Sabbath School Study Hour

Times of Loss

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021922A

00:01 ♪♪♪
00:12 ♪♪♪
00:22 Doug Batchelor: Every now and then, in the panorama of
00:24 history, we hear about individuals that go from the
00:27 lowest depths to the highest pinnacles.
00:29 They emerge from the shackles of prison to lead
00:32 and inspire a nation.
00:35 Take Joseph for instance.
00:37 He's sold by his brothers as a slave, then falsely accused
00:40 and thrust into the prison.
00:42 Yet, through a series of divine circumstances, he miraculously
00:45 goes from the prison to the palace, ruling the ones
00:48 who once imprisoned him.
00:49 Sound farfetched?
00:51 It's happened in history more than you think.
00:54 South Africa is the home of just such a leader.
00:57 Nelson Mandela worked tirelessly to establish peace and freedom
01:00 in his country, and his influence was felt
01:03 around the world.
01:04 Before freedom, there must be forgiveness.
01:08 Like Joseph, who was unjustly accused for a crime he did not
01:11 commit, Nelson Mandela was accused of terrorism
01:14 and sentenced to life in prison on Robin Island.
01:17 He was often exposed to cruel punishment and abuse, but even
01:20 in the midst of apparent failure and discouragement,
01:23 he never lost heart, he never gave up.
01:25 After years in prison, a growing number of supporters rallied
01:29 for his release, and eventually it took place.
01:32 And god used him so that he was instrumental in helping to
01:35 abolish racial segregation in the country of South Africa.
01:38 Incredibly, he now was virtually the absolute leader
01:42 in the country that had imprisoned him.
01:44 He had all of the tools and the power at his disposal to get
01:47 even with the prison guards and others that had mistreated him.
01:50 Instead, Mandela chose forgiveness.
01:53 It reminds me of that verse in the Bible in Ephesians chapter
01:56 4, verse 32: "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and
02:00 anger, and clamor, and railing be put away from you, with all
02:03 malice: and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
02:06 forgiving each other, even as God also in Christ forgave you."
02:11 I'm so thankful that Nelson Mandela, like Joseph, chose to
02:15 forgive those who were once his enemies and to serve his nation
02:18 with love and courage.
02:20 You can find a number of examples of this happening in
02:22 the Bible.
02:24 You have Daniel, who was a captive from the land of Judah,
02:27 and yet God arranged things where he becomes a prime
02:29 minister in the kingdom of Babylon.
02:31 You have Esther, who was a poor orphan girl in Persia, and yet
02:34 God worked things out where she becomes the queen of that
02:37 country.
02:38 The book of Jeremiah ends with an incredible story of a young
02:41 king named Jehoiachin, who was in a Babylonian dungeon for
02:45 37 years and then, King Evil-Merodach has mercy on him,
02:49 and he has a new status, going from the prison to the palace.
02:52 This is what the Lord wants to do for you and me, friends.
02:54 He gives you the bread of life.
02:56 He gives you the robe of Jesus's righteousness.
02:58 He gives you a seat at his table.
03:00 If you accept his forgiveness and you're willing to pass it
03:03 on, you and I can live and reign with Christ.
03:05 Wouldn't you like that experience?
03:09 ♪♪♪
03:16 ♪♪♪
03:39 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends.
03:41 Welcome to Sabbath School Study Hour here at the Granite Bay
03:42 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
03:44 It's part of what we call, "Sabbath School," and I'd like
03:46 to welcome our online members, our friends who are joining us
03:49 across the country and around the world, our extended study
03:52 class, as well as our regular members and visitors.
03:56 We're glad that you are with us today, ready to study the next
03:59 lesson in our series talking about the family.
04:02 For the last few weeks, the last nine weeks, we've been talking
04:05 about "Family Seasons."
04:08 That's our lesson quarterly.
04:10 Today we find ourselves on lesson number nine, entitled
04:12 "Times of Loss," something that, you know, all families go
04:16 through at one point or another, and we'll be getting into our
04:19 study in just a few moments.
04:20 We do have a free offer we'd like to let our friends know
04:22 about, a book that goes along with the theme of our study
04:26 this morning.
04:29 It's entitled "When the Brook Dries Up, Why do Christians
04:31 Suffer?"
04:33 This free offer, if you'd like to receive this book, all you'll
04:36 need to do is give us a call.
04:37 The number is 866-788-3966, and ask for offer number 171 or you
04:44 can send us a text and we'll be able to send you a digital copy
04:49 of the book.
04:50 If you could text the code "SH074" to the number 40544, and
04:58 then you'll be able to get a download of the book
05:01 "When the Brook Dries Up."
05:02 And I think you'll find this encouraging.
05:04 I know every person, every family goes through times of
05:06 loss, and that's a great encouragement.
05:09 Well, before we get to our study this morning, we'd like to
05:11 invite our song leaders to come forward, and they'll be leading
05:14 us in our worship music today.
05:20 female: You at home, I invite you to pull out your hymnals,
05:23 and we are gonna sing hymn 474,
05:26 "Take the Name of Jesus With You."
05:28 We're gonna sing all four verses.
05:30 And I hope that that's what you are doing every single day,
05:33 is taking the name of Jesus to a dying world.
05:38 ♪♪♪
05:52 ♪ Take the name of Jesus with you, ♪
05:56 ♪ child of sorrow and of woe, ♪
06:00 ♪ it will joy and comfort give you, ♪
06:04 ♪ take it then where'er you go. ♪
06:09 ♪ Precious name, precious name, ♪
06:11 ♪ O how sweet, O how sweet. ♪
06:13 ♪ Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. ♪
06:17 ♪ Precious name, precious name, ♪
06:21 ♪ O how sweet, how sweet. ♪
06:24 ♪ Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. ♪
06:29 ♪ Take the name of Jesus ever, ♪
06:33 ♪ as a shield from every snare. ♪
06:38 ♪ If temptations round you gather, ♪
06:41 ♪ breathe that holy name in prayer. ♪
06:46 ♪ Precious name, precious name, ♪
06:50 ♪ O how sweet, O how sweet. ♪
06:52 ♪ Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. ♪
06:55 ♪ Precious name, precious name, ♪
06:58 ♪ O how sweet, how sweet. ♪
07:02 ♪ Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. ♪
07:08 ♪ Oh the precious name of Jesus, ♪
07:11 ♪ how it thrills our souls with joy. ♪
07:16 ♪ When his loving arms receive us, ♪
07:21 ♪ and his songs our tongues employ. ♪
07:25 ♪ Precious name, precious name, ♪
07:27 ♪ O how sweet, O how sweet. ♪
07:29 ♪ Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. ♪
07:34 ♪ Precious name, precious name, ♪
07:36 ♪ O how sweet, how sweet. ♪
07:41 ♪ Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. ♪
07:46 ♪ At the name of Jesus bowing, ♪
07:50 ♪ falling prostrate at his feet. ♪
07:54 ♪ King of kings in heav'n we'll crown him, ♪
07:59 ♪ when our journey is complete. ♪
08:04 ♪ Precious name, precious name, ♪
08:06 ♪ O how sweet, O how sweet. ♪
08:08 ♪ Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. ♪
08:13 ♪ Precious name, precious name, ♪
08:15 ♪ O how sweet, how sweet. ♪
08:20 ♪ Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. ♪♪
08:36 Jean: Amen, thank you, song leader, for opening our time of
08:39 study with song.
