Participants: Mollie Steenson (Host), CA Murray, Jill Morikone, John Lomacang, Kenny Shelton
Series Code: SSP
Program Code: SSP000001A
00:01 The Bible tells us
00:23 Our study today is The Holy Spirit and Spirituality 00:32 Happy Sabbath everybody and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School 00:36 Panel. We've got an incredible panel here today 00:40 and we just love to get together and teach God's Word, don't we? 00:44 Let us introduce the Panel to you. 00:46 To my left is my dear friend. First and foremost, Pastor 00:51 Lomacang, you're my friend. Then you're my pastor 00:53 and I'm so glad you're here with us today. Good to be here Molly 00:56 To be able to get together with you and study the Word 01:00 The Spirit and the Word of God which is a powerful lesson 01:03 that's gonna come to us as we study today. 01:04 But I'm not here by myself. We've got to my left here 01:08 illustrious Pastor Kenny Shelton Good to have you here Kenny 01:11 It's good to be here Pastor John Good to be with the panel here 01:14 Molly and Pastor John and as we go down the line we're going to 01:18 see things as we study this lesson. It's gonna remind us 01:21 maybe some things maybe that we've forgotten and so 01:24 we're going to be studying those and to my left 01:27 Pastor C.A. Murray, a man I've come to love and appreciate 01:30 very much and good to have you with us today too. 01:32 Good to be here, really is. Very good. 01:34 And the subject matter makes it so wonderful that we're studying 01:38 the Holy Spirit of the Lord. If there was a time when we needed 01:42 to know about the Spirit and to draw closer to God through the 01:44 power of the Spirit, this is that time. To my left 01:47 is the Administrative Assistant to our President, 01:50 Ms. Jill Morikone. Writer, author, Sabbath School teacher 01:55 in her own right. Jill, good to have you here. Thank you Pr. Murray 01:58 It's a blessing to get together and share about the Word of God 02:02 And I'm excited about the topic The Holy Spirit. And if we 02:05 complete the circle, I know this is a semi-circle table here but 02:09 if we complete and go around who started on the other side is 02:13 Molly Steenson. She is a woman of God, she is a friend, 02:17 a mentor and we're so glad that you are here and hosting today 02:21 Well thank you very much and what a joy to be here 02:24 and I wanted to tell you if you don't have the Sabbath School 02:28 quarterly, we are just beginning this quarter and again you've 02:32 heard the subject matter, Holy Spirit and Spirituality 02:35 Today's lesson is the Spirit and the Word, Lesson No. 1 02:39 If you don't have this quarterly let me tell you what you can do 02:43 There is an address on the screen but let me give that 02:46 address to you for those that are listening on radio 02:48 it's, 02:53 go to that website and you can download this lesson or you can 02:58 read it on your iPad or iPhone but you need to follow along 03:05 with us so let me encourage you to do that. Again we're studying 03:09 today on the Holy Spirit and I wanted to first and foremost 03:13 give you the Seventh Day Adventist fundamental belief 03:17 Number 5. Let me read that to you. It's God the Holy Spirit 03:22 God the Eternal Spirit was active with the Father and the 03:27 Son in creation, incarnation and redemption. He is as much a 03:32 person as we are, pardon me, as much a person as the Father 03:37 and the Son. He inspired the writers of Scripture, He filled 03:41 Christ's life with power. He draws and convicts human beings 03:46 and those who respond he renews and transforms into the image 03:51 of God, sit by the Father and by the Son always with His children 03:56 He extends spiritual gifts to the Church, empowers it to bear 04:00 witness to Christ and in harmony with the Scriptures leads it 04:05 into all truth. So we thank God for the person 04:08 of the Holy Spirit. You see, the Holy Spirit doesn't seek to be 04:12 the center of attention. You know what He always does 04:16 He always points us to Jesus. He knows the Father and He 04:20 reveals the Father to us and to me this was just the most 04:25 enlightening point for me. It was the Holy Spirit of course, 04:29 as we know that revealed to the writers of the Bible, holy men 04:35 of old, what to write, what to put in the Bible. Now we have 04:38 prayed and we've asked this same Holy Spirit to be with us 04:42 today, to inspire us, to open this Word up to us, this very 04:47 Word that He inspired to start with. To open it up to us 04:51 and open it up to you so that the Word would go forth 04:54 and be implanted in our hearts and change us into the image 04:57 and likeness of Christ. Is that what we're all wanting today? 05:00 Amen, amen. 05:02 Before we go into the lesson though, Pr. Lomacang 05:06 I want you to open in prayer for us. 05:08 Let's bow our heads 05:09 Loving Father in heaven, as we are studying about the Holy 05:13 Spirit, we pray that you will send the Holy Spirit 05:16 to inspire our minds and hearts that what is communicated Lord 05:21 will surely uplift Jesus, will also impart understanding 05:25 impart inspiration, impart knowledge and then impart a 05:30 heart of willingness to follow what you reveal to us 05:32 May all things be done for the glory and honor of Your Holy 05:35 Name, we pray in Jesus' name Amen. 05:38 Now let's look at our memory text. Ken, if you will 05:43 Let's all just read the memory text together 05:50 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and 05:54 is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction 05:58 for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be 06:03 complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work 06:08 Now how much Scripture are we talking about? 06:10 All Scripture 06:12 All Scripture is given by God and is profitable 06:15 Well, I'm taking Sunday's portion of the lesson and 06:19 it's the Holy Spirit in Revelation. 06:22 Now God reveals His Word. He transmits His insights, what He 06:29 wants us to know in two major ways. First is by revelation and 06:34 the other is by inspiration. Pr. Lomacang you're gonna be 06:37 speaking on inspiration so I'm not going to get over into your 06:40 territory but let's talk about revelation, through revelation 06:45 and let me tell you what revelation is, let me give you 06:48 the definition. Revelation is the unveiling or uncovering 06:53 of something that is hidden. Revelation comes as the Holy 06:57 Spirit teaches us truths that we are unable to perceive 07:02 through natural means. Now think about that. We are just natural 07:05 men and God's thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts 07:09 Let me ask you this. Have you ever been reading the Word? 07:12 Maybe you've read it many times and it just, it's good 07:16 Word, good to memorize. All of a sudden came alive 07:20 You ever had that happen? God by the power of His Holy Spirit 07:24 brought you revelation. As finite fallen men separated from 07:29 God by sin, we are totally dependent on God through the 