Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021941A

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00:35 Luccas Rodor: Hi, friends, and welcome to our
00:37 "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:38 It's so good to have you all here.
00:40 It's good to be back home.
00:42 I was traveling for a while so it's good to be home.
00:44 And I'd like to welcome you here to our Granite Bay Seventh Day
00:48 Adventist Church in partnership with Amazing Facts Ministries.
00:51 We have people here in our local audience so I'd like to welcome
00:54 you and I'd also like to welcome those who are coming--who are
00:58 watching from afar, be that on the Internet or on Facebook.
01:02 God bless you and I'm sure that you're going to have a great
01:05 study today here with us.
01:06 Today we're going to be studying the second lesson of this new
01:09 quarterly and the lesson title is "Nehemiah."
01:11 If you don't have the quarterly at home and you'd like to read
01:15 along with us, you can find it at
01:20 But before we go into the lesson per se I'd like to give you our
01:24 special offer of the day and that is this book--this booklet,
01:28 "Teach Us to Pray."
01:29 And so if you want--this is a very important lesson.
01:31 If you want to have this booklet and you'd like to learn more
01:34 about how to pray, you can text "SH065" to the number "40544."
01:39 Of course, that's if you're in North America so
01:44 the United States and in Canada and its territories.
01:47 If not, you can go online to
01:55 and you can also find this booklet over there.
02:00 Today we have this interesting lesson.
02:01 Pastor Shawn is going to be teaching for us and I'm sure
02:04 that we're going to have a blessed study today.
02:06 Pastor Shawn, may God bless you.
02:07 But before Pastor Shawn comes up, I'd like to call our
02:10 song--our music ministry, and they're going to be singing for
02:14 us a beautiful song.
02:15 May God bless you as you study the Bible today.
02:20 ♪ Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord; ♪
02:28 ♪ abide in H im always, and feed on His Word. ♪
02:36 ♪ Make friends of God's children, ♪
02:40 ♪ help those who are weak, ♪
02:44 ♪ forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek. ♪
02:52 ♪ Take time to be holy, the world rushes on; ♪
03:00 ♪ spend much time in secret, with Jesus alone. ♪
03:08 ♪ By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be; ♪
03:16 ♪ thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see. ♪
03:24 ♪ Take time to be holy, let Him be thy Guide; ♪
03:32 ♪ and run not before Him, whatever betide. ♪
03:40 ♪ In joy or in sorrow, still follow thy Lord, ♪
03:49 ♪ and, looking to Jesus, still trust in His Word. ♪
03:57 ♪ Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul, ♪
04:05 ♪ each thought and each motive beneath His control. ♪
04:13 ♪ Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love, ♪
04:21 ♪ thou soon shalt be fitted for service above. ♪
04:36 Shawn Brummund: Father in heaven, we are just so thankful
04:38 to be able to find ourselves here in this church worshiping
04:42 You, glorifying You, God, coming close to You, drawing towards
04:47 You, Lord, even as we know and pray and trust that You will
04:50 draw towards us.
04:52 God, we want to pray that Your Holy Spirit will guide us and
04:54 that You will lead us as we open Your Word, as we look at some of
04:57 the grand themes in which Ezra and Nehemiah is found in.
05:01 Father, we want to pray that You will help us to be able to
05:03 establish our faith that much more, to understand Your
05:06 workings and Your plan of salvation.
05:08 In Jesus's name I pray these things, amen.
05:13 Well, we are looking at lesson number 2 in a very exciting and
05:16 very milestone study in two of the milestone books, really.
05:20 It's a turning stone or a turn in the history of God's people
05:23 of ancient Israel and so these are no small books.
05:28 They're small in number, as far as chapters and size, but they
05:33 are not small in regards to their historical importance.
05:38 These books are absolutely vital.
05:40 We're going to look at the bigger picture but before we do
05:42 that, I want to go to lesson number 2 which is where we're at
05:44 this week and look at our memory verse which is found in Nehemiah
05:49 chapter 1 and verses 4 through 5.
05:53 It says: "So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat
05:56 down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and
06:00 praying before the God of heaven.
06:02 And I said: 'I pray, Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God,
06:06 You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You
06:10 and observe Your commandments.'" And so here we have this
06:15 beautiful response, these beautiful, powerful words of the
06:18 second important figure in the second book which we're studying
06:21 this quarter.
06:22 And so last week we kind of had an intro to Ezra.
06:25 This week we're going to have a very brief intro to Nehemiah and
06:30 then next week we're going to actually look at the call of
06:32 both of them again and so, really, the first three weeks
06:35 are intros to these key figures and these two key books.
06:38 Now, because next week we're going to look and intro Nehemiah
06:44 again and also because as I look through the whole quarterly
06:47 there's one theme that just did really pop out for me that I
06:51 just--the Lord has just cried out through me and wants me to
06:55 be able to share.
06:57 And so we're going to come back to Nehemiah.
06:59 We're going to look at some of the highlights of what the
07:00 quarterly actually points out.
07:02 But I want to spend the bulk of our time actually looking at the
07:05 bigger picture in Israel's history, looking at the bigger
07:08 picture in the light of prophecy in concern to the time and the
07:13 events that surround the two figures of Ezra and Nehemiah.
07:19 Now, last week, of course, Pastor Doug as he intro'd this
07:22 particular study, these two books, he talked about the
07:25 70-year prophecy that God had given through Jeremiah.
07:29 Now, Jeremiah was the one that was living for the few decades
07:32 up to the captivity and the conquering of Israel by Babylon.
07:37 And he lived a few years beyond and stayed in Israel.
07:43 And he's the one that God had actually called to give hope to
07:46 the Israelites, to give hope to those of Israel.
07:50 And so when we pick up in Ezra and Nehemiah, we find that 70
07:55 long years had now passed between the time that Israel
07:59 lost its sovereignty, lost its holy capital, lost its holy
08:03 temple, and they are finding themselves for decades now in an
08:08 ancient far-off pagan land, really.
08:13 And so it's been a long time since Judah and Jerusalem had
08:19 been conquered and destroyed.
08:21 Several thousand of the Jews were taken captive into Babylon,
08:28 the ones that were lucky enough to survive, if some of them
08:31 counted themselves lucky and weren't slain by the Babylonians
08:36 when they came in.
08:38 And so we're looking at the bigger picture.
08:41 How did that all take place?
08:42 Well, we have to back up just a little bit, even further than
08:44 that.
