Sabbath School Study Hour

The Cry of the Prophets

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021931A

00:00 ♪♪♪
00:35 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends.
00:36 Welcome to "Sabbath School Study Hour" here at the Granite Bay
00:38 Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Sacramento.
00:41 I'd like to welcome our online Sabbath School members scattered
00:44 across the country and around the world, as well as the many
00:47 others who tune in on a regular basis to participate, to study
00:51 with us here at our Sabbath School.
00:53 I'd also like to welcome our regular Sabbath School members
00:56 here in person.
00:57 I know we have some visitors who are joining us today.
00:59 Very warm welcome to all of you on a very warm July day
01:04 here in Sacramento.
01:06 As many of you know, we've been studying through our lesson
01:08 quarterly entitled "The Least of These," and today we find
01:12 ourselves on lesson number five.
01:14 Interesting study, it's called "The Cry of the Prophets."
01:17 So we're going to be looking at some of what's called the minor
01:20 prophets, or the smaller books that we find in the Old
01:22 Testament, dealing with our subject of mercy and it's called
01:26 "The Least of These" is our lesson quarterly.
01:28 If you don't have a copy of the lesson, we're only
01:31 on lesson number five.
01:32 There's a total of 13 lessons.
01:34 If you'd like to download today's lesson, it's free.
01:37 Just go to and, as mentioned already, lesson
01:42 number five is the one that we're looking at today.
01:44 We also have a free offer that we'd like to tell our friends
01:47 about who are joining us.
01:48 We have a DVD, DVD sermon, entitled
01:51 "When a Christian Falls."
01:53 I think it's an encouraging study and I think
01:56 you'll enjoy that.
01:58 All you'll need to do to receive a free DVD of this study is call
02:01 the number... and you want to ask for offer number 867
02:09 or you can send a text message or text the code "SH128"
02:13 to the number 40544.
02:17 And you'll get a link as to where you can download
02:20 the sermon entitled "When a Christian Falls."
02:23 Well, before we get to our study, we always like to start
02:26 by lifting our voices in song so we'd like to invite our song
02:30 leaders to come forward at this time.
02:40 female: As we do every time we study together, we love to
02:43 sing and I believe that that is truly just another
02:45 part of worship.
02:47 So if you are at home and have your hymnals, you might need
02:50 to pull them out.
02:51 We are going to sing a song that everyone knows, hymn number 348.
02:57 We're going to sing, "The church has one foundation.
02:59 'Tis Jesus Christ our Lord."
03:02 We're going to sing the first, the third, and the fourth verse.
03:09 ♪♪♪
03:16 ♪ The church has one foundation. ♪
03:22 ♪ 'Tis Jesus Christ, her Lord. ♪
03:26 ♪ She is His new creation ♪
03:31 ♪ by water and the Word. ♪
03:36 ♪ From heav'n He came and sought her ♪
03:42 ♪ to be His holy bride; ♪
03:46 ♪ with His own blood He bought her, ♪
03:52 ♪ and for her life He died. ♪
03:58 ♪ Though with a scornful wonder ♪
04:03 ♪ men see her sore oppressed, ♪
04:08 ♪ though foes would rend asunder, ♪
04:15 ♪ The Rock where she doth rest. ♪
04:19 ♪ Yet saints their faith are keeping, ♪
04:23 ♪ their cry goes up, "How long?" ♪
04:28 ♪ And soon the night of weeping ♪
04:33 ♪ shall be the morn of song. ♪
04:40 ♪ 'Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of her war, ♪
04:50 ♪ she waits the consummation ♪
04:55 ♪ of peace forevermore; ♪
05:00 ♪ 'til with the vision glorious, ♪
05:06 ♪ her longing eyes are blessed, ♪
05:12 ♪ and the great church victorious ♪
05:18 ♪ shall be the church at rest. ♪♪
05:40 Jean: Amen.
05:42 Let's go ahead and bow our heads for a word of prayer.
05:45 Dear Father, once again, we are indeed grateful for the many
05:47 blessings that You bestowed upon us for life, for strength, but
05:50 most of all we are grateful for Jesus, for the gospel, for hope
05:55 for a future with You and with those that love You.
05:58 Father, as we open up Your Word and study a theme that we find
06:01 all the way back in the times of the prophets in the Old
06:04 Testament, a theme that is relevant and important for us
06:07 today, we do pray for the Holy Spirit to come and guide our
06:10 hearts and lead us into a clear understanding of the gospel and
06:14 the work that You wish to do for us.
06:16 So bless our time together.
06:17 We ask this in Jesus's name, amen.
06:21 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought to us
06:23 by Pastor Doug.
06:30 Doug Batchelor: Thank you, Pastor Ross.
06:32 Good morning, everybody.
06:34 How are you?
06:37 Good to see you this morning.
06:39 I want to welcome our friends who are studying with us via the
06:42 Internet or maybe it's Facebook or satellite or whatever the
06:47 different technology might be.
06:50 We're glad that you joined us.
06:51 We know that we have some of you who are regular Sabbath School
06:54 class members for our Granite Bay program and some of you are
06:58 actually some of our online members around the world because
07:01 there is no church nearby that you can attend that you've
07:05 adopted us, and we're very thankful for that.
07:09 We're continuing in our lesson, "The Least of These," and today
07:12 we're doing lesson number five.
07:15 And the lesson is about "The Cry of the Prophets."
07:18 "The Cry of the Prophets."
07:20 We'll see how, through the course of the Bible, a number of
07:23 the different prophets, both some of the major prophets and
07:28 minor prophets, talk about the importance of justice, a cry for
07:32 justice.
07:34 And we have a memory verse, and the memory verse is from the
07:36 book of Micah, chapter 6, verse 8.
07:39 If you want to say this with me, it's here in the lesson, in the
07:42 New King James Version, Micah 6, verse 8: one of my
07:46 favorite verses.
07:47 Are you ready?
07:49 "He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord
07:53 require of you but that you do justly, to love mercy, and to
07:58 walk humbly with your God?"
08:01 You know, I love these bottom-line verses.
08:05 This is one of those verses that gets right to the bottom line.
08:07 Lord, what do You want from me?
08:09 Matter of fact, this verse was so precious to me that years ago
08:13 it was a reason that we named one of our boys Micah is because
08:17 this verse touched me.
08:19 What does God want from us?
08:21 "To love mercy, to do justly, and to walk humbly
08:26 with your God."
08:27 If you get those things covered, you're probably walking
08:29 in the gospel.
