Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021821A

00:34 Good morning, friends,
00:35 welcome again to Sabbath School Study Hour
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:40 Very warm welcome to those who are joining us online
00:43 across the country and around the world,
00:44 part of our extended lesson study class
00:47 and also our members
00:48 and visitors right here at the Granite Bay Church.
00:51 It's good to see you this morning
00:52 as we continue our study in our lesson quarterly
00:55 entitled "Preparation for the End Times."
00:58 Today, we're looking at lesson number eight,
01:00 that's entitled Worship the Creator.
01:03 You'll find that
01:04 in the first angel's message in Revelation 14.
01:07 So we're gonna be studying Revelation 14,
01:10 the first angel's message
01:11 in a special way during our time today.
01:14 But before we get to all of that,
01:16 we want to let our friends know about a free offer
01:18 that we have for those who are joining us.
01:20 We do have a DVD download that's available
01:24 to those who are willing to text the following code,
01:28 it's "SH022" to the number 40544,
01:35 and you'll be able to receive
01:36 a download of the Ultimate Purpose DVD,
01:39 one of the sermons in that series.
01:41 And again that code is "SH022" text that to 40544.
01:48 If you'd like to receive actual DVD copy of our free offer,
01:53 just give us a call at 866-788-3966,
01:57 and you can ask for offer number 846.
02:00 We'll be happy to send that to anybody who calls and asks.
02:04 Well, before we get to our lesson again,
02:06 I'd like to invite our song leaders to come,
02:08 and they will lead us in our song this morning.
04:01 Dear Father in heaven,
04:02 we thank You once again that we have this opportunity
04:04 to open up Your Word and study this very important message,
04:08 part of the everlasting gospel that is to go to all the world.
04:11 Lord, we ask for the Holy Spirit to come
04:12 and guide our hearts as we take a look
04:14 at this important passage of scripture.
04:16 And we pray, Lord,
04:17 that You'd lead us into a clear understanding of truth,
04:20 for we ask this in Jesus' name.
04:22 Amen.
04:23 Our lesson this morning
04:24 is going to be brought to us by Pastor Doug.
04:28 Good morning, friends.
04:30 Welcome to Sabbath School Study Hour.
04:33 Very thankful to see each of you here,
04:35 some who may be visiting,
04:36 some who are watching from around the world.
04:39 And that became very tangible for Karen and I this last month
04:44 because we were in Africa,
04:46 and I thought maybe before we get into the lesson,
04:49 if it's okay with you,
04:50 I'm just going to give you a little mission update.
04:53 And we've got some slides that will appear,
04:55 it might be on my monitor also
04:57 or it can be up there on the screen.
05:00 We were in Kampala, Uganda.
05:02 And we were there for just about two weeks.
05:06 That is the middle of kind of East Africa.
05:10 I've never been to this country before,
05:12 and it's right on the lake...
05:13 It's right on the borders of the biggest lake in Africa,
05:16 second biggest freshwater lake in the world,
05:18 which is Lake Victoria.
05:20 There's still quite a bit of unemployment
05:22 and poverty in the country,
05:24 but nobody's like starving
05:25 because it is right on the equator
05:27 and there's a lot of food everywhere.
05:29 People may not have any money
05:30 but most people are able to find food.
05:33 And part of what we were doing is we work together with our...
05:38 We have an AFCOE-Africa,
05:39 and evangelism training program there in Africa.
05:42 It's been based in Kenya for the last couple of years,
05:45 but in preparation for these meetings,
05:47 our director, Lowell Hargreaves and Sandra, his family.
05:51 They had done some meetings in Kampala,
05:53 which is the capital there of Uganda,
05:56 and they had trained a number of people in evangelism,
05:59 but there was ten of them they thought
06:01 they could send out as evangelists.
06:03 So a few weeks before we arrived,
06:06 we had ten evangelists,
06:07 I think we got eight or nine of them there,
06:09 that went out around the city
06:11 and they begin to conduct meetings,
06:12 and then we brought
06:13 all of the people from their meetings
06:15 to the final ten meetings that Karen and I presented.
06:19 And we spent some time with the evangelist,
06:22 this was just a great roundtable time
06:24 asking all kinds of Bible questions
06:26 and each one of them has an incredible testimony.
06:30 So one of them was a Pentecostal pastor
06:32 and another one was into Satanic worship,
06:34 and now they're all working for the Lord.
06:37 Yeah, this is the whole team,
06:38 they're also singing during our series,
06:40 the men and the ladies.
06:42 We met outdoors, now this was really a miracle.
06:45 The only time that I could squeeze this meeting in
06:48 was in the raining season.
06:51 They really got two seasons in this part of Africa,
06:54 you know, the sun goes down pretty much
06:55 the same time all year long, it's on the equator.
06:58 And it's either sunny or raining.
07:00 The temperature doesn't fluctuate a lot, it,
07:03 you know, it gets up to 75, 80, maybe 85
07:07 during the day, it's pretty hot then cause it's really humid.
07:13 But it was very pleasant, scattered clouds.
07:15 We saw rain every day, but we were meeting outdoors,
07:18 and we prayed that it wouldn't rain
07:19 during our meetings.
07:20 The chances that it would not rain
07:22 during our meetings, we knew, were very remote.
07:28 But we prayed and the people prayed,
07:30 and it was a miracle,
07:31 it would start raining after the meetings,
07:33 it would rain before the meetings,
07:35 but it didn't rain during the meetings.
07:37 And that was especially difficult Sabbath
07:40 we prayed because sometimes it rain in the morning
07:43 and not at night,
07:44 or rain at night not in the morning.
07:45 Sabbath, we needed to be good all day long and it was.
07:50 And so, the Lord has really blessed.
07:52 Next picture.
07:54 Because they've had some issues with terrorism,
07:57 we had armed guards and metal detectors.
08:00 Everybody that came to this outdoor arena
08:02 had to go through a metal detector
08:04 and not just where they walked through a door,
08:06 they were also frisked.
08:08 And so there was a sense of heightened security.
08:11 Traffic in Kampala is just epic.
08:15 Karen and I at one point, because of the traffic
08:17 we weren't getting to the meeting that time...
08:19 in time and we could see where the meeting hall was,
08:23 and so we told the driver to just let us out.
08:25 And we jumped out, and we ran to the meeting
08:28 and they had this berm,
08:29 and we knew our meeting was in the other side of this berm,
08:31 but that was not the normal entrance.
08:33 And there's an armed guard there.
08:35 And he said, "You can't come in here."
08:37 I said, "But I'm supposed to speak in a few minutes."
08:40 And so I told him through a little bit of English,
08:44 a little bit of sign language, "I'm the speaker."
08:46 He said, "Okay, come on in."
08:47 So we kind of literally
08:48 climbed over the wall to get in,
08:50 everyone's watching us come in.
08:52 Telling, here's the speaker
08:53 just getting in at the last minute.
08:54 I think that they were singing a little longer,
08:56 and doing a longer health program
08:58 so we can get there.
08:59 We had members of parliament and the military
09:02 that were coming to our meetings,
09:03 and so it was well attended.
