Sabbath School Study Hour

When Alone

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021917A

00:35 Good morning, friends.
00:36 Welcome to Sabbath School Study Hour
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:40 in Sacramento, California.
00:42 I'd like to welcome my friends
00:43 joining us across the country and around the world,
00:45 as well as our regular online Sabbath School members.
00:50 We're delighted that you've tuned in
00:51 to study our lesson with us today.
00:53 And, of course, I'd also like
00:54 to welcome our regular Sabbath School members
00:57 here in person as well as those who are joining us,
01:00 our visitors that are here,
01:01 very warm welcome to all of you.
01:03 As many of you know
01:04 that's been attending for the last few weeks,
01:06 we started a new series talking about the family.
01:09 And the topic today,
01:11 lesson number four,
01:12 our lesson is entitled "Family Seasons."
01:15 And topic number four is "When Alone."
01:18 And that's going to be our study for today.
01:20 But before we get to our lesson,
01:21 we'd like to let you know,
01:22 if you don't have a copy
01:23 of today's Sabbath School lesson,
01:25 you can download for free a copy of the lesson
01:27 at
01:32 Again, that's,
01:35 lesson number four,
01:36 and you can study along with us.
01:38 We also have a free offer
01:39 we'd like to let you know about.
01:40 This is a premium gift
01:42 that we would like to make available to those
01:43 who are viewing online in North America,
01:46 a book written by Pastor Doug
01:47 entitled "Marriage Divorce and Remarriage."
01:51 If you'd like to get a copy of this book,
01:52 the number to call is 866-788-3966,
01:56 and ask for offer number 831,
01:59 or you can download a digital copy of this book.
02:03 We'll send you a link
02:04 as to where you can go to download.
02:06 Just a fantastic book,
02:07 dealing with the subject of marriage,
02:09 divorce and remarriage.
02:11 Well, before we get to our lesson today,
02:12 I'm delighted that our orchestra
02:14 is here with us,
02:15 and we're going to begin by lifting our voices in song.
02:17 I'd like to invite our song leaders
02:19 to come forward.
02:22 We'll be singing number 310
02:24 in the Seventh-day Adventist hymnal,
02:25 "I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus."
02:27 We'll be singing the first and third verses.
02:30 Please sing with us.
02:39 I would draw nearer to Jesus
02:45 In His sweet presence abide
02:51 Constantly trying to serve Him
02:57 Safe and secure at His side
03:03 I would draw nearer to Jesus
03:09 I would draw nearer to Him
03:15 Fully surrendered each moment
03:21 I would draw nearer to Him
03:27 I would draw nearer to Jesus
03:34 Seeking His strength to be true
03:40 Willing to tell of His goodness
03:46 Gladly His blest will to do
03:52 I would draw nearer to Jesus
03:58 I would draw nearer to Him
04:04 Fully surrendered each moment
04:11 I would draw nearer
04:14 to Him
04:20 Thank you for singing.
04:29 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
04:32 Dear Father in heaven, again we thank you
04:33 that we have this opportunity to gather in your house
04:35 to worship You on this special day
04:37 that You have set apart for us
04:39 to worship You in a special way.
04:41 We do ask that You'll bless our time now
04:43 as we open up the Word in study,
04:45 for we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
04:48 Our lesson today is going to be brought to us
04:49 by Pastor Doug.
04:52 Morning! Morning!
04:53 Happy Sabbath.
04:54 Want to welcome everybody
04:56 who is here at our Granite Bay Church.
04:58 I'm glad you're studying God's Word
05:00 with us today, and our friends
05:01 who are joining us on television,
05:03 we have some of you
05:04 who are part of our online Sabbath School class,
05:08 and some of our online members from around the world.
05:11 Good to see you as well.
05:12 We enjoyed being with our friends
05:14 at the White Memorial Church this last week
05:17 and the number of people
05:18 there said that they watch every week,
05:21 and we just claim you as family.
05:23 We're continuing in our Sabbath School quarterly
05:26 dealing with family seasons.
05:29 And today we've got an interesting lesson
05:32 and it's on "When Alone."
05:35 Now in this lesson, we're going to be talking about
05:37 a lot of aspects of what it means
05:39 to be alone as a Christian.
05:41 Some of those deal with just loneliness.
05:44 We're going to be talking about alone through divorce.
05:50 Some people are alone through singleness.
05:53 Some are alone by a command of the Lord
05:59 and so,
06:01 a very important study for dealing with loneliness.
06:05 Now, we have a memory verse,
06:07 and the memory verse comes from Genesis Chapter 28.
06:10 I'm sorry, Genesis 2:18.
06:12 Genesis 2:18,
06:14 and this is in the New King James Version.
06:16 If you'd like to say that with me, that'd be great.
06:18 Are you ready?
06:20 "And the Lord God said,
06:22 'It is not good that man should be alone,
06:26 I will make a helper comparable to him.' "
06:31 I don't know how many of you have heard
06:32 the story of Robinson Crusoe.
06:37 Robinson Crusoe is a book
06:39 written by Daniel Defoe
06:40 many years ago,
06:42 and it actually is based on a true story.
06:46 It's about a young man
06:47 by the name of Alexander Selkirk.
06:50 He was born in Scotland.
06:53 And he was a son of a tanner.
06:56 He was very adventurous
06:58 and he decided that he wanted to run away and go to sea,
07:01 so he did and he joined up with some ships,
07:02 and over a short period of time
07:04 he ended up becoming a sailor on a ship
07:08 with a famous captain, William Dampier.
07:11 Now, Dampier was going up and down the Pacific
07:15 raiding Spanish ships.
07:16 England was at war with Spain during the time.
07:20 And along the way, Selkirk, who was a little bit hotheaded,
07:24 got into a pretty fierce argument
07:26 with Captain Dampier.
07:28 And when they got near an island,
07:30 they stopped at an island called San Fernando,
07:33 that's 400 miles off the coast of Chile
07:36 to get some water and provisions.
07:38 It was a deserted island,
07:39 but they could get some water there.
07:41 He said,
07:43 "I'd rather live by myself on this island
07:45 than sail anymore with you."
07:48 And because of his pride and his anger,
07:49 the captain said, "Good enough, we're leaving you here."
07:53 And so they put him off on the island
07:56 and gave him some gunpowder and some basic provisions.
08:02 He had a knife, and an axe, and a flintlock.
08:06 I think I've got a little note here
08:07 that tells us.
08:08 "When Selkirk was put ashore,
08:10 he had with him clothes and bedding,
08:11 a flintlock, some gunpowder, bullets,
08:13 a hatch and a knife, a kettle,
08:15 a few books of Bible.
08:17 He tried to stay busy, but for the first eight months
08:20 he had to bear up against terrible melancholy,
08:23 and the terror of being left alone
08:25 in such a desolate island for the rest of his life."
08:29 Have you ever thought, what would it be like
08:31 if you were the only one left on earth?
08:35 Sometimes I'm actually excited about that thought,
08:39 but not everyone's that way.
08:42 He tried to stay busy.
08:44 But the first eight months he had a real struggle.
08:47 He built two huts with palmetto trees.
08:50 He covered them with long grass
08:51 and aligned them with the skins of goats,
08:53 which were abundant on the island.
08:55 When his clothes wore out,
08:57 he made himself new ones with goat skins.
