Sabbath School Study Hour

Little Times of Trouble

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021923A

00:00 ♪♪♪
00:11 ♪♪♪
00:22 ♪♪♪
00:35 Shawn Brummund: Hello friends, and welcome to another
00:36 edition of the "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:39 I am confident that your hour that you're gonna spend with us
00:42 will be one that will enrich your lives,
00:44 will enrich your faith.
00:45 And also as we look at a very practical, but also spiritual
00:48 topic on the topic of family, I also trust that this will
00:51 enrich your marriage, if you're married,
00:53 as well as your family and your family life.
00:55 And, so thank you for joining us.
00:58 We are looking at a very important topic today
01:00 in our Sabbath School steadily--Sabbath School study.
01:05 And we're going to be looking at lesson number 10,
01:09 which is entitled "Little Times of Trouble,"
01:12 "Little Times of Trouble."
01:14 And we look forward to studying that here together.
01:16 But before we look at our study, we always like to spend
01:19 some time offering you a very special free offer.
01:22 And the free offer that we have for you today
01:24 to continue in your study and growth in your faith is entitled
01:28 "From Stress to Joy."
01:30 Now, that's another very practical,
01:32 but spiritual subject as well.
01:34 "From Stress to Joy."
01:36 And so, you just simply have to dial the number that you see
01:38 on your screen, which is number...
01:44 That's... and ask for offer number 705.
01:50 Please ask for number, offer number 705.
01:53 Now, if you have a cell phone, and you'd like to have a digital
01:56 copy of that particular free offer, we also have
01:59 that available in a digital copy.
02:01 And so, you simply need to text the code SH031,
02:04 and you want to text that to the number 40544.
02:10 So again, you text that code SH031.
02:13 You can see it on your screens once again
02:16 and that is to number 40544.
02:20 So, please take advantage of that.
02:21 We'd love to have--send that out to you and allow you
02:24 to continue to study and to grow.
02:28 Father in heaven, we want to thank you so much
02:31 for this opportunity to be able to come together.
02:33 We thank you so much for this opportunity to be able to study
02:36 your Word, and to be able to understand how we can have
02:39 better marriages, how can we have better family life, Lord,
02:42 as we look at this practical subject on the struggle
02:46 of conflicts that some takes--sometimes takes place.
02:49 We want to pray, God in heaven, that you will help us
02:52 to better understand that as well.
02:54 Father in heaven, we want to thank you so much for
02:56 our choir that's here today, want to pray that you
02:59 will help us to praise you and that you will speak to
03:01 our heart, even as they sing for us here today.
03:04 In Jesus's name we pray these things, amen.
03:08 We're gonna have a special music by our choir and then I'll have
03:11 the privilege of introducing our speaker here today.
03:26 ♪♪♪
03:37 ♪♪♪
03:40 ♪ 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, ♪
03:46 ♪ Just to take Him at His Word, ♪
03:51 ♪ Just to rest upon His promise, ♪
03:57 ♪ Just to know, Thus saith the Lord! ♪
04:01 ♪ Jesus, ♪
04:05 ♪ how I trust Him! ♪
04:08 ♪ How I've proved Him o'er and o'er. ♪
04:12 ♪ Jesus, ♪
04:15 ♪ precious Jesus! ♪
04:19 ♪ Oh, for grace to trust Him more! ♪
04:35 ♪ Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus, ♪
04:40 ♪ Just from sin and self to cease ♪
04:46 ♪ Just from Jesus simply taking ♪
04:51 ♪ Life and rest, and joy and peace. ♪
04:55 ♪ Jesus, ♪
04:58 ♪ how I trust Him! ♪
05:01 ♪ How I've proved Him o'er and o'er ♪
05:06 ♪ Jesus, ♪
05:09 ♪ precious Jesus! ♪
05:12 ♪ Oh, for grace to trust Him more! ♪
05:18 ♪ I'm so glad I learned to trust Him, ♪
05:23 ♪ Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend. ♪
05:28 ♪ And I know that He is with me, ♪
05:33 ♪ Will be with me to the end. ♪
05:38 ♪ Jesus, ♪
05:41 ♪ how I trust Him! ♪
05:43 ♪ How I've proved Him o'er and o'er ♪
05:48 ♪ Jesus, ♪
05:51 ♪ precious Jesus! ♪
05:58 ♪ Oh, for grace to trust Him even more! ♪
06:14 ♪ Trust him more. ♪♪
06:39 Shawn: It is my privilege here today to be able to introduce
06:41 a speaker that many of you, if you've been watching the
06:43 "Sabbath School Study Hour" acquainted with.
06:45 His name is David DeRose, and David DeRose,
06:48 we thank you for teaching us here today.
06:50 We look forward to it. God bless you.
06:53 David DeRose: Well, it is good to be with each one of you.
06:55 We're continuing our journey on family seasons, family seasons.
07:00 We are on lesson ten and that is dealing with, as
07:05 the lesson calls it, "Little Times of Trouble."
07:12 I don't know if you've ever had this question run through your
07:15 mind, but it's run through mine and the question goes like this,
07:18 is it possible that a single question could lie
07:23 at the roots of many of our society's problems?
07:28 Ever thought about it that way?
07:30 The question is simply this, is it a right or is it a privilege?
07:40 You ever thought about this?
07:41 Is it a right or is it a privilege?
07:44 Now, some of you are looking perplexed.
07:46 You say, "What is this guy talking about?"
07:48 Well, I've gotta back up a little bit.
07:50 Many of you realize I've been a physician for some
07:52 three decades and as a physician, we've had this
07:55 debate running throughout our country.
07:59 And I know some of our listeners from throughout the world
08:01 might think this is an interesting debate, but the
08:03 debate is when it comes to quality healthcare,
08:09 is it a right or is it a privilege?
08:13 And now, we could ask this question about a dozen topics.
08:17 And in fact, as we look at the family today,
08:20 I have to ask the question, is being part of family,
08:25 is it a right or is it a privilege?
08:29 Is it a right or is it a privilege?
08:31 Now again, may sound like a strange question,
08:33 but we'll probe that as we look at today's lesson.
08:36 But as we begin, let's look at the background that the lesson
08:39 paints for us and that background speaks
08:42 about challenges that come into the home life.
