Good morning, friends, welcome again 00:00:35.13\00:00:36.60 to Sabbath School Study Hour here at the Granite Bay 00:00:36.60\00:00:39.07 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sacramento, California. 00:00:39.07\00:00:42.10 Very warm welcome to our online members 00:00:42.10\00:00:44.44 and our friends who are joining us 00:00:44.44\00:00:45.67 across the country and literally around the world 00:00:45.67\00:00:49.04 on the various television networks. 00:00:49.04\00:00:51.05 We're just delighted that you have joined us 00:00:51.05\00:00:53.42 for our special Bible study time 00:00:53.42\00:00:55.62 here at our church. 00:00:55.62\00:00:57.02 Very warm welcome to the members 00:00:57.02\00:00:58.72 and the visitors that are here as well, 00:00:58.72\00:01:00.66 ready to study together. 00:01:00.66\00:01:02.36 Over the past few weeks, we have been studying 00:01:02.36\00:01:04.33 through a lesson theme, entitled, "Oneness in Christ." 00:01:04.33\00:01:08.00 We're nearing the end of our lesson quarterly. 00:01:08.00\00:01:10.30 Today, we are on lesson number 12, 00:01:10.30\00:01:12.37 which is entitled 00:01:12.37\00:01:13.40 "Church Organization and Unity," 00:01:13.40\00:01:16.40 very important subject that we'll be looking at today. 00:01:16.40\00:01:19.14 But before we get to our lesson, 00:01:19.14\00:01:21.11 we'd like our friends to know 00:01:21.11\00:01:22.38 about a free offer that we have. 00:01:22.38\00:01:24.98 It is a book entitled, "The Church, Is It Babylon?" 00:01:24.98\00:01:28.82 People have questions about that today. 00:01:28.82\00:01:31.05 We'll be happy to send this to you. 00:01:31.05\00:01:32.49 All you need to do is call us on our resource phone line. 00:01:32.49\00:01:35.52 That number is 866-788-3966. 00:01:35.52\00:01:39.73 And you can ask for offer number 712. 00:01:39.73\00:01:43.43 For those of you outside of North America 00:01:43.43\00:01:45.60 that would also like to receive a copy of this book, 00:01:45.60\00:01:48.37 you can download it for free. 00:01:48.37\00:01:51.14 All you'll need to do is text the code "SH116" 00:01:51.14\00:01:55.71 to the number 40544. 00:01:55.71\00:01:59.71 And, of course, by the way, if you're in North America, 00:01:59.71\00:02:01.95 you're also welcome to text that code 00:02:01.95\00:02:04.29 and you can download a copy of the book, 00:02:04.29\00:02:06.52 "The Church, Is It Babylon?" 00:02:06.52\00:02:08.39 We'll be happy to make that available for free 00:02:08.39\00:02:10.33 to anyone who contacts us. 00:02:10.33\00:02:12.59 Well, before we get to our study, 00:02:12.59\00:02:13.96 we always like to begin by lifting our voices in song. 00:02:13.96\00:02:16.97 I'd like to invite our song leaders 00:02:16.97\00:02:18.23 to come join me. 00:02:18.23\00:02:19.40 We're going to begin our worship 00:02:20.74\00:02:22.04 singing before Sabbath school with some Christmas songs 00:02:22.04\00:02:25.37 because it is that wonderful time of year. 00:02:25.37\00:02:27.08 And we're going to sing this morning number 119, 00:02:27.08\00:02:30.18 "Angels from the Realms of Glory." 00:02:30.18\00:02:32.48 We'll sing all four verses so you can follow along at home 00:02:32.48\00:02:35.65 in your Adventist Church hymnal. 00:02:35.65\00:02:37.49 Thank you so much for singing. 00:04:42.18\00:04:43.58 Dear Father in heaven, once again we are grateful 00:04:45.21\00:04:47.12 for the opportunity to gather together 00:04:47.12\00:04:48.62 and study Your Word, 00:04:48.62\00:04:49.65 we're also grateful for the rain that's falling. 00:04:49.65\00:04:51.72 And just pray that the Holy Spirit 00:04:51.72\00:04:53.69 would fall upon our hearts and minds 00:04:53.69\00:04:55.72 to guide us into a clearer understanding 00:04:55.72\00:04:57.46 of this very important subject talking about church unity. 00:04:57.46\00:05:00.96 For we ask this in Jesus' name, amen. 00:05:00.96\00:05:04.37 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought to us 00:05:04.37\00:05:06.17 by Pastor Doug. 00:05:06.17\00:05:07.64 Happy Sabbath. 00:05:09.40\00:05:10.94 We've got a good lesson today 00:05:10.94\00:05:13.07 talking about church organization and unity. 00:05:13.07\00:05:17.48 And we're continuing in our study 00:05:17.48\00:05:20.12 on Oneness in Christ. 00:05:20.12\00:05:21.32 But before we get to that, I got an exciting announcement. 00:05:21.32\00:05:23.95 We're doing lesson 12 today 00:05:23.95\00:05:26.02 and who knows what comes after lesson 12? 00:05:26.02\00:05:28.99 Lesson 13. 00:05:28.99\00:05:31.19 And then we're going into a new quarter 00:05:31.19\00:05:33.73 with the New Year. 00:05:33.73\00:05:34.76 Now here at Granite Bay, 00:05:34.76\00:05:36.30 because we record the lesson in advance 00:05:36.30\00:05:38.33 for our satellite friends that broadcast the study, 00:05:38.33\00:05:42.77 we're going to get into it in December. 00:05:42.77\00:05:44.87 But do you know what the lesson is? 00:05:44.87\00:05:46.84 It's on Revelation. 00:05:46.84\00:05:49.04 So we're really going to be excited about that, 00:05:49.04\00:05:52.15 and Pastor Ross and I are probably going 00:05:52.15\00:05:54.78 to descend into some wrestling matches 00:05:54.78\00:05:56.52 to see who gets to teach certain chapters. 00:05:56.52\00:05:58.49 I know this is his favorite. 00:05:58.49\00:06:00.59 His favorite study is Revelation. 00:06:00.59\00:06:03.06 So I just wanted you to know about that. 00:06:03.06\00:06:04.43 We'll probably have our local ones 00:06:04.43\00:06:06.36 that will be out here at the table next week 00:06:06.36\00:06:08.73 for those that attend here. 00:06:08.73\00:06:10.33 But today, talking about Oneness in Christ, 00:06:10.33\00:06:12.17 we're in lesson number 12, 00:06:12.17\00:06:14.07 and we're talking about Church Organization and Unity, 00:06:14.07\00:06:17.54 very practical subject and important. 00:06:17.54\00:06:20.11 Have a memory verse. 00:06:20.11\00:06:21.61 Memory verses from Matthew 20:26-27. 00:06:21.61\00:06:25.78 I always appreciate if you want to say that with me. 00:06:25.78\00:06:28.02 Matthew 20:26-27. 00:06:28.02\00:06:30.89 If you do it right here out of the quarterly, 00:06:30.89\00:06:33.15 it's in the New King James version. 00:06:33.15\00:06:35.02 You ready? 00:06:35.02\00:06:37.03 "Yet it shall not be so among you, 00:06:37.03\00:06:40.70 but whoever desires to become great among you, 00:06:40.70\00:06:44.37 let him be your servant. 00:06:44.37\00:06:46.53 And whoever desires to be first among you, 00:06:46.53\00:06:49.44 let him be your slave." 00:06:49.44\00:06:52.61 The theme, the attitude 00:06:52.61\00:06:55.51 of servant leadership in the Christian Church 00:06:55.51\00:06:59.91 is the principle that operated in the life of Jesus 00:06:59.91\00:07:04.79 and one that is followed in the life of His believers. 00:07:04.79\00:07:08.32 We believe in servant leadership. 00:07:08.32\00:07:10.99 Now when we talk about Church Organization and Unity, 00:07:10.99\00:07:15.06 we've had some sections in here, like the first section 00:07:15.06\00:07:17.07 talks about Christ the head of the church. 00:07:17.07\00:07:19.37 And because Jesus is the head of the church, 00:07:19.37\00:07:21.20 it doesn't mean that there's no organization in the church 00:07:21.20\00:07:23.77 and we're all just sort of, you know, go around like ants. 00:07:23.77\00:07:27.74 You know, the Proverb says ants have no master or overseer 00:07:27.74\00:07:31.48 but they all seem to know how to work together. 00:07:31.48\00:07:34.12 And it'd be wonderful if we said, 00:07:34.12\00:07:35.48 let's just all be spirit-filled, 00:07:35.48\00:07:37.02 then we won't need any structure in our church. 00:07:37.02\00:07:39.49 We'll all know like little ants somehow supernaturally know 00:07:39.49\00:07:42.79 what their little job is 00:07:42.79\00:07:43.79 and where they're supposed to carry their food 00:07:43.79\00:07:45.39 and guard the trail or whatever it is they do. 00:07:45.39\00:07:48.26 You know, bees have a queen but we don't know 00:07:48.26\00:07:49.86 that the queen is issuing email directives 00:07:49.86\00:07:52.50 about what all the bees are supposed to do, 00:07:52.50\00:07:53.97 but they seem to know. 00:07:53.97\00:07:55.40 Isn't that amazing? 00:07:55.40\00:07:57.87 And some suggest that if we just have a church 00:07:57.87\00:08:00.18 that's spirit-led, 00:08:00.18\00:08:02.71 we can all work like bees and ants, 00:08:02.71\00:08:05.58 and where everyone's just going to show up 00:08:05.58\00:08:06.92 and the spirit's going to tell us what to do. 00:08:06.92\00:08:09.35 Well, that's a little idealistic, 00:08:09.35\00:08:10.89 I don't think that's what the Bible is saying. 00:08:10.89\00:08:13.42 We are all supposed to be servants, 00:08:13.42\00:08:17.06 and we all have our role, 00:08:17.06\00:08:18.13 we use our various spiritual gifts, 00:08:18.13\00:08:19.69 but God does have structure in organization. 00:08:19.69\00:08:23.90 Now you notice that it says here in the introduction 00:08:23.90\00:08:26.67 that we really don't follow a hierarchical. 00:08:26.67\00:08:30.77 That's where you get the word hierarchy, 00:08:30.77\00:08:32.97 form of governance. 00:08:32.97\00:08:35.14 You know, if you were to point to the Catholic Church, 00:08:35.14\00:08:37.95 Catholic Church in some respects, it is amazing 00:08:37.95\00:08:43.02 because they've got like 1.2 billion members 00:08:43.02\00:08:47.76 in the Catholic Church 00:08:47.76\00:08:49.32 and they've got five levels of administration. 00:08:49.32\00:08:53.40 There are a lot of companies that marvel 00:08:53.40\00:08:55.43 when they look at the Catholic Church 00:08:55.43\00:08:56.53 and think, "How do they operate 00:08:56.53\00:08:58.20 this international organization 00:08:58.20\00:09:01.17 with only five levels of structure?" 00:09:01.17\00:09:05.51 But they do it quite effectively. 00:09:05.51\00:09:08.31 There are varying levels of structure in God's Church. 00:09:08.31\00:09:12.45 We're going to talk about some of that. 00:09:12.45\00:09:14.05 But the first thing we want to establish is 00:09:14.05\00:09:16.32 who is large and in charge in the Church of Jesus Christ. 00:09:16.32\00:09:20.76 Who is the leader? 00:09:20.76\00:09:22.79 And under the first section, under Son, it talks about, 00:09:22.79\00:09:25.43 Christ, the head of the church. 