Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021838A

00:35 Good morning, friends,
00:36 and welcome again to Sabbath School Study Hour
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church
00:40 in Sacramento, California.
00:42 Very warm welcome to our online members
00:44 and also those who are joining us across the country
00:47 and around the world on the various media networks,
00:50 delighted that you are studying the lesson with us today.
00:53 Also I'd like to welcome our regular church members
00:56 and our visitors right here at Granite Bay,
00:58 always good to see you from week to week,
01:00 coming with your lesson in hand, ready to study.
01:03 Over the past quarter,
01:04 we've been looking at the Book of Acts
01:05 as being the theme for our study,
01:07 and today, we find ourselves on lesson number 12,
01:10 which is entitled Confinement in Caesarea.
01:13 Very interesting study,
01:14 we're reaching the end of our study of the ministry
01:17 on the life of the Apostle Paul.
01:19 And so this is an important part,
01:21 Confinement in Caesarea, lesson number 12.
01:23 But before we get to our study this morning,
01:26 we want to let our friends know
01:27 about our free offer for this morning.
01:29 It is a DVD entitled Courage in the Face of Discouragement.
01:35 And that is our free offer for today,
01:37 if you'd like to receive that, call 866-788-3966
01:43 and you can ask for offer number 855.
01:47 And if you'd like to get a digital download
01:49 of this special sermon,
01:51 that's our free offer today,
01:52 all you'll need to do is text
01:54 the code "SH104" to the number 40544.
02:01 And you'll be able to get a link
02:03 where you can download our free offer DVD
02:06 entitled Courage in the Face of Discouragement,
02:09 a special sermon by Pastor Doug Batchelor.
02:12 Well, before we get to our study,
02:14 we always like to begin by lifting our voices in song.
02:17 I'd like to invite the song leaders to come forward.
05:01 Dear Father in heaven, once again,
05:03 we're grateful for the many blessings
05:04 that You bestowed upon us
05:06 for health, strength,
05:07 the ability to be gathered together
05:08 to worship You this morning in freedom.
05:10 And as we open up our lesson
05:12 and take a look at the life of Paul,
05:14 his ministry, and his great witness,
05:16 even there at a city of Caesarea,
05:20 Lord, we just pray for Your guidance
05:21 and lead us to understand clearly what it is
05:24 that You'd have us do in our lives,
05:26 in our witness, for we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
05:30 Our lesson this morning
05:31 is going to be brought to us by Pastor Doug.
05:35 Today, we're in lesson number 12
05:37 and the title of the lesson is Confinement in Caesarea.
05:41 And basically, our study today
05:43 is based on Acts chapter 24, 25, 26.
05:48 With the help of God,
05:49 we're going to be able to read through all of that,
05:50 it is a very interesting passage.
05:53 It's history, and we have a memory verse.
05:57 The memory verse is from Acts 26:29
06:00 and here, it's from the New Revised Standard Version,
06:03 if you want to say it with me,
06:04 just you can read it with me out loud out of your lesson,
06:09 "Whether quickly or not,
06:11 I pray to God that not only you
06:14 but also all who are listening to me today,
06:18 might become such as I am, except for these chains."
06:22 This was Paul's response
06:24 when he said almost now persuades me to be a Christian.
06:29 He said, "I would hope that not only you
06:30 but all who are listening might be as I am being a Christian,
06:34 except for the chains"
06:35 'cause he was imprisoned at that time.
06:38 And so let's dive into our lesson
06:40 and the way we're going to do this is,
06:43 I'm going to read a little bit, some comment in history,
06:46 then we're going to go right to the Bible.
06:47 You'll want to turn in your Bibles to Acts 24.
06:52 Now for those who do not remember,
06:54 Paul seemed to cause riots wherever he went.
06:58 And he was stoned once,
07:01 and he's been arrested several times,
07:02 sometimes they had to carry him out of a city
07:05 'cause they thought he was going to be killed by a mob,
07:07 and he came to Jerusalem.
07:09 He wasn't even doing anything wrong,
07:11 but because he had become so infamous
07:13 and notorious among the Jews
07:15 for what he had been doing among the synagogues in Asia.
07:18 When they saw him in the Jewish temple,
07:20 they thought for sure
07:21 that he had brought gentiles with him,
07:23 even though he hadn't.
07:24 And he was here
07:25 just quietly trying to worship God
07:27 and finish up a vow.
07:29 And if it turned into a riot
07:31 and they were trying to tear him limb from limb,
07:33 it's amazing he survived.
07:36 The Romans had to come with soldiers
07:37 and forcibly tear him away from the mob,
07:41 carry Paul over their heads out of the mob
07:44 up into the garrison,
07:48 and there he was being investigated.
07:49 They were about to whip him
07:50 and they found out that he was a Roman citizen.
07:53 And at that point, they said, "Oh, you're Roman."
07:56 They brought him down to Caesarea.
07:59 There was a plot
08:01 when he was in the garrison there in Jerusalem.
08:04 There were 40 men that took a vow
08:05 that they were going to not eat or drink
08:07 until they had killed him.
08:09 That came to Lysias, the Roman Commander there,
08:14 and he secreted Paul out of Jerusalem
08:16 down to Caesarea.
08:17 Caesarea is by the sea.
08:19 Karen and I and a couple of you here
08:21 who went on our recent trip to Israel, we were at Caesarea.
08:25 And saw some of the buildings that still exist.
08:30 It was named after one of the early Caesar's wife,
08:34 Caesarea, and so hence the name.
08:37 Anyway, so he's there now, he's in prison
08:40 but he's imprisoned
08:41 in somewhat friendly circumstances,
08:43 they allowed his friends to come and go,
08:45 and there were a few people from the church there
08:47 that probably came and ministered
08:49 to some of his needs.
08:51 He probably was not in shackles as he was
08:54 when he was in Philippi, they put him in the stocks.
08:57 But he's got a little more freedom there
08:59 because they said, "He is a Roman,
09:00 he hasn't been condemned yet."
09:02 But they couldn't let him go 'cause there was...
09:05 The Jews basically
09:07 had put out a price on his head.
09:10 They were going to probably
09:11 reward anybody that killed Paul.
09:13 And so for his own protection,
09:15 they sort of needed to keep him confined.
09:17 So this is a little bit of the backdrop.
09:19 Now the sad thing, there's no record
09:22 that the church in Jerusalem went to great lengths
09:27 to try to send an attorney, or representative,
09:29 or to help him.
09:31 Because there were mixed feelings
09:32 among the church in Jerusalem, they thought,
09:34 you know, "Paul has caused a lot of stir in Asia
09:38 and he's hurting our reputation among our own people
09:41 here in Jerusalem."
09:43 And so sadly, you don't hear that he got a lot of support.
09:47 You can read here in Acts of the Apostles, page 403.
09:51 "Yet those were still years of deep anxiety
09:54 as well as tedious confinement,"
09:56 for Paul who had been so active to be confined,"
09:59 in which the apostle seems to have had no support
10:02 of any kind from the church in Jerusalem
10:05 whose leaders still cherished a feeling
10:08 that Paul should be held largely responsible
10:11 for the existing prejudice."
