Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021843A

00:35 Good morning, friends,
00:36 and welcome again to Sabbath School Study Hour
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:40 just outside of Sacramento, California.
00:43 Very warm welcome to our online members,
00:46 and our friends who are joining us across the country
00:48 and around the world,
00:49 as well as our regular church members
00:51 and visitors right here in person,
00:53 delighted that you joined us this morning
00:55 for our study on our new lesson quarterly,
00:58 which the whole quarter is entitled
01:00 "Oneness in Christ."
01:01 And today we find ourselves on lesson number four,
01:05 it's called "The key to Unity."
01:07 So that's what we'll be looking at today.
01:09 For our friends who are joining us,
01:10 if you don't have a copy of today's lesson,
01:13 we do have a website that you can go to
01:15 and you can download today's lesson,
01:17 which is lesson number four.
01:18 All you have to do is go to the website,
01:24 and you can download lesson number four,
01:26 and you can follow along with us as we study.
01:29 We have a free offer we'd like to tell you about,
01:32 a book written by Pastor Doug entitled
01:34 "Compromise, Conformity and Courage."
01:37 This is our free offer today.
01:38 And if you'd like to receive this,
01:40 all you'll need to do is call 866-788-3966
01:45 and ask for offer number 774,
01:48 and we'll be happy to send you this book
01:51 dealing with the subject
01:52 of Compromise, Conformity and Courage.
01:54 If you'd like to get a digital version of the book,
01:57 all you'll need to do is just text the code "SH019"
02:02 to the number 40544.
02:05 You'll then receive a link as to where you can go to download
02:08 a digital copy of the book,
02:10 Compromise, Conformity and Courage.
02:13 Well, before we get to our lesson this morning,
02:15 I'd like to invite our song leaders to come forward,
02:18 and they'll be bringing
02:19 a special musical item this morning.
02:29 I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger
02:36 I can tarry, I can tarry but a night
02:42 Do not detain me, for I am going
02:48 To where the fountains are ever flowing
02:55 I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger
03:02 I can tarry, I can tarry but a night
03:09 There the glory is ever shining
03:15 Oh, my longing heart, my longing heart is there
03:21 Here in this country so dark and dreary
03:28 I long have wandered forlorn and weary
03:34 I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger
03:41 I can tarry, I can tarry but a night
03:48 There's the city to which I journey
03:54 My Redeemer, my Redeemer is its light
04:01 There is no sorrow nor any sighing
04:07 Nor any tears there, nor any dying
04:14 I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger
04:21 I can tarry, I can tarry but a night
04:31 Dear, Father, once again we are grateful
04:33 to be able to gather together in your house
04:34 on this beautiful Sabbath,
04:36 open up Your Word and study
04:38 this important subject of unity,
04:40 and how we can have unity, in the church,
04:42 amongst believers,
04:44 found in Your Word and in Christ.
04:46 So bless our time together today,
04:48 for we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
04:52 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought to us
04:53 by our lead pastor here at Granite Bay,
04:55 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
04:59 We're continuing now in our lesson
05:01 dealing with Oneness in Christ.
05:04 And we're on lesson number four today.
05:06 And lesson four is titled, "The Key to Unity."
05:10 Now, I was wondering why they didn't entitle it
05:13 the keys to unity
05:15 because I see several in the lesson.
05:17 But then it really boils down to there is one key to unity,
05:21 and we'll talk about that before it's over.
05:24 And we have a memory verse.
05:26 It's two verses from the Book of Ephesians,
05:28 Ephesians 1,
05:30 you like to say it out loud with me,
05:32 it's from the New King James Version.
05:34 Ephesians 1:9, 10.
05:38 Ephesians 1:9, 10, ready?
05:41 "Having made known to us the mystery of His will,
05:45 according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,
05:50 that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times
05:54 He might gather together in one all things in Christ,
05:59 both which are in heaven
06:01 and which are in earth, in Him."
06:05 So I want to talk about the key to unity.
06:07 Of course, a key is Christ.
06:09 He's the ultimate key to unity.
06:11 Now our mission today
06:14 is to really go through the Book of Ephesians.
06:17 This whole lesson, it covers sort of Ephesians 1-6,
06:21 it's a whole book.
06:23 And one of the central themes
06:25 of the Book of Ephesians is unity.
06:28 And so we're going to be
06:29 talking about some of the different aspects.
06:31 I was tempted to say,
06:32 I wonder if I can read Ephesians 1-6
06:34 in a Sabbath School lesson,
06:36 but I think I'd lose you if I did it that way.
06:39 I just like to make sure that you kind of get the gist of it.
06:43 And for those of you who don't know,
06:46 the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist,
06:48 when they put together a Sabbath School quarterly,
06:52 their idea is that they like to take
06:54 the members through the entire Bible
06:56 over a five year period.
06:59 And they do it maybe
07:00 coming through different subjects in different angles.
07:03 But the idea is that during that five-year period,
07:05 you'll at least have touched
07:06 on every major book in the Bible.
07:08 So you sort of get a great global view of the scriptures.
07:14 And so Ephesians is really our mission.
07:17 And the central theme here in Ephesians
07:19 is talking about the unity.
07:22 Now just to give you a little bit of background,
07:25 matter of fact to give you that background,
07:26 turn with me in your Bibles
07:27 to the Book of not Ephesians, Acts.
07:31 Go to the Book of Acts 19.
07:35 And a story that you may have read through quickly,
07:38 but it's got a lot of very important passage
07:41 Acts 19:1.
07:43 Acts 19:1, "And it happened,
07:49 while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul,
07:52 having passed through the upper regions,
07:54 came to Ephesus."
07:55 Our study today is about the Book of Ephesians.
07:58 Paul came to Ephesus.
08:00 "And finding some disciples he said to them,
08:04 'Did you receive the Holy Spirit
08:05 when you believed?'
08:07 And they said to him,
08:08 'We have not so much as heard
08:09 whether there is a Holy Spirit.'
08:12 And he said to them,
08:13 'Into what then were you baptized?'
08:16 So they said, 'Into John's baptism.'"
08:19 And then Paul, meaning John the Baptist.
08:22 "Then Paul said, 'John indeed baptized
08:24 with a baptism of repentance,
08:26 saying to the people that should come,
08:28 should believe on Him who would come after him,
08:30 that is, on Christ Jesus.'"
08:32 So he talks to them about Jesus.
08:35 "When they heard this,
08:36 they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
08:39 And when Paul laid hands upon them,"
08:42 some think that it's important to have a second baptism
08:44 to receive the filling of the spirit.
08:46 Others argue that it was through the laying on of hands.
08:49 That's a study we don't have time for today,
08:51 but there's a lot more in the Bible
08:52 than I ever hear preachers talk about.
08:55 The New Testament church had a lot to say
08:57 about the laying on of hands.