00:09:25.43\00:09:27.23 You already knew the answer to that, right? 00:09:27.23\00:09:29.86 So someone's going to look up for me 00:09:29.86\00:09:31.63 in just a moment Ephesians 1:22, 00:09:31.63\00:09:34.74 and I'm going to read Colossians 1:18. 00:09:34.74\00:09:39.51 "And He is the head of the body." 00:09:39.51\00:09:42.01 Church is called the body of Christ. 00:09:42.01\00:09:43.61 "He is the head of the body, the church, 00:09:43.61\00:09:45.51 who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, 00:09:45.51\00:09:48.98 that in all things, He might have the preeminence." 00:09:48.98\00:09:52.89 So in how many things does He have the preeminence? 00:09:52.89\00:09:55.56 In all things, Christ is the head of the church. 00:09:55.56\00:09:58.79 I thought that would be God, 00:09:58.79\00:09:59.83 the Father as the head of the church. 00:09:59.83\00:10:02.93 But the Bible says Jesus is. 00:10:02.93\00:10:04.40 Now why can it say that? 00:10:04.40\00:10:06.10 I want you to look with me. 00:10:06.10\00:10:08.87 I tell you what, before I get to that in just a second. 00:10:08.87\00:10:12.07 Let me give you one more verse, 00:10:12.07\00:10:13.34 then we're going to go to the Ephesians verse. 00:10:13.34\00:10:15.01 Philippians 2:10-11, "That at the name of Jesus, 00:10:15.01\00:10:19.21 every knee should bow, of those in heaven, 00:10:19.21\00:10:23.49 and of those on earth, of those under the earth, 00:10:23.49\00:10:26.96 and that every tongue should confess 00:10:26.96\00:10:28.92 that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father." 00:10:28.92\00:10:31.93 So is there any question? Who is the head of the church? 00:10:31.93\00:10:35.40 Is it a pastor? Is it a pope? 00:10:35.40\00:10:38.33 Is it a bishop? 00:10:38.33\00:10:40.20 The head of the church is Jesus. 00:10:40.20\00:10:42.30 He has not surrendered the headship of the church 00:10:42.30\00:10:45.04 to any individual. 00:10:45.04\00:10:48.38 Please read for us your verse. 00:10:48.38\00:10:50.75 Ephesians 1:22-23, 00:10:50.75\00:10:53.75 "And He put all things under His feet, 00:10:53.75\00:10:56.28 and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 00:10:56.28\00:11:00.12 which is His body and fullness of Him 00:11:00.12\00:11:02.59 who fills all in all." 00:11:02.59\00:11:05.76 You know, when you pay 100% of the cost of something, 00:11:05.76\00:11:10.90 you take title of it and you become the owner. 00:11:10.90\00:11:14.30 And so what right does Jesus have 00:11:14.30\00:11:16.14 to be declared the head of the church all in all? 00:11:16.14\00:11:19.81 He bought it, 00:11:19.81\00:11:21.44 if you want to just put it in the simplest terms. 00:11:21.44\00:11:23.95 He paid for it. How much did He pay? 00:11:23.95\00:11:25.98 Did He pay 50% down or did He pay 100%? 00:11:25.98\00:11:30.25 So how much does He own? 00:11:30.25\00:11:32.45 He owns 100%. He is the head of the church. 00:11:32.45\00:11:35.26 Now I want to give you something else to think about, 00:11:35.26\00:11:37.09 another principle that by virtue of this principle 00:11:37.09\00:11:40.43 makes Him the head of the church 00:11:40.43\00:11:41.86 if you go in your Bibles to the Gospel of John. 00:11:41.86\00:11:44.47 I think everybody knows this. 00:11:44.47\00:11:46.07 John 1:1. 00:11:46.07\00:11:50.54 You know, you look in Mark and you look in Matthew, 00:11:50.54\00:11:55.08 they introduce the birth of Jesus. 00:11:55.08\00:11:59.48 John goes right to the birth of everything. 00:11:59.48\00:12:03.85 He doesn't go to the birth of Jesus, 00:12:03.85\00:12:05.22 he goes to the birth of everything 00:12:05.22\00:12:06.25 when he starts his gospel. 00:12:06.25\00:12:07.59 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, 00:12:07.59\00:12:11.99 and the Word was God. 00:12:11.99\00:12:14.10 He..." Now it's telling us the Word is a He. 00:12:14.10\00:12:15.96 Who is the He? 00:12:15.96\00:12:18.03 Who is the Word? Jesus. 00:12:18.03\00:12:20.10 You'll notice your Bibles probably all say 00:12:20.10\00:12:21.80 capital W-O-R-D 00:12:21.80\00:12:23.61 'cause it's a title, it's not a word. 00:12:23.61\00:12:26.51 The Word is not just a word. It's talking about a name. 00:12:26.51\00:12:30.58 That's one of His names. 00:12:30.58\00:12:31.65 "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." 00:12:31.65\00:12:34.65 It says, "The Word was with God and the Word was God. 00:12:34.65\00:12:39.62 He was in the beginning with God." 00:12:39.62\00:12:41.46 And here's a point I want to especially emphasize, 00:12:41.46\00:12:43.49 verse 3. 00:12:43.49\00:12:44.56 "All things were made through Him, 00:12:44.56\00:12:48.66 and without Him nothing was made 00:12:48.66\00:12:52.13 that was made." 00:12:52.13\00:12:53.84 By the way, some people wonder if Jesus is eternal God. 00:12:53.84\00:12:57.94 I believe He is eternal God because of this verse. 00:12:57.94\00:13:00.28 Because if Christ at some point was made 00:13:00.28\00:13:02.78 way back in the infinite recesses of history, 00:13:02.78\00:13:06.08 some argue, you know, who don't accept the Trinity. 00:13:06.08\00:13:08.28 They say, "Well, you know, Christ, He came into being. 00:13:08.28\00:13:10.69 He was somehow made." 00:13:10.69\00:13:11.75 They don't like to use the word made, 00:13:11.75\00:13:12.82 "He was begotten." 00:13:12.82\00:13:13.89 It's the same thing. 00:13:13.89\00:13:15.16 If you were not, then you are, you've been made by the Father. 00:13:15.16\00:13:20.00 But if all things were made by Christ, 00:13:20.00\00:13:21.60 He didn't make Himself. 00:13:21.60\00:13:24.13 So one reason He's the head is because He redeemed it. 00:13:24.13\00:13:28.87 Another reason He's the head is because He created it. 00:13:28.87\00:13:33.44 And so it's like that story we tell sometimes to the kids 00:13:33.44\00:13:38.75 about the little boy that made a little sailboat, 00:13:38.75\00:13:41.48 he used to sail in a pond, and he loved it. 00:13:41.48\00:13:45.79 But one day, a breeze came along 00:13:45.79\00:13:47.79 and it carried it away and he couldn't get it 00:13:47.79\00:13:50.43 and he had to leave. 00:13:50.43\00:13:52.33 Well, a few days later, he saw that his little sailboat 00:13:52.33\00:13:55.26 was in the local pawn shop in the window. 00:13:55.26\00:14:00.10 And then he went in and he said, "That's my boat." 00:14:00.10\00:14:02.60 And he said, "Well, someone brought it in, 00:14:02.60\00:14:03.71 sold it to him, so it's mine now." 00:14:03.71\00:14:06.27 And so the boy worked so he can get enough money 00:14:06.27\00:14:08.28 to buy his boat back. 00:14:08.28\00:14:09.68 Now after he bought his boat back, 00:14:09.68\00:14:10.75 on the way home, 00:14:10.75\00:14:11.81 he said "You're mine for two reasons." 00:14:11.81\00:14:13.42 He said, "I made you and I bought you back." 00:14:13.42\00:14:16.65 And so we belong to Jesus by virtue of creation 00:14:16.65\00:14:19.72 and redemption. 00:14:19.72\00:14:21.52 And so He is the head, 00:14:21.52\00:14:23.93 He has earned the right to be the head. 00:14:23.93\00:14:27.76 Another verse here, Hebrews 2:7. 00:14:27.76\00:14:33.23 "You've made him a little lower than the angels." 00:14:33.23\00:14:35.27 Now I want to pause right here. 00:14:35.27\00:14:37.81 Who knows "You made Him 00:14:37.81\00:14:40.11 a little lower than the angels?" 00:14:40.11\00:14:41.41 Is that a New Testament verse or an Old Testament verse? 00:14:41.41\00:14:45.61 Paul in the New Testament is in Hebrews 00:14:45.61\00:14:48.95 quoting from the Psalms in the Old Testament 00:14:48.95\00:14:51.52 that's talking about man 00:14:51.52\00:14:53.89 being made a little lower than the angels. 00:14:53.89\00:14:55.46 Humans are made a little lower order 00:14:55.46\00:14:57.86 in power and strength than the angels, 00:14:57.86\00:15:00.86 the ministering spirits. 00:15:00.86\00:15:01.96 We're better than the angels 00:15:01.96\00:15:03.03 and that we're made in the image of God, 00:15:03.03\00:15:04.97 but angels have more power than humans do physically, 00:15:04.97\00:15:08.94 and they may have some abilities we don't have. 00:15:08.94\00:15:11.11 Angels can't procreate like we can. 00:15:11.11\00:15:13.98 We're made in the image of God in a special sense. 00:15:13.98\00:15:17.75 But now in Hebrews when Jesus is quoting David Psalm, 00:15:17.75\00:15:21.52 "You made Him a little lower than the angels," 00:15:21.52\00:15:22.88 is he talking about humanity or is he talking about Jesus? 00:15:22.88\00:15:27.76 This is a verse about Jesus. 00:15:27.76\00:15:30.09 He is saying that He became a man 00:15:30.09\00:15:33.13 made a little lower than the angels. 00:15:33.13\00:15:34.56 So the one who made the angels made Himself, 00:15:34.56\00:15:37.57 not only equal with man 00:15:37.57\00:15:39.13 but lower than the angels that He made. 00:15:39.13\00:15:41.57 The angels are the ministering spirits of God 00:15:41.57\00:15:44.37 and yet Christ made Himself lower than the angels. 00:15:44.37\00:15:48.44 "You've crowned Him with glory and honor," 00:15:48.44\00:15:50.21 he's still quoting the Psalm, 00:15:50.21\00:15:51.55 "and set Him over the works of your hands. 00:15:51.55\00:15:54.25 You put all things in subjection under His feet, 00:15:54.25\00:15:57.15 for that He put all things under Him, 00:15:57.15\00:16:01.19 He left nothing that is not put under Him 00:16:01.19\00:16:04.33 but now we do not yet see all things yet put under Him." 00:16:04.33\00:16:07.60 In other words, the world is still in rebellion, 00:16:07.60\00:16:09.33 but the day is coming when every knee will bow, 00:16:09.33\00:16:11.57 everything will be in subjection to Christ. 00:16:11.57\00:16:13.60 Jesus is the head of the church. 00:16:13.60\00:16:16.14 1 Corinthians 11:13 "But I want you to know 00:16:16.14\00:16:19.51 that the head of every man is Christ 00:16:19.51\00:16:21.54 and the head of woman is man and the head of Christ is God." 00:16:21.54\00:16:25.85 So even in heaven, does it seem that they recognize an order? 00:16:25.85\00:16:31.29 Now are God, the Father, Son, and Spirit equal in power? 00:16:34.16\00:16:38.69 Are they eternal? 00:16:38.69\00:16:40.53 Are they all knowing? 00:16:40.53\00:16:42.66 But do they seem to recognize 00:16:42.66\00:16:44.37 that there is a difference in authority somehow? 