Sabbath School Study Hour

Lesson 13: The Return of Our Lord Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021826A

00:34 Good morning, friends.
00:35 And welcome again to Sabbath School Study Hour,
00:37 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:40 We'd like to welcome all of those
00:41 who are joining us online our online members
00:44 and the others watching
00:45 on the various television networks,
00:47 very warm welcome to all of you.
00:49 And also to the members and the visitors right here
00:51 at the Granite Bay Church, welcome to Sabbath School.
00:54 We've been having a wonderful time
00:55 studying through our lesson quarterly
00:57 entitled Preparations for the End Times.
01:00 Today we find ourselves on our final lesson.
01:03 It's a great way to finish this study
01:05 entitled The Return of Our Lord Jesus.
01:08 Talking about the Second Coming this morning,
01:10 just a great subject to study.
01:13 We do have a study guide
01:14 that goes along with our theme for today,
01:16 talking about the Second Coming,
01:17 an Amazing Facts study guide entitled Ultimate Deliverance.
01:21 For those of you who'd like to receive a free copy of this,
01:25 all you need to do is call 866-788-3966
01:30 and ask for offer number 105,
01:34 and we'll be happy to send that to anybody who calls and asks.
01:37 Also if you'd like a digital download of our study guide,
01:42 what you'll need to do
01:43 is to text the following code to the number 40544
01:48 and text the code "SH090",
01:52 and you'll get a link as to how you can download
01:55 the study guide Ultimate Deliverance,
01:57 all about the Second Coming of Jesus.
01:59 I think anyone who receives this
02:02 or downloads the study guide
02:03 will learn a lot of information of what the Bible tells us
02:06 about the manner of Christ coming,
02:08 and some of the signs connected
02:10 with the Second Coming of Jesus.
02:12 Now as mentioned, this is the final lesson
02:14 in our lesson quarterly.
02:16 Next week, we're going to be
02:17 starting a brand new series of lessons on the Book of Acts.
02:21 So for those of you locally here,
02:22 if you attend Granite Bay Sabbath School
02:25 on the regular basis,
02:26 we do have some of our lesson quarterlies
02:28 available on the back counter.
02:30 So as you leave the service today,
02:32 be sure to pick up the book,
02:34 the Book of Acts
02:35 which is the theme for our lesson quarterly
02:37 and prepare for next Sabbath.
02:40 Maybe we'll start with lesson number one.
02:42 We are going to invite our song leaders
02:43 to come forward,
02:45 and they're going to lead us in lifting our voices in song
02:46 before we get to our study today.
02:51 Thank you, Pastor Ross.
02:52 We are excited to be here and sing your favorites.
02:55 We have some new faces up here.
02:57 Some of these, well, this young lady I just met,
03:00 and I am thrilled to have some young people up here with us.
03:05 We're going to sing 223,
03:09 "Crown Him with many crowns."
03:10 If you have a hymnal at home, pull it out.
03:13 The words will also be there for you,
03:15 223, we're going to sing the first,
03:17 second and fourth stanza.
05:34 There will be that day in heaven
05:36 when we will cast our crowns at Jesus' feet
05:40 because what else can we do
05:42 and just thank Him for saving us.
05:46 Join us next week for more singing,
05:47 but at this time,
05:48 Pastor Ross is going to have our opening prayer.
05:55 Dear Father in heaven,
05:56 what a privilege to be able to gather
05:58 in Your house again today and open up Your Word
06:00 and study this great hope that we have,
06:03 the glorious return of Jesus.
06:05 Father, as we open these scriptures,
06:07 we pray for the Holy Spirit to come
06:08 and guide our hearts and our minds, Lord.
06:10 May that hope burn within us that Jesus is coming
06:13 and He's coming soon.
06:15 Thank You for Your promise to be with us,
06:16 in Jesus' name, amen.
06:19 Our lesson this morning is going to be
06:21 brought to us by Pastor Doug.
06:24 We're continuing our study, actually, the last lesson,
06:28 dealing with Preparation for the End Times,
06:30 very relevant study.
06:32 And I want to mention that if some of our friends
06:34 who are tuning in via Facebook,
06:36 if you have questions about the lesson today,
06:39 they usually pop it up there on the screen
06:40 and I'll read your question,
06:42 do the best I can to answer your question,
06:45 gives us a little more of an interactive feel.
06:48 Lesson number 13 is talking today
06:50 about the Return of the Lord, the Return of the Lord Jesus.
06:55 And we have a memory verse.
06:56 Memory verse is Matthew 24:27,
06:59 and how many of you know that by hard?
07:01 You should.
07:03 "For as the lightning..."
07:05 You want to say it with me?
07:07 "For as the lightning comes out of the east
07:09 and shines even unto the west,
07:11 so shall the coming of the Son of Man be."
07:14 Why is that an important verse for us?
07:18 Do a lot of Christians think that coming of the Lord
07:20 is going to be secret?
07:23 That all of a sudden people will start disappearing?
07:25 Cars will crash and planes will go down
07:27 because the driver was raptured away.
07:30 And life goes here on earth for another seven years
07:34 and people will say, "What happened?"
07:35 They will say, "Well, Jesus came.
07:36 It was secret."
07:38 But does Jesus say He's coming as a secret
07:41 or does He say it is the most visible, physical,
07:43 climatic thing in the history?
07:46 If you name one of your senses,
07:48 name, what are your five senses?
07:52 Name one. Hearing. Hearing.
07:53 Will we hear Him come? Yes.
07:55 Says it will be like a trumpet, it will be like a shout.
07:57 Name another sense? Eyes.
07:58 Eyes.
07:59 Every eye will see Him when He comes.
08:03 Name another sense? Taste.
08:06 Couldn't hear you. Taste.
08:07 Taste.
08:10 You will taste and see that the Lord is good.
08:18 Or touch.
08:19 Will the earth be shaking, will you feel it?
08:21 Yeah.
08:22 When the Lord comes, you'll probably smell it too
08:23 'cause there will be burning cities
08:26 which could be in your taste.
08:27 I'm still working on that one.
08:30 So the reason I'm telling you
08:32 is that every one of your senses
08:34 is going to be letting you know the Lord came.
08:36 It's not going to be a secret.
08:39 And so it says the Lord is coming with a shout,
08:41 the earth's going to shake,
08:42 it's going to be the brightest thing,
08:44 it's a climatic event,
08:46 there will be a resurrection
08:48 that you'll experience around you.
08:50 And so, you know, this lesson doesn't focus
08:52 a lot on that principle
08:54 that the return of the Lord is not a secret.
08:56 I personally think that's something
08:58 you really need to make clear.
09:00 When I first became a Christian and I worshipped
09:02 with a lot of my evangelical, charismatic friends,
09:06 they all talked about how the Lord was going to come
09:08 and people were going to disappear.
09:10 And I said, "You know, I'm just not seeing that in the Bible.
09:14 I see that when the Lord comes that it's earth shaking,
09:18 that it's like a roar,
09:19 it says the cities are broken down
09:21 by His presence, it's going to be like lightning,
09:23 shining from the east to the west.
09:26 Any of you have ever been in a lightning storm?
09:31 Now we don't have them in California
09:33 like they have in the plains.
09:35 But I remember in Texas,
09:36 there's no mountains to block your visibility there.