08:59 Matter of fact, Paul in Hebrews
09:02 calls it one of the elementary doctrines
09:04 of laying on of hands.
09:06 You don't ever hear that
09:07 in the baptismal vows or anything.
09:08 Anyway, that was a side road I took,
09:11 I'm back now. Okay.
09:15 "When they were baptized in Paul,
09:16 he laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them,
09:20 and they spoke with tongues and they prophesied.
09:23 Now the men were about 12 in all."
09:28 And you go on and you read here that Paul,
09:31 he went in, and he reasoned with them,
09:33 and he spent a few years in Ephesus.
09:37 Now this is very interesting
09:39 because here you have these believers.
09:41 And some of have argued,
09:42 "Were they proselytes to Christianity and Judaism?
09:47 Were they people from Asia?"
09:50 It sounds like they were Gentiles
09:53 who had heard about John the Baptist
09:55 maybe through some of the Jews that had gone north,
09:57 and they accepted the truth about Jesus.
10:00 And there's 12 of them.
10:03 Through the ministry of Paul,
10:04 a great work begins there in Asia Minor.
10:08 It's almost like a mirror of what Jesus did.
10:10 Jesus worked in Judah among Jews through 12,
10:14 the Holy Spirit poured out,
10:15 and they do a great work in Israel.
10:17 Now Paul goes up to Asia, and he chooses 12,
10:22 he lays hands on them,
10:23 they're filled with the Holy Spirit.
10:25 Didn't Jesus lay hands on the 12 apostles?
10:28 And through the work of these 12 men,
10:31 a great work happens.
10:32 It's almost like a parallel group of apostles
10:35 for the work among the Gentiles,
10:38 like I said, whether they were Jews
10:41 that lived among the Gentiles
10:43 or if they were part Gentiles," it's not entirely clear.
10:47 They did not speak Hebrew, it says they spoke in tongues,
10:51 meaning that they probably
10:52 spoke some of the local languages there of Turkey.
10:55 And they heard them suddenly receive the gift of tongues.
10:58 So this is the same thing that happens with the apostles.
11:02 Did you catch that?
11:04 It's very exciting when you think about it.
11:06 It's almost like a parallel to the work of Jesus
11:09 among the Jews now happens through Paul,
11:12 who Christ called, among the Gentiles,
11:16 and a great work spreads up there.
11:18 Now there was a problem though.
11:21 As the work began to spread among the Gentiles,
11:23 and the Holy Spirit is poured out,
11:25 and the church was growing,
11:26 soon there were more Gentile Christians in Ephesus
11:29 than there were Jews,
11:30 but they all worshipped together.
11:32 They all went to the synagogue,
11:33 what day of the week did they worship?
11:35 They all gathered in the synagogue on Sabbath.
11:38 Matter of fact, it says several times
11:40 that on the Sabbath day,
11:43 the Gentiles asked that Paul might speak unto them,
11:46 and the whole city came together.
11:48 And so the problem was,
11:50 you've got the Jews and you've get the Gentiles,
11:52 and there was a division.
11:55 And a lot of problems arose.
11:57 And some of the Jewish believers in Jesus were saying,
12:00 "You need to keep the ordinances
12:02 in the ceremonial laws."
12:04 And the church down in Jerusalem said,
12:05 "No, you don't need to keep circumcision,
12:08 you do need to keep,
12:09 you know, the Sabbath, and the health laws."
12:11 They specifically mentioned of eating the blood.
12:13 And you'll find this battle between the two groups.
12:17 It became very intense.
12:18 The Jews sort of felt like they had special privileges.
12:21 So Paul has to write them a letter.
12:24 And one of the central themes
12:26 in the letter of the Ephesians is,
12:29 you guys got to work together, unity.
12:32 You are united in Christ.
12:35 And you're not just Jew and Gentile.
12:40 You know, they talk...
12:42 There's a lot of talk about
12:43 racial division in North America.
12:47 Is it just me or do you hear that?
12:50 I mean, you think that
12:51 that would be behind us at this point.
12:54 But I heard about racism
12:58 when I was growing up in New York City,
12:59 but I didn't really think much of it
13:01 because I went to a public school,
13:03 where our kids where from all over the world.
13:07 And our neighborhoods, you know, just...
13:10 We were Spanish, and African-American,
13:12 and Italians, and Jews,
13:14 and it was just a hodgepodge.
13:16 And the kids pretty much got along.
13:18 The interesting thing was,
13:20 we all told jokes about race to each other.
13:24 But we didn't care, we loved each other, we tell...
13:27 I bet I'm the only one here
13:28 that told the Polish joke growing up, right?
13:34 I see a lot of confessions out there happening right now.
13:38 And, what we had jokes about?
13:40 They would tell Jewish jokes,
13:41 I'm Jewish, and they would tell Italian jokes,
13:43 and we would all tease and joke each other,
13:44 but we all loved each other and kind of worked together
13:46 once we were in the classroom,
13:47 when we went out to play in tetherball,
13:49 which is illegal now,
13:50 and all the other things that we did,
13:52 but we would get along.
13:53 It wasn't till I got out of New York,
13:55 I realized that racism really was a problem in some places.
13:59 Well, it was a real problem in Asia
14:01 between the Jews and the Gentiles
14:03 because there were hundreds of years.
14:07 The Jews felt like we are the chosen people,
14:09 we're better than everyone else,
14:11 the Gentiles are dogs, they're dirty, they're unclean.
14:15 Do not even let the shadow of a Samaritan fall upon you.
14:22 And Samaritans were kind of half Jews.
14:23 I mean, it was really bad if you were a pure Gentile.
14:26 And so these were some deep seeded problems
14:29 that the early church had to overcome
14:31 because it wasn't long after Christ,
14:34 before there were now more Gentiles
14:37 believing in Jesus than Jews.
14:39 And the Jews began to feel really threatened.
14:44 Do you see that in North America a little bit?
14:47 When the voter guide
14:50 used to always be printed in English.
14:53 And then because there were
14:54 so many Spanish speakers in the country,
14:57 they started printing it in Spanish.
15:00 And some of the English only speakers were saying,
15:02 "Well, they ought to learn English."
15:06 And now you'll find the voter guide
15:07 is in Chinese as well.
15:11 And this is a real threat to people who thought,
15:16 "Isn't this an English speaking country?"
15:19 I'm just trying to make what they're going through back
15:21 then relevant for today.
15:24 Humanity hasn't changed much.
15:26 Amen.
15:28 All right, let's get back to the Book of Ephesians.
15:30 So I just wanted to give you the background
15:32 for what some of the issues were that
15:34 they were grappling with.
15:36 Ephesians 1, now I'm going to read...
15:39 Let's see if I'm going to find my notes here.
15:41 I'm going to read verses 1-14.
15:45 This is a section where it talks about redemption in...
15:50 Blessings in Christ, and redemption in Christ.
