Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021948A

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00:35 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends, and welcome again to
00:37 "Sabbath School Study Hour" here at the Granite Bay Seventh Day
00:40 Adventist Church in Sacramento, California.
00:43 We'd like to welcome our online members and those who are
00:45 joining us across the country and around the world,
00:48 part of our a standard Sabbath school class.
00:51 And we'd also like to welcome our regular Sabbath School
00:53 members and those who are visiting with us today.
00:56 We're just delighted that you have chosen to be with us
00:58 in our study time.
01:00 Now, for if you've been coming for the last few weeks, you know
01:03 that our lesson quarterly has been dealing with the two
01:05 Old Testament books, Ezra and Nehemiah.
01:09 And today we're going to continue our study with that.
01:12 We're on lesson number nine, if you following along
01:14 with your quarterlies, lesson number nine,
01:16 and it's got an interesting title.
01:18 It's Trials, Tribulations, and Lists.
01:22 So, that's what we're going to be looking at today,
01:24 Trials, Tribulations, and Lists.
01:26 For those of you who are joining us that might not have a copy of
01:28 our lesson, you can just simply download today's lesson
01:31 at
01:35 Again, that's
01:38 Download lesson number nine and you can study along with us.
01:42 We also have a free offer we'd like to let
01:44 our friends know about.
01:46 It's a book entitled, The Armor Of God," and this is free for
01:49 anyone who'd call and ask.
01:51 The number to call is...
01:55 and ask for Offer Number 173.
01:57 We'll be happy to send that out to anyone in North America.
02:00 Or if you'd like, you can get a digital copy of our free offer
02:04 by simply texting the code SH101 to the number 40544.
02:12 You'll get a link and you'll be able to download the book and
02:14 read it, "The Armor Of God," and I encourage you
02:17 to take a look at that.
02:19 Well, before we get to our study today,
02:21 we're in for a wonderful blessing.
02:23 We've got the Pine Hills Adventist Academy Choraliers
02:26 that are with us this morning, and they're going to be bringing
02:29 us a special musical item at this time.
02:33 ♪ Even before we call on Your name ♪
02:44 ♪ To ask You, O God ♪
02:53 ♪ When we seek for the words to glorify You ♪
03:06 ♪ You hear our prayer ♪
03:15 ♪ Unceasing love ♪
03:20 ♪ O unceasing love ♪
03:24 ♪ Surpassing all we know ♪
03:37 ♪ Glory to the Father ♪
03:45 ♪ And to the Son ♪
03:52 ♪ And to the Holy Spirit ♪
04:08 ♪ Even with darkness sealing us in ♪
04:18 ♪ We breathe Your name ♪
04:28 ♪ And through all the days that follow so fast ♪
04:39 ♪ We trust in You ♪
04:48 ♪ Endless Your grace ♪
04:53 ♪ O endless Your grace ♪
04:57 ♪ Beyond all mortal dream ♪
05:10 ♪ Both now and forever ♪
05:18 ♪ And unto ages ♪
05:25 ♪ And ages ♪
05:32 ♪ Amen ♪
05:45 Jean: I invite you to bow your heads as we have
05:46 a Word of prayer.
05:48 Dear Father, once again we are grateful for this beautiful day
05:50 that You've given us for the opportunity to gather in peace
05:53 and open up Your Word in study.
05:55 And so, today we invite You, Holy Spirit, to be with us.
05:57 We know that the Bible is Your book and in order for us to
06:00 correctly understand it, we need the Holy Spirit to guard our
06:03 hearts and our minds.
06:05 So, bless us today, for we ask this in Jesus's name, amen.
06:09 Our lesson today is going to be brought to us by our family life
06:12 pastor here at Granite Bay, Pastor Shawn Brummund.
06:17 Pastor Shawn Brummund: Oh, good morning to everyone.
06:19 It's nice to see you.
06:21 Thank you for that introduction, Pastor Ross.
06:22 And thank you so much for the Pine Hills Academy for sharing
06:26 their hard work and their talents.
06:28 And as I was closing my eyes, I was envisioning myself not here
06:33 in the sanctuary, but in a much holier place which is before
06:37 the throne of God in heaven.
06:40 And I started to picture the angels as they were singing.
06:44 And so, thank you so much for that.
06:46 And I know that all of us look forward to the time when we can
06:49 see the angelic choir as well and be inspired by them.
06:53 It's always good to be here in Granite Bay Seventh Day
06:56 Adventist Church studying the Word of God as we continue to
06:59 look at two important figures in books as they were both leaders.
07:04 Of course, Ezra was a priest, a minister of the gospel.
07:08 And of course, they were also prophets, Bible writers as well.
07:12 And so, we're going to be looking at some very intriguing
07:15 and faith-inspiring truths as we go through
07:19 this particular lesson.
07:21 Lesson number nine, which is Trials, Tribulations, and Lists.
07:24 Now, I hope that you brought your Bibles because we're going
07:27 to have our Bibles open several times throughout this lesson.
07:29 If you're at home and you're watching this, or wherever you
07:31 might be watching online or on television, I want to encourage
07:34 you to grab your Bible if you haven't grabbed it all ready,
07:36 and let's make this an interactive study as we continue
07:39 to get our nose in this most important book and continue
07:42 to grow in our own personal knowledge.
07:45 And so, that's always important.
07:48 Today, I'm going to do something a little bit different because
07:50 as I went through this particular lesson study,
07:52 I started to realize very quickly that it goes
07:55 in a number of different directions.
07:57 Every day, in fact, it goes in a different direction, and we just
08:00 don't even have near the time to be able to kind of unpack all of
08:04 those different directions.
08:06 And so, Sunday's lesson and topic is going to be the core of
08:09 our particular study here today, and that is the God of History,
08:14 as it's entitled on that particular day.
08:16 And so, I want to start, first off, by returning to how the
08:20 Israelites got into Babylon in the first place because over
08:24 the last couple of months now as we're wrapping up this
08:27 particular quarter, we've discovered that, indeed,
08:31 God had brought the Israelites out of Israel,
08:34 the land of promise, the land that was flowing
08:36 with milk and honey, the land that God had
08:39 intended to be the headquarters of the light of the gospel
08:43 to the rest of the world.
