Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021837A

00:35 Hello, friends,
00:36 welcome to Sabbath School Study Hour,
00:38 and we're continuing with our lesson
00:40 from the Book of Acts and which is in many ways
00:44 really the fourth gospel written by Luke.
00:47 It's a continuation of the Gospel of Luke.
00:49 And today, we're dealing with lesson number 11,
00:53 Arrest in Jerusalem,
00:55 better known as a riot in the temple,
00:58 and we have a memory verse,
00:59 and the memory verse is from Acts 23:11.
01:03 And it says, "The following night,
01:05 the Lord stood near Paul and said to him, 'Take courage,
01:09 as you have testified about Me in Jerusalem,
01:12 so you must also testify in Rome.'"
01:15 So in just a moment,
01:16 we'll get into the chapters dealing with that lesson,
01:18 but I forgot to mention,
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01:56 Now for those that are here,
01:58 if you have your Bibles
01:59 and you'd like to turn in your Bibles,
02:01 we're going to be covering Acts 21,
02:04 Acts 22, and Acts 23.
02:08 Now something that's happening here
02:09 that is a big change in the Book of Acts,
02:14 up until now,
02:16 you know, we've been getting history from Paul,
02:19 Barnabas, and it talks about Philip,
02:21 and it talks about Peter,
02:23 and you're hearing about the different apostles,
02:25 we call it the Acts of the Apostles,
02:27 but from this point on,
02:28 you're pretty much just going to be hearing about Paul
02:31 and the missionary journeys of Paul.
02:33 Actually, a little while even before that,
02:35 it's delving mostly into
02:38 the adventures of the Apostle Paul.
02:41 And so if you turn in your Bibles to Acts 21,
02:45 and I'm going to start reading,
02:46 and this is going to sort of be
02:48 something of an expository Sabbath school study time,
02:53 and we'll do a study together.
02:56 "Now as it came to pass, when we had departed from them,
02:59 and we set sail running a straight course,
03:02 we came to Kos the following day,
03:05 and then to Rhodes, and from there to Patara.
03:08 And finding a ship sailing over Phoenicia,
03:11 we went aboard and set sail."
03:13 Now when he talks about sailing over to Phoenicia,
03:17 that is the area of Tyre and Sidon,
03:20 which is north of Israel.
03:24 "And when we want to board, we set sail.
03:26 When we had sighted Cyprus, we passed on the left,
03:29 and sailed to Syria, and landed at Tyre,
03:32 for there, the ship was to unload her cargo.
03:35 And finding disciples, we stayed there seven days."
03:39 Now Tyre is...
03:41 It's a city north,
03:43 sometimes they were friendly to Israel,
03:46 sometimes they were at war.
03:47 Times when they were friendly, during the time of David,
03:50 who was it that sent craftsmen down to help David
03:54 build a house for himself?
03:56 It's the King of Tyre.
03:58 And during the time of Solomon, the King of Tyre said,
04:02 "Blessed be the Lord God of your father David
04:05 that has a wise son on the throne."
04:07 And they had a strong alliance.
04:09 But then you read in Ezekiel 28
04:11 and it pronounces a curse on the king of Tyre
04:14 and compares him to the devil.
04:16 Tyre was a very wealthy city,
04:18 but they had an intermittent history with Israel.
04:21 Where did Elijah go
04:24 when he fled during the time of famine?
04:27 Stayed with a widow up north in the area of Tyre.
04:31 Who was the one gentile
04:35 out of Israel that Jesus did a healing for?
04:38 It was also a woman that had a daughter
04:41 that was possessed by a devil up in the area of Sidon,
04:44 Tyre and Sidon, they call it.
04:45 So anyway, they land there.
04:47 Now one of the places when the church took off,
04:50 it began to grow,
04:52 and they started planting churches everywhere,
04:56 and naturally one of the places where church
04:58 would be planted was in the area of Tyre.
05:01 And so when Paul gets off the boat,
05:03 it's no problem at all for him to locate some of the believers
05:06 that are in the area there and to make contact with them.
05:09 And so then they stay with them.
05:12 And so you can go down here, it says, "Finding disciples, "
05:15 in verse 4, "we stayed with him seven days.
05:18 They told Paul through the spirit,
05:20 not to go to Jerusalem."
05:23 And I want to just pause here
05:24 and I want you to notice something,
05:25 I quickly covered this in our study last week,
05:30 but I want you to notice how many warnings Paul gets.
05:34 It's sort of an ominous situation
05:36 when he keeps going down to towards Jerusalem
05:39 and everyone is telling him through the spirit,
05:40 "Don't do it."
05:42 You go to Acts 20:22,
05:44 just so you remember this,
05:47 "And see now,
05:49 I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem."
05:51 What does he mean by bound in the spirit?
05:54 It means, I feel constrained that I need to go.
05:57 "Not knowing the things that will happen to me there,
05:59 except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city
06:03 saying that chains and tribulation await me."
06:06 Now if you knew for sure,
06:07 chains and tribulation were awaiting you on this road
06:10 and you could have peace and ease on this road,
06:13 what road would you take?
06:14 Would you go towards the chains and tribulation?
06:17 "But none of these things move me,
06:20 nor do I count my life dear to myself
06:23 so that I might finish my race with joy and the ministry
06:27 which I received from the Lord Jesus
06:29 to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."
06:32 Paul seemed so determined to go to Jerusalem
06:34 and yet he's the disciple to the gentiles.
06:38 But he just felt constrained that he needed to go there.
06:41 Now look Acts 21:4, we just talked about this,
06:44 "And finding disciples, we stayed there seven days,
06:47 they told Paul through the spirit,
06:49 not to go to Jerusalem."
06:51 Now go with me to Acts 21:10,
06:54 "And as we stayed many days,
06:56 a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea.
07:00 And when he had come to us, he took Paul's belt,
07:03 he bound his own hands and feet,
07:06 and he prophesized and he said..."
07:07 You know, sometimes the prophets
07:08 who did things in an illustrative,
07:10 demonstrative way where they would act out their prophecies.
07:13 Some of you remember
07:16 the times of King Jehoshaphat,
07:18 the prophets of Baal, they got these horns,
07:20 and they put it on their head, and they said,
07:21 "Thus were these horns, you will push the Syrians."
07:25 And when Jeroboam,
07:30 when Rehoboam, no, no,
07:31 Jeroboam was having a talk
07:37 with one of the prophets,
07:39 as he was walking away, he grabbed the prophet...
07:42 No, no, Saul, sorry,
07:44 he grabbed Samuel's robe and he says,
07:47 "Thus the kingdom is going to be torn away from you
07:50 and given to someone else.
07:51 So sometimes, they would illustrate these things.
07:54 And then another prophet told Jeroboam,
07:56 he tore a garment into 12 pieces
07:58 and he gave 10 of them to Jeroboam.
08:01 So they do things that were like,
08:03 you know, like something you do for,
08:05 you know, kindergarten, and in Sabbath school,
08:07 they tried to illustrate a point they would do things.
08:10 So Agabus, he takes his belt off
08:13 and he ties up his hands,
08:14 he says, "Thus shall the man be bound who owns this belt,
08:17 " it was Paul's belt, "
08:19 and deliver him into the hand of the gentiles.
08:22 Now when we heard these things,
08:23 both we and those who are from that..."
08:25 Oh, wait, I want to stop.
08:27 There's so much here.
08:30 Now who is Agabus?
08:34 He is a prophet,
08:35 not only does he make this prophecy and it comes true
08:39 but it says in another place,
08:40 he prophesied there'd be a great famine in Israel
08:43 and it comes true.
