Sabbath School Study Hour

Worthy Is The Lamb

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021904A

00:35 Hello, and welcome to yet another edition
00:37 of the Sabbath School Study Hour.
00:38 We are so glad and privileged to be able to know that
00:41 you have decided to join us to be able to study
00:43 a very important lesson, in this particular case,
00:46 in the Book of Revelation,
00:48 which is one of my all time favorite books
00:50 that we can find in all of the Bible.
00:52 Now if you've been joining us from week to week,
00:54 this is already lesson number 4 and we're looking at
00:57 "Worthy is the Lamb."
00:59 Now, of all the books in the Bible,
01:01 the Book of Revelation is indeed one of my favorite
01:04 and "Worthy is the Lamb"
01:06 is indeed one of my favorite topics
01:08 that we can find in this particular book.
01:11 The Book of Revelation is a book
01:12 that is receiving more and more attention
01:15 over the last years of earth's history
01:18 as prophecies in the Bible, both in Jesus' prophecies
01:21 as well as the Book of Revelation itself
01:23 tells us that Jesus is coming soon.
01:26 And so, more and more people
01:28 are giving attention to this particular book,
01:30 and it was prophesied that that would take place.
01:32 And so we're glad that you're one of those people
01:35 that you've joined us here today,
01:37 not only here in Granite Bay Church
01:39 here in Sacramento, California
01:41 but also across the country
01:44 of the United States of America,
01:45 as well as many other countries around the world.
01:47 And so again, welcome.
01:48 We're glad you're here with us.
01:50 We do have a free offer
01:51 that we want to be able to give to you
01:53 so that not only can you study during the next hour
01:56 as we spend this time together,
01:58 but also that you can have this particular resource
02:01 to be able to continue this very important study.
02:04 And so today's special offer is entitled
02:06 "The High Cost of the Cross."
02:09 The High Cost of the Cross.
02:11 And, of course, this is central to Jesus and His crucifixion.
02:15 You can call it to 1866-788-3966.
02:19 That's 1866-Study-More.
02:22 And you can find yourself with a free offer
02:25 and that free book coming to you in the mail.
02:28 If you are more digitally astute
02:31 and you would like to be able to find yourself
02:33 with a digital copy on your phone,
02:34 you can always text to 40544.
02:38 Again, that's 40544 as you can see on the screen
02:41 and you'll need to text the code "SH080,"
02:46 and we'll be happy to be able to give a digital copy to you.
02:50 Our speaker today is going to be Pastor Jean Ross
02:52 and he's going to be teaching our lesson study.
02:55 But before we invite him up,
02:56 we want to pray that the Holy Spirit
02:59 and God will teach us here today.
03:00 I want you to join us in prayer.
03:02 Father in heaven, we want to stop
03:03 and we want to thank You this morning
03:06 for this opportunity to be able to worship You,
03:08 to be able to open up Your Bible,
03:10 to be able to look at this important book
03:12 to give us understanding and spiritual discernment
03:15 that we could never find without Your presence.
03:17 And so, Father,
03:18 we want to ask for that even now,
03:20 be with our teacher,
03:21 Pastor Jean as he teaches and give him clarity of mind.
03:24 We pray these things in Jesus' name, amen.
03:28 Thank you, Pastor Ross.
03:31 Thank you, Pastor Shawn,
03:32 for introducing our lesson today.
03:34 As mentioned,
03:35 we're looking at a very important book
03:37 in the Bible.
03:38 One of my favorites, the last book
03:40 that you find in the New Testament,
03:42 the Book of Revelation.
03:43 There is so much information that we have to cover today
03:46 and I'm going to do my best
03:48 to get through the assigned portion
03:50 for our study.
03:51 As mentioned, we're on lesson number 4,
03:54 and it's entitled "Worthy is the Lamb."
03:56 I like the way one Bible teacher pointed out, he says,
03:59 "In the midst of all of the beasts
04:00 of Revelation,
04:01 the central focus is the Lamb."
04:04 That of course is Jesus.
04:05 We do have a scripture reading,
04:07 and I'm going to read it
04:08 right out of our lesson quarterly.
04:09 You'll find it there on Sabbath afternoon
04:12 Revelation 5:5
04:15 from the New King James Version.
04:18 "Do not weep.
04:19 Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
04:23 the Root of David, has prevailed
04:25 to open the scroll
04:27 and to loose the seals there off."
04:29 We're going to be talking about what the scroll is,
04:31 we're going to be talking about the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
04:34 and we'll find out more about this verse a little later
04:36 in our study today.
04:38 Sabbath afternoon,
04:39 the second paragraph is sort of an introduction
04:41 to what we will be looking at in this week.
04:44 It says division of chapter 4 and 5
04:46 takes place in the heavenly throne room.
04:49 The question I want to ask
04:50 and hopefully we'll answer from the Bible,
04:52 where is the heavenly throne room?
04:55 Bible will tell us.
04:56 The scene of chapter 4 and 5
04:58 symbolically portrays God's control of history,
05:02 and of the plan of salvation.
05:04 Before the future is revealed,
05:05 however, we are shown the centrality
05:07 of Christ's high priestly ministry in heaven.
05:10 Where is Christ's high priestly ministry
05:12 taking place in heaven?
05:14 In the sanctuary.
05:16 So we'll find out more about that.
05:18 "His high priestly ministry in heaven to His sovereignty
05:21 over the face of the earth
05:22 and to the redemption of the human race,
05:25 in such a way chapter 4 and 5 provide heaven's perspective
05:29 of the meaning of future events
05:31 recorded in the rest of the Book of Revelation."
05:34 So with that is a little bit of our introduction.
05:36 I want to encourage you to take your Bibles
05:38 and then open to our passage of study, Revelation 4.
05:43 We're going to try and go verse by verse through.
05:45 They're not long chapters, but we're going to see
05:46 how far we can get through Revelation 4 and 5
05:50 depending upon how much time we have for our study.
05:53 By way of an introduction,
05:54 our first lesson dealt in Revelation Chapter 1
05:57 with an introduction to the Book of Revelation.
06:00 The last part of Chapter 1 is a description of Jesus
06:03 and Jesus is bringing to John these special messages
06:07 found in the Book of Revelation.
06:09 Revelation Chapter 2 and 3 is Christ's message
06:11 to the seven churches.
06:13 Each of these seven churches represent
06:15 different time periods of the Christian history
06:18 starting in 31 AD
06:19 going all the way through to the church of today,
06:23 the Church of Laodicea.
06:24 And you read about that in Revelation 3:14-22
06:29 is Christ's message to the Church of Laodicea.
06:31 So just quickly as a summary of what we've looked at so far,
06:34 the Church of Ephesus represents the Christian church
06:37 from about 31 AD,
06:40 that was the time of Christ ascension to heaven
06:43 to about 100 AD.
06:45 It's known as the Apostolic Church,
06:48 the church led by the apostles.
06:49 The Church of Smyrna represents a time period
06:52 of about 100 to 313 AD.
06:56 It was a time of severe persecution.
06:58 It's known as the persecuted church.
07:01 And by the way, with the Church of Smyrna,
07:03 Jesus didn't have any words of condemnation for the church.
07:06 He encouraged them. It was a pure church.
07:09 It was a church suffering persecution.
07:11 The next is the Church of Pergamum
07:13 represents the time period of 313 till about 538 AD.
