Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021949A

00:00 ♪♪♪
00:10 ♪♪♪
00:20 ♪♪♪
00:35 Jean Ross: Hello, friends.
00:37 Welcome again to "Sabbath School Study Hour," here at the Granite
00:39 Bay Seventh Day Adventist Church in Sacramento, California.
00:42 I'd like to welcome all of those who are joining us across the
00:45 country and around the world, and a special welcome to our
00:48 online church members that tune in every Sabbath to participate
00:52 in our Sabbath School during our study time.
00:55 I'd also like to welcome our regular Sabbath School members
00:57 that are here in person and also those who are visiting with us.
01:01 Very warm welcome to all of you.
01:03 You know, we've been studying through two Old Testament books,
01:07 the two books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
01:09 That has been the theme for this whole quarter.
01:11 Today we are on Lesson Number 10,
01:14 which is entitled, "Worshiping the Lord," and we'll be studying
01:17 that subject in just a few moments.
01:19 For those of you who might be joining us online,
01:21 if you don't have a copy of our study today,
01:23 you can download for free today's lesson by simply going
01:27 to, and you can download Lesson Number 10,
01:33 and you can study along with us.
01:35 We also have a free offer we'd like to let you know about.
01:38 It's a book entitled "Life in the Spirit," and this is free.
01:41 All you need to do is call the number...
01:46 and ask for Offer Number 155.
01:49 We'll be happy to send this out to anyone who calls and asks.
01:52 We can also make this book available for you for a
01:55 download, a free download.
01:57 All you'll have to do is text the code "SH047" to
02:02 the number 40544.
02:05 You'll then be able to download a digital copy of the book "Life
02:09 in the Spirit," and it's an inspiring read,
02:11 dealing with what the Holy Spirit does in the
02:14 heart of a believer.
02:16 Well, before we get to our study this morning,
02:18 we have a special musical item that'll be brought to us by the
02:21 Granite Bay Church Choir.
02:24 ♪♪♪
02:27 ♪ Tell me the story of Jesus, ♪
02:31 ♪ write on my heart every word. ♪
02:37 ♪ Tell me the story most precious, ♪
02:41 ♪ sweetest that ever was heard. ♪
02:47 ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh. ♪
02:48 ♪ Tell how the angels in chorus, ♪
02:52 ♪ sang as they welcomed His birth, ♪
02:57 ♪ singing, "Glory to God in the highest, ♪
03:02 ♪ peace and good tidings to earth." ♪
03:08 ♪ Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my ♪
03:15 ♪ heart every word. ♪
03:19 ♪ Tell me the story most precious, ♪
03:23 ♪ sweetest that ever was heard. ♪
03:29 ♪ I love to tell the story of unseen things above, ♪
03:39 ♪ of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love. ♪
03:50 ♪ I love to tell the story because I know 'tis true. ♪
04:00 ♪ It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do. ♪
04:11 ♪ I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory, ♪
04:21 ♪ to tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love. ♪
04:33 ♪ Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. ♪
04:45 ♪ Little ones to Him belong. ♪
04:50 ♪ They are weak, but He is strong. ♪
05:01 ♪♪♪
05:08 ♪ Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my ♪
05:15 ♪ heart every word. ♪
05:19 ♪ Tell me the story most precious, ♪
05:24 ♪ sweetest that ever was heard. ♪
05:29 ♪ Yes, I love to tell the story, ♪
05:34 ♪ 'twill be my theme in glory, to tell the old, ♪
05:42 ♪ old story, the story of Jesus, ♪
05:52 ♪ the story of Jesus and His love. ♪
06:07 ♪ Tell me the story of Jesus. ♪♪
06:17 Jean: Thank you, choir, for bring us that beautiful story,
06:20 "Tell Me the Story of Jesus."
06:23 Really, that's what the Bible is all about.
06:25 It's telling us the story of Jesus,
06:26 and that's what we're going to be studying this morning.
06:28 Well, before we start our lesson,
06:30 let's just bow our heads for a word of prayer.
06:32 Dear Father, we thank You that we have this opportunity to
06:34 gather in Your house to open up Your Word to study a very
06:38 important subject, that of worshiping the Lord.
06:40 We were created to find our greatest joy in bowing before
06:44 You, coming in your presence to worship You,
06:47 so bless our time together today,
06:49 for we ask this in Jesus's name, amen.
06:52 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought
06:54 to us by Pastor Doug.
06:58 Doug Batchelor: Thank you, Pastor Ross,
06:59 and, again, thank you to the choir and the Hofftees,
07:02 and Michelle, and those who've been leading.
07:04 Morning.
07:06 Happy Sabbath.
07:08 We're continuing our study in the book of Ezra and Nehemiah.
07:12 As Pastor Ross mentioned, we're in Lesson Number 10,
07:15 today, "Worshiping the Lord," and we have a memory verse.
07:19 Memory verse actually comes from Ezra because we're studying both
07:22 Ezra and Nehemiah, and they are books that overlap
07:25 chronologically and historically.
07:27 So if you look in Ezra 3, verse 11--this is our memory verse
07:31 from the New King James Version.
07:33 We're going to say it together, Ezra 3:11.
07:35 Are you ready?
07:37 "And they sang response--" oh, come on,
07:41 you can do better than that.
07:43 I'll give you a chance to find it.
07:44 Ezra 3:11.
07:46 Let's say this in unison. Ready?
07:48 "And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to
07:53 the Lord, 'For a He is good, for His mercy endures forever
07:58 towards Israel.'"
08:02 Now, you know, that particular phrase there,
08:04 "The Lord is good, for His mercy endures forever," is found
08:08 41 times in the Bible.
08:11 That's a lot.
08:12 "The Lord is good," and especially the part,
08:14 "His mercy endures forever."
08:16 "His mercy endures forever."
08:18 The very fact you're here today is evidence that God is a
08:22 merciful God.
08:23 He has been merciful to you throughout your life.
08:27 Now, the lesson today is on worshiping the Lord,
08:29 and our mission--you know, we're going through the books of
08:32 Ezra and Nehemiah.
08:33 Today we're specifically dealing with Nehemiah,
08:35 and we're specifically dealing with chapter 12,
08:39 only verses 27 to 47.
08:41 That's our mission.
08:43 Whole lesson covers those verses,
08:45 and we've got plenty here to talk about.
08:48 I could stop right here and say, "All right,
08:50 let's talk about worshiping the Lord."
08:52 And we come to church, we worship the Lord,
08:55 and a lot of examples of worshiping God in the Bible.
09:01 What is "worship"?
09:03 It's confusing to me.
09:05 Now, if you grow up in a secular world and someone says,
09:07 "We're going to go worship," I go,
09:09 "What does that mean?"
09:11 You picture someone bowing to a statue of Buddha?
09:14 I wasn't sure.
09:16 What does "worship" mean?
