Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021942A

00:00 ♪♪♪
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00:22 ♪♪♪
00:35 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends.
00:36 Welcome to "Sabbath School Study Hour" here at the Granite Bay
00:38 Seventh Day Adventist Church in Sacramento, California.
00:41 I'd like to welcome our online members and our friends
00:44 who are joining us for our study time across the country
00:46 and around the world.
00:48 We started a new lesson dealing with two books
00:51 in the Old Testament, Ezra and Nehemiah.
00:54 Today we find ourselves on lesson number three,
00:57 very important study.
00:58 It's called God's Call.
01:00 Now, if you're joining us, maybe for the first time in our
01:03 Sabbath School Study Hour and you don't have a copy
01:06 of the lesson, you can download one for free.
01:09 Just simply go to
01:14 Again, that's
01:17 You'll be able to download lesson number three entitled
01:19 God's Call, and you can study along with us.
01:23 We also have a free offer we'd like to let you know about,
01:25 a book written by Pastor Doug.
01:27 It's entitled "Determining The Will Of God," and this is
01:30 our free offer for today.
01:32 If you would like to receive it, the number to call is
01:35 866-788-3966 and you want to ask for Offer Number 778, or you can
01:42 download a copy of the book for free by simply texting the code
01:47 SH025 to the number 40544.
01:53 You'll then get a link as to where you can go to download
01:55 a copy of the book, "Determining The Will Of God."
01:58 We'd also like to welcome our regular church members right
02:02 here in our church this morning.
02:04 We're glad you're here, here to study the Word together.
02:08 But before we get to our lesson, I'd like to invite our song
02:10 leaders to come and they're going to be leading us
02:12 in our song for our study time today.
02:15 ♪♪♪
02:25 female: Happy Sabbath.
02:27 The song this morning is 524,
02:29 "Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus."
02:33 ♪♪♪
02:38 ♪ 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, ♪
02:43 ♪ just to take Him at His word; ♪
02:48 ♪ just to rest upon His promise, ♪
02:53 ♪ just to know, Thus saith the Lord. ♪
02:58 ♪ Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! ♪
03:03 ♪ How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! ♪
03:09 ♪ Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! ♪
03:14 ♪ O for grace to trust Him more! ♪
03:21 ♪ O how sweet to trust in Jesus, ♪
03:25 ♪ just to trust His cleansing blood; ♪
03:30 ♪ just in simple faith to plunge me ♪
03:35 ♪ 'Neath the healing, cleansing flood! ♪
03:40 ♪ Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! ♪
03:45 ♪ How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! ♪
03:51 ♪ Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! ♪
03:56 ♪ O for grace to trust Him more! ♪
04:02 ♪ Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus, ♪
04:07 ♪ just from sin and self to cease; ♪
04:12 ♪ just from Jesus simply taking life and rest, ♪
04:19 ♪ and joy and peace. ♪
04:22 ♪ Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! ♪
04:27 ♪ How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! ♪
04:32 ♪ Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! ♪
04:38 ♪ O for grace to trust Him more! ♪
04:44 ♪ I'm so glad I learned to trust thee, ♪
04:49 ♪ precious Jesus, Savior, friend; ♪
04:54 ♪ and I know that thou art with me, ♪
04:59 ♪ wilt be with me to the end. ♪
05:04 ♪ Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! ♪
05:10 ♪ How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! ♪
05:15 ♪ Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! ♪
05:21 ♪ O for grace to trust Him more! ♪♪
05:33 Jean: Dear Father in heaven, we thank You once again that
05:35 we're able to gather together in Your house on this beautiful
05:37 Sabbath that You've given us to open up Your Word and study
05:40 a very important lesson, something dealing with the call
05:43 that You're given to us as individuals to share the gospel,
05:47 to be Your ambassadors here in this world.
05:50 So, bless our time, bless our study today.
05:52 For we ask this in Jesus's name, amen.
05:55 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought to us
05:58 by Pastor Luccas, our youth pastor here at Granite Bay.
06:01 Thank you, Pastor.
06:03 Luccas Rodor: Happy Sabbath.
06:05 It's so good to be here with you all.
06:07 Today's lesson is a very beautiful lesson.
06:09 I hope you've studied throughout this week.
06:12 It's a beautiful lesson, a deep study actually
06:14 about God's calling for our life.
06:16 And that being said, I'd just like to emphasize this free
06:20 offer and the reason for that is because determining the will of
06:24 God is exactly what we're going to be talking about today.
06:27 It's the grand theme of our study this, this past week.
06:34 Since we started this new lesson, you might have noticed
06:37 that it's a very deep lesson.
06:39 It's a very historical lesson.
06:41 It talks a lot about dates.
06:43 It talks a lot about events in history, about names.
06:45 There are certain prophets and kings here that are connected.
06:49 So, you really need to study at home because well, if you show
06:52 up just for Sabbath school, or if you only listen to the
06:55 Sabbath School lesson in, you know, in 40 minutes,
06:58 you will miss out on a lot.
07:00 So, don't forget to study at home.
07:02 We're going to get right into it.
07:04 We're going to have a brief recap right now about the
07:06 previous two lessons, the previous two weeks since they're
07:10 the beginning of what we're going to talk about today.
07:13 Now, the previous two lessons, they introduce the main Bible
07:17 themes that we're going to be studying throughout the next
07:21 quarter, the main Bible themes and the main Bible characters.
07:24 So, we know that Ezra and Nehemiah, they play the decisive
07:28 role in what we're going to be studying throughout
07:30 the whole quarter.
07:32 But we also understand that as we're told by Prophet Jeremiah,
07:36 we know that after 70 years-- and again, this is a recap.
07:40 After 70 years, he had prophesied that
07:43 what would happen?
07:45 The exile would end, the children of Israel would be able
07:48 to return home to Jerusalem to Israel.
07:51 And this is a process that begins in the year 606 and 605,
07:55 and it goes down to 537 and 536 B.C.
07:59 Now, the important thing here, and, of course,
08:01 the dates are important.
08:03 The names are important, but the most important thing is
08:05 for you to understand this week is that God calls
08:09 and God uses people in His plan.
08:12 Ultimately, this story, this lesson, it's not about Ezra.
08:15 It's not about Nehemiah.
08:17 It's not about Artaxerxes or about, you know,
08:19 Darius or Cyrus.
08:20 Ultimately, this study is about how God calls us
08:23 and how God has perfect control and sovereignty over time.
08:28 God knows when things need to happen.
08:32 And we see that through this study
08:34 where God uses multiple people.
08:36 The Lord uses Jeremiah, the Lord uses Ezra, Nehemiah.
08:39 The Lord uses Zerubbabel.
08:41 He uses even pagan kings such as Cyrus and Darius, you know,
08:44 and Xerxes and Artaxerxes.
08:46 So, we see that God, He is limitless.