07:35 means of the Holy Spirit's teaching to know Him and to 07:39 know His will. Isn't that what we want? 07:41 To know Him and to know His will. And it's the Holy Spirit 07:46 that brings that revealing or that revelation. But let me ask 07:50 you something. Now again today's lesson is the Holy Spirit 07:55 in Revelation. But we're talking about the Holy Spirit and the 07:59 Word of God, Word that He initially breathed on those holy 08:03 men of old. So have you ever been in a situation, I'm gonna 08:07 give you an honest situation that actually occurred, happened 08:11 with Hal and I when we were pastoring. We had this man and 08:16 woman that came to us and told us that God had revealed 08:21 to them. Now these weren't husband and wife, they were 08:26 man and woman. And over here is another man and woman 08:29 that's their spouse and said, God has revealed to us that 08:33 we are to divorce our spouse and marry each other. Now what's 08:38 more to this revelation was that those two should get together 08:42 hence no breaking up of families and they were convinced that God 08:49 had revealed that to them by His Holy Spirit. Now we're talking 08:53 here about the Holy Spirit revealing to us. But what is 08:56 standard that we must always use to confirm and ensure that the 09:03 revealing or the revelation from the Holy Spirit is truly 09:07 not just your overactive imagination. 09:09 Now that can happen, it certainly can. There is a 09:14 cornerstone we can always go back to 09:17 Something that will never allow us to get off track. It's called 09:21 a measuring rod, perhaps. And what would that be? 09:24 The Word of God. How do we know God isn't going to tell someone 09:29 to divorce their spouse and marry somebody else's spouse 09:32 What does the Scripture say about divorce? 09:35 God hates divorce. God would never encourage such a thing 09:41 Now I want us to look at God's Word. 2 Peter 1:19-21 09:49 So if you will, 2 Peter 1:19-21 Let me read that to you 09:56 And if you've got your Bible, please get your Bible, read 09:59 along with us. The Word is powerful and as we read this 10:04 Word it will change us. And so we have the prophetic word 10:08 confirmed which you do well to heed as a light that shines 10:12 in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star 10:16 rises in your heart. Now we're gonna look at verse 20, but 10:19 let me do a little side step here. Psalm 119:130 says 10:24 the entrance of God's Word gives light. 10:28 Light. He gives understanding to the simple. The Daystar will 10:32 arise in your heart through the power of God's Word. 10:36 There are dark areas in your heart. You getting God's Word 10:40 and the light, it's, let me tell you this about God's Word. 10:45 Think about this. The entrance of God's Word gives light, 10:48 understanding to the simple. There are dark areas in your life 10:51 when you get into God's Word and God's Word will overpower 10:56 that darkness and dispel it. It's like the sun. Pr. Lomacang 11:00 does the sun get to come up in the morning because darkness 11:04 flees or does the darkness flee because the sun comes up? 11:08 See, it's that entrance of light that dispels darkness. 11:12 That's the power of God's Word. Verse 20, 2 Peter 1:20 11:17 Knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture 11:22 is of any private interpretation verse 21, for prophecy never 11:28 came by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were 11:33 moved, by what? By the Holy Spirit. Peter was very 11:39 intentional in stressing that the prophetic message of the 11:43 Bible wasn't of human origin. The prophets were moved by the 11:48 Holy Spirit and the content of their message came directly 11:53 from God. They were merely the vessels of the message, not the 11:58 originator. Hence, it is the divine origin that gives the 12:03 Bible its ultimate authority over our lives. 12:07 Ultimate authority over our lives. For instance, this couple 12:12 that told us that God had revealed to them that they were 12:18 to divorce each other and marry somebody else. The Word of God 12:23 wasn't the ultimate measuring rod in their lives. They were 12:28 using something else which was you know, overactive imagination 12:33 And so this is something that God has done in this. 12:38 Shelley Quinn wrote a whole book on this. In Psalm 138:2 12:44 It says "for You have magnified Your Word even above Your Name" 12:50 God's Word is solely important and it's God's Word through the 12:55 power of the Holy Spirit that changes us. And so today, our 12:59 prayer is that God by the power of His Holy Spirit 13:02 will allow His Word to arise in our heart, change us into 13:07 His image and into His light. Comments? 13:10 Well you know when you talk about the fact that God inspired 13:14 men and that He doesn't lead them away from His Word 13:16 it's important to know that we have a measuring, a measuring 13:20 cup or a measuring rod. God's Word always is a place where 13:24 we measure because people will say God told me. You've heard 13:27 that before? Sometimes you say God told me, or God revealed 13:31 to me and unless you have a way to know that God is speaking 13:35 then it's that person's own word we call their own recognizance 13:40 sometimes human recognizance is not God's guidance. It may sound 13:45 good for that person but it's not necessarily what God wants 13:48 to happen. So we always have to stay connected to the Word 13:51 of God, always stay connected to the measuring cup of God's 13:55 Word. That's where the difference comes in 13:58 So am I to transition to the Inspiration or you can 14:01 Well I think Jill had a comment too. Well I was just thinking 14:04 of Isaiah 8:20. To the law and to the testimony, if they do not 14:09 speak according to this Word there is no light in them 14:12 And so God's Word is the measuring rod for everything 14:15 whether it's tradition, whether it's opinion, human opinion or 14:19 what someone else would say to us. God's Word, we go back to 14:22 His Word. His Word is inspired. His Word is the revealed Word 14:25 of God and we can base our faith on that. 14:29 Yeah the Bible tells us that our minds are desperately wicked 14:32 while we are perfecting, we are not perfected. And we are still 14:36 subject to temptation, we are subject to hormonal imbalance 14:40 you know we are subject to all kinds of things 14:42 the lust of the eyes, the pride of life and sometimes they can 14:46 be confused with the voice of God. You know a pizza and a soda 14:53 and then go right to bed can be confused with the voice of God. 14:55 A lot of things can get in the way, you know. So it is good 14:58 that we have something objective outside of us that we can refer 15:01 to. These people came to you and they may have been sincere 15:05 we don't know or they just may have been playing games with 15:07 themselves, but regardless of whether they were sincere or not 15:10 the ultimate check is the Word of God. And we're thankful 15:14 for the Word of God because it is really just my opinion or 15:17 pastor's opinion, we both got opinions but when we subject 15:19 ourselves to the Word of God then our opinions cease and 15:22 we follow what God tells us to do. 15:25 Amen. it's so encouraging to me that the same Holy Spirit 15:29 that breathed this Word initially that is now helping 15:34 us today to understand to get a true understanding 15:37 in the meaning of God's Word. Pr. Lomacang, you are going to 15:40 speak about inspiration. inspiration is a powerful word 15:44 I took some time to look up what the Bible says, or what the 15:49 dictionary actually says about inspiration 15:51 And there are a number of meanings. But the one that 15:54 grabbed me the most was the process of being mentally 15:58 stimulated. To do something or feel something, especially 16:02 creative. Now that's human inspiration. Because sometimes 16:06 you get an idea, you say I'm inspired today. 