Sabbath School Study Hour

Preparing for Change

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021916A

00:35 Hello and welcome to another edition
00:37 of the Sabbath School Study Hour.
00:39 It's always good to be able to see
00:40 each and every one of you that is joining us
00:42 from different parts of America
00:44 as well as different parts of the world.
00:47 And we want to welcome you to our church
00:48 here in Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:51 in the Greater Sacramento area.
00:54 It's always good to have each and every one of you
00:56 that is here with us here today,
00:57 of course, in our church family.
00:59 It's always encouraging to be able to see
01:00 all those faces of my church family.
01:03 And it's always good to be able to come together
01:05 for the most important reason of all,
01:07 which is to worship God and to study His Word.
01:10 And that we're here for both.
01:12 And so I welcome everybody that is here.
01:14 And again, welcome everybody that is watching online.
01:17 Now before we open it with prayer,
01:18 and we get into our subject that we have here today,
01:21 want to take advantage,
01:22 or I'll invite you to take advantage
01:24 of a special free offer that we have available just for you.
01:27 It's called "Keys to a Happy Marriage,
01:29 Keys to a Happy Marriage."
01:32 Now, this is one of the best studies
01:33 that I've ever used in the past years,
01:37 and I know that it will be a great benefit to you as well,
01:40 especially if you're looking at marriage,
01:41 or you're involved in a marriage even right now.
01:44 Keys for a Happy Marriage,
01:45 you can text or you can call in.
01:47 Now, the number that you can call in for is 1-866-788-3966.
01:52 Again, that's 866-788-3966
01:56 and ask for free offer number 164,
02:00 that's free offer164.
02:02 We'll be happy to send that free
02:03 to you in North America
02:05 or different American territories
02:07 available to you as well.
02:08 Now, if you don't live in North America,
02:11 or you don't want a hard copy,
02:12 and you'd like to be able to get a digital copy,
02:13 we also have that available for you as well.
02:15 You simply need to text the code, "SH046."
02:19 That's SH046, and you want to text
02:23 that to the number 40544, as you can see
02:26 on your screen as well.
02:28 And so please, I want to encourage you
02:30 to take advantage of that,
02:31 as we have that available for you.
02:34 Now, for those of you who don't have
02:36 the lesson quarterly study
02:37 that we started just two weeks ago,
02:39 entitled Family Seasons, I want to invite you
02:43 to be able to take advantage of a free copy of that as well.
02:45 Now we can't mail a hard copy out to you,
02:47 but what we can do is encourage you to go
02:50 and get a free digital download of this particular quarterly.
02:53 And you can go to
02:58 Now, again, I'm gonna say it one more time,
03:00 because you might be running for your phone,
03:01 plug it in or to be able to write it down.
03:03 It's
03:08 Please take advantage of that and get yourself a copy.
03:11 That way you can kind of take a daily devotion
03:14 as you study the different topics,
03:15 even before we get together,
03:17 as we are looking at lesson number three here today.
03:21 Well, with that being said,
03:22 I want to invite all of us
03:24 to come to the Lord as we ask Him
03:26 to be with us in prayer.
03:29 Father in heaven, we're thankful
03:30 here this morning to be able to worship You.
03:33 We're thankful for Your Word.
03:35 We're thankful for the truth that You give to us,
03:37 and the great encouragement that You offer to us
03:40 in the subject that we look at here today.
03:42 God, we want to pray that You will help us
03:43 to take it to heart, that Your Holy Spirit
03:45 will guide us and lead us as You promise,
03:48 and we pray all these things in Christ's name,
03:50 amen.
03:52 Well, today we are looking at lesson number three,
03:56 lesson number three and what is the title?
04:01 Preparing for Change,
04:03 I hear some of you calling that.
04:04 Okay, that's right.
04:06 Okay, Preparing for Change,
04:09 and let's look at the memory text
04:11 that we find on page 22 at the very beginning
04:14 of this particular lesson study.
04:16 It comes from Psalm 85:13.
04:19 It says, "Righteousness will go before him,
04:23 and shall make his footsteps our pathway."
04:27 Now, how reassuring is that?
04:30 Very reassuring.
04:31 Let's stop and think about that for a moment.
04:34 God is telling us that if we submit to God,
04:37 if we worship and if we trust God,
04:40 He will go ahead of us.
04:41 That's what He just said, didn't He?
04:43 We simply follow in His footsteps.
04:45 Now, I don't know about you, but I've come to recognize
04:48 and realize that God's footsteps
04:49 are much larger than mine.
04:51 And I have come to recognize that God is much smarter
04:54 and wiser than I am.
04:55 And I've also come to recognize that
04:57 God has a special plan for me
05:00 and so He's watching out for me.
05:02 In other words, this verse is saying,
05:03 He's got our back.
05:05 Isn't that reassuring?
05:06 Every time I get up in the morning
05:08 as I go through the day, I keep reminding myself
05:10 as I talked with the Lord that He's going before me.
05:13 All we need to do is simply follow in His footsteps
05:16 is what the Word has just told us.
05:19 And so it's not our footsteps, it's His.
05:22 Now, can this reality help us in handling unexpected,
05:25 sometimes unwanted change in life?
05:30 Sure, it can, can't it?
05:31 Of course, yes.
05:33 One of the deep realities of living in this life
05:36 is that there's a lot of changes in there.
05:38 Okay.
05:39 Now, I wish I could say
05:40 that all the change was positive,
05:42 but is all the change always positive?
05:43 No.
05:44 A lot of the times that change is negative.
05:47 A lot of the times there's change
05:48 that is unwanted, it's uninvited.
05:51 It's something that we would rather not have in our life.
05:55 And so God gives us this powerful promise
05:57 in Psalm 85:13.
06:01 Now, it is true
06:02 that there are some that might say
06:03 that this may help us in a psychological way.
06:06 But that's kind of the end of the story.
06:08 That's it, the best of it in concern to realities,
06:11 or I should say verses
06:12 such as we just read in Psalm 85.
06:15 But that's not what the Bible offers.
06:17 That's not what the Bible is saying.
06:19 The Bible offers something more.
06:20 God is offering
06:21 a psychological benefit to be sure.
06:23 My heart is at much more peace, my mind, my emotions
06:28 are much more controlled when I lean upon the Lord,
06:31 when I know that when I am worshiping
06:33 and putting my trust in Him, that His footsteps
06:35 are making the trail ahead of me,
06:38 that God is my trailblazer.
06:40 And so to be sure,
06:41 there is a psychological benefit.
06:43 But that psychological benefit does not come
06:45 because we can imagine a God going before us
06:48 in an imaginary way as some might
06:51 try to conclude or suggest.
06:54 No.
06:55 The Bible makes it very clear.
06:56 What the Bible is offering is that
06:57 because we can know that
06:59 God is literally going ahead of us,
07:01 because we can know
07:02 that He is preparing us a future,
07:06 we can lean upon Him and have that benefit.
07:09 And so it's more than psychological,
07:10 even though it also includes that psychological benefit.
07:15 Now, last week, we shared an old saying,
07:18 and it's an old saying that
07:19 we chuckle out through the years,
07:20 you know, there's two things that is certain in life,
07:22 death and taxes.