10:12 The persecution that was happening in Jerusalem
10:14 against the church, they said,
10:16 "If Paul wasn't such a loud mouth,
10:18 he's bringing all these problems on us."
10:21 So while he's there in...
10:27 Caesarea, he's now going to be tried by someone
10:30 by the name of Felix.
10:32 Now the word Felix, it means happy or prosperous.
10:38 He was the Roman procurator of Judea
10:41 before who Paul reasoned and he appears to have expected
10:44 a bribe from Paul in order to let him go
10:46 but Paul was not going to bribe him.
10:48 He thought that would set a wrong precedent
10:50 for the church.
10:51 Therefore, he had several interviews with him,
10:53 and he was the one who was in charge for...
10:56 And he had the term Porcius Festus,
11:02 who was appointed in a room of Felix in about 60 A.D.
11:07 For two years, he stays in prison there.
11:11 Now you might be thinking that, you know,
11:13 he was being punished for doing something wrong,
11:16 actually God put him in prison to save him.
11:18 Because they were trying so desperately to kill him,
11:21 you'll see there's another plot.
11:22 So go with me now to Acts 24, I'm going to read
11:25 and do some comment along the way.
11:27 In a few moments, I might ask a couple of you
11:28 to read some verses.
11:29 Acts 24:1,
11:32 "Now after five days, Ananias the high priest,"
11:35 who is up in Jerusalem,
11:37 "he came down to Caesarea
11:38 with the elders and a certain orator,"
11:40 they found the most eloquent speaker among the Jews
11:45 to represent their case to try to persuade them
11:48 to execute Paul or turn Paul over to them
11:50 to try according to their law," his name was Tertullus.
11:55 These gave evidence to the governor against Paul
11:58 as delegation came to speak against Paul in this trial.
12:03 And when he was called upon, Tertullus began his accusation
12:06 saying, 'Seeing that though, through you
12:09 we enjoy a great peace, and prosperity
12:12 is being brought to this nation by your foresight,
12:14 we accept it always and in all places,
12:16 most noble Felix, with all thankfulness,
12:20 "all these, get to all these platitudes,"
12:22 nevertheless, not to be tedious to you in any further,
12:26 I beg you to hear, by your courtesy,
12:28 a few words from us.
12:30 For we have found this man a plague,
12:32 a creator of dissension among the Jews
12:34 throughout the world, and a ringleader
12:36 of the sect of the Nazarenes.
12:38 He even tried to profane the temple,
12:40 ''that wasn't true,"
12:41 and we seized him and wanted to judge him
12:43 according to our law but the Commander Lysias
12:46 came by with great violence,
12:47 "that isn't true," took him, "it was their violence
12:50 he saved him from," took him out of our hands
12:52 commanding his accusers to come to you.
12:55 By examining him yourself, you may ascertain
12:57 all these things of which we accuse him.
13:00 And the Jews also ascended,
13:02 maintaining that these things were so.'"
13:03 So why Tertullus is making his appeal and accusing Paul,
13:08 that's right, amen, that's true, it's all true.
13:12 "Then Paul after the governor nodded to him,"
13:15 you couldn't speak until the judge told you.
13:18 I was in a court one time and I said something very minor
13:23 and, boy, I got slapped down by the judge right away,
13:26 "Do not speak in my court unless you're asked to speak."
13:29 I think I said two words to somebody.
13:32 And you're probably not shocked with that
13:34 but, yeah, I learned, you don't speak in the court
13:37 unless you're asked to.
13:40 And so he nodded, he gave him permission
13:43 now to defend himself.
13:47 And Paul answered, "Then Paul," and then verse 10,
13:51 "after the governor nodded to him to speak answered..."
13:54 Now they thought Tertullus was a good orator,
13:56 they didn't know Paul very well,
14:00 "Inasmuch as I know that you have been
14:02 for many years a judge of this nation,
14:04 I do the more cheerfully answer for myself
14:08 because you may ascertain
14:09 that it is no more than twelve days
14:12 since I went up to Jerusalem to worship.
14:14 And they neither found me in the temple
14:16 disputing with anyone or inciting the crowd,
14:18 either in the synagogue or in the city.
14:21 Nor can they prove the things of which they now accuse me.
14:24 By this I confess to you that according to the way..."
14:27 Speaking of the way is what?
14:31 It's the teachings of Christ.
14:34 I once had a modern translation of the New Testament,
14:38 I don't recommend it for Bible study
14:40 but it was called The Way
14:42 and back when I was a hippie up in the mountains
14:44 that actually helped me decipher
14:45 some of the difficult words but they called it that
14:47 because it's talking about the Christian teaching
14:49 was called The Way.
14:52 "After the Way that they call a sect..."
14:55 Has the truth ever been called a cult before?
14:59 "After the Way that they call a cult," a sect,
15:02 "I worship God of my fathers, believing all things
15:04 which are written in the Law and in the Prophets."
15:06 He said, "I just believe Bible religion."
15:09 Does that sound familiar?
15:11 Sometimes if you go by the real Bible,
15:13 they call you a sect.
15:16 "I have hope in God,
15:17 which they themselves also accept,
15:19 that there will be a resurrection of the dead,
15:21 both the just and the unjust.
15:23 This being so,
15:24 I myself always strive to have a conscience
15:27 without offense towards God and men.
15:29 Now after many days, I came to bring alms," he says,
15:32 "I came to bring an offering to Jerusalem.
15:34 To my nation and in the midst of which some Jews from Asia
15:37 found me purified in the temple,
15:40 neither with the mob nor with tumult.
15:43 They ought to have been here before you to object
15:45 if they had anything against me."
15:46 He said, "The ones who accused me of doing this
15:48 aren't even here today."
15:50 "Or else let those who are here themselves
15:52 say if they found in me any wrongdoing
15:54 while I stood before the council..."
15:57 They didn't actually say what specifically
15:59 he was doing wrong in the temple.
16:04 "Unless it's for this one statement,
16:06 I cried out, standing among them,
16:08 'Concerning the resurrection of the dead
16:10 I am being judged by you this day."
16:12 Now Paul knew that again was going to create division
16:16 among the Sadducees and the Pharisees
16:18 that were his accusers.
16:20 So after he makes this statement,
16:22 then he presents his defense.
16:25 Now in this story, you're going to see
16:28 what we're reading today in Acts chapter 24, 25 and 26,
16:32 this is, Paul has tried three times,
16:36 at least there's three hearings,
16:37 and many other private hearings that he makes before Festus,
16:42 before Felix, and before Agrippa II.
16:45 In fact, if Cheryl has it ready,
16:47 I don't have any photographs but I do have
16:50 actually a picture of a statue.
16:54 That's Porcius Festus, that's what he looked like,
16:57 they found a statue of him.
16:58 May as well put the other one up now too,
17:00 just so you can get it in your mind.
17:01 And this is Herod Agrippa II, this is the great grandson
17:05 of King Herod the Great that built Masada,
17:09 he rebuilt the temple,
17:10 he was the last of Herod's Dynasty.
