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00:35 Good morning, friends, and welcome again
00:36 to Sabbath School Study Hour 00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church 00:40 in Sacramento, California. 00:42 A very warm welcome to our online members 00:45 and our friends who are joining us 00:46 for our study time across the country 00:48 and literally around the world, a very warm welcome. 00:52 Thank you for studying with us today. 00:54 Also, I'd like to welcome our regular church members, 00:56 our Sabbath School members, and our visitors 00:58 who are here in person. 01:00 Now as you know, over the past few weeks, 01:02 we've been studying through a lesson 01:04 quarterly dealing with the subject of unity. 01:07 It's actually entitled "Oneness in Christ." 01:09 And we'll continue that theme this morning. 01:12 Today, we'll be looking at lesson number 11 01:15 if you're following along in the book. 01:16 It's entitled "Unity in Worship." 01:19 Unity in Worship, lesson number 11. 01:21 Now for our friends who are joining us, 01:22 if you don't have a copy of the lesson quarterly 01:25 but you'd like to study along with us, 01:27 you can download today's lesson 01:29 simply by going to 01:35 That web address is, 01:38 and you can download lesson number 11, 01:41 and you'll be able to study along with us. 01:43 We also have a free offer that goes along with our study. 01:46 It's entitled "The Search for the True Church." 01:49 And this is our free offer for those who are viewing. 01:51 If you'd like to receive it in North America, 01:53 all you have to do is call 866-788-3966 01:58 and ask for offer number 134. 02:01 And if you'd like to receive 02:02 a digital download of this book, 02:05 all you'll need to do is text the code SH115 02:10 to the number 40544, and you'll be able 02:14 to then download a digital copy of the book, 02:17 "The Search for the True Church." 02:19 Well, before we get to our study this morning, 02:21 we always like to begin by lifting our voices in song. 02:25 I'd like to invite our song leaders to come, 02:26 and they'll lead us in our music this morning. 05:01 Thank you so much for singing along with us, 05:03 and we will continue our Christmas songs next time. 05:06 Right now that Pastor Ross 05:08 is going to have our opening prayer. 05:11 Dear, Father, once again we are grateful 05:13 for the opportunity to gather in Your house 05:15 and study Your Word. 05:16 And even though it's rainy outside, 05:18 we are grateful for a warm dry place 05:20 where we can open up the Word. 05:22 And, Father, we ask for the Holy Spirit 05:24 to come and guide our hearts and our minds 05:26 talking about such an important theme 05:28 found throughout the Bible, Unity in Christ. 05:30 So bless our time today. 05:32 In Jesus' name, amen. 05:35 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought to us 05:37 by Pastor Doug. 05:40 Welcome, friends, to the Granite Bay Church 05:43 and to our Sabbath School Study Hour. 05:45 Glad to see each of you today, 05:46 and want to welcome always 05:48 those who are watching via the Internet 05:50 or Facebook or from around the world, 05:52 some are watching on satellite television, 05:54 it's on the 3ABN, Hope channel, and number of others. 05:58 And we're just glad you're tuning in with us. 06:00 We also want to welcome those 06:01 who are online members of the Granite Bay Church. 06:04 There are folks who are isolated 06:06 in different parts of the world, 06:08 and we just want to send you a special greeting. 06:10 You might be in that category. 06:12 There are some people that have no local church 06:13 they can attend, 06:14 and we do our best to try to connect with folks 06:16 and give them a sense of belonging 06:18 by being one of our online or digital members. 06:22 If you'd like to know more about that, 06:23 you can simply go to the Granite Bay website 06:26 which is and inquire about that. 06:31 We want to try and do what we can 06:33 to nurture and encourage you. 06:35 So our lesson today... 06:37 It could be an interesting one, Unity in Worship. 06:42 You know what one of the most divisive things 06:44 is in churches? 06:46 Worship styles. 06:48 And so our lesson is about Unity in Worship. 06:52 And we have a memory verse 06:54 and our memory verse comes to us 06:55 from the Book of Revelation Chapter 14. 06:58 This is part of our message to the world, 07:00 part of the three angels' message. 07:03 Revelation 14:6-7, it's a long one 07:06 but I'd like if you could say it with me. 07:08 If you're a good Adventist worth your salt, 07:10 you'd probably know this by heart already. 07:12 You ready? Revelation 14:6-7. 07:15 This is The New King James Version. 07:17 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven 07:22 having the everlasting gospel 07:25 to preach to those who dwell on the earth, 07:28 to every nation, tribe, 07:30 tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, 07:34 'Fear God and give glory to Him 07:36 for the hour of His judgment has come, 07:39 and worship Him who made the heaven, 07:43 and earth, the sea, and springs of water.'" 07:47 A call to go to the world 07:49 to return to the worship of the Creator 07:52 is to proceed to the second coming. 07:54 After this message goes to the world and it says, 07:57 "I saw one sitting in the clouds of heaven 08:00 like the Son of Man," 08:01 talks about the coming of Jesus. 08:02 So this, talking about worship 08:05 and this focus on worshipping the Creator 08:08 in spirit and in truth 08:10 is going to be the core of our lesson today. 08:13 So I thought it's appropriate for us 08:16 as we delve into the subject of unity in worship 08:19 to just talk a little bit about what is worship. 08:22 The word worship comes from the word worth-ship. 08:27 It's Middle English word, 08:29 and it means a reverent love, honor, esteem 08:36 and... 08:38 Yeah, I'm OCD, I saw something around my jacket, sorry. 08:41 Devotion that is accorded to a deity, an idol, 08:46 or a sacred object, the ceremonies, prayers, 08:49 or other religious forms 08:50 by which this love is expressed, 08:52 ardent devotion or adoration. 08:56 Worship means to honor... 08:57 This is Merriam Webster's Dictionary. 08:59 To honor or reverence 09:00 as a divine being of supernatural power 09:03 or to regard with great or extravagant respect, 09:06 honor, or devotion following up with performing 09:09 or taking part in worship or acts of worship. 09:13 Some of the thesaurus entries for worship are to revere, 09:17 to adore, to love. 09:19 So when we come to church, we say, 09:21 we're going to church or we're going to worship God, 09:25 what are we doing? 09:27 Well, worship is really the confluence, 09:29 it's the combination of several things 09:31 where we demonstrate our adoration, 09:34 our reverence, our love, our devotion for God, 09:38 our appreciation for His thinking of us. 09:42 And this is done with a spirit of humility 09:46 because there is none greater than God. 09:48 Amen? Amen. 09:50 So we come into His presence, there should be an awe, 09:53 a respect. 09:55 And I'm always... 