Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021845A

00:35 Hello and welcome to another edition
00:37 of the Sabbath School Study Hour.
00:38 It's always good to be able to have
00:39 all of you that are watching here today,
00:41 both online as well as those that are watching
00:44 on the various television networks
00:45 around the world.
00:47 We are always happy to be able to know
00:49 that people are watching from different countries
00:52 across the USA and continued to be blessed
00:55 by this particular program
00:57 as we continue to study the Word of God,
00:59 as we continue to grow
01:00 in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
01:03 It is always good to be able to come together
01:06 and open up our quarterly.
01:07 And this morning we're gonna be coming back to our quarterly
01:10 that we've been looking at for some time
01:12 entitled Oneness in Christ.
01:15 Now one of the things that I have noticed about this
01:17 particular quarterly is that
01:18 when you look at the different topics,
01:20 the key word that comes up over, and over,
01:21 over half of the topic titles is, "Unity,"
01:25 and today is no exception.
01:27 Today is lesson number six,
01:28 and it is entitled Images of Unity,
01:32 Images of Unity, and so I hope that you have your quarterly
01:35 that you might be able to follow along.
01:36 If you haven't already looked at it,
01:38 if you don't have a copy of this
01:40 and you are saying to yourself,
01:41 "Boy, I really like to have a copy of that on my hands,"
01:44 make sure that you visit
01:45 your local Seventh-day Adventist church
01:47 and when you walk in,
01:49 look for a smiling face that will be greeting you,
01:51 and tell them that you are interested
01:53 in a copy of quarterly that we are studying
01:56 in your local Seventh-day Adventist church.
01:59 You can also download a digital copy of that as well,
02:03 and you just simply need to go to
02:09 I'll say that one more time
02:10 'cause I don't see it on the screen,
02:11 lesson, L-E-S-S-O-N,
02:16 and you are welcome to download
02:18 a digital copy of the same quarterly
02:21 that we are studying from week to week.
02:25 Now before we go into our scene,
02:27 I want to always offer you our free offer of the day
02:31 and today's free offer of the day is not a booklet
02:33 like so often we give away,
02:35 but today we'd like to offer you a free DVD.
02:39 Now you just simply need to dial 1-866-788-3966.
02:45 Again that's 1-866-788-3966
02:49 and ask for offer number 861,
02:53 and that is entitled, "Divided or United?"
02:57 Divided or United
02:58 and that's presented by our Pastor Doug Batchelor.
03:01 So please take advantage of that.
03:02 We always like to be able to give you
03:03 an opportunity to study and grow outside of the program
03:06 here as well with an additional free offer.
03:09 And so please take advantage of that.
03:11 Now of course today, we have our phones
03:12 and we'd like to order through text
03:14 and so you can do that by simply texting the code,
03:17 "SH114."
03:19 Again, you just simply text the code, "SH114,"
03:23 and you'll send that to 40544, and again,
03:28 you can also go on
03:32 and you can find a free digital copy
03:33 of that as well
03:35 and so please take advantage of that.
03:37 At this time, we'd like to invite our singers out
03:39 as we praise the Lord together.
05:22 That is the beautiful thing about being a family,
05:25 united in Christ,
05:27 that no matter where you are on this planet,
05:31 we are all joined together,
05:33 and it can be painful to be separated,
05:37 but we have that hope that one day,
05:39 no matter what our circumstances,
05:42 we will be joined together and hope to meet again,
05:46 it's not just a hope, it will be a reality.
05:48 Thank you so much for singing with us and at this time,
05:50 Pastor Brummund will have our opening prayer.
05:59 I invite you to join us as we pray together.
06:02 Father in heaven, today we are thankful
06:03 to be able to continue to study,
06:06 continue to worship You,
06:07 continue to ask for Your Holy Spirit
06:09 to be with us that we might be able to have an understanding
06:12 that we could never find in ourselves,
06:15 and so we ask for Your presence
06:16 in our hearts, in our minds, in a very real way.
06:19 Want to pray that You will be with our teacher,
06:20 Pastor Doug Batchelor today as well,
06:22 and guide his heart and mind as he has prepared
06:25 and spent time with you to be able to share with us
06:28 and give us better understanding consent
06:30 to Your Word.
06:31 And so Father, we thank You for listening,
06:33 in Jesus' name we pray.
06:35 Amen.
06:37 I like to introduce our teacher and also our senior pastor
06:39 of the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church,
06:41 Doug Batchelor.
06:42 God bless you.
06:44 Thank you, Pastor Shawn.
06:45 Thank you to our singers, Michelle, and Debbie,
06:47 and Sherry, appreciate that.
06:49 Morning. Good morning.
06:51 Glad you're here for Sabbath School.
06:53 Kind of an important study talking about unity,
06:56 and we are continuing in our series dealing
06:58 with Oneness in Christ.
06:59 Today is going to be lesson number six.
07:01 Want to welcome our friends who are watching on TV,
07:06 or satellite, or the internet from around the world.
07:10 Just last week, I was with Karen in Michigan
07:13 and Minneapolis and this next week
07:15 we'll be in Spain.
07:17 And it seems like everywhere we go,
07:19 we meet people who say, "We study with you."
07:22 Even lot of folks where English is a second language,
07:24 they take the studies and sometimes
07:26 they translate them then
07:28 and share them with their classes,
07:31 and want to welcome those
07:32 who are some of our online members
07:34 here at Granite Bay.
07:35 If you're in the category
07:37 where may be you have no local church,
07:38 you can attend,
07:40 sometimes people are scattered around the world,
07:42 they are up in the tundra of Alaska,
07:45 or in the outback of Australia,
07:47 and all they get is our study through Sabbath school.
07:50 Do you like to know how to be an online member?
07:52 You can simply go
07:53 to the website,
07:58 and we'd love to hear from you,
07:59 we'll see what we can do to try to connect you
08:01 with the church family.
08:03 Oneness in Christ.
08:04 Now we have a memory verse,
08:05 and the memory verse comes to us
08:07 from the Book of 1 Corinthians chapter 12,
08:10 and this is New King James Version.
08:12 I'd like you to say it with me 1 Corinthians 12:12.
08:16 1 Corinthians 12:12,
08:18 and talking about images of unity in our lesson.
08:21 Are you ready?
08:23 "For as the body is one and has many members,
08:28 but all the members of that one body,
08:31 being many, are one body, so also is Christ."
08:36 Now what we're going to study today
08:38 is a number of the metaphors that are used in the Bible
08:42 to teach us about what does it mean
08:44 to be one in the church.
08:49 You know, I just pulled out a dollar bill
08:51 before I came in here to study to make sure,
08:54 you know, there's a statement in Latin
08:58 that you'll find on the U.S. seal,
09:01 it always sounds a little bit
09:02 like you've gotten a bad diagnosis from the lab.
09:06 You've got e pluribus unum.
09:10 That would scare you if the doctor said,
09:12 "Did you know you've got e pluribus?"
09:15 But it's a statement that's on our seal.
09:17 You know what it means?
09:19 "Out of many, one."