08:46 And we find that sadly, the Israelites had failed on that,
08:50 even to the point where God had to come in and find them being
08:56 removed from that land, that Promised Land, and put into
09:01 a faraway land, an empire, by the name of Babylon.
09:06 So, come with me to Daniel chapter 1, and verses 1 and 2
09:09 as the lesson study points as to and let's read that together.
09:13 So, we're opening to the Book of Daniel and we're going
09:16 to the very first chapter in the first couple of verses there.
09:19 So, let's go to the introduction to that book.
09:22 Going to Daniel chapter 2-- and sorry, Daniel chapter 1,
09:27 and we're going to look at the first couple of verses there.
09:31 Daniel chapter 1, and verses 1 and 2.
09:35 It says, "In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of
09:39 Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem
09:42 and besieged it.
09:45 And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with
09:49 some of the articles of the house of God, which he carried
09:52 into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought
09:56 the articles into the treasure house of his god."
10:00 And so, we find here something very important.
10:02 Not only did God allow the king of Babylon and his army to be
10:05 able to come in and successfully conquer the capital of Israel,
10:09 Jerusalem, and capture the king, and, of course, became the ruler
10:16 of that particular land and then brought many of its captives
10:19 over as captive slaves into his land, but it also tells us that
10:23 not only did he bring people, but he also brought several of
10:27 the articles or items that were found in the holy temple of God
10:31 in Jerusalem as well.
10:33 And this was not an unusual practice.
10:36 In fact, we have discovered, or scholars, and historians,
10:41 archaeologists, have discovered that it was not an unusual
10:44 practice to be able to do that.
10:46 And so, this was not the first time that a king did this.
10:49 In fact, it was standard for a king if they came into a foreign
10:52 country and they were successful in conquering it, why they would
10:56 go into the temple, they would remove, more often than not,
10:59 they would remove the idol, or idols that represented in that
11:04 particular land and people in which they worshiped and some
11:07 of the sacred articles and so on in their different temples.
11:11 And then they would bring it to their temple, and this was kind
11:15 of a symbolic way of saying that our god is stronger than your
11:19 god, and he has given us victory over you as a people,
11:25 and therefore your god must be weaker.
11:28 And so, this is exactly what Nebuchadnezzar did as, again,
11:31 was a standard back in those days.
11:34 Now, of course, the big difference here is that these
11:36 items didn't belong to idols.
11:39 The articles that he brought out of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem
11:42 didn't belong to false gods, as Nebuchadnezzar had done
11:46 with other idols and articles and gods in other lands that he
11:50 conquered, but rather these particular items belonged to the
11:53 genuine God of heaven and earth.
11:58 And so, now he's dealing with the authentic God, now he's
12:01 dealing with the true creator of heaven and earth.
12:06 And so, yes, it is true that God had allowed the Babylonians to
12:11 conquer the Israelites, but we have to remember that God did
12:15 not allow the Babylonians and Nebuchadnezzar to conquer God.
12:20 And as it turns out, those temple items belonged,
12:24 not only to the Israelites, but they belonged to God.
12:27 And we're going to soon find out that God had made sure that he
12:31 watched over those articles, and that they were going
12:34 to return to the temple as well.
12:39 In the meantime, I want to look at a very important truth that
12:41 this unpacks for us on this particular day of study and that
12:46 is that God is the judge of all nations and all countries.
12:52 He is the creator of all people.
12:55 The Bible makes it very clear that there is no other source of
12:58 life, that God is the one that gives the breath of life,
13:01 not only to the Israelites, not only to the Moabites,
13:04 and to the Ammonites, and to the Egyptians in that part
13:08 of the world, but also to the Europeans, and to the Asians,
13:11 and to the Africans, and to North Americans.
13:14 God is the creator of all people, amen?
13:17 And so, it's very important for us to understand the Bible makes
13:21 this very clear as you go through many of its different
13:23 prophets and writings, that God is an international God.
13:27 And it's important for us to understand that.
13:31 This is also reflected in the New Testament.
13:34 This is why when Jesus, after His resurrected--resurrection,
13:38 just before He sent it to His Father in heaven, He had given
13:41 very specific instructions to his apostles.
13:44 And He said, "Go therefore and make disciples
13:46 of the entire Middle East."
13:49 Is that what He said?
13:52 No, He said, "Go make disciples of all nations, all nations,
13:55 baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
13:59 and of the Holy Spirit," why?
14:03 Because Jesus didn't die on the cross just for the Israelites.
14:06 He didn't just die on the cross for those in that part of the
14:08 world, but rather He died for the sins of the entire world, of
14:14 all humanity and all nations.
14:17 And sometimes we can lose sight of that when we're reading the
14:19 Bible if we're not looking for it and allowing that truth
14:23 to come out to us because there's so much focus on the
14:27 Middle East, there's so much focus on the core of the Middle
14:29 East, which is the nation of Israel, God's special nation
14:33 and had a special mission.
14:36 By the way, when we look at the three angels' messages of
14:39 Revelation 14, again, we find an international God with an
14:42 international message for the whole world.
14:46 Okay, "And therefore I saw another angel flying in the
14:48 midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach
14:50 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people."
14:56 And so, again, we have this comprehensive international
15:00 message from an international God, and we don't want
15:06 to lose sight of that.
15:08 You know, one of the things that makes each succeeding
15:11 GC session, and when I say GC I'm kind of speaking in house.
15:14 If you're not a Seventh Day Adventist, GC is an acronym
15:17 we use for General Conference, which is kind of the,
15:21 how can I say?
15:23 It's the business meeting or board meeting
15:24 for the entire world church
15:27 and organization of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
15:29 And so, there's delegates and representatives from
15:32 all the different nations in which we have a presence,
15:36 a church school, a church, and so on, that come together
15:39 every five years.
15:42 And during that time, we kind of make world decisions and
15:45 policies in regards to the world church.
15:48 And not only that, but we also give world reports, mission
15:51 reports, how has the Lord led in the last five years in regards
15:55 to the three angels' message and gospel commission
15:59 that God has given to us?
16:02 And what makes each GC session more and more exciting is that
16:05 we see more and more nations represented each time we get
16:09 together at the end of each five years.