09:56 You know, a pastor's job 09:57 is to always try to help people understand 09:59 that when we gather together 10:01 in a formal sense to worship God, 10:03 it shouldn't be frivolous, 10:06 there should be a sense... 10:07 That doesn't mean you never smile, 10:08 you never laugh, you sing, 10:09 but it should be... There should be a respect, 10:11 a sense of the awesomeness 10:14 of the One to whom we're offering worship. 10:17 "The Lord is in His holy temple, 10:19 let all the earth keep silent." 10:21 You know, there's a reverence there 10:23 that should be demonstrated. 10:25 So under the first section we're considering today, 10:28 talks about worshiping our Creator and our Redeemer. 10:31 Now lot of companies and organizations 10:35 and even, you know, restaurants, 10:37 they got like a mission statement. 10:39 What is the mission statement of the church? 10:45 The core mission of every church, 10:47 what would it be? 10:54 God is love. 10:56 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. 10:59 There's probably a lot of verses 11:00 you could point to and say, "What is our mission?" 11:04 You know what it is? 11:06 Worship God. 11:09 Our mission is to worship God. 11:10 Now the Bible tells us that whatever you eat, 11:12 whatever you drink, whatever you do, 11:14 do all to the glory of God. 11:16 So the goal for the Christian is in everything you do, 11:20 seek to glorify God in your life. 11:22 Let your light shine, 11:24 think of everything in the context 11:25 of "I am His representative in a fallen world, 11:29 and I want to glorify Him in a world 11:31 where the devil is trying to steal the glory of God." 11:34 So we have a mission statement. 11:36 Now we read Revelation 14:6-7, 11:39 we're going to go to Revelation 14:8-10 11:42 and you'll see how worship fits into this as well. 11:45 "And the four living creatures..." 11:46 This is Revelation 4, I'm sorry, not 14. 11:49 "The four living creatures, each have six wings, 11:53 full of eyes around and within, 11:55 and they do not rest day or night saying, 11:58 'Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God, Almighty, 12:01 who was and is and is to come.' 12:04 And wherever the living creatures 12:06 give glory and honor and thanks to Him," 12:08 so part of worship is giving glory, 12:09 honor and thanks to Him, "who is seated on the throne, 12:12 who lives forever and ever, 12:14 the twenty-fours elders fall down," 12:16 part of worship is posture, reverence, 12:20 "to Him who is seated on the throne 12:21 and they worship Him who lives forever and ever, 12:26 and they cast their crowns 12:27 before the throne saying, 12:28 'You are worthy," that's what worship is, 12:30 the worth-ship, 12:32 "You are worthy, o Lord, 12:33 to receive glory and honor and power for," 12:36 why do we worship Him? 12:38 "You created all things and by your will, 12:42 they exist and were created.'" 12:43 We are created in Him and for Him and through Him. 12:47 And so worship is recognition, an acknowledgement of that. 12:51 Now where else do you see these creatures 12:53 that are saying "Holy, holy, holy?" 12:57 How many of you know Isaiah 8 or 6 rather, 13:01 verses 1 through 8? 13:03 "Above it stood seraphim, 13:05 each one had six wings with two he covered his face, 13:08 with two he covered his feet, with two he flew. 13:11 And one cried to another and said," what they say? 13:15 These angels by the throne of God 13:16 are ever declaring, "Holy, holy, holy. 13:20 The Lord of hosts. 13:22 The whole earth is full of His glory." 13:24 And we just read there in Isaiah 13:25 where it talks in Chapter 4 13:27 about these four creatures around the throne of God. 13:29 Do you remember what their faces were like? 13:32 I think one like a lion, eagle, man, a calf, 13:38 I think I messed up the order, but that's them. 13:41 And do you know if you go to Ezekiel Chapter 1, 13:44 the first chapter in Ezekiel talks about the creatures 13:48 around the throne of God that glorify God. 13:50 It doesn't say so much about what they say 13:53 but it talks about the same creatures, 13:54 the lion, the man, the calf, the eagle. 13:58 These are like different facets 13:59 or attributes of God's character, 14:02 ways that Jesus is represented. 14:06 William Temple said, 14:08 "Worship is the submission of all of our nature to God. 14:12 It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness, 14:16 the nourishment of mind with His truth, 14:18 the purifying of imagination by his beauty, 14:22 the opening of the heart to His love, 14:24 the surrender of will to His purpose, 14:27 and all of this gathered up in adoration 14:30 the most selfless emotion of which our nature is capable. 14:34 And therefore, the chief remedy for the self-centeredness 14:38 which is our original sin 14:40 and the source of all actual sin." 14:43 So worship is the highest act. 14:47 Worship of God is the highest act 14:49 in which we can engage in. 14:51 It is the antithesis. 14:53 It's the opposite of what we normally do, 14:55 which is worship of self. 14:57 And so it pulls us out of our self 15:00 and it directs our attention to the Creator, 15:02 the way it should be in the beginning. 15:05 All right. 15:06 So now we're going to talk a little bit 15:08 about false worship. 15:09 And someone's going to read... 15:10 Diane, are you going to be the first? 15:11 Someone's going to read a verse for me in just a moment. 15:13 Let's start with... 15:15 Does the devil like to kidnap 15:17 or hijack the worship that belongs to God? 15:20 He does. 15:21 You see an example of that here in Matthew 4:8. 15:25 Did it happen in the beginning with Cain and Abel? 15:28 Devil trying to corrupt true worship 15:33 and hijack true worship. 15:36 And it happens in the beginning of the ministry of Christ. 15:38 Matthew 4. 15:40 "And again, the devil took Him up 15:42 to an exceeding high mountain 15:43 and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world 15:45 and their glory, and He said to Him, 15:48 'All these things I'll give You 15:50 if You will fall down and worship me.'" 15:53 So what does the devil want? 15:56 "Worship me." 15:58 He wants to be God. 15:59 And Jesus said, "Away with you, Satan, 16:02 for it is written, 16:03 'You shall worship the Lord your God 16:05 and Him only shall you serve.'" 16:08 Have you ever gotten a letter from somebody, 16:10 and you know that there were something heavy 16:11 coming in the letter, 16:12 and you keep waiting for the shoe to drop? 16:14 And sometimes, you can go to the end of letter 16:15 and finally they'll tell you 16:16 what the real purpose of that letter is. 16:19 They try to soften you up, 16:20 they wait until the end, then they reveal 16:23 what the real request is in the letter. 16:25 They get to the bottom line, 16:27 they call it the moral of the story 16:28 or the punch line in the joke. 16:30 We just got to wait till the end. 16:32 So what was the last of the three temptations 16:34 that Jesus gave... or the devil gave Jesus? 16:37 Worship me, that's what it was all about. 16:40 Finally, when Jesus said He knew who he was, 16:43 he didn't hold back anymore, 16:44 he said, "Look, you don't have to die on the cross. 16:46 We can settle this all right now." 16:49 He says, "You want the world, I'll give you the world. 