08:41 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
08:43 Dear Father, once again, we are grateful that we have this
08:45 opportunity to gather together in your house, open up your
08:48 Word, and study a topic that, Father, we know you're familiar
08:51 with, that of loss, for you gave your only begotten Son.
08:54 And as we talk about different experiences that families go
08:58 through, that individuals go through, we ask for
09:01 the Holy Spirit to come and guide us.
09:02 Thank you that you've promised to be our Comforter in whatever
09:05 trial a person might be going through, and we ask this all in
09:08 Jesus's name, amen.
09:11 As mentioned a little earlier before our song, our topic today
09:14 is dealing with loss, when families go through loss, and
09:18 Pastor Doug will be joining me.
09:20 I guess we're gonna be doing this together, Pastor Doug,
09:22 studying together.
09:23 Doug: Morning, everyone, how are you?
09:28 Happy Sabbath, you mentioned the offer already.
09:31 Jean: I did.
09:32 Doug: You did?
09:33 Okay, I guess I wasn't payin' attention.
09:35 Well, good to see each of you.
09:37 We're dealing with lesson number nine in our study on
09:42 "Family Seasons," and it's talking about when you have
09:45 times of loss in the family.
09:47 We have a memory verse that comes to us from Philippians
09:50 chapter 3, verse 8, and this is in the New King James Version if
09:54 you wanna locate that.
09:56 You can either read it right there out of your quarterly or
09:58 in your Bibles, Philippians 3, verse 8.
10:00 Are you ready?
10:02 I'd like you to say it with me: "Yet indeed I also count all
10:07 things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus
10:11 my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
10:16 and count them as rubbish, that I might gain Christ."
10:21 You know, if you live long enough, you are going to
10:27 experience some element of suffering or loss
10:30 in your family.
10:32 And the Bible gives us some guidance on how we can cope with
10:35 those times.
10:37 Some of you, chances are, many who are listening now, if not
10:40 here, certainly those who are joining us online, have
10:43 experienced different elements of loss.
10:46 Now, I'm actually gonna start with a verse you might be
10:49 surprised, in Matthew 25, verse 35.
10:52 This isn't in the lesson, but it kinda gives a backdrop.
10:56 Matthew 25:35, Christ says on the great judgment day he'll
10:59 separate the sheep from the goats, and he'll say, in
11:03 essence: "'I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and
11:08 you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I
11:13 was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me;
11:18 I was in prison and you came to me.'"
11:20 And in all of these passages, he's basically describing
11:23 some form of suffering.
11:25 And then he says, "Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least
11:27 of these my brethren, you did it to me."
11:30 God wants us to care for those who are suffering around us.
11:34 And in those six categories that are mentioned, you can sort of
11:37 define all the suffering of life.
11:40 If you live long enough, at some point you'll get sick.
11:44 I remember meeting one or two people in my life that said,
11:47 "I have never been sick a day in my life.
11:49 I never missed a day of school.
11:51 I never missed a day of work because of sickness," and I just
11:54 really was angry with them that they never had that.
11:59 But in most people's lives, there's gonna be some sickness
12:02 that will come.
12:04 There will be loss.
12:05 You know, unfortunately, in the course of life, as time goes by,
12:09 you may have to bury your parents.
12:14 You may have to stand by the grave of a sibling.
12:17 You may have to, God forbid, stand by the grave of a child,
12:21 a spouse.
12:23 And it's sort of in the course of events that these
12:26 things happen.
12:27 There's accidents, there's sickness.
12:29 How do we, as Christians, in our families, deal with these
12:32 different kinds of loss?
12:34 Jean: Well, you know, the Bible begins by describing a
12:36 beautiful paradise.
12:37 God created the world. It was perfect.
12:40 He created a beautiful garden, created Adam and Eve.
12:43 The garden was their home.
12:44 And then, after sin comes to the picture, suddenly we begin to
12:48 see loss.
12:49 Adam and Eve lost access to the tree of life.
12:52 They lost their robes of light.
12:55 They ended up losing the garden.
12:57 They ended up losing a son as a result of murder, and then
13:01 eventually, as time went on, we don't know who died first, but
13:06 whether it was Adam or Eve we're not sure, but they
13:09 lost their spouse.
13:10 And so the Bible begins by revealing to us
13:13 the consequences of sin.
13:14 One of those consequences is that we live in a world where
13:17 there is loss, where there is sorrow.
13:19 And yet, at the very beginning, when we begin to read about
13:22 loss, we also read about hope and the promise of a Redeemer,
13:26 and the promise that one day, God is gonna make
13:28 all things new.
13:30 Doug: Yeah, when man was evicted from the garden, he lost
13:32 access to the tree of life, and then he lost his vitality and
13:36 began to die.
13:38 I'm sure there are some herbalists out there that would
13:41 live to find out what was that essence in the tree of life,
13:43 bottle it, and sell it.
13:45 You'll make a lot of money.
13:47 And a lot of people claim they've found it, but I've not
13:48 really found any of 'em to be telling the truth.
13:51 But the Bible then tells us in the first three chapters, they
13:55 lose the tree of life, they lose their life, their vitality.
13:59 The last three chapters of the Bible, that tree is restored,
14:02 and eternity and paradise are restored.
14:04 So, the Bible talks about tremendous loss, and then it
14:07 ends with tremendous restoration, which is
14:09 the good news.
14:11 And then we have some example.
14:13 Maybe Pastor Ross will read the first one, loss of health.
14:15 You have some examples, and it takes one story from Mark 5.
14:19 Why don't you read 22 to 24?
14:21 Jean: Mark chapter 5, starting in verse 22, it's a
14:24 familiar story, it says: "Behold, one of the rulers of
14:26 the synagogue came, Jairus by name.
14:28 And when he saw him," that's Jesus, "he fell at his feet and
14:31 he begged him earnestly, saying, 'My little daughter lies at the
14:35 point of death.
14:37 Come and lay your hand on her, that she might be healed,
14:40 and she shall live.'
14:42 So Jesus went with him, and a great multitude
14:45 followed him and thronged him."
14:47 Doug: Yeah, that's about the hardest thing that anyone could
14:51 experience, is to watch your children suffer, and especially
14:57 suffer at the point of breath, you're wondering if one of those
15:01 breaths is gonna be their last.
15:04 You know, Ellen White had four boys.
15:08 Two did not survive to adulthood, and she describes the
15:12 incredible suffering.
15:14 I mean, here's a believer.
15:16 I thought that believers, you're not supposed to have those kind
15:18 of experiences.
15:19 But God is gonna set angels about your children, and they'll
15:21 never get sick, and they'll never have an accident, but the
15:24 Bible doesn't teach that.
15:25 This is a leader of the synagogue, and he seems to be a
15:29 good man, and he's got a daughter at the point of death.
15:32 And then, on the way to resurrect--or on the way to heal
15:38 her daughter, Jesus is stopped because he's being thronged by
15:41 this crowd.
15:42 And very quickly, I'll throw in this story, and then I'll have
15:44 you read the remaining verses there.
15:46 You remember, this woman who had been bleeding for 12 years, she
15:49 came and she stopped him and she touched him.