09:06 Yeah, and we also did a program
09:08 where we were teaching the area pastors.
09:10 There are like 25 churches around the city,
09:13 it's a big city.
09:14 There are 43 million people in Uganda.
09:18 And so it is a big country.
09:20 And so I did some training with pastors.
09:22 Next picture.
09:24 Oh, the food was really good.
09:26 Every day we would eat almost all...
09:28 Every day we would eat lunch
09:29 with the AFCOE evangelists and our AFCOE team,
09:32 and they prepared it right there
09:34 at the union compound,
09:36 and it was my kind of food.
09:38 Lots of fruit, all the avocado you could eat.
09:42 I mean, yeah, that's an amen.
09:45 That was really good.
09:47 And yeah, there's papayas, and mangoes, and jackfruit,
09:50 and so a lot of fruit, and then I like,
09:52 you know, all the different kinds of beans and vegetables
09:55 and the sweet potatoes and stuff
09:56 so, ate really good, so don't feel sorry for me.
10:00 We took a trip, it was about an hour and a half,
10:02 two hours out
10:03 to the biggest university in the country,
10:06 Adventist University called Bugema.
10:09 I was supposed to just talk to the seminary students,
10:12 but we were dribbled out,
10:14 and they shut down the whole college,
10:16 and everybody came to our presentations,
10:18 and they treated us very well.
10:20 It's a beautiful campus, beautiful location.
10:23 Next picture.
10:24 So during the meetings, this is Pastor Lowell,
10:26 he's been with Amazing Facts for about 22 years.
10:30 He's doing the health talk
10:31 right here through his translator.
10:33 Most of the people speak some English
10:36 'cause it's English occupied Uganda.
10:40 It was a colony at one point so they're very proper.
10:42 And every time you preach, they want you to wear a suit,
10:45 and when you preach outdoors on the equator
10:48 and you have to wear a suit, it's not always practical,
10:51 but they felt strongly about that.
10:54 Mrs. Batchelor and I would do Bible questions,
10:56 then people started out very slow,
10:58 and eventually we just had pages of Bible questions
11:00 that came in.
11:02 And started out, we only had 2,000 people
11:05 and it just continued to build.
11:07 So by the final meeting,
11:08 we had 7,000 people on the final meeting,
11:12 on the final Sabbath.
11:13 And we were just really pleased.
11:14 And there is just one of the shots
11:16 of one of the evening meetings,
11:18 sun kind of went down during the meetings,
11:21 and they're great choirs...
11:23 Next picture.
11:25 That was a picture of Karen and I at the Nile before.
11:27 Ryan, who is maybe in the back,
11:29 he, one of the Amazing Facts media team.
11:31 He was there,
11:32 and a little interesting point on this picture,
11:35 Ryan had a photograph of his grandmother
11:38 at this very place 70 years ago.
11:41 So he enjoyed taking this picture
11:42 and then showing his grandma that the Nile
11:46 is indeed still running out of Lake Victoria.
11:49 And this is the point actually where the Nile runs out.
11:52 At the conclusion of the meetings,
11:54 we praised the Lord
11:55 because of the work the Amazing Facts evangelists
11:57 did as well as our meetings,
11:58 we had 335 baptisms.
12:02 And so that was a real joy
12:04 to be part of the baptism that day.
12:07 So there's a lot more I can tell you,
12:08 and maybe we will share more later,
12:09 but we just wanted to give you a little mission update
12:12 on where we were.
12:13 And we do a lot of trips like that,
12:15 we come back and Granite Bay goes,
12:16 "We just know Pastor Doug was gone.
12:18 Where were you? What were you doing?"
12:20 And so, Karen and I had a great experience.
12:22 Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.
12:24 And you know what was really fun
12:25 is after our meetings at night
12:27 on the two Sabbaths we were there,
12:29 we come back to our room,
12:30 and when the Internet was working,
12:32 we would stream, some of you heard,
12:34 Pastor Ross greet you from us in Africa,
12:37 we were there watching.
12:38 We took a picture of us watching you watching us,
12:41 watching you.
12:43 So that was pretty neat.
12:44 And a lot of people there in Africa,
12:47 as everywhere we've been, they said,
12:48 "Oh, we are members online, we watch every week."
12:52 Okay, into our lesson, an important lesson,
12:54 going in lesson number eight
12:56 on Preparation for the End Time.
12:58 And we're talking about worshipping the Creator.
13:01 And so...
13:03 We have a memory verse,
13:04 and the memory verse is from Revelation.
13:06 This is in your lesson in New King James Version.
13:09 Revelation 14:6,
13:11 this would be the first angel's message.
13:12 So if you have it,
13:13 I always like it if you could say this out loud with me,
13:16 are you ready?
13:17 Revelation 14:6,
13:19 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
13:24 having the everlasting gospel
13:26 to preach to those who dwell on the earth,
13:28 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people."
13:32 Now, this will be a special focus of our study.
13:35 Now, lesson makes an important point
13:37 in the beginning.
13:38 We talk about present truth.
13:40 Have you ever heard that phrase before?
13:41 Present truth, what does that mean?
13:46 As opposed to truth that is not present.
13:48 A present truth is a message
13:50 you would find in the Bible that is true,
13:53 but it's especially applicable to a specific time.
13:59 For example, Noah had a message that said,
14:03 "Get on the ark, a flood is coming."
14:05 That was a true message, but is that our message today?
14:09 No, God said,
14:10 "I'll never destroy the world again with a flood."
14:13 Jeremiah had a message,
14:15 "Surrender to the Babylonians and live."
14:19 Well, that was a message
14:20 during the time of King Zedekiah,
14:22 because of people's disobedience
14:24 the only way they would have peace
14:25 and survive is to surrender.
14:27 They did not listen,
14:28 but that was a present truth message.
14:31 And the message, "Babylon has fallen, come out of her."
14:36 That was a message
14:37 that happened after the Babylonian captivity,
14:40 and it is a message today.
14:42 It is present truth today,
14:43 "Babylon has fallen, come out of her."
14:46 And so, knowing what present truth is.
14:49 What is the message that we give to the world?
14:53 The gospel.
14:55 When has the gospel not been present truth.
15:00 Never since the fall.
15:02 It has always been present truth
15:03 that we tell people,
15:05 "Repent from your sins, confess your sins,
15:07 turn to God, accept His sacrifice."
15:09 Even in the Old Testament,
15:11 they were looking to the sacrifice of God
15:13 for forgiveness.
15:16 So that's always been present truth,
15:17 but what is a specific present truth message
15:21 for our day now?
15:23 Right, if you go to Revelation 14, real quick,
15:28 and let's do that together.
15:30 Go to Revelation 14,
15:31 I just want you to see something.
15:34 And if you look in Revelation 14:14.
15:38 "I looked, and behold, a white cloud,
15:41 and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man,
15:44 having on His head a golden crown,
15:46 and in His hand a sharp sickle.