08:49 God has no limits.
08:50 He can use anyone, and you know what that means?
08:52 That means that He can even use me and you.
08:55 Isn't that beautiful?
08:56 He can use even me, and He can use even you.
08:59 Now, they say that the two most important days in anyone's life
09:04 are, first of all, the day that you're born.
09:07 That's a very important day, right?
09:09 The day you're born.
09:10 And secondly, the day you find out why you were born,
09:14 the day you figure out your purpose.
09:16 What have you been born for?
09:18 Why did God create you?
09:20 Now, this question, this aspect of life has to do with God's
09:25 calling, the calling of God.
09:27 Now, each person is individuals.
09:29 Each individual is a singular exclusive, unique being.
09:34 Your father's DNA links to your mother's DNA, but the product,
09:39 it's not a copy of the parents, is it?
09:41 I know I'm not a copy of my mom or my dad.
09:46 The product, the end product, it's not a direct copy.
09:49 What comes out in the end is a unique, an exclusive,
09:53 a singular being.
09:55 And your singularity, this is what the Bible teaches, your
09:58 singularity, your uniqueness, reaches its maximum potential,
10:02 its maximum potential, when you understand that you are unique
10:08 and when you submit your life, when you submit your talents
10:12 and your gifts to God's will, when you strive to understand
10:17 what His will is for your life.
10:19 And we find this over again in the Bible.
10:21 We find that many times there are
10:23 different people writing mystified.
10:26 For example, we find the psalmist in Psalm 39 saying,
10:28 "Your eyes have seen my substance, being yet unformed.
10:33 And in Your book, they are all written."
10:36 Mystified, the psalmist writes.
10:38 Look, You've seen all the days of my life.
10:40 To Ananias in the Book of Acts in the New Testament,
10:42 we find the Lord saying, speaking about the calling
10:45 of Paul now, God says, "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of mine."
10:50 Now, do you think that God's foreknowledge, that His, God
10:55 seeing the future, do you think that that only applies
10:57 to Paul and to David?
10:59 Of course not, that applies to all of us.
11:02 The Bible tells us that the Lord, He has counted our days.
11:06 He knows what is going to happen.
11:08 And this foreknowledge, in this foreknowledge, He has a plan,
11:12 a plan even for me and for you, a mission for me and for you.
11:19 It's also not surprising that when we frustrate God's plan,
11:26 when we go outside of what His will is for our life,
11:30 it's a it's a big disaster, isn't it?
11:32 We see that it also in the Bible.
11:34 For example, King Saul, God had a plan, didn't He?
11:38 And King Saul frustrated that plan.
11:41 And look at the end, it was disastrous.
11:44 Look at Jonah.
11:47 How--what would have happened, let's imagine, what would have
11:50 happened if he hadn't run away at first, if he had gone?
11:55 We know that the Lord did end up saving the Ninevites,
11:57 but we find a very, a very sour, a very unhappy prophet
12:05 at the end of the book.
12:07 What would have happened if he had submitted his will
12:09 to the Lord?
12:11 When we frustrate God's plan, only disaster comes from that,
12:14 only disaster comes from that.
12:17 The question that we have to come out from all of this study,
12:20 the true question, and we're going to get into it.
12:22 But I want you to ask yourself this, not only now,
12:25 but throughout the week, the question that we have
12:28 to have after a study like this is, "Well, then what is God's
12:31 calling from my life?
12:33 What does He want from me?"
12:35 I really believe that one of the most important prayers
12:37 that anyone can pray throughout their life is,
12:39 "Lord, where do I fit in?
12:41 What is my place in Your plan?"
12:44 I'm sure that many of you, if not all, have prayed that
12:48 or asked the Lord that in one moment or another in your life.
12:51 I know I have multiple times.
12:53 I still pray it sometimes.
12:54 What is Your will, Father, for my life?
12:57 What do You want?
12:58 Show me my place according to Your will.
13:01 He has for each person, a very special place
13:04 in His grand plan for the human race.
13:07 And what's more, all are called, everyone is called,
13:10 and some are called for very decisive roles.
13:14 Some of us are called for very decisive roles.
13:18 Ezra and Nehemiah, that's what we study, you know,
13:21 in this whole lesson and this week, Ezra and Nehemiah,
13:23 they were called for different functions.
13:25 They had different abilities, different backgrounds, training,
13:28 different personalities.
13:30 Ezra, for example, he was a scribe.
13:32 The Bible tells us in Ezra 7:10, the Bible tells us his attitude.
13:37 Look at what we read here, "For Ezra had prepared his heart
13:41 to seek the law of the Lord and to do it, and to teach statutes
13:44 and ordinances in Israel."
13:47 So Ezra, he knew what he was good at,
13:49 and that's also something important in life.
13:50 What talents, what gifts has God given you?
13:53 Recognize them and employ them in the service of the King,
13:56 in the service of heaven.
13:58 So Ezra, the Bible tells us that he determined
14:00 his heart to seek the law of the Lord.
14:03 And not only to seek it, there are many of us
14:05 that only study the Bible.
14:07 Is that enough?
14:09 It's not, because when you study the Bible,
14:13 you're not studying something abstract.
14:16 It's not an abstract study.
14:17 You're studying the person, you're getting to have
14:19 a relationship with Him.
14:21 And because of that, you want to teach,
14:23 you want to show other people.
14:25 And this is what happens to Ezra.
14:26 The Bible tells us that Ezra, he determined his heart,
14:30 not only to study the law of the Lord, but to do what else?
14:33 To teach it, to teach it.
14:36 And so, he was using a very decisive role.
14:39 The New Testament gives us three lists,
14:41 three major lists of gifts.
14:43 And of course, God, He can add more gifts
14:46 to these lists.
14:47 Is God limited to the gifts that we find here in the Bible?
14:50 Of course not.
14:52 If any new need should arise, the Lord would add more and more
14:55 and more gifts to these lists.
14:59 But we find that the supreme gift,
15:01 the supreme fruit, is what?
15:03 The fruit of the Spirit.
15:05 We find in Galatians 5:22 and 23, we find what the Lord says
15:10 about this, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
15:14 longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
15:16 gentleness, self-control.
15:18 And what I mean to say by this is, we can't all have
15:20 the same gifts.
15:22 You know, some people are good at singing.
15:26 I know I'm not, I wish I was.
15:28 That's not my gift.
15:31 My gift isn't singing.
15:32 There's some people that can preach, that can teach.
15:34 Other people are amazing greeters.
15:36 Now, we don't all have the same gifts.
15:39 To some, the gift of singing was given.
15:41 To others, the gift of preaching or teaching was given.
15:43 To others, the gift of greeting.
15:46 To others, the gift of being a good host, of being a good
15:48 companion, of listening.
15:50 Have you ever been around someone that's a good listener,
15:52 that can hear you very well?