09:17 "Worship" really springs in English from the idea of
09:19 "worth-ship," but God is worthy.
09:22 Might I suggest to you, I used to think,
09:25 when people said, "We're going to go to church and worship the
09:28 Lord," I had pictures of--you know,
09:30 you went to Catholic church when I was a kid.
09:32 I went to a couple of Catholic schools and then,
09:34 you know, they'd say these chants,
09:36 and we'd go through the Mass, and I thought,
09:38 "Oh, man, when is this over?"
09:40 I thought--no, really.
09:42 I thought worship was the most boring thing in the world.
09:46 I'd like to submit to you that, if you ever discover what real
09:50 worship of God is, there is nothing more thrilling,
09:56 more pleasurable, and more fulfilling and exciting than
10:03 genuine worship.
10:06 People think about going to heaven and
10:08 "What are you going to do?"
10:09 And there's a lot of things, neat things that I think I liked
10:11 to--I love to explore.
10:13 Just the idea it, "You'll mount up with wings like eagles."
10:17 I love to fly.
10:18 "Soar to worlds unknown."
10:20 That's not in the Bible.
10:21 That's in "Rock of Ages," but it's going to happen.
10:23 We will--we'll sort of go visit unknown galaxies and cosmos.
10:28 I can't wait to explore and to see the earth made new and
10:31 build--we'll build houses and inhabit them.
10:33 I love puttering around and building working in the yard,
10:37 and I can think of all those things but,
10:39 biblically, the highest thrill, the greatest pleasure,
10:44 for those that knew God was to worship God.
10:50 So when it says that "From one new moon to another and one
10:53 Sabbath to another shall all flesh come before the Lord to
10:57 worship Him."
10:59 You think about when Isaiah had that picture of the angels in
11:02 the presence of God, and the whole temple was filled with
11:06 smoke, and the building shook, and the angel said,
11:08 "Holy, holy, holy," and that was so thrilling.
11:13 It was so frightening and exciting to be in the
11:15 presence of God.
11:17 So when you think about worshiping God,
11:19 realize that understanding what real worship is,
11:23 is one of the most important pursuits.
11:26 It's being in the presence of the Creator and sustainer of the
11:31 universe is awesome when you think about it,
11:35 and so that's really what we're dealing with.
11:38 Now, in Nehemiah chapter 12:27--I've got a couple of you
11:42 that are going to help me with some verses here.
11:43 But in Nehemiah 12:27, it begins by saying,
11:47 "Now at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought
11:51 out the Levites in all their places,
11:54 to bring them to Jerusalem--" so they're going to bring all the
11:57 different Levites in.
11:58 They don't all live in Jerusalem.
12:00 They live in suburbs around the cities-- "to celebrate the
12:04 dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings and with
12:08 singing, with cymbals and with stringed instruments and harps."
12:13 They're going to have a great celebration.
12:15 What's the occasion?
12:16 To dedicate the walls.
12:19 Now, if any of you have ever moved into a house,
12:23 did you have a house dedication?
12:25 You know, in the Bible, that was appropriate.
12:29 We were really excited yesterday afternoon.
12:33 Wash my truck, and then I drove up on the building site because
12:36 I've been out of town for a couple days,
12:38 and I'm always excited to see what kind of progress is
12:40 happening on the house of the Lord on the hill.
12:43 And so I went up there to look around,
12:46 and it's--they got the windows going on the back.
12:48 The walls are all taking shape.
12:50 You can kind of see where things are going to be,
12:52 and it looks like the Lord has had this long fall.
12:54 We may get it closed in before the rains come,
12:56 and we're very excited, but, you know,
12:58 we're planning a dedicated, and we're thinking about
13:01 picking dates.
13:03 Now, we're close enough where we think,
13:04 you know, "We're going to bring in some people.
13:06 They need to know.
13:07 We want to have a date for a dedication," and we thought,
13:09 "Actually, we want to have a month of dedication."
13:13 Let's not just do one week.
13:15 There's so many ways and people to thank and things to do to
13:18 celebrate this place set aside to be a house of prayer,
13:23 a house of proclaiming the Word.
13:25 And so it's appropriate to have a special dedication when you
13:28 thank everybody for the Word, thank everybody for the gifts
13:30 and to praise God for something that's accomplished.
13:34 You know, in the Bible, they not only dedicated houses of the
13:36 Lord, they dedicated houses.
13:41 Look in Deuteronomy 20, verse 5.
13:43 It was so important that, before soldiers went into battle,
13:47 the priests would stand before the soldiers,
13:49 and they'd make this statement.
13:51 They say, "If any of you are afraid,
13:53 go home, lest you cower in the battle and you frightened the
13:57 other soldiers."
13:58 Said, "If you married a wife and you have not taken--"
14:02 in other words, "If you are betrothed to a wife and you've
14:05 not taken her yet, then leave."
14:07 She should have that experience.
14:10 And then it says, "And what man is there of you who has built a
14:13 new house and if you've not dedicated it,
14:16 let him go and return to his house,
14:19 lest he die in the battle and another man dedicate it."
14:23 And so that was so important.
14:25 You dedicate your home. You build a home.
14:27 And, you know, that's--you think about it,
14:30 it says, you know, "It is important,
14:32 if you planted a vineyard, you didn't eat from it,
14:34 if you are engaged to a woman, and you've not been married,
14:37 if you build a house, and you've not dedicated it," they said,
14:41 those were three reasons to walk away from battle,
14:43 plus if you're afraid.
14:45 But they said a man ought to experience these things before
14:48 he goes and fights like a soldier and dies.
14:50 And so I thought that was interesting.
14:53 But not only did they dedicate homes.
14:57 When a child is, you know, born, shortly after,
15:00 don't we have a dedication?
15:02 Dedicate children, and we dedicate homes.
15:07 No, they dedicated temples.
15:09 You can look here in--matter of fact,
15:12 I think one of you are going to read for me 1 Kings 8:63.
15:18 You've got that?
15:19 There was actually a Psalm that they would sing at a dedication
15:24 of a house of the Lord.
15:26 Now, when you read the Psalms, you probably jump right to verse
15:29 1, but do you know, a lot of the Psalms actually had titles?
15:32 And the title of Psalm 30, it says,
15:35 "A song at the dedication of the house of David."
15:39 Not the house of the Lord--the house of David.
15:42 So when David--do you remember in the Bible?
15:44 Hiram gave him materials, cedars from Lebanon,
15:47 and sent workers down to build a house for David when he became
15:50 king, and he had a Psalm to dedicate that house.
15:53 All right, go ahead and read for us,
15:56 please 1 Kings 8.
15:58 female: "And Solomon offered a sacrifice of peace offering,
16:02 which he offered to the Lord, 22,000 bulls and 120,000 sheep.