00:16:44.37\00:16:49.00 Christ always looks to the Father 00:16:51.57\00:16:54.44 as the final authority. 00:16:54.44\00:16:56.28 Why does the Bible say, 00:16:56.28\00:16:57.58 "God so loved the world He gave His Son?" 00:16:57.58\00:17:00.45 God, that would be the Father, correct? 00:17:00.45\00:17:02.68 "So loved the world He gave. 00:17:02.68\00:17:04.65 So does He have the prerogative to give? 00:17:04.65\00:17:08.62 When it says, "The Father has committed 00:17:08.62\00:17:11.13 all judgment to the Son..." 00:17:11.13\00:17:13.19 Well, in order for the Father 00:17:13.19\00:17:14.23 to commit all judgment to the Son, 00:17:14.23\00:17:15.63 the Father must have some kind of authority to do that. 00:17:15.63\00:17:19.80 You're still with me? 00:17:19.80\00:17:21.30 And so... And you always see... 00:17:21.30\00:17:23.71 Never do you have the Father and the Son saying, 00:17:23.71\00:17:25.87 "Worship the spirit." 00:17:25.87\00:17:26.94 Do you know that? 00:17:26.94\00:17:27.98 There are some denominations that make a big deal 00:17:27.98\00:17:29.51 about worshiping the spirit, but please show me in the Bible 00:17:29.51\00:17:31.71 where we are to worship God, the Spirit? 00:17:31.71\00:17:33.21 We had songs about it, I said, "Show me in the Bible." 00:17:36.02\00:17:38.12 Silence 'cause the Father and the Son 00:17:40.52\00:17:44.16 are always talking about... 00:17:44.16\00:17:45.63 Well, if the Son is always saying, 00:17:45.63\00:17:46.70 "Worship the Father," 00:17:46.70\00:17:47.73 the Father says, "Worship the Son," 00:17:47.73\00:17:48.76 but you never hear where the Father and the Son say, 00:17:48.76\00:17:50.27 "Worship the spirit," 'cause the spirit's purpose 00:17:50.27\00:17:52.73 is to direct worship to the Father and the Son. 00:17:52.73\00:17:56.17 That's His office not to draw it to himself. 00:17:56.17\00:17:58.84 So now we're delving into things 00:17:58.84\00:18:00.08 that are way over our head. 00:18:00.08\00:18:01.58 But let's get into the next section 00:18:01.58\00:18:04.75 where it talks about servant leadership. 00:18:04.75\00:18:07.55 Now this is where you see things 00:18:07.55\00:18:09.65 that are a little different. 00:18:09.65\00:18:12.62 The concept of servant leadership 00:18:12.62\00:18:14.49 did not begin with Jesus. 00:18:14.49\00:18:16.73 The concept of servant leadership 00:18:16.73\00:18:19.26 is where you got a general in an army, 00:18:19.26\00:18:22.76 and the general says, 00:18:22.76\00:18:24.07 "We need to dig foxholes here along the frontline," 00:18:24.07\00:18:28.30 and the soldiers salute and they get their shovels, 00:18:28.30\00:18:31.41 but the general picks up a shovel too 00:18:31.41\00:18:34.11 and he starts to dig. 00:18:34.11\00:18:36.64 Those soldiers will work the hardest for that general 00:18:36.64\00:18:41.18 because he identifies with them. 00:18:41.18\00:18:43.55 It doesn't mean he stops being the leader, 00:18:43.55\00:18:46.19 but he is also a servant leader. 00:18:46.19\00:18:49.26 And I remember, I had a friend, he still is a friend, that... 00:18:49.26\00:18:54.93 a talented musician... 00:18:54.93\00:18:56.36 Before he was a Christian, 00:18:56.36\00:18:57.43 he played with groups like Chicago, 00:18:57.43\00:18:59.10 and some of you know who that is. 00:18:59.10\00:19:00.24 I mean he was a tremendous guitarist. 00:19:00.24\00:19:02.70 And I was doing an evangelistic meeting with him one time 00:19:02.70\00:19:06.24 and after the meeting, people were breaking down 00:19:06.24\00:19:08.61 and taking up the speakers and the wires 00:19:08.61\00:19:09.98 'cause we had to vacate the premises, 00:19:09.98\00:19:12.41 and I'm visiting with the interest 00:19:12.41\00:19:15.15 and my friend was helping break down. 00:19:15.15\00:19:16.69 He came over and said, "Doug, you're goldbricking it." 00:19:16.69\00:19:19.75 And goldbricking is sort of a term 00:19:19.75\00:19:21.49 that's used in the concert music industry 00:19:21.49\00:19:24.69 where that the "performer" 00:19:24.69\00:19:27.76 was acting like a useless gold brick 00:19:27.76\00:19:30.37 and all the other people did the work. 00:19:30.37\00:19:33.00 And so he used to always tease me. 00:19:33.00\00:19:34.34 If I was not helping break down with everybody else 00:19:34.34\00:19:36.94 after the evangelistic program, he says, 00:19:36.94\00:19:38.61 "You're being a gold brick." 00:19:38.61\00:19:40.71 Now God's servants are not to be gold bricks. 00:19:40.71\00:19:47.42 Now does a pastor have some authority in the church, 00:19:47.42\00:19:51.32 or an elder, or a deacon? 00:19:51.32\00:19:53.49 I mean we're not the deacons 00:19:53.49\00:19:55.42 invested with a degree of authority. 00:19:55.42\00:19:57.83 You remember, there was a dispute 00:19:57.83\00:19:59.53 that certain widows felt like the Jewish widows 00:19:59.53\00:20:01.66 were getting more than the gentile widows 00:20:01.66\00:20:04.17 and there, you know, Peter and the apostles 00:20:04.17\00:20:06.00 were getting caught into these disputes 00:20:06.00\00:20:07.64 and having to mitigate the problems and finally 00:20:07.64\00:20:10.57 they said, "Look, it's not appropriate 00:20:10.57\00:20:11.84 that we leave the Word of God," 00:20:11.84\00:20:13.14 by the way, this is Acts 6, "and serve tables." 00:20:13.14\00:20:17.41 So they said, "Let's choose out among you seven men 00:20:17.41\00:20:20.42 that we respect for their judgment, 00:20:20.42\00:20:22.08 their dedication to point them over this business." 00:20:22.08\00:20:25.42 And so they prayed, they laid hands on them. 00:20:25.42\00:20:27.46 What was meant by that? 00:20:27.46\00:20:29.52 They invested them with some leadership authority. 00:20:29.52\00:20:32.79 Does that make sense? 00:20:32.79\00:20:34.36 So once Peter, James, and John, and the apostles 00:20:34.36\00:20:36.93 went off to do their preaching and their praying 00:20:36.93\00:20:39.93 and there was some contest or some problem to be resolved 00:20:39.93\00:20:44.01 about the distribution of the offerings 00:20:44.01\00:20:46.47 to the various widows, 00:20:46.47\00:20:48.71 did the deacons have authority? 00:20:48.71\00:20:50.85 Yes. They did. 00:20:50.85\00:20:52.31 But what does the word deacon mean? 00:20:52.31\00:20:55.68 It's Greek for servant. 00:20:55.68\00:20:58.62 They were servants. 00:20:58.62\00:21:00.56 They were leaders but they were servant leaders. 00:21:00.56\00:21:04.83 And you know, the deacon is actually... 00:21:04.83\00:21:08.33 two of them... 00:21:08.33\00:21:09.40 Well, there's three of the deacons 00:21:09.40\00:21:10.50 that appeared later. 00:21:10.50\00:21:12.00 Do you know what their names are? 00:21:12.00\00:21:15.04 They're all named when they were ordained 00:21:15.04\00:21:17.04 in Acts 6. 00:21:17.04\00:21:18.54 But three of them, their names pop up later. 00:21:18.54\00:21:24.28 Barnabas wasn't a deacon. He was a good man. 00:21:24.28\00:21:27.42 He became almost an apostle, but he was not a deacon. 00:21:27.42\00:21:30.05 So you got Stephen. 00:21:30.05\00:21:32.49 Remember that name, first martyr? 00:21:32.49\00:21:34.46 Stephen ends up becoming a preacher 00:21:34.46\00:21:36.89 and he gets killed for his preaching. 00:21:36.89\00:21:39.13 Philip is not only called the deacon, 00:21:39.13\00:21:42.06 but later he's called the what? 00:21:42.06\00:21:43.57 An evangelist. 00:21:47.04\00:21:48.64 Come on, you guys, read your Bibles. 00:21:48.64\00:21:50.77 This is... 00:21:50.77\00:21:53.11 An evangelist, right? 00:21:53.11\00:21:55.34 And the Bible says, "Philip had four daughters 00:21:55.34\00:21:57.25 that did prophesy." 00:21:57.25\00:21:59.88 That means they taught also. 00:21:59.88\00:22:02.38 And so Philip, he starts out as a deacon 00:22:02.38\00:22:04.25 but later you see him preach. 00:22:04.25\00:22:05.75 Philip's the one who baptizes the Ethiopian treasure. 00:22:05.75\00:22:09.69 So did they have some authority? 00:22:09.69\00:22:12.16 They were given that, right? 00:22:12.16\00:22:13.60 Did Jesus invest the apostles 00:22:13.60\00:22:16.13 with authority above the regular disciples? 00:22:16.13\00:22:20.84 Did He? He did and that was recognized. 00:22:20.84\00:22:24.71 And so saying that Christ is the head of the church 00:22:24.71\00:22:27.98 does not mean that it is a church 00:22:27.98\00:22:29.88 without structure or organization. 00:22:29.88\00:22:32.51 So that's the point we're wanting to make here. 00:22:32.51\00:22:35.95 Let's talk a little more about servant leadership. 00:22:35.95\00:22:38.39 Matthew 18:1, "At that time, 00:22:38.39\00:22:42.66 the disciples came to Jesus saying, 00:22:42.66\00:22:45.06 'Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?'" 00:22:45.06\00:22:46.86 Now why were they asking that question? 00:22:46.86\00:22:49.10 Why did they want to know who was the greatest? 00:22:49.10\00:22:51.93 Did they want to know if Jesus was greater than the Father 00:22:51.93\00:22:54.47 or was Jesus greater than angels? 00:22:54.47\00:22:56.94 Or were they asking about among them? 00:22:56.94\00:23:00.61 They're wondering where they're going to be. 00:23:00.61\00:23:02.91 Now keep in mind, they're picturing something 00:23:02.91\00:23:07.92 on the biblical model of King David. 00:23:07.92\00:23:11.42 You know, David started out through killing Goliath. 00:23:11.42\00:23:13.66 He worked his way up, pretty soon he's king. 00:23:13.66\00:23:15.72 The mighty men around David 00:23:15.72\00:23:18.43 who started out as this ragtag group, 00:23:18.43\00:23:21.46 the ones who came to David, have you ever read that? 00:23:21.46\00:23:23.70 It says, "Everybody in debt and everybody discontent, 00:23:23.70\00:23:26.63 they followed him." 00:23:26.63\00:23:28.04 And he becomes like this Robin Hood 00:23:28.04\00:23:30.11 and he turns this group of misfits into mighty men. 00:23:30.11\00:23:33.68 They're later called David's mighty men, 00:23:33.68\00:23:35.68 and they end up holding positions of leadership 00:23:35.68\00:23:37.98 in his kingdom. 00:23:37.98\00:23:39.01 They become his captains, and his generals, 00:23:39.01\00:23:41.02 and his counselors, and this scribes, 00:23:41.02\00:23:43.39 his mighty men. 00:23:43.39\00:23:44.55 So the apostles are thinking, "Hey, 00:23:44.55\00:23:46.45 I wonder what role I'll have in the new kingdom." 