Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021822A

00:35 Hello, friends, and welcome to
00:36 Sabbath School Study Hour
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:40 I'd like to welcome our online members
00:42 and our friends joining us across the country
00:44 and around the world for our study time together.
00:48 And again, I'd like to welcome
00:49 our regular members and visitors
00:50 right here at the Granite Bay Church.
00:52 We have been studying through
00:53 just a very important set of lessons entitled
00:56 "Preparation for the End Times,"
00:59 looking at some prophecies
01:00 in the books of Daniel and Revelation.
01:02 Today, we have an important subject.
01:04 That's lesson number nine
01:06 if you're following along in your lesson quarterly.
01:08 It's entitled "End-Time Deceptions."
01:11 Now you'll remember the words of Jesus were He said,
01:13 "In the last days,
01:14 the devil's deceptions will try and deceive
01:17 if possible," who?
01:19 "Even the very elect."
01:21 So it's pretty important for us to study the Word of God
01:23 so that we can distinguish between truth and error.
01:27 And that's some of the things
01:28 we're gonna be talking about today
01:29 in our lesson for this morning.
01:31 But before we get to our lesson,
01:33 we'd like to let our friends know
01:34 who are joining us on Facebook
01:36 and around the country of a free offer
01:38 that we have today.
01:40 We have a DVD that is from the "Here We Stand" series
01:44 and this is the free offer.
01:45 If you'd like to receive a DVD,
01:48 the number to call is 866-788-3966,
01:52 and you can ask for offer number 847.
01:56 And if you'd like to get a digital download
01:58 of that same sermon,
02:00 all you'll need to do is text the code
02:03 to the number 40544,
02:07 and we'll be able to send you a link
02:08 where you can actually download the same sermon entitled
02:12 "The Day of the Lord."
02:13 It's part of the "Here We Stand" series.
02:16 Well, before we get to our lesson,
02:17 we'd like to begin by lifting our voices in song.
02:20 I'd like to invite our song leaders
02:21 to come forward.
05:02 Are you looking forward to that day
05:04 when we will be caught up in the clouds
05:06 and reunited with our loved ones,
05:09 and we get to see Jesus face to face
05:11 and spend eternity with Him in heaven?
05:15 At this time, Pastor Ross will have our opening prayer.
05:19 Dear Father in heaven,
05:20 we thank You for the opportunity
05:22 to gather together and lift our voices in song
05:24 and open up Your Word
05:25 and study these very important truths
05:27 how we can prepare for the last days
05:29 and how we can avoid the errors that are so prevalent.
05:33 Lord, we just pray for Your Sprit
05:35 to guide us as we open the scriptures,
05:36 be with Pastor Doug
05:37 as he shares with us this morning,
05:40 for we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
05:43 Our lesson this morning is gonna be brought to us
05:45 by our head pastor
05:46 here at the Granite Bay Church, Pastor Doug.
05:51 Good morning. Happy Sabbath. Morning.
05:52 I want to welcome our friends
05:53 who are watching on satellite right now
05:56 or you may be streaming this live on Facebook
05:59 or some other internet mechanism,
06:01 we want to welcome you
06:03 to our Sabbath School Study Hour.
06:05 As Pastor Ross mentioned,
06:06 we're getting into another lesson today,
06:09 lesson number nine,
06:10 talking about preparation for the final deception.
06:13 Lesson is called "Preparation for the End Time."
06:16 And in particular, today we're gonna be talking about
06:18 End-Time deceptions.
06:20 And we have a memory verse.
06:22 And the memory verse is from Revelation 12:9.
06:25 Now this is a good memory verse for everyone to remember.
06:29 Revelation 12:9,
06:30 Revelation is that great chapter that talks about
06:33 the battle between the dragon and the bride of Christ.
06:38 You ready?
06:39 This is from the New King James Version,
06:40 Revelation 12:9.
06:43 "So the great dragon was cast out,
06:46 that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,
06:50 who deceives the whole world.
06:52 He was cast to the earth,
06:53 and his angels were cast out with him."
06:57 This is a very significant verse
07:00 if for no other reason.
07:01 If you've ever wondered if the devil, and the dragon,
07:04 and the Satan were the same, and the serpent,
07:07 we're talking about the same creature.
07:10 This brings them all together here and tells us
07:12 that this is the same creature.
07:14 It's just different names and metaphors
07:16 for the arch fiend,
07:19 the supreme enemy, the devil.
07:21 Now when we discuss, in particular,
07:24 concerns about deception in the last days,
07:27 it is a priority we need to think about.
07:31 When the disciples came to Jesus,
07:32 in Matthew 24, and they say,
07:34 "Lord, what will be the sign of Your coming
07:36 in the end of the world?"
07:38 He answers them, first thing He says right out of the gate,
07:43 He said to them, "Take heed that no one deceives you.
07:47 For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am Christ,'
07:51 and deceive many.'"
07:53 Now that verse can be taken two different ways.
07:55 First of all, Jesus can be saying,
07:57 many will come, saying,
07:59 I am Christ,
08:00 they will be claiming personally
08:02 that they're Christ.
08:03 Another way that verse can be taken
08:04 is many will come in His Name, saying,
08:07 He is Christ and deceive many.
08:10 Either way you take it, it's true.
08:13 There are people who have claimed to be Christ,
08:14 there's false Christ,
08:15 and we know there's a delusional occults
08:18 where the leader claims to be a Christ
08:21 or some incarnation of Christ.
08:23 And then there's a lot of people that say
08:25 that Jesus is the Christ and they deceive many.
08:28 And so either way that's true.
08:29 And then the next thing He says,
08:30 and this is still Matthew 24:24.
08:34 "For false christs and false prophets will rise
08:38 and show great signs and wonders to deceive,
08:42 if possible, even the very elect."
08:44 That's telling us that these deceptions are gonna be
08:47 so convincing that if it were possible,
08:49 even the very elect would be deceived.
08:52 The people that are as close to the Lord as you can imagine,
08:57 they're walking with the Lord, they're not safe.
09:00 So how careful should we be to know
09:03 what the devil's tactics are
09:05 so that we are not taken by surprise.
09:07 And that's the, one of the important things
09:10 about the lesson here.
09:13 Now the first section we're looking at,
09:14 it talks about the grandest deception,
09:17 the great deception.
09:18 If you look in Revelation 13:13, it says,
09:22 "He performs great signs,
09:25 so that he even makes fire come down
09:27 from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.
09:30 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth
09:33 by those signs
09:34 which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast,
09:38 telling those who dwell on the earth
09:39 to make an image to the beast
09:41 who was wounded by the sword and yet lived."
09:44 Are signs and wonders important?
09:49 Any of you ever prayed for signs and wonders?
09:52 Did the Lord use signs and wonders
09:55 to convince the early church that it was genuine?