15:48 And another angel came out of the temple,
15:50 crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud,
15:52 'Thrust in Your sickle and reap,
15:54 for the time has come for You to reap,
15:56 for the harvest of the earth is ripe.'"
15:59 What is this a picture of?
16:01 Second coming.
16:02 Jesus is left in the cloud, He's coming in the clouds,
16:05 He's the one with the crown, He's harvesting.
16:08 His parables often talked about separating the wheat
16:10 from the tares in a great harvest,
16:12 and He said, "I'm sowing the seed of the gospel."
16:15 And so here's a picture of Jesus coming.
16:17 Now what happens immediately prior to Christ's coming?
16:21 Looked earlier in Revelation 14,
16:23 go to verse 6, a verse we just read.
16:26 "The gospel to preach to every creature saying,
16:29 'Fear God, give glory to Him.
16:32 The hour of His judgment is coming and worship Him.'"
16:35 A special call to worship the Creator,
16:38 a call that says a judgment
16:40 has come happens prior to the second coming.
16:43 So the message of worshipping the Creator
16:46 and an hour of judgment is a present truth message
16:50 that applies now.
16:52 We are living in the last age and phase of the church.
16:55 There are seven phases or ages of the church.
16:58 You get Ephesus, and Smyrna, and Philadelphia,
17:02 and Sardis, and Thyatira, and so forth.
17:05 We are now living in the last one
17:07 which is Laodicea.
17:10 The very phrase "Laodicea" means a judging of the people.
17:15 It should make sense to us that there's a judgment
17:18 that happens before Jesus comes
17:20 because the Lord says,
17:22 "Behold, I come, and My reward is with Me."
17:25 So He knows who is getting what when He comes,
17:28 of course, God knows everything.
17:30 But some determination,
17:31 some investigation takes place before He comes
17:33 because He knows
17:34 what He's giving when He comes, right?
17:36 And so, we're going to talk a little bit about
17:38 that in our first section here.
17:41 First of all, let's talk about the universality of the gospel.
17:45 Who does the gospel go to?
17:47 It says to every creature,
17:49 we just read that in Revelation,
17:51 "To preach to those who dwell on the earth,
17:52 every nation, tribe, tongue, and people."
17:56 That's Revelation 14:6.
17:58 Someone in a moment is going to look at Acts 1:8.
18:01 Hofstede, you have that?
18:03 You go to Matthew 24:14.
18:05 "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached,"
18:07 how far?
18:09 "In all the world."
18:10 Now for you, you're thinking,
18:11 "Pastor Doug, why are you even reading that?
18:13 That's just such an obvious, self evident truth."
18:16 It didn't used to be.
18:18 Do you remember that Jesus had a hard time convincing
18:21 the apostles that gospel was not just for Jews.
18:25 And He had to give Peter a vision of this sheet
18:28 coming down from heaven full of unclean creatures.
18:30 And He said, "Arise and eat."
18:32 Peter said, "Not so, Lord,
18:33 I've never eaten anything common or unclean."
18:36 God said, "Don't call common or unclean what I've cleansed."
18:39 And everybody thinks He's talking about food
18:42 that we could eat anything now,
18:44 that God has cleaned vultures and cockroaches
18:46 for us to eat now,
18:48 that's not what that's about.
18:49 Peter never eats from the sheet,
18:51 Peter tells us what the vision means,
18:54 right when he's saying, "What does this mean?"
18:56 Gentiles show up at his door.
18:58 He's waiting for lunch, he's hungry,
19:00 so God gives him a food vision to impress it on him.
19:02 The gentiles come up and they said,
19:04 "Come, talk to us."
19:05 Said, "You're unclean, I can't come in to you."
19:08 And God told him not to call any man unclean.
19:12 Okay.
19:14 And so they finally,
19:15 slowly got the idea that the gospel
19:17 was to go everywhere,
19:18 to the Jew and the gentile.
19:21 And so, you know, Paul even says to the Jew first.
19:24 So when they went to a town,
19:25 they go to the synagogues first if there were any
19:28 because it was a pretty short learning curve
19:32 for a gentile to accept Jesus.
19:34 They already had the other biblical foundation.
19:36 When you went...
19:37 Now I mean for a Jew to accept Jesus.
19:39 When you went to a gentile, you had to tell him,
19:42 "No, there's only one God."
19:44 And tell him about the Ten Commandments,
19:45 the Jews knew all that.
19:47 So they'd first start with obviously the children,
19:52 then they go to the highways and the byways
19:54 and tell everyone else.
19:55 So, Matthew 28:19, "Go ye therefore
19:59 and make disciples of all nations,
20:02 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
20:03 Son, and Holy Spirit," to go everywhere.
20:06 Mark 16:15, it's a little different from Matthew,
20:09 the great commission here.
20:10 "He says, 'Go into all the world
20:11 and preach the gospel to every creature.'"
20:14 So even if you thought that the gentiles were unclean
20:18 or if they were dogs, can you ever think of a place
20:21 where the gentiles were called dogs.
20:24 Did Jesus even say to the Syrophoenician woman,
20:27 "It is not appropriate
20:28 to give the children's food to the dogs."
20:31 'Cause that's what they called the gentiles.
20:34 And He was trying to teach them a lesson
20:36 about their own discrimination when He said that
20:39 because He ended up answering that lady's prayer,
20:42 blessed her persistence.
20:45 But lest you even think the gentiles were animals,
20:49 Jesus said preach to every creature,
20:52 that would mean everything, right?
20:54 Every living being is a creature.
20:57 Every creation is a creature.
21:00 And so it was to go everywhere.
21:02 Please read for us Acts 1:8.
21:06 "But you shall receive power
21:08 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,
21:10 and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem,
21:13 and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
21:18 Now this is great 'cause it shows a widening circle.
21:21 And if you look at those...
21:24 the sequence here, it said in Jerusalem,
21:26 Holy Spirit is poured out in Jerusalem.
21:28 In Judea, then they went preaching in Judea.
21:32 In Samaria, you go to...
21:33 After the persecution of Stephan,
21:37 Saul was converted.
21:38 Then it talks about Philip, and Peter,
21:41 and the others going to Samaria.
21:42 And then the uttermost ends of the earth.
21:45 After the stoning of Stephen,
21:47 it says, "A great persecution arose
21:49 and the disciples went everywhere
21:50 preaching the gospel."
21:52 And so you see this exact sequence
21:54 of what Jesus is in Acts 1 is filled,
21:56 is fulfilled later in Acts.
21:58 Acts 10:34, "Then Peter opened his mouth
22:01 and said, 'In truth I perceive God shows no partiality.
22:05 But in every nation, whoever fears Him
22:09 and works righteousness is accepted by Him."
22:12 Now, you and I think, "Yeah, of course."
22:14 Well, that was quite a hurdle for the Jews to realize
22:18 that it's not just us because keep in mind,
22:21 for 2,000 years from the time of Abraham
22:24 till the time of Christ,
22:27 the Lord kept communicating truth only to
22:29 and through the Jews.
22:31 And they thought, "We are it.
22:32 We are the frozen chosen."
22:35 And it took a while for them to realize,
22:37 it's not just us, and that it goes beyond.