08:31 Now, in the lesson that we're dealing with, it's talking about
08:37 how, over the course of history, it seems like under just about
08:43 every different form of government, at some point or
08:45 other, mankind gravitates.
08:50 If you don't have love and you don't have the gospel, mankind
08:52 will eventually gravitate to exploit and take advantage of
08:56 his fellow man.
08:57 There's almost never an age in history you can point to where
09:01 it doesn't seem like, given a chance, people will grind down
09:08 the poor and take advantage of their brother.
09:10 And many of the leaders, even though in the governments, they
09:12 started out with the best of intentions to have revival in
09:15 government, it ends up gravitating that way
09:18 after a generation.
09:19 You know, when you study history, churches go
09:26 through a cycle.
09:29 Denominations.
09:32 Most denominations start out with a vision.
09:37 They want to get back to the basics and there's sacrifice and
09:41 simplicity and the people are mission-minded and they're out
09:44 there and there's trust and there's integrity but then, as
09:48 they grow and they become more successful, they need to get
09:51 organized and, as they get organized, then they start
09:53 building institutions, and one or two generations goes by and
09:58 then pretty soon it becomes cultural and it's the social
10:02 life of the group instead of it being the vision of
10:05 the early founders.
10:08 And the next thing you know, you've just got a denomination
10:10 and they lost that early--that passion, that vision.
10:15 I mean, I'll just pick out of thin air, the Methodists.
10:21 Got the greatest respect--we'll talk a little later in the
10:25 morning services about one of the founders.
10:29 Greatest respect for John Wesley and Charles Wesley and their
10:33 mother who had, like, 18 kids and all raised godly, and the
10:37 passion they had, crossing oceans to do mission work.
10:43 And, you know, Methodism, you know how it got its name?
10:47 They were so methodical about their devotions and about living
10:52 a godly life and sanctification, the church spread like crazy and
10:56 there was a great revival.
10:58 If John Wesley could be resurrected today and look at
11:02 the Methodist church today he would be aghast, that they have
11:06 drifted so far from the Scriptures and the passion
11:10 and the ideal.
11:12 It's because the devil is constantly pulling us back
11:15 towards the world.
11:17 Instead of being governed by the gospel, they're governed
11:18 by culture.
11:20 That's happened to the Lutherans, it's happened to the
11:23 Baptists, it's happened to the Pentecostals.
11:28 It's happened to us.
11:31 As a few generations go by, we start to be governed by the
11:35 culture around us.
11:37 Now, I said this about religion.
11:39 It's a cycle that churches tend to go through.
11:41 We start out like Ephesus and we end up like Laodicea.
11:46 It's a cycle that you see in history.
11:48 You also see this cycle with the governments.
11:52 The people get so tired of some despot that's grinding down the
11:58 poor or you've got, like, the French Revolution.
12:01 What brought about the French Revolution?
12:04 You had all the wealthy aristocrats that were just
12:08 exploiting the poor people.
12:10 They thought the purpose of the poor was to make the rich more
12:13 comfortable and when they came and then talked to, was it Maria
12:18 Antoinette, and they said, "The people are starving.
12:20 They have no bread."
12:21 She said, "Let them eat cake."
12:23 You remember that one?
12:26 And they were so removed that finally, the people rose up and
12:29 they said, "We need a new government.
12:32 We need a government that's going to have justice."
12:34 And they built the guillotine and when it came to the rulers
12:37 and the aristocrats, they said, "Off with their heads."
12:41 Well, how do you think Communism took off?
12:44 Because of the Bolsheviks, the Tsar, and they felt like they're
12:49 grinding down the poor and when they said, "We're going to have
12:51 a government of the people where everybody's equal," and there
12:53 was a great revolution so there'd be justice and equality.
12:59 I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, one of my classes
13:03 required me to read the book "Animal Farm."
13:06 Any of you ever required to read "Animal Farm"?
13:08 You know, even if you're a Christian you can read
13:11 that book.
13:13 It really talks about these farming animals that rise up
13:17 against the farmer because he's taking advantage of them.
13:19 And so they chase away the farmer and pretty soon the
13:21 animals are in charge.
13:23 And they say, "All of us are going to be equal now."
13:25 I think the pig ends up somehow getting the lead role.
13:30 And pretty soon, the pig is eating better than all the other
13:33 animals and they don't understand.
13:35 They said, "You said we'd be all equal."
13:37 And he said, "We are all equal, but some of us are more equal
13:41 than others."
13:42 That was a famous line in the book.
13:45 That's what happens.
13:47 America's got a government where we're all supposed to be equal.
13:50 Then why do we have separate tax laws for congressmen and
13:52 senators?
13:55 As time goes by, it seems we all gravitate down.
14:01 It's a siphon effect to the lowest common denominator.
14:04 Not only does it happen in churches, it happens in
14:06 governments, and the Bible not only talks about religion, it
14:09 talks about government.
14:10 And you're going to see this, so we're going to talk--we're going
14:14 to be looking at some of the different rulers that took
14:16 charge in the Bible and we're going to start with Samuel.
14:20 Turn with me in your Bibles to the book of Samuel
14:22 and chapter 8.
14:24 Now, the best form of government is a benevolent godly
14:32 dictatorship.
14:34 You're going to think, "Pastor Doug, how dare you say
14:35 such a thing?"
14:37 If you get somebody who has absolute control and they are
14:42 absolutely converted, that's the best government.
14:45 But that's so hard to get, that you almost need
14:50 a representative government.
14:52 What were the times when they had the best government
14:56 in Israel?
14:58 Don't be afraid to venture a guess.
15:05 I didn't hand out any Scriptures today so I'm letting you talk
15:07 from the floor.
15:08 If you haven't--I'll repeat what you say, so--huh?
15:10 Moses. That's true.
15:14 Moses was absolutely converted and he was a just leader
15:17 and--but at one point, Moses--Jethro came to visit him
15:23 and he watched Moses.
15:26 From the time he woke up in the morning he sat down and he
15:29 judged the people.
15:31 Now you've got, like, 1 1/2, 2 million people.
15:33 They must have had about 2 million people because they
15:35 numbered the soldiers one time and they were, like, 600,000
15:38 fighting men so you add in the women and the children and the
15:40 old, and you got a lot of people.
15:43 And when you get that many people, there's going to be
15:46 disagreements and squabbles.
15:48 "Their goat went rampaging through my tent and destroyed
15:51 everything.
15:52 What are you going to do about that?"
