Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021842A

00:35 Hello, friends, and welcome again
00:36 to Sabbath School Study Hour
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:40 in Sacramento, California.
00:41 Very warm welcome to our online members
00:44 and our friends joining us across the country
00:46 and around the world for our lesson study today.
00:49 I'd also like to welcome our regular church members
00:52 and our visitors right here in our sanctuary today,
00:55 those of you who have chosen to be with us in person today.
00:59 A few weeks ago we started
01:00 a new lesson quarterly entitled, "Oneness in Christ."
01:04 And we're on third study in this lesson series.
01:08 We're on lesson number three that's entitled...
01:10 In fact, they entitled the words of Jesus
01:12 "That They All May Be One."
01:15 And that'll be our study for this morning.
01:17 But before we get to our lesson study,
01:19 just a few reminders for those who are watching online.
01:22 If you don't have a copy of today's study
01:25 and you'd like to follow along,
01:26 all you need to do is just go to,
01:31 and you'll be able to download a copy of the lesson for today.
01:35 Again, that website is
01:39 We also have a free offer for our friends
01:41 who are joining us online on the various networks.
01:45 It is a DVD by Pastor Doug Batchelor entitled
01:50 "Changing Your Mind."
01:52 This is our free offer today.
01:54 If you'd like to receive a DVD copy of this,
01:56 the number to call is 866-788-3966
02:01 and you can ask for offer number 859
02:05 or you can download
02:07 a digital version of the sermon.
02:09 And in order to do that, all you'll have to do
02:11 is text the code "SH112" to the number 40544,
02:18 and you will see the link,
02:19 and we'll show you how to download a digital copy
02:22 of the sermon, "Changing Your Mind."
02:25 Well, before we get to our study this morning,
02:27 we'd like to invite our song leaders to come,
02:29 and they'll lead us in a song this morning.
04:50 Thank you so much for singing along with us
04:52 like you do every week.
04:54 At this time, Pastor Ross will have our opening prayer.
04:58 Dear Father in heaven, once again we are so grateful
05:00 for the opportunity to gather together
05:02 and open up Your Word and study this very important theme.
05:06 We find the theme for today's study,
05:09 the words of Jesus found in John 17.
05:12 So, Lord, we do pray that Your Holy Spirit would come
05:14 and guide our hearts and our minds,
05:15 and allow Your unity be live within us and through us
05:19 as a church family, for we ask this in Jesus' name,
05:23 amen.
05:25 Our lesson today is going to be brought to us by Pastor Doug.
05:29 Our study today is lesson number three
05:32 as Pastor Ross mentioned on the study,
05:35 Oneness in Christ, and it's called
05:38 "That They All May Be One."
05:40 And we have a memory verse.
05:42 The memory verse in the study is from John 17:20, 21.
05:48 And I'll invite you to go ahead
05:49 and say that with me, are you ready?
05:50 John 17:20, 21.
05:53 "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those
05:58 who will believe in Me through their word,
06:00 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me,
06:05 and I in You, that they also may be one in Us,
06:09 that the world may believe that You sent Me."
06:12 And Jesus tells us that one of the most important evidences
06:17 that we have been sent of God or that He was sent of God
06:20 was the oneness or the unity
06:22 of what the Lord does in the hearts of His people.
06:25 Ever since Cain and Abel, and ever since sin,
06:29 there's been division in humanity,
06:31 and Christ came to bring reconciliation.
06:35 He does it in countries, He does it in families,
06:39 and He does it mostly between ourselves
06:41 and God Himself.
06:43 So we're going to be talking...
06:45 We have several verses we'll consider,
06:47 we'll talk about the theme of unity.
06:49 But our principle study today, who knows?
06:52 What chapter?
06:54 It's John 17.
06:56 How many of you know who John Knox is,
06:58 the great Scottish reformer?
07:03 He said that when you read John 17,
07:06 you were entering the holy of holies
07:09 in the New Testament.
07:11 And a matter of fact when he was dying,
07:13 he asked his wife to read it to him.
07:16 And she read it several times.
07:18 He said to her,
07:21 "This passage...
07:23 This is where I cast my first anchor of faith."
07:27 When he had heard John 17,
07:29 it's what caused him to believe.
07:31 She continued reading the chapter to him
07:33 until he died.
07:34 He said it was the holy of holies.
07:36 It is the longest prayer of Jesus.
07:38 It is the longest prayer in the New Testament.
07:42 It is really the Lord's Prayer.
07:46 Now you've probably heard the story
07:48 about these two bricklayers, and they were arguing about,
07:53 you know, which of them knew religion better.
07:56 They were working on a church and one said to his friend,
07:58 "You have no right to work on this church.
07:59 You don't know nothing about church and the Bible."
08:01 He says, "I do too."
08:03 So he says, "I bet you don't even know
08:04 the Lord's Prayer."
08:05 He said, "I'll bet you a dollar, I do."
08:06 He said, "You're on."
08:09 He said, "Now I lay me down to sleep,
08:11 I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
08:13 And if I die before I wake,
08:14 I pray the Lord my soul to take."
08:17 His friend said, "I didn't think you knew it,"
08:19 and give him a dollar.
08:22 That, of course, is not the Lord's Prayer.
08:23 When we say the Lord's Prayer,
08:25 we're thinking of Our Father, which art in heaven.
08:28 But is that the Lord's Prayer? Did Jesus...
08:32 That's a disciples' prayer, correct Pastor Luke. Jesus...
08:36 Did Jesus have to pray, "Forgive Me of My sins
08:38 as I forgive others who sin against Me?"
08:40 No, so that's not really a prayer of the Lord.
08:44 The Lord's Prayer technically would be John 17.
08:48 Now there are other places we'll look at
08:50 in the New Testament where Jesus prayed,
08:52 but this is one of the most important things.
08:54 Now, when does the Lord's Prayer take place?
09:01 You remember when you read in the Bible
09:03 that after they sung a hymn in John 14,
09:08 it says, "Jesus said, 'Let us arise and go.'"
09:11 So after the Lord's Supper, after Judas has left,
09:15 they're going from the upper room
09:18 to the Garden of Gethsemane,
09:20 and they're going slowly as they leave.
09:22 Now, there's a lot of pilgrims that are in Jerusalem,
09:24 so there may have been others that were going around the city
09:26 during that night.
09:29 And on the way, Jesus is teaching them.
09:33 You can read in the book, Desire of Ages, 685,
09:36 "In company with His disciples,
09:38 the Savior slowly made His way to the Garden of Gethsemane."
09:43 And along the way, that's where you read
09:44 that great chapter 15 in John,
09:47 where he says, "I am the vine, you are the branches."
09:51 Well, there were vineyards all around Jerusalem,
09:54 and you could look up and see the temple
09:56 from the route they took out of the Golden Gate
10:00 to the Garden of Gethsemane.
