Sabbath School Study Hour

God's Everlasting Gospel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021910A

00:35 Hello, friends, welcome again to Sabbath School Study Hour
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:40 in Sacramento, California.
00:42 I'd like to welcome those who are joining us online.
00:44 I know we have a number of online members
00:46 that tune in every week to be part of our Bible study time
00:50 right here at the church.
00:51 I'd also like to welcome those who are watching
00:54 on the various television networks.
00:56 And we're glad
00:57 that you're part of our study time.
00:59 As well as our regular church members,
01:01 and I know we have some visitors
01:02 who are joining us this morning,
01:04 I'd like to welcome all of you.
01:05 You've come for a great Bible study this morning.
01:08 As many of you know,
01:09 we've been studying through the Book of Revelation.
01:11 That's been our theme for the entire quarter.
01:14 Today, we find ourselves
01:15 in the very heart of the Book of Revelation.
01:17 Our lesson is lesson number 10,
01:20 and it's entitled "God's Everlasting Gospel."
01:24 We're going to be talking about the three angels' messages.
01:27 Well, before we get to our study for today,
01:28 I'd like to let those who are watching
01:31 know about a wonderful free offer that we have.
01:34 It's one of our new sharing DVDs.
01:39 And this is going to be available for those
01:40 who call and ask.
01:41 The number to call
01:42 if you'd like to receive this is 866-788-3966,
01:47 and you can ask for offer number 817.
01:50 We'll be happy to send this out to anyone who calls and asks
01:53 or you can send a text message to the number, send the code,
01:59 "SH055" to the number 40544,
02:05 and you'll be able to get a link
02:06 as to where you'll be able to watch "Revelation:
02:08 The Bride, the Beast, and Babylon,"
02:10 just a great documentary dealing with
02:12 a number of these important truths
02:14 that we find in the Book of Revelation.
02:16 Well, before we get to our study today,
02:18 let's begin with the word of prayer.
02:20 Dear Father, once again,
02:21 we are grateful that we have this opportunity
02:23 to gather together and open up Your Word
02:24 and study a very important passage
02:27 found in the Book of Revelation.
02:29 And, Lord, I pray that as we open the scripture,
02:31 and as we study together,
02:32 Your Holy Spirit to come and got our hearts,
02:34 our minds, and help us to grasp and understand this
02:37 very important end time message that is found right here
02:40 in Revelation 14, for we ask this in Jesus' name.
02:44 Amen.
02:46 Well, today, we're going to have Pastor Doug Batchelor
02:48 lead us in our study this morning,
02:51 but I'm going to be joining him on stage,
02:52 one of my favorite topics also is the three angels' messages.
02:56 And so we'll try and do this together this morning.
02:59 Pastor Doug, good morning. Good morning, Pastor Ross.
03:02 You know, the Bible says that
03:03 when Jesus sent out the disciples,
03:05 He sent them out two by two.
03:07 And so we're going to try to get
03:08 the dual stereo benefit
03:11 of Pastor Ross and I teaching this together.
03:13 And we didn't practice this today,
03:15 so I don't know what part of it he's going to say
03:17 or what part of it I'm going to say.
03:19 But we do a radio program every Sunday,
03:21 where we kind of tag team in the answers.
03:25 Now when we do the radio program,
03:27 we're looking at each other, most people are just listening,
03:29 and we can give, you know, signals like I got a thought
03:32 over here, you know.
03:34 And sometimes Pastor Ross will go like that mean,
03:36 I got something I want to say.
03:37 And if I'm not done, I avoid eye contact.
03:40 And until I'm done, and then I say okay.
03:43 So, but what we're going to do now is we get this purple,
03:46 and I have a tendency to get carried away,
03:48 so if Pastor Ross has a thought,
03:49 and I'm going too far, he'd just...
03:51 That's what he's got to do to tell me,
03:53 "That's my turn to talk."
03:56 So we're very...
03:57 And this is, you know,
03:58 this subject today is absolutely foundational
04:02 for Seventh-day Adventist.
04:04 As you travel around the world,
04:06 and you see Seventh-day Adventist churches,
04:08 how many remember
04:09 when they had the logo of the globe,
04:11 it kind of had a globe with some lines through it,
04:13 and three angels going around it.
04:14 That was our official logo.
04:16 And then since then we've updated the logo,
04:18 so it's like three swirls going around the globe,
04:22 same principle.
04:23 The three angels' message is foundational
04:26 to the Seventh-day Adventist movement.
04:28 And so it's very important for us
04:29 to understand our study today.
04:32 So we're going to get right into lesson number 10,
04:35 and we've got a memory verse, you see it on the screen.
04:37 I hope everyone will say it with me,
04:39 the memory verse is actually from Chapter 12.
04:42 Most of what we're studying today
04:43 is going to be Chapter 14.
04:45 I'm sorry, Revelation 14:12,
04:47 and we invite you to say that with me.
04:49 Are you ready?
04:51 "Here is the patience of the saints,
04:54 and here are the ones
04:55 who keep the commandments of God
04:57 and the faith of Jesus Christ."
05:00 And that'll sort of be the point
05:02 we're aiming for in our lesson.
05:04 Now I ask Pastor Ross to do the same thing
05:07 we did last week on Revelation 13.
05:10 In case we don't get all the way through it.
05:11 I said, let's just at least read through the verses
05:14 we're going to consider today.
05:16 I think it's what, 6-12? Yes.
05:18 Revelation, if you're following your Bibles,
05:20 we're going to be looking at Revelation Chapter 14,
05:22 we're going to be looking at the three angels' messages,
05:24 and it begins in verse 6,
05:26 and we'll read through the verse 12.
05:28 So Revelation Chapter 14 beginning now in verse 6.
05:32 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
05:35 having the everlasting gospel to preach to those
05:37 that dwell upon the earth, to every nation, tribe,
05:40 tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice,
05:43 'Fear God, and give glory to Him,
05:46 for the hour of His judgment has come,
05:49 and worship Him that made the heavens, the sea,
05:52 and the springs of water.'
05:55 And another angel followed saying, 'Babylon is fallen,
05:58 is fallen, that great city,
06:00 because she has made all nations
06:02 drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication.'
06:05 Then a third angel followed them
06:07 saying with a loud voice,
06:09 'If anyone worships the beast and his image,
06:11 and receives these mark
06:12 in their forehead or in their hand,
06:15 he himself shall also drink of the wine
06:18 of the wrath of God,
06:19 which is poured out full strength
06:21 into the cup of His indignation.
06:23 He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
06:26 in the presence of the holy angels,
06:28 and in the presence of the Lamb.
06:30 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever,
06:33 and they have no rest day or night,
06:35 who worship the beast and his image,
06:37 and whoever receives the mark of his name.'
06:41 Here is the patience of the saints,
06:44 here are those who keep the commandments of God
06:47 and the faith of Jesus."
06:49 All right, thank you.
06:51 You know, one thing, you're noticing right here.
06:52 First of all, this is the most fearful curse
06:56 that you find in the Bible.
06:57 It's in Revelation Chapter 14 in the third angel's message.
07:01 It doesn't get more serious than the smoke of their torment
07:04 ascending up forever and ever,
07:06 if you get the mark of the beast.
07:09 That is in contrast at the end,
07:12 where those who keep the commandments of God
07:14 and have the faith of Jesus,
07:15 and so you've got the two polar opposite groups
07:18 in the last days.
07:20 Now to understand why it's so important for us
07:23 to read the three angels' message,
07:25 the next verses, matter of fact,
07:27 Pastor Ross, why don't you read verse 14?
