Sabbath School Study Hour

Living The Advent Hope

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021937A

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00:35 Luccas Rodor: Hello, I'd like to welcome you all to our
00:37 "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:40 It's so good to have all of you here with us right now and I'm
00:43 sure that the Lord has been with you throughout this week,
00:46 throughout the study of this lesson,
00:48 taught here at the Granite Bay SDA Church and also in
00:51 partnership with Amazing Facts Ministries.
00:53 I'd like to welcome not only you who are here with us today,
00:56 our local congregation, but all of those that are watching
00:59 through the internet, our worldwide congregation.
01:04 It's so good to have you with us and I'm sure that you will be
01:07 blessed by this study hour.
01:09 Today we're going to be studying lesson number 11 which is
01:12 "Living the Advent Hope."
01:15 And that's--again, that's number 11 on our quarterly but if you
01:19 don't have the quarterly, that's okay,
01:21 you can find an online version of that and you can find that at
01:24 and you can download the current lesson,
01:30 the current quarterly right there.
01:34 Also we have a free offer for you and we like to--we'd like
01:38 you to take advantage of that free offer.
01:40 And today's free offer is "Ultimate Deliverance:
01:44 The Return of Jesus Christ."
01:46 And this is an amazing study.
01:48 It talks about when Jesus will come back
01:50 and how that's going to happen.
01:51 It has all the Bible verses and I'm sure that this will benefit
01:54 you, your family, and anyone else around you that you'd like
01:57 to talk about the return of Jesus.
02:00 Now, for you to get this in North America,
02:03 if you live in North America, you can call...
02:12 and that's how you can get your free offer.
02:13 Another way that you can do this here in North America is that
02:16 you can text the code "SH090" to the number 40544 and you can get
02:23 a digital copy of this.
02:25 Now if you're outside of the United States or Canada,
02:28 North America, you can go to and you can
02:36 get this free offer also.
02:37 I'd like to invite you to say a word of prayer before we invite
02:40 our teacher for today.
02:43 Let's pray.
02:44 Dear heavenly Father, we thank You and we praise You for all
02:48 of Your blessings, for Your love, and for Your guidance.
02:51 Lord, I ask You to be with Pastor Shawn as he
02:53 teaches us today.
02:54 Guide him, Lord, and may he be an instrument in Your hands.
02:57 I ask You these things in the name of
03:00 Jesus Christ, Your Son, amen.
03:02 Pastor Shawn, may God bless you.
03:04 Shawn Brummund: We are looking at "Living the Advent Hope."
03:08 Now as--for those of you who have looked through this lesson
03:10 study and have reviewed it before our time here today,
03:13 you have discovered that really there are two great hopes and
03:17 so maybe we could even call this lesson study,
03:20 "The Two Great Advent Hopes," and so they're very closely tied
03:26 together and we're going to discover how that takes place.
03:30 And so let's get right into it.
03:32 I'm going to jump ahead if I could.
03:34 I'm going to go right past Sabbath,
03:36 Sunday, Monday, we're going to come back to some of that
03:39 material as well during our lesson study here today but
03:41 I want to look at one of my favorite chapters and the first
03:44 great hope that God has given to us that's very closely tied
03:48 together with the hope of Jesus himself returning to this earth
03:52 and so let's open our Bibles and let's go
03:54 to 1 Corinthians chapter 15.
03:58 As we go to 1 Corinthians chapter 15,
04:00 we're going to discover why this is one of my favorite chapters
04:05 and if you've studied this in detail in the past,
04:07 I also know why it is one of your favorite chapters as well.
04:12 As far as I can recall, this is the most extensive chapter that
04:16 we have in all of Scripture that talks about this great hope,
04:20 this great event which is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
04:25 And not only the Resurrection of Jesus Christ but also pointing
04:28 forward as He is the first fruits to the ultimate
04:31 resurrection of all the saved, the great Resurrection of Life.
04:35 And so it's no small chapter.
04:37 1 Corinthians chapter 15 is a huge chapter because of that.
04:41 Now, as God is working through the prophet apostle Paul and as
04:45 we come to the first verses of this,
04:46 because we're going to look at verses 3 through 8 as the
04:49 introduction to this chapter.
04:51 Now, obviously, time doesn't permit us to be able to go verse
04:54 by verse through this chapter even though that would be
04:56 a great study.
04:58 Verses 3 through 8 is kind of the introduction to the subject.
05:02 And puts it in the context for us so let's
05:05 read it here together.
05:06 At verse 3 it says: "For I delivered to you first of all
05:08 that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins
05:13 according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried,
05:16 and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,
05:20 and that He was seen by Cephas," and that's another name for
05:23 Peter, "then by the 12.
05:27 And after that He was seen by over 500 brethren at once,
05:30 of whom the greater part remain to present,
05:33 but some have fallen asleep."
05:35 And so in verse 6, it's intriguing here that Paul points
05:38 out the fact that more than the apostles saw
05:40 the resurrected Christ.
05:42 In fact, he tells us that there were 500 different individuals
05:45 that had witnessed that.
05:47 Now when we look at the context of the book of Acts in the
05:50 beginning and such, we find there the departure of Jesus and
05:52 that's almost for certain when we have this larger crowd that
05:56 had gathered and were devout followers of Christ and had
05:59 witnessed His ascension to His Father back in heaven.
06:03 And, of course, Paul is pointing out back when he penned
06:08 1 Corinthians that there was--the greater part of them,
06:11 they were still alive, still worshiping within the church,
06:14 witnessing for Jesus.
06:16 Then verse 7 goes on and says: "After that He was seen
06:18 by James, then by all the apostles.
06:21 And then last of all He was seen by me also,
06:23 as one born out of due time."
06:26 And so Paul also laid eyes upon the resurrected Christ when he
06:30 was first traveling to Damascus and as he was on the
06:35 way there, of course, Christ appeared to him.
06:38 But then he also writes later that he also had a number of
06:40 encounters prophetically with the resurrected Christ as well.
06:45 And so we have a number of eye witnesses that witnessed this
06:48 core truth that not only did Jesus die according to the
06:51 Scriptures, but just as importantly,
06:54 as Paul later is inspired to flesh out quite extensively,
06:58 then Jesus rose to glory according to
07:01 the Scriptures as well.
07:04 And so the Resurrection is just as much a part of the gospel and
07:07 the Advent hope that God has given to us as Christians as the
07:10 death of Jesus on the cross for the sins and guilt of mankind.
07:15 And so the greatest hope that we have for the future is founded
07:19 on the little resurrection of Christ.
07:22 He is the first fruits from the grave.
07:24 He is the example.
07:27 He is the one that we point to and that we focus on that we
07:29 might know that we also through Him will have
07:34 victory over the grave.
07:36 It's good news, isn't it?
07:38 Okay, good, I'm glad to hear an "Amen" out there.
07:41 Well, let's continue on.
07:42 We're going to go through verses 12 to 23 and so we're going to
07:46 pick up a larger part there concerning the Resurrection
07:49 because now God is inspiring the prophet Paul to be able to
07:52 expand on why the Resurrection is so important.