09:59 Jesus did signs...
10:00 He says, "Look, if you don't believe Me,
10:01 believe the miracles."
10:03 The apostles went out during the time of Christ,
10:06 doing signs and wonders.
10:08 The Lord did many signs and wonders by Paul.
10:11 And by Peter, they did miracles.
10:14 So it would substantiate the truth.
10:17 But what's the risk of putting
10:19 all of our credence in signs and wonders?
10:23 Can the devil do them?
10:26 Are there false christs that do signs and wonders?
10:29 And so, what's the final criteria,
10:32 what the truth is, signs and wonders?
10:35 No, that's not it at all.
10:37 It's got to be the Bible
10:39 'cause the devil can counterfeit
10:41 signs and wonders.
10:42 And that's what it's telling us, He says,
10:43 false christs and prophets will arise
10:45 showing great signs and wonders.
10:47 And then it tells us the beast power.
10:49 There is one particular sign that He does,
10:51 what did I just read?
10:54 Brings fire down from heaven. What does that mean?
10:58 Who brings fire down from heaven in the Bible?
11:03 Let's talk about sometimes fire came down.
11:06 Now if you call out an answer,
11:07 I'll repeat it for those that are listening.
11:10 All right, in the days of Elijah,
11:11 fire came down, how many times?
11:16 Three times.
11:17 Once on Mount Carmel,
11:19 two other times when the King tried to have him arrested,
11:22 he prayed and fire came down and burnt up the soldiers
11:24 who came to arrest him.
11:26 Am I right?
11:28 What other times did fire come down?
11:31 Sodom and Gomorrah.
11:33 I wasn't even thinking of that one, that's true.
11:36 Now that wasn't really performed by a person,
11:38 but yeah, God brought down fire,
11:40 signs and wonders there, yeah.
11:42 Who else?
11:44 I heard Gideon. Samson.
11:46 Samson, when Samson's parents prayed,
11:49 fire came down to consume the sacrifice.
11:54 When the temple of Moses was dedicated,
11:57 did God bring fire down from heaven
11:59 to put the first holy fire on the altar, when He...
12:03 When else did that happen?
12:06 Cain and Abel.
12:08 There a fire came down on Abel's sacrifice,
12:10 but it did not accept Cain's.
12:14 What about the sons of Aaron?
12:15 Did they get barbecued?
12:19 For disobedience, fire came down from heaven.
12:23 And how many of you remember, it's a very brief reference,
12:27 but when Solomon dedicated the temple was the last time
12:30 it came down in the temple, and it says, the fire,
12:33 the Lord came down on the sacrifice
12:34 and the glory of the Lord so filled the temple,
12:37 the priests were not even able to minister
12:39 'cause there's some of the glory emanating
12:41 from the presence of God.
12:43 Now you're all forgetting one other.
12:49 Pentecost, fire came down.
12:51 Of course, that's a good one, I wasn't thinking of that.
12:54 I'm talking about the Old Testament.
13:00 Oh, I hear the wheel spinning. Amen.
13:05 And Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.
13:09 And among the plagues that happened to Job,
13:13 fire came down and burned up his flocks and shepherds.
13:17 So can the devil bring fire down from heaven?
13:20 At least he did there.
13:22 But most of the time in the Bible,
13:23 fire coming down is a sign of God's power.
13:27 Elijah prays and the fire comes down.
13:29 So when the Lord tells us in Revelation
13:32 that among the things we need to be careful of,
13:34 the devil's gonna,
13:36 he's gonna do the greatest sign
13:39 that God does is fire coming down from heaven.
13:42 I've heard some pastors try to make a case
13:44 that this is when nuclear war
13:46 began with the atomic bomb
13:47 that America is that beast that brought fire down
13:50 from heaven on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
13:53 I don't think that's what it's talking about.
13:55 That wasn't done for the purpose of proving
13:57 that the power was divine.
14:01 Look at Revelation 2:13
14:03 and then we're gonna go to 2:24.
14:05 Did Jesus warned the churches
14:07 during the seven messages to the seven churches,
14:09 they needed to be aware of Satan and his deceptions.
14:14 Look for instance, Revelation 2:13,
14:16 "I know your works, and that you dwell,
14:18 where Satan's throne is.
14:20 And you hold fast My name,
14:22 and you did not deny My faith even in the days
14:24 when Antipas was My faithful martyr,
14:27 who was killed among you, where Satan dwells."
14:32 And look at Revelation 2:24,
14:34 Now I say to you, and to the rest
14:35 that are in Thyatira..."
14:37 By the way that other church was Pergamos.
14:39 "I say to the rest that are in Thyatira,
14:41 as many as do not have this doctrine,
14:43 who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say."
14:47 And you read in Revelation 12,
14:48 that the Satan who has come down
14:50 who deceiveth the whole world.
14:52 And so Satan is known as a great deceiver.
14:56 Now what is deception?
15:00 Is deception just a blatant lie?
15:03 Or is deception the co-mingling of truth with a lie?
15:09 So the lie is made to look like truth.
15:14 Revelation 12:12,
15:16 and this I just quoted to you actually,
15:18 "Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!
15:21 Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea!
15:24 For the devil has come down to you,
15:25 having great wrath,
15:26 because he knows that his time is short."
15:29 So what does the devil do with his power and his wrath?
15:32 He tries to deceive God's people
15:35 for the sake of destroying them.
15:37 Now if you look in the book Great Controversy,
15:40 and this is page 495, there's a quote there
15:43 and you'll have this in your lesson.
15:46 "Leaving his place in the immediate presence of God,
15:48 Lucifer went forth to diffuse..."
15:50 This is before the fall.
15:53 So this is how the devil started.
15:56 "He went forth to diffuse
15:57 the Spirit of discontent among the angels.
16:00 Working with mysterious secrecy,
16:02 and for a time concealing his real purpose
16:04 under an appearance of reverence for God,
16:06 he endeavored to excite dissatisfaction
16:08 concerning the laws that governed heavenly beings,
16:11 intimating that they imposed an unnecessary restraint."
16:16 And so the devil goes out among the angels
16:18 and he deceives them.
16:20 But with an air of piety,
16:23 don't forget that Cain made an offering.
16:25 There's an air of religiosity before he kills his brother.
16:29 And those who kill you in the last days
16:31 will think they're serving God, Jesus said.
16:34 So is Satan alone in his work of deception
16:39 or does he have a team?
16:42 Let's look at some verses on this.
16:43 In a moment, someone's gonna read
16:45 Matthew 12:24, is that you, John?
16:48 Okay.
16:50 I'm gonna do Jude 1:6, only one chapter in Jude 1:6.
16:55 "And the angels
16:56 who did not keep their first estate,
16:58 their proper domain, but they left their own abode,
17:01 He has reserved in everlasting chains
17:04 under darkness for judgment of the great day."