08:59 When his gunpowder was spent,
09:01 he created fire by rubbing sticks together
09:03 upon his knee.
09:05 At first, he was plagued
09:06 with great numbers of cats and rats
09:08 that bred on the island because when ships came ashore,
09:11 sometimes rats got off the ships
09:13 and cats got off the ship.
09:16 And a few have escaped and multiplied.
09:18 But he tamed many of the cats
09:20 so that they would lie about his shack in hundreds,
09:24 and soon delivered him from the rats.
09:26 He also tamed some of the goats
09:29 and he diverted himself now and then,
09:30 and he'd sing and dance with them and his cats.
09:33 So he had last came to conquer
09:35 all the inconveniences of his solitude
09:37 and to be very happy.
09:39 So Kirk remained there on the island
09:41 for four and a half years.
09:43 Finally, in February 1790,
09:46 he was discovered by Captain Woodes Rogers,
09:48 another famous captain in the sailing ship Duke,
09:51 whose pilot happened to be his old captain Dampier.
09:55 Now the rest of the story is after Dampier,
09:58 who was captain dropped him off on the island,
10:01 they left, their ship sank and most of the crew perished
10:05 except Dampier and a few officers.
10:08 And so if Selkirk had stayed on the ship,
10:10 he likely would have died with the crew.
10:13 But now captain Woodes Rogers,
10:15 and by the way something else
10:16 that was interesting is,
10:17 when he first got back on board, the ship,
10:20 he had gone four years without talking to people,
10:23 talk to the goats and the cats.
10:25 And he would kind of speak, it took a while for him
10:27 to get regular speech rhythm going again,
10:30 because if you don't talk to anybody,
10:33 you start to lose the art.
10:35 And, but they had conquered some Spanish ships.
10:40 And so they made Selkirk
10:41 captain of one of the Spanish ships,
10:44 and Dampier was his pilot.
10:46 So he ended up being the captain
10:47 of his former adversary.
10:49 It's very interesting story.
10:51 They got back to England and eventually
10:52 when Daniel Defoe heard the story,
10:54 He's like, this is a great story
10:55 and he wrote,
10:57 wrote a book called Robinson Crusoe.
10:59 So, have you ever felt lonely before?
11:03 Ecclesiastes 4:9,
11:07 Two are better than one,
11:09 because they have a good reward for their labor.
11:11 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
11:15 But woe to him who is alone
11:17 when he falls,
11:18 for he will have no one to help him up.
11:22 Again, if two lie down together,
11:23 they will keep warm,
11:24 but how can one be warm alone?
11:27 Though one might be overpowered by another,
11:29 two can withstand him,
11:31 and a threefold cord is not quickly broken."
11:35 So here in Ecclesiastes, it's Proverbs,
11:36 it's talking about how important it is
11:38 to have friends and companionship.
11:42 Now, when Jesus sent out the disciples preaching,
11:45 how did He send them?
11:47 Two by two.
11:48 Let's look at some of these verses here.
11:50 Mark 6:7,
11:52 "He called twelve to Himself,
11:53 and He began to send them out
11:54 two by two,
11:56 and He gave them power over unclean spirits."
11:59 And again, later, after these things,
12:01 the Lord appointed 70 others also,
12:03 and He sent them out how?
12:05 Two by two,
12:07 to go before his face into every city and place
12:09 where he himself was about to go.
12:11 Now, why did the Lord send out the disciples two by two?
12:17 Well, for one thing, when we train people at AFCOE,
12:20 we send them out two by two, survival method.
12:23 When one is making a presentation,
12:24 another one is praying.
12:25 If one gets discouraged,
12:26 ostensibly the other one will encourage them.
12:30 Two heads are better than one.
12:31 You ever heard that.
12:33 And so sometimes you're making a decision about what to do,
12:35 which way to go and the combined judgment,
12:37 you can make better decisions.
12:38 And, you know,
12:40 while I don't agree with their message,
12:43 I do admire the method
12:46 of Jehovah Witnesses and Latter-day Saints
12:49 because they send people out two by two.
12:52 We believe in sending people out
12:54 two by two and we do that
12:55 as I mentioned in our evangelism training.
12:57 This was a method that Jesus recommended.
13:01 Now in a moment someone's going to read to me from Mark 14.
13:03 You'll have that, Hoftis? Okay.
13:05 I'm going to read Luke 10:1.
13:08 I'm sorry, I'm going to read John 16:32.
13:11 "Indeed the hour is coming, yes, is now come,
13:14 that you will be scattered, each to his own,
13:17 and will leave Me alone.
13:19 And yet I am not alone,
13:21 because the Father is with Me."
13:23 So how did Jesus deal with loneliness?
13:27 He said, "Well, I'm never really alone
13:28 because God is with me.
13:31 God is my companion."
13:33 And then Philippians 4:11-13.
13:36 Paul was often imprisoned by himself.
13:39 And he said, "Not that I speak in regard to need,
13:41 for I have learned in whatever state I am,
13:44 to be content:
13:45 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound.
13:48 Everywhere and in all things
13:49 I have learned both to be full and to be hungry,
13:51 both to abound and to suffer need.
13:53 I can do all things through Christ
13:55 who strengthens me."
13:57 So if you are a believer, are you ever alone?
14:00 No, right?
14:02 Go ahead, read for us please, Mark 14:33 and 34.
14:05 "And He took Peter, James, and John with Him,
14:08 and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed.
14:13 Then He said to them,
14:14 'My soul is exceedingly sorrowful,
14:17 even to death.
14:18 Stay here and watch.'"
14:20 Isn't that an astounding thought
14:22 that here the Creator of all men was lonely,
14:27 and He wanted people to be with Him,
14:29 to support Him.
14:30 You know, the Bible says,
14:31 Christ was tempted in all points
14:33 as we are, yet without sin.
14:35 Was He tempted with loneliness?
14:38 He was 100% human.
14:40 Did God create humans to enjoy and thrive in companionship?
14:46 What happens to a person
14:47 when they live all their time alone?
14:50 I'm an expert.
14:52 I can tell you about it.
14:55 I've shared with you before,
14:56 there's probably not too many people here
14:58 that can tell me,
15:00 I have spent five or six days by myself
15:03 where I did not hear another human voice,
15:05 no radio, no telephone, no TV,
15:07 there were no cell phones back then,
15:10 and no human input.
15:13 So I'd go several stretches where I'm all by myself.
15:17 Do you know when you live all by yourself,
15:18 you become eccentric.
15:22 You start to develop unbalanced ideas.
15:26 We sometimes by communication,
15:29 we start to balance our wisdom off each other
15:31 and it sort of keeps you in the middle.
15:34 And God does something about social interaction.
15:41 You know, they discovered that in the animal kingdom,
15:44 the smartest animals are social animals.
15:50 They found that some
15:51 of the most highly intelligent dolphins
15:55 are social animals.
15:57 They're always in pods.
15:58 They swim together, they interact,
15:59 they communicate, they play games together,
16:01 and it does something to build their intelligence,
16:04 and it gives them balance.
16:05 They work in cooperation with each other.
16:08 And there's several different groups of monkeys
16:10 and different animals
16:11 that when they work in social groups like that,
16:13 there's combined intelligence.
16:15 And so God designed
16:18 that we should not be alone.