16:08 And many of the things we have in our world today is because 16:10 people were inspired. Somebody said, well I'd like to have a 16:13 phone that is not connected to a cord, thus the cell phones 16:18 or cordless phones. It began that way. That's human 16:21 inspiration. But something altogether different when we 16:24 step into a divine realm. Theologically, the word 16:27 inspiration means a divine influence directly and 16:31 immediately exerted upon the mind or soul. The divine quality 16:35 of writing or words of a person so influenced. In other words, 16:39 the one who influences is far greater than the one that is 16:43 influenced. I want to say that again. The one who is 16:46 influencing is far greater than the one who is influenced 16:50 The Creator is always greater than the creation. 16:54 The one who made the cell phone is always greater than the 16:56 cell phone itself. Because it's not the first version or the 16:59 last version but it's a continued unfolding of the mind 17:02 of the Creator. And so when I think about inspiration 17:06 what comes to my mind is God's thoughts, God's thoughts are 17:11 too elevated for us to even reach. Think about that, we have 17:16 a Bible. Many cookbooks have been updated. Many dictionaries 17:21 have been modified. Many manuals have had a new version, or 17:27 this is version 1 or version 2 or the most updated version 17:31 I was talking to someone the other day about the encyclopedia 17:34 Britannica. How growing up, we had a guy that would come to 17:37 our house every three years to sell us a newer, more updated 17:40 encyclopedias, from A-Z. And we get excited when we get 17:45 these 15 books covering all these new inventions. 17:48 And we'd say, Mama could we get it? 17:50 Well depends on how much it costs. Well for $25.95 for the 17:53 next 12 years you can have these books. But you know 17:57 the Bible has never had to have that. 18:01 The Bible doesn't need human augmentation. Amen 18:04 And so when we think about the fact that the Bible, 18:06 God's thoughts are too elevated for us to conceive, we can't 18:09 reach it. How can the Creator be reached by the creation? 18:15 And here's the text that comes to my mind about the inspiration 18:18 of God, why we need the Holy Spirit to be the gap 18:22 between humanity and divinity. 18:25 You know we were all in Indonesia, I'll read the text 18:27 here in a moment and we took a lot of sound equipment 18:30 that's when I was with the Heritage Singers. It was all 18:32 120 volts. It was before they made the dual voltage things 18:35 like we have nowadays. 120 volts and we had about 18:40 2 million dollars' worth of equipment. Lots of stuff 18:43 2 and a half ton. Lots of equipment, records and all that 18:46 But for it to work in Indonesia we needed a convertor 18:50 And we brought two convertors 60 lbs, 80 lbs each, probably 18:54 more like a 100 lbs each and we were told to watch the dial 18:58 cause our sound person stationed them at certain places on the 19:03 watch the dial, if the voltage starts going down, turn it till 19:07 it gets back to 120. If it gets too high turn it back down so 19:10 it stays at 120. Because all that equipment no matter how 19:13 much it was worth in America had no value at all in Indonesia 19:17 because it needed to be converted. It didn't have the 19:20 power that made it trustworthy. Ooh I like that. Ooh that's good 19:25 So it needed the right power. In the very same way for us 19:29 to be of any use in God's mind we need the right power 19:33 And that's what the Holy Spirit does. Here it is, Isaiah 55:8 19:37 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways 19:42 my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than 19:47 the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and 19:50 my thoughts than your thoughts. And so the Holy Spirit now 19:54 steps up or steps down the transformation 19:57 You know I think about it. The same plug on our wall can run 20:01 the vacuum cleaner, 12 amps a blow dryer, 13 amps 20:06 or a shaver, a quarter of an amp. And when we go overseas 20:11 and try to plug that same shaver into the wall, in Australia 20:15 it will burn up as I know from experience. 20:19 It will burn up the shaver. So I even put a convertor between 20:23 the shaver and the wall socket and it burned up the convertor 20:26 and the shaver. What God does, the Almighty, All powerful God 20:32 steps down the power He possesses which can consume 20:38 us and uses the Holy Spirit to now pour into the minds of frail 20:43 combustible human beings something we can never harness 20:49 And so Job says it this way, Job 11:7. Once again God's 20:54 thoughts are too deep for us to imagine. First of all too high 20:57 for us to conceive, too elevated for us to conceive then too deep 21:00 for us to imagine. Job 11:7 says "Can you search out the deep 21:05 things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty?" 21:10 The Holy Spirit knows those limits. 21:13 You know in Romans, go there with me. The text, the inspiring 21:18 Holy Spirit just told me to turn to Romans. Look at this. 21:21 Go to Romans chapter 8. Now we know Romans 8:28 21:26 But there's a Romans 8:26 that we often bypass and this is a 21:32 powerful passage. Romans 8:26-27 Look at this. 21:38 Verse 26. Likewise, the Spirit also helps us in our what? 21:46 weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for 21:51 as we ought. But the Spirit Himself makes intercession 21:55 for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Why? 22:00 How can He do that? Verse 27. Now He who searches the hearts 22:04 knows what the mind of the Spirit is. God searches, knows 22:08 the Spirit's mind and He says, continuing, because He makes 22:12 intercession for the saints according to the will of God 22:15 So that's why when the Spirit of God is at work 22:18 that's why all things work together. Because God who knows 22:21 the mind of the Spirit, and we don't know the mind of the 22:23 Spirit nor the mind of God but the Spirit takes what we 22:26 say, fixes it, and delivers it to God and says, this is what 22:30 John meant. Come on. Amen. So even in the Word of God 22:34 that's why I want to make this point. In Acts chapter 2 22:37 on the day of Pentecost when Peter preached and said, 22:40 the prophet Joel, you see God does not only just go through 22:44 inspiration, but sometimes God goes through, He uses a 22:48 contemporary uh um apostle to reveal an ancient prophet 22:55 so Joel said it but Peter affirmed it. Uh huh. 23:00 You know the words of affirmation. 