08:45 And it speaks about two types of challenges.
08:48 I'm looking at the first paragraph of the introduction.
08:52 It's listed as Sabbath Afternoon Study for lesson ten.
08:56 And it says, "Even the best of homes
08:58 will face times of struggle."
09:01 And then it goes on and speaks about two categories of things.
09:04 One thing are so-called simple things, and then
09:09 it mentions other issues that might disrupt family life.
09:13 Now, if we think about this, a lot of us would say, "Well,
09:16 a lot of the challenges we have in life are relatively simple."
09:20 But as a physician and as a pastor over the years, I found
09:23 a lot of times it's those simple things that wear on us the most.
09:29 Over the years, I've heard of debates in homes about
09:31 how to put the toilet paper roll on, you know,
09:34 does it roll from the top or from the bottom?
09:36 Or how about the toothpaste, how are you supposed to squeeze
09:39 the toothpaste from the bottom or do you just squeeze it?
09:42 You say, "Oh, come on. These are silly things."
09:44 How you handle the electric services in your home,
09:49 you know, the light switches.
09:51 So, some of these things, it may seem very small in the grand
09:54 scheme of things and the lesson is painting these as relatively
09:58 insignificant, sometimes lay at the root of some of
10:02 the biggest challenges we face.
10:04 I remember some years ago, a couple telling me they
10:08 had gotten to the verge of divorce, and God
10:11 graciously brought them back from the brink.
10:14 And as they looked back at the kind of things that were
10:17 separating them, they said it was just ridiculous.
10:20 These things, you know, from the perspective of time,
10:22 they said this didn't make much difference at all.
10:26 But if you look at this first paragraph, these other issues
10:29 that are mentioned that threaten to disrupt family life, these
10:32 are some things that may sound like really big things.
10:35 A mother-in-law who's abuse and manipulation threatens
10:39 to destroy a woman's marriage and her health, a father with
10:42 mental illness who abuses his children, son who abandons his
10:46 religious upbringing, a daughter who becomes a substance abuser.
10:49 You get the picture.
10:51 So, some of these things we label as bigger than others,
10:53 but what I love about the lesson is it points us to
10:57 some foundational principles.
10:59 As we begin, the first two Scriptures
11:02 actually that are cited, I want you to turn there.
11:04 The first one is in John 13, verse 34.
11:07 So, turn with me to John's gospel.
11:09 And as we kind of refresh our memories about how that
11:13 gospel plays out, we're in the closing scenes of Jesus's life
11:16 by the time we get to John 13.
11:19 It is at the Last Supper, and we read these words
11:23 that are familiar words, but I think they are really
11:26 truly foundational for all that we're speaking about today.
11:29 John 13:34 reads, "A new commandment I give to you,"
11:35 this is Jesus speaking, of course.
11:38 And he says, "That commandment is that you love one another
11:41 as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
11:44 By this all will know that you are My disciples,
11:48 if you have love for one another."
11:52 You say, "Well, we've all heard that before."
11:55 And you've, no doubt, heard sermons trying to probe why
11:58 this was discovered lived by Jesus as a new commandment.
12:03 And if we were to have you weigh in,
12:05 we might get some different feedback.
12:07 Why was it a new commandment?
12:08 Haven't we been told to love from the beginning?
12:10 Isn't the foundation, even as Jesus summarized
12:13 the Ten Commandments, founded on love to God
12:15 and love to our neighbor, right?
12:17 So, what is so new about it?
12:19 You know, one of the things that often helps the Bible come alive
12:22 is looking at the context in which things are spoken.
12:26 So, just refresh your minds for a moment at John 13.
12:29 Look at the context of John 13.
12:32 John 13 tells the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet.
12:39 Whose job was it to wash feet?
12:43 That's right, it was the servants' job.
12:45 And so, here Jesus is stepping down.
12:48 He's taking the position as a servant, and who is he serving?
12:51 As you read through John 13, Jesus is not surprised
12:55 by what is going to happen.
12:57 Look at verses 18 and onward, for example.
13:00 Jesus says, "I'm not speaking of all of you, I know whom
13:03 I've chosen, but that the Scripture may be fulfilled,
13:06 he who eats bread with me has lifted up his heel against me."
13:10 And then he goes on and speaks about being betrayed.
13:15 I mean, Jesus's conscious of all that's gonna happen to him,
13:19 he's stooping down, he's serving other people,
13:22 and he knows how some, at least one, of those disciples
13:27 will treat him, and he knows how the others are
13:28 basically all going to run from him.
13:32 A new commandment?
13:34 I mean, go back to the Sermon on the Mount, right?
13:37 The Pharisees said, you know, you'll love the people that love
13:39 you, but to love your enemies, to love those who mistreat you?
13:43 We're getting this picture of Jesus's love as
13:45 the foundation for dealing with discord in the family.
13:50 We're now gonna have a Scripture read for us and that is the
13:53 second Scripture that's actually mentioned in your lesson.
13:56 Some of you are saying, "What happened to that memory verse?"
13:58 I know a lot of you look forward to hearing that.
14:00 You'll hear it before too long.
14:02 But we're gonna go to Romans chapter 12, and verse 10.
14:05 And again, as we listen to this verse, it's a familiar
14:08 verse but again, we're gonna try to pick up the context
14:11 to try to really appreciate the role that this has in
14:15 our families and in dealing with conflict.
14:17 So Romans 12, verse 10.
14:20 female: "Be kindly affectionate to one another in brotherly
14:23 love, in honor giving preference to one another."
14:28 David: Wow, "In honor giving preference to one another."
14:33 I'm turning to Romans 12, if you haven't already turned there.
14:36 And Romans 12 is set in an interesting context.
14:41 Paul was a Jew, and Paul had a huge burden for his people and
14:46 he'd been talking about that in the previous chapters, chapters
14:48 9 through 11, how he was burdened for his own people.
14:52 And he goes on to speak really about the privilege,
14:57 the privilege of being part of God's family.
15:00 He speaks in Romans 11.
15:02 If you're there with me, let's just pick a few verses up here.
15:05 He's speaking about how the unfaithful members
15:10 of the promised people in the Old Testament.