16:12 And so, I don't hear a lot of amens out there, but we should
16:15 be excited about that because that is something that we should
16:19 be paying attention to because that's the greatest sign
16:23 and the only sign of the times that we are involved in.
16:27 You know, Jesus had said in Matthew chapter 24,
16:29 and verse 14, and I hope you know that one because
16:33 that's the most important sign.
16:35 "And this gospel will be preached in all the world
16:37 as a witness to all nations," how many nations?
16:40 "All nations and then the end will come."
16:43 And so, the more we see nations represented at the GC each
16:47 session, the more closer we are to the coming of Jesus Christ.
16:52 And I don't know about you, but I can't wait until Jesus comes.
16:56 That's another thing we have to be careful
16:58 that we don't lose sight of.
17:00 You can get so wrapped up in this world and things of this
17:01 world, we forget that Jesus is coming, and we start
17:05 to lose that hope and anticipation.
17:09 God has called us to be Seventh Day Adventists, people that are
17:12 excited about the return of Jesus.
17:15 You know, one of the favorite parts, by far, for me whenever
17:18 I have the privilege of attending a GC session
17:21 is the Parade of Nations.
17:24 And so, some of you have been there.
17:26 How many have been to the Parade of Nations?
17:28 Raise your hands if you've been there, I see a few hands
17:30 that are risen.
17:32 If you haven't been there, boy, if you can be at the closing
17:34 weekend of a GC session, that's when you have
17:36 the highest attendance.
17:38 We have some huge stadium with 40,000, 50,000 people
17:40 worshiping on Sabbath morning at the same time.
17:44 And that, alone, is just an amazing, awesome experience.
17:49 But then to be able to have the Parade of Nations, which kind of
17:52 is the climax of the GC session where you have all these nations
17:56 parading in their different cultural garb, wear, clothes,
18:03 their flags, and so on, as they parade across
18:07 the platform and so on.
18:09 It's just a marvelous experience.
18:12 So, I know if you've been there, you know what that's like.
18:14 If you haven't, try to be there, or at least watch it on TV
18:17 or online as we have it streamed and so on nowadays.
18:22 So, even though Israel was his key nation, the key nation of
18:25 God in Old Testament times, indeed, God had created
18:28 that nation for a very specific important purpose.
18:33 God has always been involved in the workings of all nations.
18:36 And so, just because the focus has been more on the Middle East
18:39 doesn't mean that God hasn't been paying attention to China
18:42 or to Japan or to Nigeria or to Tasmania.
18:45 You know, He's looking at all these nations and always has.
18:49 You know, God is the God of all nations.
18:53 And so, it's important for us to understand that.
18:56 Now, in extension of that, the Bible also makes it very clear
18:59 that because God is the creator, and He is the maker of all
19:04 things, He's the one that is really in charge
19:07 of the universe.
19:09 He's also the one that needs to be able to draw, as we might
19:12 say, a metaphorical line in the sand for each and every nation.
19:17 So, in other words, as each nation rises up, and certainly
19:19 history tells us that different nations have risen up in
19:23 different times replacing previous nations and such, that
19:27 each nation, God draws a line in the sand, if we could say,
19:31 and He says, "You know, if you start to move towards rebellion,
19:35 and wickedness and evil and so on, once you come to that line
19:40 and you cross that line, you put Me in a very difficult situation
19:46 because then I have to have to execute judgment.
19:50 I have to bring some kind of punishment upon that nation
19:55 for that sin and for that wickedness."
19:59 And so, it's important for us to understand,
20:01 God is longsuffering.
20:03 He said that more than once through
20:05 His first Bible writer, Moses.
20:07 Moses understood it in God, he saw it in God certainly,
20:09 as Moses was losing it more often with the Israelites
20:13 than God did.
20:15 As the Israelites were rebellious and complaining and
20:17 murmuring and causing problems and so on, we find that God
20:20 was very longsuffering, and God is still longsuffering.
20:24 And I hope you can say amen to that as well,
20:27 because He's still working on you and me, isn't He?
20:29 And so, even the sincerest of us need a longsuffering God
20:32 because, you know, that grace and mercy as we grow in the
20:35 grace and sanctification of God is important to be able to have.
20:41 But longsuffering is not endless suffering.
20:44 In other words, God has a check on all evil in all nations.
20:49 And so, once you cross that line in the sand, then we find there
20:55 that God's longsuffering comes to an end, judgment
21:00 and punishment then follows.
21:02 Now, we can see this played out and living color as we study the
21:06 Bible, in particular, in regards to the lesson study and Ezra's
21:09 day and Nehemiah's day and even previous to that,
21:12 as we're backing up a little bit, when we study
21:14 the Bible record about Israel and the old empire of Babylon
21:18 that was existing back then.
21:20 Now, we've already studied and learned in the past lessons that
21:23 God had declared a 70-year period in which the Israelites
21:28 would find themselves exiles, removed from the Promised Land.
21:33 And this is what we could call an imprisonment.
21:36 This is their punishment term.
21:39 You know, God came up with a verdict, and He said, "Okay,
21:41 because of your wickedness, because you have come, not only
21:43 to that line, but you've crossed that line into deep wickedness,
21:48 deep apostasy, there's no other choice."
21:51 And so, God then exile them over into Babylon.
21:56 And He said, "Now your term is going to be 70 years of
22:00 imprisonment as slaves and captives in this foreign land."
22:06 But at the same time, I think it's also understand, important
22:09 understand as we look at the big picture starting with Genesis,
22:12 and we'll be looking at that momentarily, God reveals that
22:16 He understands, not only that when we cross that line
22:19 as a nation that God has to bring some kind of punishment
22:22 and judgment upon us, but He also understands that when
22:26 that is going to come even before it comes.
22:30 God knows the beginning from the end.
22:32 And so, not only that was that 70-year period and imprisonment
22:36 and punishment period for the Israelites, but it was also what
22:39 we could call a probationary period for the empire
22:43 of Babylon.
22:46 Now, God is not only the God of Israel, but He's also the God
22:49 of Babylon, isn't He?
22:52 Okay, He's the God of all nations.
22:53 And so, He's not only interested in the workings of Israel,
22:56 He's also interested in the workings of Babylon.