09:22 Because when, it was actually
09:24 Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams,
09:26 and Thomas Jefferson around the time
09:28 of the framing of the Constitution,
09:30 they developed that as sort of a national model
09:33 because they were welding together
09:34 these different states,
09:36 and the different states all had different interests
09:38 and there are things they're concerned about
09:40 what they thought,
09:41 "We will not be able to have freedom from England
09:44 unless we work together.
09:46 We've got to unite."
09:48 And so that became very important,
09:50 e pluribus unum, "Out of many, one."
09:53 Now it is true with the church that here we are people
09:57 from all over the world,
09:58 we come from all different backgrounds,
10:00 you've got slave and free,
10:01 male and female, rich and poor,
10:04 all different races, but we are one people.
10:09 And so some of the metaphors
10:10 we're going to look at in the lesson today
10:14 is "We're one people,"
10:16 talking about "One household or temple," talking about,
10:19 "The temple of the Holy Spirit, the body of Christ,
10:22 sheep and shepherd."
10:24 And I'll do my best to get to as many of these as we can.
10:27 All right, first scripture we want to look at
10:29 is take a look in your Bible, Deuteronomy 24.
10:32 We're going to look at just what God called His people,
10:35 and He said, "I'm making you a unique nation or people."
10:39 Now the word people in the Bible, when you find it,
10:41 it often meant like people of a country.
10:45 When Jesus gives a great commission,
10:46 "We're to go to every tongue and people,
10:48 every tribe and people,"
10:50 it's talking about different nations.
10:52 Remember the Tower of Babel?
10:54 People were sort of divided up into groups
10:56 they could understand,
10:57 then they formed the different peoples
10:59 of the world that populated the planet.
11:02 Say that four times fast.
11:04 "Peoples that populated the planet."
11:07 And, but it meant a unique unit.
11:11 Deuteronomy 4:20,
11:13 "But the Lord has taken you and brought you
11:15 out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt," why?
11:18 "To be His people."
11:20 They weren't just the tribe of Jacob anymore,
11:22 they were gonna become a nation,
11:24 "As an inheritance, as you are this day."
11:27 You read Deuteronomy chapter 7:6-8.
11:31 This is a little longer but I want you
11:32 to notice something here.
11:35 Deuteronomy 7:6.
11:37 "For you are..."
11:38 I just love hearing your pages turn.
11:41 That just gives me goose pimples.
11:46 "But the Lord has taken you and brought you
11:48 out of the iron furnace of Egypt to be His people,"
11:51 he called you to be a united people,
11:54 "an inheritance, as you are this day."
11:56 And then you go to verse 6 of chapter 7.
11:59 "For you are a holy people to the Lord,"
12:01 not just any people, he's called you to be unique,
12:03 you are set aside,
12:05 you are to be a pure people.
12:08 "He has chosen you to be a people for Himself,
12:11 a special treasure above all the peoples
12:15 of the face of the earth.
12:17 The Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you
12:19 because you were more in number than any other people,"
12:21 it's not 'cause you were the most popular or populous,
12:24 "for you were the least of all peoples,
12:26 but because the Lord loves you,
12:28 and because He would keep the oath
12:30 which He swore to your fathers,
12:31 the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand,
12:34 and redeemed you from the house of bondage,
12:36 from the hand of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt."
12:38 I've taken you, you were slaves,
12:40 you were a small 70 when they came into Egypt,
12:42 and I'm drawing you out,
12:43 and I'm going to turn that 70 people
12:45 into a mighty nation that's gonna alter the world.
12:49 You know, how many nations are in the world today?
12:52 We were just at a World General Conference
12:56 counsel in Battle Creek and they gave some reports,
12:58 and I think it's like 198 to 220,
13:01 it depends on how you count nations in the world today.
13:05 And who would've thought
13:09 that when God called the Israelites out
13:11 that they would be among the most influential nations
13:14 in the world.
13:16 How did the Jews become the most
13:17 influential nation in the world?
13:21 Well, they grew, they multiplied,
13:25 they dispersed around the world,
13:27 very usually because of bad behavior,
13:28 He dispersed them, He blessed them.
13:30 But what was it that gave the Jewish nation the influence
13:34 to affect more nations than any other nation?
13:37 Most of you I hope have the answer in your lap.
13:41 "Unto Israel were committed the oracles of truth."
13:46 The Bible is the most influential book in history.
13:49 What's the number one religion in the world?
13:52 Christianity. Number two is Islam.
13:53 Both influenced by the Bible.
13:56 Islam, you know, believes most of the Old Testament.
13:59 But that book was given to the Jews.
14:02 Muslims didn't have a hold of any of the scriptures
14:05 until 700 years after Christ.
14:08 And so this nation that became the guardians of the Word
14:14 and through who the word incarnate came,
14:16 influenced every other nation in the world.
14:18 Can you see that?
14:20 I mean look at how the laws of Christianity that ended up,
14:23 you know, America is one of the first great democratic
14:26 countries of the world.
14:28 But now, democracy is most of the countries of the world.
14:31 That all came through Christianity, to our nation.
14:34 So God said,
14:35 "I'm gonna influence the world through this nation,"
14:37 He wasn't kidding,
14:38 He just really did make the biggest difference.
14:42 And he said, "I make you a treasure."
14:44 Notice in 1 Peter 2:9,
14:47 "But you are a chosen generation,
14:49 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
14:54 His own special people," why did He call you?
14:57 "That you may proclaim the praises of Him
14:59 who called you out of darkness."
15:01 You might proclaim the praises of God.
15:03 Later today, we're going to be doing a message on SALT,
15:06 and you know that verse there in Matthew chapter 5,
15:09 it says "You are the light, you are the salt,
15:11 you are the light.
15:13 So let your light shine before men
15:14 that they may see your good works
15:17 and glorify your Father."
15:20 God wanted us to be a nation
15:21 where other nations will look and bring glory to God.
15:24 And that's what was happening during the time of Solomon,
15:26 when other kings and queens were coming into Israel saying,
15:29 "Wow, what great laws, what a great nation,
15:32 what wisdom is in this country?"
15:35 He wanted them to be a light,
15:37 a place where He could parade His truth to the people.
15:42 Says, now you are a marvelous light,
15:45 He is the one who called you out of darkness
15:46 into His marvelous light,
15:48 who once were not a people
15:50 but now you are a people of God,
15:52 once you had not obtained mercy
15:53 but now you have obtained mercy."
15:55 Now Peter's talking especially here to Gentiles
15:57 who looked like they were outside the covenant,
15:59 but through Christ he says, "No,
16:01 you're included in the covenant.
16:03 You were once without mercy but through Jesus,
16:05 you who are far off are now made near."
16:08 So we all become one people.
16:10 And I especially like this next one in Exodus 19:5.
16:15 This is of course just before
16:16 the Ten Commandments were given.
16:18 "Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice..."
16:22 Now when it says if, what does that mean?
16:25 It's about to make a promise but there's a condition.
16:28 All right, what's the promise?
16:29 "Now therefore, if you obey My voice,
16:32 and keep My covenant,
16:33 then you will be a special treasure to Me,"
16:37 a treasure.