16:51 Just worship me, recognize that I am God." 16:55 And that's at the core of all false worship. 16:58 The devil is wanting to be God. All right. 17:00 Please go ahead, read for us the next verse. 17:03 Revelation 13:12, 17:06 "And he exercises 17:07 all the authority of the first beast 17:09 in his presence 17:10 and causes the earth 17:12 and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast 17:16 whose deadly wound was healed." 17:18 So now you get to the end of the Bible 17:20 and what's the big battle over? 17:23 It's all about worship. 17:24 Who are we going to worship? 17:25 Are we going to worship God? 17:26 The devil is wanting that supreme worship, 17:30 and he's threatening to get it by force. 17:32 Now, can you force true worship? 17:38 I'll just tell you, 17:39 I'm reading a very interesting book 17:40 right now, 17:42 and it's called Roger Williams 17:44 and the Birth of the American Soul. 17:47 And it's talking about the struggle 17:49 that our country went through when it was founded 17:51 because he realized the Church of England 17:52 and even the Puritans that came from England to America, 17:56 they compelled people to go to church. 17:59 They compelled people to worship. 18:01 They physically punched and sometimes mutilated people 18:04 that did not worship. 18:06 And William said, "That's not right. 18:07 You cannot make people love God. 18:09 If you force people to come to church 18:11 who don't love God, you corrupt true worship 18:14 because you get people there that don't want to be there." 18:17 And, of course, there's always some kids 18:18 in that category, right? 18:20 But you know, I'd still remember the time 18:22 we're trying to train them up in the way they should go. 18:25 But the devil is forcing worship. 18:28 Can you force true worship? 18:30 It must be voluntarily given to adore the Lord. 18:36 And then you go to Revelation 14, it says, 18:39 "This third angel followed saying with a loud voice, 18:42 'If anyone worships the beast and his image, 18:45 and receives his mark on his forehead or his hand, 18:48 he himself will drink the wine of the wrath of God 18:50 which is poured out with full strength 18:52 into the cup of His indignation, 18:54 and they have no rest day or night 18:56 who worship the beast and his image." 18:59 Now Jesus is coming to me and I'll give you what? 19:02 Rest. 19:04 What's the state of those who worship the beast? 19:07 No rest. 19:09 God's people keep the Sabbath, love the Lord, rest. 19:14 "Great peace have those that love Him." 19:17 Those who worship the beast and his image? 19:19 No rest. 19:21 You notice that difference there? 19:24 And so the most fearful curse that's pronounced on any humans 19:28 in the Bible is in Revelation 14. 19:29 People always think, "I don't like the Old Testament, 19:31 it's full of plagues and cursing." 19:33 But, you know, there's pretty serious plagues 19:35 and curses in the New Testament too. 19:37 And the most fearful plague 19:38 and cursing is pronounced on those 19:39 who worship wrongly. 19:42 So we've got to know the difference 19:43 between true worship and wrong worship 19:45 because the consequences are pretty severe. 19:48 True worship must be given to God from the heart 19:51 because He's worthy. 19:53 False worship is compelled, 19:55 and the devil tries to extract it by force. 19:58 Did Jesus ever tell anybody when He said, "Come, 20:00 follow Me," if they chose not to follow Him, 20:02 did He tell the disciples, "Go, beat them up?" 20:06 You remember when James 20:08 and John came to Jesus, they said, 20:09 "We found somebody who was teaching in Your name, 20:12 and he didn't follow us. 20:13 We told him, 'You're not allowed, 20:14 you're not licensed to do that, you can't do it." 20:17 And what did Jesus say, "Don't forbid them. 20:22 No man can speak well in My name and be against Me." 20:26 Jesus never used force. 20:27 The rich young ruler walked away from Jesus. 20:29 Jesus said, "Follow Me, 20:30 you'll have treasure in heaven." 20:32 He walked away, Jesus was sad, but He didn't clobber him, 20:36 He didn't force him, He didn't have him arrested. 20:39 And so Jesus' attitude was an invitation to follow. 20:43 He doesn't force. True worship cannot be forced. 20:46 The devil in the last days tries to force, 20:50 he tried to bribe even Jesus. 20:52 He said, "I'll bribe You to worship me." 20:55 Now, you know, some pastors still do that today. 20:58 "If you worship the Lord, 20:59 He's going to make you healthy, wealthy, and wise. 21:02 He's going to make you rich, 21:03 you'll get a new house and a pickup truck 21:05 if you worship God and donate to our ministry." 21:09 Is that worship? 21:10 Trying to bribe people? 21:13 Or even if someone says, 21:14 "I'll worship you if you heal me." 21:17 Do you remember one man came to Jesus and in his heart 21:19 he was thinking, "My son is sick and if He heals my son, 21:22 then I'll worship Him." 21:24 And Jesus knew what his thought was, He said, 21:26 "Except you see signs and wonders, 21:27 you will not believe." 21:29 And the father responded, "Lord, 21:30 come down and heal my son, ere he die." 21:33 And the Lord healed his son, He says, 21:35 "But your worshiping Me was conditional 21:38 on your getting what you want." 21:40 How many of you know people that say, "You know, 21:42 if God will just heal my wife, my child, then I'll love Him." 21:47 It's a conditional worship, isn't it? 21:50 They're making deals with God. 21:51 And that's what the devil did, "I make you a deal." 21:55 He said, "Come on down, I'll make you a deal." 21:58 Revelation 16, it says, "So the first went," 22:03 these angels that poured out the vials, 22:06 "he went and poured out his bowl upon the earth, 22:10 and a foul and a loathsome sore 22:12 came upon the men 22:14 who had the mark of the beast 22:15 and those who worshiped his image." 22:18 So it's telling us that plagues fall upon those 22:20 who worship falsely. 22:22 I don't want to spend much more time on that. 22:25 But go to Revelation 13:15. 22:27 "He grants power to give breath 22:29 to the image of the beast that 22:31 the image of the beast should both speak 22:32 and cause as many as would not worship..." 22:34 So what's this big battle about in Revelation? 22:37 It's about worship. 22:38 "Those who would not worship the image of the beast 22:40 should be killed." 22:42 Now where else do we see that in the Old Testament? 22:45 Was there a king who said, "If you don't worship my image, 22:47 you will be killed? 22:49 What was his name? 22:50 It's always fun to say that name, isn't it? 22:53 I remember, the first time I got it right, 22:55 I felt pretty good. 22:57 Nebuchadnezzar. 22:58 He said, "Worship my image or you will be killed." 23:02 And what did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego say? 23:08 They would not because it's against 23:10 the commandments of God, idolatry. 23:12 And they said, "We have to keep God's commandments 23:14 before the commandments of the world or Babylon." 23:17 What's the issue in the last days? 23:19 Commandments of God or commandments of Babylon, 23:21 except it's spiritual Babylon. 23:24 And so same thing, battle over worship. 