Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021836A

00:11 Let's face it, it's not always easy to understand
00:14 everything you read in the Bible.
00:16 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books,
00:20 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
00:23 To get biblical straightforward answers,
00:25 call into Bible Answers Live,
00:27 a live nationwide call-in radio program
00:29 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor
00:32 and ask him your most difficult Bible questions.
00:34 For times and stations in your area
00:36 or to listen to answers online,
00:38 visit
00:55 Friends, are you afraid of heights?
00:57 If so, you might want to look away right now.
01:00 One of the most famous attractions
01:02 in the San Francisco Bay area
01:03 is the iconic Golden Gate Bridge.
01:06 While this world famous bridge was named
01:08 as one of the seven wonders of the modern world.
01:11 Few people know the story of the brave men
01:13 who were involved in its construction
01:15 and also known as the Half Way to Hell Club.
01:19 Designed by a group of visionary engineers
01:21 at 4,200 feet from end to end, the Golden Gate Bridge
01:24 was at one time the longest suspension bridge in the world.
01:28 During its construction from 1933 to 1937,
01:32 the Golden Gate Bridge
01:33 had one of the best safety construction records
01:36 of any project during that time.
01:38 Keep in mind, they would factor in
01:40 and calculate that one man would die
01:42 for every million dollars that was spent.
01:44 So with a budget of $35 million,
01:47 they knew that loss of life would be unacceptable.
01:50 This is why the chief engineer Joseph B Strauss
01:53 was absolutely adamant
01:54 about using the most rigorous safety precautions
01:57 that it ever been used in bridge building.
01:59 He had a local manufacturer of safety equipment,
02:02 designed special headgear that he insisted be worn
02:04 on every job.
02:05 This became the prototype for the modern hard hat
02:08 worn for the first time ever,
02:10 but the safety precautions went even farther.
02:13 Strauss provided a special hand and face cream
02:15 to protect their skin from the cold biting wind
02:18 and glare free goggles to protect their eyes.
02:21 In addition, they also ate a special diet
02:23 to help ward off dizziness
02:25 when they were working at those epic heights.
02:27 But the most conspicuous safety precaution
02:30 was a gigantic net
02:31 that was suspended from end to end
02:33 under the entire construction area
02:35 of the Golden Gate Bridge.
02:37 In fact, during construction,
02:40 this net saved the lives of 19 men
02:43 who later became known as the Half Way to Hell Club.
02:47 Now you need to keep in mind, these were some of the most
02:49 dangerous construction conditions
02:50 you can imagine.
02:52 The wind was constantly blowing.
02:54 They were walking around on iron
02:56 that sometimes had ice from the freezing fog.
02:59 In places, they were over 700 feet above the icy waters.
03:04 Yet, the men coming from all walks of life
03:07 were willing to take these risks
03:09 because it was during The Great Depression
03:11 and they would get paid up to $11 a day
03:13 which was a fortune back then.
03:16 One of the other benefits of the net
03:18 was they discovered that the men
03:20 were much more courageous
03:21 even though they were walking high on those slippery surfaces
03:24 because they knew there was a mechanism
03:26 to protect them if they should fall,
03:28 this gave them the confidence and the courage to press on
03:31 and get the bridge built in record time.
03:33 You know, friends, as Christians
03:35 we have a great work to do.
03:37 The Bible tells us that we get to participate with Jesus
03:40 in building a bridge that connects heaven and earth,
03:43 and there are dangers along the way.
03:45 The devil would like to paralyze us with fear
03:47 that we might fall or make a mistake,
03:50 but we know that Jesus has provided a safety net for us
03:53 and we don't have to be afraid.
03:54 We can press on with confidence
03:56 because the promise is in the Book of Jude 24,
03:59 he is able to keep us from falling.
04:01 But sometimes we make mistakes,
04:03 still don't be discouraged, friends,
04:05 if you read in 1 John 2:1, the Bible says,
04:09 "If we fall, if we sin,
04:11 we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ."
04:14 So let's press on together and build that bridge
04:16 with Christ.
04:50 Hello, and welcome to yet another edition
04:51 of the Sabbath School Study Hour.
04:53 My name is Shawn Brummund, and it is always my pleasure
04:56 to be able to introduce one of my favorite studies
04:58 which is the Sabbath School Study Hour.
05:01 I want to extend a special welcome to all those
05:04 who are watching not only across America
05:06 but from the different countries across the world,
05:08 we are just so thankful
05:09 that you have decided to join us,
05:11 and I know that you are going to be blessed and enriched
05:14 because of the study that we'll be looking at here
05:16 today in the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
05:20 right here in Sacramento, California,
05:22 United States of America.
05:25 I am going to be introducing here
05:27 our special book that we've been looking at
05:29 for the last several weeks now
05:31 as we're finishing up this quarterly
05:32 by the end of September,
05:34 and it's entitled the Book of Acts.
05:36 Now today we're going to be looking at a very special study
05:39 and a very special topic.
05:40 Powerful topic in which Paul is finding himself
05:43 on his third and final missionary
05:46 tour or trip as we might want to call it,
05:50 and so there's just a whole lot of powerful things
05:52 that are happening there, and I look forward to studying
05:54 and finding what we will discover together.
05:58 Before we invite our singers out together though,
06:00 I want to offer you our special free gift that we always offer
06:04 every Sabbath School Study Hour,
06:06 and this what is entitled Three Steps to Heaven,
06:09 Three Steps to Heaven.
06:11 Now if you've never read this book,
06:12 I want to strongly recommend
06:13 that you take advantage of that offer
06:15 and that you phone into 1-866-788-3966.
06:21 Again, that's 1-866-Study-More.
06:25 Now for those of you
06:26 who are more digitally oriented,
06:27 and you would like to have a copy
06:29 of that particular gift offer, we do offer it through text.
06:35 And so you can actually receive that
06:36 in digital download on your phone,
06:38 all you need to do is text the code "SH068".
06:43 Again, that's "SH068",
06:46 and you text that to the number 40544,
06:50 and we'll be happy to be able to offer that to you digitally.
06:55 Now one of the thing,
06:56 if you don't have a physical copy
06:57 of this particular quarterly that we're going through
06:59 not only today but in the next month
07:01 or so as we continue to study the Book of Acts,
07:04 we want to offer that
07:05 with a digital download as well.
07:07 Again, you can go on your phone, your laptop,
07:09 and other digital devices and simply go to study.aftv,
07:14 that's for
07:18 Again, that's,
07:23 and you can download a digital copy
07:25 of the Book of Acts and the quarterly study
07:27 that we're looking at.
07:28 Now if you're one of those people
07:29 that likes to have a paper copy,
07:32 that we always encourage you to find your closest local
07:34 Seventh-day Adventist Church
07:36 and as you go to visit them on a Saturday morning,
07:39 you'll find different services taking place
07:42 and 99% of the time they'll have
07:44 a extra quarterly copy
07:46 that they'll be able to give to you for free.
07:49 And so again, we're just so happy
07:50 that you've come to join us,
07:52 and we're going to invite our singers out
07:54 as they lead us in songs of praise.
