Sabbath School Study Hour

Turning Hearts in the End Time

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021926A

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00:35 Jëan Ross: Good morning, friends.
00:37 Welcome again to "Sabbath School Study Hour" here at the Granite
00:38 Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sacramento, California.
00:42 I'd like to welcome our online members and our extended Sabbath
00:44 school class joining in across the country and around the world
00:48 as we continue our series dealing with family seasons.
00:53 Actually, today is the final study with our lesson quarterly
00:56 on the subject of family seasons.
00:58 Today's lesson is lesson number 13,
01:00 and it's entitled "Turning Hearts in the End Times,"
01:05 so that's an important and interesting study that
01:07 we'll be looking at today.
01:09 Those of you who are here in person following our lesson
01:12 study today, you'll be able to receive next
01:14 quarter's lesson quarterly.
01:17 It's entitled "The Least of These," and this will be handed
01:20 out following our study time here.
01:23 You'll also see it on the back table.
01:24 For those of you who are joining us and who don't have a copy of
01:26 our quarterly for next study, you can go to Amazing Facts,
01:32 and you can order yours.
01:33 You can also just go visit a nearby Seventh-day Adventist
01:36 Church, and you'll be able to receive a lesson quarterly
01:39 there, as well.
01:40 Now, before we go to our worship time,
01:44 before we get to our lesson, we have something special that we'd
01:47 like to let you know about.
01:49 This afternoon at 4:30, right here at the Granite Bay Church
01:52 and also for our friends who are joining us on Facebook,
01:54 we're going to have a special Q&A time connected with our
01:58 AFCOE program.
02:00 AFCOE is the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism.
02:03 I'm very happy that we have Daniel with us this morning.
02:06 Daniel, come on up.
02:07 Daniel is the assistant AFCOE director,
02:09 also very involved with our AFCOE training,
02:12 traveling around doing our AFCOE To Gos,
02:13 and he's going to tell us a little bit about a brand new
02:16 course that is available through our AFCOE online and then I
02:19 think we're going to show you a short video about it.
02:21 Daniel Hudgens: That's right.
02:23 You know, time flies, and it's hard to imagine that just almost
02:26 a year ago we launched Amazing Disciples,
02:29 which goes through all the principles of discipleship and
02:31 what it's all about, about really being a Christian.
02:34 And so, now I'm just thrilled to announce that we have expanded
02:36 our program with Amazing Doctrines.
02:40 It's, kind of, like the next step.
02:42 Now you're a disciple. What do you teach?
02:44 And all these special teachings found in the Word.
02:47 You know, Jesus said, "I am the way,
02:48 the truth, and the life," and so each week we're going
02:52 to be going through what is the way of Jesus and how does it
02:55 affect our life as we study with others and as we live?
02:58 And so, we've got a pretty cool video that we're going to show
03:01 you now, letting you know all about Amazing Doctrines.
03:04 If you want to know more you can go to or you
03:09 can go to and click on the links there,
03:13 and you can learn all about both programs,
03:14 Amazing Disciples and Amazing Doctrines.
03:18 Jëan: All right, we'll take a look at that video at this time.
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03:36 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends.
03:37 Last year, we expanded our AFCOE program to include our very
03:40 first global online platform.
03:44 It's called Amazing Disciples.
03:47 Now we're very excited to announce our brand new 13-week
03:51 course called "Amazing Doctrines" that will empower you
03:55 to share the precious truths found in the Word of God,
03:58 doctrines such as Scripture, salvation,
04:01 sanctuary, the state of man in death,
04:04 the Second Coming, the Sabbath, strength,
04:07 stewardship, the spirit of prophecy,
04:09 and we'll be talking about the origin of sin.
04:13 Of course, the material is based on the firsthand experience of
04:16 our evangelists that they've acquired in their years of
04:19 experience in the field, so now you can learn from the very best
04:22 and be equipped with proven methods to join in the work.
04:25 What's more, you'll be able to study this fantastic material on
04:29 your phone, your tablet, your computer,
04:32 and on the go.
04:34 You'll have 13 powerful lessons, weekly downloads,
04:37 interactive lessons, video presentations,
04:40 and live question-and-answer sessions with the AFCOE team.
04:45 You'll have a real team of teachers to guide you along the
04:49 way and as a student you'll be able to study from home,
04:52 learn at any time, and become a confident and effective soul
04:56 winner in your community, or wherever God calls you.
05:00 And upon completion of the course,
05:01 you will receive a certificate of completion.
05:04 Now, how would you like to meet some of
05:06 your personal instructors?
05:08 Carlos Muñoz and Daniel Hudgens, my friends and
05:10 powerful evangelists.
05:12 Daniel: Thanks, Pastor Doug.
05:13 Friends, we're so excited about this new online program.
05:16 Carlos Muñoz: We're going to be waiting for you,
05:17 so please join us by logging on to our website.
05:19 ♪♪♪
05:27 Jëan: Well, there it is, our AFCOE Online.
05:29 Very excited about that, our brand-new series
05:31 called Amazing Doctrines, and we're
05:33 actually starting our Q&A time today.
05:37 Again, that's this afternoon, 4:30,
05:39 right here at the church.
05:40 You're all welcome to come join us.
05:41 We're going to be taking some questions from our AFCOE online
05:45 students, some Bible questions, so I think you'll enjoy that.
05:49 At this time, I'd like to invite our song leaders to come
05:51 forward, and we're going to begin our study time by lifting
05:53 our voices in song.
05:55 female: As we do before every study,
05:58 we lift our voices to the Lord to sing together,
06:01 so I invite you to pull out your hymnals and those of you that
06:04 are at home hymn number 318, "Whiter Than Snow."
06:09 And that is what we all want to be,
06:10 is washed whiter than snow in the blood of Jesus and taken to
06:13 heaven very soon, so let's sing verses one, three, and four.
06:19 "Whiter Than Snow."
06:21 ♪♪♪
06:25 ♪ Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole.
06:31 ♪ I want Thee forever to live in my soul. ♪
06:38 ♪ Break down every idol, cast out every foe. ♪
06:46 ♪ Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. ♪
06:53 ♪ Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow. ♪
07:00 ♪ Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. ♪
07:09 ♪ Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat. ♪
07:16 ♪ I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified feet. ♪
07:23 ♪ By faith for my cleansing, I see Thy blood flow. ♪
07:30 ♪ Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. ♪
07:39 ♪ Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow. ♪
07:45 ♪ Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. ♪
07:55 ♪ Lord Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait. ♪
08:01 ♪ Come now and within me a new heart create. ♪
08:09 ♪ To those who have sought Thee Thou never said'st no. ♪
08:16 ♪ Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. ♪
08:24 ♪ Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow. ♪
08:32 ♪ Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. ♪♪
08:43 ♪♪♪
08:52 Jëan: Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
08:53 Dear Father, once again we are grateful for this opportunity to
08:57 gather together and open up Your Word and study an important
09:00 subject, talking about the family and how we can prepare
09:03 for the end times that we know is nearing us sooner all the
09:08 time, so, Lord, we ask for Your blessing.
