Sabbath School Study Hour

Worship The Creator

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021932A

00:00 ♪♪♪
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00:16 ♪♪♪
00:35 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends.
00:36 I'd like to welcome you to "Sabbath School Study Hour"
00:38 here at the Granite Bay
00:40 Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Sacramento, California.
00:42 I'd like to welcome our online members and our friends who are
00:44 joining us across the country and around the world, our
00:47 extended Sabbath School class, as well as our regular Sabbath
00:51 School members and those who are visiting with us today.
00:53 We're just delighted that you're here this morning.
00:56 We have a very important lesson that we'll be looking at.
00:59 It's still on the subject that we have, the theme,
01:02 for our whole quarter, entitled, "The Least of These."
01:05 And today we're looking at lesson number six.
01:07 The title of the lesson is "Worship the Creator."
01:11 And of course, that has something to do with
01:13 the Sabbath.
01:14 The Sabbath is a memorial of God's creative work but there
01:16 are some other things that's going to be addressed in our
01:18 lesson today.
01:19 So it's lesson number six if you're following along in your
01:21 lesson quarterly entitled "Worship the Creator."
01:23 And for those of you who might not have a copy of today's
01:26 lesson, you can download one for free by simply visiting
01:30 the website,
01:34 And again, that website is
01:38 Download lesson number six and you'll be able to study
01:41 along with us.
01:42 It's entitled "Worship the Creator."
01:43 We also have a free offer we'd like to let you know about,
01:46 those who are joining us on the various networks
01:48 as well as watching online,
01:49 a book entitled,
01:51 "Why God Said Remember."
01:52 And this is our free offer today.
01:55 What you'll need to do in order to receive this book is to call
01:57 the number...
02:01 and you want to ask for offer number 185.
02:04 That number again...
02:09 ask for offer number 185.
02:11 We'll be happy to send that to anyone here in North America.
02:15 If you're outside of North America, you can send a text
02:19 message to the following code and be able to
02:21 download the book.
02:23 So you want to send the text code "SH129"
02:27 to the number 40544.
02:32 And again, then you'll get a link and you'll be able to
02:35 download and read the book "Why God Said Remember."
02:37 I think it'll be a blessing
02:38 as you read through that.
02:40 Well, before we get to our study this morning, we're going to
02:42 start by lifting our voices in song.
02:45 I'd like to invite our song leaders to please come forward.
02:54 female: Good morning, and happy Sabbath, church family.
02:56 We invite you to join us in singing our hymn this morning,
02:59 hymn number 422, "Marching to Zion."
03:02 And we're going to sing all four verses.
03:05 ♪♪♪
03:11 ♪ Come, we that love the Lord, ♪
03:15 ♪ and let our joys be known; ♪
03:18 ♪ Join in a song with sweet accord ♪
03:21 ♪ join in a song with sweet accord, ♪
03:25 ♪ and thus surround the throne, ♪
03:28 ♪ and thus surround the throne. ♪
03:31 ♪ We're marching to Zion, ♪
03:34 ♪ beautiful, beautiful Zion. ♪
03:38 ♪ We're marching upward ♪
03:39 ♪ to heavenly Zion, ♪
03:42 ♪ the beautiful city of God. ♪
03:45 ♪ Let those refuse to sing, who never knew our God; ♪
03:52 ♪ but children of the heavenly King ♪
03:56 ♪ but children of the heavenly King ♪
03:59 ♪ may speak their joys abroad, ♪
04:03 ♪ may speak their joys abroad. ♪
04:06 ♪ We're marching to Zion, ♪
04:10 ♪ beautiful, beautiful Zion. ♪
04:14 ♪ We're marching upward ♪
04:16 ♪ to heavenly Zion, ♪
04:17 ♪ the beautiful city of God. ♪
04:21 ♪ The hill of Zion yields ♪
04:25 ♪ a thousand sacred sweets, ♪
04:29 ♪ before we reach the heavenly fields ♪
04:32 ♪ before we reach the heavenly fields, ♪
04:36 ♪ or walk the golden streets, ♪
04:40 ♪ or walk the golden streets. ♪
04:43 ♪ We're marching to Zion, ♪
04:46 ♪ beautiful, beautiful Zion. ♪
04:50 ♪ We're marching upward ♪
04:52 ♪ to heavenly Zion, ♪
04:54 ♪ the beautiful city of God. ♪♪
05:01 female: Thank you for singing with us.
05:05 Jean: "Marching to Zion," one of my favorite hymns.
05:08 What a great theme to kind of remind us that, yes, heaven is
05:11 our home, that heavenly Zion.
05:14 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
05:16 Dear Father, once again, we are grateful that we're able to
05:18 gather in Your house to open up Your Word and study a very
05:20 important lesson, a lesson that is so important to us as
05:24 individuals for we are Your creation.
05:27 You have made us and You are worthy of worship, and so we do
05:30 pray that You bless us as we look at this theme of "Worship
05:32 the Creator," and we commit this time in Your keeping in Jesus's
05:35 name, amen.
05:38 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought to us by the
05:41 Amazing Facts director of the AFCA program.
05:44 AFCA is the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism and one of our
05:47 evangelists is currently our AFCA director, evangelist
05:51 Carlos Munoz, and he is going to be sharing our lesson today.
05:54 God bless you.
05:58 Carlos Munoz: [speaking foreign language]
06:00 Ooh, you sound a little weak there, i see.
06:03 [speaking foreign language]
06:06 Christ is coming, amen?
06:08 So I want to welcome everybody to our Sabbath School.
06:12 It's a great privilege and an honor to be here with you and
06:16 when I was asked to share and do the Sabbath School this week,
06:21 I was interesting because I was making memory and I thought,
06:24 "You know, I've never actually given the Sabbath School lesson
06:27 in English, right?"
06:28 I was--I came in ten years ago through Hispanic churches and so
06:32 I was thinking, "I've actually never done it in English."
06:35 I was, like, "Whoo."
06:36 I was, you know, excited about that.
06:38 It's the first time I--when I was growing up in the church, I
06:41 started as a deacon, I was an elder, and I was a Sabbath
06:45 School teacher, so it comes very natural to me,
06:47 but--so this is fun, amen?
06:50 It's fun as we come together and study this wonderful topic and
06:53 not any topic but what's the title for the lesson this week?
06:55 It's what? "Worship the Creator."
06:58 Now, automatically, when I say the title, "Worship the
07:01 Creator," what do we think about?
07:03 What did you think about when you heard the title,
07:04 "Worship the Creator"?
07:06 What come to mind?
07:09 Revelation chapter 14, what?
07:11 Verse 6, right?
07:12 It said: "And another angel said flying in the midst of heaven,
07:15 with the having the," what?
07:16 "The everlasting gospel."
07:17 "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has
07:21 come; and worship Him who made," or created, "the heavens,
07:25 the sea, the earth, and the springs of water."
07:28 So immediately, it took me to the three angels' message.
07:30 Now we'll see how this ties in, in the lesson as we continue.
07:34 Before we start, I'd like to have a word of prayer.
07:37 Father, thank You for this opportunity to come together and
07:40 study Your Word in such a wonderful topic as is worshiping
07:44 You as our creator.
07:45 And so, Father, we ask that Your Spirit guide us and strengthen
07:49 us and we ask these things in Jesus's name, amen.
07:52 Amen, so "Worshiping the Creator."
07:54 One of the things that I like to do when I give my Sabbath School
07:57 lesson is to start off with the title.
07:58 Now, the first word is "Worshiping."
08:01 Now, what does "worshiping" mean?
08:04 What is "worshiping"?