08:45 We find that, indeed, from the time of David in about 1000 AD,
08:52 the beginning of the first faithful king at least, until
08:55 the time that Nebuchadnezzar, the ancient Babylonian king and
08:59 his armies came in from Babylon and conquered Israel, there was
09:03 about a 400-year period and so from 1000 BC, I should say,
09:07 until about--and I'm talking in round numbers, 600 BC, we find
09:12 that there was 400 years that, for the most part, Israel had
09:16 enjoyed not only autonomy, sovereignty as a nation,
09:21 independence as a nation, but they also kept the ceremonial
09:26 services going, the feasts, the daily sacrifices that surrounded
09:30 the holy temple of God that was a 3D proclamation of the message
09:35 of God's plan of salvation, bringing hope not only to their
09:38 generations but all those who were going through the
09:41 crossroads of the known world back then which Israel was the
09:44 crossroads.
09:45 And so many other nations and peoples were exposed to this
09:48 holy temple of the Jews in Jerusalem and they were exposed
09:52 to the sacrificial system and the guilt that could be
09:54 transferred symbolically from the sinner to the innocent lamb
09:58 or to the innocent sacrificial animal.
10:01 And so we have this great period, this 400-year period, in
10:06 which Israel had enjoyed its sovereignty.
10:09 Sadly, history tells us both in the Bible and outside that after
10:13 Babylon came in and conquered them, Israel would never enjoy
10:17 its sovereignty again.
10:19 Not until at least modern times in which Israel now, of course,
10:22 is a sovereign nation in the Middle East today.
10:25 And so that's a long time, isn't it?
10:26 Hundreds and hundreds, in fact, thousands of years, I think, if
10:29 we add it up, that Israel had lost its sovereignty.
10:33 And so looking at the bigger picture again, what led up to
10:34 the captivity?
10:35 Well, of course, as God had pointed out through his first
10:37 prophet that led the Israelites into the Promised Land, is that
10:42 if they were faithful God would bless them, God would prosper
10:48 them, God would protect them, and they would be the light to
10:53 the world, to the Gentiles, to the non-Jewish world, and draw
10:57 all peoples to Jesus and to the temple as a house of prayer for
11:00 all nations.
11:02 And sometimes they fulfilled that but, sadly, when we look at
11:06 the history of Israel, we find that more times than not,
11:10 they were not so faithful.
11:12 And so, because of that, they kept declining more and more
11:17 morally and, even though a couple of good kings came in in
11:20 the last few decades just before Babylon came in, we have some
11:23 real wicked kings that find themselves on the throne doing
11:26 evil in the sight of the Lord and they're listening to all the
11:30 wrong voices including false prophets and such and--'til
11:34 finally, the Bible tells us that even though God had compassion
11:37 on them, He did everything He possibly could to be able to
11:41 prevent this captivity, He was left with no other choice.
11:44 And so we find that history tells us, the Bible tells us,
11:47 that God used not a righteous nation,
11:50 but another wicked nation.
11:51 So Israel had become wicked and God uses another wicked nation
11:55 to come in and discipline His people Israel.
11:58 And so He draws in a people.
12:01 He opens the door and removes His protection.
12:03 The Babylonian army comes in.
12:05 They take away captive many of the Jews, all the royal family
12:07 and such, and Daniel, of course, is one of the most outstanding
12:12 famous individuals that was found in those numbers
12:17 of the captives.
12:21 And so here we find that, starting at about 605 BC, the
12:25 first time that Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians came in and
12:29 conquered Israel, conquered Jerusalem, took its captive, we
12:33 find that Israel now, for 70 years, is captive to the most
12:36 notorious, most known enemy of God and His truth: Babylon.
12:42 Babylon is the arch-enemy, the historical arch-enemy of God.
12:47 Is it the only city that was an enemy of God, the only one
12:50 rebellious against God?
12:52 No, we have Nineveh, we have a number of other cities: Tyre,
12:55 Sidon, there's all kinds of ancient cities that were also in
12:58 rebellion but Babylon was kind of the mother of harlots.
13:01 Babylon was the ultimate rebellious city and symbolic
13:07 enemy of God and His people.
13:11 Now, sometimes, we can assume, wrongfully and it's naturally
13:15 that the original founders of the city of Babylon kind of sat
13:20 down, you know, the mayor and his city council, and said,
13:23 "What are we going to name our city?"
13:24 And they said, "Well, let's name it 'Confusion'," which Babylon
13:28 means, doesn't it?
13:30 Confusion is actually a Greek word that means to confuse or
13:33 confusion.
13:35 Now, that really doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it?
13:38 That's what the Bible prophets called that city but that's not
13:41 what its originators and its leaders and Nebuchadnezzar
13:43 referred it to.
13:44 It actually is called and referred to as Bab-ilu.
13:47 We see it on the screen here, Bab-ilu.
13:50 And so this was an ancient term that actually literally meant,
13:53 most scholars agree, it means "Gate of the gods."
13:56 And this is a fitting title in the eyes of its founders, in the
14:02 eyes of its leaders, because as Babylon established itself and
14:05 grew more and more powerful and more and more notorious as a
14:09 city of not only of religion but in rebellion to the true God, we
14:14 find that it was the center of religion in its day.
14:18 And so in the heyday when it conquered Israel, it was the--it
14:21 was the center of the known world in regards to religion.
14:25 If you were a study and a scholar religion the ultimate
14:28 place to go and study religion would be Babylon, or Bab-ilu as
14:31 they would call it.
14:32 The Gate of the gods, all these gods.
14:34 They had more gods, more idols, more priests and so on than any
14:37 other city in ancient times.
14:39 And so it was the golden city, not only of power and
14:44 prosperity, but also of false religion.
14:47 And then, of course, for many of us that have read Genesis and
14:51 some of the earlier chapters of the Bible, we have discovered
14:53 that indeed Babylon has a very long heritage that stretches far
14:59 back further than the time in which Nebuchadnezzar lived and
15:03 Israel was taken captive.
15:06 In fact, Babylon finds its heritage in the very first years
15:10 right after the flood in Noah's day.
15:12 Noah is still alive.
15:13 God had said after the flood: "Be fruitful and go and
15:16 multiply."
15:18 And when He said that, He wanted the people to spread out to the
15:23 different parts of the planet and of the known world.
15:26 But did they do that?
15:28 No, the Bible record tells us that instead, they find
15:30 themselves all congregated into one spot.
15:33 They produced this great city and at the centerpiece of that
15:37 city was the Tower of Babel, okay?
15:40 Many of you know the story.
15:42 Now, it was called Babel which is the Hebrew term that means
15:46 confusion, and rightly so. Why?
15:48 Because as they were making this great project to glorify not God
15:52 but to glorify themselves and to glorify false religion and
15:56 rebellion and independence from God, we find that God stymied
16:01 their languages and that's--we find the origins of multi
16:04 languages in nations around the world.