09:10 Be with our study time today. In Jesus's name, amen.
09:14 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought to
09:16 us by Pastor Doug.
09:18 Doug: Good morning.
09:20 Happy Sabbath.
09:22 Glad to see you here.
09:24 Glad to see those who are here worshiping and studying with us
09:28 at Granite Bay, as well as we know there are hundreds
09:32 and thousands around the world that study.
09:35 Some are watching live now and then when it's rebroadcast on
09:39 television and satellite later there are thousands that tune in
09:42 and study with us.
09:44 We're glad that you're joining us.
09:45 Today, we're going to be covering our last lesson,
09:46 lesson number 13 in our study guide,
09:49 on family seasons, and you probably know that means that
09:52 we're going to begin a new study dealing with the least of these,
09:56 ministering to those in need, talking about some of the
09:59 practical aspects of Christianity.
10:01 And for those of you who are members and attend locally,
10:04 we have our new quarterlies on the central table out in the
10:08 foyer, and I'm looking forward to this series of lesson.
10:11 Today, our lesson is talking about turning hearts in the end,
10:16 turning hearts in the end time, and our memory verse is Malachi
10:21 chapter 4, last book in the Old Testament,
10:25 last chapter in the Old Testament.
10:27 Malachi chapter 4, verse 5 and 6,
10:29 last verses in the Old Testament.
10:32 You want to say that with me?
10:34 And this is from the New King James Version.
10:36 Are you ready?
10:37 "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of
10:42 the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
10:44 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
10:48 and the hearts of the children to their fathers,
10:50 lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
10:55 So, our lesson is talking about turning, turning hearts.
11:01 This turning that is being discussed in the lesson is
11:05 really talking about repentance.
11:08 Now let me give you a few verses that illustrate that.
11:10 What will bring about a revival and repentance in the last days?
11:14 Turning hearts of families back to the Lord.
11:17 If you look at Malachi chapter 3--if you want to know--what is
11:21 He talking about when He says there in Malachi 4 "turning the
11:24 hearts of the fathers to the children"?
11:26 Look at Malachi 3.
11:28 Let the Bible describe the Bible.
11:29 "'Yet from the days of your fathers you've gone away from My
11:33 ordinances and you've not kept them.
11:36 Return to Me, and I will return to you,' says the Lord."
11:41 So, He's talking about that they had drifted away from the
11:44 teachings of God, and He says "in the days of your fathers."
11:47 Now, when it says "restoring the hearts of the fathers to the
11:51 children and the hearts of the children to their fathers," this
11:56 is certainly talking about relationships.
11:58 You know, they say that one of the--one of the catastrophes in
12:03 the world today is because of the epidemic
12:07 of divorce and broken homes.
12:09 So many children are growing up without the father being a
12:13 central part of the family or not knowing who their father is
12:15 and because of that lack of strong fathers in the family,
12:21 that it's just created a whole cultural shift,
12:25 and the Lord wants to see a revival in this,
12:27 among other things.
12:29 But in the Bible, when it talks about the fathers,
12:31 it's not just talking about daddies.
12:33 It's talking about the teachings of the fathers.
12:36 There's often in the Bible a generation gap.
12:40 You notice it tells us, for instance,
12:42 in the book of Judges that after--I think it's
12:45 even in Joshua.
12:46 After the generation that saw the works of the Lord had died
12:49 off, their children came who did not believe in or did not commit
12:54 themselves to the God of their fathers,
12:57 and they started going after other gods.
12:59 They rejected the gods of their fathers,
13:01 so this restoration of the children to the fathers is
13:05 talking about the children returning to the teachings of
13:10 the fathers, and the fathers having a responsibility to train
13:14 up their children in the way of the Lord,
13:17 to speak of the Word of God when they lay down,
13:20 when they rise up, on the doors of the house,
13:21 on the gates of the city, when you go out,
13:23 when you come in.
13:25 And so, it's really a revival talking about a repentance
13:27 and a returning back to God.
13:30 Here are some other verses that will help bear that out.
13:33 Zechariah chapter 1, verse 3 and 4,
13:36 "Therefore say unto them, 'Thus says the Lord of hosts: 'Return
13:42 to Me,' says the Lord of hosts, 'and I will return to you.'"
13:46 Can you think of a story in the Bible where someone was
13:50 returning to the father and the father returned to them?
13:56 Prodigal son.
13:58 When the boy begins to make his way home,
14:00 as soon as the father sees him--now,
14:02 does the father see him when he knocks on the door?
14:03 How does he see him?
14:05 Long before he gets to the house,
14:06 a great way off.
14:08 And when he saw him coming did he fold his arms and tap his
14:11 foot and say, "When he gets here I'm going to lecture him"?
14:13 Or does the father run to meet him as soon as he sees him
14:16 making an effort to come home?
14:19 And when God sees us beginning to draw near to him,
14:22 isn't that what the Lord wants?
14:24 And he runs to meet us.
14:25 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
14:31 "'Do not be like your fathers, whom the former prophets
14:34 preached to, saying, "The Lord of hosts--thus says the Lord of
14:38 hosts: 'Turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds.'"
14:42 But they did not hear--they did not hear me,' says the Lord."
14:46 So, when we're studying turning the hearts in the end time
14:48 notice what he says.
14:49 "Turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds."
14:51 What is the central study today?
14:53 Turning from evil.
14:55 What do we call that?
14:57 Repentance.
14:59 A message in the last days of repentance.
15:03 What was the message of John the Baptist?
15:06 Because when it says here, "Behold,
15:10 I'll send you Elijah the prophet," haven't gotten there
15:12 yet, but, you know, John the Baptist came in the spirit
15:15 and the power of Elijah, right?
15:17 And it's a message of repentance.
15:19 What was the first thing that Jesus said when
15:23 he began preaching?
15:25 Repent. First word was "repent."
15:29 First word of John the Baptist was "repent."
15:32 On Pentecost, when Peter is talking to the people,
15:36 and he preaches and when he's done they say,
15:38 "Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
15:40 what's the first thing he says?
15:42 Repent.
15:43 We don't hear a lot of sermons that talk about repentance,
15:46 but this is what it means when it talks about
15:48 turning back to God.
15:50 You look in Isaiah 44, verse 22.
15:53 "I have blotted out, like a thick cloud,
15:56 your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins.
15:59 Return to Me, for I have redeemed you."