17:07 What angels is he talking about?
17:10 It's the bad angels, the ones that are fallen.
17:13 Look in 2 Peter.
17:14 Now Jude and 2 Peter here are very similar.
17:17 2 Peter 2:4,
17:19 "For if God did not spare the angels
17:21 who sinned,
17:22 but cast them down to hell
17:24 and delivered them into chains of darkness,
17:26 to be reserved for judgment."
17:28 You remember, when Jesus began preaching,
17:30 He was in the synagogue and a demon possessed
17:33 man began to speak or the demon speak through him,
17:36 and he says, "We know who you are, Son of God,
17:38 if you come to torment us before the time."
17:41 The angels know that they have a judgment coming,
17:44 that's what it says here in Peter.
17:46 They know that they have been cast out of heaven
17:49 and they're doing everything they can to wreck
17:51 as much damage as they can on this world before.
17:58 And if you look in Revelation 12:9,
18:00 let's read that again.
18:02 "So the great dragon was cast out,
18:05 that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,
18:08 who deceives the whole world."
18:11 Why does Jesus call the devil the prince of this world?
18:14 'Cause is it safe to say
18:16 most of the world is deceived by the devil?
18:20 We're gonna talk about some of the particular
18:22 last day deceptions in a minute.
18:24 It says, "He deceives the whole world,
18:25 he was cast to the earth,
18:27 and his angels were cast out with him."
18:32 So 99.99999% of the time
18:36 when you say the devil is tempting me,
18:37 is that actually Satan himself
18:39 or is he working usually
18:40 through one of his fallen angels?
18:43 These used to be great beings.
18:45 They were wonderful, they were noble,
18:47 they were perfect, they had names,
18:48 God knows everyone of them
18:50 and their individual, angelic personalities,
18:53 and now they've got
18:54 their individual diabolical personalities,
18:57 but they are very real intelligent spirits
19:02 that work with the devil.
19:03 And people talk about goblins, and ghosts, and demons,
19:07 and they're all fallen angels, is what they are.
19:10 All right, please read for us Matthew 12:24.
19:14 Matthew 12:24,
19:16 "Now when the Pharisees heard it they said,
19:19 'This fellow does not cast out demons
19:21 except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.'"
19:25 So here it says, he is the ruler of demons.
19:28 He's got all these fallen angels
19:30 that work among him and with him.
19:33 And if you look in Matthew 25,
19:36 who does God specifically designed the lake of fire for?
19:39 Is it for the lost?
19:42 What is it for? Well, let's read it here.
19:43 Matthew 25:41,
19:46 "Then He will say to those on his left hand,
19:48 'Depart from Me, you cursed,
19:49 into the everlasting fire
19:52 prepared for the devil and his angels.'"
19:54 Does that mean the fire is gonna burn forever and ever,
19:57 or that the work of the fire is everlasting?
20:01 It means that what the fire does lasts forever.
20:04 It devours eternally those that are cast into it,
20:07 no second chance.
20:10 All right, now getting into some of the specific errors,
20:13 we're talking about
20:15 some of the last day deceptions.
20:17 We don't have time in our lesson
20:18 to talk about all the last day deceptions.
20:20 I could just ask you to raise your hand and say,
20:22 all right,
20:24 name one of Satan's last day deceptions.
20:26 And I'll bet you we can come up with 50.
20:28 You want to try it for a minute?
20:32 Yes. Yes, okay.
20:33 You like interaction with the class, okay.
20:36 Yeah, hold up your hand, I'll repeat it after you.
20:38 What is the name a "last day deception"?
20:41 There, Vicki. Day of worship.
20:43 The day of worship. What day, the worship, yeah.
20:47 That's actually coming up.
20:49 Spiritualism, those are two that are mentioned in a lesson.
20:58 Well, you know, spring has sprung,
21:01 and you'll see me up here, I don't have a cold but, boy,
21:03 it's just been so windy the last few days
21:04 with the pollen and stuff that,
21:07 yeah, just it had been hitting me too.
21:09 Okay, yeah, Katrina. False christs.
21:11 False christs. We just read that.
21:13 There's gonna be false christs, false prophets, yes.
21:17 The counterfeit baptisms
21:19 is an example of some of the false teachings.
21:23 I can think of lots of that,
21:25 you know, lots more than this, guys, come on.
21:27 Counterfeit, Holy Spirit counterfeit,
21:30 trinity, I heard.
21:31 What else did I hear?
21:32 Counterfeit spiritualism, counterfeit state of the dead.
21:35 Counterfeit tongues.
21:38 Counterfeit for every truth of God.
21:40 Anyone else? I see in the back.
21:41 Calling fire down from heaven.
21:43 Calling fire down,
21:44 or it was counterfeit signs and wonders.
21:47 And worshipping idols,
21:51 and icons, and Mary.
21:55 And there's a lot of, you know,
21:57 there's almost an endless list of things you could think of.
22:00 But there's two in particular that are mentioned
22:03 that are gonna be key in the last days.
22:06 From the book Great Controversy,
22:07 if you read in page 588,
22:10 "Through the two great errors of immortality of the soul
22:15 and Sunday sacredness,
22:17 Satan will bring people under his deceptions.
22:20 While the former lays
22:21 the foundation for spiritualism,
22:23 the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome."
22:26 Then you remember this.
22:27 "The Protestants of the United States
22:28 will be foremost in stretching their hand
22:30 across the gulf to clasp the hand of spiritualism.
22:34 They will reach over the abyss and clasp
22:35 the hand of the Roman power.
22:37 And under the influence of this threefold union,
22:40 this country will follow in the steps of Rome
22:42 trampling on the rights of conscience."
22:44 So it talks about two particular things
22:47 that will be a glue bringing together
22:50 this counterfeit alliance of
22:54 Apostate Protestantism, Apostate Orthodoxy
22:57 or Catholicism, and Spiritualism,
23:01 counterfeit Holy Spirit.
23:03 Is there a counterfeit version of the Holy Spirit
23:05 among Christians today?
23:08 Yeah, you know,
23:09 sometimes I'll turn on Hope channel or 3ABN
23:12 Friday night and right with our satellite,
23:17 just north and south of those channels,
23:19 you've got a number of other Christian channels.
23:21 Sometimes just for fun,
23:22 I'll click and look at some of the others,
23:23 many of them are charismatic channels,
23:26 and you see people, you know,
23:27 just going off into a trance and ostensibly
23:31 under the influence of the Holy Spirit,
23:32 they just begin to jabber and babble,
23:36 and I don't mean to be disrespectful,
23:38 but it doesn't look like anything I see in the Bible.