15:52 And Jesus paused and he explained that "your faith has
15:54 made you whole."
15:56 And she rehearses the story, and it's, you know, a wonderful
15:59 example of healing.
16:01 But right after he heals that woman who had been bleeding for
16:04 12 years, someone then comes to Jarius--Jarius, Jairus, it's
16:08 said both ways.
16:09 And says, "Don't trouble the Master anymore.
16:11 Your daughter's dead."
16:14 So you can imagine his devastation.
16:16 And matter of fact, I'm jumpin' into those verses.
16:19 I'll let you read 'em.
16:21 Jean: Yes, it starts in verse 35, still in Mark chapter 5.
16:23 It says: "While he was still speaking, some came from the
16:26 ruler of the synagogue's house and said,
16:29 'Your daughter is dead.
16:31 Why trouble the Teacher any further?'
16:34 As soon as Jesus heard
16:35 the word that was spoken, he said to the ruler of the
16:38 synagogue, 'Do not be afraid; only believe.'
16:41 And he permitted no one to follow him except Peter,
16:45 James, and John the brother of James.
16:46 Then he came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and he
16:50 saw a tumult and these were those who wept
16:52 and wailed loudly.
16:54 Then he came in, and he said to them, 'Why make you this
16:57 commotion and weep?
16:59 The child is not dead, but sleeping.'
17:02 And they ridiculed him.
17:03 But when he had put them all outside, he took the father and
17:06 the mother of the child, and those who were with him, he
17:08 entered into where the child was lying.
17:11 Then he took the child by the hand, and said to her, 'Talitha,
17:15 cumi,' which translated means, 'Little girl,
17:18 I say to you, arise.'
17:20 Immediately the girl arose and walked, for she was
17:23 twelve years of age.
17:25 And they were overcome with great amazement.
17:28 But he commanded them strictly that no one should know it, and
17:31 said that something should be given to her to eat."
17:35 Doug: Now, I have to guard myself here that I just don't
17:38 launch off into a sermon 'cause this is a sermon right here
17:41 waiting to be preached.
17:43 But I should probably just say, what does sleep
17:48 represent biblically?
17:50 Jesus said, "Our friend Lazarus sleeps."
17:53 And what did he mean by that? "He's dead."
17:56 So this girl was dead. Jesus called it, "Asleep."
17:59 Now, if you are a believer and you lose a child, especially if
18:03 they die before the age of accountability, how should you
18:05 look upon that child's death?
18:08 Are they dead, or are they sleeping until the resurrection?
18:12 So that's one lesson we could learn, and Jesus can raise those
18:15 who are sleeping.
18:18 The other thing is that he was tempted to be discouraged by the
18:22 friends and family at the funeral.
18:26 Have you ever noticed, sometimes friends at the funeral don't
18:28 always say the most sensitive things, and even family members?
18:32 And Jesus put 'em all out.
18:33 He said, "Look, you need to look to me in this time of grieving
18:36 and have faith that I am still with you."
18:40 And, of course, he works a miracle and he raises this
18:43 little girl.
18:44 I also think it's interesting that you have a woman who is
18:47 bleeding for 12 years, and she is embedded in the story of a
18:53 young girl who is 12 years old.
18:55 And I've always seen in that story you've kind of got an
18:57 overview of the plan of salvation, the Old Testament.
19:02 You've got God's church with a continual flow of sacrificial
19:05 blood, but they're not healed by the blood of animals.
19:08 And then you've got this girl who's 12 years old.
19:11 Twelve is the number for the church.
19:12 Revelation 12, not that the chapter means anything, you've
19:16 got a woman with 12 stars above her head, and she's a symbol for
19:19 God's church.
19:20 New Jerusalem, 12 foundations, 12 gates, tree of life, 12 times
19:25 of fruit, 12 times a year.
19:26 That's the church.
19:27 And so here you've got, like, the New Testament church
19:29 is that girl.
19:31 He resurrects her, gives her something to eat.
19:32 The New Testament church is born with the Resurrection of Christ,
19:35 and then he opens the Word, gives her something to eat.
19:38 And so, this story has got a much deeper meaning.
19:41 But I think it's also there just to tell us that Jesus is there
19:45 with us to comfort us.
19:47 He says, "Do not weep."
19:49 He's trying to comfort them during this time of
19:52 tremendous loss.
19:53 Now, we've got another story.
19:55 I don't know if you wanna read this one.
19:56 Jean: We do, another one also related to Jesus performing a
19:58 miracle, this time healing.
20:01 And this is not occurring with a Jew, but it's rather
20:04 interesting, a woman that Jesus encounters when he leaves the
20:07 territory that was occupied by the Jews.
20:11 And as far as we know, he went up into this area and performed
20:14 this one miracle and then returned back home.
20:17 It's the only thing that we know of that Jesus did when he
20:19 went up there.
20:20 And you'll find the story in Matthew chapter 15, and it
20:24 starts in verse 21.
20:25 I'll just read a few of these verses, and then, Pastor Doug,
20:27 you can expound on that a little it.
20:29 It says: " Then Jesus went out from there and departed to the
20:31 region of Tyre and Sidon," or Sidon.
20:34 "And behold, a woman of Cana came from the region and cried
20:37 unto him, saying, 'Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David!
20:40 My daughter is severely demon-possessed.'
20:43 But he answered her not a word.
20:45 And his disciples came and urged him, saying, 'Send her away,
20:49 for she cries out after us.'
20:51 But Jesus answered and said, 'I have not been sent
20:55 except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.'
20:57 Then she came and worshiped him, saying, "'Yes, Lord,'" but she
21:02 said, "'Even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall
21:06 from the masters' table.'
21:08 Then Jesus answered and said to her,
21:10 'O woman, great is your faith!
21:12 Let it be to you as you desire.'
21:14 And her daughter was healed from that very hour."
21:18 Doug: Yeah, now, that's a difficult story because, you
21:23 know, most of the time, when someone asked Jesus for help,
21:26 he helps 'em.
21:28 Here this woman is pleading on behalf of her daughter, who's
21:30 terribly harassed by a devil, and he said, "It's not good to
21:35 take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."
21:38 Have you ever wondered sometimes why the Lord doesn't seem to
21:41 answer your prayer right away?
21:44 Why did he give such a harsh answer to her?
21:47 First of all, I think that he's trying to teach the disciples a
21:52 lesson because the disciples believed the Gentiles were dogs.
21:57 You remember that the poor man was at the rich man's door,
22:02 begging to be fed with the crumbs that fell from his table,
22:05 and the dogs came and licked his sores.
22:07 And in New Jerusalem, it says, "Outside of the dogs--"
22:11 They always thought that the unbelievers, the pagans, the
22:13 Gentiles were the dogs.
22:15 And so Jesus is giving her an answer the way the religious
22:18 leaders would have answered her, and he wanted to show the
22:23 disciples--for one thing, he's testing her faith.
22:26 He's also wanting to show the disciples how harsh
22:28 their view is.
22:30 And he said, "No, it's not appropriate to take the
22:32 children's food and give it to the dogs.
22:33 I'm only sent to the house of Israel."
22:35 But one more thing I just gotta interject here.