08:05 Some people think that worshiping is having some type
08:09 of spiritual manifestation where people are jumping up and down
08:12 or maybe they're--they think that they're speaking in
08:15 tongues, right, and they think that this manifestation is a
08:18 form of worship, right?
08:19 You ask other people.
08:20 Other people will say, "Well, worshiping is singing
08:22 and praising God."
08:24 Other people will say, "It's preaching."
08:27 And while some of those things more than others, right,
08:29 they do apply.
08:31 The word "worship" is very interesting in the Bible.
08:33 In Greek, the word "worship" is proskuneo.
08:37 Now, what does the word "proskuneo" mean?
08:39 I'm not going to tell you what it means.
08:41 I'm going to show you what the word "proskuneo" means.
08:44 So if you run the camera with me, maybe you want to follow me.
08:47 This is what proskuneo means biblically.
08:55 Did you get that?
08:57 So what does worship mean biblically?
09:01 It's to what?
09:03 It's to humble yourself, it's to prostrate yourself
09:05 before the Lord.
09:06 It's to put your hands, your knees, and your face
09:08 on the floor. Is everybody following me?
09:10 So singing and studying the Bible and praising
09:15 God, those things are part of our worship, amen?
09:19 But the worship is really founded on what?
09:22 On a humbled heart, on a heart that has been given over to
09:25 the Lord in submission, amen?
09:26 Saying, "Lord," if you remember in the Bible it says that when
09:29 God's people--when some tragedy would happen or where something
09:32 was intensely--an emergency came, they would do what?
09:35 They would prostrate themselves.
09:37 They would throw dust and they would throw what?
09:39 And they would throw, what else did they throw on themselves?
09:42 Dust and ashes.
09:44 And what does that mean?
09:46 What do they mean when they were throwing dust
09:47 and ashes on themselves?
09:48 Dust represents what?
09:50 What are we made from?
09:51 Of?
09:52 Of dust. And ashes.
09:53 What we're saying is, "Lord."
09:55 When we prostrate ourselves, "Lord, I am dust," right?
09:57 "I came from dust.
09:58 You are my creator.
10:00 And if I don't repent and I don't submit myself to You, if I
10:03 don't humble myself to You, I'm going to be turned into," what?
10:07 "Into ashes."
10:08 So it's an affliction of the soul, actually.
10:11 It's a humbling before God.
10:12 That's what the word "worship" means.
10:14 And if we were to give the word "worship" a synonym,
10:16 and did I say that correctly?
10:19 I always get it confused with synonym.
10:21 Synonym is the actual word, not cinnamon.
10:23 If I were to use a synonym for the word "worship," you know
10:27 what word I would use?
10:29 "Obedience," amen?
10:31 Who wants to worship God?
10:33 Raise your hand.
10:35 Then obey Him, because that is the obedience,
10:38 that is the true worship, is a submission to God's will.
10:42 It's just saying, "Lord, here I am.
10:43 Use me in Your service.
10:45 Use me as You are."
10:46 And why is it that He deserves worship in this context?
10:50 It's because He is our what?
10:52 He is our creator.
10:53 He is our maker, amen?
10:54 And He is the life-giver.
10:56 And so when we choose not to give Him the worship as our
11:00 creator, to give Him the obedience to submit ourselves in
11:03 humility as He is the one, what we're saying is, "I don't want
11:06 to live anymore because He is the life-giver."
11:08 Is everybody with me?
11:09 That's what we're saying. We're rejecting life.
11:11 And He says, if that's what you choose, God respects our
11:14 decision but what we're saying is, "I don't want to live
11:16 anymore because He is the one that gives life and so it is
11:19 through worship, my loved ones, that we are honoring,
11:22 recognizing Him as our--as our creator, amen?
11:26 And we're going to see that as we continue to go into the
11:28 lesson and so immediately, my loved ones, what we find
11:31 is then there's an--is worship and idolatry connected?
11:37 Yes or no, right?
11:40 Is there a connection between worship and idolatry?
11:42 Yes, because when you choose not to worship God, automatically
11:46 what do you fall into?
11:49 You fall into idolatry.
11:50 And so we see this connection in Scripture.
11:52 So if true worship is obedience to God, then what is false
11:57 worship?
11:59 Disobedience to God.
12:01 It's idolatry.
12:02 Is everybody following me?
12:03 And so this is what we find when we come into our lesson, right?
12:06 It gives us the first example.
12:07 It talks about what?
12:09 What is the first example that it gives us about issues with
12:12 worship in our lesson this week?
12:14 It was on regards to--it was on regards to what?
12:18 Egypt, right?
12:19 It was in regards to Egypt.
12:20 I call this worshiping Egyptian style.
12:24 So God--God's people, what happened?
12:26 We know the story.
12:26 They were--they had been hundreds of years.
12:28 They were--they fell into slavery in Egypt.
12:30 Now, do you think that they fell into slavery into Egypt because
12:33 they were obeying God?
12:34 What do you say?
12:36 Go ahead, you can answer.
12:37 Do you think that they fell into slavery because they were
12:40 obeying God, because they were worshiping God properly?
12:43 No, right?
12:44 Maybe during the times of Joseph, Joseph was the pillar,
12:47 right?
12:48 Joseph was the focal point, but once Joseph died, the Scripture
12:51 says that they fell out of favor and I'm sure that also they
12:54 started to follow in the Egyptian worship styles, right?
12:57 They probably started to eat Egyptian food, Egyptian
13:00 entertainment, Egyptian fashion, and the Egyptian lifestyle,
13:04 right?
13:05 Egyptian worship, and they got all caught up but they fell into
13:08 slavery because, why?
13:10 Because they fell away from the Lord.
13:11 But the Lord listened to them, it says in Exodus chapter 2,
13:14 amen?
13:14 And what happened?
13:16 That eventually, slavery becomes such a burden on them, that they
13:18 did what?
13:19 They had no other where to go than back to the God of Abraham,
13:23 of Jacob, and of Isaac, amen?
13:25 Is everybody with me?
13:26 And so they--it says in Exodus chapter 2, around
13:29 verse 23 and 24, it says that they pleaded and they say--
13:32 they looked up to the Lord.
13:33 Did the Lord listen to them?
13:35 Amen, they were slaves.
13:36 I have a question. Were we slaves?
13:38 Yes, we were slaves to what? To sin.
13:42 We were born in the condition, just as God's people during this
13:46 time, they had been born under that condition.
13:48 It's all they knew but it became such a burden that they asked
13:52 God for freedom, right?
13:53 And did God send a liberator, yes or no?
13:56 Oh yes, He did. Who did He send?
13:59 He sent Moses, amen?
14:00 Moses, a type of Christ, Moses then comes in.
14:04 Moses wants to what?
14:05 Moses then comes in and part of God to do what?
14:08 To free God's people.
14:09 Were they freed, yes or no?
14:10 Yes or no?
14:12 Oh, yes, through what?
14:13 Through the blood of the Lamb, amen?
14:14 And so as the blood of the Lamb comes in, what happens?
14:16 Then they are taken--they're taken through the Red Sea, which
14:21 is a representation of baptism.
14:24 And then what comes next?
14:26 And then God takes them into the desert and what does He do
14:28 with them?
14:29 He says, "Do you see what I have done for you?
14:31 I am the God of Abraham, I am the God of Isaac,
14:34 I am the God of Jacob, and I want to be your God," amen?
14:37 "I want to be your God.
14:39 I want to--I just showed you what I did because I want to
14:41 keep My covenant with My son, Abraham,
14:44 and I want to be your God.
14:46 I want you to be My people, My bride."
