Good morning, friends, and welcome again 00:00:35.16\00:00:36.73 to Sabbath School Study Hour 00:00:36.73\00:00:38.27 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:00:38.27\00:00:40.70 As you look around, you probably notice that 00:00:40.70\00:00:42.97 the set is little bit different than normal 00:00:42.97\00:00:45.24 for our Sabbath School Study Hour time, 00:00:45.24\00:00:48.24 but we're doing something special, 00:00:48.24\00:00:49.74 connected with the Amazing Facts training program 00:00:49.74\00:00:52.15 called AFCOE. 00:00:52.15\00:00:53.52 That's why you see amazing doctrines right behind. 00:00:53.52\00:00:56.35 But we are starting a brand new series of studies today 00:00:56.35\00:01:00.06 dealing with the Book of Revelation, 00:01:00.06\00:01:02.22 one of my favorite books in New Testament. 00:01:02.22\00:01:04.96 Today, we're looking at Lesson 1 00:01:04.96\00:01:07.00 which is entitled, "The Gospel from Patmos." 00:01:07.00\00:01:10.23 But before we get to our lesson, 00:01:10.23\00:01:11.53 we want to let our friends know 00:01:11.53\00:01:12.57 about a free offer that we have 00:01:12.57\00:01:14.10 that goes along with our study today. 00:01:14.10\00:01:16.87 It is entitled, "The Trinity," 00:01:16.87\00:01:18.44 talking about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 00:01:18.44\00:01:20.68 This is our free gift to anyone in North America. 00:01:20.68\00:01:23.28 All you have to do is call 866-788-3966 00:01:23.28\00:01:28.42 and you can ask for offer 166 00:01:28.42\00:01:31.55 and we'll be happy to send that to you. 00:01:31.55\00:01:33.36 Or if you're outside of North America 00:01:33.36\00:01:35.02 or even in North America, 00:01:35.02\00:01:36.29 you can get a digital copy of the book. 00:01:36.29\00:01:39.29 All you have to do is text the code "SH088" 00:01:39.29\00:01:44.40 to the number 40544. 00:01:44.40\00:01:48.00 And we'll give you a link 00:01:48.00\00:01:49.07 and you'll be able to download the book, 00:01:49.07\00:01:50.54 The Trinity, written by Pastor Doug, 00:01:50.54\00:01:52.57 a lot of very important information found in the book. 00:01:52.57\00:01:56.58 Now for those of you who might not have 00:01:56.58\00:01:58.91 our new lesson quarterly 00:01:58.91\00:02:00.35 dealing with the book Revelation, 00:02:00.35\00:02:02.35 we would encourage you to try and obtain one 00:02:02.35\00:02:04.42 from one of the Adventist churches in your area, 00:02:04.42\00:02:07.56 but you can study along with us 00:02:07.56\00:02:09.16 even now by simply downloading the lesson. 00:02:09.16\00:02:11.96 You can do so at 00:02:11.96\00:02:16.83 That's 00:02:16.83\00:02:19.50 and you can look up Lesson 1 00:02:19.50\00:02:21.94 on our new study in the Book of Revelation 00:02:21.94\00:02:24.61 and you can follow along. 00:02:24.61\00:02:26.11 Well, before we get to our study, 00:02:26.11\00:02:27.24 we always like to begin by lifting our voices in song. 00:02:27.24\00:02:30.41 I'd like to invite our song leaders to come forward. 00:02:30.41\00:02:33.75 Thank you, Pastor Ross, and Happy New Year. 00:02:33.75\00:02:37.19 It's time to sing like we do every week. 00:02:37.19\00:02:39.59 So if you're at home and you have a hymnal, 00:02:39.59\00:02:41.66 pull it out and join with us 452, 00:02:41.66\00:02:45.86 What Heavenly Music. 00:02:45.86\00:02:47.23 This is one of my all-time favorites. 00:02:47.23\00:02:49.46 We're gonna do all three stances, 452. 00:02:49.46\00:02:51.77 I am looking forward to that day 00:05:05.43\00:05:07.57 when we can all be together and hear that heavenly music. 00:05:07.57\00:05:11.94 Something that I don't think 00:05:11.94\00:05:13.01 we can even get close to imagining on this earth. 00:05:13.01\00:05:16.58 But there is some gorgeous music 00:05:16.58\00:05:18.95 that I know we've all heard and it is just a taste of 00:05:18.95\00:05:23.08 what it would be like on the streets of gold. 00:05:23.08\00:05:26.15 At this time, Pastor Ross 00:05:26.15\00:05:27.42 is going to have our opening prayer. 00:05:27.42\00:05:29.12 Dear Father in heaven, we thank You once again 00:05:30.99\00:05:32.79 that we have this opportunity 00:05:32.79\00:05:33.93 to gather together and open up Your Word 00:05:33.93\00:05:35.66 and study such an important book, 00:05:35.66\00:05:37.37 a timely book for this earth's history. 00:05:37.37\00:05:40.04 And, Father, as we delve into this prophetic book, 00:05:40.04\00:05:42.47 the Book of Revelation, 00:05:42.47\00:05:43.54 we ask for the Holy Spirit to come guide us, 00:05:43.54\00:05:46.34 not only does it present 00:05:46.34\00:05:47.61 various powers at the end of time, 00:05:47.61\00:05:49.28 but more than anything else that reveals to us a savior, 00:05:49.28\00:05:52.91 reveals the lamb, there amongst the beasts. 00:05:52.91\00:05:55.62 So we ask your special blessing upon our time this morning, 00:05:55.62\00:05:58.55 in Jesus' name, amen. 00:05:58.55\00:06:00.46 Amen. 00:06:00.46\00:06:01.89 Our first lesson in the new series today 00:06:01.89\00:06:03.99 is going to be brought to us by Pastor Doug. 00:06:03.99\00:06:06.36 Book of Revelation, 00:06:09.10\00:06:10.70 one of the most perfect books ever written 00:06:10.70\00:06:12.80 is gonna be our theme now for the next 13 weeks. 00:06:12.80\00:06:16.24 And today, we get into our first study 00:06:16.24\00:06:18.31 which is lesson one, of course, 00:06:18.31\00:06:19.91 "The Gospel from Patmos." 00:06:19.91\00:06:22.38 And we have a memory verse 00:06:22.38\00:06:24.68 and the memory verse is Revelation 1:3. 00:06:24.68\00:06:27.82 If you have your Bibles, 00:06:27.82\00:06:29.28 I'd appreciate if you'd say it out loud with me. 00:06:29.28\00:06:31.82 Revelation 1:3 00:06:31.82\00:06:33.96 and this is from the New King James Version. 00:06:33.96\00:06:35.66 You ready? 00:06:35.66\00:06:37.76 "Blessed is he who reads 00:06:37.76\00:06:40.50 and those who hear the words of this prophecy, 00:06:40.50\00:06:44.37 and keep the things that are written in it, 00:06:44.37\00:06:46.90 for the time is near." 00:06:46.90\00:06:49.37 And blessing, the book begins with a blessing. 00:06:49.37\00:06:51.47 You'd be surprised how many people I've met 00:06:51.47\00:06:53.94 that came to a seminar for years before 00:06:53.94\00:06:57.11 I got into official ministry. 00:06:57.11\00:07:03.85 As a layman, I did prophecy seminars, 00:07:03.85\00:07:06.35 we call them Revelation Seminars. 00:07:06.35\00:07:08.09 Some of you remember the Revelation Seminars. 00:07:08.09\00:07:10.66 First ones were written by Harry Robinson, 00:07:10.66\00:07:13.16 and then people did lessons 00:07:13.16\00:07:15.00 that were from Seminars Unlimited written by Bill May. 00:07:15.00\00:07:18.47 And I think even Marvin Moore wrote 00:07:18.47\00:07:20.04 a set of Revelation Seminar lessons I used one time. 00:07:20.04\00:07:22.80 But people were very interested. 00:07:22.80\00:07:25.71 And all the folks would drive around the town, 00:07:25.71\00:07:27.48 they had a bumper sticker it said, "Know the future," 00:07:27.48\00:07:30.25 you know, attend the Revelation Seminar. 00:07:30.25\00:07:32.48 And I'd see people creeping in apprehensively opening night 00:07:32.48\00:07:37.59 and I talked to them and they go, 00:07:37.59\00:07:40.69 our pastor said we shouldn't study the Book of Revelation 00:07:40.69\00:07:43.96 because there's a curse in the Book of Revelation, 00:07:43.96\00:07:46.76 and we don't want to be cursed. 00:07:46.76\00:07:48.63 I said, really. 00:07:48.63\00:07:49.73 So well, there are some curses, 00:07:49.73\00:07:51.13 but there are a lot of blessings. 00:07:51.13\00:07:52.43 The Bible says there's a blessing on those 00:07:52.43\00:07:54.64 who read the book. 00:07:54.64\00:07:55.74 The end of the book, it says, there's a curse on those 00:07:55.74\00:07:57.54 who change the words of this prophecy. 00:07:57.54\00:08:00.81 And so that is a little ominous. 00:08:00.81\00:08:02.31 You need to approach the study of Revelation 00:08:02.31\00:08:04.51 with a faithfulness to say what it says, 00:08:04.51\00:08:07.75 you don't want to be twisting or altering it 00:08:07.75\00:08:09.88 because probably one of the most fearful curses 00:08:09.88\00:08:12.95 in the Bible is pronounced on those 00:08:12.95\00:08:14.56 who distort or corrupt or twist the Word of God. 00:08:14.56\00:08:20.03 And so... 00:08:20.03\00:08:21.26 But notice He says, 00:08:21.26\00:08:22.33 there's a blessing on those who not only read it, 00:08:22.33\00:08:26.60 but not all everyone can read back then, 00:08:26.60\00:08:28.37 but they could hear someone else read it. 00:08:28.37\00:08:29.84 So it says, blessed are those who read and those who hear, 00:08:29.84\00:08:33.24 and then what was the most important part, 00:08:33.24\00:08:35.28 and keep. 00:08:35.28\00:08:37.15 So if you're a reader and a hearer of the word 00:08:37.15\00:08:39.28 and not a doer, 00:08:39.28\00:08:40.82 you're like that man who looks at his face 00:08:40.82\00:08:42.48 and like a glass and walks away, 00:08:42.48\00:08:44.02 forget what manner of man or woman they are. 00:08:44.02\00:08:48.19 And so this is just going to be, 00:08:48.19\00:08:50.06 I think, a tremendous study in this next quarter, 00:08:50.06\00:08:53.13 going through this incredible book. 00:08:53.13\00:08:56.10 Now the Book of Revelation is mysterious. 00:08:56.10\00:08:59.93 And we'll talk a little later about the title of the book, 00:08:59.93\00:09:03.00 and what it means. 00:09:03.00\00:09:05.17 There's a lot of symbols in the book, 00:09:05.17\00:09:07.08 a lot of numbers. 00:09:07.08\00:09:08.88 If you were to retitle the Book of Revelation with a number, 00:09:08.88\00:09:12.08 what would that number be? 00:09:12.08\00:09:14.95 666. 666. 00:09:14.95\00:09:17.19 Some people... That's right. 00:09:20.22\00:09:21.26 Some people would say 666, 00:09:21.26\00:09:23.86 probably, the number seven. 00:09:23.86\00:09:26.80 Another one is 144,000. Yeah. 00:09:26.80\00:09:29.46 The Book of Revelation is really a book of sevens. 00:09:29.46\00:09:32.33 There are 60 times in the book, you find the number seven. 00:09:32.33\00:09:39.07 Fifty five of those times, it says seven, 00:09:39.07\00:09:41.44 five of them it uses the word seventh. 