09:39 There would be lightning from sky to sky,
09:42 and you could close your eyes
09:45 and put your pillow over your head
09:48 and you'd still see the flash.
09:51 How many of you know what I'm talking about?
09:53 It was so bright, and it would scare me
09:54 because you'd hear a pop right outside your window.
09:57 We used to have them in Florida, very loud,
10:00 and I was in a bunk there at the summer camp,
10:03 and the lightning was so close
10:04 that everybody touching the bed got shocked,
10:08 obviously, it didn't kill me.
10:10 But you could feel it, it was electricity in the air.
10:13 Well, this is like lightning
10:14 from one side of the sky to the other,
10:17 there's nothing secret about when Jesus comes.
10:20 So there are hundreds of prophecies in the Bible
10:26 that talk about the coming of the Lord,
10:28 and it's kind of sad, you know,
10:29 you can go to some churches and some denominations,
10:31 you can go for 50 years
10:32 and never hear a sermon on the Second Coming.
10:36 And they almost think, it's too sensational,
10:39 but the Bible talks about it and we ought to talk about it
10:41 because what if Jesus didn't come?
10:44 What kind of world would this be?
10:46 Isn't that the blessed hope?
10:48 That's the most climatic event.
10:50 This world is not going to go on forever the way you see it.
10:54 Now in the Bible, you have
10:55 a lot of Old Testament prophecies
10:57 that talk about the Second Coming of Jesus.
10:59 They do not always refer to it as the Second Coming,
11:03 that's often called, "The Day of the Lord".
11:07 And in many ways and times and cases,
11:09 it's a frightening event, it seems a little ominous.
11:12 We're going to look at some of those verses.
11:14 By the way, that phrase,
11:15 The Day of the Lord
11:17 and there's some different derivatives of that.
11:19 But just exactly The Day of the Lord
11:20 is found 32 times in the Bible,
11:23 many of those in the Old Testament.
11:25 Let me give you a few examples, Joel 2:31,
11:29 "Then the sun will be turned into darkness,
11:31 and the moon into blood
11:32 before the coming of that great and awesome day of the Lord."
11:35 Great, awesome day of the Lord, what's that talking about?
11:39 Second Coming of Jesus, see, end of days.
11:43 Isaiah 13:6-7,
11:46 "Wail, for the day of the Lord is at hand.
11:48 It will come as destruction from the Almighty.
11:51 Therefore, all hands will be limp
11:53 and every man's heart will melt."
11:55 Now some are thinking,
11:56 "Pastor Doug, these Old Testament things
11:57 about the Second Coming seem kind of sad."
12:00 But it's that way in the New Testament
12:03 with some of them too.
12:04 It says, "Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn,
12:07 and they will see the sign of the Son of Man
12:09 coming in the clouds of heaven."
12:11 Why does it make it sound ominous and frightening
12:14 and not always positive?
12:18 Will more people be saved or lost?
12:21 It's sad but most people,
12:23 broad is the way that leads to destruction.
12:25 Most people reject Jesus which is so sad
12:28 'cause He paid for everybody's sins.
12:31 And so it's a warning, God is warning people,
12:34 you need to repent of your sins,
12:35 this day is going to be a frightening thing.
12:37 You know, Amos is prepared to meet the Lord.
12:39 You can go to the New Testament,
12:41 and you can read in Jude verse 14.
12:43 There's only one chapter so it's just verse 14.
12:46 Now I'm reading the Old Testament prophecies
12:50 about the Second Coming,
12:51 but this is an Old Testament prophecy
12:53 about the Second Coming found in the New Testament.
12:55 Are you confused?
12:56 'Cause he's quoting Enoch
12:58 who's an Old Testament character.
13:00 "Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam,
13:02 prophesied about these saying also,
13:04 'Behold, the Lord comes
13:06 with ten thousands of His saints
13:08 to execute judgment on all the ungodly
13:10 and convict all the wicked of their ungodly deeds
13:12 they've committed.'"
13:13 I'm going on.
13:15 Zechariah 14:9, "And the Lord will be King over all the earth
13:19 and on that day, it shall be the Lord as one
13:22 and His name as one."
13:23 There'll be a day when God is King over all the earth.
13:26 Right now, that kingdom is contested by the devil.
13:29 Things are not going to stay this way forever.
13:31 You know the first question
13:32 the disciples ask after Jesus rises
13:35 from the dead, before He ascends to heaven,
13:37 when you read Acts 1,
13:39 you know what they were asking Him?
13:41 "Lord, will you at this time establish the kingdom?"
13:46 So when Jesus began preaching and He said,
13:49 "The kingdom of heaven is at hand."
13:51 And John the Baptist began preaching,
13:53 "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
13:54 What kind of kingdom was he talking about?
13:58 You know, Jesus said, "The kingdom of God
13:59 does not come with observation,
14:01 for the kingdom of God is within you."
14:03 Part of the kingdom of God begins when you accept Jesus,
14:06 and He reigns in your heart as your King.
14:08 That's the internal kingdom of God.
14:10 Is that where it stops?
14:12 A lot of churches stop there.
14:13 But what good is it
14:14 if it always stays internal kingdom
14:17 if at some point He is not a literal King of the world.
14:21 So the Bible is going to say,
14:23 "There is a time when God is going to be
14:25 the King over all the earth."
14:27 That was Zachariah 14.
14:29 Job 19, oldest book in the Bible is really Job.
14:33 Job 19:25, "For I know that my redeemer lives,
14:38 and He will stand at last on the earth.
14:40 And after my skin is destroyed this
14:42 I know that in my flesh, resurrected flesh,
14:45 I will see God who I will see for myself
14:48 and mine eyes shall behold and not another,
14:50 and how my heart yearns within me."
14:53 You can read Chronicles 16:33,
14:55 you realize we're not reading them all.
14:57 Verse 33 that say The Day of the Lord.
14:59 I'm just giving you an overview.
15:02 Chronicles 16:33,
15:04 "Then the trees of the wood shall rejoice before the Lord,
15:07 for He is coming to judge the earth."
15:09 So when it talks about The Day of the Lord,
15:11 it often talks about a day of judgment,
15:14 it's a day of rescue,
15:16 God's people being rescued from oppression,
15:18 it's a day of restoration.
15:21 You see, when you read in Genesis,
15:25 and God made the world,
15:26 what was the condition of things before sin?
15:30 Perfect.
15:31 God says, "Good, good, good, good."
15:34 And then He finally says, "Very good."
15:37 What happened to God's perfect plan?
15:40 Got messed up by the snake, the devil.
15:44 So God said, "Okay, you win, I lose.
15:47 You can have the world."
15:48 Is that what He did?
15:50 Or did God said, "No, I'm going to redeem the world.
15:53 I'm going to cleanse the world.
15:54 I'm going to make it new, and I am going to do
15:56 what I set out to do in the beginning."
15:59 The first three chapters of the Bible
16:01 tell how man lost paradise.
16:04 Chapter three is where the devil appears.
16:06 The last three chapters of the Bible
16:08 talk about the serpent being destroyed
16:10 and paradise restored,
16:13 and God will be the King over all the earth.
16:16 That's the new covenant.
16:18 It says, "They will all know Me from the least
16:20 and to the greatest.
16:21 Before you call, I will answer."