10:01 You could see the great temple doors.
10:03 And on the doors they had grapevines engraved,
10:06 according to Josephus.
10:08 And so maybe one of those things inspired Jesus
10:10 to give that beautiful discourse
10:12 on the vine and the branches.
10:15 But then it says, when He had spoken these words,
10:18 after John 17, you get to John 18.
10:21 It says, "When He had spoken these words,
10:23 He went out with His disciples over the Brook Kidron
10:26 where there was a garden."
10:27 So they had not crossed the Kidron
10:29 which is at the base of the hill of Jerusalem,
10:32 it starts up the Mount of Olives.
10:34 So somewhere between the upper room
10:37 and the Kidron is when this happens.
10:41 As I mentioned, longest prayer in the New Testament,
10:43 632 words.
10:46 It's offered on the most solemn occasion
10:49 that has ever occurred,
10:50 the occasion of the crucifixion and the sacrifice of Jesus.
10:55 And it is the best specimen of an intercessory prayer.
11:02 There are three things that happened in John 17.
11:07 He prays for Himself,
11:10 He prays for His disciples, and He prays for Himself,
11:12 verses 1-5, He prays for His disciples,
11:15 verses 6-19.
11:17 Finally, He prays for those
11:19 who would believe through the disciples.
11:21 What Jesus is doing here is identical
11:24 to what the high priest used to do.
11:26 The high priests, usually on the Day of Atonement,
11:29 he would first wash his clothes,
11:31 wash himself.
11:33 Jesus did that before the Passover.
11:35 Matter of fact He says, when He's washing
11:36 the disciples' feet that they had washed.
11:38 He said, "But now you need your feet washed
11:41 that you might thoroughly be clean."
11:43 And so there was a physical wash,
11:45 and the changing of the garments.
11:46 Jesus took off His robe
11:47 when He washed the disciples' feet,
11:48 He put it back on again.
11:50 Then the high priest would pray for himself,
11:53 he would pray for the sons of Aaron,
11:56 and then he would pray for the people.
11:58 So Jesus is acting the part of a high priest
12:01 in this prayer,
12:02 He's following same exact pattern.
12:04 Now before we delve into the study
12:06 'cause I'm almost sure I'm not going to get
12:07 all the way through the lesson,
12:08 but I don't want to do the indignity
12:13 of not at least reading the passage.
12:16 It's 26 verses, so will you bear with me?
12:18 If I just read through it, and then we will back up
12:22 and we'll study it as we go.
12:24 So John 17:1. You know, I went to...
12:29 I went to Southwestern Adventist University,
12:32 and there I took a class called Life and Teachings of Jesus.
12:36 Luke, you probably had to take that too,
12:38 I think all people training for ministry take.
12:41 Well, a lot of people, not just ministers
12:43 take the class, Life and Teachings of Jesus.
12:45 And I remember my teacher there,
12:47 he said, "First test, you got to memorize
12:50 John 17:1-3.
12:53 I didn't have to remember the whole thing,
12:54 just verses 1-3.
12:56 And I thought, "What's in there?
12:57 Why does he want me to memorize that, you know?"
12:59 And as the years have gone by, I thought,
13:00 "Wow, there's a good reason for that."
13:03 Whoa, let me read now.
13:04 I'm going to read John 17:1-26.
13:08 "Jesus spoke these words," meaning John 15 and 16,
13:12 "and He lifted up His eyes to heaven,
13:15 and He said, 'Father, the hour has come.
13:19 Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may also glorify You,
13:23 as You have given Him authority over all flesh,
13:26 that You should give eternal life
13:28 to as many as You have given Him.
13:30 And this is eternal life that they may know You,
13:33 the only true God,
13:35 and Jesus Christ who You have sent.
13:38 I have glorified You on the earth.
13:40 I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.
13:43 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself,
13:47 with the glory which I had with You
13:48 before the world was.
13:51 I have manifested Your name
13:53 to the men whom You have given Me
13:55 out of the world.
13:56 They were Yours, You gave them to Me,
13:59 and they have kept Your word.
14:01 Now they have known that all things
14:03 which You have given Me are from You.
14:06 For I have given to them the words
14:09 which You have given Me,
14:10 and they received them, and have known surely
14:13 that I came forth from You,
14:15 and they have believed that You sent Me.
14:18 I pray for them.
14:19 I do not pray for the world
14:21 but for those who You have given Me,
14:22 for they are Yours.
14:24 And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine,
14:27 and I am glorified in them.
14:30 Now I am no longer in the world,
14:32 but these are in the world,
14:34 and I come to You, Holy Father, keep through Your name
14:37 those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.
14:42 While I was with them in the world,
14:44 I kept them in Your name.
14:46 Those who You gave Me I have kept,
14:48 and none of them is lost except the son of perdition,
14:50 that the scriptures might be fulfilled.
14:53 But now I come to You,
14:55 and these things I speak in the world,
14:57 that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.
15:01 I have given them Your word, and the world has hated them
15:04 because they are not of the world,
15:06 just as I am not of the world.
15:08 I do not pray that You should take them out of the world,
15:11 but that You should keep them from the evil one.
15:14 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
15:17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.
15:22 As You sent Me into the world,
15:23 I also have sent them into the world.
15:25 And for their sakes I sanctify Myself,
15:28 that they also may be sanctified by the truth.
15:33 I do not pray for these alone, but also for those
15:36 who will believe in Me through their word,
15:38 that they all may be one,
15:40 as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You,
15:43 that they also may be one in Us,
15:46 that the world might believe that You sent Me.
15:49 And the glory which You gave Me
15:50 I have given them, that they may be one
15:53 just as We are one.
15:55 I in them, and You in Me,
15:57 that they may be made perfect in one,
15:59 that the world might know that You have sent Me,
16:02 and You loved them as You have loved Me.
16:05 Father, I desire that they also who You gave Me
16:08 may be with Me where I am,
16:11 that they may behold My glory which You have given Me,
16:14 for You loved Me
16:15 before the foundation of the world.
16:17 O righteous Father!
16:19 The world has not known You, but I have known You,
16:21 and these have known that You sent Me.
16:24 And I declared to them Your name, and will declare it,
16:27 that the love with which You have loved Me
16:30 may be in them, and I in them.'"
16:33 Amen. All right, that's John 17.
16:36 So I feel better.
16:37 I wanted to at least have you read that passage.
16:42 So now let's back up
16:43 and let's look at the different sections.
16:45 It talks about the prayer of Jesus for Himself.
16:48 And He mentions some specific things in here.
16:52 First of all, He says, "Father the hour has come."
16:57 What hour is Jesus talking about?
16:59 Now someone here is going to read a verse for me
17:01 in just a moment.
