:48 creation, creation is wonderful It's about my mind and my
27:52 thinking. But as individuals we need, take this nicely, we need
27:58 more than a creator, we need a redeemer. We have to have a
28:01 redeemer. He could create us and that's it. No redemption.
28:04 We're a lost cause. So we need that. We need a redeemer
28:08 Sin came into the world, sin separates us we realize
28:11 from that. Sin separates us from each other, sin separates us
28:14 from God. Sin separates us from spending eternity with Jesus
28:17 So that's the big issue when we look at the Sanctuary
28:20 Praise God for the plan of salvation. 1 Peter 1:19-20
28:26 Jot it down somewhere so you can look it up or at least
28:28 jot it down when you're there at home and studying along with it
28:31 It's very plain, very familiar to most people 1 Pet 1:19-20
28:36 It says, "that with the precious blood of Christ", I like that
28:40 and I believe His blood is precious and I love that blood
28:43 because I know what it can do for each one of us and what it's
28:46 done for me. "As a lamb without blemish and without spot
28:49 who verily was foreordained." He knew, He knew before He came
28:55 down here,, can I say a mess what a mess it was gonna be
28:58 how He was gonna be treated, every aspect, every step,
29:02 everything in His life, He knew and still yet He was willing to
29:06 come down. You know if I knew if I was gonna take a trip
29:09 and if I knew I was gonna have a flat tire here, I'd go off
29:12 the road over here, hey I'd just plan me another route
29:14 I'd plan another time. I'd want no distractions
29:17 But that's not the way of God. Jesus saw everything, He saw
29:21 how they would just abuse Him and misuse Him, still He said,
29:25 I love them and I come so it works into the Sanctuary
29:27 before the foundation of the world. We know the Sanctuary
29:31 service pointed to Jesus Christ there is no doubt His death
29:34 His forgiveness. Now the question goes back is how is the
29:38 Holy Spirit really involved in the Sanctuary service?
29:41 Is the Holy Spirit the one who enables the people to carry out
29:46 the work that God has given? Remember God said, "Let them
29:50 make me a Sanctuary," to Moses didn't He?
29:53 Exodus 31, it goes in quickly through there, verses 3-5
29:56 Even 1-5 you can read it. It just simply says God was telling
30:00 Moses what to do and He says I'm not going to tell you what
30:03 to do unless I give you people to do it. I want to hit this
30:08 point before we run out of time. It's interesting how that
30:12 God when He tells us to do something, we've heard it all
30:14 our lives, He makes sure He has preparations for that. He has
30:18 things in place. He has people in the right positions to help
30:21 us to accomplish those things. I'm so thankful He doesn't set
30:24 me out there by myself you know. Because I flounder around
30:28 sometime and I need direction, I need insight, I need
30:31 encouragement. I know the Holy Spirit does those things
30:33 But also know this, He does it through people.
30:35 Amen. I'm thankful for that. So anyway, He just said I'm gonna
30:39 I'm going to, but let them make me a Sanctuary. Think of who He
30:42 was talking to, what kind of people He was talking to
30:44 at that time. And then He said I'm going to, these people
30:47 didn't have those gifts and ability and He said, in verse 3
30:50 of Exodus 31, I have filled him with My Spirit. Okay, God said
30:54 make it, here's what I want you to make it now. The Holy Spirit
30:57 function in the Sanctuary is to impress them and give them the
31:01 ability, teach them what they are to do and how they are to
31:04 build this thing because they didn't, most of them, I'll be
31:08 careful, this Pastor couldn't build a dog house maybe at
31:11 that time. You know we don't do those things
31:13 So there had to be the Spirit's function, remember to lead us
31:16 to guide us, to teach us and so on. And so we realize here
31:19 all kind of cunning work, I read this and I thought
31:22 man He's impressing with all kinds of workmanship
31:25 cunning devising, cutting stones and carving timbers and all
31:30 manner of workmanship. No matter how much we work around
31:32 here, you can't learn it all. But it seems like this man here
31:35 had it all, who's gonna be the head of building the Sanctuary
31:39 Holy Spirit's role then as mentioned here is to exalt who?