00:23:46.45\00:23:49.06 And you know, Peter's thinking, "I want to be general. 00:23:49.06\00:23:51.96 I can use a sword." 00:23:51.96\00:23:53.46 And you know, John is thinking, "I want to be the chief scribe, 00:23:53.46\00:23:56.77 the secretary for the nation." 00:23:56.77\00:23:58.20 And Judas said, "I want to be treasurer," right? 00:23:58.20\00:24:01.00 And so they're all wondering 00:24:01.00\00:24:02.47 what their position is going to be in this kingdom. 00:24:02.47\00:24:04.64 And they're thinking on, you know, a king's cabinet. 00:24:04.64\00:24:08.68 So that's what they're asking. 00:24:08.68\00:24:09.74 "Who's going to be greatest in the kingdom?" 00:24:09.74\00:24:11.18 Jesus knew what they were thinking. 00:24:11.18\00:24:13.48 "He called a little child to him 00:24:13.48\00:24:16.22 and set him in the midst of them 00:24:16.22\00:24:18.49 and said, 'Assuredly I say to you, 00:24:18.49\00:24:20.82 unless you are converted and become as little children, 00:24:20.82\00:24:24.49 you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 00:24:24.49\00:24:27.50 Therefore, whoever humbles himself as a little child, 00:24:27.50\00:24:31.93 he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'" 00:24:31.93\00:24:34.80 So the emphasis here... 00:24:34.80\00:24:35.90 Now you and I have all known 00:24:35.90\00:24:36.97 some children are not 100% humble. 00:24:36.97\00:24:40.51 But Jesus is, you know, talking about children 00:24:40.51\00:24:42.41 that back then were taught to, 00:24:42.41\00:24:44.15 you know, be seen and not heard, 00:24:44.15\00:24:46.25 be respectful, and humble and... 00:24:46.25\00:24:48.32 So He's addressing a problem. 00:24:51.49\00:24:53.59 What's the opposite of humility? 00:24:53.59\00:24:56.62 Pride. 00:24:56.62\00:24:57.76 What causes problems in relationships? 00:24:57.76\00:25:02.36 Pride. 00:25:02.36\00:25:03.43 I've done a little bit of marriage counseling 00:25:03.43\00:25:05.90 and in almost every case, 00:25:05.90\00:25:07.37 you know what causes the arguments? 00:25:07.37\00:25:10.61 Pride. 00:25:10.61\00:25:11.64 Someone's got to have the last word, 00:25:11.64\00:25:13.01 someone's got to be right, 00:25:13.01\00:25:14.04 someone can't say they're sorry, 00:25:14.04\00:25:16.01 and pride's at the foundation of that. 00:25:16.01\00:25:17.88 But it's not just in marriages, it's in organizations. 00:25:17.88\00:25:21.55 Someone doesn't get the promotion, 00:25:21.55\00:25:22.98 they think they should have, 00:25:22.98\00:25:24.62 someone doesn't get elected to the office, 00:25:24.62\00:25:26.29 they think they should retain, 00:25:26.29\00:25:28.42 and there are feelings, their pride is hurt 00:25:28.42\00:25:31.33 and you have all kinds of discontent and problems. 00:25:31.33\00:25:34.86 And so Jesus is saying, "No, in My kingdom, 00:25:34.86\00:25:37.30 whoever is going to be the greatest, 00:25:37.30\00:25:38.47 he needs to be like a little child." 00:25:38.47\00:25:40.30 Another similar verse. 00:25:40.30\00:25:41.90 Matthew 20, 00:25:41.90\00:25:44.07 "Jesus called them to Himself and said, 00:25:44.07\00:25:46.17 'You know the rulers of the Gentiles 00:25:46.17\00:25:48.04 lord it over them, 00:25:48.04\00:25:49.44 and those who are great, exercise authority over them.'" 00:25:49.44\00:25:51.81 They order each other around and they flaunt their authority 00:25:51.81\00:25:55.28 and they abused their authority. 00:25:55.28\00:25:58.05 "Yet it will not be so among you, 00:25:58.05\00:26:00.49 but whoever desires to be great among you, 00:26:00.49\00:26:02.89 let him be your servant." 00:26:02.89\00:26:04.76 Now you notice, He's not saying, 00:26:04.76\00:26:06.49 nobody is a great. 00:26:06.49\00:26:08.76 He's saying, "Whoever is great, 00:26:08.76\00:26:10.63 he must be a servant." 00:26:10.63\00:26:13.47 See, in the world, we always think 00:26:13.47\00:26:15.54 God's best gifts are on the highest shelves. 00:26:15.54\00:26:18.81 But in God's economy, the best gifts 00:26:18.81\00:26:21.14 are on the lowest shelves. 00:26:21.14\00:26:23.18 You don't get them by reaching higher, 00:26:23.18\00:26:24.88 you get them by kneeling. 00:26:24.88\00:26:28.15 In the world, we think you measure success 00:26:28.15\00:26:30.59 by how many people serve you, but in God's Kingdom, 00:26:30.59\00:26:34.86 you measure success by how many do you serve. 00:26:34.86\00:26:38.69 And so it's just a whole different way of thinking. 00:26:38.69\00:26:41.40 But it doesn't mean there is no authority, 00:26:41.40\00:26:43.60 or organization, or leadership, there is, 00:26:43.60\00:26:47.14 but the leaders must be servants. 00:26:47.14\00:26:49.57 I worked with a pastor, I will not name, 00:26:49.57\00:26:51.67 in a church and that I will not name. 00:26:51.67\00:26:54.78 And the people love this pastor because... 00:26:54.78\00:26:58.58 He was an associate I worked with. 00:26:58.58\00:27:01.45 Whatever was happening, he was not a gold brick. 00:27:01.45\00:27:05.45 After potluck, he was in the kitchen 00:27:05.45\00:27:07.32 doing dishes with everybody. 00:27:07.32\00:27:09.36 Before the potluck, he was setting up. 00:27:09.36\00:27:12.26 When there was a work be, 00:27:12.26\00:27:13.70 he was out there working on the grounds. 00:27:13.70\00:27:15.86 When there was no work be, 00:27:15.86\00:27:18.00 he was out there working on the grounds. 00:27:18.00\00:27:21.17 He would be the one who would stay behind 00:27:21.17\00:27:23.30 and fold the bulletins. 00:27:23.30\00:27:25.67 He was somebody who just... 00:27:25.67\00:27:27.58 You could always see him very happy being a servant 00:27:27.58\00:27:31.45 and yet he had authority as a pastor. 00:27:31.45\00:27:35.45 And people respected him 00:27:35.45\00:27:37.72 because he proved his authority 00:27:37.72\00:27:42.82 as a Christian leader by his willingness to serve. 00:27:42.82\00:27:47.13 And so this is the principle that Jesus is giving us here, 00:27:47.13\00:27:49.96 and we've got some more scriptures on that 00:27:49.96\00:27:51.33 we're going to share. 00:27:51.33\00:27:52.80 Matter of fact, in a moment, 00:27:52.80\00:27:53.87 someone's going to read 1 Peter 5. 00:27:53.87\00:27:57.37 You'll have that one, okay? I'm going to read... 00:27:57.37\00:28:01.81 And then the final part of this is in Matthew 20:28. 00:28:01.81\00:28:05.41 "Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, 00:28:05.41\00:28:09.25 but to serve, and to give His life 00:28:09.25\00:28:10.65 a ransom for many." 00:28:10.65\00:28:13.32 You notice that Jesus didn't travel around 00:28:13.32\00:28:16.69 with attendants that were carrying him on the leader 00:28:16.69\00:28:19.76 and shining his shoes and... 00:28:19.76\00:28:25.40 A lot of you... 00:28:25.40\00:28:28.47 I've been places to preach, 00:28:28.47\00:28:30.11 I got to be careful what I say here. 00:28:30.11\00:28:31.97 I've been places to preach before 00:28:31.97\00:28:34.31 where the church leaders were assigning me bodyguards. 00:28:34.31\00:28:39.01 It kind of made me nervous. 00:28:39.01\00:28:41.02 I said, "I don't want any bodyguards." 00:28:41.02\00:28:43.82 And I had fun sometimes, they'd give them to me anyway. 00:28:43.82\00:28:46.65 I tried to run away from them, 00:28:46.65\00:28:48.62 and they're trying to chase me around. 00:28:48.62\00:28:50.36 They were so afraid for my safety 00:28:50.36\00:28:52.43 'cause they're so used to other evangelists 00:28:52.43\00:28:54.56 from their divisions coming in and they want to be served, 00:28:54.56\00:28:57.97 like they're, you know... 00:28:57.97\00:28:59.83 "Can we do this is or this?" 00:28:59.83\00:29:01.07 It's like they get their own little entourage of servants 00:29:01.07\00:29:03.17 that run around do whatever they ask. 00:29:03.17\00:29:05.41 And I thought, "I don't think Jesus operated that way." 00:29:05.41\00:29:10.61 Philippians 2:7, "But He made Himself," 00:29:10.61\00:29:15.22 Jesus, "made Himself of no reputation, 00:29:15.22\00:29:18.32 taking the form of a bondservant, 00:29:18.32\00:29:21.06 and coming in the likeness of men 00:29:21.06\00:29:23.26 and being found in the appearance as a man, 00:29:23.26\00:29:26.03 He humbled Himself 00:29:26.03\00:29:27.30 and became obedient to the point of death." 00:29:27.30\00:29:30.63 Now who was the greatest of Jacob's sons? 00:29:30.63\00:29:34.77 Joseph. Good. 00:29:38.04\00:29:40.81 Who of Jacob's sons understood best 00:29:40.81\00:29:44.01 what it was to be a servant? 00:29:44.01\00:29:47.42 Joseph. 00:29:47.42\00:29:49.08 Did Joseph become a slave? 00:29:49.08\00:29:52.62 Did Joseph serve in a prison? 00:29:52.62\00:29:55.32 He learned... 00:29:55.32\00:29:56.49 He served there on a farm, he served in Potiphar's house, 00:29:56.49\00:29:59.43 he served his father, 00:29:59.43\00:30:00.96 he was out doing an errand for his father 00:30:00.96\00:30:02.50 when he was betrayed by his brothers. 00:30:02.50\00:30:04.57 Joseph spent years, rigorous years, 00:30:04.57\00:30:08.50 finding out what it meant to be a slave. 00:30:08.50\00:30:11.44 And because he learned 00:30:11.44\00:30:12.77 how to serve in the lowest positions, 00:30:12.77\00:30:16.85 he was qualified to serve in the highest position. 00:30:16.85\00:30:20.58 He went in one day from being a slave in a prison... 00:30:20.58\00:30:23.32 Think about what slaves in prisons do. 00:30:23.32\00:30:26.89 I don't think too long about it 00:30:26.89\00:30:28.06 'cause I'm sure it's not pleasant. 00:30:28.06\00:30:30.19 And he went from that to having 50 men run before him 00:30:30.19\00:30:33.56 with a chariot, probably golden chariot. 00:30:33.56\00:30:36.70 So... 00:30:36.70\00:30:38.57 But God prepared him for that position 00:30:38.57\00:30:40.60 because he understood what it meant to serve. 00:30:40.60\00:30:44.17 You know, the reason that the soldiers of Alexander the Great 00:30:44.17\00:30:47.21 were willing to follow him into battle 00:30:47.21\00:30:49.51 is because he would get right down in with the troops 00:30:49.51\00:30:53.95 and helped them haul firewood and helped them build the fire 00:30:53.95\00:30:56.52 and he'd charge off into battle. 00:30:56.52\00:30:57.79 He would be in the front of... 00:30:57.79\00:30:59.69 He'd go point in a battle. 