22:42 Colossians 1:23, "If indeed you continue in the faith,
22:46 grounded and steadfast,
22:47 and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel
22:49 which you heard, which was preached
22:52 to every creature under heaven,
22:54 of which I, Paul, became a minister."
22:57 So even in Paul's time, he's seen the gospel is gone.
23:00 And when he said every creature,
23:01 again he's speaking in kind of an expletive there.
23:06 Hey, how was that, hyperboreally,
23:08 he's talking about everywhere in the known Roman Empire,
23:12 they'd seen it go everywhere back then.
23:15 It doesn't mean that it gotten all the way
23:16 around the world yet.
23:18 Galatians 3:22,
23:21 "But the Scripture has confined all under sin,
23:23 that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ
23:26 might be given to those who believe."
23:27 Everybody, one more, I'll give you Romans 10:14,
23:31 "How then shall they call on Him
23:33 in whom they have not believed?
23:34 And how shall they believe in Him
23:35 in whom they have not heard?
23:37 And how shall they hear without a preacher?
23:39 And how shall they preach unless they are sent?
23:43 How beautiful are the feet of those
23:44 who preach the gospel of peace,
23:46 who bring glad tidings of good things!"
23:48 And so, they were to be sent.
23:50 They were sent everywhere.
23:51 All right, the next section,
23:52 we're talking about the everlasting gospel.
23:55 It not only reaches those who had known,
23:58 that were in the church with the details
24:01 of Christ's mission and the gentiles.
24:03 It reached the lowest of the low.
24:06 And the example given here is the thief on the cross
24:09 about what the everlasting gospel is.
24:11 It is a very simple message.
24:14 Now for a person to be saved,
24:16 do they need six months of indoctrination?
24:20 For them to be grounded they might,
24:23 but to be saved, how much do you need to be saved?
24:28 If you can only be with a person for ten minutes,
24:31 can you lead them to Christ?
24:34 Yeah.
24:35 And what's an example of the simple everlasting gospel?
24:39 It's the thief on the cross.
24:41 It's a very short conversation,
24:43 but he goes through all the steps of salvation.
24:46 You find this in Luke 23, when Christ was crucified,
24:49 it says, there were two other criminals.
24:52 Luke 23:32, "Two others criminals were led with Him
24:57 to be put to death."
24:58 Originally, there were three,
25:00 Barabbas and his two associates.
25:03 Barabbas is pardoned,
25:05 he, basically, Jesus takes his cross,
25:09 and just a little note, what does a word "abba" mean?
25:16 Father.
25:17 What does the word "bar" mean?
25:20 Son of, yeah, Bartimaeus, Barnabas.
25:24 And here you've got Barabbas means son of the father.
25:30 They asked that they be given a thief, a murderer,
25:35 and a rebel, a counterfeit Messiah,
25:40 a counterfeit son of the father in place of Jesus.
25:42 Jesus said, "This man was condemned to die,
25:46 you are free, I will take your cross."
25:48 So there's acquaint substitution
25:50 that happens here with Barabbas anyway.
25:53 But his other friends weren't so lucky.
25:55 They...
25:56 oh, sorry, luck's the wrong word.
25:58 They were executed.
26:00 "Two other criminals were put to death with Him.
26:02 When they come to the place called Calvary,
26:05 they crucified Him, and the criminals,
26:06 one on the right hand and the other on the left."
26:09 Now that I think is significant.
26:10 You know, the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats?
26:13 He says, the ones on the right are saved,
26:15 the ones on the left are lost?
26:16 Right hand is sort of a symbol for favor in the Bible.
26:19 Now I can't prove that the thief
26:21 that was saved was on His right hand,
26:24 but you can't prove he wasn't.
26:25 So it's worth at least thinking about, right?
26:27 It doesn't tell us exactly what it was.
26:30 And someone is going to read for me now Mark 15:32.
26:34 And just before you read that, I want you to think about this.
26:39 So you've got two great classes of people here
26:42 in the two thieves.
26:45 They are condemned,
26:46 there's nothing they can do to save themselves,
26:50 they're guilty, murder, rebellion,
26:53 three things are mentioned,
26:54 murder, insurrection or rebellion,
26:57 and they're called thieves.
26:59 We are all represented by those two thieves.
27:03 They're helpless to save themselves,
27:04 they're condemned, they're dying,
27:05 they're under a death sentence,
27:08 and they're crucified within the reach of Christ,
27:12 but what can they do?
27:14 They must pray.
27:15 The only thing they can do is to pray, right?
27:18 With that in mind, go ahead, read Mark 15:32.
27:21 Okay.
27:22 Mark 15:32, "Let the Christ, the King of Israel,
27:26 descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe.
27:30 Even those who were crucified with Him reviled Him."
27:33 So when He is first crucified between them both,
27:36 do they both engage in reviling Him?
27:40 Isn't that what we said.
27:42 But how long is Jesus on the cross?
27:45 About six hours.
27:47 Can you have a change of attitude in six hours?
27:50 Yeah.
27:51 So it tells us here that as the time went by,
27:55 something happened
27:57 to illuminate the mind of this one thief.
28:01 And for instance, first of all,
28:04 He sees Jesus lifted up as the spotless lamb,
28:10 reads the sign above his head when Christ is crucified,
28:13 "This is the king of the Jews."
28:15 He hears Jesus say, "My God, My God,
28:18 why have you forsaken Me?"
28:20 Now why did Jesus say that?
28:24 Did Jesus get discouraged?
28:28 I don't think so.
28:30 Did Jesus not know why He was dying on the cross?
28:34 I don't think so.
28:36 Why did Jesus say that?
28:38 Ten percent of everything Jesus said in His life,
28:40 He's quoting from the Bible.
28:42 Christ, there on the cross, is quoting from Psalm 22.
28:46 It is the first verse in Psalm 22.
28:48 Have you read Psalm 22?
28:52 Get your Bible.
28:54 Go to Psalm 22 real quick.
28:58 I just want to show you something.
29:00 Psalm 22:1, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?
29:04 Why are You so far from helping me,
29:06 and the words of my groaning?"
29:08 This is called a messianic Psalm.
29:10 It was a Psalm about the Messiah.
29:12 And you read the whole thing, we don't have time.
29:15 You read in verse 8, I'll read verse 7,
29:19 "All those who see Me ridicule Me,
29:21 they shoot out the lip,
29:22 they shake the head, saying,
29:23 'He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue Him,
29:26 let Him deliver Him, since He delights in Him!'"
29:29 This is exactly what they said to Jesus on the cross.
29:31 If you're the Christ,
29:32 if you're the Son of God, let Him save you.
29:36 Go to verse 14, "I am poured out like water,
29:39 and all My bones are out of joint, My heart like wax,
29:42 it has melted within me.
29:44 My tongue cleaves to the roof of my mouth."
29:47 Was He thirsty?
29:49 Go to verse 16, "Dogs have surrounded Me,
29:52 the congregation of the wicked has enclosed me.
29:54 They pierced my hands and my feet,
29:57 I can count all of my bones.