23:29 Did Jesus tell us this is going to happen again 23:30 in the last days? 23:32 Have you read in John 16:2? 23:34 Christ said, "They will put you out of the synagogues," 23:38 they did that to the apostles too, 23:40 "yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you 23:43 will think he offers service to God." 23:45 Do you know half the New Testament 23:47 was written by someone 23:48 who thought he was worshipping God 23:50 when he killed Christians? 23:52 Isn't that right? 23:54 Paul, Saul. 23:56 When he was helping kill Stephen and others, he thought, 23:58 "This is... I'm worshipping God. 24:00 I'm doing what God wants." 24:02 And he was deceived. 24:05 Now, here, we're going to venture on some dangerous 24:09 ground here. 24:11 When we come together here in church and we worship 24:13 the several things we do... 24:15 Matter of fact, I want to jump to that first 24:18 and just talk about what are some of the ways 24:20 that we worship. 24:23 When we worship the Lord, 24:25 we worship God with our giving... 24:29 Is there a scripture for that? 24:32 Let me just give you a couple... 24:33 Somebody's going to read for me 1 Samuel 1:3. 24:36 See, I'm jumping around. 24:38 1 Samuel 1:3, you got that? 24:39 Get ready whoever's got that one. 24:42 I'm going to read Psalm 96:8. 24:44 "Give to the Lord the glory due His name. 24:47 Bring an offering, and come into His courts of worship." 24:51 You notice the connection right there? 24:53 Bring an offering, come into His courts, 24:55 and worship. 24:57 Is there often a connection between showing our love 25:00 for God, our adoration, and giving? 25:03 Doesn't God show His love for us by giving? 25:05 "God so loved the world He gave..." 25:08 Do you sometimes show love for your kids by giving time 25:12 and other things? 25:14 All right. Go ahead. Please read. 25:16 "This man went up from the city 25:20 yearly to worship and sacrifice 25:24 to the Lord of hosts in Shiloh." 25:27 So here you've got. This is Elkanah. 25:30 He goes up to worship and sacrifice. 25:32 Is giving connected with worship? 25:35 Do we worship the Lord sometimes in a time or place? 25:41 Yeah. 25:42 Isaiah 66, "It will come to pass 25:44 that from one new moon to another 25:46 and one Sabbath to another, 25:48 all flesh will come and worship before Me." 25:50 On a particular time and place, 25:53 before the Lord we come to worship. 25:54 So when we come on Sabbath, we are worshipping in a place, 25:57 we come to this place that is especially set aside 26:01 to worship God. 26:04 Do we sometimes worship with our witness? 26:08 The way that you witness for the Lord, 26:09 are you worshipping? 26:11 If you're going out, letting your light shine, 26:12 is that part of your worship? 26:15 We teach in Amazing Facts Evangelism, 26:17 we're teaching worship. 26:18 I told you, the motto for the Christian 26:20 is worship God. 26:22 Psalm 96, "Oh, sing to the Lord a new song. 26:25 Sing to the Lord, all the earth. 26:26 Sing to the Lord, bless His name. 26:28 Proclaim His good news 26:30 and His salvation from day to day. 26:32 Declare His glory among the nations." 26:35 We are proclaiming and declaring His wonders 26:38 among all the people, among the nations. 26:41 Part of worship, we just read that, 26:43 is to sing and to declare the goodness of God 26:47 with your witness, you worship. 26:50 And do we worship in posture? 26:55 Our physical posture? 26:56 You know, people, I don't think, 26:57 think very often about... 26:59 You speak with your body language. 27:03 You know, you see the kids in class, 27:06 and my teacher was always like throwing books at me 27:08 because I'd be slumped down halfway, slid out of my chair, 27:12 and they would say, "Sit up. 27:14 Pay attention. 27:15 That's disrespectful to slouch like that in your chair." 27:19 Karen and I were in the White House 27:21 a few weeks ago. 27:23 We didn't meet with the president, 27:24 we were meeting on a religious liberty issue 27:26 with about 30 people. 27:28 And we had to wait a little while, 27:29 we're sitting in these chairs, 27:30 and so I decided to do 27:32 my high school pose in the chair. 27:34 No. 27:35 I'd sit there, you know, because it's respect. 27:39 And so when we come in for God, 27:42 do we say something with our posture? 27:45 What does it mean when we kneel? 27:47 It's submission. 27:49 And there's verses for this. 27:50 I'm just telling you, 27:51 but I should be reading the verses to you. 27:53 Exodus 4:31, "So the people believed 27:56 when they heard that the Lord 27:57 had visited the children of Israel, 27:59 that He had looked on their affliction, 28:00 and they bowed their heads and worshiped." 28:03 There you have it. 28:04 You ever heard the pastor say, 28:06 "Please bow your head as we pray?" 28:08 It's a sign... 28:09 You know, they say, 28:10 "If you're out in the jungle there in Uganda 28:12 and you run to a gorilla, 28:13 if it's the male gorilla, you know what you do? 28:15 Don't look him in the eye. 28:18 He will interpret that as a challenge. 28:20 Look down." 28:21 Even animals show what they're thinking 28:25 by their posture. 28:26 Have you ever seen a dog come up to the alpha dog... 28:29 And what does one of the regular dogs do 28:32 when it comes up to the alpha dog? 28:33 It gets down. 28:35 It says, "I'm not here to fight. 28:37 You are the big dog." 28:39 They even show it in their posture, don't they? 28:42 You know, there's something that we say, 28:43 and when you're talking to somebody 28:45 and they started going like this 28:47 and they lean back, are they saying something? 28:50 "I'm not so sure I believe you." 28:53 So we worship with our posture. 28:55 And so when we kneel, when we pray, 28:59 all of this is saying something about God. 29:04 Psalm 95:6, "Oh, come, let us worship and bow down." 29:09 There you have it. 29:12 So... Yeah. 29:15 And worship should be the most exciting thing 29:16 but sometimes we think it's boring. 29:18 I remember hearing where a boy asked his mother, 29:22 "How high can you count?" 29:23 She said, "I don't know exactly. 29:25 I've never tried. 29:26 And how high can you count? 29:27 He said, "5,426." 29:30 She said, "Why do you stop at 5,426?" 29:34 He said, "The sermon was over." 29:38 People come sometimes and they just get bored. 29:41 So we talked about worship, and witness worship, 29:44 and giving worship, and our time and place worship, 29:49 and posture worship, and music. 29:54 Now, do we find that sometimes 29:57 our churches do not have unity 30:01 in worship in music? 30:05 I've talked to a different people 30:06 in church leadership with a lot of age 30:08 and experience, I said, "You know, 30:09 what do you think the most contentious thing has been 30:11 that divides the church?" 30:13 And more times than not they'll say music. 30:18 The different ideas people have about worshipping and music. 30:24 Now because it's sometimes hard to define, people think, "Well, 30:28 you know, it's so hard to draw the line," 30:30 so they just become exasperated and say, 30:32 "Let's not draw any lines." 