31:41 Jesus Christ. It's that all is. The Holy Spirit breathes life
31:45 into each one of us. Power of God to gain victories we're
31:49 talkin about. Our weak points become our strong points
31:53 it's only by the power of God I'm glad you bring up so strong
31:56 that we're useless. In my opinion without the Holy Spirit
32:00 we can't accomplish anything. The work has been left.
32:03 Jesus did the work, but the work cause then He went back
32:06 to the Father and He left the work to the Holy Spirit
32:09 to bring conviction, to give us victory, prepare us for
32:13 heaven. This is beautiful. Holy Spirit works in the Sanctuary
32:17 He performs miracles. I'm gonna read this here quick before
32:19 time's up. Remember when God says to do something
32:23 He promises help. And I read this in the book Education
32:27 page 36. Notice there's quick 4 points, let's not miss
32:31 this because when God works, He works miracles. When He does
32:34 it's above all our human thoughts and reasoning. We
32:37 can't figure them out. It says "Great was the privilege and
32:41 honor granted to Israel in preparation of the Sanctuary"
32:44 How was the Holy Spirit involved Notice this. "Great also was
32:47 responsibility. A structure of surpassing splendor demanding
32:53 for its construction the most costly material." Where did they
32:58 get this stuff? Well you know back in study, I want you to
33:01 make this, costly materials number 1. God said I want you
33:06 to have the highest artistic skill. How could they have a
33:09 skill when they were in slavery all these years? That's all they
33:13 did was stomp their feet. Ok. They were to erect a Sanctuary
33:18 in the wilderness. Where there just wasn't really any help.
33:22 Where are you gonna get all this stuff, it's gotta be the best
33:24 It's gonna be by people who don't understand it and what
33:26 they're going to do. Notice, by a people who just escaped
33:30 from what? from slavery. God asked them to do something
33:35 that was impossible with man. He drew the blueprint
33:39 and then He said, Holy Spirit I'm gonna send my Spirit
33:42 notice that He pledged to cooperate with the builders
33:46 through the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit's function then was
33:50 to go and do the work that God had laid the blueprint for
33:53 I thought that was very, very interesting. Remember because
33:55 the Holy Spirit does what, He leads, He guides, He teaches
33:59 John 14, 15, 16 you read that. He gives gifts. We know that
34:03 right? 1 Corinthians 12. He gives gifts to people. How
34:06 beautiful this is to think about when God asks us to do
34:09 the impossible, He makes it possible. The unction of the
34:14 Holy Spirit given through people, through the Word
34:17 in due season, I'm just awed day by day to see how God is
34:21 leading, guiding and directing but the Holy Spirit even though
34:25 maybe not the focal point in the center, Christ is
34:27 He still always elevated with the three. Let somebody come
34:32 and they simply said, Oh well you know the Holy Spirit is not
34:35 divine like the other two. Well I beg to differ with that and
34:38 certainly we'll have an opportunity to go through all
34:40 of that. But interesting in Scripture how many times
34:42 pastor, if you notice, when it mentions God it mentions Jesus
34:46 and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost in the same verse
34:50 same power. Praise God for that. Great Controversy 414 says,
34:57 I'll wrap it up with this, the Sanctuary, we need to realize
35:00 the Sanctuary in Heaven in which Jesus ministers,
35:03 most people don't know that pastor, the Heavenly Sanctuary
35:06 and there's work going on. Oh yeah. You know in our behalf
35:10 is the great original Sanctuary in heaven is what? Is the
35:13 great original of which the Sanctuary built by Moses
35:16 was a copy. God placed His Spirit, Holy Spirit upon the
35:22 builders of the earthly Sanctuary.