07:30 What happens right after these three messages were given?
07:33 Read verse 14 and, well, maybe 15.
07:36 So immediately after the proclamation
07:37 of the three angels' messages, verse 14, John in vision says,
07:41 "Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud,
07:43 and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man,
07:46 having upon His head a golden crown,
07:48 and in His hand a sharp sickle."
07:51 Then it says, "Another angel came out of the temple,
07:53 crying with a loud voice to Him that who sat on the cloud,
07:56 'Thrust in Thy sickle and reap,
07:58 for the time has come for You to reap,
08:00 for the harvest of the earth is ripe.' "
08:03 All right, so who is it that we see sitting on a cloud
08:06 coming to harvest?
08:08 Jesus. What time is that?
08:11 It's the Second Coming.
08:12 Christ said, "I am the sower, the Word of God is the seed,
08:15 harvest is the end of the world,"
08:17 in His parables.
08:18 So these three angels' messages are happening immediately prior
08:23 to the Second Coming.
08:26 So these are messages that go to the world.
08:28 So that's why it's so important for us to look at that.
08:30 First angel's message, let's review,
08:32 and we'll start now going through them one by one.
08:35 "I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
08:37 having the everlasting gospel..."
08:40 All right, let's pause right there.
08:42 What is the everlasting gospel?
08:43 Is that a different gospel than the one that Abraham knew?
08:48 Were the Jews saved under a different gospel
08:50 than the Gentiles?
08:53 Is there a different gospel in the New Testament
08:55 than the Old Testament?
08:58 Or is the everlasting gospel,
08:59 the same gospel that goes from Adam,
09:02 all the way to the second coming of Jesus.
09:05 It's that we are saved by grace through faith,
09:09 we are saved from our sin, God gives us a new heart.
09:14 Abraham believed God,
09:16 and it was counted to him for righteousness.
09:17 They were saved by faith, looking forward to the cross,
09:21 we are saved by faith, looking back to the cross,
09:24 the power is in the cross,
09:26 we're all saved by the blood of Jesus.
09:28 The everlasting gospel is the same gospel.
09:31 So this gospel is then to go tells us the scope of it
09:34 to all those who dwell on the earth.
09:37 Is this a message just for Israel?
09:39 Or is it...
09:40 It's a global message, right?
09:42 And what's the great commission in Matthew Chapter 28?
09:46 "We're told to go preach, make disciples,
09:49 baptize people in the name of the Father, Son,
09:51 and the Holy Spirit."
09:53 You'll notice the first angel's message
09:54 goes to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people,
09:57 actually all three messages do.
09:59 And the reason for that is,
10:00 immediately following the proclamation
10:02 of the three angels' message,
10:03 you have the second coming of Christ,
10:04 which will affect every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
10:07 So the gospel is go to all the world
10:09 because all the world is going to be affected
10:11 at the Second Coming of Jesus.
10:13 So it's a worldwide proclamation of good news.
10:16 As Pastor Doug mentioned that good news
10:18 is the same that was preached in the Old Testament
10:20 and the New Testament.
10:21 It's centered in Jesus, the savior.
10:24 Jesus said, "And this is eternal life,
10:26 that they might know the only true God
10:28 and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent."
10:30 The essence of the everlasting gospel
10:33 is coming into a personal saving relationship with Jesus.
10:37 Amen.
10:38 So first part of this,
10:39 of course, is this angel flying,
10:41 and what does it mean,
10:42 an angel flying in the midst of heaven?
10:44 I'll get to that in a second.
10:45 Here's a great quote,
10:47 why this is such an important priority.
10:49 In the Book of Testimonies volume 7, page 19,
10:53 "In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists
10:55 have been set in the world as watchman and light bearers.
10:59 To them has been entrusted the last warning
11:02 for a perishing world.
11:04 On them is shining wonderful light
11:06 from the word of God.
11:07 They have been given a work of the most solemn import,
11:11 the proclamation of the first, second,
11:14 and third angels' messages.
11:16 There is no other work of so great importance.
11:20 They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention."
11:25 So if you're going to a church,
11:26 and they're not talking about the three angels' message,
11:29 that doesn't mean all year long, every sermon.
11:31 But if that doesn't have a high priority,
11:33 something else is occupying their attention.
11:36 Now why are these messages to be so important?
11:40 I think the whole gospel's wrapped in there.
11:42 Now, first, we got to kind of back up and explain.
11:45 We're talking about three angels' messages.
11:47 You notice it says, "Another angel," in verse 6.
11:50 Why does it say another angel?
11:52 Because you've been seeing angels all through the book.
11:54 You got angels that are, you know, opening seals,
12:01 and pouring out vials.
12:03 And angel says, "Come here."
12:05 And what does this mean?
12:06 And so there's angels all through the book.
12:08 But these three are doing something particular.
12:11 The word "Angel" means messenger,
12:13 but it often is translated to mean announcement
12:16 or proclamation flying in the heavens.
12:21 You know, I don't want to...
12:24 I want to sound too sensational,
12:26 but, you know, I always thought that it was very interesting
12:32 when Three Angels Broadcasting started broadcasting.
12:37 They rented time on satellites in the sky,
12:41 and the satellites have these big solar wings
12:43 that capture light and turn it to electricity
12:47 to broadcast the gospel.
12:49 I just thought that was an interesting analogy.
12:51 I don't think those satellites are angels.
12:53 And I'm not saying that this prophecy
12:55 is talking about satellites 'cause right now,
12:56 these Christian ministries have about 20 satellites
12:59 that they're using.
13:00 So don't make a big deal out of that.
13:01 But I always thought that was really interesting.
13:04 Also, with reference to the word "Angel, "
13:06 we always think of angelic beings,
13:08 when you think of angels.
13:09 But all angels mentioned in the Bible,
13:12 they're not all necessarily angelic beings.
13:16 Someone who was on a mission or an errand,
13:18 someone who is a messenger
13:20 is sometimes referred to as angel
13:22 because the word in the original Greek,
13:23 angel, means messenger.
13:25 So these three angels,
13:26 don't just think of angelic beings.
13:28 And I'm sure there will be angels
13:29 as we think of them assisting in the proclamation.
13:32 But in essence, God has given us a message
13:34 to take to the world.
13:36 So in the three angels' messages,
13:38 you see God's people doing a special work
13:41 of proclaiming these three end time warning messages
13:44 to the world.
13:45 Amen.
13:46 So that's what the word "Angel" means.
13:49 And it says that they have the everlasting gospel
13:52 to preach to them that are on the earth
13:53 to every tribe, tongue, and nation
13:55 saying, Here's verse 7, "With a loud voice..."
13:58 Don't miss that it says loud voice here.
14:01 It says, loud voice for the third angel's message,
14:04 but it doesn't say loud voice for the second angel's message
14:07 the first time.
14:08 So just make a note of that.
14:10 "Fear God and give glory to Him,
14:13 for the hour of His judgment is come."
14:14 We'll talk about the judgment part in a minute.
14:17 What does it mean to fear God?
14:19 Do you expect Job to be in heaven?
14:22 What does the Bible say about Job?
14:24 "There was a man in the land of Uz,
14:26 whose name was Job,
14:27 that man was blameless and upright,
14:29 one that feared God and hated evil."
14:34 I think another verse says,
14:35 "The fear of the Lord is to depart from evil."
14:39 I think it was John Wesley who said,
14:41 "If I had 300 men that feared nothing but God
14:47 and hated sin, I could change the world."
14:50 And so another verse here, Psalm 25:14,
14:55 "The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him,
14:58 and He will show them His covenant."