08:45 So were there still prophets
08:47 after the time of Jesus and the apostles?
08:51 You think, well, the last of the prophets
08:52 would be the apostles
08:53 but here they got another prophet,
08:55 wasn't one of the deacons, he wasn't one of the apostles,
08:58 he was just a believer that had the gift of prophecy.
09:01 And so these gifts,
09:02 they're still part of the church,
09:04 when you notice them.
09:07 And then, "When we heard these things,
09:09 both we and those who were from that place
09:12 pleaded with him not to go to Jerusalem."
09:14 Luke is speaking here.
09:15 "Paul answered,
09:16 'What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart?
09:19 For I'm not only ready to be bound
09:21 but also to die in Jerusalem
09:23 for the name of the Lord Jesus."'
09:25 How many of us can say that?
09:27 Ready to die for the Lord.
09:29 "So when he would not be persuaded,
09:32 we ceased saying the Lord's will be done."
09:35 Now why did Paul go
09:39 after the Holy Spirit told everybody
09:40 these terrible things would befall you?
09:44 Let me read something else to you,
09:45 Matthew 16:21.
09:49 "From that time, Jesus began to show His disciples
09:52 that He must go to Jerusalem
09:54 and suffer many things from the elders,
09:56 and the chief priests, and the scribes,
09:59 and be killed, and be raised the third day.
10:02 And Peter took him aside and rebuked him saying,
10:04 'Far be it from You, Lord, shall this happen to You?'
10:08 But he turned, and he said to Peter,
10:09 'Get behind me, Satan,
10:11 for you are an offense to me,
10:13 for you're not mindful of the things of God
10:15 but the things of men."'
10:17 Just because the Lord tells you
10:20 that some trouble is coming,
10:22 does not mean you're supposed to change directions.
10:26 Sometimes He tells you to help brace you
10:29 for what's coming.
10:30 It was God's will for Jesus to go to Jerusalem.
10:33 Just because Jesus knew those things would happen,
10:36 God told Abraham,
10:38 "Your descendants are going to go down to Egypt
10:40 and they're going to be captives
10:41 for several hundred years and be afflicted."
10:45 Why did Jacob knowing that prophecy go down to Egypt?
10:49 And it says, the rest of the prophecy said,
10:52 "And God would bring them out
10:53 with great abundance and mighty hand."
10:56 But He told him,
10:57 "You're going to go through trials."
10:59 So sometimes God lets us know ahead of time,
11:02 there's going to be trials.
11:03 Paul knew when he went to Jerusalem,
11:05 the things we're about to read about
11:07 were going to happen and he went anyway.
11:10 Luke 9:51,
11:12 "Now when it came to pass,
11:14 the time had come for him to be received up.
11:17 He steadfastly set his face
11:20 to go to Jerusalem."
11:21 What does it mean you set your face?
11:25 It means you're not looking over your shoulder like, well,
11:27 shall I do this or shall I not do this,
11:29 it means you say this is...
11:31 You're focused, "I am going to Jerusalem."
11:33 Another place it says,
11:34 "He set his face like a flint, "
11:36 meaning he said,
11:37 "Time has come, I'm on my way to die,
11:39 and I'm not going to change my mind."
11:41 So Paul, he was willing to go to Jerusalem, like Jesus,
11:46 and be killed in Jerusalem
11:47 if he could just reach some of his kinsmen.
11:50 How many of you remember where Paul said,
11:52 and I forget which letter it is,
11:54 where he said,
11:56 "I would be willing to die if Israel might be saved.
12:00 I'd be willing to perish
12:01 that my kinsmen might be saved."
12:04 Did Moses have the same attitude
12:07 when God said, "Look,
12:08 I'm going to just strike these people dead,
12:09 but I'm going to make of you a great nation."
12:11 Moses said, "Lord, take my book out of the name
12:14 but don't do this to Your people."
12:17 And so, you know,
12:19 this is the self-sacrificing spirit
12:20 that Jesus and others have.
12:23 All right, so going back to Acts 21,
12:28 "When we take a leave of one another,
12:29 we boarded the ship and they returned home."
12:32 Wait, I missed something, verse 5, Acts 21:5,
12:35 "When we had come to the end of those days, we departed,
12:37 and went on our way,
12:38 and they accompanied us with wives and children
12:42 till we were out of the city."
12:43 So they're going to go from...
12:45 They're going to probably walk from Tyre
12:46 down towards Jerusalem.
12:48 "And we knelt down on the shore and prayed."
12:52 Now I don't want to take this too far,
12:54 but I always like to just mention this
12:56 because it's very much out of style.
12:59 I'm thankful that Granite Bay is a church
13:01 where we still kneel.
13:03 Now not everybody can kneel.
13:05 So those of you out there with bad knees,
13:07 don't interpret this as a guilt trip.
13:11 As you get older and you kneel down,
13:13 you start saying, "What else can I do
13:14 while I'm down here before I get back up again
13:16 'cause it's so hard to get up and to get down."
13:19 But you do say something with your posture.
13:24 It says, "They knelt and they prayed."
13:26 I always thought it was really nice
13:27 when he's leaving,
13:28 they all saw him on his way, wives, children,
13:31 they all followed him part of the way down the road,
13:34 that was the custom.
13:36 When the angel and the Lord were leaving Abraham,
13:39 he saw them on their way.
13:40 When Ruth and is it Orpah?
13:44 Were following Naomi,
13:46 they followed her part of the way,
13:48 that was just considered good manners.
13:50 Karen has always tried to teach me
13:51 that when someone leaves,
13:52 see them to the door,
13:53 "You kind of stand there on the door
13:54 and you wave as they leave,
13:55 you don't just shout over your shoulder
13:57 as they leave the house, goodbye."
13:58 And so that's supposed to be good manners.
14:00 But then they knelt and they prayed.
14:03 Can you name some other places in the Bible
14:04 it talked about kneeling when you pray?
14:10 Daniel 6.
14:13 He went up to his upper room, and he knelt down, he prayed.
14:20 I'm waiting for you, I got some others.
14:22 Solomon, dedicating the temple, got...
14:25 This is the king, got down on his knees
14:28 before the King of the kings, and he prayed.
14:31 Jesus knelt down and prayed.
14:35 I believe, not only in the Garden of Gethsemane
14:38 but you're going to find a number of places
14:39 like that in the Bible where they knelt and prayed.
14:41 So I just hope that the church doesn't get to the place
14:45 where we in our personal devotions
14:48 and in our worship that we forget
14:51 to just respect by our posture
14:55 and adore God.
14:57 And I think that's important.
14:58 Amen?
15:00 All right.
15:02 So they knelt down, they prayed,
15:03 they reboarded the ship, and they returned home.
15:07 "And when we had finished our voyage from Tyre,
15:09 we came to Ptolemais,
15:12 greeted the brethren and stayed with them one day.
15:15 On the next day,
15:16 we who were Paul's companions
15:20 departed and came to Caesarea..."
15:21 That was a town on the coast,
15:23 Karen and I were there a few months ago,
15:25 and there's still...
15:26 You can see the coliseum that was built
15:28 and named in honor of Caesar's wife,
15:32 so they named it Caesarea.
15:33 "And entered the house of Phillip the Evangelist,
15:36 who is one of the seven, and stayed with him."
15:39 Now this man, this is the Philip who was originally,
15:42 Philip, a deacon, he becomes an evangelist.
15:45 Remember he baptizes the eunuch
15:48 who was on his way to Ethiopia
15:50 and he also preaches in Samaria.