22:39 Jesus, like Elijah--do you know, Elijah went and stayed with
22:43 a widow in Tyre and Sidon, and he worked a miracle
22:47 of a resurrection?
22:49 Here, Jesus makes this one trip outside of the territory of
22:52 Israel, and he performs a miracle for this woman
22:55 for her child as well.
22:57 So he's doing kinda the work Elijah did, showing that his
23:00 ministry also is gonna go to the Gentiles.
23:03 But does the Lord always answer our prayers the first prayer?
23:08 He gave her an answer.
23:11 She could have thrown up her hands and said,
23:13 "I'm going home."
23:14 But she persisted.
23:16 When you're interceding for your loved ones,
23:18 don't be discouraged.
23:21 Don't lose faith.
23:22 You're praying for your children, you may have
23:24 to pray for years.
23:25 Praying for a spouse or a parent or a sibling or somebody that
23:27 doesn't know the Lord.
23:28 They seem to be spiritually harassed, or maybe they're
23:31 struggling, persistent prayer, plead after Jesus.
23:35 She would not be discouraged by his answer.
23:40 She said, "Yes, Lord, but even the little dogs," here she says,
23:43 "Puppies," "eat the crumbs.
23:46 Give us some crumbs."
23:48 And Jesus said, "O woman, great is your faith!"
23:50 You know, a couple of times, Christ commends people for their
23:51 great faith, and they're Gentiles.
23:55 You remember the centurion?
23:56 Said, "You don't even need to come to my house."
23:58 He said, he paused, he marveled, "What great faith!"
24:01 And this woman said, "Yeah, but you could at least give
24:04 us some crumbs."
24:06 He says, "What great faith!"
24:07 So, sometimes the Lord tests us because he's looking for what?
24:11 Strength in our faith by delay.
24:16 Don't be discouraged if your prayers are not
24:17 answered right away.
24:19 Sometimes your faith grows.
24:20 Muscles don't grow overnight.
24:22 It usually takes time.
24:24 You have anything to add to that?
24:25 Jean: I was just gonna say that it's interesting that you
24:27 find in these examples is that you have the parent interceding
24:30 on behalf of their child.
24:32 Well, how true that is in a spiritual sense.
24:34 I'm sure there's many times where parents intercede for the
24:38 health of their children.
24:39 But how much more is it where parents are interceding for the
24:42 spiritual health of their children?
24:44 And the lesson is, we are not to give up, right?
24:47 We are to be persistent in bringing our prayer requests
24:50 before the Lord.
24:51 Not that God is unwilling to answer it, but our
24:54 faith needs to grow.
24:56 We need to grasp ahold of that wonderful promise and
24:58 cling to it.
25:00 So, some important lessons there.
25:01 Well, we have another story dealing with the subject of
25:03 sickness and family loss, and a miracle that Jesus performed.
25:08 This is in Luke chapter 4, verse 38.
25:11 It say: "Now he arose from the synagogue and he entered into
25:14 Simon's house.
25:16 But Simon's wife's mother was sick with a fever, and they made
25:19 the request of him concerning her.
25:21 So he stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her.
25:25 And immediately she arose and served them."
25:28 You know, I find it interesting.
25:29 In this story, we have Jesus calling the first disciples.
25:33 This is right at the beginning of Christ's public ministry, and
25:36 here Peter is, and Christ has called him to give up his
25:39 fishing for fish and come be a fisher of men.
25:43 And Peter might have thought, "Well, Lord,
25:44 what about my family?
25:46 How am I gonna provide for those who are dependent upon him?"
25:49 And I think in this miracle where Jesus healed Peter's
25:52 mother-in-law, Christ is illustrating the truth that if
25:55 God calls us to a special work or service for him, he's very
25:59 aware of the needs of our family and those who are dependent upon
26:03 us, and he will provide for the needs--not only for our needs,
26:07 but also for our loved ones.
26:09 And so there's comfort and encouragement, I think,
26:11 in that story.
26:12 Doug: Yeah, this also is as reminder.
26:14 Peter had invited Jesus to stay in his house.
26:19 If Jesus is in your house, it's to Jesus's advantage to heal the
26:25 people in the house.
26:27 Why did he heal her?
26:29 I shouldn't say just why he healed her, but you notice after
26:31 he healed her, she served him.
26:33 It says, "Soon as she was healed, she got up and served."
26:35 Why does God heal us? So we can serve him.
26:39 And so, if you want healing, then invite the Lord into your
26:43 house and into your heart.
26:45 Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
26:46 And then be willing to use your healing to serve him.
26:50 Some people say, "Lord, heal me, heal me, heal me.
26:52 I can't enjoy my sin anymore, I'm sick."
26:54 I mean, really, that's--you know a lot of people that are out
26:57 there and when they're sick--they're not
26:58 servin' the Lord.
27:00 They're sick and they want healing, but why do they
27:01 want healing?
27:03 So they can enjoy sin again.
27:04 And that's not why we should pray for healing.
27:07 We should say, "Lord, I wanna be healed so I can serve you."
27:10 Now, here's something tough.
27:12 Would you ask the Lord to make you sick if it would
27:13 glorify him?
27:18 Some people glorify God through their health.
27:20 Some people glorify God through their sickness.
27:23 God told Paul when he prayed, said, "I've got this thorn
27:26 that's tormenting me.
27:27 Lord, please heal me."
27:29 I mean, here Paul prayed, and other people were healed,
27:31 but he had something.
27:33 And three times God said, "No, my strength is made perfect
27:36 in weakness.
27:37 You're gonna glorify me better through your sickness or through
27:41 your malady," whatever it was.
27:43 Jean: And before we move on to the next section, which is
27:45 Monday's lesson, talking about "Loss of Trust," just one
27:48 additional point.
27:51 We need to keep in perspective the suffering that
27:53 we go through.
27:55 I know it's difficult when we go through suffering, but we wanna
27:56 keep that in perspective.
27:58 I remember my father, a number of years ago, had a very serious
28:01 illness, and at the time it didn't look very promising.
28:04 We had a special anointing service for him, and during this
28:07 time, we were praying, and our church was praying, and
28:12 he had a dream.
28:13 And in the dream, he saw himself standing on the seashore, and he
28:19 was holding in his hand a glass, and it was filled with water.
28:23 But then he noticed a crack down the side of the glass, and some
28:26 of the water was coming out of the crack.
28:28 And in his mind, he felt as though the water was his life,
28:31 and the crack was there and the water was running out as if his
28:34 life is just, you know, going away.
28:37 And he's trying to stop somehow the water from coming
28:39 from the glass.
28:41 And then he had an impression in his dream to look up.
28:44 And he looked up, and he saw the ocean spread out before him.
28:47 And the conviction came to him, "You are so worried about this
28:49 little bit of life that you have right here, trying to protect
28:53 it, but God has an eternity in store for you."
28:57 And it brought a degree of peace, knowing that, yes, God
29:00 does have things in control.
29:02 This world and this life is not all we have, but if our faith is
29:05 in Jesus, there is hope for something much better.
29:08 Now, I think, as Christians, we need to keep that in mind.
29:11 It gives us perspective.
29:13 Doug: Amen, good point.
29:14 Next section is "Loss of Trust," and this is difficult, but does
29:19 the Bible tell us that sometimes there's loss in trust in
29:25 families, a sense of betrayal?