15:00 So fearing God doesn't necessarily mean
15:03 being afraid so you run from God.
15:05 It's talking about, there may be some fear in that,
15:09 but it's like, it's a reverence.
15:11 A child might fear the strength of their father,
15:13 but they're not afraid to go to their father.
15:15 And another one that I think helps is Proverbs 9:10,
15:19 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
15:22 and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
15:26 So we just need to understand what it's talking about
15:28 when it says to fear God?
15:30 There's a message to have reverence for God.
15:34 Now do we...
15:36 Are we at risk of losing a sense of reverence
15:38 in some of our churches in modern Protestant America?
15:43 Have you noticed that?
15:46 I think that, you know,
15:48 we should be reverent with the Bible,
15:51 not treat it like other books.
15:53 I think that we should be reverent
15:55 when we come into sacred time of worship.
15:57 There should be respect,
15:58 there shouldn't be background talking going on,
16:00 you know, whispering and chattering.
16:02 There's a sense of,
16:03 we're in the presence of someone holy.
16:07 There ought to be a sanctity about the things of God
16:12 that we respect.
16:14 You know, when you look in the Bible,
16:15 in Old Testament times, also in New,
16:17 when the Bible describes God's glory,
16:20 His throne room,
16:21 it talks about these angels that have six wings.
16:24 Read about this in the Old Testament.
16:26 With two of the wings, they fly,
16:27 with two of the wings, they cover their feet,
16:29 with two of the wings, they cover their faces,
16:32 and in the presence of God,
16:33 their constant cry is holy, holy, holy.
16:37 So these angels that are being in the very presence of God,
16:40 they have an essence of God's glory
16:42 and His holiness.
16:43 These are perfect angelic beings,
16:46 and yet their constant cry is holy, holy, holy.
16:49 How much more reverence should we have
16:51 when we enter into God's presence
16:53 as we come to worship Him?
16:55 Yeah, notice the modesty of the angels.
16:56 They are even covering their faces and their feet.
16:59 And so there should be...
17:01 Adam and Eve, when they saw they sinned,
17:02 they thought, better cover up.
17:05 And then one of the important summaries
17:07 for what it means to fear God,
17:08 we'll move on is Ecclesiastes 12:13.
17:11 This is the end of Solomon's book
17:15 on wisdom following Proverbs,
17:18 and he said,
17:19 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
17:22 Fear God, and keep His commandments."
17:25 So one of the ways we show fear for God is what?
17:27 Keeping His commandments.
17:29 What do we read in verse 12 of this chapter?
17:31 Here are those that keep the commandments of God?
17:34 Is that talking about 50%?
17:37 Or is it a people that consistently keeps all of them.
17:40 And so I think
17:41 that's one of the identifying characteristics
17:43 we find about God's people in the last days
17:46 is a returning to the entire covenant of God
17:50 and recognizing what sin is.
17:52 "Sin is the transgression of the law.
17:54 We fear God and keep His commandments,
17:56 for this is the whole duty of man."
17:58 Notice what else Solomon says,
18:00 "For God will bring every work into judgment."
18:02 Do we find judgment in this first angel's message?
18:04 "With every secret thing, whether it be good or evil."
18:08 And so any thoughts on that?
18:11 I think we're going to get to the next part of giving
18:13 or fearing God is also giving Him glory.
18:16 They go together.
18:17 And I think that's the next verse
18:18 that we have here.
18:19 1 Corinthians 10:31,
18:20 "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
18:23 do it all to the glory of God."
18:25 Isn't that interesting?
18:26 We can even eat or drink to God's glory,
18:28 meaning there are certain things
18:29 that God would have us eat that bring glory to Him.
18:33 Obviously, there are things that He would not have us eat
18:36 or not have us drink that would not bring glory to Him.
18:39 So even in the very practical aspects of life,
18:41 we ought to bring God glory, reveal His character.
18:45 Have you ever heard the health message
18:47 be given in the context of the three angels' messages?
18:51 It's part of what we're doing is we're giving glory to God,
18:54 and also keeping the commandments.
18:55 It says, do not kill yourself with your fork and your spoon.
19:01 1 Peter 4:11, "If anyone speaks,
19:04 let him speak as the oracles of God.
19:06 If anyone ministers, let him do it
19:07 as the ability which God supplies,
19:10 that in all things God might be glorified through Jesus Christ,
19:15 to whom belongs to glory
19:17 and the dominion forever and ever."
19:19 So the purpose in our lives is to bring glory to God
19:22 by whatever you do, whatever you say,
19:24 whatever you eat, whatever you drink,
19:25 we should be living for the glory of God.
19:27 All right, now we're going to move on.
19:29 You want to read that one, Pastor Ross?
19:30 Revelation 14:7, "Saying with a loud voice,
19:33 'Fear God, give Him glory,
19:34 for the hour of His judgment has come."
19:38 All right, so let's talk a little bit
19:40 about the judgment.
19:41 Now, does it make sense to everybody that
19:45 when the apostles live,
19:46 the great judgment of God had not happened yet.
19:50 The verses you read, it talks about the judgment to come,
19:53 all shall stand before,
19:55 all shall bow before the judgment seat of God.
19:58 Paul talked about the judgment to come
20:00 when he was before Felix and Festus.
20:03 It was always future tense.
20:05 But, obviously some judgment takes place before Jesus comes,
20:08 follow me.
20:10 When the Lord comes, is He dispensing rewards?
20:14 Does He know who gets caught up in a glorified body
20:17 and who does not get resurrected
20:18 in the first resurrection?
20:20 So the Lord...
20:21 Those things are determined before He comes.
20:23 God doesn't, you know, pull people out of heaven
20:26 and say, "Now it's time for the judgment."
20:29 And He doesn't pull people out of hell and say,
20:30 "We're gonna find out if you really were guilty."
20:33 The judgment happens prior to the Second Coming.
20:35 But at the time of the Bible writing that hadn't happen yet.
20:38 This is often called as pre-advent judgment.
20:41 It also happened in the Jewish feasts,
20:44 that ten days
20:46 it was a period of time before the end of the year
20:49 when they enter what they call the Yom Kippur,
20:51 we call it Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement,
20:53 a time of investigation, judgment,
20:56 separating God's people from their sins
20:59 before the end of the year.
21:01 We believe that we've entered that
21:03 last phase of the church known as Laodicea
21:07 and God's people on the last days
21:09 have a message of judgment
21:11 that we need to prepare to meet our maker,
21:14 which is a solemn message, not a popular message,
21:16 but it's biblical.
21:18 You know, it's very interesting when you study
21:19 the judgment message found in the first angel's message.
21:22 There is a connection between Revelation Chapter 14
21:26 and Daniel Chapter 7,
21:27 a very tight connection Daniel 7, Daniel 8
21:30 because it talks about this judgment
21:32 that is to happen in Daniel,
21:33 just before the Second Coming of Christ.
21:35 Now we find the fulfillment of that prophesied judgment
21:38 in Daniel being fulfilled in Revelation Chapter 14
21:41 in the first angel's message.
21:43 So I think on the screen, we actually have that verse
21:45 that talks about the judgment in Daniel 8:14,
21:49 "And he said unto me,
21:50 'For two thousand three hundred days,
21:53 then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.' "
21:56 And leading up to that Daniel 7,
21:59 it talks about a time
22:00 when thrones are set in a position
22:02 and the books were opened.
22:04 It's very clearly a great judgment scene,
22:07 talks about the witnesses and the angels.
22:09 And then going over to Daniel 8,
22:12 it finally gives the date or the period of time
22:16 reaching up to that final judgment.