15:52 This man had four virgin daughters who prophesy.
15:55 That word prophesied didn't mean
15:57 they went around predicting the stock market.
15:59 It means that they taught,
16:01 they were also probably teaching
16:02 other women different Bible truths.
16:06 "And as we stayed many days,
16:08 a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judah."
16:10 Now we just talked about that.
16:12 "When we heard those things,
16:13 both we and who were from that place
16:15 pleaded with him not to go and they said,
16:18 'The will of the Lord be done.'"
16:19 Verse 15, "After those days,
16:22 we packed and we went up to Jerusalem,
16:24 also some of the disciples from Caesarea went with us
16:28 and brought with him a certain Mnason of Cyprus,
16:33 an early disciple, with whom we were to lodge.
16:36 And when we had come to Jerusalem,
16:38 the brethren received us gladly."
16:40 Now this is quite an occasion,
16:42 Paul has been on a mission trip.
16:44 You get an idea that traveling back
16:46 then was very time consuming.
16:49 You know, it's just incredible
16:51 if we tried to explain to the apostles
16:54 that Karen and I had been to the other side of the world
16:56 three times in one year.
17:00 It took them years to do that,
17:03 and some people many times never came back.
17:06 I mean you and I have no idea
17:07 what it was like to travel back then
17:10 and when husband told his wife,
17:11 "I'm going on a sea voyage."
17:12 You didn't know if you'd ever see him again
17:14 or when you'd see him,
17:15 you couldn't be at the dock waiting for him
17:17 because you never know when they'd come back.
17:19 It was really hard on whalers' wives even 150 years ago,
17:23 when they go all the way from Boston down around,
17:27 there's no Panama Canal,
17:29 they'd go all the way down around South America
17:31 out into the Pacific Ocean to get whaling oil
17:34 and come back two years later.
17:36 That was rough.
17:37 And so here Paul, when he goes on this missionary journey
17:40 and he finally returns to report
17:41 on what's happening among the churches in Asia.
17:43 This is a big deal,
17:44 they get a church assembly to come together
17:47 and to report.
17:50 And it said here that "On the following day,
17:54 Paul went in with us to James."
17:57 Now who was the first pope?
17:58 Peter?
18:00 Where does it say Peter is the first Chairman of the Board
18:02 for the early church?
18:05 Peter did have a prominent role,
18:06 but have you noticed that as you read
18:08 through the Book of Acts,
18:10 who is usually considered the patriarch of the church?
18:14 James.
18:17 Yeah, James is the one sharing the Board in Acts 15.
18:21 James who was probably an older brother of Jesus
18:24 wrote the Book of James,
18:25 one of the oldest books in the New Testament.
18:29 So when they say that Peter was the first pope,
18:33 it doesn't really teach that.
18:34 James was considered a patriarch of the church.
18:37 He was given all the honors of an apostle.
18:39 And so they meet with him.
18:42 And he had that position for quite a while,
18:44 I think until he was executed for his faith
18:46 during a certain persecution.
18:49 "They went in with us to James and all the elders were present
18:53 and when we had greeted them, he told in detail," Paul,
18:57 "told in detail of those things that God had done
19:00 among the gentiles through His ministry.
19:04 And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord."
19:06 Now that must have been some testimony service.
19:09 Paul is telling about him and Silas praying in jail
19:12 and an earthquake that opens the prison doors.
19:14 And he's talking about the riots that took place
19:17 and the big conversions that are happening,
19:20 and he is preaching in the auditorium there
19:23 or the stadium in Athens,
19:27 and I mean incredible things had happened,
19:29 you know, you're talking about these
19:30 different missionary journeys and all the miracles
19:32 that were done, Paul is giving this report.
19:35 Now keep in mind, this is the same Paul
19:38 when he was first converted and they brought him to James
19:41 and the apostles, they were very apprehensive,
19:43 they said, "This is the guy,
19:45 how do we know he's not a double spy?
19:47 He was sent by the Pharisees
19:48 to kill all the believers in Damascus,
19:51 now he's claiming to be one of us,
19:53 we better be real careful."
19:54 They didn't trust him at first until Barnabas came along.
19:58 Now he comes back and he's, you know,
20:00 done this incredible work among the gentiles
20:04 and they're glorifying the Lord.
20:07 "And they said to him," but they've got a concern,
20:10 "you see, brother,
20:11 how many myriads of Jews there are
20:13 who have believed
20:15 and they're all zealous for the law
20:18 but they've been informed about you
20:19 that you teach the Jews who are among the gentiles
20:23 to forsake Moses saying that they ought
20:25 not to circumcise their children
20:27 or walk according to the customs, what then?"'
20:30 Now let's just pause.
20:32 Is that true?
20:35 Partially.
20:36 What was Paul's attitude about circumcision?
20:40 You read Galatians, he's pretty clear.
20:42 People read Galatians where he talks about the law,
20:44 they try to tie that to the Sabbath.
20:46 Paul never mentions the word Sabbath
20:47 in the Book of Galatians.
20:49 You know the word that keeps appearing?
20:50 Circumcision, the big battle was circumcision.
20:53 And Paul said, "Circumcision is nothing,
20:57 uncircumcision is nothing,
20:59 but keeping the commandments is what matters."
21:01 That's a quote.
21:03 And so yeah, he was teaching the gentiles,
21:07 you don't have to be circumcised.
21:09 And James is saying, "You see how many myriads
21:13 of the Jews have come to believe in Jesus."
21:15 So even in Jerusalem,
21:17 they had thousands that were converted.
21:19 Now, how many were baptized at Pentecost?
21:23 Three thousand.
21:24 And then a few weeks later, they had another occasion
21:28 where there's a healing and a preaching,
21:29 after Acts 3, 5,000 are baptized.
21:34 So now you get 8,000.
21:35 Jerusalem's not that big.
21:37 And then it says, "A great many of the priests believed."
21:40 And when you read Josephus account of Jesus,
21:44 you come to think that even Josephus
21:45 was definitely a follower of John the Baptist
21:49 but he may have even believed that Jesus...
21:51 While he, Josephus says
21:52 he believes that Jesus was Messiah.
21:55 And so there were a great number,
21:58 but there were more against than for
22:00 and that ultimately turned into a persecution
22:03 and they had to kind of flee.
22:05 So they're concerned, they said,
22:09 "Look, Paul, you know,
22:11 we want to settle things down,
22:12 we're starting to get some real resistance
22:14 from the religious leaders here
22:15 because so many people are turning to Jesus.
22:17 It's created a great division
22:20 and you could set everybody at ease
22:23 if you do some very Jewish things.
22:26 If you take a vow, and you go to the temple,
22:29 and you pay the expenses for other people
22:31 that are taking vows, that'll show
22:32 how dedicated you are to the laws of Moses
22:35 and, you know, go through your days
22:37 of purification in the temple, and let them know that
22:41 you're a devout follower of Moses."
22:44 And so Paul kind of says, "All right."
22:47 So...
22:52 "But they have him," in verse 21,
22:54 "they've been informed about you
22:56 that you teach the Jews who are among the gentiles
22:58 to forsake Moses saying
22:59 they ought not circumcise their children,
23:01 nor walk according to the customs, what then?"
23:04 In other words, what shall we do?
23:05 "The assembly must certainly meet
23:07 and for they'll hear that you're here,
23:09 therefore do what we tell you.
23:12 We have four men who've taken a vow,
23:15 take them, be purified with them,
23:18 pay their expenses for their vow,
23:20 so they may shave their heads and that all may know
23:24 that those things that they were informed
23:25 of concerning you are nothing,
23:28 but that you yourself also walk orderly and keep the law.