22:59 And by the way, when you look at prophets, particularly Isaiah
23:04 and Jeremiah, you'll find that there'll be all kinds of
23:07 different prophecies and declarations that God gives,
23:11 not to Israel, but to Moab and to Ammon and to Edom
23:15 and to all kinds, Egypt, many of the different
23:18 international nations
23:20 that the Bible writers were aware of in their world and time
23:24 that God was proclaiming different proclamations, sadly,
23:27 many of them, judgments on them as well.
23:32 And so, God knew that this was a probationary period for Babylon.
23:36 And we can find that for both of these in one of the most
23:39 fascinating passages, and we're going to back up from Daniel now
23:42 and go to the Prophet Jeremiah, Jeremiah chapter 25.
23:46 And so, again, open your Bibles and come with me, Jeremiah
23:49 chapter 25, and we're going to start with verse 7.
23:54 Jeremiah chapter 25, and we're going to start with verse 7.
24:03 Jeremiah chapter 5-- or 25, I should say,
24:06 and verse 7 it says, and this is God.
24:09 It says, "Yet you have not listened to Me, says the Lord."
24:13 Now, this is God speaking to Israel.
24:15 "Yet you have not listened to Me, says the Lord, that you
24:17 might provoke Me to anger with the works of your hands
24:21 to your own hurt."
24:23 You see that, friends?
24:25 God always has our best interest in mind, doesn't He?
24:28 You know, sometimes we don't feel that way because we want
24:31 to go this way and God is saying going that way.
24:34 And we say, "Yeah, but I want to go this way."
24:37 You know, and then God, you know, doesn't bless us
24:40 and things don't go well in life and such.
24:42 But God always says, "Listen, if you're going this way,
24:46 He says this way, He's not saying this way
24:48 because He wants to be a stick in the mud.
24:51 He's saying go this way because this is the best way for you,
24:55 not for God but ultimately, for you.
24:58 And sometimes we have a hard time of being convinced of that.
25:03 The Israelites certainly did.
25:05 He said anger with the works of your hand to your own hurt.
25:08 God had their best interest in mind.
25:10 Verse 8, "Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts:
25:12 'Because you have not heard My words, 9 behold,
25:15 I will send and take all the families of the north,'
25:18 says the Lord, 'and Nebuchadnezzar the king
25:20 of Babylon, My servant, and will bring them against this
25:25 land, against its inhabitants, and against these nations all
25:28 around, and will utterly destroy them, and make them
25:32 an astonishment, a hissing, and perpetual desolations."
25:36 So, this is the judgment and declaration upon
25:39 verdict upon Israel.
25:41 "Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth and the voice
25:43 of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice
25:45 of the bride, the sound of the millstones and the light
25:48 of the lamp.
25:50 And this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment,
25:52 and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon,"
25:55 for how long?
25:57 Seventy years, there it is.
25:59 Okay, many of us have read Daniel chapter 9 where Daniel
26:01 claims that verse, you know, as the 70 years were coming
26:05 to its conclusion.
26:07 And God kind of threw a curveball at him in the vision
26:09 that he gave him in the previous chapter, in chapter 8 and
26:14 sounded like maybe it's going to be decades, maybe centuries
26:17 before the sanctuary will be we rebuilt and cleansed on the Day
26:22 of Atonement, and so on and so, Daniel claims that 70 years.
26:27 Verse 12 it says, "Then it will come to pass, when seventy years
26:30 are completed, that I will punish the king of Babylon and
26:36 that nation, the land of the Chaldeans, for their iniquity,'
26:39 says the Lord; 'and I will make it a perpetual desolation."
26:46 And see, you see that double judgment, friends?
26:49 We see that God is not only watching the workings and
26:52 keeping track of what's going on in Israel, but He's also doing
26:55 so in the nation of Babylon because He's also the God
26:57 of Babylon and of all nations.
27:00 He's interested in all peoples at all times, in all places.
27:05 And so, God says, "Listen, not only am I declaring judgment
27:09 and a verdict on Israel, but also on Babylon."
27:14 And so, God is basically saying, "Listen, even before the
27:16 70 years come to its pass, to its conclusion, I understand
27:21 that that's when Babylon is going to cross that line
27:23 in the sand, and I'm going to need to be able to punish them
27:27 for their iniquity, for their evil in sin, as well."
27:32 Now, we don't want to get confused when it says here that
27:35 Nebuchadnezzar was God's servant as we read in verse 9.
27:38 And it's because we can walk away from that and say, "Well,
27:40 wow, Nebuchadnezzar must have been a devout man
27:42 of the true God of heaven."
27:44 Well, no.
27:47 What this is really revealing is that Nebuchadnezzar really
27:48 wasn't walking or knew God in any way, as the evidence reveals
27:52 in the Bible, especially in the Book of Daniel, but rather
27:56 instead, God is calling him His servant because Nebuchadnezzar,
28:00 despite his own understandings, because Nebuchadnezzar, right up
28:04 to his conversion, we'll talk about that in a moment,
28:06 understood that he was in control of his life and that he
28:10 was doing everything under his own power and his own might
28:13 and his own abilities and such.
28:15 And so, he didn't know it, but God was actually using him
28:18 for his purposes.
28:20 And so, he was a servant, even though he didn't know it.
28:23 And this reveals another very important theological truth
28:26 of the Bible and that is that God is sovereign.
28:30 God is sovereign over all things at all times
28:33 in all the universe, including here on earth.
28:37 And so, even though he refers to the evil one is the prince of
28:39 this world, the prince of the world really is just, you know,
28:42 he's still subject to God.
28:47 And God is always ten steps ahead of the devil.
28:50 Never think that the devil as ahead of God.
28:52 You know, sometimes we give the devil too much credit
28:55 and say, "Well, the devil is really winning in this case."
28:57 No, he's not.
28:59 The devil never wins.
29:00 He's never winning, God is always ten steps ahead of him.
29:04 So, never, never give the devil more credit
29:06 than he really deserves.
29:09 God is the one that's sovereign, not the devil.
29:11 Never is the devil sovereign.
29:13 And so, it's important for us to understand.
29:16 And so, when He calls him His servant, God is declaring
29:18 His sovereignty.
29:21 He's the one that reigns upon this earth
29:23 and upon the universe.
