Sabbath School Study Hour

The Sealed People of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021906A

00:34 Hello, friends,
00:36 welcome again to Sabbath School Study Hour
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:40 in Sacramento, California.
00:42 I'd like to welcome those joining us across the country
00:45 and around the world
00:46 on the various social media outlets
00:48 as well as our online members,
00:50 who are tuning faithfully every week
00:52 to study the lesson with us.
00:54 I'd also like to welcome our regular church members
00:57 as well as those who are visiting with us today.
00:59 Thank you for being here.
01:00 We have such an important lesson
01:02 that we're going to be looking at,
01:03 one of my favorite passages in the Book of Revelation,
01:07 it's Revelation Chapter 7,
01:09 talking about those who have the seal of God
01:11 in their foreheads.
01:12 Well, that's a good lead into our subject
01:14 for this entire quarter, it's on the Book of Revelation.
01:17 Those of you have been attending,
01:19 you know, we've been studying through our lesson quarterly.
01:22 Today we find ourselves on lesson number six,
01:25 and it's in entitled "The Sealed People of God,"
01:29 really the core of our study is from Revelation Chapter 7.
01:32 Pastor Doug is going to be sharing
01:34 some very important information about that
01:35 here in just a few moments.
01:37 But before we get started on our lesson,
01:39 I'd like to remind our friends who are joining us
01:41 of our free offer today.
01:43 We have a book entitled "Who Will Sing the Song?
01:45 Understanding the 144,000,"
01:48 a book written by Pastor Doug, and this is our free offer.
01:51 To anyone who are watching,
01:52 if you'd like to receive a copy of this book,
01:54 the number to call is 866-788-3966,
01:58 and you can ask for offer number 172, 1-7-2
02:03 or if you'd like,
02:04 you can receive this book in a digital form
02:07 by texting the following code,
02:09 "SH119" to the number 40544.
02:15 You will then receive a link
02:16 as to where you can download the book,
02:18 Who Will Sing the Song?
02:20 And I think you'll find it a very interesting study,
02:23 and indeed it does go along with our study today.
02:26 Well, before we get to our lesson study,
02:28 let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
02:31 Dear Father, once again we are grateful
02:32 that we're able to gather together
02:33 and study this very important book
02:35 and very important topic
02:37 we find in the last book of the Bible.
02:39 Father, the most important question
02:40 that anyone can ask is,
02:41 "How can I have the seal of God?
02:44 How can I can be amongst those
02:46 who are found ready when Jesus comes?"
02:48 So we do pray that
02:49 Your Holy Spirit will guide our hearts,
02:51 our minds as we study together.
02:53 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
02:56 Our lesson today is going to be brought to us by Pastor Doug.
03:01 Good morning.
03:02 Hey, Jëan, you want to teach the lesson with me?
03:06 Well.
03:07 What were you going to do, you gonna sit down?
03:09 This is his favorite subject.
03:11 You want to grab a Bible. I'll grab a Bible.
03:13 If you want to teach, get a Bible,
03:14 let's do it together.
03:16 He didn't knew I was going to do that, isn't that mean?
03:19 I just know one of his favorite subjects
03:20 is Revelation,
03:21 and we never know
03:23 how the stars are going to line up
03:24 with who's going to teach what dates,
03:26 it has to do with travel,
03:27 and I know that he's just kind of thinking,
03:29 "Oh, man, I want to help teach this lesson."
03:31 Okay, let's do it together, let's see what happens.
03:33 We may never do this again.
03:35 We'll try it out.
03:37 Welcome everybody to Sabbath School Study Hour,
03:40 and our lesson today is lesson number 6.
03:42 Now, I know this sounds confusing,
03:43 it's lesson 6 on Chapter 7 of Revelation.
03:47 And so God willing, we're going to try to cover
03:49 all of Revelation Chapter 7 today.
03:51 Now I need help
03:52 because this is 144,000, the seal of God,
03:58 and the great multitude, and the song of Moses,
04:01 very important material in this one lesson.
04:05 Now we've got a memory verse,
04:07 and the memory verse comes from Revelation 14:7,
04:10 and this is from the New King James Version.
04:13 I hope you'll say this with me, you're ready?
04:16 "These are the ones who come out of a great tribulation,
04:21 and washed their robes,
04:23 and made them white in the blood of the lamb."
04:28 Now, you know, what I thought I do
04:29 as we try to teach this lesson is why don't we go ahead,
04:32 you look at Revelation 14,
04:34 why don't you read
04:35 up until the great multitude in Revelation 7 verse...
04:39 I'm sorry, Revelation 7:1.
04:41 Absolutely, I'll be happy to.
04:43 All right, Pastor Doug, here we go.
04:45 As I've said, we haven't rehearsed this,
04:47 so we don't know what's going to happen,
04:48 neither do you,
04:50 but we're happy to talk about
04:51 one of our favorite parts of the Bible.
04:53 So Revelation Chapter 7,
04:54 I hope you have your Bibles with you,
04:56 going to spend a lot of time right in this passage.
04:58 And let me read the first part of Chapter 7
05:02 dealing with 144,000,
05:03 and that goes all the way through to about verse 9.
05:07 So I'm gonna start in verse 1, it says,
05:08 "After these things I saw four angels
05:11 standing on the four corners of the earth,
05:13 holding the four winds of the earth,
05:15 that the wind should not blow on the earth,
05:17 on the sea, or on any tree.
05:20 Then I saw another angel ascending from the east,
05:23 having the seal of the living God.
05:25 And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels
05:27 to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,
05:29 saying, 'Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees
05:34 till we have sealed the servants of God
05:37 on their foreheads.'
05:39 And I heard the number of those who were sealed.
05:41 One hundred and forty-four thousand
05:43 of all the tribes of the children of Israel,
05:45 they were sealed.'"
05:46 Maybe we should stop here.
05:48 I just look it all, we've got in there,
05:50 and probably out to do a little expository teaching
05:53 right here at this point.
05:55 All right, first of all,
05:57 we studied the seven seals last week,
05:59 but we only got to six.
06:01 So we haven't got to the seventh seal yet.
06:04 Before the seventh seal is opened,
06:06 you've got Chapter 7, Chapter 8,
06:09 you actually have the opening of the seventh seal.
06:12 So when he says after these things,
06:15 after what things?
06:17 After this, the sixth seal.
06:18 So we know when in history this is happening,
06:21 down near the end of time,
06:22 there's a sealing that takes place
06:25 before the seventh seal is opened.
06:27 And when the seventh seal is open,
06:28 all kinds of things break loose,
06:30 and it's a sign of the second coming.
06:33 Now when it says these four angels
06:35 at the four corners of the earth,
06:37 what does that represent?
06:38 Well, you're talking about four.
06:40 In the Bible, you know, the numbers have
06:41 prophetic significance.
06:43 Some people wonder,
06:44 he's just talking about the earth being flat,
06:46 it's like a square, and there's four corners,
06:48 and there's an angel assigned to each corner
06:50 holding the corner of the earth.
06:51 No, it simply means the four points of the compass,
06:54 north, south, east and west.
06:56 So when it talks about the four angels
06:58 holding the four corners of the earth
07:00 or standing at the four corners of the earth,
07:02 it's really just describing these angels
07:04 holding back these winds of fury from the north, south,
07:07 east, and west.
07:08 So God is still holding back this full wind of strife
07:12 that is about to come until the sealing occurs
07:15 amongst God's people.
07:16 It's a storm that...
07:18 By the way, there's another verse
07:19 if you ever want to understand Revelation,
07:21 compare scripture with scripture.