16:09 So the King and all the children of Israel dedicated the house
16:13 of the Lord."
16:15 Doug: So when the Temple of Solomon was built,
16:18 there was a great dedication service,
16:22 and don't forget that about the incredible sacrifice that was
16:27 made because later in the lesson,
16:29 we talk about sacrifices.
16:30 Look in 2 Chronicles 5:13 and 14.
16:33 Solomon is praying here.
16:36 Now, you have the dedication of the temple,
16:38 both in 1 Kings and in 2 Chronicles.
16:41 It's the same story.
16:43 "Indeed it came to pass, when the trumpeters and the singers
16:46 were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and
16:50 thanking the Lord, that when they lifted up their voice with
16:54 the trumpets and the cymbals and the instruments of music,
16:57 and they praised the Lord, saying,
17:00 'For He is good, For His mercy endures forever.'"
17:03 Now, that's what we just quoted from Ezra, isn't it?
17:06 "That the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud,
17:10 so the priests could not continue to minister because of
17:13 the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God."
17:18 Now, wouldn't you like to see that experience repeated
17:22 that--Karen and I were reading in our Sabbath worship,
17:28 and we're reading this book on prayer,
17:31 and they talked about every aspect of prayer,
17:34 E.M. Bounds, you can possibly think of they talk about.
17:37 And they talk about what makes a church different from other
17:39 buildings is it's a house of prayer,
17:41 and how prayer consecrates it, but it's not just prayer.
17:45 It's praise.
17:47 Look what happened.
17:49 When they began to sing, to praise God,
17:52 and including the instruments of music,
17:56 there was a worship that was taking place there.
17:59 The glory of the Lord so filled the temple that the priests
18:03 couldn't go in.
18:05 I'm not talking about the Holy of Holies where you had
18:07 the Shechinah glory.
18:08 They couldn't even go into the holy place because the glory of
18:11 the Lord was so intense that it was like,
18:13 you know--I don't know--like an oversized arc welder in there.
18:19 There's just the brightness and the smoke coming out,
18:22 that they just couldn't handle it,
18:25 and it was too bright for them.
18:27 Wouldn't you like to have that problem?
18:29 That'd be frightening.
18:30 Says, "The presence of God is like a consuming fire and the
18:33 glory of the Lord."
18:35 It was a sign of His approval.
18:37 You know, there's only a few times in the Bible when fire
18:39 came down from heaven.
18:40 Came down on the sacrifice of Abel,
18:43 we believe, came down when Moses built the temple.
18:46 And to inaugurate that first tabernacle,
18:50 the fire of the Lord comes down to inaugurate this tabernacle.
18:54 It came down on the altar of Elijah to inaugurate,
18:58 to approve, show approval for his worship.
19:01 So when that fire comes down and accepts the sacrifice it was
19:04 usually a sign of God's blessing and His approval
19:07 with His presence.
19:09 So do you have worship in your home?
19:11 Do you want the fire to come down in that temple?
19:13 Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
19:17 Do you sing praises to God?
19:19 The Spirit comes in.
19:21 Some of you remember the story when Jehoshaphat went to battle
19:25 against Moab, Edom, and the Ammonites.
19:29 God said, "You'll not have to fight in this battle.
19:31 You just go out, put the band and the orchestra out front.
19:34 Sing to the glory of God and watch what happens.
19:38 And the Lord went and fought for them,
19:41 so the enemy all turned on each other.
19:43 So I think we underestimate the importance of music and worship
19:47 in successful Christian living.
19:50 Psalm 71, and I could read many Psalms along this line: "Also
19:54 with the lute I will praise You and Your faithfulness,
19:58 O my God.
20:00 And I will sing with the harp, O Holy One of Israel.
20:02 My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing."
20:05 Now, something that I thought was interesting here in that
20:07 previous verse, it talks about--they played with
20:12 these different instruments, with trumpets,
20:14 cymbals, instruments of music--and maybe that's not the
20:18 one I'm looking for.
20:20 It talks about harps and stringed instruments,
20:22 and I wondered, "Harps, well, I know what the harp is."
20:26 In fact, the Greek word for "harp" is "kithara."
20:31 Does that sound familiar?
20:33 And in Spanish, the word for guitar is "gitara" because a
20:37 harp, a guitar is really a form of a harp instrument.
20:41 It's just got the fingerboard on it.
20:42 But I wondered what the other stringed instruments were that
20:45 says "stringed instruments and harps."
20:48 So there's probably many different varieties.
20:50 So they bring all these instruments before the Lord to
20:53 praise the Lord, inaugurate the temple.
20:55 Psalm 57, verse 9, "I will praise You,
20:58 O Lord, among the people.
20:59 I will sing to You among the nations."
21:01 So one of the things they were doing is they were singing
21:04 loudly, and the others, nations, and the pagans that lived among
21:08 them, were hearing them sing.
21:11 You know, when others hear you sing the songs of God,
21:14 it has a converting influence.
21:16 You know, the infancy of the Salvation Army,
21:20 they would go out on the streets of London,
21:24 and they would sing.
21:26 They would have testimonies, and they would sing,
21:28 and a lot of the people that were struggling with sin and
21:31 alcohol on the streets, they'd hear the music.
21:33 They'd be drawn in, then they'd hear the testimonies.
21:36 They'd hear them give praise reports,
21:38 and they'd be invited to, you know,
21:40 accept the Lord and turn from their sins,
21:42 and it was spreading like crazy, but music--the Salvation Army
21:46 had their own hymnbook because they had written hundreds of
21:48 songs, and music was really, like,
21:51 a foundation of what their ministry was.
21:55 David was known as a musician.
21:58 Middle of the Bible has 150 songs.
22:00 He's the greatest king, but he understood the importance of the
22:04 right kind of music and the power of music.
22:07 Now, there's good music, and there's bad music,
22:11 and some people say, "Well, it depends on what culture is."
22:15 I say there's good music and bad music for every culture.
22:18 And, I mean, just like you've got God and the devil
22:21 everywhere, there's the good and the bad,
22:24 and there's different kinds of music for different occasions.
22:29 Even in church, there's lots of good music,
22:31 but there's different kinds of music for different occasions.
22:34 If we're doing an evangelistic meeting,
22:37 the music you sing might be a little different.
22:41 And appeal following a sermon, you want the appropriate music
22:44 for the appeal.
22:46 If you're singing a lullaby, you've got a different--you
22:51 know, all over the world, lullabies are the same.
22:54 You got music for war.
22:57 Do you know, in the Bible, there were songs they sang with the
22:59 drums as they went off to battle?
23:01 And there were songs they sang when they came back from battle.
23:04 Miriam and the women went out with tambourines.
23:06 David and Saul came back from battle,
23:08 and the women that went out, they sang songs of victory.
23:11 And so there's different kinds.
23:13 There's romantic music.