17:02 Dan, you have that first one?
17:03 Okay, go there and I'll get to you.
17:06 I want to read John 2:4,
17:09 when Jesus was turning the water to wine,
17:11 His mother, you know, was prodding Him to do that.
17:14 "He said, 'Woman, what does your concern
17:16 have to do with Me?
17:17 My hour has not yet come.'" You read in John 7:8.
17:22 He said to His brothers, "You go up to this feast.
17:24 I am not going up to this feast,
17:25 for My time has not yet fully come."
17:30 Jesus said that there is a specific time, an hour.
17:33 Go ahead, please read for us your verse.
17:36 John 7:30, "Therefore they sought to take Him,
17:40 but no one laid a hand on Him,
17:42 because His hour had not yet come."
17:45 I'm going to give you a couple more, John 8:20.
17:49 These words Jesus spoke in the treasury
17:51 as He taught in the temple.
17:53 And no one laid hands on Him, for His hour had not yet come.
17:57 What hour is He talking about?
18:00 The principal hour was the time of His suffering.
18:04 Now when He says hour, He doesn't mean 60 minutes.
18:05 An hour meant an event, a time.
18:08 The principal time in His life that He came for
18:11 was a sacrifice.
18:14 Look at John 13:1.
18:17 "Now before the Feast of the Passover,
18:19 when Jesus knew that His hour had come
18:23 that He should depart from this world to the Father,
18:26 having loved His own who were in the world,
18:27 He loved them to the end."
18:31 "In the Garden of Gethsemane when He's betrayed.
18:33 He then came to His disciples and He said to them,
18:35 'Are you still sleeping and resting?
18:37 Behold, the hour is at hand."
18:41 Mark 14:41,
18:42 "Then He came the third time and He said to them,
18:44 'Are you still sleeping and resting?
18:46 It is enough! The hour has come."
18:49 You see, it's pretty clear Jesus had a time
18:52 that He was to suffer.
18:53 Now the reason I spent a lot of time talking about that
18:56 is people often get confused
18:57 'cause they read the comment of Jesus
19:00 in Matthew 12:40 where Jesus said
19:03 "As Jonah was three days and three nights
19:06 in the belly of the whale, so the Son of man
19:08 will be three days and three nights
19:09 in the heart of the earth."
19:11 And everybody goes,
19:12 "How does that work, three days and three nights?"
19:15 So, you know, He dies Friday, you get Friday night,
19:18 and then Saturday night, He rises Sunday morning.
19:21 Well, you got part of three days
19:22 and two nights, how do you get?
19:24 He specifically says three nights,
19:26 'Three days, and three nights,
19:27 He'll be in the heart of the earth.'"
19:29 And everybody always assumes heart of the earth means
19:31 He'll be in the tomb.
19:33 Where in the Bible do you find another place
19:35 where the tomb is called the heart of the earth?
19:39 Nowhere. So what is He talking about?
19:42 When His hour had come,
19:44 and He began suffering for the sins of the world,
19:47 did that start at the crucifixion,
19:49 Friday at 9 o'clock
19:51 or did it start Thursday evening when He was...
19:54 When He said the third time,
19:56 "Not My will, Thy will be done."
19:59 And He surrendered.
20:00 Then the mob came and arrested Him.
20:02 You know, every other time when they tried to arrest Him
20:04 or stone Him or throw Him off a cliff,
20:06 Bible says the hour hadn't come.
20:08 But now the hour had come.
20:10 God withdrew His protection from Him.
20:13 You see, Jesus was innocent, God protected Him.
20:15 There were angels guarding Him.
20:17 Christ even said, "Don't you know
20:19 that I can speak to My father,
20:20 and He'll send a legion of angels."
20:22 But Thursday, He began to suffer
20:25 for the sins of the world.
20:26 The Father withdrew His protection.
20:29 Jesus said, "Now is the hour of darkness."
20:33 He began to be in the heart of the earth,
20:36 meaning He was a captive to the devil's domain.
20:39 Jesus said, "The prince of this world comes."
20:42 And for three days and three nights,
20:44 He suffered for the penalty of sin.
20:47 The penalty for sin is not just the time in the tomb.
20:51 I mean, most people, if you told them,
20:53 "The penalty of your sin
20:54 is you're going to be in the tomb."
20:55 They say, "Hey, I'm going to sin like crazy."
20:57 It's not just that, it's suffering and death.
21:01 Jesus didn't just die...
21:03 Yes, the wages for sin is death,
21:04 but it's not just death.
21:06 It's suffering and death.
21:08 And if Jesus does not cover your sins,
21:09 you'll not just die for your sins, you will suffer,
21:12 every man according to what he deserves,
21:14 isn't that right?
21:15 So the suffering of Jesus began Thursday night.
21:18 Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday,
21:20 three days, three nights,
21:21 He was in the heart of the earth.
21:23 The tomb is part of that, but it's not just the tomb,
21:25 it's the whole time He's captive to the devil,
21:28 and they took Him from one trial to the next
21:30 kind of like Jonah
21:31 went wherever the whale took him.
21:32 Okay, so He says, "Father, the hour has come."
21:36 See why we're not making very good progress,
21:37 look how long it took to get through first verse there.
21:41 "Glorify Your Son that Your Son may also glorify You."
21:47 Now where was Jesus glorified the most?
21:49 When He comes surrounded by angels?
21:52 Or was Jesus glorified when He was laid on the wood,
21:55 and He said, "Father, forgive them."
21:58 When Jesus prayed for His tormentors,
22:00 you know, God was glorified in the sufferings of Christ.
22:06 "Glorify Your Son that Your Son may glorify You,
22:10 as You have given Him authority over all flesh..."
22:12 And, you know, one thing I think is interesting,
22:13 He said He lifted His eyes and He prayed.
22:15 When we pray, I know, I'm backing up a little bit,
22:17 I just... There's so much here.
22:19 When Jesus prayed, He lifted His eyes.
22:22 How many of you have heard someone say,
22:24 "Shall we all fold our hands, and bow our heads to pray,
22:27 and close your eyes."
22:28 Where in the Bible does it ever say,
22:29 "Fold your hands and close your eyes."
22:32 Isn't it, but it's kind of a universal custom.
22:34 What's that?
22:36 Your mother told you that which is almost Scripture
22:39 but not quite.
22:43 Now, you know, this grows out of mothers
22:46 teaching their children to pray.
22:47 They're fidgeting while they're praying,
22:49 or they're distracted when they're praying.
22:50 To avoid the distraction we say, "Close your eyes,
22:52 fold your hands so you're not,
22:53 you know, bothering your siblings.
22:56 And it kind of grows out, but we never outgrew it.
22:58 But in the Bible often they lifted their heads.