30:00 They look and they stare at me.
30:01 They divide my garments among them,
30:03 for my clothing they cast lots."
30:05 When Jesus is being crucified, the thief can see
30:08 the Roman soldiers are gambling for his clothing,
30:10 they are casting lots.
30:11 And may be as a young man, he had known these verses.
30:15 And all of a sudden he hears
30:16 Jesus start quoting from Psalm 22
30:18 and he thinks about the rest of that messianic Psalm,
30:21 "They pierced My hands and feet.
30:22 They gambled for My clothing."
30:24 The whole Psalm is describing
30:27 what is happening right then and there.
30:30 Christ is calling the attention of all of them saying,
30:33 "I am the fulfillment of all of this."
30:36 So, no I don't think Jesus got discouraged,
30:38 discouragement's a sin and He never sinned.
30:40 Jesus did not lose faith
30:43 because His clothing remark His Father,
30:44 "Into Your hands I commend my spirit."
30:46 It's a statement of faith. Amen?
30:50 So let me read you a quote here from the book,
30:53 Desire of Ages, page 749,
30:57 "To Jesus in His agony on the cross
30:59 there came one gleam of comfort.
31:02 It was the prayer of the penitent thief.
31:06 Both men who were crucified with Jesus
31:08 had first railed upon Him..."
31:10 See both did.
31:11 "One under his suffering
31:14 only became more despondent and defiant
31:16 but not so with his companion.
31:18 This man was not a hardened criminal,
31:21 He had been led astray by evil associations,
31:24 but He was less guilty than many of those
31:26 who stood beside the cross reviling the Savior."
31:29 He gotten into the wrong crowd
31:31 and got caught up in at the wrong time
31:34 and now He was being executed.
31:37 And so, I thought this story,
31:39 let's look at it real quick,
31:41 the exchange that takes place.
31:43 You read in Luke 23:39,
31:47 "Then one of the criminals were hanged,
31:49 he blasphemed Him, saying,
31:50 'If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.'
31:53 But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying,
31:57 'Do you not even fear God,
31:58 seeing you are under the same condemnation?
32:01 And we indeed justly,
32:03 for we receive the due rewards of our deeds.'"
32:06 That's cold confession and repentance,
32:10 "'But this Man has done nothing wrong."
32:12 That's declaring the innocence of Christ,
32:14 and he turns and he says to Jesus,
32:16 "Lord," That's really important.
32:20 Who was calling Lord around?
32:21 Who was calling Jesus Lord around the cross that day?
32:25 Not even the apostles.
32:27 Did Jesus look like a Lord that day?
32:30 He looked like anything but a Lord.
32:32 I mean, just think about it, He's dying.
32:35 He's at least semi naked and He's bleeding.
32:41 It doesn't look like He's master of anything.
32:43 He says, "Lord, remember me
32:47 when You come into Your kingdom."
32:49 Did He look like He had a kingdom?
32:52 That takes incredible faith.
32:53 He somehow saw the sign above Jesus head.
32:57 He thought about the Psalm.
32:59 He heard Jesus say, "Father, forgive them.
33:00 They don't know what they do."
33:03 And all of the information begins to add up
33:05 and he realizes, this is the Messiah,
33:08 and he realizes he must repent.
33:10 He repents, he confesses publicly
33:12 and he says, "Will You save me?"
33:14 Now isn't this amazing.
33:16 Even though Satan had nailed Jesus' hands to the cross,
33:20 the devil could not keep the Savior from saving.
33:23 And when Jesus heard him say,
33:25 "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom."
33:29 Jesus was encouraged.
33:30 He thought, "This is why I came into the world
33:32 to save sinners."
33:33 This is the gospel. Very simple.
33:35 He asked in faith, He prayed, and Jesus said,
33:39 "Assuredly, I say to you today,
33:42 you will be with me in paradise
33:43 if you can behave for the next six hours."
33:47 Did He say that?
33:49 Upon what was he forgiven and accepted?
33:53 Simple request.
33:55 You know the Bible,
33:56 you can read there in Galatians 2:20,
33:58 it says, "I am crucified with Christ, yet I live."
34:01 Who was actually crucified with Christ?
34:04 This man, but he sort of represents us.
34:08 We're like that man.
34:09 We're rebels.
34:11 We're thieves. We're murderers.
34:13 The Bible says if you are angry
34:15 with your brother, sister without a cause,
34:16 you're guilty of murder.
34:18 We're guilty of the blood of Jesus.
34:20 Amen.
34:21 And so we're all in that man's position.
34:23 We're helpless to save ourselves,
34:24 so how does he find salvation?
34:27 He repents, he confesses, he asks.
34:32 He says, "Lord, remember me."
34:34 And like the prodigal son when he came home,
34:36 he said, "I'm not worthy."
34:37 The Father said, "You're completely forgiven."
34:39 This is the everlasting gospel.
34:41 He is saved by asking through faith
34:44 and Jesus promises on eternal life.
34:48 Now, was this thief saved based on his good works?
34:52 What was he saved based on?
34:55 Faith in the sacrifice of Jesus
34:57 that he saw very vividly that day,
34:59 he saw the love of God.
35:02 Are we saved base on good works?
35:05 Are we saved by praying
35:06 and trusting in the mercy of God?
35:08 But here's the question.
35:10 If by some quirk,
35:13 someone had come along with a crowbar and said,
35:16 "You know, we just got a pardon from Pilate
35:17 to the thief on the right hand.
35:19 You're being forgiven.
35:20 We're gonna pull out these nails.
35:22 We're gonna bind up your wounds.
35:24 And you're gonna maybe recover and live and..."
35:27 Now here's the question.
35:28 Would he have had different works
35:33 after being saved by faith?
35:36 Yes. You'd certainly hope so.
35:39 Would he have gone back to his life of rebellion,
35:41 and murder, and stealing?
35:44 No.
35:45 Because his heart had been changed by grace.
35:50 And so we're not saved by works,
35:52 but if you are saved by grace,
35:54 you're gonna see a transformation in the works.
35:57 That's so important to understand
35:58 because Revelation tells us,
36:00 we are saved by faith but every man is rewarded
36:03 and judged according to the works.
36:06 That's extremely clear.
36:08 So the works demonstrate, if you've been saved by faith.
36:13 But don't get the two upside down
36:15 because, otherwise
36:16 you'll always be thinking about your works
36:18 and you'll not be thinking about
36:20 rejoicing in the promise of God,
36:22 and that then begets the good works.
36:24 That's so important not to get the cart before the horse.
36:27 Anyway...
36:30 It looks to me like someone has sent in a question.
36:32 You know, we often ask if you've got some question
36:36 and here's the question, it says,
36:38 "When is the third angel coming to proclaim His message?"
36:43 Third angel's message is,
36:45 "If any man worships the beast
36:46 and his image and receives his mark
36:47 in his right hand or his forehead,
36:49 the same will drink the wine of the wrath of God,
36:51 which is poured out without
36:52 mixture into the cup of his indignation."
36:54 That message is going out now.