29:26 Now, the fascinating thing about Nebuchadnezzar is that
29:28 eventually he does become God's servant, not just because God
29:32 is sovereign in spite of Nebuchadnezzar's rebellion
29:35 and sin, but Nebuchadnezzar actually finds God
29:38 in his heart eventually.
29:40 And so, one of the most fascinating chapters that you
29:42 can read in all of the Scriptures is found in Daniel
29:44 chapter 4 because in Daniel chapter 4, we find a new man.
29:48 We find a different person altogether, and that's the king
29:53 of this particular ancient nation.
29:56 And so, Nebuchadnezzar does eventually find a conversion
29:59 experience, and you can only imagine the influence that that
30:04 had on the nation of Babylon.
30:06 Would it be an influence for good or would it be
30:08 an influence for evil?
30:11 This is an easy question.
30:14 An the influence for--I mean for good, wouldn't it, okay?
30:18 It would be an influence for good.
30:21 So, here we have the most powerful man and the superpower
30:24 of the world.
30:26 He's the king of Babylon, and he goes through seven years,
30:30 through a very humbling experience when he's
30:32 reestablished on the throne, he is real established
30:35 as a brand-new person.
30:38 And so, how he handled--I guess, he really believed in religious
30:41 liberty because I always wondering, how did he handle
30:43 that Marduk, and all the other gods and idols and, you know,
30:46 all the false religion that was so rampant throughout
30:49 his capital and everything.
30:51 And so, I suppose that he understood that, you know,
30:54 the religious liberty, like here in the United States.
30:57 You know, you can--you have the liberty and the right to be
31:02 wrong in regards to your religion.
31:06 And so, you know, you can follow any religion that you want.
31:10 And so, Nebuchadnezzar still said, "But as for me and my
31:14 house, we will serve the Lord."
31:18 And so, you can only imagine the what influence that had for good
31:22 and what check that head on evil for a time, at least during
31:25 his lifetime, of the remainders of his lifetime.
31:29 And so, that extended it.
31:31 But even in spite of that influence, God still knew, even
31:33 before Nebuchadnezzar was converted, that indeed Babylon
31:37 eventually after Nebuchadnezzar's death
31:39 and his ancestors, Belshazzar, in particular, his grandson,
31:44 would take the throne and he would move into
31:47 a direction of rebellion and evil to the point where
31:50 he crosses that line in the sand at the conclusion
31:53 of the 70-year period.
31:55 And so, it's fascinating.
31:57 God knows all history before it ever takes place, and God is
31:58 sovereign over all things.
32:02 And so, that's important for us to be able to pick up.
32:07 Now, the Bible's revelation is that God is sovereign
32:10 and uses that to bring a check on evil.
32:12 And I don't know about you, but that brings great hope to me
32:15 because I don't know if you've noticed, but evil has a way of
32:19 rising up in different places, in different nations
32:23 on a regular basis.
32:25 You know, I don't know about you, but every time I watch the
32:28 news, it just keeps revealing that there's more and more evil,
32:30 you know, we just snuff out ISIS, and, you know, Al Qaeda,
32:33 and then ISIS rises up.
32:35 And then we're going to stuff out ISIS, and some other--
32:37 you know, there's always evil that continues to rise up in
32:41 different measures, in different forms, in different nations
32:44 at different times, you know, and so on.
32:48 Well, God is keeping track of all those things as well, and
32:51 He's bringing a check to them.
32:53 And so, that's important for us to understand, especially
32:58 if we're involved and victims of that evil.
33:02 You know, if you find yourself in World War II in Germany, some
33:07 of these other nations that were conquered by the Nazi regime and
33:10 such, you know, there was great atrocities and evil that took
33:16 place during that time.
33:18 And most of that evil wasn't discovered by the rest of us
33:21 nations, including Americans, until the World War was
33:25 complete, until the Nazi regime and Hitler was defeated.
33:29 And so, to the American soldiers and other European soldiers that
33:33 came in, they were horrified to find these gas chambers that
33:37 were designed for mass extermination of millions of
33:41 Jews, pastors, Christians, homosexuals, you know,
33:46 just this massive massacre of precious human beings.
33:53 And so, but God knew.
33:56 God understood that, and even though He lets evil extend
33:59 for a time, He always has that line
34:01 and He brings a check to it.
34:04 And so, that's important for us to understand.
34:08 In Daniel chapter 2 and verse 21, it tells us that He changes
34:11 times and He changes season.
34:13 He removes kings, and He also lifts up kings as well.
34:19 And so, God is really in charge of all things.
34:22 He is sovereign.
34:24 It also tells us the sovereignty of God, the Most High rules in
34:27 the kingdom of man and gives it to whoever He chooses.
34:32 And so, you know, sometimes we think we're in charge, you know.
34:38 You know, it's important to vote in a democracy, but even in
34:40 democracy, God is still sovereign, you know,
34:43 because there's no perfect democracy.
34:45 Have you noticed that in the United States here?
34:48 You know, there's no perfect democracy.
34:50 You know, we don't even know how many people are voting,
34:52 and who's voting, who's legitimate, who's not legit.
34:54 I mean, there's all kinds of holes even in democracy,
34:57 isn't it?
34:59 You know, as powerful and beautiful as that principle
35:01 and practice is, and we need to be able to preserve
35:03 and protect that.
35:05 It's not perfect, is it?
35:07 And then we got all kinds of smears and lies, and we don't
35:10 know what's the truth, what's fake on news and TV and every,
35:15 you know, all this information's coming at us and we're trying
35:18 to make the best decision when we vote.
35:20 And God is looking upon all that, and He's still placing the
35:23 person that He has in store.
35:28 He's sovereign over all of us, and it's important for us to be
35:33 able to understand that.
35:35 It is Him that lifts up kings and brings down kings.
35:38 It is Him who removes and gives kingdoms to men according
35:43 to who He chooses.
35:47 Genesis chapter 15, I want to invite you to come to one of my
35:51 favorite passages there because it just, on this subject anyway,
35:55 and it's just probably the first revelation of God's sovereignty
36:01 and His judgmentship, if I could use that word.
36:08 Genesis chapter 15 and verse 13 onwards.
36:16 Genesis chapter 15 and verse 13.
36:21 So, we're going to read it right through to verse 16.
36:24 Okay, so Genesis chapter 15, and this is back in Abraham's time.