16:03 Again, he's talking about turning,
16:04 and it's a blotting--a forgiveness that comes.
16:08 And in James chapter 4 here is another example
16:11 of you drawing near to God.
16:13 James 4, verse 7, "Therefore--"
16:15 Now, someone here is going to read for me Ezekiel 11:19.
16:18 You'll have that in just a moment.
16:19 "Therefore submit to God.
16:21 Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
16:24 Draw near to God--"
16:25 Now, how do you resist the devil?
16:28 You draw near to God.
16:29 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."
16:32 There you have it again.
16:33 Turn to God, He will turn to you.
16:36 "He will draw near to you.
16:37 Cleanse your hands, you sinners."
16:38 So, what does it mean to turn to God?
16:40 "Cleanse your hands, you sinners;
16:43 purify your hearts, you double-minded.
16:45 Lament and mourn and weep!
16:48 Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom."
16:52 Now, does that sound like a positive message?
16:56 It is a positive message.
16:58 When you think about it, what's the next verse say?
17:01 "Humble yourself in the sight of God.
17:03 He will lift you up."
17:05 So, what comes before God lifts us up?
17:07 A humbling of ourselves before God.
17:11 You know, that classic verse there in 2 Chronicles.
17:15 "If my people who--"
17:17 I think it's chapter 14, verse 7.
17:19 "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves
17:23 and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked way,
17:26 then I will hear from heaven.
17:28 I will forgive their sin.
17:29 I will heal their land."
17:30 We want God to hear.
17:32 We want God to forgive. We want God to heal.
17:34 What comes first?
17:35 Humble ourselves in the sight of God.
17:37 He will lift us up at that point.
17:40 Now, go ahead.
17:42 You read your verse for me in Ezekiel 11, verse 19.
17:45 female: Ezekiel 11:19, "Then I will give them one heart,
17:49 and I will put a new spirit within them,
17:52 and take the stony heart out of their flesh,
17:55 and give them a heart of flesh."
17:58 Doug: This is the new conversion experience.
18:01 We were talking about this in our family last night,
18:03 about, you know, how do you really obey God?
18:07 You need to be born-again, but in so many churches now they're
18:13 teaching that being saved means you simply embrace salvation
18:17 and there is no transformation in the life.
18:19 That is not biblical.
18:21 The Bible is pretty clear that first we must repent and part of
18:24 repentance, the verbal side of repentance, is confession.
18:28 Is that right?
18:29 Is there a place for us repenting and
18:30 confessing our sins?
18:33 Now, confession of sin means--how many know
18:37 every sin you've committed?
18:40 Some of you might have a photographic
18:42 memory, but I don't.
18:44 How can you be sure that you've repented and confessed every sin
18:47 you've ever committed?
18:49 Well, the Holy Spirit will remind you of
18:51 what you need to confess.
18:53 Now, first of all, when God says repent and confess your sins,
18:55 I don't think He's wanting you to do an inventory of every sin
18:59 from the day you reached the age of accountability until the
19:02 present, because I seriously doubt anyone
19:04 can remember every sin.
19:06 But can you remember the categories?
19:09 So, you may not remember every time you told an untruth--that's
19:13 a code for lie--but you can say--and,
19:17 you know, the Bible says, "Do not bear false witness."
19:19 Just use the Ten Commandments as a template.
19:22 Go through them.
19:23 I've said this frequently that I think it's a very good idea.
19:25 If you've never done this before and you've accepted Jesus,
19:29 to get off by yourself and say, "Lord, show me my sins."
19:35 Doesn't David say, "Search me and try me.
19:37 See if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in
19:40 the way everlasting"?
19:42 It's like, "Search me and try me and reveal these things to me.
19:45 I will repent of them."
19:46 And say, "Lord, show me my sin."
19:48 Get by yourself, get on your knees,
19:50 get a piece of paper and just say,
19:52 "Lord, I've been a liar.
19:56 I'm guilty of murder."
19:58 "Wait, Pastor Doug, I've never murdered."
19:59 Jesus says have you been angry with your brother without cause?
20:04 That's called murder.
20:06 He said, "Do not swear by heaven above or earth beneath.
20:09 Let your yea be yea, your nay be nay."
20:11 If you're giving any kind of shades of the truth,
20:14 that's dishonesty.
20:16 "I've committed adultery."
20:17 "Wait, I've never committed adultery."
20:19 Have you looked on the opposite sex to lust?
20:23 Does Jesus say you can commit adultery in your heart?
20:26 Now, we'd probably be surprised that most of us are probably
20:28 guilty of all ten.
20:30 "Thou shall not covet."
20:31 And so, just say--go through the Ten Commandments and say,
20:33 "Lord, I have broken Your law many times.
20:37 I don't even remember all the times."
20:39 That way you cover anything you've left out and say,
20:43 "But I believe Your promise that if I confess and forsake
20:48 my sins, I will have mercy."
20:52 The Bible says if we confess our sins--what is this?
20:55 1 John chapter 1, verse 9, "If we confess our sins He is
21:01 faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
21:03 from," how much?
21:05 "All unrighteousness."
21:06 Claim that promise and then when you have repented and confessed
21:10 your sins and you get off your knees,
21:12 you're forgiven.
21:14 But then, what do you do?
21:16 The Bible tells us there needs to be a reformation in life.
21:19 Maybe I should start with a definition of
21:22 what repentance is, to repent.
21:24 This means remorse, regret, or contrition for past conduct or
21:30 sin, to feel such regret as to change one's mind regarding it,
21:36 as in repenting of intemperate behavior,
21:39 to make it change for the better as a result of remorse,
21:42 or notice what repentance is: to make a change for the better as
21:47 a result of this remorse or contrition for one's sins.
21:51 The Hebrew word for repent is "nocham," and it means
21:55 "to sigh," "to breathe strongly."
21:57 It's like regret and the Greek word is "metanoeó," and it means
22:03 to--regretful, thinking differently,
22:06 turning from sin.
22:08 Peter said, "Repent and be baptized,
22:12 and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit," so connected
22:15 with this repentance is you get a new beginning,
22:18 a washing away from your sin.
22:19 All right, back to our lesson.
22:21 Now, we just heard about this new heart that God gives us and
22:25 in Ezekiel 18 he says, "Cast away from you all the
22:29 transgressions that you have committed," this is describing
22:33 that repentance.
22:34 "'Get yourself a new heart and a new spirit.
22:37 For why will you die, O house of Israel?
22:40 For I have no pleasure in the death of
22:42 one who dies,' says the Lord.
22:43 'Therefore turn,'" talking about turning hearts.
22:46 What does turning mean?
22:48 It says cast away your transgressions.
22:51 Turn and live, and so this is speaking of
22:55 repentance and transformation.