00:09:41.44\00:09:43.78 But it adds up to 60 times. 00:09:43.78\00:09:45.78 Now notice, 00:09:45.78\00:09:47.42 you've got stories and passages in the Bible 00:09:47.42\00:09:50.79 to deal with all kinds of different sevens about 19. 00:09:50.79\00:09:54.56 You can count them as I go through if you want, 00:09:54.56\00:09:56.62 seven churches, seven lampstands, seven lambs, 00:09:56.62\00:10:02.03 seven spirits, seven stars, 00:10:02.03\00:10:04.53 I just realized I don't have enough fingers to do this, 00:10:04.53\00:10:06.47 seven horns, seven angels, 00:10:06.47\00:10:09.47 seven thunders, seven thousand people, 00:10:09.47\00:10:12.71 seven heads, seven crowns, 00:10:12.71\00:10:16.01 seven angels, seven plagues, seven mountains, 00:10:16.01\00:10:20.35 seven bowls, seven kings, 00:10:20.35\00:10:23.32 I may have left one out. 00:10:23.32\00:10:26.32 Yeah, seven trumpets. So I didn't do the trumpets? 00:10:26.32\00:10:29.12 Seven trumpets. 00:10:29.12\00:10:30.16 Now there, that is 20. 00:10:30.16\00:10:32.36 So you got a lot of sevens in the Book of Revelation. 00:10:32.36\00:10:35.20 Now I do talk about the trumpets here in a minute. 00:10:35.20\00:10:38.30 You know, another number appears frequently 00:10:38.30\00:10:40.20 in the Book of Revelation, it's 12. 00:10:40.20\00:10:43.34 That's probably the second number 00:10:43.34\00:10:45.44 that appears the highest. 00:10:45.44\00:10:46.57 Twelve is mentioned 22 times in the book. 00:10:46.57\00:10:49.64 A lot of is where it talks about the 144,000, 00:10:49.64\00:10:52.21 12,000 from this tribe, 12,000 from that tribe. 00:10:52.21\00:10:56.22 And, of course, the 144,000 is 12 times 12,000. 00:10:56.22\00:11:00.99 And then what does seven mean? 00:11:00.99\00:11:02.72 Now if you're going to have a book so full of seven, 00:11:02.72\00:11:04.39 you might need to ask a little about biblical numerology. 00:11:04.39\00:11:07.13 What does seven mean? 00:11:07.13\00:11:08.40 Is it just coincidence? 00:11:08.40\00:11:09.83 Is it just a pretty number? 00:11:09.83\00:11:11.73 Is it just because they roll dice back then? 00:11:11.73\00:11:13.70 And that was, they were trying to avoid snake eyes. 00:11:13.70\00:11:16.81 But what was with the number seven? 00:11:16.81\00:11:19.94 How many days in a week? 00:11:19.94\00:11:22.14 Why? 00:11:22.14\00:11:24.95 It's God's number, it's the perfect number of God, 00:11:24.95\00:11:28.48 and especially connected with a perfect cycle of time. 00:11:28.48\00:11:31.99 Now the Book of Revelation is dealing with time, 00:11:31.99\00:11:34.96 it's a prophecy, 00:11:34.96\00:11:36.09 begins by saying the time is at hand. 00:11:36.09\00:11:39.56 It ends by saying even so come Lord Jesus. 00:11:39.56\00:11:42.66 He comes quickly. 00:11:42.66\00:11:44.17 And so it's a book that talks about an urgency of time, 00:11:44.17\00:11:47.27 and so you've got all these sevens in there. 00:11:47.27\00:11:49.67 It's a perfect number. 00:11:49.67\00:11:51.54 God created the world this perfect cycle of seven, right? 00:11:51.54\00:11:55.78 And there are five epics of seven. 00:11:55.78\00:11:59.35 The book is sort of divided into five sections here. 00:11:59.35\00:12:02.38 You've got the seven churches, which is Revelation 1-3 00:12:02.38\00:12:07.36 covers the spiritual history of the church 00:12:07.36\00:12:09.92 from the first coming to the second coming. 00:12:09.92\00:12:13.06 You have the seven seals. 00:12:13.06\00:12:14.96 Now that's dealing with Revelation 4-8. 00:12:14.96\00:12:18.70 That covers the political history of the church 00:12:18.70\00:12:21.57 between the first coming and the second coming. 00:12:21.57\00:12:24.44 Thirdly, you've got the seven trumpets, 00:12:24.44\00:12:26.07 which is a military history of the church 00:12:26.07\00:12:28.64 between the first coming and the second coming. 00:12:28.64\00:12:30.71 So there's time involved. 00:12:30.71\00:12:33.38 You have and, by the way, that's Revelation 8-11. 00:12:33.38\00:12:37.35 Then you've got between Revelation 12 00:12:37.35\00:12:39.09 really the center of the book where it talks about 00:12:39.09\00:12:41.29 the core of the conflict is the seven heads 00:12:41.29\00:12:45.96 and that's Revelation 12-14. 00:12:45.96\00:12:49.10 This beast is trying to destroy the woman. 00:12:49.10\00:12:52.00 And then when you get to the end, 00:12:52.00\00:12:53.03 you finally have the conclusion, 00:12:53.03\00:12:54.27 the final birth pains and that's the seven plagues, 00:12:54.27\00:12:58.47 children of Israel before they were born as a nation. 00:12:58.47\00:13:00.88 They were born out of 10 plagues. 00:13:00.88\00:13:03.95 And then they came forth during the final plague, right? 00:13:03.95\00:13:06.82 During the final plague, you find in Revelation, 00:13:06.82\00:13:08.85 Jesus comes and we are delivered, 00:13:08.85\00:13:11.05 and we go to the heavenly Canaan land. 00:13:11.05\00:13:13.72 So the book is a book filled with parallels 00:13:13.72\00:13:16.93 between the Old Testament and the New Testament. 00:13:16.93\00:13:19.36 I'd submit to you, 00:13:19.36\00:13:20.33 you cannot understand the Book of Revelation 00:13:20.33\00:13:23.43 if you don't have a pretty thorough knowledge 00:13:23.43\00:13:26.97 of the Old Testament. 00:13:26.97\00:13:28.84 There are 404 verses in the Book of Revelation. 00:13:28.84\00:13:32.81 About 278 of the 404 verses 00:13:32.81\00:13:36.68 can be found almost verbatim in the Old Testament. 00:13:36.68\00:13:40.42 We'll give you some examples of that a little later. 00:13:40.42\00:13:42.82 So it's really important to have a good background. 00:13:42.82\00:13:46.92 It's not just a book that has plagues, 00:13:46.92\00:13:48.86 it's a book that has blessings. 00:13:48.86\00:13:49.92 I talked about the sevens. 00:13:49.92\00:13:51.43 Do you know there's also seven beatitudes 00:13:51.43\00:13:54.50 that you find in Revelation. 00:13:54.50\00:13:56.77 They are the blessings, you get the blessings on the churches, 00:13:56.77\00:13:59.57 and so that's in Revelation 1:3, 00:13:59.57\00:14:01.57 Revelation 14:13, 00:14:01.57\00:14:02.84 Revelation 16:15, 00:14:02.84\00:14:04.24 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, 22:14, 00:14:04.24\00:14:07.74 seven blessings in the Book of Revelation. 00:14:07.74\00:14:10.78 There are seven attributes of the lamb. 00:14:10.78\00:14:13.65 And that's all found in one verse. 00:14:13.65\00:14:16.05 If you look in Revelation 5:12, 00:14:16.05\00:14:18.69 I know this is going fast, people are wondering, 00:14:18.69\00:14:20.42 "Pastor Doug, I can't keep up." 00:14:20.42\00:14:21.96 We always post my notes on the Amazing Facts website 00:14:21.96\00:14:26.09 under the Sabbath School tab. 00:14:26.09\00:14:29.00 And so you'll see a little thing 00:14:29.00\00:14:30.07 it says the notes, 00:14:30.07\00:14:31.13 and so either Pastor Ross or I 00:14:31.13\00:14:32.83 whatever our notes such as they are, 00:14:32.83\00:14:34.47 I'll give you this piece of paper 00:14:34.47\00:14:36.17 that I'm reading from, 00:14:36.17\00:14:37.44 and it's just a word document you can download. 00:14:37.44\00:14:40.51 But if you read in Revelation 7:12, 00:14:40.51\00:14:43.75 these beasts and angels declare, 00:14:43.75\00:14:46.18 "Saying with a loud voice, 00:14:46.18\00:14:47.42 'Worthy is the Lamb who was slain 00:14:47.42\00:14:50.12 to receive power and riches and wisdom, 00:14:50.12\00:14:54.72 and strength and honor and glory and blessing!" 00:14:54.72\00:14:58.56 Seven facets. 00:14:58.56\00:15:00.96 Now Jesus is identified as a lamb slain, 00:15:00.96\00:15:04.80 seven horns, seven eyes, 00:15:04.80\00:15:07.17 He's often portrayed in the sevens, 00:15:07.17\00:15:09.37 you get the seven spirits of God. 00:15:09.37\00:15:12.34 Do you look in Revelation... 00:15:12.34\00:15:13.78 No, I'm sorry, look in Isaiah 11:2, 00:15:13.78\00:15:17.05 it identifies seven characteristics 00:15:17.05\00:15:19.35 of the Holy Spirit 00:15:19.35\00:15:20.45 or facets of the Holy Spirit. 00:15:20.45\00:15:22.52 And so, oh, this book is... 00:15:22.52\00:15:24.39 If you're... 00:15:24.39\00:15:25.85 How many of you are number people, 00:15:25.85\00:15:27.12 you like numbers? 00:15:27.12\00:15:28.19 You just like to have things add up. 00:15:31.39\00:15:32.79 Does it frustrate you if a penny is missing 00:15:32.79\00:15:34.56 from the cash register at the end of the day? 00:15:34.56\00:15:37.47 And there's no one's going to steal a penny, 00:15:37.47\00:15:39.47 it's usually an accounting error. 00:15:39.47\00:15:41.50 And Karen loves to have things add up, 00:15:41.50\00:15:43.14 and if they don't add up, 00:15:43.14\00:15:46.78 she just fixes it until it does add up. 00:15:46.78\00:15:47.84 Yeah. 00:15:47.84\00:15:48.88 Just you know you rob Peter and pay Paul, 00:15:48.88\00:15:50.25 there's ways to do that. 00:15:50.25\00:15:52.05 But if you're a numbers person, 00:15:52.05\00:15:54.92 you're gonna really enjoy the Book of Revelation 00:15:54.92\00:15:57.65 because it's got a lot of numbers. 00:15:57.65\00:15:58.72 Now I told you what does the number seven represent? 00:15:58.72\00:16:01.69 Perfect. 00:16:01.69\00:16:02.72 So a perfect interruption of seven is 00:16:02.72\00:16:05.23 when you cut seven in half. 00:16:05.23\00:16:07.40 And if you cut seven in half, what number you'd get? 00:16:07.40\00:16:10.03 Three and a half. 00:16:10.03\00:16:11.10 That is a number of persecution. 00:16:11.10\00:16:13.70 It's a number that you're going to find 00:16:13.70\00:16:15.07 through the Bible, and it's in Revelation, 00:16:15.07\00:16:16.74 and it's listed three different ways. 00:16:16.74\00:16:18.21 It's called 42 months, it's called 3.5 years, 00:16:18.21\00:16:23.24 and it's called 1260 days. 00:16:23.24\00:16:26.85 And that adds up to 3.5 Jewish years. 00:16:26.85\00:16:30.89 Now Jewish year had 360 days for its 42 months with 30 days, 00:16:30.89\00:16:35.89 1260. 00:16:35.89\00:16:38.09 How long did Jesus ministered? 00:16:38.09\00:16:40.86 Three and a half years. 00:16:40.86\00:16:42.16 And it was a time of persecution and resistance. 00:16:42.16\00:16:46.00 What did Elijah do during 3.5 years of famine? 00:16:46.00\00:16:49.54 Ran for his life, fled into the wilderness. 