15:53 "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ
15:55 by the will of God,
15:56 to the saints that are in Ephesus,
15:58 and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
16:00 Grace to you and peace from God,
16:02 our Father, and from the Lord, Jesus Christ.
16:05 Blessed be the God
16:06 and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
16:08 who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
16:10 in the heavenly places in Christ,
16:13 just as He chose us in Him
16:15 before the foundation of the world,
16:17 that we should be holy and without blame before Him,"
16:20 Now a lot of people turn to the Book of Ephesians
16:23 to try to prove a Calvinistic view of predestination.
16:27 The Book of Ephesians does talk about predestination,
16:31 but it's not that kind of predestination
16:34 that God chose ahead of time
16:35 who would be saved and who would be lost.
16:37 So I'll read a little bit, I'll explain,
16:39 but you'll see the language here.
16:42 Then it says, "He chose us from the foundation of world,"
16:44 sounds like predestined, "that we should be holy
16:47 and without blame before Him in love,
16:49 having predestined us
16:51 to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself,
16:55 according to the good pleasure of His will,
16:57 to the praise and to the glory of His grace,
16:59 by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
17:03 In Him we have redemption through His blood,
17:06 the forgiveness of our sins,
17:07 according to the riches of His grace
17:09 which He made to abound toward us
17:11 in all wisdom and prudence,
17:13 having made known to us the mystery of His will,
17:16 according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,
17:20 in that dispensation of the fullness of times
17:23 that He might gather together..."
17:24 And I read all that to get to this one sentence.
17:27 "That He might gather together in one
17:31 all things in Christ,
17:33 both which are in heaven and which are on earth, in Him.
17:36 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance,
17:38 being predestined..."
17:40 There's that word again.
17:42 "According to the purpose of Him,
17:44 who works all things according to the counsel of His will,
17:47 that we who first trusted in Christ
17:50 should be to the praise of His glory.
17:52 In Him you also..."
17:54 All right, that's the key.
17:56 Paul says, "We, who first trusted,"
17:58 talking about the Jews.
18:00 And then he says, "In him, you also..."
18:02 Who is he talking about now?
18:04 The Gentiles, saying, "We have all been called."
18:08 God predestined before the foundation of the world
18:11 that through Jesus all people could be saved,
18:15 Jew and Gentile.
18:17 Now do you realize, there's only
18:18 two kinds of people in the world,
18:22 male and female.
18:24 Everybody fits into one of those categories.
18:27 From the Jewish mind,
18:28 there's still only two kinds of people in the world,
18:31 Jew and Gentile.
18:32 If you're not a Jew,
18:33 you've only got one other option
18:35 if you're a person, you're Gentile.
18:37 And if you're not a Gentile, you're Jew.
18:41 And so what Paul is saying...
18:42 I want to make you sure that you understand
18:44 that this was all encompassing for them.
18:46 He's saying, "We were chosen,
18:48 and you were chosen that we all might be one."
18:52 So when he's talking about predestination in Ephesians,
18:54 he's not talking about individuals
18:57 that were predestined to be saved
18:59 and others not chosen to be saved.
19:02 He's talking about God had predetermined
19:04 that all should be saved in one.
19:08 That's why God says, "The Lord is not willing
19:10 that any should perish."
19:12 God never predestined some people to be lost.
19:16 And so some have misunderstood this,
19:18 and they think the predestination
19:19 he's talking about is the Calvinistic view,
19:23 once saved, always saved sort of thing.
19:25 All right, so there was a commentary in my notes.
19:29 It said, "The Jews considered themselves an elector,
19:32 chosen people,
19:33 and wish to monopolize the Divine love.
19:36 The Apostle here shows that God had the Gentiles
19:40 as much in contemplation of His mercy and goodness
19:43 as He had the Jews."
19:44 That's actually a comment I believe from Matthew.
19:47 I'm sorry, from Adam Clarke's commentary.
19:51 God having determined to bring
19:52 both Jew and Gentile to salvation,
19:54 not by works, nor by any human means,
19:58 but by Jesus Christ.
19:59 That's another important point.
20:00 Have you ever heard people saying,
20:03 "In the old dispensation,
20:04 the Jews were saved by works and the law,
20:07 in the new dispensation,
20:08 we are saved by grace and faith."
20:12 That is baloney.
20:13 A theological term for that is baloney.
20:16 In our church, it would be veggie baloney,
20:18 but it's baloney either way.
20:20 It's just not true.
20:22 God did not see people in the Old Testament by works
20:25 and us now by faith.
20:27 Everybody is saved by Jesus through faith,
20:30 not of works.
20:31 Abraham believed God,
20:33 and it was counted to him for righteousness.
20:34 So was Abraham saved by works or faith?
20:37 Faith.
20:38 But if you have faith, it will be seen in your works.
20:42 Is that just true for Jews or for Gentiles too?
20:45 It's for everybody.
20:46 So, you know, whenever I hear people say that God,
20:49 you know, it's almost like I've heard them say,
20:51 "Well, God give the Ten Commandments
20:52 to the Jews to prove His law can't be kept,
20:55 so now we're saved just by faith,
20:57 we don't have to keep the law."
20:59 You mean, God just gave them an impossible task,
21:01 and then punish them for not doing it?
21:05 Isn't what that would mean
21:06 that He gave them an impossible task,
21:08 and said, "You couldn't do it.
21:09 I'm going to punish you for not doing it,
21:11 but I knew you couldn't do it."
21:13 What father will do that?
21:15 That's cruel.
21:16 If you tell your child,
21:17 "You need to jump up on this step."
21:18 And they say, "I'm trying, I can't reach it."
21:20 And then he beats him for doing it.
21:22 That's really what they're saying.
21:24 Okay.
21:29 "In whom, having believed," notice I'm in verse 12 now,
21:33 "that he, who first trusted in Christ,
21:36 should be to the praise of His glory.
21:38 In Him you also, Gentile, trusted,
21:41 after you heard the word of truth,
21:43 the gospel of your salvation, in whom also, having believed,
21:48 you were sealed
21:49 with the Holy Spirit of promise."
21:52 Was it only 120 Jews at Pentecost
21:55 or 3,000 at Pentecost or 5,000.
21:57 After Pentecost, all Jews received the Holy Spirit?
22:01 Or do we see that Paul goes up in the Asia,
22:03 and Gentiles received the Holy Spirit too.
22:06 Isn't that right?
22:07 How many of you remember.
22:08 It's interesting, Philip is preaching in Samaria,
22:12 and people wanted to get baptized.
22:14 So Philip calls Peter and John to come up,
22:19 and they baptized them,
22:21 and they laid hands on them
22:22 that they should receive the Holy Spirit.
22:25 You notice that happening again?
22:26 Baptize, laying on of hands
22:28 that they should receive the Holy Spirit,
22:29 so it's interesting.