15:54 Some people have that gift.
15:56 Now, we can't all have these gifts, but the supreme fruit of
15:58 the Spirit, that is something that God expects of us.
16:01 Love, that is something that we should all have because that's
16:04 not something that you can live as a Christian without.
16:08 A great problem to many Christians is that many,
16:11 and I don't know what kind of Christian you are.
16:13 I know that sometimes I even do this.
16:15 But many Christians, they spend their time lamenting a gift
16:18 that they don't have.
16:20 "Lord, why couldn't I sing better?
16:22 Lord, why couldn't I teach better?
16:24 Oh, Lord, why couldn't I be bold enough to greet?"
16:26 Have you ever done something like that?
16:28 Kind of complained to God, "Lord, look at that person
16:30 singing so beautifully.
16:32 How I wish I could do that."
16:34 I've done that a few times after hearing myself sing and then,
16:37 "Lord, why can I sing better?"
16:39 Many Christians, they spend a lot of time complaining for the
16:42 gifts that they don't have and in the end, they don't employ,
16:45 they don't use the gifts that they do have.
16:48 What did we learn from the the parable of the talents
16:51 in the Bible?
16:53 The one who used his gift, more was given to him,
16:56 more gifts were given.
16:58 And the one that didn't use it, well, what happened?
17:01 He lost, even what he had, he lost.
17:03 So, do you want more gifts?
17:05 Do you want more responsibility?
17:07 Use what you have.
17:08 Start with what you have in your hands.
17:10 The calling of Ezra and Nehemiah, they were beautiful
17:14 callings for decisive roles.
17:15 Ezra was able to use his gift to train and to teach the children
17:19 of Israel for 13 years in Jerusalem and those
17:22 must not have been easy years for Ezra.
17:26 He went there, and he taught those people.
17:28 The Bible says, and the word here is word qum in Hebrew,
17:32 to determine his heart.
17:34 And due to this, the Lord was able to use him powerfully.
17:36 Nehemiah had a different personality.
17:40 When you find Nehemiah, he had a strong, almost aggressive,
17:42 isn't it right, almost aggressive personality.
17:45 And that the traits, the character traits, the talents
17:48 that God gave him, they were different from Ezra,
17:50 but they were no less important because to Nehemiah
17:53 the gift of leadership was given.
17:56 Even before he arrives in Jerusalem, he had to rack up
17:59 the, you know, the nerve, the boldness,
18:01 the courage to speak to whom?
18:03 To the king, to Artaxerxes and ask him to allow him to go.
18:08 And how long did he pray for this?
18:10 What does the lesson say?
18:12 He had pray for about four months.
18:14 He heard the news coming from Jerusalem that, and we studied
18:16 this last week, he heard the news that the things,
18:19 things were not going.
18:21 They were not happening in Jerusalem and he cried,
18:23 and he prayed, and he poured himself before the Lord.
18:25 And he was waiting for the right moment.
18:27 And because he was a cupbearer, he had a good contact
18:29 with the king.
18:31 He had proximity to the king.
18:33 One day the king came and said and saw that he was sad,
18:35 and said, "Well, why are you sad?"
18:36 Now, the Bible says that Nehemiah had that moment.
18:39 He did what?
18:41 He prayed to the Lord.
18:43 And this is where you see the humanity of the person,
18:44 the man behind the book, you know?
18:47 Because I can't imagine this, a moment where the king comes
18:50 and says, "What's mad, you're sad."
18:52 And then he hears, "Hold on a bit, king."
18:54 He goes out, he kneels down, he prays, and then he comes back.
18:57 I don't see that happening.
18:58 I see Nehemiah.
19:00 You know that lightning prayer where he said,
19:02 "Lord, please bless me.
19:03 Lord, please help me.
19:05 Lord, please save me."
19:06 You know those lightning prayers?
19:08 I imagine Nehemiah at that moment saying,
19:10 "Lord, please use me right now," and he gets into it.
19:11 And he says, in a very diplomatic form, he says,
19:13 "You know, king, I would like to go back to help my people."
19:16 And because of his proximity, his responsibilities, the
19:18 talents that God had given him of leadership,
19:21 of administration, he was the perfect man for that job.
19:25 The team trusted him.
19:26 This was the same team that had halted the construction before.
19:30 So, Nehemiah had to be very careful of how he worded this,
19:34 but the Lord helped him.
19:35 The Lord used him.
19:37 You see, there are some gifts that are more visual
19:40 than others.
19:41 Obviously, the gifts of singing or of preaching, they're more
19:44 visual because while people are, you know, you're teaching
19:46 people, you're singing to people.
19:49 And sometimes people with more visual gifts,
19:51 they tend to belittle people with other gifts.
19:55 Imagine if perhaps Nehemiah, who was you know a cupbearer
19:58 to the king, if he had belittled, I don't know,
20:01 maybe someone with a very important talent
20:03 back in Jerusalem.
20:05 We can't belittle other people because their gifts aren't
20:08 as visual, perhaps, as our own.
20:10 All are used.
20:12 God can use all in the most extraordinary and powerful ways.
20:15 It is vital for us to recognize the gifts and the work
20:19 that people previously have done.
20:21 Nehemiah, he was only able to do what he did and Ezra,
20:24 because they stood atop the shoulders of Zerubbabel,
20:27 the shoulders of Jeremiah, Daniel, the people
20:30 who had come before.
20:32 I believe it was Thomas Edison who said that he was only able
20:35 to invent what he invented and do what he did because he stood
20:39 atop the shoulders of giants, the men who had come before him,
20:43 and figured it out, and found out, and discovered the things
20:45 that he used to invent, you know, what he did invent.
20:50 Sometimes we have to stand atop the shoulders of giants.
20:54 When it comes to how God handles prophecy, prophetic timing,
21:00 it's a beautiful thing because we see, apparently humanly,
21:03 we see some disconnected points in history.
21:07 And sometimes people ask,
21:08 "Well, how is all this coming together?"
21:10 Well, when you look behind the scenes you have the master
21:13 guider, the master king who has control of all time.
21:17 As we study the Bible, it becomes obvious that God
21:20 has perfect control over time, always.
21:23 God knows what is happening.
21:25 The lesson gives us a list of people and it's just so
21:28 impressive that these people were there when the prophecies
21:31 were being meant to be fulfilled.
21:33 For example, we find Noah commissioned to build
21:36 the ark during the time of the flood.
21:39 I didn't know if you, I don't know if you know this,
21:41 but Enoch, when he named Methuselah, Methuselah's name
21:43 literally means after this one, the waters will come.
21:46 Did you know that?
21:48 His name was a prophecy for the flood and Noah
21:50 was there to fulfill that.
21:52 You find Abraham called out of his father's, his father's land.
21:55 Moses, what a calling.