23:15 Some people think that love songs must be all of the devil.
23:18 No, in the right context, there is romantic music,
23:23 and you wouldn't sing romantic music as you're getting ready
23:28 to go to war.
23:29 That would not put the men in the right frame of mind.
23:32 You definitely would not do a lullaby as you're getting ready
23:36 to go out to war.
23:38 And so the right kind of music, it might be good music,
23:40 but there's also right occasions for it,
23:43 and there's a whole study on that,
23:45 but, you know, Martin Luther was quite a singer,
23:47 and one of the ways he earned his keep as he went through
23:51 school is he would go from door-to-door and sing for money,
23:54 and that made me feel pretty good because I used to play
23:56 music for money.
23:58 I used to panhandle and beg.
24:00 I couldn't sing very good, but I played the
24:01 flute or played guitar.
24:03 Sometimes I'd be with friends who could sing,
24:04 and we'd panhandle.
24:07 I said, "Martin Luther did that.
24:09 All right, I'm not alone."
24:11 But he understood the power of music,
24:13 and with the Protestant Reformation,
24:17 almost as much as the teaching was the songs
24:21 they began to sing.
24:23 See, during the Dark Ages, they had people singing in foreign
24:25 languages words they didn't even understand,
24:27 chants and stuff.
24:29 It didn't mean anything.
24:31 Music was meant to be instructive,
24:32 and Moses told the children of Israel,
24:34 he says, "These words of your experience should be put into
24:39 song so that your children will remember them."
24:42 So Scripture songs are great for that purpose.
24:45 Who was it?
24:47 Plato said, "Give me the music of a nation,
24:50 and I will change the mind of that nation.
24:53 Music is a secondary language to express."
24:58 Confucius said, "If one should desire to know whether a kingdom
25:02 is well-governed or if its morals are good or bad,
25:05 the quality of its music will furnish the answer."
25:10 Andrew Fletcher said, "I knew a wise man who believed that if
25:13 every man was permitted to make all of the balance,
25:17 he needed not care who should make the laws of a nation."
25:21 If you could control or adjust their music,
25:25 you can adjust their morals.
25:27 I think we underestimate the power of music.
25:30 Now with that in mind, what's the typical music like if you
25:34 surf through the radio?
25:36 Music is not neutral.
25:40 Listening to it affects you.
25:42 There has been a number of studies,
25:44 and the jury is in, music has a physiological effect on you as
25:48 you listen to it, for good or bad.
25:50 And how many of you have you ever caught yourself?
25:55 You go into some public place, and they've got background
25:58 music, and you know, there are a lot of stories I can name
26:01 right now as you're walking around.
26:03 They've got music playing.
26:04 Do you think they just play what's local on the radio?
26:06 No.
26:07 Supermarkets have their own station of specially chosen
26:10 music to put you in a serene state of mind where you will not
26:13 think or care about how much something costs.
26:16 It's true.
26:18 It's absolutely true.
26:20 They play music that's kind of happy and upbeat and light,
26:22 and you say, "Ah, que sera, so I don't care
26:24 how much it costs, you know."
26:26 And it makes people--they find certain kinds of music.
26:28 I mean, if you're walking through the market,
26:30 and you're hearing--
26:32 [humming somber music]
26:33 You're not going to buy anything.
26:35 That's very somber music.
26:38 So there's a psychology to that, and I find myself going there.
26:42 You know, when you become a Christian,
26:44 there's certain kinds of music that you may have known before
26:47 you're a Christian, and you don't want to sing those songs
26:49 because they don't have the right message,
26:51 but you still know them, and so, you know,
26:58 I go into the store, and I come out,
27:01 and I jump in the car, and I'm going,
27:03 ♪ Yesterday, love was such an easy-- ♪
27:05 Karen goes, "What are you doing?"
27:07 "Oh, you know, I just listened to that song.
27:08 Sorry, dear--that song."
27:11 So what do you do?
27:12 Then you start singing--
27:14 ♪ He's able. He's able. ♪
27:16 Trying to overcome evil with good.
27:18 You know, we're laughing, but it really is serious because
27:21 I remember I got in a car.
27:23 I was in Southern California, going to Palm Springs to speak
27:26 at an AMEN meeting.
27:28 That's a group of doctors, and I was late,
27:32 and I was supposed to be there, and I got my rental car,
27:34 and I jumped in the car, and I'm trying to pull out the map and
27:38 hand them my license as you pull out of the gate,
27:41 and, you know, then you've got to adjust your mirrors.
27:43 You're in a new car, and you're trying to be safe,
27:45 and you're in a hurry, and I'm looking at the watch,
27:49 I'm looking at the GPS, and I must've been ten minutes down
27:52 the road before I realized that, from the time I turned the
27:54 ignition in the car, ten minutes later,
27:57 the radio had been going the whole time with terrible music,
28:02 but I was so busy with what I was doing,
28:07 and in our culture, you hear it so often in the background.
28:12 I like eating at Chipotle, but the music they play there is
28:16 terrible sometimes, and I've had to go to them several times.
28:20 I'm trying to talk to someone.
28:21 I'm already a little deaf.
28:22 I asked, "Could you please turn it down?"
28:24 They've got a volume.
28:25 They can control it, the house music.
28:26 And if there's not a lot of people in there,
28:28 I'll go say, "Do you mind? Listen, look, I'm deaf.
28:30 Could you just turn it down while I'm here so we could talk?
28:31 "No problem."
28:32 They turn it down.
28:34 They hear the same thing all-day long.
28:35 They don't care.
28:36 But sometimes it's the wrong kind of--we hear it so much in
28:39 the background, you wonder how much does that affect us?
28:43 So you've got to compensate by trying to listen to the right
28:47 kind of music, and the "Praising the Lord" with
28:50 the right kind of music.
28:52 So music was a very important of their worship program.
28:56 Music can be a great power for good.
29:00 "Testimonies, Volume 4," verse 71.
29:03 "Music rightly employed is a precious gift of God,
29:06 designed to uplift the thoughts to high and noble themes and to
29:11 elevate the soul."
29:13 "Education, 167."
29:14 "Song is one of the most effective means of impressing
29:18 spiritual truth on the heart."
29:20 That's the book of "Evangelism."
29:21 I think a good evangelist program,
29:23 you should incorporate good music.
29:25 If you can't get good music, don't have any music,
29:27 but you want good music.
29:28 "Music was made to serve a holy purpose,
29:30 to lift the thoughts to that which is pure and noble
29:33 and elevating."
29:35 That's the book, "Patriarchs and Prophets," page 594.
29:38 So music is very much part of worshiping the Lord,
29:41 just as the proclamation of the Word is.
29:44 Can you say, "Amen?"
29:46 All right, someone's going to read for me our next verse where
29:50 we're dealing with a section of purification.
29:52 If you would do that for us, I'll appreciate it.