16:38 So does that just apply to the Jews back then
16:41 or does that apply to us today?
16:43 "If then you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant,
16:47 then you will be a special treasure to Me,
16:49 above all people."
16:52 You know, the Bible says, "The eyes of the Lord
16:54 run to and fro through the whole earth
16:56 looking for someone through whom
16:57 He can show Himself mighty."
16:58 It's a quick paraphrase.
17:00 Have God's eyes stopped looking for people
17:03 that will trust and obey?
17:05 He says, "If you do, I will show Myself mighty through you,
17:07 you will be a treasure of My grace in the world."
17:12 Special people.
17:14 "You will be a treasure above all people,
17:16 for all the earth is Mine.
17:18 And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests,
17:21 a holy nation.
17:24 And these are the words you will speak
17:26 to the children of Israel."
17:27 You are to be a special nation, a holy people.
17:30 Now when it talks about kingdoms of priest,
17:32 I read it you there in the beginning of the Bible,
17:35 Deuteronomy, Exodus,
17:36 then I read it you in Peter in the New Testament.
17:39 Now you go to the last book of the Bible.
17:41 Someone's gonna read for me, Revelation, you'll be the next.
17:45 I'm going to read Revelation 1:5,
17:47 says "To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins
17:50 in His own blood,
17:51 and has made us kings and priests to His God
17:56 and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever."
18:02 A nation, it says, a kingdom of priests.
18:05 Now what was the job of a priest?
18:09 If I said, "If we're all a nation of kings and priests,
18:14 what was a priest's job?"
18:16 Offer sacrifice.
18:17 Why?
18:20 They're making atonement and intercession.
18:26 You know, what the word atonement means,
18:28 at, you break down the word, at one ment.
18:32 We got separated from God,
18:34 the priest was to be a mediator.
18:37 And you know, you've got those knobs on the old stove
18:39 where it said, low, medium, high,
18:41 and medium meant between the two.
18:44 Moses was a mediator between God and man
18:46 as he'd go up the mountain,
18:47 God talked to Moses, Moses talked to us.
18:49 He'd intercede for the people.
18:51 The priest was a mediator.
18:53 Christ is our great high priest.
18:56 We as Christians, we follow Jesus,
18:58 we're a nation of mediators for the lost world.
19:03 He wants us to go out and intercede
19:05 and work to bring,
19:07 to make atonement,
19:08 to bring those that are lost back to God.
19:11 What a wonderful calling that is?
19:13 So and not only are you a nation of priests, he says,
19:16 you're a nation of what else did they?
19:18 Kings.
19:19 "You are royal priesthood," the Bible said.
19:21 That's exciting to think about.
19:23 It says we will live and reign with Him.
19:26 And so when God looks down on the world,
19:28 He sees us as ambassadors for Him.
19:32 All right, please read for us the next verse.
19:34 It's similar.
19:35 Revelation 20:6.
19:38 "Blessed and holy is he
19:40 who has part in the first resurrection.
19:42 Over such the second death has no power,
19:45 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
19:48 and shall reign with Him a thousand years."
19:51 Now they don't only reign with Him for 1000 years,
19:53 they reign with Him uniquely for 1000 years
19:56 and then after the earth is made new,
19:57 they reign with Him on earth through eternity.
20:00 And the Bible talks about even the 12 apostles.
20:02 He says, "You will sit on 12 thrones
20:04 ruling the nations of Israel with Me."
20:07 And we, God's moving the capital of the universe
20:10 to our planet, isn't that right?
20:12 God Himself will dwell with us, so the New Jerusalem come down.
20:16 God Himself is in the city.
20:18 And then we live and reign with God
20:20 as ambassadors for the King to every other created
20:25 being in the cosmos forever and ever.
20:28 What a wonderful privilege that we've been called
20:30 to be a nation of kings and priests
20:32 when you think about that.
20:33 Wow. All right.
20:34 So this is one of the metaphors of the church.
20:36 This is where it begins.
20:38 When does a kingdom of heaven begin?
20:41 When Jesus comes or does it start
20:42 when Jesus came?
20:45 When Christ came, He said,
20:46 the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
20:47 So the spiritual kingdom is at hand now.
20:50 You become kings and priests spiritually now.
20:54 We'll experience it in a fuller sense and glory,
20:58 but it begins now.
20:59 That's exciting when you think about it.
21:01 Then another metaphor we're going to look at
21:02 is the household of God.
21:05 It's talking about a home, not the temple that's coming,
21:09 but a house.
21:11 Matthew 7:24, "Whoever hears these sayings of Mine,
21:14 and does them, I will liken him
21:15 to a wise man that" does what?
21:18 "Built his house."
21:20 Church is a place,
21:21 it's founded on the Word of God,
21:23 and the storm rages against the house,
21:25 but it does not fall because it's founded on
21:28 the rock of His Word, His truth.
21:32 Ephesians 2:19.
21:34 "Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers
21:37 and foreigners,
21:38 but you are fellow citizens with the saints and the members
21:42 of the household of God."
21:45 There's a lot in the news lately
21:46 and I got to be careful what I say
21:47 'cause it's very volatile subject
21:50 about immigration.
21:52 But the reason that it is an issue
21:55 is because do citizens of a country have rights
22:00 that non-citizens do not have?
22:04 Yeah, you enjoy great privileges.
22:07 And I'll tell you that it's really nice
22:11 when you travel overseas,
22:13 as I mentioned Karen and I are going to Spain,
22:15 do a short week of meetings there.
22:18 And she checked last night with Bonnie and said,
22:21 "Do we need a visa?" She said, "No."
22:23 America, Spain says come on in.
22:26 There's a lot of places around the world you can go
22:29 but some countries,
22:30 you got to have a visa everywhere you go
22:32 because they just got a dubious reputation.
22:36 But being, you know, American Express
22:39 used to have an ad for their cards and it says,
22:43 "Membership, " what's rest of that?
22:46 "Has its privileges."
22:47 Right.
22:48 Membership has its privileges. Citizenship has its privileges.
22:53 And when you are a citizen in God's kingdom,
22:57 when you are a citizen of His household,
22:59 there are privileges that come with that.
23:02 And that He promises you
23:04 the availability of the Holy Spirit,
23:06 it's one of those, He gives you at baptism.
23:09 So therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners.
23:13 Now this meant a lot
23:14 because in the time of the apostles,
23:17 what nation was ruling the civilized world around
23:20 the Mediterranean?
23:21 Rome.
23:22 Did it mean something to have Roman citizenship?
23:26 I think someone said it could have been somewhere
23:29 between 50% and 60%
23:30 in the Roman Empire were slaves.
23:33 But if, and then you had people that were not slaves
23:36 but they were not citizens.
23:38 But if you were a Roman citizen,
23:40 you got special treatment.
23:41 You know, you could not crucify a Roman citizen.
23:44 They were beheaded.
23:46 Jesus was crucified. Paul was beheaded.
23:48 Peter was crucified because he was not a citizen.
23:50 Paul had citizenship.