07:18 This is a compromising church,
07:20 where Christianity was legalized
07:21 and all kinds of pagan practices
07:23 and beliefs crept into the church.
07:25 Then you have the Church of Thyatira
07:27 representing the time period from 538 till 1563,
07:32 a very long time period.
07:33 That's known as the corrupt church,
07:35 where the church is actually persecuting
07:37 those who wanted to be faithful to God's commandments
07:39 into the Bible.
07:40 You have the Church of Sardis from about 1563
07:44 all the way up till 1740,
07:47 and that is known as the church that is dead.
07:51 They had a name that they believe the Bible,
07:54 that they will hold into the reforms
07:55 that the reformers are bringing but spiritually they were dead.
07:59 Then the Church of Philadelphia
08:01 presents a much brighter picture.
08:03 It's from 1743 to about 1844.
08:07 And shortly thereafter,
08:08 it's known as the church of brotherly love.
08:11 And then that brings us to the present church,
08:13 Church of Laodicea,
08:15 representing a time period of about 1844 through to today.
08:20 Unfortunately, if you read in Revelation Chapter 3,
08:23 it's a church of lukewarmness.
08:26 The good news, however,
08:27 is that the church does not stay
08:28 in a continually lukewarm condition
08:30 because there is a special revival
08:32 that takes place,
08:34 special outpouring of the Holy Spirit
08:36 just before probation closes,
08:38 just before Jesus comes.
08:40 So Revelation Chapter 2 and 3
08:41 is an overview of Christian history
08:44 starting with 31 AD all the way up till today.
08:47 Now in Revelation Chapter 4 and 5,
08:50 John's envision is taken back to 31 AD.
08:55 The description of Revelation 4 and 5
08:57 is really a picture of the heavenly throne room
09:00 where Jesus is about to begin
09:02 His high priestly ministry on our behalf.
09:05 So with that as a little background,
09:07 let's take a look at Revelation Chapter 4,
09:10 and we're going to start reading in verse 1.
09:14 John says, "After these things I looked, and behold,
09:17 a door was standing open in heaven."
09:20 So after having things described him
09:22 with reference to the earth,
09:24 the condition of the churches during the Christian era,
09:26 now his attention is drawn to heaven,
09:28 He's going to describe things happening in heaven
09:30 and it says there is a door that is open in heaven.
09:35 Now based on the Old Testament,
09:37 we'll read how that God said to Moses
09:39 that he was to build a sanctuary
09:41 and that the sanctuary that Moses was to build
09:44 was to be patterned after a sanctuary
09:47 that he was shown in heaven.
09:49 So the earthly sanctuary
09:50 is a type of the heavenly sanctuary.
09:53 This door opening heaven as you'll find out later on
09:56 in our study is really the door to the first compartment
10:00 of the heavenly sanctuary.
10:02 So the events described in Chapter 4 and 5
10:04 are events that take place in the first compartment
10:07 of the heavenly sanctuary
10:09 and you'll see that as we work our way through this.
10:11 So the time period for this is 31 AD.
10:14 In Hebrews 8:1-2, Paul is very clear.
10:17 Now this is the main point of the things
10:19 that we are saying.
10:20 The Apostle Paul says, "We have such a High Priest,
10:24 who is seated at the right hand of the throne
10:26 of Majesty in the heavens,
10:28 a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle
10:31 which the Lord erected, not man."
10:33 So there is a sanctuary in heaven,
10:35 Jesus after His death
10:37 and resurrection ascends to heaven
10:38 and He begins His work as our high priest.
10:41 The last part of verse 1 says,
10:43 "And the first voice which I heard
10:45 was liken to a trumpet speaking with me,
10:47 saying, 'Come up here,
10:49 and I will show you things
10:50 that must take place after this.' "
10:53 So now envision, John taken to heaven,
10:55 the scene 31 AD and God is beginning to reveal to John
10:59 things that ought to take place after this.
11:02 You remember in Revelation 1:12 and 13
11:07 where John in vision sees Jesus,
11:09 this is just after the greeting,
11:10 this is before we even get to the seven churches.
11:13 John is seeing Jesus in vision
11:15 and Jesus is described
11:16 as wearing the high priest's robe,
11:19 He's also described
11:20 as standing amongst the seven branched candlestick.
11:23 This is Revelation Chapter 1.
11:25 Now where would you find seven branched candlestick
11:29 in the sanctuary?
11:30 Would it be in the first compartment
11:31 or would it be in the second compartment?
11:34 It would have to be in the first compartment.
11:36 So the scenes described in Revelation 4 and 5
11:39 are really events that took place
11:41 in the first compartment after the ascension of Jesus.
11:46 Quick review of the sanctuary.
11:47 There were three parts to the sanctuary,
11:49 you had the outer courtyard area
11:51 where the sacrifices were offered,
11:53 then you go through the door,
11:55 you're going to the first compartment
11:56 of the sanctuary.
11:57 And if you came in through the door
11:59 on your right hand side,
12:00 there is the table of showbread with these two stacks of bread,
12:06 six loaves on each.
12:07 And directly across from the table of showbread,
12:11 what would you see?
12:13 The seven branched lampstands or candlesticks.
12:16 And then right in front of you, if you come through the door,
12:18 you would see the altar of incense.
12:21 And then you'd see the veil.
12:23 Now if you were the high priest,
12:25 once a year, you're allowed on the Day of Atonement
12:28 to actually go pass the altar of incense,
12:31 open the veil, and step into the most holy place.
12:35 And if you were the high priest,
12:37 and on the Day of Atonement,
12:38 you stepped into the most holy place,
12:40 what article of furniture would you see?
12:43 The Ark of the Covenant will be right there.
12:44 There's only one article of furniture
12:46 and that's the Ark of the Covenant
12:47 in the most holy place.
12:49 And then, of course, he would sprinkle the blood
12:51 on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
12:53 So what's described in Revelation Chapter 4 and 5
12:56 is not the most holy place scene,
12:58 rather it is the first compartment
13:01 or the holy place
13:02 where you have the seven burning lamps of fire
13:04 as well as the altar of incense,
13:06 and the table of showbread.
13:07 The table of showbread represents God's throne
13:11 in the first compartment of the heavenly sanctuary.
13:14 The Ark of the Covenant represents God's throne
13:17 in the second compartment of the heavenly sanctuary.
13:20 So just put that in the back of your mind
13:22 and we'll see that as we read through Revelation 4 and 5.
13:25 Okay, looking now at verse 2.
13:28 "Immediately I was in the Spirit, and behold,
13:30 a throne was set in heaven, and One sat on the throne."
13:34 Now this is the description of God the Father
13:36 seated upon His throne in heaven.
13:38 Very similar to what Isaiah the prophet saw
13:41 when he envisioned, you read about this Isaiah 6:1,
13:45 "In the year that King Uzziah died,
13:47 I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne,
13:50 high and lifted up..."
13:52 Notice the last part of this,
13:53 "The train of His robe filled the temple."
13:57 So where is God's throne?
14:00 Must be in heaven, but where in heaven?
14:02 In the temple, okay?
14:04 Even in the Old Testament,
14:05 Isaiah sees the Lord seated upon His throne,
14:09 He is in the temple.
14:10 And the question that we find in Revelation 4 answered is,
14:13 it's God the Father
14:15 seen in that first compartment of the sanctuary.
14:18 Later on in Revelation,
14:19 we find Him in the second compartment.
14:21 Verse 3 says,
14:22 "And He that sat up on the throne..."
