Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021835A

00:35 Good morning, friends.
00:36 Welcome again to Sabbath School Study Hour
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church
00:40 in Sacramento, California.
00:42 A very warm welcome
00:43 to our online members and those who are joining us
00:45 across the country and around the world
00:47 and the various television networks,
00:49 we're delighted that you're here with us
00:51 to study our lesson together.
00:53 Also, the members and the visitors
00:55 as usual here at the Granite Bay church,
00:56 always a warm welcome to you.
00:58 Good to see you here this morning.
01:00 We've been sending through the book of Acts,
01:02 that's been out theme for the entire quarter.
01:04 Today, we find ourselves on lesson number nine,
01:07 which is entitled The Second Missionary Journey.
01:10 So we'll deal with that in more detail this morning.
01:13 But before we get to our lesson,
01:15 we'd like to let our friends know of a free offer,
01:18 it is a sermon DVD by Pastor Doug
01:21 entitled Spurning a Great Invitation.
01:24 And this is our free offer for today.
01:26 If you'd like to receive this DVD,
01:28 you'd want to give us a call on our resource phone line,
01:31 that's 866-788-3966,
01:35 and you can ask for offer number 854.
01:38 We'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
01:41 You can also receive this sermon DVD
01:43 in a digital format simply by texting the code
01:47 "SH103" to the number 40544.
01:54 You'll then receive an email link
01:55 where you can download this sermon DVD,
01:58 and I think it will be a great blessing to you.
02:01 Well, before we get to our lesson study,
02:03 we always like to begin
02:04 with lifting our voices in song.
02:06 I'd like to invite our song leaders
02:08 to come forward.
04:34 At this time, Pastor Ross will have our opening prayer.
04:39 Dear Father in heaven, once again, we are so grateful
04:41 for the opportunity to gather to get in your house,
04:44 open up Your Word and study.
04:46 Lord, this is an important subject
04:47 and the great commission
04:48 has been given to us individually
04:50 to take the gospel to those nearest to us
04:53 and then to some of us
04:54 to take the gospel around the world
04:56 and pray that we might be inspired
04:58 and instructed as we look at Paul's example
05:01 that we find in the book of Acts.
05:02 Bless our time together
05:04 for we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
05:07 This morning, our lesson will be brought to us
05:09 by Pastor Dough Bachelor.
05:11 Good morning, friends.
05:13 I want to welcome any who are visiting
05:15 could be just my imagination,
05:17 it seems like we have a lot of visitors
05:19 from around different parts of California in the country,
05:22 we're glad you're here worshipping with us
05:24 at the Granite Bay Church studying the Word with us.
05:26 I want to welcome our extended Sabbath school class
05:30 that's watching on television,
05:31 and we've got a great lesson today from the book of Acts.
05:34 Our focus is going to be today
05:36 to read Acts 16 and 17 and 18
05:42 through about verse 11.
05:44 A lot of adventures happened in here.
05:46 We're dealing with Paul's Second Missionary Journey.
05:50 And there's three principle ones that it talks about,
05:53 we're talking of the second journey today.
05:55 And we have a memory verse.
05:56 The memory verse is from Acts 18:9 and 10.
06:01 I always feel more secure if you say it with me,
06:04 that's Acts 18:9 and 10.
06:07 I'm reading it from the New King James here.
06:08 Do you have it?
06:11 "Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision,
06:15 'Do not be afraid,
06:17 but speak and do not keep silent,
06:20 for I am with you,
06:21 and no one will attack you to hurt you,
06:23 for I have many people in this city.'"
06:26 And He makes that promise in Acts 18
06:30 because in Acts 16 he is attacked.
06:33 And so God was trying to encourage Paul,
06:35 "Don't be bashful about preaching,"
06:37 He says, "I'm with you,
06:38 I've got a lot of people in the city."
06:40 They did attack Sosthenes, his friend,
06:42 but didn't attack Paul.
06:43 God protected him.
06:44 Anyway we're going to learn a lot about this.
06:48 And why don't you go with me in your Bibles
06:50 to the book of Acts 16,
06:52 we'll be doing well if we can get through it all.
06:54 Acts 16, I'm going to start right with verse 1.
07:00 And it says, "And then he came to Derby and Lystra,
07:03 and, behold, a certain disciple was there named Timothy,
07:06 the son of a certain Jewish woman,
07:08 who believed, but his father was a Greek,
07:11 and he was well spoken of by the brethren
07:13 who were at Lystra and Iconium."
07:16 Now it doesn't say much about how Paul got to Jerusalem
07:22 or how he got from Jerusalem back up to Lystra,
07:25 you can read at the end of chapter 15.
07:27 It says, "Paul chose Silas and departed
07:29 being commended by their brethren..."
07:31 I mean, the Acts 15:14,
07:34 "Being commanded by the brethren and departed.
07:38 And he went through Syria and Sicilia
07:41 strengthening the churches."
07:43 So it doesn't go into everything he said
07:46 in every church that he visited along the way,
07:48 but it's kind of taking up the narrative now
07:51 with a new experiences in new churches.
07:53 So as he went from church to church
07:55 going from Jerusalem back through Antioch
07:57 he makes his way up to the Lystra
07:59 and he's been strengthening
08:01 the churches that he had established,
08:03 you read in other places that he went,
08:04 he's appointing elders.
08:06 And if they needed a change in leadership
08:08 or more leadership, he would help there.
08:10 But he was in a hurry to get on and do more what?
08:14 Paul is an Itinerant evangelist, he's a missionary,
08:17 he wants to get on and do more mission work.
08:20 Now with a little bit of sadness
08:23 in the Bachelor family this week,
08:26 now all the kids left than this
08:28 little more than a year ago,
08:30 Nathan came home for the summer
08:32 and he's taking a year off of college
08:33 and he's going to do "mission" work.
08:36 And he's going to be part of the church mission program
08:39 and we had took him to the airport,
08:40 actually Karen took him to the airport
08:41 yesterday morning,
08:43 and he's flying to the Marshall Islands
08:45 in the South Pacific place called Majuro,
08:49 we're going to pray for him.
08:51 In Bible times,
08:52 they did not take jets to islands
08:54 when they went to do mission work.
08:57 They took very slow boats.
09:00 And the cabins were not very comfortable.
09:05 And the accommodations were very primitive.
09:08 And sometimes 50% of the missionaries
09:10 would die of scurvy or disease or shipwreck
09:14 before they ever got to their mission fields.
09:16 So going to do mission work in Paul's day
09:19 took a great deal of courage.
09:21 Let me just read you just so you get your mind
09:24 kind of wrapped around what's involved in it.
09:26 Paul's account, now Paul is writing to the Corinthians
09:29 and he's actually arguing a different point,
09:32 but listen to how he describes what he had been through,
09:36 and in some of his missionary journeys
09:38 and then not over yet.
09:39 Go to 2 Corinthians 11:23.
09:42 I think Debbie referred to this in her comments.
09:45 2 Corinthians 11:23.
09:48 "Are they ministers of Christ?
09:50 I speak as a fool," you see, I'm getting ready to brag.
09:53 I'm talking like a fool.
09:54 "I am more, in labors more abundant,
09:58 in stripes above measure."
09:59 I've been whipped so many times,
10:01 can't even count, "In prisons, more frequently."