23:41 And then they start to give out these ecstatic prophecies
23:45 that are sort of disjointed Oracles of Delphi
23:48 that don't make any sense.
23:51 And Benny Hinn used to do that.
23:53 He predicted the end of the world several times,
23:56 speaking in tongues, I mean specific dates
23:58 when it was gonna happen and nothing happened.
24:00 So there's a counterfeit for the Holy Spirit
24:04 that seems to be uniting some of these churches.
24:06 By the way, the Roman Catholics and many of the Greek Orthodox
24:10 had now accepted speaking in tongues
24:12 and there's a whole charismatic branch
24:17 in their churches now.
24:19 All right, look at some of the ways
24:21 that Satan deceives here.
24:22 If you look in 2 Corinthians 2:11,
24:25 someone in a moment is gonna read 2 Thessalonians 2.
24:28 You'll have that, okay.
24:31 2 Corinthians 2:11,
24:33 "Lest Satan should take advantage of us,
24:36 for we are not in ignorant of his devices."
24:40 So the devil's got different devices,
24:42 and he says, we should not be ignorant.
24:45 We should know what some of these devices are.
24:48 If you look in 2 Corinthians 11:13,
24:51 "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,
24:55 transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.
24:59 And no wonder!
25:00 For Satan himself,
25:02 Satan transforms himself into an angel of light.
25:06 Therefore it's no thing if his ministers also transform
25:09 themselves into ministers of righteousness,
25:11 whose end will be according to their works."
25:14 So there are a number of counterfeit
25:16 that try to transform themselves into the true.
25:20 All right, go ahead, read for us your verse
25:21 here in 2 Thessalonians 2:9.
25:25 Okay, 2 Thessalonians 2:9,
25:29 "The coming of the lawless one
25:31 is according to the working of Satan,
25:33 with all power, signs, and lying wonders."
25:38 So someone's gonna have power.
25:41 It's real power, signs lying and wonders.
25:46 Now I want you to notice something,
25:49 and I know I talked about Armageddon last week.
25:52 We're gonna jump ahead to...
25:54 I'm gonna go, actually jump back
25:55 and then we're gonna jump from Revelation.
25:57 If you go to 1 Chronicles 10:13,
26:00 King Saul was facing a mammoth battle.
26:03 But before that battle,
26:05 the Bible tells us
26:06 that God wanted to speak to him.
26:11 So he went and sought out a witch,
26:14 and he went to the witch
26:16 and she called up a medium
26:18 that looked very real and sounded very real.
26:20 It turns out it was a lying spirit.
26:24 Now didn't we just see power, signs,
26:26 and lying wonders in Thessalonians?
26:28 Look in 1 Chronicles 10:13,
26:31 "So Saul died for his unfaithfulness
26:34 that he had committed against the Lord,
26:36 because he did not keep the word of the Lord,
26:38 and because he consulted a medium for guidance."
26:42 Some people think, "Well, wasn't that really Samuel?"
26:44 Now you can read in...
26:45 If you go to Chronicles, if you read just 1 Samuel,
26:47 it could leave you confused.
26:49 But read the commentary there that we just read in Chronicles
26:52 and it says, one of the reasons
26:53 Saul died is he did not consult the Lord,
26:55 where instead he consulted a witch
26:58 who conjured up an evil spirit that spoke to him.
27:02 That's what mediums do.
27:05 Now with that in mind
27:06 before that great battle that Saul fought,
27:09 he was deceived by evil spirits.
27:12 What does Revelation say?
27:13 Look in Revelation 16:14,
27:15 "For they are the spirits of demons,
27:18 performing signs that go out
27:20 to the kings of the earth and the whole world,
27:22 to gather them to the battle of the great day
27:24 of God Almighty."
27:26 Now what specifically did the witch of Endor do
27:30 to deceive Saul?
27:34 Because he did not understand the state of the dead,
27:36 he thought he was talking to Samuel,
27:38 and he was talking to a fallen angel, a devil.
27:42 Isn't that right?
27:44 What is gonna happen in the last days?
27:47 These three unclean spirits like
27:48 frogs go out of the mouth of the beast,
27:50 the dragon, and the false prophet,
27:53 and they gather together, the kings, the governments,
27:55 the powers of the earth to battle.
27:59 And it says, "They are spirits of demons performing signs."
28:03 They're gonna use spiritualism and there's gonna be,
28:08 ostensibly, dead people appearing
28:11 to these world leaders, saying,
28:12 I am, you know, I am Mary, I am Peter, I am James, John,
28:17 who know, they'll say I'm Abraham Lincoln.
28:18 I don't know what they'll do.
28:20 But they'll be calling up him, and they'll say,
28:22 I'm the ghost of Ronald Reagan.
28:23 Listen to me,
28:24 they'll be calling up all of these things
28:26 and say, whoa!
28:28 And under this counterfeit guidance
28:29 because they don't understand the state of the dead,
28:32 it's gonna play a major role in deceiving people.
28:36 If you look in Revelation 20:2,
28:42 it says that speaking of the millennium, the devil,
28:45 "He laid hold on the dragon, that serpent of old,
28:49 who is the devil and Satan,
28:51 and bound him for a thousand years."
28:53 He's that old serpent, the one who deceives the world.
28:57 And you look in Revelation 20:10,
29:01 "The devil, who deceived them,
29:04 was cast into the lake of fire."
29:06 One of the things he's being destroyed for is,
29:09 he's a liar, and he's the father of it.
29:11 He's a murderer, and he's a first of that too.
29:13 He's been a great deceiver.
29:15 All right, see, it looks like we have some of our viewers
29:17 that have sent in some questions,
29:19 it looks like they came in on Facebook.
29:21 All right, "How can we determine
29:23 between true and false prophets?"
29:26 Well, we read in Matthew, where it says,
29:27 there's gonna to be false christs
29:28 and false prophets.
29:30 Tell you what, I'm gonna put that out to you.
29:33 Give me some of the criteria
29:35 and raise your hand, I'll repeat.
29:37 How do you tell the difference
29:38 between a true and a false prophet?
29:40 I see one hand.
29:41 Isaiah 8:20, they can follow the light.
29:44 "According to the law and the testimony,
29:46 if they speak not according to this word,
29:48 there is no light in them."
29:49 So it's gonna...
29:51 Yeah, if what they say is not in harmony with the Bible.
29:53 Very good. Saw another hand I thought.
29:56 John, you're gonna do same one, according to the Word of God.
30:00 How do you know a true from a false prophet?
30:02 There is about 11 things
30:03 that we have in the Amazing Facts study guide
30:05 to tell the difference.
30:06 Yes. Prophecies of truth.
30:08 Yeah, if their prophecy fall on the ground.
30:11 Now can you think of an Old Testament prophecy
30:13 that made a prophecy and it didn't happen.