23:01 I'll lift up my eyes.
23:03 And so I think there's even a place
23:06 in the Spirit of Prophecy, she says,
23:08 "When you pray, you should slightly lift your face."
23:11 Sometimes you bow your body, it's a sign of humility,
23:14 so it's not wrong to bow your head.
23:15 I'm just telling you.
23:16 Notice in Jesus' prayer, He lifted His eyes to heaven.
23:21 And He goes on and says, "This is eternal life
23:25 that they might know You."
23:26 Now what does it mean to know God.
23:30 You better know what it means to know
23:31 because it says eternal life is to know Him.
23:35 What will Jesus declare to the lost?
23:38 "Not everyone that says, Lord, Lord,
23:39 will enter the kingdom of heaven,
23:41 but he that does the will of My Father.
23:43 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord,
23:46 we've prophesied in Your name, we cast out devils,
23:48 wonderful works in Your name?'
23:51 I will declare to them, 'I never knew you.'"
23:53 So this is a knowledge that is crucial to salvation.
23:58 Jeremiah 33, I'm sorry, Jeremiah 31:33,
24:03 "But this is the covenant
24:04 I will make with the house of Israel
24:06 after those days, says the Lord,
24:07 I will put My law in their minds,
24:10 write it on their hearts,
24:11 I will be their God, they will be My people.
24:14 No more shall every man teach his neighbor,
24:16 and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,'
24:19 for they shall all know Me,
24:22 from the least of them to the greatest.'"
24:24 How do they know?
24:25 I'll put My law in their minds and in their hearts.
24:27 How many of you think it's important to know the Lord
24:30 to be saved?
24:31 How many of you want to know Him?
24:33 How do we do it?
24:34 "I will put My law in their minds
24:35 and in their hearts."
24:36 How do we get it in there?
24:37 Jesus said, "Except you eat My flesh
24:39 and drink My blood."
24:41 As we take the word in here.
24:43 Jesus said in this chapter,
24:44 "Sanctify them through thy truth."
24:47 And as we are taking in the truth,
24:49 there is a sanctifying process that takes place,
24:53 and we come to know Him through His word.
24:58 How many of you have heard of people who got married,
25:01 and they got to know each other
25:02 through correspondence.
25:05 I have some friends, you might even know their name,
25:07 but I won't mention their names
25:09 that they dated the old-fashioned online method
25:13 by writing letters.
25:16 One of them was in the mission field,
25:18 and they met, and they wrote lots of letters,
25:19 and pretty soon the letters got warmer and warmer,
25:21 and pretty soon they went
25:22 from getting to know your letters
25:24 and to love letters.
25:26 And finally when they did get in the same continent together,
25:29 it wasn't long before they got married.
25:31 But they got to know each other through reading.
25:35 So can we fall in love with someone
25:38 through reading?
25:39 Yeah.
25:41 Matter of fact, letters are important
25:42 because sometimes you have to think
25:43 about what you're saying, such as kind of regurgitating
25:45 every thought that comes to you.
25:47 You put it down, it's more deliberate.
25:50 So we got to know Him.
25:51 Why are the wicked lost?
25:53 Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed
25:55 for lack of knowledge.
25:59 Because you have rejected knowledge,
26:00 I will reject you."
26:03 So some people are destroyed
26:04 'cause they don't know and many are destroyed
26:06 because they choose not to know.
26:08 You're not only responsible for what you do know,
26:10 you're responsible for what you could know.
26:13 And people say "Well, I don't want to know
26:14 because I'm responsible."
26:15 You're responsible for rejecting knowledge.
26:18 If people say, "I don't want to go to church
26:20 then I'll feel guilty."
26:21 Well, it's your choosing to reject a knowledge,
26:25 you're guilty if you do that, yeah.
26:28 So this is what it means to know the Lord.
26:31 And it means having a born again experience,
26:37 where He is in you, and you become a new creature,
26:40 and you are sanctified by the truth.
26:42 And when someone says, "Do you know Jesus?"
26:44 You don't have to hesitate.
26:46 You say, "I know, He speaks to me,
26:47 and I talk to Him every day.
26:48 Yes we know each other." How did...
26:51 I used to always wonder when God said,
26:53 "Abraham, take your son and go sacrifice Him."
26:55 Well, isn't that like against one of the Ten Commandments?
26:58 If you're going to do that, you really want to know
27:02 that you didn't get a wrong number.
27:04 So that someone wasn't making a pocket call
27:06 and you just, you know, go off and do the wrong thing.
27:09 So how did Abraham know that that was God?
27:14 Because he had spent so much time talking to God,
27:16 he knew His voice.
27:18 You have to really know
27:20 if someone says, "Take your son and offer him."
27:24 So we need to have a relationship
27:26 when we're in communication with God.
27:27 This is what Jesus is appealing to in the beginning.
27:30 Matter of fact, He says, "This is life eternal
27:32 that they know you."
27:34 So we can't be nebulous about what that means
27:37 and just, you know, I don't want to take it too far.
27:38 But in the beginning, does Adam knew his wife
27:42 and they had kids.
27:44 It was the most intimate of relationships.
27:46 It was very personal, and God wants to have
27:49 a loving personal relationship with us.
27:53 All right, so He prays for Himself
27:57 because if Jesus is not consistent
28:00 and successful on the cross,
28:02 then would any other part of the prayer
28:03 make any difference?
28:06 His prayer for the apostles,
28:07 His prayer for those who are saved through the apostles,
28:09 His prayer for their oneness would all be fruitless
28:12 if Jesus fails in His mission on the cross,
28:14 is that right?
28:15 So first, you must pray for yourself.
28:18 You know, when you're flying, and they give you,
28:20 I've heard of them probably 10,000 times,
28:22 it's preflight announcements when you're on a plane.
28:25 So it says, "In the event that we lose cabin pressure,
28:28 an oxygen mask will drop down.
28:30 First, put on your mask
28:33 before you put on anyone else's mask
28:36 because if you're all stumbling around
28:38 trying to get the oxygen mask on your kid
28:42 and you pass out."
28:43 You don't have very long, you know,
28:44 once you lose pressure.
28:49 Well, that's kind of the way that Jesus said,
28:51 "If you're going to help your brother
28:52 get them log out of their eye,
28:55 first take the speck out of your own eye."
28:57 And Jesus said, "Lord, if I'm going to pray,
29:04 and interceding to all the sort of disciples first,
29:06 I'm praying that I might glorify You
29:08 and be victorious in My mission."
29:09 So that's a first prayer.
29:10 And then He goes to the next prayer
29:11 and He prays for the disciples.
29:14 Now this is not just the 12.
29:16 I think it does, it is more focused on the 12,
29:20 but I think it's all disciples.
29:23 The apostles were the 12.