10:04 It's like can you see all the missionaries
10:06 in Christ's time getting together
10:07 and say, "Oh, what you guys have been doing?"
10:09 "Oh, well, I've been in six prisons."
10:10 "Six? I've been in eight prisons."
10:12 I mean, this is the kind of thing
10:13 that says I was in prisons, not prison,
10:16 prisons more frequently.
10:19 "I've been arrested so many times in deaths,"
10:21 not death, "deaths often from the Jews 5 times,
10:27 40 stripes minus 1,"
10:28 he doesn't even talk about the gentiles.
10:31 "Three times I was beaten with rods.
10:33 Once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked."
10:38 So there you have it again,
10:39 going as you travel on these missionary trips.
10:41 Every time you got on a boat, it was dangerous.
10:45 Yeah, of course, how did Jonah's journey end?
10:49 You remember reading about where was a King Jehoshaphat
10:52 went to build ships with the king of Israel,
10:54 and they were all shipwrecked, the whole venture was lost.
10:58 And so it was a risky business.
11:00 "Shipwrecked three times, a night and a day,
11:04 I have been in the deep," he floated around in the ocean.
11:07 "In journeys often in perils of water,
11:11 in perils of robbers, in perils of my own countrymen,
11:14 in perils of the Gentiles, in perils in the city,
11:18 in perils in the wilderness."
11:20 You could say he had a city and a country ministry.
11:22 "In perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren,
11:26 in weariness and toil,
11:28 in sleeplessness often in hunger and thirst,
11:31 in fasting often, in cold and nakedness.
11:34 Besides all of these things what comes upon me daily,
11:37 my deep concern for all the churches."
11:40 So Paul comes from missionary journey number one,
11:43 he gets to Jerusalem, he checks into a hotel,
11:45 and he gets a hot shower and a nice meal.
11:48 And someone says, "Are you ready
11:49 for missionary journey number two?"
11:52 How many of you were signed up for number two?
11:55 Let alone three? You couldn't stop him.
11:59 He said,
12:00 "You know, I feel constrained to preach Christ."
12:05 It was his hunger to do this.
12:08 And so when you think
12:10 about going on one of these mission trips,
12:12 he was in such a hurry to get on to new places.
12:15 And then you look
12:16 at how they picked the different places,
12:18 you'll see as we read on, he did not have invitations,
12:24 he did not have, you know, now you can book a room ahead,
12:28 and, you know, you've got a place to stay
12:29 when you get there.
12:30 Of course, that's not always true,
12:32 Karen booked a room this week, and she got to San Francisco,
12:34 and they said, "Ah, didn't go through,
12:35 there's no room at the end."
12:39 And so but, you know, he would go to a town,
12:42 and they would just be praying,
12:44 "Lord, open an opportunity for me to preach here."
12:47 Didn't know where they were going to preach.
12:49 And so that took great faith back then.
12:53 And so with that introduction,
12:57 "Then they came to Derby and Lystra,
12:59 and behold a certain disciple was there named Timothy,"
13:02 you know, he comes up a lot in the Bible,
13:04 this is where he's first introduced,
13:06 "The son of a Jewish woman who believed,
13:08 but his father was a Greek."
13:11 Now does a Bible say something is wrong
13:14 with believers marrying unbelievers?
13:18 Answer me, please.
13:20 I just commented, no, it's not very popular
13:22 because it does happen,
13:23 but the Bible says
13:24 you should not be unequally yoked together,
13:26 Paul said that, but did it happen?
13:29 And as the Jews were scattered among the Gentiles,
13:32 it was a little more common.
13:34 So here you have an example of a woman,
13:35 but she must have been a devoted woman
13:38 because she and her mother
13:39 spent a lot of time teaching Timothy.
13:42 Matter of fact, I'm going to have someone
13:43 read a verse for me.
13:44 Will you do that in just a moment, Katrina?
13:45 You're going to have 2 Timothy.
13:47 Let me read a couple of verses first,
13:51 and then in the 2 Timothy 1:5, "When I call to remembrance..."
13:56 Paul is writing to Timothy of course.
13:58 "When I call to remembrance
13:59 the genuine faith that is in you,
14:02 which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois
14:05 and in your mother Eunice, I am persuaded is in you also."
14:10 This is unusual because so often in the Bible
14:12 it doesn't even name the mother let alone the grandmother,
14:16 but these must have been two women that had great faith.
14:18 You know what else that tells me,
14:19 not only was Timothy a believer in Jesus
14:22 but his Jewish mother and his Jewish grandmother,
14:25 they must have also been part of the churches
14:27 'cause they're mentioned by name.
14:28 What else? Go ahead, read that for us in 2 Timothy 3:15.
14:32 "And that from childhood,
14:34 you have known the Holy Scriptures,
14:35 which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith
14:39 which is in Christ Jesus."
14:41 So Timothy even as a very young man,
14:45 he was committed to the Word, he knew the Word,
14:48 he had been taught it.
14:50 And it tells us...
14:55 He must've been very young men
14:57 'cause even later about 10 years after this,
15:00 Paul says don't let anyone despise your youth.
15:03 And he's already been working with Paul for 10 years.
15:06 But then again, you know, I notice now
15:08 I'm calling 40-year olds young men as you get older,
15:12 everything's just a matter of perspective
15:14 as you're looking forward or looking back.
15:16 How important is it to teach people
15:18 when they're young the Word of God?
15:22 What's one of the great commandments?
15:24 How many of you know what the Shimei is?
15:26 That's that declaration
15:27 that you find there in Deuteronomy 6,
15:30 "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one.
15:32 Thou shall love the Lord with all your heart,
15:33 mind, soul, and strength."
15:35 And then Jesus adds
15:36 you should love your neighbors as yourself
15:37 quoting Leviticus 19:18.
15:41 But read on a little further,
15:43 and it tells us how you show your love for God.
15:46 And you read Deuteronomy 6:6 and 7,
15:48 "These words that I command you today..."
15:51 He had just repeated the Ten Commandments
15:53 in Deuteronomy 5.
15:54 "These words that I command you today
15:56 shall be in your heart," how do you get them there?
15:59 "You shall teach them diligently to your children,
16:02 you shall talk of them when you sit in your house,
16:05 when you walk by the way, when you lay down,
16:08 and when you rise up."
16:10 I was thinking about this this week,
16:12 and so Nathan was packing for his trip.
16:14 And I said, "Nathan, third commandment, tell me."
16:18 And he stopped and thinking about it
16:19 and then he quoted to you.
16:21 But that's kind of what it involves
16:24 in being a Christian parent is to just drill it in.
16:29 It says it's to be there
16:30 when you rise up in the morning worship,
16:31 when you lie down, evening worship,
16:33 when you walk by the way,
16:34 just surround them with the Word of God.
16:38 You know, you can have scriptures up on the wall,
16:39 but pretty soon they don't notice that,
16:41 you need to talk to them.
16:42 Be teaching them... Teaching them how?
16:45 Diligently.
16:47 You know what diligently means?
16:49 It means to the point of perspiration,
16:52 aerobic teaching.
16:54 In other words, it's got to be deliberate,
16:56 teaching them the Word of God, putting in them,
16:57 helping them to memorize scripture.