23:52 He talks about that several times.
23:54 They could not, they whipped Paul
23:56 once without giving him a fair trial
24:00 and you could never do that to a Roman.
24:01 There are lot of privileges of being a citizen of Rome.
24:05 A lot of protections.
24:07 And if you violated those protections,
24:08 you were in trouble.
24:10 And so when Paul says, "You're not stranger,
24:11 you're citizens now with the saints
24:14 and members of the household of God."
24:17 And it says, "This church is built
24:18 on the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
24:22 Jesus Himself being the chief cornerstone."
24:26 So are the teachings of Christ the cornerstone
24:28 for just the New Testament apostles?
24:31 Or are the teachings of Christ a cornerstone
24:33 for the Old Testament prophets?
24:36 What does he say here?
24:37 Both.
24:39 The foundation for the apostles and the prophets is Christ.
24:44 Everything that the apostle said
24:45 is built on the teachings of Christ.
24:48 Everything the prophets said, Old Testament, Moses,
24:51 built on the foundational teachings of Christ.
24:54 Christ is the Word, right?
24:56 Jesus is the cornerstone.
24:58 Now why is a cornerstone so important?
25:00 How many of you ever done masonry before?
25:05 And if you're doing just the wall,
25:07 even if it's a foundation,
25:08 even if it's just a footing for a building,
25:11 if you're doing a course of brick,
25:13 what's the most important brick you're going to put down?
25:17 It's the first one that's going to determine
25:21 everything else in the wall because if that first brick
25:25 is not square perfectly this way,
25:28 as the bricks follow on,
25:30 it's going to be too high out of level,
25:32 if it's not square with the angle like this,
25:35 it's going to start going further out
25:36 and it makes everything else go out.
25:38 That first one has to be perfectly laser square.
25:41 They use strings and stuff to do that.
25:43 And then you do a coarse of brick this way,
25:45 and a of coarse of brick this way, and it's all,
25:47 everything is governed by that first brick.
25:50 And so that's how it is with God's building.
25:53 Jesus is the cornerstone.
25:54 It sets everything else straight.
25:57 And because He is the perfect example,
26:00 we're safe using Him as that cornerstone.
26:03 You read also in 1 Corinthians chapter 3.
26:07 Oh, I didn't read the best part of Ephesians 2.
26:09 Go to verse 22.
26:12 It said, "Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone,
26:14 in whom the whole building, being fitted together,
26:18 grows into a holy temple to the Lord,
26:21 in whom you are also being built together
26:24 for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit."
26:28 God through the Spirit dwells in His people.
26:33 Then you go to our 1 Corinthians 3:9.
26:37 "For we are God's workers, you are God's field,
26:40 you are God's building."
26:41 Look at the metaphors that are being used,
26:43 not only a building but a field.
26:45 "According to the grace
26:47 which God has given me as a wise master builder,
26:51 I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it.
26:54 But let each one take heed how he builds,
26:56 for no other foundation can anyone lay
26:59 than that which is laid, Jesus Christ."
27:03 If everybody would turn back to the Word in our teachings
27:06 as people went from place to place
27:08 and raising up churches.
27:09 If we all went back to the same book,
27:12 we come to the same conclusions.
27:14 So when we start getting involved
27:15 in private interpretations,
27:17 that the building wall started to get out of plumb.
27:20 And so Paul is saying, "Look, I'm a master builder.
27:22 Others may build on it, but I built good
27:24 because I used the foundation of Jesus."
27:28 Let each one take heed how he builds on it.
27:31 No other foundation can be laid.
27:34 1 Peter 2:4, 5.
27:37 "Coming to Him as to a living stone,
27:40 rejected indeed of men,
27:42 but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones,
27:47 are being built up a spiritual house,
27:50 a holy priesthood,
27:52 to offer up spiritual sacrifices to God
27:54 through Jesus Christ."
27:56 And so we are home.
27:58 Now the reason I'm emphasizing this,
28:00 in a moment, we're going to talk about
28:01 the metaphor of the churches,
28:04 a temple of the Holy Spirit.
28:06 We just talked about the church being a house.
28:09 Right now, we've gathered together as God's people
28:11 in the church, the temple.
28:14 But what happens when you go home?
28:17 Do you cease to be in a dwelling place of God?
28:20 You think Christ to be the foundation in your home
28:23 as well as in your church?
28:25 For everything and your families?
28:28 Now keep in mind,
28:30 families back in Bible times were a lot bigger
28:33 than they typically are today.
28:35 I remember once it said King Ahab had 70 sons.
28:41 Yeah.
28:42 And Solomon, I don't even know if it ever tells us
28:46 how many Solomon has
28:47 but Solomon had like a thousand wives
28:50 if you include wives and concubines.
28:53 And so, I mean,
28:55 boy, that must have been really confusing
28:57 as they got ready for school that day.
29:00 All the kids running around from Solomon's household.
29:04 So a family was by definition almost a church.
29:09 It's like, Abraham would offer sacrifice for his family.
29:11 Well, how many were in his family?
29:14 Never tells us.
29:15 It says he had a great household.
29:16 The closest we get to knowing how many were in his family
29:18 even before he had one son.
29:22 He said he had 300 trained soldiers
29:25 in his family.
29:27 So he's got a big household.
29:28 So Abraham was really acting like the priest for his family.
29:33 So families were a segment of the temple of God.
29:39 It's not just that when you're in church
29:41 that you're the body of Christ.
29:42 When you go home in your families,
29:44 you are the body of Christ.
29:46 Karen and I were running up the door.
29:48 I'll just make a little public confession
29:50 because I'm trying to do something
29:51 pastoral here right now.
29:54 Do you have worship in your homes?
29:57 You know, when we had the kids all at home,
29:58 you know, they are grown,
29:59 they're going off to college now,
30:00 they got Nathan's in the mission field,
30:02 and they've got their own families
30:04 in some cases.
30:05 But when they were all in the house,
30:07 you know, we were determined that you gather them together,
30:09 have worship,
30:10 it was especially important to us
30:12 for them to guide them,
30:13 but you know what happened is,
30:15 after the kids all left house,
30:17 Karen and I started kind of,
30:18 we have our own private worship,
30:19 but we weren't having worship together.
30:21 And I got convicted of that,
30:23 you know, this week, last night,
30:25 we went up and had worship
30:27 up on the hill overlooking the property
30:29 and this morning we are rushing around,
30:30 I'm doing my final touch up on the notes,
30:32 and Karen's having this worship,
30:33 and you know, there's a potluck,
30:34 and she's getting stuff ready for the potluck,
30:36 and I said, "I'll see you at church dear.
30:38 And I kissed her, good bye."
30:39 We take separate cars to protect our marriage.
30:41 You know, it just doesn't cost that much.
30:44 It's worth every penny of the extra gas.
30:47 And so I'm on my way out the door,
30:50 and I'm in the garage,
30:52 and I thought, "We haven't even prayed together."
30:54 We always did it.
30:55 It was like have it with the kids.
30:57 And so I came back and said, "Karen,
30:58 we haven't even prayed together."