29:25 Disciples, Mary Magdalene was a disciple.
29:27 In the upper room, they're filled with the Holy Spirit,
29:29 there's 120, they're all disciples.
29:31 I think Jesus is praying for all of those
29:34 who had embraced His message during His years of ministry.
29:39 And now He prays for four things.
29:40 If you're taking notes, this is in the new lesson.
29:42 There's four things that He asks for the disciples...
29:46 By the way we do post my notes whatever they're worth
29:49 at the website, the Sabbath school website
29:52 that we have at Amazing Facts.
29:55 One, He prays that they might be kept.
29:59 Two, He prays that they might be sanctified,
30:01 that's John 17:17.
30:03 Three, He prays that they might be united.
30:07 And four, He prays they might be glorified.
30:10 So there are several places
30:12 where Jesus prays for the disciples.
30:14 Look in Luke 6:12,
30:17 "It came to pass in those days
30:19 that He went out to the mountain to pray."
30:21 And one of you can have a verse for me
30:23 in a minute, okay?
30:25 It says, "He went out on the mountain to pray,
30:27 and He prayed all night.
30:30 And when it was day, He called his disciples.
30:32 And from them he chose 12, He also named apostles."
30:35 What was the Lord praying for all night long?
30:39 The apostles.
30:41 He spent a whole night in prayer for them.
30:42 So it's not just the John 17 prayer,
30:44 Jesus prayed for them many, many times.
30:46 Go ahead, please read for us your verse.
30:49 Matthew 11:25, "At that time Jesus answered and said,
30:54 'I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and the earth,
30:57 that You have hidden these things
30:58 from the wise and prudent
31:00 and have revealed them to babes."
31:02 So Jesus is again, this is a prayer,
31:04 He's thanking His father
31:05 that He is helping the disciples to understand.
31:09 And when some of the priests and the religious leaders
31:12 and scribes and lawyers did not understand,
31:14 He was thanking God that He'd revealed it to babes,
31:17 those who are maybe uneducated.
31:20 So let's look real quick, John 17:9.
31:22 I'll read some of this again that we read about His prayer.
31:26 He said, "I pray for them.
31:28 I do not pray for the world
31:29 but for those You have given Me,
31:31 for they are Yours.
31:32 All Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine,
31:34 and I am glorified in them."
31:35 That's what He always said.
31:36 "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father."
31:38 Christ was the reflection of the Father.
31:42 "And I am glorified in them."
31:43 Now was that just true of the apostles
31:45 or does Jesus want to be glorified in your life?
31:49 Whatever you eat, whatever you drink,
31:50 do all to the glory of God.
31:53 God wants us to live lives that will make Him look good.
31:57 I always think of the story of Job.
31:58 Job says to the devil,
31:59 "Have you considered my servant,
32:01 Job, a perfect and upright man.
32:03 I am glorified in Job because He believes in me."
32:08 So Jesus is praying that the world might...
32:11 That God might be glorified in them.
32:15 And He said, "I come to You.
32:16 Holy Father, keep through Your name
32:19 those who You have given Me."
32:23 You know, I was studying this a little more last night,
32:25 this morning, when He says, "I keep through Your name."
32:28 How we kept through His name?
32:30 You know, that really translates better
32:33 that we are kept through the knowledge of Him.
32:38 It's through acknowledging Him that we are kept.
32:43 "Keep through Your name.
32:45 Those who have acknowledged You that You have given me
32:48 that they may be as we are.
32:51 While I was with them in the world,
32:52 I kept them in Your name.
32:54 Those that you have given me, I've kept, and none of them..."
32:56 How did Jesus keep them?
32:59 Through His teaching, through His admonitions,
33:01 through His shepherding them,
33:03 it's like a shepherd keep sheep.
33:06 And so, God, Jesus is praying
33:08 that Father will keep us in the same way.
33:12 "And none of them is lost except the son of perdition."
33:14 Now was Judas lost because Jesus, you know,
33:18 when He picked out the 12 apostles, He said,
33:20 you know, "I need one of them to be the fall guy,"
33:24 and, you know, Judas is nice guy and everything,
33:26 but sorry Judas, someone's got to be the betrayer,
33:29 we need to have you for this story
33:30 and so you're it.
33:33 Or was it by Judas' choice,
33:35 and the scriptures knew what Judas would choose,
33:40 but God did not predetermine that it would be Judas
33:44 just say, you know, "I need someone to be the bad guy."
33:47 It was Judas' choice.
33:50 You know, God says,
33:51 "I've loved Jacob and I hated Esau."
33:53 Why did He love Jacob and hate Esau?
33:55 Well, they love Jacob
33:56 because Jacob born of the spiritual blessing,
33:58 Esau, born of the beings.
34:00 Jacob was spiritually minded, Esau was carnally minded.
34:03 It was by their choices.
34:04 That's why God loved one,
34:05 and blessed him, and not the other.
34:07 And so Jacob wrestled with God said,
34:10 "I won't let you go unless You bless me."
34:11 He wanted the spiritual blessing.
34:14 And so, Judas, he wanted the silver
34:19 until it started burning the hole in His pocket
34:21 and He repented from guilt because the Holy Spirit
34:25 had been withdrawn at that point.
34:29 You know, it says when He went out of the upper room,
34:30 he said, Satan entered him.
34:33 At that point, I think he had committed
34:35 the unpardonable sin.
34:36 I think that when Jesus was washing Judas' feet,
34:39 it was his last opportunity to repent.
34:42 If he had confessed, he could have been saved.
34:45 And you might be saying, "Well, then what would happen?
34:47 How would the final things have transpired?"
34:50 No, don't worry, that's hypothetical,
34:51 we don't know.
34:52 I just know Judas had a chance
34:55 and he lost that through neglect.
34:59 And He said, "Except the son of perdition,
35:01 that the scriptures might be fulfilled.
35:03 But now I come to You,
35:05 and these things I speak in the world,
35:08 that they may have My joy in themselves."
35:11 Isn't that nice
35:12 that in the Lord's intercessory prayer,
35:14 what's He praying about?
35:16 That we might have abundant life,
35:17 that we might have that peace and that joy,
35:20 and He wants us to have that.
35:22 "That joy might be fulfilled.
35:25 I have given them Your word," Don't mix the two.
35:27 There's sometimes a connection between the world and joy.
35:31 "And the worlds hated them."
35:32 You can still have joy
35:33 even though the world hates you,
35:35 because they are not of the world.
35:36 If the world likes you too much,
35:37 you are doing something wrong.
35:40 Jesus said, "Woe unto you when all men speak well of you
35:43 for so they did of the false prophets."
35:45 Right?
35:47 All right, so next He says, "To pray for those
35:51 who will believe in Me through their word."
35:55 I want to just finish up one more thing.