00:16:49.54\00:16:52.61 You read in Revelation 00:16:52.61\00:16:53.64 that the woman fled into the wilderness, 00:16:53.64\00:16:55.38 but she's fed by God. 00:16:55.38\00:16:56.78 Elijah fled into the wilderness, 00:16:56.78\00:16:58.25 but God fed him. 00:16:58.25\00:16:59.85 So all of these prophecies, even about the future, 00:16:59.85\00:17:02.95 at least from Revelation there in the future, 00:17:02.95\00:17:05.49 you find the key to understanding them 00:17:05.49\00:17:07.22 by going back. 00:17:07.22\00:17:08.46 But the numbers are very important. 00:17:08.46\00:17:11.39 We got a lot to cover here. 00:17:11.39\00:17:12.89 And I got about half of my time. 00:17:12.89\00:17:14.83 I don't know who it was that wasted all my time. 00:17:14.83\00:17:17.87 Now let's go to the first section here. 00:17:17.87\00:17:19.23 Well, I talked about the five epics 00:17:19.23\00:17:21.14 that you have in Revelation 00:17:21.14\00:17:22.94 and how the book is divided up. 00:17:22.94\00:17:24.97 The title of the book is very important. 00:17:24.97\00:17:27.48 Now do some of you have 00:17:27.48\00:17:28.61 an old King James Version with you? 00:17:28.61\00:17:30.61 If you read at the very top of Revelation, 00:17:30.61\00:17:32.51 what does it say? 00:17:32.51\00:17:34.02 The Revelation on Jesus Christ. 00:17:34.02\00:17:35.82 Not the first verse. 00:17:35.82\00:17:37.72 What's the title at the top of the page? 00:17:37.72\00:17:39.82 Douglas. Does it say... 00:17:39.82\00:17:40.89 How many of you have one that says 00:17:40.89\00:17:41.92 the Revelation of Saint John? 00:17:41.92\00:17:43.63 Okay. 00:17:43.63\00:17:44.66 All right, Steve's got one right there. 00:17:44.66\00:17:45.73 I needed a witness. 00:17:45.73\00:17:48.36 They use the title of the book. 00:17:48.36\00:17:49.90 They call it the Revelation of Saint John 00:17:49.90\00:17:52.13 'cause John wrote it. 00:17:52.13\00:17:53.97 He's the author of the book 00:17:53.97\00:17:55.24 and I'm not going to steal Pastor Ross's thunder. 00:17:55.24\00:17:57.34 Next week, we'll talk more about John's imprisonment 00:17:57.34\00:18:00.51 and the background for the book. 00:18:00.51\00:18:02.58 But is it a revelation of Saint John? 00:18:02.58\00:18:06.15 What's the first line say? 00:18:06.15\00:18:08.12 Revelation of Jesus Christ. 00:18:08.12\00:18:10.39 And it's interesting that people think 00:18:10.39\00:18:11.85 that the book is a sealed book. 00:18:11.85\00:18:15.06 I've met people before, they think 00:18:15.06\00:18:16.73 there's a curse pronounced on anyone who reads a book. 00:18:16.73\00:18:19.39 Pastor say the book is a mystery, 00:18:19.39\00:18:20.73 we're not supposed to read it. 00:18:20.73\00:18:22.36 I've heard people tell us, their pastor said 00:18:22.36\00:18:25.17 we're not supposed to read Revelation. 00:18:25.17\00:18:26.53 It just confuses people. 00:18:26.53\00:18:28.14 It's the most controversial book, 00:18:28.14\00:18:29.47 stay away from Revelation. 00:18:29.47\00:18:31.91 And some people say, 00:18:31.91\00:18:33.21 folks go crazy reading Revelation. 00:18:33.21\00:18:35.28 I've heard some crazy interpretations. 00:18:35.28\00:18:36.61 But I don't know that the book made them crazy. 00:18:36.61\00:18:38.85 They were probably crazy and they read the book 00:18:38.85\00:18:40.45 and then, but... 00:18:40.45\00:18:43.49 It says there's a blessing on those who read the book. 00:18:43.49\00:18:47.89 And it is a Revelation of Jesus. 00:18:47.89\00:18:52.06 From beginning to end, 00:18:52.06\00:18:53.46 Jesus has more titles in Revelation 00:18:53.46\00:18:55.43 than just about anywhere. 00:18:55.43\00:18:56.50 He's called the First and the Last, 00:18:56.50\00:18:58.47 the Alpha and Omega, 00:18:58.47\00:18:59.83 He is the Lamb, He is Michael. 00:18:59.83\00:19:03.74 He is the one riding on the white horse. 00:19:03.74\00:19:05.57 I mean, you see Jesus all the way from cover to cover 00:19:05.57\00:19:08.84 in the Book of Revelation. 00:19:08.84\00:19:10.01 It is a revelation of Christ. 00:19:10.01\00:19:12.01 You will know Jesus better 00:19:12.01\00:19:14.12 as you read the Book of Revelation. 00:19:14.12\00:19:15.92 Now the word revelation 00:19:15.92\00:19:17.19 comes from the Greek word apocalypses. 00:19:17.19\00:19:20.62 And you recognize that, of course, as apocalypse. 00:19:20.62\00:19:24.63 And if I told you that the weathermen said 00:19:24.63\00:19:27.00 there's an apocalypse coming, 00:19:27.00\00:19:29.53 what would you think? 00:19:29.53\00:19:32.20 That was gonna be terrible. 00:19:32.20\00:19:33.70 I mean, you got some ominous weather about to happen. 00:19:33.70\00:19:37.04 But the word apocalypse didn't used to mean that, 00:19:37.04\00:19:39.07 it means that now because of the spin, 00:19:39.07\00:19:41.64 people have put on the name of Revelation 00:19:41.64\00:19:44.91 because Revelation does talk about, 00:19:44.91\00:19:47.65 you know, locusts, head creatures, 00:19:47.65\00:19:49.98 and fire and plagues, 00:19:49.98\00:19:52.02 and people being scorched with great heat, 00:19:52.02\00:19:53.96 noisome soars in, 00:19:53.96\00:19:55.59 and fire coming down from heaven. 00:19:55.59\00:19:57.23 And people, when they say, I'm reading the apocalypse, 00:19:57.23\00:20:00.66 they always think of terrible things. 00:20:00.66\00:20:02.10 How many of you have heard of the Four Horsemen 00:20:02.10\00:20:03.60 of the Apocalypse? 00:20:03.60\00:20:05.63 That's actually just the first four of the seven seals. 00:20:05.63\00:20:09.27 But the fourth horseman is a rider of death. 00:20:09.27\00:20:13.64 They forget that there's one on a white horse too, 00:20:13.64\00:20:15.54 he's good. 00:20:15.54\00:20:17.01 But the book has come... 00:20:17.01\00:20:18.28 The name apocalypse has come to seem 00:20:18.28\00:20:20.55 very foreboding and ominous, 00:20:20.55\00:20:23.39 but the word means unveiling or revealing. 00:20:23.39\00:20:27.82 And so it's really a good thing. 00:20:27.82\00:20:28.92 It's like, you know, sometimes words take on 00:20:28.92\00:20:31.76 different meanings. 00:20:31.76\00:20:35.46 I think we all know that years ago 00:20:35.46\00:20:38.17 if you said, I'm happy and gay, 00:20:38.17\00:20:40.07 it had a whole different meaning 00:20:40.07\00:20:41.27 that it has today, right? 00:20:41.27\00:20:42.70 Those words sort of change with the culture and over time. 00:20:42.70\00:20:46.21 Well, the word apocalypse means an uncovering, 00:20:46.21\00:20:48.61 it's a revealing. 00:20:48.61\00:20:49.78 It's not a book that Jesus doesn't want us to understand. 00:20:49.78\00:20:52.78 He wants us to understand, 00:20:52.78\00:20:54.32 He pronounces a blessing on those who read. 00:20:54.32\00:20:56.35 Now when it just says read, doesn't mean 00:20:56.35\00:20:57.75 you just sit here and you read it once. 00:20:57.75\00:20:59.92 Dr. Leslie Hardinge used to say, 00:20:59.92\00:21:01.42 if you want to understand the Book of Revelation, 00:21:01.42\00:21:03.26 you'll start understanding it after you read it 50 times. 00:21:03.26\00:21:08.06 He said, as you read it, and that means you read it, 00:21:08.06\00:21:11.37 and you read it, and you listen. 00:21:11.37\00:21:14.47 The Bible is a book, 00:21:14.47\00:21:15.54 it just gets deeper as you go through it. 00:21:15.54\00:21:17.61 And as you read in connection with the Old Testament stories, 00:21:17.61\00:21:20.98 you can keep saying, aha, 00:21:20.98\00:21:23.81 that's like that other story in the Bible. 00:21:23.81\00:21:25.55 These words come from that chapter. 00:21:25.55\00:21:28.35 And it begins to make more and more sense. 00:21:28.35\00:21:31.19 You read, for instance, the very end of Revelation, 00:21:31.19\00:21:34.86 Revelation 22:16, "I, Jesus, have sent My angel 00:21:34.86\00:21:39.93 to testify to you these things in the church. 00:21:39.93\00:21:42.83 I am the Root and the Offspring of David, 00:21:42.83\00:21:44.77 the Bright and Morning Star." 00:21:44.77\00:21:46.50 Told you, He's got many names in Revelation. 00:21:46.50\00:21:49.50 Have you run into people before they argue and fight 00:21:49.50\00:21:51.74 over the proper way to pronounce God's name? 00:21:51.74\00:21:55.24 And they've even retranslated some Bibles 00:21:55.24\00:21:57.68 because they say they don't translate God's name correctly. 00:21:57.68\00:22:01.55 And if you can't say God's name in Hebrew, 00:22:01.55\00:22:03.89 they say God is not going to hear your prayer. 00:22:03.89\00:22:07.12 It's not what the Bible teaches, 00:22:07.12\00:22:08.82 Bible teaches, God has got many names. 00:22:08.82\00:22:11.83 He's Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, 00:22:11.83\00:22:15.16 the Bread of Life, the I Am, the Good Shepherd, 00:22:15.16\00:22:17.23 the Living Water, the Door, 00:22:17.23\00:22:20.07 the Bright and Morning Star, the Fairest of 10,000. 00:22:20.07\00:22:22.80 How many names does Jesus have in the Bible? 00:22:22.80\00:22:25.37 I've got a list somewhere. 00:22:25.37\00:22:26.94 It's, you know, probably 30 different names. 00:22:26.94\00:22:31.08 So that's a really uninformed Bible teaching. 00:22:31.08\00:22:35.92 But He's telling us it is something He wants us to know. 00:22:35.92\00:22:38.85 The book is about Jesus from cover to cover, 00:22:38.85\00:22:41.36 that's why I said Revelation 1 all the way to Revelation 22, 00:22:41.36\00:22:44.86 it is revealed, 00:22:44.86\00:22:46.83 He's not wanting to hide it from us. 00:22:46.83\00:22:48.16 In a moment, I'm gonna have somebody here read a verse, 00:22:48.16\00:22:50.53 you're going to be reading Daniel 2:22. 00:22:50.53\00:22:53.00 While you get ready for that, I'm going to read a verse. 00:22:53.00\00:22:55.84 Deuteronomy 29:29, 00:22:55.84\00:22:58.24 "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, 00:22:58.24\00:23:01.91 but those things that are revealed 00:23:01.91\00:23:04.61 belong to us and our children forever..." 00:23:04.61\00:23:06.68 So is revelation something revealed? 00:23:06.68\00:23:09.65 It belongs to us. 00:23:09.65\00:23:11.49 He wants us to understand it. 00:23:11.49\00:23:13.36 And He said, if you want to understand it, 00:23:13.36\00:23:14.96 what's the promise? 00:23:14.96\00:23:15.99 Seek and I'm going to hide it from you. 00:23:15.99\00:23:20.33 God is gonna blindfold us as we try to understand. 