23:34 But concerning the gentiles who believe,
23:36 we've already written and decided
23:37 that they should observe and do no such thing,
23:40 except they should keep themselves
23:42 from things offered to idols from blood,
23:44 from things strangled, and from sexual immorality."
23:46 Now they're not saying that the gentiles
23:47 don't have to keep the Ten Commandments,
23:49 they're saying, among these disputed things,
23:52 these are the highlights we needed to emphasize.
23:54 Now, is it required today for Christians,
24:00 does a Jew need to sacrifice lambs?
24:04 Does a Jew need to be circumcised?
24:08 Technically no.
24:10 But they believed, true,
24:14 the gentiles do not need to keep these customs
24:19 but the Jews have to.
24:21 So even after Jesus died, they had a hard time saying,
24:24 "You mean, we don't have to do some of those things?"
24:28 They thought "Well, we'll wink at the gentiles
24:30 but Jews have to keep the laws of Moses,
24:33 and the laws of purification, and things about the temple."
24:36 So it just took a long time for them to get over that.
24:41 All right, verse 25.
24:42 So Paul agrees.
24:43 Now, was that a good thing?
24:45 Let me read a quote to you from the book,
24:46 Acts of the Apostles, page 404,
24:50 "The Spirit of God
24:51 did not prompt this instruction.
24:54 It was the fruit of cowardice.
24:58 The leaders of the church in Jerusalem knew
25:00 that by nonconformity to the ceremonial law,
25:04 Christians would bring upon themselves
25:05 the hatred of the Jews
25:07 and expose themselves to persecution.
25:09 The Sanhedrin was doing its utmost
25:12 to hinder the progress of the gospel.
25:14 Men were chosen by this body to follow up the apostles,
25:17 especially Paul,
25:18 and in every possible way to oppose their work.
25:22 Should the believers in Christ be condemned
25:24 before the Sanhedrin as breakers of the law,
25:26 they would suffer swift and severe punishment
25:28 as apostates from the Jewish faith."
25:31 They were trying to avoid
25:33 complete excommunication from Judaism.
25:36 You know what they're doing?
25:39 They're trying to serve two masters.
25:44 They were trying to still satisfy the Pharisees,
25:50 and the Sadducees,
25:52 and then satisfy the gospel and the teachings of Christ.
25:55 Now what happens when you try to satisfy
25:57 two opposing groups like that?
25:59 You make them all mad.
26:03 I won't say where or who but I knew a pastor that...
26:07 He had a church that got split on worship.
26:10 And one group in the church, they wanted to have a more
26:12 rambunctious demonstrative worship service,
26:16 more popular songs and bring in some drums.
26:20 And the other group,
26:21 they wanted a more conservative,
26:22 traditional worship service.
26:25 So the pastor didn't want to get anybody mad,
26:28 and he said, "Well, we'll just have two services,"
26:31 which they ended up doing.
26:33 And the church just kind of went at war with each other.
26:37 They said, "You know, you're part of that
26:38 early service and you're part of that late service."
26:40 And the pastor is trying to make both groups happy.
26:42 How do you think both groups ended up
26:44 feeling about the pastor?
26:46 They both lost respect for him.
26:49 You heard about the man in the Civil War,
26:51 he lived very close to the north and the south
26:54 and he didn't want to make anybody mad.
26:56 And so he wore a blue jacket and grey pants.
27:01 Because he didn't want to make the north mad
27:03 and he didn't want to make the south mad.
27:05 But the final result was that
27:06 the south shot him in the jacket
27:08 and the north shot him in the pants.
27:11 So Aesop tells a story one time, he said,
27:18 the bats wanted to be at peace with all the animals
27:22 and they told the birds, 'We're birds,
27:24 look we fly, we're birds.
27:26 And told the beasts, we're beasts, look we crawl,
27:28 we eat bugs, we are beasts.
27:30 And they both got disgusted with the bats
27:32 and they banished them to the night.
27:35 So if you try to make everybody happy,
27:39 you'll end up usually violating
27:40 your own conscience in the process.
27:42 You got to stand for something.
27:44 Know what you stand for,
27:45 you're not going to make everybody happy.
27:47 Paul ended up trying to acquiesce.
27:51 You know, this was the order the leader
27:52 but you can read there, she says,
27:54 "The spirit did not prompt this instruction,
27:57 it was a fruit of cowardice."
27:58 Now you know what that tells me?
28:01 Does the Bible say that everything the apostles
28:03 did was right?
28:06 No.
28:07 I know that they were apostles, they were spirit filled,
28:10 but you know what the Bible says about men
28:11 and women of God?
28:13 That they have faults and they make mistakes.
28:15 Was it the Holy Spirit
28:16 that inspired Elijah to say, "Lord kill me.
28:18 I'm no better than anyone else."
28:20 No, he was discouraged,
28:21 or the Prophet Jonah to start crying
28:23 under a bush because God didn't destroy the Ninevites,
28:27 or when Paul had to rebuke Peter,
28:29 because Peter was showing favorites
28:31 when the Jews came to town,
28:33 he act like he didn't know the gentiles.
28:35 And Paul rebuked him publicly said,
28:37 "You're being hypocrite, Peter."
28:38 Paul rebuking the one who preached at Pentecost
28:43 and Peter evidently took it well.
28:45 He said, "Before the Jews showed up from Jerusalem,
28:48 you're hobnobbing and eating with the gentiles,
28:50 but when the Jews came, you act like
28:51 you didn't know your gentile friends.
28:53 You're being a hypocrite."
28:56 "I guess you're right."
28:57 And so just because they were called of God,
29:00 and God spoke and worked through them
29:01 doesn't mean everything they did was right.
29:04 Did Paul and Barnabas have a heated argument
29:07 about whether or not they should take Mark?
29:09 Paul was wrong
29:11 'cause later you find Mark ends up becoming
29:13 very faithful follower, writes one of our gospels,
29:17 and Paul later admits, "Send Mark to me,
29:20 for he is profitable to me in the gospel."
29:23 So even Paul had to later admit that,
29:25 "Yeah, Mark is profitable."
29:27 So they were people and they sometimes made bad decisions
29:30 and this was obviously a bad decision,
29:33 try to make everybody happy,
29:34 it turns into a riot which I haven't gotten to yet.
29:38 Then Acts 21:26,
29:41 "Paul took the man and the next day
29:43 having been purified with them entered the temple to announce
29:46 the expiration of the days of purification..."
29:48 They registered.
29:49 "At which time an offering
29:50 would be made for each one of them.
29:52 Paul said he'd pay for that to show his zeal
29:53 for the law and the sacrifice.
29:56 Now when the seven days were almost ended,
29:59 the Jews from Asia seeing him..."
30:01 The Jews in Asia all knew him.
30:03 And I understand that Paul was, He had an obvious appearance.
30:08 "The Jews from Asia seeing him in the temple
30:11 stirred up the whole crowd
30:13 and laid hands on him crying out,
30:16 'Men of Israel help.
30:18 This is the man who teaches all men everywhere...'"
30:21 Did he really do that?
30:23 "Against the people and the law and this place the temple..."
30:26 That was their most sacred shrine,
30:28 he's teaching against the temple.
30:30 "Furthermore he brought Greeks into the temple..."
30:32 That wasn't true.
30:33 "And has defiled this holy place."
30:37 Now, you know, many people have been killed
30:38 in the Bible through false witnesses.
30:41 Stephen was killed through false witnesses,
30:43 Naboth was killed, they worked the people into a lather,
30:46 took him out and stoned him.