29:30 Yeah, you can look at a number of examples about this.
29:35 Matter of fact, you've got "Loss of Trust Part 1" and
29:38 "Loss of Trust Part Two."
29:41 I almost feel like I need to go to "Loss of Trust Part 2,"
29:45 start with that, and then go back to the solutions,
29:46 which are in part 1.
29:48 What happened to Joseph?
29:51 Not Joseph the mother--or the father of Jesus.
29:56 I'm talking about Joseph the son of Jacob.
29:59 Was he betrayed by his family?
30:02 Was there a loss of trust?
30:04 And can that be difficult?
30:06 You can read here in Genesis chapter 37.
30:08 You wanna read that, Pastor Ross?
30:10 Jean: Genesis chapter 37, starting in verse 27.
30:16 It says: "'Come and let us sell him,'" this is
30:18 the brothers of Joseph.
30:21 "'Come let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our
30:24 hand be upon him, for he is our brother and our flesh.'
30:27 And his brothers listened.
30:29 Then the Midianite traders passed by; so the brothers
30:32 pulled Joseph up and lifted him up out of the pit, and sold him
30:35 to the Ishmaelites for twelve shekels of silver.
30:39 And they took Joseph to Egypt."
30:41 What an experience, being, first of all, grabbed by your
30:44 brothers, thrown in the point.
30:45 You hear them conspiring to put you death, and then you get
30:49 dragged out and get sold as a slave from your brothers.
30:53 Talk about betrayal.
30:55 Doug: Yeah, and they took the money and probably wasted it,
30:58 spent it on something foolish.
31:01 And he lost his freedom.
31:03 Not only did he end up becoming a slave, he spent years
31:05 in prison.
31:07 Now, how would you be feeling during those times?
31:11 Would you be brooding over how to get even with your brothers?
31:14 Would you be wishing bad things and wrath to come
31:18 down upon them?
31:20 Well, how did Joseph end up responding?
31:22 Well, he kinda tested his brothers, but did
31:26 he forgive them?
31:28 Yeah, Matthew chapter 6.
31:30 Now I'm going back to "Loss of Trust Part 1."
31:33 Matthew 6:14: "'If you forgive men their trespasses, your
31:37 heavenly Father will also forgive you.
31:40 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will
31:43 your Father forgive your trespasses.'"
31:45 So one of the keys is we've gotta practice forgiveness.
31:50 Now, this can be tough.
31:51 When Jacob stole his brother's birthright--we've just talkin'
31:55 about these in our prayer meeting during the week.
31:58 What was Esau's initial reaction?
32:01 Jean: He was ready to take his brother's life.
32:04 Doug: Wanted to kill him at first, and he probably thought
32:07 that for years.
32:08 But finally, when Jacob came home, and Jacob was wrestling
32:11 with the angel and praying, I think some angels went and
32:15 talked to Esau.
32:16 And then Jacob sent all of these gifts to show he was sorry, that
32:19 he wasn't coming to take his father's inheritance,
32:21 he had plenty.
32:23 And finally softened Esau's heart, and they embraced
32:26 each other.
32:28 Jean: You know, Pastor Doug, I like the response with--and
32:30 this, I think, is just so powerful to give us a
32:33 perspective of a person that has hope and faith in Christ.
32:37 After the death of Joseph's father Jacob, the brothers, this
32:43 is still in Egypt, they began to think about what they had done,
32:46 and they got a little nervous, thinking, "Now that Jacob is
32:49 gone, probably if Joseph's gonna take revenge on us,
32:52 it's gonna be now."
32:53 So they came very humbly before Joseph, bowing before him, and
32:57 basically asking for mercy.
32:59 And Joseph says--you know, they say,
33:01 "Please don't take revenge."
33:02 I'm paraphrasing.
33:04 And I like the response of Joseph.
33:05 He says, "You intended it for evil, but God intended it for
33:09 good," to save life.
33:12 And of course, it was through Joseph that his family's life
33:16 was spared.
33:17 And that's Joseph's perspective.
33:19 He had given his life to God.
33:20 He trusted in God and that God would work things out.
33:23 And at the end, there's no hostility between Joseph and his
33:26 brothers, but he genuinely forgives them.
33:29 I think that can only really happen if we genuinely
33:31 understand God's forgiveness of us that we're able
33:33 to forgive others.
33:35 Doug: Yeah, Joseph even wept when they came to him.
33:38 He wept that they thought that he would do something like that.
33:42 And that leads us to James 5, verse 16: "Confess your
33:46 trespasses one to another and pray for one another that you
33:50 may be healed.
33:52 The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."
33:56 And the word "effective, fervent" is talking about
33:58 ongoing prayer, persistent prayer.
34:00 I won't ask you to raise your hands, but have you known a
34:04 family where people in the family don't talk to each other?
34:08 It's kinda sad, isn't it?
34:11 My mother--I can talk about them, I guess, respectfully now.
34:14 My mother and my grandmother did not talk for nine years.
34:19 They had an argument.
34:20 It was difficult too 'cause my mom would send my brother and I
34:22 to California from New York City to visit Grandma and back again,
34:25 but she'd never communicate with her.
34:27 They had some argument about somethin'.
34:29 I don't even know what it was.
34:31 I really don't.
34:32 Finally, one day my brother got on the phone with Grandma and he
34:35 said, "Here, talk to Mom."
34:39 And he was just, he was like 11 years old, and he thrusts the
34:40 phone over to my mother.
34:43 And she took the phone, and they said a couple of grudging words.
34:46 And then, all of a sudden, it broke the ice.
34:48 They became good friends again.
34:50 But, yeah, you've probably known that.
34:52 Family members, they just can't forgive, or, "You betrayed me,"
34:55 or siblings, they don't talk for years.
34:58 And now there may be cases--let's suppose you're a
35:03 believer and you got a family member that's not a believer,
35:06 and whenever you're with them, they just ridicule your faith
35:08 and it's just almost impossible.
35:10 I've known cases where people have told me what
35:12 the situation was.
35:13 I said, "You may need to just pray for them and decide that
35:16 you've gotta live a life without bein' involved in their life."
35:19 There are cases where it's just really hard to reconcile, but
35:23 you don't wanna harbor any bitterness in your heart.
35:26 As far as possible, especially if you're Christians, you should
35:29 try to be able to communicate and love each other.
35:33 Jean: You know, Pastor Doug, I remember we did a series of
35:36 meetings, I think it was Romania, and you spoke on the
35:39 subject of forgiveness, if you'll remember that.
35:41 And afterwards, somebody related a story that there was two
35:44 brothers, if I understand it correctly, and a dad there, and
35:48 the father and one of the sons had not spoken for a
35:51 very long time.
35:53 They all claimed to be Christians, hadn't spoken
35:55 for years.
35:56 Doug: Went to the same church.
35:58 Jean: Went to the same church.
35:59 You wonder how you could even do that.
36:00 But during this sermon on forgiveness that Pastor Doug was
36:04 preaching, somewhere along the line, one of the brothers
36:07 motioned to his brother and he said, and he pointed to his
36:11 father, "Can you call dad?"
36:13 And I guess--I don't know if he did the same thing to his dad--
36:16 Doug: And they called after the service, yeah.