16:24 So God is going to complete His plan.
16:28 And, you know, some people think,
16:29 "Well, you know, when you get to heaven,
16:30 we're going to have our glorified bodies
16:31 and we'll be ghosts, you know,
16:32 we'll just float on clouds and we'll play harps."
16:35 I say, "Was that God's original plan for Adam and Eve?
16:39 Or did Adam and Eve, where they horticulturists?"
16:43 They planted and they were to tend the garden,
16:45 and Bible says, "We will plant vineyards
16:47 and eat the fruit of them."
16:48 Speaking of heaven, "We will build houses and inhabit them."
16:52 And it said, "It's going to be a real world
16:53 just like He had always planned for Adam and Eve."
16:56 Except, it's going to be an upgrade,
16:58 it'll be better than the original.
17:01 Once or twice, I've gone to National
17:03 to pick up my rental car,
17:05 and I usually get, you know, the economy or mid-sized car
17:08 and they say, "Oh, you know, there's a rush,
17:09 all the cars are gone."
17:11 I say, "Oh, no."
17:12 And they say, "Well, don't worry though
17:14 because it's our fault, things got messed up,
17:15 we're going to give you an upgrade."
17:18 And so God is going to give us an upgraded world.
17:21 How's He upgrading?
17:23 He's moving the capital of His universe
17:25 to our planet.
17:26 God Himself will be with us. Isn't that wonderful?
17:30 So the Second Coming of Jesus
17:32 is talking about the restoration of all things.
17:34 Now for the wicked, it says, "Then the rich men,
17:39 and the chief men, and the captains,
17:40 and every wise man, and every nobleman,
17:42 they go, and they run,
17:43 and they hide from the presence of the Lamb
17:46 and they call for the rocks
17:47 in the mountains to fall on them.
17:50 So for them it's a frightening thing,
17:51 but how will the righteous respond?
17:54 It said, "They will look up
17:55 and they'll say, 'Lo, this is our God,
17:57 we have waited for Him, and He will save us."
18:00 So there's two responses
18:02 you're going to see in the Bible
18:03 to the Second Coming.
18:04 The Second Coming is going to look negative,
18:06 and ominous, and fearful for the lost,
18:09 and it should be,
18:10 and it's going to be the brightest day
18:11 for the saved,
18:12 but it will even be awesome for them.
18:15 And I've often said,
18:18 you got a couple kinds of bugs
18:22 that respond differently.
18:24 If you ever go and turn over a rock out in the field,
18:29 there you got these bugs
18:30 that live in the dark under the rock,
18:31 and they crawl away as fast as they can from the light.
18:34 And I lived in New York City,
18:35 sometimes we'd struggle with cockroaches.
18:38 And you'd walk in a room and you flip on the light
18:41 and there they were, but when they saw the light,
18:42 they went scurrying into the dark places.
18:46 But if you're in a dark place
18:48 and you turn on the light out in the woods,
18:51 every moth within a mile
18:52 is going to come to the light, isn't that right?
18:56 So you got some bugs that run from the light,
18:58 you got some that fly to the light.
19:01 So the question is what will you be,
19:02 what kind of bug will you be when Jesus comes?
19:07 Did that just lift your self-esteem?
19:10 All right, spin out some positive ones,
19:13 1 Chronicles 16:33,
19:15 "Then the trees of the woods will rejoice before the Lord,
19:19 for He is coming to judge the earth."
19:21 So it talks about rejoicing too in the Old Testament.
19:24 Now somebody here is going to read for me Philippians here
19:29 in just a moment, you'll have that one?
19:30 Okay.
19:31 I'm going to first read
19:33 and I'm going to talk about the Book of Life.
19:34 Who will be ready when Jesus comes?
19:37 Exodus 32:32-33, Moses is interceding...
19:43 This ties in with our sermon later today.
19:46 And he said, "Yet now..."
19:47 This is after they've done the golden calf,
19:48 they sinned against the Lord,
19:50 God is going to take the name out of the Book of Life,
19:53 and Moses is pleading for the people
19:54 and said, "Yet now, if you will forgive their sin
19:57 but if not I pray You, blot me out of Your book
20:01 which You have written."
20:03 And the Lord said to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against Me,
20:05 I will blot him out of My book."
20:07 But one thing very important here,
20:10 Moses sort of is a type of Christ,
20:12 he's the great mediator and he's saying,
20:14 "Look, I'm willing to sacrifice my name in the Book of Life
20:17 to put their name in the Book of Life."
20:19 Isn't that what Jesus did for us?
20:21 To trade places.
20:23 But God is saying, "Look, Moses,
20:25 whoever has sinned against Me,
20:27 each man's going to suffer according to his own works."
20:31 The other thing we learn from this verse
20:32 is there's a record,
20:34 there's a book.
20:35 Now do you think that the Lord,
20:37 His books in heaven, like our books,
20:40 you know, that God cuts down trees,
20:42 and He mills them up, and He makes pulp,
20:43 and He gets ink, and He has a printing press,
20:45 and He prints books up there?
20:47 When we were just in Jerusalem,
20:49 Karen and I went to look at the Dead Sea scrolls.
20:52 And they used to write them on, somewhere on parchment,
20:58 most were on vellum.
21:00 It was like this very fine leather material
21:02 that held up very well in the desert for 2,000 years.
21:06 Is it going to be scrolls of leather in heaven?
21:10 Or when God tells us a book, haven't books,
21:14 the way their books are compiled,
21:16 it's changed.
21:18 What kind of book is it?
21:20 Is God going to have a thumb drive, a USB?
21:24 Is it going to be a DVD?
21:26 You know, for years, I thought it was cassette tape,
21:29 and before that an 8-track, if anyone remembers that.
21:33 So the technology, but we don't know exactly
21:36 what the book looks like but God has a record.
21:39 I think when we get to heaven
21:40 and angels open the books and show us.
21:43 During the millennium,
21:44 will we be able to look at those books?
21:47 If God said that the library will be open,
21:49 every secret thing is going to made manifest.
21:52 Now arsons are blotted out but nothing else is.
21:55 So there's a book, there's a record.
21:59 Now the most important book is which book?
22:02 Book of Life is also evidently books of records,
22:05 doesn't the Lord say in Matthew 12,
22:08 Jesus said, "Every idle word that men speak,
22:12 they will give an account thereof in the day of judgment.
22:15 For by your words, you will be justified
22:17 and by your words will be condemned."
22:18 And that makes me tremble, doesn't it you?
22:22 If it wasn't for God's mercy and He has a bigger razor,
22:24 I'd be worried.
22:26 Every idle word, how many words do you speak in a day?
22:31 I heard every idle, frivolous thing that we say.
22:35 And so He's got a record.
22:38 You know, it's amazing right now,
22:40 I just read this week,
22:42 China, 6 months ago
22:44 had the world's most powerful computer.
22:47 Now the United States once again has reclaimed
22:50 the title for the most powerful computer.
22:53 It's an IBM computer, and it's mind boggling,
22:57 the amount of, you know, billions of processes
23:02 that it can make in a fraction of a second,
23:05 and all the information it can store.
23:08 And now Google and Amazon,
23:09 they're all storing all this information in the cloud.
23:12 Well, God invented the cloud a long time ago.
23:16 Isn't that right?
23:17 He's had it all stored for a long time.