30:35 But I think at the beginning, 30:36 we need to establish 30:37 if we're going to have unity in worship, 30:38 there is a right way and there is a wrong way. 30:43 Do you remember when Saul was tormented with spirits, 30:46 King Saul? 30:48 And they finally found a young shepherd 30:52 who played skillfully and sang. 30:55 And when he came and he played for the king, 30:57 the evil spirits were driven away 31:00 by the godly-inspired music of David. 31:03 Is that a fair statement? 31:05 Biblical? 31:06 So you got the right kind of music 31:08 that has a right kind of effect, 31:10 but then you also have the wrong kind of music 31:12 that can have the wrong kind of effect. 31:15 And so there is, biblically, we see there is good music. 31:18 Was there music that was played 31:22 just before Nebuchadnezzar had everybody bow down, 31:25 he's had all these instruments of Babylon 31:27 playing Babylonian music. 31:29 And I don't know exactly what it was, 31:31 but it was the music designed to overwhelm the people 31:36 to bow down and worship inappropriately. 31:40 And so music and worship is something very important. 31:45 Some people... 31:46 We err on both extremes if I want to try to be fair. 31:52 Some people because they're afraid 31:53 they might sing the wrong kind of music, 31:55 they're afraid to ever sing a new song. 31:58 That's not biblical. 32:00 How many times does King David say, 32:01 "Sing a new song to the Lord?" 32:04 Right? 32:06 And then there's others that say, "Well, you know, 32:09 it doesn't matter as long as your heart's 32:10 in the right place, 32:11 it doesn't matter what kind of music you sing." 32:12 And so then they try to take Christian words 32:15 and put them with worldly music, 32:18 as you get both extremes that are happening. 32:21 But this is a subject 32:23 that I think we need to really pray about. 32:25 Ellen White says in the book Education, page 62, 32:28 "Music forms a part of God's worship 32:31 in the courts above and we should endeavor 32:35 in our songs of praise to approach as nearly 32:38 as possible the harmony of the heavenly choirs." 32:44 I say, "Okay, I want an audiotape of the angels, 32:47 so I'll know exactly what that sounds like." 32:50 But sometimes, I think, 32:51 we inherently know 32:54 that something would not be sung by the angels. 32:58 So you know, whenever you're thinking 33:00 about different music, say, 33:01 "Can I imagine this is something that Jesus 33:04 and the angels would sing?" 33:06 You also have to ask, 33:07 "What is this doing to me physiologically," 33:10 'cause music actually evokes 33:12 different physiological reactions. 33:15 I've not always been a Christian. 33:16 When I was a kid, I would sometimes go to rock concerts. 33:19 And when they got all wound up in the frenzy of their music 33:22 and the speakers... 33:23 I think I still have hearing loss 33:24 because of that. 33:28 It's like madness came over the crowd 33:32 and there was all this wild behavior. 33:35 And I'm sure that the music helped instigate the behavior. 33:40 The right kind of music can help 33:42 with the right kind of behavior. 33:45 You know, why do you think you play certain songs 33:49 when an army is going to battle that are... 33:52 They're supposed to, you know, drive. 33:54 Why do you sing a lullaby to a baby? 33:59 You don't sing battle songs to a baby when you're trying 34:01 to put them to sleep, right? 34:04 Now there's a place for battle songs. 34:05 Matter of fact, some of the psalms you read 34:07 in the Bible are victory marches. 34:10 They're made for the battlefield. 34:13 And there's a song of love in the Bible. 34:17 You wouldn't sing a battle song at a romantic dinner? 34:21 You know what I'm saying. 34:22 So we all know that there's certain kinds of music 34:25 that are appropriate for certain occasions. 34:27 I'll suggest, there's music you might do 34:29 in an evangelistic meeting 34:30 that you wouldn't do in a worship service. 34:34 There's music you might do at a Christian camp 34:36 that you might not do at a worship service. 34:39 We need, I think, more education about music 34:42 so we know how can we be united in our worship 34:45 to know that there's stuff that's right 34:47 and there's stuff that isn't right. 34:50 Here's another interesting statement. 34:51 This is from the book Maranatha. 34:53 It's probably found several places 34:54 in the Spirit of Prophecy. 34:56 Maranatha, 234, "The Lord has shown me 35:00 what would take place just before the close of probation. 35:03 Every uncouth would be demonstrated. 35:05 There would be shouting with drums, music, and dancing. 35:09 The senses of rational beings would become so confused, 35:12 they cannot be trusted to make right decisions, 35:15 and this is called the moving of the Holy Spirit." 35:19 I've already seen that 35:20 because before I joined this church, 35:22 I used to worship with Pentecostal churches. 35:24 And there was a lot, some of the churches I went to, 35:26 there was music, and drums, and dancing, and shouting. 35:33 But I don't think that should be in the remnant church. 35:36 I think there ought to be reverence. 35:37 I'd love to have an amen right about now. 35:40 Because I want people listening to know that, 35:44 there is a difference here. 35:48 Let me give you some... 35:49 Someone's got Psalm 57 going to read in just a second here, 35:52 right? 35:54 I want to read something else. 35:56 What did the prophets of Baal do 35:58 just before their sacrifice? 36:01 1 Kings 18:26, "So they took the bull that was given them, 36:04 and they prepared it, 36:05 they called on the name of Baal 36:07 from morning till evening." 36:09 So all morning going for hours. 36:10 And here's what they said, for hours they repeated. 36:13 "O Baal, hear us! O Baal, hear us! 36:16 O Baal, hear us! O Baal, hear us!" 36:18 It's called vain repetition. 36:20 Jesus said, "Do not pray in vain repetition." 36:22 I don't think we should sing in vain repetition. 36:25 That doesn't mean you cannot sing 36:27 a verse a couple of times. 36:30 Even the angels go holy, holy, holy. 36:32 But for hours, they just say the same thing. 36:34 Jesus said, "Don't pray that way as the heathen do." 36:37 Become like as a hypnotic chant. 36:40 And I'll bet you anything that some of those 400 prophets 36:43 of Baal were equipped with instruments that day, 36:45 and they were pounding away as they all chanted, 36:47 "Oh, Baal, hear us! Boom, boom. 36:48 Oh, Baal, hear us. Boom." 36:50 They get everybody into a frenzy 36:51 until they cut themselves and the blood gushed out. 36:54 Music was almost certainly connected with that. 36:58 2 Timothy, "Many have a form of godliness 37:02 but deny its power, 37:04 from such we should turn away." 37:08 Go ahead, read for us. 37:10 Psalm 57:9, "I will praise You, 37:14 O Lord, among the peoples, 37:15 I will sing to You among the nations." 37:19 God wants us to be a witness and so we praise Him. 37:23 There's a singing that is appropriate. 37:25 There's some singing that is obviously 37:26 not appropriate. 37:27 You know, here's an interesting quotes. 37:30 Plato said, "Give me the music of a nation 37:33 and I will change the mind of that nation." 37:38 Confucius, "If one should desire to know 37:41 whether a kingdom is well governed 37:42 or its morals are good or bad, 37:44 the quality of its music will furnish the answer." 