22:31 God tells the apostles,
22:33 "You're going to be my witnesses in Judea,"
22:36 I'm sorry, "in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria,
22:40 and the uttermost parts of the earth.
22:42 Now follow the history of Acts.
22:44 Holy Spirit is poured out in Jerusalem,
22:47 then they go up preaching in Judea,
22:49 then they go out to Samaria.
22:52 And about that time, there's a great persecution
22:54 because of the conversion of Paul,
22:56 the stoning of Stephen.
22:58 And they're scattered, it says,
22:59 "Everywhere preaching the gospel."
23:01 And the gospel goes to the Gentile
23:03 immediately after the conversion of Paul.
23:05 And actually the stoning of Stephen,
23:07 which then led to the conversion of Paul,
23:10 exactly what Jesus said
23:11 the sequence would be is the way
23:14 that it plays out in the Bible.
23:16 So...
23:18 All right, moving along here,
23:19 he says, "You received the Holy Spirit
23:21 by which you were sealed."
23:24 What is the seal of God?
23:29 Well, if you look in Isaiah 8:16,
23:33 "Bind up the testimony,
23:34 seal the law...
23:38 among my disciples."
23:42 Does somebody have the law sealed in their heart
23:44 without the Holy Spirit?
23:48 Everybody that has the law sealed in their heart
23:51 must have the Holy Spirit.
23:55 What is the mark of the beast?
23:58 Mark of the beast, first and foremost,
24:00 is the spirit of the devil.
24:03 Would you agree that everybody
24:04 that has a mark of the beast is a spirit of the devil?
24:08 "You don't have God's Spirit,"
24:09 Jesus said, "You got another spirit."
24:11 Said, "You're of your father, the devil."
24:13 All right, but there's something more specific about
24:15 what that mark is.
24:17 It means you're obeying the laws of the devil
24:19 instead of the laws of God.
24:21 What is the seal of God?
24:23 Holy Spirit.
24:25 First and foremost, it's the Holy Spirit.
24:27 Isn't that right?
24:29 Then it is seen by a surrender in giving your lives to God
24:33 and keeping His commandments.
24:34 And in the middle of God's law, He's got one commandment
24:36 that begins with the word holy or at least begin with a word.
24:40 It's got the word holy in it, begins with the word remember.
24:43 And it's one of the most important commandments
24:46 'cause it has to do with worship,
24:47 giving God your time.
24:49 And so you have the Sabbath
24:50 is a special seal that is seen among His people.
24:53 But are there Sabbath keepers
24:55 that don't have the Holy Spirit?
24:59 The people who crucified Jesus, did they keep the Sabbath?
25:03 They actually wanted Him killed quicker,
25:04 so they could run home from crucifying the Messiah
25:07 and keep the Sabbath.
25:09 And isn't there an irony there?
25:11 Is that going to save them?
25:13 So if you are a Sabbath keeper,
25:15 but you are not filled with the Holy Spirit,
25:17 will that save you?
25:19 No.
25:20 He says, "So you're sealed
25:22 with the Holy Spirit of promise,
25:24 who is the guarantee of our inheritance,"
25:27 the Bible says, "Grieve not."
25:28 It's also in the Book of Ephesians 2,
25:30 "Grieve not, the Holy Spirit were with you
25:32 are sealed for the day of redemption."
25:36 So when the disciples received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost,
25:42 that was a guarantee that they had then...
25:44 They were saved.
25:46 And when they were baptized,
25:47 and they prayed for the Holy Spirit,
25:48 they were saved.
25:49 Jesus said, "Unless you're born of the water and," what?
25:53 "The Spirit."
25:54 See for the disciples,
25:56 it wasn't like modern evangelists,
25:57 where you just see how many you can dunk,
25:59 and then write down a number, and send it to the conference,
26:01 and say, "Look, how many baptisms we have."
26:03 God wants to know...
26:04 Yeah, but were they spirit filled too?
26:07 You got to be born of the water and born of the spirit.
26:09 So the early church, Paul is saying...
26:11 What makes us one?
26:13 One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
26:17 One baptism in water, one baptism in spirit or both.
26:22 We're made one through the Holy Spirit.
26:25 Someone's going to read for me Galatians 4:7 just in a moment.
26:29 And in the meantime, I'm going to read Acts 11:15.
26:33 Paul said, "And as I begin to speak,
26:35 the Holy Spirit fell on them as upon us at the beginning."
26:39 That's actually Peter, sorry.
26:41 Peter's recounting
26:43 when the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius
26:45 and his household, and notice what he says,
26:47 Cornelius, he's not a Samaritan,
26:49 he's not a half Jew, he's 100% Gentile.
26:52 He's from the Italian regiment, he's Italian, he's a Roman.
26:59 These are the people who crucified Jesus.
27:01 What? They're going to join the church?
27:04 Can you understand Peter's confusion about all this?
27:07 But when he relates it to the church in Acts 11,
27:09 he says, "I began to preach, the Holy Spirit fell upon them,
27:14 as on us at the beginning.
27:16 It fell on the Gentiles the same way it fell on us.
27:19 Then I remembered the word of the Lord
27:21 how he said, 'John, indeed baptized you with water,
27:24 but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.'
27:27 If, therefore, God gave them the same gift as He's given us
27:32 when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ,
27:34 who was I that I could withstand God?"
27:37 So what kind of gift did the Gentiles get?
27:39 Same gift as the Jews got.
27:41 All right, please read for us your verse.
27:44 Galatians 4:7, "Therefore you are no longer a slave
27:49 but a son, and if a son,
27:52 then an heir of God through Christ."
27:56 Amen.
27:57 It tells us in Ephesians,
27:58 we're one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
28:00 and the Bible also says one family.
28:04 We're baptized into one family.
28:07 I like it when, in church,
28:08 we call each other brother and sister.
28:11 And when our kids were growing up in a small church,
28:14 we attended, we told them to call everybody,
28:18 you know, it always sounds weird
28:19 when you hear a little kid calling an adult, "Hey, Bill."
28:23 They always should be like Mr. Smith or something.
28:25 So we would tell them to call them
28:27 Uncle Joe or Uncle Bill or Aunt Seine.
28:32 And, you know, when everyone came to church,
28:34 visitors would say, "Oh, he's got a big family here."
28:38 So that's right, we're all related.
28:42 You want to do that here?
28:44 That'd be good, let's teach our kids
28:45 to call each other uncle and aunt,
28:46 or grandma and grandpa, or something like that.
28:50 But I see that in some countries I visit,
28:52 they call everybody auntie.
28:55 Yeah, the Filipinos, they always say auntie or ma.
28:58 Yeah, it's all family.
29:00 That's right, I like that.
29:02 So we're one family.
29:04 We're united as servants.
29:05 Look in Matthew 20:25.
29:09 "But Jesus called them and He said to Himself,
29:11 "You know the rulers of the Gentiles
29:12 lorded over them,
29:14 and those who are great, exercise authority over them.