23:19 So there's the records, but the Book of Life
23:22 is a book where we come to the Lord,
23:24 we say, we believe in the Lord,
23:26 we believe His sacrifice on our behalf,
23:28 He puts our name in His book.
23:30 But the Bible tells us
23:32 that some names can be removed,
23:33 now that is troubling.
23:36 Doesn't it say that if we have faith in Revelation,
23:39 I think it's chapter 2 or 3, seven churches,
23:41 He said, "I will not take his name out of My book."
23:44 And here again, you're reading where Moses
23:45 and the Lord are talking,
23:46 talks about names being taken out of the book.
23:49 So we must have our name in the Book of Life
23:51 when Jesus comes.
23:53 All right, you're going to read for us please Philippians 4:3.
23:57 "And I urge you also, true companions,
24:01 help these women who labored with me
24:03 in the gospel with Clement also,
24:07 and the rest of my fellow workers
24:10 whose names are written in the Book of Life."
24:13 All right, so Paul is even saying
24:15 that right there in the beginning
24:16 that there are names that are in the Book of Life,
24:19 and he doesn't say their names will be.
24:22 He says their names are written in the Book of Life.
24:25 So that means, can you have your name
24:26 in the Book of Life now?
24:29 Wouldn't that be exciting to think about?
24:32 You ever heard that song, "Is my name written there"?
24:36 You can read in Daniel 12,
24:38 "At that time Michael will stand up,
24:40 prophecy about the end,
24:41 the great prince who stands
24:44 watch over the sons of your people,
24:46 and there will be a time of trouble
24:48 such as there never has been since there was a nation
24:51 even to that time, and at that time,
24:53 your people will be delivered,
24:55 everyone who is found written in the book."
24:58 So who's delivered in the last days?
25:01 Those whose names are in the book.
25:02 It talks about a great time of trouble.
25:04 Now, does Jesus also talk about a time of trouble
25:07 such as that never has been?
25:09 "He that endures to the end will be saved."
25:12 And so you need to know your name is written in the book
25:15 because those are the ones who are delivered,
25:17 everyone else is going to be
25:19 really struggling during that time.
25:22 Another verse, Book of Life, Revelation 3:5,
25:25 "He who overcomes..."
25:26 This is the one I was thinking about.
25:27 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments,
25:30 and I will not blot his name from the Book of Life."
25:33 Now what does that say?
25:34 Can a name be blotted from the Book of Life?
25:37 Yeah.
25:38 Are there some churches that teach,
25:40 once you're saved you can't be lost?
25:42 But doesn't the Bible make it pretty clear
25:44 that some people cannot really say, "I'm saved."
25:46 They see, they accept Jesus, and they turn away.
25:49 And so He said, "Those who overcome,
25:53 I will not blot their name from the Book of Life,
25:56 but I will confess his name
25:57 before My Father and His angels."
26:00 And isn't that good to know that...
26:04 Oh, Jesus said, "Whoever is not ashamed of Me
26:06 in this wicked generation,
26:09 I will confess his name
26:10 before My Father and His angels.
26:11 But whoever is ashamed of Me,
26:12 I will be ashamed of him
26:13 before My Father and His angels."
26:15 Can you find an example of that in the Bible?
26:19 In the Book of Job,
26:21 do you see Job when the devil comes to accuse Job,
26:25 doesn't the Lord confess the name of Job
26:28 before the sons of God that are gathered?
26:31 And so God is literally
26:34 bragging about our names in heaven
26:36 when we say we want to be faithful.
26:39 He is looking for people that serve Him.
26:41 And one more, Zephaniah 2:3,
26:44 "Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth
26:47 who have upheld His justice.
26:49 Seek righteousness, seek humility.
26:52 It may be that you'll be hidden
26:53 in the day of the Lord's anger."
26:56 He's telling us to seek Him right now.
26:58 Is there a day of wrath, the Bible talks about?
27:01 There's going to be a day of punishment
27:03 that's all coming.
27:05 Now, I got a question
27:07 came in from one of our viewers online live,
27:10 it says, "What about the verse in Matthew 24:41,
27:14 "Two women are grinding at the mill,
27:15 one will be taken, one will be left."
27:17 What does that mean?
27:18 Now you also find this in Luke 17 or Luke 21.
27:25 It says two men are working in the field,
27:27 two men sleeping in the bed, two women grinding at the mill.
27:31 Luke adds one additional one
27:33 about two men sleeping in a bed.
27:35 What is Jesus saying?
27:36 Is He saying, "Well, this is the secret rapture?
27:38 You get two people outwardly doing the same thing, and poof!
27:41 One is taken away to heaven, the other is left behind.
27:44 Are there books called Left Behind?
27:46 They call it the Left Behind series.
27:48 What's going to happen to those
27:49 who are left behind in the secret rapture?
27:51 Do you know when you read those passages
27:53 in Matthew and in Luke?
27:57 When they ask Jesus,
27:59 he said, "Where are they taken?"
28:03 He said, "Wherever the carcass
28:05 is that's where the vultures are gathered together."
28:08 And He talks about back in the days of Noah
28:12 that they were eating and drinking, buying, marrying,
28:14 building until the flood came and took them away.
28:17 The flood came and took them away.
28:18 Who's taken away? The saved or the lost?
28:21 The lost.
28:22 Let me explain this to you in the mind of the Jews
28:24 and it's very vivid in our minds
28:25 having just come from that country.
28:29 When the children of Israel were behaving,
28:32 God let them stay in the Promised Land.
28:35 When they misbehaved,
28:38 then the Babylonians or the Romans came
28:41 and carried them away or the Assyrians came
28:44 and they were taken away in judgment.
28:48 And so when He's talking about the ones taken away,
28:50 it's not necessarily talking about a good thing,
28:53 it's talking about that, that's a bad thing.
28:56 The ones who are left behind are they're preserved,
28:59 the others are taken away.
29:02 Talks about...
29:03 The Weed is gathered in the barn,
29:06 the weeds are gathered and burned in bundles.
29:11 So what about two women, two men working in the field,
29:15 two men sleeping in a bed?
29:16 It's just describing two, three or two categories
29:21 and uses three examples.
29:22 What is a woman a symbol of?
29:25 How many kinds of churches are there in the world today?
29:28 Two.
29:29 There's only two roads, saved and lost.
29:32 How many women are found in Revelation? Two.
29:35 Revelation 12, good church, she's saved.
29:38 Revelation 17, harlot, she's lost.
29:41 So you get two women, what are they doing?
29:43 They're grinding. What do you grind?
29:45 Grain, make bread.
29:46 What's a bread?
29:48 What we've got, two women, two churches,
29:50 outwardly claiming that they've got the Word of God.
29:53 One is true, one is false, that's all it's saying.
29:57 Two men working in the field.
29:58 What does Jesus say the field is?
30:01 It's the world. They're out doing harvest.
30:04 Jesus said, "The harvest is great,
30:05 the laborers are few."
30:06 You get two kinds of harvest that are happening,
30:08 you got the true and the false.
30:10 What does sleep represent in the Bible?
30:13 "Our friend Lazarus is asleep."
30:15 What did Jesus mean?
30:17 He's dead.
30:18 How many kinds of people are dead right now?
30:21 Two.
30:23 Saved or lost.