31:00 So we knelt at the bed, we prayed together and I said,
31:02 "I feel much better now."
31:04 So you're not just at church when you're in church.
31:05 It's kind of, yeah, I'm at church, we pray.
31:07 You got to do it in your family.
31:09 You need to have Jesus
31:10 being a cornerstone in your family
31:13 where you're praying together and your family
31:15 is a little sanctuary for the Lord.
31:17 Not only do we want the Lord
31:18 to be in our church with the Holy Spirit,
31:21 you want Him to dwell in your home,
31:23 you want things that are said and done in your home,
31:25 to be a place where the angels want to dwell.
31:28 And so that's why I think the lesson breaks out.
31:31 You are the household in your homes
31:33 and with the temple which is our next part here
31:35 that we're going to
31:37 for the metaphors of oneness here.
31:42 Temple of the Holy Spirit.
31:43 Now someone's going to read 1 Corinthians 3:16,
31:46 just a moment, you'll have that Ben,
31:48 And I'm going to read
31:49 1 Corinthians...
31:51 No, I'm reading 2 Chronicles 7:1, 2.
31:57 "When Solomon had finished praying
32:01 fire came down from heaven..."
32:02 Now, what's he praying over?
32:04 This is the dedication of the temple built by Solomon
32:08 which was the first permanent temple.
32:11 The other one through the wilderness
32:12 was a portable temple.
32:14 "When Solomon had finished praying,
32:15 fire came down from heaven
32:17 and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices,
32:20 and the glory of the Lord filled the temple."
32:23 Now just a little footnote.
32:25 You'll hear about when Solomon had his prayer in,
32:28 I think it's 1 Kings, yes, 1 Kings and in 2 Chronicles.
32:33 1 Kings does not mention the part about the Holy Spirit
32:36 coming down and fire coming down.
32:38 So I think you should just note that
32:40 because this to me is very important.
32:42 Notice this.
32:43 "He prayed, he dedicated the house to the Lord.
32:46 The Spirit of God,
32:47 the fire of God came down consumed the burnt offering
32:50 and the sacrifices,
32:51 and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.
32:56 And the priests could not enter the house of the Lord,
32:59 because the glory of the Lord
33:00 had so filled the Lord's house."
33:04 The priests are going,
33:05 at first, they are trying to put on their sunglasses,
33:07 and that doesn't work, and they are going,
33:09 "We're trying to go in and do our job,
33:10 but there's so much glory,
33:11 we got to wait for to dissipate."
33:14 Wouldn't you like to have that problem in your home?
33:16 So much of the spirit that your cup runs over.
33:19 It's like Moses came down the mountain
33:21 after talking to God and he's glowing.
33:22 They said, "Don't talk to us.
33:23 It's too much glory."
33:25 Wouldn't you like to have that problem?
33:28 Just to be so filled
33:29 and baptized with the Holy Spirit
33:30 in the last days
33:32 that people know that God is with you.
33:35 So I thought that was a great verse, story.
33:39 That filled the Lord's house. Please read for us your verse.
33:43 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17.
33:46 "No ye not that you are the temple of God
33:49 and that the Spirit of God dwell within you?
33:51 If any man defiles the temple of God,
33:54 him shall God destroy.
33:55 For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are."
33:59 Now, this is a little different from where Paul says later,
34:03 don't you know your body
34:04 is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
34:06 Here he is saying, "Don't you know that ye,"
34:08 plural, it's kind of like we say in the South, y'all,
34:14 y'all is what he's really saying.
34:16 "Don't you know that y'all are the temple
34:18 of the Holy Spirit?"
34:20 That collectively we are living stones,
34:23 that we form a temple,
34:24 that God dwells in you, if anyone defiles this temple.
34:29 I know I probably aggravate
34:31 some of our leaders and our workers,
34:33 we really appreciate everyone that volunteers
34:35 but you know,
34:37 because we use this building for a number of things,
34:40 we have classes and we have seminars,
34:42 and I think it's great that, you know,
34:44 we get up just before we enter our worship service,
34:46 we greet each other, that's important.
34:48 But then you've got to do something,
34:50 when we enter into the worship service,
34:51 we need to maintain sanctity.
34:54 And I think sometimes
34:55 it's important to teach our kids
34:59 because this place
35:01 is a place that's set aside for the worship
35:03 of the Holiest of Holies God
35:07 that there should be a reverence.
35:10 And so sometimes the kids,
35:11 I see them running up the hall,
35:13 says, "Guys, please don't run."
35:14 You don't want to be, you know, sour to the kids,
35:19 you know, but you are trying nicely,
35:20 says, "Look, this is a church.
35:22 Don't run."
35:24 All right, I mean, here people are talking loud,
35:26 I say, "Come on, let's keep it down.
35:28 Little more reverence."
35:30 Ace, don't you agree?
35:31 Yes. Good. Help me with that.
35:34 So there should be a sanctity
35:37 where it's filled with the Holy Spirit.
35:39 And I think it invites angels
35:40 and when we show that reverence,
35:42 it invites the Holy Spirit.
35:45 Romans 8:9.
35:46 "But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit,
35:49 if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.
35:51 Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ,
35:54 he is not His."
35:56 What's the seal that we belong to Christ?
35:59 Holy Spirit.
36:01 1 Corinthians 6:19.
36:03 "Or do you not know that your body..."
36:04 Now here's a verse on the body.
36:06 "Do you not know that your body
36:07 is the temple of the Holy Spirit."
36:09 This really goes with our next section,
36:11 the body of Christ.
36:15 "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
36:17 who is in you, whom you have from God,
36:19 and you are not your own?
36:21 For you were bought with a price,
36:23 therefore glorify God in your body
36:25 and in your spirit,
36:26 which are God's."
36:28 You'll read in Revelation about this group.
36:31 They're called the synagogue of Satan.
36:33 You got the Nicolaitans
36:34 who have the teaching that God hates.
36:37 You know what their teaching was?
36:40 They said, "Well, you know,
36:41 you worship God with your spirit,
36:42 but your body is carnal, it gets old, it dies,
36:44 it's got desires and unholy passions
36:46 and you can't control the body.
36:47 So just do whatever you want with the body,
36:50 but you worship God with the spirit."
36:52 That was sort of a Greek mysticism.
36:56 And it began to influence,
36:57 contaminate Christians and the church,
36:59 and God said, "I hate that."
37:00 That is not true.
37:02 The Jewish mindset was,
37:03 "Your body and your spirit are interwoven.
37:06 You want to take care of your spirit,
37:07 take care of your body."
37:09 One of the things that makes the
37:10 Seventh-day Adventists unique
37:11 is we realize there is this unalterable connection
37:15 between your body and your spirit.
37:17 Obviously, if a person is drunk and on drugs,
37:20 they don't hear the Holy Spirit very well, right?
37:23 And so the Lord wants us to have our minds clear.
37:27 He wants our bodies to be well
37:29 because He communicates to us through our mind
37:31 which is, you know, the Holy Holies in that body.
37:35 And so it's sort of a holistic view
37:39 that we are part of that body.