22:58 Now, how many of you have heard these hints that being a
23:06 Christian means you come to the front,
23:08 you say a prayer and say, "I accept Jesus.
23:10 He died for my sins"?
23:12 "Thank you. You're now saved."
23:15 And it's implied that "this is what you've done.
23:17 Listen, you've got eternal life now.
23:19 Just enjoy yourself."
23:21 But there is really no teaching that goes along with it about
23:23 what does it mean to repent.
23:26 It used to be that when people came to the Lord,
23:30 they say they wanted to accept Jesus,
23:33 the pastor would then study with them and
23:34 talk about reformation in life.
23:37 The Bible describes it. This is what is spoken of here.
23:41 Ezekiel 33:11, "Say to them: 'As I live,' says the Lord God,
23:46 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked,
23:48 but that the wicked turn from his way and live.
23:52 Turn, turn from your evil ways!
23:55 For why will you die, O house of Israel?'"
23:59 So, a message in the last days for families
24:01 is turning from evil.
24:03 Ezekiel 33:14. I just read Ezekiel 33:11.
24:07 Now you go a little later in the chapter.
24:09 "Again, I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' if he
24:13 turns from his sin and does what is lawful and right,
24:18 if the wicked restores the pledge," now it's giving you
24:21 some specifics, "if he restores the pledge,
24:24 gives back what he has stolen, walks in the statutes of life
24:28 without committing iniquity, he will surely live and not die.
24:32 None of his sins he has committed shall be remembered
24:35 against him; what he has done, he has done what is lawful and
24:39 right; he will surely live."
24:41 Almost makes it sound like, well,
24:43 is that salvation by works, I work my way to heaven?
24:46 No, if you are saved by grace, if you are sorry for your sin
24:49 there'll be an evidence.
24:51 You'll have fruit in your life.
24:52 It's like the person who says, "Lord,
24:53 please forgive me for borrowing my neighbor's lawnmower and
24:57 never returning it.
24:59 Praise the Lord, I'm forgiven."
25:00 Now, the question is do you still have his
25:02 lawnmower in your garage?
25:03 If you say, "Well, I still got his lawnmower,
25:05 but Jesus has forgiven me," now wait a second.
25:07 You take the lawnmower back, otherwise you have not repented.
25:10 Isn't that right?
25:12 I say that because I got some--a friend who did that to me.
25:16 It wasn't my lawnmower.
25:18 It was something else.
25:19 He borrowed some tools, then he asked me to forgive him,
25:21 but he never brought them back.
25:23 That's not real repentance.
25:27 All right, next section.
25:29 Oh, I got one more verse here.
25:30 Jonah 3:10.
25:33 When Jonah preached up and down the streets of Nineveh,
25:35 the Bible says, "God saw their works,
25:39 that they turned from their evil way," this is the turning.
25:43 And it says, "He relented from the disaster that He had said He
25:48 would bring upon them, and He did not do it."
25:51 Because they turned God then showed them mercy.
25:54 Friends, is there time for us right now to turn?
25:57 And if we turn will he show mercy?
26:02 Will there be a time when probation closes
26:03 and then it's too late?
26:06 Yes, and now is the time, today while you hear his voice.
26:08 Jeremiah 19.
26:10 We're talking about the family reunion here.
26:11 Jeremiah 19, verse 5, "They've also built high places to the
26:15 Baal, they've burned their sons in the fire for burnt offerings
26:18 to Baal, which I did not command or speak,
26:21 neither did it come into My mind."
26:23 Now, under this section about family reunion,
26:25 I mean, they want you to read two chapters or three chapters
26:30 there in 1 Kings, and there's no way we can do that in the class
26:33 here, but it's telling the story of what happened because Ahab
26:36 married out of the church.
26:38 Who did Ahab marry?
26:40 Jezebel was a daughter of Ethbaal from the Sidonians,
26:46 and she was like a priestess for Baal and here he marries her.
26:51 That's just like really marrying out of the church,
26:53 and she begins to bring Baal worship in a big way into
26:58 the northern kingdom.
27:00 And because his--what was happening in his family,
27:02 it began to spread throughout the families,
27:05 and so--and all kinds of nasty things went along with Baal
27:09 worship that was affecting everybody.
27:14 But during this time, God sends Elijah to stay with a Sidonian
27:19 family, and he brings Jehovah there.
27:22 So, here Ahab, he brings the worship of Baal from Sidon down
27:30 into Israel, and they start to follow the practice.
27:33 Elijah goes up there, and he does missionary work.
27:35 It's like the opposite way in--of doing it in
27:38 the same territory.
27:40 Luke 4.
27:42 Jesus begins his ministry and notice what he refers to.
27:44 "I tell you truly, many widows were in Israel in the days of
27:48 Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months,
27:51 and there was a great famine throughout the land;
27:54 but to none of them was Elijah sent except to Zarephath,
27:57 the region of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow."
28:00 Now, Jesus--it's interesting.
28:03 Jesus does one miracle for a Gentile,
28:09 or I'll say a Gentile mission trip you might say.
28:12 There is one time when Jesus actually leaves
28:14 the territory of Israel.
28:15 He goes up to Sidon, and a woman comes crying after Him
28:19 and says, "Have mercy.
28:20 My daughter is tormented by the
28:22 devil," and He ignores her at first.
28:24 And she continues to plead, "Have mercy on me.
28:25 My daughter is tormented by the devil."
28:27 And, finally, He says, "I--you know,
28:30 I'm not in Israel right now, and I'm sent to the lost sheep
28:33 of the house of Israel."
28:34 And she said, "O Lord, have mercy."
28:36 He said, "It's not appropriate to take the children's food and
28:38 give it to the dogs."
28:40 I know it sounds like very harsh language.
28:41 Jesus was answering her the way the priest would have answered.
28:44 He wanted the disciples to hear how the religious leaders
28:47 sounded, but her faith was so persistent.
28:50 She said, "Yes, but the little dogs get the crumbs that fall
28:52 from the children's tables."
28:54 He said, "Woman, great is your faith.
28:56 Go home.
28:57 Your daughter is going to be healed," and she went home,
28:59 and her daughter was healed.
29:01 So, Jesus performs a miracle for a child of a Sidonian woman.
29:07 Elijah goes up into Sidon.
29:10 He performs a miracle.
29:11 You remember he stays with this woman,
29:14 and he really gives her quite a test.
29:17 During the time of famine, he comes to the gates of the city.
29:21 Remember, Elijah is staying by the Brook Cherith and the water
29:26 in the brook finally dries up.
29:27 That's back when the ravens were bringing him food,
29:29 and God says, "Go up to Sidon.
29:32 I've spoken to a widow there.
29:34 She's going to take care of you."