17:13 When he died off, it was the end of the line,
17:15 and Paul was tried before him as well.
17:17 He actually...
17:18 He was born when Jesus was baptized, 27 A.D.
17:22 And he lived 70 years and he has died about
17:24 the same time the Apostle Paul died
17:26 or John died rather.
17:28 And so they have statutes, so you can actually say,
17:30 "Oh, I know what this guy looked like."
17:31 That's very rare when you go that far back in history
17:34 that you can have a picture of what they looked like.
17:37 So you can thank me later.
17:38 All right, going back.
17:41 "But Jesus said,"
17:42 speaking of the trials they'll have,
17:43 He said, "It'll turn out as an occasion for a testimony.
17:47 Therefore settle it in your hearts
17:49 not to meditate beforehand what you will answer,
17:52 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom
17:55 which all your adversaries will not be
17:57 able to contradict or resist."
18:00 Everything that Jesus foretold here
18:02 happens in the story we're reading today.
18:04 He was persecuted, they nearly killed him,
18:07 he had an occasion to witness before kings
18:09 and the Holy Spirit told Paul what to say.
18:11 This is when Paul was converted,
18:13 Jesus told Paul right at the outset
18:15 and he actually shared this with Ananias to tell Paul
18:19 that "I have a special job for you to go to the gentiles
18:21 and you will bear My name before kings and rulers."
18:25 And that's what happened with him here.
18:28 All right, so if you go now to Acts 24:22,
18:34 "But when Felix heard these things,
18:35 having a more accurate knowledge of the Way..."
18:38 There is that phrase again,
18:39 the Way, that means a Christian way, the teachings.
18:43 "He adjourned the proceedings
18:44 and said when Lysias the commander comes in..."
18:46 He's the one who arrested him, he said,
18:47 "He'll have firsthand knowledge of what the ruckus was."
18:51 "When Lysias, the commander comes down,
18:53 I'll make a decision on your case.
18:55 So he commanded the centurion to keep Paul
18:57 and he let him have liberty..."
18:59 Meaning that he could visit with people that came.
19:01 "And not to forbid any of his friends
19:03 to provide for him or visit him.
19:06 And after some days,
19:07 when Felix came with his wife Priscilla,
19:10 who was Jewish..."
19:12 And Drusilla is actually the great granddaughter
19:16 of Herod the Great.
19:19 "He sent for Paul and heard him
19:21 concerning the faith about Christ."
19:22 He's letting Paul, he says,
19:24 "I want to send for Paul privately,
19:25 it's not a trial," he said, "come and talk to me."
19:28 "Now as he reasoned about righteousness
19:31 and self-control, which kings need to hear about,
19:34 and judgment to come, Felix was afraid."
19:38 Here is the king trembling before the prisoner
19:42 because the words of Paul are convicting him.
19:45 And Paul was probably appealing for him to make a decision
19:48 to accept the way.
19:51 And he says, "Go away for now,
19:54 when I have a convenient time, I will call for you."
19:57 Now you wonder how many times in history
20:00 have people had an opportunity to make a decision
20:03 and what's their response.
20:06 Procrastinate, "Not now,
20:09 now is not a convenient time, I'm really busy.
20:11 You know, this would not be politically a good move for me
20:14 to accept Christ right now, when it's more convenient."
20:17 I've got this problem, you know,
20:18 I'd like to quit smoking.
20:20 But I've got a lot of stress in my life,
20:22 I'll wait for a time when there's no stress.
20:25 I can't do it now.
20:28 I got family here.
20:30 There's always an excuse the devil will give you.
20:33 If you know what God's will is, the best time to do His will
20:35 is when He's telling you.
20:37 If you're waiting for it to be convenient,
20:40 the devil will see that you go to your grave
20:42 and it is never convenient.
20:44 There's no record that Felix ever made a decision
20:48 to accept the teachings of Jesus.
20:50 Very common strategy of the devil.
20:53 "Go your way for now, and when it's more convenient,
20:57 then we'll talk about these things."
20:59 All right, so go reading on here.
21:02 If you go to...
21:04 He said, "Meanwhile," verse 26 in Acts 24,
21:08 "he also hoped that money would be given him by Paul,
21:11 that he might release him.
21:13 And therefore he sent for more often
21:15 and conversed with him."
21:17 He enjoyed talking to him.
21:20 And...
21:23 Can you think of another king in the Bible
21:24 that wanted to talk to a holy man?
21:27 Kept him in prison?
21:30 Go to Mark 6:20.
21:35 "For Herod feared John," that's John the Baptist,
21:38 "knowing that he was a just and a holy man
21:42 and he protected him."
21:43 Protected him against who?
21:45 Well, his wife wanted to kill him.
21:48 For a while, John was in prison protected, it seems strange.
21:52 "And when he heard him, he did many things
21:54 and heard him gladly."
21:56 Frequently, Herod would say, "Bring John out of jail,
21:59 I want to talk to him, I want to..."
22:01 Something about him, it stirred him.
22:03 But you know what?
22:04 He, like Felix, he never made the decision
22:06 and later when Herod wanted to see Jesus do a miracle
22:10 because he had rejected the voice of John the Baptist
22:12 and had him killed,
22:13 Jesus did not say a word to him.
22:15 Now Jesus did talk to Pilate.
22:17 Pilate was a gentile,
22:19 he didn't have the same opportunity.
22:21 Herod was at least half Jewish
22:24 and he had some Edomite background.
22:28 But he would not...
22:31 Jesus would say nothing to Herod.
22:34 And so, but he wanted to hear Him.
22:36 He knew He was a holy man.
22:39 There's some people that come to church
22:40 and they want to hear the pastor,
22:41 they don't plan on doing anything about it
22:43 but they think "You know, maybe there's some virtue.
22:45 I might get points with God for going to church.
22:49 I might get points with God for turning the channel
22:52 and listening to that religious preacher for a little while
22:54 and thinking spiritual thoughts."
22:56 Some people think there's virtue
22:57 in thinking spiritual thoughts and feeling a little convicted.
23:01 Well, I felt convicted,
23:02 they don't do anything about it.
23:04 But they think as long as I'm thinking spiritual things,
23:07 there are some...
23:08 I get points.
23:10 God doesn't grade in that way, friends.
23:13 Herod heard him,
23:14 but he never did the right thing.
23:16 Felix heard Paul,
23:17 but he never did the right thing.
23:19 At least it's not recorded.
23:22 So now you go to where he's brought before Festus.
23:26 And you're in Acts 25.
23:29 Festus Porcius, he is the successor of Felix,
23:33 he comes into power about AD 60
23:36 as the procurator of Judea.
23:39 And a few weeks after, he entered on his office,
23:41 the case of Paul was brought before him.
23:44 His name...
23:45 What is a festivity?
23:49 If you got a school bus that is festooned,
23:54 what does festive mean?
23:57 It's talking about festal, something that's joyful,
24:00 a celebration, a prosperous occasion,
24:03 and that's what his name means, Festus.