07:23 Matthew 24, when Jesus talks about His coming,
07:26 "He will send His angels with the sound of a trumpet,
07:28 and they will gather together his elect from the four winds."
07:32 You find both winds, angels, and four in the seals
07:37 we're studying right now.
07:38 From the four winds of heaven,
07:39 from one end of heaven to the other.
07:40 It's just talking about from around the world,
07:42 they'll be gathered.
07:44 Now it says that there's not supposed to...
07:47 They're not to release the winds to blow upon earth,
07:51 tree, water.
07:54 Sounds like name of a rock group.
07:56 But there it's talking about the environment,
08:00 nations were trees.
08:03 What is water represent in Revelation?
08:05 Multitudes and nations, kindred some times.
08:08 You remember that verse? Revelation 17.
08:10 Revelation 17, it tells us what these things.
08:13 So they're holding back a storm
08:15 that is going to blow upon the earth
08:17 that's going to affect the environment,
08:18 it's going to affect the nations,
08:20 it's going to affect the people.
08:21 It's a great time of trouble,
08:22 but before that time of trouble is released,
08:25 and by the way, when you get into,
08:27 you know, the seven plagues,
08:28 you really see the epitome of this time of trouble.
08:31 Before it's released,
08:32 something has to happen that we read about.
08:35 Angels are supposed to...
08:36 A seal is to be place on the believers.
08:41 So there's a lot of discussion about what is this seal?
08:44 Now...
08:45 Pastor Doug, can I add one point here.
08:47 Yeah, please, why... I want you to.
08:48 Just to kind of give the setting here.
08:51 Pastor Doug mentioned that Revelation Chapter 7
08:54 is in the midst of the sixth and the seventh seal,
08:57 but there is an important question
08:58 that's asked in the sixth seal that leads into the 144,000.
09:04 And you find in Revelation Chapter 6,
09:06 just to back up a little bit, just to give the context,
09:08 verse 15 says,
09:09 "And the kings of the earth, and the great men,
09:11 the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men,
09:12 every slave, every free man, hid themselves in the caves
09:16 and in the rocks of the mountains,
09:17 and they said to the mountains and the rocks,
09:19 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him
09:21 who sits upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
09:24 For the great day of His wrath has come,
09:27 and who shall able to stand?'"
09:28 So the sixth seal brings you
09:29 right up to the second coming of Jesus.
09:31 But a question is asked, the question is,
09:33 the day of His wrath has come,
09:35 talking about the second coming of Jesus.
09:36 The question is,
09:37 who's going to be able to stand when Jesus comes?
09:41 And then John hits the pause button,
09:44 backs up just a little bit to talk about a group of people
09:47 that are able to stand when Jesus comes,
09:50 and he gives a characteristic of this group of people
09:52 and says,
09:53 "Oh, they have the seal of God in their foreheads."
09:56 Amen.
09:57 And then on the next seal, the eighth seal,
09:59 you actually have the second coming of Christ.
10:01 So this is kind of an important connection,
10:03 Chapter 8.
10:04 I mean Chapter 8, seventh seal. Seventh seal.
10:06 Yeah. So then we're...
10:07 Now let's talk for a second about what is the seal of God.
10:11 And if you look in Isaiah 8:16, he says,
10:15 "Bind up the testimony,
10:17 seal the law among My disciples."
10:21 So somewhere in the law of God, you find the seal of God.
10:25 Now I always like to take people
10:26 on just the visual of this for a second.
10:31 If I were to say,
10:32 we went on a trip to the Holy Land this year,
10:34 where did we go?
10:37 Israel.
10:38 And then if I tell you while we were in the Holy Land,
10:41 we went to the holy mount, where's that?
10:45 Temple Mount, Mount of Olives, it's actually Mount Moriah,
10:49 which is the Temple Mount, Mount Zion,
10:51 it's sometimes called.
10:52 And on the Temple Mount, you've got the holy city.
10:55 What city am I talking about?
10:57 Jerusalem.
10:58 And in the holy city, you've got the holy temple.
11:03 And in the holy temple, you've got the holy place.
11:07 And just beyond the holy place, you have what?
11:10 The Holy of Holies, and the most holy place.
11:13 Now notice how often the word holy appears here.
11:15 In the Holy Land,
11:16 you get the holy city, you get the holy mount,
11:18 you get the holy temple, you get the holy place,
11:19 get the Holy of Holies,
11:21 and in the Holy of Holies is the holy ark,
11:25 and in the holy ark is the holy law,
11:28 and in the holy law,
11:29 you find the word holy one time.
11:32 Do you know where?
11:34 Fourth Commandment, isn't that interesting?
11:37 And God's purpose, the plan of salvation
11:39 is to make us holy.
11:42 And so the seal of God is in the middle of His law.
11:46 It's the only commandment where you find the word holy,
11:49 and it's something else.
11:51 What are the characteristics of a seal?
11:53 Well, seal, if it's going to have any value,
11:55 it has to have the name
11:57 of whoever has the authority of that seal,
11:59 so often it would have the name of the king,
12:02 it would have the territory that the king governs,
12:05 it'll also then have some kind of title
12:08 connected with the king.
12:09 Well, you might say the king,
12:10 the monarch of whatever place it might be,
12:13 gives the territory, and it gives his title.
12:15 So dominion, who it is,
12:17 and title of three characteristics
12:19 that you depict defining the seal.
12:21 When Darius put his seal on the stone
12:24 when Daniel was put in the lion's den,
12:26 that seal said, Darius, that's his name, King,
12:30 it's his title, Medo-Persia, territory.
12:33 When Pilate put a seal on the tomb of Jesus,
12:36 it said Pontius Pilate, it's his name, governor, Judea.
12:41 And so, where in the law of God do we find the seal of God?
12:46 You know, what part of the fourth commandment?
12:50 Where it says, "For in six days, the Lord,"
12:54 Jehovah, it's His name, "created," that's His office,
12:59 He is the creator and sustainer of all things,
13:02 "of the heaven and the earth," His territory.
13:04 So in the middle of the law of God,
13:06 you find the words holy, and you find the seal of God,
13:09 the components of a seal.
13:11 And the Sabbath is really different
13:13 because all the other commandments,
13:14 it says, "Don't worship other gods,
13:16 and don't take the name of the Lord God."
13:18 But it's not until you get to the Sabbath,
13:20 it describes who this God is.
13:22 The Sabbath Commandment.
13:24 Now, of course, the Sabbath
13:25 being an outward sign of the seal,
13:27 it's more than just a day,
13:29 although the day is very important,
13:30 especially at the end of time.
13:32 But like any of the Ten Commandments,
13:33 it has to do something with the heart,
13:35 you know, the new covenant promise
13:37 that God makes with those who believe in Him,
13:39 that He'll write His law on their hearts
13:41 and in their minds.
13:43 So to have the seal of God
13:44 is more than just an output observance of a particular day,
13:48 but it is to have that law of the creator
13:51 written in our hearts and our minds.
13:54 It has to do something with our character,
13:55 with our belief, with our faith.
13:57 Amen.
13:58 Now, in just a moment,
14:00 I'm going to let someone read a verse.
14:02 Hoftis, I think you'll have this next one
14:03 talking a little bit about this seal.
14:06 First of all, when you think about something in the forehead
14:08 or in the hand in Revelation, do you think
14:10 of something good or bad?
14:13 Lot of people, if I say you're going to get something
14:15 before the end of the world, someone's going to offer you
14:18 a mark in your forehead, do you want it?
14:21 And people say, no.
14:23 But all the same type of mark in their forehead.
14:26 Everybody's marked in the forehead
14:28 or the hand in Revelation.