16:21 He told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply.
16:24 So when the Bible says,
16:25 it's not good that man should be alone.
16:27 It didn't just mean that man needed a woman.
16:31 It's also a broader principle that people need people
16:35 and that we are social creatures.
16:37 In America, we're a little more independent
16:39 than some countries.
16:41 You know, you go to India, you go to the Philippines,
16:44 you go to China,
16:45 a lot of countries where I traveled,
16:46 they've got large families,
16:47 and family is very important.
16:50 And they each spent a lot of time in family functions.
16:52 Even if you go down south of the border,
16:55 in the Mexican families,
16:57 they get together, and they have large families
16:59 and the interactiveness is part of life,
17:01 that they communicate.
17:02 You come north
17:03 and we're an independent country.
17:07 You know, there's a lot of reasons for that.
17:09 America, a lot of people came from different places,
17:11 so they didn't always interconnect.
17:13 And we had a large land without,
17:15 wasn't so heavily populated.
17:17 And,
17:18 it just seems like we developed a little more independently.
17:22 But there are a lot of folks that are very lonely.
17:25 It's not God's plan for that.
17:26 That's part of why we have church, amen?
17:29 So that we could have fellowship
17:32 and spend time together.
17:34 So, yeah,
17:36 you never really need to be alone
17:38 if you're a believer.
17:40 You read in Matthew 28,
17:41 one of the last words in the New Testament,
17:44 teaching them to observe all things
17:46 that I've commanded you and...
17:51 There was a Chinese gentleman
17:53 who converted from Buddhism to Christianity.
17:56 His name was Lo Wong.
17:58 And when he finally got to Matthew and he read it.
18:01 He learned some English,
18:02 it said, lo, I am with you always.
18:05 It was very special to him.
18:09 He said, "Lo, I am with you always,
18:11 even to the end of the age."
18:14 And so God is promising.
18:15 I am always with you.
18:18 So are we ever really alone?
18:20 And then you read in Hebrews 13:5,
18:22 "Let your conduct be without covetousness,
18:25 be content with such things as you have.
18:27 For He Himself has said,
18:29 'I will never leave you or forsake you.'"
18:32 Now that's Hebrews 13:5.
18:35 What verse in the Bible is Paul quoting in Hebrews
18:38 where he says, "I will never leave you
18:40 or forsake you?"
18:43 We can't find it in the gospels.
18:45 Do you realize that Paul is quoting something
18:47 Jesus obviously said,
18:48 but the gospel writers did not write down
18:50 that exact phrase.
18:52 But we believe Paul,
18:54 if you have a red letter edition,
18:56 when you read Hebrews 13:5 it's in red,
18:59 "I will never leave you or forsake you."
19:01 You don't find that in the four gospels,
19:03 but you do find it in Hebrews.
19:05 And so Jesus made that promise.
19:07 But it's kind of like that when He said,
19:08 I'm with you always, right?
19:10 To the end of the world.
19:11 All right, so as a principle,
19:13 God does not want us to live as islands.
19:16 Now before I go too deep into the lesson,
19:18 I think it might be good to mention at this point.
19:20 Is it always bad to be alone?
19:25 Now, being alone sometimes is a wonderful thing.
19:28 Who is it?
19:29 Isaiah that said,
19:31 "Woe to them that join house to house
19:33 and lay field to field till there is no place
19:36 where a man may be alone in the earth."
19:39 That Jesus sometimes rise up
19:41 a great while before it was day and go alone.
19:45 And even asked the disciples, He said, you know,
19:47 we've been so busy with the multitudes.
19:49 He says, we need to come to a desolate,
19:51 an isolated wilderness place so we can rest.
19:55 John the Baptist,
19:56 where did he go for his ministry?
19:59 To the wilderness
20:00 and he spent a lot of time out there
20:02 in the cathedral canyons of God's creation.
20:06 I think it's good sometimes for people
20:09 to get out by themselves
20:10 and spend some time alone with God.
20:12 I think that when you enter into your closet to pray,
20:15 matter of fact, there's a quote,
20:16 Karen showed this to me this morning.
20:18 If you go to your lesson, I'm going to jump to Friday.
20:21 Friday usually doesn't have a subject,
20:23 it sort of got like further thoughts.
20:25 And then if you go to Friday in your lesson,
20:28 it talks about Enoch.
20:29 And it says, "In the midst of a life of active labor,
20:33 Enoch steadfastly maintained his communion with God.
20:37 The greater and more pressing his labors,
20:39 the more constant and earnest were his prayers.
20:43 He continued to exclude himself
20:45 at certain periods from all society.
20:47 After remaining for a time among the people,
20:50 laboring to benefit them by instruction and example,
20:53 he would withdraw, to spend a season in solitude,
20:56 hungering and thirsting for that divine knowledge
21:00 which God alone can impart.
21:02 Communing thus with God,
21:04 Enoch came more and more to reflect the divine image."
21:06 How did he do that?
21:08 He got away from it all and from everybody.
21:11 It's sometimes, I think creates a healthy balance
21:15 in our character,
21:16 not only to know how to deal with people,
21:18 but are you comfortable by yourself.
21:20 It's not a bad thing.
21:22 I mean, even in a family, in a marriage,
21:24 for you to say, I need some, what's the word for it?
21:27 Alone time.
21:29 And every now and then,
21:30 Karen will say, "Doug, you just need to go to Covelo."
21:33 And I'll hop in the truck
21:34 and I'll drive up there by myself.
21:36 And I'll spend a couple of days in praying,
21:38 you know, it's wonderful
21:39 just to be alone with God,
21:41 and you read and get out in the woods and, and...
21:46 You wouldn't believe some of the places
21:48 I've been by myself out in the wilderness
21:50 and I just think, oh, man,
21:52 you see such wonderful things.
21:54 But then you know what the problem is,
21:56 you see such wonderful things you think.
21:58 I wish I could show this to someone
22:00 or share this with someone.
22:03 But I said, "Lord, thank you for showing this to me."
22:05 So it's not always wrong to be alone.
22:07 The Bible says that actually can be a problem
22:10 if you can never be alone.
22:14 All right, so then we go to the next section,
22:18 the unmarried life.
22:21 And someone's going to read for me in a moment,
22:22 Luke 23:29. Okay.
22:25 I'm going to read Jeremiah 16:1-2.
22:27 Now, this is talking about,
22:29 there is a time to choose to be unmarried.
22:33 A little later in the lesson
22:34 we'll talk about those who are unmarried
22:36 just by circumstances.
22:37 And this is some people who are been told by the Lord.
22:41 Jeremiah 16:1-2,
22:42 "The word of the Lord came to me, saying,
22:45 'You shall not take a wife,
22:47 nor shall you have sons or daughters in this place.'"
22:50 Now why did God tell Jeremiah not to marry?
22:54 You don't ever hear about Mrs. Jeremiah.
22:56 Why?
22:57 He didn't tell everybody that.
22:59 What's the general order for humans?
23:03 It is a good thing,
23:04 he that finds a wife finds a good thing.
23:05 And if you're married, he that finds,
23:06 she that finds a husband finds hopefully a good thing.
23:10 And so that's the normal order of things,
23:12 but it's not the absolute.
23:13 Now, why did he tell Jeremiah that?