23:01 Peter said what's happening now is what Joel prophesied 23:04 would happen. And I'm gonna clarify something. He said 23:06 in Acts 2:16, actually verse 17, he says, "And it shall come to 23:14 pass in the last days says God, that I will pour out my Spirit 23:18 on all flesh." Now I want to clarify something in this 23:22 This is not exegesis, as pastor C.A. knows what that means 23:28 God knows I'm not pulling away from the inspiration or the 23:31 inspiration of God's Word or the revelation of it 23:34 but I wanna say, God does not pour out His spirit on all flesh 23:40 Now lemme just say this, lemme clarify this. 23:43 What He did for the holy men of God is what I consider pouring 23:47 out. He poured into holy men. The Spirit of God works on all 23:52 flesh. He works on, first to convict and to direct 23:58 and lead and guide. So that's the working of the Holy Spirit 24:01 but only those who respond get the pouring in 24:05 On the day of Pentecost He says, I'm going to pour out my Spirit 24:09 on you but you got to get things right for this pouring in 24:12 He just doesn't pour on to ungodly men what He pours on to 24:16 godly men. And so here is Acts 5:32, talking about God 24:19 doesn't pour His Spirit on all flesh, but He does pour it out 24:22 Acts 5:32. The apostle says, And we are His witnesses to these 24:27 things and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to 24:31 those who do what? Obey Him So if you want that pouring in 24:36 of God's Holy Spirit, you've got to respond to the wooing 24:39 of God's Holy Spirit. So we have the fruit first showin up 24:43 then the work. So the Spirit works to convert and to convict 24:49 and to direct. So He works on us, then He works in us 24:55 before He works through us. So that's what He does 24:58 So that's the Holy Spirit's work. And the other one 25:00 the Holy Spirit's work is also without prior notice and without 25:06 our awareness. I want to go there very quickly. John 3. 25:11 How the Holy Spirit works without prior notice 25:14 and without our awareness. John 3:5-8. This is gonna come 25:19 up in one of our future lessons but it fits right here 25:23 Jesus answered, Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born 25:26 of the water and the Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom 25:30 of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is 25:33 born of the Spirit is Spirit. Do not marvel that I say to you 25:38 you must be born again. And he says in verse 8, the wind blows 25:41 where it wishes and you hear the sound but you cannot 25:44 tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone 25:47 who is born of the Spirit. So make it very clear 25:50 the inspiration is definitely Spirit led but is not human 25:54 controlled. We don't know when it begins, we don't know where 25:57 it's headed. We only allow ourselves to be inspired by it 26:02 Pastor Kenny I'm gonna give you the baton 26:04 Well you know what you said there, that's inspiration 26:08 It's inspiring and so I know it's the Holy Spirit. 26:12 We've invited the Holy Spirit in our hearts and in our minds 26:16 so these things we pray that are spoken by each one here 26:19 will inspire someone to a greater relationship with 26:22 Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit within. 26:25 On Tuesday's lesson, we're doing Tuesday's lesson 26:28 it speaks about the Holy Spirit and truthfulness of Scripture 26:32 Thought how interesting this is, my mind first went back to 26:36 1 Timothy 4:16 where it says 'Take heed to thyself and to 26:43 the doctrine'. You know take heed to thyself and the doctrine 26:46 and then I circled a little some thing 'Thyself' needs first 26:50 attention. That's not in scripture there but I thought 26:54 I might just add that little bit thyself needs first attention 26:57 we need to bring it to. So we need to look at the Holy Spirit 27:00 and the truthfulness of Scripture 27:02 Just the bottom line you'd have to say, what you had previously 27:06 brought out, Holy men of God wrote under inspiration 27:09 of the Holy Spirit. So certainly if they wrote what the Holy 27:12 Spirit said, it must be truth. Because the Holy Spirit inspired 27:16 them to write. Amen. So it's very simple. I like to think of 27:19 the Holy Spirit as safeguard. Something has to safeguard 27:24 the Scriptures. You know we worry about in this life here 27:27 this being safe and safeguard this and this belongs to us 27:31 this belongs to something and we put up little safeguards 27:33 we do it in our homes whether it's a burglar alarm or whatever 27:36 it might be, we wanna take care of it. Well the Holy Spirit 27:39 is inspiring men to write and so it's like giving birth to 27:45 and so going to encourage, I'm gonna safeguard it. 27:48 I'm going to guard the Word of God. Truthfulness, what man has 27:52 written down, the Holy Spirit says ok, I've inspired that 27:55 So we know the Holy Spirit is called what? The Comforter 27:59 We know it's called the Spirit of what? the Truth. 28:02 Spirit of Truth in Jon 15:26. I like it when it continues on 28:07 because it says the Holy Spirit, Jesus says when He will come 28:10 He will testify of me. That's what Jesus said. 28:14 This is where I think maybe a lot of people get confused 28:17 pastors, all of you have dealt with the issue we have going 28:20 rampant now about the function of the Holy Spirit and 28:24 when three means two or two means three. 28:27 We're confused about the Spirit. Somebody still with me on that? 28:31 This is perfect timing for this lesson 28:36 is because we need to understand the divinity, how divine the 28:39 Spirit is and equality of Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit 28:45 Now I've often said it will be difficult to convince me 28:48 I'm not real smart but 3 still means 3. And so we need to prove 28:51 that from the Word of God and the Spirit of Prophecy 28:54 But it says, when the Spirit will come He will do what? 28:56 Testify of me. The Holy Spirit will be emptied of Himself 29:00 He will reveal nothing but what? 29:03 Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came He emptied Himself of self 29:06 He was filled with the Father. 29:07 So each one has a function. The Holy Spirit comes, I like 29:13 Psalm 119:160. And it says, God teaches us, the Word teaches 29:17 Thy Word is true from the beginning. I like that, 29:21 beginning. Every one of Thy righteous judgments 29:24 endureth forever. So again if the Holy Spirit in truthfulness 29:29 of Scripture saying I'm vouching that this is the truth 29:32 I inspired holy men of God to write. I like the point you put 29:36 pastor, they had to be holy men. That's when the Holy Spirit is 29:40 poured out, they had to be obedient. I love it cause 29:42 you added Acts chapter 5. You had to be obedient if you want 29:45 the Holy Spirit. You're not obedient you might as well 29:47 forget the Holy Spirit, if I might say it so plain. 