21:58 Joshua, Samuel, Hosea, and Amos, Ezekiel and Daniel, Haggai and
22:03 Zechariah, Ezra, Nehemiah, John the Baptist, Stephen.
22:07 More recently, Ellen White.
22:09 Do you see that God is in control of time?
22:12 And here's the beautiful thing about God, God is transparent.
22:15 He doesn't do things, you know, in a backhanded sort of way.
22:18 He doesn't hide what He's doing.
22:20 The Bible tells us that God doesn't do anything
22:22 without first doing what?
22:25 Revealing His will to His servants, the prophets.
22:27 We're not left in the dark.
22:30 Not only is God in control, God allows us to know,
22:34 He tells us what He is going to do.
22:37 That is the kind of God that we have.
22:40 Jeremiah prophesied the return of the people from captivity
22:43 after a period of 70 years.
22:46 God did not leave them in the dark as to how long
22:48 they would be in exile.
22:50 To that end, God first raised up Zerubbabel, then Ezra,
22:53 and then 13 years later after Ezra, He raised up Nehemiah.
22:57 However, from Jeremiah all the way down to Nehemiah,
23:03 God used many people, maybe even some people that we don't know,
23:08 people that are not mentioned in the Word,
23:10 but God used many people.
23:12 Now, the chronology places Artaxerxes' intervention
23:16 in 457 B.C.
23:18 And this is where the lesson, it becomes, timing becomes crucial.
23:24 Now, again, this is a deep lesson, a very historical
23:26 lesson, so please bear with me.
23:28 But chronology places Artaxerxes' intervention
23:31 in 457 B.C., because--
23:34 and this is why it's so important to us--
23:36 because this decree given by this king in 457,
23:42 it's tied to another prophecy.
23:45 Which prophecy?
23:48 The prophecy of Daniel chapter 9, verse 25 of the 70 weeks.
23:52 Look at what it says.
23:53 "Now therefore, understand that from the going forth of the
23:57 command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah,
24:01 the prince, there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks."
24:04 Two items are interconnected here, okay?
24:06 And when we study this, of course, we don't have
24:08 the time to go in depth.
24:10 We don't have time for a seminary here,
24:12 but two things here remain broadly crucial.
24:16 First of all, the date itself, the date itself.
24:19 Since there were three individual decrees given
24:22 in three different moments by three different kings,
24:24 why do we use this one, 457?
24:27 If we have a decree given by Cyrus, and then we have another
24:30 decree given by Darius, and then we have another decree
24:33 now here given by Artaxerxes.
24:35 Why do we use this last one, 457, to understand Daniel 9:25.
24:41 There are a few reasons, okay?
24:43 And here, this is important for you as an Adventist here, or you
24:48 if you're studying to become, or studying to understand
24:51 who the Adventists are.
24:53 It's important for you to understand these dates and the
24:57 reasons why we use this year because the way we understand
25:01 these 490 years and the way we understand the 2300 years,
25:05 that's crucial.
25:07 That's basically who we are.
25:08 If you take that away, if you track that from the Adventist
25:10 message, there will be simply no Adventist message.
25:14 So, it's crucial for you to understand this.
25:17 Now, the reason why we use this date, the date of 457 B.C.
25:22 is well, first of all, only the decree of Artaxerxes includes
25:27 the concern--includes concern for the city of Jerusalem.
25:30 The previous two decrees, they didn't say much about the walls,
25:34 they didn't say much about the city.
25:36 They were talking about what?
25:37 The temple.
25:39 They were mostly talking about the temple.
25:41 Then when Artaxerxes gives his decree, we find that he mentions
25:44 the reconstruction of Jerusalem, the rebuilding of the city.
25:49 That's one of the reasons why we use this the date, 457 B.C.
25:53 If we use any other date, if you use any other date for the 490
25:57 years of Daniel, that wouldn't lead us to Messiah the prince.
26:02 If you use any other date, it wouldn't take it to anywhere.
26:05 Anything significant in history, it fits.
26:08 It's a very good fit and it stands to reason
26:11 because it's what we believe to be true.
26:14 So, King Artaxerxes, he gives this decree in 457 B.C.,
26:18 as a decree to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and therefore,
26:23 we believe that that is the beginning date of the second
26:26 thing that we're going to mention here,
26:28 which is the day year principle.
26:30 Have you ever wondered why, I don't know maybe you have,
26:33 maybe you haven't.
26:35 I know that when I was younger, I used to see us interpreting
26:37 these time schemes, and I wanted to understand why we use
26:41 the day year principle.
26:43 And it's very simple.
26:45 The Bible gives us these principles in Numbers 14:34
26:47 and Ezekiel 4:5 and 6.
26:50 Many people tend to interpret this literally.
26:53 They'll say, well, there's 490 years, there's 70 weeks, right,
26:56 let's interpret this literally.
26:58 The problem with that is that you don't get anywhere.
27:01 With a literal interpretation, how much is 490 days literally?
27:05 That's about a year and a half, a little bit more than a year
27:08 and a half, perhaps, right around there.
27:11 What happened in the year 456, 455?
27:15 Nothing significant, certainly not a Messiah, the prince.
27:19 So, if you interpret this literally, you get nowhere.
27:22 We have to understand that in the Bible,
27:24 prophecy is interconnected.
27:27 If you want to understand, for example, Revelation,
27:29 where do you go?
27:31 Daniel, Daniel and the Old Testament.
27:34 If you want to understand the ten plagues, where do you go?
27:38 The seven plagues, I'm sorry.
27:40 You go to the ten plagues of Exodus.
27:42 So, one thing in the Bible is connected to the other.
27:44 It has to be that way, otherwise, we get nowhere,
27:48 prophecy will mean nothing.
27:50 It will be just someone coming up with ideas and that's
27:52 what the world is full of around us.
27:54 We find many people coming up with the craziest ideas
27:57 because they're not being guided by the Bible,
27:59 by connecting the dots in the Bible itself.
28:03 The 70 weeks end in the year 34 AD, when Stephen is martyred,
28:08 when the Jewish nation of the time they rejected Jesus,
28:12 they rejected God's chosen servant.
28:15 The half of the week, that coincides with what?
28:20 The death of Jesus, the crucifixion.
28:22 And that's where we believe that Jesus, He confirmed
28:24 a covenant with many.
28:26 And we read that in Daniel 9:27.
28:28 Now, Adventists, and please again, we don't have all the
28:32 time in the world to go into this so please bear with me.
28:36 Adventists have been severely criticized in their
28:40 understanding of this prophecy, severely criticized, especially
28:46 in this part of the 70 weeks that have been determined.
28:49 And the main argument used against Adventists is
28:52 in the interpretation of the word "determined."
28:57 We literally believe that the word "determined" means
29:00 to be cut off, it has been cut off.