23:16 What time did Jeremiah live in?
23:19 What happened during Jeremiah's life?
23:22 Nebuchadnezzar came
23:23 and it was foretold many times
23:25 to Jeremiah that I am going to destroy in a big way.
23:29 The city, that the city is going to be besieged,
23:31 there's going to be starvation,
23:32 there's going to be cannibalism.
23:34 There's going to be bloodshed, there's going to be plague.
23:37 The people are going to be carried off,
23:38 the houses will be burned, the temple will be burned.
23:42 He said, you better not marry.
23:45 Are there other times in the Bible
23:46 where God has that?
23:48 Jesus said in Matthew 24,
23:51 speaking of the tribulation in the last days,
23:54 "Woe to them who are pregnant
23:56 and those who are nursing babies
23:57 in those days."
23:59 Now we're not in those days.
24:02 Sometimes I'll have young couples
24:03 come to me and they'll say,
24:05 "Pastor Doug,
24:08 we read these verses in the Bible.
24:10 We think we're near the end, should we have children?"
24:13 You know what I tell them?
24:15 I say, "I don't know."
24:17 You got to be very careful about telling people
24:20 how to run their lives that way.
24:22 If you know Adventist history,
24:24 you know, the Adventist Church was born out of the belief
24:26 in the eminence of Jesus coming,
24:28 and I do believe Jesus is coming soon,
24:29 but there were several times
24:31 where James White counseled couples,
24:33 we're so close to the end,
24:35 we shouldn't even have children.
24:38 And he later repented of that, he said,
24:39 I shouldn't have said that.
24:40 Of course, he and Ellen had four.
24:43 So how many of you have gray hair thought
24:48 Jesus would have come before now?
24:52 Or any of you remember like World War II?
24:56 Couple of you alive back then.
24:58 When nuclear bomb, they said, this is it.
25:03 We don't have any children now, you know the world's ending.
25:07 Of course, kids born back then now are grandparents.
25:11 So you got to be careful about saying,
25:12 you know when that time is.
25:14 Every individual needs to pray about when they think
25:16 that time comes.
25:18 Go ahead, read your verse for us.
25:20 Luke 23:29,
25:22 "For indeed the days are coming
25:24 in which they will say,
25:26 'Blessed are the barren,
25:28 wombs that never bore,
25:30 and breasts which never nursed!'"
25:32 Now, when did Jesus make this statement?
25:36 He's on the way to the cross.
25:37 It's a short little sermon, Jesus preaches to the women
25:40 who are weeping as they see Him bearing His cross,
25:43 to the place of crucifixion and He says,
25:45 "Don't weep for me."
25:47 Now, why did He tell them that?
25:49 Because Jerusalem was going to be destroyed
25:52 in the generation, so the days are coming.
25:55 And the same thing that happened
25:56 in the days of Nebuchadnezzar happened again
25:59 in the days of Titus
26:01 when the city was burned,
26:03 the people were besieged,
26:05 the temple was destroyed, it all happened again.
26:09 So He said, "There's a time when it may not be a good idea
26:11 to start families."
26:12 So let me give you some examples of that here.
26:15 If you read 1 Corinthians,
26:18 as Paul writes to the church in Corinth,
26:20 persecution had arose.
26:23 See, it was later
26:25 in the ministry of Peter and Paul,
26:27 Rome began to crack down on the Jews.
26:30 And as they crack down on the Jews,
26:31 you can read in Acts where it says,
26:33 "All the Jews had been expelled from Rome."
26:35 It started slowly because the Roman,
26:36 the Jews were beginning to rebel
26:38 against the Roman Empire,
26:40 and they could see it was fomenting
26:41 and it was going to turn into rebellion,
26:44 that a great persecution happened
26:47 from the Romans against the Jews,
26:48 because Christians shared so much
26:51 with the Jewish religion.
26:52 Christianity really was,
26:54 the Jews sought as a sect or a branch of Judaism.
26:58 They were monotheistic, they worshiped the same God,
27:01 Jesus was a Jew, they read a Jewish book,
27:03 they kept the Jewish Sabbath.
27:05 And so, they really put Christians
27:08 in the same group.
27:10 And Paul said, look, persecution is beginning,
27:13 1 Corinthians 7:8,
27:16 "I say to the unmarried and to the widows:
27:18 It's good for them to remain even as I am."
27:22 All right, let me just pause right there.
27:24 Was Paul married?
27:27 Maybe once, we don't know.
27:30 Now, some wonder if Paul isn't married at some point
27:32 because what seems Paul may have been part,
27:35 he was a Pharisee
27:36 and he was part of the Sanhedrin
27:37 and somewhere in the Jewish Talmud,
27:40 it said to be part of the Sanhedrin,
27:41 you have to be married.
27:43 It's kind of like where Paul says
27:44 that a pastor should be the husband of one wife.
27:46 He kind of drew that from what they had is
27:49 you're going to be spiritual leader,
27:50 you need to understand family.
27:52 And...
27:56 We just hired a new youth pastor.
27:59 But I can't tell you who it is yet.
28:01 But one of the criteria was, the board said,
28:04 "We want someone who is married,
28:06 that has a little bit of experience
28:08 because they're going to be helping lead
28:10 the young families and the children."
28:13 So, Paul may have been married, his wife could have died.
28:19 He may have been married,
28:20 but when he converted to Christianity,
28:22 the things fell apart.
28:24 But he never did remarry.
28:26 And some may argue that he was never married,
28:28 but evidently when he writes these words here,
28:30 he's not married at this point, because he says,
28:32 to the unmarried,
28:33 "I asked that they remain even as I am, single.
28:37 But if they cannot exercise self control,
28:40 let them marry."
28:41 Now one reason that some people think
28:42 Paul at least had been married at some point
28:45 is because he sure seemed to give a lot
28:47 of counsel on marriage,
28:49 and you think he must have known
28:50 something about it.
28:55 "It's good for them to remain even as I am,
28:57 but if they cannot exercise self control, let them marry.
29:01 For it is better to marry than to burn with passion."
29:04 So God kind of designed everybody that,
29:06 you know, once you reach the teenage years,
29:09 the hormones begin to surge
29:11 and God naturally programmed people
29:13 to start craving that opposite sex.
29:17 And if that didn't happen, none of us would be here.
29:22 Right?
29:23 And so there's that natural desire.
29:25 Now, if you don't eat...
29:28 Sex is a physical desire,
29:29 but it's different because if you don't eat,
29:31 that's a physical desire to you,
29:32 you will die.
29:34 But even though sex is a desire,
29:36 if you don't fulfill it, you will not die.
29:39 You may think so, but you won't.
29:42 And so, it's something that should be controlled
29:44 until it is fulfilled in the marriage relationship.
29:49 And if not there, the Bible's pretty clear
29:51 that you're supposed to live a pure life
29:53 and Paul talks about that.
29:55 1 Corinthians 7:25,
29:58 "Now concerning the virgins..."
30:00 This is during that same time period
30:01 when the persecution was beginning.
30:03 Paul is beginning to advise families of Christians,
30:06 you better think about the rough world
30:09 you're going to bring your spouse and children into
30:11 if you marry.
30:12 "Concerning virgins: I have no commandment from the Lord,
30:15 yet I give my judgment,"
30:17 Paul is speaking by permission here,
30:19 "As one whom the Lord,
30:21 in His mercy has made trustworthy.