14:23 This is a reference to God the Father,
14:25 "Was like a jasper
14:26 and a sardius stone in appearance."
14:29 Stones in the Book of Revelation
14:31 are used to describe brilliant colors.
14:33 A jasper stone has a greenish blue color,
14:38 a sardius stone has a reddish color.
14:40 So John as he sees the glory
14:42 shining forth from God seated upon the throne,
14:44 he uses these stones
14:46 to describe these brilliant colors.
14:48 The last part of verse 3 says,
14:49 "And there was a rainbow about the throne,
14:51 in the appearance like an emerald."
14:53 Now this rainbow is very special.
14:55 What do rainbows represent in the Bible?
14:58 When did we first read about a rainbow?
15:01 Way back in the time after the flood,
15:03 you remember Noah after he came out of the ark,
15:06 he offered sacrifices,
15:08 and there was a rainbow in the cloud.
15:11 And that was a symbol of God's mercy.
15:14 We read in Genesis Chapter 9 talking about after the flood.
15:20 "And God says,
15:21 'I will set the sign of the covenant
15:22 which I make between you and Me,
15:24 and every living creature with you
15:27 for perpetual generations.
15:28 I set My rainbow in the cloud,
15:31 and it shall be for a sign of the covenant
15:34 between Me and the earth."
15:37 Then it says going on a little bit further,
15:39 "The rainbow shall be in the cloud
15:41 and I will look on it
15:42 and remember the everlasting covenant
15:44 between God and every living creature,
15:46 that it will not flood the earth again,
15:48 the whole earth."
15:49 Now does God need a continual reminder
15:52 that He can flood the earth again?
15:54 Does He see the rainbow and say, "Oh, I almost forgot.
15:57 I made a covenant with Noah."
15:58 No.
15:59 The purpose of the rainbow is for us
16:00 to look at the rainbow
16:01 and remember that God is merciful.
16:04 So the rainbow is a sign of God's mercy.
16:06 And now I love this thought.
16:08 By the way, before I get there, Psalms 106, one more verse,
16:11 verse 1 says, "Praise the Lord!
16:13 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
16:16 for His mercy endures forever."
16:19 You'll find that phrase
16:20 repeated again and again in the Psalms,
16:21 God's mercy endures forever.
16:23 The rainbow is a symbol of God's mercy.
16:26 Every time God looks down on us as His children,
16:31 He's looking at us through the rainbow.
16:33 He's looking at us through His mercy
16:36 and that's so encouraging for us to know.
16:39 Moving on with verse 4.
16:40 It says, "Around the throne, there were twenty-four thrones,
16:43 and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting."
16:48 Now when I teach this class in AFCOE,
16:50 and we do Revelation Chapter 4 and 5,
16:53 I like to have a whiteboard on stage
16:55 and I will begin to very roughly draw
16:58 some of the things that's portrayed here
17:00 in Revelation 4.
17:02 And I'd begin by drawing
17:03 what looks like some glorious throne and light
17:06 shining forth from the throne that's God the Father
17:09 seated upon the throne.
17:10 And then we will have around the throne, little thrones,
17:14 24 of these thrones surrounding the big throne
17:17 with a light shining forth,
17:18 there is a rainbow around about the throne,
17:21 and then you'll have seven burning lamps of fire.
17:23 We'll get to that in just a few moments
17:25 in front of the throne.
17:26 To kind of give us a little bit of a visual picture
17:28 of what John is seeing here in vision.
17:31 God the Father on the throne, the rainbow about the throne,
17:34 the throne is made up of four living creatures,
17:36 we'll get to that later.
17:37 And then the 24 elders, the question is,
17:39 who are these 24 elders that are seated on throne
17:43 surrounding God's throne?
17:45 Well, there are two suggestions as to the identity
17:48 of who the 24 elders are.
17:50 And I'm going to give you both and I'll tell you
17:52 which one I like, okay?
17:54 The first is that the 24 elders
17:56 are those who were resurrected at Christ's resurrection
18:00 and were taken to heaven with Jesus when He ascended,
18:03 and that's interesting,
18:05 but there's another identity of who these people could be.
18:09 The 24 elders could also be
18:11 the representatives of the unfallen worlds.
18:15 The same group that you read about in the Book of Job
18:18 where it says, there was a gathering
18:20 of the sons of God and Satan came representing earth.
18:23 And God said, "Where do you come from?"
18:24 "From the earth walking up and down upon it."
18:26 And God said,
18:27 "Have you considered my servant Job?"
18:29 And you know the rest of the story.
18:30 So are the 24 elders,
18:32 those who are resurrected at Christ resurrection
18:35 and taken to heaven
18:36 or could they be the representatives
18:38 of the unfallen worlds?
18:39 Well, there are different verses
18:40 and I'm just going to give it a highlight of it,
18:42 just Matthew 27:51 talks about those who were resurrected
18:46 at the time of Christ's resurrection.
18:49 And said, "Then, behold,
18:50 the veil in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom,
18:53 the earth quaked, the rocks were split,
18:55 and the graves were opened.
18:56 And many of the bodies of the saints
18:58 who had fallen asleep were raised.
19:00 And coming out of the graves after His resurrection,
19:04 they went into the holy city and appeared to many."
19:06 Now when it says the holy city,
19:07 it's not talking about Jerusalem in heaven,
19:09 it's talking about Jerusalem here on the earth.
19:11 So that would be the description
19:12 of those who were resurrected
19:13 at the time of Christ's resurrection.
19:15 Ephesians 4:8 talking about the ascension of Jesus
19:19 has this to say.
19:20 "Therefore He says, 'When He ascended on high..."
19:23 This is 31 AD, "He, Jesus,
19:26 led captivity captive, and gave gifts onto men.' "
19:30 So when Jesus ascended to heaven,
19:32 He brought with them those who were resurrected
19:35 at the time of His resurrection.
19:37 They were held captive by the grave,
19:39 but they were resurrected,
19:40 they are the first fruits of the resurrection
19:43 and they went with Jesus to heaven.
19:46 But notice the wording here,
19:47 it says Jesus led captivity captive.
19:51 So when Jesus ascended to heaven,
19:54 where were those who are resurrected?
19:56 Were they waiting for Jesus in heaven
19:58 or were they following behind Jesus?
20:01 They must be following behind Jesus, right?
20:04 Revelation Chapter 4 describes the 24 elders in heaven
20:07 waiting for Jesus to come.
20:10 Jesus does not appear until Revelation 5,
20:13 which is an interesting point.
20:14 Well, what about the elders,
20:15 the 24 elders representing those unfallen worlds?
20:20 Well, of course, Job 1:6 says,
20:23 "Now there was a day
20:24 when the sons of God came to present themselves
20:26 before the Lord."
20:27 Satan was there as well.
20:30 Hebrews 1:1 and 2 tells us that God created the worlds,
20:34 and He uses the plural form for worlds.
20:36 In other words,
20:37 our world is not the only inhabited planet
20:39 in God's vast universe,
20:41 but He has other worlds of unfallen beings.
20:44 And then we read in Isaiah 24:23.
20:48 This is back in the Old Testament
20:50 that the elders are referenced even back
20:54 before the resurrection of Jesus.
20:56 Isaiah 24:23 says,
20:58 "The Lord of hosts will reign,"
20:59 and it says,
21:00 "before his elders, gloriously."