07:57 In verse 12 it says: "Now if Christ is preached that He has
08:00 been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there
08:03 is no resurrection of the dead?"
08:05 And so there is a bit of a rumor going around,
08:07 a little bit of a false theology that had entered into the ranks
08:11 of the Corinthian church and they were claiming that there
08:14 would be no resurrection for the dead.
08:16 Maybe they were, some of the Christians perhaps,
08:19 were of a Sadducee background because there was a larger
08:23 population of the Jewish religious world of Christ's day
08:27 that believed that there was no future resurrection.
08:30 That when we die, we die, that's the end.
08:32 We know we're eaten by worms or go back to the
08:34 dirt and that's the end.
08:36 And yet we find here that Paul is addressing that.
08:42 Somehow it had crept into the church.
08:44 And verse 13 says: "But there--if there is no
08:46 resurrection from the dead, then Christ is not risen.
08:49 And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your
08:52 faith is also empty."
08:55 So if there's no resurrection of Christ,
08:57 are we left empty?
08:59 Yeah, our hope is left empty and,
09:01 really, he says the floor of the Christian faith really is just
09:05 pulled out from underneath you.
09:07 And so that makes it very important.
09:09 Verse 15, it says: "Yes, and we are found false witnesses of
09:13 God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ,
09:17 whom He did not raise up--if in fact the dead do not rise.
09:21 For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen."
09:24 So if there's no future resurrection and there's no such
09:28 thing as the power to be able to overcome death and come back
09:31 from the grave, then Christ hasn't come back from the grave
09:34 as well and so Paul here is saying,
09:36 "Listen, you can't take one and refuse the other."
09:39 And yet Paul says that "myself and 500 saw
09:41 the resurrected Christ."
09:44 Then we come to verse 17 and it says: "And if Christ is not
09:47 risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins."
09:54 And so again, does the gospel require a resurrection
09:56 of the Messiah?
09:58 A resurrecting of the Savior? Yes, it does.
10:01 Okay, there's not much hope for a Savior that has died
10:04 permanently and is not the first fruits that go through the grave
10:08 to find that victory over the grave,
10:10 and to be able to have eternal life for you and me.
10:12 And so to have our sins forgiven is a wonderful thing and I know
10:16 many, if not all of us, have experienced what that is and the
10:18 freedom, the victory, that that brings into our life,
10:21 into our heart, and so on.
10:24 But if that forgiveness dies with us when we are buried
10:28 in the grave, then, of course, we're still futile,
10:32 we're still in our sins in a very large way.
10:35 Then verse 18, Paul goes on.
10:37 He says: "Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ
10:40 have perished."
10:43 In other words, those who have already gone ahead and died in
10:45 Christ, well, they had a great life,
10:46 they experienced salvation or at least the forgiveness of sin but
10:50 that's still the end of it.
10:52 And so it still comes up empty.
10:54 Verse 19: "If this life we only have hope in Christ,
10:57 then we are of all men most pitiable," there
11:00 he goes on, doesn't he?
11:01 Now, he's going on about this quite a bit 'cause he wants to
11:03 get it across and he wants us to be able to understand how
11:06 important this truth are and how pitiable we really are if there
11:10 is no resurrection of Christ and there is no hope of us having
11:13 the resurrection of life and eternal life.
11:17 Then in verse 20 he goes on: "But now Christ is risen from
11:20 the dead, and has become the first fruits of those
11:23 who have fallen asleep.
11:26 For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection
11:29 of the dead."
11:32 Now Paul is looking at the biggest picture that we could
11:35 really see in all the Scripture, okay?
11:37 Outside of the great controversy between Christ
11:38 and Satan and good and evil that began in heaven, of course.
11:41 But here on earth in human history Paul is now pointing to
11:45 the greatest and biggest theme concerning salvation and so he
11:49 points us all the way back to the original man,
11:52 the original human being that God first created
11:55 in the very beginning.
11:56 That is Adam.
11:58 And so when he uses the term "man" in verse 21,
12:01 he's talking about Adam.
12:02 "For since by one man," that's Adam,
12:05 "came death," okay, because of course,
12:08 Adam gave us something that we really didn't ask for, did we?
12:12 I'm tempted to call it a present but it really isn't a present.
12:14 It is--that would be a misnomer because Adam gave us the curse
12:18 of a sinful nature, didn't he?
12:20 And because of that, we're all guilty of sin
12:22 and the wages of sin is?
12:24 Is death and that was Paul's here reviewing for you and me.
12:29 He says, "For since why by one man came death," because he also
12:32 brought to us sin and therefore we all face death,
12:34 "by Man," and some of your translations may even have
12:37 it capitalized.
12:39 M-A-N, that's Jesus, "by Man through Christ also came the
12:42 resurrection of the dead."
12:44 And so Christ came to reverse that which Adam
12:47 brought to mankind.
12:49 He came to reverse the curse of death and of sin.
12:53 In verse 22 he goes on and says, "For as in Adam," well,
12:56 there we go, now he's given it away for sure.
12:58 Just in case you were wondering who that man was for sure,
13:00 verse 22 goes on and says, "For in Adam all die,
13:06 even so in Christ all shall be made alive."
13:10 And so he parallels the previous verse of--21 and he actually
13:14 names the two individuals.
13:16 And then we come to the last verse that we'll be looking at
13:18 in this particular chapter.
13:20 It says: "But each of them--but each one in his own order:
13:22 Christ the first fruits, and afterwards those who are
13:27 Christ's at His coming."
13:32 Now that reveals a very important event and also plays
13:35 it in the--places it in the timeline of prophecy and of
13:38 God's plan for your future and mine.
13:41 In other words, when do we receive eternal life?
13:44 Do we receive it at death?
13:46 No, it's here revealing something that's very important
13:49 that all Bible prophets wrote on extensively,
13:52 we can find dozens of verses that tell us that when we go to
13:55 the grave we go to the grave and that's why he uses the
13:57 term--Paul uses the term over and over:
13:58 "They have fallen asleep."
14:00 Okay, why?
14:02 Because we rest in the grave, we rest in peace unconsciously
14:05 until we receive that eternal life,
14:07 that great hope of which Christ was the first fruits which is
14:11 the resurrection from the grave.
14:14 Overcoming death.
14:15 Now, this is one of the greatest subjects that we can find in all
14:18 of Scripture and, again, this is the most extensive passage that
14:20 we can find on the subject and, again,
14:22 I wish I could just go on verse by verse until we get all the
14:25 way through to the end because it's just so powerful and
14:27 there's so many important life-giving truths that are
14:30 found there but we just don't have time.
14:32 But we do want to be able to spend enough time in it to be
14:34 able to look at it biblically and understand that this is an
14:37 important powerful hope that God gives to us.
14:42 One of the things that God has given to me is I have taken that
14:45 and put it in my heart and I live by that from day to day,
14:50 is that it's given me a great source of encouragement.
14:55 And not only has it given myself a great source of encouragement,
14:57 but it's also given me the ability to encourage a lot of
15:00 fellow believers as a pastor.