14:48 And they said, "Yes," but what happened immediately?
14:52 What happened immediately after Moses went up to spend that time
14:55 with God in 40 days?
14:56 What did they do?
14:58 They began to worship Egyptian-style, right?
15:01 They had just said, "We're not going to go running into
15:03 idolatry."
15:04 They had just committed to the Ten Commandments, these divine
15:07 principles, but they chose to do what?
15:10 They chose then to follow back in what they knew, right?
15:13 The impatience.
15:14 And whose fault was it?
15:15 Was it their fault?
15:17 Whose fault was it?
15:18 Aaron's fault, right?
15:20 It was Aaron's fault and God--and Moses says, "What have
15:23 you done? What have you taken them to do?"
15:25 Is this, my loved ones, is this story planning to point to us?
15:29 Is God trying to tell us something about worship in the
15:32 end times, right?
15:33 That a leadership is supposed to uphold these principles, these
15:37 divine principles of worship, right?
15:39 Of how it is to serve God, how it is to live for God, how it is
15:43 to follow God and to show and witness to others and so we see
15:47 that God's people did what?
15:48 They veered off because of the leadership and this is not only
15:50 talking about just the pastors and the elders.
15:53 This is also talking about Mom and Dad at home.
15:55 Is everybody with me, right?
15:57 Those principles, go with them,
15:59 because truly, kids come to church for what?
16:01 For maybe a couple hours on Sabbath, maybe an hour during
16:03 the week.
16:04 The real sanctuary, the real church, is where?
16:07 Is in your house. It's at home.
16:10 It's those principles that you have established for them,
16:12 upholding the principles of God and so we see how this veered
16:15 off very quickly. Is everybody with me?
16:18 And so, go with me please to Psalm.
16:22 Let's go to Psalm chapter 115 because in the lesson it uses
16:26 this verse in a very interesting way and I actually, I don't know
16:29 about you, but I never really saw it--saw this verse
16:33 through my studies in Psalms chapter 118.
16:36 We're going to start on verse number 1.
16:39 Psalms 118.
16:40 So we see Egyptian-style worship came in, right?
16:43 And immediately these issues. I have a question.
16:46 Did the same thing happen with the early church?
16:48 Yes or no? Right?
16:50 Christ established the early church.
16:52 We read in the book of Acts, how was the early church?
16:54 Ho, they were fervent for the Lord.
16:56 They were ministering, they were doing the Lord's work, but what
16:59 happened?
17:00 After a while, right, the leadership kind of died out.
17:03 The disciples died out and what led into the church?
17:06 What does Revelation tell us in the second, third,
17:10 and fourth seal? What came in?
17:12 Idolatry came in.
17:13 So when we put these principles aside, when we don't uphold the
17:17 principles of God, when we stop worshiping God,
17:20 when we stop submitting to God, immediately what is going
17:23 to come into our lives? Idolatry.
17:25 In other words, you're going to put something
17:27 or someone before God.
17:29 That's the danger and that's why God puts His Ten Commandments,
17:32 those protections about don't worship, don't follow any other
17:36 god, don't follow, don't put your worship into any other
17:39 thing, because anything that you put before Me is going to lead
17:42 you down to destruction.
17:43 Why?
17:44 Because you're going to be submitting yourself
17:46 to the things of the flesh.
17:47 And this is how it leads.
17:49 And this is what we're looking at.
17:50 Psalms 115.
17:51 Everybody there?
17:52 Verse number 1 says: "Not unto us, O Lord, unto--not unto us,
17:56 but to Your name give glory, because of Your mercy,
17:59 because of Your truth," amen?
18:01 "Why should the Gentiles say, 'So where is their God?'
18:04 But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.
18:08 Their idols are silver and gold, the works of man hands.
18:11 They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes,
18:15 but they do not--"
18:15 "They have ears, but they do not--"
18:18 "Noses, but they do not--"
18:20 Is everybody with me?
18:22 "They have hands, but they do not handle; feet they have, but
18:25 they do not walk; nor do they mutter through their throat."
18:28 And it says: "Those who make them are like them; so is
18:32 everyone who trusts in them."
18:34 So what is this principle talking about here?
18:37 Is that you will turn into or what you will become what you
18:41 contemplate, right?
18:43 Whatever is your idol, whatever is you--whatever you put if--let
18:47 me put it this way.
18:48 Anything that you put before God, whether it be a person or
18:50 whether it be a thing, that is your idol.
18:52 And you will contemplate that, you will become that.
18:56 That's psychology 101.
18:57 What you contemplate is what you will become.
19:00 And so God puts these limitations.
19:03 When God puts these Ten Commandments, when He puts these
19:05 holy principles, it's to protect us from falling into idolatry.
19:09 Is everybody with me?
19:10 It's to protect us from our own carnal nature and when we see
19:13 this, that's--those are the principles and so when we talk
19:16 about why do we worship God, why do we worship God?
19:20 The lesson tells us very clearly in the lesson title.
19:22 Because He is what? Is that the only reason?
19:25 Is that the only reason we worship God, because of
19:28 creation? No, why else?
19:29 Because of redemption, right?
19:32 It was talked about in a couple of lessons ago.
19:34 Deuteronomy chapter 5 when it gives the Ten Commandments,
19:37 especially specifically the Sabbath.
19:38 It talks about why?
19:39 Because You have redeemed us.
19:40 How?
19:41 With a strong arm, with open arms, amen?
19:44 Have we been redeemed through Christ, extending His arms and
19:47 putting Himself on Calvary, yes or no?
19:49 And so we worship because of creation.
19:51 Who wants to thank God for creating us?
19:53 Let me see, raise your hand.
19:54 Praise the Lord, I do too.
19:55 Who wants to thank Christ for redeeming us?
19:58 Amen, but you know that's not the only reason.
20:00 The other reason why is because of sanctification.
20:03 Do you know that?
20:04 It says that He is a--it is a seal, a sign, that He is our God
20:08 because He has sanctified us, amen?
20:10 Who wants to thank God for sanctification?
20:12 Whoo, because sanctification, my loved ones, is what gets us to
20:16 be ready to live in the presence of God, amen?
20:19 And it's not only because of creation.
20:21 Not only because of redemption, not only because of
20:23 sanctification but also because of glorification, amen?
20:26 Because in Isaiah chapter 66, when you read verses 22 and 33,
20:29 it says that from Sabbath, from new month to month to month and
20:33 from Sabbath to Sabbath we shall what?
20:35 "In the new heavens and the new earth we shall all come to
20:39 worship Him," amen?
20:40 And it's because of what?
20:42 Because of what He has.
20:43 We're worshiping for the past, because of the present, and
20:46 because of the future, amen?
20:48 And so these are great reasons, amen?
20:50 Amen?
20:52 Now, there's an issue.
20:53 The devil knows this and so what does the devil do?
20:57 He tries to what?
20:59 He tries to distort God's plan.
21:02 He tries to deviate us from God's plan. Why?
21:05 Because he knows that if we deviate from these principles,
21:08 if we deviate from this foundation of God, worshiping
21:11 God, submitting our lives, giving our lives over as God is
21:14 our creator, then what happens?
21:17 Then he knows were going to automatically fall into idolatry
21:19 because only God can protect us from the ways of the flesh, only
21:23 God can sustain us.
21:24 Is everybody with me, amen?
21:25 And so what happens? Go with me.
21:27 I want to show you something fascinating.
21:29 Romans chapter 1.
21:30 Go with me to Romans chapter 1.