36:56 People need to understand what the issues are
36:59 about the beast and Babylon,
37:02 and the image of the beast,
37:03 and so that message is going out.
37:05 Now people don't have the mark of the beast yet.
37:07 But the warning should go out before
37:10 that becomes an issue
37:11 so people will understand it when it does come.
37:13 Is that right? Yes.
37:15 Okay, got a second question, I see.
37:17 Now these are first time I am seeing these.
37:20 Who does the Bible say...
37:21 Now we got a lot of people, this is a Facebook question.
37:23 Lot of people are watching on Facebook or the internet.
37:26 Who does the Bible say will come to give
37:28 a "present truth" message
37:30 before the great day of the Lord?
37:32 Well, it's given by those who'd come in the spirit
37:34 and power of Elijah, right?
37:38 And you've heard them all, Elijah message?
37:41 And Bible says, "I will send my messenger
37:43 before the great dreadful day of the Lord."
37:45 That's in Malachi 4.
37:47 Jesus said, "Elijah has come and Elijah will come."
37:51 Elijah has come in John the Baptist.
37:54 And he said Elijah will come.
37:56 There will be an Elijah message.
37:57 Now some believe it's not one person,
38:00 but it's the 144,000
38:02 that are giving the Elijah message
38:03 in the last days.
38:04 But it's a message of revival
38:07 that comes to the people of God.
38:09 There's going to be a great shaking
38:10 that will come in to the people of God.
38:13 I sometimes wonder, that's beginning now.
38:16 All right.
38:17 And, now there's six things this thief does
38:19 before we leave the thief.
38:21 Six things that he does.
38:24 He believes, no, first he beheld,
38:27 he saw Christ lifted up.
38:29 Jesus said, "If I am lifted up, I will draw all men."
38:31 He saw Christ lifted up
38:33 as Moses lifted up the serpent, right?
38:35 He beheld, he believed, he broadcast, he beseeched,
38:41 he became and he was blessed.
38:44 All that happened to him in such a short time.
38:47 And that's what everybody experiences when we accept
38:50 the simple good news of the everlasting gospel.
38:54 That message does not change.
38:55 That's the same gospel that saved Adam,
38:58 same gospel that saved Abraham, and the apostles.
39:02 All right.
39:03 Going on to the next part of this important message,
39:06 it says, "Fear God and give glory to Him."
39:09 And that's Revelation 14:7, "Saying with a loud voice,
39:13 'Fear God and give glory to Him.'"
39:15 Now, what does that mean
39:17 to fear God and give glory to Him?
39:21 Does it mean be afraid of God?
39:24 In a sense but it's different kind of word
39:29 and definition from the fear
39:30 that would make you run from something.
39:33 Because true fear of God,
39:35 if you understand a love for God
39:37 and then a respect for His awesomeness,
39:40 it draws you to Him.
39:42 It doesn't make you want to run from Him.
39:44 Let me give you a verse that helps illustrate that.
39:46 Go to Exodus 20:20, if you want 20-20 vision,
39:51 go to Exodus 20:20,
39:54 "And Moses said to the people,
39:55 'Do not fear, for God has come to test you,
39:59 that His fear may be before you,
40:02 so that you may not sin.'"
40:04 First he says don't fear,
40:05 he says because God is testing you that His fear...
40:10 Now, there must be different kinds of fear,
40:11 otherwise, he's saying don't fear
40:12 so you can be afraid.
40:14 See what I am saying.
40:16 True fear of God is a reverence for God,
40:20 feeling, understanding the awesomeness of God.
40:23 Amen?
40:25 All right, Wesley used to say, "The fear of God means
40:28 you don't fear anything but God.
40:30 If you don't have the fear of God,
40:32 you fear everything but God."
40:35 So when you really fear God, you fear God,
40:38 nothing else makes you afraid.
40:40 When you don't fear God,
40:42 everything else makes you afraid.
40:45 And Wesley used to say if I had 300 men
40:48 that fear nothing but God, I could change the world.
40:52 And then you see in Job 1:9, "So Satan answered and said,
40:57 'Does Job fear God for nothing?'"
40:59 You remember the Book of Job begins with the words,
41:01 "There was a man in the land of Uz named Job,
41:04 one who feared God and he did evil."
41:07 He had this great reverence for God.
41:10 He wanted to live ever.
41:11 Ever heard the expression, "This is a God fearing man."
41:14 It means the word of God.
41:16 Bible talks about the word of God,
41:17 they tremble at His Word,
41:20 and it means you've got to listen to the Word of God.
41:23 There's nothing more important.
41:24 That's what it means to be God fearing.
41:28 In Genesis 22:12,
41:31 "God said to Abraham,
41:32 'Do not lay your hand upon the lad,"
41:34 he's about to offer Isaac, "or do anything to him,
41:37 for now I know that you fear God,
41:40 seeing you have not withheld your son,
41:42 your only son from Me."
41:44 God is saying to Abraham, "I know that you fear Me
41:47 because My Word is so important to you,
41:50 that you respect Me."
41:52 Let's go on to the next section.
41:53 It says the hour of His judgment has come,
41:56 and this is the second part of this first angel's message.
41:59 When it says the hour of His Judgment,
42:02 will come or has come?
42:04 Has come.
42:05 So there is a time just before Jesus' coming,
42:08 that God's people enter
42:10 the last phase of the atonement of Christ
42:13 in the heavenly sanctuary, is the hour of judgment.
42:16 Now, someone's gonna read for me,
42:19 1 Peter 4:17.
42:22 And while you're getting that 1 Peter 4:17,
42:24 I'm gonna read the last words in Ecclesiastes.
42:28 You know what that says?
42:29 Ecclesiastes 12,
42:31 after Solomon pontificates about the vanity of life,
42:35 how does he sum everything up?
42:38 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
42:40 Fear God and keep His commandments."
42:43 So what does it mean to fear God?
42:44 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
42:46 Someone was asking about fear,
42:48 I will give you little more on that,
42:51 "Fear God and keep His commandments,
42:52 for this is man's duty,"
42:54 this is the whole duty of man,
42:56 "For God will bring every work into judgment,"
42:59 it says God will, future tense,
43:01 "bring every work into judgment,
43:03 including every secret thing, whether it be good or evil."
43:06 So where does this judgment begin?
43:08 Go ahead. Dan, please read that for us.
43:10 1 Peter 4:17,
43:12 "For the time has come for judgment
43:15 to begin at the house of God, and if it begins with us first,
43:19 what will be the end of those
43:20 who do not obey the gospel of God?"
43:23 All right.
43:24 In the days of Peter, the people of God were,
43:27 in particular, the Jews.
43:30 They've been the guardians of the Word.
43:32 That sort of transitioned during the time of Christ
43:35 to the spiritual Jews or the church at large.
43:38 And there was a judgment that was gonna happen,
43:40 and that judgment came on the Jewish nations.
43:43 So judgment began with the house of God.
43:45 The veil in the temple was torn.
43:48 Ultimately, the temple was destroyed.
43:51 Now you are the temple of God.