07:24 For those of you who were here last here,
07:26 about last week, you remember that
07:27 and you've heard it before,
07:28 I'm sure.
07:29 And, of course, last week, we added at least one
07:32 and today we're adding the second one.
07:33 This week and last week study, add at least two more
07:35 to that saying, and that is Choices,
07:37 as we studied last week, and now also Change.
07:41 Those two things are certain as well.
07:43 In fact, we can't get through the day
07:45 without facing both of those.
07:46 We have to make several choices every day.
07:48 And we also have to face change every day as well.
07:54 Every day we face changes.
07:57 In fact, we can even start with our face,
07:59 our physical face.
08:00 Does our physical face experience changes?
08:04 Sure, it does. Okay.
08:06 All right, it starts right from the get-go, doesn't it?
08:08 When we're born, do we have a certain face?
08:10 Yes, we have that cute little pudgy.
08:12 You know, and sometimes not even pudgy face,
08:14 but then as that mommy keeps feeding the little one,
08:17 you know, the cheeks kind of puff out
08:19 a little bit more
08:20 and you have that kind of squirrel
08:21 or go for kind of look,
08:23 and we enjoy that look for a while
08:25 and it's important to have that extra body fat
08:28 because the brain requires that.
08:31 As the brain is developing that the body draws
08:33 on that extra body fat to be able
08:35 to develop the brain in a very healthy way.
08:38 And so it's healthy to be able to start
08:39 with kind of pudgy cheeks, and a pudgy body.
08:43 And then as we continue on, of course,
08:45 that body fat is drawn into the brain development
08:47 and, of course, they get more and more active
08:49 as they start to run around on their little feet,
08:51 legs for the first time
08:52 and that body fat is burned off,
08:54 and then pretty soon the face changes
08:55 and you look at them from two months old,
08:57 or six months old, to two years old,
08:59 and they almost look like a different person, don't they?
09:02 And so the face changes in a very noticeable way.
09:05 And then even from two years old,
09:07 if you're out of town for three months,
09:08 you come back, that person,
09:09 that child looks different again,
09:10 doesn't he or she?
09:12 And so our face continually go through different changes
09:14 as we experience and grow into our adulthood,
09:18 but doesn't stop there?
09:20 No, of course not.
09:22 Now, of course, as we continue to grow in teenage years,
09:25 but also for many of us, in our adult years,
09:26 there's acne that comes and goes.
09:28 Our face has experienced bumps and bruises,
09:30 and cuts and swelling.
09:33 For those who are a little bit more of pale skin,
09:35 sometimes we look pale in the winter
09:37 and our face would look tanned and brown in the summer.
09:40 Sometimes it will even be burnt.
09:42 All kinds of changes we find in our faces.
09:46 Sometimes our faces are green with envy,
09:50 or is that just the saying.
09:52 Doctor Friend, is that? I think that's just to say.
09:56 What about seasickness, does seasickness turn us green?
09:59 Well, we say it, I'm not sure,
10:00 I can't remember seeing somebody seasick,
10:02 and if they're green or not,
10:03 but we think of green, don't we when we are seasick.
10:06 And, of course, we can be green with envy.
10:09 Sometimes our face is turned red
10:10 when we're blushing or we have a high fever.
10:13 Then sometimes our faces can turn blue,
10:16 when we're too cold.
10:18 Sometimes we have crooked noses,
10:20 because we've just had an accident
10:21 and it broke our nose.
10:22 We might have missing teeth.
10:24 Sometimes our face has experienced black
10:25 or swollen under the eyes as we've been underslept,
10:29 or overstressed, or both.
10:33 And then, of course, our face is changed
10:34 hundreds of times every day because our expressions change.
10:38 Sometimes we have looks of confusion,
10:40 sometimes we have looks of anger,
10:41 sometimes we have looks of happiness and joy,
10:44 sometimes sadness.
10:45 And so our faces go through hundreds of different changes,
10:48 just through that alone every single day.
10:52 For those of us who are over 40,
10:55 we're also daily...
10:56 We have a daily reminder that we are growing older.
10:58 Why?
10:59 Because as we stare in our face,
11:00 in the mirror every day, it gets different, doesn't it?
11:04 I have to chuckle still,
11:05 and I still have to look back on.
11:07 It was just a few weeks ago
11:08 or maybe a couple of months ago,
11:10 when our lead pastor, Pastor Doug Batchelor
11:12 was up front here.
11:14 And he was saying that, you know, every, every morning,
11:16 I look in the mirror and it gets worse.
11:20 And I'm still chuckling over that,
11:22 you know, our faces go under transformation,
11:26 doesn't it?
11:27 Sometimes transformations that we're not excited about,
11:29 some of us are spending thousands of dollars
11:31 to be able to avoid and resist that change
11:34 in our faces as we grow older.
11:38 And so just our faces alone can represent much change
11:42 that there is in the life and in this world.
11:45 Now, some of the change that we experience,
11:47 we expect that change, we know it's coming.
11:49 We all know that we're gonna grow old, don't we?
11:51 We all know that
11:52 that's gonna take place for all of us.
11:53 Now when we were 17, sometimes we think,
11:56 tempted to think it'll never happen,
11:57 but it doesn't take long till you're 40,
11:59 and all of a sudden you recognizes,
12:00 I'm in the same boat he was or she was.
12:05 So some of that we expect, some of that comes unexpected.
12:08 Some changes comes right out of the blue.
12:10 We didn't know it was coming.
12:12 Some of that change is good.
12:14 And very sadly, some of that change that comes,
12:17 we wish had never happened.
12:20 Now, did I talk about old age yet?
12:26 I fear that too many of us fear change
12:29 and resist it at all costs
12:31 when it comes to negative changes,
12:33 like contracting a new disease, or financial bankruptcy.
12:37 Well, I can't blame you, you know,
12:39 who would want to embrace that?
12:42 Who would not want to resist these different unexpected
12:45 and unwanted changes that come into our life?
12:47 But I think at the same important point,
12:50 it's also important for us to be able to understand that,
12:53 that change is God given, do you believe that?
12:56 Do you understand that change is God given?
12:59 God came up with the idea of change.
13:01 Now, can you imagine how boring life would be
13:04 if we didn't have change?
13:05 I want to invite you to think with me
13:07 as we think this through.
13:09 There's a very good reason why your hymnal is this thick.
13:12 Okay.
13:13 There's a very good reason why we have hundreds of hymnals
13:15 and not just one or two, why?
13:17 Because we like variety, don't we?
13:20 We like the whole gamut.
13:21 And some of those hymns say the same thing.
13:23 It's not like everyone says different things.
13:24 But we like different tunes, we like different,
13:27 we like different hymns as we continue to sing
13:29 and to worship God.
13:30 Why?
13:31 Because God has given us a desire
13:33 and a need for change.
13:37 We don't want to sing the same hymn
13:38 every single week.
13:40 Now God created change,
13:41 continual change right from the get-go.
13:43 As soon as we open the Bible, we find change.
13:45 We come to Genesis in Chapter 1.