29:54 male: Nehemiah 12:30: "Then the priests and Levites purified
29:58 themselves, and purified the people,
30:01 the gates, and the wall."
30:03 Doug: All right, they're getting ready to dedicate the
30:05 gates and the wall.
30:07 We talked about purifying--or dedicating a temple,
30:10 dedicating a house.
30:12 Could dedicated the baby.
30:14 Jesus was eight days old when he was brought to the temple.
30:15 Now they're going to dedicate a wall.
30:18 Well, they built this to the glory of God.
30:21 It's the walls of Jerusalem, but before they do that,
30:24 you know, whenever you're involved in a construction
30:26 project, there's sometimes some garbage,
30:30 so before you're going to dedicate it,
30:33 what do you think they had to do?
30:34 Says they needed to purify it.
30:37 Well, how do you purify the gate and the wall?
30:40 Do they sprinkle holy water on it?
30:44 Well, probably what happened, where do you think they brought
30:48 the garbage?
30:50 That was brought to the gates.
30:52 Matter of fact, one of the gates in the story of Nehemiah,
30:54 it's still there today.
30:55 They called it the Dung Gate, the Garbage Gate.
30:58 Things went out of the city to keep the city clean,
31:00 and they usually took it down to the Valley of Hinnom,
31:03 and there was a landfill down there.
31:07 If you live in the suburbs of Sacramento,
31:10 you probably once or twice a week,
31:12 you roll your can out front by your gates,
31:16 and someone comes by and picks it up, right?
31:17 You know, it's the most interesting thing in Taiwan.
31:20 They've got--it's a very clean city.
31:24 I don't know if it was always that way,
31:26 but they've got this practice where,
31:28 early in the morning, you're not allowed to leave your garbage
31:31 out on the streets because they didn't want problems with rats,
31:34 so early in the morning, you'll hear the garbage trucks come up
31:38 the street, and they play music, you know,
31:39 like our ice cream trucks?
31:41 And they play this, some classical music,
31:44 and everybody hears it.
31:45 You're to run out while the truck is here.
31:47 You give him your garbage. You go back in.
31:48 You cannot leave your cans out on the street.
31:50 Every citizen brings their garbage out.
31:53 They've got to be ready, or you have to live with your garbage
31:55 until he comes by again.
31:57 It's said, "So they keep it a very clean city," but a lot of
32:00 places they kind of keep it at the gates,
32:02 so it meant they would clean up the garbage,
32:04 maybe partly from construction, other garbage, and the walls.
32:08 Now, I won't go into detail, but if you read your King James
32:11 Version, one of the words they describe "boys," is an
32:15 interesting phrase they used to describe "males."
32:18 I'm not going to tell you what that phrase is.
32:20 You just have to read that in the King James Version.
32:23 But the wall was also the latrine,
32:25 and so, when they said, "to sanctify the walls and to
32:29 sanctify the gates," Deuteronomy 23:14,
32:34 you know, that in the law of God,
32:37 they had a little sanitation law.
32:39 They said that everybody was to have a stick with a paddle on an
32:44 end for a practical purpose when they went through the wilderness
32:47 for the purpose of sanitation.
32:50 And God said, "You're to keep the camp clean," "For the Lord
32:55 your God walks in the midst of your camp--"
32:58 He wasn't just isolated to the sanctuary.
33:00 He walked among them-- "to deliver you and to give your
33:04 enemies over to you.
33:06 Therefore your camp shall be holy,
33:08 that He may see no unclean thing among you,
33:11 and turn away from you."
33:14 Now, that verse stuck with me.
33:17 If you want God, and certainly that would also be true of His
33:20 angels to hang out with you, be clean.
33:24 Does that make sense?
33:26 God wants our homes to be clean.
33:28 Are we wanting to witness for the Lord?
33:32 One of the ways we witness for the Lord is by keeping things
33:34 clean, neat, orderly, try to not have things pile up,
33:40 and Christians should not be hoarding stuff.
33:45 Do you realize you can't take that stuff with you?
33:47 I'm at the stage where people are--my kids,
33:49 sometimes they're giving me things.
33:51 I say, "You realize, what I'm gone,
33:53 I've got to give it back to you?"
33:55 Said, "How long you want me to store these things?"
33:57 Isn't that right?
33:59 "Naked, I came into the world, naked I'm going to go."
34:03 And so we shouldn't be trying to see how much we can collect.
34:06 If anything, we should be minimizing and investing in
34:08 God's work, amen?
34:11 So keep clean.
34:12 Numbers 19:19, says, "And on the seventh day,
34:16 he shall purify himself, wash his clothes and bathe in water."
34:20 So part of the purification of the camp was they would
34:23 physically clean, they would wash their clothes.
34:26 Some of you remember that before God gave the Ten Commandments,
34:30 what was one of the things that he told the children of Israel?
34:34 He said, "Wash yourselves and be ready against the third day.
34:38 God is going to meet with you and wash your clothes."
34:41 And they were to clean up and come into the presence of God.
34:47 So if you read on Daniel chapter 12,
34:49 when we're talking about purifying,
34:52 it's not just the clothes and the body,
34:54 though the sanitation is important.
34:56 What does it mean for a Christian?
34:58 Daniel 12:10, "Many shall be purified,
35:01 made white and refined."
35:03 Is that just talking about physical purity or heart purity
35:06 when it's talking about you're going to be refined?
35:10 "But the wicked will do wickedly."
35:12 So what does the "purified" talk about?
35:14 "Blessed are the pure in heart."
35:16 So as they're getting ready to dedicate the walls and the
35:19 gates, there's to be a purifying.
35:21 You know, your mind is a temple, and God has given you gateways
35:27 to the soul.
35:30 You've got certain walls.
35:32 You want them purified.
35:34 You know, your eye is a gateway to your heart.
35:36 You've got to screen what comes in your ears,
35:40 your mouth, all of your senses.
35:44 You get to make choices about what you listen to,
35:46 what you watch, what you hear, what you say,
35:49 and I think that there's a statement in the "spirit of
35:53 prophecy" that were to guard the avenues to the soul and keep
35:56 those things pure.
35:58 "If we walk in the light," 1 John 1:7,
36:01 "as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,
36:05 and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses."
36:08 That word "cleanses" can be substituted with "purifies."
36:11 "The blood of Jesus purifies us from all sin."
36:15 Why? As we walk in the light.
36:18 You know, one reason God took the children of Israel through
36:20 the desert is because deserts--do you know you have
36:24 less chance of catching a cold in the desert?
36:26 You've got a lot better chance of getting an infection and
36:29 catching a cold if you're in a tropical climate than if you're
36:32 in a desert.
36:34 The sun in the desert tends to sterilize things,
36:38 and he brought them through this purifying environment where they
36:44 could be healed and cleansed.