00:23:20.33\00:23:22.53 He wants us to understand. That's why he wrote it. 00:23:22.53\00:23:25.63 He promises, this is something revealed. 00:23:25.63\00:23:28.30 Amos 3:7, 00:23:28.30\00:23:30.21 "Surely the Lord God does nothing, 00:23:30.21\00:23:32.04 unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." 00:23:32.04\00:23:34.91 That's a very important verse. 00:23:34.91\00:23:36.58 That means whenever God is going to do 00:23:36.58\00:23:38.18 something significant in history, 00:23:38.18\00:23:39.81 He will raise up a prophet or prophetess 00:23:39.81\00:23:41.65 to help prepare people. 00:23:41.65\00:23:43.95 Before the flood, 00:23:43.95\00:23:45.35 did God get a prophet to warn people? 00:23:45.35\00:23:47.59 Would you say the flood was significant? 00:23:47.59\00:23:50.39 The whole world is going to be destroyed. 00:23:50.39\00:23:52.53 Now before the Exodus, did God raised up a prophet? 00:23:52.53\00:23:55.36 What was his name? Moses. 00:23:55.36\00:23:57.27 And the other one was Noah, right, before the flood. 00:23:57.27\00:24:01.37 Before the captivity and conquering by Babylon, 00:24:01.37\00:24:03.91 did God raised up prophets? 00:24:03.91\00:24:06.34 Yeah, He had Jeremiah and Isaiah. 00:24:06.34\00:24:09.34 Before fire comes down from heaven 00:24:09.34\00:24:12.08 and the people are saved from Baal worship, 00:24:12.08\00:24:13.98 did God raised up Elijah, 00:24:13.98\00:24:16.89 one of the greatest prophets. 00:24:16.89\00:24:17.95 Before the Son of Man came the first time, 00:24:17.95\00:24:20.66 did God raised up a prophet, John the Baptist. 00:24:20.66\00:24:23.46 Does it make sense to you that 00:24:23.46\00:24:24.56 before the Lord comes the second time, 00:24:24.56\00:24:26.43 He'd have the gift of prophecy? 00:24:26.43\00:24:29.10 He does. 00:24:29.10\00:24:30.23 And at least one prophet, 00:24:30.23\00:24:31.30 I think He raised was Ellen White, 00:24:31.30\00:24:33.80 doesn't mean it's the last because it says 00:24:33.80\00:24:35.97 it'll come to pass in the last days, 00:24:35.97\00:24:37.37 I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh 00:24:37.37\00:24:40.08 and your sons and your daughters will prophesy. 00:24:40.08\00:24:43.75 Dream, dream, see visions. 00:24:43.75\00:24:45.15 And so, I don't think God has retracted His promise 00:24:45.15\00:24:48.62 for the gifts of the spirit to His church. 00:24:48.62\00:24:50.75 So it's something He wants us to understand. 00:24:50.75\00:24:52.59 Please read for us your verse. 00:24:52.59\00:24:56.06 Daniel 2:22, 00:24:56.06\00:24:58.36 "He reveals deep and secret things, 00:24:58.36\00:25:00.83 He knows what is in the darkness, 00:25:00.83\00:25:03.26 and light dwells with Him." 00:25:03.26\00:25:05.13 Amen. 00:25:05.13\00:25:06.23 You'll see several times in the Bible 00:25:06.23\00:25:07.64 where God gives them a serious dream 00:25:07.64\00:25:10.64 to some monarch 00:25:10.64\00:25:13.11 and they don't know what it means, 00:25:13.11\00:25:15.44 and finally they need to call a Jew. 00:25:15.44\00:25:17.95 And the Jew explains the dream. 00:25:17.95\00:25:19.28 You know the story of Joseph in Egypt. 00:25:19.28\00:25:21.58 Now God didn't give this dream to just keep everybody guessing 00:25:21.58\00:25:24.42 and have it just fade away. 00:25:24.42\00:25:25.65 He gave it so that it could be understand, 00:25:25.65\00:25:27.86 but they needed to go to a Jew 00:25:27.86\00:25:29.32 because the Jews, they wrote the Bible, 00:25:29.32\00:25:31.06 it represents the Word of God. 00:25:31.06\00:25:33.40 And Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar has at least two dreams, 00:25:33.40\00:25:36.53 he can't understand, his wise men can't understand, 00:25:36.53\00:25:38.60 God wants him to understand. 00:25:38.60\00:25:40.24 And finally, when they turn to God, 00:25:40.24\00:25:42.40 Joseph said to Pharaoh, God has the answer. 00:25:42.40\00:25:44.84 Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, God has the answer. 00:25:44.84\00:25:47.68 They wanted them to know who to turn to 00:25:47.68\00:25:50.28 for an understanding of the future, 00:25:50.28\00:25:52.88 and it was revealed. 00:25:52.88\00:25:54.22 That's what Daniel saying here. 00:25:54.22\00:25:55.88 You look in Proverbs 3:32. 00:25:55.88\00:25:59.95 "For the perverse person is an abomination to the Lord, 00:25:59.95\00:26:02.62 but His secret counsel is with the upright." 00:26:02.62\00:26:06.13 God did not reveal the secrets to the wise men of Pharaoh 00:26:06.13\00:26:10.30 or the wise men of Nebuchadnezzar, 00:26:10.30\00:26:12.37 but he did reveal the secret to his people. 00:26:12.37\00:26:16.10 And so what's one of the keys to understanding prophecy? 00:26:16.10\00:26:20.84 Blessed are those who read here and keep, 00:26:20.84\00:26:22.71 we need to have the Lord in our hearts, 00:26:22.71\00:26:25.71 spiritual things are spiritually discerned. 00:26:25.71\00:26:28.98 And we need to have the Holy Spirit 00:26:28.98\00:26:31.09 to understand these mysteries. 00:26:31.09\00:26:32.39 Say amen. Amen. 00:26:32.39\00:26:34.46 Matthew 13, 00:26:34.46\00:26:36.79 "Jesus answered and said to them," 00:26:36.79\00:26:38.09 this is verse 11, 00:26:38.09\00:26:39.59 "because it has been given to you 00:26:39.59\00:26:41.33 to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, 00:26:41.33\00:26:44.90 but to them it has not been given." 00:26:44.90\00:26:46.74 His people that are consecrated to him, 00:26:46.74\00:26:49.24 if they study and they seek for truth, 00:26:49.24\00:26:51.91 He will reveal these things, 00:26:51.91\00:26:54.08 but there are some people who do not understand. 00:26:54.08\00:26:56.61 You can read in Matthew 13, Christ said, 00:26:56.61\00:26:58.98 that's few verses later. 00:26:58.98\00:27:01.82 In verse 15, 00:27:01.82\00:27:03.52 "For the heart of this people has grown dull. 00:27:03.52\00:27:05.52 Their ears are hard of hearing, their eyes have closed, 00:27:05.52\00:27:09.32 lest they should see with their eyes 00:27:09.32\00:27:10.96 and hear with their ears, 00:27:10.96\00:27:12.39 lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, 00:27:12.39\00:27:15.20 so that I should heal them. 00:27:15.20\00:27:16.90 But blessed are your eyes for they see, 00:27:16.90\00:27:19.77 and your ears for they hear. 00:27:19.77\00:27:21.50 For assuredly, I say to you 00:27:21.50\00:27:22.64 many prophets and righteous men have desired 00:27:22.64\00:27:24.57 to see what you see, and did not see it, 00:27:24.57\00:27:26.64 and hear what you hear, and did not hear it." 00:27:26.64\00:27:29.14 Now, if God is going to give a generation 00:27:29.14\00:27:30.81 the ability to understand Revelation, 00:27:30.81\00:27:34.08 why would not it be this generation 00:27:34.08\00:27:37.35 upon whom the ends of the world have come? 00:27:37.35\00:27:39.65 Here we are, if we're not going to understand it, 00:27:39.65\00:27:41.49 nobody's going to understand it. 00:27:41.49\00:27:42.99 He wants us to know what these things mean 00:27:42.99\00:27:44.66 to prepare the world for His coming. 00:27:44.66\00:27:46.13 He said, "Behold, I come quickly." 00:27:46.13\00:27:48.06 Amen? 00:27:48.06\00:27:49.70 In the book Testimonies to Ministers, 00:27:49.70\00:27:52.60 Ellen White writes in page 118, 00:27:52.60\00:27:55.80 "Let Daniel speak, let the revelation speak, 00:27:55.80\00:27:59.81 tell what truth is 00:27:59.81\00:28:01.71 but whatever phase of the subject is presented, 00:28:01.71\00:28:03.95 uplift Jesus at the center of all hope, 00:28:03.95\00:28:07.35 the Root and the Offspring of David, 00:28:07.35\00:28:09.42 the Bright and the Morning Star, 00:28:09.42\00:28:10.92 just reiterates, 00:28:10.92\00:28:11.99 Christ must be kept the center of the book. 00:28:11.99\00:28:14.06 It is ultimately a revelation of Jesus Himself. 00:28:14.06\00:28:17.69 All right, so the next section, 00:28:17.69\00:28:18.69 what is the purpose of the Book of Revelation? 00:28:18.69\00:28:21.13 Now you know what I'm doing in my study today, 00:28:21.13\00:28:23.10 this is an introduction, 00:28:23.10\00:28:25.07 my comments are dealing with verse 1-8, 00:28:25.07\00:28:28.57 and that's about it. 00:28:28.57\00:28:30.57 So if you look under the purpose of the book, 00:28:30.57\00:28:32.94 and someone here in a minute is going to read John 14:29. 00:28:32.94\00:28:36.91 Revelation 1:1, 00:28:36.91\00:28:37.95 "The revelation of Jesus Christ, 00:28:37.95\00:28:40.35 which God gave Him to show His servants 00:28:40.35\00:28:44.62 things which must shortly take place." 00:28:44.62\00:28:47.49 Now that tells you right there 00:28:47.49\00:28:48.72 that the beginning of the fulfillment 00:28:48.72\00:28:52.19 of the prophecies of Revelation was imminent. 00:28:52.19\00:28:56.33 Now before I go any farther 00:28:56.33\00:28:57.50 and I'm sure that between myself, 00:28:57.50\00:29:00.60 Pastor Ross, Pastor Brummund, and others that may teach, 00:29:00.60\00:29:02.64 there will be some repetition which is good. 00:29:02.64\00:29:06.01 When you approach Revelation, 00:29:06.01\00:29:07.38 there are three principal views. 00:29:07.38\00:29:10.95 You got past, present, future. 00:29:10.95\00:29:14.18 You've got one that is called the preterist view. 00:29:14.18\00:29:18.35 Just think of the word pre. 00:29:18.35\00:29:20.66 They think that all of Revelation was fulfilled 00:29:20.66\00:29:24.59 by the time the apostles died, first 100 years. 00:29:24.59\00:29:28.13 They think Nero was the antichrist. 00:29:28.13\00:29:30.73 And then they've got kind of a creative way 00:29:30.73\00:29:32.43 to try to make that work. 00:29:32.43\00:29:34.87 I don't think it's very effective, 00:29:34.87\00:29:37.07 because there's a lot of revelation like 00:29:37.07\00:29:38.41 when it talks about Jesus coming 00:29:38.41\00:29:39.57 that clearly hasn't happened. 