17:00 You know, you'd be surprised, but we don't challenge I think
17:05 a lot of the young people to remember the Word today
17:08 the way they used to.
17:09 Now my father, who kind of became an agnostic
17:12 later in life after World War II,
17:14 but he was raised a Baptist.
17:17 And years later, he gave me the New Testament
17:19 that the issue of the servicemen.
17:21 You know, when you're a serviceman,
17:22 they used to give you a New Testament with Psalms,
17:25 maybe Psalms and Proverbs,
17:27 and they give that to all the service men.
17:29 And I think the Jewish service men,
17:32 they might give them a Jewish prayer book.
17:35 And then he gave me his book that he had
17:37 in Baptist Sunday School in Oklahoma,
17:40 and he got an award for memorizing the Beatitudes.
17:45 I thought he never would have thought
17:47 that my dad had gotten an award for memorizing the Beatitudes.
17:53 How many of you could recite the Beatitudes right now?
17:57 How many could recite the Ten Commandments
18:00 without making a mistake?
18:03 Oh, God, I could see a couple hands.
18:05 One of them was a pastor's daughter,
18:07 Sherry.
18:09 I think I could do it. But I'm a pastor you're saying.
18:11 But shouldn't we be able to do that?
18:14 I think Jesus probably had that.
18:16 And it wasn't by any supernatural ability,
18:18 it's because His mother taught Him.
18:19 I think Jesus had the book of Deuteronomy memorized.
18:24 We had a young man that came to our Church
18:26 in Sacramento,
18:28 and the father said,
18:29 "He's memorized the whole book of Revelation."
18:32 So we had him stand up and do a demonstration,
18:34 a whole book of Revelation.
18:35 He says he's working on Daniel now.
18:38 My next door neighbor,
18:40 before we moved to where we're at now,
18:42 had the entire New Testament memorized.
18:47 And so don't tell me you can't do it.
18:51 Now if you spend all your time
18:53 surfing Facebook and watching TV,
18:55 you're probably going to have a hard time doing it.
18:58 They didn't have that to contend with 100 years ago.
19:02 But there's so many areas, so much other dribble
19:04 we fill our brains with today,
19:06 when we ought to be storing the Word of God.
19:07 Timothy had a great command for the Word
19:10 even as a young man,
19:11 he was made an elder in the church
19:13 because of his commitment to God
19:16 in the command of the Word of God he had.
19:17 All right, I haven't gotten very far.
19:20 Keep going. Go to verse...
19:23 Let me see here. Go to verse 4.
19:26 "And as I went through the cities..."
19:27 Well, wait a second here,
19:28 I want to go back up a little bit.
19:29 And Paul wanting to have him go with him,
19:31 he's wanting him to now join hands Silas
19:33 on this missionary trip,
19:34 he took him and circumcised him
19:36 because of the Jews who were in that region
19:38 for they all knew that he was a Greek.
19:40 Now this is a very important point
19:42 because you read in chapter15...
19:45 We're in Acts 16 now, in 15,
19:49 they said circumcision was or was not required?
19:53 Not required.
19:54 And later, Paul says circumcision is nothing,
19:56 uncircumcision is nothing.
19:58 And then he tells the Galatians how have you fallen from grace
20:01 and that you're requiring circumcision.
20:02 After all that, Paul says about that, "What's with this?"
20:06 He circumcised everything.
20:08 It says because of the Jews that were there.
20:10 That means look,
20:11 if it's going to be a stumbling block
20:13 and Timothy said, "Look I'm willing,
20:14 my mother's Jewish,
20:16 if it will help me minister to the Jews,
20:18 let's get it over with."
20:20 So he says, you know, become all things to all people
20:22 that you might read some for Christ.
20:24 I'll tell you quick story, I may have told you already.
20:27 Pastor Doug nearly divided the church one time
20:30 over the subject of ties, not tithes,
20:35 ties like I'm wearing
20:38 because I don't believe in artificial ornamentation.
20:43 I don't wear jewelry.
20:44 And I think that your clothing ought to be practical.
20:48 And when I first learned these things,
20:49 I was very idealistic and I said,
20:51 "Please explain to me, you say don't wear jewelry,
20:53 why you wearing a tie?"
20:56 You can't give me a good reason.
20:59 As it just chokes you to death,
21:01 they don't get washed very often,
21:03 they probably carry all kinds of pathogens,
21:06 and you could start a pandemic with your tie,
21:09 and just drags in your food,
21:10 and you wear it in the next day and the next day,
21:12 and cuts off the circulation.
21:14 And what man would want to start the day
21:16 by putting a noose around his neck.
21:17 I said there's no good reason to wear a tie.
21:20 And I was very eloquent in making an argument for that
21:23 as you can tell.
21:24 And so I went around among the churches
21:27 and said, "Why do we wear tie?
21:28 You don't have to..."
21:29 Now this is all happening
21:30 in the context of the pastor in our church
21:32 that invited me to preach, I'm a layman now.
21:34 I'm just a layman in the church.
21:36 And I said, "You said you'll need to wear ties."
21:37 I said, "Why?" I was indignant.
21:40 It says here, you say no jewelry.
21:41 You say, you got to wear a tie."
21:43 He said, "Show me that verse."
21:46 And I managed to split the whole church over a tie.
21:51 I mean, it wasn't ugly, but, you know.
21:54 And then something happened,
21:55 I had also been visiting a local Assembly of God church,
22:00 and I was very involved in,
22:01 you know, visiting different churches,
22:03 and so I wanted to convert the world back then.
22:06 And I'd come out of Sunday churches not long before,
22:09 so I still was comfortable visiting there
22:11 and studying with them.
22:12 And the pastor actually said Pastor Dwayne was his name.
22:17 He said, "Look, Doug,
22:18 how'd you like to preach next Sunday?"
22:21 I thought I'd love to preach.
22:24 And then after we talked a little bit about it,
22:25 he said, "Now, you know, you'll need to wear a tie."
22:30 I was like, "Oh, man."
22:32 You know, I was going to waste my time
22:33 trying to argue with the principle of ties here
22:37 and God convicted me that look,
22:39 "If you get to hang a piece of cloth around your neck,
22:41 it's not going to hurt you in order to reach people
22:43 or if the culture feels like it's a sign of respect
22:47 and propriety, and just do it."
22:50 And you know what I'm saying,
22:52 become all things that all men that you might...
22:55 I'm not waiting for ties to go out of fashion,
22:57 it's happening slowly,
22:58 and I'll be very glad when it's complete.
23:00 But anyway, so Paul, he circumcised Timothy,
23:05 so it won't be a stumbling block
23:06 to the Jews he's visiting.
23:08 And they went through the cities...
23:09 I'm in Acts 16:4.
23:12 "And they delivered to them the decrees
23:14 which were determined by the Apostles
23:15 and elders of Jerusalem."
23:17 Remember in Acts 15, they said,
23:18 "Tell the Gentiles that we're not going to require
23:22 that they keep the ceremonial laws,
23:23 they don't have to continue with circumcision,
23:26 but they're to obey the Ten Commandments,
23:28 they are to obey the health laws."
23:29 Remember among the things they said abstain from blood.
23:32 That was in the category of the health laws.
23:34 And so they sent them communicating
23:37 what of these things they were to still observe
23:41 and to keep themselves from fornication and so forth.