30:24 How many resurrections? Two.
30:26 You've got the dead in Christ.
30:28 And you've got the resurrection of damnation, Jesus said.
30:31 And so Christ is just talking about these two categories,
30:33 He's not talking about people suddenly disappearing
30:35 from cars and airplanes in the secret rapture.
30:40 That's people often refer to that.
30:41 Another question came in.
30:43 "When will the feet of Jesus stand on the Mount of Olives?"
30:46 Okay, that's a good question.
30:47 That's in Zachariah 14 and it says,
30:50 "His feet stand on the Mount of Olives on that day
30:52 and the Mount of Olives cleaves and it forms a great valley."
30:56 And it is a very great valley
30:58 because the New Jerusalem comes down
31:00 at the end of the one thousand years
31:02 and sits in this valley that the Lord is prepared.
31:05 Why does He do that?
31:07 What was the last place that Jesus' feet touched
31:10 when He ascended to heaven?
31:12 Bible says, Mount of Olives, one place it says, Bethany,
31:15 but we were just there,
31:16 Bethany's on the Mount of Olives.
31:18 Mount of Olives is a big, long mountain
31:20 and Bethany's about two miles over on the Mount.
31:24 And Jesus from Bethany ascended to heaven,
31:26 probably not too far from Martha and Lazarus' house
31:31 that was there.
31:33 And where did Jesus foretell His Second Coming?
31:38 From the Mount of Olives.
31:39 Where did He weep over Jerusalem?
31:42 From the Mount of Olives. It was a very special place.
31:44 So where is He coming back?
31:47 Where was the best view of the Temple?
31:49 Mount of Olives.
31:50 It's where you look at it in its glory.
31:52 Jesus' feet are touching the same place He left.
31:54 Doesn't the Bible say, when He ascended to heaven,
31:57 two angels saw the apostles, they said, "Men of Galilee,
32:00 why do you stand here staring into the heavens?"
32:02 This same Jesus that you saw go into heaven
32:05 will come in the same way you saw Him leave.
32:08 He not only left, He was reeled.
32:10 He's coming reel, left in the clouds,
32:12 coming through the clouds.
32:13 He was visible, He'll be visible when He comes.
32:18 And when He left, it was on Mount of Olives,
32:20 He's coming to the Mount of Olives.
32:22 And so this is though at the end of the 1,000 years,
32:25 His feet touch it, forms a great valley.
32:27 How big is the New Jerusalem?
32:31 Twelve thousand furlongs,
32:32 but we don't use furlongs today.
32:34 That's 375 miles on each side, about 1,500 miles around.
32:40 Do you know what that means?
32:41 All the land that God promised to Abraham
32:44 from the Euphrates down through the Sinai Peninsula will all be
32:48 encompassed in that territory.
32:51 In other words, God is literally going to wall in
32:55 the Promised Land because God said,
32:57 "Abraham look for a city that had foundations."
33:00 I thought he was waiting for the Promised Land,
33:01 what do you mean the city?
33:03 There was no Jerusalem back in Abraham's day.
33:06 Abraham was looking forward to the New Jerusalem
33:08 that would encompass the land
33:10 that God had promised to His people.
33:12 All right, and then we got another question,
33:14 I'll take in just a minute, but I want to get to something
33:16 that's important and heavy.
33:17 Daniel and the Second Coming, I already read Daniel 12.
33:22 Does the Book of Daniel talk about the Second Coming?
33:25 Let's look at a few verses here,
33:27 Daniel 2:34-35, says,
33:30 "You watched while the stone was cut without hands
33:33 that struck the image on the feet."
33:34 This is that large idol in Daniel 2.
33:38 "Of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces,
33:41 then the iron, and the clay,
33:42 and the bronze, and the silver,
33:43 and the gold were crushed together
33:44 and became like chaff of the summer threshing floor.
33:47 And the wind carried them away so no trace of them was found,
33:51 and the stone that struck the image
33:52 became a great mountain and filled the whole earth."
33:56 Now, what is the stone?
33:59 It's the kingdom of Jesus.
34:00 You know something interesting?
34:03 When you look at the metals in this image in Daniel 2,
34:05 what's the top, first metal?
34:07 Gold, then, it says gold, silver, then bronze, then iron,
34:13 then iron and clay,
34:15 and the last thing is stone that destroyed it.
34:18 So you got all these different minerals.
34:20 What's more valuable?
34:21 Gold or silver? Gold.
34:24 Which is harder? Silver.
34:27 Harder than gold.
34:28 What's more valuable?
34:30 Silver or bronze?
34:33 Silver.
34:34 Right, we all together?
34:36 But what's harder? Silver or bronze?
34:38 Bronze is.
34:39 What's more valuable? Bronze or iron?
34:42 Bronze.
34:43 What's harder?
34:45 Iron.
34:47 You noticing something here?
34:49 Kingdoms have less value, but they're harder.
34:52 Do you know that each one of those kingdoms we've listed,
34:54 the one after last longer.
34:58 They're each kingdom,
34:59 the Roman Kingdom lasted longer than the Greek
35:01 which lasted longer than the Persians
35:02 which lasted longer than the Babylonians.
35:06 What's the last kingdom?
35:07 Stone.
35:09 And which lasts the longest?
35:12 All of these metals were used to make idols in the Bible.
35:16 They had gold idols
35:18 and silver idols and bronze idols.
35:19 Do you remember when the King Belshazzar made the feast
35:21 and he's toasting the gods of iron and gold and so forth?
35:26 But what were the children of Israel
35:27 told to make their altar out of?
35:30 Stone.
35:31 Stone cut without a man's hands.
35:33 They were not to lift up a tool on it
35:36 because if they did, it would be polluted.
35:38 He didn't want them carving things
35:40 and worshipping statues,
35:41 it's just plain old rock, make your altar,
35:44 it's to worship the living God.
35:46 So it's the stone that crushes all these things,
35:48 all the idols of the world, the false religion.
35:52 What did David used to bring down Goliath?
35:55 A stone.
35:56 What did God do to write the Ten Commandments?
35:59 And that was the first that God cut without man's hands,
36:04 it was cut with His hands.
36:06 Isn't that interesting?
36:07 Jesus said, "He that hears these words of mine
36:09 and does them is like a wise man
36:11 building this house on stone."
36:14 The words of God. What brings down the idol?
36:16 The Word of God brings down all the false religions.
36:20 So ultimately the stone grows
36:21 into a great mountain and fills the whole earth.
36:23 This is talking about the kingdom of God
36:24 is finally going to fill the whole world.
36:29 Someone is going to read for me Matthew 24:15.
36:32 You will have that? You have the mic working now?
36:35 Say something. It is working, okay.
36:37 Before you read that, I'm going to read Daniel 2:44.
36:41 "And in the days of these kings,
36:42 the God of heaven will set up a kingdom
36:44 which shall never be destroyed
36:46 and that kingdom will not be left to another."
36:49 It's not going to ever be replaced.
36:51 "It'll break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
36:53 and it will stand forever."
36:55 So do you find the principle of God's eternal kingdom
36:57 in Second Coming
36:58 in the Old Testament prophecies?
37:02 Still with me?
37:03 All right, what more do we learn from Daniel?
37:05 Go ahead, read Matthew 24:15-16.