29:16 Yet it will not be so among you,
29:18 but he who desires to become great among you,
29:20 let him be your servant.
29:22 And whoever desires to be first among you,
29:23 let him be your slave,
29:24 just as the Son of man did not come to be served,
29:28 but to serve,
29:29 and He give His life for ransom for many."
29:32 You know, among the Gentiles,
29:33 they had, kind of like, this class separation.
29:36 You had the rich, and you had the slaves.
29:39 Jesus said, "It's not going to be that way in the church,
29:40 you are all servants."
29:42 We're all on an equal playing field.
29:45 Amen.
29:47 All right, let's go to the next section here,
29:49 breaking on the wall.
29:50 Go to Ephesians 2.
29:52 We'll start with verse 11.
29:54 As I said, we don't have time to read through the whole book.
29:57 Ephesians 2:11,
29:59 "Therefore remember
30:00 that you were once Gentiles in the flesh,"
30:02 clear enough what He's talking about now,
30:04 "who were called the uncircumcision
30:07 by what is called the circumcision,"
30:08 The Jews called you the uncircumcision,
30:11 "made in the flesh by hands
30:13 that at that time you were without Christ,
30:15 being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel
30:17 and strangers from the covenants of promise,
30:20 having no hope and without God in the world."
30:22 Before you were adopted and brought in,
30:25 you were without hope and without God in the world.
30:27 "But now in Christ Jesus, you were one so far off,
30:32 have been brought near by the blood of Christ."
30:34 So what makes us one?
30:35 What's one of the keys?
30:38 That's right.
30:39 You know, one of the things I think that explodes racism,
30:44 the Bible says, "God has made of one blood, all nations."
30:50 And I had to fill out a form last week,
30:52 and it has on there, "What is your race?"
30:55 I would resent that a little bit.
30:57 I did DNA test, and I'm sort of a hodgepodge,
31:00 but I guess I'm principally white.
31:02 That so I put that down.
31:04 But it occurred to me, there's a lot of white people,
31:06 if I went to the hospital,
31:07 they give me a blood transfusion,
31:09 it won't work
31:10 because they've got the wrong blood type.
31:12 And yet there are a lot of
31:13 Spanish people or black people
31:15 who have the same blood type as me,
31:17 and their blood would save me.
31:19 What matters is the blood type.
31:22 When you become a Christian, we all get O positive,
31:28 you know, I should call J positive blood, right?
31:32 We become of one blood.
31:35 Amen.
31:36 "But now in Christ you who once were far off
31:39 have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
31:41 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one,"
31:47 Jew and Gentile, whatever your race,
31:50 He's made both one.
31:51 "He has broken down the middle wall of separation,
31:56 having abolished in His flesh."
31:58 Now what is that wall? People have all kind of argued.
32:00 What's the wall that Jesus broke down?
32:07 In the Jewish temple,
32:09 they actually had a wall that separated...
32:12 There was a place where Gentiles could come.
32:14 But the Gentiles could not come inside the place for the men.
32:19 How many of you remember
32:20 Paul was accused of bringing a Gentile
32:23 into the Jewish court?
32:25 And they nearly tore him limb from limb.
32:28 But now, in Christ,
32:30 that wall of separation
32:31 between Jew and Gentile is broken down.
32:33 Others have argued,
32:34 it's talking about this veil that separates us from God
32:37 that was in the temple.
32:39 But now we have access directly to the Father through Christ.
32:43 I think, here He may be talking about
32:44 the wall of separation in the courtyard.
32:46 But through Jesus, there's no wall anymore.
32:50 He says, "So to create in Himself,"
32:52 I'm still in verse 15,
32:54 "Having abolished in His flesh the enmity,
32:57 that is, the law of commandments
32:58 contained in ordinances,
33:00 so as to create in Himself one new man from the two,"
33:05 the Jew and the Gentile, whatever your background is,
33:08 we are made one people, thus making peace,
33:12 and that He might reconcile them both to God
33:15 in one body through the cross,
33:18 thereby putting to death the enmity,"
33:20 the animosity, the separation.
33:22 You know, where you find that word, "enmity?"
33:25 It says, "There'd be enmity
33:26 between the dragon and the woman."
33:28 Right there in Genesis, a separation, a polarization.
33:32 But the polarization between Jew and Gentile
33:35 does not exist anymore in Jesus.
33:37 We become one family, one faith.
33:39 Amen.
33:41 "Bringing them both to God in one body through the cross."
33:45 So that's one of the keys, it's through the cross.
33:48 You know, there is a simple law of life that...
33:51 As two people move towards a common object,
33:55 they will inevitably be moving towards each other.
34:00 So if you decide to go to the South Pole,
34:02 and I decide to go to the South Pole,
34:04 it doesn't matter where in the world you are,
34:05 as we both decide to go to the South Pole,
34:07 we will eventually be coming closer together over time,
34:11 is that right?
34:13 And if you decide to move towards the cross
34:16 and be like Christ,
34:18 and your spouse decides
34:20 they want to move towards the cross
34:21 and be like Christ,
34:22 what happens to the husband and wife?
34:25 They end up getting closer together.
34:28 If members in the church that may be at odds
34:31 because of some family feud
34:32 or some division or whatever it is,
34:33 if they are both determined to be more like Jesus,
34:37 what happens to those families that might have been feuding?
34:40 They'll start coming together.
34:42 As we all fix our eyes on Jesus,
34:45 the author and finisher of our faith,
34:47 and we move towards that common goal,
34:50 we will be moving towards each other.
34:52 So what's the key to unity? You know, lift up Christ.
34:55 Christ said, "If I am lifted up,
34:56 I will draw all men to myself.
34:58 And what happens to those people
35:00 that are drawn to Christ.
35:01 They will inevitably be drawn to each other in the process,
35:06 And I know it sounds very simple,
35:07 but it really is simple.
35:10 "Thereby putting to death the enmity,
35:12 He came and He preached," I'm in Ephesians 2:17.
35:15 "He came and He preached to you
35:17 who were far off and to those who were near,"
35:20 the Gentiles, the Jews, we were near,
35:22 we're both speaking peace.
35:24 "Through Him we both have
35:26 access by one Spirit to the Father."
35:29 Equal access,
35:34 united into one spiritual house.
35:37 Now go to verse 19, Ephesians 2:19,
35:41 "You are therefore
35:42 now no longer strangers and foreigners,
35:46 but fellow citizens."
35:49 I don't know if he's here today,
35:50 but one of our members, couple of weeks ago,
35:54 who is originally from Macedonia went down,
35:57 and he took the oath, and he took the vow,
36:00 and he became an American citizen.
36:03 And so we were able to congratulate him.
36:05 And he can now vote, I think, in the next election.
36:08 And so he is one of us now, if you're an American,
36:12 that's what I mean, you know, he's joined in.