13:48 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
13:52 And then it tells us that on day one,
13:53 He created light.
13:55 He said, "Let there be light and there was light,"
13:59 was there not?
14:00 Now, did He keep it light? No.
14:03 Now, he turned on the lights, and you know, of course,
14:05 then He started to create the daily cycle.
14:07 But was the daily cycle intended?
14:09 Did God say, "Well, now that we have light,
14:11 let's just kind of try to hold it there.
14:12 Let's just stay with light.
14:15 No, it tells us that He turned the darkness into light,
14:17 but then He mixed it up a bit,
14:18 He kind of mixed it up and He said, you know what?
14:20 Let's bring some variety to this.
14:21 Let's bring the darkness back for half.
14:23 And so we're gonna have half light,
14:25 we're gonna have half dark.
14:26 we're gonna bring some change every single 24 hours,
14:28 every 12 hours, things are gonna mix it up
14:32 just a little bit.
14:34 And then after He created us.
14:37 After He created us,
14:38 He didn't tell us to hunker down
14:40 and maintain the status quo, no matter what the cost.
14:43 Is that what He said? No, not at all.
14:45 When we read the original Genesis record,
14:47 we find that God says, "Okay, now,
14:48 look and embrace the world that I have given to you.
14:51 Go and be fruitful and multiply."
14:55 Now, let's think about that for a moment, friends.
14:58 As we think through that commission
14:59 that God had given to the first man
15:01 and the first woman,
15:02 the first husband and wife as they looked out
15:04 into the grand world that God had created.
15:07 Friends, we find here that there's all kinds of change
15:09 that is implied with that commission.
15:12 Okay, there's travel,
15:14 there's exploration that is involved.
15:17 There's all kinds of change
15:19 that was involved in that particular commission.
15:22 Change is the spice of life.
15:26 And again, friends,
15:27 I fear that too many of us fear change.
15:30 And some of us make the mistake
15:32 of resisting change at all costs.
15:35 But that's not what God intended for us.
15:36 God intended for us to embrace change,
15:39 to look for good change, of course,
15:40 and not negative change.
15:43 And even when we have negative change,
15:45 to be able to look for God's hand
15:47 and His help as we go through it and for...
15:49 What is He going to say,
15:50 accomplishing in spite of the negative change.
15:55 God calls us to set new goals, to accomplish things
15:58 that keeps us growing and getting,
16:00 and keeps us younger.
16:02 God wants us to continue to,
16:04 to stay as young in our hearts and our minds as possible.
16:07 And one of the ways that He does that
16:08 is He calls us to set goals.
16:10 He calls us to embrace change,
16:12 He calls us to be able to continue to grow
16:14 and to embrace new things and to accomplish things
16:17 that God has set upon our hearts.
16:21 Now, this week's lesson touches on two of life's
16:23 most largest positive changes
16:26 that most of us experience in this life.
16:30 Now, when I say positive, of course,
16:32 that comes with a bit of an explanation or explanation
16:36 that is necessary, which is that
16:38 if you do it right,
16:40 it can be one of the most positive,
16:42 and was intended to be
16:43 one of the most positive changes
16:45 that we bring in our life.
16:46 And that is marriage and children.
16:50 Okay, having children, raising children.
16:52 So these are two that are looked at
16:54 two of the biggest, largest positive changes
16:57 if we do it right, that can come into our life
17:00 that God has planned for many of us.
17:04 And then the lesson study
17:05 also touches on two of life's most challenging
17:08 and unwanted changes.
17:10 And that is old age and death.
17:14 So two positives, potentially positives
17:16 and two negative changes
17:19 that come into our life as well.
17:21 Now, we're not gonna be able to address
17:23 all four topics in this program.
17:24 I just want us to know that up front
17:26 because we just won't have the time allotted
17:29 for us here to be able to study through them all.
17:32 But I do want to encourage you to read the quarterly.
17:34 If you haven't read through this week's quarterly,
17:36 go back and look at some of these
17:38 in regards to these four big changes
17:40 that most of us experience in life.
17:43 And there's great counsel,
17:45 there's great tips for us to be able to, to benefit from.
17:51 Now, of course, old age and death
17:53 can represent all the negative changes
17:56 that are involved in this life
17:58 and, of course, that all came since sin
18:01 and rebellion against God entered into the picture.
18:05 And so what is the key
18:06 to handling all these negative changes?
18:08 Negative changes are inevitable.
18:10 That's just one of the realities of this life
18:12 and has been ever since sin but how do we handle them?
18:17 What is the key to them?
18:18 Somebody else said, John had said,
18:19 put our trust in God.
18:21 Yes. Good.
18:23 And that's why I believe that the authors of this week,
18:25 they put in there Psalm 85, you know, trust in God
18:27 and allow Him to make the footsteps.
18:30 Let Him go ahead.
18:32 Good.
18:33 Yeah.
18:35 How do we handle all the negative changes?
18:37 Well, one of the ways that I think we can do that
18:39 is to imitate one of the models
18:40 that God has given unto us in the Bible.
18:43 Now, his name is very familiar to many of us.
18:45 His name is Daniel.
18:46 And Daniel was no small person.
18:50 Now, he was a great man of faith.
18:53 He was one of the greatest examples
18:55 that God has given to us in all history
18:56 and all the Bible.
18:58 Now, the question that we need to ask first off.
19:00 Did Daniel face any negative challenges,
19:02 any negative changes that came unexpected
19:04 and unwanted in his life?
19:07 Some of you are smiling and it say,
19:08 well, yeah, of course, He did.
19:11 He faced all kinds of negative changes.
19:14 Now, Daniel probably faced
19:15 more negative change in his life
19:17 than most of us in this room
19:18 have ever faced and will ever face.
19:20 Not all of us, but most of us.
19:24 Daniel, first, was about 17 years old, 17 years of age.
19:29 He was enjoying his home city of Jerusalem.
19:31 He was enjoying his friends, his cousins, his families,
19:34 his uncles and aunts, his uncles,
19:35 his grandma, his grandpa,
19:37 you know, he was enjoying all the things that many of us
19:38 have the privilege of enjoying in life.
19:40 He was enjoying his home country
19:41 and then suddenly,
19:42 this foreign war came into his land,
19:45 a foreign army that came in
19:48 and began to conquer the land of Jerusalem.
19:51 Now Daniel was close enough to God
19:53 that he was probably listening
19:54 to the Prophet Jeremiah very closely,
19:56 he understood that things were not as they should be.
19:59 Unexpected and unwanted change
20:01 was already entering in his life
20:02 before Nebuchadnezzar
20:04 and the Babylonian army had come into town.
20:07 But nevertheless, he, his world
20:10 was turned upside down literally, wasn't it?
20:12 He was taken a captive during that war.
20:15 We can only imagine that it was almost for certain
20:18 that he had seen with his own eyes,
20:21 some of his own friends, some of his own family members
20:23 that were killed by some of those Babylonian soldiers.
20:28 And so the trauma that Daniel went through
20:30 was no small trauma.
20:32 And then after that, the Bible record tells us
20:35 that he was taken a captive along
20:36 with many hundreds and thousands
20:38 of other Israelites.