14:30 There's a good mark you read about in Ezekiel 9.
14:34 If you read this vision in Ezekiel 9,
14:36 only those who received the mark from this angel
14:38 live through the terrible judgment
14:42 that goes through the land.
14:45 And so everybody wants that mark.
14:47 Keep in mind also,
14:49 the mark of the beast talks about the hand or the forehead.
14:52 If you look in Deuteronomy
14:53 when the Ten Commandments are given,
14:55 Deuteronomy Chapter 5, then go to Chapter 6
14:57 where God says,
14:58 "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one,
15:00 thou shall love the Lord with all your heart, mind,
15:02 soul, and strength."
15:03 And He says, "These words, I command you to stay."
15:05 That's the Ten Commandments, shall be in your heart.
15:08 Clearly is symbol, right?
15:10 Teach them to your children diligently,
15:13 put them on the doorpost of your house.
15:14 Then He says, "Bind them for a sign on your hand,
15:19 put them as front what's between your eyes
15:22 that the Lord's law may be in your heart."
15:24 And so it says, if basically,
15:26 if you don't have the law of the Lord in your heart,
15:29 and your hand, and your head, that means your actions,
15:32 your thoughts, your affections,
15:34 you'll have the mark of the beast in the last days.
15:35 You either have one or the other.
15:38 If you're not with Him, you're against Him.
15:41 Is the Sabbath a sign?
15:42 Go ahead, read for us, please.
15:43 I think it's Ezekiel 20:20.
15:46 Ezekiel 20:20, "Hallow My Sabbaths,
15:50 and they will be a sign between Me and you,
15:53 that you may know that I am the Lord your God."
15:57 I'm going to read a companion verse,
15:58 it's a verse 12 of the same Chapter,
16:00 Chapter 20 of Ezekiel.
16:02 "Moreover, I gave them My Sabbath
16:04 to be a sign between Me and them."
16:07 The word sign, insignia, seal
16:10 are interchangeable in the Bible.
16:12 And so it says, the Sabbath is a sign, it's a seal.
16:16 And so it shows what God you worship
16:18 and why you worship Him, because He's a creator.
16:21 So go ahead.
16:23 Something else related to the mark and the seal,
16:25 of course, as Pastor Doug
16:26 mentioned in the Book of Revelation
16:27 at the end of time,
16:28 everybody alive on the earth, when Jesus comes,
16:32 will be marked.
16:33 They'll either have the seal of God
16:35 or they will have the mark of the beast.
16:37 And, of course, in Ezekiel 9,
16:38 that seal is also referred to as a mark
16:41 that is placed in the forehead,
16:42 so it can be used interchangeably.
16:44 Something else interesting about the word mark
16:46 in the original Greek,
16:48 it comes from the word kharakter,
16:50 we get the English word character
16:52 from the word kharakter.
16:55 So it's kind of interesting that the seal
16:57 or this mark at the end of time
16:59 has something to do with the character,
17:01 has something to do with the heart
17:03 because the new covenant promises to write God's law
17:06 in the heart.
17:07 Whereas those that have the mark of the beast,
17:09 they have just the opposite of God's law in their heart,
17:12 they have the law of the beast power.
17:14 So the two groups are bought to view in the last days.
17:17 All right, now we're going to venture
17:19 on some interesting ground,
17:21 maybe even a little controversial.
17:23 And before I get into the 144,000,
17:28 I want to read a quote from First Selected Messages.
17:31 A lot of people argue about this,
17:32 we get a lot of questions,
17:33 and there's a lot of disagreement on it.
17:36 "It is not His will
17:37 that they shall get into controversy over questions
17:40 which will not help them spiritually
17:42 such as who is to compose the 144,000.
17:47 This, those who are elect of God,
17:49 will in the short time know without question."
17:52 And soon enough, we'll know the answer to this,
17:53 but there's a lot of discussion about this.
17:55 So I'm going to read, if it's okay,
17:57 verse 5-8, just where it names 144,000.
18:01 It says, "Of the tribe,"
18:02 it says there are 12,000 from these 12 tribes.
18:05 "Of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand were sealed,
18:07 of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand were sealed,
18:09 of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand were sealed,"
18:13 Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi,
18:16 Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin,
18:19 12,000 were sealed, right?
18:20 I don't want to be redundant.
18:22 You know, some tribe's missing.
18:25 We still got 12 here,
18:27 but how do we have 12
18:28 and you've got a couple that are missing.
18:29 What's missing?
18:31 Ephraim is not here, and Dan is not here.
18:35 That doesn't sound nice
18:37 that they would be left out of 144,000.
18:40 Are these literal Israelites?
18:43 We don't think so for a number of reasons.
18:46 One is if you read your Bible back in the days on Hezekiah,
18:50 the 10 northern tribes
18:51 were conquered by the Assyrians,
18:53 they were scattered through Assyria,
18:55 a lot of them intermarried,
18:57 some came back and later were known as Samaritans,
18:59 sort of a hybrid, Assyrian Jews,
19:04 and it's very difficult for you to find anybody
19:08 that has got all the DNA of Issachar, Simeon,
19:12 Zebulun in the world today.
19:14 They've been intermarried, and dispersed
19:17 all around the Far East.
19:20 So we really doubt that it's talking about
19:23 literally 12,000 from these tribes.
19:26 When Jesus picked the 12 apostles,
19:28 did He pick one from each tribe?
19:31 No, most of the 12 apostles were from either Benjamin,
19:35 Judah, or Levi.
19:37 You got Matthew, what was his middle name?
19:40 Matthew Levi, probably from Levi.
19:42 Saul says, I'm from the tribe of Benjamin.
19:45 And Judas Iscariot,
19:47 probably from the tribe of Judah,
19:48 and most of them were probably from the tribe of Judah
19:50 because that's who lived in the southern kingdom.
19:53 And so it's not talking about literal Jews
19:58 when it talks about the 144,000.
20:01 I got more, but I'll let you jump in.
20:02 Yeah, you might be wondering,
20:04 well, if we have two of the tribes
20:05 taken out of the 12, which is Dan and Ephraim,
20:08 how do we end up with 12 tribes?
20:10 Well, you remember that Joseph
20:11 didn't inherit a territory of land
20:15 under the name of Joseph,
20:16 but Joseph's territory
20:17 was actually divided up amongst his two sons.
20:20 So he had more territory.
20:22 But in the list given here in Revelation Chapter 7,
20:25 you'll notice that Joseph is mentioned and his sons,
20:27 and then you have Levi that's added,
20:30 that makes up your 12.
20:31 Levi didn't inherit a territory
20:33 when Israel occupied the Promised Land,
20:35 they were dispersed amongst the other tribes.
20:37 So there's great significance to the order of the names
20:40 and the names chosen that make up this list
20:43 that we have in Revelation 7.
20:45 Now one theory about why Ephraim and Dan
20:48 is left out is Ephraim was basically
20:52 That's the name...
20:54 that was used for all the 10 tribes
20:55 in the north,
20:56 often referred to as Ephraim
20:57 because it was the biggest tribe.
20:58 Southern kingdom is usually referred to as Judah,
21:00 that's where we get the word Jew,
21:02 it was the biggest tribe.
21:03 The Bible says,
21:04 "Ephraim is joined to her idols.
21:07 Let her alone."
21:09 Ephraim had turned to idolatry,
21:11 that's why they were carried off.
21:13 They never were allowed to freely return
21:15 like the children of Judah came back from Babylon.
21:18 And Dan, the word Dan means judge.
21:22 It talks about Dan is a viper in the way.