15:13 In that dispensation, God called a people to represent him,
15:17 a literal, physical, geologic bloodline of people, the Hebrew
15:22 nation, the Jewish people, and they had largely rejected Jesus.
15:26 And he speaks about this in verses 17 and onward.
15:30 He says, "If some of the branches were broken off," he's
15:34 speaking about how he is the parent stock, if you will.
15:38 And some of those chosen branches were broken off
15:43 because of their unfaithfulness.
15:45 And now he's speaking about the Gentiles being grafted in.
15:49 And as he's writing about that in verse 19, he says, "You will
15:53 say then, 'Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in.'
15:56 Well said.
15:58 Because of unbelief they were broken off,
16:01 and you stand by faith.
16:04 Do not be haughty, but fear.
16:08 For if God did not spare the natural branches,
16:10 He may not spare you either.
16:12 Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God:
16:17 on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness,
16:20 if you continue in His goodness."
16:22 So, you say, "Well, what's the picture here?"
16:24 The picture is a picture of privilege and those who
16:26 thought they were so privileged and didn't have to continue
16:29 to receive God's ongoing blessings become cut off.
16:33 They're cut off from that trusting relationship,
16:36 if you will, with their loving heavenly Father.
16:39 And so, as we come back to look at Romans 12, verse 10
16:43 that was just read to us, "Be kindly affectionate
16:47 to one another with," what?
16:49 "Brotherly love in honor giving preference to one another."
16:57 You say, "I'm here not because of choice.
16:59 My parents didn't ask me whether I should be
17:02 brought into the world or not," right?
17:04 Isn't that how it works?
17:06 We just end up here, and we end up as part of a family.
17:08 And in our culture in America, we focus a lot on what?
17:15 On our rights.
17:16 You know, children have rights, and we have rights as citizens,
17:20 and we have rights as human beings.
17:22 I'm not saying this emphasis is misplaced, but
17:26 I'm saying if our focus is solely on our rights,
17:29 look at verse 10 again of Romans 12.
17:31 Is the focus here on rights or is the focus on privilege?
17:38 Are you following? Look at the context.
17:40 Is the focus on rights, or is the focus on privilege?
17:45 We have this privilege, as Paul generally begins each
17:48 of his letters, many of his letters start out with,
17:50 "You are privileged, you're blessed.
17:52 Christ has died for you, you're his chosen children."
17:55 And then he goes on and he speaks about
17:57 how we then are to live.
17:59 And we're gonna get into this as we continue this lesson.
18:03 You say, "Dr. DeRose, I already think
18:05 it's a privilege to be married."
18:07 Some of you know, my daughter is going to be married tomorrow,
18:11 and I'm very glad for a number of reasons.
18:15 You know, thinking about that upcoming marriage,
18:17 we're very glad for the two people the Lord has united,
18:20 Thomas Clark and my daughter, Angela.
18:23 And one of the things that I appreciate about their
18:26 relationship is it seems at this point, they're both looking
18:28 at it as a privilege to be married to the other one.
18:32 You following along?
18:34 Some of you are looking just absolutely befuddled.
18:36 But really, isn't that how we go into marriage, most of us?
18:40 You know, we--in fact, think about it.
18:43 If you always think that you're getting the better deal,
18:45 wouldn't that be a good thing in a marriage?
18:48 And I see some of you nodding your heads.
18:50 Okay, so we need some medical science here to help us out.
18:52 You know, there--today, the definition of family
18:55 has been blurred in our society.
18:57 And for some of you wanting to read between the lines,
19:00 we'll leave it as I said it, it's been blurred.
19:03 That doesn't mean it's good or bad.
19:04 Some people think it's good, other people think it's bad.
19:06 I know you might want me to take a stronger stand,
19:08 but that's not the topic of today's lesson, okay?
19:11 But I will tell you that traditional families have
19:13 been well studied for decades, okay, traditional families,
19:17 a man and a woman.
19:19 And let me just tell you how it works.
19:20 In my experience, most men seem like they feel
19:24 they did their wife a favor when they married her.
19:28 Okay, I'm just telling you, it's just an experience.
19:30 Some of say, "Dr. DeRose, you hang out with too many men."
19:33 But let me tell you what the research shows.
19:36 The research shows that if you want to look at
19:39 health benefits from marriage, there is one gender that
19:42 seems too far and above benefit from this relationship.
19:45 Would any of you like to hazard a guess
19:47 as to which gender it is?
19:49 That's right, it's the men.
19:51 So really, you ladies, don't elbow your husband too hard
19:54 if he's sitting next to you, but the data suggests that
19:57 we're getting the better deal in marriage.
19:59 But my whole point, it's not medical research data.
20:02 It's basically this idea of the gospel,
20:05 that we are blessed in Christ.
20:08 So, we come into family relationship, what is
20:10 the real foundational family relationship in the Bible?
20:15 Yeah, turn here to Matthew 19 with me, Matthew 19.
20:20 It's one of those passages in the Scripture where
20:23 if you're just reading through the Bible for the first time,
20:25 you would be shocked.
20:27 I mean, I say you would be shocked, I would be shocked
20:29 because I cannot imagine Jesus giving this response to Peter.
20:35 So I'm, let's see a good place to pick it up.
20:37 Matthew 19, it's always hard.
20:43 You're always jumping in the middle of something.
20:45 But Matthew 19, verse 27, so Peter makes one of these
20:50 bold statements that he's known for making.
20:52 He says, "Jesus, we've have left everything and followed You.
20:58 Therefore what are we gonna get?'"
21:01 I'm paraphrasing a little bit, but I would have expected
21:05 Jesus to say, "Peter, how long have you been with me?
21:08 Have you not figured out what the Christian life is all about?
21:12 It's not about what you're gonna get."
21:15 I mean, that's what I would expect Jesus to say,
21:17 but he didn't say that.
21:18 Let's read what he said.
21:20 Verse 28, "So Jesus said to them," all the disciples,
21:26 "Assuredly I say to you," and all of us by extension, "that in
21:30 the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His
21:33 glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones,
21:38 judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
21:40 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father
21:45 or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake,
21:49 shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.
21:53 But many who are first will be last, and the last first."