37:48 I know it's not Bible, we're talking Plato, Confucius, 37:50 but they were smart guys and I think they're right. 37:53 Andrew Fletcher said, 37:54 "I knew a very wise man who believed that if a man 37:57 was permitted to make all the ballads, 37:59 he need not care 38:01 who should make the laws of a nation." 38:03 If you could write the music, you wouldn't need to worry 38:05 about who wrote the laws. 38:07 We underestimate how powerful music is 38:10 and it is very much a part of our worship. 38:12 We see them singing in the Bible 38:15 right from the beginning, all the way to Revelation. 38:19 They're singing, music is a form of prayer, 38:22 it is a form of communication. 38:24 And we should be, I think there should be a reverence 38:27 in the way that we have our music 38:29 and it should be quality and... 38:32 Amen? 38:34 So that's something I just want to throw in there, 38:36 it's talking about true worship and false worship. 38:38 There's, music is definitely part of that. 38:41 Now in the first angel's message. 38:43 Revelation 14:6 and 7, "I saw another angel 38:47 flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel 38:50 to preach to those who dwell on the earth, 38:53 to every nation, tribe, tongue, 38:54 and people, saying with a loud voice, 38:57 'Fear God," there should be an awe, 38:59 a reverence, a godly fear of God, 39:02 "and give glory to Him, 39:04 for the hour of His judgment is come.'" 39:07 So part of this message is saying that, you know, 39:10 there's a judgment coming. 39:12 Worship Him who made. 39:14 Do we find that phrase, 39:19 "Sea, earth, springs of water," 39:21 anywhere in the Ten Commandments? 39:25 And the fourth commandment that deals with what? 39:28 The Sabbath. 39:29 It talks about, "In six days the Lord 39:31 made the heaven and the earth." 39:32 And it says, it's talking about worshiping the Creator. 39:35 Something else that's in this command, it says, 39:38 "The hour of His judgment is come." 39:40 Do we sometimes behave differently 39:41 if you're standing before the judge? 39:43 It even says in Revelation, 39:45 "Behold the judge is at the door." 39:47 That's like if you go... 39:48 The judge is at the door, there should be judgments, 39:53 caution in our behavior. 39:56 And so this is part of that worship. 40:00 In Psalm 138, "I will worship towards Your Holy temple, 40:03 and praise Your name, for Your loving kindness 40:06 and Your truth, for You have magnified 40:09 Your Word above Your name." 40:11 We talk about worshiping in our witness, 40:13 worshipping in our music, worshipping in our giving, 40:16 worshipping in time and place, worshipping in posture. 40:19 What's one of the other principal things 40:21 connected with worship? 40:23 The Word. Did you catch that? 40:26 Revelation 22:9, the angel says to John, 40:30 "I am of your fellow servant, and of your brethren 40:33 the prophets, and those 40:34 who keep the words of this book, worship God." 40:39 Are we worshiping as we come together 40:41 and study His Word? 40:43 Yeah, it's like you're showing your adoration and love 40:45 by embracing the message God has given you, His word to us. 40:50 We're showing reverence for that. 40:51 We're wanting to hear what He has to say, 40:53 that's part of worship is receiving 40:55 what God has to give us. 40:58 Next section in our lesson, I'm running out of time, 41:01 breaking of bread in prayer. 41:04 You know I was reading again this week, 41:07 so often in the Bible 41:08 when there was a covenant made, 41:09 there was a meal. 41:11 Some of you remember when Laban nearly killed 41:13 Jacob his son and when Jacob ran off, 41:16 and took his wives, Laban hunted them down, 41:19 God stopped him with a dream. 41:21 Finally when they made peace together, 41:23 they made a covenant, they sealed it with a meal. 41:27 You'll see even Abraham when God made 41:28 His covenant with him, there was a sacrifice. 41:31 God often did that, Jesus the New Testament, 41:33 take, eat, He sealed a covenant with a meal. 41:37 And so breaking bread and prayer was something 41:41 that was done in the early church. 41:43 All of these continue, Acts 1:14, 41:46 "They all continued in prayer and supplication 41:48 with one accord, the women and Mary, 41:50 the mother of Jesus, His brothers, 41:53 and breaking of bread together." 41:56 So it's something that's done in fellowship, 41:57 but it's also talking about the communion service. 41:59 Now not every time it says breaking bread in Acts 42:03 is talking about the communion service. 42:06 Sometimes breaking bread meant they ate. 42:09 When Jesus walked down the hill 42:11 with the two on the road to Emmaus. 42:12 It says, "He was known to them in the breaking of bread." 42:15 It wasn't a ceremonial Last Supper. 42:17 Matter of fact, Jesus had the Lord's Supper 42:19 two days earlier, 42:20 so they weren't having another one. 42:21 It means they were going to eat together, 42:23 they called it breaking bread. 42:24 Now it's important because there's one place 42:26 in the Bible where it says in Acts 20 42:30 that they came together on the first day 42:32 of the week to break bread. 42:33 Everyone says it was a communion service 42:34 on Sunday. 42:36 Doesn't mean that. 42:37 It means they came together to eat 42:38 'cause Paul was leaving. 42:39 And it doesn't always mean it's a communion service. 42:42 Matter of fact, it says break bread 42:43 twice in that story. 42:44 They did it once that evening and once again in the morning. 42:48 So, but sometimes they definitely 42:50 did come together 42:51 and they celebrated the Lord's Supper. 42:55 Acts 4:29, he prayed and this is through verse 31. 43:01 "Now, Lord, look on their threats, 43:02 and grant to Your servants that with all boldness 43:05 we might speak Your word, by stretching out 43:07 Your hand to heal, 43:08 that signs and wonders might be done through the name 43:11 of Your holy Servant Jesus. 43:13 And when they had prayed, 43:15 the place where they were assembled together 43:16 were shaken or let that happen again. 43:19 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit 43:21 and they spoke the Word of God with boldness." 43:24 They gathered together, they worship, they prayed, 43:27 they studied, and they were filled with power for what? 43:30 To be witnesses. 43:33 So we got the true worship, we got the false worship. 43:38 And let me see what I'm forgetting. 43:44 Bible study and fellowship, I just read that one. 43:51 I know I didn't get through all the lesson yet. 43:53 I've got too much here to go. 43:56 Yeah, and so part of it is worship only something 43:59 that happens on Sabbath morning. 44:02 You know, I have people that come to me and they say, 44:04 "Well, Pastor Doug, I know that you are a Sabbath keeper, 44:07 and you worship God on your Sabbath day, 44:10 but I worship God seven days a week." 44:13 And they think that they're... 44:15 Say, "Yeah, gotcha. 44:17 You worship God one day a week, 44:18 I worship God seven days a week." 44:20 And I said, "No, no. 44:21 I worship God seven days a week too." 44:25 Sabbath keeping is not just about worship. 44:27 Matter of fact I don't think you find the word worship 44:29 in the Sabbath commandment, do you? 44:32 Sabbath keeping says, "It's your resting." 