21:32 I want to show you how this plays out in Scripture and
21:35 especially how this leads because, my loved ones, if we do
21:37 not submit to God, if we do not give ourselves over to God, then
21:42 we are in danger of following in the ways of the flesh and the
21:46 ways of the flesh are what?
21:48 What are the ways of the flesh?
21:50 Death.
21:51 Look at Romans chapter 1.
21:52 Watch the enemy's plan.
21:54 Paul saw this.
21:55 He saw it coming and look at how Paul so masterfully
21:58 breaks this down.
21:59 Romans chapter 1.
22:00 Everybody there?
22:02 Verse number 18: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
22:06 against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men," and
22:10 women, who do what?
22:11 "Who suppress the truth in unrighteousness."
22:14 Now, what is this truth that is being suppressed that Paul is
22:17 talking about?
22:18 Look at what it says in verse 19.
22:20 "Because what may be known of God is manifested in them, for
22:24 God has shown it to them."
22:25 What has God shown us?
22:27 What has God manifested to us that is being suppressed, that
22:30 is being put aside?
22:32 Here it is, verse 20: "For since the creation of the world His
22:35 invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the
22:39 things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so
22:44 that they are," what?
22:45 "So they are without excuse."
22:48 So what is it making reference?
22:49 What is Paul pointing to?
22:50 He's pointing to people that do what?
22:52 They don't want to look, they don't want to give God credit
22:54 for being what? The creator, right?
22:56 And that's what the devil's plan is.
22:58 He says, "If I can keep their focus away, if I can make them
23:02 think that they can be Christians, that they can honor
23:04 God and worship God, and pull away that concept of God as
23:08 their creator, as God as their foundation, and Paul says what?
23:11 The evidence is so clear.
23:12 It's abundantly clear, what?
23:14 Through the things that we see, amen?
23:15 Through the things that we see it is very clear that
23:18 there is a God.
23:19 I--I don't know if most of you know,
23:21 but I used to be an atheist.
23:22 I didn't believe in God.
23:24 And when people asked me, "What made you to believe in God?"
23:27 do you know what I tell them? "Science.
23:28 Science is what made me believe in God."
23:30 And people say, "What?
23:31 That's crazy because I thought science says no."
23:32 Science, when I studied science, the brain, biology, the
23:35 universe, the ecosystems, everything, is order and logic.
23:41 And I said, "This has to come from someplace."
23:44 Is everybody with me?
23:46 And this--it took me a long time, it wasn't overnight,
23:48 trust me.
23:49 Took me a number of years but eventually science is what got
23:52 me to believe that there is something supernatural
23:55 in the world. Does everybody follow me?
23:57 Now, a lot of people say, "Oh, but science disproved God."
23:59 I'm sorry, but science cannot disprove God.
24:02 Why?
24:03 Because science is the study of the natural world, hmm?
24:07 What is science?
24:08 The study of the natural world, and if God is supernatural, then
24:13 that means that science is not capable of pointing to God
24:17 because that's not the purpose of science.
24:20 Is everybody following me?
24:22 So how are we going to use something to measure God when
24:25 it's inept, it's not capable of the supernatural?
24:28 It would be like me trying to use a ruler to measure how much
24:31 air is in the tires of my car.
24:34 Is it going to work?
24:35 No, that's not what the purpose of the ruler is.
24:37 Science cannot prove God because God is supernatural.
24:41 He is above it.
24:42 Is everybody with me?
24:43 And so this is what we're seeing.
24:45 Let's continue to read because this is fascinating.
24:47 It continues to say, Romans chapter 1, verse number 21:
24:50 "Because, though they know God, they did not glorify Him as God,
24:53 nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts,
24:56 and their foolish hearts were darkened.
24:58 Professing to be wise, they became," what?
25:01 Why?
25:02 Because they don't want to recognize God as what?
25:04 As the creator.
25:05 "And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into a image
25:09 made like corruptible man--and birds and four-footed animals
25:13 and creeping things." Let's stop here for a minute.
25:15 Instead of man giving honor and worshiping God and giving Him
25:19 the praise and glory for being our creator, it says here that
25:21 they were looking at what?
25:23 "At corruptible things," at us.
25:25 I like to say, "God created man and women in His image and
25:28 likeliness and after sin we have given back the same favor,"
25:34 right?
25:35 Doesn't translate in English so well but in Spanish it sounds
25:37 really nice.
25:38 What it means is that God created us in His image and
25:41 likeness and after sin what are we doing?
25:43 We're creating God in our fallen image and likeliness, right?
25:46 We're wanting God to be like us so why?
25:47 So it's comfortable.
25:49 So it's not--so we say, "You know what?
25:51 I can live the way I want to live, I can live in the ways of
25:53 the flesh."
25:54 That's just fine because God is like that too, right?
25:57 And so this is what humanity is doing.
25:59 This is what it's pointing to and look at how it goes.
26:01 We not only stop worshiping God the creator but now we're
26:03 looking at the earth and the things that were created.
26:05 Verse 24: "Therefore also--God also gave them unto
26:09 uncleanliness, in the lusts of their," what?
26:12 "Their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who
26:15 exchanged the truth of God for a lie," and what did they worship?
26:19 "Worshiped and served," what?
26:22 "Creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever,
26:26 amen."
26:27 So what did humanity start to do?
26:29 Instead of worshiping God as the creator,
26:31 what did they start to worship?
26:33 Creation.
26:34 I have a question.
26:35 How is this theory manifested now in society?
26:40 How is it that human beings are not giving worshiping and
26:43 honoring God as their creator but worshiping creation?
26:46 What is that theory called?
26:48 Evolution, thank you.
26:49 Evolution.
26:51 Isn't that what evolution is?
26:52 Oh, we didn't come from God, we came from what?
26:54 We evolved from some cosmic, right,
27:00 some cosmic mucus that became a tadpole, and then it became
27:04 a fish, and then it became a lizard and then an ape
27:07 and that's how we came up from.
27:09 This--isn't that what Paul is talking about?
27:10 What happens?
27:12 That's why the devil is so tricky because he's taken
27:14 humanity to think we don't need to have God as a creator.
27:17 We've got to not create and by automatically pushing us away
27:20 from looking and focusing on God as the creator, what happens is
27:23 that we start to what?
27:24 We fall into idolatry.
27:26 We fall into the ways of the lusts of the flesh
27:28 and we start what? Focusing on us.
27:30 And if you start looking at us and looking at creation,
27:32 you can justify anything.
27:34 Anything you can justify and that's why we have all of this
27:37 confusion in this world.
27:39 Look at what it continues to say.
27:41 It says in verse number 26: "For this reason God gave them up to
27:45 vile passions.
27:46 For even their woman exchanged the natural use for what is,"
27:48 what? "Against nature.
27:50 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,
27:53 burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing
27:57 what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of
27:59 their error which is due."
28:01 And you can continue to read.
28:02 You know the story.
28:03 It's basically saying when we keep our focus off of worshiping
28:07 God, honoring God, as the creator, what happens?
28:10 We start to fall in the most vile and lustful beliefs
28:13 of the flesh.
28:15 And amongst those it's talking about evolution, right?
28:18 And there are people that look at evolution and they say,
28:20 "Well."
28:21 And it's also talking about what?
28:22 It's also talking about homosexuality, right?
28:25 Now, does God love the sinner?
28:28 Amen, right? We're all on that boat, right?
28:32 But God hates sin.
28:33 And so we're called to what?
28:35 To move away from sin but what is the justification?
28:38 "Oh, no, this is how we are.
28:39 This is how he made us.
28:40 C'mon, we see it in nature.
28:42 We see animals doing homosexual acts too."
28:44 Are you following me?
28:45 We're not putting God in His place.