00:30:59.69\00:31:02.06 Alexander the Great, one historian says, 00:31:02.06\00:31:03.59 "He would try to be the first one over the wall 00:31:03.59\00:31:05.63 to conquer a city," and that's the one... 00:31:05.63\00:31:07.50 And he did get wounded once or twice. 00:31:07.50\00:31:09.76 But his soldiers were so afraid that they'd lose him, 00:31:09.76\00:31:12.97 they would not let him get ahead of him 00:31:12.97\00:31:14.74 and they would charge ahead 00:31:14.74\00:31:15.87 because he was willing to serve with them. 00:31:15.87\00:31:18.27 And so like I said, the concept of servant leadership 00:31:18.27\00:31:20.94 is not totally new. 00:31:20.94\00:31:22.48 All right, please read for us your verse. 00:31:22.48\00:31:25.55 1 Peter 5:2-3, 00:31:25.55\00:31:29.95 "Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, 00:31:29.95\00:31:32.59 serving as overseers, 00:31:32.59\00:31:34.59 not by compulsion but willingly, 00:31:34.59\00:31:37.23 not for dishonest gain but eagerly, 00:31:37.23\00:31:39.96 nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, 00:31:39.96\00:31:43.03 but being examples to the flock." 00:31:43.03\00:31:45.70 Amen. 00:31:45.70\00:31:46.87 There's something that Peter is saying here 00:31:46.87\00:31:48.74 that is very important about church organization. 00:31:48.74\00:31:53.21 In a lot of worldly organizations, 00:31:53.21\00:31:55.84 you've got different levels 00:31:55.84\00:31:57.35 and there's different pay scales 00:31:57.35\00:31:58.98 according to those levels 00:31:58.98\00:32:00.22 and different benefit packages according to those levels. 00:32:00.22\00:32:02.68 And with the more authority, there's more pay 00:32:02.68\00:32:04.95 and ostensibly more benefits. 00:32:04.95\00:32:07.59 But Peter said that should have nothing to do 00:32:07.59\00:32:11.63 with your service for Christ. 00:32:11.63\00:32:13.50 It is still a wonderful thing to me, 00:32:13.50\00:32:15.83 I've never fully gotten over, that I got involved in ministry 00:32:15.83\00:32:18.93 before I was hired as a pastor, 00:32:18.93\00:32:20.84 and they weren't paying me anything. 00:32:20.84\00:32:22.70 And I was happy as I could be. 00:32:22.70\00:32:24.07 Don't tell them that 00:32:24.07\00:32:25.14 'cause they might want to change their mind. 00:32:25.14\00:32:26.47 But I was happy as I could be doing it for nothing 00:32:26.47\00:32:30.58 because I enjoyed it so much, 00:32:30.58\00:32:32.01 to be able to teach and preach and now get paid to do it. 00:32:32.01\00:32:36.22 I just, it's like, I pinch myself, 00:32:36.22\00:32:38.15 "Am I really actually getting paid to do 00:32:38.15\00:32:40.66 what I was doing for nothing?" 00:32:40.66\00:32:41.69 That's wonderful. 00:32:41.69\00:32:42.99 I think it was Will Rogers who said, 00:32:42.99\00:32:44.29 "Figure out what you want to do 00:32:44.29\00:32:45.36 and find a way to get paid to do it." 00:32:45.36\00:32:49.26 But in the church, something I've noticed is 00:32:49.26\00:32:55.24 the more that it becomes a profession 00:32:55.24\00:32:57.14 and people get paid, 00:32:57.14\00:32:58.31 they start doing it as a career and not from the heart. 00:32:58.31\00:33:02.48 We can't lose the spirit of volunteerism 00:33:02.48\00:33:06.15 and service in the church. 00:33:06.15\00:33:08.45 If everybody get paid for everything, 00:33:08.45\00:33:10.75 you end up with hirelings. 00:33:10.75\00:33:13.29 What I mean by that is they're not doing it 00:33:13.29\00:33:14.82 'cause they love the sheep, they're hired shepherds, 00:33:14.82\00:33:18.16 they're doing it for a career. 00:33:18.16\00:33:19.36 And if the wolf comes, they say, 00:33:19.36\00:33:20.70 they'll find another job, "Not my sheep." 00:33:20.70\00:33:23.93 But if they love the sheep... It's like David. 00:33:23.93\00:33:26.87 He loved his father, he loved his father's sheep. 00:33:26.87\00:33:29.24 And when the bear came, 00:33:29.24\00:33:30.24 he put his life on the line to save the sheep. 00:33:30.24\00:33:33.54 That's what Jesus said. 00:33:33.54\00:33:34.61 "The good shepherd, 00:33:34.61\00:33:35.78 he'll lay down his life to save the sheep" 00:33:35.78\00:33:38.28 'cause he's not a hireling. 00:33:38.28\00:33:40.55 In the church, you don't want people that are doing it 00:33:40.55\00:33:42.48 for what Peter calls filthy lucre. 00:33:42.48\00:33:45.35 You don't want people to be doing it for gain, 00:33:45.35\00:33:47.39 you want people to be doing it 'cause their hearts are in it, 00:33:47.39\00:33:49.82 it's a ministry. 00:33:49.82\00:33:51.59 And I've noticed, you know, 00:33:51.59\00:33:52.63 as soon as you start paying volunteers, 00:33:52.63\00:33:56.16 the other volunteers start saying, 00:33:56.16\00:33:58.63 "Well, that guy was a volunteer, 00:33:58.63\00:33:59.90 now he's getting paid, I want to get paid." 00:33:59.90\00:34:01.50 And pretty soon the whole spirit 00:34:01.50\00:34:03.20 of sacrifice and service can be destroyed. 00:34:03.20\00:34:07.04 People need to be doing it. 00:34:07.04\00:34:08.24 The early churches, I mean they all did it 00:34:08.24\00:34:11.98 just because of love. 00:34:11.98\00:34:13.55 There are a lot of places in the world 00:34:13.55\00:34:14.88 where the church is entirely run by the members 00:34:14.88\00:34:17.65 and there is no money that comes from outside. 00:34:17.65\00:34:21.42 They do it because they love the message, 00:34:21.42\00:34:23.36 they love the Lord and just got to be careful 00:34:23.36\00:34:25.83 that we don't get where it's a career. 00:34:25.83\00:34:29.50 He says, "Not for dishonest gain, 00:34:29.50\00:34:31.67 but eagerly, 00:34:31.67\00:34:33.10 not as being lords over the flock, 00:34:33.10\00:34:35.84 but examples to the flock." 00:34:35.84\00:34:39.51 Luke 9:46, 00:34:39.51\00:34:41.71 "Then a dispute arose among them 00:34:41.71\00:34:43.58 as which of them would be the greatest. 00:34:43.58\00:34:45.78 And Jesus perceiving the thoughts of their heart." 00:34:45.78\00:34:49.65 Now this is giving you a little more insight 00:34:49.65\00:34:51.45 into what we read there in Matthew. 00:34:51.45\00:34:54.82 Evidently, and this is probably during the last week or so 00:34:54.82\00:34:58.26 of Christ's ministry. 00:34:58.26\00:35:01.40 They were on their way to Jerusalem, 00:35:01.40\00:35:02.66 they figured Jesus, 00:35:02.66\00:35:03.70 you know, maybe it was after the triumphal entry, 00:35:03.70\00:35:05.47 and He's getting ready to establish Himself as a king, 00:35:05.47\00:35:08.20 and the disciples were thinking, 00:35:08.20\00:35:09.67 "Any day now He's going to hand out a list 00:35:09.67\00:35:11.87 and tell us what our cabinet positions are. 00:35:11.87\00:35:14.91 And you know I want to be 00:35:14.91\00:35:16.85 on His right hand and His left hand." 00:35:16.85\00:35:18.05 Remember, James and John, they went, one place says, 00:35:18.05\00:35:20.62 James and John came, from the other places, 00:35:20.62\00:35:22.48 the mother... 00:35:22.48\00:35:23.55 They sent their mother and said, "My sons," 00:35:23.55\00:35:26.32 you know, how could He say no to Mom? 00:35:26.32\00:35:28.66 And she said, "They want to sit on your right hand 00:35:28.66\00:35:30.09 and your left hand in Your kingdom. 00:35:30.09\00:35:31.59 I mean they started out following You 00:35:31.59\00:35:33.03 before You picked all the other apostles. 00:35:33.03\00:35:34.96 They were right there at the very beginning 00:35:34.96\00:35:36.36 and hopefully You're not going to forget that. 00:35:36.36\00:35:38.23 You'll be loyal and give them a position 00:35:38.23\00:35:39.70 on Your right and left," that meant great authority. 00:35:39.70\00:35:43.20 And Jesus said, "You don't know what you're asking. 00:35:43.20\00:35:46.47 Are you able to be baptized with my baptism 00:35:46.47\00:35:48.88 and drink the cup I must drink?" 00:35:48.88\00:35:50.38 "Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah." 00:35:50.38\00:35:52.38 They had no idea what He was talking about. 00:35:52.38\00:35:55.18 They wanted the authority, 00:35:55.18\00:35:56.38 they didn't want the baptism that comes with the authority. 00:35:56.38\00:35:58.45 The baptism was a baptism of suffering. 00:35:58.45\00:36:01.82 And I always thought it was interesting, 00:36:01.82\00:36:03.63 of those two apostles that came to Jesus saying, 00:36:03.63\00:36:06.09 "We want positions on your right hand 00:36:06.09\00:36:07.83 and on your left hand." 00:36:07.83\00:36:08.90 What were their names? 00:36:08.90\00:36:10.80 James and John. 00:36:10.80\00:36:12.43 Who was the first apostle to die? 00:36:12.43\00:36:14.84 Beside Judas. 00:36:14.84\00:36:16.24 Judas died at his own hand. James. 00:36:16.24\00:36:19.64 You can read in Acts 12. King Herod beheaded James. 00:36:19.64\00:36:23.18 Who was the last of the apostles to die? 00:36:23.18\00:36:25.68 John. Isn't that interesting? 00:36:25.68\00:36:28.32 So they did. They were... 00:36:28.32\00:36:29.88 And John was a prisoner, 00:36:29.88\00:36:30.92 they both suffered for the Lord. 00:36:30.92\00:36:33.76 So it needs to be done from that Christ like spirit. 00:36:33.76\00:36:39.73 So they're arguing, "Who is the greatest?" 00:36:39.73\00:36:42.46 And Jesus perceived their thoughts. 00:36:42.46\00:36:43.77 He knew what they were arguing about. 00:36:43.77\00:36:46.50 And He said, "Whoever receives 00:36:46.50\00:36:48.07 this little child in My name, receives me. 00:36:48.07\00:36:50.77 Whoever receives me, Him who sent me, 00:36:50.77\00:36:53.94 for he who is least among you, he will be great." 00:36:53.94\00:36:59.18 The one who is willing to serve. 00:36:59.18\00:37:01.08 Again, Mark 9, "He came to Capernaum. 00:37:01.08\00:37:05.02 And when He was in the house, He said, 00:37:05.02\00:37:06.76 'What was it you disputed among yourselves on the road?' 00:37:06.76\00:37:10.29 But they kept silent," they were ashamed, 00:37:10.29\00:37:12.39 "for on the road, they disputed among themselves 00:37:12.39\00:37:14.46 who would be the greatest. 00:37:14.46\00:37:16.40 And He down and He called the 12 and He said, 00:37:16.40\00:37:18.37 'If anyone desires to be first, 00:37:18.37\00:37:20.30 he shall be the last of all and servant of all.'" 00:37:20.30\00:37:23.44 And then again, He puts the child in them. 00:37:23.44\00:37:25.81 So servant leadership is not the same thing 00:37:25.81\00:37:30.68 as no leadership. 