35:24 Everything that was accomplished was accomplished, God put it in
35:28 their drive, power, direction, blueprint for it and then said
35:32 Holy Spirit your job is to go and work upon every heart, every
35:34 life, all the people so that they come and say Ooh we're
35:37 gonna bring all this good stuff so we can build.
35:39 Praise God. Think of the Holy Spirit, how awesome that is
35:42 Amen. Sister Molly, help us out.
35:44 Ok. Well I sure appreciate what you shared there. That was
35:50 awesome. Now that's the Sanctuary. On Wednesday
35:54 and what I'm looking at is the Holy Spirit in glorifying
35:57 Jesus Christ. Amen. The Holy Spirit, as Kenny you so
36:02 beautifully illustrated was very active in Old Testament times
36:06 Yeah. And we see Him of course in New Testament era
36:09 but with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit's
36:14 ministry was intensified. And the most important work
36:19 that the Holy Spirit has now is to glorify Jesus.
36:25 Let's look at John 16:13, 14. And let's see what Jesus says
36:32 is the work of the Holy Spirit. John 16: 13-14
36:38 The Scripture says, However, when He the Spirit of Truth
36:42 has come, He will guide you into all what? All Truth
36:46 For He will not speak of His own authority but whatever
36:51 He hears He will speak and He will tell you things to come
36:55 He will glorify me, Jesus says and He will take of what is mine
37:02 and declare it to you. Now John 15:26, let's look at
37:06 another one. But when the Helper comes, who's the Helper?
37:10 The Holy Spirit, who I will send to you from the Father, the
37:15 Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify
37:19 of me, we've made that so clear. The Holy Spirit testifies of
37:25 the Lord Jesus Christ. But the Holy Spirit will always keep
37:29 Himself in the background and He will always direct us
37:34 to the Lord Jesus Christ. Now Shelley Quinn tells of a church
37:39 that her sister used to attend where the pastor was a strong
37:44 Word teacher. And the church was prospering and it was growing
37:49 And a visiting evangelist came through and he some way
37:55 convinced that pastor that the Word was no longer pertinent
38:01 that He should be just led by the Holy Spirit
38:06 Now doesn't that sound spiritual
38:08 If you're about that deep in the Word of God
38:12 One service, Shelly says, the pastor took His bible and threw
38:20 it across the Sanctuary and said, The Word is no longer
38:25 the rule to be governed by but rather they would only
38:30 listen and be led by the Spirit of God.
38:33 What did they just do? They exalted the Spirit above the
38:38 Word. That doesn't work. Well let me give you the end of what
38:42 happened to that church. It became unbalanced
38:46 no doubt, and it disintegrated.
38:52 We must never elevate the Holy Spirit above Christ. Amen.
38:57 There is order in the Godhead. Somebody mentioned this earlier
39:00 There is order in the Godhead. The Holy Spirit will always
39:05 point mankind to Jesus. Jesus will point us to the Father.
39:10 Order in the Godhead. And no body tries to usurp the other's
39:14 area of responsibility. What was the downfall of Satan?
39:18 He tried to usurp authority. Any emphasis upon the work of
39:25 the Holy Spirit that detracts from the person and work of
39:29 Jesus Christ is not from the Holy Spirit. As important
39:33 as the Holy Spirit is for our spiritual life, He will never
39:37 take the place that is due Christ. Salvation only comes
39:42 through the Lord Jesus Christ. But we must have both
39:47 if things are to work well for us and we need them both at
39:51 the same time. And here is just a little Alabama idiom if I can
39:58 use that. With the Word, only the Word, people dry up.
40:04 People what? Dry up. With only the Word. With only the Holy
40:10 Spirit what happened here, the people will blow up.