28:47 We're not telling Him and putting those principles and
28:50 that automatically will lead into idolatry in the mind
28:53 and in the being. Is everybody following me?
28:55 Is everybody with me?
28:56 And we see in this connection and how the devil is trying to
28:59 play off, trick us.
29:00 Look at what it says here in a quote from "Great Controversy."
29:02 It said, "It is a law both of the intellectual and
29:06 the spiritual nature that by beholding, we become changed.
29:10 The mind gradually adapts itself to the subjects upon which it is
29:13 allowed to dwell.
29:14 It becomes assimilated to that which it is accustomed to.
29:17 Love and reference.
29:20 Love and reference, I'm sorry.
29:21 To which it is accustomed to love and reference."
29:23 I didn't say that right. Let me read that again.
29:25 "It becomes assimilated to that which it is accustomed to love
29:28 and reverence."
29:30 So what you love and reverence, that's what's going to appear.
29:33 Have you ever seen somebody that looks like their car?
29:37 Actually, I know people that worship their car.
29:39 It's all about their car, all the money, everything is about
29:42 their car.
29:43 And it gets to a point where they look like their car.
29:46 Men will never rise higher than his standard of purity or
29:49 goodness or truth.
29:50 It is self in his loftiest ideal, he will never attain to
29:54 anything more exalted.
29:56 So if this is the image that you have, then that's how high your
29:59 standards and your principles are going to go.
30:01 Is everybody with me?
30:02 But the grace of God alone has power to exalt man.
30:05 Left to himself his course must inevitably be downwards.
30:11 Are you following me?
30:12 And so the devil knows this.
30:14 The devil understands this perfectly and that's what he's
30:16 trying to take us to.
30:17 Go with me please to Deuteronomy chapter 10.
30:19 Deuteronomy chapter 10.
30:21 Now, in the context of the lesson, does this have to do
30:24 also with our service, right?
30:27 Some people say, you know, ministering and servicing to
30:31 others is part--is a part of our worship.
30:35 No, it is worship because, remember, worship is not just
30:41 doing x or y.
30:42 Worship is what?
30:43 What did we show worship to be?
30:44 A total submission to God's will.
30:48 And so in God's will, we see that service to others in the
30:51 same way that God served us should be the ideal or the
30:54 principle that is brought forth when you have known and given
30:58 your life over to God, amen?
31:00 Because in the same way that He has done for us, we were slaves,
31:03 we were foreigners, we were dead in our lusts and in our flesh.
31:08 God sent His Son, amen, to do what?
31:11 To save us, to bring us up, to show us what it means to live a
31:16 holy righteous life in the Spirit.
31:18 And so because he has served us, automatically what should we be
31:21 doing?
31:22 Serving others that were in our same condition, in our unsaved,
31:27 fleshly, live condition.
31:29 Is everybody with me?
31:30 And so what happens is, let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 10.
31:33 What happens is, my loved ones, is that now we understand why
31:36 the devil attacks the Sabbath.
31:38 Why?
31:39 Because if you take away the Sabbath, what does the Sabbath
31:41 point to?
31:43 Creation, worshiping Christ as what?
31:46 As the creator.
31:47 And so the devil says, "If I can take the Sabbath away, then I
31:49 can take their focus away from Christ as their creator and then
31:54 what?
31:55 And then I could do anything I want with them, right?
31:56 Because they've left the door open for me to come in."
31:59 Look at Deuteronomy chapter 17: "For the Lord your God is God of
32:04 gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome,
32:08 who shows no," what?
32:10 Who shows no what?
32:13 Should we be showing partiality towards others?
32:14 No, God wasn't impartial with us, amen?
32:19 God was what?
32:20 God was pointing to us directly, amen.
32:22 He didn't say, "Look at these people."
32:24 He sent His only begotten Son, amen?
32:28 I'm glad that when I started my Christian walk, somebody did not
32:31 look at me because I did get the looks when I got into church
32:34 because before I became a Christian ten years ago,
32:37 whoo-hoo!
32:38 Piercings all over the place, tattoos, ripped jeans.
32:42 I was all over the place.
32:45 And they--people looked at me. They looked at me, eugh.
32:48 "This guy--eugh, this kid ain't going nowhere."
32:50 But I'm glad that as God does not show partiality, so was I
32:55 not showing partiality, amen?
32:57 And I was received and accept the same.
32:59 They didn't see me for who I was.
33:00 They saw me for who I was going to become in Christ.
33:03 "He administers justice for the fatherless and the widows, and
33:08 loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing.
33:10 Therefore love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land
33:13 of Egypt.
33:15 You shall fear the Lord your God; you shall serve Him, and do
33:18 Him--and to Him you shall," what?
33:20 "Hold fast, and take oaths in His name.
33:24 He is your praise, He is your God, who has done for you these
33:28 great and awesome things which you--" which you what?
33:33 "Which you have seen with your own eyes."
33:35 I have a question.
33:36 Have you seen the glory of God in your life?
33:39 Have you been witness to the glory of God in your life?
33:42 Then you are not the same person because when God touches you,
33:45 when God comes into your life, you can't be the same.
33:48 "Your fathers went down to Egypt with 70 persons, and now the
33:55 Lord your God has made you as the stars of heaven in
33:58 multitude," amen?
33:59 And so it's pointing to, again, it's just giving honor to God as
34:04 our creator but also because he is a God of what?
34:07 He is a just God, amen?
34:09 He is a righteous God.
34:10 He is a holy God.
34:11 And in that context, it's clearly pointing to what?
34:15 To serving others, amen?
34:16 To love for others.
34:17 What are the two--what are the--how many table commandments
34:21 do we have? We have how many?
34:22 Ten Commandments divided in how many tablets?
34:24 Two. Why two tablets?
34:26 'Cause when God was writing the first tablet, He ran out of
34:29 space and, "Hey, give Me another tablet.
34:30 C'mon, I'm running out of space."
34:31 No, why?
34:33 Because the first commandment, the first tablet,
34:35 has to do with what?
34:36 Our worship towards.
34:37 But the second commandment also has to do with our worship
34:40 towards God, right?
34:42 But our responsibility and commitment to who?
34:44 To others, amen?
34:46 And so that's why when you see in the Gospels, you see when
34:48 Christ comes along, He doesn't focus too much on the first
34:52 tablet, if you're noticed.
34:53 He does touch on the fourth one, the Sabbath, because of what it
34:55 had become.
34:56 But really, Christ focuses on what?
34:58 On the aspect of loving your neighbor.
35:00 He consistently is pushing them.
35:02 Why?
35:03 Because they had become so legalistic, they had become so
35:06 full of themselves, they had become so adapted as Isaiah as
35:09 we see in the lesson, to the ritual and the practices and
35:12 they thought that that was the end and not knowing that that
35:14 was a mean to the end, who was Christ, amen?
35:17 All of those things were pointing to Christ but they
35:20 thought it, what?
35:21 By them fulfilling it, they were what?
35:23 Oh, they will--and they forgot what?
35:25 They forgot the most basic and elemental part of what?
35:28 Of loving your neighbor.
35:30 Because how is it that we can love God who we have not seen if
35:34 we don't love our neighbors who we do see?
35:37 Isn't that a principle in the Bible?
35:39 Go with me, Romans chapter 13.
35:40 Go with me. I'm sorry, 1 John.
35:42 I wanted to show you this.
35:43 1 John.
35:44 This is the foundation, my loved ones, of our worship.
35:47 And our worship leads us into automatically a unique and a
35:52 distinct perspective of our neighbors are those that are
35:55 around us.
35:56 We're not here in a vacuum.