30:24 I suppose therefore that this is good
30:25 because of the present distress"
30:27 that he's talking about,
30:28 the persecution that it started to happen
30:30 and against Jews and Christians,
30:32 "That it is good for a man to remain as he is.
30:35 If you're bound to wife, if you're engaged,
30:37 don't seek to be loosed.
30:38 You've made a covenant of engagement.
30:41 If you loose from a wife..."
30:43 Sometimes the wives would leave through either divorce
30:45 or separation.
30:46 "Do not seek a wife.
30:48 But even if you do marry, you have not sinned,
30:51 and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned.
30:53 Nevertheless such will have trouble in the flesh,
30:56 but I would spare you."
30:57 He said, "I'm trying to save you the problems
30:58 that if you marry now
30:59 during these difficult times of persecution,
31:02 it may be harder."
31:04 "But this I say, brethren, the time is short,
31:07 so that from now on even those who have wives
31:09 should be as though they had none,
31:11 for those who weep even as though they did not weep,
31:14 those who rejoice as though they did not rejoice,
31:16 those who buy as though they did not possess,"
31:19 and because they had to maybe flee
31:21 and leave their possessions.
31:24 "And those who use this world is not misusing it.
31:28 For the form of this world is passing away.
31:30 But I want you to be without care."
31:31 Don't be encumbered with the cares of this life.
31:34 "He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord.
31:36 You are free to go out and do mission work.
31:38 How he might please the Lord.
31:40 He who is married cares about the things of the world,
31:42 how he might please his wife.
31:44 And there is a difference between a wife and a virgin.
31:48 The unmarried man cares about the things of the Lord,
31:50 that she may be holy both in body and in spirit."
31:53 There it's talking about that purity.
31:55 "But she who is married cares about the things of the world,
31:57 how she might please her husband.
31:59 " I've seen this happen many times
32:00 where you got some AFCOE graduate,
32:04 he's on fire and he's out winning souls
32:06 and then some woman lands him.
32:09 And unless she's mission minded,
32:12 she says, oh, man, you got to get a better job.
32:13 You can't be a missionary.
32:15 How you are ever going to build a house or buy a car on that?
32:18 And pretty soon he gets pulled out of the Lord service
32:20 because he must please his wife.
32:21 And I've seen it the other way.
32:22 You get some young lady, she's a Bible worker,
32:24 she's a soul winner, but meets a guy
32:26 and next thing you know, she has 62 children,
32:29 and she's not giving Bible studies anymore.
32:32 Now, that's an exaggeration, but, you know what I'm saying.
32:35 So Paul is saying, you know, you're a little more free.
32:38 They were saying, look,
32:39 let's take the gospel to the world.
32:41 But once they got married,
32:42 and with the persecution it became a little more difficult.
32:45 Now, I'm going to read something
32:47 that Jesus says about this.
32:50 The disciples said, you know,
32:52 they're asking Him a question
32:53 about marriage and divorce and Jesus
32:54 threw something in Matthew 19:12,
32:56 He doesn't mention it anywhere else.
32:59 "For there are eunuchs..."
33:00 Now, we all know what a eunuch is.
33:01 Now, there are eunuchs,
33:04 Daniel was a eunuch in the palace of Babylon.
33:07 That was foretold by Isaiah that the children of Hezekiah
33:10 would be captured by the king of Babylon
33:12 and made eunuchs in his palace.
33:14 And the eunuchs were often the wise men.
33:16 And they made him eunuch
33:17 so because coming and going in the palace,
33:19 King has his harem there.
33:23 He wanted to know all the king's children
33:24 were the king's children.
33:26 And so Jesus says,
33:28 "There are eunuchs who are born from their mother's womb."
33:31 There are some people who...
33:33 They just have no desire in that respect.
33:36 "And there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men."
33:38 Some are captured and they're forced into that.
33:41 "Then there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs."
33:44 That could mean either by practice or by procedure.
33:49 And then Jesus said, and He says,
33:50 "For the kingdom of heaven sake,
33:53 and then he is able to accept it,
33:56 let him accept it."
33:58 And so Jesus said, you know, there are some.
34:00 Now, was Christ married?
34:04 It's a trick question.
34:05 No, technically,
34:07 to the church who is the bride of Christ,
34:09 so.
34:11 Now there's, you know,
34:12 I don't believe that goes around in the world today
34:15 that Jesus really was married to Mary Magdalene.
34:18 There's not a shred of historical, or a scientific,
34:22 or biblical evidence for that.
34:25 It just made for good movie telling.
34:28 And they found some cryptic gospel
34:30 where Jesus something about kissing Mary.
34:32 I'm going to talk today about Mary kissing Jesus' feet.
34:34 That doesn't mean they were married.
34:36 And so they've tried to build this whole crazy scenario
34:39 out of some apocryphal piece of papyr,
34:43 and that's all it says.
34:45 So no, Jesus was not married.
34:47 So all right, let's go to a difficult part.
34:49 It says when a marriage ends.
34:53 Genesis 24:14.
34:56 First of all,
34:57 how does God feel about divorce?
35:00 Maybe I ought to read Malachi before I read Genesis.
35:03 I'm going to read Malachi 2:15.
35:05 And in a moment, someone's going to read John 4:17.
35:10 All right, Malachi 2:15.
35:12 "And this is the second thing you do:
35:15 You cover the altar of the Lord with tears
35:17 with weeping and crying,
35:18 so He does not regard the offering anymore
35:20 nor receive it with goodwill from your hands.
35:23 You say, 'For what reason?'
35:24 Because the Lord has been a witness
35:26 between you and the wife of your youth,
35:29 with whom you have dealt treacherously,
35:31 yet she is your companion and your wife by covenant.
35:35 But did He not make them one, having a remnant of the Spirit?
35:40 And why one?
35:41 He seeks godly offspring.'
35:43 " God wants families to stick together,
35:45 He wants godly offspring.
35:46 So we all know as it's more difficult on children
35:48 that have been through divorce.
35:50 "Therefore take heed to your spirit,
35:53 and let none deal treacherously with a wife of his youth.
35:57 'For the Lord God of Israel says he hates divorce,
36:00 for it covers one's garment with violence,'
36:02 says the Lord of hosts.
36:04 'Therefore take heed your spirit
36:05 that you do not deal treacherously.'
36:08 " Now Moses made in his law a provision that
36:11 if there was some uncleanness found in a woman
36:14 or technically the woman with a husband,
36:17 there could be a certificate of divorce.
36:19 This was not God's plan,
36:20 but Jesus said
36:21 because of the hardness of your hearts,
36:23 He permitted this.
36:25 It was not His ideal, obviously.
36:28 But by the time of Christ,
36:30 they had actually written laws that
36:31 if a wife burned her husband's food,
36:34 he could write a certificate of divorce.
36:37 I mean, the reasons for divorce had become really bad.
36:41 And they had no social services.
36:45 Once a woman had been married for several years
36:48 and she was divorced.
36:49 Sometimes they were divorced
36:50 because they couldn't have children.
36:52 Why did Elkanah take a second wife?
36:55 Because Hannah at first was barren
36:56 and he felt like, I've got to have children,
36:58 who's going to run the farm when I'm old.