44:34 If person says, I'm resting seven days a week, 44:36 that's not being holy, it's being lazy, right? 44:39 So worship is something different. 44:42 Do we worship in our homes? 44:45 Do we have private worship? 44:49 And then if you have a family or spouse, 44:51 do you have family worship? 44:55 Every night Karen and I before we go to sleep, 44:57 we pray, she typically prays. 44:59 And that last night, she went to bed before me. 45:02 And so I said, "All right, I'll be right there. 45:03 I wasn't quite done with my sermon." 45:05 So I came in, and I held hands with her, and she prayed, 45:08 I went back to my office. 45:09 But we make it a point to be religious to worship God 45:12 at the beginning and end of every day 45:13 and say, "He's our God." 45:15 I think when you do that, you're making a statement 45:17 to the angels, let's say, look, "We're His property." 45:19 We won't mess up what belong to You. 45:22 And we're acknowledging every morning, the Bible says, 45:24 "When you rise up, when you lay down, 45:28 let these words be on the post of your house, 45:31 let them be written on your hand, 45:33 let them be frontlets between your eyes, 45:35 we worship with the word." 45:36 We say, "We belong to God." 45:38 And you've got to make it a priority. 45:40 And sometimes, you know, 45:43 sometimes you can take more time. 45:44 Last night as we welcome the Sabbath, 45:46 we've got a great book we're reading, 45:47 and we read several pages in this book 45:49 and it is inspiring, and we prayed before we read, 45:51 prayed after we read, knelt down together. 45:55 And sometimes, if you're on your way to work, 45:56 it might be a quick prayer. 45:59 But you should always make it a habit to say 46:01 we're going to take time to worship 46:04 because that's part of what it means to be a believer. 46:07 Amen? 46:08 So your worship is also an attitude. 46:13 It's something you should not be ashamed 46:15 to have people see that you do publicly. 46:19 Should we hide that we pray? 46:23 I mean sometimes we're in a restaurant 46:25 and I expect, I hope that all of you thank God 46:28 for your food, and your family, and even if you're alone, 46:31 that you'll bow your head and thank the Lord. 46:34 If you're with someone else, you may pray out loud. 46:36 And Pastor Ross and I would play racquetball. 46:43 And when it's just he and I playing racquetball, 46:46 we pray together before we play. 46:49 And if you saw us play, 46:50 you'd understand why we pray together. 46:54 It's a dangerous game. 46:56 And we want to have the right spirit. 46:58 We want to make sure we're doing this for exercise. 47:01 Now we don't always, you know, if we're playing 47:02 with other people, we don't say, 47:04 "Hey, everyone stop, we're going to pray." 47:06 But I know one guy who's a Muslim 47:08 and all of a sudden the game was done, 47:09 we say, "Where Ali goes?" 47:11 So it's part of his daily prayer. 47:14 He goes off even, you know, 47:16 between games, he's going to go, 47:17 and he's going to pray to the east towards Mecca. 47:19 And I thought you know why I may not agree 47:22 with his worship, I respect that 47:26 he's not ashamed to let people know 47:28 this is a priority in my life. 47:31 Should Christians do any less 47:34 if we're at a restaurant in public? 47:37 Why not? 47:38 Take your spouse's hand or tell your family, 47:40 "Let's ask God to bless the food." 47:42 And I have had hundreds of occasions where 47:45 while I was praying, the waitress was coming back 47:47 to bring our water or something like that 47:49 and they paused there for a moment 47:50 and they see you praying, is that a bad thing? 47:53 I think it's good for Christians 47:55 to let their light shine. 47:56 Aren't the lost in the world, don't they make fools 47:59 of themselves for the devil that don't care? 48:01 Can we be fools for Christ? 48:04 You know what I mean. 48:05 Don't be ashamed. Let your light shine. 48:07 Don't let the devil intimidate you. 48:09 And so that's part of worship. 48:10 Every day in all we do, what is the... 48:14 I guess that there is, if there's a slogan, 48:16 what's the slogan of a Nike? 48:20 Used to be, "Just do it," right? 48:21 So you know that. 48:23 But do you know the slogan for Christ? 48:26 Whatever you do, whether you eat, 48:28 or whether you drink, whatever you do, 48:30 do it to the glory of God. 48:31 It's worship God. 48:32 You read Revelation, the big emphasis 48:34 in the last days is worship Him that made. 48:37 He is our Creator, He deserves our worship. 48:39 We should be united in our worship. 48:42 And isn't it wonderful when we are, 48:44 "Behold, how pleasant it is for brethren 48:47 to dwell together in unity," the Bible talks about. 48:51 Well, we've just about run out of time. 48:53 I want to take a moment to remind those 48:54 who are watching, we do have a free offer, 48:57 we'll be happy to share with you. 48:58 It's called "The Search for the True Church," 49:00 a good book by Joe Crews. 49:02 If you want it, text this, get this via text, 49:05 you can download it by just texting "SH115" 49:09 and do that to 40544. 49:12 And you can also call 866-788-3966. 49:17 That's 866-Study-More. 49:19 Ask for offer number 134, and you'll enjoy this. 49:22 After you read it, share with a friend. 49:24 God bless you, friends. 49:25 We're out of time for today study. 49:27 And God willing, we'll do it again next week. 49:31 Don't forget to request 49:32 today's life changing free resource. 49:35 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, 49:37 you can download a digital copy 49:38 straight to your computer or mobile device. 49:41 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, 49:43 simply text the key word on your screen to 40544, 49:48 or visit the web address shown on your screen, 49:50 and be sure to select a digital download option 49:53 on the request page. 49:54 It's now easier than ever for you 49:56 to study God's Word with Amazing Facts 49:58 wherever and whenever you want, 50:00 and most important, to share it with others. 50:14 We're here on the beautiful coast 50:16 of the Island of Puerto Rico. 50:17 And if you were to travel east about 2000 miles, of course, 50:21 you would be out in the middle of the ocean. 50:23 But you'd also be in the middle of a mystical sea 50:25 called the Sargasso Sea. 50:27 It gets its name because of this common brown seaweed 50:31 that can be found floating in vast mass. 50:34 The area of the Sargasso Sea is about 700 miles wide 50:39 and 2000 miles long. 50:41 Now the seaweed itself is fascinating stuff. 50:44 It was first observed and called 50:45 Gulfweed by Christopher Columbus. 50:47 It gets the name Sargon from the Portuguese. 50:50 Some people use it as herbal remedies. 50:51 But out in the middle of the Sargasso Sea, 50:54 the water is some of the bluest in the world. 50:56 It's there you can see 200 feet deep in places. 51:00 It also has a great biodiversity 51:02 and ecosystem that surrounds the Sargasso Sea. 51:05 For years, scientists wondered where the American 51:08 and the Atlantic eels were breeding. 51:10 They knew the adult eel swam down the rivers out 51:13 into the Atlantic, but they never could find a place 51:15 where they reproduced. 