15:54 And so you have to listen to the case and, you know, and you can
15:58 listen to the civil laws that Moses gives and you can tell he
16:01 had a lot of experience, he says, and if you had an oxen and
16:05 you knew that oxen had a tendency to bore people with his
16:09 horns and you didn't restrain him, then you're guilty.
16:12 Now, it was the first time it happened, you had no idea he was
16:14 going to act that way, then there's a different punishment.
16:16 And they had different laws for manslaughter, premeditated,
16:18 unintentional, and you could tell Moses was dealing
16:21 with all kinds of case.
16:22 He was a converted person, he was a just judge, led by the
16:25 Holy Spirit, but he was judging all day long, and his
16:28 father-in-law came to visit him.
16:30 How old was Jethro, if Moses was 80?
16:34 But his father-in-law comes to visit him and he watches him all
16:37 day long, judging the people.
16:39 And he said, "What you're doing is not good.
16:41 You're going to wear yourself out.
16:43 Let me give you some advice.
16:45 It's called delegate.
16:48 You need to search out among you wise, honest people that you can
16:52 trust, people who will loathe to take a bribe, people
16:58 who have good judgment.
17:00 And you need to set them over thousands and hundreds and
17:03 fifties and tens.
17:05 And all the little family squabbles, they can take it to
17:07 the tribal leader of ten or whatever and then you'll have
17:10 the fifties and the hundreds and, by the way, when Jesus sat
17:13 the people down to give them bread, do you know how
17:16 He did it?
17:17 He broke them up in companies of fifties and hundreds.
17:20 And Moses, God said, "Your father-in-law has good counsel.
17:26 You need to follow that."
17:28 So they--I don't know what process they used.
17:30 Maybe the people elected the judges or maybe Moses just--they
17:34 did a survey to find out who had the most honest people, people
17:39 with some age and experience, and they appointed them.
17:41 And when they were picked, it says, "These are going to be
17:45 people that hate covetousness.
17:48 You can't bribe them."
17:50 They're--and, you know, Moses said, "You will not show
17:53 preference to the rich because they're rich and," he said,
17:59 "you will not show preference to the poor."
18:01 Now you know what happens in our government these days.
18:03 We swing back and forth between being so overly careful to take
18:08 care of the poor that we abuse the rich, or we're so concerned
18:11 about the rich, we abuse the poor.
18:13 It goes both ways, two extremes.
18:16 And so Moses actually said that.
18:19 He said, "Don't give preferential treatment to
18:20 either.
18:22 You have to be absolutely fair.
18:24 You need to have a just scale."
18:26 That was the best government when they had that.
18:29 So during the reign, I heard someone say Moses.
18:31 Who else?
18:34 Joshua, they probably had a good government.
18:37 I was almost--Joshua almost lived during a time of military
18:41 conquest but I'm sure they had those cases.
18:44 How about David?
18:47 Did I hear David?
18:49 And the early reign of Solomon was great justice.
18:53 Jehoshaphat, he went through the land, he appointed judges that
18:57 would be just.
18:59 There would be fairness among the people and there was great
19:02 prosperity during those times.
19:04 There was also a lot of national contentment during those times.
19:08 So with that as a backdrop, we're going to go and we'll take
19:15 a look--what did I say?
19:16 We're going to go look at Samuel chapter 8, verse--now, during
19:21 the time of Samuel, was there tranquility?
19:23 Not Eli, but from the time Eli died and Samuel was young.
19:27 He was a head prophet and priest, up until he got old.
19:30 Now, you go to chapter 8 of 1 Samuel and verse 1: "Now it came
19:36 to pass that when Samuel was old that he made his sons judges
19:39 over Israel.
19:41 The name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second
19:43 was Abijah; and they were judging in Beersheba.
19:47 But his sons did not walk in his ways; and they turned aside
19:51 after dishonest gain, and they took bribes, and they perverted
19:57 justice."
19:59 And so the people became very discontent.
20:04 And Samuel was fair, he was honest, he was just.
20:07 But his sons, they let the wicked go off scot free because
20:10 they'd get a bribe.
20:12 Now, we heard something in the news this week that's been the
20:17 rage about a man named Epstein that was flagged several years
20:25 ago and arrested for trafficking young girls and doing terrible
20:31 things and he's out walking the streets.
20:36 At least, he was, for several years because it looks like he
20:39 had a lot of money and influence and good lawyers and got
20:41 preferential treatment.
20:45 He's back in jail again and--but people are amazed how he seemed
20:52 to be able to walk away with a very minimal sentence with such
20:56 overwhelming evidence.
21:01 You remember a few years ago they had what they called the
21:05 trial of the century.
21:08 And a famous celebrity football star was Exhibit A in the murder
21:16 of his wife and another gentleman.
21:19 But because had really good attorneys and had money and had
21:24 celebrity, he walked away and people were outraged.
21:31 But then later, in a civil trial, he was convicted.
21:35 But then he walked away.
21:38 Then he got arrested again for pulling a gun and threatening
21:40 someone for stealing sports memorabilia, thrown in jail.
21:44 He's free and golfing again today.
21:50 This is someone who everyone is pretty sure murdered two people.
21:57 And you wonder, do you get preferential treatment if you
22:00 have celebrity?
22:01 And if you have wealth?
22:04 Yeah, so they said to Samuel, "Your sons are not doing
22:11 what you did."
22:14 And they came to him and I think you can go to--they said, "Your
22:20 sons do not walk in your ways.
22:23 The elders gathered together to Samuel," I'm in verse 4, "at
22:26 Ramah, 'You're old, your sons don't walk in your ways.
22:30 Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.'
22:35 But the thing displeased Samuel."
22:37 Now, was God shocked that they would ask for a king?
22:41 No.
22:43 Was it God's plan that they have a king?
22:45 No, but He knew it would happen.
22:47 You know, even in the law of Moses, it says, "When you pick a
22:49 king."
22:51 He knew it would eventually happen, that they'd reject Him,
22:53 they'd reject the theocracy and they'd go towards a monarchy.
22:56 And God said, "Moses."
22:59 The Lord told Moses to say, "When you get a king, tell him
23:03 not to multiply horses and trust in his horses.
23:06 Don't come back to Egypt and get horses.
23:08 Tell him not to multiply money, lest he trust in his money, and
23:12 tell him not to multiply wives."
23:14 So finally, they get one of the greatest kings they've had.
23:18 What was his name?
23:20 Solomon. What does he do?
23:22 He goes down to Egypt and he gets horses from Egypt.
23:24 And then he gets a wife from Egypt.
23:26 He gets a few spare wives along the way.
23:28 Gets about 1000 before he's done.