29:02 And that's how we understand that this prophecy of 490 years
29:05 given in Daniel chapter 9, it is cut off from
29:09 the larger time period prophecy of where?
29:11 Daniel chapter 8 of the 2300 years.
29:14 So, we believe that it has been cut off, one thing is part of
29:18 the other and that's where we've been criticized.
29:21 They say that the interpretation of this word that we use is
29:26 wrong because it's only used once in the whole Hebrew Bible.
29:29 It's only used here in Daniel, and that's the main argument
29:32 given against us in this-- in regard to this,
29:35 that this word, it's only used once in the whole
29:38 Hebrew Bible here by Daniel,
29:40 and that it doesn't mean cut off.
29:42 It means to be determined or decreed, and that would change
29:44 everything because if the word is determined, then it doesn't
29:47 have to do with the larger time prophecy of Daniel chapter 8.
29:50 So, that's the criticism, you understand?
29:52 They say that we use, or we interpret the word wrong,
29:55 the word "determined" incorrect.
29:57 Now, the question is how solid is this argument?
30:01 It is a fact.
30:02 Unfortunately, or fortunately, however you want to see this,
30:04 it is a fact that this word is only used once.
30:07 In the whole Hebrew Bible, this word, which is the word
30:09 "shatach," it's only used once in the whole Hebrew Bible.
30:14 But nevertheless, and again, this is going
30:18 to get a bit amusing.
30:20 But first, this other words, other words, such as decree,
30:23 or such as determined, they appear in the Hebrew Bible,
30:26 and they are not the word shatach.
30:29 So, one of the questions is, well, why didn't Daniel use it?
30:32 If what he wanted to mean was decree or determined,
30:35 70 weeks are determined for you, well, why didn't he use
30:39 these other words?
30:40 Why did he go with this more obscure, this more mysterious
30:43 word, shatach?
30:45 He should have used, I mean, if he wanted to mean determined
30:47 or if he wanted to mean decreed, shouldn't he
30:49 have used those words?
30:51 That's what you would expect.
30:53 But no, he uses this less known, this more obscure word
30:56 called shatach.
30:58 Secondly, while shatach isn't used anywhere
31:00 in Hebrew Scripture, it appears numerous times
31:03 in Jewish writings, such as the Mishnah,
31:05 the Jewish Bible Commentary, which was compiled.
31:08 It already existed in oral form, but it was compiled
31:11 in the first two centuries AD.
31:13 And that word "shatach" is there.
31:16 And while the Hebrew and the Mishnah isn't exactly alike,
31:21 the Hebrew in the Old Testament, they are very similar.
31:24 And there the word shatach is used many times.
31:28 In fact, it's used 12 times and ten of those 12 times,
31:32 it refers to the cutting off of animal parts,
31:35 according to the dietary laws.
31:37 Of the 19 times that this word is used as a noun in the noun
31:40 form, not as a verb, but as a noun 19 times,
31:43 18 times it appears as that which is cut off.
31:48 Not only this, Strong's concordance gives
31:51 its primary root to cut off.
31:53 Whiting's translation, which is a very well-known translation,
31:56 has it as cut off.
31:58 Gesenius is the standard key lexicographer,
32:01 defines it as to cut off.
32:03 The Chaldeal Rabbinic Dictionary of Stoycius defines
32:06 it as to cut, to cut away, to cut into pieces,
32:09 to engrave or to cut off.
32:11 The earliest versions of the Vulgar or the Septuagint define
32:14 the verb here, shatach, as cutting off.
32:17 Theodotion's Greek version of the word renders it to cut off.
32:20 Even more versions use the term "cut off."
32:24 Do you get the point?
32:27 Cut off is a perfectly good explanation.
32:30 It's a perfectly good interpretation of this word
32:32 shatach, perfectly fine.
32:35 Actually, it's the best one we have.
32:37 So, to say that this word isn't, that it doesn't mean that,
32:42 well, then we would be playing a guessing game.
32:45 That would be the guessing game not to interpret it as cut off.
32:49 As the lesson tells us, there are many reasons
32:54 why we believe that the 70-year--
32:56 the 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9
32:59 and the 2300-year prophecy of Daniel chapter 8,
33:03 they belong together.
33:05 First of all, both are time prophecies, right?
33:07 That by itself doesn't mean much,
33:09 but both our time prophecies.
33:10 Second, the terminology, vision, understanding,
33:13 link them together.
33:15 Both interpretations were given by whom?
33:18 Gabriel, the same person, the same angel,
33:20 the same messenger is interpreting them.
33:23 Lastly, and this to me is the most important reason, the only
33:26 part of the vision of chapter 8, the only part of the vision of
33:31 chapter 8 of the 2300 years that was not explained is exactly
33:37 this one of the 2300 years.
33:39 The rest of the vision in chapter 8 is explained
33:40 by Gabriel.
33:42 Why didn't he explain the 2300 years?
33:44 And then you go to chapter 9, a few years later,
33:48 then you have the interpretation.
33:51 Daniel chapter 8 contains two parts.
33:53 You have a vision and you have an interpretation of the vision.
33:56 Daniel chapter 9 doesn't really have a vision.
33:58 It only has an interpretation, and the interpretation,
34:01 it has to do with something.
34:03 What was the only thing that had not been interpreted yet?
34:07 The vision of the 2300 years.
34:09 Do you see how one is tied to the other?
34:11 This might be a bit confusing, and I urge you to study more
34:14 on this, this good part of your comprehension of Adventism
34:19 and of the Bible prophecies, they will be hinged upon
34:22 this matter of Daniel chapter 7, 8 and 9.
34:27 But we believe that these two prophecies, the cutting off
34:31 of this period of 490 years, they have to do with the vision
34:35 of the 2300 years that go from 457.
34:38 What happened in 457?
34:40 Artaxerxes issued in a decree that the walls of Jerusalem
34:45 should be built.
34:47 And from then on, we start counting not only the 490 years
34:49 in the year 34, but we end in the year 1844
34:53 with the 2300 years.
34:55 That is one of our most basic beliefs and this is why
34:58 we believe it.
35:01 Praise the Lord.
35:03 For all these reasons and more, we believe that these two
35:04 prophecies, they belong together, Daniel 8 and 9,
35:08 they are tied together.
35:11 The next, the next topic that we find in the lesson, and this is
35:16 something that I really want to get into, is the topic
35:19 of biblical election.
35:21 This might be as confusing, or maybe even more confusing,
35:26 then about all the dates.
35:29 Because when it comes to dates, really it's a matter of you
35:31 sitting down concentrating, and trying to figure out what
35:34 prophecies it's talking about.
35:36 When it comes to election, there's just so much debate.
35:39 When it comes to how God chooses people or what God's choosing
35:42 people means, there's just so much debate.
35:44 It's so controversial that it might be a bit intimidating
35:48 for a few people.