29:49 Thy Word is true from the beginning is what the Bible said 29:52 And then Psalms 119:140 says that Thy Word is very pure 29:58 Don't you like that? Not just a little bit pure, 30:01 not here and there, hit or miss Thy Word is pure, notice that 30:05 it's pure therefore Thy servant loveth it. 30:08 So if you're like I am when I finally learn the truth 30:11 you know get it settled in my head and in my mind, I love it 30:15 because I know it can't be changed, it can't be altered 30:18 man might, God's Word does not. 30:20 And so it settles strong, you have it in your heart 30:23 and you have it in your mind and you want to share it 30:25 you're steadfast in that. And of course that brings me always 30:29 to a passage I learned many years ago. I think we'll all 30:33 share some of these passages so don't anyone feel bad if 30:35 you go over some because we're talking about the Holy Spirit, 30:38 how could you do three months of work on the Holy Spirit and 30:42 never exchange different passage that you've already covered 30:45 beautifully, or you've covered beautifully or you? It's ok to 30:48 go over these things because I think it fits. 30:51 You said a while ago it fits. When it fits let's use it. 30:53 And so John 17:17, it says sanctify them through what? 30:58 Thy truth. Thy Word is truth. I love it. Sanctify them through 31:03 Thy Truth. So the Holy Spirit then, the truthfulness of 31:06 Scripture simply tells us here sanctify them and to me this is 31:10 what it means to me. It means that the Holy Spirit will make 31:14 us, if we submit, will make us blameless. The Holy Spirit will 31:19 make us holy. The Holy Spirit will purify us for material 31:25 for heaven rather than be burned This is an interesting thought 31:28 we have a lot of misconceptions in my opinion about holiness 31:33 and you know you can preach five sermons about who God is gonna 31:37 take to heaven and the qualifications for going to 31:39 heaven and you'll talk about perfection. We forget, the Bible 31:44 talks about the 144,000, it talks about a people living 31:47 in the sight of God, right? In the sight of God without a 31:50 mediator. So this is part of the truthfulness of the Spirit 31:53 cause the Spirit has said these things. So we need to jump on 31:57 this and say ok, God is saying there'll be a people that'll be 32:00 perfected in Him. So what are we talking about? We're talking 32:04 about believing the truthfulness of Scripture and coming back 32:07 to the point sanctify them. The Holy Spirit's process is 32:09 to sanctify us. Acts of the Apostles 20 quickly says this 32:14 This was Jesus' constant prayer for His disciples. 32:17 If Jesus prayed it some of us need to pay attention 32:20 If Jesus prayed it and this is what he wanted for His 32:24 immediate disciples and I feel like by the grace of God 32:26 that I can be one of His disciples. Is that ok? 32:29 I'm one of his little disciples. Here's what Jesus wants 32:31 He knew that truth armed with omnipotence of the Holy Spirit 32:35 would conquer the battle with evil. Simply meaning victory 32:40 is assured to us through the power of the Holy Spirit 32:43 I like that part of it. Review & Herald 425, 1893 32:48 This is interesting because when you're talking about the 32:51 Holy Spirit there's people who say I'll take it or leave it 32:55 We have opportunity in this world to hear what truth is 32:58 we become accountable. So I think this is just as important 33:00 in putting in the function of the Holy Spirit because when 33:03 we're convicted we must respond. Is that true? We must respond 33:07 if the Holy Spirit convicts us one way or the other. 33:10 Here's what this article said. Those who have opportunity 33:13 to hear the truth. Maybe this is why it's put on my heart 33:16 because I talk to a lot of people and you do too 33:19 each one here, that they feel like it's just an option 33:22 they understand it but they don't have to really abide by it 33:25 They don't know it so they're not accountable. But listen 33:27 carefully, listen. Those who have an opportunity to hear 33:31 truth and yet they take no pains to hear and understand it 33:34 thinking that they do not hear they will not be accountable 33:37 will be judged guilty before God. The same as if they had 33:42 heard and rejected. There will be no excuse for those who 33:46 choose to go in error when they might understand what is truth 33:51 Remember the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth 33:54 Sanctify them through Thy truth The only way preparation for 33:57 heaven is knowing what truth is. This is why I'm thankful for 34:00 3ABN, people who will get out and pastors and teachers 34:03 are those who say, This is the truth of God's Word 34:06 error won't change you, truth will change you 34:09 There is no provision made for willful blindness. 34:13 How interesting. Jesus said in Matthew 5:40, you will not 34:18 come to me that you may have life. 34:21 I want that to make sense to us. You will not come to me that 34:24 you may have eternal life. There is no eternal life outside 34:26 of Christ. There is no eternal life without the Holy Spirit 34:29 You said something, we can't even make a move without the 34:32 Holy Spirit working. We have no idea it's even working and we 34:35 think it's our own self sometimes. 34:36 Maybe some of you have done that out there, you're saying 34:39 Oh, you know I've tried to make a decision, I'm gonna go with 34:42 Christ now. The Holy Spirit's been working on you, bless your 34:45 heart, for a long time. You've finally accepted that 34:48 Truth works by love is what I've found out. It purifies the 34:52 soul, I like that. Just one quick question. You said 34:55 Matthew 5:40, it's John 5:40 Was it John 5:40? Yeah. 34:58 It was. Thank you. I had it down here and still missed it. 35:00 Thank you very much. That's why a panel is good, right? 35:02 Panel is good when you do that It is John 5:40, thank you 35:05 And if you back up to 39 you'll see it's a very important truth 35:08 too so just circle that also if you'll do that. 35:10 So we realize with Scripture here, notice what I liked about 35:14 this one, Signs of The Times, quickly, time's up here 35:17 418, 1892. It says when we find truth works by love 35:21 power of the Holy Spirit then, if we believe present truth 35:25 we shall have a prosperous church. 35:28 I'm looking for, I'm wanting to be a part of a prosperous 35:32 church. God has promised to prosper us as we listen to 35:36 the Holy Spirit. As we listen to the truthfulness of Scripture 35:40 not what man has said, what man has devised, what man has 35:43 changed but what the Spirit of the living God has said. Read it 35:47 and have faith to believe it and let it change your heart 35:50 and change your life because it will and the Holy Spirit 35:54 testifies of the truthfulness of Scripture and I'm thankful 35:58 for that. Praise the Lord. Brother C.A., anybody has any 36:02 comment please go ahead, if not Brother C.A. 36:05 I'm starting to get fired up I can take another 10 36:07 I'll just be quiet, alright. 