29:36 Well, evidently, the widow hadn't opened her mail yet,
29:38 because when Elijah comes outside the gates of the city
29:41 she's out gathering sticks.
29:43 God impresses Elijah, "That's the woman."
29:46 And he says to her, "Can you get me a drink of water?"
29:50 She said, "Yeah, there is still water in the well."
29:51 There was a famine.
29:53 It hadn't rained, but there is still water in the well,
29:55 so she's going to get a cup of water and as she's going he
29:56 says, "And can you bring me a little cake of bread?"
30:01 And she just exasperates.
30:02 She turns around and says, "Man of God, look.
30:04 I'm out gathering two sticks so that my son and I can prepare
30:08 our last meal, eat our last loaf of bread and die."
30:13 He said, "Trust me.
30:15 You go make a loaf for me and then make for yourself and make
30:18 a loaf for me first, for thus says the Lord,
30:21 'The flour will not go away from the bin and the oil will not dry
30:25 up until God sends rain on the earth.'"
30:28 So, she's got to make a decision.
30:30 "Do I believe the Word of God?"
30:33 So, she does it.
30:34 She said, "What have I got to lose?
30:35 He might be right.
30:37 If I put him first maybe we'll eat for many days,
30:38 otherwise I get one more meal anyway,
30:40 so what's the difference?"
30:42 I don't know if that's what she's thinking,
30:44 but that's what I would have thought,
30:46 so she goes and she makes a loaf for Elijah,
30:48 gives him a drink of water.
30:49 She comes back to make a loaf for herself and there is more
30:51 flour in the bin, and it says she and her family every day ate
30:57 through the remainder of the famine.
30:59 Whenever she reached in there there was more.
31:01 It's almost like Jesus multiplying the bread, right?
31:06 Now, while he's staying with the widow tragedy strikes the home
31:09 and the woman's son gets sick and dies,
31:15 and Elijah, he goes up to the upper room where the child is.
31:19 He prays for the child.
31:22 He stretches himself on the child,
31:24 and he prays three times and the child is resurrected.
31:28 Now, what's the response of the woman when that happens?
31:31 And that's--I think you're going to be reading that for me.
31:33 So, here he multiplies the bread.
31:37 This miracle happens.
31:38 What other miracle happens here?
31:40 Go and read--I think it's 1 Kings 17:24.
31:42 Albert: 1 Kings 17:24, "Then the woman said to Elijah,
31:46 'Now by this I know that you are a man of God,
31:50 and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth.'"
31:55 Doug: You know, something I probably should have said right
31:56 at the beginning of our lesson is in our memory verse,
32:01 last prophecy in the Old Testament,
32:03 "Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet," did Elijah the prophet
32:08 come back to Earth again?
32:14 Someone venture an answer.
32:16 You get 50/50 chance.
32:19 Well, he did.
32:21 Do you read in Mark chapter 9?
32:24 It's also in Matthew and Luke.
32:25 I think it's also in Luke chapter 9.
32:27 That Jesus goes up this mountain,
32:28 and Moses and Elijah appear to him,
32:31 so technically Elijah does make at least a brief visit
32:33 back to Earth, right?
32:35 But what is it specifically talking about?
32:39 Well, John the Baptist comes in the spirit and
32:41 the power of Elijah.
32:42 We're going to get to that a little later.
32:45 Who is the first one who comes in the spirit
32:47 and the power of Elijah?
32:52 Elisha. Am I right?
32:56 When they crossed the Jordan River and Elijah performs his
33:01 miracle--he hits the Jordan with his mantle and it parts and they
33:04 go over on dry ground--and Elijah says to Elisha his
33:07 attendant, his apprentice prophet,
33:09 he said, "Is there anything that you want to ask from me before
33:12 I'm taken away to heaven?"
33:14 He said, "Yes, let," what?
33:16 "A double portion of your spirit be upon me."
33:19 And as they walked together suddenly Elijah is taken up in
33:25 his chariot, his heavenly limousine,
33:29 to heaven, and he throws down his mantle.
33:32 Elisha gets a double portion of Elijah's spirit,
33:35 so Elisha comes back to the sons of the prophet and at first he
33:39 comes back to the river.
33:40 He strikes it with the mantle of Elijah,
33:42 it parts, and then the sons of the prophets say,
33:46 "Surely the spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha."
33:51 So, who is the first one who comes in the spirit and the
33:54 power of Elijah?
33:56 Elisha, right?
33:58 Now, does Elijah perform a miracle where bread is
34:03 multiplied and the son is resurrected of a woman
34:07 in an upper room?
34:10 Does Elisha then stay with a Gentile woman,
34:14 who is a Shunammite, who builds an upper room for him?
34:17 He prophesies that she will have a son.
34:20 She has a son.
34:21 When he's like five years old or so he dies.
34:24 She fetches Elisha, who goes to the upper room.
34:29 He stretches himself upon the child.
34:31 He prays.
34:33 The child sneezes seven times and comes back to life.
34:37 Does Elisha also do a miracle where he multiplies bread?
34:40 He does, so Elisha does the same miracles as Elijah,
34:46 and then they are both types of Christ,
34:49 who is the ultimate resurrection.
34:51 He is the son that comes back to life.
34:53 You notice what the woman says, "By this," what Albert just
34:57 read, "by this I know that you're a man of God and the Word
35:01 of the Lord is in your mouth."
35:02 What is the greatest evidence that Jesus had the Word of God
35:04 in his mouth?
35:06 The Resurrection, that he was the Son of God.
35:10 I mean, it was the greatest miracle of all,
35:15 so, yeah, and by the way,
35:17 then you find in 2 Kings 4, verse 35 you find where
35:21 Elijah--sorry, Elisha.
35:24 He does the same miracle, and the woman bows at his feet,
35:28 and she also praises God for her son that has resurrected.
35:31 All right, so they had the bread of God in the home being
35:38 multiplying, and they had the son in the
35:41 home being resurrected.
35:43 These are signs of the Word of God and the living Christ in the
35:46 families and these family reunions that's
35:50 being talked about.
35:52 Now, it talks about here in the next section,
35:54 turning hearts at the altar.
35:57 If you look in Exodus 29, verse 41--well,
36:03 maybe I ought to direct your attention to--this is all about
36:08 the Mount Carmel experience, where you read that--it says in
36:13 1 Kings 18, verse 30 Elijah says to all the people,
36:17 "'Come near to me.'
36:19 So all the people came near to him.
36:20 And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down."
36:23 The Mount Carmel experience is one of the
36:28 high points in the Bible.
36:29 You know, if I were to point to some of the great glorious times
36:32 of God being magnified in the Bible let me tell you what I
36:36 think they were: the fiery furnace on the Plains of Dura
36:43 when three Hebrews stood up when everyone else bowed down,
36:46 and God came and protected them, and the whole world had
36:50 a proclamation that Jehovah was the living God.