24:06 And so go to Acts 25,
24:08 we're going to read a little bit here.
24:09 Someone in a minute is going to read Mark 14:55.
24:14 You'll have that? Okay.
24:16 Let me read a few verses.
24:17 Now Festus, when he had come to the province
24:20 after three days,
24:21 he went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem."
24:24 Now Caesarea is on the coast,
24:25 Jerusalem is where the capital and the high priest lives.
24:28 "And there the high priest Ananias
24:30 and the chief men of the Jews informed him against Paul."
24:34 They said, "You got to do something
24:35 about that fellow that's in prison back there.
24:37 Felix didn't do anything.
24:38 He needs to be eliminated."
24:41 "And they petitioned him, asking a favor against him
24:44 that he would summon him to Jerusalem."
24:46 Now why did they want him summoned to Jerusalem?
24:49 "While they lay in ambush along the road to kill him."
24:53 Now where would that put them with the Romans
24:55 if they actually executed Paul while he's being conducted
24:59 by the Romans to a trial?
25:00 I mean, they were willing to risk
25:03 the repercussions of the Roman Empire
25:05 just to get rid of Paul.
25:09 If you were to attack a Roman prisoner
25:10 while he's being transported, they hated Paul so much,
25:13 they were willing to do that.
25:14 This is the second time they laid ambush to kill him
25:19 but he was protected.
25:20 How many of you remember a story in 2 Kings,
25:24 when the king of Syria kept laying plots
25:26 to ambush the king of Israel?
25:29 But God brought word to Elijah, the prophet,
25:32 he told the king of Israel, He said,
25:34 "Don't go here, don't go there,
25:35 King of Syria is going to ambush you."
25:37 And God protected the king of Israel several times
25:41 from the ambush of Syria, how many remember that?
25:45 So wouldn't it be interesting to get to heaven
25:49 and you find out when the angel unfolds
25:51 not only the records you know about,
25:53 but the behind the scenes records of how many times
25:56 angels protected you
25:57 when the devil had a plot laid for you,
26:00 you knew nothing about?
26:02 And you can just see the curtain pulled aside here
26:04 in the story of Paul.
26:06 The devil was trying so many times
26:08 to eliminate Paul.
26:09 So believe it or not, the Romans,
26:12 who are thought to be the bad guy,
26:14 they're the ones who are actually protecting Paul
26:18 from the religious zealots, his own people.
26:21 What about Jesus?
26:22 Isn't it Pilate that wanted to protect Jesus
26:26 from the priests that wanted to execute Him?
26:29 And so, you know, sometimes Christians
26:32 have been saved by the governing law
26:36 from religious zealots.
26:39 And so this is the case here again.
26:45 Now you notice that they come
26:48 and they wanted to ambush him along the way.
26:52 Let me go back to Acts 25 here,
26:55 "And Festus answered to them
26:58 and he said that Paul should be kept in Caesarea."
27:01 He had heard that they tried to ambush him
27:02 the first time from Lysias.
27:04 "And that he himself was going there shortly,
27:07 therefore he said, 'Let those who have authority
27:08 among you go down with me and accuse the man, to see.'"
27:11 Now they've got a big fortress and an army
27:13 in the garrison down there,
27:14 the Jews can't attack him there.
27:17 And he says, "When you want, come on down,
27:19 bring your accusation down to where he is."
27:22 "And when he remained among them
27:23 for more than ten days..."
27:26 Festus stayed among the Jews in Jerusalem
27:27 for more than 10 days.
27:28 "He went down, back down to the beach to Caesarea
27:31 and the next day sitting..."
27:32 Oh, by the way, you know, in Caesarea,
27:34 there's a interesting architecture.
27:38 There are still the remnants of a Roman aqueduct
27:41 that Herod the Great had built, that was there
27:43 when Paul and Jesus lived, that brought water all the way
27:47 from Mount Carmel, like 20 miles away,
27:50 they had this aqueduct.
27:51 Have you ever seen these Roman aqueducts
27:53 where they get the stone arches
27:54 and it's just carrying an exposed pipe or half a pipe
27:57 from the mountains, they ran it 20 miles
28:00 to bring an abundance of fresh water into Caesarea
28:03 from the mountains.
28:04 So it was a beautiful resort.
28:05 They had a fresh water swimming pool, we saw it.
28:08 Right there by the ocean,
28:09 they had a fresh water swimming pool
28:10 supplied with water from Mount Carmel
28:12 from the aqueduct.
28:13 I mean, it was a beautiful palace.
28:15 That's why this king said,
28:16 "I'm going back to my beach house
28:19 and virtual palace there."
28:21 So he goes back down, he says,
28:22 "You can come try him there."
28:25 "He went down to Caesarea and the next day
28:27 sitting on the judgment seat,
28:28 he commanded Paul to be brought.
28:31 When he had come,
28:32 the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem
28:34 stood about and laid many serious complaints
28:37 against Paul which they could not prove.
28:42 While he answered for himself,
28:44 'Neither against the law of the Jews,
28:46 nor against the temple, nor against Caesar
28:48 have I offended in anything at all."
28:52 'Now that's not the first time that's happened.
28:54 You look in Acts 25:7, it says,
28:57 "They had many serious complaints
28:59 against Paul they could not prove."
29:01 Mark 15:3 concerning Jesus, and the chief priest
29:05 accused them of many things.
29:08 But he answered nothing.
29:10 Pilate marveled.
29:11 Go ahead, read for us please, Mark 14:55-56.
29:16 "Now the chief priest and all the counsel
29:18 saw a testimony against Jesus to put Him to death
29:21 but found none.
29:23 For many bore false witness against Him
29:25 but their testimonies did not agree."
29:28 You can see that so often in history,
29:30 God has confounded or confused the false testimony
29:34 of the enemies.
29:36 But one of the devil's tactics is slander.
29:41 Did Jesus say that "You should expect people
29:43 to say all manner of evil against you falsely
29:45 for My name sake."
29:47 And Peter said, "Don't be offended
29:50 when this happens, just make sure
29:51 they're not saying anything bad against you and it's true."
29:55 So people say,
29:56 "Oh, they are saying terrible things against me."
29:57 You have to ask, well, is it true.
29:59 But if they're accusing you falsely
30:01 and you're Christian, you're to bear it patiently.
30:04 Jesus said, "Rejoice when you're falsely accused
30:06 for My sake."
30:08 All right, so we're going to read a little more here.
30:12 Paul says, "Neither against the law
30:14 nor the Jews nor the temple nor Caesar
30:17 have I offended in anything at all.
30:19 I have not done anything illegal."
30:21 Now Paul being a Roman was well-versed in Roman law
30:24 and he knew what his rights were.
30:26 "But Festus wanted to do the Jews a favor,
30:30 he answered and said,
30:32 'Are you willing to go up to Jerusalem and be judged
30:34 before me concerning these things?'"
30:36 Now here's a predicament.
30:37 He says, "Look. All right, I'll try you.
30:39 You're willing to go to Jerusalem?"