08:05 He leadeth me, O blessed thought
08:10 O words with heav'nly comfort fraught
08:16 Whate'er I do, where'er I be
08:23 Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me
08:30 He leadeth me, He leadeth me
08:35 By His own hand He leadeth me
08:42 His faithful foll'wer I would be
08:47 For by His hand He leadeth me
08:55 Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom
09:00 Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom
09:06 By waters still, o'er troubled sea
09:13 Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me
09:20 He leadeth me, He leadeth me
09:25 By His own hand He leadeth me
09:31 His faithful foll'wer I would be
09:37 For by His hand He leadeth me
09:44 And when my task on earth is done
09:49 When by Thy grace the vict'ry's won
09:55 E'en death's cold wave I will not flee
10:02 Since God through Jordan leadeth me
10:09 He leadeth me, He leadeth me
10:14 By His own hand He leadeth me
10:21 His faithful foll'wer I would be
10:26 For by His hand He leadeth me
10:37 At this time, Pastor Brummund will have our opening prayer.
10:43 Father in heaven,
10:44 we are so thankful to be able to stop,
10:46 and to be able to talk to You, and to know that
10:48 Your Spirit will come to us when we ask You to be with us,
10:51 and to teach us, and to enlighten us in the way
10:54 that You know that we need.
10:56 God, we thank You so much for Your Book of Acts
10:58 that You have given to us in Your Holy Bible.
11:01 We pray God in heaven that You'll enlighten us,
11:03 that You'll strengthen our faith,
11:04 and to help us to understand Your plan for our life
11:07 that much better.
11:08 Please be with Pastor Doug as he speaks,
11:10 and be with his heart, and with his mind,
11:12 today as well.
11:13 In Jesus' name we pray these things, God.
11:15 Amen.
11:17 Our lesson for today is lesson number 10,
11:20 it's the Third Missionary Journey of Paul,
11:23 we have a memory verse.
11:24 And the memory verse is from Acts 20:24.
11:28 And I would appreciate if you can say it with me,
11:31 Acts 20:24 here, and your lesson
11:34 is from the New Revised Standard Version.
11:36 You ready?
11:37 "I do not count my life of any value to myself,
11:42 if only I may finish my course and the ministry
11:46 that I received from the Lord Jesus,
11:48 to testify to the good news of God's grace."
11:52 You know if we stop right here,
11:54 if you were to memorize that verse,
11:55 and made it sort of a motto for your life,
11:57 the lesson would not be in vain.
12:00 For Paul to say, "I don't count my life,
12:03 the only thing that matters is that I might be faithful
12:06 and that I could tell others the gospel."
12:09 That's what he's saying here.
12:10 Wouldn't that be a great place to come
12:12 to in your Christian experience where you could have that?
12:15 That experience where he said, "Not I but Christ,
12:17 I'm crucified with Christ, the only thing that matters
12:20 is that I'm faithful to do whatever God wants me to do
12:23 and reflecting the gospel."
12:25 That's a great scripture reading for us to memorize.
12:27 All right, now we're on Paul's third missionary journey,
12:31 and maybe I'll begin...
12:33 And I should tell you what our assignment is today.
12:35 We're going to do our best to try to cover
12:38 Acts 18:24
12:43 through Acts 21:15.
12:47 You heard the story about the hunters
12:49 that were out in the woods hunting.
12:51 And one had a rifle, one had a shotgun,
12:55 and they came to the edge of the woods
12:57 where it opened up into a great meadow,
12:59 and they looked down into the meadow below
13:00 and there were 10 deer.
13:03 And the hunter that had the shotgun said,
13:06 "Don't move if I shoot now, I can hit them all."
13:11 And his friend said,
13:12 "You probably will hit them all,
13:13 but we won't take anything home."
13:15 He said, "If you could hold still,
13:17 let me shoot, I'll hit one, and we'll take it home."
13:21 Of course, you'll understand the difference
13:22 between a shotgun that sprays everywhere
13:24 and a rifle that has one bullet.
13:27 Well, you know, what the challenge is for me
13:28 as a Sabbath school teacher is people say,
13:32 Karen talked to me about it this morning,
13:34 they say,
13:35 "You're not covering the whole lesson."
13:37 And I say, "Well, there's so much to cover
13:39 that I just have to do a fly over,
13:40 and it's like firing a little buckshot at everything,
13:43 you know, you kind of hit a little bit everything,
13:45 but you don't take anything home
13:46 or I got to slow down trying cover something well."
13:48 So which way do you want it, friends,
13:50 rifle or shotgun today?
13:51 Rifle. You want rifle.
13:54 That make some of the teachers that are watching mad
13:56 because they watch my lesson
13:57 before they teach, and they say,
13:58 "You never even got to Wednesday and Thursday!"
14:01 Well, I'll do my best. Let's see what happens.
14:02 I just wasted time, didn't I?
14:04 Okay, well...
14:07 It's so hard to decide.
14:08 Let's go...
14:09 And I just want to read a little introduction
14:11 because we're talking about his third journey,
14:13 but we sort of need to wrap up his second journey.
14:16 Go to Acts 18, and you can go to verse 18, he's in Corinth.
14:21 Now we never did read this last week.
14:24 So Paul, Acts 18:18.
14:26 "So Paul remained a good while,
14:27 and then he took leave of the brethren
14:29 and sailed for Syria,
14:30 and Priscilla and Aquila are with him.
14:33 And he had his hair cut off in Cenchreae,
14:36 and he had taken a vow."
14:37 This is first of two times he does that.
14:40 And he comes to Ephesus.
14:42 Now he's in Ephesus,
14:43 we're going to go back to Ephesus in a minute,
14:45 and he left them there.
14:46 But he himself entered the synagogue
14:49 and reason with the Jews.
14:50 When they asked him to stay longer with them,
14:53 he did not consent, he took leave of them saying,
14:56 "I must by all means
14:57 keep the coming feast in Jerusalem,
15:00 but I will return again to you God willing,"
15:03 and he sailed from Ephesus.
15:04 So on this third journey,
15:05 he does go back to Ephesus straight away.
15:08 And when he had landed in Caesarea and gone up
15:11 and greeted the church, he went down to Antioch,
15:14 and after he had spent some time there,
15:15 he had gone to Jerusalem, then he goes to Antioch.
15:18 And after he had spent some time there,
15:19 he departed and he went over to the region
15:21 of Galatia and Phrygia, in order to strengthen
15:24 all of the disciples.
15:26 Now it takes a little detour here,
15:28 and it introduces someone
15:30 who is to become a champion in the gospel
15:33 by the name of Apollos.
15:35 Now, I'm in Acts 18:24,
15:39 "A certain Jew, named Apollos, born in Alexandria..."
15:43 I want to give somebody upfront warning,
15:45 you're going to have a verse for me in a minute.
15:46 Okay, 1 Corinthians, you have that.
15:49 "A certain Jew name Apollos, born in Alexandria,
15:51 an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures,
15:54 he came to Ephesus."
15:56 Now Paul is in Ephesus, he's gone back there,
15:58 he also sees Paul there.
16:00 "This man having been instructed
16:02 in the way of the Lord being fervent in spirit,
16:06 he spoke and he taught accurately
16:08 the things of the Lord though he knew
16:10 only the baptism of John."
16:12 Now this concept of only understanding
16:15 the baptism of John comes up twice
16:17 in the next few passages.
16:18 You'll also see it in Acts 19.
16:22 Let me just see if I can give you the picture.
16:25 Who is the greatest of the prophets
16:26 according to Jesus?
16:28 John the Baptist.
16:30 He was...
16:31 His ministry were short, but it was powerful.
16:35 The teachings of John, the call to repentance...
16:38 And what was John's message?
16:41 "Repent for kingdom of heaven is at hand,
16:44 so that I baptize you with water..."