40:14 But if you mix the Word and the Spirit honey we're gonna grow up
40:19 Amen. It takes the Word working with the Spirit and we grow up
40:24 Now this is a quote from the Desire of Ages
40:27 Sister White tells us that when Jesus came to this world
40:31 to redeem mankind, the world was exceedingly evil. Do you
40:36 remember the situation the world was in when Christ came
40:39 exceedingly evil. The power of evil had been growing stronger
40:43 and stronger for centuries and mankind had continually
40:47 submitted to and taken captive by Satan's powers. Sin was so
40:53 strong that frail humanity couldn't resist and overcome
41:00 the power of that sin by them selves. Is it any different
41:03 today? No. Now Kenny, I told you earlier I was gonna pick
41:07 on you. So let me pick on you. Kenny we as natural, hardheaded
41:14 human beings cannot open up to the Spirit of God
41:18 or open up to the things God has for us.
41:20 We are slow to learn. But with the Holy Spirit working in us
41:27 He starts a revelation, that's revealing, He opens it up
41:31 so the same condition that we see when Christ came to this
41:35 earth, we can't say it's any different today.
41:40 We had to have help. Hence, Jesus Christ wrought out all
41:46 that was necessary for our total victory at Calvary
41:49 Is that the truth? Did Jesus Christ, He wrought out
41:53 everything for our total victory but we in our sin sick, weakened
41:59 condition as carbon based humanoids, we had no ability
42:04 to receive what Christ had for us. Hence the need
42:09 for the Holy Spirit and with the coming of the Holy Spirit
42:13 the entrance of the Holy Spirit then He strengthened us
42:19 Oh, and Pastor John you used that Scripture. What happens
42:23 to somebody Acts 1:8 "And you shall receive power", that's
42:28 dunamis, power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you
42:32 and then you're gonna do some thing. Amen. You're gonna
42:35 witness unto the Lord Jesus Christ. Now Sister White says
42:39 this, It is the Spirit, this is in the Desire of Ages as well
42:44 It is the Spirit that makes effectual what has been wrought
42:48 out by the World's redeemer.
42:50 I can see Christ accomplished it all. It's not that Christ
42:54 didn't accomplish it all, He did. But then there is something
42:58 necessary on our part for salvation to become real in my
43:02 life I have to accept it but on my own do I want Christ
43:07 do I want Godliness? No. Not in my sinfulness.
43:11 But when that Holy Spirit through the power of His Word
43:14 starts working on your heart, what happens to you?
43:17 Ah, that's when we change, that transformation that we were
43:21 talking about. And we're thinking about something
43:26 that you triggered earlier Pastor Lomacang about the power
43:29 of the Holy Spirit. See the gifts and callings of God
43:33 are what? They're without repentance. The gifts and
43:36 callings of God are without repentance but the Holy Spirit
43:39 if there's sin, confusion what happens to the Holy Spirit?
43:45 He's withdrawn. So you have to have that godliness, purity of
43:50 heart and desire for the Lord Jesus Christ for the Holy Spirit
43:54 to be able to work because of a fact the Holy Spirit does one
44:00 thing that is point us to Jesus, glorify the Lord Jesus Christ
44:07 Praise the Lord. I mean it's powerful the way you tie that
44:09 together. What we're seeing is a constant theme is a power that
44:12 is necessary to accomplish anything. You know one of the
44:16 characters of the Bible that came to mind was Saul.
44:20 When Saul continually, persistently disobeyed the Lord
44:24 the Spirit of God departed from him and he didn't know it
44:27 I mean that's what I was saying earlier how there could be a lot
44:31 of spiritual activity but with out the Holy Spirit. So we have
44:35 to make sure that we are in tune with the obedience factor
44:39 not just the desire factor. You could still preach if you're a
44:43 preacher because you've got it coming but there wouldn't be
44:45 an anointing. Knowing that anointing, once you've
44:49 experienced it you're never the same.
44:51 Well like Samson the Philistines be upon you. Well I'll go up and
44:54 shake myself like other times. I've done it before. He did not
44:58 know the Spirit was gone. Or when the disciples were arguing
45:01 about who's gonna be the greatest. Along comes a sick
45:03 fella, they can't help can't cast them out.