43:52 The church is the temple of God, right?
43:55 That evil one sits in the temple of God
43:57 showing himself that he is God,
43:58 that's talking about someone in Rome,
44:01 he says he is in charge of the church of God.
44:04 That's judgment.
44:05 So now when it says,
44:06 judgment begins at the house of God,
44:07 there's a judgment that begins with the church.
44:11 In the last days,
44:12 those who have claimed to be followers of the Lord,
44:15 we're in the last day, Day of Atonement.
44:18 Now what happened at the Day of Atonement?
44:20 Look in Leviticus 16:29.
44:23 We're living in the last stage of the church began
44:27 with the church of Laodicea.
44:28 Most believe that was 1844
44:31 is when we entered that
44:32 last phase of the church history.
44:36 And you see, read in Leviticus 16:29,
44:39 "This shall be a statute forever for you:
44:42 In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month,
44:45 you will afflict your souls, and do no work at all,
44:48 whether a native of your own country
44:50 or a stranger who dwells among you.
44:52 For on that day the priest will make atonement for you,"
44:54 call Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, we call it,
44:57 "to cleanse you, that you may be cleansed
44:59 from all of your sins before the Lord."
45:02 There is a final refinement that happens to the bride
45:06 before the bridegroom comes.
45:08 "It is a Sabbath of solemn rest for you,
45:11 and you will afflict your souls.
45:12 It's a statute forever.
45:13 And the priest, who is anointed and consecrated to minister
45:16 as a priest in his father's place,
45:19 shall make atonement,
45:21 and will put on the linen clothes
45:22 and the holy garments,
45:23 then he will make atonement for the Holy Sanctuary."
45:26 The sanctuary shall be cleansed.
45:27 Have you read that prophecy in Daniel 8:14?
45:31 For nearly 2000 years,
45:36 the place of the sanctuary, for around 1260 years,
45:40 the sanctuary was defiled.
45:43 The truth, have you read Daniel 8?
45:44 The truth was cast to the ground
45:46 by the beast in the Dark Ages.
45:48 The truth was corrupted.
45:49 The truth about salvation, the truth about the Sabbath,
45:52 the truth about baptism,
45:53 the truth about spiritual gifts,
45:55 I mean, you name it, the truth was corrupted.
45:58 And Daniel says how long until the sanctuary is cleansed?
46:00 In 1844, God raised up a new movement.
46:03 Not only did Christ begin
46:05 cleansing the sanctuary in heaven,
46:06 but God began cleansing the sanctuary on earth
46:10 from all the false teachings of the Dark Ages.
46:12 Amen?
46:14 And so, this movement is now the guardians of that truth
46:19 are restoration of biblical Christianity.
46:22 The faith that was once returned to the saints
46:25 is a revival of that.
46:28 And that all began, actually in 1844
46:31 with the great advent movement.
46:33 We were not organized church until 1863,
46:35 but the movement really began in 1844.
46:39 So the hour of His judgment has come.
46:42 What would the people do during the Day of Atonement?
46:44 They'd afflict their souls. What does that mean?
46:46 Are we to walk around
46:48 with little whips and flog ourselves?
46:50 Or does it mean it's the time of special holiness?
46:55 As some say,
46:57 I've heard people argue and say,
46:58 "There's nothing wrong with drinking a little wine."
47:01 And I don't believe there's any good biblical reason
47:04 for doing that.
47:05 But sometimes if I can't persuade people,
47:07 they insist that the wine in the Bible is alcoholic
47:09 and you could drink it, I'll say okay.
47:11 If you're going to take that approach,
47:13 you know, the priests were never to drink alcohol
47:16 before they ministered.
47:17 Look what happened to the sons of Aaron when that happened.
47:21 And I said we're living in the day of atonement
47:23 right now, we are a nation of kings and priests.
47:25 And if there ever was a time in history
47:27 when God's people should be sober
47:28 and afflict their souls before God,
47:31 this would be that time.
47:33 And so whenever people start making excuses,
47:36 I say, well, even if you could argue for that
47:38 at any other time in church history,
47:39 this is the time in church history
47:41 that God is calling for a people
47:44 who will humble themselves
47:46 that there'll be holiness and humility.
47:49 So this is what it means to afflict your souls and say,
47:52 you know, we are going to turn from our sins.
47:54 We want to live holy lives, especially during this age,
47:57 just prior to the second coming,
47:59 we are to be a nation of kings and priests.
48:02 Amen?
48:04 I got time just for the last section here.
48:06 The last part of the message,
48:08 "And worship the one that made heaven and the earth."
48:12 That's also part of Revelation 14:7.
48:16 Now why is that especially important to us?
48:19 Well, where else in the Bible do you find that phrase,
48:22 "worship Him that made the heaven and the earth"?
48:27 Exodus 20:11,
48:31 "For in six days
48:32 the Lord made the heavens
48:33 and the earth, and the sea, and all that is in them,
48:36 and He rested the seventh day.
48:38 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day."
48:40 That commandment calls us back to remember
48:43 and to worship the Creator.
48:45 Amen?
48:47 And who is that Creator?
48:48 That's Jesus.
48:50 All things that were made, were made by Him.
48:53 You know, if you read in Revelation 4:11,
48:56 Revelation 4:11, "You are worthy, O Lord,
48:58 to receive glory and honor and power,
49:00 For You created all things,
49:03 and by Your will they exist and were created."
49:05 So if there is no other good reason,
49:07 because God is the creator.
49:09 All the truths that we share
49:11 rise out of a foundational truth.
49:13 What is the foundational truth?
49:14 He's in charge.
49:17 As they used to say, He is large and in charge.
49:20 God is the maker of all things.
49:22 Look at Nehemiah 9:6,
49:25 "You alone are the Lord,
49:27 You have made heaven,
49:29 and the heavens of heavens,
49:30 will all of their host.
49:32 The earth and everything in it,
49:33 the seas and all that is in it."
49:35 You notice that Nehemiah is quoting
49:36 from that commandment too,
49:37 heaven, earth, sea, saying the same thing.
49:41 And so in the last days, there's a special message
49:44 that's to go back to the world that God is the creator,
49:48 the Sabbath is a sign of that.
49:50 Neglect of the Sabbath
49:52 has contributed to the evolution conspiracy.
49:58 Now I don't believe, most conspiracies
49:59 I think are nonsense.
50:01 I could tell you about all kinds of crazy conspiracies
50:03 but I better not because some of you
50:04 probably believe in some of them.
50:07 But one conspiracy I do believe in is,
50:12 there is a conspiracy
50:14 to try to put over a hoax
50:18 that believing in evolution is scientific.
50:21 The idea that all of the organization,
50:24 and design, and interworking systems,
50:27 and symbiotic relationships
50:28 that you see in the world around you
50:31 all happened by accident
50:33 without intelligence over millions of years
50:36 is the most absurd thing
50:37 that has ever been put over
50:39 on what should be an intelligent educated people.
50:42 Amen. It is ridiculous.
50:44 And every Sabbath we're reminded,
50:46 "No, we were created by the Word of God,
50:48 by divine fiat."