37:09 "Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation
37:12 spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
37:14 standing in the holy place,
37:16 whoever reads let him understand.
37:19 Then let those who in Judaea flee to the mountains."
37:22 Here's your country living verse,
37:26 when you see the abomination of desolation flee.
37:30 First of all, how do you know Daniel is a prophet?
37:34 Because Jesus said so.
37:36 That settles it, doesn't it?
37:37 Jesus is written by Daniel the prophet.
37:40 Here, Jesus is telling us, "If you want to know it,
37:43 I'm not going to tell you.
37:44 Read the Bible."
37:45 Jesus is saying, "You read it for yourself."
37:47 The problem is Jesus mentions the...
37:51 Daniel mentions the abomination of desolation several times.
37:54 And there's a little confusion of what is he talking about.
37:58 Let me give you some examples, look in Daniel 9:27.
38:01 By the way, when Jesus quotes the same verse in Luke 21,
38:07 He said, "When you see Jerusalem
38:08 encompassed with armies,
38:10 let those that be in Judaea flee into the mountains.
38:14 So the first thing about the abomination of desolation
38:17 is talking about when God's people
38:19 were literally surrounded in 70 AD,
38:22 the Romans destroyed the temple,
38:25 and they were carried away captive,
38:27 the place of God was desolated.
38:30 So this is the first part,
38:31 but there you see Jesus in Matthew 24,
38:34 He's answering two questions or even three questions.
38:37 What are the signs of Your coming?
38:38 When will these things be the destruction of the temple?
38:41 He said, "There won't be one stone left on another."
38:43 And Your return.
38:45 So the signs, He's talking about destruction of the temple
38:48 and what will be Your return.
38:50 Well, the Christians that were in Jerusalem
38:53 when the Romans came,
38:54 were given a brief window to escape.
38:57 They fled into the mountains, they quite literally did that.
39:00 And Jesus said, "This generation
39:02 will not pass away till all these things be fulfilled."
39:05 Jesus made this prediction about this temple's destruction
39:09 as the first part
39:10 of the abomination of desolation.
39:11 He made it in 30 AD.
39:13 What is the Bible generation?
39:16 Forty years.
39:18 How do you know that?
39:19 When the children of Israel
39:20 were unfaithful in the days of Moses,
39:23 He made that generation wander until they all died off.
39:26 How long did they wander?
39:28 Forty years.
39:29 Moses' life is divided into three generations.
39:32 He spent one generation in Egypt,
39:34 one generation in the wilderness,
39:36 40 years there,
39:37 and 40 years leading the people
39:39 from Egypt to the Promised Land.
39:42 David reigned for generation, Saul reigned for generation,
39:45 Solomon reigned for generation.
39:47 They all reigned 40 years.
39:49 So that prophecy happened perfectly,
39:52 but it's a dual prophecy not only is He talking about
39:56 the abomination of desolation that destroyed the temple,
39:58 He said they'll be another power,
40:01 this one is not pagan Rome, it will be papal Rome.
40:06 It's not just the iron,
40:08 it's the iron mixed with the clay,
40:10 you still with me?
40:12 Down in the feet.
40:13 Clay is like the religion mixed with the iron, government,
40:18 and there's a second abomination of desolation
40:22 that's going to persecute God's people.
40:24 So let me read a few verses on that.
40:27 If you look in Daniel 9:27,
40:31 "Then He will confirm a covenant
40:32 with many for one week,
40:35 but in the middle of the week
40:36 He will cause a sacrifice in the offering to cease."
40:41 Now who is that talking about?
40:44 They're talking about the Messiah.
40:45 Do you know that a lot of evangelicals
40:47 think that it's the antichrist?
40:50 Now, I can understand
40:51 that Christians may disagree on a few verses,
40:55 but wouldn't you agree it's a serious misunderstanding
40:58 if one Christian says that's the devil
41:00 and the other one says that's the Lord.
41:02 I mean, how wrong can someone be?
41:05 So we've got to know, who is this talking about?
41:08 And I remember doing a Bible study
41:10 with some Baptists years ago,
41:12 and they were reading this
41:14 and the husband was like a lay pastor
41:16 and he said, "Yeah, the antichrist
41:17 is going to make covenant."
41:19 And I said, "Where in the Bible
41:20 do you find the antichrist making a covenant?
41:23 Well, it says right here.
41:24 So what is that covenant that the antichrist makes?
41:28 I said, "There's nothing in the Bible about that."
41:31 And then I gave the study that said,
41:33 "It's the Messiah who makes a covenant with people."
41:36 And for one week
41:38 from the beginning of His ministry,
41:40 He's been anointed in 27, three and half years later,
41:43 exactly half of a week
41:45 He is cut off for the sins of the people,
41:48 He makes the sacrifice,
41:49 sees the temple curtain is ripped,
41:51 and then for another three and a half years,
41:52 He preaches only through the apostles to Jews.
41:55 And even the apostles say,
41:57 "He testified through those that heard Him."
42:00 So in person and through the apostles
42:01 just to the Jewish nation,
42:03 then they stoned Stephen three and a half years later,
42:05 and it says a great persecution arose,
42:07 the gospel went everywhere.
42:09 I said, "This is the 490 year prophecy, it fits perfectly."
42:12 And his wife went, "That's the first time
42:14 that's ever made sense."
42:15 And he got very upset with me because he still insisted,
42:18 "No, this is the antichrist."
42:20 Now, why do people get confused on that?
42:22 I hope you don't mind me taking this a little deeper,
42:24 go to Daniel 9.
42:26 This is so important 'cause I know people are watching,
42:28 most of you, I think, understand this.
42:30 Go to Daniel 9:24,
42:34 "Seventy weeks are determined for your people
42:37 and for the holy city."
42:38 It says several things to happen
42:39 in those seventy weeks.
42:41 "To finish the transgression, to make an end of sins,
42:43 to make reconciliation for iniquity
42:45 through the sacrifice of Christ,
42:47 to bring in everlasting righteousness,
42:50 to seal up the vision in the prophecy,
42:52 after seventy weeks,
42:53 this particular vision would be sealed
42:54 and complete and to anoint the Most Holy,
42:57 all these things would happen.
42:58 Know therefore, and understand from the going forth
43:01 of the command to restore
43:02 and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince,
43:05 capital P, Messiah the Prince, seven weeks,
43:07 threescore two weeks, the street will be build again
43:10 and the wall in troublous times."
43:12 That's Ezra and Nehemiah, you read about it.
43:15 "And after sixty-two weeks, Messiah will be cut off."
43:18 I mean 62 weeks after the first 7 weeks of them
43:21 building those streets and the wall,
43:23 Jesus was cut off, but not for Himself.
43:26 Now this is where people get mixed up.
43:28 "And the people of the prince who is to come,"
43:30 small P, did you notice that?
43:33 It's not the Messiah, "Will destroy the city."
43:35 It's talking about the Roman power,
43:37 Roman King that would destroy the city and the sanctuary.
43:40 This is the abomination of desolation,
43:43 the first one, when the temple would be destroyed,
43:45 "And the end of it shall be with a flood."
43:47 Means a flood of people, like it says in Ezekiel,
43:50 Gog and Magog, like a flood that covered the earth.
43:53 "Till the end of the war desolations are determined."
43:55 So here you've got abomination, desolations are determined.