21:25 And so those two names,
21:26 the symbolism of those two names
21:28 had to be left out of the redeemed
21:31 because of what they meant.
21:32 But when you put all the names together,
21:34 it says something.
21:36 Would you like me to read it to you real quick?
21:38 And this is in the free book that we're making available,
21:41 who are the 144,000?
21:43 Now, if you want to know what the names mean,
21:46 you don't have to just have
21:48 a special Bible name dictionary.
21:51 In the Bible it tells you, when Rachel and Leah
21:54 are having the 12 boys, them and their handmaids,
21:57 every time a boy is born,
21:58 they make a statement based on what their names
22:00 mean if they tell you.
22:02 If you take the statements that define the names
22:05 that are given,
22:06 the way they appear in Revelation Chapter 7,
22:09 it tells the story of salvation.
22:11 Now one thing I want you to also know,
22:13 there is no other list of the 12 tribes
22:15 in the order that you find in Revelation Chapter 7,
22:18 which also makes you suspect it's telling us something.
22:22 Every other...
22:23 Why is Judah first?
22:24 Reuben was the firstborn.
22:26 It's a mixed up list.
22:28 So here's what it says when you just line them up.
22:31 If you were to say the names in Hebrew and the definitions,
22:34 what is it saying?
22:36 "Now I will praise the Lord."
22:38 The word Judah means praise the Lord.
22:40 "I will praise the Lord,
22:42 for the Lord has looked on my affliction,
22:43 and granted me good fortune.
22:45 I am happy because with my great wrestling
22:48 I have wrestled and prevailed.
22:50 Thus God has made me forget all of my toil
22:53 because the Lord has heard that I am not loved.
22:56 He has joined or married to me.
22:58 God has given me my compensation,
23:00 my hire by dwelling with me,
23:03 and the Lord will add to me the son of his right hand."
23:07 It's a beautiful soliloquy of the plan of salvation,
23:11 and the wrestlings and deliverance of the church
23:14 in the names of the 144,000.
23:17 It's very interesting
23:18 when you look at the meaning of those names
23:19 that describes God's people
23:21 going through a time of wrestling,
23:23 God will hear their cry, He will deliver them,
23:26 He will prepare for them a dwelling place,
23:29 He will add the son of His right hand.
23:30 It's really describing
23:32 not only the experience of the church,
23:34 but in a special sense,
23:35 it's describing the experience of God's people
23:37 in the last days.
23:39 Do God's people go through a time of wrestling
23:41 before Jesus comes,
23:42 where their faith is tested and tried?
23:44 Yes.
23:45 Sometimes refers to that as Jacob's time of trouble.
23:47 Does God hear their prayer? Yes.
23:49 Does He come to their deliverance?
23:51 Yes, Jesus comes the second time.
23:53 Is Jesus preparing a dwelling place for them
23:55 in His Father's house?
23:57 Yes, John Chapter 14 tells us that.
23:59 So when you look at the meaning of the names,
24:01 there's so many wonderful lessons
24:03 describing the experience of God's people.
24:06 Amen.
24:07 All right, now here's a question
24:08 everyone wants to know, 144,000 special group in the last days
24:13 after the time of the sixth seal,
24:15 is it a literal number?
24:17 Well, what I say now, I say by permission,
24:19 and not by commandment.
24:21 I'm inclined to think it is.
24:23 I might be in the minority, I might be wrong.
24:25 It's happened once before.
24:27 But let me tell you my reasons, okay?
24:30 Remember, we don't want to fight about 144,000.
24:34 After the 144,000 are named,
24:37 it says then there's a group that cannot be numbered.
24:40 There's no specific number, it's imprecise,
24:42 a great multitude,
24:44 but it gives a precise number for the 144,000.
24:47 Are other numbers in Revelation,
24:49 do they have real value?
24:51 Does the New Jerusalem really have 12 gates
24:55 or is that symbolic?
24:56 Does it really have 12 foundations?
24:58 Most people I read, they believe it.
25:01 Are there really 12 kinds of fruit
25:03 12 times a year?
25:04 I never have anyone hear argue with that.
25:07 When they talk about
25:08 the dimensions of the New Jerusalem,
25:10 12,000 furlongs or 1500 miles around.
25:12 All the evangelist I know, say,
25:14 "Those are literal, the dimensions."
25:16 And so when it talks about the 10 heads,
25:21 or the 10 crowns and the 7 heads.
25:24 Do we really count that number of heads and crowns?
25:26 And they have a meaning, the numbers have a value?
25:28 Yes, so I think we got to be careful
25:30 about the sweeping aside the number.
25:32 Let me give you something else to think about.
25:35 Why did Jesus pick 12 apostles?
25:39 Couldn't He have picked 9, 14,
25:42 why, after Judas committed suicide,
25:46 you read Acts Chapter 1,
25:48 before the Holy Spirit was poured out.
25:51 It says, "They entered into the upper room..."
25:52 I'm in Acts 1:13,
25:54 someone's going to read for me Acts 1:17
25:56 in just a minute.
25:58 "They entered into the upper room
25:59 where they were staying,"
26:00 Peter, James, John, notice here,
26:02 "Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas,
26:04 Bartholomew, Matthew, James,
26:06 the son of Alphaeus,
26:07 Simon the Zealot, Judas, the son of James.
26:09 I just counted 11.
26:10 It specifically says there's 120 in the upper room,
26:13 but it names 11 apostles,
26:16 and there's something obviously missing.
26:18 Peter stands up and says,
26:19 "Judas died according to the prophecies."
26:22 The prophecy said,
26:23 "Let someone else take his Bishop prick," his office.
26:27 They cast lots.
26:29 And why don't you go ahead and read Acts 1:17?
26:32 Acts 1:17, "For he was numbered with us
26:36 and obtained a part in this ministry."
26:38 Judas had been numbered with them,
26:41 there was a number, he picked 12.
26:45 So they cast lots, it says in verse 26,
26:47 "The lot fell on Matthias.
26:49 He was numbered with the eleven,"
26:51 equaling the number, what?
26:53 Twelve.
26:54 What happens in the next verse
26:55 after they replace Judas?
26:58 There's a mighty shaking
27:00 when the Holy Spirit is poured out.
27:02 Do we believe that
27:03 there's going to be a special outpouring
27:04 of the Holy Spirit in the last days
27:06 in connection with 144,000?
27:09 Yeah, I don't believe 144,000 are the only ones saved.
27:13 You know what?
27:14 If you got about
27:15 8 billion people in the world today,
27:17 and only 144,000 are saved,
27:19 your chances of being saved
27:21 are approximately 1 out of 55,000.
27:25 So it would be pretty remote for any of you here,
27:29 statistically speaking.
27:32 So I don't think they will be only one saved.
27:35 I think the 144,000 is describing a special group.
27:40 Very quickly, when Jesus came the first time,
27:44 He called a special group that followed Him
27:47 in a special way of 12,
27:50 and their job was to prepare the world
27:52 for Christ's first coming.
27:54 They especially spoke
27:56 to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
27:58 Jesus said,
27:59 "Do not go into the way of gentiles,"
28:00 until three and a half years after His death,
28:02 "Go first to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
28:05 You have 12 apostles to go to a smaller group.
28:08 Before He comes a second time, He's got 12 times 12,000,
28:12 the 144,000 have a special relationship
28:15 like the apostles with Jesus, that's my argument.
28:18 I got more about it, but I'll let you jump in.
28:19 Well, just to add a little bit to that.
28:21 Often associated with the 144,000
28:23 is a worldwide proclamation of a message.