36:15 Well, you know, you're a separate nation
36:17 when you're Christian.
36:18 Peter says that...
36:20 Oh, that's, I don't want to take your verse.
36:22 Tell you what? You get ready to read that.
36:23 I'm going to read... I'll finish Ephesians.
36:28 In Ephesians, yeah, chapter 20,
36:30 "Having been built on the foundation
36:32 of the apostles and prophets,
36:33 Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone,
36:37 in whom the whole building, being fitly framed together,
36:40 grows into a holy temple in the Lord,
36:43 in whom you also are being built together
36:45 for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit."
36:49 All right, go ahead, read for us 1 Peter 2:9.
36:53 "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
36:57 a holy nation, His own special people,
37:00 that you may proclaim the praises of Him
37:03 who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."
37:07 So the Bible tells us that there's...
37:09 We become part,
37:10 we're all living stones in one building.
37:12 Matter of fact, if you look in 1 Peter 2:4,
37:16 "Coming to Him as a living stone,
37:18 rejected indeed by men,
37:19 but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones,
37:23 are built up into a spiritual house,
37:26 a holy priesthood,
37:27 to offer up spiritual sacrifices
37:29 acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
37:32 Therefore it is contained in the scripture,
37:33 'Behold, I lay in Zion, a chief cornerstone,
37:36 elect and precious,
37:37 and he who believes in Him
37:38 will by no means be put to shame.'"
37:41 So Jesus said destroy this temple
37:44 made with hands,
37:45 and in three days I will make one without hands.
37:48 And when that confused the Jews
37:50 who were listening, they said, "What?
37:52 It took 46 years to build this temple,
37:53 how you're going to raise it up in three days?"
37:55 It says, he spoke of what?
37:58 His body.
38:00 What is the church called?
38:02 Body of Christ.
38:04 And so when Jesus said, "When I rise,
38:06 I'll be building a new temple."
38:08 What is that temple?
38:11 You.
38:13 Paul said...
38:14 Now people get confused
38:15 'cause Paul says it two or three times.
38:17 He says, "Why don't you know
38:18 that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?"
38:20 Your physical body is like a temple,
38:22 Holy Spirit dwells in you.
38:23 But he says it another way.
38:25 Another time he says, "Ye," collectively,
38:28 "are the temple of God."
38:30 That we together make of difference stones
38:32 in the temple of God.
38:35 And so we're built on the foundation of Jesus,
38:38 he is the cornerstone,
38:39 and there's a whole sermon in the story
38:40 that goes with the cornerstone that was rejected,
38:43 deed stacked, back to the days of Solomon
38:45 when the masons cut the stone in advance,
38:48 and they brought it up, and it was an odd stone,
38:50 and they kept tripping over and bumping into it,
38:52 and the architects knew they needed that first.
38:56 Well, they pushed it off the hill
38:58 because they thought it was a menace.
39:00 And finally when they wanted to build the corner,
39:02 they said, "Where is the stone?"
39:03 They said, "We sent it to you a long time ago.
39:04 It was one of the first ones from the quarry."
39:07 "Oh, that old thing that we kept tripping over."
39:11 And that's often been used as an analogy of Jesus
39:13 who was the cornerstone that they stumbled over,
39:16 but he's the foundation of everything.
39:20 And so you can read...
39:22 And that's in 2 Corinthians 6:16,
39:24 "What agreement has the temple of God with idols,
39:26 for you are the temple of the living God."
39:29 He's speaking to the church collectively.
39:31 Sometimes I say you, I'm talking about one person,
39:33 sometimes I say you, I'm talking about y'all, right?
39:37 As they say in Texas.
39:38 And so here Paul is going y'all are the temple of God.
39:43 And so we become a spiritual house,
39:49 and there's a new priesthood.
39:52 And there are new garments, it's Christ's righteousness.
39:58 You notice what happened when Jesus died?
40:01 There was a tearing that took place.
40:05 The high priests that tried Christ tore his garments,
40:09 because now we have a new priesthood.
40:11 And the Bible tells us that when He died on the cross,
40:14 the veil in the temple was torn
40:16 because now we have a new temple.
40:18 And so the old was passing away,
40:21 and the new was being replaced.
40:23 All right, unity in one body.
40:25 Now jump to Ephesians 4.
40:27 Ephesians 4:1, we're going to read verses 1-3.
40:32 "I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord,
40:34 beseech you to walk worthy of the calling
40:36 with which you were called,
40:38 with lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering,
40:41 bearing with one another in love,
40:43 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit
40:47 in the bond of peace."
40:48 So here's one of the keys to unity again,
40:50 did you catch it?
40:52 It's a four letter word, love.
40:57 Notice what he says here,
40:58 "Bearing one another in the love, endeavoring..."
41:02 You know what endeavoring means?
41:03 Striving.
41:05 If it came easy, you wouldn't need to strive.
41:07 Do we sometimes need to strive to love each other?
41:11 The Bible says, "Love your enemies."
41:14 And the Bible says, "Love your neighbor."
41:16 And that's because sometimes
41:17 your neighbor becomes your enemy.
41:20 And even in the church,
41:22 you are going to have your love muscles tested.
41:26 Isn't that right?
41:27 And he says, we need to strive.
41:30 The devil's going to try to find
41:32 all kinds of reasons to divide.
41:36 Keep in mind, the devil was listening when Jesus said,
41:40 "By this," this is John 13:35,
41:42 "By this all people will know that you're My disciples,
41:45 if you love one another."
41:46 The devil heard that.
41:48 Everyone, the best evangelistic program in the world
41:50 is if all the church loves each other.
41:52 You can't pick a better evangelistic program
41:54 according to Jesus.
41:55 So the devil knows that. So how...
41:57 If you're the devil,
41:58 I'm sure you'd want to be a good devil, right?
42:01 How would you oppose the work of Jesus?
42:07 If all people will know we're His disciples
42:09 by our love for one another,
42:10 you would do all you could to bring in division,
42:13 isn't that right?
42:15 So that means, Paul says,
42:16 "We need to endeavor to love each other,
42:20 and to keep the unity," that he talks about,
42:23 "in the bond of peace."
42:25 Peace and unity takes work to have that.
42:28 Someone's going to read Ephesians 4 in just a moment.
42:32 And I'm going to read 1 Corinthians 13,
42:34 you all know this, "Love suffers long and is kind,
42:39 love does not envy, love does not parade itself,
42:42 is not puffed up, love does not behave rudely,
42:46 it does not seek its own."
42:49 Okay, when I get involved
42:50 in any kind of marriage counseling,
42:54 105 times out of a 100,
42:58 there's pride and selfishness involved.
43:02 And if you could do away with the pride and selfishness,
43:05 you can take care about 99% of problems.
43:09 There's other issues usually.
43:11 But somebody, if not both, it's pride and selfishness.