36:48 Finally, now, how do we guard the gateway to our souls?
36:53 "Brethren, whatsoever things--" how many of you know this verse?
36:57 It's a good one to memorize.
36:59 "Whatever things are true, whatever things are honest,
37:02 whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
37:05 whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good
37:08 report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise,
37:12 think on these things."
37:14 That's a good--that's a good quote.
37:16 If you've got a desk, or if you've got a place where you
37:18 have a poster you look at, you might want to put that up
37:20 because one of the hardest things to do as a Christian is
37:24 maintain your thinking in a positive way.
37:28 There's a lot of negative things in the world.
37:30 If you want to think about negative things, there's plenty
37:32 of ammunition, lot of negative things out there.
37:35 Try to hang out with positive people,
37:38 for one thing, and if you got a good Christian friend,
37:40 and if you're married, encourage each other to say and to think
37:46 those things that are just and noble and lovely and pure and of
37:49 good report, and that should--and what we choose to
37:52 watch or listen to should fit in that category.
37:57 Romans 12, verse 9: "Abhor what is evil."
38:01 It means, "Hate what is evil."
38:02 "Cling to what is good."
38:04 Someone said, "It's not enough if you're a good gardener
38:06 to love flowers; you need to hate weeds."
38:09 Job was a perfect and an upright man who love God and hated evil.
38:16 Psalm 101, verse 3: "I will set nothing wicked before my eyes."
38:21 That's an excellent test in this day.
38:23 You know, we have more screens.
38:26 We're living only one generation away from people who had no such
38:29 thing as a television, but not only are there TVs now,
38:33 people will have their laptops.
38:36 They got the tablets.
38:37 They got their desktop computers.
38:39 They've got their phone screens.
38:41 You go on an airplane, there's a screen.
38:43 I stopped to pump gas, and all the sudden,
38:46 I heard voices.
38:47 I turned, and there's a commercial playing on the pump.
38:49 It's got a screen on it.
38:50 There was a restroom, some public place.
38:53 You go in the restroom, they got monitors.
38:55 So they don't want you to waste any time
38:57 while you're standing there.
38:59 It's advertising stuff. So we are surrounded.
39:02 Have any of you seen that yet?
39:03 We are surrounded with messages.
39:07 And so, as a Christian, boy, for one thing, it's
39:10 impossible to not be influenced by that to some extent.
39:16 This week, I was up at the cabin in Coltlaw,
39:23 and I knew we had a problem because I was working in the
39:28 kitchen, and I heard this loud scratching,
39:30 and I went into the restroom, and I thought
39:34 there's a mouse in the bath.
39:36 And I opened up the shower door and there's no mouse,
39:38 but I could hear it scratching.
39:41 I got down on my knees, and I listened,
39:43 and right underneath the bathtub,
39:45 there's some mouse nest a rat's nest,
39:47 and you're hearing all this activity and stuff,
39:49 and I had no way to get to it.
39:51 It's under the floor.
39:52 And so I'm pounded on the tub, and it got quiet for a minute,
39:54 and then it came back again.
39:55 I thought, "Oh, man, that's going to be a problem."
39:57 I was starting to smell something a little strange,
39:59 anyway, and the only way to deal with it is I've got to crawl
40:02 under the house.
40:04 It's in the middle, in the back of the house.
40:05 Brightest part of the day, it's dark back there,
40:07 full of black widows.
40:10 And so I had to put on some dirty clothes because I knew
40:14 there is no way I can go under there,
40:16 crawling around, and not come out dirty.
40:19 There's just no way.
40:21 And so, you know, you get out, and then I--still,
40:26 I haven't dealt with the rat yet.
40:28 I put some poison out.
40:30 But so I got out, and I was slapping my stuff.
40:33 Dust is flying everywhere.
40:35 I'm dusting myself as you can, and that's kind of what it's
40:38 like in this world is trying to keep your mind clear and pure.
40:42 It requires an extraordinary effort.
40:46 The only way you can do it is to have the Holy Spirit,
40:49 and you've got to put on special clothes to be able
40:54 to--hazmat suit, I guess.
40:56 Job says and Job 31 verse 1, "I have made
41:02 a covenant with my eyes.
41:03 Why, then should I look upon a young woman?"
41:06 In then following verses, he talks about
41:08 faithfulness to his wife.
41:10 You know, there's an epidemic, absolute epidemic of pornography
41:14 because it is so readily available.
41:16 They say that one-third of all streaming material that goes
41:21 through computers is pornographic.
41:23 That's staggering when you think about it.
41:25 You need to make a covenant with your eyes.
41:28 This is men and women.
41:31 All right, going on to the next section,
41:33 two large thanksgiving choirs.
41:36 If you read in Nehemiah chapter 12,
41:38 now, I'm not going to read all of this.
41:40 I'm going to jump a little bit because,
41:42 I'll confessed, there's a lot of names in there,
41:43 and I will probably be struggling through some of them.
41:46 So let me get to the heart of it.
41:47 Nehemiah 12:31, "So I brought the leaders of Judah up on the
41:51 wall, and appointed two large thanksgiving choirs."
41:57 So He gets them in stereo.
41:59 "One went on the right hand on the wall
42:01 towards the Refuse Gate."
42:02 No, nothing about--I mean, they're not the refuse choir,
42:05 since that's where the direction where it was--
42:08 "And after them went some of the priests, the sons with the
42:11 trumpets, with the musical instruments of David the man of
42:14 God, and Ezra the scribe went before them.
42:16 By the Fountain Gate in front of them--and they went on the
42:19 stairs of the City of David, on the stairway of the wall,
42:22 beyond the house of David, as far as the Water Gate eastward.
42:25 And the other thanksgiving choir--" I'm in verse 38--
42:28 "went the opposite way, and I was behind them--"
42:31 this is Nehemiah.
42:33 So Ezra is with one group.
42:35 Nehemiah is with another group--
42:36 "with half of the people on the wall.
42:38 So the two thanksgiving choirs stood in the house of God,
42:42 likewise I and the half of the rulers with me,
42:45 and the priests, and the singers sing loudly with Jezrahiah the
42:50 director," so they got a choir director.
42:54 That's important.
42:55 Also, that "day they offered great sacrifices,
42:58 and they rejoiced, for God had made them
43:01 rejoice with great joy.
43:03 The women and the children also rejoice,
43:07 so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard far off."
43:10 Now, they just didn't go into the temple and shut the doors.
43:13 They didn't have some secretive cult to where they say,
43:16 "Well, there's no windows because we don't want anyone to
43:18 see what we do in here."
43:20 They actually--not just they're in the temple.
43:22 They get up on the walls on two sides of the city,
43:25 massive choir, and they're singing in response
43:29 to each other.
43:31 Maybe they're doing parts.