23:30 And then it says: "Do not multiply money."
23:33 He amassed a tremendous fortune.
23:35 Most of it got carried back to Egypt, did you know that?
23:38 When Shishak came up during the time of his son Rehoboam.
23:41 The very things that God said not to do.
23:44 So God knew they would ultimately get a king.
23:46 But then He said, "I'm going to give you some advice."
23:48 God told Samuel, "Don't take it personal.
23:52 It's not you they've rejected; it's Me they've rejected."
23:54 He said, "But I want you to go tell them what to expect."
23:57 Now listen to what Samuel says.
23:58 This is 1 Samuel 8, verse 10: "So Samuel told all the words of
24:04 the Lord to the people who had asked him for a king.
24:07 And he says, 'This will be the behavior of the king who will
24:10 reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them for
24:14 his own chariots to be his horsemen, and some will run
24:17 before his chariots.
24:18 He will appoint captains over--'"
24:21 Now, did that happen? It did.
24:23 It says Absalom appointed 50 men to run before his chariot.
24:26 I'm sure the others did that as well.
24:29 "He will appoint captains over his thousands and captains over
24:33 his fifties, he will set some to plow his ground and to reap his
24:37 harvest, and some to make his weapons of war and equipment for
24:40 his chariots.
24:41 He'll take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers.
24:46 He'll take the best of your fields and your vineyards and
24:49 your olive groves, and give them to his servants.
24:52 He'll take a tenth of your grain and your vintage, and give it to
24:55 his officers."
24:57 Now, wait a second.
24:58 Ten percent went to the priest, now Samuel's saying another ten
25:01 percent is going to go to the king.
25:03 The more government you have, the more taxes you have to
25:06 sustain the government.
25:08 Isn't that right?
25:11 And it seems like we're always voting new departments in the
25:14 government and it's almost impossible to diminish them once
25:17 you vote them.
25:19 Once you vote people a benefit for free, just try to take it
25:22 away and watch what happens.
25:25 It's always easy to give a person a raise when they're an
25:28 employee but tell them you have cuts and you have to take that
25:30 raise back again, and you have a riot.
25:34 "He'll take the best of your fields, a tenth of your grain
25:38 and your vintage, and give it to his officers and his servants.
25:41 He'll take your male and your female servants, and the finest
25:43 young men, and donkeys, and put them to his work.
25:47 He'll take a tenth of your sheep.
25:49 And you will be his servants.
25:51 And you will cry out in that day because of your king that you
25:55 have chosen for yourself, and the Lord will not hear you in
25:58 that day."
25:59 In other words, look, if you get a king, I'm just telling you
26:01 that eventually you're going to get one that's not converted and
26:03 he was--he's going to exploit you and he's going to oppress
26:09 you and he's going to take advantage of you and you can
26:13 say, "Oh man, this king is grinding us down."
26:15 God's going to say, "I told you.
26:17 You said you didn't want Me, you wanted a king.
26:18 There you go."
26:20 And any of you ever have a parent, you ask for something,
26:25 they knew it wasn't very good and they gave you what you
26:26 wanted and then you cried out?
26:29 I remember one time my father picked up--my parents
26:33 were divorced.
26:34 My dad came to pick me and my brother up for his time with us
26:38 and said he can take us to a movie.
26:40 So he was on the way to the movie and we saw him drive by
26:43 the drive-in theater.
26:45 Well, we had been to that drive-in theater before and they
26:46 were showing "Dumbo."
26:48 Well, we were young.
26:49 We said, "Go there, Dad. Go there."
26:51 He said, "No, you don't want to go there."
26:52 "Go there, Dad. Go there, go there."
26:53 He said, "You don't want to go there.
26:55 Said, "No, go there. We want to go there."
26:56 He said, "Okay, you want to go there."
26:58 He took us to the drive-in theater and it was like a
27:01 Perry Mason movie, not for kids at all.
27:05 And we said, "Oh, we don't want to stay here."
27:06 He said, "No, we're going to stay and watch it now.
27:09 You asked for it, you got it."
27:12 I remember going to sleep in the back seat, miserable.
27:17 Anyway, so He says, "I'm going to give you what you want, if
27:22 you want it bad enough."
27:25 And they ended up having a variety of kings
27:27 that oppressed them.
27:28 There was a few good ones but so often He says, "I'll give you
27:31 what you want," and they were sorry they asked for it.
27:34 Next, we go to Amos.
27:37 He's among the minor prophets.
27:39 Now, Amos was among what--you know, there's technically 12
27:42 minor prophets, interesting number, in the Old Testament.
27:45 He was a contemporary.
27:49 Amos lived during the time of Hosea and Isaiah.
27:52 He was active from about 760 to 755 BC during the rule of the
27:56 kings Jeroboam II and King Uzziah, and the king Uzziah
28:00 reigned for 52 years.
28:03 He was a long-reigning king.
28:05 Jeroboam II I think was king in the northern empire.
28:08 Even though Amos was from the southern empire that worshiped
28:13 God and had the temple, most of his ministry was in
28:16 the northern kingdom.
28:17 And so he wrote during a time of relative peace and prosperity
28:20 but there was also terrible neglect of God's law and they
28:24 were at that time grinding down the poor.
28:27 So let's look, for example, in the book of Amos chapter 7,
28:30 verse 14.
28:32 First thing, Amos did not go to the school of the prophets and
28:36 he says in Amos 7:14, he says to Amaziah: "I was no prophet, nor
28:41 was I the son of a prophet, but I was a sheepbreeder
28:45 and a tender of sycamore fruit."
28:48 That sycamore fruit was really a--they were like a very
28:51 primitive form of fig.
28:53 They weren't the best figs.
28:55 They usually fed those to the animals.
28:56 And so he says, "Look, I was doing my business.
28:58 God called me as a prophet.
29:00 I did not go--I did not go looking for this calling.
29:02 God placed it on me.
29:04 I was not one of the sons of the prophets you trained for it.
29:06 And so he's given some difficult messages.
29:10 Now, they like the first messages that Amos gives because
29:14 in his first messages, he is decrying the kingdoms of Moab
29:21 and Edom and Ammon and the other empires in Israel, going, "Yes,
29:25 keep prophesying."
29:26 And then he said, "And now, for you, I've got a word
29:29 from the Lord."
29:31 And you go to Amos chapter 2, verse 4: "Thus says the Lord:
29:36 'For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not
29:41 turn away its punishment, because they've despised the law
29:44 of the Lord, and have not kept His commandments.
29:47 Their lies lead them astray, lies which
29:49 their fathers followed.