36:52 The Lord accomplished through them that day what He had been
36:55 trying to do through the nation for hundreds of years.
36:58 He wanted them to be a light to the world,
37:00 so that was one of the high points.
37:01 David and Goliath is one of the high points.
37:04 David goes out with nothing, really,
37:06 but depending on the Lord, and you've got one of the high
37:09 points in the Bible.
37:11 Mount Carmel is--well, of course,
37:13 Daniel in the lions' den is another one of those high points
37:15 and there is a few glorious--the Red Sea.
37:18 You know, there are a few glorious high points in the
37:22 Bible and, well, there's quite a few now that I think about it,
37:26 but one of them has got to be the Mount Carmel experience,
37:30 where you've got the ultimate showdown.
37:33 You've got the good guy--you got the good cowboy who's
37:36 outnumbered by 800 bad guys, and he comes fearlessly into town,
37:44 and he's unarmed, at least it looks that way,
37:48 and he takes on the king and his army and his priests,
37:51 just Elijah and God.
37:55 You and God are a majority.
37:57 I mean, it's just a great story.
38:00 Talk about the boldness and the audacity of him to say,
38:03 "Get all of Israel together and tell all the prophets of Baal.
38:05 You do whatever you want to do.
38:06 You build your altar.
38:08 You see if you can get rain or fire to come down on your altar
38:12 and then whoever's god answers by fire,
38:15 he's the real god."
38:17 And so, after the prophets of Baal just wear themself out.
38:20 They're trying to sneak a magnifying glass or something
38:23 in there to get their fire going, and Elijah
38:24 is watching them too carefully.
38:26 They can't do it, and so they're not able to get the fire,
38:29 and they carry on, and they cut themselves,
38:31 and they prophesy, and they bleed, and they beat the drums.
38:33 They jump up and down.
38:35 They chant, "O Baal, hear us. O Baal, hear us."
38:37 Nothing happens.
38:39 Only thing that gathers around the sacrifice is flies.
38:41 Then at the end of the day--and, you know,
38:45 he waits until the time of the evening sacrifice,
38:48 the time that Israel should have been sacrificing to God,
38:51 and you read about this in Exodus 29, verse 41.
38:55 "The other lamb you shall offer at twilight."
38:58 What time of day did Jesus die?
39:02 It was in the afternoon.
39:04 "And you shall offer it with the grain offering and the drink
39:07 offering, as in the morning, for a sweet aroma,
39:10 an offering made by fire to the Lord."
39:12 So, Elijah, after the prophets of Baal lose their audience and
39:17 they just totally give up and they walk away,
39:19 he says, "Come near to me."
39:22 Now, what is this lesson about?
39:24 Drawing near to God.
39:26 He says, "Come near to me."
39:28 What does Jesus say?
39:29 "Come unto Me, all you who are weary and heavy laden,
39:33 and I'll give you rest."
39:34 And all the people drew near and what does he do?
39:37 He repairs the altar of the Lord.
39:39 Now, they used to have morning and evening sacrifice where they
39:43 gathered together.
39:44 They would read the promises.
39:47 They'd quote one of the sayings of Moses and then
39:52 they'd offer sacrifice.
39:54 What happens when the families neglect the time
39:59 of worship in their homes?
40:01 How important is it?
40:04 And is this something fathers--if a family has a
40:07 father, fathers ought to be leading out in this, you know?
40:10 The Bible says the father should be the priest of the family.
40:13 What it says, so don't--I know it may not be politically
40:16 correct, but it's what it says, and they ought to be leading the
40:20 family to the altar and saying, "You know,
40:22 children, wife, hey let's have worship."
40:25 Sometimes Karen has to remind me.
40:27 She did this morning, said, "Why don't we read something?"
40:29 And so, we need to have worship in our homes,
40:35 morning and evening.
40:37 This is part of what it says, "Drawing the hearts of the
40:39 fathers to the children and the children to the fathers,
40:43 lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
40:46 Why does the Old Testament end that way?
40:48 If we neglect the coming together of the families at the
40:51 altar, the result is going to be that the sins of the fathers are
40:57 reproduced in the children to the third and fourth generation.
41:02 It takes a long time to get another revival and because the
41:06 sins of the fathers are reproduced in the children,
41:09 the neglect of God, then all the judgments and the problems and
41:13 the backsliding is perpetrated in the children.
41:19 And so, there needs to be a rebuilding of the altar,
41:22 regular worship, even at times when it seems boring.
41:26 Any of you ever read the book "The Hiding Place"
41:29 by Corrie ten Boom?
41:33 Yeah, it's a great book.
41:34 She ended up becoming a great lady of faith,
41:38 and she says that her father, he had worship every morning and
41:42 every evening, and she used to think,
41:44 "Oh, no, don't read a whole chapter from Luke.
41:47 The chapters in Luke are so long," when she was growing up,
41:51 but her father faithfully.
41:53 And you know what?
41:55 When she went through a trial and she was in a prisoner-of-war
41:57 camp in Germany, she was so thankful that her father had put
42:01 the Word of God in her life.
42:02 Even at times when they had worship it seemed tedious.
42:06 Your kids will complain, but they're listening,
42:09 and so you got to do it anyway.
42:11 Rebuild the altar of the Lord.
42:13 Can you say amen?
42:14 All right, and you can read here now in chapter 18, verse 36.
42:21 "It came to pass, at the time of the offering of the evening
42:24 sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near and said,
42:28 'Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,
42:30 let it be known this day that You are God in Israel,
42:33 that I am Your servant.
42:35 That I've done all these things at Your word.
42:37 Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people might know that You
42:41 are the Lord, that You have turned their hearts
42:44 back to You again.'"
42:47 And what happened when he prayed?
42:49 There from a cloudless sky, like a giant arc welder,
42:53 fire came rocketing from the heavens,
42:55 burnt up the sacrifice.
42:58 It burnt up the stones.
42:59 It burnt up the water in the ditch and there was nothing but
43:02 vapor sizzling and all the people fell down,
43:06 and they said, "The Lord, He is God!
43:08 The Lord, He is God!" There's a great revival.
43:11 People's hearts were turned back.
43:12 There was revival in the nation because he had rebuilt the altar
43:15 of the Lord and that's the way that it happens.
43:19 Turning hearts at the Jordan.
43:21 Now, again, you know, you can talk about when Elijah there at
43:24 the Jordan River--how many miracles were there
43:26 at the Jordan?
43:28 Can you name some?
43:33 When Elijah and Elisha crossed the Jordan.
43:35 How about Elisha with Naaman?
43:39 Was that a miracle?
43:41 Did the Jordan River part miraculously for the children of
43:43 Israel in the days of Joshua?