22:18 Now you know, the disciples when Jesus lived,
22:24 they totally misunderstood the nature of His first coming.
22:28 They heard Jesus say, "You know, I've come,
22:30 My kingdom of heaven is at hand."
22:32 They thought that He was coming the first time
22:34 to set up a literal kingdom.
22:36 And even after He rose from the dead,
22:38 they said, "Will You at this time
22:39 establish the kingdom?"
22:41 And He thought, "You still don't get it.
22:42 My first coming is a lamb coming,
22:45 the next time I come like a lion."
22:47 First is the sacrifice.
22:49 Next is the King.
22:50 Well, that got them backwards
22:52 and so they were greatly disappointed.
22:55 There was a movement that took place
22:57 about 150 years ago.
22:59 It's called the Great Advent movement,
23:00 not connected with Seventh-day Adventist
23:02 because this took place in the 1830s and '40s,
23:05 Seventh-day Adventists were not organized until 1863.
23:09 But the Millerites read this verse in Daniel 8,
23:13 2300 days then the sanctuary will be cleansed.
23:17 They looked at the starting point there
23:19 in Daniel Chapter 9
23:20 from the going forth of the commandment
23:22 to restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah, the Prince.
23:25 And it's the only starting point given
23:27 for these prophecies.
23:29 Well, that reads to 1844 from 457 and they said,
23:34 "Sanctuary will be cleansed.
23:36 Jesus is going to come."
23:38 They thought that the earth
23:39 was a sanctuary to be cleansed by the fires,
23:42 that are described in 2 Peter Chapter 3
23:45 and they made that
23:47 one little mistake there that...
23:49 But the Lord made the best of it.
23:50 They thought this is it and they were highly motivated
23:53 and God didn't really go very far to correct them.
23:57 And everyone...
23:58 There's a great revival that took place
23:59 because the Lord was, they thought about to come.
24:02 But He said, "No,
24:03 we're about to enter the age of judgment,
24:05 the final age of the church."
24:07 It's also interesting to note that the wording
24:08 that we have in Daniel 8:14, says,
24:11 "Then the sanctuary shall be cleansed."
24:13 Now, as Pastor Doug mentioned,
24:14 the Millerites thought the earth was the sanctuary.
24:17 But God allowed them to kind of preach, and teach,
24:20 and talk about the soon coming of Christ,
24:22 because after the experience,
24:24 after Jesus didn't come when they expected him to come,
24:27 they went back and search the Scriptures
24:29 and they began to retrace their steps, and they read this
24:32 and they began to ask the question,
24:34 "Well, where is the sanctuary?"
24:36 Then it was that they began to understand
24:38 in the Book of Hebrews,
24:39 talks quite a bit about the heavenly sanctuary
24:42 where Jesus ministers as our high priest.
24:45 Then it is that they began to understand this
24:47 very important work of judgment,
24:49 pre-advent judgment before Jesus comes.
24:52 And so it was through that disappointment that God
24:54 was leading them into a clear understanding
24:56 of His will and His purpose,
24:58 just like Jesus led the disciples
25:00 through their sorrow when Christ was crucified.
25:05 And as He rose from the dead,
25:06 then they begin to understand the prophecies
25:08 of the Old Testament so much more
25:10 and that gave power
25:11 to their witness in their testimony.
25:13 This was really the last piece in one of the most important
25:17 and one of the longest prophecies in the Bible,
25:20 that not only talked about
25:22 entering the last age of judgment
25:24 which began with the church of Laodicea in...
25:27 The word Laodicea means
25:28 a judging of the people, in 1844.
25:32 But it also helped them understand
25:34 the 490 year day prophecy that talked about
25:38 when Jesus would come the first time and die,
25:40 and this time that was going to be cut off
25:43 for the Jewish nation.
25:44 This is a chart, we don't have time
25:45 to go through this whole prophecy,
25:46 will never get through this lesson.
25:48 But when it talks about
25:49 the hour of His judgment is come,
25:51 part and parcel of the first angel's message
25:55 was understanding these prophecies in Daniel
25:57 and Revelation about Jesus' first and second coming
26:00 that just exploded prophetic interest in understanding.
26:07 So yeah, we don't have time to get into that one.
26:09 Yeah, I think we just have a summary, it says,
26:11 "The judgment here mentioned" in Revelation Chapter 14,
26:13 "began at the end
26:15 of the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14.
26:17 The preaching of William Miller
26:19 and his associates marks the beginning of the message
26:21 of the first angel,
26:22 but the message will continue till the end of time."
26:25 Now that's important to note.
26:27 Revelation 14 says, the hour of His judgment has come,
26:30 meaning present tense.
26:31 It is now.
26:32 So we have a time that we can connect
26:34 with the proclamation of the first angel's message,
26:37 at the end of the 2300 days or years, 1844.
26:41 So we are currently living,
26:42 during that time period of the proclamation
26:45 of the three angels' messages.
26:46 Yeah, and that's another very good point
26:49 is someone might say,
26:50 "Well, is the time of the first angel past,
26:52 or is the time of the second angel message past
26:55 or the third angel, is it only future.
26:58 All of these messages became relevant
27:00 when we enter that last phase of the church history,
27:03 and they still are today.
27:04 We're going to get into some of those messages
27:06 now a little more.
27:07 By the way, Peter says, speaking of the judgment,
27:10 "For the time has come for judgment
27:12 to begin at the house of God, and if it begins with us first,
27:15 what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel?"
27:19 Have you read in Ezekiel 9,
27:20 it talks about a marking of God's people,
27:24 and a judgment that begins at the house of God
27:27 and those who received the mark are spared.
27:29 In Ezekiel 9, the ones who get the mark are spared.
27:33 Put a mark in the foreheads of those who sigh and cry
27:36 for the abominations that are done in Israel.
27:38 That's a good mark.
27:39 It's like the seal of God, a good mark.
27:40 But He says, "Begin at my sanctuary."
27:42 It's almost like the story where they were all gathered
27:45 to stone Mary Magdalene
27:46 who was caught in the act of adultery in the temple.
27:48 Christ began to write out the sins of her accusers,
27:51 the priests, religious leaders
27:53 till they one by one left condemned,
27:55 so judgment in the house of God.
27:57 You see this pattern through the Bible.
27:59 So the final judgment is it for the world?
28:02 No, Jesus said, the world's already condemned.
28:04 I didn't come to condemn the worlds,
28:06 I already condemned, I came to save.
28:08 So this is a judgment,
28:09 evaluating those who have taken the name of Christ
28:13 and their authenticity.
28:15 All right, you need to keep moving here.
28:16 Second angel's or first angel's message part two,
28:18 I should say, you want to read that,
28:19 Pastor Ross?
28:20 Verse 7 continues and says,
28:22 "Worship Him that made the heavens,
28:25 the earth, the sea, and the fountains of water."
28:27 All right, we'll focus first on the worship Him that made.
28:31 In a crisis to soon come,
28:34 the inhabitants of the earth will need to choose
28:36 between worshiping God or the beast.
28:39 The Creatorship is one of the distinguishing features
28:41 of the true God contrasted with false gods.
28:44 The appeal to worship God
28:46 as Creator implies that we recognize
28:48 the sign of God's creative works
28:50 in the seventh day Sabbath."
28:52 And now are we living in a time
28:53 when people are doubting that God is Creator?
28:58 Isn't that interesting that
28:59 for the first 6000 years of history,
29:02 almost 6000 years of history,
29:04 virtually every nation in the world believed in God.
29:07 They might have been polytheistic or monotheistic,
29:09 but they believed in God.
29:11 They believe...