00:37:30.68\00:37:33.31 Some people say, "Well, in the Christianity, 00:37:33.31\00:37:34.98 you know, we just have servant leadership, 00:37:34.98\00:37:36.32 it means no one's really the leader." 00:37:36.32\00:37:38.09 Servant leadership means they're all leaders 00:37:38.09\00:37:40.19 but they should lead by example willing to serve. 00:37:40.19\00:37:45.46 Now we're talking about organization, 00:37:45.46\00:37:48.83 we're talking about unity in and through the organization. 00:37:48.83\00:37:52.40 There are a couple of extremes. 00:37:52.40\00:37:54.07 One extreme is that a person 00:37:54.07\00:37:55.70 has a very hierarchal church model 00:37:55.70\00:38:00.08 where the pastor sees himself as the pope, 00:38:00.08\00:38:02.61 or dictator, or the conference leaders, 00:38:02.61\00:38:05.85 you know, it's very heavy handed administration, 00:38:05.85\00:38:08.65 everyone's ordered around, and it's not through example 00:38:08.65\00:38:12.29 and consensus and praying together 00:38:12.29\00:38:14.59 that you come to your vision. 00:38:14.59\00:38:17.73 So that would be one extreme. 00:38:17.73\00:38:19.03 The other extreme is, there's really no leadership 00:38:19.03\00:38:21.53 that we all just kind of pray and we, you know, say 00:38:21.53\00:38:25.00 "All right, you know, what should we do today?" 00:38:25.00\00:38:27.67 Have you ever run into someone that says, 00:38:27.67\00:38:29.30 "You know, I believe in Jesus, 00:38:29.30\00:38:31.31 but I don't believe in church organization. 00:38:31.31\00:38:34.51 I don't believe in religious organization." 00:38:34.51\00:38:35.98 Have you ever... 00:38:35.98\00:38:37.05 "I'm spiritual, 00:38:37.05\00:38:38.11 but I don't support religious organization." 00:38:38.11\00:38:41.15 People who say 00:38:41.15\00:38:42.22 they do not support religious organization 00:38:42.22\00:38:44.15 are really saying, "I support disorganization," 00:38:44.15\00:38:47.56 because you only have two choices. 00:38:47.56\00:38:50.13 If you say, "I don't want to be part 00:38:50.13\00:38:51.79 of any religious organization," 00:38:51.79\00:38:53.66 you're saying, "I want to be part 00:38:53.66\00:38:54.73 of a disorganized religion." 00:38:54.73\00:38:57.63 But is God disorganized? 00:38:57.63\00:39:00.37 God is not the author of confusion. 00:39:00.37\00:39:03.37 The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 14, 00:39:03.37\00:39:04.94 "Let all things be done decently and in order." 00:39:04.94\00:39:08.58 There should be an order, there should be a function. 00:39:08.58\00:39:10.48 But I tell you, things work a lot better 00:39:10.48\00:39:14.48 when we're organized. 00:39:14.48\00:39:16.02 Have you noticed that? 00:39:16.02\00:39:17.45 If you've got people that have the gift 00:39:17.45\00:39:19.35 of organization, administration 00:39:19.35\00:39:21.12 and they can get everything organized, 00:39:21.12\00:39:23.39 it's great when... 00:39:23.39\00:39:26.03 A little later today, if you don't know, 00:39:26.03\00:39:27.23 we're having a special Christmas program, 00:39:27.23\00:39:29.06 everyone's invited, 6 o'clock here. 00:39:29.06\00:39:31.13 And those involved, 00:39:31.13\00:39:32.83 it's quite an active organization to have 00:39:32.83\00:39:34.84 the choirs come up, 00:39:34.84\00:39:35.90 sing the notes at the right time, 00:39:35.90\00:39:37.14 the musicians change places, 00:39:37.14\00:39:39.21 and you'll have a beautiful program, 00:39:39.21\00:39:41.28 I'm trusting, 00:39:41.28\00:39:42.34 because there's a lot of organization and planning 00:39:42.34\00:39:46.01 that goes into it, right? 00:39:46.01\00:39:47.78 It's true of God's work in His church, 00:39:47.78\00:39:50.29 in our plans for outreach, in our plans for in reach, 00:39:50.29\00:39:54.46 and discipleship, and mentoring people, 00:39:54.46\00:39:57.99 it's great to have a plan and be organized 00:39:57.99\00:40:00.40 and then implement the plan. 00:40:00.40\00:40:02.33 So being spiritual 00:40:02.33\00:40:04.90 and believing in the headship of Christ 00:40:04.90\00:40:07.00 does not mean that we don't believe 00:40:07.00\00:40:09.34 in church organization. 00:40:09.34\00:40:11.47 We can't get anywhere without that. 00:40:11.47\00:40:15.91 For example, Exodus 18, Moses, believe it or not, 00:40:15.91\00:40:22.92 when he first led the children out of Egypt, 00:40:22.92\00:40:24.82 they were a nation of slaves, 00:40:24.82\00:40:25.99 they had been ordered around by the Egyptians 00:40:25.99\00:40:27.82 for hundreds of years, they had no internal organization. 00:40:27.82\00:40:30.99 Now they've just escaped, they're in the wilderness, 00:40:30.99\00:40:33.56 and it's a little bit of chaos. 00:40:33.56\00:40:34.93 I'm so glad to hear 00:40:34.93\00:40:35.96 that even they struggled with a little chaos. 00:40:35.96\00:40:39.50 Moses' father-in-law comes along, 00:40:39.50\00:40:41.27 and he's someone who has given Moses advice, 00:40:41.27\00:40:43.91 so he's older than Moses. 00:40:43.91\00:40:46.21 He watches what's going on. 00:40:46.21\00:40:48.64 He sees everybody milling around, 00:40:48.64\00:40:50.15 they don't even get into a line, you know, 00:40:50.15\00:40:51.65 and they're all trying to get Moses' attention, 00:40:51.65\00:40:53.15 they get all these different disputes 00:40:53.15\00:40:54.58 that are happening in the various tribes 00:40:54.58\00:40:55.98 and in their families, 00:40:55.98\00:40:57.05 and their goat ran off with my sheep, 00:40:57.05\00:40:59.15 and whatever's happening, you know. 00:40:59.15\00:41:01.32 And it's probably a lot of chaos. 00:41:01.32\00:41:02.92 They got all the goats and herds and sheep inside, 00:41:02.92\00:41:04.69 they're all co-mingling, 00:41:04.69\00:41:05.73 they're fighting over water and resources. 00:41:05.73\00:41:07.96 So he's disputing these things 00:41:07.96\00:41:09.80 and he sits from morning till night 00:41:09.80\00:41:12.70 trying to advise them on how to resolve all their conflict. 00:41:12.70\00:41:16.24 And Jethro, very kindly, he takes his son-in-law aside, 00:41:16.24\00:41:18.87 now his son-in-law is 80 years. 00:41:18.87\00:41:21.08 He takes Moses aside, he says, "Son, 00:41:21.08\00:41:22.88 let me give you a little advice." 00:41:22.88\00:41:24.45 He says, "You are going to wear yourself out. 00:41:24.45\00:41:25.88 This is not how to run an organization." 00:41:25.88\00:41:29.32 He said, "You need to delegate." 00:41:29.32\00:41:32.45 He said, "Here's my advice..." 00:41:32.45\00:41:34.22 You find this in Exodus 18, 00:41:34.22\00:41:37.06 "You shall select from all the people able men, 00:41:37.06\00:41:39.69 such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness," 00:41:39.69\00:41:42.80 'cause you don't them to be bribe, 00:41:42.80\00:41:44.43 you want them to have good, unbiased judgment, 00:41:44.43\00:41:48.10 "hating covetousness 00:41:48.10\00:41:49.27 and place them over the people to be rulers of thousands, 00:41:49.27\00:41:52.74 rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, 00:41:52.74\00:41:54.64 rulers of tens," have these different levels 00:41:54.64\00:41:57.31 so they can spread out the concerns. 00:41:57.31\00:41:59.38 "Let them judge the people at all times 00:41:59.38\00:42:01.38 and it will be that every great matter, 00:42:01.38\00:42:03.28 you're the Supreme Court, 00:42:03.28\00:42:04.35 they'll come to you with the big matters, 00:42:04.35\00:42:06.15 they'll bring you every small matter, 00:42:06.15\00:42:07.99 they themselves will judge. 00:42:07.99\00:42:09.12 It'll be easier for you 00:42:09.12\00:42:11.19 for they will bear the burden with you 00:42:11.19\00:42:12.89 as God will be with you, God will bless you." 00:42:12.89\00:42:14.83 And you know what, God told Moses, 00:42:14.83\00:42:16.90 "Listen to your father-in-law. 00:42:16.90\00:42:18.13 That's good advice," and he did it. 00:42:18.13\00:42:20.64 Now they then had a special meeting. 00:42:20.64\00:42:22.57 They prayed and the Spirit of God 00:42:22.57\00:42:23.91 came down on the 70 elders. 00:42:23.91\00:42:25.47 Some of you remember that story in the Bible. 00:42:25.47\00:42:27.28 God gave them His Holy Spirit, 00:42:27.28\00:42:30.18 combined with their natural gifts 00:42:30.18\00:42:31.75 of administration, judgment, and leadership, 00:42:31.75\00:42:33.82 they became organized. 00:42:33.82\00:42:35.92 They had to get organized 00:42:35.92\00:42:36.99 'cause it was a mess up to that point. 00:42:36.99\00:42:40.02 So does God believe in organization? 00:42:40.02\00:42:43.09 And it's through organization, you often have unity. 00:42:43.09\00:42:46.36 But the organization must be spirit and servant driven. 00:42:46.36\00:42:52.13 Jesus said, "If I your Lord and master 00:42:52.13\00:42:53.90 have washed your feet, 00:42:53.90\00:42:55.74 should you wash one another's feet?" 00:42:55.74\00:42:58.17 Is there anything a leader in the church should say, 00:42:58.17\00:43:00.18 "Well, I'm the pastor, I don't do that," 00:43:00.18\00:43:03.88 or should all of us be willing to do anything 00:43:03.88\00:43:06.08 that needs to be done? 00:43:06.08\00:43:08.18 See, we're all on a level playing field, 00:43:08.18\00:43:10.35 nobody is worth more or better than 00:43:10.35\00:43:13.22 or more valuable to God than anybody else. 00:43:13.22\00:43:17.29 Salvation is equal within the Christian Church. 00:43:17.29\00:43:20.70 It doesn't matter if you're a male or a female, 00:43:20.70\00:43:23.47 slave or free, black or white, Greek or Jew or barbarian, 00:43:23.47\00:43:29.07 the Bible tells us that we're all equal 00:43:29.07\00:43:32.21 when it comes to the availability of salvation, 00:43:32.21\00:43:34.88 and we should demonstrate that. 00:43:34.88\00:43:37.98 There's a quote here in the lesson 00:43:37.98\00:43:39.21 from the book Desire of Ages, I thought was good, page 550. 00:43:39.21\00:43:42.38 "Christ was establishing a kingdom 00:43:42.38\00:43:44.55 on different principles. 00:43:44.55\00:43:46.12 He called men not to authority but to service. 00:43:46.12\00:43:49.36 The strong to bear the infirmities of the weak, 00:43:49.36\00:43:51.96 power, position, talent, education 00:43:51.96\00:43:53.93 place in their possessor under the greatest obligation 00:43:53.93\00:43:55.76 to serve his fellows." 