37:00 I mean, that was the only thing,
37:01 you had to have children.
37:03 And so, and look at all the hardship
37:05 it brought into that family.
37:06 Sometimes they would just divorce their wife
37:08 and get another one
37:09 that they thought would be more prolific.
37:12 And so,
37:13 God says you are breaking the covenant
37:15 dealing treacherously.
37:18 That's like the word treason with the wife of your youth.
37:21 But having said that,
37:23 are there times when even God commanded divorce?
37:28 Yeah.
37:29 Let's look at Genesis 21:14.
37:32 "So Abraham rose early in the morning,
37:34 and took bread and a skin of water,
37:36 and he put it on the shoulder of Hagar.
37:40 And he gave it the boy to Hagar and sent her away.
37:44 And she departed
37:45 and wandered in the Wilderness of Beersheba."
37:48 God told Abraham after there was internal strife
37:52 between Sarah, and Isaac, and Hagar, and Ishmael.
37:55 He said, "You need to put away Hagar."
37:58 That word put away is the word divorce.
38:01 He obviously,
38:02 he was in a marriage relationship with her,
38:05 but this was never God's plan.
38:08 You know, when we're in Africa,
38:11 and when the Adventist church is doing evangelism over there,
38:15 they still practice polygamy.
38:17 And so the church has been faced with a conundrum.
38:19 What do you do when you have somebody
38:22 who comes from some of these paganistic religions,
38:25 and they accept the truth,
38:26 but they've got two or three wives,
38:29 typically it was the chiefs that had multiple wives
38:32 and a lot of children.
38:35 And the church grappled with that because you think,
38:37 you know, what do you do?
38:38 And they said, finally they came up and they said,
38:40 you need to keep the first wife,
38:42 but you need to continue supporting
38:44 the other wives and children.
38:46 But you can only have one wife.
38:49 We ran into this
38:50 when I was pastoring on the Navajo Reservation.
38:53 I met this gentleman, and they said, "Yeah,
38:56 this is his wife a little while later,"
38:57 they said, "Yeah, this is his wife ago."
38:59 Oh, which one is it?
39:00 They said, "Yeah, he married sisters."
39:03 And that creates some difficult situations.
39:07 All right, go ahead and read for us,
39:09 John 4:17 and 18.
39:11 John 4:17 and 18,
39:13 "The woman answered and said, 'I have no husband.'
39:16 Jesus said to her, 'You have well said,
39:20 'I have no husband,'
39:21 for you have had five husbands,
39:24 and the one whom you now have is not your husband,
39:28 in that you spoke truly."
39:29 All right.
39:32 Now, back when I first joined the church,
39:33 I was led to believe no one actually said it,
39:36 but just the feeling was that
39:38 when a person had been through a divorce,
39:40 that was sort of the unpardonable sin.
39:42 That doesn't say that in the Bible.
39:46 Do we have examples like Abraham?
39:50 How about David?
39:51 Did David had more than one wife?
39:54 When David sinned with Bathsheba,
39:55 that was adultery, that was a sin,
39:57 it must not have been the unpardonable sin.
39:59 And what do you do if...
40:00 Let's suppose you divorce without biblical grounds.
40:02 We'll get to that in just a moment,
40:04 and then you remarry.
40:05 Is there any forgiveness in those categories?
40:08 Oh, there can be but it forever creates a taint
40:12 on your credibility.
40:15 Here, Jesus reveals Himself to the woman at the well.
40:19 And He says, "You've had five husbands
40:20 and the one you're living with, you're not even married to."
40:22 But does He show her that He's the Messiah?
40:26 And then does He use her in ministry
40:29 in reaching other people?
40:30 So He forgives her.
40:32 God meets you where you're at.
40:34 And I meet people, they say,
40:35 "Pastor Doug, I've been married six times.
40:36 Can God forgive me,
40:37 and I was a pagan, I didn't know."
40:41 And I heard a pastor say once,
40:42 you cannot unscramble scrambled eggs.
40:45 Everybody comes to the Lord a little bit scrambled.
40:48 Now, if you grow up in the church,
40:50 you're a little more responsible.
40:53 A lot of people came to Christ and they didn't know.
40:57 David when he sinned with Bathsheba.
40:59 Nathan the Prophet came, he confronted him with a sin.
41:04 There was terrible punishment for the sin.
41:07 Not only did the baby die,
41:10 but there were three other sons of David that died
41:12 and he lost a lot of respect from his people.
41:15 But you know what it says after the baby died?
41:17 First it says, you've taken the wife of Uriah.
41:21 But then after that,
41:22 and after David spent seven days on his face praying,
41:25 it says, David comforted his wife.
41:30 And he and Bathsheba ultimately had Solomon
41:33 who became the next king.
41:35 So was David and...
41:37 Were David and Bathsheba forgiven?
41:39 Yes. Was it a sin?
41:40 A terrible sin, but he was forgiven.
41:44 And so we need to just keep perspective on this.
41:48 And then you read in Matthew 19.
41:50 You can also read about this in the Sermon on the Mount.
41:53 He says, "Have you not read that
41:54 He that made them at the beginning
41:56 'made them male and female,' and he said,
41:58 'For this reason a man leaves his father and mother
42:01 and has joined his wife.
42:02 The two shall become one flesh.
42:04 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh.
42:07 Therefore what God has joined together,
42:09 let not man separate.'
42:11 And they said to him,
42:12 'Why then did Moses command
42:14 to give a certificate of divorce
42:15 and put her away?'
42:16 Said Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts,
42:19 permitted you to divorce your wives,
42:21 but from the beginning it was not so.
42:23 And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife,
42:26 except for sexual immorality,
42:28 and marries another commits adultery,
42:30 and whoever marries her
42:31 who is divorced commits adultery.'
42:33 " So if a person is in a state of singleness,
42:37 because their spouse is either abandoned them,
42:40 and you can't force another person to do anything,
42:43 everybody's free,
42:45 but they've been abandoned.
42:46 Or if once spouse,
42:48 sometimes if they have their mind made up,
42:49 I'm leaving, and I'm going to divorce.
42:51 Maybe they found someone else and they get married,
42:54 and you find yourself alone.
42:55 You're not alone if you're with the Lord.
42:58 And in a church, we often talk about the context of family,
43:01 but we need to be sensitive to people
43:03 who are alone because of divorce,
43:06 or because of singleness, or because of death.
43:10 And we need to remember to integrate
43:12 everybody as part of the family,
43:14 all of those.
43:15 Amen?
43:16 All these people need to be treated as part of the family.
43:20 We see that Jesus dealt with it this way.
43:24 Death and loneliness,
43:26 like there's so much more I could say about the other,
43:27 you need to get the free offer
43:29 that we're mentioning because it talks about it,
43:31 death and loneliness.
43:32 Isaiah 57:1-2,
43:35 "The righteous perishes, and no one takes it to heart.
43:38 Merciful men are taken away,
43:41 while no one considers
43:42 that the righteous is taken away from evil,
43:45 and he will enter into peace
43:47 and they will rest in their beds,
43:48 each one walking in his uprightness."
43:51 And so the Bible talks about a situation
43:53 where even good people die.
43:56 And ultimately someone may be alone
43:59 because their spouse has died.
44:02 Not always but typically,
44:04 women live a little longer than men.