29:13 But finally about the time of the French Revolution,
29:16 nations began to organize that were officially atheistic
29:19 in their belief.
29:20 And until the fall of the iron curtain,
29:22 the majority of people in the world,
29:23 between Russia and China and others,
29:25 claim there was no God.
29:28 So this is a time when God really needed
29:30 to get back that message, worship Him that made.
29:34 This is a Creator that we are to worship,
29:36 and the Sabbath is a sign of that.
29:39 We're reading Ezekiel 20:12,
29:41 talking about worshiping the Creator.
29:43 "More over also I gave them My Sabbath,
29:45 to be assigned between them and Me that they might know
29:48 that I am the Lord that sanctifies them."
29:51 So not only is the Sabbath the sign that God creates us,
29:54 it is also a sign that God recreates us
29:56 that is to be sanctified, to be set apart for a holy use.
30:00 And why don't you read this verse as well?
30:02 Exodus 20:11, "For in six days the Lord made the heavens
30:06 and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them
30:09 and He rested the seventh day.
30:10 Therefore the Lord blessed
30:12 the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
30:14 Now that comes from one of the Ten Commandments,
30:16 which commandment is that?
30:17 Fourth. That's the fourth commandment.
30:19 Notice something that you find in Revelation 14:7,
30:22 in the first angel's message still,
30:25 "Worship Him that made, "
30:27 look at the words, "heaven, earth, sea, springs of water."
30:32 Now you see in Exodus 20:11, "He made heaven, earth, sea."
30:37 Where are those words that you find
30:40 in the first angel's message drawn specifically
30:42 from in the Ten Commandments?
30:45 Sabbath Commandment?
30:46 It's especially calling God's people
30:48 back to the Sabbath.
30:51 So His people
30:52 are not only commandment keepers,
30:53 but it's highlighting worshiping the Creator,
30:56 and the Sabbath, God says, is a sign that I'm Creator.
30:58 That's all part of the warp and woof of this message.
31:02 You also want to notice in this verse that
31:05 the Sabbath commandment, the last part says,
31:07 worship Him that made the heavens,
31:09 the earth, the sea, and all that is in them.
31:11 But when you read this in the first angel's message,
31:15 worship Him that made the heavens,
31:16 the earth, the sea,
31:17 and the fountains of water,
31:19 a slight different application there at the end.
31:22 Well, if you go back to the Old Testament,
31:24 and you read about
31:25 when the fountains of the deep broke open
31:26 or the fountains of water, it's a reference to the flood.
31:30 It's a reference judgment that came upon the wicked
31:33 in the days of Noah.
31:35 It's also important to note that
31:37 round the same time period, around 1844,
31:41 there were some ideas that were being presented,
31:44 fairly new ideas up to that point,
31:47 saying that everything that we see in nature
31:49 is the result of long periods of time,
31:52 and over slow changes, you know, men evolved.
31:58 Well, the Bible is telling us that these changes that we see
32:00 in our environment
32:01 isn't because of millions of years,
32:04 the Bible tells us that occurred at the flood.
32:06 The fountains of the great deep broke open.
32:09 Right about the time of 1844 is when I believe
32:14 that was Darwin's voyage of the Beagle
32:16 and he was forming his thesis.
32:19 You know, here's the actual original title of the book,
32:22 "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,
32:25 and of the Preservation of Favored Races
32:29 in the Struggle for Life."
32:31 Preservation of favorite races?
32:33 A lot of people have changed the title
32:36 because it's an extremely racist view
32:39 that Darwin had.
32:40 He believed that the people in Europe
32:42 were more further evolved than other peoples.
32:45 And he says so very specifically.
32:47 And so that part of the evolutionary theory
32:49 is not taught in schools, is it?
32:51 But that was part of the same man,
32:53 who was teaching the theory of evolution
32:55 which of course took off.
32:57 Okay. What's next here?
32:58 Second angel's message.
33:00 Want to read that?
33:01 Revelation 14:8, says,
33:03 "And there followed another angel,
33:04 saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city,
33:09 because she has made all nations
33:10 drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
33:13 All right, so it's talking about Babylon.
33:15 We need to find out, who is Babylon?
33:17 Is it talking about those ruins that you find over there
33:21 and God going to rebuild the ancient city of Babylon?
33:24 No, the prophecies are very clear.
33:26 Ancient Babylon is not what's being referenced here.
33:29 You look in Isaiah 13 and there's a prophecy says,
33:32 "And Babylon, the glory of the kingdoms,
33:34 the beauty of the Chaldeans' pride,
33:36 will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.
33:40 It will never be inhabited, nor will it be settled
33:42 from generation to generation."
33:44 He says, it's gonna be a place
33:45 where the goats are going to play
33:47 and nobody's going to rebuild that city.
33:50 Just a little footnote, you might find interesting.
33:52 There it says, yeah,
33:53 "Or the Arabian pitches tend to there,
33:55 nor will the shepherds make their sheepfolds there.
33:57 But wild beasts of the desert will lie there,
33:59 their houses will be full of owls,
34:01 ostriches will dwell there,
34:03 wild goats will scamper or caper there."
34:07 Saddam Hussein knew that the Hebrew prophecy said,
34:13 the Babylon would never be rebuilt.
34:14 And he said, "I'm going to prove that wrong."
34:16 So he had very expensive plans to completely rebuild Babylon,
34:20 which was nothing but ruins up until the time.
34:23 And you can read here
34:26 and this is a quote from a Newsweek magazine,
34:28 "Saddam had himself photograph not long ago,
34:31 in a replica of the war chariot of Nebuchadnezzar,
34:33 the Babylonian king
34:34 who Saddam apparently revered as his hero,"
34:37 He actually said,
34:38 he was a reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar.
34:40 "Despite about of insanity that's recounted
34:42 in the Book of Daniel,
34:43 Nebuchadnezzar made his name
34:44 and history by destroying Jerusalem in 587 B.C.
34:49 and driving its inhabitants in the 70 years of captivity.
34:52 It is fair warning."
34:54 Here Saddam was saying,
34:55 I'm going to teach those Jews a lesson.
34:56 I'm the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar.
34:58 I'm going to rebuild Babylon.
35:00 And then the Gulf War broke out.
35:02 That's as far as he got
35:03 with a tourism center in Babylon.
35:06 You can see they restored some streets,
35:08 nobody lives there.
35:09 It's still ruins.
35:11 And so what Babylon is Revelation
35:14 talking about in Chapter 2?
35:16 Well, to understand
35:17 who Babylon is in Revelation 14,
35:19 you need to look in Revelation Chapter 17.
35:21 Revelation 17 describes a woman
35:23 and her name written on a forehead
35:25 is Babylon the Great,
35:26 the mother of harlots
35:28 and the abominations of the earth.
35:30 Now you'll remember in a previous study,
35:32 we looked at what a woman represents in Bible prophecy.
35:35 A woman represents a church.
35:37 Revelation Chapter 12, you have the true church,
35:40 a woman clothed with the sun, standing upon the moon,
35:42 a crown of 12 stars, representing God's true church
35:45 throughout the Christian era.
35:47 But now in Revelation 17,
35:48 you have a woman that is a persecuting power,
35:52 and her name is Babylon.
35:54 So the Bible is describing a religious organization,
35:56 a religious political organization,
35:58 because it says the woman is sitting upon a beast.
36:01 The beast in Bible prophecy represents a political power,
36:05 and the woman is controlling the beast,
36:07 meaning this religious church
36:10 is controlling political powers.
36:12 So Babylon in Bible prophecy represents
36:15 this false religious system in the last days.