43:46 Was that a miracle of the Jordan?
43:48 When Christ is filled with the Holy Spirit.
43:53 Is that another miracle of the Jordan?
43:56 What about when Elisha purified the waters of Jericho?
44:00 Well, it's right next to the Jordan,
44:02 and he also there at the Jordan River,
44:04 he multiplied, at the school of the prophets they had there,
44:06 he multiplied bread.
44:08 You can see quite a few miracles happen in the Jordan.
44:10 Where was Jesus baptized?
44:12 The Jordan represents this new birth and so you have all these
44:18 miracles that are happening there: cleansing from leprosy,
44:21 there's cleansing of sin, the bread being multiplied talking
44:23 about the Word of God, the waters being dried up talking
44:27 about that the Jordan--like a type of death that we cross
44:30 on our way to heaven.
44:33 So, the disciples--when Jesus--they were asking about,
44:39 "Isn't Elijah supposed to come?"
44:41 And this is Matthew 17, verse 10.
44:43 Jesus responds, and Je says, "Indeed,
44:46 Elijah is coming first and will restore all things."
44:51 Now, when Jesus said this He's saying he is coming future.
44:56 "But I say that Elijah has come, and they did not know him,
45:00 but they did to him whatever they wished.
45:02 Likewise the Son of Man is about to suffer at their hands."
45:05 Now, that's a very, very, very, very,
45:07 very important verse.
45:09 I want you to catch that.
45:10 Jesus said Elijah will come and Elijah has come,
45:12 speaking of John the Baptist.
45:14 Jesus is saying John the Baptist came in the spirit and the power
45:17 of Elijah and that's going to be found in Matthew 11:14.
45:21 "If you're willing to receive it," if you can understand it,
45:23 "he is," John the Baptist, "is Elijah who is to come.
45:27 He who has ears, let him hear!"
45:32 And some have been confused by this because the religious
45:34 leaders came to John.
45:36 Once they said, "Are you Elijah?"
45:38 He said, "No."
45:39 And what they were asking is, "Are you Elijah resurrected?"
45:42 He said, "No, you don't understand
45:43 the state of the dead.
45:45 I'm not Elijah resurrected."
45:47 He came in the spirit and the power.
45:48 Elisha was not Elijah resurrected,
45:51 but Elisha had the spirit and the power of Elijah.
45:54 Jesus is saying Elisha--Elijah will come,
45:58 so if there is--John the Baptist he says Elijah did come,
46:04 and they did to him whatever they wanted,
46:06 but Elijah will come.
46:07 In Malachi when we read that prophecy that we started with,
46:10 "Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet," was it just talking
46:13 about John the Baptist, or is there going to be another Elijah
46:20 message in the last days?
46:22 I believe there is.
46:25 I believe God is going to send that spirit and power of Elijah.
46:27 I don't know if it will be a message that will take people or
46:30 if there'll be an individual or maybe a combination of the two
46:32 that will be proclaiming the Elijah message, a great revival.
46:37 John the Baptist, he called the people to
46:39 repentance and revival.
46:42 Elijah, it was a message of repentance and revival,
46:44 and this is supposed to happen in the last days before--notice,
46:48 "Lest I come and smite the earth with a curse," and the ultimate
46:52 curse is going to be when the Lord comes for the lost,
46:54 if they're not ready.
46:56 All right, something else I want you to notice here
46:59 when he talks about this.
47:03 You look in--how does the Gospel of Mark--no,
47:08 no, no, the Gospel of Matthew and Luke,
47:11 they both begin with the birth of Jesus.
47:15 How does Mark and John begin?
47:17 Where in chronology?
47:19 They begin with John the Baptist.
47:21 Have you noticed that?
47:23 Matthew and Luke begin with the Christmas story,
47:27 and Mark and John, they just--they start right at the
47:31 ministry of Christ that began at his anointing with the
47:35 Holy Spirit and the ministry of John the Baptist.
47:38 You can look in Mark chapter 1, and someone is going to read for
47:41 me in just a moment John chapter 1, verse 6.
47:44 "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
47:46 the Son of God.
47:47 As it is written in the Prophets: 'Behold,
47:50 I send My messenger before Your face,
47:52 ho will prepare Your way before You.
47:54 The voice of one crying in the wilderness: "Prepare the way
47:57 of the Lord; make His paths straight."'"
48:00 And this is what they used to do.
48:02 They'd go before the king.
48:04 They had messengers that would smooth down the high spots and
48:07 fill in the low spots and make a road for the king.
48:10 John the Baptist said that was his work.
48:11 You can go ahead and read your verse.
48:14 female: "There was a man sent from God,
48:16 whose name was John.
48:18 This man came to witness, to be a witness to the Light,
48:21 that all through him might believe.
48:24 He was not the Light, but he was sent to bear
48:27 the witness of that Light."
48:29 Doug: So, right out of the gate the Gospel of John talks
48:32 about the ministry of John the Baptist.
48:35 That John came to point to Christ,
48:37 said, "This is the Lamb of God."
48:39 And, you know, this is really the message of repentance.
48:45 Someone asked a rabbi one time.
48:47 They said, "When is the best time to repent?"
48:52 And he said, "The last day of your life."
48:54 And they said, "Well, what if you don't know when the last day
48:57 of your life is?"
49:00 He said, "Exactly."
49:02 Today is the appointed time.
49:05 Today is the day of salvation.
49:07 Failing to repent--someone once said failing to repent--every
49:15 day you put off repenting is one more day to repent of and one
49:22 less day to repent in.
49:26 And so, it's something that so many people say,
49:28 "Yeah, one of these days I'm going to repent of
49:30 my sins and turn.
49:32 One of these days I'm going to surrender everything
49:33 and follow Jesus."
49:35 When a person really does make a complete repentance there is
49:39 going to be a transformation in life.
49:42 I heard about this evangelist.
49:44 His name was W.P. Nicholson.
49:46 He went to Belfast and had a great revival and there was such
49:49 a widespread repentance in the city.
49:51 That a lot of the shipyards there in Belfast,
49:55 so many of the workers were convicted of the
49:58 tools they had stolen.
50:00 They brought them back.
50:01 They ended up with so many extra tools they had to build new
50:04 sheds to hold the tools that had been purloined by the workers,
50:10 so the revival meant they brought back--I heard
50:14 about this one man.
50:15 His name was Al Johnson.
50:17 He came to faith in Christ back in the 1920s,
50:21 and he confessed to a bank robbery
50:23 he had done with four others.
50:25 He had never been caught, but he says,
50:27 "I've come to Christ, and I can't have that on my
50:28 conscience," and he went to the bank.
50:30 And he had gone past the statute of limitations.
50:33 They said, "You can't be prosecuted anymore."