15:02 Because as a pastor, you know, we're all called to encourage
15:04 each other and to serve each other,
15:06 but as a pastor you do it just a little bit more.
15:08 And so I've sat in a lot of homes and I've talked to a lot
15:12 of people in the hospitals and visited them and some of them
15:17 aren't walking out of that hospital with everything that
15:20 they had before they came into the hospital.
15:23 Some of them are walking out and some of them aren't walking out
15:25 of the hospital.
15:27 They used to walk before they went in but when they came out
15:29 they won't be walking again in this life.
15:32 And so there's a number of things that take away from us,
15:37 have you noticed that?
15:38 Now, there's one.
15:40 We can avoid all disease we might be one that's--are spared
15:42 disease and any serious injury that takes away different
15:46 physical functions and mental functions and
15:48 health that we have.
15:50 But there's one thing that we can't all avoid that takes away
15:52 slowly but surely and what is that?
15:56 It's called growing older, isn't it?
15:58 It's called aging.
16:00 And one of the curses of sin is that as each decade goes by,
16:03 we lose more and more, don't we?
16:06 You know, I know some beautiful people in our church here at
16:09 Granite Bay and I've talked to them about it and how they got
16:11 knee replacements and hip replacements and even in spite
16:14 of that, they're not able to walk the way they used to walk.
16:17 They're not able to ride a bicycle anymore the way they
16:19 used to ride a bicycle and so they have to give up their
16:22 bicycle-riding days until Jesus comes.
16:25 But the good news is the encouragement that is found and
16:28 I found that too, you know.
16:29 I went through spinal surgery in my neck.
16:31 I lost one of my vertebral joints.
16:35 You know, that's a major, major loss.
16:37 I'll never have my neck function the way that it did before that.
16:40 But I'll tell you, friends, one of the things that got me
16:42 through the day and continues to get me through the day,
16:45 and not only does it get me through the day
16:47 but it gives me joy.
16:49 It gives me genuine joy from the inside out,
16:51 is the fact that I know that it's a temporary loss.
16:55 To be able to know that one day God is going to give me a new
16:57 neck and I'm never going to have a pinched nerve,
17:01 I'm never going to have any of these difficulties that we face
17:03 in this life.
17:05 And so I want to encourage you to hold on to that,
17:07 to be able to find your hope and your encouragement in this great
17:10 hope that God gives to us.
17:15 And so God wants us to look forward to the time when death
17:17 is history, when we will never experience not only loss
17:21 personally, physically, mentally,
17:23 and so on, but we will never experience injustice anymore in
17:27 a sinful and corrupt world.
17:28 We'll never experience pain, we'll never be exposed to evil.
17:31 All of these different things that are negative that we need
17:35 to be able to battle with and deal with in different ways from
17:38 day to day, all of it will be gone.
17:41 And so God wants us to be able to hold on and look forward to
17:44 that time when it is history.
17:46 You know, there's a time when I was much younger,
17:48 I was just a young boy and I was eight or nine or ten years old
17:52 and all of us were there and so this is not a unique
17:54 illustration but, you know, especially when you're just
17:58 a little tyke and, you know, your mom and dad announce,
18:01 you know, "Guess what, we're going to go camping at Yosemite
18:03 this summer," or "We're going to go out to Hawaii and the
18:06 family's going to spend a week in Hawaii this January,"
18:08 whatever it is.
18:10 And when you find out about it, wow,
18:11 you know, you're just starting to count the days.
18:13 Maybe you're marking off the calendar and,
18:14 you know, as it gets closer and closer you're more and more
18:16 anticipating it and there's a term that probably all of us
18:21 used to wait, "Oh, Mommy, Daddy, I can't wait.
18:24 I can't wait until we go to Hawaii," or "We go to Yosemite
18:26 camping," or whatever it is.
18:29 And that's the focus I believe that God wants us to have,
18:35 that we can't wait until Jesus comes,
18:37 that we receive that resurrection of life and we
18:39 receive that celestial perfect eternal body that had--God has
18:42 in store for us.
18:46 And so I know many of you, if not all of you,
18:48 are looking forward to that and I hope that everybody that is
18:50 watching is going to be able to experience that,
18:54 if you're not already.
18:56 Now, what is the second great hope that God has for us?
19:01 What is the second great hope that God has for us in the
19:03 future that we can look forward to?
19:07 Pardon me?
19:09 All right, judgment, somebody says.
19:10 Yes, okay, so it's judgment.
19:12 And so that can rub certain people wrong,
19:16 you know, just bringing up that subject sometimes.
19:18 You know, there's a couple of words that I've started to
19:20 observe and I haven't been in the church very long,
19:23 maybe since the early, mid-'80s is when I started going in
19:28 church for the first time in my life and so I don't have a lot
19:31 to be able to compare to over the years but it seems to me
19:35 that there's two words that have become kind of bad words even
19:38 within Christianity, even within the church and the churches
19:42 of our modern day.
19:44 And that is "judgment" and "repentance," you know,
19:48 and both of them speak to the heart, don't they?
19:51 And Adam, you know--I'm not an expert and I haven't looked at
19:58 the studies, I haven't looked at Barna and seen what kind of
20:02 surveys they've made.
20:04 You know, one of the most extensive Christian poll takers
20:06 and survey takers and such, but I'm--if I was to put my money
20:11 somewhere and probably guess, I would guess that the reason that
20:13 judgment is a topic that's not all that popular,
20:16 even amongst Christians today, is because there's a growing
20:18 unfaithfulness that is happening within Christians today as well.
20:23 You know, we want the heaven, we want the eternal life,
20:26 we want that first hope, you know,
20:28 we really get excited about the first hope that we looked
20:30 at which is eternal life and heaven and so on,
20:32 but when it comes to accountability,
20:34 we're not so sure we're as excited about that.
20:37 You know, we--you know, judgment kind of tells us and reminds us,
20:41 as we'll look at some verses that kind of uncover everything
20:45 and such and so sometimes we get just a little
20:50 bit nervous about that.
20:52 Now, that's not to say that God is expecting us to be perfect or
20:55 that we should be reflecting Christ exactly perfectly with a
21:00 week of baptism because sanctification is something that
21:02 takes place over the years of our life and God takes different
21:06 character traits and different weaknesses and He makes them
21:09 into strengths and gives us victories.
21:12 But are we being faithful?
21:14 Is our heart in the right place?
21:16 If it is, then we can look forward to a time in the future
21:19 when God makes all wrongs in this world right.
21:23 This is found in an event and process that is written perhaps
21:26 more than any other subject in the Bible and that is judgment.
21:29 It's not a small subject and that's why we find that there
21:32 are hundreds, literally hundreds,
21:34 of verses from the beginning of the Bible to the end that talk
21:37 about this great subject.
21:39 And so how we view it, of course,
21:42 depends on where our life is right now, where our heart is.
21:45 But for the sincerely faithful, this should be
21:47 nothing but good news.
21:49 Judgment is something that we shouldn't be fearful of but we
21:52 understand the gospel correctly and we understand our heart
21:54 correctly and we know that we're making choices or decisions both
21:57 in private as well as in public for Him then we can know that
22:02 the judgment is a good thing.