28:26 Revelation Chapter 14,
28:27 we find the three angels' messages,
28:29 they got every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
28:31 Well, just before you read the three angels' messages
28:34 in Revelation Chapter 14 beginning verse 6,
28:37 the first five verses,
28:39 if you have your Bibles,
28:40 you can look at it, Revelation 14.
28:42 It talks about a group of people,
28:45 and it's the 144,000.
28:47 This group of people in a special way
28:49 take the three angels' messages in the last days
28:53 to the whole world.
28:54 If you look in Revelation 14:1,
28:55 it says, "Then I looked, and behold a Lamb
28:57 standing on Mount Zion,
28:59 and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand,"
29:01 same group that we read about in Revelation 7,
29:03 "Having the Father's name written on their foreheads."
29:06 Well, that gives us a clue
29:07 as to what the seal of God contains.
29:10 It contains the name of the Father
29:12 or the character of the Father revealed in obedience
29:15 to His commandments,
29:16 that's where the Sabbath plays a part.
29:19 Then it talks on about a great voice,
29:20 and that was singing and so on.
29:22 Then it gives you some added descriptions.
29:24 Verse 3, "They sang as it were a new song
29:26 before the throne,
29:27 before the four living creatures
29:28 and the elders,
29:29 no one could learn that song except 144,000,
29:32 they were redeemed from the earth."
29:35 So it gives you the idea that this group of people,
29:37 they were alive when Jesus comes.
29:40 They're redeemed or taken from the earth,
29:42 and that it describes their faith, and their purity,
29:45 and their steadfast obedience to God,
29:48 then you have the three angels' messages.
29:50 So it's interesting to note that 144,000
29:52 are connected with the proclamation
29:54 of the three angels' messages.
29:56 Amen.
29:57 Just a...
29:58 Whenever you want to understand a number
29:59 or something in Revelation, where do you go?
30:02 Old Testament.
30:03 I've been saying this every week.
30:05 Why 144,000?
30:08 If you look in 1 Chronicles 25:7,
30:11 it talks about a special group that is trained in music
30:15 in the worship of the temple.
30:17 "The number of them along with their brothers
30:18 who were trained in singing to the Lord
30:20 were skillful was 288."
30:23 What's half of 288?
30:26 A hundred and forty-four.
30:28 All right, that's in the worship.
30:29 Now go in 1 Chronicles 27:15, it tells about...
30:34 You have to be very patient
30:35 as you read through these groups
30:37 of 12 with 12,000 soldiers.
30:40 "The twelfth captain for the twelfth month
30:42 was Heldai the Netophathite,
30:44 of Othniel, in his division were twenty-four thousand."
30:48 So you got 24,000 times 12 is 288.
30:53 What's half of 288?
30:56 So you get 288,000 men.
30:59 The Jews used to divide their year in two parts,
31:02 they had the spring festivals and the fall festivals.
31:04 You had 144,000 for half the year,
31:07 and 144,000 for the other half the year.
31:10 So if you're a Jew and you hear the number 144,000,
31:13 you're not shocked by that.
31:14 Those were the divisions of those who lead
31:16 in worship and war in the Old Testament.
31:19 Those numbers were very common.
31:22 Anyway, there's more about that.
31:25 Let me just give you some other things
31:27 we can think about
31:28 when we're talking about the 144,000.
31:33 It says that...
31:34 Pastor Ross was reading in Revelation 14,
31:37 you get a few more clues.
31:39 It says, "These are the ones who follow the Lamb
31:41 wherever He goes."
31:43 What do we find as we learn about the 144,000?
31:47 You look in Revelation 14:4, that's where it says,
31:50 "They follow the Lamb wherever He goes."
31:52 Look in Matthew,
31:53 someone's going to read Matthew 4:19.
31:56 I'll have you read that, but before you read it,
31:57 I'm going to read 1 John 1:40,
32:01 "Then one of the two heard John speak, and followed him."
32:04 It was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.
32:08 You go to John 1:43,
32:09 "The following day Jesus wanted to go to Galilee,
32:12 and He found Philip, and He said, 'Follow Me.'
32:15 Jesus walks to Matthew Levi, He says, 'Follow Me.'"
32:19 All right, go ahead and read your verse for us.
32:22 Matthew 4:19, 20.
32:24 "Then He said to them,
32:26 'Follow me, and I'll make you fishers of men.'
32:29 They immediately left their nets
32:30 and followed Him.'"
32:32 So it's talking about a special group that...
32:34 Did all of the disciples and multitude follow Jesus
32:37 through all of His teaching?
32:38 No, but were there 12 that followed Him all the time.
32:42 When He was sleeping in the olive trees,
32:43 they were there.
32:44 When He was hanging out at house of Martha and Lazarus,
32:47 they were there.
32:48 The apostles were the ones
32:50 who followed Him wherever He went,
32:51 and that's why I think the 144,000.
32:53 It says, "They are without guile."
32:56 Who knows what guile means?
32:58 It means honesty.
32:59 They're not without, guile is deceit,
33:01 they are without guile, they are honest.
33:03 What did Jesus say to one of the apostles
33:05 named Nathaniel?
33:06 Behold, an Israelite
33:08 in whom there is no guile is honest."
33:11 It says, they sing a song.
33:13 Did Jesus sing at any time,
33:16 does it ever record that Jesus sang?
33:19 One time, at The Last Supper,
33:21 after they ate The Last Supper with the 12.
33:24 Well, Judas had left at this point, they sang.
33:27 He sang a song just with them.
33:30 And so, and, of course,
33:31 it's related to the song of Moses and the Lamb.
33:34 Shall we go ahead and read the part
33:35 about the big multitude.
33:36 We may have more to say about the 144,000
33:38 because they're connected and that starts
33:39 with verse 9, I think.
33:42 So Revelation 7:9, after describing 144,000,
33:46 then John writes, "After these things I looked,
33:49 and behold, a great multitude which no one could number,
33:53 of all nations, tribes, people, tongues,
33:56 standing before the throne and before the Lamb,
33:59 clothed with white robes,
34:00 and palm branches in their hands,
34:03 and crying out with a loud voice,
34:06 saying, 'Salvation belongs to our God
34:08 who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb!'
34:11 And the angels stood around the throne
34:13 and the elders and the four living creatures,
34:14 and they fell on their faces before the throne
34:16 and they worshiped God, saying, 'Amen!
34:18 Blessing and glory and wisdom, and thanksgiving and honor
34:21 and power and might,
34:23 be to our God forever and ever.'"
34:24 Did you count all of those blessings
34:26 that are pronounced upon God?
34:27 Seven.
34:28 Seven-fold blessing right there.
34:30 Do you want to stop there?
34:33 Well, you know, we almost need to read on
34:34 'cause then John asks who are these?
34:36 Verse 13 says,
34:37 "Then one of the elders answered, saying to me,"
34:40 John in vision,
34:42 "Who are these arrayed in white robes,
34:44 where did they come from?'
34:45 And I said to him, 'Sir, you know.'"
34:48 That's a good answer if you don't know the answer.
34:50 So you know.
34:51 "So he said to me, 'These are the ones
34:53 who have come out of great tribulation,
34:55 and have washed their robes and made them white
34:57 in the blood of the Lamb.
34:58 Therefore they are before the throne of God,
35:01 and serve Him day and night in His temple.
35:03 And He who sits on the throne will dwell amongst them.
35:06 They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore,
35:10 the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat, for the Lamb
35:13 who is in the midst of the throne
35:14 shall shepherd them
35:16 and lead them to living fountains of waters.
35:19 And God will wipe away every tear from their eye.'"
35:22 Wow.