43:16 Often, over something small,
43:18 and they just can't bring themselves
43:20 to apologize or humble themselves.
43:23 "Love is not puffed up, it does not seek its own,
43:27 it is not provoked, it thinks no evil,
43:30 it does not rejoice in iniquity,
43:32 but it rejoices in the truth, it bears all things,
43:35 it believes all things, it hopes all things,
43:38 it endures all things."
43:41 And if we have that kind of love in the church,
43:44 will there be unity?
43:46 Amen.
43:47 All right, read for me please Ephesians 4:4-6.
43:50 Ephesians 4:4-6,
43:52 "There is one body and one Spirit,
43:54 just as you were called in one hope of your calling,
43:57 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
44:00 one God and Father of all, who is above all,
44:02 and through all, and in you all."
44:05 What's the operative word in that verse?
44:08 One.
44:09 One, one, one, one.
44:11 Now when we say, "Here, O Israel,
44:16 the Lord, our God is one."
44:19 And people get all twisted up not believing in the Trinity
44:24 because Bibles say, the one God.
44:28 But here Paul is saying,
44:31 "One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
44:32 and you ought to be one."
44:33 He's talking to the church.
44:34 One in the Hebrew mind did not mean numerical quantity.
44:39 One in the Hebrew mind meant unity
44:42 that people should be one.
44:43 They saw themselves as one people.
44:45 When they confessed sin,
44:46 they didn't just confess my individual sin,
44:49 they confessed their sins collectively.
44:51 Jesus in the Lord's prayer,
44:52 He says, "Forgive us our debts."
44:56 They thought of themselves as one church.
44:59 So they prayed.
45:01 You read where Daniel says in Daniel 9,
45:03 "While I was confessing my sin and this sin of my people."
45:08 Elijah, no, Isaiah in Isaiah 6,
45:12 he says, "Lord, I am a man of unclean lips,
45:14 and I dwell in the midst of the people of unclean lips."
45:16 They always thought corporately
45:18 that we're in this thing together.
45:20 Yeah, we're Americans, we are very, we're individuals.
45:21 You know, we're mountain,
45:23 and we would just trek off by ourselves out in the woods."
45:25 But they didn't think that way back then,
45:28 they thought more about the unity of it all.
45:31 All right, next section.
45:33 Church leaders in unity.
45:35 Now God gives different gifts to be used.
45:38 And notice what it's for.
45:39 Now I'm in verse 11, Ephesians 4:11,
45:44 "He gave some to be apostles..."
45:45 Now does that mean all are to be apostles?
45:49 I mean some.
45:50 "Some are prophets," some are not.
45:53 "Some evangelists," some are not.
45:55 Some evangelists are not pastors,
45:58 some pastors are not of evangelists.
46:01 There's different gifts, right?
46:05 "Some pastors and teachers," what for?
46:09 He says, you're given why?"
46:11 For the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry,
46:14 for the building up of the body of Christ," for how long?
46:19 "Till we all come to the unity of the faith."
46:22 Okay, I want to stop right there.
46:23 So how long do we need these gifts?
46:26 "Till we all come to the unity of the faith
46:28 in the knowledge of the Son of God
46:29 to a perfect man to the measure of the stature
46:33 of the fullness of Christ."
46:35 Some people say the different gifts of the spirit
46:37 have been done away with.
46:39 Have you ever heard that?
46:40 Yeah, there's people that say, "Oh, we don't have leaders,
46:44 we don't have prophets anymore,
46:46 we don't have the gift of tongues anymore.
46:47 Those were for the early church,
46:49 we don't have that anymore." Well, the way I read it,
46:51 Paul says, "We need this till we all come in the unity
46:54 of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God
46:56 to a perfect man to the measure
46:57 of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
46:59 Would we still need that?
47:01 We haven't arrived yet.
47:03 To protect us from what?
47:05 Why do we need these leaders?
47:07 "That we should no longer be children,
47:09 tossed to and fro
47:10 and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
47:12 by the trickery of men,
47:13 in the cunning and craftiness and deceitful plotting."
47:16 Do we still have the trickery of men?
47:19 Are people being led to and fro by every wind of doctrine?
47:22 Then do we still need the leadership
47:24 and the gifts of the spirit to help us have that unity?
47:28 You know, it's a very important work of pastors
47:30 in the church to keep the flock together.
47:33 What does the devil want to do?
47:35 If you want to get...
47:36 Yeah, if you want to get the lambs,
47:37 you get to scatter them.
47:39 That's what dogs often do when they're hunting.
47:41 They try and break up the flock so that they can pick them off.
47:46 I don't know if you've seen any of the nature footage
47:48 from the safaris in Africa
47:50 where these lions will sometimes
47:51 try to get a young cape buffalo.
47:55 But they've got to separate
47:56 that young cape buffalo from the herd
47:59 because the male cape buffalo
48:01 have no qualms about taking on a lion.
48:04 And they got footage of them killing lions with their horns.
48:08 And as long as they stay together,
48:12 they're safe.
48:14 And so the devil is trying to scatter the flock.
48:16 And then the last part here,
48:17 its human relationships in Christ.
48:19 We'll read Ephesians 5:15-21,
48:23 "See then that you walk circumspectly,
48:25 not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time,
48:28 because the days are evil.
48:30 Therefore do not be unwise,
48:32 but understand what is the will of the Lord.
48:35 Do not be drunk with wine, which is a dissipation,
48:39 but be filled with the Spirit,
48:41 speaking to one another in psalms
48:43 and hymns and spiritual songs,
48:45 singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,
48:48 giving thanks always for all things to God
48:51 the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,"
48:54 Notice in this one verse,
48:55 it talks about Father, Son, and Spirit.
48:58 "Giving thanks always to God, the Father
49:00 in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
49:02 submitting to one another in the fear of God."
49:04 If we do that, we'll have unity.
49:07 And in the final section, I'm running out of time.
49:10 Ephesians 5:22,
49:12 "Wives, submit to your own husbands,"
49:14 Now it's talking about family unity,
49:15 "Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord.
49:19 For the husband is the head of the wife,
49:20 as also Christ is head of the church,
49:22 and He is Savior of the body.
49:24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ,
49:27 so let the wives be
49:28 to their own husbands in everything.
49:30 Husbands, love your wives,
49:31 just as Christ also loved the church
49:34 and gave Himself for her."
49:35 It's not hard for the wives to submit
49:36 if the husbands love like Christ did.
49:41 "That He might sanctify and cleanse her
49:43 with the washing of water by the word,
49:45 that He might present to Himself a glorious church,
49:49 not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing,
49:51 that she should be holy and without blemish.
49:55 So husbands ought to love their wives
49:57 as their own bodies,
49:58 he who loves his wife loves himself."
50:02 You ever heard that expression,
50:03 "If momma ain't happy, nobody's happy."
50:06 So if you want to love yourself,
50:08 you need to love your wife.