00:29:39.57\00:29:41.58 And so I don't accept 00:29:41.58\00:29:43.98 but that's not a very popular view. 00:29:43.98\00:29:46.38 Then you've got a popular view and it's a new view, 00:29:46.38\00:29:50.45 it's called the futurist view 00:29:50.45\00:29:52.82 and they say that from Revelation Chapter 4 onward, 00:29:52.82\00:29:56.76 the Revelation 4 says "They heard a voice behind me 00:29:56.76\00:29:59.59 and there's a trumpet and says, 'Come up here.'" 00:29:59.59\00:30:01.83 And John is kind of taken up and shown this vision, 00:30:01.83\00:30:04.23 they say all of that is from the rapture on. 00:30:04.23\00:30:08.84 So they say everything from Chapter 4 in Revelation 00:30:08.84\00:30:12.01 is still future. 00:30:12.01\00:30:13.81 Well, that I would respectfully disagree with, 00:30:13.81\00:30:16.34 and that is a relatively new view 00:30:16.34\00:30:18.35 that was actually developed by two Jesuit priests, 00:30:18.35\00:30:21.65 Francisco Ribera being one of them. 00:30:21.65\00:30:25.19 And it was later adopted by Scofield 00:30:25.19\00:30:28.62 and he put it in his Scofield Bible 00:30:28.62\00:30:30.89 that was picked up by then Hal Lindsey, 00:30:30.89\00:30:32.49 who put it in the book, The Late, Great Planet Earth, 00:30:32.49\00:30:34.30 when he foretold the end of the world, 1988, 00:30:34.30\00:30:37.17 and none of that happened. 00:30:37.17\00:30:39.33 But it took hold the secret rapture, 00:30:39.33\00:30:41.44 futuristic view to hold at that point, 00:30:41.44\00:30:43.67 and they never let go of it. 00:30:43.67\00:30:45.71 Then you got the view, 00:30:45.71\00:30:46.78 that was the view of the reformers, 00:30:46.78\00:30:48.28 which is called the historicist view. 00:30:48.28\00:30:49.84 And that means Revelation really is a panorama 00:30:49.84\00:30:52.81 that covers the history of the church 00:30:52.81\00:30:54.45 between the first coming. 00:30:54.45\00:30:56.45 Jesus said, "The time is at hand, 00:30:56.45\00:30:57.82 it starts now till the second coming, 00:30:57.82\00:31:01.19 you get to the end of the book and all things are restored. 00:31:01.19\00:31:04.36 And so Revelation is for God's people in every age. 00:31:04.36\00:31:08.16 And every lesson for every age is for every person. 00:31:08.16\00:31:13.47 The seven messages to the seven churches 00:31:13.47\00:31:15.40 are not just to those particular churches in history, 00:31:15.40\00:31:18.47 but every individual sort of goes through 00:31:18.47\00:31:20.98 sometimes phases of Ephesus, Smyrna, 00:31:20.98\00:31:24.18 Philadelphia, Laodicea, Sardis, so forth. 00:31:24.18\00:31:28.32 Persons first converted, they're Ephesus, 00:31:28.32\00:31:32.02 and they get persecuted by their families. 00:31:32.02\00:31:33.66 Smyrna, they joined a church. 00:31:33.66\00:31:35.19 Philadelphia, brotherly love. 00:31:35.19\00:31:36.79 Then they've been in the church for a while, 00:31:36.79\00:31:38.16 Laodicea. 00:31:38.16\00:31:40.13 And so it's for every Christian, 00:31:40.13\00:31:43.37 but it really does cover the panorama of church history. 00:31:43.37\00:31:47.17 And so we'll be sharing in this series, 00:31:47.17\00:31:50.37 this historicist view. 00:31:50.37\00:31:52.47 All right, so the main purpose of the book is redemption. 00:31:52.47\00:31:56.08 Now read for me please, John 14:29. 00:31:56.08\00:31:59.41 John 14:29, " 00:31:59.41\00:32:01.72 And now I have told you before it comes, 00:32:01.72\00:32:04.02 that when it does come to pass, 00:32:04.02\00:32:05.72 you may believe." 00:32:05.72\00:32:07.22 All right, so God gives us prophecy, 00:32:07.22\00:32:09.16 so we will know how to invest in the stock market, 00:32:09.16\00:32:12.69 or how to pick lotto numbers, 00:32:12.69\00:32:15.73 or how to plant our crops. 00:32:15.73\00:32:18.47 Well, there was a place where God gave prophecy to Joseph 00:32:18.47\00:32:21.20 to tell them how to plant his crops, right? 00:32:21.20\00:32:24.84 But typically, prophecy is best understood looking backwards. 00:32:24.84\00:32:30.38 God does not give us prophecy 00:32:30.38\00:32:32.58 so that we can say the end is coming, 00:32:32.58\00:32:33.98 let's go run for the hills, let's dig a hole, let's hide. 00:32:33.98\00:32:37.35 He gives us prophecy so that 00:32:37.35\00:32:38.85 when the prophecies come true, our faith grows. 00:32:38.85\00:32:41.92 "Hey, God saw this all coming." 00:32:41.92\00:32:44.33 Prophecy is typically best understood looking backwards. 00:32:44.33\00:32:48.90 Now some of the prophets, they can look ahead 00:32:48.90\00:32:51.13 and tell you exactly what's going to happen. 00:32:51.13\00:32:52.40 If you believe them, you'll benefit from that. 00:32:52.40\00:32:54.67 But, you know, most of my faith comes from the prophecies 00:32:54.67\00:32:57.44 that have been fulfilled. 00:32:57.44\00:33:00.21 My faith is strengthened that all things are in God's hands. 00:33:00.21\00:33:03.55 I realized God is never in heaven worried, 00:33:03.55\00:33:05.95 He knows exactly what's going to happen, 00:33:05.95\00:33:08.05 that gives me peace that my life is in His hands. 00:33:08.05\00:33:11.29 He knows what's coming, that what He said will happen. 00:33:11.29\00:33:16.42 And so when I look at 00:33:16.42\00:33:17.46 how God works in the prophecies, 00:33:17.46\00:33:18.96 it's redemptive. 00:33:18.96\00:33:20.03 Prophecy is principally redemptive. 00:33:20.03\00:33:22.90 The Book of Revelation is a book of salvation. 00:33:22.90\00:33:25.73 It's a gospel book. 00:33:25.73\00:33:27.14 It is not a prognostication book. 00:33:27.14\00:33:29.94 It is not a big book of fortune cookies. 00:33:29.94\00:33:33.17 It's a book of salvation. 00:33:33.17\00:33:35.28 There is a lot of prophecy in there that came true 00:33:35.28\00:33:37.58 but don't think of prophecy as 00:33:37.58\00:33:39.08 "I've got an inside track on what's coming." 00:33:39.08\00:33:42.62 Prophecy is there so that as we preach prophecy, 00:33:42.62\00:33:45.09 people say, "Wow, God knows all things." 00:33:45.09\00:33:49.72 And He wins in the end. 00:33:49.72\00:33:52.96 That's one of the wonderful thing about Revelation 00:33:52.96\00:33:56.80 is that... 00:33:56.80\00:33:58.53 The final chapter tells us you know who wins. 00:33:58.53\00:34:02.50 And that really says a lot right there. 00:34:02.50\00:34:04.67 John 13:19, Jesus said, 00:34:04.67\00:34:06.41 "Now I tell you before it comes to pass, 00:34:06.41\00:34:08.48 that when it does come to pass, 00:34:08.48\00:34:10.38 you might believe that I am He." 00:34:10.38\00:34:12.58 Why does He tell us? 00:34:12.58\00:34:13.88 That we might believe that He is the one. 00:34:13.88\00:34:17.65 Prophecy is to help us recognize Jesus is the one. 00:34:17.65\00:34:20.16 Look at John 16:4, 00:34:20.16\00:34:22.56 "But these things I told you that when the time comes, 00:34:22.56\00:34:24.86 you might remember that I told you of them." 00:34:24.86\00:34:28.03 God wants us to have more faith, and prophecy does that. 00:34:28.03\00:34:31.63 Isaiah 46:9, 00:34:31.63\00:34:34.54 "Remember the former things of old, 00:34:34.54\00:34:37.14 For I am God, and there is no other, 00:34:37.14\00:34:39.07 I am God, and there is none like Me, 00:34:39.07\00:34:41.18 declaring the end from the beginning, 00:34:41.18\00:34:44.51 And from ancient times things that are not yet done, 00:34:44.51\00:34:48.08 saying, 'My counsel will stand, 00:34:48.08\00:34:50.32 and I will do all My pleasure.'" 00:34:50.32\00:34:52.79 The prophecies in the Bible are telling us 00:34:52.79\00:34:55.29 that God sees all things. 00:34:55.29\00:34:58.53 So one of the principal purposes of the book 00:34:58.53\00:35:01.06 is to tell us that 00:35:01.06\00:35:02.83 Christ is coming, but He's coming soon. 00:35:02.83\00:35:05.63 Chapter 1, these things must shortly take place, 00:35:05.63\00:35:08.94 that means imminently. 00:35:08.94\00:35:11.24 Revelation 22, "Surely I come quickly." 00:35:11.24\00:35:15.24 Everybody in every age can read Revelation 00:35:15.24\00:35:18.61 and know that some part of it applies to them, 00:35:18.61\00:35:21.38 their age in which they live. 00:35:21.38\00:35:24.75 And you might say Revelation begins 00:35:24.75\00:35:28.26 where the gospel ends with Jesus. 00:35:28.26\00:35:30.79 Gospels ends with Jesus, Revelation begins with Jesus. 00:35:30.79\00:35:34.10 It's talking about His resurrection, 00:35:34.10\00:35:36.40 and His ascension to heaven, 00:35:36.40\00:35:38.30 the primary purpose of this 00:35:38.30\00:35:40.17 is to remind us that God is in control. 00:35:40.17\00:35:42.34 Now here's one of the most important sections, 00:35:42.34\00:35:44.41 it's talking about the symbolic language of Revelation. 00:35:44.41\00:35:48.01 Touched on that a little bit, 00:35:48.01\00:35:49.08 but I'm going to give you some examples. 00:35:49.08\00:35:52.48 If you look in Revelation 1:1, it says, 00:35:52.48\00:35:56.25 "He sent and He signified it 00:35:56.25\00:35:58.89 by His angel to His servant, John." 00:35:58.89\00:36:02.39 That says a revelation of Jesus Christ, 00:36:02.39\00:36:04.09 which God gave him, 00:36:04.09\00:36:06.33 and He sends and He signifies, what does signify mean? 00:36:06.33\00:36:11.10 Signify means to sign-ify. 00:36:11.10\00:36:15.24 It actually means He gives it in symbols. 00:36:15.24\00:36:20.44 And the Book of Revelation is filled with symbols. 00:36:20.44\00:36:25.01 For example, 00:36:25.01\00:36:26.45 if you look in Revelation 17:1, 00:36:26.45\00:36:31.22 "Then I stood on the sand of the sea, 00:36:31.22\00:36:33.49 and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, 00:36:33.49\00:36:36.52 having seven heads and ten horns on his heads, 00:36:36.52\00:36:40.00 and ten crowns on his heads, and a blasphemous name." 00:36:40.00\00:36:44.30 Beast with seven heads and ten horns. 00:36:44.30\00:36:48.24 People will say, "That's what happens 00:36:48.24\00:36:49.57 when you don't use organic fertilizer, 00:36:49.57\00:36:52.84 you know, it just affects the animals in the last days." 00:36:52.84\00:36:56.54 So there's people who think those kind of creatures 00:36:56.54\00:36:57.95 are going to be roaming the earth, 00:36:57.95\00:36:59.25 it's all because of what we've done to the environment. 00:36:59.25\00:37:01.32 I think it's a symbol. 00:37:01.32\00:37:03.99 What does that mean? 00:37:03.99\00:37:05.89 You go to Daniel 7. 00:37:05.89\00:37:08.82 In the first year... Verse 1. 00:37:08.82\00:37:10.66 "In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, 00:37:10.66\00:37:12.79 Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed." 00:37:12.79\00:37:15.33 So it's a vision. 