50:35 It had been seven years, whatever it was back then.
50:37 He said, "It doesn't matter."
50:38 He says, "It's written in heaven," and he paid back part
50:41 of the money to the bank that he had stolen.
50:43 He said, "I'm not going to pay back what the other guys stole,
50:45 but I'll pay back what I stole, my cut of it."
50:49 That's a sign of repentance.
50:51 I've had people come to me before,
50:52 and they said, "Pastor Doug, I want to come to Jesus,
50:55 but I stole from my boss and if I tell them I'm going to get
51:00 fired, and I'll never be able to pay back what I stole."
51:03 I say, "Well, what would Jesus do?"
51:05 He said, "I might end up in jail."
51:09 I said, "You need to do the right thing and put
51:11 it in God's hands."
51:12 And I could tell you testimony after testimony,
51:14 because I've had this conversation with many people,
51:16 where they go to their boss, and they say,
51:20 "You know, I found the Lord, and I got to tell you something.
51:22 I stole from you, and I cooked the books,
51:25 and I took thousands of dollars, and I understand
51:28 you'll need to fire me.
51:29 And I'll do everything I can to pay you back."
51:32 And on more than one occasion the boss is so flabbergasted he
51:34 has to sit down with his mouth open.
51:36 He said, "Now I've got at least one honest
51:38 person working for me.
51:40 I'm not firing you."
51:43 And very rarely--I don't know of anyone that got prosecuted,
51:48 because it's just like the Holy Spirit works on their hearts,
51:51 so repentance is going to mean a reform and
51:53 a transformation in life, amen?
51:55 Doing the right thing.
51:57 Confessing and forsaking our sin.
51:59 All right, well, we're out of time for our lesson.
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52:12 This is a real quality magazine.
52:13 It's filled with beautiful illustrations.
52:15 After you read it you'll want to share and don't forget next week
52:18 we're going to begin our study talking about
52:21 "The Least of These," our new quarterly.
52:23 God bless you, friends.
52:24 We'll continue, God willing, to study his Word next week.
52:28 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's
52:29 life-changing free resource.
52:31 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
52:33 you can download a digital copy straight to your computer
52:36 or mobile device.
52:37 To get your digital copy of today's free gift,
52:40 simply text the key word on your screen to 40544 or visit the web
52:45 address shown on your screen and be sure to select a digital
52:48 download option on the request page.
52:50 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
52:53 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want and,
52:57 most important, to share it with others.
53:00 ♪♪♪
53:11 Doug: Friends, are you afraid of heights?
53:13 If so, you might want to look away right now.
53:15 One of the most famous attractions in the San Francisco
53:18 Bay area is the iconic Golden Gate Bridge.
53:22 While this world-famous bridge was named as one of the seven
53:25 wonders of the modern world, few people know the story of the
53:28 brave men who were involved in its construction and also known
53:31 as the Halfway to Hell Club.
53:34 Designed by a group of visionary engineers,
53:37 at 4,200 feet from end to end the Golden Gate Bridge was at
53:41 one time the longest suspension bridge in the world.
53:44 During its construction from 1933 to 1937,
53:48 the Golden Gate Bridge had one of the best safety construction
53:51 records of any project during that time.
53:54 Keep in mind they would factor in and calculate that one man
53:57 would die for every million dollars that was spent,
54:00 so with a budget of $35 million they knew that loss of life
54:04 would be unacceptable.
54:06 This is why the chief engineer, Joseph B. Strauss,
54:09 was absolutely adamant about using the most rigorous
54:11 safety precautions that had ever been used in bridge building.
54:14 He had a local manufacturer of safety equipment design special
54:18 head gear that he insisted be worn on every job.
54:21 This became the prototype for the modern hardhat,
54:24 worn for the first time ever, but the safety
54:26 precautions went even farther.
54:29 Strauss provided a special hand and face cream to protect their
54:32 skin from the cold, biting wind and glare-free
54:35 goggles to protect their eyes.
54:37 In addition, they also ate a special diet to help ward off
54:40 dizziness when they were working at those epic heights,
54:43 but the most conspicuous safety precaution was a gigantic net
54:47 that was suspended from end to end under the entire
54:50 construction area of the Golden Gate Bridge.
54:53 In fact, during construction this net saved the lives of 19
54:57 men who later became known as the Halfway to Hell Club.
55:02 Now, you need to keep in mind these were some of the most
55:05 dangerous construction conditions you can imagine.
55:07 The wind was constantly blowing.
55:10 They were walking around on iron that sometimes had
55:13 ice from the freezing fog.
55:15 In places they were over 700 feet above the icy waters,
55:20 yet the men coming from all walks of life were willing to
55:23 take these risks because it was during the Great Depression,
55:26 and they would get paid up to $11 a day,
55:28 which was a fortune back then.
55:31 One of the other benefits of the net was they discovered that the
55:35 men were much more courageous even though they were walking
55:38 high on those slippery surfaces, because they knew there was a
55:41 mechanism to protect them if they should fall.
55:44 This gave them the confidence and the courage to press on and
55:46 get the bridge built in record time.
55:49 You know, friends, as Christians we have a great work to do.
55:52 The Bible tells us that we get to participate with Jesus in
55:55 building a bridge that connects heaven and Earth and there are
55:59 dangers along the way.
56:01 The devil would like to paralyze us with fear that we might fall
56:04 or make a mistake, but we know that Jesus has provided a safety
56:08 net for us, and we don't have to be afraid.
56:10 We can press on with confidence, because the promises in the book
56:13 of Jude verse 24 he is able to keep us from falling.
56:17 But sometimes we make mistakes.
56:19 Still don't be discouraged, friends.
56:21 If you read in 1 John chapter 2, verse 1 the Bible says if we
56:25 fall, if we sin we have an advocate with the Father,
56:28 Jesus Christ, so let's press on together and build
56:31 that bridge with Christ.
56:33 ♪♪♪
56:40 [crickets chirring]
56:44 ♪♪♪
56:54 ♪♪♪
57:04 [dog barking]
57:07 ♪♪♪
57:12 [alarm ringing]
57:17 ♪♪♪
57:23 child: Mommy, Daddy, help me.
57:26 ♪♪♪
57:27 male: No, I don't think so.
57:29 You didn't do very well on your report card
57:30 this last quarter, so no.
57:33 female: You haven't been pulling your weight around here lately.
57:36 You want help?
57:37 Well, I wanted help with the dishes last night.
57:40 Help yourself.
57:41 child: Huh?
57:43 male: Honey, did you bring the marshmallows?
57:47 [child coughing]
57:49 ♪♪♪
57:59 ♪♪♪
58:09 ♪♪♪
58:19 ♪♪♪


Revised 2019-06-24