36:20 Now, it's interesting, it says, the first angel's message,
36:22 "Babylon is fallen, is fallen," she falls twice.
36:27 In Revelation Chapter 17, you have the mother Babylon,
36:30 but you also have the daughters Babylon.
36:33 So the mother church,
36:34 the mother Babylon would represent
36:35 the church of Rome, the daughter churches
36:38 would represent those Protestant churches
36:40 that came from the mother,
36:42 and yet held on to the false doctrines
36:45 and teachings of the mother church.
36:47 So there is a warning in the second angel's message,
36:50 "Babylon is fallen, is fallen."
36:52 Yeah.
36:53 And then if you look in Revelation 18,
36:55 to better understand how Babylon...
36:57 What Babylon is?
36:59 It says, "The first and the third angels
37:01 describe having a loud voice.
37:03 But the second angel is simply announcing that
37:05 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen.'
37:07 Why does the second angel not proclaim the message
37:09 with a loud voice?' "
37:11 But you go to Revelation Chapter 18,
37:14 and you can see where it says, "Babylon the city,
37:17 the great is fallen," and it says that there he cried
37:19 mightily with a loud voice.
37:21 That's Revelation 14:8. Yeah.
37:25 "He cries mightily with a loud voice,"
37:28 in Revelation 18:1-2, "Come out of her, my people."
37:33 Now to understand coming out of Babylon,
37:36 first of all got to go way back.
37:38 Babylon starts out as Mesopotamia.
37:40 Babylon is a very old city.
37:42 Who was it that began?
37:45 Nimrod building, his first city was Babel.
37:49 Abraham brings his wife out of Mesopotamia
37:52 into the Promised Land.
37:54 Then later he doesn't want Isaac
37:55 to marry the local pagan girl.
37:57 He sends his servant Eliezer back to Mesopotamia,
38:00 to get Rebecca and brings her out of Babylon
38:03 to the Promised Land.
38:06 Rebecca then sends Jacob to find a wife.
38:09 He goes back to Mesopotamia.
38:11 He comes back with four wives into the Promised Land.
38:16 And then God's people are carried off to Babylon.
38:19 And they got comfortable there after 70 years.
38:22 And God says, "My plagues are going to fall on Babylon,
38:24 come out of her My people."
38:26 What's the struggle for them to come out?
38:27 They got used to being in Babylon.
38:29 They adopted the customs of Babylon.
38:30 They spoke Babylonian.
38:32 He said, look, I'm calling you to be my peculiar people.
38:35 So it was a real struggle. Some of them didn't come out.
38:37 They said, "We're comfortable here.
38:38 We've been here too long."
38:40 You have that same problem happening to God's people
38:42 in the last days.
38:44 He's asking His people,
38:45 God has His people mixed up in many religions.
38:47 They love the Lord.
38:48 They've got elements of truth,
38:49 but they've got some of the doctrines of devils
38:51 that are in Babylon.
38:53 And a curse is ultimately going to fall on Babylon.
38:56 God says, "Come out of her,
38:58 My people that you receive not of her plagues,
39:01 that you're not guilty of her sins."
39:03 And that's a message that's to go out.
39:05 Now to come back to pure biblical Christianity,
39:08 the faith that was once delivered to the saints.
39:12 You know just to build on that.
39:13 Get ready to hit the buzzer there.
39:14 You know what? I forgot.
39:16 There it is, okay.
39:17 Want to add something.
39:19 Talking about the fourth angel?
39:20 You have the second angel that says,
39:22 "Babylon is fallen, is fallen,"
39:23 but it's not proclaimed with a loud voice.
39:26 But it should be proclaimed with a loud voice,
39:28 because it's going to go to all the world.
39:29 So now you find the fourth angel
39:31 in Revelation 18, which does just that.
39:33 Revelation 18:2, it talks about, well,
39:36 one talks about this mighty angel
39:37 coming down the earth,
39:39 he is illuminated with his glory.
39:40 In verse 2, "And he cries mightily with a loud voice, "
39:43 there it is, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen,
39:46 has become the dwelling place of demons,
39:48 a prison of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean
39:53 and hated bird."
39:54 Now remember, Babylon is referring to this religious
39:57 institution, this church that has become corrupt.
40:00 There's an interesting
40:02 parallel passage talking about this,
40:03 notice it says,
40:04 a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
40:07 This is actually a quote from a prophecy
40:09 in Jeremiah Chapter 5.
40:11 I'd like to read it.
40:12 Jeremiah 5:26, 27.
40:15 Notice to what it says here.
40:17 It says, "For among my people are found wicked men.
40:20 They lie in wait as one that sets snares,
40:23 they set a trap, they catch men.
40:27 As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses, "
40:30 or you might add their churches,
40:32 "full of deceit, therefore,
40:35 they have become great and grown rich."
40:38 Is that a description of what's happening
40:40 in a lot of churches today
40:42 where false doctrine is being preached
40:44 and the people become very wealthy, very influential?
40:49 So what's being described here in Revelation 18
40:51 and Revelation 14 is the condition
40:53 that we see in Christianity by large today.
40:57 Now, of course, there's always exceptions,
40:59 God has got faithful people scattered throughout Babylon.
41:02 But part of the three angels' messages is to call people
41:05 to come out of religious confusion,
41:07 make their stand upon Bible truth.
41:10 Yeah, also just highlighting what Pastor Ross was saying,
41:13 not only is this message loud,
41:14 don't miss the part where it says,
41:15 the earth is illuminated.
41:17 Is that a good light?
41:19 There's gonna be the message, finally going forth
41:23 with great power in the last days.
41:24 We want to be part of that, don't we?
41:26 It's part of why we're doing,
41:27 what we're doing here at Granite Bay
41:29 and where they are building, we're wanting to broadcast
41:31 with great light this message around the world.
41:34 And to pray that we're effective that way.
41:36 And the message record is come out of her.
41:39 Notice he says, "My people."
41:40 Does God have His people in many different churches?
41:42 Yes. They love the Lord.
41:44 We're going to find a lot of folks in heaven
41:46 that maybe didn't understand everything
41:48 about the health message or go to church the right day,
41:50 but they walked in the light they had
41:53 and they love the Lord.
41:54 They understood the basics of the gospel.
41:56 And these churches need to hear the message.
41:59 How they're going to hear it?
42:00 Now, not only are they're being called out of Babylon,
42:04 what are they being called into?
42:07 How many churches are there in the last days?
42:10 Well, it's two. True and false.
42:12 Got mark of the beast, seal of God?
42:14 There's going to be a shaking and a polarizing,
42:16 you're going to notice that
42:17 everybody's going to be coming towards one or the other.
42:20 So when they come out of Babylon,
42:22 what did they come into?
42:24 Jesus said, "Other sheep I have," this is John 10:16,
42:28 "which are not of this fold, them also I must bring,
42:31 they will hear my voice and there will be one fold
42:34 and one shepherd."
42:36 Okay, so God's pulling His people together,
42:39 they'll be united group.
42:41 When Jesus sent the disciples out, He said,
42:43 "All men will know
42:44 you're My disciples by your love for one another."
42:46 Is a Christian church united today?
42:47 No.
42:49 Is there a false call to unity in the Christian church today?
42:54 I mean, does even the pope tell everybody
42:55 we need to unite.
42:56 John 17, put aside our differences.
42:59 Does he want us to unite for the sake of unity
43:01 or to unite for truth?
43:03 Truth needs to be uniting factor.
43:06 All right, we got to hurry along third angel's message.
43:09 Want to read that, Pastor Ross?