37:41 In the New Testament,
37:42 the church is often described as a body.
37:45 And yet for some reason,
37:46 it's more common for Christians
37:48 to amputate themselves from the body of Christ.
37:51 Have you ever heard people say,
37:52 "Does it really matter if I go to church?
37:54 I can survive spiritually without the church.
37:57 I love the Lord.
37:58 I'm a Christian but I don't go to church."
38:00 How many of you have heard that before?
38:04 How long does a body part survive
38:06 when it's separated from the rest of the body?
38:10 I don't want to embarrass David
38:12 but he told me a story one time that when you were at school,
38:15 you were running a band saw, and something happened.
38:19 David has got a testimony right there.
38:20 He is missing the end of his finger.
38:22 They rushed him to the clinic or somewhere and they said,
38:24 "Where is the finger?"
38:26 And they said, "Well, they left it
38:27 back at the shop."
38:28 They said, "Oh, we could have attached it."
38:31 But if you go too long,
38:33 where a piece of the body is separated,
38:35 it doesn't last.
38:36 Now if I tell you to look at the person next to you
38:40 and say, "Well, I really like your nose."
38:42 Will probably makes them feel awkward.
38:46 But if I say, "Look on the floor, a nose."
38:49 How many of you would be a little uncomfortable with that?
38:52 If I said, "I think I see a human nose on the floor."
38:55 See, that's not where it's supposed to be,
38:56 it's supposed to be on the face.
38:58 It doesn't last very long on the floor, right?
39:01 And so when people say, "I'm part of the body
39:03 but I am disconnected," you won't survive.
39:09 It's like a lamb
39:10 without the flock and the shepherd,
39:12 they'll be taken by the wolves.
39:14 You might, for a little while, feel spiritual and everything,
39:16 and the devil will give some people
39:18 the illusion that they're Christians
39:19 and they're not part of a church.
39:21 But, I mean, yeah, some people are shut ins
39:23 and they can't make it to church
39:24 or they're isolated by their job or circumstances
39:27 and there's no Christians around.
39:28 That's different, everyone understand?
39:31 But when a Christian, you can't go to church,
39:34 doesn't go to church, and they say,
39:35 "Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian."
39:36 It's usually a sign of bad health.
39:39 Usually they don't get along with somebody.
39:44 And they say, "I want to be a Christian."
39:46 It always reminds me of a guy that's dating a girl who says,
39:50 "I love you and I want to marry you
39:52 but I really don't want to live with you."
39:55 And when you become a Christian,
39:58 you are baptized into the body of Christ.
40:01 That's what the Bible says, we are in Christ.
40:03 What's the church called? The body of Christ.
40:06 So for you to say,
40:07 "I'm the Christian
40:08 and I only go to church once a month,"
40:10 you're probably not a very healthy Christian.
40:14 If you had a car that started one time out of four,
40:18 would you get it worked on?
40:21 Yeah, there's no consistency there.
40:23 And so you want to be a consistent Christian.
40:24 Be involved.
40:26 Not just going to church but being a functional member.
40:29 And it goes into that here in the lesson.
40:31 Not just being part of the body.
40:32 Someone's gonna read for me, Ephesians,
40:36 you just read that one, huh?
40:37 No, no.
40:38 I read that one. I take it all back.
40:40 I was going to give that one away
40:42 but I changed my mind.
40:44 Ephesians 1:22,
40:46 "And He put all things under His feet,
40:48 and gave Him, Jesus,
40:49 to be head over all things to the church,
40:51 which is the body,
40:53 the fullness of Him who fills all in all."
40:56 Bible says, "There's one body, one spirit."
41:00 1 Corinthians 10:17,
41:02 "For we, though many, are one bread and one body,
41:06 we partake of that one bread."
41:08 Whenever we have communion, we are acknowledging,
41:10 we are part of one body, the Bible says.
41:13 For the equipping,
41:14 it gives different gifts of the spirit, why?
41:15 For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry,
41:19 for the edifying," what is an edificio?
41:24 It's a building.
41:26 To build up.
41:27 So it's not just being in the body,
41:28 using your gifts then somehow to build up the body.
41:34 Got to church early this morning and I said,
41:36 "Where are our greeters?"
41:39 I heard they were little late or something.
41:41 I said, "That's part of the body,
41:42 that's so important.
41:43 When people come through the door,
41:44 they see people smiling and welcoming."
41:46 And so that's one of the many ministries
41:48 that we've got.
41:49 And we have people who are on the camera.
41:51 They are helping broadcast.
41:52 We got people who are deacons, we got elders.
41:54 And we've got the children's divisions,
41:56 but if you're in the body
41:58 and you're just kind of coming and going,
42:00 you ought to be in the prayer ministry,
42:01 be in the book ministry,
42:03 everybody ought to be integrated,
42:05 a part of the body,
42:06 there are no appendixes in the temple of God.
42:10 No, I guess appendix even has a function, doesn't it?
42:14 You know, they took away my tonsils
42:16 and I have no idea what I'm missing.
42:17 But I guess that was there for a reason,
42:19 when I was young.
42:21 I mean everything's got a function, right?
42:24 But I'm hoping that you're not all tonsils
42:25 and appendix in the body
42:26 that you get involved in using your gifts.
42:30 Amen? Amen.
42:32 I mean let's read Romans 12:4.
42:35 "For as we have many members in one body,
42:37 but all the members don't have the same function,
42:40 so we, being many, are one body in Christ,
42:42 and individual members of one another.
42:45 Having in them a differing,
42:47 according to the grace that is given to us,
42:49 let us use them, if prophecy,
42:51 let them interview, teaching,
42:52 let us prophesy in proportion to our faith,
42:54 or ministry, let us use it in our ministering,
42:56 he who teaches, in teaching
42:58 he who exhorts, in exhortation,
43:00 he who gives, with liberality," some got the gift of giving,
43:03 they are successful and they are generous,
43:05 "he who leads, with diligence,
43:07 he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness."
43:10 Similar verse.
43:11 This was such a foundational teaching
43:13 in the New Testament.
43:15 1 Corinthians 12:12.
43:17 "For as the body is one and has many members,
43:21 but all the members of that body,
43:22 being one or many, so also is Christ.
43:25 For by one spirit we're baptized into one body,
43:28 where they're Jews or Greeks, where they're slaves or free
43:31 and have all been made to drink into one spirit.
43:35 For in fact the body is not one but many members.
43:38 But the foot should not say,
43:40 'Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body.'
43:43 Someone should say, "Well, if I am not a pastor,
43:45 I don't want to go.
43:47 Or if I am not an elder.
43:49 Or if I don't get this job or that job, then."
43:53 You know what the most dangerous time
43:54 is in a church?
43:56 We're getting ready to go into this year in our church.
43:59 Nominating committee.
44:01 You know why?
44:02 It's very important
44:03 because you are trying to get more people integrated.
44:05 But there is always a possibility
44:08 that the committee
44:09 will recommend that someone else is given a chance
44:11 to learn a new office which means the person
44:13 who's had that office for a while
44:15 might get another office or be asked to take a break,
44:18 and they become mad, they take it as rejection,
44:21 and they say, "That's my job.