30:48 Jesus was killed through false witnesses.
30:50 And now, several people are bearing
30:51 false witness about Paul.
30:53 They don't know what he's done in Asia.
30:55 They don't know who he brought into the temple.
30:57 And the idea that he would bring Greeks into the temple.
31:01 "For they had previously seen him
31:02 in the city with Trophimus,
31:05 an Ephesian who was with them in the city,
31:06 who they supposed Paul had brought into the temple,"
31:09 which he hadn't, "And all the city was disturbed
31:12 and the people ran together and they seized Paul,
31:16 then they dragged him out of the temple,
31:18 and immediately the doors were shut."
31:20 You know, they thought it might have been defiled,
31:21 they didn't want the riot coming back in.
31:24 "Now as they were seeking to kill him..."
31:25 Here's a mob that's trying to tear him limb from limb.
31:29 "News comes to the commander of the garrison
31:31 that all of Jerusalem is in an uproar."
31:35 Now, would you want to have Paul as your pastor?
31:39 How many of you think it'd be great
31:40 to have Paul as your pastor?
31:42 Everywhere he goes, he starts a riot.
31:47 I saw an interesting little write up
31:51 on what people are looking for in their pastor.
31:53 Everyone wants a perfect pastor.
31:56 And then someone wrote down a description of Paul,
31:57 they didn't put Paul's name on it.
31:59 They said, "Looking for opportunity as a pastor,
32:02 I've been in prison several times.
32:04 I caused riots as I go from place to place
32:07 and it lists all the things..."
32:08 And people's like, "We never want him as a pastor."
32:11 And they say, "That's the Apostle Paul."
32:15 All right, "And they dragged him out of the temple,
32:20 shut the doors, and immediately the soldiers
32:23 and the centurions ran down to them.
32:26 And when they saw the commander
32:27 and the soldiers they stopped beating Paul."
32:30 He must have been beaten for quite a while.
32:33 I mean, it must have been 5-10 minutes
32:36 that they were just beating him.
32:37 It's amazing, he survived.
32:40 This is the mob of thousands.
32:43 "And they took and they commanded him
32:44 to be bound with two chains..."
32:45 They figured, he must be some terrible criminal.
32:48 No, you're never supposed to bind a Roman,
32:50 remember from our earlier study,
32:51 he's a Roman citizen.
32:52 you never bind a Roman without a trial,
32:55 without a warrant.
32:57 "They bound him and they asked who he was,
33:01 and what he had done, and some among the multitude
33:04 cried one thing and some another.
33:06 So when he could not ascertain the truth
33:08 because of the tumult, he commanded him
33:10 to be taken into the barracks,
33:12 and then when he reached the stairs,
33:14 he had to be carried by the soldiers
33:16 because of the violence of the mob."
33:18 You've probably seen these concerts
33:20 where they carried someone over their head, you know,
33:21 everyone in the crowd is kind of reaching up
33:23 and they're passing people along,
33:25 and here the soldiers have to hold Paul
33:27 clean up off the ground
33:29 because they're trying to tear at him,
33:31 and just filled with so much anger.
33:36 Now do you know most of the people
33:37 in the crowd don't even know what's going on.
33:40 What spirit do you think was filling that crowd?
33:44 Same spirit that filled the crowd
33:46 that cried, "Crucify Him.
33:47 Crucify Him."
33:48 Devils had filled the people in that crowd
33:51 to try to destroy Paul that day,
33:53 and I think angels were there protecting him.
33:57 If you ever read any of the stories
33:58 about John Wesley, George Whitfield,
34:02 and some of the early revivalists and reformers,
34:05 there were mobs that often tried to kill them,
34:07 and it's a miracle that they survived.
34:10 Wesley gives one account where someone lunged at him
34:12 with a knife and missed, just cut his clothes,
34:15 they punched him, and he said, "I did felt like a feather."
34:18 And he said, he just knew angels were...
34:22 They hit him with a club and he said,
34:24 "I didn't feel a thing."
34:26 And he describes the mobs trying to kill him
34:30 and he walks right through the mob.
34:32 And I just know that Paul probably had
34:34 angels watching him that day,
34:36 some of the angels came in the form of Roman soldiers,
34:38 believe it or not.
34:40 So, let me see, I lost my place.
34:46 Yeah, "And when we reached the stairs,
34:47 he had to be carried by the soldiers
34:49 because of the violence of the mob
34:50 or the multitude, people following him,
34:53 crying out, away with him,"
34:55 which is what they said to Jesus.
34:56 "Then Paul was about to be led into the barracks
34:59 and he said to the commander, 'May I speak to you?'"
35:03 Now the commander's surprised that he's speaking
35:04 such fluent Latin or Greek rather, sorry.
35:07 "He said, 'Can you speak Greek?
35:09 Are you not that Egyptian
35:10 who some time ago stirred up a rebellion
35:12 and led 4,000 assassins out into the wilderness?'"
35:15 They misunderstood and thought
35:16 he was some common enemy of the Israelites
35:20 and Paul said,
35:21 "I am a Jew from Tarsus and Cecilia,
35:24 a citizen of no mean city,
35:26 and I implore you permit me to speak to the people."
35:30 Now, why in the world would the captain of the guard...
35:33 First of all, why would Paul want to talk
35:37 with these people that were trying to kill him?
35:41 You know, that is an evangelist for you.
35:43 He just...
35:44 Here he is, you know, probably bruised and he's cut,
35:48 and his clothes were torn to shreds,
35:50 and they'd spit on him,
35:52 and they're trying to carry him away
35:53 from the violence of the mob, and Paul says,
35:55 "Wait, can I please preach to them?"
35:58 That mean, what kind of man is that?
36:01 He was consumed with love for his people.
36:05 He didn't even think about, I mean,
36:06 I'd be thinking about self-preservation
36:08 at that moment, right?
36:10 Wouldn't you be like shaking with terror?
36:12 And you're just like, "Mob is trying to kill you."
36:14 Paul was so spirit filled,
36:15 all he could think about was reaching the people.
36:19 With God, we all have that kind of love for lost people.
36:21 He said, "Can I speak to..."
36:23 And then the other amazing thing is that
36:26 he gives him permission.
36:28 He said, "Look, you just called the riot,
36:30 you think I'm going to let you talk to them,
36:31 it'll get even worse."
36:33 It says, "When he had given him permission..."
36:34 The Holy Spirit had to do that.
36:37 "Paul stood on the stairs
36:38 and motioned with his hand to the people
36:40 and there was a great silence..."
36:42 Which there had to be
36:43 'cause there's no PA system back there.
36:46 I mean, we've got a little group here in this church
36:47 and you probably wouldn't hear me very well
36:50 if it wasn't for the PA.
36:52 "Paul stood on the stairs, a great silence.
36:55 He spoke to them in the Hebrew language.
37:00 'Brethren and fathers..."
37:01 Here I am in Chapter 22 now.
37:03 "Brethren and fathers hear my defense before you now.'
37:07 And when they heard him speak to them in Hebrew,
37:09 they kept all the more silent, 'Oh, he's one of us.'
37:12 Then he said, 'I am indeed a Jew,
37:15 born in Tarsus of Cilicia,
37:17 but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel,
37:21 taught according to the strictness
37:22 of our Father's law,
37:24 and was zealous toward God as you are today.
37:27 I persecuted this way to the death,
37:30 binding and delivering into prison both men
37:33 and women as also the High Priest bears me witness,
37:36 and all the counsel of the elders
37:38 from whom I receive letters to the brethren...'"