16:07 And that stymied the project, the Tower of Babylon and its
16:10 project was come to its completion but when we come to
16:14 Genesis 10 we find that that city was not complete in regards
16:17 to Satan's work because we find that there is a individual--we
16:23 find that there is a individual by the name of Nimrod.
16:27 Now many of you have heard the term "Nimrod" before.
16:29 Now, Nimrod is the great-grandson of--anybody know?
16:35 The great-grandson of Noah, yeah.
16:40 So Noah had Ham, Ham had Cush, and then Cush gave birth to
16:44 Nimrod.
16:45 And was Ham the rebellious son of Nebuchadnezzar?
16:49 Yes, he was, wasn't he?
16:52 And so Ham we found is--kind of becomes the new Cain of the new
16:56 generations that developed through Noah and his wife after
17:00 the flood.
17:01 And so, sadly, we find that Nimrod leads this city and he
17:05 founds this city and he continues to carry it forward
17:08 and establish its many different false religious practices and
17:12 beliefs and rebellion against God.
17:16 And so that's the heritage of the city.
17:19 And now in the empire that extends from that city, that was
17:22 really that part of the world when Nebuchadnezzar came in, it
17:24 was establishing this new-found world empire with Babylon as its
17:28 capital.
17:30 And so Satan was busy at work back in those ancient days.
17:34 God understood everything that was taking place but He had a
17:37 problem even while Satan was doing his work through Babylon
17:40 and that is that God's city, Jerusalem, which representative
17:43 was to--intended to represent everything the opposite of which
17:47 Babylon was to represent and was founding itself on, was actually
17:50 starting to represent more the beliefs and practices of ancient
17:55 Babylon than what God intended for Jerusalem.
17:59 And so God had to do something about it.
18:00 He brought in the Babylonians and He conquered--had Israel and
18:06 Jerusalem conquered, destroyed, many of its captives were taken
18:11 over to a long, faraway place and so that's the bigger
18:15 picture, historically, of Ezra and Nehemiah.
18:19 Israel is now found captive to this powerful longstanding enemy
18:24 of God, but does God leave him without hope?
18:28 No, He doesn't leave him without hope at all, does He?
18:30 No, in fact, He gives some very powerful prophecies through the
18:35 prophet that was living in Jerusalem and appealing to the
18:38 leadership and the people of Israel when Babylon came in and
18:42 took them captive.
18:43 Now, we have a volunteer here this morning that's going to
18:46 read Jeremiah chapter 29 and verses 10 through 11, and so if
18:51 you have your Bibles, let's open to Jeremiah chapter 29, verses
18:55 10 through 11, and we'll invite her down.
19:01 Thank you.
19:03 female: "Thus says the Lord: After 70 years are completed at
19:06 Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you,
19:12 and cause you to return to this place.
19:15 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord,
19:19 thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a
19:24 hope."
19:26 Shawn: Okay, thank you.
19:27 So there we find one of the times.
19:29 Now, Jeremiah two or three times, actually, wrote in his
19:32 book and gave that prophecy, that 70-year prophecy.
19:35 Why?
19:36 Because it was vital for God to be able to give the Israelites
19:40 hope that even when the whole world was falling apart, that
19:45 there was an end that was to come, that this was not the
19:47 final end of Jerusalem and God's plan of salvation through it.
19:51 That the Messiah still would arrive in a nation that would be
19:55 able to receive Him in the city of Jerusalem.
19:57 And so we find that God gave hope even while their world was
20:02 falling apart.
20:03 And so that's a powerful thing and I'd--you know, the second
20:06 verse is actually more famous, isn't it?
20:08 The one that was just read which is verse 11: "For I know the
20:12 thoughts that I have towards you, plans, you know, thoughts
20:13 to prosper you and give you peace and such," you know, and
20:15 we apply that to our lives.
20:17 And that principle does apply to us, doesn't it, if we have faith
20:21 in God.
20:22 But even while Israel was in rebellion during their worst
20:26 point in their lives and in their existence, we find here
20:29 that God says, "I know the thoughts that I have towards
20:33 you."
20:35 And so even when we're in a bad state of mind, even if--and one
20:39 of us might be in rebellion against God right now, and God
20:41 is using this message and this study to be able to appeal to
20:45 you.
20:47 And He is saying, "Listen, even though you may not be in the
20:50 right mindset, in the right mindframe right now, I know the
20:55 thoughts that I have towards you, thoughts to prosper you and
20:58 give you peace and a future."
21:00 And so that's the God we serve, amen?
21:03 Even when we're rebelling against God, God has a plan and
21:07 He has a great desire to give us a better future and to help our
21:10 lives and turn them around and so that's a powerful thing.
21:13 I hope you're still in Jeremiah.
21:15 I want to go to Jeremiah chapter 50 and verses 18 through 19, and
21:20 read that together.
21:23 So we're going just a few chapters ahead now to Jeremiah
21:26 chapter 50, verse 18.
21:28 It says: "Therefore thus says the Lord God of hosts, the God
21:31 of Israel: 'Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon and
21:35 his land, as I have punished the king of Assyria.
21:38 But I will bring back Israel to his--to his home--'" and so here
21:42 we find it repeated again and so through the prophecies of
21:45 judgment that is the predominant words of the prophet Jeremiah,
21:49 because of the decisions of the Israelites, God is still giving
21:53 seeds of hope not only to that generation as they are pulled
21:56 out from their homeland, but to the further generations that
21:59 find themselves growing up in a foreign land, needing to learn a
22:03 new language, a new culture, a new people, a new way of doing
22:06 things, and all these other things that were in this ancient
22:10 Babylon--Babylonian empire.
22:12 And so that's the greater context as the Israelites find
22:17 themselves pulled out of Israel and planted in this foreign
22:20 land.
22:21 Now, I want to share something that is one of the most
22:23 fascinating faith-building prophecies that we can find in
22:26 all the Bible, and I am just so glad that I may have the time
22:30 and the opportunity here to be able to bring us through it
22:33 'cause it relates directly to our study of Ezra and Nehemiah
22:36 and the context there.
22:37 Let's go to Isaiah chapter 44 and verse 24, okay?
22:42 We're going to go to Isaiah chapter 44 and start reading in
22:49 verse 24.
22:52 Now, here we have Isaiah.
22:53 Now, let's put the context--even before I start to read it, this
22:55 is just so exciting.
22:56 When we get to the book of Isaiah, Isaiah is living and
22:59 prophesied up until about 700 BC.
23:03 Now, he prophesied for several decades but he ends his ministry
23:07 at 700 BC.
23:08 So the very latest that these words were written would be 700
23:13 BC and so let's keep that in mind as we read it, okay?