35:50 God's election in the Bible has nothing to do
35:52 with predestination, as many would believe.
35:55 We're not talking here about predestination
35:57 in a certain sense.
35:59 God has chosen how many for salvation?
36:02 All, all are chosen.
36:04 What does John 3:16 tell us?
36:06 For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son,
36:09 that whosoever, whosoever is an all-inclusive word.
36:13 Whosoever, does whosoever exclude anyone?
36:16 Whosoever except, except Luccas.
36:19 Whosoever except my Brazilians.
36:22 Whosoever except the Granite Bay Church.
36:25 No, whosoever is an all-inclusive word.
36:29 All are chosen.
36:31 All are on God's map of salvation.
36:34 Everyone is on His radar.
36:37 Now, the only way that you can not be on that map,
36:42 or not be on that radar of salvation, if you choose
36:45 for yourself to exclude yourself.
36:48 That's the only way because God does not violate our will.
36:53 So, when we're talking about God's election, first of all,
36:56 we're talking about when it comes to salvation,
36:59 it's for everyone.
37:01 In theology, this is called soteriology, the doctrine
37:03 of salvation, all right, how God saves us.
37:06 All are chosen, all are on the map.
37:08 Now, on the other hand, and this is something that I struggled
37:12 for a while when I was younger is about God's free will
37:17 because God also has free will, doesn't He?
37:20 I should hope so.
37:22 God also has free will.
37:24 And the fact that God has free will means that He has
37:27 the freedom of choosing whoever He wants for certain roles.
37:31 When it comes to salvation, God doesn't meddle with that.
37:34 Everyone is chosen, everyone should be saved.
37:37 But when it comes to some certain roles, then some people
37:41 are chosen, some specific, particular people are chosen.
37:48 For example, it was Paul, not Peter, that God chose to write
37:53 14 books in the New Testament because of his training,
37:57 his background, his knowledge.
37:59 He prepared himself for this.
38:01 And that teaches me something, that natural talent placed under
38:03 God's hand, placed and submitted to God's Word, that talent,
38:07 that natural talent, becomes divine talent.
38:11 Now, you might be good at something, you might be
38:13 very good.
38:15 You might have a very good talent.
38:16 Trust me, it can get better.
38:18 You know how?
38:19 By submitting it to God because in the end, my friends,
38:22 actually, before I say this, let me say something else.
38:24 You might have a very good talent, but at the same time,
38:26 maybe you are not good at something.
38:30 Trust me, God can still use you.
38:32 Maybe you try to imagine, "Well, what can I do?
38:36 I'm in a church with 600 people.
38:38 I'm in, you know, there are so many people around me.
38:40 I live in a city with I don't know, two,
38:41 three million people, ten million people.
38:43 What can I do? How can I be used by God?
38:46 I can't sing. I can't preach.
38:48 I can't, I don't know, I can't be a deacon.
38:50 I can't be an elder. I can't be this.
38:51 I can't be--what do I do?"
38:53 Look, what matters is not--what determines God's usage of you
38:57 and how you can be of service is not your ability or your
39:01 disability, but your availability.
39:06 That's it because the rest, while it could be important, you
39:09 know, a natural talent could be very important, very good.
39:12 But if you're not available, it's for nothing.
39:16 If Ezra, or Nehemiah, or Moses, if they had been good at all
39:20 that they were good at, but they hadn't been available to God,
39:23 well, how would He use them?
39:26 He couldn't use them.
39:28 Romans 9:13, this is a very confusing texts for many.
39:33 Romans 9:13 tells us that God loved Jacob and He hated Esau.
39:38 This, my friends, has no soteriological meaning.
39:40 What I mean by that is, this doesn't--
39:43 the issue here isn't salvation.
39:45 God didn't love Jacob for salvation and hate Esau,
39:48 condemning him to death, eternal death without
39:53 a choice from Esau.
39:55 That's not what we're talking about.
39:56 What we're talking about is that God chose Jacob
39:59 for a specific role inside His plan.
40:02 Does that make sense?
40:04 God chose Jacob, He loved Jacob.
40:06 This is classic Semitic literature, all right?
40:09 God loved Jacob for a purpose.
40:14 That doesn't mean that God hated Esau for him to die forever
40:16 for no reason whatsoever without a choice,
40:19 without a say in the matter.
40:21 That's not what we're talking about.
40:23 The issue isn't salvation, but different roles
40:25 inside the plan of salvation.
40:28 Now, we've studied a little bit about these prophets, the
40:33 calling of Ezra and Nehemiah.
40:35 We've studied a little bit of how this prophecy
40:38 played out in their life.
40:40 The prophecy given by Daniel a few years before played out in
40:43 the life of Ezra and Nehemiah.
40:45 Wouldn't it be cool for you to fulfill prophecy and to know
40:48 that you're fulfilling prophecy?
40:50 Imagine how it was for them.
40:52 I don't know if they were thinking about this
40:54 as it was happening, if it dawned upon them.
40:56 It's always easier with, you know, after the things happen.
40:59 You know, it's always easier for you to determine.
41:01 But it must have been so amazing to fulfill a prophecy that had
41:04 been given, to fulfill the beginning of that spectacular
41:07 prophecy that one day, the Savior, the Messiah,
41:10 He would come and they could know the exact year.
41:15 It must have been spectacular.
41:17 We've studied that.
41:19 We've also studied a little bit how God considers salvation.
41:22 All are chosen, all are on God's map, unless we decide
41:24 to exclude ourselves.
41:26 We've seen how God, He can, and this is where we talked about
41:29 election, He does elect some people for specific roles.
41:32 But the important thing that we have to come to, now at the
41:37 end with eight minutes, what we have to understand is,
41:40 "What is my responsibility?
41:42 What do I have to do now?
41:44 What does God expect from me?
41:46 How am I responsible?"
41:48 Do you know what etymology--
41:50 I don't know if I'm saying that right.
41:52 But the meaning of the word "responsibility,"
41:55 you know what that means?
41:57 The ability of response.
41:59 That's what the word, its roots mean, the ability of giving
42:02 a good answer, a good response.
42:04 So, what is my--what should be my good response?
42:08 How should I?
42:11 Be it choosing Nehemiah, be it choosing Ezra, or certain other
42:15 individual for certain roles, in God's plan He wants us to know,
42:19 He wants me to know that He can bless and transform me.
42:23 Not only can He transform me and make--
42:26 and give me a blessing,
42:28 but He can make me a blessing.
42:30 That's my calling, to be a blessing.
42:32 Ultimately, the saints are called to what?
42:34 To be a blessing to this dark world, to take light where there
42:37 is darkness, to take joy where there's sadness and anger,
42:41 peace to where there is anger.
42:43 Ezra and Nehemiah, and here you have the difference
42:46 between certain people.