21:03 So it's interesting to note
21:04 that we have a reference to the elders
21:06 all the way back in Isaiah 24,
21:08 which is an interesting thought.
21:10 "The Lord will reign in Mount Zion,
21:11 Jerusalem before his elders, gloriously."
21:14 So the suggestion is that these 24 elders
21:17 would represent those unfallen worlds
21:20 and they are there in heaven waiting for Jesus to ascend.
21:24 Here is a statement that you find in the book,
21:25 Desire of Ages.
21:27 In Desire of Ages, this chapter in particular page 831
21:32 is a parallel of Revelation Chapter 4 and 5.
21:37 And you'll notice
21:38 number of language and symbols in Desire of Ages
21:42 that you also find in Revelation 4.
21:44 I'm just going to read you a paragraph.
21:45 It says, "As he ascended," speaking of Jesus,
21:48 "He led the way,
21:50 and the multitude of captives set free
21:53 at His resurrection followed."
21:55 Well, it's just the verse we read in Ephesians.
21:58 Then she describes what's happening in heaven.
22:01 She says, "There is the throne,
22:03 and around it the rainbow of promise."
22:06 We just read that in Revelation Chapter 4.
22:09 "There are the cherubim and the seraphim."
22:11 Those are the four living creatures,
22:12 we haven't gotten to that yet.
22:14 "The commanders of the heavenly host,"
22:16 then she says, "the sons of God,
22:18 the representatives of the unfallen worlds,
22:22 they are assembled."
22:23 So if you follow the order that we have in Revelation 4,
22:26 God the Father seated upon the throne,
22:28 the rainbow about the throne, then the 24 elders,
22:31 she does not use the word 24 elders
22:34 but she uses the phrase,
22:35 the representatives of the unfallen worlds,
22:38 they're all there waiting for Jesus as Christ
22:42 is ascending from the earth after His resurrection.
22:45 Then she goes on to say something
22:47 about the sons of God.
22:48 She says, "The heavenly council before whom
22:51 Lucifer had accused God and His Son,
22:54 the representatives of those sinless realms
22:56 over which Satan had thought to establish his dominion,
22:59 all are there to welcome the Redeemer."
23:02 So if you put Desire of Ages along with Revelation Chapter 4
23:05 and what we've seen elsewhere in the Bible,
23:06 it would indicate that these 24 elders,
23:09 they are there in heaven
23:10 waiting for Jesus as He ascends,
23:12 those who were resurrected
23:14 at the time of Christ's resurrection,
23:15 they are following on behind and Jesus is coming to heaven.
23:21 Now the 24 elders,
23:22 the representatives of these unfallen worlds,
23:25 the last part of verse 4 says they are clothed with white,
23:28 they have crowns upon their heads,
23:30 it's a symbol of royalty and kingship.
23:31 They are the representatives of these unfallen worlds.
23:34 Now, of course, white represents purity,
23:36 they have never sinned.
23:37 Moving on then with verse 5, "And from the throne,
23:41 they proceeded lightnings, and thunderings, and voices."
23:44 And the next part of the verse says,
23:46 "Seven lamps of fire were burning," where?
23:51 It says in the temple, but where?
23:53 "Before the throne,
23:54 which are the seven spirits of God."
23:57 So if you can picture God
23:58 the Father seated upon the throne
24:00 with the rainbow, the 24 elders,
24:02 what's right in front of the throne
24:03 according to verse 5?
24:05 Seven burning lamps of fire.
24:07 Well, where do you find seven burning lamps of fire
24:10 in the earthly sanctuary,
24:11 in the holy or the most holy place?
24:13 In the first compartment, the holy place.
24:16 So where is God the Father being described here
24:19 in Revelation Chapter 4?
24:21 He is in the first compartment.
24:23 And what article of furniture is right across
24:26 from the seven branched candlestick?
24:29 The table of showbread.
24:30 Thus the table of showbread in its context
24:33 would represent God's throne in this scenario.
24:37 God the Father seated upon His throne
24:39 in the first compartment.
24:41 It's interesting in Chapter 4,
24:42 you have a reference
24:43 to the seven burning lamps of fire,
24:45 you also have a reference to the altar of incense,
24:49 but it doesn't say anything about the table of showbread
24:52 because here it calls the table of showbread in essence,
24:54 God's throne, you're seated upon His throne
24:56 before Him are the seven burning lamps of fire.
24:59 Now it says these seven burning lamps of fire
25:01 are the seven spirits of God.
25:04 You might wonder, wait a minute,
25:05 isn't there just one Holy Spirit?
25:08 Oh, yes, there is.
25:09 Remember, numbers in Revelation
25:11 are very significant and they are symbolic.
25:13 What are the seven spirits of God represent?
25:15 There are seven attributes of the Holy Spirit
25:18 that we find described in the Bible.
25:20 And here they are.
25:21 Isaiah 11:2 says, and you can count them,
25:26 "The Spirit of the Lord," that's one,
25:28 "shall rest upon Him," speaking of Jesus,
25:31 "the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of understanding,
25:34 the Spirit of counsel, the Spirit of might,
25:36 the Spirit of knowledge,
25:37 and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord."
25:40 Seven attributes of the Holy Spirit
25:42 described as the seven burning lamps of fire
25:45 there before the throne.
25:47 All right, verse 6.
25:48 It says, "Before the throne there was a sea of glass,
25:51 like crystal."
25:52 Glass back in Bible times is much more valuable
25:55 than it is today.
25:56 The shimmering expanse before the throne
25:59 is described as a sea of glass.
26:02 And by the way, the redeemed in Revelation 15
26:04 are described as standing upon the sea of glass before God,
26:08 singing song of Moses and the lamb.
26:12 It says, "In the midst of the throne,
26:13 and round about the throne,
26:14 there were these four living creatures
26:17 that were full of eyes in the front and in the back."
26:20 Now what are these four living creatures?
26:23 Well, Revelation 4:7 says the first was like unto a lion.
26:30 Now when you look at the faces of the four living creatures,
26:33 the lion, the ox, the man, the flying eagle,
26:36 they parallel or they describe, you might say,
26:39 four phases of Christ's ministry.
26:42 A lion in Bible prophecy
26:44 is often associated with royalty,
26:46 and kingship, and power.
26:47 Before Jesus came to this earth,
26:50 He was the king of the universe,
26:52 He gave back the scepter of the universe
26:54 into His Father's hand, and He came to this earth,
26:58 so the lion can represent Christ
27:00 prior to the incarnation.
27:02 When Jesus came to this earth,
27:03 He came to bear our burdens to die in our place.
27:08 The second living creature has a face like unto an ox
27:10 or a calf.
27:12 An ox was a sacrificial animal.
27:14 It was also a burden bearing animal.
27:17 And with reference specifically to Jesus, we read in Isaiah 53,
27:23 "Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.
27:29 Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.
27:32 But He was wounded for our transgressions,
27:35 He was bruised for our iniquities.
27:37 The chastisement of our peace was upon Him,
27:40 and by His stripes we are healed."
27:43 So Jesus came
27:44 not as a conquering King the first time,
27:47 but He came to bear our burdens,
27:49 to die in our places and sacrifices Him.
27:52 That's symbolized by the ox or the calf,
27:55 which is the face of the second creature.
27:57 And then verse 7 tells us the third living creature
28:00 has a face like unto a man.
28:03 Well, after Jesus rose from the dead in 31 AD,
28:06 He ascended to heaven
28:07 and that's really what Revelation 4 and 5
28:09 is all about.