43:10 Revelation 14, beginning in verse 9, it says,
43:12 "Then a third angel followed them saying," notice,
43:15 "with a loud voice, 'If anyone worships the beast or his image
43:18 and receives his mark in his forehead or on his hand,
43:21 he himself shall also drink
43:23 the wine of the wrath of God..."
43:25 By the way, the wine of the wrath of God
43:27 is described later in Revelation
43:29 as the seven last plagues,
43:31 "Which is poured out full strength
43:32 into the cup of His indignation.
43:34 He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
43:36 in the presence of the holy angels,
43:37 and in the presence of the Lamb.
43:39 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever,
43:42 and they have no rest day or night,
43:43 who worship the beast and his image
43:45 and whosoever receives the mark of his name.' "
43:49 Notice that, those that have the seal of God,
43:53 the Bible says they remember the Sabbath.
43:56 They remember God is Creator.
43:58 Those who worship the beast have no rest.
44:01 Doesn't the Bible tells us that the Sabbath He gave,
44:03 spake in a certain place of the seventh day
44:05 that they should enter into his rest.
44:06 Hebrews Chapter 4, Jesus said,
44:08 "Come unto me and I'll give you," what? "Rest."
44:12 The Sabbath embodies the rest that we have in Christ.
44:15 Those who worship the beast, they don't rest,
44:18 they don't have a rest day or night.
44:19 You'll notice the first angel's message
44:21 talks about true worship, fear God, give Him glory,
44:24 the hour of His judgment is come, worship the Creator.
44:29 The third angel warns us about false worship.
44:31 So the first angel is all about true worship.
44:34 The third angel is all about false worship.
44:36 Anyone who worships the beast or his image
44:38 or receives his mark in the last days,
44:40 all the world's going to be divided up,
44:42 everybody's going to be
44:43 worshiping someone or something.
44:46 Those of the seal of God will be worshiping
44:48 the Creator God and keeping the commandments of God.
44:51 Those who worship the beast power
44:53 will be keeping the commandments of the beast.
44:56 And so two groups of people are set up in the last days.
44:59 Amen.
45:00 You remember,
45:01 it's the same battle that starts all the way back
45:03 in Cain and Abel.
45:06 They both claimed to worship God.
45:08 There are only two groups, Cain's way and Abel's way.
45:12 And Cain when he manufactured his own form of worship,
45:17 a curse was placed on him and a mark.
45:20 So you can't read Revelation 13 and Revelation 14
45:23 without thinking about, this is the devil's attempt
45:25 in the beginning to set up counterfeit worship
45:28 opposed to the worship of God.
45:29 It says, Cain went out from the presence of the Lord
45:33 just like Adam and Eve.
45:34 They ran from God.
45:35 These are people who are separated,
45:37 your sins have separated you from God.
45:39 Represents all the sinners who were separated from God.
45:41 And ultimately they received that mark,
45:44 and then a very fearful judgment falls upon them
45:47 in the end.
45:49 So it's asking the question, "Will we keep the commandments
45:51 of God or the commandments of the beast?"
45:54 You've got two kinds of marks.
45:57 Bible tells us in Deuteronomy Chapter 6, "Hear, O Israel,
46:04 the Lord our God is one.
46:05 Thou shall love the Lord thy God
46:06 with all thy heart, mind, soul, and strength.
46:08 And these words that I command you this day,"
46:10 Ten Commandments He just gave in Chapter 5,
46:13 "they'll be in your heart.
46:14 Teach them diligently to your children,
46:16 when you lay down, when you rise up,
46:18 when you go out, when you come in,
46:19 they'll be on the doors of your house.
46:21 You shall bind them for a sign on your hand,
46:24 they shall be as frontlets between your eyes."
46:27 So if we accept the everlasting gospel,
46:29 we have the law of God in our hearts,
46:31 it will then be in our actions, that means,
46:33 it's in your thoughts, it's in your hands.
46:36 If you do not have the seal of God,
46:38 then you got the mark of the beast.
46:40 The works of the beast in your hand
46:42 and in your forehead.
46:44 You know, so the key issue at the end of time
46:46 revolves around worship
46:47 and important part of worship is obedience.
46:50 So God's people will have to make a stand in obeying God,
46:53 in being faithful to His commandments.
46:55 Yes, there'll be some persecution in the last days.
46:58 But the Bible promises that if we're faithful to God,
47:01 God will be faithful to us.
47:02 It's far better in the last days
47:04 to have the seal of God
47:05 and may be face some persecution
47:07 than to have the mark of the beast
47:09 and face the seven last plagues.
47:10 Amen.
47:11 We need to decide which side we want to be on.
47:14 Now, ultimately, as we are preaching the three angel's
47:17 message and especially when that second angel goes again,
47:20 like Revelation 18, great power, loud,
47:23 illuminates the earth.
47:25 What will the devil do when God's message takes off?
47:28 Does he just stand back and acts after the gospel
47:32 was being preached
47:33 and the Holy Spirit was poured out?
47:34 You read in Chapter 8, a great persecution arose.
47:37 All that live godly will suffer persecution.
47:40 The beast power will consolidate
47:42 and begin to persecute God's people during that time,
47:45 till eventually probation is closed.
47:47 There's a statement from the book, Last Day Events,
47:50 "When our nation, in its legislative councils,
47:52 shall enact laws to bind the consciences of men
47:56 in regard to their religious privileges,
47:58 enforcing Sunday observance,
48:00 and bringing oppressive power to bear against those
48:02 who keep the seventh-day Sabbath,
48:04 the law of God will be to all intents and purposes,
48:07 be made void in our land,
48:09 and national apostasy will be followed by national ruin."
48:13 Friends, there are things happening in the world today
48:15 that should really capture our attention
48:18 and excite us to be sharing the message.
48:21 I just saw this week in Russia.
48:24 Jehovah's Witnesses have been outlawed,
48:27 now their property is being seized
48:29 and they're being imprisoned.
48:32 You can read this for yourself.
48:34 Now I don't agree with some of their beliefs.
48:36 But I know a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses
48:37 and they're not criminals.
48:39 They don't rampage up and down the streets,
48:40 they're law-abiding citizens and they are in Russia.
48:43 And Ukraine got a call this week,
48:45 I was supposed to do a TV interview yesterday,
48:47 it's being postponed.
48:49 Christians in Ukraine, Protestants are being
48:51 persecuted by the Orthodox Church to being imprisoned.
48:55 Those things happening all around the world and we think,
48:58 "Oh, that would never happen in our country."
49:00 But prophecy says ultimately it will.
49:03 And so now's when we need to be getting those messages out.
49:06 One more thought before...
49:07 I know you might have a closing thought,
49:09 you know, we have a free offer, we want to reiterate,
49:11 but Amazing Facts also has a lesson on this.
49:14 And it's called Angel Messages from Outer Space.
49:17 You can read it for free
49:18 by simply going to the Amazing Facts website
49:21 or go to Bible Universe and just,
49:23 you can type in the title, you'll probably find it online.
49:25 But if you want to better understand this,
49:27 we're giving you a condensed version of Revelation 14,
49:30 just Angel Messages from Space.
49:33 We'd also like to remind those
49:34 who are watching about our free offer today.
49:36 This is just a great resource, entitled,
49:37 "Revelation: The Bride, the Beast, and Babylon.
49:40 This is a DVD documentary that really looks at Revelation
49:43 Chapter 17.
49:45 If you'd like to receive it, the number to call is
49:46 866-788-3966.
49:50 And you can ask for offer number 817,
49:53 or you can text the code
49:54 "SH055" to the number 40544.
50:00 Thank you very much.