29:53 But I'll send a fire upon Judah, and it will devour the palaces
29:56 of Jerusalem."
29:58 Now, how do we know Amos was a prophet?
30:00 Did it happen?
30:02 Just as a little follow-up so you know that he was a prophet,
30:06 if you look in 2 Kings 25, verse 8, 2 Kings 25, verse 8: "And in
30:11 the 5th month, on the 7th day of the month which was the 19th
30:15 year of King Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan, captain
30:19 of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon,
30:22 came to Jerusalem.
30:24 He burned the house of the Lord and the king's house; and all
30:28 the houses of Jerusalem, that is, all the houses of the
30:31 great," these are the palaces, "he burned with fire.
30:34 And all the army of the Chaldeans who were with the
30:38 captain of the guard broke down the wall of Jerusalem
30:40 all round about."
30:42 And so it didn't happen right away but the prophecy of Amos
30:44 was vividly fulfilled.
30:46 And he said, "Why was this judgment coming?
30:49 Because you're neglecting the law of the Lord and those were
30:51 particularly laws that had to do with caring for the poor, about
30:55 justice, and equity.
30:59 So if you turn now to Amos chapter 3, and we're going
31:02 to go there.
31:04 In the book of Amos chapter 3, and we're going to start out
31:08 reading verse--chapter 3, verse 9: "Proclaim in the palaces at
31:15 Ashdod," that was the Philistines.
31:17 "In the palaces in the land of Egypt, and say: 'Assemble on
31:20 the mountains of Samaria; see a great tumult in her midst,
31:25 and the oppressed within her.'"
31:26 Samaria is where?
31:29 It's a northern kingdom, kingdom of Israel.
31:33 This is where Amos's prophecy was.
31:35 He's saying that tell among the Philistines and tell the people
31:39 of Egypt, they can celebrate because the northern kingdom's
31:44 going to fall.
31:45 "'For they do not know to do right,' says the Lord, 'who
31:49 store up violence and robbery in their palaces.'
31:53 Therefore thus says the Lord God:
31:55 'An adversary will be all around the land; and
31:59 he will sap your strength from you, and your palaces
32:02 will be plundered.'
32:04 Thus says the Lord."
32:05 Now, this happened during the time of Assyria, the palaces of
32:07 the northern kingdom, Samaria, were plundered.
32:10 "Thus says the Lord: 'As a shepherd takes from the mouth of
32:14 a lion two legs and a piece of an ear, so shall the children of
32:18 Israel be taken who dwell in Samaria--in the corner of a bed
32:22 on the edge of a couch!'"
32:24 You know, a shepherd might find that
32:28 a lion has come among the flock and he chases off the lion and
32:32 all that's left of the lamb are some small parts.
32:35 And he's saying that's what's going to happen to Israel.
32:38 It was going to be just decimated because of their
32:42 unjust behavior.
32:45 "'So shall the children of Israel be who are taken out, who
32:50 dwell in Samaria--in the corner of a bed on the edge of a couch!
32:53 Hear and testify against the house of Jacob,' says the Lord
32:56 God, and the God of hosts, 'that in that day I will punish Israel
33:01 for their transgressions, I will also visit destruction on the
33:04 altars of Bethel; and on the horns of the altar
33:07 they'll be cut off.'"
33:08 Bethel was where they set up a false altar
33:10 and a golden calf.
33:12 "And it shall fall to the ground."
33:15 That happened during the time of King Josiah.
33:17 "'I will destroy the winter house along with the summer
33:20 house; the houses of ivory will perish, and the great houses
33:22 will have an end,' says the Lord."
33:25 You notice it says that Amos prophesied during a time of
33:27 prosperity.
33:29 People not only had their winter house, they had their summer
33:31 house.
33:32 It's because the rich were exploiting the poor and there
33:35 was a lot of wealth in the kingdom but it wasn't, you might
33:38 say, it wasn't evenly distributed.
33:41 Now, I'm going to get political for a minute.
33:44 Can I do that in church?
33:47 You don't know what I'm going to say so you don't know how to
33:48 answer me yet.
33:50 Everyone wants to live in a country that cares for the poor,
33:57 that cares for the sick.
34:00 But do you want the government to say, "We don't think that you
34:06 are good enough to do it so we're going to make you do it"?
34:12 What's the best government to live in?
34:14 Isn't it the government where the government says, "We believe
34:16 that we govern an honest and a loving people.
34:18 We are not going to force you with laws to care for the poor
34:22 and the sick.
34:24 We are going to serve in government, we're going to
34:28 support the country, we're going to protect you from foreign
34:31 invasion, we're going to protect your freedoms but we're going to
34:35 trust that you are a just people."
34:38 When the government has to say, "Look, we don't think we're
34:41 doing enough to care for the poor and so we're going to take
34:44 more away from working people to care for people who can't work
34:47 for whatever reason, you're basically saying, "We don't
34:49 trust that you'll do it."
34:52 These things that the government now is forcing people to do, by
34:55 penalty if you don't do it, used to be done by Christians
35:00 in the country.
35:02 Governments never used to run orphanages.
35:04 Governments never used to run hospitals.
35:07 You notice that they don't have a hospital called First Sisters
35:10 of Atheism?
35:14 You got Mercy General Methodist, you got Baptist Hospital, you
35:16 got Catholic Hospital, you got an Adventist Hospital.
35:19 Churches used to do all these things.
35:22 But what happened is the government said, "We're not
35:23 going to trust the people to do it anymore.
35:25 We're going to make you do it."
35:27 And it basically took the blessing away from the people to
35:30 say, "We're going to do this willingly from our hearts," and
35:32 the government then mandated it.
35:34 You don't get a blessing for it. It's a tax.
35:36 The more laws that a government has, is a result of the more
35:41 lawless the people are.
35:43 And when people are greedy, then the government feels like we've
35:48 got to make them do it.
35:50 And it's usually because the gospel's departed
35:52 from the people.
35:54 Okay, that's all I'm going to say about that.
35:56 Amos 8, verse 4.
36:00 I read verses 11 in chapter 5.
36:03 Go to Amos chapter 8, verse 4: "Hear this, you who swallow up
36:07 the needy, and you make the poor of the land fail, saying: 'When
36:10 will the New Moon be past, that we might sell grain?'"
36:13 They said they're keeping the new moon,
36:15 but they don't want to.
36:16 They can't wait for the sun go down so they can go
36:18 make more money.
36:19 "And the Sabbath, that we might trade wheat?"