36:28 His name is Abram at this point, but it's Abraham later.
36:31 "Then He said to Abram: 'Know certainly that your descendants
36:34 will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve
36:39 them, and they will afflict them four hundred years.'"
36:41 Now, what nation was that?
36:44 That was Egypt, wasn't it?
36:46 Okay, doesn't name it here, but, of course, later on the
36:50 Scriptures and history tells us it was Egypt.
36:53 "They will be strangers in a land that is not theirs,
36:56 and will serve them, and they will afflict them 400 years.
36:59 And also the nation whom they serve," I will?
37:03 I will judge.
37:05 So, there's God the judge, not only of Israel,
37:07 but also of Egypt.
37:08 "Afterward they shall come out with great possessions.
37:11 Now as for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace;
37:13 you shall be buried at a good old age.
37:16 But in the fourth generation they shall return here,"
37:20 that's the Promised Land where Abraham is presently,
37:25 for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete."
37:30 Now, isn't that fascinating?
37:33 This is no small verse, this is no small passage, this is a huge
37:37 passage in regards to the sovereignty and the judgeship of
37:42 God, and God is looking upon all the nations, and He is keeping
37:47 track of the workings of every single nation of human beings.
37:52 And it tells us there that the iniquity of the Amorites
37:56 was not yet complete.
37:58 Now, the fascinating thing is that If you go back just a
38:01 couple of chapters, or even just one chapter of Genesis chapter
38:04 14, verse 13, we find there the context is Lot, the nephew of
38:09 Abraham, as well as the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah
38:12 were taken captive by some kings in the north and taken away.
38:16 And so, Abraham decides that he's going to take his militia
38:20 in his own camp with 318 trained men and servants of his camp,
38:25 and rescue them.
38:27 But he doesn't go alone.
38:29 He actually brings with him another army,
38:31 another military ally that he has.
38:34 And as it turns out, they are Amorites.
38:37 They're three brothers, and they're all Amorites.
38:40 And so, he joins and hence, the only other military and people
38:44 that he's politically and militarily aligned with is the
38:48 Amorites, why?
38:51 Because the Amorites were the most righteous in the land.
38:55 They had not yet filled their iniquity or their cup of
38:58 iniquity, if we might say.
39:00 And so, that's why we find that Abraham is in alliance with them
39:04 and, of course, they successfully rescued Lot in
39:06 Sodom and Gomorrah.
39:08 And so, the Lord tarried for 400 years because the probation
39:13 of the Amorites had not yet been complete.
39:16 They had not come to that line and crossed
39:18 that line of wickedness yet.
39:21 And so, there's three key reasons why God allowed
39:25 the Israelites to slug it out as long as they did,
39:29 400 years in the land of Egypt.
39:32 Well, number one, this is a sideline, they needed to grow
39:35 large enough to be able to see the nation.
39:37 You know, right now, they only was about 70 year, or not even,
39:40 in Abraham's day was.
39:42 And so, you know, with his camp, there was, you know, several
39:45 hundred, but the family itself, you know, was just a few dozen.
39:50 So, it wasn't nearly enough to seed a nation, and so they
39:52 needed to grow into the millions, which they did,
39:55 to seed a nation.
39:57 Number two, the Amorites did cross that line in the sand yet,
39:59 and so God had to wait.
40:01 And then also, the Egyptians had not also completed their
40:04 iniquity because when God came in and He set the captives free,
40:10 He set the Israelites free, He also brought judgment upon
40:14 the nation of Egypt, and He uses that language.
40:17 And so, probation for the Amorites and the Egyptians
40:20 had not yet been complete.
40:22 God's longsuffering was still being applied.
40:26 And so, that's the fascinating thing about this sovereignty of
40:29 God and His--and how He judges nations.
40:32 Now, this is paralleled again at the conclusion of the 70 years
40:34 of the Israelites who were captive slaves
40:37 in the land of Babylon.
40:39 And when they come to the conclusion of that probationary
40:42 period, it's the time to release the Israelites but also bring
40:46 judgment upon Babylon, we find that Daniel chapter 5
40:50 is the key chapter.
40:53 And I think we have just enough time to read through that,
40:55 so come with me to Daniel chapter 5 because we're going
40:58 to park there and just go through the chapter
41:01 because it doesn't take a lot of commentary or explanation.
41:05 It is such a powerful chapter in of itself.
41:08 And so, I just want to invite you to read through it with me
41:12 and we find that on Sunday's lesson, it says in verse 1,
41:16 Belshazzar--now this is the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar now.
41:20 "The king made a great feast for a thousand of his lords,
41:23 and drank wine in the presence of the thousand.
41:26 While he tasted the wine, Belshazzar gave the command to
41:29 bring the gold and silver vessels which his father
41:32 Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple which had been in
41:35 Jerusalem, that the king and his lords, his wives,
41:40 and his concubines might drink from them.
41:43 Then they brought the gold vessels that had been taken from
41:46 the temple of the house of God which had been in Jerusalem;"
41:51 ouch, "and the king and his lords, his wives,
41:55 and his concubines drank from them."
42:00 Now, if these were the vessels of Marduk or Asherah or Baal
42:08 or some of these false gods, nothing would have--
42:12 would have come to nothing.
42:14 But these don't belong to a false god, do they?
42:16 These vessels belong to the authentic God of the universe.
42:19 Verse 5, "They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold
42:22 and silver, bronze and iron, wood and stone.
42:27 In the same hour the fingers of a man's hand appeared and wrote
42:30 opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall of the
42:33 king's palace; and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote.
42:38 Then the king's countenance changed."
42:42 Okay, before that, he was full of arrogance, and confidence,
42:44 and pride.
42:46 "His thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his hips were
42:48 loosened and his knees knocked against each other."
42:52 Now, friends this is probably an exaggeration to a real degree,
42:54 but really what Daniel's trying to say in the strongest way is
42:57 this, this guy started to fall apart very, very quickly.
43:02 "The king cried aloud to bring in the astrologers,
43:04 the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers.
43:07 The king spoke, saying to the wise men of Babylon,
43:09 'Whoever reads this writing, and tells me its interpretation,
43:12 shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around
43:15 his neck; and he shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.'