45:05 Because you don't know, you can go through the routine
45:08 but not have the power. The power comes from the Spirit.
45:11 So in the ark, if you talk about them you know, if we had
45:15 the ark we're just going to defeat the enemy whether God
45:16 said go or not. We'll just take it and we'll just go.
45:19 Well you're gonna be defeated. That's why David prayed
45:22 take not your Holy Spirit from me. So he knows I can't do
45:26 anything, I could be king but I have no value.
45:28 We probably all seen someone that who could get in the pulpit
45:31 and just eloquently wax away just could do such a good
45:36 oratory, that's what they could do so good but not
45:41 two cents worth of anointing on it and it was just dry and dead
45:44 and then somebody that had to pull on every word but they were
45:47 submitted to God and that anointing was there and it
45:50 changed your life. Sister Jill. It's a blessing. See this theme
45:57 coming through each one of the days, the anointing of the
46:00 Holy Spirit how it changes us. As we become more and more
46:05 like Jesus how it makes us into the image of Jesus. Thursday's
46:09 is the Holy Spirit and Christ. And we're gonna look at
46:11 two different aspects. The Holy Spirit's work in Jesus
46:15 and then the Holy Spirit's work in us, which we've been talking
46:18 about here with the panel, the Holy Spirit's work in us.
46:20 But the Holy Spirit's work in Jesus, as I've been listening
46:24 we've been talking about the Holy Spirit lifting up Jesus
46:27 the Holy Spirit drawing us to Jesus. But when Jesus came
46:32 as a baby here on this earth and lived a perfect life
46:38 and died for our sins the Holy Spirit enabled and empowered
46:45 Him to do that. I don't often think about that. You think
46:49 Jesus depended on His father and Scripture is clear on that
46:52 but as well the Holy Spirit was in Him from birth.
46:55 WE think about the Holy Spirit effected the incarnation of
46:59 Jesus so the Holy Spirit was resident from birth.
47:03 He anointed Jesus for His mission there at the baptism
47:08 at the Jordan river. He strengthened Him for temptations
47:12 in the wilderness. Empowered Him for His redemptive work
47:17 encouraged Him with the hope of resurrection.
47:20 So the entire ministry of Jesus was strengthened, equipped,
47:26 empowered, made possible through the work of the Holy Spirit
47:29 in and through His life. And that same power He wants to
47:34 pour into our hearts and into our lives. Let's go to Galatians
47:37 chapter 5. We're going to look at the work, the fruit of the
47:42 Spirit contrasted with the works of the flesh.
47:47 We're in Galatians, chapter 5 starting with verse 16
47:52 I say then walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill
47:56 the lust of the flesh. Walk in the Spirit.
48:00 Two opposites. Like an antithesis. Either walk in the
48:03 spirit or walk in the flesh.
48:06 The next verse, for the flesh lusts against the Spirit
48:09 and the Spirit against the flesh and these are contrary to one
48:14 another. So you do not do the things that you wish.
48:18 I just think so many times when I wake up in the morning
48:20 God I want to give you my heart I want to follow you today
48:26 spend time in God's Word and guess what happens?
48:28 I get in the car, start to head into work. Okay I want to follow
48:33 Jesus and all of a sudden somebody cuts you off
48:37 Now in Thompsonville we have what? 600 people?