22:06 Why is it a good thing?
22:08 Well, this sinful world is chock full of unfairness.
22:10 Have you noticed?
22:12 This world is chock full of injustices.
22:16 You know, there's things that are stacked against us,
22:20 depending on who we're born to, where we're born,
22:24 what era we're born, you know.
22:27 Many of us have been born with all the cards stacked against us
22:30 and it's not our fault.
22:32 It's not because we chose that but,
22:34 nevertheless, that's the pathway that we're born into.
22:38 Now, Jesus gives us light and He gives us strength and He gives
22:42 us help and He helps us to be able to come onto higher ground
22:45 and be able to make an impact in the world in a positive way but,
22:48 friends, this world is chock full of injustices.
22:52 It's so unfair.
22:53 Greed, corruption, power mongering,
22:56 all of these things are making this world a very unjust world,
23:00 a very unfair world.
23:04 And so it should be something--judgment should be
23:08 something that we look forward to it if our heart and life is
23:10 right with Christ.
23:13 Well, come with me to John chapter 3.
23:15 We're coming to that powerful chapter when Jesus meets with
23:21 Nicodemus in the night.
23:23 Talks about the importance of being born again full of the
23:26 Holy Spirit and, of course, you can't see or enter into the
23:29 kingdom of God without being born of the Spirit as
23:32 that chapter powerfully paints for us.
23:39 But I want to look at verses 19 and 20 as Jesus here is
23:41 concluding His conversation and instruction with this very
23:47 influential Jewish leader, Nicodemus.
23:50 In verse 19, Jesus here kind of helps us to get to the heart of
23:54 why judgment for many is a very unpopular topic.
23:59 In verse 19, it says: "This is the condemnation,
24:01 that the light has come into the world,
24:03 and men have loved darkness rather than light,
24:07 because their deeds," were?
24:09 "Because their deeds were evil."
24:11 Verse 20 says: "For everyone practicing evil hates the light
24:14 and does not come into the light,
24:16 lest his deeds should be exposed."
24:17 You know, my wife was at home.
24:20 I was going for an annual Father's Day campout which I try
24:24 to do every spring, in June, when Father's Day come along,
24:27 I'll go and spend that Sunday night camping with,
24:29 first, my oldest daughter when she was alone.
24:32 Now, both my daughters.
24:33 And so we had headed up to Lake Tahoe to camp for the night.
24:38 And I got a text from my wife, I don't know,
24:40 about 10 o'clock, 10:30.
24:41 She goes, you know, "The police just left the house.
24:43 I'm still shaking," you know, "I'm so glad everything's okay."
24:48 And so, of course, you know, I immediately,
24:50 "What is the problem?"
24:52 And she said, "Well, you know, I was in the front room and
24:55 I was watching the news.
24:57 There's something on TV and all of a sudden I," you know,
25:00 there's a gate that goes along the paved sideway.
25:03 There's a fence that runs all the way around our house and
25:06 comes up to the front of the corner,
25:08 and she was just on the inside of that wall with a window there
25:11 and so whoever approached that gate,
25:13 certainly would have known somebody was there,
25:16 that the television was on 'cause the window was open and
25:18 the light would have come through and such,
25:19 but they just boldly came up and opened the gate and had these
25:21 big heavy boots, thump, thump, thump,
25:24 thump, you know, along the side of the house,
25:25 and there was a flashlight kind of,
25:27 you know, being flashed and there was one or two of them
25:30 just walked right into the back of the house.
25:31 I guess they're just quickly trying to see what they could
25:33 loot in different back yards and so then she called the police
25:40 right away and they showed up and they had a K-9 unit.
25:44 There was, like, four cruisers out there.
25:46 It was quite an event that she went through as they kind of
25:49 sent the dog back there first to see if he's still there and,
25:52 of course, they don't know what they're up to as the police goes
25:55 in the dark back yard and he--the perpetrators were long
26:00 gone but, you know, after that, I saw a couple of these solar
26:06 lights, you know, these security lights now,
26:08 you know, and you can--it has a little solar panel and it's got
26:11 a motion detector and so on.
26:12 So I bought two of those.
26:14 I put one right in the corner there, that same
26:15 house where the gate is.
26:16 I put the gate, you know, latch on the inside so you had to--you
26:19 literally can't really open it unless you're on the inside of
26:22 the gate now.
26:23 And then I put one of these lights on and then I put another
26:27 one on the driveway, you know, and so if anybody comes near,
26:29 they, boom, you know, this great big light kind of flashes and
26:31 lights them all up.
26:33 Thieves don't like light, you know?
26:35 It's a very effective deterrent for many thieves because what
26:40 they know is something that they know is wrong and they also know
26:44 it is very dangerous and they can get caught and so we find
26:47 here that it's a deterrent.
26:51 And Jesus is using that metaphor here, isn't He?
26:53 "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not
26:56 come into the light, lest his deeds should be exposed."
27:01 And so Jesus here is really getting to the root of why some
27:04 of us might not be excited--all that excited about this
27:08 particular topic.
27:10 Now, it's important for us to understand that when Jesus is
27:13 making this statement, by the way,
27:15 He's not just talking about the non-religious people.
27:17 He's talking about the religious people as well, isn't He?
27:20 In fact, the greatest enemies that God had were those who were
27:24 pretending to be very pious, pretending to be very devout and
27:27 sincere to God but really, they weren't and so they weren't all
27:32 that excited about Jesus as well.
27:36 Well, all of this is best summarized in Wednesday's text
27:38 on the subject of judgment and why judgment should be good news
27:42 for us as believers.
27:44 Let's go to Ecclesiastes chapter 8.
27:47 Ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 14.
27:53 We're going in Ecclesiastes chapter 8.
28:03 Okay, and verse 14.
28:08 In Ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 14 it says: "There is a
28:11 vanity which occurs on the earth,
28:13 that there are just men to whom it happens according to the
28:16 works of the wicked; again, there are wicked men to whom it
28:20 happens according to the work of the righteous.
28:22 And I said that this is also vanity."
28:24 Now, of course, this is balanced out as Solomon was also inspired
28:29 to write many of the Proverbs that tell us that when we follow
28:31 God and His law's a delight and God is a delight and we truly
28:35 love Him and sincerely want to follow Him and surrender to Him
28:37 and so on, that we are like a tree that is planted by a river,
28:42 you know, and God prospers us in many different ways and so he
28:44 does tell us that there is a general trend when you follow
28:47 after righteousness and you follow after what is--and keep
28:50 your integrity in that which is good,
28:52 then your life will be a blessing and you will receive
28:55 the fruits of that in general.
28:57 But at the same time, there's many psalms as well as here in
29:00 Ecclesiastes he's just read, that there is also a--there's a
29:03 great injustice about the way that the world works too often
29:08 and that is that we have those who are choosing wickedness on
29:13 a regular basis and they don't have integrity,
29:16 they don't have honest--honesty is not a virtue,
29:19 and among other things.
29:21 And so, they'll steal and lie and cheat and sometimes even
29:26 kill if they need to, to be able to achieve great prosperity and
29:29 such and so it appears like they're receiving the reward
29:34 of the righteous.