23:46 And so they're sharing these things with them
23:47 and they're going through these parts of Asia Minor.
23:52 And the churches were strengthened
23:53 and they increased in number daily.
23:57 "Now when they've gone through Phrygia,
23:58 the region of the Galatia,
24:01 they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit
24:04 to preach the Word and in Asia, after they'd come to Mysia,
24:10 they'd tried to go to Bithynia,
24:12 but the Spirit did not permit them."
24:13 So it's almost like dark,
24:14 people in a room trying to find a door,
24:17 they say, "Now, Lord, where do you want us to go?"
24:18 They didn't have their itinerary all mapped out.
24:21 They're being led by the spirit
24:23 where to go from place to place in their mission work.
24:26 So little frustrated,
24:27 I don't know exactly how the Spirit prevented them,
24:29 it's just may had no peace in their heart
24:31 or when they made preparations that everything fell through,
24:34 but have you ever had those experiences
24:36 where you think you're supposed to do something,
24:38 as you attempt to do, it's like everything goes wrong,
24:40 it just doesn't feel right and you say,
24:41 "Yeah, I don't think
24:42 that's where I'm supposed to go."
24:44 And then they try something else
24:45 and it just doesn't feel right.
24:47 Now I know how that feels
24:51 because every year Amazing Facts needs to plan.
24:56 I mean, pastors in a church,
24:57 you kind of know from week to week,
24:58 you plan your preaching schedule and stuff,
25:00 and you know where you're going to be.
25:02 But Amazing Facts, we're planning overseas,
25:04 mission work, and evangelism, we have so many invitations,
25:07 we don't know which ones,
25:09 we say, "Lord, we can't go to all these invitations."
25:12 I remember I'd go to any invitation,
25:13 I'm so thankful,
25:15 I got an invitation to speak to 20 people in Texas.
25:18 I drove across the country.
25:19 Praise the Lord, there's 20 people
25:20 that will listen to me.
25:22 But, you know, as time goes by
25:24 and you get all these invitations,
25:25 you say, "I want to be economical,
25:26 Lord, where do you want us to go."
25:28 And we really pray the Holy Spirit guides us.
25:31 And so as we get these invitations,
25:33 I know I frustrate some of the people
25:35 around the world that invite us
25:37 I say, "Well, let me put it down or pray about it."
25:39 And I really pray and we look for openings.
25:42 We look for providential openings,
25:44 we look for openings where there can be synergy,
25:48 can we mix this program with some evangelism training,
25:50 where are we going to get the greatest results.
25:53 And so we're always looking for the Spirit to guide.
25:55 I remember one time, years ago,
25:59 I had a dream about going to India.
26:03 This is the truth. I dreamed I was preaching in India.
26:06 I'd never been to India.
26:08 The next day, a man asked
26:10 if he could have lunch with me during the camp meeting,
26:11 he said, "Please, please talk to me."
26:13 I said, "Okay."
26:14 I'll just have lunch with him, he's very persistent.
26:15 I went meet...
26:16 Well, he is an Indian gentleman.
26:18 He said, "We want you to come to India."
26:21 I said, "Well, this is strange."
26:23 And then more he talked about it,
26:25 the doors just all opened up
26:26 and we ended up doing 40 days of evangelism in Madras.
26:31 At the time, it was one of the biggest meetings
26:33 that had been done in India.
26:34 We just saw the providential opening.
26:36 Now I don't always have dreams.
26:37 That's one of the few times I have.
26:39 But so you look for openings.
26:41 They were doing this, I suppose
26:42 in the Holy Spirit was just shutting certain doors
26:44 and so while he's wondering what do we do,
26:49 Paul in the night has a vision.
26:52 I'm in verse 9,
26:54 "A vision appeared to Paul in the night,
26:56 a man of Macedonia stood there and pleaded with him,
27:00 saying, 'Come over to Macedonia, and help us.'"
27:04 This is the northern part of Greece
27:05 and they're in Asia Minor now or turkey area.
27:09 And after we'd seen the vision, immediately we saw
27:12 and made plans to go to Macedonia,
27:13 and now something happened here, who caught it?
27:17 Something very big just happened in the book of Acts.
27:21 Did you miss it? Did it slip by?
27:24 Let me see, read some to you again.
27:33 Go to Acts 16:8.
27:35 "So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas.
27:39 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night,
27:41 a man of Macedonia stood pleading with him,
27:44 saying, 'Come over to us, and help us.'
27:46 Now after he had seen the vision immediately we..."
27:51 Now the book of Acts has transitioned
27:53 from Luke writing "they" to Luke writing "we."
27:58 What does that tell you?
28:01 Suddenly, Luke is in the picture.
28:04 From here on, Luke is with Paul in all of his travels,
28:08 it just changed everything else before this point is they,
28:12 now after he has this vision
28:13 of a man in Macedonia, he says we.
28:16 Some have wondered does this mean
28:19 who is the man that he saw in Macedonia.
28:23 Was it Luke?
28:24 Well, the problem is Luke is now still travelling
28:26 with him to Macedonia.
28:28 So he hasn't gone there yet.
28:29 Luke could have been a Macedonian physician.
28:32 Luke is probably
28:33 one of the only Gentile writers of the Bible
28:37 with the exception of a small passage
28:38 written by Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 5
28:41 or sorry, is it 4?
28:45 But the rest of the Bible is written by Jews.
28:48 So it could have been Luke is this man who pled,
28:51 and then Paul saw him the next day,
28:53 and he says, "Will you please come with us?"
28:55 And he's the man I saw in the vision
28:56 and they went together to Macedonia."
28:58 And Luke is with them from there on
29:00 through the rest of the book of Acts.
29:02 Ain't that interesting?
29:03 So many people miss that,
29:04 it says, "They, they, they, they, we."
29:07 And then from now on,
29:08 it's "We went here, we went there."
29:10 So I think I made that point, we'll move on.
29:14 Go to verse 10.
29:17 And it says here,
29:18 "Now after he had seen the vision
29:20 immediately we sought to go to Macedonia
29:22 concluding the Lord had called us
29:24 to preach the gospel to them.
29:26 Therefore sailing from Troas,
29:28 we ran a straight course to Samothrace,
29:31 and the next day we came to Neapolis,
29:34 and from there to Philippi which is the foremost city
29:36 in that part of Macedonia, a colony."
29:38 When it says a colony it means it's a Roman colony,
29:41 the Romans had a cultural center there.
29:46 "And we were staying in that city for some days.
29:49 And on the Sabbath day
29:50 we went out of the city to the riverside,
29:52 where prayer was customarily made."
29:53 Now we're in the section,
29:55 the section that's dealing with Philippi
29:56 in the Sabbath school lesson.
29:59 "A place where prayer was customarily made...
30:01 Now wait a second,
30:02 why did you say on the Sabbath day?
30:03 I thought they'd given up on the Sabbath.
30:06 It's not a Sabbath in a synagogue.
30:08 It's a Sabbath by riverside.
30:10 People say, "Well, the only reason that Paul
30:13 and Silas and Barnabas,
30:14 they went to the synagogues on the Sabbath
30:16 is because that's where the Jews went."
30:18 But here it says on the Sabbath,
30:19 we went out of the city to a river.