28:10 And Jesus in heaven is ministering
28:12 as our high priest.
28:14 He's described as our older brother,
28:16 He understands, knows what it's like to be human
28:19 because He was here, He lived on the earth,
28:22 He went through the experiences that we must go through.
28:26 Hebrews tells us, then in Hebrews 4:14,
28:30 "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest
28:32 who has passed through the heavens,
28:34 Jesus the Son of God,
28:35 let us hold fast our confession.
28:38 For we do not have a High Priest
28:41 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
28:44 but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
28:48 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace
28:51 that we may obtain mercy
28:52 and find grace to help us in our time of need."
28:55 So there is Jesus in heaven, He is still our older brother.
29:00 Humanity glorified and folded in the bosom of God.
29:04 Jesus represents us before the Father.
29:07 Thus the third living creature
29:09 is described as having the face of a man.
29:12 The fourth living creature in Revelation 4:7.
29:15 It said to have the face of a flying eagle.
29:19 A flying eagle in the Bible
29:20 is often associated with conquest,
29:22 and victory, and judgment.
29:25 There are several references to this.
29:27 Isaiah 40:31 talks about
29:29 the deliverance of God's people,
29:31 and says, "They shall mount up with the wings of eagles."
29:35 And in Jeremiah 49:22, it says,
29:39 "Behold, He shall come upon you like a flying eagle."
29:42 Speaking about judgment that comes upon the wicked.
29:46 So there's fourth living creature
29:47 that has a face like unto an eagle
29:48 can represent Jesus when He comes back
29:51 as King of kings and Lord of lords
29:55 to execute judgment upon the wicked.
29:57 So in the four living creatures,
29:58 we can in essence see
29:59 four phases of Christ's ministry
30:02 and His plan of redemption for our salvation.
30:05 Now verse 8 says, Revelation 4:8,
30:08 "The four living creatures, each had six wings,
30:11 there were full of eyes all around..."
30:13 Eyes in Bible prophecy
30:14 represent intelligence and wisdom.
30:16 These four living creatures
30:17 are aware of what's happening on the earth,
30:19 they're aware of what God is doing
30:21 in man's salvation.
30:22 One of the interesting thought
30:25 about these four living creatures
30:26 that are surrounding God's throne.
30:29 The first is a face like a lion,
30:31 and then you have the calf or an ox,
30:33 then you have a man, then you have an eagle.
30:35 God gave strict instructions to Moses,
30:38 you read about this in Numbers Chapter 2
30:40 as to how the camp of Israel was to pitch.
30:44 There were the 12 tribes of Israel
30:46 and then the tribe of Levi.
30:48 The sanctuary was to be in the center of the camp,
30:51 the Levites, they were to pitch their camp
30:54 or their tents around the sanctuary.
30:56 And then, there were the 12 tribes
30:59 each divided up three on each side,
31:01 so three to the east, the south,
31:03 the west, and the north.
31:05 Of the three tribes on each side of the sanctuary,
31:09 there was a leading tribe, the main tribe of those three.
31:13 Each of the tribes would have pitched their camp
31:16 with the emblem or the sign facing towards the sanctuary.
31:21 Now it's very interesting to note
31:22 that the first tribe that pitch tent
31:25 on the eastern side of the sanctuary,
31:27 the leading tribe was the tribe of Judah.
31:30 What do you suppose was the emblem
31:32 that was facing towards the sanctuary
31:35 representing the tribe of Judah?
31:37 What was the first face on...
31:40 The first living creature
31:41 described in Revelation Chapter 4?
31:43 A lion. Interesting.
31:46 The leading tribe on the south that pitched their camp
31:49 and the emblem facing towards the sanctuary
31:53 was the tribe of Reuben.
31:55 What do you suppose
31:56 was the symbol of the tribe of Reuben?
31:59 An ox or a calf, the second living creature.
32:03 And then if you go to the other side,
32:05 which would be the west side of the sanctuary,
32:07 the leading tribe there was Ephraim.
32:10 And what do you suppose was the emblem of Ephraim?
32:13 A man.
32:15 And to the north, the leading tribe
32:17 there was the tribe of Dan, and what was on their emblem?
32:21 An eagle.
32:22 Isn't it interesting that looking down from heaven,
32:25 you see the sanctuary,
32:27 God's Shekinah Glory in the most holy place
32:29 a symbol of His throne and surrounding the camp,
32:32 you got the sign of the lion, the calf, the man, the eagle,
32:38 almost a parallel or a miniature
32:40 of what's been described in Revelation Chapter 4,
32:43 God's heavenly throne room.
32:45 Very interesting.
32:46 By the way, if you want all the references for that,
32:47 you can look in Numbers 2:3, 10, 18, 25.
32:54 We'll give you which camp was to pitch camp where,
32:58 and how it related to the sanctuary in the middle.
33:02 The last part of verse 8 says,
33:03 "And they did not rest day or night,
33:05 saying, 'Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,
33:08 who is, who was, and who is to come!' "
33:10 How many times the four living creatures say holy?
33:13 Three.
33:14 One for the Father, one for the Son,
33:16 one for the Holy Spirit.
33:18 All right, because God created all things.
33:20 Verse 9, "Whenever the four living creatures
33:22 give glory and honor and thanks to Him
33:24 who sits upon the throne, who lives forever and ever..."
33:26 So now as the four living creatures
33:28 begin to praise God.
33:30 Then it says in verse 10,
33:31 "The twenty-four elders fall down before Him
33:34 who sits upon the throne and they worship as well
33:37 He who lives forever and ever,
33:39 and they cast their crowns before the throne, saying..."
33:42 We're going to see what they say here
33:43 in just a minute,
33:44 but here you have a picture of the four living creatures
33:46 as they witness God's dealing with mankind,
33:49 they begin to worship the Father.
33:50 In response, the 24 elders, they bow down,
33:53 they also begin to worship.
33:55 Verse 11 says, "For You are worthy, O Lord,
33:57 to receive glory and honor and power,
34:00 for You have created all things."
34:04 God is worthy to be worshipped because He is the Creator.
34:08 He has made all things.
34:10 The first angel's message says, "Fear God, give Him glory,
34:14 worship Him
34:15 who made the heavens, the earth, and the sea,
34:17 and the fountains of water."
34:18 So we worship the Father because He made all things.
34:22 Now did the Father create all things by Himself
34:25 or did He work through His son?
34:27 He worked through His Son.
34:28 Jesus is worthy of worship.
34:31 Was the Holy Spirit involved in creation as well?
34:33 Yes.
34:35 Genesis 1 says, the Spirit of God
34:36 hovered upon the face of the water.
34:38 So God is worthy of worship just because He made us,
34:42 and then secondly
34:43 because He saved us
34:45 and we get to that in Revelation Chapter 5.
34:47 So much here.
34:49 Okay, so God is worthy of worship
34:51 because He made all things.
34:52 Now, there is something I want you to notice.
34:54 If you have your Bibles,
34:55 we're going to go on now in Chapter 5
34:57 in our last little bit that we have left,
34:58 but there is something interesting to note.
35:00 Look in Revelation Chapter 1 and look at verse 4.
35:04 Revelation 1:4.
35:07 We're going to look at verse 4 and 5.
35:09 Verse 4 and 5 of Revelation Chapter 1
35:13 introduces the Godhead in the same format
35:16 that we find in Revelation 4 and 5.