29:36 And history today tells us that some of the greatest men and
29:39 women on earth, you know, have lived out many--much of their
29:41 life, if not all of the last years of their life in prison,
29:45 you know, just simply because they were standing for what is
29:48 right and believing in Christ and following Him and so that
29:53 general rule isn't always followed,
29:56 isn't always fleshed out the way that we'd like it.
29:58 It's an unjust reality that exists in a fallen world with
30:04 human nature being followed the way it is
30:06 today, our sinful natures.
30:09 And so to have the mind of Christ is to hate and despise
30:12 all that is evil, all that is wrong, all that is unjust.
30:17 And we, as believers, can look forward to when
30:19 all of that is exposed.
30:22 Much of it is done in the dark.
30:24 The motion detectors aren't catching them right now.
30:27 The lights aren't being turned on but one day those lights will
30:30 be turned on, Jesus says.
30:32 One day those lights will be turned on.
30:34 And we can look forward to when it's all exposed,
30:36 when all secret and rebellious corruption is
30:38 fully exposed and stopped.
30:39 You know, one of the greatest temptations that
30:42 some of us have, especially if we're retired,
30:43 is that we can get wrapped up and just spend endless hours,
30:46 literally, for the rest of your years in your retirement years
30:49 online looking at different conspiracy theories, you know?
30:54 And you can waste the rest of your life,
30:56 you know, looking at those and the key word of that is theory.
31:03 Conspiracy "theories."
31:06 And see, the problem with theories is that
31:08 they're not proven.
31:09 Now, sometimes we're absolutely convinced that they're proven
31:11 but I would venture to say that well over half,
31:14 the vast majority of them are not proved--they're theories.
31:17 Some of them may be true but the vast majority
31:20 I would say are not true.
31:22 But you know what, friends?
31:23 There is going to be a time when every true conspiracy,
31:26 evil conspiracy, will be exposed in the light for all that it is.
31:30 And, friends, I can't wait 'til that takes place.
31:34 I can't wait.
31:36 Come with me to Mark chapter 4 and verse 22.
31:40 Let's go to the Gospel of Mark.
31:41 Mark chapter 4.
31:43 Mark chapter 4 and verse 22.
31:47 In Mark 4 and verse 22 Jesus touches on the same subject and
31:49 again He says, "For there is nothing hidden which will not be
31:51 revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should
31:55 come to," there's that key word again.
31:58 Back to light, okay?
32:00 And so again, Jesus is saying, one day during the judgment hour
32:04 that's taking place in heaven, even right now.
32:05 When you look at prophecy we know that over the last
32:07 100-and-something years that wrap-up time is taking place,
32:10 the books are open, the angels, the angelic jury,
32:13 and Jesus and the Father are sitting on the judgment throne
32:16 and They're examining and the lights are being turned on
32:19 in heaven right now.
32:20 But one day on earth those lights will also be turned on
32:22 and everything that is being done in secret that is evil
32:26 will come to light.
32:29 Come back with me to Ecclesiastes.
32:31 Ecclesiastes chapter 12.
32:33 This is another important text that the lesson study brings
32:36 to light and I'm not saying that as a pun.
32:41 But obviously it's on the top of my mind.
32:43 It's a natural metaphor.
32:46 Okay, Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verses 13 and 14.
32:50 These are the last two verses of the book and so God is inspiring
32:55 Solomon, King Solomon, to come to the conclusion,
32:58 the summary, and even uses that term in verse 13.
33:02 It says: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
33:06 Fear God and keep His commandments,
33:09 for this is man's all.
33:11 For God will bring every work into judgment,
33:13 whether every secret thing--including every secret
33:17 thing, whether good or evil."
33:18 And so one day the secret things that are good and Jesus actually
33:21 counseled us as believers.
33:22 He says, "Listen, when you do good things,
33:24 don't advertise it."
33:26 He said, "Don't advertise it, you know.
33:28 When you're fasting or when you're praying extra,
33:30 you know, you're giving alms and,
33:32 you know, giving to charity or to the church and so on,
33:35 don't advertise it."
33:36 He says, "You--that which is kept in secret and done in
33:38 secret, God will reward you in secret.
33:41 But that who advertises it, your reward is already with you," and
33:43 you want to keep that reward for when Jesus comes.
33:45 And so that's why the Bible here tells us that every secret thing
33:49 whether good or evil will be exposed.
33:52 And so the best secrets that we should have,
33:55 the only ones that we should have,
33:56 is that of doing good because we don't advertise it.
34:04 So that's important.
34:05 Now, statements like the ones that we looked at can either
34:07 scare us or they can encourage us.
34:10 And so, friend, I want to take this opportunity.
34:12 If you have never surrendered to Christ,
34:14 if you have never found Christ as your Savior,
34:16 if you have never understood and experienced Christ as your
34:20 friend, a forgiving friend that offers you free forgiveness,
34:24 to be able to find that forgiveness in Christ.
34:26 And to be able to know that He has forgiven you,
34:29 that you are clean, that He has a robe of righteousness that
34:32 belongs to Him that He covers you with,
34:34 and that He will work with you and that He will mold you into
34:39 the character and the person of Christ.
34:41 And that you can know that one day Christ will return and that
34:44 He will take you home.
34:46 You don't have to be scared.
34:47 You don't have to be afraid because you have a
34:49 friend that is returning.
34:52 And so to be best friends with the judge in any court process
34:58 is a very comforting thing.
35:00 And so you too can be ready for judgment day.
35:05 You too can know that when Jesus comes that you have eternal
35:07 life, that you will be part of the resurrection of life.
35:12 Now, God gives us all an opportunity to move from fear
35:14 of the subject to a love of the subject.
35:17 And so nobody, no preacher, no reader,
35:19 no prophet, has ever intended or should intend to be able to
35:24 bring the subject of judgment to scare people.
35:27 Now, sometimes in the past, especially in the Middle Ages,
35:30 but even in different chapters of evangelicalism and
35:33 Protestantism, we've used the judgment process to scare people
35:37 into heaven and we'll start to describe the great,
35:40 you know, sufferings that you're going to experience in hell one
35:44 day and so on.
35:47 But, friends, God doesn't convert through fear.
35:49 He converts through love.
35:52 "Do you not know it is the goodness of God that leads
35:53 you to repentance," it tells us in the second chapter of Romans.
35:58 It's only the love that melts our hearts.
36:01 Jesus says, "And I--when I am lifted up will draw
36:03 all men unto Me."
36:05 Now, he doesn't lift up--Jesus is not talking about being
36:08 lifted up as a vindictive judge that can't wait until you make
36:11 your mistake or that you can come to judgment day and
36:14 I can throw you into hell.
36:15 No, we find that Jesus has died on the cross,
36:18 that His sacrifice--He voluntarily for your
36:22 eternal life.
36:25 And that's what draws us.
36:27 That's what converts the heart because fear only converts the
36:31 behavior but Jesus wants to convert the heart.
36:36 That's why Jesus says you must be born again.
36:41 Jesus says, "I want to come in.