16:46 What's the rest of that?
16:48 "But there's another one coming
16:50 who shoes I'm not worthy to wear.
16:53 He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire,
16:55 I am the voice of one preparing the way of the Lord.
16:59 I'm here to announce the coming of the Messiah.
17:03 There's one who stands among you."
17:05 So they thought the Messiah was going to be, you know,
17:07 just some glorious king, but they remembered,
17:08 "You know, David was one of us, and he became a great king."
17:12 And then finally Jesus comes to the Jordan,
17:13 He's baptized, John the Baptist says,
17:15 "Behold." Now he says that several times.
17:18 So John introduced Jesus, John preach repentance,
17:21 Johnson said, "Prepare the way of the Lord,"
17:22 John said, "I baptize you with water,
17:24 but there's a better baptism coming,
17:26 a Holy Spirit fire baptism
17:28 that will come through the Messiah."
17:31 So a lot of people were converted,
17:32 this is all of Judah and Jerusalem
17:34 went out to the Jordan, they were baptized with John.
17:36 There was a great awakening that happened
17:39 through the ministry and the teaching of John.
17:40 The great return to the Bible, and they'd heard that
17:46 Jesus was introduced,
17:47 but they hadn't really heard a lot about the teachings
17:50 of the apostles and of Jesus.
17:52 They didn't have email back then,
17:54 they didn't have printing presses back then.
17:56 The only way these things traveled was by foot,
18:00 you know, some things went by letter
18:01 but these gospels had not been written yet.
18:03 Okay, so Apollos believed in John,
18:06 he even believed that Jesus was a Messiah
18:08 that had been introduced, but he didn't understand
18:11 a lot of the teachings about how do you prove
18:13 that Jesus is Messiah, and so...
18:16 But he's an eloquent man,
18:18 and it says he's taught in the way of the Lord.
18:19 You might be interested to know the word
18:21 there which says, he had been instructed
18:23 in the way of the Lord that comes from where...
18:25 You know what a catechism is?
18:27 We think of catechism where we think Catholic Church
18:29 is not a bad word, it actually in the Greek here
18:32 it's katekhizo or something, but it's very similar,
18:34 it means to be taught.
18:36 Typically, a catechism is teaching through questions
18:38 and answers which is not a bad way to teach,
18:41 which is why the Catholic say, "If you give us your children,
18:44 they'll be Catholics for life."
18:46 Because they teach them through question and answer,
18:48 and they indoctrinate them.
18:50 Well, that principle, train up a child in the way he should go
18:52 is true in many respects.
18:55 And that's why we need to teach the children
18:58 questions and answers,
18:59 get them to think for themselves,
19:00 get them rooted in the truth, not in the counterfeit.
19:04 Amen?
19:05 And so anyway that's the word that was used.
19:07 And so Apollos is mighty in the scriptures,
19:10 but he knew only the baptism of John.
19:13 So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue
19:17 and when Aquila and Priscilla heard him,
19:20 without embarrassing him, they took him aside.
19:22 Now if you got to correct a person,
19:23 do you do it publicly?
19:25 They say, "You know,
19:27 you're mighty in the scriptures,
19:28 you know, we can tell you love the Lord,
19:30 and God is using you, but can we share
19:32 a little Bible study with you?
19:33 There's something maybe you don't know yet
19:35 we'd like to share with you."
19:37 They take him aside,
19:38 they start talking more about Jesus,
19:40 and the baptism of the Spirit, and what the different parables
19:43 and teachings of Christ.
19:45 And he embraced it all.
19:47 Because, you know, John had announced
19:49 that Jesus was the Messiah.
19:51 "And so he became a mighty preacher
19:53 there in Ephesus,
19:55 and they taught him the way of God more accurately,
20:00 and when he desired to cross to Achaia,
20:02 to the brethren, they wrote, exhorting the disciples
20:05 that they should receive him, and he arrived,
20:08 and he greatly helped those who had believed through grace,
20:12 for he vigorously refuted the Jews,
20:14 publicly showing from the scriptures
20:16 that Jesus is the Christ."
20:18 So how should we be presenting the truth, from the scriptures?
20:22 Now did the Jews believe the scriptures?
20:24 They did.
20:25 So here we are Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
20:28 the Lord's given us the three angles' message.
20:30 There are a lot of God's people in other churches.
20:32 Amen? Amen.
20:34 Some of them are mighty in the Word,
20:36 but they don't understand
20:37 the whole three angles' message,
20:39 maybe they don't know
20:40 or understand the state of the dead,
20:41 or they don't understand
20:42 that the Sabbath is still intact.
20:44 And in love we ought to go to them,
20:47 and study with them,
20:48 and teach them the Word of God more perfectly, right?
20:51 From what? The scriptures.
20:53 So there's a great revival that followed
20:55 because what Apollos did.
20:56 Now Apollos, he end ups, as far as we can tell,
20:59 he ends up being recognized in the same capacity
21:03 as an apostle.
21:05 And he really grew strong, at least he was an evangelist.
21:08 You're going to read a verse
21:09 just to give a little more insight on that.
21:12 1 Corinthians 3:5, 6.
21:16 "Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos,
21:19 but ministers through whom you believed,
21:21 as the Lord gave to each one?
21:24 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase."
21:29 Now who is one of the greatest apostles
21:32 in the New Testament?
21:33 Well, Paul writes almost 50% of the New Testament.
21:37 Paul is one of the greatest evangelists.
21:38 I mean, we're talking now about
21:39 the third missionary journey of Paul,
21:41 there was actually four.
21:42 There may have been others we don't know about.
21:44 We don't know if he made it to Spain,
21:45 history is unclear about that.
21:49 Incredible evangelist from town to town,
21:51 raising up churches right and left.
21:53 You know, our church struggles to raise up a church.
21:56 I mean, our denomination at large not so much overseas
21:59 as in North America, it's getting more difficult.
22:01 We praise God, this is a church plant.
22:04 And God willing as we continue to grow,
22:06 we can plant churches in Folsom and other places.
22:09 Amen?
22:10 But Paul was a mighty...
22:12 So when they start comparing to the Corinthians,
22:14 two of the greatest evangelists,
22:17 just the fact that you would be listed with Paul
22:20 really says a lot about Apollos.
22:23 They saw the great work that had been done
22:25 by Apollos in Corinth and other places, and he was...
22:29 And you'll find his name mentioned many times
22:31 through the writings of Paul,
22:32 he ended up becoming just a real.
22:34 I mean, you got Billy Sunday, you got Dwight Moody,
22:36 you got Billy Graham.
22:37 You know, this is a few really great evangelists
22:40 we think of in the English world.
22:43 Apollos ends up becoming one of them.
22:45 So I just wanted you to understand
22:46 the statue of this man, and how powerful,
22:48 and eloquent he really was.
22:50 Acts 19, trying to continue,
22:53 not just do the whole shotgun thing.
22:55 "And it happened, while Apollos was at Corinth."
22:57 And Apollos was doing a great revival at Corinth.
23:00 "That Paul, having passed through the upper coast,
23:03 he comes to Ephesus.
23:04 And finding some disciples, he says to them,
23:07 'Did you receive the Holy Spirit
23:08 when you believed?'
23:10 So they said to him,
23:11 We've not heard whether there is any Holy Spirit.'
23:13 " You know, every Jew and even the gentiles
23:17 understood there was a spirit,
23:19 so they're speaking a little bit
23:22 in exaggeration here, hyperbole you might say.