36:22 They were keeping the Sabbath but they were hating every
36:24 minute of it because they couldn't wait for the sun go
36:26 down so they could open up their stores and sell again.
36:30 Just watching the clock. You don't ever do that, do you?
36:32 "Oh, I can't do that yet, it's Sabbath.
36:34 Can't wait to do what I want to do.
36:37 It's still holy time.
36:39 Can't wait for God's time, special time, to be over so I
36:42 can do my regular thing."
36:44 I've been guilty of that before, I'll confess.
36:50 You've got to watch the clock.
36:52 But is that the right spirit?
36:54 Amos is saying, "You just can't wait to go out and make more
36:57 money and grind down the poor, that we might buy the poor for
37:01 silver, and the needy a pair of--for a pair of sandals--even
37:05 selling the bad wheat."
37:07 I'll even sell stuff that's no good at a profit to the poor
37:10 for--so I can make money.
37:13 And he said, "That's not just."
37:16 You know, one of the people in the Bible who you can see the
37:21 right attitude: there was a farmer who married Ruth.
37:25 Do you remember his name?
37:27 Boaz.
37:29 He had the attitude that God wanted him to have.
37:31 Moses had instructed the people.
37:33 He said, "You shall not harvest the corners of your field.
37:37 You shall not go over your olive tree and shake
37:41 every branch twice.
37:42 You'll shake it once, you'll leave the rest for," what?
37:45 "For the poor.
37:47 You do not--you leave the corners of your field and the
37:50 edges of your fields for the poor and the hungry and the
37:53 widows among you."
37:54 And do you remember when Boaz said, "Who's that woman out
38:00 there in the field with the other ladies that's harvesting?"
38:03 They said, "That's a Moabite. She came back with Naomi.
38:05 She's helping take care of Naomi who lost, you know, her husband
38:07 and her two sons."
38:09 And he told his harvesters, "Leave some extra sheaves.
38:13 Drop some extra sheaves for the poor."
38:17 You know, that's the attitude of the Christian is he not only
38:21 didn't harvest the edges of his field, he told his harvesters,
38:23 "Don't pick it all up.
38:25 Leave plenty behind."
38:27 And then when Ruth came to the floor, he said, "Open up your
38:30 robe," and he filled her robe with extra food because he knew
38:33 Naomi was hungry and she was poor.
38:35 He was a generous man and that's the spirit that God wanted
38:39 everybody to have.
38:41 One time, David came to see if he could buy the threshing floor
38:46 of Araunah and Araunah said, "Just take it.
38:50 I'll give it to you.
38:52 I'll not only give you the threshing floor, I'll give you
38:53 the oxen to sacrifice and the implements to use for firewood."
38:59 When Abraham needed a place to bury Sarah, he said, "I'd like
39:04 to buy this cave of Machpelah," and the people of Heth said,
39:07 "No, no, we'll give it to you."
39:09 I mean, there was a lot more generosity during that age where
39:13 people cared.
39:15 Have you read about Job?
39:17 Job said, "If I did not hear the cry," and I'm paraphrasing here.
39:20 He said, "If I did not hear the cry of the poor and the
39:24 fatherless and the widowed, then let me suffer.
39:26 But God, You know that I have cared for the poor and the
39:29 fatherless and the widowed."
39:31 The people did it back then.
39:33 Every wealthy man was a philanthropist back
39:35 in that time.
39:37 But when you get where folks are more grasping and stingy, then
39:40 it ends up the government has to force people to do it because
39:43 they don't have the spirit anymore.
39:44 So you can see Amos was talking about that.
39:48 "Sell even bad wheat."
39:50 Now, go to Micah.
39:51 I got a lot of prophets left and I'm running out of time.
39:54 Micah 6, verse 8.
39:57 That was our memory verse: "He has shown you, O man, what is
39:59 good; what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, love
40:03 mercy," show mercy to the poor and the fatherless
40:06 and the widows.
40:08 Was it James who said, "Pure religion and undefiled before
40:12 God is this, to visit the widow and the fatherless in their
40:16 affliction and keep yourself unspotted from the world."
40:19 He said, "This is pure religion to care for the poor and the
40:22 fatherless."
40:24 You know, there were a lot more orphans back in Bible times.
40:26 Men would go off to war and they did not have social services.
40:32 How many of you have read about George Mueller who started those
40:35 orphanages?
40:36 It's an incredible story, how he had sometimes thousands of
40:39 orphans.
40:41 Orphans, if you ever read "Oliver Twist," you at least
40:43 heard of it, back when that was written, these orphans would
40:47 just roam the streets of England by the thousands because the
40:52 plagues had gone through and killed their parents or wars or
40:54 whatever reason and there were so many children
40:58 without parents.
40:59 And it was during that time, Mueller, he started building
41:03 these orphanages and he just depended on the generosity of
41:07 Christians to keep it going and he just prayed.
41:11 He never sent out an appeal letter, never made an offering
41:14 appeal, he would pray all the time.
41:15 And the money kept coming.
41:17 God would move on people.
41:19 Micah chapter 2, verse 8: "Lately My people have risen up
41:21 as an enemy--you pull off the robe with the garment from those
41:25 who trust you, as they pass by."
41:28 Now, back in Bible times, you know, now if you want to, you
41:32 know, go rent a piece of equipment, they say, "We're
41:34 going to hold your credit card."
41:35 They didn't have credit cards back then.
41:36 You would actually give them your robe.
41:39 If you were poor and you needed to borrow something, they'd say,
41:42 "I want your robe," and they were taking the robes and the
41:46 clothes from the poor and they were shivering at night and they
41:48 had nothing because that was their surety.
41:53 "You pull the robe with the garment from those who trust
41:56 you, as they pass by, like men returned from war.
42:00 The women of My people you cast out from the pleasant houses;
42:03 from their children you've taken away My glory forever.
42:07 Arise and depart, for this is not your rest; because it is
42:11 defiled, it shall destroy, yes, with utter destruction.
42:16 If a man should walk in a false spirit and speak a lie, saying,
42:19 'I will prophesy to you of wine and drink,' even he would be a
42:23 prattler of this people."
42:25 Talks about how they were oppressing the poor.
42:27 Go to Micah chapter 3, verse 8: "But truly I am full of power in
42:32 the Spirit of the Lord, and of justice and might, and declare
42:36 to Jacob his transgression and to Israel his sin.
42:39 Now hear this, you heads of the houses of Jacob and rulers of
42:42 the house of Israel, who harbor justice and pervert all equity,
42:47 who build up Zion with bloodshed and Jerusalem with iniquity: Her
42:50 heads judge for a bribe, her priests teach for pay, her
42:55 prophets divine for money."