30:23 It doesn't say on the Jewish Sabbath.
30:26 All through the book of Acts
30:28 whenever Luke talks about the Sabbath,
30:29 Luke being a Gentile, he always refers to it
30:31 as a Sabbath still recognized by Christians.
30:35 It would be very easy for him
30:37 to try to explain to Gentile readers,
30:38 this is a special Jewish holiday, but he doesn't.
30:42 He says it is though
30:43 this is something all Christians know about
30:45 'cause it's our day of rest.
30:46 He never says that on the first day,
30:49 we now begin to keep a holy day.
30:53 "So we go out of the city by the riverside
30:56 or customary place to pray.
31:00 And we sat down and we spoke to the women who met there.
31:05 Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us,
31:09 and she was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira
31:12 who worshipped God."
31:14 Now it could be
31:15 that she worshipped the Jewish God,
31:16 she could have been Jewish, we don't know,
31:20 could be one reason
31:21 that they were gathered on that time.
31:23 "The Lord opened her heart
31:25 to heed the things spoken by Paul,"
31:27 it says he sat down and spoke to them.
31:28 What do you think they spoke to him about?
31:30 They're talking to them about
31:31 how Jesus was the Messiah, right?
31:34 Now she's a seller of purple.
31:37 In Bible times, this Royal Purple was gathered
31:41 and they still do it today by collecting mollusks,
31:46 shellfish that grow in certain places,
31:48 and it is a very intensive process
31:51 to get them to excrete, they heat them up
31:54 and they excrete is very deep rich purple color,
31:57 it is worth more than gold.
32:00 So when it says that Lydia is a seller of purple,
32:02 she may also be a person of means.
32:05 It was common in Bible times
32:07 for people to specialize in different colors.
32:11 Rahab and her family may have had a cottage ministry
32:14 of scarlet, making dying scarlet.
32:17 And if you ever heard of cochineal red,
32:21 cochineal red,
32:22 the Native Americans would sell these beans
32:27 to the Spanish conquistadores that they would crush,
32:30 and it produced a very bright red,
32:35 and the British would buy it and pay a lot of money for it
32:38 because they use it to dye the coats of their soldiers.
32:42 And that actually came
32:43 from the deserts of the southwest.
32:46 So it made a long trip
32:47 to get the deepest, richest red.
32:52 For years, people thought
32:53 they were these tiny cedar bean,
32:54 it's actually a beetle,
32:57 they're cochineal beetles, and they would crush them,
32:59 and produce this very bright red dye.
33:01 Well, it was very time-intensive to get it.
33:04 Again, it was almost worth its weight in gold.
33:06 Lydia could have because she's a seller of purple
33:10 could have been very wealthy, she had a big home,
33:12 she takes the Apostles in, she's taking in at least Paul,
33:15 and Silas, and Timothy into her home.
33:17 They use that as their beachhead,
33:19 this is what Jesus said, "Go out two by two
33:22 in whatever home they receive you, there stay.
33:24 Don't go from house to house,
33:26 but find a home where you can get settled
33:28 and work out of that place in the home."
33:31 Lydia said, "Look, if I found the grace of the Lord..."
33:34 She opened her heart, she opened her household,
33:37 she was baptized, she begged a saint,
33:39 "If you have judged me to be faithful.
33:42 And you have come into my house, stay."
33:44 So she persuaded us.
33:46 You know to say they always urged them to come in.
33:49 "Now it happened as we went to prayer
33:51 that a certain slave girl
33:52 possessed with the spirit of divination met us
33:55 who brought her masters much profit
33:57 by fortune telling."
33:59 I drove by a place of business in Rockland,
34:04 there's several roundabouts there and Rockland
34:06 on the Pacific drive or near there
34:09 and one of them says Psychic, place looks very ominous,
34:13 it's all like dark lettering.
34:16 And there are people
34:18 I think that are in league with the enemy
34:20 that at least some of are probably charlatans,
34:23 some of them may seem to have
34:25 some kind of supernatural insights.
34:27 This girl really did have a spirit.
34:31 "And she begins to follow Paul up and down the street,
34:35 Paul and Silas,
34:36 and she's crying out after them,
34:37 she points them,
34:39 and she cries out and advertises,
34:41 'These men are the servants of the most high God
34:43 who proclaim to us the way of salvation.'"
34:47 Do you want the devil doing your advertising
34:48 doesn't it kind of give you a bad association.
34:52 Did the Devils do that to Jesus, too?
34:56 When Jesus was preaching in the synagogue,
34:57 this demon-possessed man said, "I know who you are
35:00 you're Jesus, the Son of God."
35:02 And they would call him out.
35:04 And then Jesus cast out the devils.
35:05 Well, Paul is having the same problem.
35:07 He didn't want advertising from the devil.
35:10 "And Paul greatly annoyed, he put up with it for a while
35:14 he finally turns around he says to the spirit,"
35:17 not talking to the girl.
35:19 "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ
35:21 to come out of her."
35:23 Now right there is...
35:26 I don't do special seminars on how to cast out devils,
35:29 but if I ever do encounter someone
35:32 that you're convinced as demon-possessed,
35:35 don't engage them in dialogue.
35:37 I hear about these people that say
35:38 they've got special exorcism ministries
35:40 and they talk to the devils, they interview the devils.
35:42 And the Bible...
35:44 The only time it ever happened
35:46 Jesus simply asked one question,
35:47 he said, "What is your name?"
35:49 for our benefit so we would know
35:50 that bad man was possessed by a legion of devils.
35:53 But don't engage the devil,
35:54 that's how Eve got in trouble, right?
35:57 Kind of parley with the devil.
36:00 "And he said, 'Come out,'
36:02 and he came out that very hour and when her masters saw
36:07 that their hope of profit was gone
36:09 without the Spirit, she'd maybe accepted Christ
36:12 that ruined their gain, they became so upset."
36:16 Now this, you know, they've got a sex slave trade
36:20 in different countries, including North America
36:21 where there are people who we call pimps
36:24 that make money
36:26 off taking advantage of typically young ladies
36:31 and marketing them here with these people
36:34 that were spiritual pimps.
36:36 It's really what it amounts to.
36:38 It is they were using her spiritualistic skills
36:41 to make money.
36:42 And now she's been delivered from the devil
36:45 and the hope of their gain is gone.
36:48 And they get all upset.
36:50 And they seize Paul and Silas, I'm in verse 19.
36:54 "They dragged them into the marketplace
36:55 to the authorities,
36:57 and they brought them to the magistrates, and said,
36:59 'These men, being Jews, exceedingly trouble our city.'"
37:01 Now the Jews said,
37:02 "These men, being Christians..."
37:04 The Pagans say "These men, being Jews..."
37:06 Why?
37:07 Because there is very little difference in their mind
37:08 between the belief of the Christians and the Jews,
37:13 which is why it became very difficult for Christians
37:15 when the Jews rebelled against the Romans
37:18 because the Romans saw the Jews as they saw the Christians
37:21 as just a branch of Judaism,
37:24 they are another monotheistic branch of Judaism.
37:27 They said, "These men, being Jews,
37:30 do exceedingly trouble our city,
37:33 and they teach customs
37:34 that are not lawful for us to be in Romans to receive."
37:37 This is what they accuse Jesus of
37:39 when they brought him before Pilate.