37:40 He's now, he's kind of implicating the elders
37:43 that they gave him letters to persecute Christians.
37:47 "And I want to Damascus to bring in chains even those
37:50 who are there to Jerusalem to be punished...'"
37:52 Isn't it interesting? What's happening?
37:55 He's been bound in Jerusalem.
37:57 They're getting ready to whip him
37:59 for believing in Jesus.
38:00 He had once been sent to Damascus
38:02 to bring people to Jerusalem, bound.
38:06 It's interesting twist.
38:10 "Now as it happened, as I journeyed
38:12 and came near Damascus at noon,
38:14 suddenly a great light from heaven..."
38:15 He said it's not the light of the sun
38:16 'cause it was at noon.
38:17 It's brighter than the sun.
38:19 "Shone around me and I fell to the ground."
38:22 Some have wondered, did he fall from a horse,
38:24 or did he just fall down.
38:25 "I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying,
38:28 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?'
38:32 So I answered and said, 'Who are You, Lord?'
38:35 He said, 'I am Jesus of Nazareth,
38:36 who you are persecuting.'
38:38 And those who were with me indeed saw the light afraid,
38:41 but they did not hear the voice of Him
38:43 who spoke to me.
38:44 So I said, 'What shall I do, Lord?'
38:47 And the Lord said to me, 'Arise and go into Damascus,
38:50 and there you will be told all things
38:52 that you are appointed to do.'
38:54 And since I could not see for the glory of that light,
38:58 being led by the hand of those who were with me,
39:00 I came into Damascus."
39:02 And we read earlier Paul's conversion story.
39:06 "Then a certain Ananias,
39:08 a devout man according to the law
39:09 having a good testimony with all the Jews
39:11 who dwelt there..."
39:12 Notice, he's emphasizing, these are loyal Jews.
39:15 Ananias was a loyal Jew.
39:16 Why is he being persecuted right now, Paul?
39:19 They say he's a disloyal Jew.
39:21 So he's saying, "Look I'm a Jew of Jews,
39:22 I'm a Pharisee of the Pharisees.
39:24 You don't have to stop being Jewish to be believe in Jesus.
39:28 You know, I tell all my Jewish friends,
39:31 I say I'm more Jewish than you are
39:33 because I got a lot of Jewish friends
39:35 that they may go to temple and they like,
39:38 you know, they go together for bar mitzvah
39:40 or for Hanukkah or Purim, but they don't keep Sabbath.
39:45 They're real careless about if there's little pork
39:47 in their food and I said,
39:49 "Look, I'm a better Jew than you are."
39:53 And the whole reason that the Jews were raised up
39:55 is to announce Jesus and you guys
39:57 have not announced Jesus yet.
39:58 So it gives me an advantage where I have to talk to them.
40:03 Anyway, so Ananias is send to them,
40:06 "He came to me..."
40:07 I'm in Acts 22:13
40:11 and he said, "Brother Saul, receive your sight
40:13 and at that same hour I looked upon him,
40:15 miracle took place..."
40:17 Second miracle, he said, "I saw this miracle of Jesus."
40:20 Then he said, "The God of our Fathers had chosen you
40:23 that you should know His will and see the just one,
40:26 and hear the voice of His mouth,
40:28 for you will be his witness to all men
40:30 of what you have seen and heard,
40:32 and now why are you waiting,
40:34 arise and be baptized and wash away your sins
40:36 calling on the name of the Lord?'
40:38 And it happened when I returned to Jerusalem
40:40 and I was praying in the temple,
40:42 but I was in a trance,
40:44 and I saw him saying to me,
40:46 'Make haste and get out of Jerusalem quickly,
40:49 for they will not receive your testimony concerning me.'
40:52 So I said, 'Lord, they know that in every synagogue
40:55 I imprisoned and beat those who believe on You.
40:58 And when the blood of Your martyr Stephen was shed...'"
41:00 People in Jerusalem knew about that.
41:02 "I was also there standing and consenting to his death
41:05 and guarding the clothes of those
41:06 who were killing him.'"
41:08 Now I always wondered, why did Paul,
41:10 why did he have to say this.
41:13 "Then he said to me,
41:14 'Depart I will send you far from here to the Gentiles.'"
41:17 That was like poking your finger
41:19 in the eyes of the Jews in the temple
41:22 because he had just been accused
41:24 of bringing a gentile into the temple,
41:27 but Paul in sincerity saying,
41:28 "Look, I've had this experience.
41:29 I got to tell you my testimony.
41:31 I used to be the public enemy number one of the Christians.
41:35 I was your accomplice in trying to eradicate Christianity,
41:40 but Jesus appeared to me..."
41:41 And a lot of people heard that sermon that day,
41:44 it had probably touched them.
41:45 There are probably people around the cross
41:47 that heard Jesus say, "Father forgive Him."
41:49 But they don't know what to do and they never forgot that.
41:52 So I'm sure some were touched by it,
41:54 but that was as far as the crowd could handle.
41:56 Verse 22, "They listened to him until this word..."
42:00 When he said, I'm going to the gentiles,
42:01 that was the word just filled them with rage.
42:04 "They said, 'Away with such a fellow from the earth,
42:08 for he is not worthy to live.'" Why?
42:09 Cause he would take Jesus to the gentiles.
42:12 See they believe we are the frozen chosen,
42:16 we are the ones, we are special.
42:19 They didn't understand
42:20 that God gave the gospel to them to go to others.
42:23 They were supposed to share it.
42:26 "For he's not fit to live."
42:27 And as they cried out and tore off their clothes
42:30 and threw dust in the air, the commander ordered him
42:33 to be brought into the barracks,
42:34 he said that he should be examined under scourging
42:37 that he might know why they shouted against him."
42:40 The commander's there,
42:41 he didn't understand the Hebrew.
42:43 "And as they say bound him with thongs..."
42:45 They're getting ready to whip Paul.
42:49 "Paul said to the centurion who stood by," got a question,
42:52 "is it lawful for you to scourge a man
42:54 who is a Roman and uncondemned?'"
42:56 Paul was educated, he knew the law.
42:58 Now did we run into this earlier
43:00 when the Philippines put him in jail and they said,
43:01 "Look, you beat me, I'm condemned."
43:03 And they were petrified
43:05 because if you did that to a Roman,
43:06 you could be receiving the same punishment you gave to a Roman.
43:10 "When the centurion heard that, he went and told the commander
43:13 saying, 'Be careful what you do to this man.
43:14 He's a Roman.'
43:16 The commander came and said to him,
43:17 'Tell me, are you a Roman?'
43:19 He said, 'Yes.'
43:21 The commander then answered,
43:22 'With a large sum I obtain the citizenship.'"
43:25 Some soldiers were from all over the empire,
43:26 if you weren't born Roman,
43:28 you could purchase your citizenship.
43:31 And Paul said, "I was born a citizen."
43:33 He was born in a Roman province.
43:36 "Then immediately those who are about
43:37 to examine him withdrew from him,
43:39 and the commander was also afraid
43:41 when he found out he was a Roman
43:42 because he had bound him..."
43:44 So he probably unbound him.
43:45 "The next day 'cause he wanted to know for certain
43:48 why he was accused by the Jews, he released him from his bonds,
43:52 and commanded the chief priests,
43:54 and all their council to appear,
43:56 and they brought Paul down and set him before them."
44:00 So now he said, "Look, you guys got to bring some
44:02 official charge against him.
44:04 Why was this riot taking place?"
44:06 "Then Paul looking earnestly at the council said,
44:09 'Men and brethren...'"