00:37:15.33\00:37:16.80 "He wrote down the dream telling the main facts. 00:37:16.80\00:37:19.67 Daniel spoke and said, 'In my dream by night 00:37:19.67\00:37:22.07 I saw four winds of heaven stirring on the great sea.'" 00:37:22.07\00:37:26.51 But here we just read in Revelation, 00:37:26.51\00:37:27.81 I stood in the sand of the sea, 00:37:27.81\00:37:28.91 these beasts rising up out of the sea. 00:37:28.91\00:37:30.88 And Daniel says, these beasts raised up out of the sea. 00:37:30.88\00:37:33.35 "Four great beasts come up out of the sea, 00:37:33.35\00:37:35.75 each different from the other." 00:37:35.75\00:37:36.79 And he talks about one like a lion, 00:37:36.79\00:37:39.15 one like a bear, one like a leopard. 00:37:39.15\00:37:41.06 You look in Revelation 13, it talks about, like a lion, 00:37:41.06\00:37:43.73 like a bear, like a leopard, 00:37:43.73\00:37:45.66 but the beast in Daniel is, these beasts are kingdoms. 00:37:45.66\00:37:49.83 So by going here a little and there a little, 00:37:49.83\00:37:51.80 comparing scripture with scripture, 00:37:51.80\00:37:54.44 pretty soon it all starts to come together 00:37:54.44\00:37:56.40 what it's dealing with. 00:37:56.40\00:37:59.94 For example, if you read in Revelation, 00:37:59.94\00:38:04.81 you'll see in Chapter 4. 00:38:04.81\00:38:06.88 If you got your Bibles, 00:38:06.88\00:38:07.95 you might turn to Revelation Chapter 4, 00:38:07.95\00:38:09.42 and you look in verse 4. 00:38:09.42\00:38:12.15 No, yeah, go to Revelation 4:7 actually. 00:38:12.15\00:38:15.46 It talks about these creatures around the throne of God. 00:38:15.46\00:38:18.49 "First creature's like a lion, 00:38:18.49\00:38:20.40 the second living creature's like a calf, 00:38:20.40\00:38:22.93 third living creature had the face of a man, 00:38:22.93\00:38:25.67 fourth creature was like a flying eagle." 00:38:25.67\00:38:28.67 Okay, just pause right there and go. 00:38:28.67\00:38:31.07 What does that mean? 00:38:31.07\00:38:32.64 Well, if you're reading your Old Testament, 00:38:32.64\00:38:34.21 you will read Ezekiel where it says in 1:10, 00:38:34.21\00:38:37.58 "As for the likeness of their faces, 00:38:37.58\00:38:39.28 these four creatures, 00:38:39.28\00:38:40.65 each had the face of a man, 00:38:40.65\00:38:43.08 and the forehead, the face of a lion, 00:38:43.08\00:38:45.42 face of an ox, that's a calf, 00:38:45.42\00:38:48.19 and the face of an eagle." 00:38:48.19\00:38:50.19 That's not coincidence. 00:38:50.19\00:38:51.29 I mean, when you think of 00:38:51.29\00:38:52.36 the thousands of different kinds of animals 00:38:52.36\00:38:54.10 that both Ezekiel and Revelation 00:38:54.10\00:38:56.30 get the same four animals on their creatures. 00:38:56.30\00:38:59.50 They're seeing the same thing, aren't they? 00:38:59.50\00:39:01.97 And you start saying, "What does that mean? 00:39:01.97\00:39:03.07 Well, let's keep reading in Revelation." 00:39:03.07\00:39:05.71 Back to Chapter 4 in Revelation, 00:39:05.71\00:39:07.21 you read verse 8, 00:39:07.21\00:39:08.44 "The four living creatures, each have six wings, 00:39:08.44\00:39:11.61 and they were full of eyes around and within. 00:39:11.61\00:39:13.98 They do not rest day or night saying, 00:39:13.98\00:39:15.78 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, God Almighty who is to come.'" 00:39:15.78\00:39:21.09 What does that mean? 00:39:21.09\00:39:22.46 Well, you go to Isaiah 6. 00:39:22.46\00:39:25.59 It says, "Above it stood seraphim, 00:39:25.59\00:39:27.13 each had six wings." 00:39:27.13\00:39:28.16 Didn't we just read that in Revelation? 00:39:28.16\00:39:31.00 "With two he covered his face, 00:39:31.00\00:39:32.33 with two they covered their feet, 00:39:32.33\00:39:33.54 with two he fly. 00:39:33.54\00:39:34.94 And one cries like another and says, 00:39:34.94\00:39:36.40 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, 00:39:36.40\00:39:38.54 The whole earth is full of His glory!'" 00:39:38.54\00:39:40.68 You know, one of the incredible things 00:39:40.68\00:39:41.81 about Revelation, when I read it, 00:39:41.81\00:39:42.94 I get little goose bumps 00:39:42.94\00:39:44.78 because I know I am reading something 00:39:44.78\00:39:47.98 a human could not write. 00:39:47.98\00:39:51.22 Because I know the Bible pretty well. 00:39:51.22\00:39:53.99 And John, 00:39:53.99\00:39:56.96 a 90 year old fisherman 00:39:56.96\00:40:00.20 to write a cohesive vision that draws in a way 00:40:00.20\00:40:06.84 where it actually makes sense and comes together, 00:40:06.84\00:40:09.54 pictures like a kaleidoscope of the whole Old Testament 00:40:09.54\00:40:14.74 could never concoct this. 00:40:14.74\00:40:16.31 A man could never dream it up. 00:40:16.31\00:40:18.81 The whole Book of Revelation 00:40:18.81\00:40:20.82 is a beautiful composite of the story of salvation 00:40:20.82\00:40:25.22 drawn from books all through the Old Testament, 00:40:25.22\00:40:28.39 yet it makes sense when you get to Revelation 00:40:28.39\00:40:31.06 and you look at the life of Jesus. 00:40:31.06\00:40:32.99 And then it also at the same time, 00:40:32.99\00:40:35.70 not only is it all pulled together, 00:40:35.70\00:40:37.23 it then shows in the way it's put together 00:40:37.23\00:40:40.84 the prophecy of history 00:40:40.84\00:40:42.70 from Jesus' time to His second coming. 00:40:42.70\00:40:45.47 By drawing all these snippets 00:40:45.47\00:40:47.28 from all of these other prophets, 00:40:47.28\00:40:49.34 now there are four other 00:40:49.34\00:40:51.65 primary apocalyptic prophets in the Old Testament. 00:40:51.65\00:40:55.32 To understand Revelation, 00:40:55.32\00:40:56.65 you should understand or at least be reading 00:40:56.65\00:40:59.19 Daniel, Ezekiel, Zachariah, what's the fourth? 00:40:59.19\00:41:05.83 I'm forgetting. 00:41:05.83\00:41:07.60 Isaiah. 00:41:07.60\00:41:09.26 And... 00:41:09.26\00:41:10.33 Yeah, Isaiah also has some apocalyptic, 00:41:10.33\00:41:12.17 "hey, you know, there's a couple of others. 00:41:12.17\00:41:14.44 Job, yeah has some, and you find... 00:41:14.44\00:41:17.47 You got grasshoppers in Job, grasshoppers in Revelation. 00:41:17.47\00:41:20.41 I mean you look at the, even the minor prophets, 00:41:20.41\00:41:22.84 you're going to see it's just taking you through 00:41:22.84\00:41:25.88 that everywhere from Genesis, 00:41:25.88\00:41:28.08 Revelation touches on Genesis all the way to Malachi. 00:41:28.08\00:41:31.15 It is the most incredible book in the Bible by far. 00:41:31.15\00:41:34.42 So you see how it's full of symbols. 00:41:34.42\00:41:37.76 And it's all telling us about Jesus. 00:41:37.76\00:41:40.63 In Revelation, it talks about who God is, 00:41:40.63\00:41:42.96 talks about the Godhead. 00:41:42.96\00:41:44.03 Notice, you even find the Trinity. 00:41:44.03\00:41:45.97 Someone's going to read for me in just a moment 00:41:45.97\00:41:47.67 2 Corinthians 13. 00:41:47.67\00:41:50.41 I'll read Revelation 1:4-5. 00:41:50.41\00:41:53.14 "John, to the seven churches, which are in Asia, 00:41:53.14\00:41:56.08 grace to you, and peace 00:41:56.08\00:41:58.05 from He who is, and from He who is to come, 00:41:58.05\00:42:01.02 and from the seven spirits that are before His throne, 00:42:01.02\00:42:04.35 and from Jesus Christ," 00:42:04.35\00:42:06.45 Right there, notice what you've got. 00:42:06.45\00:42:08.59 It says, from He who sits on the throne, 00:42:08.59\00:42:10.53 from the seven spirits, from Jesus Christ. 00:42:10.53\00:42:12.66 "The faithful witness are firstborn from the dead. 00:42:12.66\00:42:15.13 The ruler of the kings of the earth," 00:42:15.13\00:42:16.87 he's called the King of kings in Daniel. 00:42:16.87\00:42:19.03 "To him who loved us 00:42:19.03\00:42:20.04 and washed us from our sins in His own blood." 00:42:20.04\00:42:22.70 So what's the central message? 00:42:22.70\00:42:24.74 God loves you, 00:42:24.74\00:42:26.17 He washes you from your sins in His blood. 00:42:26.17\00:42:29.91 You see, it's a book of the gospel, isn't it? 00:42:29.91\00:42:33.25 But yet here you've got a picture of the Godhead. 00:42:33.25\00:42:36.35 Go ahead, want to read that next verse? 00:42:36.35\00:42:38.79 2 Corinthians 13:14, 00:42:38.79\00:42:41.29 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, 00:42:41.29\00:42:43.73 and the love of God, 00:42:43.73\00:42:45.29 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit 00:42:45.29\00:42:47.20 to be with you all." 00:42:47.20\00:42:49.26 You know, I've got a list of about 24 verses. 00:42:49.26\00:42:52.70 I did a book on the Trinity recently, 00:42:52.70\00:42:55.04 and I put in a list of 24 verses in the Bible 00:42:55.04\00:42:58.17 where you see it's either in one or two verses together 00:42:58.17\00:43:01.81 all three members of the Godhead 00:43:01.81\00:43:04.35 that are mentioned. 00:43:04.35\00:43:05.88 And it's something that, you know, 00:43:05.88\00:43:07.65 it took years for people to better understand 00:43:07.65\00:43:10.09 how this one God is composed of three unique persons, 00:43:10.09\00:43:14.59 but it is the one God we call the Godhead. 00:43:14.59\00:43:17.33 God, the Father, soul of the world, 00:43:17.33\00:43:18.86 He sent God the Son, 00:43:18.86\00:43:20.10 and God the Son died and ascended to heaven, 00:43:20.10\00:43:22.20 He said, "I will send God the Spirit." 00:43:22.20\00:43:24.13 And even in Genesis, 00:43:24.13\00:43:27.07 "The Spirit of God moved on the face of the water." 00:43:27.07\00:43:29.37 Then you get to Revelation, 00:43:29.37\00:43:31.31 it says, "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come." 00:43:31.31\00:43:33.94 So all through the Book of Revelation, 00:43:33.94\00:43:35.61 you're going to find the Father, the Son, 00:43:35.61\00:43:37.91 and the Spirit are mentioned not just in chapter one, 00:43:37.91\00:43:41.45 but several times throughout the book. 00:43:41.45\00:43:42.72 So it gives us a picture of God. 00:43:42.72\00:43:45.69 And you can look also 1 Peter 1:2, 00:43:45.69\00:43:48.39 "According to the foreknowledge 00:43:48.39\00:43:49.49 of God, the Father, 00:43:49.49\00:43:50.86 by the sanctifying work of the Spirit 00:43:50.86\00:43:52.86 to obey Jesus Christ." 