35:58 We're not here sitting down, just putting on the seatbelt and
36:01 hitting cruise control, waiting for Christ to come.
36:03 We have a job.
36:04 1 John chapter 4.
36:09 Who's there?
36:10 1 John chapter 4.
36:11 1 John chapter 4.
36:13 It says--we're going to start on verse number 7.
36:17 Look at this: "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is
36:20 of--and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
36:24 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
36:29 In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God
36:32 has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might
36:35 live through Him." Now watch this.
36:37 This verse--this verse number 10--the 9 is amazing; 10 is
36:42 just--it should shake us to the bones.
36:44 "In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us
36:48 and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins,"
36:52 amen?
36:53 "By this we know that we--" I'm sorry.
36:56 "Beloved, if God so loved us, then we also ought to," what?
37:01 "Love others."
37:04 It's--you can't take it apart.
37:06 That's why when people say, "Oh, ministry is part of our walk."
37:10 No, it is.
37:11 It's the express manifestation of the love for God is what?
37:16 Is a love for one another.
37:17 It's a ministering to one another.
37:19 It's the sharing to one another.
37:21 It's the seeing where I came from and how now God has used me
37:25 and changed and transformed me and I want to be that same
37:28 instrument to others, amen?
37:31 And that's what it's pointing to.
37:33 That's why it says--go with me to Romans chapter 13.
37:35 Romans chapter 13.
37:36 These are profound principles, my loved ones.
37:39 You cannot--I'm looking for the word in English.
37:41 I'm thinking in Spanish.
37:42 As you know, I've already mentioned to you, I think in
37:43 Spanish but I'm translating in English and so, good for you,
37:46 because that way I speak slower.
37:50 In Spanish I'm like a machine gun, right?
37:53 Romans chapter 13, right?
37:55 You can't separate. That's the word.
37:57 You can't separate the love for God from the love for others,
38:00 and when you love others you will minister, you will treat
38:03 them, you will reach out to them.
38:04 You will love them.
38:05 Romans chapter 13.
38:06 Who's there?
38:08 Look at verse number 8: "Owe no one anything except to," what?
38:12 "To love one another, for he who loves another has," what?
38:15 "Fulfilled the law.
38:17 For the commandment says, 'You shall not commit adultery,' 'You
38:20 shall not murder,' 'You shall not steal,' 'You shall not bear
38:22 false witness,' 'You shall not covet,' and if there is any
38:25 other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, 'You
38:28 shall love your neighbor as yourself,' love does no harm to
38:32 the neighbor; therefore the love is the," what?
38:34 "The fulfillment of the law," amen?
38:37 So how do we love our neighbors?
38:38 That second table, right?
38:40 It's that second perspective.
38:42 But that only happens, my loved ones, when we have a transformed
38:44 heart.
38:46 That's why when you go to Matthew chapter 25, when it
38:47 talks about the separating, right, of the lamb--of the lambs
38:50 and the goats in English, right? And what happens?
38:52 He says to the lambs, "Oh, you fed Me, you took care of Me, you
38:57 gave Me food, you gave Me water, you visit Me in prison," and
39:00 what did they say? "When?
39:01 When would we do that, Lord?"
39:03 And He said, "When you did it to one of My little ones," right?
39:07 It's the expression, the manifestation, of the love of
39:09 God in us is manifested through the love of God to others.
39:12 But this is not human because we are selfish.
39:16 Is everybody following me?
39:17 So this has to be a transforming power of God working in us.
39:21 And it's by contemplating, by looking at Him, by pointing to
39:25 Him, by keeping Him as the focus and His power, His Spirit,
39:28 working through us, then we can minister to others as He has
39:31 ministered to us, amen?
39:32 But what happens in the time of Isaiah, right?
39:36 They were saved from Egypt, amen?
39:39 Saved from Egypt.
39:40 They were taken, they were given a little pow-pow lesson in the
39:43 desert because they didn't get it so for 40 years God what?
39:46 God had to let that generation go and restart, right?
39:49 It was a restart, reboot, His people through giving him the
39:52 law again. But then what happens?
39:54 Then, as they start to establish as a kingdom, then comes the
39:57 time of Isaiah.
39:58 Go with me please to the times of Isaiah, whoo.
40:00 And that's kind of where the lesson left off last week in the
40:03 book of Isaiah.
40:04 Let's go with me to chapter 1.
40:06 Isaiah chapter 1, and we're going to go to verse number 10.
40:11 And now when we read this, remember I've--I think I've
40:13 mentioned this to you.
40:14 When we read these things, please read it as if it's
40:18 happening to us.
40:19 This is talking about us.
40:21 This is talking about our times because these things will what?
40:24 These things will happen again, my loved ones.
40:26 They're not here just to say, "Wow, these people during the
40:28 times of Isaiah, they were terrible.
40:30 Whoo, good thing we're not like that."
40:34 The reason it's here is because history repeats itself, and God
40:38 is putting it because the devil is the devil and he's going to
40:42 continue to push us into living and worshiping in the flesh.
40:48 Isaiah chapter 1, everybody there?
40:50 And it says in verse number 10: "Hear the word of the Lord, you
40:56 rulers of Sodom."
40:58 What? He's not talking to Sodom.
41:00 He's talking to who?
41:01 To his people.
41:02 "Give ear to the law of our God," why?
41:06 Why the law of the God?
41:07 Because the law of God has what?
41:09 Holy principles, amen?
41:11 Holy principles that protect us from sin.
41:13 I didn't hear anybody say, "Amen."
41:16 That's how I see the Ten Commandments.
41:17 The Ten Commandments is like a barrier.
41:19 It's a protection wall that God has given us to say, "That's
41:22 what sin is.
41:23 Stay away from it.
41:25 Don't get close to it."
41:27 And so the law of God protects us from ourselves.
41:30 It's the manifestation of God's love, showing us, "Don't,
41:34 because I know what transgression of My law does.
41:37 I know what happens when you walk away, when you become
41:39 idolatrous."
41:40 Continues to read: "'To what purpose is the multitude of your
41:43 sacrifices to Me?' says the Lord.
41:45 'I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of
41:48 fed cattle.
41:50 I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lamb or goats.
41:53 When you come to appear before Me,'" He says.
41:56 What does He say?
41:57 "Who has required this from your hand, to trample My courts?
42:00 Bring no more futile sacrifices; incense is an abomination to Me.
42:04 The New Moons, the Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies--I cannot
42:08 endure iniquity and the sacred meetings.
42:11 Your New Moons, your appointed festivals My soul hates; they
42:14 are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them.
42:17 When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you;
42:20 even though you make many prayers, I will not hear.
42:22 Your hands are full of blood.
42:25 Wash yourselves," amen?
42:27 "Make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings before
42:30 My eyes.
42:31 Cleanse to do evil--cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek
42:37 justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for
42:41 the widow." Now, I have a question.
42:44 All of these things were instituted by God, yes or no, in
42:46 the Mosaic law?
42:48 Yes, the incense, the sacrifices, all of the feast
42:51 days, all of this was instituted.
42:53 Is he saying not to do them?
42:54 Is that what he's saying?
42:56 No.
42:57 Remember, all those things pointed to Christ, amen?
42:59 They all point to Christ.
43:00 He's not saying not to do them.
43:01 He's saying, what?
43:02 You're doing them because you think that these are the end,
43:05 that this is the purpose.
43:06 No, these are the means to an end.
43:09 They are pointing to something greater but you've taken these
43:12 rituals, you've taken them and you've put them in a ritualized
43:16 way and you've made them the what?
43:18 The center and you forgot about what?