30:17 Jonah, when they repented,
30:19 of course, that was a conditional prophecy.
30:21 When they repented,
30:22 they were gonna be destroyed for their sin,
30:23 and when they repented, he forgave them.
30:25 But if a prophet says something is gonna happen
30:27 and it's not a conditional prophecy
30:28 and it doesn't happen, Moses said,
30:30 do not believe that prophet. Vicki?
30:32 And like Isaiah and some of the other prophets
30:35 prophesied wonderful things that would happen to Israel,
30:39 but it was all contingent on
30:41 if they turn their hearts to the Lord.
30:43 Yeah, some prophets were contingent to Israel,
30:46 were contingent on their repenting.
30:48 Now what about...
30:50 What is the emphasis of a true prophet?
30:52 Is it to glorify self or God?
30:54 Glorify God.
30:56 Will a true prophet ask for your credit card number
30:58 before they give you their prophecy?
31:01 Do they charge for their prophecy?
31:03 Can you ever see Elijah standing before Ahab
31:06 and saying, thus save the Lord, now here is your receipt,
31:09 now I'll share what the Lord said.
31:12 All right, got another one.
31:15 Their lives would bear the fruits of the spirit,
31:18 they will be holy in their lives.
31:19 And so some people said they're prophets of God,
31:22 but they just followed with all kinds of wicked scandal,
31:24 you wonder if they're really prophets of God, okay.
31:29 I see, yeah.
31:31 They want to build up the church.
31:33 Yeah, their prophecies, very good point,
31:35 are gonna be designed
31:36 not to just bring attention to themselves
31:38 but to build up the church.
31:40 So, and the prophecy they give will be in harmony
31:45 with other scripture.
31:46 Now I know, I talked about being scriptural,
31:48 but they're gonna have the trademarks
31:51 of a true prophet in the language.
31:54 Okay, so there are some signs of true and a false prophet.
31:58 We got another question here.
32:00 "How could it be possible for the elect to be deceived
32:05 in the last days?"
32:07 Well, it doesn't say they are deceived,
32:09 Jesus said, if it were possible,
32:11 the very elect would be deceived.
32:13 It means that it's gonna be so powerful that
32:17 they're nearly deceived.
32:19 How powerful were the temptations
32:21 that the devil brought to Jesus?
32:24 When the devil appeared to Jesus,
32:26 did he appear with, what, he have, you know,
32:30 red leotards and goat feet, and a beard, and horns,
32:36 and bat wings, and long fingernails,
32:40 he plopped down on the ground and said,
32:42 "I've got a proposition,
32:43 if you turn these stones into bread."
32:45 Would you have ever been fooled by that?
32:47 Or did he look like an angel of light?
32:50 It's like an angel came to Elijah
32:52 when he was starving in the wilderness.
32:53 And this angel said, I've been sent from God,
32:56 just like an angel was sent to help Elijah,
32:59 I know you're hungry, you've also fasted
33:01 40 days and 40 nights.
33:03 And just one little thing, if you're the Son of God,
33:06 this is a little test, turn these stones into bread.
33:09 And it seems so real.
33:12 So the last day deceptions are coming
33:14 and see elect are gonna border with the true.
33:18 They're gonna look very similar.
33:20 And that's what makes deception.
33:22 If you're gonna make a counterfeit $10 bill,
33:25 what number will be on it?
33:27 Six?
33:29 No, so you're gonna make it
33:30 as close to the real as you can,
33:33 and that's what's gonna deceive people.
33:36 Are there counterfeit churches and counterfeit denominations?
33:40 Do they read the Bible?
33:43 Do they sing some of the same songs?
33:45 Do the people look like us?
33:48 And there's just a lot of similar things,
33:50 but in some of the teachings
33:52 it's something that is deadly toxic.
33:55 And so the last day deceptions are gonna be very similar.
33:58 Okay, let's do a little more
33:59 and I see more questions are coming in,
34:01 but we'll do some of the lesson here.
34:03 Immortality of the soul,
34:05 so that is one of the major deceptions.
34:09 If you read in Ecclesiastes 9:5-6,
34:12 in a moment someone's gonna have Psalms 115:17,
34:15 you'll have, okay?
34:17 Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, we all know this,
34:19 so you should know this by heart.
34:20 "The living know that they will die,
34:22 but the dead know not anything."
34:26 Right, I read that to a pastor one time,
34:27 he says, "You're not supposed to take that seriously."
34:29 I said, "What?"
34:31 He said, "I know it looks like that's what it seemed,"
34:32 he said, "but Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes
34:35 while he was depressed."
34:37 Matter fact, I think that's in Scofield's Commentary.
34:40 You've heard of a Scofield Bible,
34:41 that's why I don't like the Scofield Bible.
34:44 Now there are other reasons.
34:46 He says, just ignore it, that Solomon was depressed,
34:49 he's saying everything is vanity of vanity,
34:51 and he just said, oh, we're all gonna die
34:53 and we don't know anything and it's not inspired.
34:57 It's pretty sad.
34:58 No, I think Solomon knew just what he was saying.
35:00 Last part of the book, he says,
35:01 "Fear God and keep His commandments,
35:03 for this is the whole duty of man."
35:05 But he knew that in death we know nothing.
35:08 He goes on, he says, "Their love, their hatred,
35:10 their envy is now perished.
35:12 Nevermore will they have a share
35:13 in anything done under the sun."
35:15 Meaning in this life, when the person dies, Job says,
35:18 they do not return back to their house,
35:19 he says the same thing Solomon says.
35:22 Ecclesiastes 9:10, just go to verse 10.
35:25 "Whatever your hand finds to do,
35:27 do it with your might,
35:29 for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom
35:32 in the grave where you are going."
35:35 The people in the grave have no wisdom,
35:37 they have no knowledge.
35:38 They don't know anything. They are asleep.
35:41 All right, please read for us Psalm 115:17.
35:45 Psalm 115:17.
35:48 "The dead do not praise the Lord,
35:52 nor any who go down into silence."
35:56 Now, if when you die, your next conscious thought
36:01 is the resurrection and it happens, you know,
36:03 while we're still here on earth that you die
36:05 and you're up in heaven praising the Lord.
36:07 I would think the next thing you do
36:08 if you're in heaven would be to praise the Lord.
36:10 But here David said,
36:11 the dead do not praise the Lord.
36:12 What does the Bible say about David?
36:15 David was a good king, man after God's own heart.
36:19 You read in Acts 2, Peter says David is dead and buried
36:23 and he's not ascended to heaven.
36:25 Says his grave is with us to this day.
36:27 It says, David slept with his fathers.
36:29 I mean, how more clear can God be?
36:31 Slept, dead, not in heaven, dead don't know anything.
36:38 But what about the verse Pastor Doug that says,
36:41 I know most of you know the answer to this,
36:43 but there is people watching.