30:42 That was like
30:44 going to the headquarters of Hades
30:46 as far as Paul was concerned because they hated him up there
30:49 and they had tried several times
30:50 to kill him en route.
30:51 Paul knew that it didn't end very well
30:54 for Stephen up there, Paul was a witness to that.
30:58 It didn't end very well for Jesus
31:00 when he was tried up there,
31:01 and he thought it won't end very well for me.
31:04 So here he's got to decide what to do
31:06 and Paul knowing that he, as a Roman citizen,
31:08 had a right to appeal to the Supreme Court.
31:12 The Supreme Court was you would go to Caesar himself
31:16 with your case, and that could be a long wait
31:21 because being Caesar and being busy,
31:23 he had a long line of people that were appealing to him.
31:26 So he said, "What do you want to do?"
31:28 Paul said, Acts 25:10,
31:31 "I stand at Caesar's judgment seat,
31:33 where I ought to be judged.
31:35 To the Jews I have done no wrong,
31:37 as you very well know.
31:39 For if I am an offender, or if I have committed
31:41 anything deserving of death, I don't object to dying.
31:45 But if there is nothing in these things
31:47 of which these men accuse me, no one can deliver me to them."
31:51 He says, "I know what the law is."
31:52 "I appeal to Caesar.
31:53 You cannot turn me over to the death penalty
31:55 if I appeal and I'm a Roman citizen.
31:58 Then Festus, he stood up, went aside,
32:01 he conferred with the other council,
32:04 and he answered and said, 'You have appealed to Caesar,
32:07 to Caesar you shall go.'"
32:09 Now he makes a pronouncement here.
32:12 Notice and underline that because later he wishes
32:15 that he could revoke it but he can't
32:17 'cause he's made a pronouncement.
32:18 He says, "You've appealed to Caesar,
32:19 to Caesar you'll go."
32:20 Later on in the story, you'll find out
32:22 that they investigate him a little further.
32:24 He said "There's no grounds to even hold him.
32:26 You could let him go if he had not appealed to Caesar
32:29 and if you had not promised that he was going to Caesar."
32:32 But this was really God's way of saving Paul.
32:34 What would have happened to Paul
32:37 if the king had said, "Okay, you're innocent.
32:39 Out the door you go, you're a free man."
32:41 No sooner would the bailiff had released him from prison,
32:46 then they would have plotted to execute him.
32:49 There was a price on his head all over in the land of Judea.
32:53 And so it was probably a good thing
32:54 he had appealed to Caesar.
32:56 All right, moving on now.
32:58 Now we've got another character that appeals, King Agrippa.
33:01 This is actually...
33:02 You'll hear Agrippa a few times.
33:04 How many of you get confused when it talks about Herod?
33:07 You wonder which Herod
33:08 because so many of them were called Herod.
33:10 You get Herod the Great
33:11 who tried to kill the babies in Jerusalem.
33:14 You get Herod Philip, Herod Agrippa,
33:17 You've got Herod Archelaus, there's several...
33:19 You've got Herod Agrippa II, there's several Herods,
33:22 they're all from the family
33:23 so they kind of use the similar name.
33:26 This is again the great grandson
33:29 of the first great, Herod the Great.
33:31 Herod the Great was a great builder,
33:33 he reigned a long time, he was a brutal man,
33:36 he killed the babies in Bethlehem,
33:38 killed several of his own children,
33:39 killed one of his wives but he would not eat pork.
33:44 So Caesar said,
33:47 it's better to be Herod's pig than his wife
33:51 or one of his sons.
33:54 So the Herod's pigs are safer than his family.
33:57 And so...
33:58 But he kept the kingdom calm
34:01 so the Caesar allowed Herod to remain the king.
34:04 He called himself the king of the Jews.
34:07 Several of the Herods
34:09 underneath his sons and his grandsons
34:13 called themselves kings of the Jews.
34:15 This Herod Agrippa II,
34:17 he also called himself the king of the Jews, started out,
34:21 the Caesar had to give him permission,
34:23 I think it was Claudius, Caesar said,
34:24 "You can be in charge of the temple."
34:26 Later he gave him the territory of his grandfather
34:30 and said he was king of the Jew.
34:32 So here, he's trying Paul
34:33 who's talking about another king of the Jews,
34:36 just want to give you the background.
34:38 He also knows the history of what happened with Jesus
34:42 when his uncle had tried Jesus.
34:46 So now King Agrippa and Bernice
34:50 came to Caesarea to greet Festus.
34:52 I'm in Acts 25:13 so you can follow.
34:55 "When they had been there many days,
34:57 Festus laid Paul's case before the king, saying,
35:01 'There is a certain man left a prisoner by Felix,
35:04 about whom the chief priests
35:05 and the elders of the Jews informed me...'"
35:07 Now he's been in prison for two years at this point.
35:10 "When I was in Jerusalem,
35:11 asking for a judgment against him.
35:14 To them I answered,
35:15 'It is not the custom of the Romans
35:17 to deliver any man to destruction
35:19 before the accused meets the accusers face to face,
35:22 and has an opportunity to answer for himself
35:25 concerning the charge against him.'
35:27 Therefore when they had come together,
35:28 without any delay,
35:30 the next day I sat on the judgment seat...'"
35:32 He rehearses everything that happened.
35:34 And eventually, "Agrippa said to Festus..."
35:36 I'm in verse 22.
35:37 "I'd like to hear the man myself.'
35:39 'Tomorrow,' he said, 'you'll hear him.'"
35:41 "We'll bring him in tomorrow" "So the next day,
35:44 when Agrippa and Bernice had come with great pomp..."
35:47 This is the king of the Jews.
35:49 There is a great ceremony, pomp circumstances, a fanfare.
35:53 They enter, they sit in the seat,
35:54 their robes are being carried about.
36:00 "He entered the auditorium with the commanders
36:02 and the prominent men of the city..."
36:03 They're all...
36:04 Now why is this big assembly happening?
36:09 Why does God allow all this?
36:12 Here, God has this one converted tent maker
36:17 who is going to preach about Jesus
36:20 to all the leaders of the Roman Empire in Judea.
36:25 It's a wonderful opportunity that God's arranged.
36:27 He said, "I'm curious. I want to hear the man."
36:29 So Paul has become something of a novelty
36:32 because they see that he is a brilliant speaker.
36:35 He is being accused all over Asia
36:37 of creating some new religion or spreading some new religion,
36:40 and so they want to hear him for themselves,
36:42 but God uses this as an opportunity,
36:44 this is a fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus
36:46 we just read about, isn't it?
36:48 Great pomp, all leading men of the city,
36:50 the king is there, the procurator is there,
36:53 their wives are there.
36:57 "And Festus said: 'The King Agrippa
36:58 and all the men who are here present with us,
37:00 you see this man about whom the whole assembly
37:02 of the Jews petitioned me, both at Jerusalem and here,
37:05 crying out that he was not fit to live any longer.
37:08 But when I found that he had committed nothing
37:10 deserving of death,
37:11 that he himself had appealed to Augustus...'"
37:13 That's another word for the Caesar.
37:16 "I decided to send him.