44:22 How dare they're getting my job away?
44:24 I'll never gonna come back."
44:27 It's true.
44:29 "How come I wasn't on the decorating committee?
44:31 They don't think I have any decorating skills?"
44:35 And you know what causes those problems, almost always?
44:38 Pride.
44:40 Nominating committee is a great opportunity for us
44:42 to embrace humility as a church, right?
44:46 And say, "Lord, wherever You want me,
44:48 use Your process.
44:49 Put me where You want me."
44:51 But he says just because a person is not a foot
44:54 or not a hand, don't say I'm a foot,
44:56 I don't want to be foot, I want to be a hand,
44:58 you are still part of the body.
45:01 "Should the foot say, 'Because I am not a hand,
45:03 I am not part of the body,'
45:05 is it therefore not of the body?
45:06 And if the ear should say, 'Because I am not an eye,
45:08 I am not of the body,'
45:09 is it therefore not of the body?
45:11 If the whole body was an eye, where would be the hearing?"
45:14 I like Paul's humor here.
45:16 "If the whole was hearing, where would be the smelling?"
45:20 I remember hearing an illustration one time
45:22 where a man woke up
45:26 and he reached on the dresser to put on his glasses
45:29 and his nose protested.
45:31 And his nose said, "Not again.
45:34 No more. I've had enough."
45:36 And the man say, "Listen, you are the nose.
45:37 What's the problem?"
45:38 He says, "You always got those glasses on me.
45:39 They go on up and down.
45:40 They slide up and down all day long.
45:42 They leave a little red spots.
45:43 I can't breathe. No more glasses."
45:47 So the man set the glasses back down,
45:49 he went on to the bathroom, and he bumped his nose
45:51 because he couldn't see where he was going.
45:55 All the parts of the body need each other.
45:58 Amen? Amen.
45:59 Well, I got three minutes here.
46:00 I want to jump down, you see,
46:02 you can read the rest of that verse,
46:03 it talks about the different body parts.
46:05 Sheep and shepherd.
46:07 Another metaphor used for unity.
46:09 A flock with a head shepherd,
46:12 and there might be under shepherds.
46:14 Jesus talked about shepherds that loved the sheep
46:16 and then those higher lands are just doing it for a job,
46:19 and if the wolf comes,
46:20 they run and they leave the sheep to be eaten.
46:23 But those that love the sheep, they all lay down their lives.
46:27 The Old Testament talks about shepherds
46:29 that don't care, they sleep,
46:31 and there's dumb dogs that don't bark
46:32 and they don't care about the sheep
46:34 and the sheep are scattered and destroyed.
46:36 Bible talks about faithful shepherds like Jacob.
46:38 You ever listened to Jacob's description to Laban?
46:41 Talk about the years of shepherding sheep.
46:43 Says, "I was out in the cold in the night.
46:46 In the heat during the day, my sleep went from me.
46:50 Says, I fought off the wolves."
46:52 He describes the life of a shepherd.
46:54 Isn't it interesting that when God called His nation,
46:57 it was a nation of shepherds?
47:00 Abraham was a shepherd.
47:02 Isaac was a shepherd and a farmer.
47:05 Jacob was a shepherd.
47:08 Joseph was a shepherd.
47:11 Moses, how did God prepare Moses for leading the people?
47:14 Forty years taking care of sheep.
47:17 How did God prepare David to be a good leader?
47:20 Taking care of sheep.
47:22 I enjoyed my time
47:23 when I lived on the Navajo Reservation
47:25 because they were largely shepherds back then.
47:27 Now they lived in their hogans and they'd take care of sheep,
47:30 and I would go out with my cousin on motorcycles.
47:35 The Navajos,
47:38 they didn't even have horses, a lot of them,
47:39 they would herd their sheep on foot,
47:40 they just chase them with their dogs,
47:43 and I tried to help them with my motorcycle
47:44 but I think I did more to scatter
47:46 and scare the sheep.
47:49 And, but it's a very committed life,
47:51 they're out there in the sun and in the cold,
47:52 and there is very little shelter
47:53 and they are just taking them
47:55 from one gracing spot to the other
47:57 so they could eat their mutton.
48:00 David says, "The Lord is my shepherd."
48:02 Someone's gonna read for me a verse in a second.
48:05 You get ready, you are next.
48:07 David says, "The Lord is my shepherd.
48:08 I shall not want.
48:10 He makes me to lie down in green pastures.
48:13 He leads me beside the still waters.
48:15 He restores my soul.
48:18 He leads me in the paths of righteousness."
48:20 So where does the shepherd lead us?
48:22 Paths of righteousness.
48:25 Go ahead. Read your verse for us please.
48:28 Isaiah 40:11.
48:31 "He will feed His flock like a shepherd.
48:34 He will gather the lambs with His arm,
48:36 and carry them in His bosom,
48:38 and gently lead those who are with young."
48:41 It's wonderful when you look at the metaphor
48:43 God gives for His one people as a flock
48:46 because He is the shepherd.
48:47 You got a beautiful passage there
48:49 in John chapter 10,
48:51 where Jesus says, verse 1, "Most assuredly, I say to you,
48:54 he that doesn't enter the sheepfold by the door,
48:56 but climbs in some other way,
48:58 the same is a thief and a robber.
49:00 But he who enters the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
49:04 And the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice,
49:07 and he calls his own sheep by name
49:09 and he leads them out.
49:11 And he brings out his own sheep,
49:13 and he goes before them,
49:14 and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice."
49:17 I've not seen it but I understand.
49:19 Well, Karen and I were in the Middle East this year
49:21 and we saw the shepherds and the sheep,
49:22 but I've seen,
49:23 I've read that when the shepherds
49:25 all would come together
49:27 from their different flocks and they'd visit a little bit
49:28 and all the sheep are trying to gather at this watering hole,
49:31 and then finally when it came time for them
49:32 to take their sheep off to different respective folds
49:36 and pastures that the shepherds would give a little call
49:38 and all the sheep knew their shepherd's voice
49:41 and as that shepherd begin to walk off
49:43 and he'd give off his little whistle or his call,
49:46 the sheep lift up and they all would separate
49:49 even though they'd all been mixed up,
49:51 to follow their shepherd.
49:52 He said, "My sheep hear my voice."
49:55 Now where do we hear His voice?
49:57 In the Word, through the Holy Spirit
49:59 that will always be in harmony with the word.
50:01 Last thing.
50:02 Jesus said,
50:03 "I am the good shepherd.
50:06 The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep."
50:09 And that's the best reason for us to be one.
50:11 Amen? Amen.
50:12 I want to remind you on closing.
50:13 We do have a free offer
50:15 and especially now this is very relevant,
50:17 I hope that you will take advantage of it.
50:19 It's a CD message I did on unity.
50:22 It's called Divided or United.
50:24 And when you call in 866-788-3966,
50:28 ask for offer number 861.
50:30 You see that on your screen.
50:32 That's 866-Study-More.
50:33 We will send it to you for free.