43:20 Now all the king's wise men--"
43:22 In other words, he'll be the third most powerful leader
43:24 in the kingdom.
43:26 "Now all the king's wise men came, but they could not read
43:28 the writing, or make known to the king its interpretation."
43:31 Does that sound familiar?
43:33 Yeah, if you read Daniel chapter 2, this is kind of a repeat
43:35 as Nebuchadnezzar experienced.
43:37 "Then King Belshazzar was greatly troubled, his
43:40 countenance was changed, and his lords were astonished.
43:43 The queen, because of the words of the king and his lords--"
43:47 Now, this is probably not his wife because his wives,
43:50 you know, probably including his first wife.
43:55 And concubines were with him in the party, but this is probably
43:58 the queen, this is probably his grandmother.
44:02 And so, this is probably a surviving wife
44:04 of the previous king.
44:06 And so, "The queen, because of the words of the king
44:08 and his lords, came to the banquet hall.
44:11 The queen spoke, saying, 'O king, live forever!
44:14 Do not let your thoughts trouble you,
44:16 nor let your countenance change.
44:18 There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the Spirit
44:20 of the Holy God.
44:22 And in the days of your father--'"
44:24 Now, when they use the term "father," don't get confused.
44:27 Father was a term to anybody that was previous to you and any
44:30 of your ancestor, that could be your father, your grandfather,
44:32 your great grandfather.
44:35 "Your father, light and understanding and wisdom,
44:37 like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him; and King
44:40 Nebuchadnezzar your father-- your father the king--
44:43 made him chief of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans,
44:45 and soothsayers.
44:48 Inasmuch as an excellent spirit, knowledge, understanding,
44:50 interpreting dreams, solving riddles, and explaining enigmas
44:53 were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar,
44:56 now let Daniel be called, and he will give the interpretation.
45:01 Then Daniel was brought in before the king.
45:03 The king spoke, and said to Daniel, 'Are you that Daniel
45:05 who is one of the captives from Judah, whom my father
45:08 the king brought from Judah?
45:10 I have heard of you, that the Spirit of God is in you,
45:14 and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom
45:16 are found in you.
45:18 Now the wise men, the astrologers, have been brought
45:21 in before me, that they should read this writing and make known
45:23 to me its interpretation, but they could not give
45:25 the interpretation of the thing.
45:28 And I have heard of you, that you can give interpretations
45:31 and explain enigmas.
45:33 Now if you can read the writing and make known to me its
45:35 interpretation, you shall be clothed with purple and have a
45:37 chain of gold around your neck, and shall be the third ruler
45:40 in the kingdom.
45:43 Then Daniel answered, and said before the king," I like his
45:45 answer, "Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards
45:50 to another; for I will read the writing to the king,
45:53 and make known to him the interpretation."
45:55 He says, "Don't worry about the rewards, means nothing to me."
45:59 "O King, the Most High God decides--"
46:02 Daniel kind of saw the writing on the wall, he knew
46:04 what was coming down.
46:06 "O king, the Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar your father
46:11 a kingdom and majesty, glory and honor.
46:13 And because of the majesty that He gave him, all peoples,
46:15 nations, and languages trembled and feared before him.
46:18 Whomever he wished, he executed; whomever he wished,
46:20 he kept alive; whomever he wished, he set up;
46:23 and whomever he wished, he put down.
46:25 But when his heart was lifted up, and his spirit was hardened
46:28 in pride, he was deposed from his kingly throne,
46:31 and they took his glory from him.
46:33 Then he was driven from the sons of men, his heart was made like
46:36 the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild donkeys.
46:39 They fed him with grass like oxen, and his body was wet with
46:42 the dew of heaven, till he knew that the Most High God rules in
46:45 the kingdom of men, and appoints over it whomever He chooses.
46:52 But you his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart,
46:58 although you knew all this."
47:04 So, you have to remember here that Belshazzar is not ignorant.
47:07 He's not in the dark in regards to his grandfather,
47:10 Nebuchadnezzar.
47:12 In fact, you can only imagine Nebuchadnezzar repeating that
47:15 more than once before he had gone to his grave.
47:19 "And you have lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven.
47:22 They have brought the vessels of His house before you, and you
47:25 and your lords, your wives and your concubines,
47:27 have drunk wine from them.
47:30 And you have praised the gods of silver and gold, bronze and
47:33 iron, wood and stone, which do not see or hear or know;
47:36 and the God who holds your breath in His hand
47:39 and owns all your ways, you have not glorified.
47:44 Then the fingers of the hand were sent from Him,
47:47 and this writing was written.
47:49 And this is the inscription that was written:
47:55 This is the interpretation of each word.
47:57 MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it;
48:05 TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances,
48:08 and found wanting."
48:10 Does it sound like a line in the sand has been crossed?
48:14 "PERES:" which is singular for a parson.
48:18 "Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes
48:22 and Persians.
48:26 Then Belshazzar gave the command, and they clothed Daniel
48:28 with purple and put a chain of gold around his neck,
48:31 and made a proclamation concerning him that he should be
48:33 the third ruler in the kingdom of Babylon, of the kingdom.
48:38 And That very night Belshazzar, king of the Chaldeans,
48:40 was slain.
48:44 And Darius the Mede received the kingdom,
48:46 being about sixty-two years old."
48:49 And so, there we have it, friends, a powerful chapter that
48:52 tells us the conclusion of the judgment of Babylon,
48:57 and also the conclusion of the imprisonment
49:00 and the punishment of the Israelites.
49:02 Now, we don't want to get confused.
49:04 Darius the Mede certainly received the kingdom in that
49:07 part of the newly annexed area of Babylon that was annexed,
49:11 or added, to the territory now of the Medes and the Persians,
49:14 but that was not the new capital.
49:17 And so, the ultimate king in which the King Darius,
49:19 the Mede, answered to was King Cyrus.
49:23 Cyrus is the ultimate King.
49:25 And so, there was kings and then there were sub kings.
49:27 Darius was a sub king and the Median king,
49:30 but then we also have Cyrus, the Persian king.
49:33 Very much like in Jesus's day, we have King Herod who was the
49:37 king of Judea in Jesus's day, but was he the king of Rome,
49:41 of the Roman Empire?