00:43:52.86\00:43:54.03 So these are just some of the many verses you see 00:43:54.03\00:43:56.53 that give us a picture of the same Godhead 00:43:56.53\00:43:58.97 that then appears in Revelation. 00:43:58.97\00:44:01.20 Now finally, 00:44:01.20\00:44:02.54 what is the keynote of Revelation? 00:44:02.54\00:44:05.91 What is the central figure of Revelation? 00:44:05.91\00:44:09.64 Revelation 1:7, 00:44:09.64\00:44:12.01 "Behold, He is coming with the clouds," 00:44:12.01\00:44:14.68 right here at the beginning. 00:44:14.68\00:44:16.48 And I told you, my mission this morning 00:44:16.48\00:44:18.15 is just verses 1, Chapter 1 through verse 8. 00:44:18.15\00:44:21.92 It says in 1:7, 8. 00:44:21.92\00:44:24.23 "He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him. 00:44:24.23\00:44:28.06 They who pierced Him, 00:44:28.06\00:44:30.20 and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him." 00:44:30.20\00:44:33.70 Now how are the ones who pierced Jesus 00:44:33.70\00:44:35.54 going to see Him when He comes? 00:44:35.54\00:44:39.37 Is everybody, all the wicked going to be raised 00:44:39.37\00:44:42.91 when He comes? 00:44:42.91\00:44:43.98 Or is that the second resurrection? 00:44:43.98\00:44:45.85 Where do we learn about the second resurrection? 00:44:45.85\00:44:48.15 Revelation 20 tells us the most. 00:44:48.15\00:44:50.12 "The rest of the dead do not live till the second, 00:44:50.12\00:44:52.89 till the thousand years are finished. 00:44:52.89\00:44:55.12 Blessed and holy is He that has 00:44:55.12\00:44:56.32 part in the first resurrection." 00:44:56.32\00:44:58.33 So how do those who pierced Him see Him when He comes? 00:44:58.33\00:45:02.40 There's a special resurrection. 00:45:02.40\00:45:03.73 And you can also see in Daniel Chapter 12. 00:45:03.73\00:45:07.50 It says, at that time, Michael will stand up, 00:45:07.50\00:45:09.87 the great prince that stands 00:45:09.87\00:45:11.21 for the children of your people. 00:45:11.21\00:45:12.41 There'll be a time of trouble such as there never has been 00:45:12.41\00:45:14.58 since there was a nation even to the same time. 00:45:14.58\00:45:17.08 And at that time that people will be delivered, 00:45:17.08\00:45:19.18 everyone that is written in the book, 00:45:19.18\00:45:22.15 and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth 00:45:22.15\00:45:24.29 will awake, resurrection, some to everlasting life, 00:45:24.29\00:45:27.66 some to shame and everlasting contempt. 00:45:27.66\00:45:30.46 So when He comes, some are raised to shame. 00:45:30.46\00:45:33.60 They also who pierced Him. 00:45:33.60\00:45:35.93 So there's a special resurrection 00:45:35.93\00:45:37.57 of those who were accessories 00:45:37.57\00:45:39.83 or complicit of the crucifixion and they mock trial of Christ, 00:45:39.83\00:45:45.14 and He's going to come in glory, 00:45:45.14\00:45:46.21 and they're going to see that. 00:45:46.21\00:45:49.41 Woe on them. 00:45:49.41\00:45:51.78 And then you look in Daniel Chapter 7, 00:45:51.78\00:45:54.72 you've also got the central key focus 00:45:54.72\00:45:57.02 here in Revelation. 00:45:57.02\00:45:59.42 "I was watching in the night visions 00:45:59.42\00:46:01.32 and behold one like the Son of Man 00:46:01.32\00:46:03.79 coming with the clouds of heaven, 00:46:03.79\00:46:05.83 and he came to the ancient of days." 00:46:05.83\00:46:07.50 Do we only find Jesus in the New Testament? 00:46:07.50\00:46:11.43 Or do we find Jesus in the prophecies 00:46:11.43\00:46:13.17 of the Old Testament? 00:46:13.17\00:46:15.40 Who is the Son of Man 00:46:15.40\00:46:17.14 that comes to the ancient of days? 00:46:17.14\00:46:21.11 Well, let's read about what it says here. 00:46:21.11\00:46:23.95 "They brought the Son of man, He came to the ancient of days, 00:46:23.95\00:46:26.61 they brought Him near before Him, 00:46:26.61\00:46:27.78 then to Him was given dominion, 00:46:27.78\00:46:30.19 and glory, and the kingdom, 00:46:30.19\00:46:32.09 and all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. 00:46:32.09\00:46:35.39 His dominion is an everlasting dominion." 00:46:35.39\00:46:38.26 You know, the central theme of Daniel 00:46:38.26\00:46:39.79 is God's kingdom will win. 00:46:39.79\00:46:41.73 Daniel starts by God's people in captivity, 00:46:41.73\00:46:45.23 but it reminds us through the book 00:46:45.23\00:46:47.20 that these captivities are temporary, 00:46:47.20\00:46:49.14 God's kingdom will ultimately fill the earth. 00:46:49.14\00:46:51.81 And it says Jesus is going to be the King. 00:46:51.81\00:46:53.91 It's not talking about the ancient of days, 00:46:53.91\00:46:55.58 the God, the Father, talking about God the Son. 00:46:55.58\00:46:57.91 And in Daniel when it says, 00:46:57.91\00:46:59.61 Nebuchadnezzar stands up and he says, 00:46:59.61\00:47:01.48 "I threw three men in that furnace, 00:47:01.48\00:47:04.19 but now I see four alive and walking around, 00:47:04.19\00:47:06.39 the ropes are burned, 00:47:06.39\00:47:07.72 and the form of the fourth is like Son of God." 00:47:07.72\00:47:11.53 So even in the prophecies, in the Old Testament, 00:47:11.53\00:47:14.20 do we see Jesus appearing? 00:47:14.20\00:47:17.13 So one of the central message is, of course, 00:47:17.13\00:47:19.33 and the keynote of Revelation 00:47:19.33\00:47:21.20 is, "Behold, I am coming quickly." 00:47:21.20\00:47:23.30 And you go all the way to the end of the book. 00:47:23.30\00:47:25.61 And the final part of Revelation 00:47:25.61\00:47:27.91 is be jeweled with a prayer 00:47:27.91\00:47:30.45 where John says, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." 00:47:30.45\00:47:34.42 And you know, 00:47:34.42\00:47:35.52 that's the cry of a man who's writing from bondage. 00:47:35.52\00:47:39.35 He's a prisoner, 00:47:39.35\00:47:41.16 and it's like the children of Israel, 00:47:41.16\00:47:42.42 praying there in Egypt for the deliverance, 00:47:42.42\00:47:44.79 they cried unto the Lord for deliverance, 00:47:44.79\00:47:47.50 and the God sent the plagues, it got really bad, 00:47:47.50\00:47:49.93 and then it got really good 00:47:49.93\00:47:51.63 when they entered the Promised Land. 00:47:51.63\00:47:53.03 And we are going to have 00:47:53.03\00:47:54.10 something similar in the future. 00:47:54.10\00:47:55.74 Time of trouble they went through, 00:47:55.74\00:47:57.54 time of trouble the early church went through, 00:47:57.54\00:47:59.84 and there's gonna be a great tribulation 00:47:59.84\00:48:01.31 at the end of time, 00:48:01.31\00:48:02.58 and then Jesus is going to come. 00:48:02.58\00:48:04.05 Amen? Amen. 00:48:04.05\00:48:05.08 And so we need to pray, even so come, Lord Jesus. 00:48:05.08\00:48:08.25 I'm really excited about our study 00:48:08.25\00:48:09.72 together in Revelation in the next... 00:48:09.72\00:48:12.39 Well, I guess we got 12 more weeks left. 00:48:12.39\00:48:13.96 I want to remind those 00:48:13.96\00:48:14.99 who may be missed at the beginning, 00:48:14.99\00:48:16.62 we're glad you're studying with us, 00:48:16.62\00:48:17.99 but we have a free offer. 00:48:17.99\00:48:19.33 And we do talk about the Godhead 00:48:19.33\00:48:20.66 in our study this morning. 00:48:20.66\00:48:22.00 We have a book called "The Trinity, Is It Biblical?" 00:48:22.00\00:48:25.23 Offer number 166, 00:48:25.23\00:48:27.37 and you can text "SH088." 00:48:27.37\00:48:31.27 You can download it right now to 40544, 00:48:31.27\00:48:34.54 you want to download it or you can call 866-788-3966, 00:48:34.54\00:48:39.68 we'll send that to you for free, 00:48:39.68\00:48:41.35 give you some additional study. 00:48:41.35\00:48:43.05 Matter of fact, 00:48:43.05\00:48:44.62 you know, I think I can just make a fiat decision 00:48:44.62\00:48:46.92 here and say, 00:48:46.92\00:48:47.99 we have a new book, it's expanded on the Trinity, 00:48:47.99\00:48:50.73 we'll share that with you if you ask for it. 00:48:50.73\00:48:53.73 And it's called 00:48:53.73\00:48:54.76 "The Trinity, One God or Three?" 00:48:54.76\00:48:57.33 And, but, if you call, we'll send you either one. 00:48:57.33\00:49:00.20 Did you learn anything today? 00:49:00.20\00:49:02.20 Good. Praise the Lord. 00:49:02.20\00:49:03.30 I sure enjoyed this study, 00:49:03.30\00:49:04.84 and we're looking forward to studying 00:49:04.84\00:49:06.37 His Word with you again next week. 00:49:06.37\00:49:08.21 Don't forget to request 00:49:09.84\00:49:11.01 today's life changing free resource. 00:49:11.01\00:49:13.48 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, 00:49:13.48\00:49:15.68 you can download a digital copy 00:49:15.68\00:49:17.05 straight to your computer or mobile device. 00:49:17.05\00:49:19.52 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, 00:49:19.52\00:49:22.22 simply text the keyword on your screen to 40544 00:49:22.22\00:49:26.33 or visit the web address shown on your screen. 00:49:26.33\00:49:29.10 And be sure to select the digital download option 00:49:29.10\00:49:31.53 on the request page. 00:49:31.53\00:49:32.77 It's now easier than ever for you 00:49:32.77\00:49:34.67 to study God's Word with Amazing Facts 00:49:34.67\00:49:37.27 wherever and whenever you want, 00:49:37.27\00:49:39.27 and most important to hare it with others. 00:49:39.27\00:49:41.88 Hello, friends. 00:49:51.89\00:49:53.05 We all know, a marathon 00:49:53.05\00:49:54.19 is one of the longest and hardest races 00:49:54.19\00:49:55.96 a person can run. 00:49:55.96\00:49:57.43 But did you hear about the Ultramarathon 00:49:57.43\00:49:59.63 they used to have in Australia? 00:49:59.63\00:50:01.66 It was 544 miles from Melbourne to Sydney. 00:50:01.66\00:50:05.43 It attracted as many as 150 world class athletes. 00:50:05.43\00:50:09.37 But then something happened that no one would ever forget. 00:50:09.37\00:50:11.84 In 1983, a 61-year-old potato farmer 00:50:11.84\00:50:15.81 named Cliff Young decided to enter the race. 00:50:15.81\00:50:18.71 People were very amused 00:50:18.71\00:50:19.78 because he had on rubber galoshes 00:50:19.78\00:50:21.68 over his boots. 00:50:21.68\00:50:22.95 And when the race began and all the runners took off, 00:50:22.95\00:50:25.75 sure enough, old Cliff 00:50:25.75\00:50:26.82 was left behind shuffling along very slowly, 00:50:26.82\00:50:30.16 but he was shuffling very persistently. 