35:20 Revelation 1:4 and 5
35:23 introduces the Godhead in the same order
35:25 as we find in Revelation 4 and 5.
35:28 I just found this last night.
35:29 I was really excited about it,
35:30 so I'm still pretty excited about this.
35:32 But notice, if you look in Revelation 1:4,
35:35 it says, "John, to the seven churches
35:37 which are in Asia,
35:38 grace to you and peace from Him who is,
35:40 who was and who is to come..."
35:42 Now who is that?
35:45 The one who is, who was, and who is to come?
35:48 Well, it's a name used for Jesus,
35:51 but it's also name used for God the Father.
35:53 Jesus is eternal, the Father is eternal.
35:57 Now we know specifically in verse 4
36:00 of Revelation Chapter 1,
36:02 this is a reference of God the Father
36:04 because you'll see in verse 5, it talks about Jesus.
36:07 So in verse 4 of Revelation Chapter 1, the greeting,
36:11 the focus is on God the Father,
36:13 that's the first part of the verse,
36:15 grace to You, and peace from Him who is, who was,
36:17 and who is to come, that's the Father,
36:20 and from the seven spirits
36:21 which are before His throne, who's that?
36:24 Who's the seven spirits before His throne?
36:26 That's the Holy Spirit.
36:27 Remember the number seven symbolic
36:28 represents perfection and completion.
36:30 So what's brought to view in verse 4 is God the Father,
36:35 and the Holy Spirit,
36:37 but Jesus is not referenced in verse 4.
36:40 But when you get to verse 5,
36:42 we're still in Revelation Chapter 1,
36:43 verse 5 says, "And from Jesus Christ,
36:47 who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead,
36:51 the ruler over the kings of the earth.
36:53 To Him who loved us
36:54 and washed us from our sins in His own blood."
36:57 Jesus is introduced in verse 5
36:59 and what attributes of Jesus are highlighted the fact
37:03 that He washed us from our sins in His own blood,
37:06 Jesus, His atoning sacrifice is highlighted.
37:09 Now typically in the Bible, when you read about the Father,
37:13 the Son, and the Holy Spirit, it's usually in that order.
37:15 First the Father, then the Son, then the Holy Spirit,
37:18 go baptize in the name of the Father,
37:20 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
37:22 But in Revelation 1:4 and 5,
37:24 it is the Father, we skip the Son,
37:27 we go to the Spirit
37:28 and then we come back to talk about the Son.
37:31 When you get to Revelation Chapter 4,
37:33 the focus in Revelation Chapter 4
37:34 is God the Father seated upon His throne,
37:37 you got the seven burning lamps of fire
37:39 before the throne, but Jesus is not there.
37:43 But now when you get to Chapter 5,
37:45 suddenly the focus is on Jesus.
37:47 You notice the parallel,
37:48 and it's unique just to this situation
37:50 in the Book of Revelation.
37:52 Usually, whenever the Godhead is spoken of,
37:54 it's the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
37:55 but purposely it's changed around
37:57 just a little bit
37:59 to highlight the importance of the sacrifice of Jesus,
38:03 and the Lamb
38:05 amongst all of these various powers of end time,
38:08 how did the Lamb rules
38:10 and He's supreme and will overcome.
38:12 Okay. Well, that's just a side note.
38:13 Let's take a look in Revelation 5:1,
38:16 we're going to have to move through this fairly quickly.
38:19 "And I saw in the right hand of Him
38:20 who sat upon the throne
38:22 a scroll written within and on the back,
38:24 sealed with seven seals."
38:26 Who is the one seated upon the throne
38:28 according to Revelation 4?
38:31 God the Father.
38:32 So God the Father has something in His hand.
38:35 By the way, which hand? The right hand.
38:39 What does the right hand represent?
38:41 Power, deliverance, strength,
38:44 that's what the right hand means.
38:46 Also, standing on the right side
38:49 represents favor or approval.
38:52 So God the Father is seen
38:53 holding something in his right hand,
38:56 it is a scroll.
38:57 Now back in Bible times,
38:58 a papyrus scroll typically was 30 feet in length roughly.
39:03 And they scribed it right on the inside of the scroll.
39:05 And when he was done, he'd roll it up,
39:07 often put a seal upon it if it was something special
39:10 that only one person or a particular person
39:12 had the authority to open.
39:14 Sometimes, if the scribe was writing
39:16 and additional information was given,
39:18 and he ran out of room on the inside of the scroll,
39:20 he would turn it over
39:21 and he started riding on the back of the scroll.
39:23 In this case, the scroll in the hand of the Father
39:26 sealed with seven seals
39:28 is written on the inside and on the back.
39:31 But nobody can open the scroll, it's sealed with seven seals.
39:35 Then it goes on.
39:37 Now before I get to all of that,
39:38 so much talk about here.
39:39 How many books of record
39:42 do we know about exist in heaven?
39:45 Or here's a verse in Luke 10:19 and 20,
39:48 Jesus said to His disciples, do not rejoice,
39:51 and I'm paraphrasing
39:52 that you don't have power over the unclean spirits.
39:55 But now quoting, "Nevertheless do not rejoice over this,
39:58 that the spirits are subject to you,
40:00 but rather rejoice..."
40:01 What are they to rejoice about?
40:04 "That your names are written," where?
40:07 "That your names are written in heaven."
40:09 So there is a book that has the names
40:12 of those who believe in God in heaven.
40:15 We're going to find out what that book is in just a minute.
40:17 But in addition to this book,
40:19 there is another book
40:20 that also has the names or at least the deeds
40:25 of those who have rebelled against God.
40:28 Sometimes, it's called the book of sin
40:30 or the book of inequity.
40:32 You don't want to be in the book of inequity.
40:35 Then there's a third book that you want to be a part of,
40:38 it's called the book of remembrance.
40:40 And those are the good deeds that have been done,
40:42 the acts of mercy that have been shown.
40:44 Revelation 22 says
40:45 that everyone gets rewarded according to their deeds.
40:49 So even though the righteous are going to be in heaven
40:51 because their names have been in the Lamb's book of life,
40:53 they're still rewarded
40:54 based upon what is recorded in the book of remembrance,
40:57 kind of interesting.
40:59 So at least we have those books
41:00 that we know of spoken of in the Bible.
41:03 And these books are involved in judgment.
41:07 All right, well, let's keep going,
41:09 Revelation way to be finish up.
41:11 Revelation Chapter 5 and that was verse...
41:19 Was that verse 2?
41:21 "Then a strong angel..." Let's start in verse 2.
41:23 It says, "Then a strong angel proclaimed with a loud voice,
41:26 'Who is worthy to open the scroll
41:28 and to loose its seals there off?'"
41:31 Verse 3 says, "No one in heaven,
41:35 no one on the earth or under the earth
41:38 was able to open the scroll to look at it."
41:39 Meaning, to read it.
41:41 Now you might think that's interesting.
41:42 Aren't there angels in heaven that excel in strength?
41:47 But they couldn't open the seals.
41:49 Where was the scroll?
41:51 Who was holding the scroll?
41:54 Would you think God the Father could open the scroll?
41:58 But it says no one in heaven
42:01 or on the earth or under the earth
42:02 was found worthy to open the scroll.
42:06 Opening the scroll
42:07 is not because of the lack of strength
42:10 or position,
42:12 but rather it has to do with something
42:13 that someone does
42:15 that gives them the right to open the book.
42:19 And only one person has the right to open the book.