23:25 And they said,
23:26 "Well, no there's been no teaching on this,
23:27 what are you talking about?"
23:28 "He says,
23:29 'Into what then were you baptized?' "
23:32 Remember, there's both baptisms,
23:33 Jesus said,
23:34 "Unless you are born of the water,"
23:37 John's baptism, "and the Spirit,"
23:39 Jesus' baptism, "you cannot enter the kingdom."
23:43 You need both baptisms, right?
23:46 And they said, "Well, we've heard about
23:47 the baptism or repentance of John,
23:48 but what is this the Holy Spirit
23:50 being poured out?"
23:51 They didn't know much about Jesus.
23:54 "Paul said, 'Indeed John baptized
23:55 with a baptism of repentance
23:57 saying that the people should believe on Him
23:59 who would come after him, that is on Jesus,"'
24:02 who John announced.
24:03 "When they heard this, they were baptized
24:06 in the name of the Lord Jesus."
24:07 And I want to pause right here.
24:09 People often ask, "Pastor Doug,
24:11 is there ever a time for rebaptism?
24:15 Is it ever appropriate to be rebaptized?
24:17 I was baptized as a child."
24:19 You know,
24:20 maybe they were baptized as a baby,
24:21 you should be rebaptized
24:22 because the Bible doesn't support infant baptism
24:25 because before you're baptized,
24:27 you need to believe with all your heart,
24:29 baby can't really do that, you need to be repenting,
24:32 baby, what's he gonna repent off,
24:34 and you need to be taught, it's hard to teach a baby.
24:39 And so when you look at the criteria
24:41 of what is needed for baptism, babies shouldn't be baptized.
24:45 But when a child gets old enough to understand
24:47 the claims of the gospel, to believe, to be taught,
24:50 they have their own personal relationship
24:52 with Jesus,
24:53 this may happen at different times.
24:55 People say, "How old should a child be
24:57 before they're baptized?"
24:59 I've seen children that maybe were nine years old
25:01 that were ready
25:03 because they just had a spiritual maturity about them
25:04 and a personal relationship with Jesus.
25:07 You go to Europe,
25:08 I know we have some of our friends here
25:10 from Eastern Europe, and they say,
25:12 "Sixteen, twenty-one,
25:13 we don't baptize until they get older."
25:14 Is that right?
25:16 Yeah, I see some nods there.
25:17 And so it varies.
25:21 Someone...
25:22 James White was once
25:23 taking some children to the river to be baptized
25:26 during a camp meeting, and they said,
25:28 "Elder White,
25:29 don't you think those children
25:30 are a little young for baptism?"
25:33 And he said, "Well, let me ask you a question,
25:34 do you think these children are old enough to be lost."
25:36 They said, "Yes."
25:37 He said,
25:39 "Then they're old enough to be saved."
25:41 So the idea is they need to be able to understand,
25:45 you know, what's right and wrong.
25:46 And what that exact age of accountability is...
25:49 You've got to be careful about fixing a point,
25:51 you know, as a sort of a rough meter you might say,
25:54 "How old was Jesus when he was bar mitzvah,
25:57 and he went to the temple?"
25:58 He was 12.
25:59 So that's sort of a ballpark.
26:00 But some are ready earlier, some are ready later.
26:03 If a person has a mental deficiency,
26:05 they may never be ready, you know what I mean?
26:08 And so it's just...
26:11 You understand.
26:12 So there is a time for rebaptism.
26:14 Three reasons you should be rebaptized.
26:17 One is you and I baptized biblically,
26:20 I baptized as a baby.
26:23 Two, if you were baptized
26:26 and you've backslidden in a big way,
26:29 baptism's like marriage...
26:31 You know, if you're married to someone
26:32 and you divorce them legally, you got to get remarried.
26:35 Now that doesn't mean
26:36 if married people have an argument,
26:38 they've got to get remarried.
26:40 Some people say, "Pastor Doug,
26:41 I slipped and fell, I should be rebaptized."
26:43 Not necessarily because some of you
26:45 get baptized every week.
26:48 And so, you know, you say, "Well, what's the appropriate?"
26:51 You know, if a person turns their back on the Lord,
26:53 they turn from the church, and they go out in the world,
26:56 if they're returning,
26:58 there might be a need for rebaptism.
27:02 And a person comes to me, and they're getting rebaptized
27:04 for the fifth time, there's something wrong,
27:06 they don't understand it.
27:08 And then the third reason for rebaptism
27:10 falls in the category of Acts 19
27:12 where these Ephesian believers...
27:15 There was just the whole truth...
27:16 They were baptized by immersion,
27:18 correct baptism,
27:20 but John the Baptist, right ministry did it,
27:24 but there's so much they didn't understand.
27:28 And when they finally learned all this truth about Jesus
27:30 that they had missed,
27:32 they were baptized into the entire truth.
27:34 I remember hearing about a Baptist minister
27:37 went to an evangelistic meeting
27:38 and then after hearing the entire series,
27:41 he accepted the Sabbath truth, and he went to the pastor
27:43 and said, "You know, I think, I should be rebaptized."
27:45 Pastor said, "Now you're Baptist."
27:47 He said, "Right."
27:48 He says, "You baptized by immersion."
27:49 "Right."
27:50 He said, "Well, you technically were baptized correctly,
27:54 you could join the church by profession of faith."
27:57 He said, "Well, I was baptized into nine commandments,
27:59 I want to get baptized into all ten.
28:02 And so that would be this kind of case.
28:04 Now there's something else that happened here
28:06 when they rebaptized.
28:07 Read on.
28:08 It says here that Paul rebaptized them,
28:12 I'm in verse 5, "In the name of the Lord,
28:17 and he laid hands on them
28:18 and the Holy Spirit came upon them,
28:21 and they spoke with tongues, and they prophesied."
28:24 Now that does not mean they babbled.
28:26 What does the word prophesied mean
28:28 when Paul uses the word?
28:30 It means to preach.
28:33 It means teaching the Word, preaching the Word.
28:35 Prophesying does not...
28:36 Sometimes we think of a prophet like Elijah
28:38 or somebody foretelling the future.
28:40 John the Baptist was a great prophet,
28:42 isn't that right?
28:44 Tell me a, you know...
28:46 I guess the only prophecy John the Baptist made
28:48 was about Jesus as one coming after me,
28:50 but John didn't really foretell the future.
28:53 He was a teacher of repentance.
28:56 The Bible says Philip had four daughters
28:58 that did prophesied.
28:59 That doesn't mean they went around
29:01 foretelling the future.
29:02 It means the four daughters of this evangelist
29:04 were also doing evangelism.
29:06 They were teaching.
29:07 And so when these men were speaking in tongues,
29:12 what were they saying?
29:13 They were prophesying.
29:14 They were teaching in other languages.
29:16 Whenever you have the speaking of tongues in the Bible,
29:18 there's three examples.
29:20 I told you this before but some, I'm sure,
29:21 were not here.
29:23 Acts 2, what's the other one?
29:26 Acts 10 and Acts 19.
29:28 This is the last example of speaking in tongues
29:31 in the Bible.
29:33 I'm not talking about where Paul talks about speaking
29:35 in tongues in 1 Corinthians 14.
29:37 The example of speaking in tongues is three examples.
29:40 All three examples,
29:41 there are multiple language groups present.
29:45 Purpose for tongues is that
29:46 you might communicate the gospel
29:48 in the languages of people present
29:50 that they may not understand.