44:11 Now this is brilliant.
44:12 "I've lived in good conscience before God until this day.
44:16 And the High Priest Ananias..."
44:18 Now, you remember that name?
44:21 He is the same one that condemned Jesus.
44:24 "The High Priest Ananias commanded those who stood by,
44:29 'Strike him on the mouth.
44:30 How dare he speak?
44:31 He hasn't been given permission to speak to me yet.'"
44:34 And Paul, now this is one reason,
44:36 have you heard before about where Paul says he got a thorn
44:38 in his side sent by the devil?
44:41 Many believe the thorn was his vision
44:44 and for several reasons,
44:45 one is when Paul writes a letter,
44:47 he often has the secretary write for him.
44:50 When he wrote a letter himself, he said,
44:51 "Notice with what large characters I'm writing..."
44:53 Because his vision was very bad, he could see,
44:56 but he couldn't see very well from a distance,
44:59 and he didn't know it was the high priest,
45:00 you'll notice here.
45:02 "Paul says to him, 'God will strike you,
45:05 you whitewashed wall.
45:07 For you sit to judge me according to the law
45:09 and you command me to be struck contrary to the law?'"
45:13 And those who stood by, they're flabbergasted.
45:15 "They said, 'Are you reviling God's High Priest?'
45:18 Paul said, 'Oh, I didn't know brethren, he was a High Priest,
45:21 couldn't see.'
45:22 For them Paul now quotes the Bible,
45:24 'You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people.'
45:27 But when Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees,"
45:30 including the high priest.
45:31 You know what a Sadducee is?
45:33 They don't believe in angels, resurrection, spirit.
45:37 "And the other Pharisees..."
45:39 He knew about the political division behind.
45:42 "He cried out in the council and he said,
45:44 'Men I'm a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisees
45:46 concerning the hope of the resurrection
45:48 of the dead I'm being judged...'"
45:50 'Cause it was about Jesus' resurrection,
45:51 they didn't believe in.
45:52 So Paul, he understood what was going on.
45:55 He knew very well
45:56 what was happening in the Sanhedrin.
45:58 It would be like you walking into Congress and you look
46:00 and you say, "I need some friends here."
46:03 "I'm a Republican.
46:04 I've been a Republican all my life."
46:05 And you know there's Democrats and there's Republicans also,
46:08 and you've got the Republicans against the Democrats
46:10 instead of them being against you.
46:12 And so what Paul did, he divided them
46:15 which is what he should have done on the steps,
46:18 "Paul said,
46:19 'I'm being accused of the resurrection of the dead.'
46:21 When he was preaching to the crowd,
46:23 he would have all the Pharisees on his side.
46:27 'I'm a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee
46:30 concerning the hope of the resurrection
46:31 of the dead, I'm being judged.'
46:33 And when he said this, a dissension arose between
46:35 the Pharisees and the Sadducees,
46:38 and the assembly was divided for the Sadducees say,
46:40 'There is no resurrection or angel or spirit.'
46:42 But the Pharisees confessed both.
46:44 There arose great outcry, and the scribes,
46:47 and the Pharisees partly arose, and protested saying,
46:50 'We find no evil in this man,
46:51 but if a spirit or an angel spoken to him,
46:53 let us not fight against God.'"
46:55 That's what Gamaliel said.
46:58 "Now there arose great dissension,
46:59 the commander fearing Paul might be pulled to pieces..."
47:01 This is the second time.
47:03 The commander has rescued Paul from being pulled into.
47:07 He sends the soldiers down to take him by force
47:10 from among them.
47:11 I mean, Paul's just trouble everywhere he goes.
47:15 "And bring him into the barracks,
47:19 but the following night the Lord stood by him and said,
47:22 'Be of good cheer Paul,
47:24 as you have testified for Me...'"
47:26 Now how many of you have read
47:27 a letter edition in your Bibles?
47:30 You know, what color this is? It's red.
47:32 What does red mean?
47:34 Words of Jesus.
47:35 He says, "The Lord stood by him."
47:37 He doesn't say He sent an angel.
47:39 Jesus was there with Paul.
47:42 "Be of good cheer, Paul, for as you have testified
47:44 for Me in Jerusalem, you must also bear witness at Rome."
47:49 Now that promise from Jesus I think encouraged Paul.
47:53 We'll get to it later,
47:54 but when you're in the last few words in the Book of Acts,
47:57 Paul is in a terrible storm at sea
48:00 and everybody is afraid for their life except Paul.
48:03 Everybody and all those circumstances
48:05 make you think the boat is going down.
48:07 Fourteen days, they're out there tossed by the wind
48:09 and the waves, no star,
48:11 no guidance, they don't know where they are,
48:12 they threw all their food overboard.
48:14 They're about to be shipwrecked on the rocks.
48:17 Paul's not afraid, why not?
48:19 Jesus said, Paul, you still have to testify in Rome.
48:21 He hadn't been to Rome yet.
48:23 He wasn't worried.
48:25 It's like, Peter wasn't worried when Jesus said,
48:28 "You're going to die from crucifixion."
48:29 Here they threatened to behead him the next day, Peter said,
48:33 "I don't know how he's getting me out of this prison,
48:34 but Jesus told me something different."
48:37 So he believed he was going to survive.
48:40 "And when it was day,
48:41 some of the Jews banded together..."
48:42 Notice this.
48:44 "They bound themselves under an oath,
48:46 saying they would not eat or drink
48:49 till they had killed Paul."
48:51 Now, that's pretty severe.
48:52 Not only not going to eat.
48:55 Karen and I were in the Middle East,
48:58 it was during Ramadan, and our bus driver,
49:02 he told us about three quarters of the way
49:04 through the day he hadn't eaten or had water
49:06 all day long in the desert.
49:08 And we were afraid he was going to faint,
49:10 he's driving our bus with, you know, 50 people on.
49:13 These people have made a vow,
49:16 but as soon as the sun went down
49:17 the Muslims going to eat and drink.
49:19 These people aren't gonna eat or drink 24 hours a day
49:22 until Paul was dead, that's a pretty serious vow.
49:25 Later I think, we read there's 40 of them.
49:28 Oh, yeah, here it is.
49:29 "Now there were more than 40 who had formed this conspiracy.
49:33 They came to the chief priests and the elders and said,
49:35 'We've bound ourselves under a great oath
49:37 that we will eat nothing until we have killed Paul.'
49:42 Now therefore, together with a council
49:43 suggested the commander that he be brought down...'"
49:47 You know, it's really dumb to make an oath like that
49:49 based on food
49:51 because you just get weaker and weaker.
49:54 How many of you remember King Saul made a dumb oath?
49:57 He pronounced the curse,
49:59 he's fighting against the Philistines,
50:01 he tells the soldiers,
50:03 "Nobody is to eat..."
50:05 I think maybe he said eat or drink anything
50:07 until I'm avenged with my enemies.
50:09 Any of you remember that?
50:11 And the army just got weak
50:12 and they couldn't chase them anymore.
50:14 So, anyway.
50:17 "And they said, 'Tomorrow as though
50:19 you are going to make
50:20 further inquiries concerning him,
50:22 but we will be ready to kill him
50:23 before he comes near.'
50:26 So when Paul sister's son..."
50:28 Oh, that's one of the first insights we've got,
50:30 who knows about Paul's wife?
50:34 We don't know if Paul had a wife.
50:35 Some say he was married,
50:36 and she left him when he became a Christian.
50:39 He seems to know a lot about marriage
50:40 'cause he wrote more about marriage
50:41 than the other apostle, but never mentions his wife.