42:23 And by the way, that book gets named after Him.
42:26 We call it the Lamb's book of life,
42:29 all right?
42:30 Now look at the next one, verse 4.
42:32 It says, "And I wept much,
42:34 because no one was found worthy to open
42:36 and to read the scroll and to look upon it."
42:39 John realized something very important about this book
42:41 that if no one is found worthy to read the book,
42:44 it would have bad results for people,
42:47 maybe didn't fully understand the ramifications of that,
42:50 but He realized somebody needs to open the book.
42:51 This is pretty important.
42:52 Verse 5 says,
42:54 "But one of the elders said unto me,
42:55 'Do not weep.
42:56 Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
42:59 the Root of David,
43:01 has prevailed to open the scroll
43:02 and to loose the seven seals there off.'"
43:05 So who is worthy to open the scroll?
43:07 Jesus is.
43:08 Now I want you to notice Jesus
43:10 described in verse 5
43:11 as the lion of the tribe of Judah.
43:14 He has earned the right to open the scroll.
43:17 Verse 6, "And I looked,
43:20 and behold, in the midst of the throne
43:23 and of the four living creatures,
43:24 and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb..."
43:29 So John just hears in vision, don't cry,
43:32 everything's going to be okay,
43:33 the lion has prevailed to open the scroll.
43:36 And John turns to see the lion and who does he see?
43:40 He sees the Lamb.
43:42 You see, when Jesus was hanging upon the cross,
43:44 as the Lamb, He was also the King.
43:48 And through His sacrifice, through His death on Calvary
43:51 that He becomes the King of kings
43:53 and Lord of lords,
43:54 and He is able to redeem
43:56 those who put their faith in Him.
43:59 So Jesus is the Lamb
44:01 that is able to open the scroll.
44:03 Verse 6, "I looked, and behold,
44:04 in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures,
44:06 and in the midst of the elders,
44:07 stood a Lamb as though it had been slain,
44:09 having seven horns and seven eyes..."
44:12 Again, horns represent rulership or kingship,
44:15 eyes represent the seven spirits of God
44:17 or the seven attributes of the Holy Spirit.
44:20 And then it says, "Which of the seven spirits
44:22 went out into all the earth?"
44:23 Verse 7,
44:25 "Then He came and took the scroll
44:27 out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne."
44:29 This is Jesus now, 31 AD, He is ascended to heaven.
44:33 Jesus comes and takes the scroll
44:35 from His Father's hand,
44:37 and He begins to open the seals.
44:38 Now, by the way,
44:39 before we get into the rest of the verse there,
44:41 what are the seals represent in the scroll?
44:43 The scroll I believe is the Lamb's book of life,
44:45 He's the only one worthy to open the scroll.
44:47 The seals would represent different events
44:50 that would occur during the Christian era
44:52 that would ultimately result in Jesus
44:55 being able to redeem people from the earth.
44:58 By the way, the seventh seal
45:00 is silence in heaven
45:01 about the space of half an hour.
45:04 You read about in Revelation Chapter 8
45:05 the first few verses.
45:07 Why is there silence in heaven
45:08 about the space of half an hour?
45:10 Because Jesus and all the angels
45:12 have come down to the earth
45:14 at the second coming to gather His people.
45:17 So the opening of the seals record different events
45:19 that lead right up to the second coming of Jesus.
45:22 Well, if nobody is worthy to open the seals,
45:26 well, what hope is there for us
45:28 if there's no second coming,
45:30 if there's no resurrection from the dead.
45:32 No wonder, John weeps
45:34 'cause nobody's found worthy to open the book.
45:36 And the elder says, John, don't weep,
45:38 Jesus has prevailed,
45:39 He will open the book,
45:41 He will come, He will redeem us,
45:42 He'll come as the lion,
45:44 as King of kings and Lord of lords.
45:46 So when Jesus steps forward
45:48 and takes the scroll out of His Father's hand,
45:51 what happens next?
45:52 Look at verse 8.
45:55 "Now when He had taken the scroll,
45:57 the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders
45:59 fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp,
46:02 and golden bowls full of incense,
46:05 which are the prayers of the saints."
46:07 Now, wait a minute,
46:08 where is the altar of incense in the heavenly sanctuary,
46:12 in the first compartment or the second?
46:14 First compartment.
46:15 You got the seven branched candlesticks,
46:17 you got the altar of incense, you got the 24 elders.
46:19 The events described here in Chapter 4 and 5
46:22 are not taking place in the most holy place.
46:24 That's not until Revelation Chapter 11,
46:26 the sounding of the seventh trumpet
46:29 that we have events describing the most holy place.
46:31 This is all taking place
46:33 when Jesus ascended to heaven the first time,
46:35 it's in the first compartment of the heavenly sanctuary.
46:37 And what did they say?
46:38 Verse 9,
46:40 "They sang a new song,
46:41 'You are worthy to take the scroll
46:43 to open its seals, for You were slain,
46:46 and you have redeemed us to God
46:48 by Your blood out of every tribe,
46:50 and tongue, and people, and nation.'"
46:52 Now before I talk about what exactly they sing,
46:54 notice it says they sing a new song.
46:57 How many new songs are sung in Revelation?
47:01 There are two.
47:02 A new song is sung by the redeemed,
47:04 the 144,000, and there is a new song
47:07 sung here by the four living creatures
47:09 and the 24 elders.
47:10 Why is it new?
47:11 Because Christ has just sacrificed,
47:13 He has provided the sacrifice for man salvation.
47:16 Now some have asked, why do the 24 elders say...
47:19 This is verse 9.
47:21 It says you have redeemed us.
47:24 Were the four living creatures ever in need of redemption?
47:28 And then it goes on to say,
47:29 out of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
47:32 Did the four living creatures come from every tribe, nation,
47:35 kindred, tongue, and people?
47:37 No, they were angels, they were in heaven.
47:39 They didn't come from the earth.
47:40 What does it mean then you have redeemed us.
47:43 And look at verse 10.
47:44 Verse 10 says, "And have made us
47:46 kings and priests to our God.
47:49 And we shall reign on the earth."
47:52 Do the four living creatures reign on the earth?
47:55 Do the 24 elders reign on the earth?
47:57 Who gets to reign on the earth?
47:58 Jesus said, "The meek shall inherit the," what?
48:01 "The earth."
48:02 Revelation Chapter 20 says, "And I saw thrones,
48:04 those who have gotten the victory of the beast,
48:07 they live and reign with Christ for thousand years."
48:09 Now, just so that you understand
48:12 if your Bible has a little marginal reference,
48:15 you'll notice right before it says in verse 9,
48:18 and have redeemed us,
48:19 you have a little marginal reference.
48:20 If you cross reference that, it'll say them instead of us.
48:25 You see, this portion of the Book of Revelation
48:29 translated from the Textus Receptus,
48:32 and you have the King James, the New King James
48:34 that come originally from the Textus Receptus,
48:36 which is the Greek manuscript used for the King James,
48:38 New King James, very trustworthy manuscript.
48:41 But this particular portion of that manuscript,
48:44 some believe was not available to Erasmus
48:47 when he wrote the Textus Receptus,
48:48 so he defaulted back to the Latin Vulgate.
48:52 The Latin Vulgate uses the word us
48:54 instead of them.
48:55 But all other manuscript
48:57 finds that we have of the Book of Revelation
49:00 and there are many out there, used the word them,
49:04 and then it makes a whole lot of sense.