21:57 And you say, well, that's an interesting verse
21:59 about family life because we're speaking here about
22:01 some people who've done, what?
22:03 They've actually left family.
22:05 And you say, "So, how does this come about?
22:08 How can you leave family and end up with a larger family?"
22:11 What is the figure given here? You catch it?
22:15 What's the magnitude of increase you experience?
22:19 It's a hundredfold.
22:21 So, how do we get a hundredfold larger family
22:22 if we leave some family here?
22:26 I mean, I think the most straightforward interpretation
22:29 is Jesus speaking about the church, okay?
22:32 So, this pivotal family relationship, yes, in
22:36 the beginning, it's man and wife, it's Adam and Eve.
22:39 But by extension, the foundational family unit, in
22:42 a sense, is the church, because some of us don't enter
22:46 into marital relationships, and we are still
22:48 part of God's family in the church.
22:52 So, with that background, as we look at these different
22:55 Scriptures, we're really talking about things that
22:57 relate, of course, to the nuclear family, to what happens
23:00 in the home, but we're talking about things
23:02 that happened in the church as well.
23:03 And I know we've made that connection as
23:05 we've been going through the quarterly.
23:07 But we're going to hear now from Proverbs 19 in just a moment.
23:11 Someone's gonna be reading that for us.
23:12 We're into Sunday's lesson.
23:14 And before we go there, there's two verses that are mentioned
23:17 for Sunday about, again, important principles
23:20 to help us with conflict.
23:21 The first one is in Matthew 7, so I invite you to turn there.
23:24 So, that is back in the Sermon on the Mount.
23:27 We've been reading a lot from Matthew, seems
23:29 like Matthew has a lot to say about things that relate
23:32 to family life from the words of Jesus.
23:36 So, Matthew 7, you can pick it up with me in verse 1.
23:40 Jesus is speaking about the danger
23:43 of judging and condemning.
23:45 "Judge not, that you not be judged.
23:47 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and
23:51 with what measure you use, it will be measured back to you.
23:54 And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye,
23:57 but do not consider the plank that's in your own eye?
23:59 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the
24:02 speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye?
24:06 Hypocrite!
24:08 First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see
24:10 clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
24:14 Now, you say, "Well, why is the lesson speaking about this as
24:17 being a important principle in dealing with conflict?
24:20 What do you see growing out of that passage?"
24:25 Well, I mean, one thing that jumps out at you, of course,
24:28 is this idea that often our problems are bigger than
24:33 the problems we see in other people.
24:35 How is that the case? Have you ever noticed this?
24:38 We tend to excuse our own faults,
24:41 but blame other people for theirs?
24:43 Have you noticed it?
24:45 Have you ever caught yourself criticizing something for
24:48 someone, maybe even in your own mind, and then realize that,
24:51 "Boy, that's the same thing that I tend to do"?
24:54 Well, that's what's being pointed out here.
24:56 Let's look at this other principle now as we hear from
24:57 Proverbs 19, verse 11.
25:00 male: "The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger,
25:03 and his glory is to overlook a transgression."
25:06 David: His glory is to overlook a transgression.
25:11 Boy, I mean, we're getting into some interesting
25:13 ground here, aren't way?
25:16 I think of this story, and maybe you've heard this story,
25:19 maybe my mind is thinking too much about newlyweds,
25:21 I don't know why.
25:23 I guess I probably do know why but anyway, this story
25:25 is told of a couple that had been married a few years.
25:29 And they're invited out for breakfast.
25:33 I know, that's not typical in our society,
25:35 but as they are served breakfast, the husband is given
25:38 a piece of toast by the hostess, and he's just raving
25:41 about how wonderful this piece of toast is.
25:46 Now his wife, to her credit, holds her tongue
25:48 until they're alone together.
25:49 And when they're alone, she says,
25:53 "Why were you raving about that toast?
25:55 I mean, it wasn't even black?"
25:58 And he says, "Well, I mean, it was just toasted
26:02 so nicely," he said.
26:04 She said, "But you always told me you,
26:06 you like your toast burned."
26:10 And then he realized that several years before, early
26:14 in their marriage, his wife had burned the toast and when she
26:19 apologized to him, he said, "No, don't apologize,"
26:23 he said, "this is the way I like my toast."
26:27 Now, no doubt that is just a fabricated story,
26:31 but there's an interesting point.
26:32 There's a difference between overlooking something and just,
26:35 you know, tolerating it, and actually forgiving something,
26:40 and overlooking it in that way and actually
26:42 addressing the underlying issue.
26:44 Have you ever thought about this?
26:46 Let's probe this a little bit because it is relevant to
26:49 what we have that comes up in this lesson.
26:53 Let's look at another Scripture that's mentioned.
26:56 It's Romans chapter 14. So, Romans 14, verse 19.
27:02 So from Matthew, we go back to Paul, and
27:05 his letter to the church in Rome.
27:07 Romans chapter 14, and we're gonna
27:11 look here at another principle.
27:12 So, we're filtering all this through both the eyes of
27:15 the church and through the eyes of the family.
27:18 So, Romans 14, verse 19.
27:23 Paul writes to us there and he says, "Let us therefore
27:27 pursue the things which make for peace and the things
27:31 by which one may edify another."
27:35 And again, it's interesting, if you look at the context here,
27:39 Paul has been speaking in Romans 14 about things that may seem
27:43 like relatively little things in the grand scheme of things.
27:47 He's been speaking about the kind of foods that we eat
27:49 in our individual worship practices.
27:53 He's not setting aside the importance of healthy eating.
27:56 He's not setting aside the importance of things
27:59 that God has asked us to do, as far as worship.
28:02 But he's making a principal here, and let's go back
28:06 a little bit further to Romans 14, verse 14.
28:10 He says, "I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus
28:13 that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him
28:17 who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean."
28:19 Now, some of you are saying, "Boy, I'm glad that
28:21 as a physician, you're wading into this passage."
28:27 You know, there's a distinction in the Bible between the
28:30 way things are intrinsically and the way God has infused
28:34 them in history with ceremonial significance, okay?
28:39 And to try to make this discussion very simple,
28:42 from the beginning, there's been a distinction between
28:45 foods and animals that were clean and that were unclean.