37:41 "Then they multitude without examining
37:43 or getting a fair trial...
37:44 "Then the multitude rose up together against them,
37:46 the magistrate tore off their clothes
37:49 and commanded them to be beaten with rods."
37:52 That's a painful business.
37:54 I don't know if any of you remember,
37:55 a few years ago, a young American boy
37:57 who was probably a little entitled,
38:00 he broke some law in Singapore,
38:02 I think is name of Michael Fay,
38:05 and he was arrested.
38:07 And according to the law, he was to be beaten with a rod
38:10 which is a long bamboo pole,
38:12 and they strike you three or four times
38:14 on the small of the back of the back of the legs,
38:16 I forget.
38:17 And there was big outrage in America,
38:19 he had like spray graffiti on something,
38:21 I forgot what he did.
38:23 He did commit a crime,
38:24 and the Americans and the ambassadors,
38:27 everyone said, "This is barbaric.
38:28 How dare you don't do this?" And they fought it.
38:31 And the people in Singapore said, "This is our law.
38:33 He broke our law."
38:34 And he was beaten with rods. And it just raise...
38:36 It's very painful, raises a well,
38:38 but it will heal.
38:39 But it's very painful.
38:40 And so this is what they're doing now.
38:41 They're beating them with rods.
38:44 And it's not designed to kill you.
38:45 It's designed to extract just terrible shocking pain.
38:49 And when they had laid many stripes on them,
38:51 every time you strike, it's a big red welt.
38:54 "They threw them in prison,
38:56 commanding the jailer to keep them securely
38:59 having received such a charge and said,
39:01 'I'm not taking any chances.
39:03 I heard these apostles of escape from prison before.'
39:07 He put them in the inner prison
39:09 and fastened their feet in the stocks."
39:12 Now you'd be in a lot of pain if that had been done to you,
39:15 you're sore, you're uncomfortable.
39:19 It's dark, it stinks, it's unsanitary,
39:24 you can't say, "Hello, I need to go to the bathroom,"
39:27 they don't care.
39:29 I'll just leave that to your imagination.
39:30 So in these terrible, miserable conditions,
39:33 would you get discouraged?
39:35 I would.
39:36 I get discouraged if I got a dirty hotel room.
39:41 I was sure they would get discouraged, but did they?
39:43 No, they had suffered for Christ's sake.
39:45 And what does Jesus say you're supposed to do
39:47 if you suffer for Christ's sake?
39:48 "Rejoice and be exceedingly glad."
39:51 And it says, "At midnight," verse 25,
39:53 "Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God
39:56 and the prisoners were listening."
39:58 You know, when you're going through trials,
40:00 the prisoners are listening to how you respond.
40:02 When you going through a hard time,
40:04 there will be other people who are imprisoned by the devil
40:06 that will watch you as a Christian to see
40:08 how are you going to react to your trials.
40:10 Will you be positive?
40:11 Are you going to mope and mourn like everyone else
40:13 and be bitter and complain?
40:15 Or are you going to glorify God and be positive?
40:18 "And as they were singing praises to God
40:20 and the prisoners were listening to him
40:22 in astonishment.
40:23 Suddenly, there was a great earthquake.
40:26 So the foundations of the prison were shaken.
40:30 And immediately..."
40:31 It doesn't say it's a universal earthquake,
40:32 it's a prison earthquake.
40:35 "And immediately, all the doors were opened.
40:37 This is a very supernatural earthquake
40:39 caused by angels that unlock all the prison doors,
40:42 and everyone's chains were loose."
40:44 Have you ever seen an earthquake
40:46 that would undo handcuffs?
40:48 Is it clear to you
40:49 this is a supernatural specific earthquake?
40:53 And I don't miss the point that if you glorify God
40:56 in your darkness and trials,
40:59 God will use it as a means to liberate others
41:05 and yourself in the process.
41:08 Paul said, "I've learned in whatever state I am
41:10 to be content and to praise God even in your trials."
41:15 Jesus sang a hymn before He went to the cross.
41:17 You wonder how could he do that?
41:18 Peter, I'm sorry, Daniel got on his knees
41:20 and gave thanks before he went to the lion's den.
41:24 It takes a lot of faith to do that.
41:28 "Everyone's chains were loose,
41:29 then the keeper of the prison awakened from his sleep,
41:31 seeing the prison doors open
41:32 supposing the prisoners had fled,
41:34 he drew his sword
41:35 and was about to kill himself," why?
41:37 'Cause Roman law was if you lose a prisoner,
41:39 it's your life or their life.
41:42 "But Paul called and said with a loud voice,
41:44 'Do not do yourself no harm for we're all here.'"
41:47 Now he's just a jailer,
41:48 he's probably the one who would whip them.
41:50 For the Bible says, "Love your enemies."
41:52 And because Paul cared about him
41:56 instead of saying, "Well, that's good,
41:57 he whipped us, "Go ahead, stab yourself, I want to watch.
42:00 You're going to get what you deserve.
42:02 We weren't even tried and you beat us.
42:04 Couldn't have been better."
42:05 He cared about the man's soul,
42:06 he said, "Don't hurt yourself, we're all here."
42:09 They could have run forth, they didn't.
42:12 "And he called in for a light..."
42:16 you know, after you've heard the apostle sing,
42:19 light comes in,
42:20 "He ran, and he fell down
42:21 trembling before Paul and Silas."
42:23 It's just interesting reversal.
42:25 A little while ago,
42:27 Paul and Silas were trembling with pain
42:31 as he was beating them,
42:32 now he is trembling before them.
42:35 "And he brought them, and he says, "Sirs,
42:37 what must I do to be saved?"
42:38 How many of you would like to have
42:39 more people ask you that question?
42:42 I went to give a Bible study
42:44 to these families and neighbors years ago.
42:46 And I remember the wife is with tears in her eyes,
42:48 she says, "What do we need to do to be saved?"
42:50 Almost right out of the Bible.
42:52 And it was so wonderful to hear somebody
42:54 just ask me straight up.
42:55 I didn't have to get into Bible,
42:56 it was the first time there,
42:57 didn't have to get in the Bible study two or three,
42:59 "What do we need to do to be saved?"
43:01 And I was able to kneel with the husband and wife,
43:02 and pray with them, and talked about how to receive Christ.
43:06 "So they said, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,
43:09 and you will be saved, you and your household.'
43:12 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him."
43:14 So obviously, there's more in believing,
43:15 they teach them what's involved.
43:18 "He took them the same hour of the night,
43:20 washed their stripes that he had put on earlier,
43:23 and immediately he and all his family were baptized.
43:27 Now when he had brought them out into his house
43:29 he set food before him and he rejoiced
43:31 having believed in God with all his household."
43:33 He went from near suicide to rejoicing in one night
43:37 from hearing the Word.
43:39 Talk about an amazing the transformation.
43:43 "And when it was day,
43:44 the magistrates sent the officers, saying,
43:46 'Let those men go.'
43:48 So the keepers of the prison reported these words to Paul,
43:50 saying, 'The magistrates have sent to let you go.
43:53 Now therefore depart, and go in peace.'"
43:57 I just realized I took the verse
43:59 she was supposed to read.
44:00 I read it. Are you okay?
44:02 I got hypnotized by my own voice.