36:42 Whoever opens the door, I will come in and dine
36:44 with him and he with Me."
36:46 It's an internal experience, not an external experience.
36:53 Now without judgment, and this is important subject,
36:55 because without judgment it would be impossible for God to
36:58 make the world right.
37:00 The nightly news is full of people victimized by evil,
37:02 crying out for justice, crying out for judgment.
37:08 They want judgment.
37:10 And sometimes we'll be guilty of wanting judgment because we've
37:13 been the victim of some great evil but,
37:15 at the same time, we don't want to be--we don't want the light
37:18 to shine too brightly at us because there's,
37:20 you know, maybe something that we're not bringing to the Lord
37:22 that we need to bring to the Lord and such.
37:26 But, friends, this world is chock full of victims that are
37:29 crying out for judgment and justice and we should be the
37:31 greatest criers of that.
37:34 And so in light of these two great hopes of the future,
37:37 this week's lesson study points us to what the Bible teaches on
37:40 how we should spend our time until judgment day and the
37:43 resurrection of the saved.
37:45 And so the--in light of those two great hopes that we can't
37:49 wait for, that we're anticipating,
37:51 what should we do between today and resurrection and judgment
37:56 day, the Coming of Jesus?
37:59 Because the Coming of Jesus, those two events take place on
38:02 the same day, by the way.
38:03 I don't think I clarified that.
38:04 Most of you know that but some of you who may be watching or
38:06 are here tonight don't know that,
38:08 but both those events, when Jesus comes in glory,
38:11 very clearly the prophecies and the teachings of Jesus tell us
38:14 that there will be the resurrection of life,
38:17 all those who have died by faith in Christ will rise again and we
38:21 who are alive will be changed in an instant,
38:23 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
38:25 We will receive these eternal perfect bodies and minds and
38:28 then all of us will be raptured up into the air to
38:30 meet the Lord in the air.
38:32 And we will always be with the Lord.
38:34 And so that takes place, the resurrection of life,
38:36 eternal life is granted on that day.
38:38 But it also tells us that there's a last phase of judgment
38:43 because it tells us in the last chapter of Revelation that when
38:46 Jesus comes His reward is with Him to give to everyone
38:48 according to his work, according to the fruits of their life,
38:51 either for good or for evil, for eternal condemnation
38:54 or eternal life.
38:56 And so judgment day is also on the time when Jesus comes.
38:59 The same day is the day of judgment.
39:03 We want to make sure that we're on the right side, amen?
39:05 We want to make sure that we are--that we have allowed
39:08 ourselves the opportunity to take that opportunity to melt
39:11 our hearts and fall in love with our Savior and
39:15 to make Him our friend.
39:18 And so does the Bible tell us that between now and judgment
39:23 day, the return of Jesus, that we should retreat to the hills
39:25 and isolate ourselves somewhere?
39:29 Is that what the Bible teaches?
39:31 Not totally.
39:32 It's kind of yes and no but there's much more no than yes.
39:35 I know it can be tempting, you know,
39:37 because once we come to Christ we start to hate sin,
39:39 we hate evil, we hate, you know, observing it.
39:42 We hate hearing people use God's name in vain.
39:44 We hate all these things that the world exposes and
39:46 unbelieving people around us are exposing us to.
39:49 We hate all these things now and so it's tempting to say,
39:52 "Okay, well, the best thing I can do is just retreat out into
39:54 the mountains, some crazy faraway place where I can
39:58 minimize my exposure to mankind and sinful humanity."
40:02 Now, that's not what Jesus taught.
40:05 Now, in the early Christian centuries,
40:06 we had made that mistake and it led to the building of
40:09 monasteries and convents and so on and,
40:12 you know, they believed that, you know,
40:16 the best thing we can do, the holiest life you can experience,
40:19 is to build big walls and isolate ourselves from the world
40:22 as much as possible.
40:25 But God doesn't call us to retreat.
40:26 He says to go forward.
40:28 God has given us the offensive.
40:30 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
40:32 Baptize in the name of the Father,
40:34 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
40:36 Teach them to observe all things which I have commanded you and,
40:38 lo, I'm with you always even to the end of the age."
40:40 That's an offensive.
40:41 He tells us, listen, I want you to take the offensive,
40:43 not the defensive.
40:46 I want you to go out in battle.
40:48 I want you to pick up the sword of the Spirit which is the Holy
40:51 Spirit and the Word of God and I want you to go in there.
40:55 I want you to convert sinners, not avoid sinners.
40:58 I want you to convert sinners.
41:00 That's what God has called us.
41:02 Matthew chapter 5, verse 13.
41:05 Let's verify that because I don't want to just stand
41:08 on my own opinion.
41:12 I want us to be able to understand this biblically.
41:14 So let's hear it straight from the words of Christ Himself.
41:16 The Sermon on the Mount, the greatest and most
41:19 powerful sermon in all of history.
41:21 Chapter 5 and verse 13.
41:24 Right at the beginning, the very first chapter in the
41:27 three-chapter sermon.
41:29 Verse 13, He says: "You are the salt of the earth;
41:31 but if the salt loses its flavor,
41:33 how shall it be seasoned?
41:35 It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and
41:37 trampled under the foot."
41:38 Now, friends, when you put salt on your plate,
41:41 you have a meal and you want to add some salt,
41:43 do you just put it on one little--do you put it on the
41:46 edge of the plate right here?
41:47 Make sure it doesn't touch the food?
41:50 No, not at all, okay?
41:51 You take that salt and that's why we have salt shakers, why?
41:53 Because there's all kinds of holes at the end so that
41:56 it helps you.
41:58 And so you can just go like this without going crazy,
41:59 but when you go like this, why, it's flying all over
42:02 the place, isn't it?
42:04 It's intermingling.
42:05 Jesus says, "You are the salt of the earth.
42:08 You are the salt of the earth.
42:09 Go and make disciples."
42:10 In verse 14: "For you are the light of the world.
42:13 A city that is set on a hill cannot be--cannot be hidden."
42:18 Verse 15, He says, "Do not--nor do they light a lamp and put it
42:22 under a basket, but on a lampstand,
42:23 and it gives light to all those in the house.
42:26 Let your light so shine before men,
42:28 that they may see your good works and glorify
42:30 your Father in heaven."
42:33 And so, friends, we are to model something
42:36 different to the world.
42:37 But if we're hiding up in the woods somewhere.
42:39 By the way, I don't want this to be misunderstood because
42:42 I know we have a lot of beautiful Christians,
42:44 even members in this church, that have acreages out
42:46 in the woods and so on.
42:48 I'm not talking about outside Auburn here and,
42:50 you know, within a half an hour or even ten minutes of
42:53 civilization and so on.
42:54 And of course, they're amongst other acreages and they have
42:56 neighbors to witness to still.
42:58 I'm talking about some crazy place up in Truckee or Covelo
43:02 or something like that, you know, and that's a bit of an
43:06 inside joke but, no, there's some beautiful
43:09 people in Covelo but way up in the woods outside of Covelo.
43:12 You don't want to stay out there too long, right?
43:14 Yeah, yeah.