43:20 You forgot about those around you.
43:22 And so when we take--when we keep our focus, here's what
43:24 happens in Christianity.
43:26 When we keep our focus off Christ, when we disconnect with
43:29 God, when we no longer have that intimate daily communion with
43:32 God, then those things which are supposed to be a means to
43:36 obtain, to connect with God, we then place them as what?
43:41 As these holy principles over serving and worshiping God with
43:46 our hearts.
43:47 And so we put them and what do we do with them?
43:51 We make, "Oh, they--it's more important."
43:53 I'm sure you've seen--I like the lessons because sometimes they
43:55 have questions.
43:57 I'll give you an example of this.
43:58 Have you ever seen when they do the Communion service, right?
44:01 I remember one time in my church they were doing Communion sermon
44:04 and this deaconess, she was new, right?
44:09 And so they put her to do the cloth, right?
44:11 And so, obviously, she wasn't doing that good because, you
44:12 know, she made mistakes.
44:13 They didn't practice with her enough.
44:15 And so she was there, trying to do her best but what happened?
44:18 Oh, you can see the head deaconesses and they were just
44:21 fuming, "Ohh, look at what she's doing."
44:24 And they had rage in their heart, and then they took her
44:26 and they scolded her and, "Oh, look at what you did."
44:29 That poor child, that poor lady, she was just doing what?
44:32 What she knew.
44:33 And so we have taken these--established these
44:38 beautiful sermon, baptism and Communion, and we've taken these
44:42 things and we've put them above the love for others.
44:46 It doesn't mean that we don't do them.
44:48 It doesn't mean that these are not holy things of God, but they
44:51 are not the end.
44:52 They are the means.
44:54 They are pointing to Christ.
44:55 Is everybody with me?
44:57 And so sometimes, we put these things over the love of our
45:00 fellow beings and we do the same thing, my loved ones,
45:02 consistently.
45:04 Why?
45:05 We do this consistently when we are not connected with God.
45:08 We forget that the purpose of God is to what?
45:11 Is to save humans, amen?
45:13 And that should be the focus, as we keep our focus on the Lord.
45:16 And so when we go into the book, it talks about the number of
45:19 ways to worship and it goes into Isaiah chapter 58, right?
45:23 And it talks about, again, about fasting.
45:25 I have a question.
45:26 Is fasting not biblical?
45:28 Yes, it is biblical but what was happening?
45:30 What is Isaiah pointing to in Isaiah chapter 58?
45:34 Yes, they were using it as a means--as an end, right?
45:37 To obtain something and not knowing that what he says--what
45:40 is the fast? What is it I want you to do?
45:41 I want you to stop focusing on yourself.
45:43 That's basically what Isaiah 58 is saying.
45:45 Stop focusing on yourself, stop being so preoccupied in your own
45:49 things, your--what you want, and go serve.
45:52 Go minister.
45:53 That is, my loved ones, that is the manifestation, that is the
45:56 result.
45:57 It is of seeing and--are we just ministering to minister?
46:00 I have a question.
46:01 Are we just ministering to minister?
46:03 No, 'cause I'll tell you the truth.
46:06 I know churches that they do a lot of work, communities, oh,
46:10 community service, then they come back and the question is,
46:13 "And how many people did you minister to?
46:15 Yes, you fed them, amen, amen.
46:17 Yes, you reached out to them. But the purpose was what?
46:20 The purpose is to show them Christ, amen?
46:22 To win, to touch on their needs, to touch and minister to what
46:25 they have.
46:26 It's not just to say, to calm your conscience and say, "Oh,
46:29 I did my work this week," right?
46:31 "I gave somebody some food and I'm good to go."
46:34 Look at what it says: "Christ's method alone will give true
46:37 success in reaching," what?
46:38 "The people.
46:40 The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good.
46:43 He showed His sympathy for them.
46:45 He ministered to their needs and won their confidence but with
46:48 what purpose?
46:49 What is the end result of all of these things?
46:51 And then He obeyed them to," what?
46:53 "Follow Me," amen?
46:56 So when we're ministering, we're not just ministering to put a
46:59 checklist on what I'm--I behaved like a Christian this week.
47:02 Or a checklist because I said, "Whoo, now I can say I've done
47:05 what I need to do."
47:07 No, the purpose of ministering to people's needs, the purpose
47:10 as God is God wants us to be a blessing so that they can see
47:13 our God that we serve, amen?
47:15 That through our lives, through our works, they can see
47:18 something different and they can see the God that we serve and
47:20 they say, "You know what?
47:21 I want to serve that God.
47:22 That God that you're serving, I like it."
47:26 And they'll be listening. Isn't that what Jesus did?
47:28 He didn't heal just to heal.
47:30 Because after the healing what's going to happen?
47:32 They're going to die again.
47:36 But what?
47:37 The purpose was to give them what?
47:39 Something that could not--would not pass away here on earth but
47:43 would be what? Everlasting life, amen?
47:45 And so as we're ministering to people, we should be focusing
47:48 on what?
47:49 On trying to reach them--
47:50 but, again, we need to be what?
47:52 We need to be connected with God.
47:54 That submission to God's will.
47:56 If we don't have it, my loved ones, if we cease to focus on
48:00 worshiping God for the right purpose, because He created us,
48:02 because He redeemed us, because He has sanctified us,
48:05 because He is going to glorify us.
48:06 If we keep that out of focus and we don't give--then, we're going
48:10 to fall into all of these legalistic ways of thinking that
48:13 we're living by God and we're really trying to prove ourselves
48:16 to others and to God.
48:18 And that is not salvation. Is everybody with me?
48:20 And so the way you live, worship is not a moment.
48:23 Worshiping is not just coming here to church, it's not just
48:26 about preaching, it's not just about reading, it's not just
48:28 about singing. Worship is a lifestyle.
48:31 It's a daily manifestation, is how you carry yourself when you
48:34 talk, when you walk, when other people see you.
48:36 What do your neighbors think about you?
48:38 What do your friends think about you?
48:40 Have you been ministering to them?
48:42 This is not just homeless people, it's not just going to
48:44 Africa.
48:45 You have a mission field where you live.
48:48 You are a missionary, amen?
48:50 You might be a contract worker, but you're really a missionary
48:54 disguised as a contract worker.
48:56 You might be an accountant.
48:58 No, you're not an accountant; you're a missionary disguised as
49:00 an accountant.
49:01 God has placed you there so that what?
49:04 You can serve that mission field, amen, to reach out to
49:07 others, to minister to others.
49:09 But the foundation of all is what?
49:10 That God is what?
49:11 Is the God that we are serving.
49:13 It is why we do it. Is everybody with me?
49:15 And so, I mean, there's so much to talk about, my loved ones.
49:19 It's a fascinating lesson.
49:20 What I want to do is I want to challenge you.
49:22 I want to challenge you to go out and minister.
49:25 Minister to your neighbors.
49:28 Minister to the people that you know, to your--people that you
49:30 maybe never met.
49:31 Maybe somebody that lives down the block.
49:34 Minister, go out, pray with them.
49:37 Show them the God that we serve, amen?
49:39 Show them the God that created us and has saved us.
49:41 That is the same God that we want to show others.
49:43 Is everybody with me?
49:44 And so is the Sabbath a purpose of this, my loved ones?
49:48 That's what the lesson "Worshiping the Creator."
49:49 Sabbath is the great day.
49:51 Sabbath is the purpose, amen?
49:53 With the Sabbath, what are we doing?
49:54 We're putting it together.
49:55 We don't work today.
49:57 Jesus says, "It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
50:00 So that means that today is a great day to minister as a
50:04 church, amen?