49:06 Let me read it that way.
49:07 Looking now in verse 9, the four living creatures,
49:10 24 elders say,
49:11 "You are worthy to take the scroll to open its seals,
49:13 for you were slain,
49:14 and have redeemed them to God
49:16 by Your blood out of every tribe,
49:18 and tongue, and people, and nation,
49:19 and have made them kings and priests to our God,
49:23 and they shall reign on the earth."
49:24 Well, that makes perfect sense.
49:25 Are you with me?
49:27 Jesus has earned the right to save us.
49:30 Verse 11 says, "Then I looked, and I heard the voice
49:33 like many waters around the throne,
49:35 the living creatures, and the elders,
49:36 and the number of them
49:37 ten thousand times ten thousand,
49:39 and thousands of thousands, saying,
49:41 'Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power,
49:44 and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor,
49:46 glory and blessing!'"
49:47 Did you count those blessings mentioned there?
49:51 We have a sevenfold blessing, you can see it there.
49:54 To receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory,
49:58 blessing, perfect blessings given to the Lamb
50:01 because He has been victorious, He has overcome.
50:06 And then, of course, when these four living creatures
50:08 and the 24 elders say these things,
50:10 then all of those in heaven
50:12 join in in singing praise and adoration to God,
50:16 and you can read about that in verse 13 and 14.
50:20 And that brings us to the end of our chapters.
50:23 Lot of information to try to cover
50:24 in just a short period of time.
50:26 So much, it seems like
50:27 we just touched the tips of the mountains,
50:30 we haven't had a chance to really dig deep.
50:32 But hopefully you'll continue to study
50:34 even more on your own,
50:35 such an important book, so much important information.
50:38 Now we do have a free offer.
50:40 I'd like to make available to those
50:41 who are joining us online
50:42 and also for our friends
50:43 watching this across the country,
50:45 a book entitled "The High Cost of the Cross."
50:48 And if you'd like to receive this,
50:49 the number to call is 866-788-3966
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50:58 Or if you like, you can text the code "SH080"
51:04 to the number 50544,
51:08 and we'll be happy to send you a digital version of the book,
51:10 "The High Cost of the Cross,"
51:12 just a very inspiring and important read.
51:14 And again, we want to thank you for joining us.
51:16 Hope you'll join us again next week
51:18 as we continue our study in the Book of Revelation.
51:23 Don't forget to request
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51:59 Amazing Facts changed lives.
52:07 My life was in turmoil.
52:09 My wife and I were fighting all the time.
52:11 I got away from everything and everybody.
52:14 I don't know. I just...
52:15 I always had this emptiness in my heart.
52:18 I don't want it filled.
52:19 I just felt like I went through my whole life,
52:21 you know, just searching for something.
52:24 And my father died.
52:26 And that ruined me a lot.
52:27 My father didn't believe in suicide
52:30 and I didn't want to live but rather than disrespect him,
52:33 I decided I would just become so mean
52:35 if someone else would do it to me
52:36 and I wouldn't have to.
52:37 So I joined the army thinking,
52:39 "What better place to get killed than in the army?"
52:41 And while I was in the army, my daughter got injured,
52:44 she was in an accident.
52:47 And she was blind and paraplegic,
52:50 and it's just like I felt the whole world
52:52 was coming down on me.
52:54 One morning, I just really got mad
52:56 and I gave God a cuss like you wouldn't believe.
52:59 I said, "I'm not Moses, not Abraham,
53:02 you know,
53:04 I don't put my sandals on just like they do.
53:06 I'm a man."
53:07 I don't want to know why this is happening to me.
53:10 I just want to know if it's happening for a reason.
53:13 If you tell me right now this is all for a reason,
53:16 then you can stacking on me from here to the end of time,
53:19 and I would never complain again.
53:23 And then a little TV came on.
53:25 I'd been sitting here just static all night long.
53:28 And there is this minister, when he pops up and he says,
53:31 "Today's lesson's from the Book of Job.
53:33 God only lets those suffer that He loves the most."
53:36 And I said, "Well, that's all you have to say,
53:38 Lord, I appreciate it."
53:39 From that day forward, I knew that He was there
53:42 and He was in my life,
53:44 and that He would help me.
53:46 I went to prison just almost immediately after that.
53:50 I was in prison for aggravated assault.
53:52 I was in one of the worst prisons
53:54 in the state of Kansas City.
53:55 It was full of gang activity.
53:57 I got my throat cut, 52 stitches.
54:01 In my neck, I could take those fingers
54:03 and stick them all, could come out of my mouth.
54:05 I'd gone to the library that day
54:06 because it was probably about the only thing to do.
54:10 When I ran across this little book
54:11 called "The Richest Caveman."
54:13 This book is hilarious, but it is great.
54:17 I'm sitting here with this big beard and I'm thinking,
54:19 "Hey, I know what it's like to look like a caveman,"
54:21 but... I'm not an educated person,
54:24 I guess, you should say, but I'm a simple guy.
54:26 I'm just really a simple guy.
54:28 That's what I loved about Doug Batchelor
54:30 because this guy
54:32 is just straight out as you can get.
54:35 And my wife and I,
54:36 we've kept contact through all these years,
54:39 and so much was going on.
54:44 And I told her, I said, "Listen,
54:46 this is the center of my world right now."
54:49 And I said, "I really want you to be involved in it with me.
54:53 I need it."
54:54 And I said, "You will too
54:55 if you ever just take hold of it."
54:57 I told my wife, I said, "Listen,
54:58 I've got this Amazing Facts Bible study going here,
55:02 and this is the best way for you
55:04 to get this information.
55:05 I think, because it's broken down
55:09 and they give you questions
55:12 and to make you look for these things, you know?
55:17 It's not anyone telling you, you find it on your own,
55:20 and they teach you actually use the Bible."
55:23 She was there faithfully,
55:24 every Wednesday until we decided,
55:27 you know...
55:28 She wanted to be baptized also.
55:31 She saw it coming around.
55:33 The choice was made.
55:35 On October 4, 2014,
55:37 my wife and I were baptized in the water at the same time.
55:42 And we started our walk together,
55:46 I guess, you would say.
55:47 I went through everything
55:49 that a man could possibly go through,
55:50 I guess.
55:52 From marital trouble, loss of family members,
55:56 death in my family, my children were harmed,
55:59 and my daughter was handicapped for life,
56:03 I went to prison,
56:05 but still I kept my word to God that He could stack it on me
56:10 as much as He wanted
56:11 and I'd never question Him again
56:13 and I didn't.
56:15 But I can say this much,
56:17 He never put nothing on me
56:19 that I couldn't handle,
56:20 and He walked with me through it all.
56:23 And I like to say that anyone who is in prison
56:28 not to give up, don't lose hope.
56:31 Put your faith in the Lord and study.
56:34 You seek Him and He will seek you.
56:36 And my name is Charlie Green,
56:39 and I want you to know
56:40 that you and Amazing Facts have changed my life.
57:37 The heavens for parted for him, the Holy Spirit came down.
57:41 This is what God wants you to experience.
57:43 You come to Christ, your sins are washed away,
57:46 you become a new creature.
57:48 It's a land of beginning again,
57:49 and how many of you wish you can restart.
57:53 "For I was hungry
57:55 and you gave me something to eat,
57:58 in as much as you do it to one of the least of these,
58:01 my brethren, you did it to me."


Revised 2019-01-16