37:18 I have nothing certain to write to my lord concerning him."
37:20 He said, "I don't have any specific charges to even write
37:22 because there's nothing specific
37:23 they've given me."
37:25 "And especially before you, King Agrippa,
37:27 so that after the examination has taken place
37:29 I might have something to write."
37:30 "So you may give me an idea what do you think."
37:33 "For it seems to me unreasonable
37:35 to send a prisoner to the Caesar
37:37 without any specific charges against him."
37:39 Everything that Jews accused him of it was so vague.
37:42 "Then Agrippa said to Paul,
37:44 'You are permitted to speak for yourself.'"
37:46 The king is here and all the audience is there.
37:49 "Paul stretched out his hand and answered for himself..."
37:52 His motions to the king.
37:54 "I think myself happy, King Agrippa,
37:56 because today I shall answer for myself before you
37:59 concerning all the things
38:00 of which I am accused by the Jews,
38:02 especially because you are an expert
38:04 in all customs and questions
38:06 which have to do with the Jews."
38:08 Now, what language is Paul speaking?
38:13 Paul is a Jew but where was he born?
38:15 In a Roman province,
38:18 but his letters are written in what language?
38:20 Greek?
38:21 Do you remember in 1 Corinthians
38:22 where Paul said,
38:24 "I speak with tongues more than you all."
38:26 Some Pentecostal charismatics
38:28 think that means that Paul fell down
38:30 and started to babble incoherently more than anybody.
38:33 They're just saying,
38:34 Paul spoke in more different languages
38:37 than any of the early church.
38:39 Paul was very educated.
38:40 He could fluently speak Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic,
38:45 and maybe other languages.
38:47 He's probably speaking to them in their own tongue
38:50 which makes it he could be speaking to them in Greek
38:52 which was a common language in the courts back then.
38:54 He could be speaking to them in Latin.
38:55 So he really liked listening to Paul
38:57 'cause he didn't need a translator.
38:59 So just keep that in mind.
39:02 He says, "I'm happy that I can answer you
39:04 because you're an expert in all customs and questions
39:07 which have to do with the Jews.
39:09 Therefore I beg you to hear me patiently.
39:11 My manner of life from my youth,
39:13 which was spent from the beginning
39:15 among my own nation at Jerusalem.
39:18 They knew me from the first,
39:19 if they were willing to testify,
39:21 according to the strictest sect of our religion
39:23 I lived a Pharisee.
39:25 And now I stand and I'm judged
39:26 for the hope of the promise made by God
39:29 to our fathers this promise..."
39:30 Promise of the resurrection, promise of the Messiah.
39:34 "To this promise our twelve tribes,
39:36 earnestly serving God day and night, hope to attain.
39:39 For this hope's sake, King Agrippa,
39:42 I am accused by the Jews."
39:43 He said, "I'm here,
39:44 I'm being accused for the hope of the resurrection
39:47 and the hope of the Messiah.
39:49 And this is a very, very thing that we as a people
39:51 have looked forward to and I believe in,
39:54 that's where they're accusing me."
39:56 And so Herod of course knew these things.
40:00 "Why should it be thought incredible by you,"
40:02 I'm in verse 8, "that God raises the dead?"
40:05 The big issue about Jesus
40:07 is not that He lived, they all knew that.
40:08 The big issue was his body disappeared
40:10 and the apostle said he rose from the dead
40:12 and He had instructed them to spread
40:14 His teachings everywhere.
40:16 And so this was still being debated.
40:18 What was the rumor that the Pharisees
40:20 had paid the soldiers to spread?
40:22 That they fell asleep at the grave
40:24 and the body had been stolen.
40:26 But the disciples over 500 said,
40:28 we saw Him personally.
40:31 And Paul is now saying, "I saw him personally."
40:34 So he jumped down.
40:37 He says," I even voted against those
40:42 who were preaching Jesus.
40:43 I am in verse 11 now,
40:44 "I punished them often in synagogues
40:46 and compelled them to blaspheme,
40:49 being exceedingly enraged against them,"
40:51 he was infuriated,
40:53 "I persecuted them even to foreign cities."
40:56 Paul was their fiercest enemy.
40:58 "While thus occupied,"
41:00 in persecuted them at foreign cities,
41:02 "I journeyed to Damascus with authority and commission
41:05 from the chief priests, at midday, O king,
41:08 along the road I saw a light from heaven,
41:11 brighter than the sun, shining around me..."
41:14 If it's midday, it got to be brighter than the sun.
41:17 "And those who journeyed with me.
41:19 And when we had fallen to the ground,
41:21 I heard a voice speaking to me, saying in the Hebrew tongue,
41:23 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?
41:27 Is it hard for you to kick against the goads.'
41:31 So I said, 'Who are You, Lord?'
41:32 He said, 'I am Jesus, who you are persecuting.
41:35 But rise and stand on your feet,
41:38 I have appeared to you for this purpose,
41:39 to make you a minister and a witness
41:41 both of the things that you have seen
41:43 and the things that I will yet reveal to you.
41:45 I will deliver to you from the Jewish people,
41:47 as well as from the Gentiles...'"
41:49 Paul is sitting here before the Gentile leaders,
41:51 he is saying,
41:52 "I'm not only gonna deliver you from the Jews,
41:53 I'm gonna deliver you from them."
41:55 He said, "I will deliver you," and he is very bold,
41:58 "from the Jewish people and the Gentiles
42:00 to whom I now send you, to open their eyes."
42:02 Now this, do you underline here in your Bible.
42:07 This is a great, great verse.
42:10 This actually deserves a third grade.
42:13 This is a great, great, great verse.
42:16 Listen to this.
42:18 "I will deliver you from the Jewish people,
42:20 as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I send you."
42:22 Listen, verse 18, "To open their eyes,
42:25 in order to turn them from darkness to light,
42:29 from the power of Satan to God..."
42:31 There's only two things, darkness and light,
42:33 Satan and God.
42:34 "That they might receive forgiveness of sins
42:37 and an inheritance among those
42:39 who are sanctified by faith in Me."
42:43 Now if you are a Gentile,
42:46 and Herod knew that the Jews kind of thought,
42:48 "You know, we are the chosen people,
42:49 the Gentiles are all dogs."
42:50 Now Paul is saying no.
42:52 The message of God is to go to the Gentiles.
42:56 It's for you in this audience today
42:58 that he is preaching to
42:59 as well as while I am preaching to,
43:01 to turn you from darkness to light,
43:03 from the power of Satan.
43:05 Wouldn't you be like to saved from the power of Satan
43:07 to the power of God,
43:09 that you might be forgiven of your sins
43:11 and sanctified how?
43:12 By faith in me.
43:14 It's the whole gospel encapsulated in this one verse,
43:17 it's wonderful.
43:19 "Therefore, King Agrippa,
43:20 I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,
43:23 but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem,
43:26 and throughout all the region of Judea,
43:28 then to the Gentiles," he went up to Asia,
43:30 "that they should repent and turn to God,
43:32 and do works befitting repentance."
43:34 That was a message of John the Baptist.