36:17 Jean: They called, and there was an opportunity for 'em.
36:19 Doug: I don't know how it worked out, but I guess they
36:20 finally decided to communicate.
36:22 Jean: Finally, yes, and these are Christians.
36:23 So, I mean, talk about Christians and being loving and
36:25 forgiving, that's something that I think especially needs to
36:28 begin with families.
36:30 We need to be able to forgive and love our family.
36:33 Doug: What's the number-one attribute of God?
36:36 "God is love."
36:38 And we should have that love.
36:41 You look in 1 John 4:18.
36:42 It says: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out
36:47 fear, because fear involves torment.
36:50 But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."
36:54 When you look in Ephesians chapter 4, verse 32, and Pastor
36:57 Ross, I'll have you read in a moment Colossians 3, verse 12
37:01 and 13 because they're similar.
37:03 Ephesians 4, verse 32: "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
37:07 forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you."
37:11 [whistling]
37:13 How do we forgive each other the way God forgives us?
37:15 That's pretty complete forgiveness.
37:17 But he's sayin' that "how merciful has God been with you?
37:20 Pass it on.
37:21 If you wanna keep his forgiveness,
37:23 you gotta pass it on."
37:25 Jean: We find something similar in Colossians chapter 3,
37:28 verse 12 and 13: "Therefore, as the elect of God," he's talking
37:30 to the church, "holy and beloved, put on tender mercies,
37:34 kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one
37:37 another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a
37:42 complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you
37:46 also must do."
37:48 Of course, that can be a tall order, especially if you've been
37:50 deeply hurt by a family member or a close friend.
37:54 And it does require prayer and a time of healing.
37:59 But that's what God wants us to do.
38:02 He wants to give us the grace and the ability to forgive.
38:06 Now, when we talk about forgiving someone, it doesn't
38:08 mean that--you've heard the saying, "Forgive and forget."
38:11 Well, that's not always the case.
38:13 I mean, sometimes things have been done that you just can't
38:15 forgive, but in forgiving someone, you're letting it go.
38:18 You're not brooding.
38:20 You're not thinking on it.
38:21 You're not allowing it to eat you up in the inside.
38:23 You've turned it over to the Lord, and you've forgiven them.
38:28 And then, if they don't respond, if they don't give back that
38:31 forgiveness, you leave it with the Lord.
38:33 As far as you're concerned, you wanna have peace
38:37 as far as possible.
38:38 Doug: Yeah, you're doing your part.
38:40 Part of the reason you forgive them is not just for them.
38:43 It's for you because the bitterness hurts you.
38:47 He who practices vengeance digs two graves, you know, one for
38:54 your enemy and one for yourself.
38:57 And so, can you think of some examples in the Bible
38:58 of family feuds?
39:01 Who was the man after God's own heart in the Bible?
39:05 David, did he have any problems in the family?
39:09 Did he have a son that wanted to kill him?
39:12 What was the final attitude of David towards Absalom who wanted
39:16 to kill him?
39:17 He said, "Deal gently with the young man Absalom," and when he
39:21 died, he wept for him.
39:22 He didn't say, "Good riddance."
39:24 And so he had that love.
39:26 Look at that, that patient love of a father for a son that
39:28 wants to kill you.
39:31 I mean, that's pretty--it tells us something about the
39:33 love of God.
39:34 Go ahead.
39:36 Jean: Yeah, just to kinda add to that, even though we find in
39:37 the Bible some terrible accounts of family feuds, we can also see
39:42 in the Bible opportunities of restoration and healing, even
39:45 through some very difficult experiences and times.
39:47 The one that I like particularly is the one we already
39:49 referenced, with reference to Joseph forgiving his brothers.
39:52 I think that's a beautiful demonstration of God's love and
39:55 his ability to restore and make whole.
39:58 And we have many other examples where, yes, relationships were
40:02 strained, but God was still able to work through that experience.
40:06 Doug: Yeah, and then you've got another example going back
40:08 to where it says, "Lost of Trust continued."
40:10 One of David's sons, Amnon, abused his half-sister Tamar,
40:19 which was the full sister of Absalom.
40:22 And that caused all kinds of problems.
40:24 And eventually, Absalom killed Amnon.
40:27 And you just look at some of the--yeah, I mean, it doesn't
40:31 get any more serious than that.
40:34 Just some of the terrible things that you saw happen in families.
40:37 And I've had people, I've preached on sermons--the sermon
40:39 I've got on forgiveness I preach frequently if I go to a new
40:42 place and do a revival 'cause I find it's just, it's such a
40:44 sensitive and a necessary subject.
40:48 But then people come to me afterward and they say, "Well,
40:50 Pastor Doug, surely God doesn't expect me to forgive.
40:52 If you knew what my father or my mother did to me," and then I'll
40:56 hear these horrific stories and I'll say, "Well, look at
41:02 Manasseh."
41:04 I don't know, is Manasseh in our lesson?
41:07 Yeah, yeah, you can read about Manasseh.
41:11 It says in 2 Kings chapter 21, "He made his son pass through
41:15 the fire.
41:17 He practiced soothsaying, used witchcraft, consulted
41:19 spiritualists and mediums, did much evil in the sight of the
41:22 Lord to anger."
41:24 Sacrificed his children to pagan gods.
41:26 I mean, that would be the unpardonable sin, you'd think.
41:28 But was Manasseh forgiven?
41:31 That's inconceivable, you and I, we could never do that.
41:35 That doesn't mean you need to ever submit to--you know, if
41:39 you've got a parent or somebody that was abusive, you don't have
41:43 to put yourself under that abuse anymore, but you must say,
41:46 "Lord, I'm gonna let it go."
41:48 I mean, didn't Jesus say, "Father, forgive them," when
41:50 they were nailing him?
41:51 That's hard.
41:53 Stephen said, "Lord, don't lay this sin to their charge," when
41:55 they were stoning him.
41:56 Jean: You know, I remember there was a story when I was
42:00 just a kid and it made an impression upon my mind.
42:03 There was an old man that was getting baptized one Sabbath in
42:06 church, and just before the pastor did the baptism, he said,
42:09 "Pastor, could I just say something to the congregation?"
42:12 And the pastor said, "Yes."
42:14 And I remember, he looked out, and his wife was sitting in the
42:16 front, and he said, "Brethren, I want you to know the reason I'm
42:21 getting baptized today is because of the godly example of
42:24 my wife."
42:26 He said, "For all these years, I have been such--just a terror to
42:30 live with."
42:31 He says, "I mocked her. I made fun of her.
42:33 I verbally abused her.
42:35 But her devotion, her faith, her prayers the Lord got through to
42:38 me and changed my heart."
42:40 And of course she's sitting there, and tears are running
42:41 down her face.
42:42 He said, "The reason I am getting baptized is because of
42:44 what my wife has done, her godly example.
42:46 So, I was impressed with that power of forgiveness.
42:49 Even though it took a long time, her faithful example and her
42:53 prayers, the Holy Spirit is able to change this hardened man's
42:57 heart, and there was a remarkable change that he went
43:00 through and he was just a kind, loving person after that.
43:03 So, yes, God can change the hearts.
43:06 So we wanna be faithful in demonstrating his
43:09 love and grace.