36:10 On Wednesday, we're going to address Holy Spirit as teacher 36:16 And I wanna set some definitions just very quickly 36:20 when we speak of teaching or pedagogy 36:23 pedagogy or teaching happens when information is transmitted 36:28 or communicated. There is a body of information that is 36:31 transmitted from one person or one entity to another 36:34 That is teaching. There are four aspects or realities to teaching 36:41 One, you got to have a teacher. Now the teacher is a person who 36:45 has the information and is willing and able to impart that 36:50 information. You got something to say and you're willing to 36:53 say it and you have the ability to say it. That's the teacher. 36:58 The second aspect or reality is you gotta have a student 37:03 The student is a person who has the capacity to learn and also 37:08 the desire to learn. Now you gotta have both. 37:12 God has given us the capacity to know Him but some don't have 37:16 the desire to know Him. So you gotta have the ability, 37:20 the capacity to get the information but you also gotta 37:24 have the desire. I did a little teaching at North Eastern 37:26 Academy. Sometimes they'd call the pastors as substitute 37:30 teachers and you know how to give it to a substitute teacher 37:33 You know a substitute teacher gets it. And the kids would 37:36 kinda misbehave sometimes because they got the capacity 37:39 but on that day they didn't have the desire. 37:43 You know because you can't really do anything, you're kinda 37:46 just filling in for teacher. 37:47 So you gotta have the capacity and the desire. 37:51 Then you gotta have the curriculum 37:53 The curriculum is what's taught. 37:57 It's the subject matter. And of course John, you've already 38:01 referred to it, John 15 and 16 the curriculum is Jesus 38:07 That's what the Holy Spirit teaches. He teaches, He doesn't 38:10 talk about Himself, He doesn't show Himself. He talks about 38:14 Jesus. Then you gotta have a context for teaching. 38:17 The context for teaching is the end of the world 38:21 The Holy Spirit is working with increased energy, increased 38:25 exigency because it's coming to an end. 38:28 That's right. The world is coming to an end. 38:30 You remember when you were in school, there are some kids who 38:32 always waited till the end to cram? 38:34 You know they always wanted to cram, they wanted to get it 38:36 at the last minute. You know the Bible, the Bible really 38:40 warns against cramming. The Bible says, Be ye also ready 38:44 you don't know when He's coming so don't try to cram 38:48 because you don't know when He's coming. So if you try to 38:49 wait till the last minute, you may be, you may be outta luck 38:53 So no cramming. Live every day like it's the last day. 38:57 Amen? No cramming. Because you just don't know. 39:01 That's right. So the context for the work of the Holy Spirit 39:05 now is the end of the world. We're at the end of the quarter 39:08 we're studying for the final exam and graduation is coming 39:13 But we don't know precisely when He's coming, so study and 39:16 be ready because you may get an open book surprise test 39:21 you know sometimes you go to school and the teacher says 39:23 today is the test. I didn't study, oh I don't know. 39:26 Well you never know because the test is coming. 39:29 So, the teacher is the Holy Spirit, mankind is the student 39:34 body, the world is the classroom the curriculum is Jesus. 39:40 What grade are we in? We're in grade 'end of the world' 39:46 We're in grade 'final days' and it's just prior 39:52 to graduation. We're gonna get our cap and gown real soon 39:55 Gonna be a white cap and a white gown 39:57 Amen. But it's coming real, real soon. 39:59 So the Holy Spirit is the teacher. I went back into some 40:03 of my notes, I remember back in, when we were studying 40:05 the Bible used to talk about the Habarim 40:09 The Habarim was the original small group. It's a teacher and 40:12 his students, they're called the Habarim. 40:14 Habarim. Back in the Bible days there were many groups. I mean 40:21 Christ and his disciples were not the only group. There were 40:23 rabbis and apostles who had little groups, you know, of 40:25 people and even today if you go to the western wall 40:29 you'll see a rabbi put up a little lectern and he'll have a 40:33 little group around him, you know, you have several of these 40:36 and each of those is a Habarim, a teacher and his students 40:40 Interestingly enough in Swahili the word Habarim is news 40:46 What's news? When you say Habarim, you're saying like 40:48 what's news? What's up? kinda thing. What's going on? 40:51 So you have a teacher and a Habarim. Interestingly enough 40:55 the ancient teachers always sat when they taught 41:00 This standing before the class room and separating yourself 41:03 that wasn't done back then. They sat when they taught 41:06 and Christ usually, we find this in the book Desire of Ages 41:10 He sat and He taught His disciples. You want eye to eye 41:14 contact. I'm not above you. We are learning together. 41:16 So I sit and talk to you. Christ would place Himself on a rock 41:19 or on a high place and He'd come and sit with the people. Well 41:22 the Holy Spirit does that. He sits and talks with you. He'll 41:25 meet you wherever you are and I think, as Molly alluded to, 41:29 and Pastor John you probably did too. There are sometimes you 41:32 can read a passage and read a passage and read a passage 41:34 and then one day you go to that same passage 41:36 and the light comes on. The Holy Spirit is talking to you 41:40 where you are. 10 years ago it didn't mean anything to you 41:44 because you weren't there yet. Now you are there and the 41:47 Holy Spirit is sitting eye to eye, talking to you and the 41:50 light comes on. Yeah, I see it. I see it in a whole new context 41:54 I've grown and the Word is growing with me. Which is why 42:00 Ellen White tells us this. Don't ever go to the Bible 42:05 without prayer. It's not that it's such a difficult book 42:11 to understand. The challenge is that it is a spiritual book 42:17 And the Bible says we are carnal sold under sin 42:19 and carnal cannot understand spiritual. Carnal cannot 42:24 divine spiritual. So the first thing you wanna do is ask for 42:28 the Spirit of God. You're saying Lord let the author of this book 42:33 come into me and explain what He wants to say. Amen. 42:36 Because you can get fouled up, forgive my pejorative English 42:42 if you don't go to this Book with the Spirit of God. 42:45 People have come away from this book and I've listened to 42:47 people and you wonder is he reading the same thing 42:51 I'm reading? Is he getting the same text I'm getting? 