35:23 Do you know how much is in this one little passage here,
35:25 it's talking about the last chapters of Revelation,
35:27 God will dwell with them,
35:29 He'll wipe away every tear from their eyes,
35:31 you'll find in Revelation 21.
35:33 They're in His temple, they serve Him day and night,
35:36 says they'll never hungry anymore,
35:38 it says He's going to feed them,
35:39 they'll sit down and sup with Him.
35:41 It says, the sun will not strike them.
35:43 You remember, when the children of Israel
35:44 went through the wilderness,
35:45 God gave them a pillar of cloud
35:47 to protect them from being smitten by the sun by day.
35:51 All the promises of God to His people
35:53 are sort of encompassed in this passage.
35:56 And some of the most beautiful praise,
35:58 blessings are uttered by this great multitude,
36:02 and I'm sure the 144,000.
36:04 So it says these are the ones that came out of tribulation.
36:09 When is the greatest tribulation?
36:13 You go to Daniel Chapter 12,
36:14 "At that time Michael will stand up,
36:16 the great prince,
36:17 that stands for the children of My people,
36:19 and there will be a time of trouble
36:21 such as there never has been
36:22 since there was a nation even unto the same time."
36:25 Jesus quotes that in Matthew 24,
36:27 and at that time that people will be delivered.
36:30 Some have wondered if the 144,000
36:34 is a special group
36:35 that is called and filled with the Spirit
36:37 in the last phase of the church.
36:39 Some of them may have already passed away.
36:41 They do the work
36:42 where they specially follow the Lord.
36:44 They have the special relationship
36:45 and calling of proclamation,
36:47 and they're preparing the world for the second coming.
36:50 As a result of their ministry,
36:51 a great multitude is converted which gives us hope,
36:55 that means it's not just 144,000
36:57 that will be saved,
36:58 but there's many others saved beyond that group.
37:01 And...
37:03 But it also may, you know,
37:04 be pointing to the saved of all ages
37:08 because not only was there
37:10 a, you know, when Jesus in Matthew 24 says,
37:12 there's a great time of trouble,
37:14 He's actually identifying three times of trouble.
37:17 You've heard a dual prophecy?
37:19 That's a triple prophecy.
37:21 Jesus talking about a time of trouble
37:22 that came on the Jewish nation in A.D. 70, right?
37:26 In Matthew 24,
37:27 He's talking about the time of trouble
37:29 of the Dark Ages from 538 to 1798.
37:32 And I'm sure,
37:33 He's also alluding to the great time of trouble
37:35 before He that endures to the end will be saved,
37:39 when He sends His angels
37:40 and they gather together His elect.
37:42 Something else interesting to note
37:44 about the great multitude
37:45 where you have the description given in verse 9,
37:48 that says, "And these come from every nation,
37:50 kindred tongue, people."
37:52 It's interesting to note that the first angel's message
37:54 in Revelation 14
37:55 is a message that goes to every nation,
37:57 kindred, tongue, and people.
37:59 Here we see the results of the evangelistic work
38:02 that's done in taking the gospel to the whole world.
38:05 The result of that is a great multitude
38:07 that no one can number
38:09 standing before the throne of God.
38:11 This is the redeemed.
38:12 As Pastor Doug mentioned,
38:13 not only is it limited to those who are alive
38:16 when Jesus comes,
38:17 but it can refer to all the redeemed throughout ages
38:20 who have been resurrected
38:21 when Jesus comes the second time.
38:23 So just this final glorious gathering in heaven
38:27 before the throne of God, praising Him for salvation.
38:31 Now, how many of you want to be one of the 144,000?
38:35 You think you do.
38:37 You want to be at least part of the great multitude?
38:39 Amen.
38:41 You might be thinking,
38:42 "Well, I can't be one of the 144,000,
38:44 I'm not Jewish enough."
38:45 And it says they're from the 12 tribes.
38:47 Let me just remind you of some verses on that subject.
38:51 In Galatians 3:29,
38:54 "If you are Christ, then you are Abraham's seed
38:58 and heirs according to the promise."
39:00 You can look in Romans 2:29,
39:03 "For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly nor a circumcision
39:08 that which is outward in the flesh,
39:09 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly."
39:12 And go to Romans 9:6,
39:15 "But it is not the word of God has taken no effect.
39:18 For they are not all Israel who are of Israel."
39:23 There's a lot of spiritual Jews.
39:25 Did Rahab become a Jew?
39:27 Is she in Jesus' family tree?
39:30 Did Ruth become a Jew?
39:32 And Tamar, matter of fact,
39:34 when you look in Matthew Chapter 1,
39:35 one thing you learn
39:37 from looking at the genealogy of Jesus
39:39 is there were some other people
39:42 that somehow got into His family tree.
39:44 Couple more verses.
39:46 Jesus said to the Jews, "Do not think to say..."
39:49 I think it is John the Baptist,
39:50 "Do not think to say to yourselves,
39:52 we have Abraham as our father,
39:54 for I say to you that God is able to raise up children
39:57 to Abraham from these stones."
40:00 In fact, as the gospel went to the Gentiles,
40:04 the Gentiles that accepted Jesus
40:06 were grafted into the stock of Israel,
40:10 and they become at least spiritual Jews.
40:13 So whosoever will now can take claim
40:17 to all the promises made to Abraham
40:18 and become at least the spiritual Jew,
40:20 you could be one of the 144,000.
40:23 Something else to add about this group of people,
40:25 I always find it interesting in verse.
40:27 Oh, I think it's 16 verse of Chapter 7,
40:30 talking about this group.
40:31 It says, "They won't hunger anymore,
40:34 neither thirst anymore,
40:36 the sun shall not strike them nor any heat."
40:39 That's interesting
40:40 why specifically it talks about this intense heat.
40:43 It's interesting to note that one of the last plagues,
40:45 one of the seven plagues that come is intense heat
40:48 just before Jesus comes.
40:50 So here is a group of people that quite possibly are alive
40:53 when Jesus comes, they've been faithful.
40:55 Now God takes care of His people,
40:57 even when the plagues come, He protects them.
40:59 It doesn't mean that you won't experience
41:01 any of the heat in one of the place.
41:03 But here when Jesus comes, they are delivered from that,
41:06 they are rescued,
41:07 they are saved through this time of trouble.
41:10 Sometimes people ask us,
41:11 we have called in the radio program,
41:13 "Are the righteous saved before the time of trouble
41:16 or they're saved after the time of trouble?"
41:19 If you look in the Bible at God's people
41:21 at the time of trouble, often you find them
41:23 going through the time of trouble,
41:25 but God sustains them, protects them,
41:27 and brings them out like Shadrach,
41:29 Meshach, and Abednego.
41:30 They went through the fiery furnace,
41:32 but God brought them out.
41:34 Daniel went through the lion's den,
41:36 but God brought them out.
41:37 So God's people in the last days,
41:39 they are here on the earth.
41:41 When probation closes and the place begin to fall,
41:43 God protects them, sustains them,
41:45 and brings them out.
41:47 And that's the promise that we have there
41:48 in Revelation Chapter 7.
41:49 Amen.
41:50 The great time of trouble is the seven last plagues.
41:54 That's the wrath of God being poured out.
41:58 Were the children of Israel in Egypt
42:00 when the ten plagues fell on Egypt?
42:03 They were.
42:04 In other words, some people wonder
42:05 why ten plagues in Egypt, why seven in Revelation?
42:07 And we got another lesson coming on that.
42:09 It's interesting.
42:11 The children of Israel suffered with the Egyptians
42:13 for the first three plagues,
42:14 but they were protected
42:15 through the last seven of those ten.
42:18 Isn't that interesting?