43:36 "For these reasons the Jews seized me
43:38 in the temple and tried to kill me.
43:40 Therefore, having obtained help from God,
43:43 to this day I stand,
43:44 witnessing both to small and great," you, the king,
43:48 saying no other things than those which the prophets
43:51 and Moses said would come that Christ would suffer,
43:55 that He would be the first to rise from the dead,
43:57 and would proclaim the light to the Jewish people
44:01 and to the Gentiles."
44:04 I got to hurry it up here.
44:05 "Now as he thus made his defense before Festus
44:08 with a loud voice, he said,
44:11 'Paul, you are beside yourself!'"
44:12 Festus is wondering
44:13 what the king is gonna think of this.
44:15 That's why he says, "Oh, you are getting too far."
44:18 "Much learning is driving you mad!'
44:20 He said, 'I am not mad, most noble Festus,
44:22 but I speak words of truth and reason.
44:25 For the king, before who I also speak freely,
44:27 knows these things,
44:28 for I am convinced that none of these things
44:30 have escaped his attention...'"
44:31 This was all in the newspapers, they all knew about Jesus.
44:34 "Since this thing was not done in a corner."
44:37 The whole country knew about it.
44:39 He was tried in Jerusalem.
44:40 "King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets?"
44:42 Now here is a prisoner appealing to the king
44:45 asking for an altar call.
44:47 "King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets?
44:49 I know that you believe.'
44:50 Then Agrippa said to Paul,
44:52 'You almost persuade me to become a Christian.'
44:56 And Paul said, 'I would to God that not only you,
44:59 but also all those who hear me today, might,"
45:01 he is making an appeal,
45:03 "become almost and altogether such as I am,
45:06 except for these chains.'
45:08 When he had said these things, the king stood up."
45:10 You know what it means when a king stand up?
45:13 Not listening to evidence anymore.
45:15 You know, the Bible says one day Michael will stand up.
45:18 That's when probation closes.
45:20 "The king stood up as well as the governor and Bernice
45:23 and those who sat with him, and when they went aside,
45:26 they talked among themselves, saying,
45:27 'This man is doing nothing
45:30 that is deserving of death or chains.'
45:33 Then Agrippa said to Festus,
45:34 'This man might have been set free
45:36 had he not appealed to Caesar.'"
45:38 Of course, he might have been killed too
45:39 if they had set him free.
45:41 So this covers our teaching for today.
45:43 And don't forget in a couple of weeks,
45:45 we are going to be entering into our new quarterly,
45:47 "Oneness in Christ."
45:48 God bless you. Time's up for today.
45:50 Look forward to studying His Word
45:51 with you again next week.
45:57 Throughout history mankind has been obsessed
46:00 with the idea of living forever.
46:02 Take for example, Quin Shi Huang,
46:05 the first emperor to unite Greater China.
46:07 During his rule, about 250 BC,
46:10 he started to work on what would become
46:12 the Great Wall of China.
46:13 But Emperor Huang
46:15 was also obsessed with eternity.
46:17 He dispatched entire armies
46:19 to search for the fable elixir of life,
46:22 a magical drink that would allow him to live forever.
46:25 Fearing they would be punished if they came back empty-handed,
46:28 most of these soldiers never returned.
46:31 Because of his obsession with eternity,
46:33 the emperor also began working on his burial city
46:36 when only 13 years old.
46:38 He filled vast underground caverns around his tomb
46:42 with replica of his court
46:43 believing that somehow they'd come to life
46:45 in the next world.
46:47 Archeologists found more than 8000 life-sized
46:50 terracotta statues of musicians,
46:53 troops of acrobats, strong men, soldiers,
46:55 and horses to guard his grave site.
46:58 No two are the same.
47:00 It's believed to have taken around 700,000 workers,
47:04 approximately 38 years to complete this wonder.
47:08 Tragically, Quin Shi Huang died when only 49 years of age,
47:12 evidently by mercury poisoning.
47:15 He drank a bizarre lethal cocktail
47:17 his doctors gave him
47:18 to supposedly help him live longer.
47:21 Many others through history
47:23 have looked for this elusive living water.
47:26 Alexander the Great was said to have come across
47:28 a healing river of paradise in the 4th Century BC.
47:32 Others have gone on epic quests
47:35 vainly searching for the Holy Grail,
47:37 a mythical chalice from the Last Supper
47:39 that would purportedly give eternal life
47:42 to whoever could drink water from it.
47:44 Spanish navigator, Juan Ponce de León,
47:47 he heard from natives in Puerto Rico
47:49 that there was island called Benimy
47:51 that had a fountain of youth.
47:53 Today, scientists are taking a more pragmatic approach
47:57 experimenting with stem cells and genetic engineering
48:00 all in a concerted effort to slow, stop,
48:04 or maybe even reverse the aging process.
48:06 Let's face it.
48:08 We are all preprogrammed for self preservation.
48:11 People want to survive and live.
48:14 So wouldn't you be interested if I told you about
48:17 a viable way that you could increase your life span,
48:21 not by 20 or 30 years but forever.
48:25 Did you know the Bible actually does talk about
48:28 this secret fountain of youth?
48:30 That's right.
48:31 Jesus said, "Whoever drinks the water of life
48:34 that I will give him will never thirst.
48:36 But the water that I will give him
48:38 will become in him a fountain of water
48:41 springing up into everlasting life."
48:44 In fact, the Bible ends by inviting people
48:47 to drink from this living water.
48:49 "And the spirit and the bride say, 'Come.'
48:52 And let him who hears, say, 'Come.'
48:54 And let who is athirst, come.
48:56 And whoever will, let him take the water of life freely."
49:01 Well, friend, it's real.
49:03 And the Bible teaches that God deeply wants to give you
49:06 this gift of everlasting life.
49:09 But you might be thinking there has to be catch.
49:11 How exactly do you receive this free gift?
49:15 In the next few moments,
49:16 I am going to share with you five practical steps
49:19 that you can take that will place
49:21 the keys of eternal life within your reach.
49:24 What you do with them is up to you.
49:29 First, we must recognize there's obviously a problem.
49:33 Death, disease, terrorism, pain,
49:36 none of this was God's original plan.
49:38 In the world around us,
49:39 we can see a spiritual battle is raging
49:42 between light and darkness, good and evil,
49:45 right and wrong.
49:46 It all began eons ago
49:48 when the highest of God's creations,
49:50 a beautiful and powerful angel named Lucifer,
49:53 now better known as Satan, became inflamed with jealously.
49:57 He resented that he could not have
49:59 all of the power of God.
50:01 That's when following a lengthy and slanderous campaign,
50:05 Lucifer lead one-third of the angels of God
50:08 in an all out rebellion against the Creator.
50:12 Satan next deceived the first humans
50:14 into disbelieving and disobeying God.
50:17 So they unwittingly surrendered
50:18 the dominion of this world to the devil.
50:21 Our beautiful planet was hijacked
50:23 by an evil fiend and his forces that filled the world
50:26 with their spirit of sin and selfishness.