44:07 I think that the average lifespan of women
44:09 in North America is about two or three years.
44:11 I see some doctors here that might correct me,
44:13 longer than men.
44:15 The gap used to be much bigger
44:16 because more men died in working accidents,
44:18 but there's more safety precautions now
44:20 so we're closing the gap.
44:21 But women do physiologically live longer than men,
44:24 but not always that way.
44:26 You know, I know a lot of men that just outlive their wives,
44:29 but we have people who are lonely,
44:33 that maybe they're single and you know,
44:35 it's really tough sometimes
44:36 when if somebody loses their spouse and they're 35,
44:40 and they're widowed.
44:42 There's a good chance
44:43 they're going to have a lot of life together.
44:44 They may say, "Well, I'll remarry."
44:47 It's not as likely
44:49 after they've been married to somebody for 50 years
44:52 or something that, you know,
44:53 you're set in your ways, your whole,
44:55 all your memories are filled with this one individual.
44:58 And it's especially hard
45:00 when you've been married to someone that long
45:02 and then they're gone.
45:03 I remember talking to one dear saint,
45:05 she was married for 50-60 years
45:07 to the same person and they die.
45:08 And she said, "Oh Brother, Doug,"
45:10 She said, "I forget that he's not alive.
45:11 And I'll walk down the hall
45:12 and I'll just shout out his name Jack,
45:14 because I need his help with something,
45:15 and then I'm hit with the truth that he's gone."
45:18 And it's a terrible wave of sadness,
45:21 so it's very difficult.
45:22 And we need to show love for our widows and widowers
45:25 that are in the church
45:27 and help bring them
45:29 and involve them in the things that are happening.
45:34 But, you know,
45:36 you can still get married even after 130,
45:42 Abraham did.
45:44 So Sarah died, and Abraham took Keturah.
45:48 Not only did he get married again,
45:50 he then had a whole litter of kids with Keturah.
45:55 So the miracle was not so much Abraham's age or Sarah's age.
46:01 Revelation 21:4,
46:03 "And God will wipe away every tear from the eyes,
46:06 there will be no more death, sorrow or crying,
46:08 neither will there be any more pain."
46:10 You know, one of the beautiful things
46:12 that we read about loneliness
46:14 and the lack of loneliness is how does the Bible end,
46:17 we're separated from God from our sins.
46:22 But the Bible says in heaven,
46:23 God Himself will be with us and we'll never be alone again.
46:27 We'll not see that...
46:29 That's just to me is a wonderful truth,
46:31 we'll see Him face to face.
46:33 You ever thought about that?
46:38 Also, we find comfort
46:39 if a person is widowed in the resurrection,
46:41 1 Thessalonians 17.
46:43 Now, you know, when I go to work,
46:45 I kiss Karen, goodbye.
46:47 I say, I see you later.
46:48 Sometimes I say, I'll see you at lunch or sometimes I say,
46:50 I'll see you later in the afternoon.
46:52 Sometimes I get on a plane, I say, I'll see you in a month.
46:56 That's the worst case scenario, that's happened twice.
46:59 And it's really tough.
47:01 But she gets through it.
47:03 Okay, I get through it, okay,
47:05 because you know, you get back together
47:07 and you count down the days.
47:10 If you believe the Bible, and your loved one is saved,
47:14 are we going to get back together?
47:16 So you look at it as a temporary separation.
47:19 People always ask me, "Pastor Doug,
47:21 will we be married in heaven?"
47:23 I said, "Well, the Bible says,
47:24 there'll be no new marriages in heaven.
47:27 It says they neither marry, that's a verb, act of marrying,
47:31 or are they given in marriage.
47:32 But when Adam and Eve get to heaven,
47:34 does God give them divorce papers?
47:38 So if you have the standard person
47:41 where you've got one marriage, there's no baggage,
47:43 no interruptions, they're married 60 years, they die.
47:45 Karen's grandparents, Ed's parents were married,
47:51 how long, Bonnie, 72 years?
47:54 About 72 years.
47:56 They died in the same room on the same day,
47:59 within two hours of each other,
48:01 and they were always afraid that one would die
48:03 without the other.
48:05 And what's their next conscious thought?
48:08 Ten minutes apart,
48:09 and next thing they know
48:11 they're back together again, right?
48:13 Resurrected.
48:14 Do you think they're going to get to heaven and say,
48:15 "Well, I'm glad to be through with you now.
48:17 I don't have to be married to you anymore.
48:19 That's what the Lord said.
48:23 I know one lady,
48:24 she'll say it right in front of her husband.
48:25 She said, Jesus said, "Man, I married you 30 years,
48:27 when I get to heaven, I'm on my own.
48:30 They're teasing each other but...
48:32 So I think that that command doesn't mean
48:33 you can't be with the one you love.
48:35 Now, there're probably no new births in heaven.
48:38 Because the Bible tells us
48:39 God is going to populate the world with a redeemed,
48:42 He told Adam and Eve be fruitful and fill the earth.
48:44 At some point they would have been full.
48:46 And, you know, God doesn't need us to forever,
48:48 like bunnies procreate, you know,
48:51 through the universe.
48:53 But that doesn't mean that the married people
48:57 who have not had interruptions won't still be
48:59 free to choose to be together.
49:01 Then we've got those who are single,
49:04 either by choice or just circumstances.
49:07 They find year by year goes by, they haven't found that person,
49:12 and they wonder if they ever will.
49:14 I'd say, first of all choose to be content
49:17 until God's timing to be happy.
49:21 I know several people got married first time like 50.
49:25 Moses didn't get married until he was 40.
49:28 Isaac was 40, Jacob was 60.
49:31 And then he got four wives.
49:32 So be careful what you pray for.
49:35 So,
49:36 I also always thought it was interesting that
49:41 Jacob found Rachel at a well,
49:45 Moses found his wife at a well,
49:49 Isaac's wife was found at a well,
49:53 and so for those who are single,
49:54 I would say, hang out by the water fountain.
49:56 You never know you might get lucky.
49:59 But sometimes that you just feel so loneliness,
50:01 you want somebody, and you say, "Why isn't it happening?
50:04 Is that am I not attractive?
50:06 Is it my character?
50:08 You wonder, "Is there something wrong with me?"
50:10 I'll tell you what?
50:11 You 're better being alone than being in the wrong marriage.
50:13 So don't rush to get married if you're single.
50:16 I've met people, it's just their main burden in life
50:18 is they got to get married.
50:19 Anybody they saw out, please marry me.
50:22 And it ends up being a disaster.
50:24 So you're much better off
50:26 being alone with the Lord than married to the wrong person.
50:31 Isaiah 45, I'm sorry, Isaiah 54:5,
50:34 "For your Maker is your husband."
50:36 That would be if you're a man or woman,
50:38 God is technically your husband.
50:39 Amen?
50:41 The Lord of hosts.
50:42 Hosea 2:19 and 20,
50:44 "I will betroth you to me forever."
50:46 So you're not alone.
50:48 The Lord is your spouse.
50:50 Yes, I will betroth you to me in righteousness and justice,
50:53 in love and kindness and mercy.
50:55 I will betroth you to me in faithfulness."
50:59 But it's like, there's a little boy who is going to bed
51:02 and he was nervous and it was raining outside
51:05 and he said,
51:07 "Dad can you lay in bed with me, I'm scared."