29:51 These are Ephesians believers Paul and others with him
29:54 spoke different languages.
29:56 They heard what they were saying.
29:57 What were they saying? They were prophesying.
29:59 They were teaching in these other tongues.
30:02 And around Ephesus, there were many languages
30:04 that were spoken in the Roman Empire
30:06 or local tribal languages.
30:07 There was Latin, there was a Greek,
30:09 and Paul spoke Hebrew.
30:10 So is that clear? Okay.
30:13 Anyway, and it's also interesting
30:16 that tells us there were 12 of them in all.
30:19 Now do you think he mentions that by accident?
30:24 Or is this just sort of one of the Bible ways of saying
30:26 the gospel now is going from 12 Jewish apostles,
30:31 the Holy Spirit is now being poured
30:33 on 12 gentile apostles?
30:36 See what's happening?
30:37 They are being baptized with the Holy Spirit,
30:40 just like at Pentecost,
30:41 you got the 12 in the upper room
30:44 that are preaching about 120 in the upper room,
30:46 but you have 12 apostles, and there's another 12.
30:49 And the God is kind of saying the church now
30:51 is exploding among the gentiles.
30:53 It's not just for the Jews.
30:56 All right.
30:57 Now another interesting story,
30:58 I just don't want to rush past this.
31:00 Acts 19:13,
31:03 "Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists..."
31:08 Any exorcists present?
31:13 There was a movie a few years ago
31:14 that became very popular called "The Exorcist"
31:18 about, you know,
31:19 Catholic priests that specialize
31:20 in casting out devils.
31:22 And for a while,
31:23 there were some Protestant churches
31:25 that became involved, and we get those
31:27 who specialize in casting out demons.
31:30 I always find that's a dubious practice
31:32 that anyone who is a minister that says,
31:35 "That's my special gift 'cause I cast out devils."
31:38 I don't think you ever ought to go looking for it.
31:41 Jesus did say the disciples, the Holy Spirit
31:43 will come upon you,
31:44 and you will be able to cast out devils,
31:47 but I don't think you ever hang out your shingle
31:49 and say, "You know, demons or us,
31:51 we cast out devils or anything like that."
31:54 So here are these young men are going out,
31:55 they are Jewish exorcist,
31:56 "Took it upon themselves
31:58 to call on the name of the Lord Jesus
31:59 over those who had evil spirits,
32:01 and they would say,
32:02 "We exorcise you by Jesus who Paul preaches."
32:06 That's sort of like, you know,
32:07 a second-hand exorcism, I suppose.
32:10 "And there were seven sons of Sceva,
32:12 a Jewish chief priest, who did so."
32:15 Another interesting number, how many sons?
32:18 Just went from 12 to 7.
32:20 These things have spiritual significance.
32:23 And these are from the Jewish priests.
32:26 "And the evil spirits answered and said,
32:27 'Jesus I know and Paul I know, but who are you?'
32:32 And the man in whom the evil spirit
32:34 was leapt on them and overpowered them
32:37 and prevailed against them,
32:38 so they fled out of the house naked and wounded."
32:42 That's very interesting.
32:44 You've got these seven sons of a Jewish priest
32:47 who are trying to cast out devils,
32:48 and it's like they're using the old method.
32:51 And the devil say,
32:52 "You know, you can't just call out Jesus' name,
32:55 like you're saying open sesame or abracadabra
32:58 and some magic word."
33:00 You ever heard people do that?
33:02 They think if they just call up the name of Jesus
33:05 without knowing Christ or what it means
33:06 to praying His name in His character
33:09 or having a relationship with Him,
33:10 that there's some magic in the word.
33:12 The Bible doesn't teach that.
33:14 There's authority in the name of God.
33:16 It's especially in the character of God.
33:19 And so if you're just calling out this name,
33:22 they have no relationship, did not surrendered to Jesus,
33:24 and the demons say, "Oh, yeah, we know Paul,
33:27 and we know Jesus, but who are you?"
33:32 And the devil is one demon possessed man overpowers
33:36 seven young men, beats him up, wounds them,
33:40 strips them, and they flee naked.
33:44 Now this is, again,
33:45 filled with spiritual significance
33:46 because what happened to Adam and Eve
33:50 after they wrestled with the devil?
33:52 Did they end up wounded and naked,
33:54 spiritually wounded and naked?
33:57 What did the devil do to that man
33:59 in Acts 5 that was filled with a legion of demons?
34:02 Was he wounding himself a naked?
34:07 And you can find just through the Bible
34:10 when that man fell among thieves,
34:12 the devil was the thief in that story,
34:14 the Good Samaritan story, they stripped him.
34:18 The devil strips us of all righteousness
34:21 and he wounds us with sin,
34:24 and it's through Christ coming along,
34:26 He heals us and He binds up our wounds.
34:28 And so, it also I think is significant,
34:30 it says these are seven sons of a priest.
34:34 It's like they're trying to pour the new wine
34:37 in old wine skins of Judaism, and there was no power there.
34:41 They had a form of religion without power.
34:43 There are a lot of churches out there
34:45 that are taking the name of Jesus,
34:46 and they don't know Jesus.
34:48 Hey, you've read that prophecy in Isaiah 4 where it says,
34:54 "In that day, seven women will take hold of one man,
34:56 saying, 'We will eat our own bread,
34:59 and we will wear our own apparel,
35:01 only let us be called by your name
35:03 to take away our reproach."
35:05 Kind of like a picture of a lot of churches and the last name,
35:07 they want to use the name of Jesus,
35:09 but they don't want the righteousness of Christ,
35:11 they don't want the teachings of Christ,
35:12 they got their own bread, their own Bible,
35:14 they got their own apparel, their own righteousness,
35:17 but they want His name
35:18 that describes a lot of churches in the last days.
35:21 All right, so they're not able to cast off the devil.
35:24 One more thing, there's so much here.
35:27 I just, you know...
35:28 I just want you to share my frustration.
35:32 It's just hard to rush through this stuff.
35:34 It's so rich.
35:37 The devil said, "Paul, I know."
35:41 But he said to these seven young men,
35:42 "Who are you?"
35:45 Are there some workers for God that the devil knows?
35:49 Why does the devil know...
35:51 Why did the devil know who Paul was?
35:55 Paul was just invading his territory.
35:58 Now the devil, is he all-knowing?
36:00 Now God knows everybody, doesn't He?
36:01 But the devil and his demons, they don't know everybody.
36:03 They're not omniscient. They don't know everything.
36:06 But there are some that the devil knows.
36:07 The devil knows the ones that are taking his people.
36:13 And Paul was a real threat to the devil.
36:16 And, now how many of you would like to pray
36:18 that the devil knows who you are?
36:22 You don't want to raise your hand, do you?
36:24 You kind of, do you say,
36:25 "Yeah, I want to cause the devil trouble,
36:26 but I don't want his special attention,
36:28 but I do want the Lord to be pleased,
36:29 but I don't want the devil to..."
36:31 You don't know how do I this.
36:33 All right, moving on, go to Acts 19:21
36:37 and someone's going to read for me a minute in Romans 5.
36:43 And it says,
36:45 "These things were accomplished..."
36:49 Well, actually, let me see, I want to read...
36:55 Yeah.
36:59 okay, Acts 19:21,
37:02 so it says, "These things were accomplished
37:04 that Paul purposed in the Spirit,
37:06 he had passed through Macedonia and Acacia
37:08 to go to Jerusalem saying,
37:10 'After I've been there, I must also see Rome."'