44:00 Now it's returning to the main subject
44:02 is all about the Messiah,
44:03 He will confirm a covenant with many for one week.
44:06 In the middle of the week,
44:07 He will cause a sacrifice and oblation to cease.
44:09 And then it says,
44:10 "And on the wing of abominations,
44:13 shall be one who makes desolates."
44:15 It's not talking about the Messiah,
44:16 it's talking about this other prince who came.
44:18 "Even until the consummation
44:19 which is determined is poured out on the desolate."
44:22 So here you've got abomination of desolation.
44:25 Can you understand why Jesus said,
44:27 "Let him who reads understand."
44:29 Now if Jesus said, "I hope you understand."
44:32 Some have wondered
44:33 if this was a parenthetical note that a scribe put in
44:36 or if Christ is actually saying it.
44:37 How many of you have a red letter edition in your Bible?
44:41 When you read in Matthew 24:15,
44:46 it says, "Whoever reads, let him understand."
44:47 Is that red or black?
44:50 It's black in my Bible.
44:52 Some of you have it red in your Bibles?
44:54 It's because the scribes don't agree.
44:56 Is that Jesus saying, "Whoever reads, let him understand,"
45:00 or is that the scribe or Matthew saying,
45:03 "Whoever reads, let him understand"?
45:05 All I know is they're saying this is a deep subject,
45:08 and you pray that God will help you understand.
45:11 Another example, go to Daniel 11:31.
45:15 "And the forces shall be mustered by Him."
45:17 Now Daniel 11, what is that talking about?
45:21 What happens in Daniel 12? Michael stands up.
45:24 Daniel 11, you're talking about
45:26 some time between the Roman power
45:28 and the end of the world.
45:30 And it says, "And forces will be mustered by Him
45:33 and they will defile the sanctuary fortress,
45:36 and they will take away
45:37 the daily sacrifice and the place.
45:40 They're the abomination of desolation."
45:42 Now you've got that again.
45:44 I was at Daniel 11:31.
45:46 And if you look in Daniel 12:11-12,
45:50 and this is a deep prophecy.
45:52 There are more time prophecies in Daniel 12
45:54 than any other place.
45:55 You get three time prophecies.
45:57 And we as a church typically
46:00 believe in the historical application of this.
46:03 We use the historical method.
46:04 Some have argued that some prophecies
46:06 have a dual fulfillment as in Matthew 24
46:09 and they said, there may be also a dual application.
46:12 And it says, "Here and from the time the daily sacrifice
46:15 is taken away
46:16 and the abomination of desolation is set up,
46:18 they'll be 1,290 days.
46:21 Blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days",
46:26 and this is just by the last verses
46:28 in the Book of Daniel.
46:29 He's talking about
46:30 an abomination that makes desolate.
46:33 So you really got three examples
46:35 of the abomination of desolation
46:37 in my understanding.
46:39 One is, when the Roman power surrounded Jerusalem,
46:46 they hedged them and they besieged the city,
46:48 they finally destroyed the city,
46:51 they destroyed the temple, they desolated it.
46:53 Now it does talk about
46:54 when Nebuchadnezzar desolated it
46:56 when he destroyed it back in the Old Testament,
46:58 but I'm talking about from the time of Daniel on.
47:03 Then you have a spiritual power during the Dark Ages
47:07 that desolated the truth.
47:10 The truth of the gospel
47:11 was destroyed in the spiritual sanctuary,
47:13 they tried to take away the daily sacrifice
47:15 that we're saved by grace,
47:16 that you don't need to work your way to heaven.
47:18 But then will there be a final time
47:20 when God's people are surrounded
47:22 by a Roman power with a law
47:25 where we can't worship according to the Bible
47:27 and we may need to flee into the wilderness
47:30 again, literally, before the Second Coming.
47:33 God's people are going to be in desolate places.
47:35 All right, I got to keep going here.
47:38 Another e-mail question came in,
47:40 "Will there be a seven year tribulation
47:43 before Jesus comes?"
47:44 How many of you know that verse
47:45 that talks about the seven year tribulation?
47:48 Can you please give it to me?
47:50 How many of you have heard of a seven year tribulation?
47:53 You heard of it?
47:54 You've heard people talk about it?
47:56 Where is the verse?
47:58 There's no verse in the Bible
48:00 that says there's a seven year tribulation.
48:01 Now they do say, "Well, you know,
48:04 the seven days that Noah was on the ark
48:07 that represents the seven years of tribulation.
48:12 You know, when probation was closed
48:13 and it's not really taught in the Bible.
48:16 All right, long term prospects, Titus 2:12-13,
48:21 "Teaching that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts
48:24 because we believe in the Second Coming,
48:26 we should live soberly, righteously,
48:29 and godly in the present age."
48:31 Does Lord just kind of cover our past sins
48:33 or does He want us to live different now?
48:35 If you want to be ready for the Second Coming,
48:37 how should we live?
48:38 Soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age.
48:42 "Looking for the blessed hope
48:44 in the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior."
48:47 Should you as a Christian talk about the Second Coming?
48:49 Yes.
48:51 Why are we called Seventh-day Adventists?
48:56 First of all, we believe
48:57 in keeping all Ten Commandments.
48:59 Do you know that the Sabbath
49:04 really talks about the beginning and the end?
49:07 It talks about the creation
49:09 and it talks about a millennial Sabbath at the end,
49:12 if you will.
49:13 And Adventists means,
49:15 we are a people who are looking forward
49:17 to the eminent return of the Lord,
49:19 and we want people to get ready.
49:21 When you talk to other people about the Second Coming,
49:23 have you ever noticed it might make some folks nervous?
49:26 That's a healthy nervousness
49:29 because it means we're thinking,
49:31 "You know, that might shake my world."
49:32 Yes.
49:34 And you want to be ready for that day, right?
49:37 Do you want people coming to you at the Second Coming
49:40 and say, "You knew this was going to happen
49:42 and you didn't tell me?
49:44 You knew this was going to happen to the world,
49:46 you didn't want to upset me?"
49:49 People ought to know that the day of the Lord is coming
49:51 that this world is not going to last like this forever
49:54 as it was in the days of Sodom,
49:57 so will it be when the Son of Man comes.
49:59 Is it that way today?
50:01 As it was in the days of Lot, eating, drinking, marrying,
50:05 that's what's happening in the world today.
50:07 People need to know.
50:09 All right, another one, 2 Peter 3:11,
50:11 "Therefore, since all these things
50:13 will be dissolved,
50:14 the world's going to be burned up.
50:15 What manner of persons ought we be
50:17 and all holy conduct in godliness?
50:20 Looking for and hastening."
50:22 How do you hasten the Second Coming?
50:24 The Bible says, "When the gospel goes
50:26 into all the world,
50:27 then the end will come."
50:28 Can we participate in the gospel
50:29 going into all the world?
50:31 "Hastening the Second Coming
50:33 in which the heavens being dissolved,
50:35 we'll be on fire
50:36 and the elements will melt with fervent heat."
50:38 So we need to have that big picture.
50:41 Paul before he died,
50:42 and they call it Paul's swan song,
50:45 2 Timothy 4:6, "I am already being poured out
50:50 is a drink offering
50:51 and the time of my departure is at hand,
50:54 I have fought the good fight, I've finished the race,
50:57 I've kept the faith.