50:09 It will play out better for you, right?
50:12 And he says more here, we're out of time.
50:14 He goes on and talks about "The two joined together,
50:17 husband and wife become one flesh."
50:19 So it's quite a bit of emphasis on oneness.
50:23 Before we close out, I want to remind our friends,
50:25 we do have a free offer, you'll enjoy.
50:27 It's called Compromise, Conformity and Courage,
50:30 and we think you'll find encouragement in this.
50:32 If you like a free offer
50:34 or you like a copy of this for free,
50:36 just call the number 866-788-3966,
50:41 that's 866-Study-More, ask for offer number 774,
50:45 and we'll sent that to you.
50:46 You can also download it by texting the code,
50:49 "SH019" and you text that to 40544,
50:54 you can download it and read it there.
50:56 God bless you, friends. We're out of time.
50:57 Lord willing,
50:58 we'll study His word again together next week.
51:13 Friends, are you afraid of heights?
51:14 If so, you might want to look away right now.
51:18 One of the most famous attractions
51:19 in the San Francisco Bay area
51:21 is the iconic Golden Gate Bridge.
51:24 While this world famous bridge was named
51:26 as one of the seven wonders of the modern world.
51:28 Few people know the story of the brave men
51:30 who were involved in its construction
51:32 and also known as the Half Way to Hell Club.
51:36 Designed by a group of visionary engineers
51:39 at 4,200 feet from end to end,
51:41 the Golden Gate Bridge was at one time
51:43 the longest suspension bridge in the world.
51:46 During its construction from 1933 to 1937,
51:50 the Golden Gate Bridge
51:51 had one of the best safety construction records
51:53 of any project during that time.
51:56 Keep in mind, they would factor in
51:57 and calculate that one man would die
52:00 for every million dollars that was spent.
52:02 So with a budget of $35 million,
52:04 they knew that loss of life would be unacceptable.
52:07 This is why the chief engineer Joseph B Strauss
52:10 was absolutely adamant about
52:12 using the most rigorous safety precautions
52:14 that it ever been used in bridge building.
52:17 He had a local manufacturer of safety equipment,
52:19 designed special headgear
52:21 that he insisted be worn on every job.
52:23 This became the prototype for the modern hard hat
52:26 worn for the first time ever,
52:28 but the safety precautions went even farther.
52:30 Strauss provided a special hand and face cream
52:33 to protect their skin from the cold biting wind
52:36 and glare free goggles to protect their eyes.
52:38 In addition, they also ate a special diet
52:41 to help ward off dizziness
52:43 when they were working at those epic heights.
52:45 But the most conspicuous safety precaution was a gigantic net
52:49 that was suspended from end to end
52:51 under the entire construction area
52:53 of the Golden Gate Bridge.
52:55 In fact, during construction,
52:57 this net saved the lives of 19 men
53:01 who later became known as the Half Way to Hell Club.
53:04 Now you need to keep in mind,
53:06 these were some of the most dangerous
53:07 construction conditions you can imagine.
53:10 The wind was constantly blowing.
53:12 They were walking around on iron
53:14 that sometimes had ice from the freezing fog.
53:17 In places, they were over 700 feet above the icy waters.
53:22 Yet, the men coming from all walks of life
53:24 were willing to take these risks
53:26 because it was during The Great Depression
53:28 and they would get paid up to $11 a day
53:31 which was a fortune back then.
53:33 One of the other benefits of the net
53:36 was they discovered that the men
53:37 were much more courageous
53:38 even though they were walking high
53:40 on those slippery surfaces
53:42 because they knew there was a mechanism to protect them
53:44 if they should fall,
53:46 this gave them the confidence and the courage
53:48 to press on and get the bridge built in record time.
53:51 You know, friends, as Christians
53:52 we have a great work to do.
53:54 The Bible tells us that we get to participate with Jesus
53:57 in building a bridge that connects heaven and earth,
54:01 and there are dangers along the way.
54:02 The devil would like to paralyze us with fear
54:05 that we might fall or make a mistake,
54:07 but we know that Jesus has provided a safety net for us
54:10 and we don't have to be afraid.
54:12 We can press on with confidence
54:14 because the promise is in the Book of Jude 24,
54:16 he is able to keep us from falling.
54:19 But sometimes we make mistakes,
54:21 still don't be discouraged, friends,
54:23 if you read in 1 John 2:1, the Bible says,
54:26 "If we fall, if we sin,
54:28 we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ.
54:31 So let's press on together
54:32 and build that bridge with Christ.
55:24 The heavens were pouring for him,
55:26 the Holy Spirit came down.
55:27 This is what God wants you to experience.
55:30 If you come to Christ, your sins are washed away,
55:33 you become a new creature.
55:34 It's a land of beginning again,
55:36 and how many of you wish you can restart.
55:40 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
55:44 in as much you shall do it to one of the least of these,
55:47 my brethren, you did it to me.
56:10 Hi, friends.
56:12 You know, the modern flags
56:13 that we see flying from the top of capital buildings
56:16 right in front of patriotic homes
56:17 really stem back from the times of battles
56:20 being fought between warring nations.
56:23 These beautifully designed and intricately colored banners
56:26 were flown high above the battlefield,
56:28 so the warring forces were able to identify amid the chaos,
56:31 and the smoke, and the fog of war
56:33 where their forces were rallied
56:35 and where they were fighting the battle.
56:36 And if you could capture your enemy's flag,
56:38 it was considered the highest honor.
56:41 I wonder if that's where we got the game "Capture the flag".
56:45 With the changes in war,
56:46 now these flags also represent
56:48 a little more of the demarcation
56:50 and identification of different nationalities.
56:52 Today the flags that represent
56:54 the different nations of the world
56:55 are very colorful and diverse.
56:57 And all of the colors and the shapes
56:59 have a specific meaning.
57:00 They're easy to distinguish and recognize from one another.
57:03 Perhaps one of the most interesting flags in the world
57:06 is the flag of the Philippines.
57:08 This is unique
57:09 because it is flown differently in times of peace
57:12 than it is in times of war.
57:14 During times of peace,
57:15 the Filipino flag that's composed
57:17 red, white, blue, and yellow
57:19 is flown with a blue side up.
57:21 But in times of war,
57:22 they flip it around and the red side is up
57:25 because there they're willing to make sacrifices
57:27 of their blood to defend the freedom of their country.
57:31 In the same way that an embassy
57:33 that is situated in a foreign country
57:35 flies their flag
57:37 while still surrounded by another nation,
57:39 Christians are supposed to have the flag of God's love
57:42 flying in this fallen world.
57:44 You can read in the book, Song of Solomon 2:4,
57:47 "His banner over me is love."
57:49 Love is the flag that identifies Christians
57:52 as a unique kingdom even here in the world.
57:55 So, friend, the big question is,
57:57 how are you flying your flag?


Revised 2018-10-17