43:33 You know, one of the most amazing things I've ever seen as
43:35 I've traveled through the South Pacific,
43:38 boy, some of those islanders can really sing,
43:42 and I was in Micronesia years ago,
43:45 and they had a Pohnapeian children's choir.
43:49 Pohnpei is the capital of Micronesia.
43:51 And those kids, it's like they don't need any lesson.
43:54 They all know how to sing, but not just how to sing.
43:56 They all knew how to sing parts.
43:58 And, you know, we can be trained.
44:00 You get all these different parts in the note,
44:02 but they would sing, and they would offset each other.
44:04 ♪ Jesus is come--coming ♪
44:07 ♪ again--every morning, night, and noon. ♪
44:09 And they're all singing these different parts of the song.
44:11 I'm going--and it's like they're not even trying,
44:14 but it was so beautiful.
44:16 Actually, took them on a tour in America,
44:17 and they cut a record.
44:18 It was such an amazing singing group.
44:21 Well, the Hebrews were singing like that,
44:23 and they're singing parts, and they're playing the instruments.
44:27 Now, why did they go up on the walls?
44:28 They want the other nations to hear them.
44:32 Keep in mind, it's not just them.
44:33 You read through the story of Nehemiah,
44:35 they had a lot of problems with the other nations that an
44:38 intermarried with them, that were doing business
44:40 on the Sabbath.
44:41 They're surrounded with other nations that had moved into the
44:43 land while they were in Babylon, and they're still there,
44:45 and they did not have the right to chase them out like when they
44:48 came with Joshua.
44:50 It's not theirs now.
44:51 It belongs to the Persian king.
44:53 And so they are singing and glorifying God on the wall so
44:56 others will hear them.
44:59 You remember the story where Paul and Silas are in jail,
45:01 and they've been whipped?
45:04 But instead of complaining, they praise God,
45:07 and they sing, and what happens?
45:10 The angel of the Lord comes, and there's an earthquake,
45:12 and the prison shook, and the doors were opened,
45:14 but it says the other prisoners were listening to them,
45:18 and the doors were opened because the other prisoners were
45:22 listening to them, and so their music actually liberated the
45:26 others, but they were singing because the
45:28 others could hear them.
45:30 And so it's a witness.
45:31 And so they had these two great choirs,
45:33 and they're doing it how?
45:34 Great joy.
45:37 They rejoiced.
45:39 Even though they've been through struggles,
45:41 they're rejoicing.
45:43 You know, I've read the book of Jonah 100 times.
45:46 That may not be an exaggeration.
45:49 And I heard something.
45:52 I was listening to a sermon on the radio yesterday and a pastor
45:55 highlighted something in the end of Jonah's prayer that,
45:58 you know, when God set Jonah free?
46:01 Jonah was in the belly of the whale.
46:04 When does Jonah actually set free?
46:06 The last part of Jonah's prayer, he says,
46:09 "But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving.
46:12 I will pay what I have vowed.
46:14 Salvation is of the Lord."
46:16 Then the fish gets instructions to burp him out and set him
46:19 free, after he thanks the Lord.
46:22 Now, what do you thank the Lord inside a fish?
46:26 You know, I'm amazed, in Daniel chapter 6,
46:28 before Daniel goes to the lions' den,
46:29 he kneels down three times that day.
46:31 He prays and gives thanks.
46:33 Did Daniel know what was going to happen?
46:34 He knew about the law, and he still thanks the Lord.
46:38 In all things, give thanks.
46:41 So one of the things our choir should be doing is what?
46:43 They call that thanksgiving choirs.
46:46 That doesn't mean once a year in November.
46:48 It means their choirs were giving thanks.
46:52 These are choirs of joy and gratitude,
46:54 and then one more thing.
46:57 Oh, I've got so much I could say.
46:58 1 Chronicles 25, verse 7: "So the number of them,
47:01 with their brethren, who were instructed in the songs of the
47:04 Lord, all who were skillful, was 288."
47:10 Now, there's a special group in revelation in the last days.
47:13 How many?
47:14 Hundred and forty-four thousand.
47:17 What's 2 times 144?
47:20 Two eighty-eight.
47:21 Isn't that interesting that they had the two choirs and how many?
47:24 Two eighty-eight?
47:26 That means each choir had roughly--isn't that interesting?
47:30 So when you look at Revelation, remember,
47:33 the keys are in the Old Testament.
47:35 Sacrifice as part of worship, Nehemiah 12:43,
47:39 "Also that day they offered great sacrifices,
47:41 and they rejoiced, for God had made them rejoice with great
47:45 joy, and the women and the children also rejoiced."
47:49 Now, some people, when they come to church and they sacrifice,
47:51 they go, "Oh, no, not again.
47:53 It's offering time."
47:55 Should that be our attitude, or should we just be praising the
47:58 Lord for all of his blessings?
48:00 And I heard this one church--I don't recommend it,
48:03 but when the pastor would get up and say,
48:05 "It's time for the offering," they all broke into applause.
48:08 I'm not recommending that.
48:10 I'm just saying it'd be nice if--"Pastor, it's
48:12 time for our offering.
48:13 Amen."
48:18 We'll try that today.
48:19 Let's see if any of you remember.
48:22 We're going to have another offering in just a minute.
48:24 He's got the baskets back there.
48:26 No "Amens," huh?
48:28 Okay, Romans 12:1-2, what kind of sacrifice is part of worship?
48:34 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
48:36 by the mercies of God, that you present yourself a living
48:40 sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your
48:44 reasonable service.
48:46 And don't be conformed to the world,
48:48 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind," and
48:51 "Moses was willing to sacrifice being called the son of
48:55 Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with
48:58 the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin."
49:03 Our last section, priests and Levites as part of the worship.
49:06 So they realize that God had specified that Aaron and the
49:10 children of Levi were to be leading out in the priesthood
49:14 and the temple services, so they needed to recruit them because
49:18 they had gone back to their farms.
49:21 Matter of fact, I'm jumping ahead to Nehemiah 13 verse 10.
49:25 "I realized that the portions for the Levites had not been
49:29 given them, for each of the Levites and the singers--"
49:32 notice, "the Levites and singers who did the work of the Lord had
49:35 gone back to their fields."
49:37 Some of them had full time jobs in music and somewhere to
49:40 teach the Word.
49:41 Let me prove that to you.
49:43 2 Chronicles 7: "In the third year of his reign," Jehoshaphat,
49:47 this is, "he sent the leaders Ben-Hail,
49:50 Obadiah, Zechariah, Nathaniel, Michaiah,
49:53 to teach in the cities of Judah.
49:56 And with them he sent the Levites."
49:58 So they taught in Judah.
50:00 What was the job of the Levites and the priests?
50:02 Just soccer and sacrifice once a week?
50:04 Or were they to be scattered throughout the 12 tribes,
50:07 and their job was to be teaching the Word of God and the
50:10 way of the Lord?