42:20 But He saved them through the plagues,
42:23 and God will save us through that final time.
42:26 Now something that comes up
42:27 when you're studying the 144,000,
42:29 as Pastor Ross mentioned,
42:30 they reappear in Chapter 14 of Revelation.
42:33 It says, they have special white robes,
42:35 a great multitude is clothed in white robes.
42:36 What do the robes represent?
42:39 Revelation 3, let the Bible explain itself,
42:42 verse 5, "He that overcomes the same
42:45 will be clothed in white raiment,
42:47 and I will not blot his name out of the book of life."
42:49 Revelation 19:8,
42:51 "And to her was granted that she should be arrayed
42:54 in fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen
42:57 is the righteousness of saints."
43:00 It means that they've got this righteousness.
43:02 And then there's one other interesting statement
43:04 it makes, it says,
43:05 "A hundred and forty-four thousand are virgins."
43:07 And I actually know churches
43:09 that teach that God's people in the last days
43:10 should practice celibacy and not get married
43:14 because of that verse.
43:15 Is that what that's talking about?
43:17 That'd be a problem.
43:18 First of all,
43:19 because that word virgin there, it's feminine in the Greek.
43:23 Why would it say that regarding these 12 tribes?
43:27 It has nothing to do with abstaining from marriage,
43:32 or anything wrong with marriage,
43:34 or intimacy in marriage.
43:36 They should be pure morally,
43:38 but are there women in Revelation 17,
43:41 Babylon and her daughters that are impure,
43:44 they are defiled with false teachings.
43:47 The 144,000 are virgins, in that they are not defiled
43:52 with the false teachings of Babylon.
43:56 You know, it's always amazing to me
43:57 that you have people like Rahab, and Tamar,
43:59 and Mary Magdalene that were women
44:02 that had bad reputations,
44:04 but they become respected saints
44:07 through Christ, they become pure.
44:10 And so the 144,000 are like that.
44:13 You'll also find a description of 144,000 in Revelation 14,
44:16 it says, "In their mouth was found no deceit,
44:19 for they're without fault before the throne of God."
44:22 We might wonder, "Well,
44:23 that seems to exclude us, for all have sinned
44:26 and come short of the glory of God."
44:27 No, if you read it there in the Greek,
44:29 it says, they were found without fault
44:31 before the throne of God.
44:32 Just talking about a specific moment in time,
44:34 it doesn't mean they've never sinned,
44:36 but it means they've come to God in genuine repentance,
44:39 they have been forgiven,
44:40 their sins have been blotted out,
44:42 they are found righteous before God
44:44 without any fault, meaning Christ has paid for our sins.
44:48 Our past is gone,
44:50 we stand pure and holy before God.
44:52 That's encouraging.
44:53 Every one of us, by God's grace can be faithful
44:56 right up till the very end.
44:58 Yeah, and they're declared righteous
45:00 in that judgment.
45:01 And something else you learn about them
45:03 is there is a special sequence.
45:06 It says in verse 4, Chapter 14 of Revelation,
45:08 still talking about the 144,000.
45:10 I don't know what we're going to do
45:12 when we finally get to Chapter 14,
45:13 we've taught it all now.
45:15 Well, it all goes together, who are the 144,000?
45:18 It says, "These were redeemed from among men
45:20 being the firstfruits to God and the Lamb."
45:25 Who were the first followers of Jesus?
45:28 Wasn't that the 12...
45:29 Right after His baptism,
45:31 the 12 apostles began to gather around Him.
45:34 And again, they're some of the first
45:36 that stepped forward, and they come to follow Jesus,
45:38 and they become disciples.
45:39 So I see the 144,000 is sort of a last day example
45:45 of doing a work of apostles in proclamation.
45:50 They've got a special relationship
45:51 with the Lord.
45:53 And are they the only ones that received the Holy Spirit?
45:57 At Pentecost,
45:58 when the Holy Spirit's poured out,
46:00 Acts Chapter 2, who is in the upper room?
46:05 Twelve apostles, and who else?
46:08 Hundred and twenty, total.
46:09 It's 10 times more than just the 12.
46:12 So a great multitude
46:13 is then filled with the Holy Spirit,
46:16 and how many are baptized that day?
46:18 Three thousand, the first time, five thousand later, right?
46:22 Under the influence of those that were filled
46:25 with the Holy Spirit.
46:26 So it's not just the 144,000
46:28 that are filled with the Holy Spirit
46:29 in the last days.
46:31 And so are we going to see
46:33 people going around in the last days
46:34 wearing tags like marathon runners
46:37 wearing numbers and they'll say,
46:38 "I'm number 142,000 of the 144,000."
46:43 I don't know that they'll even know that they are,
46:46 but God's going to know who they are.
46:49 I think we should be rather leery of somebody
46:51 who's boasting that they are part of 144,000.
46:54 It almost gives the impression that they think
46:56 they're better than anyone else or everyone else.
46:58 No, God's the one who knows.
47:01 We want to be faithful to Him and allow Him to use us
47:03 in whatever ways He deems fit, right?
47:06 Oh, Lord, if You want me to preach to the world,
47:08 I'll preach to the world.
47:09 If You want me to preach to my family,
47:11 I'll preach to my family,
47:12 whatever it is You want me to do,
47:14 I want to be faithful to You. Amen.
47:16 I think one of the most important things
47:18 we can learn from the 144,000,
47:20 it says, "They follow the Lamb wherever He goes."
47:24 That means when He goes to the cross,
47:27 what does Jesus say?
47:29 "Whoever would come after Me, He would follow Me,
47:31 and must deny yourself daily, take up your cross,
47:35 and follow Me."
47:36 Did many of the disciples lay down their...
47:38 The apostles lay down their lives?
47:41 Of the 11, Judas took his ownlife,
47:44 but ten of the others, according to history,
47:47 we don't know every detail,
47:49 but according to what we know from history,
47:50 and some of it is from,
47:54 you know, legends, you might even say.
47:57 They all sacrificed their lives.
48:00 John is the only one who died of old age,
48:02 and they tried to kill him, they put him in boiling oil.
48:05 So they were willing to follow their lives.
48:06 They counted not their lives dear unto them,
48:11 but they were willing to lay down their lives.
48:12 What's different about the 144,000
48:15 is I think that God preserves them
48:17 just as He did to the Apostle John,
48:19 and they survive
48:21 the final onslaught of the devil in the last days.
48:25 Any closing thoughts?
48:26 You know, if we're going to follow
48:27 the Lamb throughout the vastness of the universe
48:30 after Jesus comes,
48:31 we need to start following the Lamb right now.
48:34 Amen.
48:35 And we can follow the Lamb in our own private lives,
48:37 in our hearts, in our families, in the church,
48:41 we can make that commitment to follow the Lamb
48:43 wherever He goes.
48:44 Amen. Well, that was fun.
48:46 I just...
48:47 For those who are watching,
48:48 I didn't give Pastor Ross any warning,
48:50 I just asked him to come up and teach with me.
48:51 He did pretty good, don't you think?
48:53 I knew he knew this.
48:54 I figured we had matching suits today,
48:56 we could teach together.
48:58 We might do this again sometime,
48:59 that was fun.
49:00 For our friends who are watching, don't forget,
49:02 we do have a book that really goes into
49:04 more detail of the very thing we're talking about,
49:07 and it's called Who Will Sing the Song?
49:09 Really who are the 144,000?
49:11 You want a free copy,
49:12 all you have to do is call 866-788-3966,
49:17 that's 866-Study-More,
49:20 and ask for offer number 172.
49:22 You can actually go to download it right now,
49:24 all you have to do is text.
49:25 Here's what you do.