50:50 And one reason the devil has tried
50:52 to get rid of the Sabbath
50:54 is to get rid of the concept that he is a creator.
50:56 Now why do people cling so tenaciously to evolution?
51:00 Because if God created us,
51:02 that means He's God, He's in charge,
51:04 He makes the rules and you should obey them.
51:06 People don't want to obey God's rules,
51:08 so they try to eliminate the evidence that He created us
51:11 so that they feel like, "I'm just an animal.
51:13 I can fulfill all of my animalistic tendencies
51:16 and desires.
51:17 And there's no repercussions when I die, that's it."
51:20 So it lends itself to a hedonistic life.
51:23 Eat and drink, tomorrow we die.
51:28 So we're called to be a people
51:32 that will worship the Creator,
51:33 and I think we're called to remind people
51:35 that He is the Creator.
51:39 And, you know,
51:40 just coming back from Africa.
51:42 I told you, we took that little trip around the Nile.
51:44 We got in the boat actually, just went around a little bit
51:46 and saw some things.
51:48 The variety of animals
51:50 and the inter relationships
51:53 between the animals that we saw,
51:55 that could never evolve.
51:57 As I'm riding around in the boat,
51:58 I'm hanging out with Karen and Ryan and our driver,
52:02 I'm going, "Look, it only took 50 million years
52:04 for that to evolve."
52:06 Which was absurd, it would never happen.
52:10 And such variety of color and species,
52:15 all in the same environment.
52:18 If everything evolved by accident,
52:20 why didn't it all come out the same?
52:23 And the foods that we eat.
52:25 I think I was teasing our AFCOE evangelists back then when...
52:29 The color and the texture.
52:31 There was, you know, there's food,
52:33 they got fruit that's got snakeskin,
52:35 called snakeskin fruit.
52:36 Any of you ever eaten?
52:38 Skin looks like a snake.
52:40 You think, I wouldn't need that.
52:41 No, it's really good.
52:42 Because the skin looks like a snake.
52:44 They call it snakeskin fruit.
52:46 And then they get the jackfruit,
52:48 they get the bananas,
52:50 you know, there were no bananas in the Garden of Eden,
52:52 did you know that?
52:53 A banana is a hybrid between two Asian foods.
52:56 The bananas don't have seeds.
52:58 Anyway, amazing fact.
53:00 But just the incredible variety
53:04 that you see,
53:05 and the idea that it all evolved is preposterous.
53:09 That these particular flowers that could not exist
53:11 without particular hummingbirds
53:13 that pollinate them
53:15 or moss that pollinate them.
53:18 Anyway, we're people,
53:20 we've got a message to call people
53:22 back to the Creator because...
53:26 So many people in the world, you know,
53:28 the number of people that believe
53:30 in a God that created is constantly on the decline.
53:35 How often do we hear in the news and on the media,
53:38 "Millions of years ago,
53:40 are monkeys, they are ancestors,"
53:42 they call them.
53:44 And that just is not true.
53:46 The scientific doesn't support it.
53:48 The geologic evidence doesn't support it.
53:51 It is preposterous.
53:54 And I used to believe it so I get very agitated.
53:56 Because I knew as soon as I realized there was a Creator,
54:00 I suddenly realized
54:01 I am accountable to the Creator.
54:04 And that's a message, there need to be
54:05 a revival of people realizing that
54:07 they will all someday stand before the Creator
54:10 because the hour of His judgment has come
54:13 and we are called to worship Him.
54:14 Thank you very much for your questions and participation.
54:18 We're out of time for today's lesson.
54:19 I want to remind you about our closing offer.
54:21 It's on Ultimate Purpose, one of our messages,
54:27 and you ask for offer number 846,
54:29 when you call 866-788-3966.
54:34 And if you want to download,
54:36 you can download it by texting the code,
54:39 and here's a code you text "SH022",
54:43 and you text that code to 40544,
54:48 and then you can download it.
54:49 God bless you, friends.
54:50 Look forward to studying the Word with you again
54:52 next week.
55:05 I'm here in the beautiful island nation of Fiji
55:07 that's filled with exotic animals,
55:09 beautiful vegetation, and spectacular scenery.
55:13 The people here are some of the nicest in the world
55:15 but it hasn't always been that way.
55:17 This was once known as the Cannibal Island.
55:22 The Fijian warriors were some of the fiercest
55:24 in the South Pacific, greatly feared.
55:26 You can understand why.
55:27 This is one of the weapons
55:29 that they used for breaking the neck
55:31 of their adversaries.
55:32 And long before they were killing any missionaries,
55:35 they were fighting with and killing
55:36 and eating each other.
55:38 In fact, as you go to the different
55:39 tourist locations on the island,
55:41 they will sell you remakes of some of the forks
55:44 they used for eating human brains.
55:49 In fact, there was one cannibal chief,
55:51 Ratu Udre Udre, during the 1800's,
55:53 that is in the Guinness Book of World Records
55:55 for having killed and eaten the most victims.
55:58 He brags it every time he killed someone.
56:00 He set a stone aside.
56:02 By the end of his life,
56:03 he had a pretty big pile of stones.
56:05 It's estimated he ate somewhere
56:06 in the neighborhood of 900 people.
56:09 Oh, my!
56:12 You know, the Fijians were not the only ones
56:14 that had a monopoly on cannibalism.
56:16 In fact, the Bible says
56:17 that we are all capable of being cannibals.
56:20 Galatians 5:15 says,
56:22 "If we bite and devour one another,
56:24 we may end up consuming one another."
56:26 That's talking about destroying people's reputation
56:28 by mean gossip.
56:30 One famous missionary named Paton,
56:32 when he was preparing to go to cannibal isles,
56:35 his friends and family begged him not to go.
56:37 They said, "You'll be eaten."
56:38 He said, "It doesn't matter to me
56:40 if I die and I'm eaten by worms
56:42 or of God's will that I'm eaten by cannibals,
56:44 as long as I'm doing the will of God."
56:46 Well, he went to the cannibal isles
56:48 and brought many to Christ,
56:49 and died peacefully in his old age.
56:52 Some of the ancient cannibal cultures believe that
56:54 when you killed and when you devoured your enemy,
56:56 you would somehow take within you
56:58 their spiritual strengths or powers,
57:00 but that's really absurd.
57:02 But there is a kind of cannibalism
57:04 endorsed in scripture, that's right.
57:06 Jesus said in John 6:53,
57:09 "Except you eat My flesh and drink My blood,
57:12 you have no life in you."
57:13 And you don't need these tools to do it.
57:16 What you need is to read His Word
57:18 and learn about His life.
57:19 Accept by faith His sacrifice in your place,
57:21 and you can have a new heart and be a new creature.
57:24 You can even do it right now.
57:33 Let's face it, it's not always easy to understand
57:36 everything you read in the Bible.
57:38 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books,
57:42 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
57:44 To get biblical straightforward answers,
57:47 call into Bible Answers Live,
57:49 a live nationwide call-in radio program
57:52 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor
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Revised 2018-05-30