50:06 To go out and reach people, to go out and minister to people.
50:09 That's what we're called to do, my loved ones, amen?
50:13 And we do it every day but a Sabbath is a special part.
50:15 That's why we worship the Creator.
50:17 What better way to worship the Creator on His day than to go
50:20 out and minister to others, amen?
50:22 Praise the Lord and so I want to remind you that we have our
50:25 offer for those that are watching:
50:28 "Why God Said Remember."
50:30 "Why God Said Remember."
50:31 This is our free offer, number 185.
50:33 You can if--reach out at...
50:39 And also you can text the code "SH129."
50:45 Text it to number 40544 if you would like to receive this free
50:51 gift that we have, and so
50:53 thank you for this time we spent together and remember,
50:54 we'll be back next week with another lesson.
50:57 Praise the Lord.
51:00 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
51:03 free resource.
51:04 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, you can
51:06 download a digital copy straight to your computer or mobile
51:09 device.
51:10 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text
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51:23 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
51:26 with "Amazing Facts," wherever and whenever you want
51:30 and most important, to share it with others.
51:34 ♪♪♪
51:44 Doug Batchelor: On Christmas Eve, 1971,
51:46 17-year-old Juliane Koepcke bordered LANSA flight 508
51:51 with her mother in Lima, Peru.
51:53 They intended to join her father for Christmas at his research
51:57 station in the Amazon Rainforest.
51:59 After crossing the Andes at about 21,000 feet, their
52:03 aircraft was enveloped by large dark thunderclouds and it
52:07 encountered severe turbulence.
52:09 Lightning was flashing everywhere and the plane was
52:11 shaking violently, which naturally terrified the
52:15 passengers.
52:16 Then a bolt of lightning struck the plane's engine and tore off
52:20 a wing.
52:21 As the doomed airliner hurtled towards the earth, the cabin
52:24 came apart and the next thing she knew, Juliane found herself
52:28 strapped alone to a row of seats, falling and spinning
52:31 silently from over 10,000 feet above the rainforest.
52:35 She plummeted through the jungle canopy and slammed to
52:38 the forest floor.
52:40 When she awoke the next day, Juliane was amazed to realize
52:44 she had survived the 2-mile fall with just a broken collarbone
52:47 and a bad gash in her arm.
52:49 After failing to find any other survivors, Juliane relied on
52:53 what her father had taught her, that walking downstream will
52:57 always lead to civilization.
52:59 So with a bag of candy that had fallen from the plane and one
53:02 sandal, she started walking.
53:04 For ten days, Juliane hobbled, swam, or floated downstream.
53:10 Her wounds became infected and she was plagued by maggots while
53:13 having to dodge crocodiles, piranhas, and relentless
53:16 insects.
53:18 Eventually, she came to a shack where she slept and she was soon
53:22 discovered by Peruvian loggers.
53:24 Eventually, Juliane was united with her amazed father.
53:28 It's hard to imagine a 17-year-old girl surviving such
53:31 a fall and then hiking alone out of the world's largest
53:35 rainforest.
53:37 You know, the Bible talks about some who survived an even
53:39 greater fall than Juliane.
53:41 In fact, according to the Scriptures, when Adam and Eve
53:44 fell in the Garden of Eden, it brought the whole human race
53:47 down.
53:48 But Jesus came to redeem the world from sin.
53:51 Perhaps you're thinking to yourself, "Well, that's okay for
53:54 the world but I've fallen too far."
53:57 Well, if the Lord can save Juliane, God can save you.
54:00 You've not gone farther than Moses who was guilty of murder
54:04 or David who was guilty of adultery or Peter who denied
54:07 Jesus, and all of them were saved and restored
54:10 from their fall.
54:11 Or maybe you're thinking, "I've fallen too many times."
54:15 Be of good courage.
54:16 It says in Proverbs chapter 24, verse 16: "A righteous man falls
54:20 seven times and rises again."
54:22 And Jesus cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalene.
54:25 So don't get discouraged, friend.
54:26 If you've fallen, get back up again.
54:29 The same way that He could save Juliane, lead her from that lost
54:32 condition in the rainforest, and restore her to her father, Jesus
54:36 can lead you from your lost condition and restore you to
54:40 your heavenly Father.
54:42 ♪♪♪
54:54 Diana Dixon: My name is Diana Dixon.
54:56 I'm a professional truck driver.
54:58 In August 4, 2011, I stopped to help in an accident.
55:02 male: Diana Dixon also tried to help.
55:04 She parked her semi, jumped out, and headed toward the pick-up.
55:08 That's when she saw vehicles barreling toward her so she
55:11 reacted by jumping off 475 to a road below.
55:15 Diana: Well, a pick-up had clipped a semi, and I stopped to
55:18 help and I saw it in the mirror, so I walked back.
55:20 A gentleman told me, he says,
55:21 "Hey, you know, everything's okay.
55:23 Call 911."
55:24 And I looked over at the pick-up and there was a black pick-up
55:27 over there and he was okay.
55:29 At about that time, I don't know how far I walked, but I walked
55:31 far enough and a semi hit him and it imploded.
55:35 I knew it was going to hit me.
55:37 I had 30 seconds to decide and I decided to jump."
55:41 Diana: Yeah, I jumped off the bridge.
55:43 My back's broken.
55:45 dispatcher: Where are you at?
55:47 Diana: I don't know.
55:50 Diana: Fractured my pelvis in 24 places, 5 broken ribs, C5
55:53 neck fracture, I had a collapsed lung, I had a lacerated bladder,
55:58 I was bleeding internally, I had no marks on the outside of me
56:02 at all but a scrape where my arm had scraped the concrete.
56:05 From the chest down, I was on fire.
56:07 I was a dispatcher for a year after the accident and I went
56:11 back, finished my degree, and I went to Pittsburgh.
56:14 Threw a backpack over my back, walked like all the other
56:18 students.
56:19 I ran a marathon and I'm--since then I've been back to
56:22 truck-driving.
56:24 There was a gentleman I worked with and one day he was walking
56:27 in and he walked up to my desk and I was reading my Bible.
56:30 And he says, "Are you a believer?"
56:33 And I said, "Yes."
56:35 And he gave me some "Amazing Facts" study guides and it
56:37 just--it was an eye-opening experience for me.
56:42 I mean, I started reading them and I had a bunch of questions
56:44 to ask him, so I got online and I got on the "Amazing Facts"
56:47 web page and I just found information just that
56:52 I'd never known.
56:54 I went back to work as a truck driver because
56:56 that was my ministry.
56:57 It was my ministry before the accident and I was driving down
57:01 the road and I just needed a connection and I was flipping
57:04 through and somehow I ended up on YouTube and next thing I
57:07 know, "Amazing Facts," one of those things would come up there
57:10 and I listened to it.
57:12 I'm driving down the road, I got 11 hours of driving.
57:16 So I listened to one, I listened to another one.
57:19 And the more I listened to him, everything that I thought in my
57:22 heart, I'd just click on to one of these YouTubes and there he
57:25 was giving me the answer.
57:26 I walked in Seventh-Day Adventist Church for the first
57:28 time and I felt at home.
57:31 I was baptized in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
57:33 because I had found the truth that I just was searching for
57:38 and I'd been praying about.
57:40 "Amazing Facts" has been such an inspiration and important for my
57:44 coming back into ministry that I want to be able to give back
57:48 to anyone that I can and "Amazing Facts"
57:51 is the backbone of my ministry.
57:55 My name is Diana Dixon.
57:57 Thank you for changing my life.
58:08 ♪♪♪


Revised 2019-08-06