20:40 And then he was marched over 1000 miles
20:42 to a land that he had never seen
20:44 and probably never wanted to see.
20:46 He was taken to the land of Babylon
20:48 over 1000 miles away.
20:51 And then when he arrived in Babylon,
20:53 rather than being the one, some of the ones,
20:55 the majority of the Israelites who were set free
20:57 to be able to, to be able to make a life
21:00 for themselves, to build houses,
21:02 to be able to plant vineyards, and gardens, and so on.
21:05 No, Daniel was young
21:07 and he was one of great health and intelligence,
21:10 and so he was recruited into the king's palace.
21:14 Now we might be thinking to ourselves,
21:16 well, that's better than having to build a house
21:17 and try to, you know, kind of homestead out
21:19 in the land and make a life for yourself
21:21 and all the vigors and stresses that come with that.
21:23 He'd be able to...
21:24 He got to be able to enjoy
21:26 the luxuries of the king's palace.
21:29 But it wasn't quite like that, was it?
21:30 When he got there,
21:32 not only was it against his free will,
21:33 he was a slave for life, for the rest of his life.
21:36 Daniel was commissioned to be a slave.
21:39 And not only that,
21:40 but when you're assigned to the king's palace,
21:42 and you're a man, you are physically castrated,
21:45 that was standard procedure.
21:47 And so Daniel had experienced that in a very real way.
21:52 Now, why is that?
21:53 Well, because he's near the king's harem.
21:56 And so if you have access to the king's harem, why?
22:00 You are physically castrated.
22:03 And so Daniel was traumatized physically, emotionally
22:07 in some very, very serious ways.
22:11 When he also experienced that particular procedure
22:13 by the Babylonian army
22:15 or powers to be, of course, then that caught off any,
22:19 any hopes of being married or having children.
22:22 Two of the biggest positive changes
22:24 that we can bring into our life.
22:27 Did Daniel experience negative changes?
22:30 Sure he did,
22:31 he experienced huge, massive negative change.
22:35 Now, in spite of all this negative change,
22:37 did Daniel achieve positive changes for himself?
22:40 Did he shine and interact in a positive way
22:43 to those around him?
22:45 He did, didn't he?
22:46 It's a resounding yes. It's a resounding yes.
22:51 And so it's important for us to be able to understand that,
22:56 that there are a number of things
22:57 that we can remember if we've read
22:59 the Book of Daniel in the past
23:00 and there are number of things that,
23:03 that, of course, if you're reading this
23:04 and studying it for the first time,
23:06 maybe new to you.
23:08 Now one of the first things that God did in life of Daniel,
23:10 is that He rose Daniel
23:12 to the top of the Babylonian government.
23:15 Not only was he a slave in the king's household,
23:17 but then he became the right hand man of the king.
23:19 He was the prime minister
23:21 of the entire grand empire of Babylonia.
23:25 And so that was no small thing.
23:27 And so he rose and he shone within his sphere of influence.
23:32 He made decisions and choices and trusted in God
23:35 to the point where God's large and powerful
23:37 and wise footsteps went ahead of him
23:39 and brought him all the way down
23:41 right next to the throne of the king himself.
23:45 Not only that, but he led that same king
23:48 to a saving faith relationship with the one and only true God.
23:52 Not only through his example,
23:54 through the interpretations of the prophetic dream
23:56 that God had given to that Babylonian king.
23:59 In fact two prophetic dreams
24:00 that he had given to the Babylonian king.
24:03 And all those different things,
24:04 the model that Daniel had the different conversations
24:08 that he inevitably had with Nebuchadnezzar
24:10 as they discussed the things of life
24:12 and the philosophies of religion and gods and so on.
24:16 And all of that culminated
24:18 completely into the full conversion
24:21 of this powerful ancient king called Nebuchadnezzar.
24:24 And so Daniel had made choices and positive change in his life
24:28 to the point where he had converted
24:30 the most powerful man of his day.
24:33 Not only that, but we also read
24:34 in the very first chapters of Daniel
24:36 that he was also the leader of his faithful four friends,
24:39 that small circle of the ones that decided not to compromise.
24:43 They wanted to follow, and worship,
24:44 and submit themselves to God fully.
24:47 And so he had, they had determined
24:49 that they would not eat of the king's diet.
24:51 Now the king's diet was very deadly.
24:53 It had lots of alcohol,
24:54 and unclean foods, and meats, and so on,
24:56 and so they had decided to be able to request
25:02 the one that was in charge of them
25:03 if they might be able to eat only vegetables
25:05 or a vegetarian plant based diet only.
25:09 And so Daniel was the spokesperson,
25:11 he's the kind of, was the head of that,
25:14 that faithful circle, and he was the one
25:15 that approached the powers to be and...
25:18 So because of that,
25:20 they were able to live a much healthier life,
25:21 eat a much healthier diet, a God given diet
25:23 rather than the king's much more deadly diet.
25:28 And then the fourth positive change
25:30 that he brought into his life, and God brought into his life
25:34 is that because of his faith in God,
25:36 he had received the most important,
25:38 and powerful, and longest reaching prophecies
25:42 in the future that any human being
25:44 has ever received.
25:47 Now, friends, that's no small thing, is it?
25:49 Because of Daniel's positive choices,
25:52 and bringing positive change into his life,
25:55 in spite of all these massive negative changes,
25:58 he was able to accomplish great things for God.
26:03 I would propose to you that indeed the prophecies of Daniel
26:06 are the most important prophecies
26:07 of the future than any other Bible prophet.
26:12 Now, some of you might be saying,
26:13 well, what about Revelation?
26:15 I thought Revelation was the most important
26:16 and the most powerful book that points us into the future.
26:20 And certainly is a very, very close number two,
26:23 but let me tell you why I put still Daniel on the top.
26:27 As it turns out, many of us
26:28 that have studied the Book of Revelation
26:30 have discovered that most of the symbolism
26:31 and you can't understand unless you have the book of...
26:35 Unless you have the prophecies of Daniel.
26:37 And so the Book of Revelation is largely useless
26:40 unless we have the Book of Daniel
26:41 to be able to interpret the great deep symbols
26:44 that God had revealed in the Book of Revelation.
26:47 And so that's why I still put Daniel
26:48 at the top of the list with Revelation
26:50 being a very close, brother, in second place.
26:54 And, of course, they're sister or brother books.
26:58 And so these are some massive great examples
27:02 of somebody in great distress, massive negative change
27:06 that was able to shine for Jesus
27:08 in some of the most powerful ways
27:09 any human being has ever shined.
27:13 And so the question again.
27:14 What enabled Daniel to handle
27:16 these massive negative changes so well,
27:19 that he accomplished such great positive changes?
27:23 Well, first and foremost,
27:24 he chose a faith relationship with God every single day.
27:30 And, of course, this was the key,
27:33 it was the bedrock, it was the cornerstone,
27:35 it was the foundation for his success in life.
27:40 Now, of course, he had that
27:41 and he was setting that foundation
27:43 before the negatives came,
27:44 that's where you want to be, is it not?
27:46 Friends, you want to be in that foundation
27:48 and that cornerstone of faith before the storms of life come.