28:48 Going all the way back to the flood, you see this, remember?
28:50 If you read the actual account in Genesis, and
28:53 don't just read the storybook account, the animals
28:56 did not just go in two of each species.
29:00 Many of you realize, two animals of what kind?
29:04 Of the unclean, but seven of the clean animals.
29:07 So, long before there ever was a Jew,
29:09 there was some intrinsic distinction in the animals.
29:14 What we know is that ultimately when God permitted humans to
29:18 eat animals after the flood, those animals that were unclean
29:22 were intrinsically unhealthful to eat, and it is to this day.
29:26 So, whether you want to look at the leading cause of epilepsy
29:29 in the world--by the way, do you know what it is?
29:31 The leading cause of epilepsy in the world?
29:34 That's right, it's something called neurocysticercosis.
29:38 Some of you actually said that, others of you
29:40 were struggling to get it out.
29:42 Neurocysticercosis, it's from pork.
29:44 It's a parasite transmitted by pork, okay?
29:47 Leading cause of epilepsy in the world, seizures.
29:51 Trichinosis, you can go down the list.
29:53 So God, certain things intrinsically unclean.
29:55 But now, now we're talking in the New Testament,
29:58 these things are still on healthy to eat.
30:01 But there is no ceremonial defilement from touching the pig
30:05 that there was in the ceremonial system, do you understand?
30:09 So, I can walk out of the church door and some kids
30:12 can be throwing a pigskin and throw it to me.
30:14 If I touch it, I can still shake your hand afterward.
30:18 I'm not ceremonially defile. Are you following along?
30:22 It's a big topic and just a few soundbites.
30:25 I know I might leave you more disappointed than encouraged
30:29 that we've even touched on that, but we're just trying
30:31 to pick up the context here.
30:33 So, let's go back to verse 15 now of Romans 14.
30:35 It says, "Yet if your brother is grieved because of your food,
30:39 you are no longer walking in love.
30:42 Don't destroy with your food the one for whom Christ died.
30:45 Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil;
30:50 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but
30:52 righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
30:55 For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable
30:58 to God and approved by men."
30:59 And then we have this verse, "Let us pursue the things which
31:02 make for peace and the things by which one may edify another."
31:07 And to me, it's rolling back some things.
31:10 You say, "Well, Dr. DeRose, you know, you're speaking
31:12 about, you know, real important topics here,
31:15 and we're just glossing over them.
31:16 And that's why we have problems in our church, and that's why
31:18 we have problems in my home because there's important things
31:21 that my spouse doesn't realize that I understand,
31:24 or that my parents don't realize.
31:26 They don't they don't live, they don't understand
31:28 the current generation."
31:30 Parents might be saying the same thing about
31:32 their children or their grandchildren.
31:34 Here's the point, what is Paul pointing us to?
31:39 He's pointing us to this vision of the privilege we
31:42 have of family relationship.
31:44 That's the context when he writes to the church of Rome.
31:46 We are blessed.
31:48 We're blessed in Christ, and our privilege is
31:51 to share that blessing with one another.
31:53 Don't try to divide your family over things that you
31:57 understand that maybe they don't understand yet.
32:00 Is there room for that even in the family?
32:02 Now, I don't know how it is for you,
32:04 but Sonya and I are approaching our 30th anniversary.
32:09 So, we've been married for a while.
32:11 And there's still things we can do that can,
32:14 you know, kind of bother the other one.
32:17 And most of the time, we can still smile about it.
32:19 But the point is sometimes, in that close family relationship,
32:26 we're not as careful about what we say as when
32:29 we're in the public arena.
32:31 Is this just an issue that I've noticed?
32:34 I mean, think about it.
32:36 If you really become one flesh with someone, are you more
32:38 ruthless in talking to yourself or in talking with other people?
32:42 I mean, hopefully your strongest criticism
32:44 is reserved for yourself.
32:46 But if your partner is an extension of yourself, do you
32:48 sometimes--some of you are looking very bewildered.
32:51 Let me explain something to you.
32:53 This, I recognized this early in our relationship.
32:56 Sonya had this terrible habit when I first met her.
32:59 We'd go out together, and I'd walk away from the car
33:03 and she'd say, "David, do you have your keys?"
33:05 And I'm thinking, Well, what kind of woman--what kind of man
33:08 does she think I am that I'm gonna forget my keys?
33:11 And this really bothered me for a while, until I realized
33:14 that internally, every time I walk away from the car,
33:17 I ask myself, do I have my keys?
33:20 And the reason I ask myself that question is probably
33:23 like many of you in those old tech cars, you know,
33:25 you could lock yourself out of your car and
33:28 it had happened to me more than once.
33:30 So, every time I'm walking away from the car
33:32 I'm checking, do I have my keys?
33:34 You know, if you've got, you know, the clicker,
33:35 you don't have to worry about it.
33:37 If you, you know, got a higher tech--but in the old days,
33:41 do I have my keys?
33:42 So, when I realized that, I was just an extension of Sonya.
33:46 So, when she's walking away from her car,
33:48 normally she's doing what?
33:50 Just like me, you know, she's checking for keys.
33:52 But I'm the one driving, so what does she ask?
33:54 "David, do you have your keys?"
33:57 You see, so if we kind of cut through this and realize that
34:01 sometimes maybe we need to be a little bit more cautious in what
34:05 we express, and I'm sure Sonya will remind me about this.
34:08 She's very gracious.
34:10 And but we do, we have to remind ourselves that sometimes
34:14 we understand these principles intellectually, as
34:18 we read through them in the Bible, how we should
34:20 be encouraging and building one another up.
34:23 And sometimes we allow our own human nature to creep
34:27 in too much into the family relationships.
34:30 Well, we need to hasten on.
34:32 Monday is speaking specifically about marriage, and it's
34:35 pointing us now to some of these crucial principles that really
34:38 bring us back to that relationship.
34:40 You'll see the principles are very similar.
34:43 We're gonna be looking at Colossians in just a moment.
34:46 So, we're looking a lot at some of the things that Paul wrote,
34:49 okay, some of these principles are extremely powerful
34:52 when it comes to families.