35:57 In John 17:16, "They are not of the world,
36:01 just as I am not of the world.
36:02 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth."
36:08 Now the word sanctify means two things
36:10 here in this passage.
36:11 It means to set aside,
36:15 they're separate from the world,
36:16 and He just talked about that.
36:18 It also means to purify.
36:21 And so it is the truth that sets us apart,
36:25 and it's the truth that purifies us.
36:29 And says, "For their sakes I sanctify Myself,
36:32 that they may be sanctified in the truth."
36:34 All right, now this is very important point,
36:36 this John 17:19.
36:38 "For their sakes I sanctify Myself,
36:41 that they may be sanctified in the truth."
36:45 Did Jesus succeed in sanctifying Himself?
36:48 Then can we be sanctified in the truth?
36:51 All right, now let's go to the section,
36:52 for those who believe in me.
36:54 Now this was very special to me
36:56 because this is a place in the Bible
36:59 where you can read Jesus praying for you.
37:02 Have you ever wondered, "Did Jesus pray for me?"
37:04 Yes, He does, right here.
37:05 He says in John 17:20, "I do not pray for these alone,
37:10 but also for those who believe in Me
37:14 through their word."
37:15 All right, right now we are reading
37:16 the gospel of John written by who?
37:18 One of the apostles that Jesus just prayed for.
37:20 And Jesus is saying, "I am praying for those
37:22 who will read their words."
37:25 I'm going to do anything for You.
37:26 It does sound for me.
37:28 Jesus praying for me right here.
37:31 I'm reading His words, He said, I'm praying for you
37:32 'cause you're reading their word.
37:35 So this is now where He prays for the people.
37:40 "Now they believed in the word, that they all may be one,
37:42 as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You,
37:45 that they may be one in Us."
37:46 Now, that's a pretty tall order
37:48 that you and I should be one as the Father and the Son.
37:53 How is that possible, in the spirit, I might add.
37:57 It's through the Holy Spirit that we are able to be one
38:03 as the Father and the Son are one.
38:06 Because if you no longer live, but it's Christ in you,
38:11 then you have that oneness with the Father.
38:13 Does that make sense?
38:16 "And the glory that You gave Me,
38:18 I have given them,
38:20 that they may be one just as We are one.
38:23 I in them, and You in Me,
38:24 that they may be made perfect in one."
38:27 Now this is also very important because...
38:30 There's a lot of discussion on the Trinity today,
38:32 and peoples say, "You can't believe the Trinity
38:33 because it's very clearly that you've got three,
38:35 not one."
38:37 Bible says, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one."
38:39 There's only one God.
38:42 But the Bible says that a man leaves his father and mother,
38:46 cleaves to his wife and they become what?
38:49 One flesh.
38:50 And now Jesus just said, "Father,
38:51 I pray these 12 apostles might be one."
38:54 So it's really clear in the Hebrew mind,
38:57 one is not always numerical quantity,
38:59 one is often talking about one in purpose,
39:02 one in unity.
39:05 We are in our Pledge of Allegiance,
39:07 we are what?
39:08 One nation composed of many different people
39:12 and several political parties.
39:14 I thought we're still supposed to be one nation,
39:16 right?
39:18 Indivisible, a little divisible lately.
39:25 All right, in Mark 16, Jesus says,
39:29 "Go into all the world
39:31 and preach the gospel to every creature."
39:32 So Jesus clearly in His life and ministry
39:35 is not just thinking about the 12,
39:37 He's thinking about going everywhere.
39:40 Luke 13:29, "They will come from the east and the west,
39:45 from the north and the south,
39:46 and sit down in the kingdom of God
39:47 with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
39:49 So Christ always knew
39:51 that it wasn't just going to be saving the 12 apostles,
39:54 it's not just going to be saving
39:55 120 in the upper room,
39:57 it's not just the salvation for the children of Israel,
40:00 but His message was to be a global message,
40:03 and that there would be people high and low from everywhere
40:07 that would come to believe.
40:09 All right, in this next section,
40:12 what we're going to talk about is unity among Christians.
40:16 And someone in just a minute,
40:17 you're going to read another verse for me from John.
40:21 I want to read Acts 15:6.
40:24 "Now the apostles and elders came together
40:27 to consider the matter."
40:29 When there was the vision in the church...
40:31 In Acts 15, there's a story of a big division on
40:34 how they're supposed to react to circumcision,
40:38 and should they impose that on the Gentile believers,
40:42 and what about eating food that have been offered to idols,
40:44 and where did they still have to keep the health laws
40:46 or did they have to drain the blood out
40:48 before they ate things,
40:49 and there's a bunch of discussion.
40:51 And they said, "Look, we need to come together as one group
40:55 and resolve these things that we can remain united."
40:59 You read in Mark 9:38,
41:02 John answered Him saying,
41:03 "Teacher, we saw somebody who doesn't follow us
41:06 casting out devils in Your name,
41:07 and we forbade him because he doesn't follow us.
41:11 But Jesus said, 'Do not forbid him,
41:13 for no one who works a miracle in My name
41:15 can soon afterward speak evil of Me.
41:18 For he who is not against us is on our side.
41:21 For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name
41:24 because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you,
41:27 he will by no means lose his reward.'"
41:30 And so Jesus is letting them know,
41:33 you know, there may be some
41:35 who are going to be part of this one group
41:39 that you think are on the outside right now.
41:44 And go ahead, read your verse.
41:47 John 13:35,
41:49 "By this all will know that you are My disciples,
41:52 if you have love for one another."
41:55 Do you think the devil tape recorded
41:57 what Jesus said?
41:59 Now if you're Satan, and you hear Jesus say,
42:04 "This is going to be the secret
42:05 by which everyone is going to know
42:07 that you're My disciples, by your love for one another."
42:10 And Jesus...
42:12 Don't get those two mixed up.
42:13 Satan, he thinks to himself,
42:16 "All right, if Jesus is saying by their love,
42:18 they're going to know that He's the one,
42:20 then by creating division, people will not know."
42:24 So the devil has been in overdrive
42:27 to try to prevent people from knowing.
42:30 And so he sought to break and fraction Christianity.
42:35 I remember once when I was in New York City,
42:38 someone had broken a telephone booth.
42:42 That's back in the days when they had telephone booths.
42:45 And it had that tempered glass.
42:46 And I don't know if somebody shot it or what happened,
42:48 but it broke into a thousand little pieces,
42:51 and we looked at it all on the ground.
42:52 I don't know, I must have been 10 years old.
42:55 And we said, "It was like diamonds."
42:57 So we picked some of it up,
42:59 and we went and told some of the other classmates,
43:01 "Look diamonds."
43:04 And I thought to myself,
43:07 you know, it would be really easy
43:08 to hide a real diamond in that pile of broken glass.