42:54 because spiritual things are spiritually discerned. 42:58 We must compare spirit with spirit. Now what is interesting 43:03 all of you have touched on this and as you rightly said 43:06 there is no one word you could talk about the Holy Spirit 43:08 without dovetailing on text because they all come together 43:12 That's right. John 7:17. 43:15 If anyone is willing to do, he will know 43:20 Now that's counter-intuitive. 43:22 Shouldn't I know first before I do? In other words fix that 43:26 fix that engine. Well tell me how to fix it and I'll fix it. 43:30 But the Bible is saying, no if you want to fix that engine 43:34 you will know how to fix that engine. 43:37 It's a good thing if you've got the mindset, disposition 43:42 to do, God will make sure that you know. 43:46 So first have a willing mind. Yessir. Precisely. And even 43:50 if you don't want to do what are you going into the Bible for? 43:55 You are wasting your time and you're wasting God's time. 43:58 So before you approach the Word your mind set ought to be, 44:03 Lord whatever I find, wherever you lead me I will follow you 44:08 and whatever you show me that will I do. 44:11 And it's very, very important that that mind set precedes 44:15 Bible study because then and only then will the Holy Spirit 44:19 be able to teach you all of the things that He wants to 44:22 teach you. And show you all of the things He wants to show you. 44:27 As Molly rightly said, holy men of God spake and wrote as they 44:32 were moved by the Holy Spirit. And so it is a holy book 44:37 It is a book invested and imbued with the power of God Himself 44:41 through the Holy Spirit and it has the power when received 44:45 correctly to change our lives. There's so much that God wants 44:51 to teach us and if we are willing and open and available 44:55 we've got the capacity and desire God will do things for 44:59 you, with you, to you, through you that you could not imagine 45:02 and the Holy Spirit is willing to do precisely that. 45:06 Pastor I have a question for you here, so people come sometime 45:10 and they'll say I'm going to study this subject because 45:14 I want to know, I want it to fit my lifestyle basically, they 45:19 have a lifestyle they have some thing going on in their lives so 45:22 they begin to study the Scripture to try to prove that 45:24 they're right in what they're doing. What's so wrong with that 45:27 Well you're trying to have God ratify you rather than you 45:32 following. God comes first then your desires. Amen 45:38 I'll leave it there. You'll never find truth that way 45:42 You want to find ratification for what you want to do 45:46 but it maybe very, very far. Not my will but Thine be done 45:50 Precisely. And how many times have we heard people that say 45:53 I knew that the Sabbath was not the true day that we're to 45:57 worship on. I went to the Bible and I was gonna prove those 46:00 Seventh-Day Adventists were wrong. What happened? Yeah 46:03 Invariably if they went to God's Word with a pure heart searching 46:08 for truth they would come into the knowledge of the truth. 46:11 That is true. Praise the Lord. Sister Morikone, we pass the 46:15 baton to you. On Thursday, we look at the Holy Spirit and 46:20 the Word. And it goes along with everything said by the panel 46:24 here today. I've been so blessed just to sit and open up God's 46:28 Word and to learn. The Holy Spirit was inspired, the Word 46:33 of God, I said that wrong. The Word of God was inspired by the 46:36 Holy Spirit as you said Molly, holy men of God spoke as they 46:39 were moved by the Holy Spirit and what we're talking about 46:42 today on Thursday's lesson is that since the Holy Spirit 46:46 revealed and inspired the Word of God, if any tradition, if 46:53 any new light, if any special revelation comes to me 46:59 that does not line up with the Word of God we need to throw 47:03 it out. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God work together 47:08 because the Holy Spirit inspired the Word of God. We're gonna see 47:12 a group of people who held to some traditions instead of 47:17 opening up their mind, heart and eyes to what the Word of God 47:19 said. So that's in John, chapter 5. We'll turn there to John 5 47:24 I love the Gospel of John. I think it's one of my favorite 47:28 gospels. Is it your favorite? It's one of my favorites 47:30 So the Gospel of John, we're in John chapter 5 47:33 and Jesus began His earthly ministry at His baptism in the 47:38 fall of AD 27. He was baptized He went into the wilderness, 47:42 He began His earthly ministry. In John 5 we are now in the 47:46 Spring of AD 29. So we're a year and a half into His ministry 47:50 John 5:1, the feast of the Jews He went up to Jerusalem, this is 47:55 the second Passover that Jesus went to as part of, once He had 48:00 embarked on His ministry. He had been to many before since 48:03 the age of 12 but this was a special one after He'd embarked 48:07 on His ministry. And so this is the healing of the man, the 48:11 paralyzed man, the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda 48:13 And then the Jews, down to verse 16, they persecuted Jesus and 48:18 sought to kill Him because He did these things on the Sabbath 48:22 Now in John, when he says the Jews he doesn't mean just the 48:25 Jews in general, it means specifically the religious 48:29 leaders who opposed Jesus. So he's sayin the religious leaders 48:34 are opposing him because Jesus taught and healed on the Sabbath 48:38 and verse 18, and also He said that God was His father making 48:44 himself equal with God. Now we jump down to verse 31 48:49 the four-fold witness. Jesus says if I bear witness of myself 48:54 He's talking to the Jewish leaders, If I bear witness 48:56 of myself my witness is not true because in the Jewish legal 49:00 system you couldn't have just one witness or two, you had to 49:04 have at least three witnesses in order to corroborate a statement 49:11 I can't say that word. So you had to have at least three 49:14 So Jesus is saying, don't take my testimony that I'm the 49:17 Messiah, that I'm the Son of God. I'm going to give you 49:21 four witnesses. First witness, John the Baptist. We see that 49:26 I do not, verse 34, receive testimony from man, I say these 49:29 things that you may be saved, verse 35, He was the burning and 49:33 shining lamp. You were willing for a time to rejoice in his 49:35 light but I have a greater witness than John 49:38 not only John, the second witness, the works which the 49:43 Father has given me to finish. The very works that I do 49:47 bear witness of me that the Father has sent me. Not only 49:51 John the Baptist testified that Jesus was the Messiah 49:54 the miracles that Jesus did testify that He was the Messiah 49:58 Verse 37, the Father Himself who sent me has testified of me 50:04 That's number 3. God the Father testified that Jesus was the 50:07 Son of God. Verse 38, sorry Verse 39, search the Scriptures 50:12 for in them you think you have eternal life. 50:15 and these are they which