00:43:55.76\00:43:59.03 Whatever power, ability a person might have 00:43:59.03\00:44:01.67 is given to serve. 00:44:01.67\00:44:04.31 All right, preserving the unity... 00:44:04.31\00:44:06.91 Now someone's going to read for me in a moment, 00:44:06.91\00:44:08.74 Titus? 00:44:08.74\00:44:10.48 2 Timothy 2:15, 00:44:10.48\00:44:12.98 "Be diligent to present yourselves 00:44:12.98\00:44:15.12 approved to God 00:44:15.12\00:44:16.69 a worker who does not need to be ashamed 00:44:16.69\00:44:19.05 rightly dividing the word of truth." 00:44:19.05\00:44:21.69 What is one of the most sure ways to preserve unity? 00:44:21.69\00:44:26.03 I just gave you the answer in that verse. 00:44:26.03\00:44:28.83 Rightly dividing the word of truth. 00:44:28.83\00:44:32.47 God wants us to be united in truth. 00:44:32.47\00:44:36.27 The truth will set you free. 00:44:36.27\00:44:38.14 You know the Bible actually says... 00:44:38.14\00:44:39.41 I know it sounds like kind of cookie-cutter theology 00:44:39.41\00:44:42.01 but Paul says, "Be sure you speak the same thing." 00:44:42.01\00:44:46.48 God wants us to have a united message. 00:44:46.48\00:44:49.18 Is that right? 00:44:49.18\00:44:50.25 Now does that mean 00:44:50.25\00:44:51.29 that we should never have any freedom 00:44:51.29\00:44:52.55 to think differently about anything? 00:44:52.55\00:44:54.99 No. 00:44:54.99\00:44:56.09 And you know, within our church, 00:44:56.09\00:44:57.29 there is some diversity of thought on something, you know? 00:44:57.29\00:44:59.39 You ask 10 pastors 00:44:59.39\00:45:00.80 what they think about Daniel 11, 00:45:00.80\00:45:02.76 you might get 11 answers. 00:45:02.76\00:45:06.33 You ask, you know, about 1,44,000 00:45:06.33\00:45:09.60 or some of these difficult chapters 00:45:09.60\00:45:11.87 you might find in Zechariah 14 or in Ezekiel, 00:45:11.87\00:45:15.48 people I respect might have a little different slant 00:45:15.48\00:45:17.38 because, you know, 00:45:17.38\00:45:18.38 some things are a little foggier than others. 00:45:18.38\00:45:20.22 But there are foundational truths 00:45:20.22\00:45:23.52 that we should be united on. 00:45:23.52\00:45:25.09 And if we're united on those truths, 00:45:25.09\00:45:26.76 there will be unity. 00:45:26.76\00:45:28.86 All right, you see what I'm saying? 00:45:28.86\00:45:30.59 They're the ones that, you know, 00:45:30.59\00:45:31.66 are really going to make a difference from day to day 00:45:31.66\00:45:33.60 in how we live and operate. 00:45:33.60\00:45:35.83 If someone here says, 00:45:35.83\00:45:36.93 "Well, I think the Sabbath should be Sunday," 00:45:36.93\00:45:38.40 someone says, "I think, it should be Saturday." 00:45:38.40\00:45:39.80 Is that right away going to cause a problem? 00:45:39.80\00:45:42.17 Yeah. We're not going to be meeting together, are we? 00:45:42.17\00:45:45.07 So I mean we got to be agreed on some basics 00:45:45.07\00:45:48.58 or you're going to have all kinds of chaos. 00:45:48.58\00:45:50.21 Please read for us. 00:45:50.21\00:45:52.65 Titus 1:9. 00:45:52.65\00:45:55.52 "Holding fast the faithful Word as he has been taught 00:45:55.52\00:45:59.29 that he may be able, by sound doctrine, 00:45:59.29\00:46:02.39 both to exhort and convict those who contradict." 00:46:02.39\00:46:06.93 So there should be the elders, Titus is being told, 00:46:06.93\00:46:10.47 should have some leadership 00:46:10.47\00:46:11.93 to be able to teach sound solid doctrine. 00:46:11.93\00:46:14.30 There should be exhortation that takes place. 00:46:14.30\00:46:17.14 I'm going to read 2 4:2. 00:46:17.14\00:46:20.14 "Preach the word. 00:46:20.14\00:46:21.21 Be ready in season and out of season. 00:46:21.21\00:46:23.31 Convince, rebuke, exhort..." 00:46:23.31\00:46:27.55 Now what's encompassed in the word rebuke? 00:46:27.55\00:46:32.39 That would talk about a parent maybe telling their child, 00:46:32.39\00:46:35.72 "You're not supposed to shoplift." 00:46:35.72\00:46:38.69 You're admonishing them, you're telling them 00:46:38.69\00:46:42.06 "That's not the right behavior," 00:46:42.06\00:46:44.37 you're confronting them. 00:46:44.37\00:46:45.53 That's what's encompassed in the word rebuke. 00:46:45.53\00:46:47.70 Is there some authority 00:46:47.70\00:46:49.00 connected with being able to rebuke? 00:46:49.00\00:46:51.34 Yeah. 00:46:51.34\00:46:52.44 Should parents be rebuked by their children? 00:46:52.44\00:46:55.48 Sometimes, we are, but I think 00:46:55.48\00:46:57.48 that would be a little disrespectful. 00:46:57.48\00:47:00.05 And so he said, "You know, exhort," and how do you do it, 00:47:00.05\00:47:04.95 "with long suffering and teaching. 00:47:04.95\00:47:07.42 Be patient for the time is coming 00:47:07.42\00:47:09.32 when they're not going to endure sound doctrine. 00:47:09.32\00:47:11.96 A good teacher will tell them 00:47:11.96\00:47:13.29 what their ears are itching to hear." 00:47:13.29\00:47:15.63 But he's saying, "We should preserve the unity 00:47:15.63\00:47:18.67 by clear biblical teaching." 00:47:18.67\00:47:20.57 We make a big emphasis on that here at Granite Bay. 00:47:20.57\00:47:24.04 Church discipline, now this is a difficult section 00:47:24.04\00:47:29.48 because you do have an organization, 00:47:29.48\00:47:30.75 at some point, 00:47:30.75\00:47:31.81 you need to make tough decisions 00:47:31.81\00:47:33.08 and there needs to be discipline, 00:47:33.08\00:47:34.98 there needs to be accountability. 00:47:34.98\00:47:36.75 Jesus said in Matthew 18, if there's a brother, 00:47:36.75\00:47:39.32 after you talk to him personally, 00:47:39.32\00:47:40.79 and then you take with him two or three... 00:47:40.79\00:47:43.63 Matthew 18:16, "You take one or two more 00:47:43.63\00:47:47.03 that by the mouth of two or three witnesses, 00:47:47.03\00:47:48.76 every word might be established. 00:47:48.76\00:47:50.10 If he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. 00:47:50.10\00:47:54.44 If he refuses to hear them... 00:47:54.44\00:47:55.94 You have church business meeting... 00:47:55.94\00:47:57.97 Let him to be to you like a heathen 00:47:57.97\00:47:59.61 and a tax collector." 00:47:59.61\00:48:00.71 He is out there in the world, 00:48:00.71\00:48:01.98 he's no more part of your organization. 00:48:01.98\00:48:05.31 They would call that being disfellowshipped. 00:48:05.31\00:48:09.48 "We know there was authority," Acts 15:6, 00:48:09.48\00:48:11.95 "Now the apostles and elders came together 00:48:11.95\00:48:14.22 to consider a matter." 00:48:14.22\00:48:15.26 When they had a difficult subject, 00:48:15.26\00:48:16.69 they'd bring together the leadership, 00:48:16.69\00:48:18.56 they would debate what the issues were, 00:48:18.56\00:48:20.33 they'd come to some resolution, 00:48:20.33\00:48:21.96 they always did it in a servant leader spirit. 00:48:21.96\00:48:26.30 And you can read... 00:48:26.30\00:48:27.54 Here's a difficult verse in 1 Corinthians 4:7 00:48:27.54\00:48:30.51 background... 00:48:30.51\00:48:33.14 Or 1 Corinthians 5:4-7. 00:48:33.14\00:48:36.51 Young men in the church 00:48:36.51\00:48:37.65 was having an affair with his stepmother, 00:48:37.65\00:48:41.02 and the church was just laughing about it. 00:48:41.02\00:48:43.99 They weren't doing anything about it, 00:48:43.99\00:48:45.45 and Paul was outraged and he said, 00:48:45.45\00:48:47.66 "You got to deal with that person." 00:48:47.66\00:48:49.52 He said, "In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 00:48:49.52\00:48:51.89 when you are gathered together along with my spirit 00:48:51.89\00:48:54.60 with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 00:48:54.60\00:48:56.63 deliver such a one to Satan 00:48:56.63\00:48:59.00 for the destruction of the flesh 00:48:59.00\00:49:00.54 that his spirit might be saved in the Lord." 00:49:00.54\00:49:02.27 That means put him out of the church. 00:49:02.27\00:49:04.34 If he's going to go live according to the flesh, 00:49:04.34\00:49:06.57 but hopefully he'll come to his senses and be saved. 00:49:06.57\00:49:09.08 If you let him continue in the church 00:49:09.08\00:49:10.68 thinking this is okay, you can destroy him. 00:49:10.68\00:49:13.05 You put him out of the church, 00:49:13.05\00:49:14.25 it's the redemptive thing to do, 00:49:14.25\00:49:15.85 there's some consequences. 00:49:15.85\00:49:17.35 He will hopefully say, "You know, what have I done?" 00:49:17.35\00:49:22.02 He'll repent and he can be saved. 00:49:22.02\00:49:24.49 It says, "Your glorying is not good. 00:49:24.49\00:49:25.86 Do you not know that a little leaven 00:49:25.86\00:49:27.30 leavens the whole lump? 00:49:27.30\00:49:28.46 Therefore, purge out the old leaven." 00:49:28.46\00:49:30.83 He's saying, "Purge this out of you," 00:49:30.83\00:49:33.07 because it's like having an akin in the camp. 00:49:33.07\00:49:35.04 God cannot bless 00:49:35.04\00:49:37.14 when the church knowingly ignores outright 00:49:37.14\00:49:41.18 and open apostasy in its ranks. 00:49:41.18\00:49:44.21 It's kind of like you're endorsing it. 00:49:44.21\00:49:46.72 So he said, "You have to have church discipline." 00:49:46.72\00:49:48.88 I mean, what does it do when a person says, "Hey, 00:49:48.88\00:49:52.32 praise the Lord, I just got baptized. 00:49:52.32\00:49:53.89 I'm a member of the Granite Bay Church." 00:49:53.89\00:49:55.52 And they're telling their friends in the bar 00:49:55.52\00:49:56.79 and they've got a cigar in one hand, 00:49:56.79\00:49:57.89 their drink in the other, 00:49:57.89\00:49:58.89 and they're listening to their worldly music. 00:49:58.89\00:50:01.26 "Oh, so that's what they believe over there." 00:50:01.26\00:50:04.27 And if a church never takes any kind of stand 00:50:04.27\00:50:06.57 on things like that, 00:50:06.57\00:50:07.94 what does it do to your witness in the community? 00:50:07.94\00:50:10.64 You have to... There has to be standards. 00:50:10.64\00:50:12.44 Now you work with the person, you're patient, 00:50:12.44\00:50:15.24 you're redemptive, 00:50:15.24\00:50:17.35 but at some point, you've got to say, 00:50:17.35\00:50:18.68 "Look, brother, sister, 00:50:18.68\00:50:20.75 you either believe or you don't." 00:50:20.75\00:50:23.12 And the Bible very clearly tells us that. 00:50:23.12\00:50:27.82 Titus 3:10-11, "Reject a divisive man 00:50:27.82\00:50:31.96 after the first and the second admonition, 00:50:31.96\00:50:34.10 knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, 00:50:34.10\00:50:36.40 being self-centered," 00:50:36.40\00:50:37.37 giving them some opportunities but eventually 00:50:37.37\00:50:41.27 you need to deal with it. 00:50:41.27\00:50:43.04 And then finally, and I talked about this, 00:50:43.04\00:50:45.01 Organizing for a Mission. 