42:48 Ezra and Nehemiah, did they kind of ponder?
42:50 Were they reluctant to answer God's call?
42:53 No, they weren't.
42:54 They went readily.
42:56 They wanted it.
42:58 But you do find a few others that they were kind
43:00 of reluctant.
43:01 Remember Moses?
43:03 Moses was very reluctant.
43:05 Moses had been in the desert for 40 years.
43:07 He was 80 years old.
43:09 Who starts thinking of a grand scheme
43:12 for their life when they're 80?
43:15 Maybe someone does, okay, maybe you do.
43:17 I don't know.
43:19 I know that when I'm 80, I want to be up and kicking still.
43:21 I want to be doing a lot of stuff.
43:22 But usually, you don't have someone, you know,
43:25 thinking of the next 40 years, a plan for the next 40 years
43:29 when they're 80 years old.
43:31 So Moses, he was like, "Is God blind?
43:33 Is He, you know, doesn't He know how old I am?
43:36 Doesn't He know that I'm already tired.
43:38 I'm heavy of tongue?"
43:39 And actually, I'm going to mention that.
43:41 Moses, he came up with his best arguments.
43:44 He used his sociological argument, his knowledge
43:46 about others.
43:48 "Lord, they're not going to believe me.
43:50 Who am I to teach them to talk to them?
43:52 Look at me. I used to be a prince there.
43:54 They hate me. I killed one of the officials.
43:56 They drove me out.
43:58 Who am I--no one's going to hear me."
43:59 That's a sociological argument which God destroyed,
44:02 God broke that argument.
44:04 He said, "Look, when You go there, You just tell them
44:06 that I Am sent you, Yahweh, the Eternal One."
44:14 Man, sometimes I've seen, you know,
44:16 I've seen movies about Moses's calling.
44:19 And at that moment at the burning bush, there isn't one
44:22 time that goes by that I either read it or see it
44:25 that I don't--tears don't come to my eyes.
44:29 Imagine being in the presence of Yahweh.
44:33 Imagine Him knowing your name and you hearing Him
44:36 call you by name.
44:38 We know that He knows us by name, but imagine hearing it,
44:42 that He remembered, and He is going to use you
44:44 as a chosen vessel.
44:46 Moses, he gives first a sociological argument, then when
44:49 that's been destroyed, he gives a psychological argument, his
44:52 knowledge, not about others now, but as knowledge by himself.
44:56 "Lord, look at me.
44:59 I'm heavy of tongue, I'm heavy of speech.
45:02 I've been here shouting at sheep for the past 40 years,
45:07 now You're going to put me to shout in front of Pharaoh?
45:09 It's not going to work, Lord, that's not going to work.
45:13 Too old, my abilities not qualified for this project that
45:18 Yahweh is giving me."
45:20 Which Yahweh, and when you read it, God appears
45:23 very optimistic about this plan.
45:26 Moses was the doubter in the story.
45:29 He's the one saying, "I don't know, Lord."
45:32 The Lord insisted with him.
45:34 The Lord did insist with him.
45:37 The Lord knew Moses better than he knew himself.
45:40 And here's something important for you, the Lord knows you
45:42 better than you know yourself.
45:44 He knows that in the future if you do follow His plan, as hard
45:47 as it may be, you will be happy.
45:50 You'll be happy that you did.
45:52 You'll be happy that you did.
45:54 You know, many times I've heard people use arguments about,
45:58 you know, "Well, why can't I just live my life, the pleasures
46:00 that I want to and do what I want?
46:02 At the very end, I'll come to God."
46:05 And well, first of all, you know that, you know that you don't
46:09 know when you'll die.
46:11 That's uncertain to us.
46:13 Who can guarantee that I will have time to come to God?
46:17 But most of all, I think, for example of the difference
46:20 between Isaac in the Bible and the thief on the cross,
46:25 the good thief, who lived a better life?
46:29 Isaac, he was born, raised, and he lived
46:32 a relationship with God.
46:34 Both will be in heaven, we know this,
46:36 but who lived a better life?
46:38 The one that walked with God.
46:41 So, we're not only talking about salvation, we're talking about
46:43 quality of life here and now, a quality of life that God gives
46:49 you by walking with Him, by having a relationship with Him.
46:52 Looking back at the end of his life, I'm certain that Moses, he
46:56 was, he would admit that this was his greatest
46:58 and best decision.
47:01 He could have said no, couldn't he?
47:02 Of course he could.
47:04 He could have said, "Look, Lord, I know--"
47:07 And he tried, in the end, he even gave the excuse that it's
47:09 not a psychological, it's really an excuse given on laziness.
47:12 "Lord, I know all this, but please send another."
47:15 But God knew Moses better than he knew himself.
47:17 Moses could have insisted.
47:19 He could have run away from God, but he didn't.
47:22 And I'm sure that at the end, looking back, he would tell you,
47:25 he would admit that was the best decision.
47:28 Imagine to be a companion to God, to hear His voice, to see
47:31 His back at least, to have Him, to have God have his back.
47:39 That's a privilege and Moses would be the first one
47:41 to admit that.
47:45 God comes--when God appears to Moses, He says,
47:47 "Moses, what do you have in your hands?"
47:49 And this is where it gets real for you and for me.
47:51 "Moses, what do you have in your hands?"
47:53 What did he have?
47:55 A staff, a symbol of his pathetic wanderings
47:58 in the desert for 40 years.
48:01 A symbol of his simpleness, shepherd.
48:07 But God transformed that staff in an instrument of omnipotence.
48:11 Where was the power though?
48:13 Was it in the staff?
48:15 No, the power was with God.
48:18 So, today God's calling to you might be a question.
48:21 He might be asking you, "Look, my dear friend,
48:24 what do you have in your hands?"
48:26 Maybe not a lot of money.
48:31 Maybe not many gifts or talents to be used.
48:37 Maybe a painful history, a painful past,
48:40 traumas, heartache.
48:44 The power isn't in what is in your hands,
48:47 the power is with God.
48:49 Sister White tells us that anyone that submits himself or
48:53 herself to the Lord, anyone that places themselves
48:56 in His hands become instruments of omnipotence.
49:02 You can become an instrument of omnipotence.
49:05 That is God's calling for you.
49:07 My deep and profound prayer for each one of us here is that we
49:10 learn to become instruments of omnipotence,
49:13 regardless of what we hold in our hands.
49:16 May God bless you. May He use you.
49:18 May He teach you and educate you and show you what
49:21 His calling for your life is.
49:23 May God bless you.
49:25 Thank you so much for being with us
49:27 for this Bible Study Hour this week.
49:30 I hope you return next week.
49:32 And study your lesson, we have a great lesson to learn,
49:34 a lot to learn.
49:36 May God bless you.
49:38 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
49:40 free resource.