36:45 What about the verse that says,
36:46 "Absent from the body, present with the Lord."
36:49 Doesn't that mean that once you die,
36:52 you're then present with the Lord?
36:54 Well, yes, as far as you're concerned
36:57 if you die and you have a dreamless sleep,
36:59 what's your next conscious thought?
37:02 The resurrection. Now David died 3000 years ago.
37:08 Does it seem like 3000 years to him?
37:12 What's the next conscious thought David will have?
37:15 When the Lord descends from heaven
37:17 and the trumpet blows and the dead in Christ rise,
37:19 it will seem like a moment,
37:20 the twinkling of an eye for him,
37:23 but it hasn't happened yet.
37:25 And the reason it's important to know that
37:26 they're not there yet.
37:27 As far as they're concerned, we're happy for them
37:29 'cause that's their next conscious thought.
37:31 But they're not there yet because you could be deceived
37:34 by someone pretending to be the dead
37:36 if they go right to heaven.
37:38 Oh, what about Elijah and what about Moses?
37:41 Well, we know there are unusual circumstances.
37:43 Elijah went to heaven in a fiery chariot.
37:45 Moses was resurrected three days after he died.
37:48 You read that in the Book of Jude 1:9.
37:51 Let's look at a few more.
37:53 Psalm 146:4, "His spirit departs,
37:57 he returns to his earth.
37:58 In that very day his thoughts perish."
38:01 Breath of life goes away, they don't start thinking
38:03 new enhanced thoughts, they stop thinking
38:06 'cause they are asleep.
38:07 Daniel 12:2, "Many of those who sleep
38:10 in the dust of the earth shall awake,"
38:12 when the Lord comes, "Some to everlasting life,
38:15 and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
38:18 When Jesus was talking about his friend Lazarus,
38:20 this to me, I think is one of the most convincing.
38:23 He said, this is John 11:11, "These things He said,
38:28 and after that He said to them, 'Our friend Lazarus sleeps,
38:31 but I go that I might wake him up.'"
38:34 His disciples misunderstood.
38:35 They said, Lord, if he sleep, he get well, that's good.
38:37 However, Jesus spoke of his death,
38:40 but they thought He was talking about taking rest and sleep.
38:43 Jesus said to them plainly, Lazarus is dead,
38:47 and I'm calling it sleep.
38:49 Now, how long was Lazarus dead?
38:52 Almost four days, yeah, when he finally got to the tomb
38:56 and Jesus resurrected him.
39:00 And when Jesus resurrected Lazarus,
39:03 what did Lazarus say about his death experience?
39:06 Did he say, "Thank You Lord for saving me
39:10 from the chasm of the lake of fire."
39:13 Or did he say, "Lord, why did you bring me back
39:16 from the golden streets and the tree of life?"
39:19 Did he make any comment on anything?
39:23 Now if that happened today, if a person had been dead,
39:29 medically certified dead,
39:31 already decomposing for four days
39:33 and they suddenly are reconstitute
39:35 and they come back to life.
39:37 Every news agency in the world would have reporters there
39:43 and they would push a microphone in your face
39:44 and say, "What did you see?"
39:47 Wouldn't that be the question? What was death like?
39:49 We've been wanting to know about death
39:51 for thousands of years, you've got the answer now.
39:52 What happens when you die?
39:55 And Lazarus would have said, I don't remember.
39:59 I don't know anything.
40:01 I knew I had a fever, I was fading in and out,
40:04 next thing I knew, here I am,
40:05 wrapped in grave clothes, right?
40:09 He had no consciousness.
40:10 Matter of fact, to me,
40:11 this is I think is one of the strongest arguments.
40:14 There are about a dozen resurrections in the Bible.
40:16 Now we're not exactly sure because when Paul was stoned
40:21 and he got back up again, some have argued,
40:22 they stoned him to death, and God just resurrected him.
40:26 Now Eutychus fell out the window,
40:28 it looked like Eutychus died, and some think
40:29 he was just knocked out,
40:31 but I think the Bible's clear, he was dead.
40:33 So there is some question about a few of them.
40:36 But there is about a dozen resurrections in the Bible.
40:39 Do you realize that out of those 12 people
40:41 that are raised, not a single one said
40:43 they had any consciousness in death.
40:47 When did you think that you should have
40:49 at least one testimony?
40:52 Someone will say what about the parable
40:53 of the rich man and Lazarus?
40:55 Doesn't say the rich man or the Lazarus never comes back
40:58 from the dead and that is a parable.
41:01 Did the people in heaven and hell talk to each other?
41:04 No.
41:05 Can a drop of water cool a person burning in hell?
41:08 No.
41:09 And so does every dead person go to the bosom of Abraham?
41:14 You know, a lot of acreage in his bosom if that's true.
41:17 I mean, so it's obviously full of metaphors
41:20 and you don't want to build your theology on that.
41:24 And you go to 1 Corinthians 15, here's a couple more that
41:27 I think are slam dunk verses on the state of the dead.
41:30 This is an important last day deception.
41:33 How many of you have been to a funeral,
41:34 where they say, "Our dearly beloved sister or brother,
41:38 they're now on the streets of gold,
41:40 they're singing."
41:41 And, you know, if these famous people die,
41:44 and is that what the Bible says?
41:45 When does the resurrection take place?
41:47 1 Corinthians 15, Paul says a lot about it
41:49 in the 1 Corinthians.
41:51 Go to verse 16,
41:52 "For if indeed, the dead do not rise,
41:54 then Christ is not risen.
41:56 And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile,
41:58 you are still in your sins!
41:59 Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.
42:03 If in this life only we have hope in Christ,
42:06 we are of all men most pitiable."
42:08 Go down now to verse 22.
42:11 "For as in Adam all die," so Paul says here
42:14 in verse 16 through 19,
42:15 they have fallen asleep in Christ.
42:18 Go to verse 22, 1 Corinthians 15,
42:22 "For in Adam all die,
42:23 even so in Christ all shall be made alive."
42:27 Are they alive now or they shall be?
42:29 That's future. When?
42:31 "Each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits,"
42:33 Christ has already risen, He is first,
42:35 "Afterward," talking about the others,
42:38 "Those who are Christ's," the saved, "At His coming."
42:42 So when are they raised? At His coming.
42:45 How could it be more clear than that?
42:47 The Lord will descend from heaven with a shout,
42:49 the voice of the archangel, the trump of God,
42:51 then the dead in Christ will arise.
42:54 They're not risen yet, you can't rise them
42:56 if they're already risen, right?
42:59 Go to 1 Corinthians 15:51, "Behold, I tell you a mystery,
43:03 we will not all sleep,
43:05 but we will all be changed in a moment,
43:07 in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
43:10 For the trumpet will sound,
43:11 and the dead will be raised incorruptible."