00:50:45.01\00:50:47.41 It's so important that we get organized. 00:50:47.41\00:50:49.54 When they sent out the apostles, 00:50:49.54\00:50:50.85 Jesus sent them out two by two, He gave them clear instructions 00:50:50.85\00:50:54.15 about how to go, where to stay, what to take. 00:50:54.15\00:50:58.39 The apostles, when they prayed as they set out, 00:50:58.39\00:51:01.42 Paul and Barnabas or Silas and Paul, 00:51:01.42\00:51:04.89 there was an organization, 00:51:04.89\00:51:06.19 they had a mission, marching orders, 00:51:06.19\00:51:08.10 Jesus in the Great Commission. 00:51:08.10\00:51:09.90 Matthew 28, Mark 16, 00:51:09.90\00:51:12.33 he tells us what our mission is. 00:51:12.33\00:51:13.94 And we are to be organized and trained for that mission. 00:51:13.94\00:51:18.04 And so it's through being organized 00:51:18.04\00:51:20.88 that God is able to accomplish it, so. 00:51:20.88\00:51:23.68 But we want to be a spirit-led organization. 00:51:23.68\00:51:27.68 If the church gets to the place where we think, 00:51:27.68\00:51:30.92 "If we only had more money, we could do more good." 00:51:30.92\00:51:34.02 Well, money is helpful. 00:51:34.02\00:51:35.69 Or if we think if we had better machines, 00:51:35.69\00:51:37.46 better equipment, better buildings, 00:51:37.46\00:51:40.20 most cases, you know what the Lord is waiting for? 00:51:40.20\00:51:43.40 Better men and women. 00:51:43.40\00:51:45.40 And there's no limit to what He can do 00:51:45.40\00:51:46.77 if He's got better men and women for the mission. 00:51:46.77\00:51:48.90 Amen. 00:51:48.90\00:51:50.17 Well, I think we've run out of time for today. 00:51:50.17\00:51:52.24 Next week is going to be 00:51:52.24\00:51:53.58 our last lesson in this quarterly. 00:51:53.58\00:51:55.44 I want to remind you, before I go off the air, 00:51:55.44\00:51:57.21 we do have a gift book. 00:51:57.21\00:51:59.01 I've got it buried here somewhere. 00:51:59.01\00:52:01.18 You'll enjoy this. The Church, Is It Babylon? 00:52:01.18\00:52:04.39 The Church, Is It Babylon? 00:52:04.39\00:52:06.19 Do you want me to answer that? You got to get the book. 00:52:06.19\00:52:10.09 Ask for offer number 712 when you call. 00:52:10.09\00:52:12.49 If you call the phone number, it's 866-788-3966. 00:52:12.49\00:52:17.20 And you can download this also for free 00:52:17.20\00:52:19.53 right now and read it. 00:52:19.53\00:52:21.07 Just text "SH116," 00:52:21.07\00:52:24.47 you text "SH116" to 40544 00:52:24.47\00:52:29.21 and you can download this, read it. 00:52:29.21\00:52:30.81 And if you order a hard copy, 00:52:30.81\00:52:32.35 read it and share it with a friend. 00:52:32.35\00:52:34.22 God bless you, friends. 00:52:34.22\00:52:35.78 And Lord willing, we'll study His Word together 00:52:35.78\00:52:37.52 again next week. 00:52:37.52\00:52:38.59 Did you know Amazing Facts has a free Bible school 00:52:39.79\00:52:42.69 that you can do from the comfort 00:52:42.69\00:52:43.99 of your own home? 00:52:43.99\00:52:45.06 It includes 27 beautifully illustrated study lessons 00:52:45.06\00:52:48.53 to aid in your study of God's Word. 00:52:48.53\00:52:50.60 Sign up today for this free Bible study course 00:52:50.60\00:52:53.27 by calling 1-844-215-7000. 00:52:53.27\00:52:56.64 That's 1-844-215-7000. 00:52:56.64\00:52:59.91 Amazing Facts changed lives. 00:53:07.45\00:53:10.29 My life was in turmoil. 00:53:15.52\00:53:17.86 My wife and I were fighting all the time. 00:53:17.86\00:53:19.96 I got away from everything and everybody. 00:53:19.96\00:53:22.63 I don't know. I just... 00:53:22.63\00:53:23.70 I always had this emptiness in my heart. 00:53:23.70\00:53:26.03 I don't want it filled. 00:53:26.03\00:53:27.50 I just felt like I went through my whole life, 00:53:27.50\00:53:29.40 you know, just searching for something. 00:53:29.40\00:53:32.47 And my father died. And that ruined me a lot. 00:53:32.47\00:53:35.21 My father didn't believe in suicide 00:53:35.21\00:53:37.18 and I didn't want to live but rather than disrespect him, 00:53:37.18\00:53:41.38 I decided I would just become so mean 00:53:41.38\00:53:43.08 if someone else would do it to me 00:53:43.08\00:53:44.52 and I wouldn't have to. 00:53:44.52\00:53:45.59 So I joined the army thinking, 00:53:45.59\00:53:47.36 "What better placed to get killed 00:53:47.36\00:53:48.69 than in the army?" 00:53:48.69\00:53:49.76 And while I was in the army, my daughter got injured, 00:53:49.76\00:53:52.53 she was in an accident. 00:53:52.53\00:53:55.36 And she was blind and paraplegic, 00:53:55.36\00:53:58.40 and it's just like I felt 00:53:58.40\00:54:00.24 the whole world was coming down on me. 00:54:00.24\00:54:02.30 One morning, I just really got mad 00:54:02.30\00:54:05.07 and I gave God a cuss like you wouldn't believe. 00:54:05.07\00:54:07.91 I said, "I'm not Moses, not Abraham, you know, 00:54:07.91\00:54:11.18 I don't put my sandals on just like they do. 00:54:11.18\00:54:14.82 I'm a man." 00:54:14.82\00:54:15.85 I don't want to know why this is happening to me. 00:54:15.85\00:54:18.19 I just want to know if it's happening for a reason. 00:54:18.19\00:54:21.22 If you tell me right now this is all for a reason, 00:54:21.22\00:54:23.96 then you can stacking on me from here to the end of time, 00:54:23.96\00:54:27.76 and I would never complain again. 00:54:27.76\00:54:31.07 And then a little TV came on. 00:54:31.07\00:54:33.57 I'd been sitting here just static all night long. 00:54:33.57\00:54:36.67 And there is this minister, when he pops up and he says, 00:54:36.67\00:54:39.74 "Today's lesson is from the Book of Job. 00:54:39.74\00:54:41.54 God only lets those suffer that He loves the most." 00:54:41.54\00:54:44.81 And I said, "Well, that's all you have to say, Lord, 00:54:44.81\00:54:46.15 I appreciate it." 00:54:46.15\00:54:47.22 From that day forward, I knew that He was there 00:54:47.22\00:54:50.19 and He was in my life, and that He would help me. 00:54:50.19\00:54:54.16 I went to prison just almost immediately after that. 00:54:54.16\00:54:58.19 I was in prison for aggravated assault. 00:54:58.19\00:55:00.46 I was in one of the worst prisons 00:55:00.46\00:55:02.43 in the state of Kansas City. 00:55:02.43\00:55:03.60 It was full of gang activity. 00:55:03.60\00:55:06.10 I got my throat cut, 52 stitches. 00:55:06.10\00:55:09.70 In my neck, I could take those fingers 00:55:09.70\00:55:11.14 and stick them all, could come out of my mouth. 00:55:11.14\00:55:13.27 I'd gone to the library that day 00:55:13.27\00:55:14.78 because it was probably about the only thing to do. 00:55:14.78\00:55:18.31 When I ran across this little book 00:55:18.31\00:55:19.81 called The Richest Caveman. 00:55:19.81\00:55:21.52 This book is hilarious, but it is great. 00:55:21.52\00:55:25.52 I'm sitting here with this big beard and thinking, 00:55:25.52\00:55:27.39 "Hey, I know what it's like to look like a caveman," but... 00:55:27.39\00:55:30.86 I'm not an educated person, I guess, you should say, 00:55:30.86\00:55:33.26 but I'm a simple guy. 00:55:33.26\00:55:34.86 I'm just really a simple guy. 00:55:34.86\00:55:36.63 That's what I loved about Doug Batchelor 00:55:36.63\00:55:38.93 because this guy is just straight out as you can get. 00:55:38.93\00:55:43.84 And my wife and I, 00:55:43.84\00:55:44.94 we've kept contact through all these years, 00:55:44.94\00:55:47.94 and so much was going on. 00:55:47.94\00:55:52.28 And I told her, I said, "Listen, 00:55:52.28\00:55:54.02 this is the center of my world right now." 00:55:54.02\00:55:58.02 And I said, "I really want you to be involved in it with me. 00:55:58.02\00:56:01.19 I need it." 00:56:01.19\00:56:02.22 And I said, "You will too 00:56:02.22\00:56:03.53 if you ever just take hold of it." 00:56:03.53\00:56:05.56 I told my wife, I said, "Listen, 00:56:05.56\00:56:06.86 I've got this Amazing Facts Bible study going here, 00:56:06.86\00:56:10.27 and this is the best way for you 00:56:10.27\00:56:12.33 to get this information, I think, 00:56:12.33\00:56:15.57 because it's broken down and they give you questions 00:56:15.57\00:56:20.94 and to make you look for these things, you know? 00:56:20.94\00:56:25.05 It's not anyone telling you, you find it on your own, 00:56:25.05\00:56:28.28 and they teach you actually use the Bible." 00:56:28.28\00:56:31.09 She was there faithfully, every Wednesday 00:56:31.09\00:56:34.02 until we decided, you know... 00:56:34.02\00:56:37.03 She wanted to be baptized also. She saw it coming around. 00:56:37.03\00:56:41.40 The choice was made. 00:56:41.40\00:56:43.00 In October 4, 2014, my wife and I were baptized 00:56:43.00\00:56:47.64 in the water at the same time. 00:56:47.64\00:56:50.14 And we started our walk together, I guess, 00:56:50.14\00:56:54.54 you would say. 00:56:54.54\00:56:55.61 I went through everything 00:56:55.61\00:56:57.18 that a man could possibly go through, I guess. 00:56:57.18\00:57:00.52 From marital trouble, loss of family members, 00:57:00.52\00:57:04.99 death in my family, my children were harmed, 00:57:04.99\00:57:07.86 and my daughter was handicapped for life, 00:57:07.86\00:57:11.43 I went to prison, 00:57:11.43\00:57:13.36 but still I kept my word to God 00:57:13.36\00:57:16.87 that He could stack it on me as much as He wanted 00:57:16.87\00:57:19.83 and I'd never question Him again 00:57:19.83\00:57:21.27 and I didn't. 00:57:21.27\00:57:23.30 But I can say this much, 00:57:23.30\00:57:25.24 He never put nothing on me that I couldn't handle, 00:57:25.24\00:57:28.98 and He walked with me through it all. 00:57:28.98\00:57:31.28 And I like to say that anyone who is in prison 00:57:31.28\00:57:36.85 not to give up, don't lose hope. 00:57:36.85\00:57:39.49 Put your faith in the Lord and study. 00:57:39.49\00:57:42.99 You seek Him and He will seek you. 00:57:42.99\00:57:44.89 And my name is Charlie Green, and I want you to know 00:57:44.89\00:57:47.83 that you and Amazing Facts have changed my life. 00:57:47.83\00:57:51.00