27:52 Now, some of us,
27:53 you know, we make foolish choices
27:55 and we don't set that bedrock.
27:57 And we don't come to the rock
27:59 and make sure we're connected with it.
28:01 And so when the storms come, now we're searching desperately
28:03 for the rock and the Lord is merciful.
28:06 He will use those times quite often
28:08 to be able to start connecting with us.
28:10 But, friends, those storms
28:11 are gonna be much harder to handle
28:13 because of that.
28:14 And so you want to be able to set that foundation,
28:16 even right now, just as Daniel did
28:18 in the very earliest years of his life.
28:22 And so that's the bedrock
28:23 that's the cornerstone of his success.
28:27 Now, Daniel had an experience that's very similar,
28:29 not in the circumstances so much,
28:31 but in their feelings
28:32 and the great negative changes and challenges
28:34 that came upon their shoulders in their life.
28:37 And the other figure that I'm thinking of
28:39 is another prophet by the name of David.
28:42 David went through a lot of hard years,
28:46 great challenges.
28:47 Now, be it, it is true
28:48 that some of them he brought upon himself
28:50 and he had reaped those consequences for years.
28:53 But even before that, I mean, can you imagine,
28:56 you marry into the family and your father-in-law,
28:58 you know, my father-in-law's here today.
29:00 I'm thankful to be able to have
29:01 such a good loving relationship with him.
29:03 But can you imagine if your father-in-law
29:05 was out to get your head?
29:09 Okay, so imagine if my father-in-law
29:11 turned on me and he was doing everything
29:12 within his power to be able to take my life.
29:16 That's where David was.
29:18 That's where David was, is that a negative change?
29:20 Sure, it's a great negative change
29:22 and challenge in his life and he had a number of those.
29:24 And so David experienced a lot of negative changes,
29:28 massive negative changes, just like the Prophet Daniel.
29:32 And I believe that's why when he was inspired
29:35 to write the 23rd Psalm,
29:36 it's something that not only David could relate to,
29:38 but of course, Daniel would be able
29:43 to relate to that as well.
29:44 And so Daniel would have leaned upon Psalm 23,
29:50 I'm sure more than once during his experiences.
29:53 And so I'm gonna invite Denise to be able to read
29:56 that Psalm in its fullness,
29:58 'cause it's just so fitting on this topic here today.
30:01 Psalm 23, "Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
30:07 He makes me to lie down in green pastures.
30:10 He leads me beside the still waters.
30:13 He restores my soul.
30:15 He leads me in the paths of righteousness
30:17 for his name's sake.
30:19 Yea, though I walk through the valley
30:22 of the shadow of death,
30:23 I will fear no evil, for you are with me,
30:27 your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
30:31 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
30:35 You anoint my head with oil.
30:37 My cup runs over.
30:40 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
30:43 all the days of my life,
30:45 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
30:49 Amen.
30:51 Do I hear an amen out there? Amen.
30:54 You know, I don't think there's any passage of scripture
30:58 in history,
30:59 at least in American history that has been memorized
31:02 by American Christians than that particular Psalm.
31:06 How many times have I been at the deathbed
31:08 or the sickbed of different church members
31:12 that are reciting the 23rd Psalm?
31:15 That 23rd Psalm
31:17 kind of encapsulates the heart of God
31:20 and encapsulates the hard experience of David,
31:22 Daniel and many of us sitting in this room as well.
31:26 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,
31:27 He leads me beside still waters.
31:29 It's reflective and I'm unpacking
31:31 really the first verse,
31:32 the memory text in Psalm 85 that we read, did we not?
31:35 That it is God that goes ahead.
31:36 He's the one that's in charge. He's the leader of our life.
31:39 Is He the leader of your life?
31:42 That's what God wants in our life.
31:45 Well, Daniel made it a regular habit of looking
31:47 to His God for help.
31:48 He learned to trust in Him in all circumstances,
31:51 no matter how overwhelming and negative they might become,
31:54 as change, inevitable change came into his life.
31:59 As the famous pastor by the name of Chuck Swindoll
32:02 once had stated, it's a statement
32:04 that has echoed through the years
32:08 ever since it's been repeated by many of us
32:10 is that life is 10% what happens to you,
32:12 and 90% of how you react.
32:16 Isn't that true?
32:17 Life is 10% of what happens to you,
32:20 but it's 90% of how you react.
32:24 And if your heart is connected to God,
32:26 if your heart is connected to the one
32:27 that made the heavens and the earth,
32:29 the one who has a desire to prosper you
32:31 and to give you hope and a future.
32:33 Friends, you can,
32:34 there's nothing that you can't handle.
32:37 There's been examples that are too strong,
32:39 that are too deep,
32:40 even as we looked at Daniel's life itself.
32:43 Now, Daniel made choices that armed him
32:45 with the armor of God,
32:46 so that when the storms and negative challenges of life
32:48 came along, they surely, as they surely do,
32:51 for every one of us.
32:52 None of us is exempt from the storms
32:54 and the negative changes that life brings in this life.
32:56 If you have not experienced it yet,
32:58 just wait until tomorrow.
33:01 Because, friends, I'm telling you,
33:02 none of us comes out exempt,
33:05 none of us comes out without being challenged
33:08 by the negative storms of life.
33:11 But Daniel was able to handle those storms,
33:13 he was able to stand for the right,
33:15 he was able to persevere in achieving positive changes
33:19 in spite of the negative changes
33:20 that this world brought upon him.
33:23 And God may be speaking to you right now.
33:26 You may know in the depths of your heart
33:28 that you have not been making the choices
33:30 that Daniel made.
33:31 You may know in your heart of hearts
33:33 that when things get tough
33:34 and unwanted change comes into your life
33:37 that you react in some very unhelpful ways.
33:41 Let me give you some examples.
33:43 Perhaps you're one of those that when negative changes
33:45 come into your life, unwanted changes,
33:47 negative changes, you blow your top,
33:50 you lose your temper,
33:52 you find yourself in uncontrollable anger,
33:54 perhaps that's been your unhealthy
33:56 and unhelpful way of handling negative change.
34:00 Or perhaps you're one of those types
34:01 that just wants to curl up in your bed
34:04 into the fetal position, pull the covers over your head
34:07 and hope that it all goes away.
34:09 And by the way, friends,
34:10 even if you're not finding yourself in bed
34:12 all curled up, and you're at the bar,
34:14 you're drowning your woes
34:16 and your negative changes in alcohol, or drugs,
34:18 or in your work.
34:20 Friends, that's the same thing.
34:21 It comes under the same category.
34:25 Unhelpful ways.
34:30 Maybe you immediately compromise what is right,
34:32 and you find yourself lying, and cheating, and stealing.
34:35 You're betraying as much as you need to,
34:37 to be able to make things good for yourself again.
34:40 These are all very common, unhelpful,
34:43 unhealthy ways of handling negative change in our life.
34:47 And, friends, if you're finding yourself
34:49 in that position, and God is calling to you,
34:50 and He wants to help you to be able to connect with Him
34:53 and to be able to make those good choices
34:56 and stand for the right though the heavens fall.