48:40 No one's really going to cut you off cause there's hardly
48:42 anybody on the street. So you know what happens is one of
48:45 those combines gets on the road and they do 45 or 30, or one of
48:52 those tractors. Now if it's Greg he's 45, 30, 25,
48:58 So if it's Greg he's saying, Oh I'd like to be driving that
49:01 combine cause he likes farm equipment. If it's me, I'm
49:04 saying get outta my way. I'm in a hurry. I have places to go
49:09 I begin wanting to but my flesh rose up. Something entirely
49:16 different took place in my heart. That happens all the time
49:20 War against the flesh, against the Spirit reminds me of Romans7
49:24 Remember Paul says what I want to do I'm not doing
49:30 I'm not doing. The work of the Spirit, the striving against the
49:34 work of the flesh and that happens over and over again
49:37 God I want to be pure in my heart and in my mind
49:41 all of a sudden a lustful thought. God I want to honor
49:45 you and I want to forgive my sister Molly cause she has
49:48 surely wronged me, no she hasn't wronged me. I want to forgive my
49:51 sister Molly and all of a sudden Oh but it's hard and I can't
49:56 This is the battle we see. Verse 18. But if you were led by the
50:01 Spirit you are not under the law or were not under the
50:04 condemnation of the law. Verse 19 we see the works of the flesh
50:10 There's 17 listed here I don't think it's a complete list
50:13 It's simply an illustrative list of sin.
50:18 They're evident. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness
50:22 lewdness, idolatry, sorcery hatred, contentions, jealousies
50:29 outbursts of wrath, selfish ambition, dissensions, heresies
50:35 envy, murder, drunkenness revelries and the like
50:39 of which I tell you beforehand just as I told you in time past
50:43 that those who practice such things will not inherit
50:47 the kingdom of God. Now if it stops there I'd be really
50:50 discouraged. Wouldn't you be discouraged. I'd be discouraged
50:54 Wow, I want to follow God but my flesh is rising up. Passion
51:00 sin, envy, lack of self-control desires, lusts, I'm enslaved
51:06 by that. But it doesn't stop there. This is where the power
51:10 of the Holy Spirit comes in. We don't try to be Christians by
51:15 sittin up tall and pullin up our boot straps. We don't try to be
51:18 Christians by grittin our teeth and saying, Well ok I just need
51:22 to do it because this is what God wants me to do
51:25 We submit in our hearts, our lives to the workin of the Holy
51:29 Spirit. We say God will you fill me? Will you change me?
51:34 Will you empower me to live for you? WE see that in the
51:38 fruit of the Spirit, verse 14
51:40 singular. When the Spirit comes in He gives us all these fruit
51:43 The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering
51:49 kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness, self-control
51:55 Against such there is no law and those who are Christ's
51:58 have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires
52:01 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
52:05 There is a statement I like and I don't know who said it so I
52:09 wish I could tell you but I don't know but it says
52:11 we work ourselves instead of being worked by the Holy
52:16 Spirit's power. We work ourselves.
52:19 And so many times whether I'm saying I want to be a Christian
52:23 I'm struggling in that battle or I'm working in ministry
52:26 and I'm doing the work of ministry under my own power?
52:31 ooh. My own strength? I'm workin myself. I have to be
52:36 busy doing good instead of allowing the Holy Spirit
52:42 to work us. It's not who works the Holy Spirit, it's the Holy
52:47 Spirit who comes in and changes us, who works us. So I think
52:51 the Holy Spirit elevates Jesus in the Word; elevates Jesus
52:58 in our lives and empowers us to live like Jesus.
53:05 Amen. Comments, questions?
53:07 I had one little thing I was thinking about Sister Jill
53:10 Lot of times we try to find a way around certain things
53:15 you mentioned the combine or whatever, the little truck,
53:19 tractor that pulls out and the word in here is like wrath
53:23 Yeah. So you don't want to be angry even though you're in a
53:26 hurry and you're running late. So in my mind I said you know
53:30 what, I'm going to be careful with this one, I need to develop
53:34 a pair of forklifts on the front of my truck and when somebody's
53:38 slow instead of being out of shape I simply run out the
53:42 little forklifts gently, lovingly, you're not with me
53:46 lift them up and just put them to the side of the road and then
53:49 I just go on. Ha ha ha
53:54 I like the way you wrapped that.