50:12 They were also the doctors, quite honestly,
50:14 and they were the judges for not all cases,
50:17 but in many cases among the people,
50:20 but when they were not supplied by the tithes and the offerings,
50:24 they said, "Look, if you guys aren't going to help,
50:26 I've got to support my family."
50:27 They'd leave their ministry.
50:29 They'd go to their fields.
50:30 Jehoshaphat said no, no, no, we need to be returning the
50:34 offering and the tithes so they could be doing
50:37 their work of teaching.
50:38 Deuteronomy 12:19: "Take heed to yourself you do not forsake the
50:43 Levite as long as you live in the land."
50:46 So, anyway, we did, I think, a pretty good job of covering
50:50 the--most of the lesson here.
50:52 I want to remind our friends we have this beautiful book that I
50:54 think you'll enjoy by Joe Crews, called "Life in the Spirit."
50:58 We'll send you a free copy.
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51:21 Thank you very much for studying with us, friends.
51:23 Lord willing, we'll do this again next week.
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51:51 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
51:54 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want and,
51:57 most important, to share it with others.
52:05 announcer: Amazing Facts: changed lives.
52:13 male: We were going to church every other week.
52:15 About 19 years old, things really started to make
52:18 sense for me.
52:20 I started to go to church for myself,
52:21 and the pastor wanted to study with me.
52:24 We came to the study on baptism.
52:27 I kind of just shrugged, put my head down.
52:30 I said, "I'm not ready."
52:31 He looked me in the eye and said,
52:33 "Jason, you'll never make yourself ready.
52:37 This is something you have to do."
52:40 I put a lot of things behind me.
52:42 The drinking and smoking and all that stuff stopped.
52:44 All throughout the time, what I've been learning about God,
52:48 it was just me and God.
52:50 Comes around up to about August, and I meet this girl.
52:54 About two years in the relationship,
52:57 we're talking about marriage and everything.
52:59 We didn't pray.
53:01 We didn't study together.
53:02 We were arguing a lot, but we were engaged.
53:08 I started drinking again, and that was a slow,
53:10 downward spiral into different things,
53:13 and my devotional life started really weaseling away.
53:15 We broke up in 2008.
53:17 It was heavy for me because, again,
53:20 being with somebody for that long,
53:22 it's almost like a divorce.
53:24 I started to fall back away even more.
53:27 I remember looking in the mirror,
53:30 just looking at myself and saying,
53:31 "What are you doing?
53:33 How can you do this to God?
53:35 He's brought you so far."
53:37 And, you know, God really heard my cry.
53:42 There was a testimony telling at my church,
53:46 and there was a call, and kids started getting up.
53:49 Bunch of high school kids start getting up for calls to baptism.
53:52 I'm back, doing the PA system at this time,
53:54 and I feel just, like, this urge.
53:56 Just, my heart just start ripping out of my chest,
53:58 and I just had this feeling just to go up.
54:02 I get up to the front, and I meet the pastor in open arms.
54:08 I realized that there's so much more to life than just living
54:11 life for myself and, you know, falling away,
54:15 it's not a necessity, but God can work through anything in the
54:20 bad to make it to good.
54:22 That's a promise he makes.
54:25 ♪♪♪
54:34 announcer: Together, we have spread the Gospel much farther
54:37 than ever before.
54:39 Thank you for your support.
54:46 ♪♪♪
54:56 Doug: What can be more irresistible than a kitten?
54:59 These guys might look cute now, but some of their ancestors have
55:02 grown into man eaters.
55:04 [roaring]
55:06 ♪♪♪
55:09 Doug: We're here in a lion park in South Africa now where
55:10 we can view these creatures in relative safety,
55:13 but there's a reason they're known as the king of beasts.
55:16 So what is it that people find so enchanting and frightening
55:19 about lions?
55:21 Is it their speed, their claws, their sharp teeth,
55:23 or all of the above?
55:25 Might also be some of the stories about man-eating lions,
55:27 like in 1898, right here in Africa,
55:31 they were building a bridge over the Tsavo River in Kenya,
55:35 and two brother lions terrorized the construction process,
55:39 eating 135 workers.
55:43 Did you know lions are mentioned in the Bible over a hundred
55:46 times, and you can find them all the way from
55:48 Genesis to Revelation?
55:50 It's usually in reference to their ferocity and how
55:53 dangerous they are.
55:54 Of course, Samson killed a lion with his bare hands.
55:56 David kill a lion.
55:58 There are man-eating lions in the Bible.
56:00 The way that they punish criminals was by throwing them
56:03 in the lions' den, and early Christians were even fed
56:05 to lions.
56:07 But, amazingly, as the Bible mentions,
56:09 not all lions are to be feared.
56:11 There have been a few friendly lions in history.
56:14 For example, in the 1950s, a couple,
56:17 George and Margaret Westbeau, who lived up at a ranch near
56:21 Seattle, Washington, adopted an abandoned lion cub.
56:25 They named it Little Tyke because they felt sorry for it.
56:27 But they discovered, as they tried to feed her,
56:30 she refused to eat any meat at all.
56:33 They were concerned, thinking there was no hope for this
56:36 little lioness to survive, and everybody told them the same
56:39 because we know, in the wild, lions survive on almost an
56:42 entirely meat diet.
56:44 Then someone showed the Westbeaus that verse in the
56:47 Bible that talks about, in heaven,
56:49 the animals are vegetarians, and the lion will eat
56:52 straw like the ox.
56:54 That encouraged them, and so they began to feed Little Tyke
56:58 a purely vegetarian diet.
57:00 Not only did she survive, she thrived,
57:03 growing into a lion that was over 352 pounds and over
57:07 10 feet long.
57:09 In fact, zoologists that examined Little Tyke when she
57:12 was full grown, said they had never seen such a perfect
57:14 specimen of a lioness in their life,
57:17 a pure vegetarian.
57:19 You know, when we hear incredible stories about that of
57:21 Little Tyke, it reminds us that God's original plan was to make
57:25 a world of total peace.
57:27 It describes it here in the Bible in Isaiah chapter 11,
57:30 verse 6: "The wolf also will dwell with the lamb,
57:34 the leopard will lie down with a young goat,
57:36 the calf and the young lion and the fatling together,
57:39 and a little child will lead them."
57:41 Nothing is going to hurt and destroy in the new heavens and
57:44 the new earth that God is going to create.
57:46 Wouldn't you like to live in a kingdom where there's perfect
57:48 peace, where there's no more death or killing or pain?
57:51 God says that He wants you in that kingdom.
57:54 The Lamb of God made it possible for you to have an encounter
57:58 with the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
58:01 Wouldn't you like to meet Him today?
58:04 ♪♪♪
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58:24 ♪♪♪


Revised 2019-11-30