50:29 But God sent His Son into the world
50:31 as a human to guide, to rescue,
50:34 and ultimately to redeem those that would trust in Him.
50:38 We are all sinners.
50:40 "For we have all sinned
50:41 and fallen short of the glory of God."
50:44 It's true of you, it's true of me.
50:46 "All we like sheep have gone astray,
50:48 we've turned every one, to his own way.
50:51 And the Lord laid upon him, Jesus,
50:54 the iniquity of us all."
50:56 Whether it's lying, or stealing, or evil thoughts,
50:59 we have all broken the golden rule,
51:01 God's law of love
51:03 better known as the Ten Commandments.
51:05 The principles of God's law are meant to protect us
51:08 and to ensure a life of peace and safety.
51:12 The Bible reveals that the penalty for sin,
51:14 breaking God's law,
51:15 is death because sin naturally separates us
51:19 from the one who gives life.
51:21 Are there unkind words that you've spoken,
51:23 or actions that you've taken in your life
51:25 that have hurt others or even yourself?
51:28 God is asking you to acknowledge
51:30 that you are a sinner
51:31 so that you can take the next step.
51:35 The second step to eternity
51:37 is to believe you can in fact be saved.
51:41 And that's the good news of salvation.
51:43 A Roman jailor once asked the Apostle Paul,
51:46 "What must I do to be saved?"
51:48 Paul answered,
51:50 "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
51:52 and you will be saved."
51:54 To believe in Christ means to believe in who He is,
51:58 the Son of God, and the Savior of the world,
52:01 and to trust Him with your life.
52:03 Unlike you or I, Jesus lived a perfect sinless life.
52:07 By faith, He never broke a commandment of God.
52:11 He now offers to take your sinful record
52:13 in exchange for His perfect life.
52:16 He literally died in your place so that you can live forever
52:19 in a paradise without sin.
52:21 Jesus suffered in your place for your sin
52:24 so you can be forgiven.
52:25 You must accept this by faith.
52:28 "He that believes in the Son has everlasting life."
52:33 Isn't that simple?
52:35 Will you believe this message of hope
52:37 that Jesus is offering you right now?
52:41 The third step in receiving the gift of salvation
52:44 is to confess and repent of your sins.
52:47 Tell God you are sorry.
52:49 The Bible says, "He that covers his sins
52:52 will not prosper.
52:53 But whoever confesses
52:54 and forsakes them will have mercy."
52:58 Jesus also said, "Unless you repent,
53:01 you will all likewise perish."
53:03 To repent means to make a determined choice
53:06 to turn away from the self destructive lifestyle of sin
53:09 and to trust that God will help you do it.
53:12 It means to honor God's commandments,
53:14 in your mind, in your heart, and in your actions.
53:17 "Let the wicked forsake his way,
53:19 and the unrighteous man his thoughts,
53:21 let him return to the Lord and He will have mercy on him.
53:25 And to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."
53:29 A person who repents is genuinely sorry for sinning,
53:32 and they turn their hearts towards God.
53:35 The Lord then promises to give them
53:37 the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
53:39 He'll place within you a new heart and a new mind.
53:43 Now God does not expect you to remember
53:45 and confess every sin you've ever committed.
53:48 Just humbly come to Him in the name of Jesus
53:50 and willingly confess you've broken His laws.
53:54 There may be some specific things
53:56 the Holy Spirit will bring to your attention.
53:58 Tell him you are sorry.
53:59 Ask him to wash away your sins.
54:02 When you do, the Bible says, you can have complete assurance
54:05 that He will fully forgive you.
54:08 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
54:10 and just to forgive us our sins,
54:12 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
54:16 Will you please open your heart now to the Lord?
54:19 Confess your sins,
54:20 and then believe He has forgiven you.
54:23 Eternal life, you are almost there.
54:28 The fourth step to eternity is to willingly receive Jesus
54:32 as your personal savior.
54:34 Christ said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
54:38 If anyone hears My voice and opens the door,
54:41 I will come into him and dine with him,
54:44 and he with me."
54:46 You receive Christ by audibly praying
54:48 and inviting Him into your heart.
54:50 This is God's amazing gift to you.
54:52 "For God so loved the world
54:55 that He gave His only begotten Son
54:57 that whoever believes in Him might not perish,
55:00 but have everlasting life."
55:03 But receiving Christ also means more.
55:05 It means trusting in His instruction
55:08 and guiding influence in your life and actions.
55:11 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
55:14 he is a new creation.
55:15 Old things have passed away.
55:17 Behold, all things have become new."
55:20 Will you now receive Jesus into your life
55:23 and give Him permission to abide in you?
55:25 Now is the best time.
55:27 Will you ask Him?
55:29 Sincerely pray this simple prayer
55:31 and then review the steps that we just covered.
55:34 Dear God, I know that I've broken Your laws
55:37 and my sins have separated me from You.
55:40 I believe that Your Son Jesus died for my sins,
55:43 and was resurrected from the dead,
55:45 and is alive in heaven, and hears my prayers.
55:48 I am truly sorry for my past sins,
55:51 and I now want to turn to You and turn away from sin.
55:54 Please forgive me and help me to walk in a new life.
55:58 I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life,
56:01 to rule and to reign in my heart
56:04 from this day forward.
56:05 Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey you
56:08 and to do Your will for the rest of my life.
56:11 And I pray these things in Jesus' name.
56:14 Amen.
56:18 The fifth step to eternity is to now confess Jesus
56:22 as your Lord.
56:23 Eternal life is more than just receiving.
56:26 It's also about giving.
56:28 To keep your faith,
56:29 you need to share it with others,
56:30 by word and example.
56:32 The Bible tells us, "If you confess with your mouth
56:35 the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart
56:38 that God has raised him from the dead,
56:40 you will be saved."
56:42 He then says, "For with the heart
56:44 one believes unto righteousness,
56:46 and with the mouth,
56:48 confession is made unto salvation."
56:50 To confess Jesus as your Lord
56:52 means to choose to follow Him every day.
56:55 Christ said, "Whoever desires to come after Me,
56:58 let him deny himself,
56:59 take up his cross and follow Me."
57:02 Friend, remember,
57:04 following Jesus is an ongoing walk,
57:06 a love relationship.
57:08 If you stumble and fall along the way,
57:11 don't be discouraged.
57:12 He's promised,
57:13 "I will never leave you or forsake you."
57:15 Just get up.
57:17 God wants to set you free from the burden of guilt
57:19 and sin in your life.
57:21 God loves you so much.
57:22 He sent Jesus who willingly took the wages
57:25 of your sins upon Himself.
57:27 Christ died so you can live.
57:29 Live forever.
57:31 Let Him free you from sin now
57:33 and experience a real and lasting peace.
57:37 So I'd like to offer you a free gift to strengthen you
57:40 in your new relationship with Jesus.
57:43 To receive your free gift and discover more about
57:45 walking with Jesus, call us today
57:48 and ask for offer number 102.
57:52 Thank you so much for watching.
57:53 And now share this gift of everlasting life
57:56 with others by passing on this video.


Revised 2018-09-20