50:02 You can honk the horn. We're done now.
50:03 We're done.
50:04 Time is up.
50:05 We'll see you God willing, friends, next week,
50:08 and we want to thank you for joining us
50:09 for our Sabbath School Study Hour.
50:22 Among the people living in the tropics,
50:24 for thousands of years
50:25 the coconut has been a virtual tree of life.
50:29 The people use it for food, for clothing, for water,
50:32 for tools, for soap, it does just about everything.
50:37 The coconut has also saved a lot of lives.
50:41 During World War II, pilots that were shot down
50:43 or sailors that were stranded on Pacific Islands,
50:46 they lived for many months on nothing
50:48 other than the coconut trees that were on their islands.
50:51 Yes, sir, the coconut is a tree of life.
50:54 One of the amazing things about coconut is they're designed
50:57 so they're actually able to float across oceans.
51:01 Coconuts can go thousands of miles after many months
51:03 be washed up on some deserted sandy beach,
51:06 then they take root, sprout, come to life
51:11 and they'll develop a whole new ecosystem,
51:14 holding islands in place through a hurricane.
51:16 When the ancient Polynesian travelers crossing oceans
51:19 saw an island with coconut trees,
51:21 they knew there was hope.
51:23 It's amazing how in virtually no time at all,
51:26 those living on Pacific Islands know how to make baskets
51:29 and all kinds of tools
51:30 from the leaves of the coconut tree.
51:35 The coconuts even serve different purposes
51:37 at different times in their development.
51:39 The younger green coconut, they're full of water
51:41 and that'll keep you alive.
51:45 You can even make utensils from the coconut.
51:48 My spoon is part of the green shell and here,
51:52 this is a coconut jelly, makes good for breakfast.
51:58 The more mature coconuts, that's where you get the meat,
52:01 but you want to make sure that they're not bad,
52:02 the way you test this
52:04 is you can hear the water inside.
52:05 You bring that mike over here.
52:08 Can you hear it?
52:09 That's a good one.
52:10 How about we take a bite?
52:12 Now that makes meal that will really fill you up
52:14 and it cleanse your teeth at the same time.
52:19 Throughout the Bible,
52:20 Jesus uses a number of metaphors
52:22 to remind us that everything we need to survive
52:24 comes from Him.
52:26 He says that He's the living water.
52:28 Jesus tells us He is the bread of life.
52:30 His robe covers us with righteousness.
52:33 He is our good shepherd that protects us.
52:36 Jesus is the living vine through which we get our life
52:38 and our nourishment.
52:40 You might say Jesus is like the coconut tree,
52:43 a tree of life.
52:44 You know, the first few verses in the Bible tell that
52:47 God provided a tree of life for man
52:49 so he could live forever,
52:51 but because of sin man was separated from that tree
52:53 and from the garden.
52:55 But through trusting in Jesus
52:56 and trusting in His sacrifice on the cross,
52:59 we once again will have access to the tree of life
53:01 and have eternal life with Him in the kingdom.
53:04 But this is all made possible because we trust in Jesus,
53:07 who is the real tree of life.
53:09 Jesus said, "Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood,
53:12 you have no life in you."
53:13 But when we accept Christ as our sacrifice
53:15 and we allow Him to cleanse us and fill us with His Spirit,
53:18 we become new creatures,
53:20 and we can be with Him in sharing the gift
53:22 of everlasting life with others.
53:24 Matter of fact, we could do that right now
53:26 by tossing a coconut out
53:27 and praying that it lands on a deserted beach.
53:51 Amazing Facts Changed Lives.
54:01 I was heading south on Interstate 5,
54:04 this commercial come on KFBK radio
54:08 about a Revelation seminar by Amazing Facts.
54:11 I began, my chest began to tighten up,
54:13 I began sweating profusely.
54:16 I had difficulty in breathing.
54:18 There was this big rest area and at this time
54:21 I pulled into there, I thought, well, maybe
54:23 I'm having a heart attack.
54:25 I got out of my truck,
54:26 walked into the men's restroom therein,
54:29 put cold water on my face
54:31 and then finally things subsided.
54:33 A week later, again, I heard this Amazing Facts
54:36 commercial come on the radio.
54:37 In fact, the meetings were gonna start that very night,
54:40 and again immediately I had the same symptoms, I thought,
54:44 you know, this isn't my heart, I have to go to that meeting.
54:48 And as I was going down the Sacramento,
54:50 I decided to park and go inside.
54:53 Well, I got in and walked into the furthermost rear seat
54:58 they had in the pew there,
55:00 and this particular evangelist, his name was Kim Karen.
55:06 It was like taking one layer off at a time of an onion.
55:10 He laid it out so perfectly
55:12 that we could all understand it,
55:13 and I was really motivated, I couldn't believe it.
55:16 Well, I finished, I didn't miss the meeting.
55:18 In fact, on the fifth night, they had an altar call
55:22 and my knees stood right up and I walked forward
55:25 and I gave my heart to Jesus Christ.
55:28 I've learned throughout this whole thing that
55:31 when you leave the devil's territory,
55:34 he gets pretty active and causing a lot of problems.
55:38 Well, I have the evangelist come out
55:41 and they had prayer with me about my business.
55:43 I would find a sick business and make it well
55:47 and then market it.
55:48 I finally ended up with a business
55:50 that I really enjoyed,
55:51 that was one that was building equestrian centers
55:55 and they said to me, Steve, he said, you know,
55:57 if you're gonna really keep the Sabbath,
55:59 you gotta shut your doors on the Sabbath.
56:02 Well, I did and so I sold the business to my brother.
56:05 Took me 22 years to build that business
56:08 and he lost it in 33 months.
56:11 My son who was my business partner,
56:13 I've been giving him 10% of the business every year.
56:17 He thought I just fallen of the bridge.
56:21 My son didn't talk to me for five and a half years
56:25 and then a few other things happened.
56:26 So I had an ex-employee living in my guest house,
56:29 he kind of watched after our place
56:32 and he said, "Steve, " he said, "There's an elite moving van,
56:36 backed up to your front door in your home."
56:38 I said, "You're kidding."
56:39 I said, "What do you mean?"
56:41 He said, "They're moving everything out of your house
56:43 into this truck and your wife is out there supervising them.
56:47 And when I went home and opened the front door,
56:50 my voice echoed in that house.
56:51 There wasn't any furniture left anywhere.
56:53 There was one bed left in the house.
56:56 I knew my wife was upset
56:57 because of my coming to this church.
57:01 But I had no idea that she would move out like this,
57:04 that was a total shock to me.
57:06 It was sometime there,
57:07 that I locked myself in the bedroom
57:09 and I began reading the Bible.
57:11 It's been about a half a year, just every night getting home
57:14 and I would study.
57:17 It allowed me to have a personal relationship with
57:19 Jesus Christ.
57:21 Well, to make a long story short,
57:23 I met Crystal and she was a godly woman.
57:26 That was the Lord's doing, not mine.
57:29 And He was just there to let me know
57:31 that I'm with you all the way,
57:32 even though you're gonna have some trials,
57:34 you're gonna have some hardships.
57:36 I want you to know that I'll be with you
57:39 because no matter what I do now,
57:42 He is my leader, He's the leader of my marriage,
57:45 He's the leader of everything in my life today.
57:48 That one meeting with the Amazing Facts seminar
57:50 changed my entire life and to this day,
57:54 I'm still on fire for God,
57:55 I'm still witnessing to my neighbors.
57:58 My name is Steve Johnson and it's because of you
58:01 that Amazing Facts has changed my life.


Revised 2019-03-06