42:57 I've always said that's one of the quickest ways to tell the
43:01 difference between a true prophet and a false prophet, is
43:03 the false prophet is going to send you a bill, an invoice.
43:06 "Yet they lean on the Lord, and they say, 'Is not the Lord
43:12 among us?
43:14 No harm can come to us.'
43:15 Therefore because of you Zion
43:17 will be plowed like a field, and Jerusalem will become a heap of
43:20 ruins, and the mountains of the temple like before the hills of
43:24 the forest."
43:26 Now, Micah was among the last prophets before the New
43:27 Testament time, and did his prophecy come true because of
43:31 the injustice that was happening in Israel?
43:34 I'm going to read to you from the commentary of Adam Clarke.
43:37 Notice what Micah said would happen: "Because of the
43:40 injustice and taking advantage of the poor, Zion will be plowed
43:45 like a field," that's where the temple was.
43:48 "Jerusalem will become heaps of ruins and the mountain of the
43:52 temple like a bare hill of the forest."
43:55 Here's what Adam Clarke says happened.
43:58 "Thus did the Romans treat Jerusalem when it was
44:00 taken by Titus.
44:02 Turnus Rufus, or as he is called by St. Jerome, Titus Arinius
44:07 Rufus, according to Josephus, he caused a plow to be drawn over
44:12 all the courts of the temple," they did not leave one stone
44:15 upon another, as Jesus said.
44:17 And they got down to bare dirt so that they actually plowed the
44:20 ground, "to signify that it should never be rebuilt, and the
44:25 place only to serve for agricultural purposes.
44:29 Thus Jerusalem became heaps, and an indiscriminate mass of ruins
44:33 and rubble; and mountain of the house, Mount Moriah, on which
44:38 the temple stood, became so much neglected after the total
44:41 destruction of the temple, that it was soon resembled the high
44:44 place of a forest.
44:46 What is said here may apply also, as before hinted, to the
44:50 ruin of the temple by Nebuchadnezzar at the last reign
44:52 of Zedekiah, the last king of the Jews."
44:55 So it happened both during the time of Nebuchadnezzar when he
44:58 destroyed the temple but especially was fulfilled during
45:01 the time when the Romans destroyed it.
45:03 And we were there just last year.
45:05 I see Dwayne and Betty were there and we saw, remember,
45:07 the rubble still.
45:08 They got piles of huge rubble and stones that were there, that
45:13 they've left as a monument to remind what the Romans
45:17 had done to the city.
45:19 All right, going to look under Ezekiel and his cry for justice.
45:23 Ezekiel 16:48: "'As I live,' says the Lord God, 'neither your
45:27 sister Sodom nor her daughters have done as you and your
45:31 daughters have done.
45:33 Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her
45:36 daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness;
45:40 neither she did strengthen the hand of the poor and the needy.
45:44 And they were haughty and they committed abominations.'"
45:47 Now we know what those abominations were.
45:49 Some people point to this verse in Ezekiel 16, they say, "The
45:52 sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not sexual immorality.
45:55 It was their pride and their fullness of bread."
45:57 No, that's not what it says.
46:00 It says, yeah, they had pride, fullness of bread, and they were
46:03 haughty and "committed abomination."
46:06 That word "abomination" is used by Moses to talk about
46:09 homosexual behavior.
46:12 And if you doubt that, you look in Jude verse 7: "As Sodom and
46:16 Gomorrah, and the cities around them in similar manner to these,
46:19 having given themselves over to sexual immorality and going
46:23 after strange flesh," not what is natural, in other words,
46:27 "are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance
46:30 of eternal fire."
46:32 Ezekiel is simply adding to the mix of what they did.
46:36 It wasn't just the sexual immorality.
46:38 He said that "she didn't strengthen the hand of the poor
46:43 and the needy.
46:45 They had an abundance and fullness of food."
46:48 You know, one of the signs of the last days, it says, "As it
46:51 was in the days of Noah, they planted and they builded."
46:54 Do you know we're planting and building more than ever before?
46:59 Do we have more idle time?
47:01 Yeah, you might not think so but yeah.
47:09 People used to wake up and go to the farms, they'd then
47:11 fall--they'd fall in the wheelbarrow.
47:13 The wife would bring the husband home and dump him out in bed.
47:16 He'd wake up the next day and they'd do the same thing.
47:18 And now through mechanized farming, most of the people
47:23 living on a farm, see, they had to just work like that all day
47:26 long to have enough food.
47:28 And a few people lived in the city.
47:29 Do you know the majority of people in the world now, I think
47:31 as of about eight years ago, live in the city in
47:34 the urban areas.
47:36 And not on farms.
47:37 And because we've figured out how to do mass farming,
47:39 people now have a little more abundance of time.
47:44 And idleness, the fullness of food and yet not caring
47:49 for the poor and the people who are suffering.
47:54 Ezekiel 34, verse 2: "Son of man, prophesy against the
47:58 shepherds of Israel, prophesy and say to them, 'Thus says the
48:01 Lord God to the shepherds: "Woe to the shepherds of Israel
48:04 who feed themselves!
48:06 Should not the shepherds feed the flocks?
48:08 You eat the fat and you clothe yourselves with wool;
48:11 you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock.
48:13 The weak you've not strengthened, nor have you
48:16 healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought
48:20 back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with
48:24 force and cruelty you've ruled them."'"
48:26 Are there a breed of pastors
48:29 out there that instead of caring for the flock are
48:31 more interested in prosperity and wealth?
48:34 Is that just my imagination or are there a growing number of
48:37 preachers that flaunt their godliness by their money?
48:41 And they say, "This is how we show."
48:43 One pastor I know of had the audacity, church bought
48:45 him a Bentley.
48:47 He said, "You need to buy one for my wife too."
48:50 And it's just amazing, the abuse.
48:54 Where the pastors are supposed to care for the people of a
48:57 flock and feed the people the Word of God and nurture them
49:01 and inspire them towards godliness.
49:03 All right, I can just read a quote here from "Prophets and
49:10 Kings," page 282: "Against the marked oppression, the flagrant
49:14 injustice and the unwanted luxury and extravagance, the
49:18 shameless feasting and drunkenness, the gross
49:21 licentiousness and debauchery of their age, the prophets lifted
49:25 their voices but in vain were their protests.
49:28 In vain, their denunciation of sin.