50:44 Some think he had a wife and she died
50:46 because he was part of the Sanhedrin
50:49 and you had to be married
50:50 to be part of the Sanhedrin,
50:53 but maybe not always.
50:56 And so no one really knows,
50:57 we know so little about Paul's family,
50:59 but alas it says he had a sister
51:03 and he's got a nephew, we just discovered that.
51:06 So it tells us,
51:09 "Paul sister's son heard of their ambush,
51:13 and he went and entered the barracks and told Paul..."
51:15 We hoped that they had become believers.
51:18 "Then Paul called one of the centurions and said,
51:20 'Take this young man to the commander,
51:21 for he has something to tell him.'
51:23 So he took him and brought him to the commander and said,
51:25 'Paul the prisoner called me to him
51:27 and asked me to bring this young man to you.
51:29 He has something to say to you.'
51:31 Then the commander took him by the hand,
51:32 went inside and asked him privately,
51:34 'What is it you have to tell me?'
51:36 He said, 'The Jews have agreed to ask
51:38 that you bring Paul down to the council tomorrow
51:41 as though they want to do inquire
51:42 more fully about him.
51:44 But do not yield to them for more than 40 of them lying
51:47 and wait for him, men who have bound themselves
51:49 with an oath they will neither eat nor drink
51:51 till they have killed him.
51:53 And now they are ready waiting for the promise from you
51:56 or a commitment from you to go.
51:58 So the commander said, 'Let the young men depart.'
52:00 The commander said to him,
52:01 'Tell no man that you've revealed
52:02 these things to me.'
52:05 And they call for two centurions saying,
52:07 'Prepare 200 soldiers...'"
52:10 They only get 40 men...
52:12 "70 horsemen, 200 spearman
52:15 to go to Caesarea at the third hour of the night,
52:18 the middle of the night,
52:19 and provide mounts to set Paul on
52:21 and bring him safely to Felix..."
52:23 Boy, they're going through a lot of trouble
52:24 to protect this one Jewish Roman.
52:28 Paul is getting the attention of the whole empire, isn't he?
52:32 "Bring him to the governor
52:34 and he wrote a letter in the following manner,
52:36 'Claudius Lysias,
52:38 to the most excellent Governor Felix, greetings.
52:41 This man was seized by the Jews
52:43 and he was about to be killed by them.
52:45 Coming with troops I rescued him
52:47 having learned that he was a Roman...'"
52:48 Now he was about to whip him when he learned it.
52:51 "And when I wanted to know the reason they accused him,
52:53 I brought him before their council,
52:54 I found out that
52:55 he was accused concerning questions
52:57 of their law,
52:58 but had done nothing charged against him
53:00 discerning of death or chains.
53:03 And it was told me that the Jews lay
53:04 and wait for this man, I sent him immediately to you
53:07 and also commanded his accusers to state
53:11 before you the charges against him.
53:13 Farewell."
53:14 It's a copy of the letter from this Roman.
53:17 "Then the soldiers as they were commanded,
53:19 they took Paul and brought him by night to Antipatris.
53:24 The next day they let the horsemen go on with him
53:27 and return to the barracks.
53:29 When they came to Caesarea and they delivered the letter
53:32 to the governor, they also presented him Paul.
53:35 And when the governor had read it,
53:37 he asked what province he was from.
53:39 When he understood he was from Caesarea, he said,
53:42 'I will hear you when your accusers have come.'
53:45 And he commanded him to be kept in Herod's Praetorium."
53:49 And those 40 Jewish assassins
53:53 I guess have starved to death,
53:55 because they never did really get to him.
53:58 Anyway you can just see
54:00 that Paul had a pretty exciting life.
54:02 Now it's exciting up to this point,
54:04 he ends up spending quite a bit of time
54:06 from here on in and out of jail.
54:08 And a lot of the New Testament is written to you
54:10 and I from his chains.
54:13 Sometimes God allows us to go through hard things
54:15 when He knows He's going to work it together for good.
54:17 You don't always know
54:18 until retrospect how that happens.
54:21 Thank you, friends, for studying with us today.
54:23 I want to remind you that we have a free offer,
54:25 it's called 12 Steps to Revival by yours truly,
54:28 and all you have to do is call 866-788-3966,
54:32 we'll send you one.
54:33 Please ask for offer number 780.
54:36 God bless you till we study His Word together again.
54:49 Among the people living in the tropics,
54:51 for thousands of years
54:53 the coconut has been a virtual tree of life.
54:56 The people use it for food, for clothing, for water,
54:59 for tools, for soap, it does just about everything.
55:04 The coconut has also saved a lot of lives.
55:08 During World War II,
55:09 pilots that were shot down or sailors
55:11 that were stranded on Pacific Islands,
55:13 they lived for many months on nothing
55:15 other than the coconut trees that were on their islands.
55:18 Yes, sir, the coconut is a tree of life.
55:22 One of the amazing things about coconut
55:24 is they're designed
55:25 so they're actually able to float across oceans.
55:28 Coconuts can go thousands of miles
55:30 after many months be washed up on some deserted sandy beach,
55:34 then they take root, sprout, come to life
55:38 and they'll develop a whole new ecosystem,
55:41 holding islands in place through a hurricane.
55:43 When the ancient Polynesian travelers crossing oceans saw
55:47 an island with coconut trees, they knew there was hope.
55:50 It's amazing how in virtually no time at all,
55:53 those living on Pacific Islands know how to make baskets
55:56 and all kinds of tools
55:58 from the leaves of the coconut tree.
56:03 The coconuts even serve different purposes
56:05 at different times in their development.
56:07 The younger green coconut, they're full of water,
56:09 that'll keep you alive.
56:13 You can even make utensils from the coconut.
56:15 My spoon is part of the green shell and here,
56:20 this is a coconut jelly, makes good for breakfast.
56:25 The more mature coconuts, that's where you get the meat,
56:28 but you want to make sure that they're not bad,
56:30 the way you test this is you can hear
56:31 the water inside.
56:33 You bring that mike over here.
56:35 Can you hear it? That's a good one.
56:38 How about we take a bite?
56:39 Now that makes meal that will really fill you up
56:41 and it cleanse your teeth at the same time.
56:46 Throughout the Bible,
56:47 Jesus uses a number of metaphors
56:49 to remind us that everything
56:51 we need to survive comes from Him.
56:53 He says that He's the living water.
56:55 Jesus tells us He is the bread of life.
56:57 His robe covers us with righteousness.
57:00 He is our good shepherd that protects us.
57:03 Jesus is the living vine
57:05 through which we get our life and our nourishment.
57:07 You might say Jesus is like the coconut tree,
57:10 a tree of life.
57:12 You know, the first few verses in the Bible tell
57:14 that God provided a tree of life for man
57:16 so he could live forever,
57:18 but because of sin man was separated from that tree
57:21 and from the garden.
57:22 But through trusting in Jesus
57:23 and trusting in His sacrifice on the cross,
57:26 we once again will have access to the tree of life
57:29 and have eternal life with Him in the kingdom.
57:31 But this is all made possible because we trust in Jesus,
57:34 who is the real tree of life.
57:36 Jesus said, "Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood,
57:39 you have no life in you."
57:40 But when we accept Christ as our sacrifice
57:43 and we allow Him to cleanse us and fill us with His Spirit,
57:45 we become new creatures,
57:47 and we can be with Him in sharing
57:49 the gift of everlasting life with others.
57:52 Matter of fact, we could do that right now
57:53 by tossing a coconut out
57:55 and praying that it lands on a deserted beach.


Revised 2018-09-05