34:54 And first though, we're gonna go to Ephesians 1, verse 7.
34:58 So, Ephesians 1, verse 7.
35:02 And what we'll get a sense of here is a point that I made
35:06 earlier, and this is how Paul often begins his letters.
35:09 So, Ephesians chapter 1.
35:16 Just catch this and we'll get a little
35:18 the context here, verse 7.
35:20 In verse 3 he says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our
35:23 Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual
35:27 blessing in the heavenly places in Christ."
35:30 And he goes on and he gets down to verse 7 and he says, "In him,
35:34 we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins,
35:37 according to the riches of his grace."
35:40 What is the language here?
35:42 Is this the language of right, or
35:44 is it the language of privilege?
35:47 It's a language of privilege, right?
35:49 You're blessed. It's a gift.
35:51 This is privilege.
35:52 This is what it's speaking about.
35:54 And so, that's the context as Ephesians begins.
35:57 It's the context as Colossians begins.
36:00 It's the context as Galatians begins.
36:03 Paul is--
36:04 The context of Romans, he's speaking about
36:06 how blessed we are.
36:08 And so, now with that background, let's head over to
36:11 Colossians 3, someone's gonna read from the heart
36:13 of Colossians 3 in just a minute, but I want you
36:15 to pick up the introduction to Colossians 3.
36:20 Speaking about all these blessings, it's speaking about
36:22 being risen to new life in Jesus.
36:25 So, look with me at Colossians 3, beginning with verse 1.
36:29 It says, "If you then were raised with Christ,
36:33 seek those things which are above where Christ is,
36:38 sitting at the right hand of God.
36:40 Set your mind on things above, not things on the earth,
36:45 for you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God."
36:49 And then verse 5, "Put to death," and there's a list
36:53 of things that you're supposed to put to death.
36:55 And then as you continue on through Colossians 3, you're
36:58 gonna hear about some things you're to revive, things that
37:01 you're to put on, and at the heart of that is Colossians 3:13
37:05 that we're gonna hear right now.
37:07 male: Colossians 3:13, "Bearing with one another, and forgiving
37:11 one another, if anyone has a complaint against another;
37:15 even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do."
37:19 David: It's amazing to me that most of the Christian world
37:23 seems stuck in the beginning chapters of Paul's letters
37:29 because there's almost this aversion to speaking
37:33 about moral imperatives today.
37:35 Have you noticed this?
37:37 But you don't have to go very far.
37:40 Here we are halfway through the Book of Colossians, Colossians 1
37:42 and 2, speaking about privilege and blessing, especially.
37:45 But then Paul starts giving these moral imperatives and
37:49 basically these are calls for us to be more like Jesus, right?
37:54 You pick it up there in verse 13.
37:56 What are we supposed to do?
37:59 Forgive others as Christ forgave us.
38:03 Isn't this really the grounds for forgiveness?
38:06 Now, it's interesting, we go back in our minds to maybe
38:09 formative things in our experience.
38:10 I think, as a young Christian, I had a roommate,
38:15 and this guy wanted to borrow my laundry detergent.
38:20 Safe, simple thing, right?
38:21 So, I lend him my laundry detergent.
38:24 And later in that day, I'm looking
38:26 for my laundry detergent.
38:27 What do you think happened to it?
38:29 He left it in the laundromat.
38:32 I mean, how could he do that with my laundry detergent?
38:34 How many of you think I was wronged?
38:38 I was wronged, whether you think it's a small thing or not.
38:42 And that upset me that my roommate would take my laundry
38:46 detergent and leave it in the laundromat and it's gone now.
38:49 I have no laundry detergent.
38:51 Do you realize how important this is?
38:57 But then the Lord brought to my mind, the sacrifice of Jesus.
39:03 And I mean, how important does the laundry
39:06 detergent seem in that context?
39:09 It's like nothing, right?
39:11 I mean, Jesus died for me and he--and I can't--and
39:17 I'm upset with someone.
39:19 I mean, how--when you put it in that perspective,
39:21 how difficult is forgiveness?
39:23 You say, "Well, that's a little thing.'
39:25 But there's really big things that happen in life
39:28 that God asks us to forgive, right?
39:30 They're a little bit of more--well, that's
39:32 putting it mildly, right, of a little bit more consequence
39:35 than laundry detergent.
39:37 Let's look at this because the lesson picks it up
39:41 in more detail in Thursday's lesson.
39:44 It's speaking about forgiveness and peace,
39:47 forgiveness and peace.
39:49 And we're gonna look at this in a little bit of detail
39:53 because there's a lot being said today in the Christian
39:57 world about forgiveness, but let's couch it in Colossians 3,
40:03 since some of you are still there.
40:05 If you look at Colossians 3, some years ago,
40:07 let me give you some context.
40:09 Some years ago, many of you know the name
40:11 of Charles Stanley, popular preacher.
40:14 Dr. Stanley was speaking about this topic of forgiveness,
40:18 actually wrote a book on the topic.
40:20 And as he was speaking about the problem with unforgiveness,
40:25 he really pointed to these moral imperative sections of
40:30 Paul's writings like we have here in Colossians.
40:34 Look at this Colossians 8, excuse me, Colossians 3,
40:39 verse 8, Colossians 3, verse 8.
40:41 Look at some of the things that in Christ,
40:43 we're called to put aside.
40:46 Colossians 3, verse 8, "But now you yourselves are to
40:49 put off these, anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy,
40:58 filthy language out of your mouth--"
41:00 Now, as you're reading through that list, how many of those
41:04 things surface when you're holding on to unforgiveness?
41:09 You ever thought about this?
41:11 I mean, you could look in Galatians 5 at the list of the
41:15 fruits of the Spirit, fruit of the Spirit, and the things
41:19 that go along with the flesh.
41:21 Maybe we should do that.
41:22 Go to Galatians with me and you'll see there
41:26 some similar things that are mentioned.
41:28 You'll see where this is going as far as forgiveness
41:30 and why this is so important.
41:32 Galatians chapter 5 is speaking about the works of
41:36 the flesh in verse 19 of Galatians 5.
41:41 So, here's a list of some of the works of the flesh, adultery,
41:45 fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery,
41:50 hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath.