51:16 Finally, they discovered it was out 51:18 in the middle of the Sargasso Sea. 51:20 So it's a fascinating place. 51:22 But if you are an ancient sailor, 51:23 you did not want to get stuck there. 51:28 Being caught in the doldrums was extremely difficult 51:31 for the ancient sailors. 51:33 Of course, their boats were driven by wind and sail, 51:35 and they'd be caught in the vast mass of the seaweed 51:38 that would wrap around the rudder, 51:40 barnacles would begin to grow, it's an area that is notorious 51:43 for light and baffling winds, and so they'd make no progress. 51:47 They get stuck. 51:48 The men would become extremely dispirited. 51:51 Sometimes violence and even insanity 51:53 would break out as people were trapped in the doldrums. 51:57 But, friends, perhaps sometimes you felt 51:59 that you're trapped in the doldrums. 52:01 You've gone through episodes of depression. 52:03 You feel like you're going in circles, 52:05 life seems stifling. 52:07 You know, the Bible offers good news. 52:08 There is a way out. 52:10 Bible talks about a famous character 52:12 that was trapped in a cycle of depression. 52:15 He was low as you could be. 52:16 Matter of fact, he even had seaweed 52:18 wrapped around his head. 52:19 His name was Jonah. 52:21 But God gave him a way of escape. 52:23 In Jonah 2:3-7, we read, 52:27 "For you cast me into the depths, 52:29 into the heart of the seas, and the flood surrounded me, 52:33 all of Your billows and Your waves passed over me. 52:36 Then I said, 'I have been cast out of your sight, 52:39 yet I will look again towards Your holy temple.' 52:42 The waters surrounded me, even to my soul, 52:45 the deep closed around me, 52:46 weeds were wrapped around my head. 52:49 I went down to the moorings of the mountains, 52:52 the earth with its bars closed behind me forever, 52:55 yet you brought my life up from the pit. 52:58 O Lord, my God. 52:59 'When my soul fainted within me, 53:01 I remember the Lord, and my prayer went up to You, 53:04 into Your holy temple.'" 53:07 You know, friends, the way that Jonah got out 53:08 of his discouraging circumstance, 53:11 he turned to God and he prayed. 53:13 And if God could hear Jonah's prayers, 53:15 just think about it. 53:16 He was as far away from God as anybody could be. 53:18 He was in the belly of a sea monster 53:20 in the bottom of the ocean in the dark. 53:22 Yet he turned to God and God heard his prayer. 53:25 You know, these ancient sailors, 53:26 when they were trapped 53:27 on the deck of a ship for weeks, 53:29 stuck in the doldrums discouraged, 53:31 sometimes they would have a prayer meeting, 53:33 and pray that God would send a breeze 53:35 that would set them free, and get their boats moving. 53:38 They turn to God in prayer 53:39 and often miracles would happen, 53:41 and the wind would flutter in the sails, 53:43 and bring them out of their seaweed prison. 53:46 Friends, maybe you have been stuck in the doldrums. 53:48 Maybe you've been caught in a cycle of depression. 53:51 If God can do it for Jonah, if He can do it 53:53 for the ancient sailors, He can do it for you. 53:55 Turn to the Lord in prayer. 53:56 Trust His Spirit to blow through your soul 53:59 and to set you free. 54:16 You probably heard the expression before, 54:17 "If you don't like the weather in Texas, 54:20 just wait, it'll change." 54:22 And you've also heard, 54:23 "Everything is bigger in Texas." 54:24 The ranches, the belt buckles, the cowboy hats, 54:28 but the most famous slogan about Texas 54:31 is remember the Alamo. 54:36 The violent battles and bravery of iconic heroes 54:39 have been the stuff of legends throughout 54:41 which entire cultures often draw their identity and pride, 54:44 even long after centuries have passed. 54:46 And in Texas, the story of the Alamo 54:49 has been a rallying cry of Texas Independence 54:51 for 200 years. 54:53 One reason that Texans love to brag that 54:55 everything is bigger in Texas is, of course, 54:58 because Texas is the largest of the lower 48 US states. 55:02 It's hard to believe that this massive state 55:05 got its beginning in a very small Christian mission 55:08 during the Battle of the Alamo. 55:10 Every year, this famous mission museum receives over 55:13 two and a half million visitors from all parts of the planet 55:17 that are eager to get a good look 55:18 at this legendary site. 55:20 The Alamo played a critical role 55:22 in the Texas Revolution. 55:24 In December, 1835, Texans and Tejano volunteers 55:28 battled Mexican troops quartered in the city forcing 55:31 General Martin Perfecto de Cos to surrender. 55:34 The victorious volunteers then occupied the Alamo 55:37 and strengthened its defenses. 55:40 Famous Americans like Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, 55:42 and Colonel William Travis, made this location, 55:45 this ancient mission, the beachhead, 55:47 the last stand in an epic battle 55:50 to win independence of Texas from Mexico. 55:53 On February 23rd, 1836, the arrival 55:57 of General Antonio Lopez Santa Ana 56:00 nearly caught them by surprise. 56:02 Undaunted, the Texans and Tejanos prepared 56:04 to defend the Alamo, 56:06 for this small ragtag group of rebels, 56:08 the youngest of who was about 16 and the oldest 75 56:11 was against the well-trained and organized Mexican army 56:15 of 6,000 plus soldiers. 56:17 It was a fierce and lopsided battle. 56:19 Yet, the small force of rebels was able to repel the troops 56:22 for 13 days. 56:25 Legend holds that with the possibility 56:27 of additional help fading, Colonel Travis drew a line 56:30 in the ground with a sword, 56:32 and asked any man willing to stay and fight, 56:34 to step over the line. 56:36 All except one crossed over. 56:39 The final assault came before daybreak. 56:41 On the morning of March 6, 1836, 56:44 the 13th day of the siege, 56:47 cannon and small arms fire from inside the Alamo 56:49 beat back several Mexican attacks. 56:52 Regrouping, Santa Anna's soldiers scaled the walls, 56:55 and rushed into the compound. 56:57 The desperate struggle continued 56:59 until the defenders were overwhelmed. 57:01 By sunrise, the battle had ended, 57:04 and the garrison was slain. 57:06 You know, historians may debate some of the details 57:08 regarding the Battle of the Alamo, 57:10 but none of them questioned the incredible sacrifice 57:12 that was made and the courage that was displayed 57:14 during that intense conflict. 57:16 They made the ultimate sacrifice, 57:19 giving their lives. 57:20 And this is why the story of the Alamo 57:22 is so inspiring and so encouraging. 57:24 You know, and that's why the Bible 57:26 is so inspiring, friends, because someone was willing 57:28 to make the ultimate sacrifice, and give his life 57:31 so that you can have freedom and eternal life. 57:34 Don't you think you could trust your life 57:35 to a friend like that, that would give everything? 57:38 The story of the gospel is a story of courage and hope. 57:41 It's a story of a God who will never leave you 57:43 without defense and support. 57:45 Jesus is the good news, and the gospel is a story 57:48 worth remembering. |
Revised 2018-12-11