35:00 To be able to maintain and develop an integrity
35:03 that regardless of the storms that come around us
35:05 that I will be able to handle it,
35:06 I will be able to lift up my head
35:08 and keep it high
35:09 and find myself on a regular basis on my knees.
35:13 So that I can allow the God,
35:15 the Lord and the God of the universe
35:16 to be able to go ahead of me and make those footsteps.
35:20 Then I can leave all these negative,
35:22 unhelpful ways, and unhealthy ways behind
35:24 and handle them in a positive and productive way.
35:29 I want to invite you here today to surrender to the God
35:31 that loved and help Daniel in a 100 different ways
35:34 that allowed him to shine, even in the darkest valleys.
35:38 Daniel was able to shine.
35:42 This is the one and only way
35:43 that you can really come through this life
35:45 and end up on top,
35:46 that you can really find yourself undefeated
35:48 when it's all said and done.
35:51 Isn't that the way you want to end your life?
35:53 Don't you want to end your life on top?
35:56 Now, I'm not talking about the one who dies
35:57 with the most toys wins.
36:00 No, I'm talking about really being on top,
36:03 knowing that I have followed the Lord,
36:05 knowing that I have stood for the right,
36:07 knowing that I have lived the truth
36:09 and the life that God has given to me.
36:12 This is the way that God wants us to live our life
36:14 and to end it, to be able to end up on top
36:16 when it's all said and done.
36:20 Well, we have a little bit of time
36:21 to look at one of our subjects here today.
36:24 But I want to invite our last volunteer.
36:26 He's a young man by the name of Ben,
36:27 and he's agreed to be able to read for us
36:29 from Matthew 11:28-30.
36:33 And so if you have your Bibles, you want to follow along,
36:35 that's Matthew 11:28-30,
36:38 as we come to the words of Christ.
36:42 "Comes to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,
36:45 and I will give you rest.
36:46 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
36:48 for I am gentle and lowly in heart
36:50 and you will find rest for your souls.
36:52 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
36:56 Thank you, Ben.
36:57 One of my favorite scriptures, is Christ again,
37:00 the heart of God calling out to us,
37:02 and saying, learn from me.
37:04 Jesus wants to be our teacher.
37:06 He wants to be our leader,
37:07 but He also wants to be our teacher.
37:09 Now, both my daughters
37:10 can tell you about some very, very awesome
37:13 and amazing teachers
37:14 that they've had during their grade school years,
37:17 as they look back, and my youngest one,
37:19 even if she's experienced, a good teacher even right now.
37:23 But, friends, none of them
37:24 compared to the greatest teacher of all.
37:26 And that's Jesus Christ.
37:27 Come unto me and learn from me,
37:29 Jesus says, enter into the school of Christ,
37:32 be a disciple, a student of the master.
37:35 Come to the one that knows life and is the creator of life
37:37 and will be able to give you a life
37:39 that you can never find without Him.
37:45 Well, earlier on we are talking about old age
37:47 and I heard somebody in the audience,
37:49 I think they said, "You're not old yet."
37:52 How can you talk to us about being old?
37:54 Well, I don't know if my Mom just gave me
37:57 the right vitamins or what it was,
38:00 but you know, I'm 51, and so I'm old enough to say
38:05 that I'm not old as in a senior,
38:09 but I'm certainly old enough to know what it's like to be
38:11 on the other side.
38:13 And I certainly know what it's like
38:15 to be able to start going down the other direction.
38:19 And there's different changes
38:21 that have started to develop into my life
38:23 that I'm not exactly excited about.
38:26 And, you know, of course,
38:27 as I visit and pastor different members
38:30 that are a few years ahead of me,
38:31 they share some things that I can expect
38:34 and look forward to.
38:35 And I'm not sure I'm all that excited about it.
38:39 You know, preparing for old age and accepting the fact
38:42 that we all grow old, it's not exactly something
38:45 that we all get up in the morning and go,
38:46 hey, great, I'm older again today.
38:49 You know, when we say we're over the hill,
38:51 there's a real reality to that.
38:53 You know, you kind of peek and then things start
38:57 to kind of go down the other direction.
38:59 And so let's look at that for a little bit.
39:02 Psalm Chapter...
39:04 Not chapter, there's no chapters
39:06 in Psalm really,
39:07 it's a collection of 150 songs, did you know that?
39:12 It's 150 songs.
39:13 So these were really inspired by God to be sung.
39:16 And they were sung originally.
39:17 Psalm is an old English word for song.
39:20 And so really, it's the book of songs.
39:23 Let's go to the 90th Psalm which is verse 10.
39:27 Now, you can look at it in your Bible
39:28 or you can go to your quarterly study,
39:29 if you desire, on page 26.
39:35 And on page 26, at the very top,
39:39 we find that verse Psalm 90:10, it says,
39:41 "The days of our lives are seventy,
39:44 and if by reason of strength they are eighty years,
39:46 yet their boast is only labor and sorrow,
39:48 for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.'
39:52 And, of course, the flying away
39:54 is that we start to disappear and we go to our rest
39:57 until Jesus comes again and so...
40:02 That's one of the realities of life.
40:03 One of the realities of life
40:05 is that life doesn't last forever
40:06 in this life.
40:08 There's an intermission for most of us
40:10 until Jesus comes again.
40:11 Now, we have the hope that God is gonna resurrect us
40:13 from that death.
40:14 Death is an enemy that has overcome
40:15 and this lesson study wisely points that out,
40:17 as the Bible tells us, death is an enemy
40:20 that Jesus had conquered.
40:22 And so it's good to be able to know
40:24 that even if we go to our rest today,
40:26 that Jesus is still there for us,
40:28 and He will wake us up tomorrow.
40:32 So preparing for old age.
40:35 Now, on Wednesday's lesson, we looked at Psalm 71.
40:39 And that's the key passage that we look at
40:42 and it speaks to aging with success.
40:45 Now, the best way to maximize success
40:47 in growing old is beginning to invest early on.
40:51 You need to start investing
40:52 early on to prepare for old age.
40:56 You don't want to wait until you're 50, or 60, or 70
40:59 to be able to prepare for old age.
41:01 You want to start investing now.
41:05 And so what does that mean?
41:07 Well, does that mean that I should start looking
41:08 and studying stocks, and bonds, and real estate?
41:11 Well, it's good to have a good retirement plan.
41:13 I don't want to advise against that,
41:15 I've got a retirement plan, conference,
41:18 you know, gives us a retirement plan,
41:19 we have different options to look at.
41:21 So it is good to be able to look
41:22 into your future financially and make sure
41:24 that you're not a burden
41:25 as much as possible on yourself,
41:27 your family and such.
41:29 But there's more to it than that.
41:31 I'm talking about investing
41:32 in other very important areas of life.
41:35 So that when you do reach your old age years,
41:37 that you're prepared.
41:39 Now, the most important investment
41:40 that we can make,
41:41 of course, we already spent most of our lesson study
41:43 looking at and that is, that is our faith in God,
41:46 investing spiritually in your relationship with God.
41:50 So that when our older years do come along,
41:52 we can lean upon Him because we do, we need God
41:55 perhaps even more
41:56 when we find ourselves in our senior years.