41:57 What I want as we're reading through this list, think
41:59 about it in the context of unforgiveness because these
42:03 were the dots that Dr. Stanley connected in my mind,
42:08 selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresy, envy, murders,
42:13 drunkenness, revelries, and the like.
42:15 And what is he saying?
42:17 He's saying, these are things that you used to be like before
42:21 you put on Christ, before you accepted Jesus as your Savior.
42:25 And now he says in verse 22, here's the fruit of the Spirit,
42:28 love, joy, peace, you know the list,
42:30 right, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
42:32 faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
42:34 Think about it now.
42:36 If you are unforgiving, what typical arena do you
42:43 put yourself into, at least as you deal with the person
42:45 you haven't forgiven?
42:48 You ever thought about this?
42:49 We tend to put on the things of the flesh to punish
42:54 the other person, to get back at them.
42:57 You say, "Oh, come on.
42:58 Listen, I'm a Christian, I just ignore the other person."
43:02 Well, I mean, what if it's your, you know, person living in
43:06 the home with you, what if someone in the church with you?
43:09 Is there still hatred there, even though there
43:12 may not be the outright, verbal dissensions?
43:17 Are you following along?
43:19 So, here's the deal, when I don't forgive someone,
43:21 I'm choosing to walk in the flesh in that relationship.
43:27 And we were not made to be able to just
43:29 jump from the flesh to the Spirit.
43:31 You're following along with me?
43:33 So, when I start to cultivate that, what happens?
43:37 That same spirit can creep into other relationships.
43:41 And many times, if you look at the root of some problem
43:44 in the home, it may not even have begun
43:48 in that home that you established.
43:50 It may go back to the parent that you haven't forgiven, or
43:54 to the uncle that did something terrible that you have not
43:59 forgiven, and that spills over into your other relationships.
44:03 So, it's so important, this topic of forgiveness.
44:07 And as the lesson brings out, there are challenges
44:13 with forgiveness, right?
44:15 As we're thinking about that, we want to tie this back
44:18 in with Ephesians chapter 4.
44:22 We have someone who'll be reading that in a moment because
44:25 Ephesians 4 just putting together these same principles,
44:29 Ephesians 4 actually in verses 26 and 27, also connects us
44:36 with something that relates to this whole aspect
44:38 of forgiveness and wrongdoing.
44:45 So, who has that Scripture for us, Ephesians 4,
44:48 verses 26 and 27?
44:58 male: "Be angry, and do not sin:
45:00 do not let the sun go down on your wrath."
45:04 David: "Be angry and do not sin.
45:07 Let not the sun go down on your wrath."
45:18 Jesus walks into the temple, you know the story,
45:24 and his heart is distressed.
45:27 In Isaiah 56, it was prophesied that his house was to be
45:30 a house of prayer for all nations.
45:33 And, you know, he quotes that Scripture, "What has it become?"
45:38 As he put it, a den of thieves, right?
45:40 It has become a courtyard, a marketplace.
45:44 And we see this manifestation of divine anger.
45:47 It's interesting to me that God's anger in this phrase of
45:51 anger or jealousy, it's often directed at situations that are
45:58 obscuring God's character from being revealed.
46:02 So, it's not that God is hating the moneychangers.
46:06 He hates what's being done to mar this picture of the
46:12 character of God that was to be painted in the sanctuary.
46:15 Are you're following along?
46:17 And we often make this distinction of God hating
46:19 the sin but loving the sinner.
46:21 And I think in many respects, it's an appropriate distinction
46:25 because God here is acting with love as he cleanses the temple.
46:30 So, what is this deal about being angry and sin that let not
46:34 the sun go down on your wrath?
46:36 How about as it enters into your own home life,
46:39 what do you think about that?
46:41 Can you be angry at some of the people that are closest to you?
46:46 When's the best time to address those undesirable feelings?
46:52 You say, "Well, I'm gonna deal with it as soon as the
46:55 other person apologizes because it was their fault."
46:58 You know, that's actually brought up
47:00 in Thursday's lesson as well.
47:01 Whose obligation is it to make reconciliation
47:06 when there is discord?
47:08 Whose responsibility is it?
47:11 Does someone have Matthew 5:23 and 24 for us?
47:14 Let's read what Matthew--what Jesus says there
47:18 in Matthew 5:23 and 24.
47:21 male: Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar and there
47:25 remember that your brother has something against you,
47:28 leave your gift there before the altar and go your way.
47:31 First, be reconciled to your brother, and
47:34 then come and offer your gift."
47:38 David: Okay, so in Matthew 5, who is the person
47:40 who's supposed to seek reconciliation?
47:46 The one who did the wrong, right, isn't that Matthew 5?
47:50 If you realize your brother has something ought you.
47:53 Now, if we were to take the time to go to Matthew 18,
47:57 passage that you will know, it speaks about someone
48:00 who's offended you and you going to them.
48:03 Now, you're the one being offended.
48:05 You're the one being wronged.
48:07 So biblically, who is the person who's supposed
48:09 to seek reconciliation?
48:13 Yes, the person who realizes that reconciliation's needed,
48:16 as whether you're the one that perpetrated the wrong
48:19 or whether you're the one that experienced the wrongdoing.
48:22 Are you following along? So, that's the picture.
48:25 So, whether it's in the relationships in
48:27 the church--okay, I gotta tell you this story.
48:31 I got--I was disappointed by this.
48:35 This has gone way back, okay?
48:37 I'm in--and I know I'm glad I wore some
48:39 decent-looking shoes today.
48:41 And the reason I'm saying this is because when I was
48:44 a medical student, I got an evaluation from
48:47 one of my attending, you know, one of the head doctors,
48:50 and they wrote on there, "Dresses, unprofessionally,
48:53 wears tennis shoes to work," okay?
48:57 Now, what disturbed me is this person had never
48:59 said anything to me for the whole month about my attire.
49:03 But when it came to evaluating me,
49:05 they said that I dressed unprofessionally.
49:07 You say, "Well, Dr. DeRose, I'm glad they did
49:09 'cause your shoes look better today."
49:12 Well, here's my point.