23:18 Now, of course, this is 100 years before Babylon came in and
23:22 took Israel away captive.
23:24 Hundred years before.
23:25 It says: "Thus says the Lord your God, your Redeemer, and He
23:28 who has formed you from the womb: 'I am the Lord, who makes
23:34 all things, who stretches out the heavens all alone, who
23:37 spreads abroad the earth by Myself; who frustrates the signs
23:41 of the babblers, and drives diviners mad; who turns wise men
23:45 backward, and makes their knowledge foolishness,'" I just
23:49 love this context, you know, this passage here because it
23:52 talks about how God stymies and frustrates and puzzles those who
23:56 believe in these different channels that the devil develops
23:59 that he was supposed to give us connected to the higher powers
24:02 of the universe and so on.
24:03 And He says, "Listen, I drive them crazy."
24:07 In verse 26 He says, "Who confirms the word of His
24:09 servant."
24:11 Now, He's contrasting those who are working through Satan's
24:16 channels and now those who are working with God as their
24:19 channel.
24:20 Verse 26, it says: "Who confirms the word of His servant," that
24:22 would be His prophet, in this case Isaiah, "And performs the
24:27 counsel of His messengers; who says to Jerusalem," now, that's
24:31 God's city, not Babylon, "'You shall be inhabited,' to the
24:35 cities of Judah, 'You shall be built,' and I will raise up her
24:39 waste places."
24:41 Now, the irony is that Jerusalem was up and doing--it was alive
24:44 and well, that city, when he prophesied this.
24:47 And so at first the Babyl--I mean, the Israelites must have
24:51 scratched their head and said, "What do you mean, 'He's going
24:53 to rebuild Jerusalem and lift up its walls again,' and such?
24:56 We're doing well," okay?
24:57 But Isaiah is prophetically looking far into the future,
25:01 isn't he?
25:02 He's looking over 100 years into the future when Nebuchadnezzar
25:05 and the Babylonians come in.
25:07 And then verse 27, it says: "Who says to the deep, 'Be dry!
25:13 And I will dry up your rivers'; who says of Cyrus, 'He is My
25:17 shepherd, and he shall perform all My pleasure, saying to
25:21 Jerusalem, "You shall be built," and to the temple, "Your
25:24 foundation shall be laid."'" And so again, God is giving some of
25:30 the details, even historically, 100 years before, and we're
25:33 going to touch on that a little bit, on how Babylon was
25:35 conquered and how Israel was delivered.
25:39 Then we come into verse--chapter 25.
25:42 Verse 1, it says: "For thus says the Lord to His anointed, to
25:47 Cyrus, whose right hand I have held--to subdue nations
25:51 before him." Now, isn't this fascinating?
25:54 There's only one person, one individual, in all of Scripture,
25:56 outside of Christ, that God refers to in His Scriptures as
26:00 the anointed one.
26:02 Now, some of you already have learned in past times in Sabbath
26:04 School, other times, that Messiah is the Hebrew term that
26:09 literally means the anointed one.
26:11 If you didn't know that, you should know it, okay?
26:14 So the Hebrew term for Messiah literally means the anointed
26:17 one.
26:18 What does "Christ" mean?
26:19 It's a trick question. Same thing.
26:25 It means the anointed one.
26:26 Christ is the Heb--I mean, the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew
26:31 title "Messiah."
26:32 And so both of them literally mean the anointed one, okay?
26:38 Jesus is the ultimate anointed one, isn't He?
26:40 Here we have Cyrus who is also the only individual that is
26:44 referred to as the anointed one.
26:47 Now, this is big when it comes to studying the prophecies of
26:49 Revelation, in particular, to be able to understand this, all
26:53 right?
26:54 So Cyrus is going to be God's deliverer for ancient Israel and
26:57 its people.
26:59 Okay, so we pick it up again: "To Cyrus, whose right hand I
27:01 have held--to subdue nations before him.
27:04 And to loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double
27:07 doors, so that the gates will not be shut: 'I will go before
27:11 you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces
27:14 the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.
27:16 I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches
27:19 of secret places, that you may know that I am the Lord, who
27:24 call you by your name, am the God of Israel.
27:30 For Jacob My servant's sake, and Israel My elect, I have called
27:33 you by your name; and have named you, though you have not known
27:37 Me.
27:38 I am the Lord, and there is no other; there is no God besides
27:42 Me--'" and that's powerful stuff, isn't it?
27:45 Let's go just a little bit further to verse 13.
27:47 Again, it's on the same subject: "'I have raised him,'" that's
27:49 Cyrus, "'up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways;
27:52 he shall build My city and let My exiles go free, not for price
27:57 nor reward,' says the Lord of hosts."
28:00 Now, one of the fascinating--there's two
28:02 fascinating points on this particular prophecy.
28:04 Number one, God wrote it 100 years before Cyrus was even
28:07 conceived in the womb of his mother, okay?
28:11 So God names this Persian king far before he ever came to
28:14 exist.
28:16 And so this is one of God's prime exhibit A as He says more
28:22 often in the book of Isaiah than anywhere else that "I am God and
28:25 one of the greatest, most powerful ways that I demonstrate
28:28 that I am God of the universe is that I declare the end from the
28:31 beginning.
28:32 That I declare to you things that have not yet taken place."
28:35 He says, "Here's one prime example, boom, Cyrus, 100 years
28:39 before he ever comes along.
28:40 He's going to be the Persian king that will conquer the
28:42 unconquerable city of Babylon," and did history
28:43 actually fulfill that?
28:47 Yes, it did.
28:50 It perfectly fulfilled that even as God had prophesied it so long
28:52 beforehand.
28:55 And so this is a powerful thing.
28:57 Now, listen to this.
28:58 After Cyrus had actually conquered Babylon, we're going
29:00 to back up a little bit to that.
29:04 But after he had conquered it, Josephus, one of the most
29:07 reliable ancient Jewish historians that lived during the
29:09 time of Christ, actually writes in his books of history that the
29:14 Israelites that were living in Babylonian captivity and in the
29:16 city of Babylon, came and approached this newfound
29:18 conquering King Cyrus and presented to him the scrolls of
29:25 Isaiah.
29:27 And as they presented the scrolls of Isaiah, he said,
29:30 "This prophet Isaiah lived 100 years before you were ever born,
29:34 and this is what he wrote."
29:37 And he showed--they showed Cyrus, word for word, this
29:40 message that God had written to Cyrus 100 years beforehand, over
29:45 100 years beforehand.
29:46 Is that powerful, friends?
29:48 This is exciting stuff, friends.
29:50 This is the stuff that really builds our faith and understands
29:53 that we are serving the true God.