37:13 And so it doesn't say exactly why he's going to Rome here
37:16 in Acts 19, but we find out in Romans,
37:18 and in 1 Corinthians 16 why he's going to Rome.
37:22 If you look in 1 Corinthians 16:1,
37:25 "Now concerning the collection for the saints
37:27 as I've given orders to the churches of Galatia,
37:29 so you must also do, on the first day of the week,
37:31 let each one of you lay by him something,
37:34 in storing up as God may prosper him
37:37 that there be no collections when I come."
37:38 This is not a church offering.
37:39 He says that you don't have an offering when I come,
37:42 and I'll come to you whatever you give,
37:45 you might approve by your letters,
37:46 I will send and bear your gifts to Jerusalem.
37:49 They were bringing a special gift
37:51 from Ephesus down to Jerusalem if it is fitting.
37:55 Go and read your verse for us.
37:58 Romans 15: 25-26,
38:00 "But now I am going to Jerusalem
38:03 to minister to the saints,
38:05 for it be pleased those from Macedonia and Achaia
38:08 to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints
38:12 who are in Jerusalem."
38:14 So it's pretty clear, they're bringing a gift down.
38:17 Now during this third journey,
38:19 and I think we've got a map up on the screen.
38:21 I'm going to pop up there real quick.
38:22 And I know some of the towns
38:25 are going to be small in your map,
38:26 so I'll just give it to you here.
38:28 This journey sort of begins in the Antioch,
38:30 and he makes his way through Tarsus,
38:32 which is where Paul used to live, Derbe,
38:34 Lystra, Iconium, Pisidia.
38:37 He stops in Laodicea,
38:39 and then he goes directly to Ephesus.
38:41 He promised them he'd come back.
38:42 He spends time there in Ephesus.
38:46 Makes his way up through Smyrna, Pergamus,
38:48 goes to Chios, crosses over into Macedonia,
38:52 and that's where he spends time in Philippi, Thessalonica,
38:57 Berea, circles down, goes to visit Corinth again,
39:01 goes around Athens, has an adventure there,
39:04 and ends up making his way back.
39:06 He's bringing a gift to the believers
39:08 back in Jerusalem,
39:09 goes back down through Mitylene,
39:15 Miletus, Chios, Patra, and stops in Tyre,
39:21 makes his way back up to Jerusalem.
39:23 So this is a big circuitous trip
39:25 he takes going through Macedonia,
39:28 spends significant time in Ephesus on that trip.
39:32 Anyway, they have some problems in Ephesus.
39:35 You go to Acts 19:21.
39:40 "When these things were accomplished,
39:41 Paul purposed in the Spirit
39:43 that when he had passed through Macedonia and Acacia
39:46 to go to Jerusalem saying,
39:48 'After I've been there, I must see Rome.' "
39:49 We just read that.
39:51 So he sent into Macedonia
39:52 two of those who ministered to him,
39:55 Timothy and Erastus,
39:56 but he himself stayed in Asia for a time.
40:00 And about that time, there arose a great commotion
40:04 about the way, for certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith,
40:08 who made silver shrines of Diana,
40:11 he brought no small profit to the craftsman,
40:13 he called them together with the workers
40:14 of a similar occupation and said, 'Men...'"
40:17 They had a union meeting is what it was.
40:19 "You know that we have our prosperity
40:20 by this trade.
40:22 Moreover, you see and hear that not only at Ephesus
40:24 but throughout almost all of Asia, this Paul...'"
40:28 Not only did the devil know who he was
40:30 but all the silversmiths.
40:32 They were making and selling idols
40:33 throughout Asia knew he was.
40:35 "Throughout almost all of Asia, Paul has persuaded
40:39 and turned many away saying that they are not gods
40:43 which are made with hands.'"
40:45 Now was that a special Christian teaching?
40:46 Is that also a Jewish teaching?
40:49 That's Ten Commandments, don't make idols.
40:52 Paul was just doing what the Jews
40:53 should have been doing all those years
40:55 that they were in Asia.
40:59 That's not very popular, is it?
41:00 To go through a culture and tell them, you know,
41:02 "Those silver gods you guys make,
41:04 they're not gods."
41:07 I mean, one of the politically correct thing be to do,
41:10 you know, we don't want to upset them.
41:13 But Paul was a bold preacher.
41:14 And he was more concerned about offending God
41:17 than offending man.
41:18 And so he was telling them those are worthless idols.
41:21 He was saying what Isaiah said.
41:23 And so much so that the market began to fall out
41:26 in the idol business.
41:28 And Demetrius said,
41:29 "Look, we've got to have a meeting.
41:30 We're going to rally and turn this thing around.
41:32 This guy is wrecking our business."
41:36 "Not only is this trade of ours in danger
41:38 of falling into disrepute,"
41:40 as it should,
41:42 "And also the temple of the great goddess Diana,"
41:44 Artemus,
41:46 "May be despised in her magnificence destroyed
41:48 whom all of Asia and the world worship."
41:51 That's another example of hyperbole in the Bible.
41:54 "Now when they heard this, they were full of wrath
41:55 and cried out."
41:57 And they also have this big get together,
41:59 and they gather in the theater, and they say,
42:01 "Great is Diana of the Ephesians."
42:02 They have a pep rally.
42:04 "So the whole city was filled with confusion,
42:06 and they rushed in to..."
42:08 "And they seized the altar with one accord,
42:09 having seized Gaius and Aristarchus,
42:12 the Macedonians, Paul's traveling companions.
42:15 And when Paul wanted to go in to the people,
42:18 the disciples would not allow him."
42:21 Paul, whenever he saw crowd, said,
42:23 "Let me add them. Let me add them.
42:25 Now that's evangelist for you.
42:26 You know, when they're torturing you,
42:27 he wants to convert the torturers.
42:30 Evangelists gets hit by a car, in the ambulance,
42:33 he wants to convert the paramedics.
42:36 Paul was being torn limb from limb in the temple
42:39 and the Romans rescued him.
42:40 Paul says to the Romans,
42:41 "Can I preach to them? I got a crowd."
42:44 And I kind of know the feeling.
42:45 Whenever I see a crowd, I think,
42:46 "Oh, man, where's the microphone."
42:48 You know, you want to preach.
42:51 And so he wants to go and they said,
42:52 "Paul, they will kill you in there.
42:54 They're all mad.
42:55 This whole rally is
42:57 because you are wrecking their business,
42:58 and you want to go preach to them?"
43:00 "Yeah, but I want to tell them why idols are so bad."
43:02 "These are the idol makers.
43:04 You sure you want to go in there?"
43:06 And they probably were wise
43:10 in telling Paul not to do that.
43:13 And they had this big commotion,
43:15 I don't have time to read it all.
43:16 For two hours, they're shouting,
43:17 'Great is Diana of the Ephesians.'"
43:20 And finally, you get one of the officials
43:24 in the community says...
43:25 He calms everyone down, he says, "What's going on here?
43:28 What kind of uproar is this?
43:29 This is the Romanly governed community.
43:31 We have laws.
43:32 If the silversmith have something against others,
43:35 the courts are open.
43:36 File a claim, they can do it in an orderly matter.
43:40 See, there's no excuse for this raucous concourses riot."
43:45 And he speaks very reasonably.
43:48 You know, Romans had some good laws.