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49:29 and you text that to 40544,
49:33 and you'll be able to download a copy of this right now
49:36 and read it for yourself.
49:37 Thank you so much for studying with us.
49:39 God willing, we'll continue to study the Book of Revelation
49:42 next week.
49:44 Don't forget to request
49:45 today's life changing free resource.
49:47 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
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50:07 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
50:10 with Amazing Facts
50:11 wherever and whenever you want,
50:13 and most important to share it with others.
51:14 If you wish, you could get a new start.
51:16 I'd like to live my life over knowing what I know now,
51:18 I don't want to start over
51:19 and just make all the same mistakes.
51:21 I want to have my memories,
51:22 so I don't make the same mistakes.
51:24 But you do get a new beginning,
51:26 you become a new creature,
51:27 that feeling of all your sins being washed away
51:29 because God promises it.
51:31 Isn't that wonderful concept?
51:33 "I was thirsty, and you gave me drink.
51:42 In as much as you did it to one of the least of these,
51:45 My brethren, you did it to me."
52:02 My parents got divorced when I was three or four,
52:04 and then, I was basically unchurched most of my life.
52:07 I had a girlfriend in high school
52:09 telling me that she had to break up with me
52:10 because I wasn't a Christian.
52:11 I thought that's weird,
52:12 I believe in God, why would she say that?
52:14 Not realizing I was living a horrible life
52:16 with foul language, was mean, and other stuff.
52:18 And that kind of challenged me initially,
52:22 and then my dad, 9/11 woke him up.
52:24 I think he wasn't ready to meet his Lord
52:25 though he was a man
52:27 that I valued and knew he loved me,
52:28 didn't doubt that.
52:30 But he just knew he needed more.
52:31 So he started watching TV ministries first.
52:33 Baptist preachers, and others,
52:35 and he was kind of intrigued by what he was learning,
52:39 and so when he turned me on to this television station,
52:42 first thing that I got access to was Doug Batchelor's
52:46 Most Amazing Prophecy series
52:47 that he did in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
52:49 And I remember when I first watched this,
52:51 my background was Baptistish of sorts,
52:54 but I remember
52:55 when I first watched the series,
52:57 I remember thinking I've never heard that before
52:59 about the State of the Dead, or about the Sabbath,
53:01 or the Commandments, or the Rapture, other things.
53:04 I remember thinking to myself, I've never heard that before,
53:06 but that's what the text says, and that kept happening,
53:10 and I had this experience of just wondering like,
53:12 "Well, what else have I believed that isn't
53:14 as it is, you know?"
53:16 And the more I watched, the more helpful it became.
53:19 But again, he kind of took
53:20 a different perspective on the messages.
53:21 It was fresh to me, but I just...
53:24 These things I had never heard before,
53:26 and I just realized like,
53:28 "There's so much stuff in the Bible
53:30 that no one's talking about and that people need to know."
53:33 And so I ended up in this awkward situation
53:35 that some of my friends who didn't believe
53:38 what I was coming to believe,
53:39 I didn't know how to communicate with them,
53:41 and so one of the things that helped me initially
53:44 was the website,
53:47, and the truth about death.
53:50 And some of those resource websites
53:52 that Amazing Facts had put together,
53:54 that were just full of resources.
53:56 If I needed an answer to something
53:57 that someone brought up,
53:59 there would be a 95% chance
54:01 that Amazing Facts would have something
54:03 that I could use.
54:04 It makes witnessing even easier in that sense.
54:07 The Amazing Facts Prophecy Study Bible
54:08 was my first real Bible that I had
54:11 of a more trusted translation.
54:13 The Bible study guides were on the back of it
54:15 and lot of other resources that were helpful.
54:17 If you can hand a book to somebody
54:19 and you can pick up a phone and call Amazing Facts,
54:21 you have everything you need.
54:22 And so I was just printing off stuff
54:24 and handing it to people,
54:25 you know, like, here's what I'm coming to realize,
54:27 this is true, it's in the Bible.
54:29 And it was a huge blessing to me,
54:31 and a real help just to kind of help me to better understand
54:34 what the message was,
54:36 and understand it for myself,
54:38 and have resources to put
54:39 in the hands of the other people,
54:40 it was invaluable.
54:41 Some time went by, I eventually went to school of evangelism,
54:44 and was baptized.
54:45 And then I had this amazing opportunity
54:47 that after being in the ministry
54:49 for about five or six years,
54:50 Doug Batchelor was going to be the main speaker
54:52 at youth events,
54:53 and I was actually going to be doing a seminar
54:55 at this youth event.
54:56 And it was just this amazing kind of full circle experience
54:59 that the first person
55:00 that I came in contact within Adventism,
55:02 to hear the message to have it make sense,
55:04 to be able to do ministry together with him
55:06 in whatever role possible just meant the world to me,
55:09 and to be able to tell him my story
55:11 and tell him thank you was invaluable.
55:13 And so God just gave me a precious gift
55:16 and afforded an opportunity and I'll never forget that.
55:19 My name is Dee.
55:20 Thank you for changing my life.
55:40 Port Royal, here in Jamaica
55:42 was once considered the most wicked city in the world.
55:45 They had more bars and brothels per square foot
55:48 than any other place on the planet.
55:50 It was said to be full of cutthroats and pirates.
55:52 But during this time, the king of France, Louis XIV,
55:56 he began to persecute the Protestants
55:58 and the Huguenots in the kingdom and many fled.
56:01 That's when Lewis Galdy and his brother Laurent
56:04 came to Port Royal.
56:07 When Lewis Galdy arrived,
56:09 he was absolutely dumbfounded at the unrestrained immorality,
56:12 violence, and extravagance that filled Port Royal.
56:15 That's why nobody was surprised
56:17 when the judgment of God finally happened.
56:20 Just before noon, in June 7, 1692,
56:23 there was a massive earthquake
56:24 that affected the whole island, Port Royal in particular.
56:28 Two-thirds of it slid into the sea.
56:30 Then came a tsunami, thousands perished.
56:33 Unfortunately, even Lewis Galdy
56:35 was swallowed up in the earthquake.
56:41 You know, much of Jamaica is a rock.
56:43 But Port Royal was built on the sand.
56:45 And so when the earthquake struck,
56:47 the sand virtually liquified, swallowing much of the city
56:50 and thousands of people.
56:52 Lewis Galdy was buried alive.
56:54 But while underground,
56:55 he was still conscious and he prayed.
56:58 He was lying himself to his fate,
57:00 prayed to the Lord,
57:01 and then another miracle happened.
57:03 There was an aftershock with volcanic activity
57:05 that exploded blowing Lewis Galdy out of the earth,
57:09 hundreds of yards off into the sea
57:11 where he had a very pretty hard landing,
57:13 but he was able to swim until he was rescued.
57:16 Lewis Galdy dedicated
57:17 the remaining 47 years of his life
57:19 to serving Jesus in this island,
57:21 and he's even buried here still today.
57:28 You know, the Bible tells us, just before Jesus comes back,
57:31 conditions in the world will be very much
57:33 like they were in Sodom and Port Royal.
57:36 There is going to be a tremendous earthquake
57:37 and even islands will be swallowed up.
57:39 But God's people don't need to be afraid.
57:41 The same way
57:42 that the Lord took care of Lewis Galdy,
57:44 He will take care of you.
57:45 It says in Psalm 91,
57:47 "That you might see a thousand fall at your side
57:49 or 10,000 at your right hand,
57:50 but only with your eyes will you see
57:52 and behold the destruction of the wicked."
57:54 He can protect you and resurrect you.


Revised 2019-02-06