29:56 And it is said that this is the number one influence that God
29:59 had used to be able to convince Cyrus to let His people go.
30:03 And he didn't do it for reward, as verse 13 says or for price,
30:08 for money.
30:09 In fact, it was the opposite.
30:11 He actually contributed to the cause, and he was one of the
30:14 ones that actually contributed to a fundraising methodology
30:19 that took place across the land of Babylon, to be able to fund
30:21 this exile and return of God's people.
30:24 And so, exciting stuff.
30:27 Faith-building, powerful stuff that God gives to us.
30:31 Now, in addition to the Jeremiah 70-year prophecy, God gives them
30:35 a very strong, clear call to get out of Babylon.
30:39 He says, "Okay, now you're in Babylon and this is the reason
30:41 why.
30:43 Jeremiah told you beforehand, Ezekiel and Daniel are telling
30:44 you afterhand, and such, so you know why you're here but don't
30:48 get too comfortable because this is not your home.
30:52 Israel is your home. Jerusalem is your capital.
30:56 Babylon is not your capital.
30:58 Babylon is the capital of Satan, okay?
31:02 So you need to be able to get out as soon as you can, asap."
31:07 Very clear.
31:08 God makes it very clear that Babylon is not a safe place to
31:11 say--to stay and if you have any kind of opportunity, the first
31:15 opportunity that rises up before you to get out, get out
31:17 immediately.
31:19 And we find that in Jeremiah's writings.
31:22 Jeremiah chapter 51.
31:23 Let's go to it.
31:25 Okay, so we're in Isaiah, if you still have your Bibles open or
31:27 your tablets, phones, we're going to Jeremiah chapter 51.
31:40 Okay, and we have a volunteer that's going to read verses 6
31:42 through 7.
31:44 Jeremiah 6 through 7--51.
31:46 Jeremiah chapter 51, verses 6 through 7.
31:50 male: Yes.
31:52 "Flee from the midst of Babylon, and every one saves his life!
31:55 Do not be cut off in her iniquity, for this is the time
31:58 of the Lord's vengeance; He shall recompense her.
32:01 Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord's hand,
32:05 that made all the earth drunk.
32:08 The nations drank her wine;
32:10 therefore the nations are deranged."
32:13 Shawn: Right, thank you.
32:15 So what's the message to God's people even before they find
32:17 themselves in Babylon, as they're being taken captive?
32:20 "Flee.
32:22 Flee from the midst of Babylon, every one save his life!"
32:25 And so even as they're on the way over, he says, "Listen, you
32:28 need to flee as soon as possible once you get there.
32:30 So don't get comfortable."
32:32 Don't get comfortable.
32:33 You know, you need to be able to provide for your family and
32:36 obviously have a house and so on, 70 years is a long time.
32:39 And by the way, there were some very faithful Jews in that
32:43 company that heard the words of Jeremiah and read them when they
32:46 were first penned that were still alive at the end of the
32:50 70-year period.
32:51 Now, friends, we don't have to do math for very long to be able
32:53 to find out that these are very elderly people, okay?
32:56 Because they were in Babylon for 70 years so let's say that some
33:01 of them were 10 years old when they were taken captive.
33:05 Now they're 80 years old.
33:07 Friends, there were some 80-plus-year-old
33:09 Jerusalem--Israelites in Babylon that took this to heart, "Flee
33:14 from Babylon," and they did not get too comfortable and they
33:18 fled at the very first opportunity that they had under
33:21 Zerubbabel.
33:23 Zerubbabel.
33:25 As Pastor Doug had said last week, it's hard to pronounce.
33:28 Zerubbabel.
33:29 And so we find that there's some that are 80-plus years old when
33:33 they go.
33:33 How do I know that?
33:35 Because the historical records in the Scriptures tell us that
33:37 once they had laid the foundation under--in Jerusalem
33:41 once again, it was nothing compared to that of Solomon's
33:44 temple and it tells us that there was this great cacophony
33:47 of sound and noise that rose up that day when they dedicated the
33:51 temple's foundation to the Lord because there was this mix of
33:54 those who were with--full of joy and praise and shouting before
33:58 the Lord and it was mixed with those who were wailing and
34:02 crying and mourning before the Lord.
34:04 Why?
34:06 Because the generation that was taken captive and knew and saw
34:09 with their eyes the former temple, knew that the new temple
34:12 didn't even compare to the glory of the first one.
34:16 And so, friends, that tells us that there were some that were
34:18 faithful for 70 years and at 80-plus years of age made that
34:23 multi-month journey, thousands of miles by foot and camel and
34:29 donkey to make their way to the Promised Land.
34:34 Amazing history.
34:35 Amazing history.
34:38 Now, we read Jeremiah chapter 51, didn't we?
34:40 Yeah, okay, so let's go to verse 45.
34:42 I'm going to read verse 45 here as well because we're in the
34:44 chapter already, and by the way, when you came to Jeremiah 51,
34:49 verse 7, did that sound familiar if you've been a student of
34:51 Revelation?
34:52 Do you see where Revelation's picking up the language in
34:55 modern spiritual Babylon, in Revelation?
34:57 Isaiah and Jeremiah's just jam-packed with the language
35:01 that Revelation then uses for spiritual modern Babylon and
35:05 modern Israel.
35:07 And so we're looking at verse 45.
35:09 Again, God says, "My people." Whose people?
35:12 "My people," that's God speaking, "go out of the midst
35:16 of her!"
35:19 Again, God speaks very clearly, "Get out as soon as you can.
35:23 This is not your home." This is not your home.
35:25 Well, the first wholesale opportunity for any and all of
35:30 the Jews to be able to find themselves leaving Babylon to
35:32 fulfill that call that God get--said, "Get out," is when
35:36 Babylon itself is conquered and it falls as, not only as a city,
35:41 but also as an empire.
35:43 And so we go back to the book of Isaiah.
35:46 Isaiah chapter 13.
35:48 Let's go back to Isaiah chapter 13, verse 19.
35:54 Isaiah 13, okay, and verse 19 through 20 and we have
36:04 a volunteer that's going to kindly read that for us.
36:06 female: "And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of
36:10 the Chaldeans' pride, will be as when God overthrew Sodom and
36:15 Gomorrah.
36:17 It will never be inhabited, nor will it be settled from
36:20 generation to generation; nor will the Arabian pitch tents
36:24 there, nor will the shepherds make their sheepfolds there."
36:29 Shawn: Thank you.
36:30 So here we have Isaiah proclaiming that, "Hey, listen,
36:32 Babylon will be the arch-enemy of God, rebelling against God.
36:34 It will be the captors of God's people in Judah and Jerusalem,
36:36 but it will have its end."