43:13 And this is what the devil has done,
43:15 as he has hidden the true Christianity,
43:19 he surrounded it with so much broken glass
43:21 of professed Christianity that a lot of people give up
43:25 because they get cut on the phony,
43:28 and they never find the real thing.
43:30 And you've got to separate.
43:32 Now there are tests where you can find out
43:33 what's a diamond and what's a glass.
43:35 For one thing, the diamond will not be crushed,
43:37 it won't melt the same way glass will.
43:39 And so, the devil has tried to do that, create division.
43:45 Jesus said, "Other sheep I have that are not of this fold,
43:48 them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice,
43:51 and there will be," how many?
43:53 "One fold and one shepherd."
43:55 Now I'm a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
44:00 I believe this is the remnant church.
44:03 I say that because I don't believe
44:06 that everybody who is a member of the church
44:07 is going to heaven.
44:08 I don't think you get your books
44:10 written in the book of life when you join.
44:12 I think it's important to join
44:13 and have your name written on the earthly books,
44:15 but that's not the only criteria.
44:17 I think there are people that are on their way to heaven
44:19 that are not members of my church.
44:21 And in fact, there's one reason I joined the Adventist church
44:25 is because I got tired of other churches telling me
44:27 that you have to be a member of our church
44:29 'cause everyone else is lost.
44:30 And I knew that wasn't true.
44:32 And I remember reading in the book,
44:33 The Great Controversy, where Ellen White said,
44:36 "The greatest part," that's the majority,
44:38 "of Christ's true followers
44:41 are in the fellowship of these other communions."
44:44 They love the Lord, they're spirit filled,
44:45 they love His word, they're His true followers,
44:48 they maybe haven't heard the truth the way we know it.
44:52 I expect to see Martin Luther in heaven,
44:55 and he drank beer.
44:57 I expect to see John Newton in heaven,
45:00 and he smoked cigars as did Spurgeon.
45:05 I expect to see Wesley in heaven, and he ate pork.
45:09 So, you know, these people were people of God.
45:11 They maybe didn't know some of the things
45:13 that have come to light returning to the word,
45:16 but then we got to be very careful
45:17 about judging the Christianity of people
45:19 who may not be members of our church.
45:21 Karen and I, like I said,
45:22 we just were with a religious group,
45:23 we were the only Adventist in the group.
45:25 They are meeting with Christians, and other leaders,
45:28 media leaders, and Congress, White House,
45:32 and I was struck with the sincere Christian experience
45:35 of several of those people.
45:38 And it was really inspiring.
45:42 Now if they have given me a chance,
45:44 I'll give them Bible study on some of these things.
45:47 But He says, "I've got other sheep."
45:51 In Desire of Ages, page 680,
45:54 you can read, "In this last meeting with His disciples,
45:56 the great desire that Christ expressed for them was that
46:00 they might love one another as He had loved them.
46:03 Again and again He spoke of this.
46:05 'These things I command you,' He said repeatedly,
46:08 'that you love one another.'
46:10 His very first injunction
46:11 when alone in the upper room chamber was,
46:14 'A new commandment I give you
46:16 that you love one another, as I have loved you,
46:19 that you also love one another.'"
46:20 What was one of the great priorities
46:22 in the heart of Jesus during that time?
46:25 That we have a sincere love for one another.
46:28 Can you say amen?
46:30 Now having said that
46:31 and talking about the importance of unity...
46:33 And I'll try and finish with these thoughts.
46:35 I got a minute.
46:37 When people start saying unity,
46:39 it doesn't mean at the expense of truth.
46:42 You are to never sacrifice a principle of truth
46:45 to obtain unity.
46:47 That's something you're going to hear, a lot of people say,
46:48 "Look, all these Christians are divided.
46:50 We ought to just forget all our doctrinal differences
46:53 and come together for the sake of love and unity."
46:57 First comes truth.
46:59 It is a unity that comes as a fruit of the truth.
47:05 And so we must be united in truth.
47:08 Notice, He said, "Sanctify them by your truth,
47:11 your word is truth."
47:13 Then He talks about the unity in verses 22 and 23.
47:18 There's an interesting quote from Historical Sketches, 197.
47:22 "We cannot purchase peace and unity
47:24 by sacrificing the truth."
47:27 The conflict might be long and painful,
47:30 but at any cost we must hold fast to the Word of God.
47:34 And I think that end the...
47:36 The days to come,
47:37 we're going to even see where in our church,
47:38 people are going to be tempted to say,
47:40 "Look, let's make compromises of the truth to obtain unity."
47:44 And then say, "Well, how terrible will it be
47:45 if we divide, if we make this one concession of the truth,
47:49 we'll all get along."
47:51 And that is the devil's arguments,
47:54 so don't ever fall for that.
47:55 Anyway, God does want us to be one,
47:57 but He wants us to be one in spirit,
47:59 one in love, one in Christ, but all based upon His Word.
48:03 Out of time, want to tell our friends who are watching,
48:06 remind you about our free offer.
48:09 And they're going to put it up...
48:10 Oh, here it is, the free offer.
48:12 Oh, it's a sermon by me.
48:15 It's called Changing Your Mind. It's a good message.
48:17 Ask for offer number 859, and you can call this number
48:22 866-788-3966, that's 866-Study-More.
48:27 And you can even get it as a free digital download.
48:31 You can download it right now if you're watching this live.
48:33 Here's what you do, text the code,
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48:38 text it to 40544.
48:41 You can download that message of Changing Your Mind for free.
48:44 God bless you, friends.
48:46 We'll look forward to studying His Word together next week.
48:50 Let's face it,
48:52 it's not always easy
48:53 to understand everything you read in the Bible.
48:55 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books,
48:59 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
49:02 To get biblical straightforward answers,
49:04 call into Bible Answers Live,
49:06 a live nationwide call-in radio program
49:09 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor
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49:34 You probably heard the expression before,
49:36 "If you don't like the weather in Texas,
49:38 just wait, it'll change."
49:40 And you've also heard,
49:41 "Everything is bigger in Texas."
49:43 The ranches, the belt buckles, the cowboy hats,
49:46 but the most famous slogan about Texas
49:49 is remember the Alamo.
49:54 The violent battles and bravery of iconic heroes
49:58 have been the stuff of legends throughout
49:59 which entire cultures often draw their identity and pride,
50:03 even long after centuries have passed.
50:05 And in Texas,
50:06 the story of the Alamo has been a rallying cry
50:08 of Texas Independence for 200 years.
50:12 One reason that Texans love to brag
50:14 that everything is bigger in Texas is,
50:16 of course, because Texas is the largest
50:18 of the lower 48 US states.