00:50:30.16\00:50:32.83 Normally, during this seven-day race, 00:50:32.83\00:50:35.10 the runners would go about 18 hours running 00:50:35.10\00:50:37.60 and then they'd sleep for six hours. 00:50:37.60\00:50:39.70 But nobody ever told Cliff that. 00:50:39.70\00:50:42.04 When the other runners stopped to rest 00:50:42.04\00:50:43.81 during the night, Cliff just kept on running. 00:50:43.81\00:50:46.74 Some people were afraid 00:50:46.74\00:50:47.81 old Cliff was going to have a heart attack, 00:50:47.81\00:50:49.71 and they were asking the race organizers to show 00:50:49.71\00:50:51.48 mercy and stop the crazy old man. 00:50:51.48\00:50:53.78 But he would have none of it. 00:50:53.78\00:50:55.45 Each day, he was gaining on the pack 00:50:55.45\00:50:57.85 because when they were sleeping, 00:50:57.85\00:50:59.45 he was plodding along. 00:50:59.45\00:51:01.69 During the last night of the race, 00:51:01.69\00:51:03.32 Cliff passed all of these world class athletes. 00:51:03.32\00:51:06.96 Not only was Cliff able to run 00:51:06.96\00:51:08.63 that 544 mile race without dying, 00:51:08.63\00:51:11.83 he won beating all the other racers by nine hours, 00:51:11.83\00:51:15.04 breaking the record, 00:51:15.04\00:51:16.14 and becoming a national hero in process. 00:51:16.14\00:51:19.01 What's really amazing is when they told him 00:51:19.01\00:51:20.71 that he had won the $10,000 prize, 00:51:20.71\00:51:22.98 he looked confused 00:51:22.98\00:51:24.05 and said he didn't know there was a prize, 00:51:24.05\00:51:25.68 and he decided to share it with the other runners. 00:51:25.68\00:51:28.72 When asked how he was able to run all night long, 00:51:28.72\00:51:31.42 Cliff respond that he grew up on a farm 00:51:31.42\00:51:33.39 where they had about 2,000 herd of cattle, 00:51:33.39\00:51:35.32 and because he couldn't afford horses, 00:51:35.32\00:51:37.06 he used to have to round them up on foot 00:51:37.06\00:51:38.86 sometimes running two and three days nonstop. 00:51:38.86\00:51:41.60 So throughout the race, 00:51:41.60\00:51:43.03 he just imagined he was chasing after the cows 00:51:43.03\00:51:45.47 and trying to outrun a storm. 00:51:45.47\00:51:47.94 Old Cliff's secret was to keep on running 00:51:47.94\00:51:50.14 while others were sleeping. 00:51:50.14\00:51:52.14 You know, the Bible tells us 00:51:52.14\00:51:53.21 that the race is not necessarily to the swift, 00:51:53.21\00:51:56.41 something like Aesop's parable of the tortoise and the hare. 00:51:56.41\00:51:59.71 The tortoise just kept on plodding along. 00:51:59.71\00:52:02.38 That's why Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:13, 00:52:02.38\00:52:05.42 "He that endures unto the end, 00:52:05.42\00:52:07.52 the same will be saved." 00:52:07.52\00:52:09.02 Now you might slip and fall during the race. 00:52:09.02\00:52:11.53 You might even get off to a bad start. 00:52:11.53\00:52:13.53 But in the Christian race that we run, 00:52:13.53\00:52:15.60 the main thing is you want to finish well. 00:52:15.60\00:52:17.87 Keep on running, friends, and don't give up. 00:52:17.87\00:52:19.60 Let's face it, 00:52:29.34\00:52:30.45 it's not always easy 00:52:30.45\00:52:31.75 to understand everything you read in the Bible. 00:52:31.75\00:52:34.35 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books, 00:52:34.35\00:52:38.12 the Bible can generate a lot of questions. 00:52:38.12\00:52:40.66 To get biblical straightforward answers, 00:52:40.66\00:52:43.02 call into Bible Answers Live, 00:52:43.02\00:52:44.83 a live nationwide call-in radio program 00:52:44.83\00:52:47.50 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor 00:52:47.50\00:52:49.83 and ask him your most difficult Bible questions. 00:52:49.83\00:52:52.30 For times and stations in your area 00:52:52.30\00:52:54.50 or to listen to answers online, 00:52:54.50\00:52:56.47 visit 00:52:56.47\00:52:59.84 Amazing Facts changed lives. 00:53:09.15\00:53:11.95 I'd have to say that I had a wonderful childhood. 00:53:18.19\00:53:20.63 Growing up, I went to a private school 00:53:20.63\00:53:23.20 up until the seventh grade till junior high. 00:53:23.20\00:53:25.90 I believe it was at that point in junior high 00:53:25.90\00:53:28.70 that my life began to change. 00:53:28.70\00:53:32.11 Going from a Christian education 00:53:32.11\00:53:33.54 and to a public school was a big difference. 00:53:33.54\00:53:36.95 There was a lot of secular influence, 00:53:36.95\00:53:40.15 a peer pressure. 00:53:40.15\00:53:42.35 And for me, it was the music. 00:53:42.35\00:53:44.45 I started listening to heavy metal music. 00:53:44.45\00:53:46.55 Every concert that would come to town, 00:53:46.55\00:53:47.99 I was there that had a profound effect on me. 00:53:47.99\00:53:51.46 I started using marijuana probably at the age of 14, 00:53:51.46\00:53:57.30 I started drinking, using a lot of cocaine. 00:53:57.30\00:54:00.17 And that led to methamphetamine, 00:54:00.17\00:54:01.64 and that completely changed my life. 00:54:01.64\00:54:04.94 I dropped out of high school 00:54:04.94\00:54:06.64 my sophomore year and went to work. 00:54:06.64\00:54:10.55 I would get off of work, 00:54:10.55\00:54:12.01 and we'd go into the bar until two o'clock in the morning, 00:54:12.01\00:54:14.28 I get back up at five, 00:54:14.28\00:54:15.68 and I'd go back again, 00:54:15.68\00:54:17.55 six, seven days a week. 00:54:17.55\00:54:18.72 At the age of 20, 00:54:22.66\00:54:24.19 I lost my dad to a heart attack. 00:54:24.19\00:54:27.30 I didn't know how to handle the loss. 00:54:27.30\00:54:29.76 So I tried to mask my pain with alcohol and drugs. 00:54:29.76\00:54:33.54 I got three DUIs in one year, was arrested. 00:54:33.54\00:54:37.54 They gave me a year in the county jail. 00:54:37.54\00:54:40.94 And the moment I got out, 00:54:40.94\00:54:42.64 I went back to doing the same thing, 00:54:42.64\00:54:44.41 hanging with the same people, the same crowd. 00:54:44.41\00:54:47.15 I was involved in a hit-and-run motorcycle accident, 00:54:47.15\00:54:49.95 and I was charged with a felony DUI, 00:54:49.95\00:54:52.29 even though at the time of the accident, 00:54:52.29\00:54:53.79 I was not under the influence. 00:54:53.79\00:54:55.19 I still had methamphetamine in my system. 00:54:55.19\00:54:57.99 At my sentencing day, 00:54:57.99\00:55:00.20 I left the courtroom, I didn't come back. 00:55:00.20\00:55:03.37 And that left me with felony warrant. 00:55:03.37\00:55:06.53 And I'd fallen asleep being in a park, 00:55:06.53\00:55:09.20 and I woke up to a park ranger knocking on my window. 00:55:09.20\00:55:13.51 I knew I was wound up, 00:55:13.51\00:55:14.81 and I knew that I was not going 00:55:14.81\00:55:16.85 to just turn myself in. 00:55:16.85\00:55:19.28 I turned to him and I made the comment, 00:55:19.28\00:55:21.38 "Not today," and I took off, 00:55:21.38\00:55:24.09 and led five different intricacies 00:55:24.09\00:55:26.22 on about a 35 minute chase. 00:55:26.22\00:55:28.26 And I realized at that point that I wasn't going to get away 00:55:28.26\00:55:31.56 and that this was going to end up 00:55:31.56\00:55:32.89 either me killing somebody or myself. 00:55:32.89\00:55:37.10 And so I made a decision to pull over. 00:55:37.10\00:55:39.27 At that point, everything that I had, I lost. 00:55:39.27\00:55:43.00 I was sentenced to two years in state prison, 00:55:43.00\00:55:46.37 and it was there that God got a hold of me. 00:55:46.37\00:55:51.95 And that was through Amazing Facts Ministries. 00:55:51.95\00:55:55.05 I remember listening on my radio 00:55:55.05\00:55:57.29 to Pastor Doug Batchelor. 00:55:57.29\00:55:59.29 I wanted to get to know the Bible, 00:55:59.29\00:56:00.62 I wanted to know God. 00:56:00.62\00:56:02.62 And so my aunt Marylyn sent me the Amazing Facts study guides. 00:56:02.62\00:56:08.93 And it was there 00:56:08.93\00:56:11.07 that my relationship with Christ began. 00:56:11.07\00:56:15.70 I had called home, 00:56:15.70\00:56:17.11 and I knew my mother wasn't doing well, 00:56:17.11\00:56:20.51 but I didn't realize that she had cancer. 00:56:20.51\00:56:24.71 She had about a 30% chance 00:56:24.71\00:56:29.65 of making it through her surgery. 00:56:29.65\00:56:31.49 She had told the doctors 00:56:31.49\00:56:32.52 that she was not going to have chemo, 00:56:32.52\00:56:34.06 and she was not gonna have radiation, 00:56:34.06\00:56:35.12 that if her God was going to save her, 00:56:35.12\00:56:36.96 then He would save her. 00:56:36.96\00:56:39.56 I remember hanging up the phone, 00:56:39.56\00:56:41.93 that I thought was my last conversation 00:56:41.93\00:56:44.23 with my mom. 00:56:44.23\00:56:47.00 I turned around, I got down on my knees, 00:56:47.00\00:56:50.31 and I prayed to God. 00:56:50.31\00:56:51.97 I said, "God, if You're there, please save my mother. 00:56:51.97\00:56:56.24 Wherever You lead me in life, whatever You want me to do, 00:56:56.24\00:57:00.12 I am Yours." 00:57:00.12\00:57:01.62 And I had a feeling of such peace 00:57:01.62\00:57:05.79 that I knew that my mother was going to be okay, 00:57:05.79\00:57:09.19 and that my life was going to change. 00:57:09.19\00:57:12.09 There are no words 00:57:12.09\00:57:13.06 that I can adequately express to Amazing Facts 00:57:13.06\00:57:15.93 and Pastor Doug to say thank you 00:57:15.93\00:57:18.47 to all those people who support the ministry. 00:57:18.47\00:57:20.77 I am a product of your support. 00:57:20.77\00:57:23.61 My life has changed because of this ministry. 00:57:23.61\00:57:28.01 And I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 00:57:28.01\00:57:30.71 Can't get enough Amazing Facts Bible Study? 00:57:43.46\00:57:46.43 You don't have to wait until next week 00:57:46.43\00:57:48.16 to enjoy more truth-filled programming. 00:57:48.16\00:57:50.77 Visit the Amazing Facts media library at 00:57:50.77\00:57:55.87 At, 00:57:55.87\00:57:58.11 you can enjoy video and audio presentations 00:57:58.11\00:58:00.91 as well as printed material all free of charge, 00:58:00.91\00:58:04.05 24 hours a day, 00:58:04.05\00:58:05.45 7 days a week right from your computer 00:58:05.45\00:58:07.75 or mobile device. 00:58:07.75\00:58:09.08 Visit 00:58:09.08\00:58:11.55