36:42 God declares its end and He said the end will be so sure and so
36:45 complete and so fulfilled that, indeed, no one will ever live
36:49 there again.
36:50 Now, this particular view that you see on the screen here
36:52 today, is actually from the porch of Saddam Hussein.
36:56 Saddam Hussein had built a palace right beside what the
37:02 archeologists call a tel or what we would call the archeological
37:06 site of ancient Babylon.
37:07 And so he built this extravagant multi-million-dollar palace
37:10 right next to it because he had this delusioned dream of
37:15 rebuilding the ancient city of Babylon and recapturing the
37:18 glory of Nebuchadnezzar and becoming a world emperor and,
37:22 of course, it was all just a big delusion as we know by history.
37:25 And--but the fascinating thing is that this is a great view of
37:29 the site where ancient Babylon existed, where Daniel himself
37:32 lived and, of course, Queen Esther and others and such.
37:35 No, actually, Queen Esther lived in Shushan but Daniel, for
37:38 certain, you know, Mordecai and--no, he was in Shushan as
37:41 well.
37:42 I've got to make sure I get my facts right.
37:44 And so here we have Babylon, ancient Babylon, the tel, and so
37:49 do you see anybody living there?
37:51 Okay, Saddam Hussein and his posse, you know, lived there off
37:56 and on as he made his way there but he didn't live in Babylon.
37:59 It's not a operating, functioning city, is it?
38:02 Why?
38:03 Because God said no one would ever inhabit it ever again.
38:06 Now, let's go to the next slide, the Cyrus cylinder.
38:08 Now, this is exciting because the question is how did God
38:11 conquer Israel?
38:13 How did He fulfill this prophecy that He gave in 700 AD through
38:16 Isaiah, some 150 years later, around 535, 536 BC?
38:21 And so here we find the Cyrus cylinder.
38:25 This is no small archeological find.
38:29 It was found in the site that you just saw, ancient Babylon.
38:32 The archeologists had dug it up.
38:33 The British had found it in the late 1800s and named it the
38:37 Cyrus cylinder because it actually recorded and gives us a
38:40 play-by-play on how Cyrus was able to successfully conquer the
38:44 unconquerable city.
38:45 Let's go to the next slide.
38:48 Why was it unconquerable?
38:49 Well, here's a bit of a blueprint of ancient Babylon
38:52 and, as it turns out, one of the greatest, largest rivers of the
38:55 area, the Euphrates, ran right through it.
38:58 And so they had this endless vast supply of water.
39:01 Now, why was that important?
39:03 Because the number one way that ancients would--enemies would
39:06 conquer an ancient city is not to knock down the walls which
39:09 sometimes they did successfully, but not very often.
39:13 And the mortality rate was so high because they would pour hot
39:17 oil and throw spears down and such.
39:19 So they would just stand at a safe distance and they would
39:22 just blockade the whole city in and they would besiege it, as
39:25 they call it.
39:26 And so they would bring out their lawn chairs and order in
39:28 pizza and just watch the people inside start to starve to death
39:32 as month after month went by.
39:33 And then eventually, they would be so starved they would give up
39:38 and--or they'd be so weak that the enemy could go in and
39:40 conquer it.
39:41 Well, in this case the Euphrates River ran through it and so they
39:44 had this endless supply of water, they had all the water
39:47 they needed for their laundry, to be able to bathe, to be able
39:50 to drink and to cook with and, not only that, but also to
39:53 irrigate the gardens that they had inside to give them a
39:56 continual supply of food.
39:58 And so they had that whole thing covered.
40:00 It was impossible in the mind of the ancients to be able to
40:05 conquer Babylon 'cause besieging it was a lost cause.
40:08 And not only that, if you tried to conquer down--if you tried to
40:12 break down its wall, why, they had said to themselves, "Well,
40:14 instead of one wall as traditionally cities do, let's
40:17 build three walls."
40:19 And so, if you got through the first wall, you still had two
40:21 more walls to break through and these were larger and thicker
40:26 than ever--in fact, it is said that three chariots could race
40:29 one--parallel to each other along the top of one of those
40:32 walls.
40:33 And then they put a moat around the outside of that outside
40:35 wall.
40:36 It was the unconquerable city.
40:39 All the traditional methods of taking an ancient city was a
40:43 lost cause when it came to Israel.
40:44 I mean, to Babylon.
40:47 And so it was known as the unconquerable city and so, of
40:49 course, the pride of Babylon started to rise higher and
40:52 higher and we have different quotes of the prophets
40:55 indicating that.
40:57 So how did Cyrus do it?
40:59 How did the Lord help him fulfill that which we just read
41:01 in Isaiah 44 and 45?
41:04 Well, as it turns out, the Cyrus cylinder gives us a
41:06 play-by-play.
41:07 Once again, let's go to the next slide.
41:10 We find there that Cyrus had said to himself as he scratched
41:13 his head and he looked at the city and he said, "You know
41:15 what?
41:17 All the traditional ways aren't going to work so I've got to
41:18 think outside the box."
41:19 And I'm trusting that the Lord put in his head and put in his
41:22 mind and said, "Listen, you need to be able to go under the
41:25 walls, not through it, not over it, not around it, but under
41:30 the wall." "How do I do that?"
41:31 "You need to be able to divert--temporarily divert the
41:35 waters of the Euphrates that are running towards the city, dry up
41:38 that Euphrates River temporarily, and then your army
41:42 and its soldiers can just march right underneath the walls and
41:47 conquer the city." And that's exactly what he did.
41:50 I don't know, I forget how long it took him to be able to have
41:52 his soldiers, you know, have the army, you know, digging away,
41:56 digging these channels in the night, these secret channels and
41:58 then he, of course, they all would release the very front of
41:59 them where the side of the river was and then all the river
42:01 temporarily diverted into these channels, into these canals.
42:07 And sure enough, the--you know, of course, he had his best
42:12 soldiers of combat waiting at the actual wall of the city and
42:16 ready to be able to go under and, sure enough, they're
42:20 scratching their head, saying, "Boy, I sure hope Cyrus knows
42:22 what he's doing.
42:23 I hope he can pull this off."
42:25 And lo and behold, they look at the water and foot by foot they
42:26 see the water of the Euphrates River decrease until it's right
42:32 down to the very bottom.
42:34 Now, they only have probably a few minutes, maybe ten minutes
42:37 at the most, because it's a big river and it's a lot of water to
42:39 divert.
42:40 And so they know that time is of the essence.
42:42 They march underneath and, of course, in Daniel chapter 5 we
42:44 find the inside details.