50:21 It's hard to believe that this massive state got its beginning
50:24 in a very small Christian mission
50:26 during the Battle of the Alamo.
50:29 Every year, this famous mission museum receives
50:31 over two and a half million visitors
50:34 from all parts of the planet
50:35 that are eager to get a good look
50:37 at this legendary site.
50:39 The Alamo played a critical role
50:41 in the Texas Revolution.
50:43 In December, 1835,
50:45 Texans and Tejano volunteers battled
50:47 Mexican troops quartered in the city forcing
50:49 General Martin Perfecto de Cos to surrender.
50:52 The victorious volunteers then occupied the Alamo
50:55 and strengthened its defenses.
50:58 Famous Americans like
50:59 Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and Colonel William Travis,
51:02 made this location, this ancient mission,
51:05 the beachhead, the last stand in an epic battle
51:08 to win independence of Texas from Mexico.
51:12 On February 23rd, 1836,
51:15 the arrival of General Antonio Lopez Santa Ana
51:18 nearly caught them by surprise.
51:20 Undaunted, the Texans and Tejanos
51:22 prepared to defend the Alamo,
51:24 for this small ragtag group of rebels,
51:26 the youngest of who was about 16 and the oldest 75
51:30 was against the well-trained and organized
51:32 Mexican army of 6,000 plus soldiers.
51:35 It was a fierce and lopsided battle.
51:37 Yet, the small force of rebels
51:39 was able to repel the troops for 13 days.
51:43 Legend holds that
51:45 with the possibility of additional help fading,
51:47 Colonel Travis drew a line in the ground with a sword,
51:50 and asked any man willing to stay and fight,
51:53 to step over the line.
51:55 All except one crossed over.
51:57 The final assault came before daybreak.
52:00 On the morning of March 6, 1836,
52:03 the 13th day of the siege,
52:05 cannon and small arms fire from inside the Alamo
52:08 beat back several Mexican attacks.
52:10 Regrouping, Santa Anna's soldiers scaled the walls,
52:14 and rushed into the compound.
52:16 The desperate struggle continued
52:17 until the defenders were overwhelmed.
52:20 By sunrise, the battle had ended,
52:22 and the garrison was slain.
52:24 You know, Historians may debate some of the details
52:26 regarding the Battle of the Alamo,
52:28 but none of them questioned the incredible sacrifice
52:31 that was made and the courage that was displayed
52:33 during that intense conflict.
52:35 They made the ultimate sacrifice,
52:37 giving their lives.
52:38 And this is why the story of the Alamo
52:40 is so inspiring and so encouraging.
52:43 You know, and that's why the Bible is
52:44 so inspiring friends,
52:45 because someone was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice,
52:48 and give his life
52:49 so that you can have freedom and eternal life.
52:52 Don't you think you could trust your life
52:54 to a friend like that,
52:55 that would give everything?
52:56 The story of the gospel is a story of courage and hope.
52:59 It's a story of a God who will never leave you
53:02 without defense and support.
53:04 Jesus is the good news,
53:05 and the gospel is a story worth remembering.
54:21 How many of you wish you can get a new start.
54:23 I'd like to live my life over knowing what I know now.
54:25 I don't want to start over
54:26 and just make all the same mistakes.
54:27 I want to have my memories
54:29 so I don't make the same mistakes.
54:31 But you do get a new beginning, you become a new creature,
54:34 that feeling of all your sins being washed away
54:36 because God promises it.
54:37 Isn't that a wonderful concept?
54:39 I was thirsty,
54:43 and you gave me drink.
54:49 In as much you did it to one of the least of these my brethren,
54:54 you did it to me."
55:13 Friends, if you're scared of snakes,
55:16 this may not be for you.
55:18 I'm here at a reptile park
55:20 outside of Durban, South Africa,
55:21 and I'm holding my friend here who is a red tail boa.
55:25 Snakes are found all over the world
55:27 and they come in all sizes.
55:29 Snakes can be found through the trees,
55:31 they crawl on the ground, they live under the ground,
55:33 and they swim in the water,
55:35 very interesting creatures.
55:37 Some snakes are venomous, not my friend here,
55:40 but the black mamba, very poisonous.
55:43 Matter of fact, their bite is often referred to
55:45 as the kiss of death.
55:47 They can grow 15 feet long
55:48 and could travel up to seven miles an hour.
55:50 They don't call them black mambas
55:52 because of the color of their skin,
55:53 but the interior of their mouth is black.
55:56 Snakes also come in all sizes,
55:58 like this boa or python they can grow to great sizes.
56:02 Matter of fact, in South America,
56:03 they found some fossils of a snake
56:06 that they called Titanoboa.
56:08 They believe it was as big as 50 feet long
56:11 and weighed as much as a car.
56:13 Say cheese.
56:15 A lot of people are scared of snakes.
56:17 I used to live in a mountain in a cave
56:18 and I ran into snakes frequently.
56:20 They never bothered me unless I was bothering them.
56:23 In the Bible, the snake is often a symbol of the devil.
56:25 In reality, it's just a symbol.
56:27 They're animals like other animals.
56:29 But it says they were cursed to go upon their belly
56:31 because they were the first medium
56:33 that the devil used to tempt Adam and Eve.
56:35 In the Book of Numbers 21,
56:38 it tells a story of how when the children of Israel
56:40 were going through the wilderness,
56:42 they began to complain about God's manna.
56:44 And it says, "The Lord allowed these fiery serpents
56:47 to go among the people, and many were bitten,
56:49 and the venom was deadly.
56:51 I should probably mention at this point
56:53 that bread they were complaining about
56:54 is a symbol for the Word of God.
56:56 As many of the people were dying
56:57 from this plague of serpents,
56:59 they went on to Moses and they said,
57:01 "What shall we do?"
57:02 God told Moses to make a bronze serpent,
57:04 and put it on a pole, and lift it up
57:07 that whoever looked upon the serpent,
57:08 they will be healed of their venom.
57:11 This is why it's so important
57:12 because Jesus says in the Gospel of John 3:14 and 15,
57:17 "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
57:20 even so the Son of Man must be lifted up,
57:23 that whoever believes in Him might not perish
57:26 but have everlasting life."
57:28 They needed to look in to live.
57:30 You see those ancient shepherds
57:31 when they would kill a venomous snake,
57:33 they would carry it off on their staff and bury it.
57:36 So a serpent on the pole represented a defeated snake.
57:40 It's talking about defeating the devil, friend.
57:43 Have you been bitten by the serpent?
57:45 We all have.
57:46 The only cure for the venom of Satan
57:48 is to look in faith at Jesus,
57:50 He then defeated the devil.
57:52 He took the venom of sin in His body
57:54 to provide the antidote in His blood.
57:57 So, friends, I encourage you to look today and live.


Revised 2018-10-10