41:59 In some ways, yes.
42:00 We need to be able to lean upon Him to be able to,
42:03 to make sure that we have a rock
42:04 in which we can lean upon and look to.
42:08 And we want to start that now.
42:10 Again, just like Daniel
42:11 before the storms came and the challenges,
42:12 and the negative changes came,
42:14 he had already established himself
42:16 with the rock.
42:18 He had already established himself with God.
42:20 And so Psalm 71:5,
42:24 it points out for us and says,
42:25 "You are my hope, oh Lord God, you are my trust from my youth,
42:30 from my" what?
42:31 "From my youth."
42:32 And so it's in our youth
42:33 that we want to start depositing those investments
42:36 so that when we reach our senior years,
42:38 that we can have a rock solid relationship
42:40 with God.
42:41 And we can also have better memories as well.
42:44 When we're in the latter stage of our life,
42:45 we can be able to lean upon those
42:48 and reflect upon all the different ways
42:49 that God had led you in your life,
42:52 all the different beautiful relationships
42:53 that you have developed in the church of God
42:55 over the years,
42:57 and with your neighbors as you've loved them
42:58 with the love of Christ.
43:00 And then, of course,
43:01 we also want to invest depositing our families.
43:05 In Proverbs Chapter 31,
43:06 we find one of the most powerful examples
43:08 of that as we read through that,
43:09 that Psalms, particularly the last half of Proverbs 31,
43:13 we find there that there is a wife and a mother
43:15 that is pouring her life out into her family,
43:19 beautiful scriptures.
43:21 She's depositing something there
43:23 that she's gonna reap in her senior years,
43:25 is she not?
43:26 Sure, she is.
43:27 She's investing in her future,
43:29 even as she's investing in her family in the present.
43:32 And so investing in your family relationships,
43:35 and making sure that your family
43:36 doesn't fall to the wayside in that most important circle,
43:39 social circle is protected
43:42 and that you're investing in it in a regular basis,
43:44 so that you can have a bright future
43:46 when you reach your senior years.
43:49 And then, of course, our marriage,
43:51 Ephesians Chapter 5,
43:52 God calls husbands and wives to invest in each other,
43:55 to bring lots of love and respect to one another
43:58 as you make your way through the years together
44:01 in your marriage relationship.
44:03 It is God's plan,
44:04 is it not for us to be able to become closer?
44:08 If you're celebrating your silver anniversary,
44:10 and then your golden anniversary
44:12 after 50 years of marriage,
44:14 should you be closer together at the golden
44:16 than you were at the silver?
44:18 Sure, that's God's plan, is it not?
44:21 God has called the husband and wife
44:23 to invest into their marriage,
44:24 and how many of us have made the mistake
44:26 of not investing
44:27 into their marriage relationship?
44:30 How many tragic stories that we have represented
44:32 just in this room alone.
44:35 Now, I'm not talking about you individually,
44:36 but people that you know,
44:38 you know, in your families
44:39 and so on, the pain and the hurt that is resulted
44:41 because there's couples
44:43 that have been married for 10, 20, 30,
44:45 sometimes even 50 years,
44:47 and then all of a sudden they make
44:48 this grand announcement to the family,
44:50 we're separating, we're getting a divorce.
44:53 Why?
44:55 Because they had made the tragic mistake
44:56 of not investing in that marriage relationship
44:59 all the way through those years
45:01 so that when they reach their senior years,
45:02 they have the companion
45:04 that God had designed you to have.
45:08 That you have that lifelong friend
45:09 that knows you,
45:11 that the only person that knows you better
45:13 is God Himself.
45:15 Isn't that the plan that God has?
45:17 Invest in your marriage now,
45:19 if you're not investing in your marriage,
45:21 God is speaking to us today.
45:22 And He's calling us to be able to,
45:24 to do some soul searching
45:25 and find ourselves realigning our lives
45:28 in such a way that we're investing
45:29 in that which is so important that we can have the best,
45:32 most successful senior years possible.
45:38 Well, I think we're running out of time.
45:40 Psalm 71:14
45:42 also talks about developing good habits and attitudes.
45:47 So that when we reach our senior years,
45:49 we can find ourselves developed into the character
45:52 and people that He wants us to be.
45:54 Psalm 71:14,
45:56 it says, "But I will hope continually, "
45:58 I will what?
46:00 I will hope continually
46:02 and will praise you yet more and more."
46:04 And so having a lifetime of good habits of praising God
46:09 clinging on to hope, and recognizing
46:12 that God always has a future
46:13 and He desires to prosper us
46:15 and give us a positive future and bring positive changes
46:18 into the lives of those in whom we touch.
46:21 Developing good attitudes,
46:23 how sad it is that so many of us,
46:25 we find ourselves at the end of our life,
46:26 and we find ourselves with the worst attitudes
46:28 when we're retired.
46:30 How many cranky, crankity, grumpy people do we find,
46:36 you know, in the last years of our life?
46:38 Friends, we should be the sweetest, most loving,
46:40 most godly, most caring people
46:42 by the time we reach our senior years.
46:48 God is finishing a work
46:50 that He had already begun in you.
46:54 It hurts my heart sometimes.
46:55 And this might sting a little bit
46:57 for some different pastors and world leaders.
46:59 And I'm just saying that as an example,
47:00 because that's my world,
47:02 you know, I rub shoulders with church leaders and pastors
47:04 and so on.
47:05 And more than once,
47:07 and this is still the exception and not the rule.
47:08 So don't get me wrong.
47:09 This is not the general pattern.
47:11 But I've seen more than one
47:13 that has found themselves retired,
47:16 they're not accountable to them,
47:17 they've got an empty nest, their house is empty.
47:20 And so now they're not accountable to anybody,
47:22 and they could just be as grumpy and cranky
47:23 as they possibly want to be.
47:26 And they do.
47:28 Is that what God wants?
47:30 No, He doesn't want that, He wants us to be the opposite.
47:34 We should be at the pinnacle of our Christian character.
47:37 We should be reflecting Christ more
47:39 in the last years of our life than at the beginning.
47:42 And yet the devil is convinced too many of us
47:44 when the accountability has gone on earth
47:48 that now we can just kind of
47:49 be as cranky and grumpy as we want.
47:53 Investing into the passion of God's mission.
47:55 Psalm 71:15 will be our last verse.
47:57 It says, "My mouth shall tell of your righteousness
48:00 and of your salvation all the day."
48:03 Friends, having a passion for God's mission
48:05 both now through the years
48:06 and through your retirement years as well.
48:10 Just because you've retired from your job,
48:11 your career should never include retiring
48:13 from helping people to find faith.
48:16 From being a witness,
48:17 a mouthpiece for Jesus to be able
48:19 to continue to spread the good news
48:21 and to be able to contribute to His mission
48:22 in other ways as much as possible,
48:25 volunteering in the church,
48:26 volunteering in our neighborhood
48:27 and different community events and touching people's lives.
48:32 Well, we're at the end of our study here today,
48:35 and I'm just so glad
48:36 that all of you were able to join us
48:37 both here at the Granite Bay Church
48:38 as well as online
48:41 and the different television networks.