42:46 God records what's going on inside, the king Belshazzar of
42:49 Babylon is in a drunken feast, he's got the temple--the
42:51 Israelite temple vessels that he's pouring alcoholic wine in
42:56 and they're all drunk and all the soldiers, the guards, are
42:58 not in their right mind because they'd been drinking all night
43:02 and so very easily, very quickly, Belshazzar and all the
43:06 key men and soldiers and guards of the city are slain in one
43:08 night.
43:10 And now, the very unconquerable city, the center of the known
43:14 world and empire, is conquered in one night.
43:16 And Cyrus, the anointed one, the deliverer of God's people, is
43:20 now on the throne. In one night.
43:22 Powerful stuff.
43:23 2 Chronicles chapter 36.
43:29 Let's go to 2 Chronicles chapter 36.
43:36 We're going back to the last chapter and I know that Pastor
43:38 Doug read this last week as an intro and he touched on the
43:41 theme that we're looking at here but I know he had such a
43:43 wonderful mission report that he ran out of time and wasn't able
43:50 to be able to give it the full attention that we're giving here
43:53 today.
43:54 And so I just count it a privilege to be able to unpack
43:55 that a little bit more and be able to look at this as we look
43:57 now for the next three months at the context of Nehemiah and
44:01 Ezra.
44:03 Nehemiah--not Nehemiah, but we're looking at 2 Chronicles
44:06 chapter 36 and verse 22.
44:10 2 Chronicles 36, verse 22.
44:11 The last two verses.
44:12 It says: "Now in the first year," what year?
44:15 "The first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the
44:19 Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord
44:22 stretched--or stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia,
44:26 so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and
44:28 also put in writing, saying, Thus says Cyrus king of Persia:
44:32 All the kingdoms of the earth the Lord God of heaven has
44:35 given me.
44:36 And He has commanded me," he has what?
44:39 "He has commanded me."
44:40 Now, this goes perfect with the traditional history that
44:44 Josephus records in which Cyrus actually read the message that
44:47 God had inspired Isaiah to record 100 years beforehand,
44:51 over 100 years.
44:53 "He has commanded me to build Him a house at Jerusalem which
44:55 is in Judah.
44:56 Who is among you all His people?
44:58 May the Lord his God be with him, and let him go up!"
45:01 And so here Cyrus is actually reflecting the words that we
45:05 read in Isaiah, sorry, in Jeremiah where God twice in the
45:08 last chapter of Jeremiah, the last chapters of Jeremiah, said,
45:12 "Get out of Babylon.
45:14 Flee it before you also share in the very destruction and
45:18 judgment that is coming upon it."
45:22 And so here we have in the very first year, one of the first
45:26 tasks that this newfound king and empire takes upon himself is
45:30 this vast and huge exodus of the Israelites that they may go back
45:36 to their homeland and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.
45:39 Now, the question, the million-dollar question is, how
45:41 many of God's people respond?
45:47 Very, very small.
45:48 Very, very small amount actually respond.
45:52 Okay, now, the Bible record tells us that, you know, there's
45:57 about 50,000 on the first one.
45:59 That was the largest exodus under Zerubbabel and Joshua.
46:04 Very small remnant, and the word "remnant" is used by the
46:08 prophets itself as they describe these events.
46:12 A small remnant is willing to step out in faith and leave the
46:15 comfort and familiarity of Babylon.
46:19 In Ezra chapter 2 and verses 65 to--64 to 65, it tells us about
46:23 50,000 had left Babylon's false religions, its false moral
46:27 beliefs, and they went to worship the only true God, to
46:30 restore his gospel message and plan of salvation played out in
46:33 the sacrifices, in the temple ceremonies, in the annual feast.
46:37 All pointing forward to the ultimate deliverer, the anointed
46:40 one, Jesus Christ Himself, the Savior of the world, the only
46:44 solution to happiness, the only true solution to salvation for
46:48 eternity.
46:50 Now, God gives more than one opportunity and this reveals a
46:53 God of grace.
46:54 You know, He could have said to the rest of the Jewish people,
46:57 said, "Listen, I told you to get out.
46:58 I told you to get out and flee as soon as possible and most of
47:02 you didn't. Too bad."
47:03 Is that what He said?
47:06 No, okay, several years later He raises up a man by the name of
47:10 Ezra and He says, "Now I want you to lead the second batch."
47:14 Now, sadly, the second batch only amounted to about
47:16 6000 people.
47:17 But they still had another opportunity and 6000 more souls
47:22 found themselves in the Promised Land, amen?
47:24 Okay, so that's the good news.
47:27 And then we find that there is another man by the name of
47:31 Nehemiah that leads a third group that leaves with him.
47:34 And again, a smaller group, much smaller than the first group
47:37 but, nevertheless, there's a few hundred or a thousand, I forget
47:40 what the number is, that left with him.
47:42 And so God gives three opportunities.
47:44 He gives a second chance and He gives a third chance for God's
47:46 people to go back to the Promised Land, back to the holy
47:50 capital which is Jerusalem, rather than the throne of Satan
47:54 himself which is found in ancient Babylon and the empire
47:59 that had been surrounding there for so many years beforehand.
48:03 Now, the lesson points out that Jeremiah--Nehemiah hears the bad
48:06 news, that the remnant is not progressing very well with their
48:09 mission, the walls are still not built around the city and it's
48:12 not functioning the way that God intends.
48:14 And so he mourns, he cries, and then he falls on his knees and
48:18 he fasts for four straight months.
48:20 Now, I don't know if he fasted for four straight months but he
48:23 is in a spirit of fasting off and on, in deep prayer, asking
48:28 God to be able to open up an opportunity to release him as
48:31 the cupbearer of the king and go back to Jerusalem and help
48:35 rebuild the walls.
48:36 God put it upon him heart--his heart.
48:39 And so he found that opportunity in a private audience with the
48:41 queen and the king, when the king was able to ask him some
48:44 personal questions, "You're not looking the same, you're not
48:47 looking as happy as you usually are."
48:49 And he shares his heart and his burden, and the Lord moves upon
48:52 the king and says, "Go back.
48:54 And again, take it from my--I'm going to pay the bill and I'm
48:58 going to give you an escort, a military escort.
49:00 I'm going to give you the funds that you need, and you go back
49:03 and rebuild the city of your heritage."
49:05 And so, powerful, powerful thing.
49:08 It's a great example for us as the lesson study points out.
49:11 But as we close and we're running out of time here now,
49:14 we're coming back to the big picture.
49:15 There's a parallel that Pastor Doug had pointed out last week.
49:19 Again, we want to be able to pick that up today.
49:21 We don't have time to study it but in Revelation chapter 14 on,
49:24 God speaks about a Babylon.
49:26 Now, we know it's not ancient Babylon 'cause history tells us
49:29 that ancient Babylon started to be buried by the sand around
49:32 100 AD.