43:17 So country living is a beautiful thing and I encourage it.
43:20 If you have an opportunity, especially when you have young
43:22 children that you're raising.
43:23 It's a beautiful environment and so on and stuff but,
43:25 at the same time, you want to also instruct and train your
43:27 children to mingle with the unbelievers and to know that
43:32 their commission and your commission as a family is to
43:34 make sinners into Christians, is to bring the gospel to the lost.
43:39 And we need to be able to be that salt of the earth.
43:43 In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus makes it clear that in the times
43:47 of extreme persecution, retreating to the hills and the
43:50 wilderness can be fitting at times.
43:52 So in extreme situations, you know,
43:55 going up to somewhere like in the woods outside of Covelo and
43:59 I know on Sabbath School Study Hour Pastor Doug has even
44:02 invited us and said, you know, "When it comes to that extreme
44:05 if we're still alive, you know, I have a place and you can be
44:09 welcome to be able to join me there and such."
44:13 And so, yeah, there are times.
44:14 Jesus made it very clear.
44:16 In extreme situations where retreating,
44:19 you know, the walled-in season and so on we have during the
44:21 persecutions in Europe during the 1260 years of persecution.
44:25 During those most intense times in years and decades,
44:27 God's people have had to retreat to the hills just to survive,
44:31 just to live, so that they could make disciples.
44:34 Because you can't make disciples if you're dead and so sometimes
44:37 God's people need to retreat in those
44:40 different extreme situations.
44:41 And Matthew chapter 24 makes that very clear.
44:45 I want to bring us to Monday's lesson and read a quote there.
44:49 So if you have your lesson study,
44:51 that's helpful, but if you don't,
44:53 I invite you just to listen carefully.
44:56 It's the last sentence in the main section there that's
45:01 written by the authors.
45:02 It says: "To focus solely or even primarily on the escape
45:05 aspect of the Christian hope for the future is to miss some
45:09 of the deeper points Jesus was making."
45:11 And so we want to make sure that we're not guilty,
45:14 and some Christians have been and may be today,
45:16 that we just want to get up in the day and just kind of hold on
45:20 to the hope of the resurrection and things made right and our
45:23 bodies made whole and so on and we just want to kind of,
45:27 you know, leave the world to itself and just kind of focus
45:32 on that every day.
45:33 But Jesus doesn't want us to focus on that as our main focus.
45:36 He wants us to find the encouragement and hold on to it.
45:39 But He wants our main focus is to bring our
45:42 neighbors to heaven as well.
45:44 His main focus is to be able to bring as many people here
45:46 in greater Sacramento, Northern California,
45:48 America, different nations, to heaven.
45:52 Our main focus is the--is to increase the population of
45:55 heaven, of the kingdom.
45:58 That's the main focus that we need to be able to focus on.
46:00 So that's very important and lesson study points us to
46:04 Matthew chapter 24 and 25.
46:07 And what a wonderful study that would be if we could stay with
46:09 that for the rest of our study.
46:11 But again, of course, we don't have time for that.
46:12 Some of you have read it in the past,
46:14 maybe over the last week, but those two are very critical.
46:19 It's a sermon that Jesus preaches to His
46:21 disciples and apostles.
46:22 Does this sermon speak to--or how does this sermon speak to
46:28 our living until Jesus comes?
46:30 How should we live?
46:31 We come back to that key question.
46:33 Well, first of all, Matthew 24, Jesus makes it very clear that
46:36 we're to be careful not to be deceived by false Christs
46:40 and false prophets.
46:41 So He says, "Be careful because many will come in My name and
46:44 claim to be Christ.
46:45 Many will come in My name and claim to be prophets and receive
46:48 visions and messages."
46:49 And inevitably, they always lead it into some kind of doctrinal
46:54 heresy, some kind of erroneous theology.
46:57 And so Jesus says, "Be very careful in concern to that."
47:02 The second trap that I believe that we also have to be aware
47:04 of and be careful not get caught up in is doing
47:09 what Christ told us not to do.
47:11 And this comes back to the escapism kind of focus of our
47:14 Christian experience.
47:15 We look so forward and we focus so much on the Second Coming,
47:18 the resurrection of life, eternal bodies,
47:21 you know, perfect harmony and love,
47:23 and all evil being eliminated, that that's
47:25 all we can think about.
47:27 And so our focus is so much that we fall into that trap of
47:29 wanting to know, "Is Jesus going to come next week?
47:33 Is He going to come next month?
47:35 And if He is going to come next month,
47:36 what day of the month is He going to come?"
47:39 And then we get caught into that trap of thinking that,
47:41 "Well, God wants us to know what day it is so that I can focus on
47:44 it even more."
47:45 Now, again, this is--almost seems anti-Adventist
47:48 but it's not, okay?
47:50 What it is, is it's being an Adventist in the context
47:54 of the teachings that Jesus gives to us.
47:56 How are we to be Adventists and look forward to the Coming?
48:00 Well, one of the important things that we need to be able
48:02 to be very much aware of is that in both Matthew 24 and 25,
48:05 Jesus tells us four times--four times He says,
48:10 "You do not know the day or the hour and you will never know the
48:14 day or the hour until that day," okay?
48:18 Four times He repeats that and He counsels us,
48:21 "Do not try to set a date for no one knows the day or the hour."
48:25 Why is Jesus telling us that?
48:27 He says, "Don't focus on that.
48:30 Focus on the Coming of Jesus,"
48:32 and He says--you know, my favorite, you know, in
48:34 Matthew chapter 24, there's a lot of good important verses
48:36 but if you were to ask me, "What's your favorite?"
48:38 I'd say right away Matthew chapter 24,
48:40 verse 14: "And this good news of the kingdom,
48:44 this gospel of the kingdom, will be preached in all the world as
48:48 a witness to all nations and then the end will come."
48:52 What is Jesus telling you and I?
48:54 By the way, that's the only sign that we can
48:56 focus on as believers.
48:57 The rest are all the devil's work.
48:59 Everything else He covers there in the signs
49:01 are the devil's work, okay?
49:04 The only sign that He gives to us that you and I are to
49:06 participate is the one that we should focus on.
49:08 Again, "Go make disciples.
49:11 Bring the gospel to every nation,
49:12 tribe, tongue, and people."
49:14 That's our focus.
49:16 That's our focus.
49:19 So He gives us three parables in Matthew chapter 24 and we're not
49:22 going to be able to go into those in details but we have the
49:25 foolish virgins and, of course, the foolish ones--the ten
49:30 virgins, the foolish five are short of oil and the wise ones
49:33 are trimming their lamp and they've brought extra oil,
49:36 representing the Holy Spirit and a true experience in Christ.
49:41 And they found that in two ways: they watched,
49:42 which means they studied; they prayed,
49:44 as Jesus counseled them; and they're found in
49:46 Christian service, contributing to the gospel.
49:49 How can I contribute to the gospel?
49:52 And even the second parable is telling us the same thing.
49:55 Talents are used, our spiritual gifts,
49:57 not as an option but as a requirement to be able
50:01 to expand the gospel.