44:05 I got carried away.
44:09 It happened a long time ago too.
44:13 "So the magistrates come and say,
44:15 'Oh, you're free to go now.'
44:17 And the keeper of the prison reported
44:19 these words to Paul saying,
44:20 'The magistrates have sent to let you go.
44:22 Now therefore depart and go in peace,'
44:23 but Paul said to them,
44:25 'They've beaten us openly, uncondemned being Romans...'"
44:29 Now what did we just read about Philippi?
44:30 It was a Roman colony, it is ruled by Roman law,
44:32 and they were Romans in a Roman colony,
44:34 they should have been protected by the process.
44:37 They who have done this
44:40 could be prosecuted by the Romans
44:42 for beating a Roman untried.
44:45 And Paul knows this, Paul's half Roman.
44:47 He knows the law, uncondemned.
44:50 "They've thrown us and now
44:51 they're going to put us out secretly?
44:52 No indeed, let them come in cells and get us out.
44:57 And the officers told these words to the magistrates
45:00 and they were afraid
45:02 when they heard that they were Romans."
45:03 This happened twice in Paul's life.
45:06 "Then they came and pleaded with them,
45:08 and brought them out,
45:10 and they asked them to depart from the city."
45:11 Now why did Paul do that?
45:13 Did he do that just to be difficult?
45:15 Well, he did it partially because he wanted them to know
45:17 "You've just broken the law."
45:18 I think another reason he did it
45:19 is he had just established church in Philippi.
45:23 He was now going to let the magistrates know,
45:26 "I have leverage.
45:28 If I want to, I can report you to the Romans,
45:31 you do not bother this group,
45:32 you just whipped us because of our teachings.
45:34 You better not bother them or I'm going to the Romans
45:37 to say that you beat a Roman untried,
45:41 you condemn me,
45:42 I've got the welts on my back to prove it,"
45:44 and I think that he bought some peace
45:47 for the Philippian baby church
45:50 through that meeting with the magistrates.
45:52 What do you think?
45:53 So I think that's part of the reason he did that.
45:56 "So they came and pleaded with them and brought them out,
45:59 and they asked them to depart from the city.
46:01 All of a sudden the magistrates are very apologetic.
46:04 So they entered the house of Lydia,
46:07 and when they had seen the brethren,
46:08 they encouraged them and they departed."
46:10 They didn't leave the same day.
46:11 So they had strengthen the church
46:12 and they went on to establish another church.
46:16 Chapter 17.
46:18 "Now when they had passed through Amphipolis
46:21 and Apollonia,
46:22 they came to Thessalonica,
46:24 where there was a synagogue of the Jews.
46:26 Then Paul, as his custom was,
46:28 he went into them, and for three Sabbaths,
46:29 he reasoned with them from the Scriptures."
46:31 First, he'd go and gathered in the synagogues,
46:34 people already had the foundation for the truth,
46:36 "Explaining and demonstrating that Christ had to suffer
46:41 and rise again from the dead saying,
46:43 'This Jesus, who I preached you,
46:45 is the Christ,'
46:47 and some of them were persuaded,
46:48 and a great multitude of the devout Jews,
46:51 and not a few of the leading women,
46:52 joined Paul and Silas."
46:54 So some of the Jews,
46:55 a great multitude of the converted Jews, believed
46:58 and some of the women, they joined.
46:59 So immediately after his preaching,
47:01 they've got believers,
47:03 they get a church established there in Thessalonica,
47:06 but some did not believe.
47:08 Go to verse 5.
47:10 "But the Jews who were not persuaded
47:12 becoming envious..."
47:14 You know, what causes a lot of splits in the church?
47:17 Envy.
47:18 You know what's caused a lot of theological splits?
47:20 One pastor is jealous
47:22 of the other pastor has more listeners.
47:25 Why did they want to kill Jesus?
47:27 Pilate said he knew it was because of envy
47:31 that they had brought Christ to him.
47:33 They were jealous that Jesus had such crowds.
47:36 It was their pride.
47:38 "But the Jews who were not persuaded,
47:40 becoming envious,
47:41 took some of the evil men from the marketplace,
47:44 and gathering a mob, set all the city in an uproar
47:47 and attacked the house of Jason,
47:49 and sought to bring them out to the people.
47:51 But when they did not find them,
47:52 they dragged Jason and some brethren
47:54 to the rulers of the city, crying,
47:56 'These who have turned the world upside down
47:58 have come here too.''
48:00 So had Christians made some impact at this point?
48:03 Amen.
48:04 I mean, there must have been some truth to their accusation.
48:06 They've turned the world upside down.
48:09 Paul, and it wasn't just Paul going out,
48:11 Peters going out, 12 apostles are going out,
48:13 Barnabas and Mark are going out.
48:15 So there's different missionary groups
48:17 are fanning out from Jerusalem.
48:19 What happened to Pentecost?
48:20 Devout Jews out of every nation under heaven heard the gospel,
48:23 they went back home.
48:25 And so the teaching of Jesus
48:26 just began to permeate the Roman Empire.
48:29 Paul being one of the most outspoken,
48:31 we read about him in Acts,
48:33 but you can have Acts of the Apostles
48:35 written about Peter,
48:36 you can have an Acts of the Apostles
48:37 written about Thomas,
48:38 you can have an Acts of the Apostles
48:39 written about...
48:40 pick your favorite apostle.
48:43 They were all going out doing things.
48:45 And so it says, "They've turned the world upside down,
48:47 they've come here now.
48:50 And Jason is harbored them,
48:52 and these are all acting contrary
48:54 to the decrees of Caesar, saying there's another king,"
48:56 isn't that what they accused Jesus of?
48:58 He's saying they should worship another king.
49:01 "And they troubled the crowd in the rulers of the city,"
49:03 they get them all stirred up, "Where they heard these things.
49:06 So when they had taken security from them,
49:09 from Jason and the rest, they let them go."
49:12 Then...
49:13 Oh, I'm out of time.
49:15 Wow.
49:17 I didn't even get Paul to preach in Athens,
49:19 it's amazing
49:21 God providentially gives him an opportunity
49:23 to preach in the biggest arena in the Greek empire back then
49:28 but He gives him an audience and he preaches about Jehovah
49:31 using one of their altars to be unknown God.
49:33 It's a brilliant example of evangelism.
49:36 And then he eventually
49:38 after some success there in Athens,
49:40 he goes into Corinth and has great success there.
49:44 You'll read about that in Acts 18:1-11.
49:48 Of course, you've got 1 and 2 Corinthians
49:50 so you know that he established
49:51 some significant churches in Corinth.
49:53 I apologize I was hoping I could just read through it,
49:55 but I got involved
49:57 doing some sort of expository preaching.
49:59 Hope we learned something along the way.
50:01 Hey, I want to tell our friends before we sign off,
50:03 I want to remind you we do have a free offer.
50:06 And it's a message based on not missing
50:09 the great invitation of the gospel.
50:10 It's called Spurning a Great Invitation.
50:12 We'll send you a free DVD. It's actually...
50:14 I think it's DVD, yeah.
50:16 It's got the audio and the visual
50:18 ask for offer number 854 when you request this
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50:26 It translates into 866 Study More.
50:28 And if you want to get it digitally,
50:30 you can download this right now for free.