48:43 Don't forget to take advantage of our free offer,
48:46 which is Keys for a Happy Marriage.
48:48 This is Amazing Facts study guide number 5,
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48:59 And again, you can see that the number,
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49:03 And I encourage you to take advantage of that.
49:06 One of the topics on positive changes was marriage.
49:10 Thank you for joining us, and we will see you next week.
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49:50 Amazing Facts changed lives.
49:59 When I was a little boy,
50:01 I grew up in a typical Christian family.
50:05 We had the American dream,
50:06 but I began to realize that something was not quite right.
50:11 I wanted to be with the girls.
50:15 I wanted to do girl things,
50:17 I would pretend to be one person,
50:22 but yet feel like I was trapped like this,
50:26 this girl was trapped inside my body.
50:30 You know, my parents would,
50:32 would go to the mall or we'd be at a store
50:34 and I would sneak off to,
50:40 you know, the girl's department.
50:42 I was living this double life.
50:44 So as I started to attend college,
50:47 on one hand, I would be going to school
50:49 and on the other hand, I would be starting to dress up
50:54 and something was working in my mind and in my heart
50:58 to tell me that this is not right.
51:02 And so I joined an on campus Christian group.
51:07 We took several trips to overseas, to Taiwan.
51:11 And after I graduated from the university,
51:14 I got my ticket and I...
51:16 It was a one way ticket,
51:17 and I was planning on staying in Taiwan for a while.
51:22 And there I met my wife,
51:24 we finally came back to America.
51:26 And I thought, well, maybe marriage,
51:29 you know, would be the right answer.
51:31 It was only a couple of years into our marriage
51:34 and the desires to be a woman started to come back up again.
51:41 I would get airline tickets and I would fly
51:44 to get away from her
51:45 so that I could live my lifestyle.
51:48 You know, for 24 hour periods, for one week periods,
51:51 to go shopping,
51:53 just spending inordinate amounts of money,
51:56 because I felt like I had missed so much
51:59 and I was trying to be that person
52:03 that I thought it was on the inside.
52:06 And so I started to live my life full time.
52:12 I started wearing women's clothes.
52:17 I started to grow my hair out real long,
52:19 and I just didn't see any way around it.
52:21 So finally, I had made my transition
52:24 and I had realized fully who I thought
52:26 I was supposed to be.
52:27 But there was still something missing, like I was...
52:30 I felt empty inside.
52:31 I decided to search online, I stumbled upon Amazing Facts.
52:35 And I started to watch one
52:37 and then I had watched the entire seminar series,
52:40 and I started to see who God was,
52:43 and who I was.
52:46 That God loved me so much..
52:51 That I just can't live this life anymore.
52:55 He says to me, I'll work with you on this.
52:59 I love you and you can change.
53:03 Going through the central study hour
53:05 Sabbath School lessons on the Amazing Facts website,
53:08 I decided to finally change in the male attire
53:12 for the first time in a couple of years.
53:16 I still had my long hair.
53:18 But you know, I'm gonna go to church,
53:20 and I attended the AFCO to Go series.
53:23 It was just an amazing experience.
53:25 My life was totally different.
53:28 That love that God showed me started to work in my life
53:33 to where I wanted to do exactly the same for others.
53:36 I started to want to give more, to give more of my time
53:43 and give more of my energy
53:45 and God continued to gradually change me.
53:47 The desires to be that person finally then went away,
53:51 and I finally felt free at last.
53:55 And I can say with a big smile on my face
53:58 that God has completely healed me through the process.
54:02 I just thank God for giving me a second chance.
54:07 I'm Wendell,
54:08 and God has used you to change my life.
54:34 For over 60 years,
54:35 Jeepneys have been the virtual king of the road
54:37 here in the Philippines.
54:39 These unique vehicles that are festive
54:41 with colorful stickers, lights, and chrome
54:43 have grown into the chief source
54:45 of transportation in the country.
54:47 Let's go.
54:52 These iconic four-wheel drive military vehicles
54:55 made by the Willys Company were known as Jeeps
54:58 because it stood for general purpose.
55:01 And it also came from a character
55:03 in a Popeye cartoon
55:05 that was known as Eugene the Jeep.
55:08 He was an imaginary dog
55:09 that could crawl across the ceilings and the walls,
55:11 and these jeeps could go anywhere.
55:13 When the Americans left the Philippines
55:15 following World War II,
55:17 it was just cheaper for them to leave these thousands
55:19 of military vehicles behind rather than to transport them
55:22 back to the States.
55:23 The creative Filipino people
55:25 modified these military vehicles
55:27 by extending the frame about six feet.
55:29 They added a couple of cozy inventions
55:31 that are designed to carry about 18 people.
55:35 They put a cab over it
55:36 to prevent the water from coming in,
55:38 but I've seen what looks like 20 to 25 people
55:41 hanging on every possible edge and ledge of a Jeepney.
55:44 They're jumping off,
55:46 they're jumping on as it goes through
55:47 congested Manila traffic.
55:51 Every Jeepney is little bit different.
55:53 Some are just held together with patches of daily wire
55:56 and bubblegum, a little bit of duck tape.
55:58 Some are little more ornate and modern,
56:00 they've got chrome and stainless steel.
56:03 And there's good reason that the ceilings are padded.
56:08 When one of the local Filipinos wants to ride on a Jeepney,
56:11 they just flag them down, they shout,
56:13 they tap on the hood, and then they jump on board.
56:15 They may not even slowdown when they do this.
56:18 Then they pay about 8 pesos
56:20 which is equivalent of 16 cents for us.
56:23 It's by far the most economical way
56:25 to get around in the country.
56:31 Some Jeepneys are even equipped with an own emergency privy.
56:37 One little downside to the Jeepneys
56:39 is because the cabs are open like this,
56:41 they're not air-conditioned, it gets very hot in summertime
56:44 and all the fumes from the street coming in
56:46 which can make it an exhausting experience.
56:50 One of the downside of the Jeepney
56:51 is they don't have all of the modern safety features,
56:54 no seatbelts.
56:55 You have to take advantage of the padding
56:57 if you hit a hard bump.
56:59 And if you're in a serious accident,
57:00 there is no airbags
57:02 other than the friends that might be sitting around you.
57:04 And that's the upside of the Jeepney
57:06 because you're up close and personal with everybody,
57:09 you make some new friends.
57:11 Riding on a Jeepney requires teamwork.
57:13 If you buy something from one of the vendors,
57:15 you all sort of pass it back to each other.
57:17 And when passengers get on board,
57:19 you just pass your money up front.
57:26 Thanks a lot.
57:31 Friends, it's safe to say there are no two Jeepneys
57:34 that are exactly the same.
57:36 They're all unique and distinct and so are you.
57:40 Have you ever felt that you get lost in a massive humanity
57:43 and God doesn't notice you?
57:45 The Bible tells us that He knows your name,
57:47 the very hairs of your head are numbered
57:49 and He hears your prayers.
57:50 More than that,
57:51 the Lord wants to take you to His kingdom,
57:53 you just have to get on board.


Revised 2019-04-10