49:43 No, okay, Caesar, okay was the king of the Roman Empire,
49:47 Nero and so on.
49:49 And so, well, you have kings and you have sub kings,
49:51 and so that's important for us to understand.
49:55 Well, that brings us to the conclusion Ezra chapter 1 and
49:58 verses 7 through 11, of course, that's one of the lists that the
50:01 lesson study brings out, and it's a list of the different
50:04 temple items that were returned.
50:06 And so, not only again were the Israelites permitted to go back
50:10 to Israel and rebuild the temple, but the very same items
50:15 that Belshazzar brought out and drank from so rebelliously and
50:20 so wickedly in great rebellion, we find then were rightfully
50:25 returned to the true God of heaven, again,
50:28 revealing that you never want to mess with God's people.
50:31 You never want to mess with God's things, because God
50:35 takes that very personally, and He is sovereign.
50:39 Well, we have an offer here that we offered at the beginning
50:42 in case you just joined our program beforehand--
50:46 I mean, since we offered that at the beginning,
50:49 we want to make sure that you can take advantage of it.
50:51 It's a little booklet entitled, "The Armor Of God" written
50:53 by our senior pastor Doug Batchelor,
50:55 also the president of Amazing Facts Ministries,
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51:22 God bless you until we see you next week.
51:24 And remember, God loves you and we love you too.
51:27 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's
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52:04 announcer: Amazing Facts, changed lives.
52:11 male: My life was in turmoil.
52:14 My wife and I were fighting all the time.
52:16 I got away from everything and everybody.
52:19 I don't know, I just always had this emptiness
52:21 in my heart I wanted it filled.
52:24 I just felt like I went my whole life, you know,
52:26 just searching for something.
52:28 And my father died, and that ruined me a lot.
52:31 My father didn't believe in suicide, and I didn't want to
52:35 live but rather than disrespect him, I decided I would just
52:38 become so mean, someone else would do it to me
52:41 and I wouldn't have to.
52:43 So, I joined the army thinking what better place to get killed
52:45 than in the army?
52:47 And while I was in the army, my daughter got injured.
52:49 She was in an accident, and she was blind and paraplegic,
52:55 and it's just like I felt the whole world was
52:57 coming down on me.
52:59 One morning I just really got mad, and I gave God
53:02 a cussing like you wouldn't believe.
53:04 I said, "I'm not Moses, not Abraham, you know, I don't--
53:09 but I put my sandals on just like they do.
53:11 And I'm a man.
53:13 I don't want to know why this is happening to me, I just want
53:15 to know that it's happening for a reason.
53:17 If you tell me right now this is all for reason, then you can
53:20 stack it on me from here to the end of time,
53:24 and I will never complain again."
53:27 And that little TV came on, had been sitting there
53:30 just static all night long.
53:33 And there was this minister well, he pops up and he says,
53:36 "Today's lesson's from the Book of Job,
53:38 God only lets those suffer that He loves the most."
53:41 And I said, "Well, that's all you have to say, Lord.
53:43 I appreciate that."
53:45 From that day forward, I knew that He was there
53:47 and He's in my life, and that He would help me.
53:50 I went to prison just almost immediately after that.
53:54 I was in prison for aggravated assault.
53:57 I was in one of the worst prisons in the state
53:59 of Tennessee.
54:01 It was full of gang activity.
54:03 I got my throat cut, 52 stitches in my neck.
54:07 I could take those fingers and just stick them
54:08 all the way through out my mouth.
54:11 I'd gone to the library that day because it was really about the
54:13 only thing to do, but I ran across this little book called
54:15 "The Richest Caveman."
54:18 This book is hilarious, but it is great.
54:21 I'm sitting there with this big beard I'm thinking hey,
54:24 I know what it's like to look like a caveman.
54:27 But I'm not an educated person, I guess you'd say,
54:29 but I'm a simple guy.
54:31 I'm just really a simple guy.
54:33 That's what I loved about Doug Batchelor, because
54:36 this guy is just as straight out as you can get.
54:40 And my wife and I, we've kept contact through all these years
54:44 and so much has gone on, and I told her, I said, "Listen,
54:50 this is the center of my world right now."
54:54 And I said, "I really want you to be involved in it with me.
54:57 I need it."
54:59 And I said, "You will too if you ever just take hold of it."
55:02 I told my wife I said, "Listen, they've got this Amazing Facts
55:04 Bible Study on here, and this is the best way for you
55:08 to get this information, I think."
55:11 I said, "Because it's broken down, and they give you
55:15 questions and make you look for these things, you know,
55:21 so it's not anyone telling you, you find it on your own,
55:24 and they teach you to actually use the Bible."
55:27 She was there faithfully every Wednesday until we decided,
55:31 you know, she wanted to be baptized also.
55:35 She saw it coming around.
55:37 The choice was made.
55:39 In October 4, 2014, my wife and I were baptized in the water
55:44 at the same time, and we started our walk together,
55:50 I guess you'd say.
55:52 I went through everything that a man could possibly go through,
55:55 I guess, from marital trouble, loss of family members,
56:01 death of my family.
56:03 My children were harmed and my daughter
56:05 was handicapped for life.
56:08 I went to prison, but still, I kept my word to God
56:13 that He could stack it on me as much as He wanted,
56:16 and I'd never question Him, and I didn't.
56:19 But I could can say this much, He never put nothing on me
56:23 that I couldn't handle, and He walked with me.
56:27 And I'd like to say that anyone who is in prison,
56:33 not to give up, don't lose hope.
56:35 Put your faith in the Lord and study.
56:39 You seek Him and He will seek you.
56:41 And my name is Charlie Green, and I want you to know
56:44 that you and Amazing Facts have changed my life.
57:00 announcer: In six days, God created the heavens
57:02 and the earth.
57:04 For thousands of years, man has worshiped God
57:07 on the seventh day of the week.
57:09 Now, each week millions of people worship on the first day.
57:13 What happened?
57:15 Why did God create a day of rest?
57:17 Does it really matter what day we worship?
57:20 Who was behind this great shift?
57:22 Discover the truth behind God's law and how it was changed.
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57:31 announcer: Can't get enough "Amazing Facts Bible Study?"
57:34 You don't have to wait until next week to enjoy more
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Revised 2019-11-26