50:34 Listen to it and share it with a friend
50:37 and hope you will receive a blessing.
50:39 God bless you, friends.
50:40 We are out of time for today's study.
50:41 God willing, we'll do it again next Sabbath.
50:55 On Christmas Eve, 1971,
50:58 17-year-old Juliane Koepcke
51:00 boarded LANSA flight 508 with her mother in Lima, Peru.
51:05 They intended to join her father for Christmas
51:07 at his research station in the Amazon rainforest.
51:11 After crossing the Andes at about 21,000 feet,
51:14 their aircraft was enveloped by large, dark thunderclouds,
51:18 and it encountered severe turbulence.
51:20 Lightning was flashing everywhere
51:22 and the plane was shaken violently
51:24 which naturally terrified the passengers.
51:27 Then a bolt of lightning struck the planes engine
51:30 and tore off a wing.
51:32 As the doomed airliner hurdled towards the earth,
51:35 the cabin came apart and the next thing she knew,
51:38 Juliane found herself strapped alone to a row of seats
51:41 falling and spinning silently
51:43 from over 10,000 feet above the rainforest.
51:47 She plummeted through the jungle canopy
51:49 and slammed into forest floor.
51:51 When she awoke the next day,
51:53 Juliane was amazed to realize
51:55 she had survived the 2 mile fall
51:57 with just a broken collar bone and a bad gash in her arm.
52:01 After failing to find any other survivors,
52:03 Juliane relied on what her father
52:05 had taught her that walking downstream
52:08 will always lead to civilization.
52:10 So with the bag of candy that had fallen from the plane
52:13 and one sandal, she started walking.
52:16 For 10 days, Juliane hobbled, swam or floated downstream.
52:21 The wounds became infected
52:22 and she was plaguing by maggots,
52:24 while having to dodge crocodiles,
52:26 piranhas and relentless insects.
52:29 Eventually, she came to a shack,
52:31 where she slept and she was soon discovered
52:33 by Peruvian loggers.
52:35 Eventually, Juliane was united with her amazed father.
52:39 It's hard to imagine a 17-year-old girl
52:42 surviving such a fall and then hiking alone
52:45 out of the world's largest rainforest.
52:48 You know, the Bible talks about some
52:50 who survived an even greater fall than Juliane.
52:53 In fact, according to the scriptures,
52:55 when Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden,
52:57 it brought the whole human race down.
52:59 But Jesus came to redeemed the world from sin.
53:03 Perhaps you're thinking to yourself,
53:04 well, that's okay for the world,
53:06 but I've fallen too far.
53:08 Well, if the Lord can save Juliane,
53:10 God can save you.
53:12 You've not gone farther than Moses,
53:13 who was guilty of murder,
53:15 or David, who was guilty of adultery,
53:17 or Peter who denied Jesus,
53:19 and all of them were saved and restored from their fall.
53:23 Or maybe you're thinking, I've fallen too many times.
53:26 Be of good courage, it says in Proverbs 24:16,
53:30 "A righteous man falls seven times and rises again."
53:33 And Jesus cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalene.
53:36 So don't get discouraged, friend, if you've fallen,
53:39 get back up again.
53:40 The same way that He could save Juliane,
53:42 lead her from that lost condition
53:44 in the rainforest and restore her to her father,
53:47 Jesus can lead you from your lost condition
53:50 and restore you to your heavenly father.
54:01 Let's face it.
54:02 It's not always easy to understand everything
54:05 you read in the Bible.
54:06 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books,
54:10 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
54:12 To get biblical straightforward answers,
54:15 call into Bible Answers Live,
54:17 a live nationwide call in radio program
54:19 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor,
54:22 and ask him your most difficult Bible questions.
54:24 For times and stations in your area,
54:26 or to listen to answers online, visit
54:43 Among the people living in the tropics,
54:45 for thousands of years
54:47 the coconut has been a virtual tree of life.
54:50 The people use it for food, for clothing, for water,
54:53 for tools, for soap, it does just about everything.
54:58 The coconut has also saved a lot of lives.
55:02 During World War II,
55:03 pilots that were shot down
55:05 or sailors that were stranded on Pacific Islands,
55:07 they lived for many months
55:08 on nothing other than the coconut trees
55:11 that were on their islands.
55:12 Yes, sir, the coconut is a tree of life.
55:16 One of the amazing things about coconut
55:18 is they're designed
55:19 so they're actually able to float across oceans.
55:22 Coconuts can go thousands of miles
55:24 after many months be washed up on some deserted sandy beach,
55:28 then they take root, sprout, come to life
55:32 and they'll develop a whole new ecosystem,
55:35 holding islands in place through a hurricane.
55:37 When the ancient Polynesian travelers
55:39 crossing oceans saw an island with coconut trees,
55:42 they knew there was hope.
55:44 It's amazing how in virtually no time at all,
55:47 those living on Pacific Islands know how to make baskets
55:50 and all kinds of tools
55:52 from the leaves of the coconut tree.
55:56 The coconuts even serve different purposes
55:58 at different times in their development.
56:01 The younger green coconut, they're full of water,
56:03 that'll keep you alive.
56:07 You can even make utensils from the coconut.
56:09 My spoon is part of the green shell and here,
56:14 this is a coconut jelly, makes good for breakfast.
56:19 The more mature coconuts, that's where you get the meat,
56:22 but you want to make sure that they're not bad,
56:24 the way you test this
56:25 is you can hear the water inside.
56:27 You bring that mike over here.
56:29 Can you hear it?
56:30 That's a good one. How about we take a bite?
56:33 Now that makes meal that will really fill you up
56:35 and it cleanse your teeth at the same time.
56:40 Throughout the Bible,
56:41 Jesus uses a number of metaphors
56:43 to remind us that everything
56:45 we need to survive comes from Him.
56:47 He says that He's the living water.
56:49 Jesus tells us He is the bread of life.
56:51 His robe covers us with righteousness.
56:54 He is our good shepherd that protects us.
56:57 Jesus is the living vine
56:58 through which we get our life and our nourishment.
57:01 You might say Jesus is like the coconut tree,
57:04 a tree of life.
57:06 You know, the first few verses in the Bible tell that
57:08 God provided a tree of life for man
57:10 so he could live forever,
57:12 but because of sin man was separated from that tree
57:14 and from the garden.
57:16 But through trusting in Jesus
57:17 and trusting in His sacrifice on the cross,
57:20 we once again will have access to the tree of life
57:23 and have eternal life with Him in the kingdom.
57:25 But this is all made possible because we trust in Jesus,
57:28 who is the real tree of life.
57:30 Jesus said, "Unless you eat My flesh
57:32 and drink My blood, you have no life in you."
57:34 But when we accept Christ as our sacrifice
57:37 and we allow Him to cleanse us and fill us with His Spirit,
57:39 we become new creatures, and we can be with Him
57:42 in sharing the gift
57:43 of everlasting life with others.
57:45 Matter of fact, we could do that right now
57:47 by tossing a coconut out
57:48 and praying that it lands on a deserted beach.


Revised 2018-11-01