50:32 Simply go on your phone,
50:35 text "SH103" to 40544,
50:41 and you can then get a link
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50:46 God bless you, friends.
50:47 We'll study His Word together again next Sabbath.
50:51 Can't get enough Amazing Facts Bible Study?
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51:17 Visit
51:31 We're here on the beautiful coast
51:33 of the island of Puerto Rico.
51:35 And if you were to travel east about 2,000 miles,
51:38 of course you'd be out the middle of the ocean,
51:40 but you'd also be in the middle of a mystical sea
51:42 called the Sargasso Sea.
51:44 It gets its name
51:46 because of it is common brown seaweed
51:48 that can be found floating in vast mass.
51:52 The area of the Sargasso Sea is about 700 miles wide
51:56 and 2,000 miles long.
51:58 Now the seaweed itself is fascinating stuff.
52:01 It was first observed and called Gulf weed
52:03 by Christopher Columbus.
52:04 It gets the name Sargon from the Portuguese.
52:07 Some people use it as herbal remedies.
52:09 But out in the middle of the Sargasso Sea,
52:11 the water is some of the bluest in the world
52:14 'cause there you can see 200 feet deep in places.
52:18 It also has a great biodiversity an ecosystem
52:20 that surrounds the Saragossa Sea.
52:23 For years, scientists wondered
52:24 where the American and the Atlantic Eels
52:26 were breeding,
52:28 they knew the adult eel swam down the rivers
52:30 out into the Atlantic,
52:31 but they never could find a place
52:32 where they reproduce.
52:33 Finally they discovered
52:34 it was out in the middle of the Sargasso Sea.
52:37 So it's a fascinating place.
52:39 But if you are an ancient sailor,
52:41 you did not want to get stuck there.
52:45 Being caught in the doldrums
52:47 was extremely difficult for the ancient sailors.
52:50 Of course, their boats were driven by wind and sail,
52:53 and they'd be caught in the vast mats of the seaweed
52:56 that would wrap around the rudder,
52:57 barnacles would begin to grow.
52:59 It's an area that is notorious for light in baffling winds,
53:03 and so they'd make no progress, they'd get stuck.
53:06 The men would become extremely dispirited.
53:08 Sometimes violence
53:10 and even insanity would break out
53:11 as people were trapped in the doldrums.
53:14 Well, friends, perhaps sometimes
53:16 you felt that you're trapped in the doldrums.
53:18 You've gone through episodes of depression,
53:20 you feel like you're going in circles,
53:22 life seems stifling.
53:24 You know, the Bible offers good news.
53:26 There is a way out.
53:27 Bible talks about a famous character
53:29 that was trapped in a cycle of depression.
53:32 He was low as you could be.
53:34 Matter of fact, he even had seaweed
53:35 wrapped around his head.
53:36 His name was Jonah.
53:38 But God gave him a way of escape.
53:40 In Jonah 2:3-7, we read,
53:44 "For you cast me into the depths
53:46 into the heart of the seas and the flood surrounded me,
53:50 all of your billows and your waves passed over me.
53:53 Then I said, 'I have been cast out of your sight,
53:56 yet I will look again towards Your Holy temple.'
53:59 The waters surrounded me, even to my soul,
54:02 the deep closed around me.
54:04 Weeds were wrapped around my head.
54:06 I went down to the moorings of the mountains.
54:09 The earth with its bars closed behind me forever,
54:12 yet you've brought my life up from the pit,
54:15 O, Lord, my God.
54:17 When my soul fainted within me, I remember the Lord.
54:20 And my prayer went up to You into Your holy temple."
54:24 You know, friends, the way the Jonah
54:25 got out of the sturgeon circumstance,
54:28 he turned to God and he prayed.
54:30 And if God could hear Jonah's prayers,
54:31 just think about it,
54:33 he was as far away from God as anybody could be,
54:35 he was in the belly of a sea monster,
54:37 in the bottom of the ocean, in the dark,
54:39 yet he turned to God, and God heard his prayer.
54:42 You know, these ancient sailors,
54:43 when they were trapped
54:44 on the deck of a ship for weeks,
54:46 stuck in the doldrums discouraged,
54:48 sometimes they would have a prayer meeting
54:50 and pray that God would send a breeze
54:52 that would set them free, and get their boats moving.
54:55 They turned to God in prayer,
54:56 and often miracles would happen,
54:58 and the wind would flutter in the sails,
55:00 and bring them out of their seaweed prison.
55:03 Friends, maybe you have been stuck in the doldrums.
55:06 Maybe you've been caught in a cycle of depression.
55:08 If God can do it for Jonah,
55:10 if He can do it for the ancient sailors,
55:11 He can do it for you. Turn to the Lord in prayer.
55:14 Trust His spirit to blow through your soul
55:16 and to set you free.
55:25 Let's face it, it's not always easy
55:28 to understand everything you read in the Bible.
55:30 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books,
55:34 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
55:36 To get biblical straightforward answers,
55:39 call into Bible Answers Live,
55:41 a live nationwide call-in radio program
55:43 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Bachelor
55:46 and ask him your most difficult Bible questions.
55:48 For times and stations in your area
55:50 or to listen to answers online,
55:52 visit
56:06 So what is the brightest light in the world?
56:08 Well, naturally, you'd say the sun,
56:10 but we're talking about
56:11 the brightest manmade light in the world.
56:13 It's the light that shines
56:15 out of the roof of that pyramid shaped hotel
56:17 in Las Vegas called the Luxor.
56:20 There in the cap of that hotel there is a room that contains
56:23 39 washing machine size Xenon bowls,
56:27 and each of those bowls requires
56:29 about 7,000 watts altogether,
56:31 they produce about 40 billion candle power of light.
56:36 Can you imagine getting that electric bill
56:38 of the Luxor Hotel every month?
56:40 That light is so bright
56:41 that planes can see it 250 miles away,
56:45 they're shooting light 10 miles up into space.
56:48 I mean if you happen to be floating by,
56:50 you could read a newspaper up there.
56:53 And as you might have guessed,
56:54 that bright light has become the world's best bug attractor,
56:58 bringing in moths, bats, and owls
57:00 creating its own ecosystem there at night above the hotel.
57:03 But the sad thing
57:05 about the brightest light in the world is,
57:06 especially when the night air is clear
57:09 without any particles, the light doesn't hit anything
57:12 and it's invisible, it shoots up into empty space.
57:16 The brightest light in the world
57:18 illuminates nothing.
57:20 You know, the Bible tells us
57:21 that there's another great wasted light,
57:24 and that's the light of God's Word.
57:26 It says in Psalm 119:105,
57:29 "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
57:31 and a light unto my path."
57:33 And yet so many people are walking in darkness.
57:36 Furthermore, Jesus said, if you do have that light,
57:39 make sure you don't put it under a bushel,
57:40 but you let it shine
57:41 and illuminate the lives of others.
57:44 Jesus said in Matthew 5,
57:46 "Set your light up on a hill like a city
57:48 so that all might see it."
57:50 Light only benefits others
57:52 when it reflects off of something.
57:54 God wants our lights
57:56 to illuminate the lives of others.
57:58 So are you glowing for God?
58:00 Remember, Jesus said, "Let there be light."


Revised 2018-08-30