43:50 Matter of affect, even some of the American laws
43:53 are based on Greco-Roman laws.
43:56 We've got a Senate, we've got a Congress, right?
43:58 And so, he settles them all down.
44:02 They had a representative government,
44:04 they had courts,
44:05 and he dismisses the assembly, but it turned into a riot
44:10 because of Paul's preaching.
44:11 All right, journeys in Greece.
44:13 We're going to move on, chapter 20.
44:16 And.
44:18 If you look in...
44:20 We're talking about Troas now.
44:22 Acts 20:7, let's jump here to Eutychus.
44:25 This is a great story,
44:28 "And now on the first day of the week,
44:30 when the disciples came together to break bread..."
44:32 Now what does that mean?
44:33 First day of the week, that's Sunday, huh?
44:36 Disciples come together to have a communion service.
44:39 There you got it.
44:40 Saturday has been changed to Sunday.
44:43 This is the verse I often hear when people say,
44:46 "We can prove, the apostles were keeping
44:48 the Sunday as a day of worship."
44:50 Because here you have it, the disciples came together
44:52 on the first day of the week to break bread.
44:54 Keep reading.
44:56 I've heard pastors just read that one spot and they stop.
44:59 "Paul, ready to depart the next day..."
45:03 It says he continued his messaged until midnight.
45:06 Now first of all, let me ask you this,
45:07 during this meeting, is it day or night?
45:10 Night.
45:11 When does the day begin biblically?
45:14 When the sun goes down.
45:16 So when it says,
45:17 "They got together on the first day of the week,
45:20 they have an evening meeting.
45:21 They've been together all day Sabbath.
45:23 They gather that Sunday evening
45:25 'cause why Paul is going to leave the next day,
45:28 it's his last chance to build them up
45:31 before he leaves,
45:32 they're also going to break bread,
45:33 but isn't that a communion service?
45:35 No.
45:36 Go ahead and read for us, Dan, Acts 2:46.
45:41 I know I didn't give the cameras a chance
45:43 to track in on you but...
45:44 Acts 2:46,
45:46 "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple
45:49 and breaking bread from house to house,
45:52 they ate their food with gladness
45:53 and simplicity of heart."
45:55 Breaking bread, they ate their food,
45:58 not all breaking bread is a religious ceremony.
46:00 The Bible uses the word breaking bread,
46:02 talking about eating.
46:04 Jesus broke bread with the disciples on the road
46:06 to Emmaus, that story.
46:08 They were just eating together, not every time
46:10 they eat was it a religious ceremony.
46:12 It just means they're going to break bread.
46:14 Keep reading here, go back to the Eutychus story,
46:17 It says, "There were many lamps with them in the upper chamber
46:20 where they were gathered together.
46:22 And in the window, sat a certain young man
46:24 named Eutychus who was sinking into a deep sleep,
46:28 and he was overcome by sleep as Paul continued speaking."
46:31 Now that could be either a sermon about not sleeping
46:34 during church, he could fall out the window
46:35 or it could be a lesson to ministers
46:37 not to preach too long or people will fall asleep
46:39 and fall out the window.
46:42 Either way, there's a lesson there.
46:45 And Paul went down,
46:46 "He fell out the window, he's taken up dead."
46:48 He dies.
46:49 "And Paul went down and fell on him
46:51 and embraced him and said,
46:52 'Do not trouble yourselves for his life is in him.'"
46:55 Paul embraced him just like when Elijah to Elisha embraced
47:00 two different times.
47:01 They each embraced a boy, they touched the boy
47:04 that had died, and they were resurrected.
47:06 And Paul does...
47:07 He's got the same power of Elijah and the Elisha.
47:10 And this greatly encouraged the church there,
47:13 that was in Chios.
47:14 But Paul went down, he fell on him,
47:16 "And they came up, and they broke bread."
47:18 Here, they're breaking bread again.
47:19 They had eaten, and he talked a long while
47:21 even till daybreak, and he departed.
47:24 And they brought the young man alive,
47:26 and they were not a little comforted."
47:27 It mentions a young man at the end of the story,
47:29 why is this story in the Bible?
47:30 Is this story there to tell us, 'This is the story
47:33 where they inaugurate a new day as a Sabbath."
47:37 It's not at all what it's saying.
47:38 That's a dishonest interpretation of the verse.
47:41 It's saying they had been together all day Sabbath,
47:43 after the first day of the week began in the evening,
47:46 Paul is making his final presentation to him,
47:49 it's what we would call Saturday night.
47:52 They're just coming together
47:53 to have an evening meal of vespers,
47:55 doesn't say it's a religious service.
47:57 And you know what?
47:58 It doesn't matter even if it was a religious service.
48:00 What day of the week was the first communion?
48:04 Was it Sabbath?
48:06 Was it Friday?
48:07 It's Thursday.
48:09 So is there anything in the Bible that says
48:10 that if you break bread, it has to be on the Sabbath?
48:14 No, it could be any day of the week.
48:16 So to use this verse to say, "This is the inauguration
48:18 of a new Sabbath,"
48:20 is, I think, a very weak and it's frankly
48:22 a very dishonest text to use.
48:24 This story is in the Bible to tell us Eutychus died,
48:28 Paul resurrected him.
48:29 It ends by saying they were not a little comforted
48:31 that the young boy survived.
48:33 Amen?
48:34 I mean, what a...
48:35 I mean, you think about God
48:37 speaking the Sabbath from the mountain,
48:38 "Remember the Sabbath day," and they say,
48:40 "Yeah, this is the place
48:41 where you find Him changing it."
48:43 That'd be a very mild way to change
48:46 one of the commandments of God,
48:47 sort of a fleeting reference like this.
48:50 So that's not what this is talking about.
48:52 All right, I got time for maybe a little bit more.
48:55 Miletus, Acts 20:15,
48:58 "And we sail from there, on the next day,
49:00 we came up opposite Chios.
49:03 The following day, we arrived at Samos
49:05 and stayed at Trogyllium, and the next day,
49:08 we came to Miletus.
49:10 For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus
49:13 so he would not have to spend time in Asia,
49:16 for he was hurrying to be at Jerusalem,
49:18 if possible, on the day of Pentecost.
49:20 He's hastening back to Jerusalem,
49:22 he wants to be there
49:23 not only because he's bringing relief to the saints,
49:26 there was a famine also in Jerusalem.
49:28 There was great poverty, the saints were struggling,
49:31 he's bringing an offering with him.
49:33 And he also wants to be there for obviously Pentecost.
49:37 When was the Holy Spirit poured out?
49:40 Pentecost. What happened to Pentecost?
49:42 Devout Jews out of every nation under heaven were there,
49:45 what a great opportunity to preach to the devout Jews
49:48 that had come to Jerusalem for all over the Roman Empire,
49:51 indeed from Africa and Ethiopia, they'd come up,
49:54 and he's said, "Oh, man,
49:55 it'd be a great time to be there
49:56 and have an evangelistic meeting."
49:58 So he's trying to get there to witness and to celebrate
50:02 the Passover as well as to bring relief.
50:06 And, you know,
50:08 one of the most beautiful passages,
50:09 Dan, and you need to read this,
50:11 Acts 20:17-37.
50:16 I'll just read this to you, and I'll close with it.
50:18 He makes his last appeal.