49:15 There was obviously something that was bothering that doctor,
49:18 bothering them enough to write that on my evaluation,
49:22 but they never told me.
49:24 And I tell you that simple story because many of the times we
49:28 have problems in relationships because something's been
49:31 bothering us and we never said anything.
49:34 I know it's difficult to confront people,
49:37 but do what Jesus did, right?
49:39 Jesus forgave decisionally first.
49:43 He made the decision to forgive on the cross, right?
49:45 He said, "Father," what?
49:47 "Forgive them.
49:48 They don't know what they're doing."
49:51 Every sin really, we don't know what we're doing.
49:54 We're hurting ourselves more than we're hurting the victim.
49:59 You may not be at that point yet, but I'm convinced of it.
50:02 So, here's the thing, choose to forgive other people,
50:05 then make attempts to be reunited.
50:10 In the home, it's critical, in the church it is.
50:14 Our time has slipped away.
50:15 I know I may have caused a little bit more
50:17 stress in touching on some of these issues than others.
50:20 But you know what?
50:21 The good news is the free offer today is "From Stress to Joy."
50:26 So, if you're longing for a little bit more
50:28 to nurture you on this topic, you can get the free offer,
50:32 offer number 705 by calling...
50:39 That's...
50:42 You can also get it as a free digital download
50:45 by simply texting the code SH031 to the number 40544.
50:54 So, thank you for joining us here for those of you who've
50:57 been tuning in with us, for our journey on family seasons by
51:01 God's grace, we will continue our study next week right here.
51:07 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's
51:08 life-changing free resource.
51:10 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
51:12 you can download a digital copy
51:14 straight to your computer or mobile device.
51:16 To get your digital copy of today's free gift,
51:19 simply text the keyword on your screen to 40544
51:23 or visit the web address shown on your screen.
51:26 And be sure to select the digital download option
51:28 on the request page.
51:30 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
51:33 with Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want.
51:36 And most important, to share it with others.
51:43 announcer: Amazing Facts, Changed Lives.
51:52 male: I had a lot of pressure as a pastor's kid to perform.
51:57 They're not allowed to make the same mistakes as everyone else.
52:01 Not only are people looking at you, but they're judging
52:05 your father according to what they see in you.
52:09 After a while, you get tired of carrying that load as a child.
52:13 By the time it got time for me to leave home,
52:16 I was pretty much finished with all that.
52:19 I just, I wasn't good enough and I didn't belong in there.
52:24 So, when I left home, I went to the world at a dead run.
52:30 You know, I partied and went to work and, you know,
52:33 was living my life as the way I wanted to,
52:36 and I just wanted to be left alone.
52:39 One day, I was driving my motorcycle
52:41 with some buddies of mine.
52:43 All of a sudden, I had oil running everywhere all up
52:45 and down my arm and across my legs,
52:47 and rippling down the tank in the wind.
52:50 And we loaded it up on a trailer
52:52 and sent it to the shop to have it fixed.
52:55 So, I went to pick it up and a mechanic came out he said,
52:58 "You know," he said, "we got your front end rebuilt."
53:00 He said, "That wasn't the bad part."
53:03 He said, "The bad part was the only thing holding the
53:05 front tire on was the weight of the motorcycle."
53:08 So, all I would have had to have done was accelerate quickly
53:11 and front tire would have came off.
53:15 And it got my attention, it got me to thinking, you know,
53:17 you hear a lot of people talking about, you know, the
53:20 relationship that they have with Jesus and all that.
53:23 And I didn't even know what that was supposed to look like.
53:26 It began to work on my mind.
53:28 I think God was beginning to speak to me.
53:32 I believe that you can say I may be a poster child
53:34 for the the shepherd lost sheep story
53:37 because I wasn't looking for God.
53:40 I didn't really care, but he cared about me.
53:46 And he came and got me.
53:57 announcer: Together, we have spread the gospel
53:59 much farther than ever before.
54:02 Thank you for your support.
54:09 female announcer: Let's face it, it's not always easy
54:12 to understand everything you read in the Bible.
54:14 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books,
54:18 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
54:21 To get biblical straightforward answers,
54:23 call into Bible Answers Live, a live nationwide calling
54:26 radio program where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor
54:29 and ask him your most difficult Bible questions.
54:32 For times and stations in your area or to listen
54:35 to "Answers" online, visit
54:43 ♪♪♪
54:54 ♪♪♪
55:04 ♪♪♪
55:15 ♪♪♪
55:25 ♪♪♪
55:35 ♪♪♪
55:38 male: If you wish you could get a new start.
55:40 I'd like to live my life over knowing what I know now.
55:42 I don't want to start over just to make all the same mistakes.
55:44 I want to have my memories so I don't make the same mistakes,
55:47 but you do get a new beginning.
55:50 You become a new creature, that feeling of all your sins
55:52 being washed away because God promises it.
55:54 Isn't that a wonderful concept?
55:57 male announcer: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink.
56:06 In as much as you did it to one of the least of these,
56:09 my brethren, you did it to me.
56:20 ♪♪♪
56:30 Doug Batchelor: Friends, we're out here in the Pacific Ocean,
56:32 not too far from the island of Fiji and we're getting
56:35 ready to look at some wonders in the deep.
56:39 The Bible says God made the heaven, the earth, and the sea.
56:41 And there are things under the sea that are beautiful
56:43 that many people have never seen.
56:46 Some folks might just skim along, snorkel on the surface.
56:48 But if you want to see the real majesty of the ocean,
56:51 you've gotta go deeper.
56:54 ♪♪♪
57:04 ♪♪♪
57:07 Doug: Because people don't have gills like fish,
57:09 we have to do something extraordinary to be able
57:11 to breathe below the surface.
57:14 And because you have to breathe all the time,
57:16 we need this special equipment.
57:20 In the same way, the Bible says a Christian
57:22 needs to pray without ceasing.
57:24 We need to always be breathing the atmosphere of heaven
57:27 if we're gonna live a Christian life in this world below.
57:31 ♪♪♪
57:41 ♪♪♪
57:51 ♪♪♪
57:57 Doug: Wow, what a wonderful world.
58:00 ♪♪♪
58:12 ♪♪♪
58:22 ♪♪♪


Revised 2019-06-04