43:14 That's when they're raised is when the Lord comes.
43:17 Now we said that there's a couple of different
43:20 major deceptions, one was spiritualism,
43:24 not understanding the state of the dead.
43:25 It's gonna be used by the devil in the last days
43:27 and it's being used now.
43:29 The other was a misunderstanding
43:31 of the Sabbath and the holy day,
43:33 Sunday sacredness.
43:35 And so, why is that important? A number of reasons.
43:40 You look in your lesson here, it has to do first of all
43:44 with worshipping God the way He says.
43:46 Look in your lesson in Genesis, it says,
43:48 the Sabbath and the Theory of Evolution.
43:51 Has something changed in our culture
43:54 in the last 50 years?
43:56 Has there been a major shift of people going
43:58 from believing in divine creation to believing
44:01 that we've evolved from lower forms of life?
44:05 If people were really keeping the Sabbath the way God said
44:08 and the Sabbath says, "For in six days
44:10 the Lord made heaven and earth, and sea."
44:14 And look at all, and I know this is terribly,
44:16 politically dangerous to say this,
44:18 but look at all the confusion in our culture
44:22 about the distinction between men and women.
44:26 Doesn't the Bible say that Jesus said,
44:28 in the beginning God made the male and female,
44:32 they are different?
44:34 But look at how far our society and a corrupt culture is going
44:39 in trying to amalgamate men and women
44:42 into one sort of nebulous thing,
44:45 and they're trying to redefine it
44:46 and you actually get to pick your own definition.
44:50 Somebody sent me a little clip yesterday that in England,
44:56 they're upset about Mother's Day
44:57 because it's leaving out people
45:00 that don't get to identify as mothers.
45:05 And so, it was the most absurd thing I've ever seen.
45:10 But yeah, that people are angry at Mother's Day now
45:12 'cause it's too feministic as it should be for anybody.
45:17 You don't have to be a mother, you may want to identify.
45:21 Even if you are father,
45:22 you should be able to celebrate Mother's Day.
45:25 Yeah, you do through your wife, that's right.
45:31 But why are we having all these problems?
45:33 It's because evolution that basically says,
45:37 you're your own God, and you're evolving,
45:39 and you're becoming like...
45:40 It's like what the devil said to Adam and Eve,
45:42 you will be God.
45:44 And you sort of made yourself over millions of years.
45:49 You can do whatever you want
45:50 because you're not accountable to anyone
45:51 because you just evolved by accident.
45:53 That's the main reason for evolution
45:55 is to get rid of the accountability factor
45:57 that we don't have to answer to God.
46:00 So Revelation 16:13, I'm sorry, rather, Genesis 1:3,
46:06 "God said, 'Let there be light,'
46:08 and there was light.
46:09 And God saw the light, it was good.
46:11 And God divided the light from the darkness.
46:13 God called the light Day,
46:15 and the darkness He called Night.
46:17 So the evening and the morning were the first day."
46:19 That word day, there is Yom.
46:21 It's talking about a distinct clear 24 hour period of time.
46:26 Whenever we celebrate the Sabbath
46:28 on the seventh day of the week,
46:29 we are celebrating a 24 hour period of time.
46:33 And when God tells us to remember the Sabbath day,
46:35 "For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth,"
46:38 He's telling us that He made those six days
46:40 in 24 hour periods of time, that's why every Sabbath day,
46:43 we're remembering what God did.
46:46 That's why there are seven days in the week
46:48 'cause He made everything in six days.
46:49 He said, I'll make it one more day,
46:51 24 hour period, to remember the others.
46:54 But more and more churches are trying to combine.
46:56 They think, well, you know, the scientific world
46:59 is laughing at Christians
47:00 'cause we don't believe in evolution,
47:01 so let's say we sort of believe in evolution,
47:03 get them off our back,
47:05 we'll just say that God created through evolution.
47:08 That doesn't work.
47:10 The Bible says that God created it six literal days
47:13 and there are skeptics in the church
47:17 that say that God...
47:19 The first 11 chapters up to the Tower of Babel,
47:21 until you get to Abraham, they said it's all parables.
47:24 It's all symbolic, don't take it literally.
47:27 And even as the Catholic Church officially says
47:31 that Genesis should not be taken literally,
47:34 and that God created that these stories are there
47:37 to teach moral lessons.
47:40 And at some point, you know,
47:42 you've got this ape like creature,
47:45 dragging his knuckles on the ground,
47:47 he's dragging his wife by her hair.
47:50 And suddenly, some spark illuminates his eyes
47:53 and now he has a soul and he becomes man,
47:55 he goes from ape to man.
47:56 And that was the moment
47:58 and he just kind of kept evolving upward.
48:00 And this is a concept I've actually heard.
48:01 Catholic theologians say, yeah, there was a moment
48:03 when God put a soul in man and made him in His own image.
48:08 But up until then, he was an animal.
48:11 I think it's Jehovah's Witnesses
48:13 that say that the six days of creation
48:15 were really thousands of years,
48:18 and it was really 7,000 years, you can't go...
48:21 That doesn't work, friends.
48:23 God made the vegetation on the third day,
48:25 He did not make the sunlight for the vegetation
48:28 until the fourth day.
48:30 Plants can live 24 hours without the sun,
48:32 they can't live 6000 years without the sun.
48:35 These are not epics of thousands or millions
48:37 or billions of years.
48:40 Jesus said, don't forget this.
48:41 Jesus said, "If you do not believe Moses,
48:45 you do not believe Me."
48:48 And so, if you don't believe what Moses said
48:50 in those first 11 chapters, don't say,
48:52 well, I believe in...
48:53 Yeah, I believe the Bible.
48:54 I just believe that God used evolution to create,
48:56 you don't believe the Bible 'cause the Bible's clear,
48:59 He did it in 6, 24 hour days,
49:02 every Sabbath is a memorial of that.
49:04 Amen. Look in Colossians 1:16.
49:10 "For by Him all things were created that are in heaven
49:13 and that are on earth, visible and invisible,
49:15 whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.
49:19 All things were created through Him and for Him."
49:22 Now just because we maybe have not observed
49:25 God making light or things,
49:30 doesn't mean that God doesn't do it.
49:32 He did it by his divine power.
49:34 "Oh, but, Pastor Doug,
49:37 it takes billions of years for the light
49:40 from the distant stars to reach our earth.
49:41 How could He have made those in a literal day?
49:44 And it takes so long for the light
49:46 to get to the earth."
49:47 I always say that you just got to think of tree rings.
49:52 When God made the first trees, did they have rings in them?
49:58 Sure.
50:00 When He made the first turtle, did He make it full grown?
50:06 You know, some turtles increase
50:08 the number of plates as they get older.