49:30 All of the judgments that were foretold by Micah and Amos and
49:34 Ezekiel ultimately came on the people in the Old Testament and
49:39 many of those same sins are repeated in the church today as
49:43 we've seen.
49:45 I am out of time.
49:46 I'm sorry I didn't have time to get to Isaiah but we got most of
49:49 the lesson and I trust you were edified.
49:52 I want to remind everybody we do have a special free offer.
49:55 And the offer is "When a Christian Falls."
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50:30 We are out of time for today's study.
50:32 God bless.
50:33 We'll study His Word together again next week.
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51:21 Doug: We're here on the beautiful coast of the island of
51:23 Puerto Rico.
51:24 And if you were to travel east about 2000 miles, of course,
51:27 you'd be out in the middle of the ocean but you'd also be in
51:30 the middle of a mystical sea called the Sargasso Sea.
51:33 It gets its name because of this common brown seaweed that can be
51:37 found floating in vast mass.
51:40 The area of the Sargasso Sea is about 700 miles wide and 2000
51:45 miles long.
51:47 Now, the seaweed itself is fascinating stuff.
51:50 It was first observed and called gulf weed by Christopher
51:53 Columbus.
51:54 It gets the name sargum* from the Portuguese.
51:56 Some people use it as herbal remedies.
51:58 But out in the middle of the Sargasso Sea the water is some
52:01 of the bluest in the world.
52:03 It's there you can see 200 feet deep in places.
52:06 It also has a great biodiversity and ecosystem that surrounds the
52:10 Sargasso Sea.
52:12 For years, scientists wondered where the American and the
52:15 Atlantic eels were breeding.
52:16 They knew the adult eel swam down the rivers out into the
52:19 Atlantic but they never could find the place where they
52:22 reproduced.
52:23 Finally, they discovered it was out in the middle of the
52:25 Sargasso Sea.
52:27 So it's a fascinating place but if you were an ancient sailor
52:29 you did not want to get stuck there.
52:31 Doug: Being caught in the doldrums was extremely difficult
52:37 for the ancient sailors.
52:39 Of course, their boats were driven by wind and sail and
52:41 they'd be caught in the vast mass of the seaweed that would
52:45 wrap around their rudder, barnacles would begin to grow.
52:47 It's an area that is notorious for light and baffling winds and
52:51 so they'd make no progress.
52:53 They'd get stuck.
52:55 The men would become extremely dispirited.
52:57 Sometimes, violence and even insanity would break out as
53:00 people were trapped in the doldrums.
53:03 Well, friends, perhaps sometimes you've felt that you're trapped
53:06 in the doldrums.
53:08 You've gone through episodes of depression, you feel like you're
53:10 going in circles, life seems stifling.
53:13 You know, the Bible offers good news.
53:15 There is a way out.
53:17 The Bible talks about a famous character that was trapped in a
53:19 cycle of depression.
53:21 He was low as you could be.
53:23 Matter of fact, he even had seaweed wrapped around his head.
53:25 His name was Jonah.
53:27 But God gave him a way of escape.
53:29 In Jonah chapter 2, verse 3 through 7, we read: "For You
53:33 cast me into the depths, Into the heart of the seas, and the
53:37 floods surrounded me; all of Your billows and Your waves
53:41 passed over me.
53:42 Then I said, 'I have been cast out of Your sight; yet I will
53:45 look again towards Your holy temple.'
53:48 The waters surrounded me, even to my soul; the deep
53:51 closed around me; weeds were wrapped around my head.
53:54 I went down to the moorings of the mountains; the earth with
53:58 its bars closed behind me forever; yet You've brought my
54:02 life up from the pit, O Lord, my God.
54:05 When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; and my
54:09 prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple."
54:12 You know, friends, the way that Jonah got out of his
54:15 discouraging circumstances, he turned to God and he prayed.
54:19 And if God could hear Jonah's prayer, just think about it, he
54:21 was as far away from God as anybody could be, he was in the
54:24 belly of a sea monster in the bottom of the ocean in the dark,
54:28 yet he turned to God and God heard his prayer.
54:30 You know, these ancient sailors, when they were trapped on the
54:33 deck of a ship for weeks, stuck in the doldrums, discouraged,
54:36 sometimes they would have a prayer meeting and pray that God
54:39 would send a breeze that would set them free and get their
54:43 boats moving.
54:44 They turned to God in prayer and often miracles would happen and
54:47 the wind would flutter in the sails and bring them out of
54:50 their seaweed prison.
54:52 Friends, maybe you have been stuck in the doldrums.
54:54 Maybe you've been caught in a cycle of depression.
54:57 If God can do it for Jonah, if He can do it for the ancient
54:59 sailors, He can do it for you.
55:01 Turn to the Lord in prayer.
55:02 Trust His Spirit to blow through your soul and to set you free.
55:08 ♪♪♪
55:18 announcer: "Amazing Facts" changed lives.
55:27 female: My mother passed away when I was three and my paternal
55:30 grandparents decided they would care for my two others sisters
55:35 and I so that my father would have time to mourn.
55:39 We never really had a mother or a strong fatherly figure and I'm
55:44 not blaming my dad, I'm just saying that's how things
55:46 worked out.
55:49 When I was in high school, my oldest sister got into an
55:55 argument with our father and my sister and I decided that we
56:00 would take her side and so that caused a split in our family.
56:08 For four years we lived in the same house.
56:13 We ate from the same pot, we used the same restroom, we
56:16 walked by each other but we never said anything to our
56:18 father and he never said anything to us.
56:24 A year later, I had decided I would move out for college.
56:27 He wasn't very happy with that.
56:30 We got booted out of the house.
56:33 We went back to apologize but we weren't really accepted back.
56:39 I have felt so alone a lot of my life.
56:44 I felt like I've had to fend for myself.
56:47 I've been missing a fatherly love.
56:50 I don't have family with me.
56:54 I don't have a lot of things but I have God
57:02 and I've been fulfilled.
57:04 I've been satisfied.
57:06 God has been my Father.
57:19 announcer: Together, we have spread the gospel much farther
57:22 than ever before.
57:23 Thank you for your support.
57:31 female announcer: Let's face it.
57:32 It's not always easy to understand everything you read
57:35 in the Bible.
57:36 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books, the Bible
57:40 can generate a lot of questions.
57:42 To get biblical straightforward answers, call into "Bible
57:45 Answers Live," a live nationwide call-in radio program where you
57:49 can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor and ask him your most
57:52 difficult Bible questions.
57:54 For times and stations in your area or to listen to answers
57:57 online, visit
58:04 ♪♪♪


Revised 2019-07-29