50:03 So I'm going to close with a quote from
50:06 one of my favorite authors.
50:08 Her name is Ellen White and I believe that she was given
50:10 a genuine spiritual gift of prophecy and she gives this
50:14 statement in a book that she wrote called "Trials and
50:17 Triumph," page 30.
50:19 And this is what she reads.
50:21 She reads: "But near the close of the earth's harvest,
50:23 a special bestowal is promised to prepare the church for the
50:27 Coming of the Son of Man.
50:29 This outpouring is the latter rain and for this added power
50:33 Christians are to send their petitions to the Lord of the
50:36 harvest in the time of the latter rain.
50:38 In response, the Lord, quote, 'Shall give
50:41 them showers of rain.'
50:44 He will cause to come down the, quote, 'The rain,
50:47 the former rain and the latter rain.'"
50:48 Now, she's quoting off and on from Zechariah chapter 10,
50:51 verse 1, and Joel chapter 2, verse 23.
50:53 Both of them are speaking about this latter spiritual rain that
50:56 will take place just before the Coming of Christ.
51:00 "But only those who constantly receive fresh supplies of grace
51:04 will have ability to use that power.
51:08 Daily," that's in the here and now as she's talking about.
51:11 "Daily, they are improving the opportunities for service that
51:14 lie within their reach, witnessing wherever they may be,
51:19 in the home or in a public field of usefulness."
51:23 Public field of usefulness means in the workplace.
51:27 And so, friends, I want to encourage you to be able to,
51:32 in the light of the Advent hope, to be able to look forward to
51:34 the time when Christ comes again,
51:37 yes, when we have evil brought to an end,
51:40 yes, but to be able to contribute to the
51:43 Coming of Jesus.
51:45 Now, I want to invite everybody before we close
51:48 here to take advantage.
51:50 If you haven't caught the beginning of our program or you
51:52 didn't write down the different phone numbers or text numbers,
51:54 take advantage of that.
51:56 We have a great study.
51:57 It's one of my favorites: "Ultimate Deliverance:
51:59 The Return of Jesus Christ."
52:00 How will Jesus come? When will He come?
52:03 And what will take place?
52:06 We looked at some of those different teachings already here
52:08 today but this will go to it in more detail.
52:10 You can see the information on the screen.
52:12 You can dial the 1-800 number or 1-866 number and there's also a
52:18 text number that may be on the screen for you to take advantage
52:21 of as well.
52:22 An so until next week, we look forward to seeing you again.
52:25 May God bless you.
52:26 May He keep you.
52:27 And don't forget that God loves you.
52:30 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
52:32 free resource.
52:34 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
52:36 you can download a digital copy straight to your computer
52:38 or mobile device.
52:40 To get your digital copy of today's free gift,
52:43 simply text the key word on your screen to 40544 or visit the web
52:47 address shown on your screen, and be sure to select the
52:50 digital download option on the request page.
52:53 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
52:56 "Amazing Facts," wherever and whenever you want and most
53:00 important, to share it with others.
53:03 ♪♪♪
53:14 Doug Batchelor: What can be more irresistible than a kitten?
53:16 These guys might look cute now but some of their ancestors have
53:19 grown into man-eaters.
53:21 [lion roaring]
53:26 Doug: We're here in a lion park in South Africa now where
53:28 we can view these creatures in relative safety.
53:30 But there's a reason they're known as the king of beasts.
53:33 So what is it that people find so enchanting and frightening
53:36 about lions?
53:38 Is it their speed, their claws, their sharp teeth,
53:41 or all of the above?
53:42 Might also be some of the stories about man-eating lions,
53:45 like in 1898, right here in Africa,
53:48 they were building a bridge over the Tsavo River in Kenya and two
53:52 brother lions terrorized the construction process,
53:56 eating 135 workers.
53:59 Did you know, lions are mentioned in the Bible over
54:02 100 times and you can find them all the way from
54:05 Genesis to Revelation.
54:07 It's usually in reference to their ferocity and
54:09 how dangerous they are.
54:11 Of course, Samson killed a lion with his bare hands,
54:13 David killed a lion, there are man-eating lions in the Bible.
54:17 The way that they punished criminals was by throwing them
54:20 in the lions' den, and early Christians were
54:22 even fed to lions.
54:24 But amazingly, as the Bible mentions,
54:26 not all lions are to be feared.
54:28 There have been a few friendly lions in history.
54:31 For example, in the 1950s a couple,
54:34 George and Margaret Westbeau who lived up at a ranch near
54:38 Seattle, Washington, adopted an abandoned lion cub.
54:42 They named it Little Tyke because they felt sorry for it.
54:45 But they discovered as they tried to feed her,
54:47 she refused to eat any meat at all.
54:51 They were concerned, thinking there was no hope for this
54:53 little lioness to survive and everybody told them the same
54:56 because we know in the wild lions survive on almost an
55:00 entirely meat diet.
55:02 Then someone showed the Westbeaus that verse in the
55:04 Bible that talks about in heaven the animals are vegetarians and
55:08 the lion will eat straw like the ox.
55:11 That encouraged them and so they began to feed Little Tyke
55:15 a purely vegetarian diet.
55:17 Not only did she survive, she thrived,
55:19 growing into a lion that was over 352 pounds
55:24 and over 10 feet long.
55:26 In fact, zoologists that examined Little Tyke when she
55:29 was full grown said they had never seen such a perfect
55:31 specimen of a lioness in their life.
55:34 A pure vegetarian.
55:36 You know, when we hear incredible stories about that,
55:38 of Little Tyke, it reminds us that God's original plan was to
55:42 make a world of total peace.
55:44 It describes it here in the Bible in Isaiah chapter 11,
55:47 verse 6: "The wolf also will dwell with the lamb,
55:51 the leopard will lie down with the young goat.
55:53 The calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
55:56 and a little child will lead them."
55:58 Nothing is going to hurt and destroy in the new heavens and
56:02 the new earth that God is going to create.
56:03 Wouldn't you like to live in a kingdom where there's perfect
56:05 peace, where there's no more death or killing or pain?
56:09 God says that He wants you in that kingdom.
56:11 The Lamb of God made it possible for you to have an encounter
56:16 with the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
56:18 Wouldn't you like to meet Him today?
56:21 ♪♪♪
56:27 ♪♪♪
56:37 ♪♪♪
56:47 ♪♪♪
56:48 [car honking]
56:50 ♪♪♪
56:52 male: Buddy, jump in.
56:53 ♪♪♪
57:03 ♪♪♪
57:13 ♪♪♪
57:24 Doug: How many of you wish you could get a new start?
57:26 I'd like to live my life over knowing what I know now.
57:28 I don't want to start over and just make all the same mistakes.
57:30 I want to have my memories so I don't make the same mistakes.
57:34 But you do get a new beginning.
57:36 You become a new creature.
57:37 That feeling of all your sins being washed away because God
57:39 promises it, isn't that a wonderful concept, friends?
57:43 male: "I was thirsty and you gave Me drink.
57:52 Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these,
57:55 my brethren, you did it to Me."
58:01 ♪♪♪


Revised 2019-09-09