49:41 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
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50:01 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
50:03 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want.
50:06 And most important, to share it with others.
50:14 announcer: Amazing Facts, changed lives.
50:22 female: I was born into a family of criminals.
50:25 When I got older and I started breaking the rules, no one ever
50:28 taught me about "Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not lie,
50:31 Thou shalt not commit adultery," anything like that.
50:34 When I became a runaway at 14, I was just a wild and lost child.
50:41 I had somebody tell me, "Hey, you want to earn some money
50:44 cleaning this guy's kitchen?"
50:46 So, I went to this house on a different side of town
50:48 than I was used to.
50:50 Someone kept giving me alcoholic drinks, and being 115 pounds and
50:55 14 years old, it really didn't take much time before I was
50:58 so inebriated that I had no control over what was
51:02 going on around me.
51:04 He took me to another location, another town
51:07 and I was put in isolation.
51:09 I would come out to be abused between three
51:11 and eight times a day.
51:13 I was degraded.
51:14 I was humiliated, that I had no value as a human being.
51:17 And I learned very quickly that what I felt and what I thought,
51:21 and how this made me feel, did not matter to him at all.
51:25 If I even thought about not doing what he wanted me to do,
51:30 I would have a gun to my head and knife to my throat.
51:36 There was one time in particular where he had been
51:40 tormenting me psychologically.
51:43 And one day he said, "Oh, you'll never kill yourself.
51:46 You'll never do it."
51:49 And almost defiantly I was like, Yes, I will.
51:52 And he handed me a Bible and full of pills, and I took them.
51:55 While I was overdosing and I had been overdosing all night,
51:58 I cried out to a God that I didn't even believe in
52:01 and at that very moment in the most powerful way,
52:05 God shone His light on me.
52:08 And He gave me peace of mind like I never had.
52:11 And He let me know right then and there while I was on that
52:14 bathroom floor that He was real, and He was love.
52:17 And that I did not know how at that time,
52:19 but He was going to help me.
52:21 A little less than a year later, I became pregnant at 15.
52:25 I loved my son with my whole heart.
52:27 He also became something that my abuser could use against me
52:32 in order to pump more fear and coercion.
52:36 I had finally got away from my abuser, and I had finally built
52:40 up a support system to help me stay on the move
52:43 and stay on the run.
52:45 And I was at my grandmother's house and on my son's
52:47 third birthday, he took my son.
52:54 And when I called the police and said,
52:56 "My son's just been kidnapped," they said, "He's the father,
52:58 we can't do anything about it."
53:01 After my son was gone, I lost my mind.
53:03 I started doing drugs and within a month and a half,
53:06 I robbed a convenience store.
53:08 So, I was sentenced to 70 months, five years,
53:12 ten months in prison.
53:15 And it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
53:18 I started attending the church services in prison
53:22 seven days a week.
53:23 It blew my mind.
53:25 I was hooked.
53:27 And then we went through, it was millennium of prophecy
53:30 and net 99 that just solidified my faith in such a powerful way.
53:37 And I knew God, that God was leading me.
53:40 Even the guards there commented on how much I had changed.
53:44 And since I started doing the studies on Amazing Facts,
53:48 I was so excited about what I was learning that I was coming
53:51 back from there and trying to convert my hardened
53:55 criminal friends with the Storacles of Prophecy.
53:58 Every question I ever had, every worry, everything that I ever
54:02 wondered about, the Bible answered everything,
54:06 and it was so clear and so easy to understand.
54:10 It's been 11 years since I've been out of prison.
54:12 I am married to an amazing, wonderful man, my first
54:16 non-abusive relationship and my whole entire life.
54:19 Before we got married, we watched the Millennium of
54:21 Prophecy series together, and it was just such a blessing to be
54:27 able to see him learn and see him grow.
54:31 And I feel like my life now is just a gift, that every single
54:34 thing that happened to me bad in the past is nothing compared
54:38 to the the joy, and the happiness, and the stability
54:42 that I have now.
54:44 My name is Christine Vanorder and my life has been changed
54:46 by Jesus Christ and "Amazing Facts."
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55:21 Doug Batchelor: Today's smartphones are a virtual
55:23 universe of information that fits in the palm of your hand.
55:26 It's a good thing we have opposable thumbs.
55:28 With it, you can buy your groceries, take care of
55:31 your exercise regime, watch a video, listen to music.
55:35 You can surf the international World Wide Web,
55:38 which may not always be a good thing.
55:41 And you know, there is more computer processing technology
55:44 and power in a little smartphone today than was used by NASA
55:48 to put a man on the moon.
55:50 And I almost forgot, you can also use these to make
55:52 a phone call.
55:54 But who does that anymore?
55:56 Today communication is not in complete sentences.
55:58 It's all about short message servicing or SMS texting.
56:03 That's right, there are about 2.5 billion people in the world
56:07 today that are communicating with their fellow humans
56:09 in short bites called texting.
56:12 That's more data that is being used than those who are
56:14 surfing the web, or even playing video games.
56:17 And friends, nowhere is this more true than right here
56:19 in the Philippines.
56:21 Even though the Philippines has about 100 million people,
56:24 they are responsible for the largest number of text messages
56:27 of anywhere in the world.
56:29 They're the 12th largest country, but they send
56:31 400 million text messages every day.
56:35 Wow, that's a lot of finger fatigue.
56:39 Even though the greatest number of texters is here in the
56:42 Philippines, the record for the fastest texture in the world is
56:44 from Brazil, a young man by the name of Marcel Fernandes Filho.
56:48 He was able to text 25 very complicated words
56:51 in a little more than 18 seconds.
56:54 Wow, it takes me longer than that to just say, "I love you"
56:57 to my wife and press send, all thumbs.
57:01 One of the neat things about texting is you can text
57:03 just about anywhere.
57:05 If you're surrounded with people, you want to send
57:07 a personal message, you text.
57:09 You're in a crowded subway or an airport, you can text.
57:11 If you're surrounded by noise, or nosy people, you can text.
57:15 Just don't text while you're driving.
57:17 That's what's so wonderful, friends, you can always text God
57:20 a message of prayer from your heart.
57:22 When you're wondering, "What school do I go to?
57:24 What job do I take?
57:26 Who am I supposed to date that may be a future life partner?"
57:29 Your prayers don't have to be long.
57:31 The shortest prayer in the Bible is three words.
57:33 When Peter prayed, "Lord, save me."
57:35 Jesus answered his prayer.
57:37 And it doesn't matter how fast you can text
57:39 when you're talking to God.
57:41 He'll know what you're asking for and hear your prayer before
57:43 you have a chance to say amen and press the send button.
57:46 In fact, friends, you'll bring joy to God when you send Him
57:49 regular messages from your heart to His.
57:52 So, why don't you talk to Him right now?
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Revised 2019-10-15