51:10 And he says, "You're not alone, Jesus is with you.
51:12 He said, "Yeah, but I want someone with skin."
51:15 So the single people out there I say, you know,
51:17 the Lord is with you in this.
51:19 Yeah, I want someone, people,
51:20 somebody with skin on, you know.
51:22 I want a real person.
51:25 Psalm 72:12,
51:26 "For he will deliver the needy when he cries,
51:29 the poor also with no helper.
51:30 You're never really alone with God.
51:32 I've got more I can say but I'm out of time.
51:34 We do have a good book that talks more about
51:36 some of the things that said about singleness,
51:37 marriage, divorce, remarriage.
51:39 This is really a premium offer.
51:41 If you don't have this,
51:42 we encourage you to go and ask for it,
51:43 we'll send it to you for free.
51:46 And ask for...
51:47 When you call the number, it's 866-788-3966.
51:51 That's 866-Study-More.
51:53 If you want to be able to download a PDF of this,
51:56 you can text "SH125."
51:59 That's SH125 texted to 40544.
52:04 And if you call in, it's offer 831.
52:06 God bless you, friends.
52:08 We're out of time for today's study, Lord willing,
52:10 we will do it again next Sabbath.
52:13 Don't forget to request today's life changing free resource.
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52:50 Amazing Facts changed lives.
52:58 Early 1980s, all the baby boomers were turning 21.
53:02 The nightclub scenes were exploding,
53:03 and I started entertainment lighting company.
53:06 I was the president,
53:07 and there were six divisions doing the raves
53:10 in the '80s and '90s, you know, in some warehouse,
53:12 where you're setting up lighting, and fog,
53:14 and, you know, who knows
53:15 what's going on in there, and nightclub,
53:18 nightclub installations, I loved it,
53:21 and it was who I was.
53:23 Bought a new house out of town,
53:24 and we moved about two, three times,
53:26 but we were always going to different churches.
53:29 We're in a Lutheran church,
53:30 and then we are in the Methodist church,
53:32 I think we went to three different Baptist churches.
53:34 My wife was raised Catholic, I was raised Methodist.
53:37 Currently, I've been out
53:38 reading all the Helen Zille books,
53:40 and watching all the Left Behind movies.
53:42 So I really wanted to understand
53:43 what the Book of Revelation was all about,
53:45 but nothing really ever made sense to me.
53:47 One day Pastor Lloyd Logan came knocking,
53:50 and he had that Net 99 flyer.
53:53 We were preparing for an evangelistic series.
53:57 And different people were going different directions
54:00 with those handbills
54:02 to invite people to the meetings.
54:04 I saw that coming at me,
54:06 you know, all the colors, and I thought,
54:07 "Oh, no, this is some kind of cult thing."
54:10 And she said, "Thank you very much,
54:11 I'm not much interested myself,
54:14 but my husband like that kind of thing."
54:16 Then Lloyd said,
54:17 "Would you give it to him please?"
54:19 And I said, "Okay, I will."
54:21 So I took the pamphlet and I put in on the counter.
54:25 Gary came home and he walked by it.
54:27 Ran to the kitchen to quickly eat,
54:29 and take a shower, and go back out,
54:30 and work a show.
54:32 Two, three days went by like this,
54:33 and I moved that brochure from the counter,
54:37 put it on the dining table, put it back on the counter,
54:41 in fact I actually threw in the garbage.
54:43 As I threw it in that garbage can,
54:45 I could hear him, and see his face saying,
54:48 "Would you give it to him, please?"
54:50 And I actually took the garbage out,
54:51 and that night lying in bed,
54:53 I kept seeing his face and hearing his voice and thinking,
54:56 "Oh, boy, I got to get that brochure out of the garbage."
55:00 And I took that,
55:01 and I put it right underneath remote control,
55:05 bright colors, he'll see it.
55:07 I finally sat down in my living room,
55:08 and I picked up the remote,
55:10 I saw that angel holding up that scroll.
55:12 Wow, cool, what is this?
55:15 And I was in the kitchen cooking, I thought, "Oh, no."
55:19 And I looked at it, and I turned it over,
55:21 and then I saw a little building,
55:22 little church building,
55:23 and it wasn't too far away, it was about six houses down.
55:27 And it said, "Friday night."
55:28 And I certainly wasn't going.
55:30 I mean, it wasn't my intention to go.
55:32 I didn't have any shows going on that night.
55:34 And so I thought it was a one night deal,
55:36 and I went, and as I heard about the Millennium Man,
55:39 I was just blown away.
55:41 I didn't want it to end,
55:42 I knew what I was hearing was all from the Scripture,
55:45 and it wasn't based on Hollywood movies
55:47 or other books that were written.
55:49 They said, "Come again tomorrow night."
55:51 And I thought, "Wow, great!
55:52 Two nights.
55:53 So I tried to tell my wife about it,
55:55 and she still wasn't interested,
55:57 and then she decided to come.
55:58 I started to hear the truth, you know, I started to get fed.
56:02 Every night after the seminar,
56:03 he would hand us an Amazing Facts study guide.
56:06 I couldn't do those fast enough.
56:08 The business kept us going seven days a week,
56:11 and it was night and day.
56:13 Crew working all around the clock,
56:14 and so when we finally heard the Sabbath message,
56:17 you know,
56:18 so far everything has been true right from the Bible.
56:20 Church on Saturday, no work, anyway it all clicked.
56:24 Both our heads turned at each other,
56:26 our jaws dropped open.
56:28 I said, "We can't do that."
56:31 And the first thing that came out of my mouth was,
56:32 "We have to."
56:34 I knew that it would be a sacrifice,
56:36 and I was in fear about it.
56:39 We didn't know how we're going to do it,
56:40 but we talked to the pastor about it,
56:44 and the pastor said, "We'll just pray about it,
56:46 and God will open door."
56:47 I didn't want to give up all the connections I made,
56:50 all the networking, all the money,
56:52 all the investment.
56:53 We went to the board and asked them
56:55 if they would consider closing on Saturday,
56:57 and they agreed to.
56:58 So we closed the store front on Saturday,
57:01 but we were still doing productions,
57:02 and that kind of bothered us.
57:04 So a couple of months later, God opened a door for my wife,
57:08 she exited the company, I prayed about it,
57:10 and God opened a door for me too.
57:12 Gary, shortly after, was offered a job
57:15 being paid more money than he made
57:17 as an owner of the company.
57:19 He said,
57:21 "I will give you a $1,000 raise,
57:22 and you will never work another weekend."
57:25 And we were able to keep the Sabbath
57:27 and enjoy the wonderful blessings
57:30 that God had for us on the Sabbath day.
57:32 And my kids never again had to say,
57:34 "Quit talking about work."
57:36 After the seminar, we'd go over, my wife and I,
57:38 and my children were all baptized
57:39 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
57:41 Even if I gave up everything,
57:43 I knew that God would have something better.
57:45 I have much more understanding,
57:48 and there's much more depth
57:50 in my Christian walk with the Lord.
57:52 We started an Amazing Facts Bible school at a church
57:55 that allows anybody to understand the Scripture,
57:58 to understand the end times.
58:00 Church changed my life dramatically,
58:02 and I'm very happy and excited to be a part of it.


Revised 2019-04-23