49:34 100 AD there was just a few straggling people, just a few
49:37 dozen, that were living in the city of Babylon and then it
49:42 started to be buried by the sand as we saw it in Iraq today.
49:47 And so we know that when Revelation is being penned, God
49:50 is not talking about literal ancient Babylon but He's talking
49:53 about a spiritual modern Babylon.
49:56 And in chapter 17, Babylon is referred to as a woman.
50:01 Now in prophecy, symbolic prophecy, a woman always
50:03 represents a church.
50:05 And so, very sadly, God here is pointing to religious confusion,
50:09 not in a pagan city and empire called ancient Babylon, but in a
50:13 modern spiritual Babylon that is including that of the Catholic
50:18 and Protestant traditions that sadly compromise the Word of
50:21 God, the truth of the--the truth and they replace it with age-old
50:26 traditions, beliefs that are produced instead by men.
50:29 And God declared that there would be an end to Babylon in
50:31 Revelation: Revelation chapter 18, verse 8 and verse 21.
50:36 Twice God says modern Babylon will find its end even as
50:39 ancient Babylon did.
50:40 And He also calls God's people out.
50:42 In Revelation 18, verse 4, He says, "Come out of her, My
50:46 people, lest you share in her judgment and you drink of her
50:49 plagues."
50:51 And so, friends, we find here that God gives the same warning,
50:55 the same appeal, "Come out of Babylon.
50:57 Don't make yourself comfortable.
50:59 Leave the familiarity of what you know in Babylon and come
51:02 into the truth and the Promised Land."
51:05 Sadly, only a small remnant come out, but it's there, it's
51:08 available, and I believe that indeed the Seventh Day Adventist
51:11 Church is a fulfillment of that prophecy in the largest,
51:14 clearest way.
51:16 Thank God for that, amen?
51:18 Now, I want to recommend something for further study on
51:21 Israel, modern Israel, modern Babylon, and the modern remnant.
51:24 And you can find it in "Amazing Facts" Study Guides, number 22
51:26 and 23.
51:27 They're entitled "The Other Woman" and
51:31 "The Bride of Christ."
51:32 And you can go to,
51:34, and you can find at the very--if you scroll
51:38 down to the very bottom of the web page, you'll find there a
51:40 link to Study Guides.
51:42 Click on Study Guides, look for number 22 and number 23, "The
51:46 Other Woman" and "The Bride of Christ," and you can study that
51:48 in its fullness.
51:50 I strongly recommend it.
51:51 We have a free gift that we want to offer to you, again, as we
51:54 did at the beginning: "Teach Us to Pray," even as Nehemiah was
51:57 a man of prayer.
51:58 Ask for number 717 as far as the Study Guide or gift code, and
52:05 then you can dial 1-866-788-3966, as you see on
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52:18 Until next week, God bless you, and don't forget that not only
52:20 do we love you, but God loves you too.
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52:58 female announcer: Let's face it.
53:00 It's not always easy to understand everything you read
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53:03 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books, the Bible
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53:09 To get biblical straightforward answers, call into "Bible
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53:34 ♪♪♪
54:15 Doug Batchelor: The heavens were parted for you.
54:17 The Holy Spirit came down.
54:19 This is what God wants you to experience.
54:20 You come to Christ, your sins are washed away,
54:24 you become a new creature.
54:25 It's a land of beginning again and how many of you wish you
54:28 could get a new start?
54:31 male: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.
54:36 Inasmuch as you do it to one of the least of these, my brethren,
54:39 you did it to me."
54:43 ♪♪♪
54:51 announcer: Can't get enough "Amazing Facts" Bible study?
54:54 You don't have to wait until next week to enjoy more
54:56 truth-filled programming.
54:58 Visit the "Amazing Facts" media library at AFTV.ORG.
55:03 At AFTV.ORG you can enjoy video and audio presentations as well
55:08 as printed material all free of charge, 24 hours a day,
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55:16 Visit AFTV.ORG.
55:22 ♪♪♪
55:29 Doug: Hello, friends.
55:30 We all know a marathon is one of the longest and hardest races
55:33 a person can run.
55:34 But did you hear about the ultra-marathon they used to have
55:38 in Australia?
55:39 It was 544 miles from Melbourne to Sydney.
55:43 It attracted as many as 150 world-class athletes.
55:47 But then something happened that no one would ever forget.
55:49 In 1983 a 61-year-old potato farmer named Cliff Young decided
55:54 to enter the race.
55:56 People were very amused because he had on rubber galoshes over
55:59 his boots and when the race began and all the runners took
56:03 off, sure enough, old Cliff was left behind shuffling along
56:07 very slowly but he was shuffling very persistently.
56:10 Normally, during this seven-day race, the runners would go about
56:13 18 hours running and then they'd sleep for 6 hours.
56:17 But nobody ever told Cliff that.
56:19 When the other runners stopped to rest during the night, Cliff
56:22 just kept on running.
56:24 Some people were afraid old Cliff was going to have a heart
56:27 attack and they were asking the race organizers to show mercy
56:30 and stop the crazy old man.
56:31 But he would have none of it.
56:33 Each day, he was gaining on the pack because when they were
56:36 sleeping, he was plodding along.
56:38 During the last night of the race, Cliff passed all of these
56:41 world-class athletes.
56:44 Not only was Cliff able to run that 544-mile race without
56:48 dying, he won, beating all the other racers by nine hours,
56:52 breaking the record and becoming a national hero in the process.
56:57 What's really amazing is when they told him that he had won
56:59 the $10,000 prize he looked confused and said he didn't know
57:02 there was a prize and he decided to share it with the other
57:05 runners.
57:06 When asked how he was able to run all night long, Cliff
57:09 responded that he grew up on a farm where they had about 2000
57:12 head of cattle and because they couldn't afford horses, he used
57:15 to have to round them up on foot, sometimes running two and
57:18 three days nonstop so, throughout the race, he just
57:21 imagined he was chasing after the cows and trying to outrun
57:24 a storm.
57:25 Old Cliff's secret was to keep on running while others were
57:29 sleeping.
57:30 You know, the Bible tells us that the race is not necessarily
57:33 to the swift, something like Aesop's parable of "The Tortoise
57:36 and the Hare," the tortoise just kept on plodding along.
57:39 That's why Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:13: "He that endures
57:42 unto the end, the same will be saved."
57:45 Now, you might slip and fall during the race, you might even
57:49 get off to a bad start, but in the Christian race that we run
57:52 the main thing is you want to finish well.
57:55 Keep on running, friends, and don't give up.
57:58 ♪♪♪
58:08 ♪♪♪


Revised 2019-10-07