53:56 It's self-dealing with an issue because I know it's wrong
54:00 to get angry and to get mad at somebody else and so many
54:03 times it's just an illustration of how we try to work around
54:06 somehow and still say lovingly and nicely I did this thing
54:10 but it's still the wrong way to go about it. That's working
54:11 ourselves instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to work us
54:13 I may not develop that trait.
54:15 One of the things that Jill brought out that I'd like us
54:16 to speak to as we have some time left is exalting Christ
54:21 without exalting self. Amen.
54:24 I'm working on something called Faith Is and one of the things
54:27 I said yesterday was that, you know to try to be humble enough
54:31 to know that any good thing any praise it goes to God
54:35 and one of the things the Holy Spirit will do and do very
54:38 quickly is no experience in your life once you've surrendered
54:40 to God is wasted. You know the children of Israel suffered
54:43 building bricks without straw so when they finally got free
54:47 and got into the desert and they had gold to work with, they had
54:50 things to work with they also had building knowledge because
54:54 they had been building for the Egyptian masters. So even though
54:58 that slave experience was bad it was not a wasted experience
55:01 and we see this at 3ABN. People come here with different kinds
55:04 of background and they'll say you know what I did that years
55:09 ago and I can use it here for the Lord at 3ABN. So with the
55:12 Spirit leading in your life no experience is really wasted.
55:16 God will just use that as a groundswell to build something
55:18 good. Sometimes He needs to put you in an uncomfortable
55:21 situation, where you're not in your comfort zone and you find
55:26 out there is something in me that can be used. We've seen
55:30 this here at 3ABN. Maybe we lose a really good employee
55:33 and we think what are we gonna do and his co-workers
55:37 move in and we find out, my goodness they're skilled and
55:41 talented as anyone we could need. So God provides.
55:44 I think God does that, puts us in those uncomfortable places
55:48 those places we're not sure about because it forces us
55:51 to depend on Him. Otherwise I'd think I got this. I can do
55:55 this of my own. But it forces us to realize our need of total
56:00 dependence on Him and the Holy Spirit. Absolutely
56:03 And you know the other thing the lesson brought out is
56:05 being content to work behind the scenes. Because that was
56:08 the whole focus of this lesson. Being ahead of the scenes, that
56:13 is in front of the scenes all the time can sometimes
56:15 cause a person to forget that there's a power behind the
56:19 scenes that's really the one that's doing the work
56:21 It is God who works in us both to will and to do of His good
56:25 pleasure. So we're all vessels and at various points in our
56:28 ministry, at various points in the ministry God called us to
56:31 to recognize the frailty of our own lives. We recognize that
56:34 in me that is in my flesh dwells no good thing
56:38 and even the perspiration or the anxiety or the apprehension
56:43 or the dry mouth or do I remember the words that come
56:48 in our frailty remind us Lord please work with me.
56:52 So I could find victory. You know I think about all our
56:55 partners who partner with 3ABN monthly or weekly however it is
57:00 they're behind the scenes. We see us here. But we know that
57:04 without the camera people here who are not seen, without the
57:08 millions of people who support this work monthly this work
57:11 could not go on. The Holy Spirit is pleased to lift up
57:14 Jesus. And we are so pleased that there are men and women
57:17 boys and girls, little children who send money here each month
57:22 so that the work can go forward
57:24 Behind the scenes is just as important as what you see
57:26 in front. Amen. And the other thing that was brought out
57:29 the Spirit of God helps us and aids us in receiving victory
57:33 over the natural inclinations. And we've in a wonderful way
57:37 covered the lesson on the Holy Spirit and spirituality, but
57:40 what is the lesson we've been taught. We cannot be spiritual
57:43 without the Holy Spirit. We can be carnal and active but not
57:48 without that power that we are so in need of and that's the
57:51 Spirit of God. So continue studying the Word of God
57:54 and pray even now that the Spirit of God will come into
57:57 your life that you'll experience holiness and spirituality.
58:00 God bless you. Amen


Revised 2017-02-28