testify of me. Amen 50:20 The Scriptures. The Word of God testifies Jesus is the Messiah 50:27 We jump down to verse 46. If you believe Moses you would 50:31 believe me for he wrote about me. But they would not receive 50:34 the testimony of John the Baptist, the testimony of the 50:37 miracles that Jesus did, the testimony of the Father and most 50:41 importantly the testimony of the Word of God. 50:44 Verse 40, you are not willing to come to me that you may 50:50 have life. So Jesus is saying I am the Son of God. 50:57 I am the Messiah. You have studied for years in the 51:01 writings of Moses about the coming of the Son of God 51:05 you've studied about the Messiah and I'm standing before you 51:09 in flesh, here, right now and you don't see me. 51:13 You don't recognize me. You don't know me. Jump over to 51:16 John chapter 16 51:24 Maybe it's John 13, let me see here 51:25 John 16:13. When He the Spirit of Truth has come He will guide 51:32 you into all truth for He does not speak of His own authority 51:36 whatever he hears, he will speak he will tell you things to come 51:41 The Holy Spirit guides you and I into truth and who is truth? 51:47 Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life 51:50 the Holy Spirit, the Word of God teaches us of Jesus 51:54 So the Jewish leadership had not, they had studied the Word 52:00 of God but with their own traditions, their own 52:03 presuppositions, maybe a blinder on and not really seeing that 52:08 Jesus, when He came was indeed the Messiah 52:12 And I think today, so many times when, even I approach the 52:16 Word of God maybe I come to it with a presupposition 52:19 with a thought I know this way with not being open to what 52:25 the Holy Spirit has in the Word of God. I think of a man, 52:29 he just called the office last week. He's an older man 52:32 he's in a retirement facility He said I've been watching 3ABN 52:37 for just a little bit of time now. I was raised a Baptist 52:41 I always kept Sunday. I believed that was from my study of the 52:46 Bible I believed that was the Lord's Day that I was supposed 52:48 to keep and all of a sudden now I've been reading, watching 3ABN 52:54 and I've learned about the truth of the Sabbath 52:57 And it was as if the blinders came off my eyes 53:01 and I saw. And he's going around to the different churches 53:05 in his area and he's talking to the pastors. 53:08 Have you seen this, in the Word of God, have you seen it 53:12 talks about the Sabbath. Right here is the 7th day Sabbath 53:15 That is a man who was open in his heart to what the Word 53:20 of God has to say. To what the Holy Spirit wants to teach 53:24 through the Word of God. You know Isaiah 8:20, we talked 53:27 about that before, to the law and to the testimony if they 53:30 do not speak according to this Word there is no light in them 53:34 So everything, if someone comes and says Hey Jill there's some 53:37 new light. We receive new light in the office. People send in 53:42 and say God has given me a corner on truth and I want you 53:45 at 3ABN to know about. What do we have to do with that? 53:48 Take that to the Word of God. Does this line up with the 53:53 Word of God? Is there truth in this? the Holy Spirit 53:56 never leads us contrary to the Word of God. 54:00 You know I've never seen a map that is when they used to buy 54:04 the Rand McNally maps, I've never seen somebody driving on 54:07 the road throw it out the window. 54:09 Because they lose direction. And for those who say they have 54:12 new light but they don't consult the map, the Word of God 54:16 they are not being led by the Spirit. Because you point out 54:20 that was wonderful the way you pointed out the four witnesses 54:22 there in John confirming the divinity of Jesus but there was 54:26 one more I want to add going back to the Spirit. Romans 8:16 54:29 The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirit that 54:34 we are children of God. So this is confirmation. All those 54:39 things that Jesus did because He was anointed by the Spirit 54:42 to do it. Now the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that 54:45 we are God's children. And you know the wonderful thing about 54:48 that is not that we will become God's children but that we are 54:50 God's children. So praise the Lord for that. 54:53 How many books are in the Bible? 66. 66 books written by 54:59 40 authors from 3 continents in 3 different languages 55:06 over nearly 2000 years. And so many different controversial 55:14 subjects. However, this Word we can be so sure of it 55:20 because it is in perfect consistent harmony 55:25 all the way through. From Genesis to maps this book is 55:31 in total harmony and the veracity of this Word is secure 55:36 You can count on this Word. 55:39 It is powerful when you think about what God does through 55:42 His Word, it's a reliable book it's not something that we'll 55:45 discard. It discards our human flesh, we can never discard it's 55:49 divine origin. And when we work in harmony with it then we find 55:54 that the Spirit now has permission to work in our lives 55:57 We can't reject this and then ask for the Spirit of God 56:00 It's a big controversy. People say, well I know the Bible says 56:03 but the Spirit reveals something else, it doesn't happen that way 56:06 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. Praise God 56:11 the inspired Word of God will inspire you as well as you get 56:17 into God's Word. You know something I wanted to do 56:20 is to invite everyone of you that is listening to find 56:26 your local Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Pr. Lomacang 56:29 wouldn't you like that for people in our area, you've never 56:32 been here but you are hearing the Sabbath School lessons 56:35 they're encouraging you. Showing you the truth of God's Word 56:40 which will bring health and healing and deliverance to your 56:44 hearts and your souls and just give you the revitalizing 56:49 power that comes from the power of the Word 56:51 Well we want to encourage you to visit your local Seventh-Day 56:56 Adventist Church. Every Sabbath morning Pr. Lomacang about 57:00 9:30, 10 o'clock look at the outside and see what time 57:04 they're having Sabbath School these very lessons that we're 57:08 going over with you, we're teaching they're going on right 57:11 now in your local Sabbath School in your local Seventh-Day 57:16 Adventist Church. So we want to encourage every one of you 57:20 to get vitally involved in God's Word, find your local church 57:24 to worship in. Pr. Lomacang isn't that what you pray 57:28 for this community? Yes, as we pray for the Lord to lead us 57:31 the Lord has a place where His Spirit continues to work 57:34 and surely Molly, it's in the Church where the truth of God 57:37 is communicated. Thank you to the Panel. You've been just 57:41 a blessing and a joy. The Word has gone forth powerfully and I 57:46 want to thank everyone of you joining with us and our prayer 57:49 for you is that God will greatly bless you. |
Revised 2017-02-14