50:58 Finally, there is laid up for me
51:00 a crown of righteousness which the Lord,
51:02 the righteous judge will give me on that day."
51:05 What now does he say when I die
51:07 or on the day of the Lord?
51:09 "Not to me only
51:11 but to all those that love His appearing."
51:13 So when you think of the Day of the Lord,
51:14 does it scare you or do you long for?
51:19 It's like a preacher said once,
51:20 "I get sick and tired of being sick and tired."
51:23 I mean you look around,
51:24 there's a lot of pain and suffering in the world,
51:25 a lot of sin, heartache,
51:27 and when the Lord comes, no more pain, no more sorrow,
51:30 all tears wiped away.
51:31 Don't you long for that?
51:33 If you're ready, now there's some reasons
51:35 that we don't want Him to come too soon.
51:37 One, if you're not ready.
51:38 Two, you have loved ones who are not ready.
51:41 And so sometimes you feel maybe a little mixed up
51:44 and that's normal.
51:45 All right, someone's going to read for me
51:46 about how the Lord comes.
51:48 Matthew 25:31, you go and read that, Manjeet.
51:53 "When the Son of Man come in His glory
51:56 and all the holy angels with Him,
51:59 then He will sit on the throne off His glory."
52:03 All right, the Bible says, "Jesus left in the clouds
52:06 and He's coming in the clouds."
52:07 Does that mean the Lord does not travel without H2O vapor?
52:11 What is the cloud or I should say what are the clouds?
52:16 We believe, they're angels.
52:18 Let me just give you a few more verses,
52:19 Psalm 104:3,
52:22 "He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters,
52:25 who makes the clouds His chariot,
52:28 who walks on the wings of the wind,
52:30 who makes His angel spirits
52:32 His ministers of flame of fire."
52:35 You notice it says, when the Son of Man comes
52:37 with all the holy angels.
52:39 How many angels are there?
52:41 They have to be billions.
52:42 I mean, if everyone has a guardian angel
52:44 and there is eight billion people,
52:47 these are the ministering spirits of God
52:49 that help Him not just minister on earth
52:51 but throughout the cosmos,
52:53 and so there's a lot of angels.
52:56 You can read in Revelation 1:7,
52:57 "Behold, He is coming with the clouds
52:59 and every eye will see Him."
53:02 Matthew 24:30,
53:03 "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven
53:05 and all the tribes of the earth will mourn
53:07 and they will see the Son of Man
53:08 coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
53:12 And I'll read you one more, maybe more than one more.
53:16 2 Thessalonians 1:7,
53:19 "And to give you who are troubled rest with us
53:22 when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven
53:24 with His mighty angels in flaming fire,
53:27 taking vengeance on those who do not know God
53:30 and on those who do not obey."
53:32 So we need to know the Lord,
53:33 we need to obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,
53:36 and then finally, the living and the dead.
53:39 So when do the dead rise?
53:41 As soon as you die?
53:43 No.
53:45 I read four times in John 6,
53:47 it says, "But should raise it up the last day."
53:51 As John 6:39-40,
53:53 "I will raise him up the last day."
53:56 John 6:44, "I will raise him up the last day."
54:00 John 6:54, "I will raise him up the last day."
54:04 That's why, when Jesus raised Lazarus, Martha said,
54:09 "I know You will rise him again
54:11 in the resurrection at the last day."
54:14 So she wasn't expecting Jesus to do something sooner.
54:18 This for me is the best verse.
54:19 I can see I'm running out of time.
54:21 If you want to read a great verse,
54:22 it tells when it's going to happen,
54:24 read 1 Corinthians 15:22,
54:28 "For as in Adam all die."
54:31 We're all connected to Adam so we grow old and die.
54:34 "But in Christ, we will all be made alive."
54:36 He is the second Adam.
54:38 "But each one in his own order."
54:40 Here is the order, how this happens.
54:42 "Christ the first fruits."
54:43 Jesus is already raised.
54:45 "Afterward those who are Christ's at His coming."
54:50 So when do they rise?
54:52 1 Thessalonians 4, "The Lord Himself will descend
54:54 from heaven with a shout.
54:56 The voice of the archangel, the trump of God,
54:58 and the dead in Christ will rise first."
55:01 It's at the coming of the Lord,
55:03 and how many of you know somebody
55:05 that thinks as soon as they die,
55:07 they go to heaven?
55:08 And they all say, "Oh, yes, so and so died,
55:10 and they're up in heaven now talking to Jesus."
55:12 And it sounds really colorful but it's not biblical.
55:17 "The living know they'll die, but the dead know not anything.
55:19 They're sleeping a dreamless sleep until the resurrection."
55:23 Well, I want to remind everybody
55:25 that we're going to be studying a new lesson next week
55:28 on the Book of Acts,
55:29 and we're going to go through all
55:31 28 chapters of Acts during that quarter.
55:33 I'm really excited.
55:34 That should be a great time for the church to kind of
55:36 get a revival and refocus on their purpose.
55:38 And for anyone watching,
55:39 we have a free offer from Amazing Facts
55:42 if you like this book called the Ultimate Deliverance.
55:44 It's all about the Second Coming,
55:46 what we've talked about today and a lot more verses.
55:48 If you'd like a free offer,
55:50 read this and then share with the friends,
55:52 it's offer number 105.
55:54 Write that down when you call 866-788-3966,
55:59 866-Study-More.
56:01 God bless you, friends.
56:02 Lord willing, we will study His Word together again next week.
56:17 On several occasions, scientists have demonstrated
56:20 that people and even creatures can struggle with depression
56:24 when exposed to continual darkness.
56:26 This can be seen every year in the winter months
56:29 in the Arctic regions.
56:31 The beautiful village of Rjukan, Norway
56:33 is situated in the deep valley
56:35 where mountains block the sun's rays
56:37 for about six months every year.
56:39 This of course keeps the 3,400 residents
56:42 in a state of shade,
56:43 and sometimes depressing darkness throughout the winter.
56:47 Then the town leaders got a bright idea
56:49 to help illuminate their village
56:51 during the murky months.
56:53 In October 2013,
56:55 Rjukan installed an array of three gigantic,
56:58 550 square foot mirrors on the nearby mountain
57:02 at 1,000 feet above the town.
57:05 The computer control
57:06 and solar powered mirrors track the sun
57:09 through the winter months
57:10 and reflect that giant beam of sunshine
57:13 down to the town square brightening their lives.
57:17 If you visit Rjukan in the winter months today,
57:19 you can often see the people gathered
57:21 or sitting on benches around the town square,
57:24 bathing in the reflected sunshine.
57:27 Like those mirrors on the mountain,
57:29 the Bible says that Christians
57:30 are to reflect the light of Jesus,
57:32 who is the light of the world into this dark planet.
57:35 Matthew 5:14 says,
57:37 "You are the light of the world.
57:38 A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden,
57:41 nor do we light a lamp and put it under a basket.
57:44 But on a lamp stand
57:45 and it illuminates everybody in the house.
57:48 Let your light so shine before men
57:50 that they may see your good works
57:52 and glorify your Father in heaven."
57:55 So, friends, use today to brighten the life
57:58 of someone else by reflecting Jesus.


Revised 2018-06-27