50:11 A rattlesnake will have different numbers of rattles
50:14 based on how many times it shed its skin.
50:16 The first rattlesnake that God made,
50:17 I know you don't like to think about that.
50:19 First rattlesnake that God made,
50:21 did He have a little button like a baby
50:22 or did He have a full raft or rattles?
50:25 And so when God made the stars,
50:27 why can't God make the starlight already in route?
50:33 Of course, He can. He can do anything.
50:35 And so it's a question of do you believe.
50:38 I mean just any of the evidence that you seem to see for time
50:42 in the environment, God can build that time
50:45 into the original creation.
50:48 And so, I believe if it says, He made it in six days,
50:51 He made it in six days.
50:52 And I'll tell you something else,
50:54 this is very, very important.
50:56 This is a Pastor Dougism.
51:00 If you're struggling with
51:01 how much of the Bible to believe,
51:03 and you're wondering should I believe too much
51:04 or too little, always believe too much.
51:07 Amen.
51:08 If you're gonna make a mistake and saying,
51:10 I'm gonna start nitpicking and say,
51:12 I'm not sure I believe this,
51:13 and it seems like a contradiction there
51:14 and you start saying, this part can't be trusted,
51:17 you are on the road to ruin
51:20 when you begin to take the Bible apart
51:22 because pretty soon you won't believe any of it,
51:23 you are much better off.
51:25 There are difficult passages, but you are much better off,
51:27 believe it is all, the inspired Word of God and you're safe.
51:32 As soon as you start to dissect it
51:34 and to say, well, I can't believe that part,
51:36 that didn't really mean what it says.
51:38 Yeah, you're building on the sand then.
51:41 All right, we got just a few moments left.
51:43 I have another question.
51:45 "What can I do in my spiritual life,
51:46 so I'm not the seed in the last days?"
51:50 Good, good question.
51:52 How do I know that I'm not deceived?
51:54 Well, first of all, keep your eyes on Jesus.
51:57 Thy word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin.
52:02 Fortify your mind.
52:03 I remember there's a quote,
52:04 I think it's in Great Controversy,
52:06 "Only those who fortify their minds
52:08 with the truth of God's Word
52:09 will stand in the final conflict."
52:12 How did Jesus fight the deceptions of the devil?
52:14 It is written. It is written.
52:16 It is written, but we use the same strategy.
52:19 Amen.
52:20 There's another question, or is that the last one there?
52:22 Yes, "How do we distinguish between miracles from God,
52:25 and those from Satan?"
52:27 Well that be some of the same things you do
52:30 to distinguish between the true prophets
52:32 and the false prophets.
52:34 If there is a miracle and it glorifies man
52:39 or it contradicts the Bible, it's not from God.
52:42 All right, counterfeit trinity, now this is very important.
52:46 You notice in Revelation, it seems like the devil seeks
52:48 to counterfeit every truth of God.
52:51 Revelation 16, "These three unclean spirits
52:55 like frogs out of the mouth of the dragon,
52:58 the mouth of the beast,
52:59 and the mouth of the false prophet.
53:01 In Revelation, in the first chapter,
53:03 it identifies the trinity.
53:05 Have you ever noticed that?
53:07 And you find even the Holy Spirit,
53:08 last words, spirit in the bride say come.
53:11 It talks about the seven spirits
53:12 before the throne, and from Jesus, and from God.
53:15 They're in the first chapter and here you got
53:17 a counterfeit trinity if you will.
53:20 But what else does the devil counterfeit in Revelation?
53:23 Well, does it tell us
53:25 that Christ has crowns in Revelation?
53:28 Does the beast have crowns?
53:30 Does the Bible says, that Christ has a seal
53:33 that identifies His people?
53:35 You're still with me? Yeah.
53:37 Yeah. What about the beast?
53:38 Does it have a seal?
53:41 Does the Bible says, that Christ has power?
53:44 It says in Revelation, it says,
53:46 the beast unto him was given power.
53:49 Does the Bible talk about worshipping Christ?
53:51 All the angels fell down and they worship Him?
53:54 Yes.
53:55 Does the Bible talk about
53:57 worshipping the beast in Revelation?
53:59 Yes.
54:01 What about Christ's resurrection?
54:03 Does it talk about the lamb that was slain?
54:06 Does Jesus say, I was the one who is dead
54:07 and now I'm alive forever more,
54:09 so is the resurrection of Christ in Revelation.
54:11 Is there a counterfeit resurrection?
54:14 Beast receives a deadly wound, and the deadly wound is healed.
54:18 He comes back to life and all the world wonders.
54:22 You know, one of the powerful things
54:23 about Christ is the resurrection
54:24 but the devil counterfeits that.
54:27 Does Jesus have a bride in Revelation 12?
54:32 Does Frankenstein have a bride in Revelation 17?
54:36 Just wondering if you are still listening.
54:38 You get the bride of the beast in Revelation 17,
54:41 right, Babylon.
54:45 Is Christ, do you see in Revelation
54:47 that God becomes a man in Christ?
54:50 Yes.
54:51 And what about the beast does it say?
54:53 It is the number of a man, there's some incarnation
54:56 of that power, that's happening there.
54:59 Does the Bible say Christ has true apostles?
55:03 And did we read in 2 Corinthians 11,
55:05 the devil has false apostles.
55:07 Deceitful workers.
55:09 And so, you can see Revelation, one of the reasons
55:12 it is a masterpiece of deception
55:14 is the devil is taking all the truths of God
55:16 and I haven't listed them all,
55:18 and He created a counterfeit for them.
55:19 And some of you're gonna say,
55:20 "Pastor Doug, I want those notes."
55:22 And we usually post them at the Amazing Facts website,
55:25 so you'll see them there.
55:27 Yeah, the devil has got a counterfeit.
55:28 So we need to know, we need to spend time
55:31 studying the authentic,
55:33 so that we're not deceived in the last days.
55:35 Amen.
55:36 I want to thank you again, friends,
55:37 for studying His Word with us and a very interesting study.
55:41 We look forward to doing it again with you again next week.
55:44 Let's face it, it's not always easy
55:46 to understand everything you read in the Bible.
55:49 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books,
55:53 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
55:55 To get biblical straightforward answers,
55:58 call into Bible Answers Live,
56:00 a live nationwide call-in radio program
56:02 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor
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57:01 Heavens were parted for Him.
57:03 The Holy Spirit came down.
57:04 This is what God wants you to experience.
57:07 You come to Christ, your sins are washed away,
57:10 you become a new creature.
57:11 It's a land of beginning again,
57:13 and how many of you wish you can restart.
57:17 For I was hungry
57:19 and you gave me something to eat,
57:22 in as much you shall do it to one of the least of these,
57:25 my brethren, you did it to me.
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Revised 2018-05-30