43:10 Doug: That's right, it says, I think it's 1 Peter chapter 3,
43:13 that "the unbelieving husband can be converted by the
43:16 consistent Christian behavior of the wife."
43:19 That's a paraphrase, and it works both ways, by the way.
43:24 All right, we're gonna jump down to the section under "Loss of
43:27 Freedom."
43:29 You know, I started out sayin', "I was in prison and you
43:31 visited me."
43:33 Some people, you've got family members, and there's those who
43:38 are imprisoned by habits and addiction.
43:41 And what if you've got someone in the family that struggles
43:43 with an addiction?
43:45 2 Peter chapter 2, verse 19: "While they promised them
43:47 liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; by whom a
43:51 person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage."
43:56 I don't know if you wanna read the next verse, Pastor Ross.
43:59 Jean: Yes, Luke chapter 16, verse 13, Jesus puts
44:01 it this way.
44:02 He says: " No servant can serve two masters; for either he will
44:05 hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the
44:08 one and despise the other.
44:10 You cannot serve God and mammon.'"
44:12 Doug: All right, well, some people are addicted to money.
44:15 Some are addicted to drugs.
44:17 You can't have two masters.
44:18 The story you just told a minute ago about that husband and wife
44:21 made me think of one.
44:23 There was a woman--this is years ago in the Midwest somewhere,
44:27 and she had a husband with a terrible drinking problem.
44:29 And he would frequently come home drunk.
44:32 He'd bring his friends over.
44:33 He'd say, "Woman, make us some food."
44:35 And she'd get up and she'd cook for 'em, and she was very kind,
44:37 very patient, very loving, and she put up with this behavior
44:41 that, you know, nobody would expect a wife to put up with.
44:46 And he would always wake her up and bring his friends home when
44:51 he was drunk and he was yelling.
44:53 And one day, after his friends left, and she was cleaning up
44:58 because he had woken her up in the middle of the night to fix
45:01 him something to eat, he started crying.
45:03 And she said, "Why are you--?"
45:07 Or she said to her husband, "Why are you crying?"
45:10 And he said, "Why are you so good to me?"
45:13 He says, "I'm so mean to you.
45:15 I'm so bad. I make fun of your religion.
45:17 I come over with my friends. They make a mess of the place.
45:19 You clean it up. You never complain."
45:22 And she put her hand on her husband's shoulder and she said,
45:24 "Look," she says, "I'm a Christian, I have eternal life."
45:27 She says, "You're not, you don't."
45:30 She says, "The only happiness you're gonna have is
45:31 in this life.
45:33 I'm tryin' to make you as happy as I can for the little time
45:34 you've got."
45:36 And he was so moved by that that he gave up his drinking and
45:39 became a Christian.
45:43 Jean: You know, there's hope even if you are in a situation
45:45 where maybe there is a family member that is struggling with
45:48 some kind of addiction, whether it's alcohol or
45:51 whatever it might be.
45:52 The Bible does promise that in Christ we can have freedom.
45:57 Of course, there's a choice involved.
45:58 We have to choose.
46:00 Romans chapter 6, starting in verse 16 says: "Do you not know
46:03 that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you
46:05 are that one's slave whom you obey, whether of sin leading to
46:09 death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?"
46:12 And then verse 17 goes like this: "But God be thanked that
46:15 though you were the slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the
46:20 heart that form of doctrine which was delivered to you.
46:25 And having been set free from sin, you have become the slaves
46:28 of righteousness."
46:30 So here Paul is speaking to believers and he says, "You were
46:32 slaves to sin, but by faith you received the doctrine, the
46:36 truth, the gospel.
46:37 Now you have become slaves of righteousness.
46:40 God has given you the victory."
46:42 And of course, that verse which is so precious, Jesus says, "If
46:44 the Son sets you free, you shall be," what?
46:47 "Free indeed."
46:49 "In Christ we are a new creation."
46:51 And I think, for family members that might have somebody else in
46:54 their family struggling with addiction, let's never
46:56 give up, right?
46:57 Let's keep praying.
46:59 Let's be the best example we can be because, "God's arm is not
47:03 shortened that he cannot save," as the Bible says.
47:05 Doug: Amen, on that same theme, Romans 6 said, "For he
47:10 who has died has been freed from sin."
47:13 In other words, when we are crucified with Christ, he breaks
47:17 the chains of slavery.
47:19 You've never seen a dead person be offended.
47:24 So many of the things that cause problems and offense in a
47:26 family--if we are crucified with Christ, if you're dead,
47:28 you're freed.
47:30 Then we're gonna--we just got a few minutes.
47:32 We wanna jump into the last section here, "Loss of Life,"
47:35 and this is really a big thing that people struggle with.
47:38 You know, I know in our midst today, you know, in the church
47:41 family, a lot of people here have lost loved ones.
47:45 Some have lost, of course, siblings.
47:47 Parents, spouses, and how do we deal with loss?
47:52 And, you know, that's especially painful when there's loss
47:56 like this in a family.
47:58 And in John chapter 11, we read about Jesus had some dear
48:03 friends, a brother and two sisters, Lazarus, Mary, Martha.
48:06 And it tells us that "they sent to Jesus, said, 'Come,
48:10 our brother is sick, heal him.'"
48:13 And Jesus got there too late, and he died.
48:16 And they said, "Lord, why did you let this happen?"
48:18 You read where Mary's asking in verse 32: "She came to where
48:22 Jesus was, and she saw him, and fell down at his feet, and said,
48:24 'Lord, if you'd been here, my brother would not have died.'"
48:29 Sometimes it's not, you know, the natural course.
48:31 Maybe there's an accident or some unexpected sickness, and
48:34 you think, "Why me?
48:35 Why my family member?
48:37 Why did this have to happen?"
48:38 And we think, "Does God still love us?"
48:40 And it wounds our faith.
48:42 But how did Jesus restore the faith of Mary and Martha?
48:46 He performed a miracle and there's a resurrection.
48:50 You know, the Bible says, "As Christians we do not sorrow as
48:52 those that have no hope."
48:56 But what do you do--?
48:58 I'm gonna ask something very difficult.
48:59 What do you do if you have loss of a family member and you
49:02 question whether they were a believer?
49:05 Or maybe they said they weren't.
49:07 How do you cope with that?
49:09 You know, I think the only way you can is you identify with
49:13 God, who loves 'em even more than you do, who is experiencing
49:18 that loss with you, and then you focus your attention on those
49:23 who are saved, who can be saved.
49:27 King David lost a son.
49:29 You know, when Absalom, I mentioned earlier, killed Amnon,
49:32 David grieved for Amnon.
49:34 I mean, here's he got this son that died at a feast, drinking.
49:37 He had abused his sister.
49:39 Amnon did not die with a lot of promise that he would
49:42 have eternal life.
49:44 And David wept and he wept, and then finally, he got up and he
49:47 dusted himself off and he said he realized that Amnon was gone.
49:52 He decided to focus his attention on the ones who
49:54 were alive.
49:56 And, you know, that's really the only thing you can do is just
49:59 say, "This is a terrible loss.
50:01 Will I grieve forever?
50:03 Or am I now gonna do what God does and direct my attention on
50:05 reaching the ones who are alive?"