50:20 From Miletus, he sent to Ephesus,
50:22 and he called for the elders of the church,
50:24 and when they came to him, he said, 'You know,
50:27 from the first day that I came to Asia,
50:29 in what manner I always lived among you,
50:31 serving the Lord with all humility
50:33 and many tears and trials,
50:34 which happened to me by the plotting of the Jews,
50:36 how I kept back nothing that was helpful
50:39 but proclaimed it to you, and taught publicly
50:42 and from house to house,
50:43 testifying to the Jews and the Greeks,
50:45 repentance towards God in faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ.
50:49 And see, now I go bound in spirit to Jerusalem
50:53 not knowing the things that will happen to me there,
50:55 except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city,
50:58 saying that chains and tribulations await me.'"
51:02 Paul said, "I'm going to Jerusalem
51:04 even though I know what's going to happen to me."
51:06 Did Jesus say the same thing?
51:09 Did the disciples tried to talk Paul out of going to Jerusalem?
51:13 But he said, "There's nothing that can turn me away."
51:15 Did Peter try to talk Jesus out of going to Jerusalem?
51:19 And Jesus said, "Get behind Me,
51:21 Satan this is part of God's plan."
51:23 See, Paul knew God wanted him to go.
51:25 It was through his arrest
51:26 and his tribulations in Jerusalem,
51:28 he ended up going to Rome,
51:30 a number of miracles happened along the way.
51:32 There were many converts,
51:33 a whole island of Malta was converted through Paul.
51:36 He went to Rome, he ultimately preached
51:38 to Caesar's household.
51:39 He knew that God wanted this to happen.
51:41 He did more in prison through his trials...
51:44 Most of the letters you and I read,
51:45 Paul wrote in jail.
51:47 And so God had worked out all out.
51:49 Anyway, there's a lot more I could say about that,
51:51 but I got through 80% of the lesson.
51:54 So with that, I want to remind you,
51:56 we do have a special gift,
51:58 and it's called Three Steps to Heaven,
52:00 offer number 102.
52:01 If you like a free copy of that,
52:03 just dial 866-788-3966.
52:07 If you've not invited Jesus into your heart,
52:09 if you've not accepted Christ, you can do that right now,
52:13 but then, order this book, and it'll take you
52:15 through those steps, you'll be glad you did.
52:17 If nothing else, read it, then share it with someone.
52:20 It's a great witnessing resource.
52:21 God bless you, until we study His Word
52:23 together again next week.
52:26 Can't get enough Amazing Facts Bible Study,
52:29 you don't have to wait until next week
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52:51 Visit
53:07 I'm here in the beautiful island nation of Fiji.
53:09 It's filled with exotic animals,
53:12 beautiful vegetation, and spectacular scenery.
53:15 The people here are some of the nicest in the world,
53:18 but it hasn't always been that way.
53:19 This was once known as the cannibal island.
53:24 The Fijian warriors were some of the fiercest
53:26 in the South Pacific and greatly feared.
53:28 You can understand why.
53:29 This is one of the weapons that they used
53:32 for breaking the neck of their adversaries.
53:35 And long before they were killing any missionaries,
53:37 they were fighting with
53:38 and killing and eating each other.
53:40 The fact is you go
53:41 to the different tourist locations
53:42 on the island, they'll sell you remakes
53:45 of some of the forks they used
53:47 for eating human brains.
53:51 In fact, there was one cannibal chief,
53:53 Ratu Udre Udre during the 1800s,
53:55 that is in the Guinness Book of World Records
53:57 for having killed and eaten the most victims.
54:00 He brags that every time he killed someone,
54:02 he set a stone side.
54:04 By the end of his life,
54:05 he had a pretty big pile of stones.
54:07 It's estimated, he ate somewhere
54:08 in the neighborhood of 900 people.
54:11 Oh, my.
54:14 You know, the Fijians were not the only ones
54:16 that had a monopoly on cannibalism.
54:18 In fact, the Bible says
54:19 that we are all capable of being cannibals.
54:22 Galatians 5:15 says,
54:24 "If we bite and devour one another,
54:26 we may end up consuming one another."
54:28 That's talking about destroying people's reputation
54:30 by mean gossip.
54:32 One famous missionary named Pattin,
54:34 when he was preparing to go to the Cannibal Isles,
54:37 his friends and family begged him not to go.
54:39 They said, 'You'll be eaten."
54:40 He said, "It doesn't matter to me if I die and I'm eaten
54:43 by worms or if God wills that I'm eaten by cannibals
54:46 as long as I'm doing the will of God."
54:48 Well, he went to the Cannibal Isles
54:50 and brought many to Christ and died peacefully
54:52 in his old age.
54:54 Some of the ancient cannibal cultures believed
54:56 that when you killed
54:57 and when you devoured your enemy,
54:58 you would somehow take within you
55:00 their spiritual strengths or powers.
55:02 But that's really absurd,
55:04 but there is a kind of cannibalism
55:06 endorsed in scripture.
55:07 That's right.
55:08 Jesus said in John 6:53,
55:11 "Except you eat My flesh and drink My blood,
55:14 you have no life in you."
55:16 And you don't need these tools to do it.
55:18 What you need is to read His Word
55:20 and learn about His life,
55:21 accept by faith His sacrifice in your place,
55:24 and you can have a new heart and be a new creature.
55:26 You can even do it right now.
55:36 Did you know that Noah was present
55:38 at the birth of Abraham?
55:39 Okay, maybe he wasn't in the room,
55:42 but he was alive and probably telling stories
55:45 about his floating zoo.
55:47 From the creation of the world
55:48 to the last day events of Revelation,
55:51 is a free resource
55:53 where you can explore
55:54 major Bible events and characters.
55:57 Enhance your knowledge of the Bible
55:59 and draw closer to God's Word, go deeper.
56:02 Visit the Amazing Bible Timeline
56:04 at
56:18 On several occasions, scientists have demonstrated
56:21 that people, and even creatures,
56:23 can struggle with the depression
56:25 when exposed to continual darkness.
56:27 This can be seen every year in the winter months
56:29 in the Arctic regions.
56:32 The beautiful village of Rjukan, Norway
56:34 is situated in a deep valley where mountains
56:37 block the sun's rays for about six months every year.
56:40 This, of course, keeps the 3,400 residents
56:43 in a state of shade
56:44 and sometimes depressing darkness throughout the winter.
56:48 Then the town leaders got a bright idea
56:50 to help illuminate their village
56:51 during the murky months.
56:54 In October, 2013, Rjukan installed on array
56:58 of three gigantic 550 square foot mirrors
57:02 on the nearby mountain, a 1,000 feet above the town.
57:06 The computer control and solar-powered mirrors
57:09 track the sun through the winter months
57:11 and reflect that giant beam of sunshine
57:14 down to the Town Square brightening their lives.
57:18 If you visit Rjukan in the winter months today,
57:20 you can often see the people gathered or sitting on benches
57:23 around the Town Square bathing in the reflected sun shining.
57:28 Like those mirrors on the mountain,
57:30 the Bible says that
57:31 Christians are to reflect the light of Jesus
57:33 who is the light of the world into this dark planet.
57:36 Matthew 5:14 says,
57:38 "You are the light of the world.
57:39 A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
57:42 Nor do we light a lamp and put it under a basket,
57:45 but on a lampstand,
57:46 and it illuminates everybody in the house.
57:49 Let your light so shine before men
57:52 that they may see your good works
57:53 and glorify your Father in Heaven."
57:56 So, friends, use today
57:58 to brighten the life of someone else
58:00 by reflecting Jesus.


Revised 2018-09-05