50:07 Now, nobody knows another person's fate.
50:10 Only God knows their heart, right?
50:12 So there's that promise there that says, "We have this hope."
50:16 "We hope as others--"
50:18 Or, "We have a hope unlike others."
50:20 The Bible says there's this blessed hope.
50:22 We may be surprised.
50:23 So, when you don't know, you just have to put it in God's
50:26 hands and say that, you know, there's a day coming when God's
50:28 gonna dry the tears.
50:30 In the meantime, we've got a work to do.
50:33 Jean: The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians chapter 15, verse 26
50:36 that: "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is that of death."
50:41 Death, of course, was never part of God's plan.
50:44 It's the consequences of sin.
50:45 Yet we do have a promise that, one day, when Jesus comes,
50:48 there'll be no more pain, no more sorrow, no more death.
50:51 He'll make all things new.
50:52 Often at a funeral, at a graveside service, we're
50:55 standing there in the cemetery and we're laying a loved one to
50:59 rest, and the family are weeping, and, yes, that it's a
51:02 place of sadness without a doubt.
51:05 But I try to encourage believers that even though the cemetery is
51:08 a place of sadness today, one day when Jesus comes it's
51:12 probably gonna be one of the happiest places around because
51:15 the dead in Christ will rise first and we get to meet them in
51:18 the air.
51:20 So even though there is sorrow and pain and death, the Bible
51:22 gives us hope and comfort.
51:24 And that, of course, is found in Jesus.
51:26 Doug: Amen, there's a good quote in the lesson.
51:28 It's from "The Desire of Ages" page 787: "To the believer death
51:32 is but a small matter.
51:34 To the Christian, death is but a sleep, in a moment of silence
51:37 and darkness.
51:39 The life is hid with Christ in God, and when Christ, who is our
51:43 life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear
51:45 with him in glory."
51:48 So, I tell our friends that if they lose a loved one that's a
51:52 believer, you just have to look up on it as you've gone on
51:55 a trip and you're gonna be reunited.
51:57 It's just longer than you had hoped.
51:59 But you will meet again, and you'll meet again in
52:02 much better circumstances.
52:04 And so that, of course, is that great blessed hope.
52:06 Well, I think we're about out of time, Pastor Ross.
52:08 You wanna mention the--?
52:10 Jean: Yes, we've got a great offer, especially for those who
52:12 are facing grief.
52:14 And all of us, at some point, go through loss or sorrow.
52:17 It is a book entitled "When the Brook Dried Up," and the
52:20 question is, "Why Do Christians Suffer?"
52:22 This is gonna be our free gift to anyone who will call and ask.
52:25 The number is 866-788-3966, and you can ask for offer number
52:30 171, or you can send us a text.
52:34 You can text the code SH074 to the number 40544 and we'll be
52:41 able to send you a link as to where you can download the book,
52:45 "When the Brook Dries Up, Why Do Christians Suffer?"
52:48 Doug: Amen, thank you very much, friends.
52:49 We're glad you joined us.
52:51 Those who are watching online, God bless you.
52:53 We look forward to studying his Word together again next week.
52:57 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's
52:59 life-changing free resource.
53:00 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, you can
53:03 download a digital copy straight to your computer
53:05 or mobile device.
53:07 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text
53:10 the key word on your screen to 40544 or visit the web address
53:14 shown on your screen and be sure to select the digital download
53:18 option on the request page.
53:20 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
53:23 "Amazing Facts" wherever and whenever you want.
53:27 And most important, to share it with others.
53:34 announcer: "Amazing Facts" changed lives:
53:45 Justin: Growing up as a kid, my mother was, like, on drugs
53:50 and alcohol.
53:51 Lots of fighting in the home.
53:53 My mom would be abused mentally, verbally, physically.
53:57 Went from California to Oregon.
54:01 Spent some time in Oregon and it was just the same cycle of
54:04 drugs, alcohol, violence.
54:07 My mom's boyfriend would go to jail at times.
54:10 She would wait until he would, you know, get out of jail, and
54:14 then it was back to square one.
54:16 The drugs and alcohol escalated to a lot harder drugs, crystal
54:21 meth, cocaine, and lots and lots of alcohol.
54:25 So I started using the alcohol as a medication.
54:31 It was like the misery and the fear that I had, I wanted to
54:35 drown all that misery.
54:37 At times I would just grab, you know, a bottle of beer and go
54:41 out into the desert and just drink until sometimes I'd just
54:45 pass out in the desert somewhere and wake up
54:47 the next morning, you know?
54:50 And I just couldn't find rest.
54:52 And my stepdad had gotten me a motorcycle and so I started
54:57 riding motorcycles.
54:59 I'd drink a lot of beer, get on the motorcycle, ride into the
55:02 desert, do donuts, and just, you know, just ride
55:05 on private property.
55:07 People would chase me off, and I was just causin', stirrin' up
55:11 dust and rocks and just causin' chaos.
55:15 And the adrenaline rush that I had was so exciting, and the
55:20 feeling of it was so intense that I loved it, and I forgot
55:25 about all my problems, you know, at the moment, and I thought
55:29 that material things would make me feel so good, you know?
55:34 And so I started workin', started makin' money, had a
55:37 responsibility, but as time went by, I had more money.
55:43 So I would, you know use my money that I made to buy
55:48 drugs and alcohol.
55:50 Got pulled over drinkin' and driving, ended up going to jail
55:53 for a couple days.
55:56 I lost my job because I missed work for a few days, lost my
56:00 girlfriend, lost all the money that I had.
56:05 So, once again, I was empty, no money, no drugs, no alcohol, and
56:10 that was a turning point in my life.
56:13 At this time, I was living with my grandfather, and as I was
56:18 flipping through the channels on the satellite system, I found
56:21 "Amazing Facts," and Pastor Doug Batchelor was sharing his
56:25 testimony about how he was living in a cave and he
56:31 struggled the same struggles of alcohol and drugs.
56:34 And I continued to read the book, "The Richest Caveman," and
56:38 it really impacted my life and really related to the things he
56:41 was struggling with, and all of the events that
56:46 took place in his life.
56:47 And when I started reading the Bible, Philippians 4:13 says: "I
56:51 can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
56:53 I recognized that I had no strength.
56:56 I was weak, and I was wretched, and I needed help.
57:00 So I just asked the Lord, I said, "Just help me, Lord."
57:03 And the Holy Spirit convicted me and I decided to be baptized and
57:10 to give my life to Jesus Christ.
57:13 A few years after the Lord took the temptation of drinking and
57:16 doing drugs, he gave me a beautiful wife I met at church.
57:20 Now I have a beautiful baby boy, two-year-old baby boy.
57:24 It's just exciting to see, you know, what God is doing through
57:28 my life and my family.
57:32 I met with some friends from my local church that I was
57:35 attending and they had told me about Amazing Facts Center of
57:40 Evangelism Training Seminar.
57:43 The AFCOE to go program really inspired me and motivated me to
57:47 tell young people about, you know, the same struggles that I
57:53 was struggling with, to help these kids give their life to
57:56 Jesus Christ, and there's nothin' else
57:58 that you could ask for.
58:00 I'm Justin, and God used you to change my life.
58:05 ♪♪♪


Revised 2019-05-24