Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021819A

00:35 Hello, friends, and welcome to Sabbath School Study Hour
00:37 coming to you here from the
00:38 Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:40 in Sacramento, California.
00:42 A very warm welcome to our online members
00:44 and those joining us for our study time
00:46 across the country and around the world,
00:48 also very warm welcome
00:49 to our regular church members here
00:52 and those who are visiting with us
00:53 here at the Granite Bay Church this morning.
00:55 Over the past few weeks, we've been studying
00:57 just a really important and fascinating lesson
01:01 dealing with preparation for the end times.
01:04 Today, we have a very important subject
01:06 that we're going to be looking at,
01:07 and it's entitled, it's lesson number six
01:09 if you are following along.
01:10 It's entitled The Change of the Law.
01:14 And it's lesson number six.
01:15 Now for our friends who are joining us,
01:16 if you don't have a copy of our lesson quarterly,
01:19 but you'd like to study along with us,
01:21 you can download lesson number six
01:23 from the Amazing Facts website.
01:25 It's and you'll be able to get
01:28 the information there needed to download
01:30 and study along with us.
01:32 Now before we invite our song leaders to come out
01:35 and lead us in a song of worship,
01:37 we want to let those watching
01:39 know about a free offer that we have
01:42 that we'd be happy to send to you.
01:44 It is a sermon that Pastor Doug preached
01:47 entitled "The Lost Day of History"
01:49 and if you'd like to receive this DVD mail to your home,
01:53 the number to call is 866-788-3966
01:58 and you can ask for offer number 844.
02:01 And we also have a new way for folks to download
02:04 this special sermon series.
02:06 If you'd like to digital download
02:08 of the same DVD,
02:10 you can just text the following.
02:13 Just text "SH053"
02:19 to the following number 40544.
02:23 So I'm going to say that one more time.
02:24 You want to text "SH053" to 40544,
02:31 and they will send you a link
02:33 where you'll be able to download
02:35 our digital free offer today
02:37 called "The Lost Day of History."
02:39 I think you'll enjoy that, you can share that
02:41 with your friends and neighbors as well.
02:43 Well, before we get to our lesson,
02:44 I'd like to again invite our song leaders to come
02:46 and they will lead us
02:48 as we lift our voices in praise.
02:53 Above all powers
02:57 Above all kings
03:00 Above all nature
03:03 And all created things
03:07 Above all wisdom
03:10 And all the ways of man
03:16 You were here before the world began
03:22 Above all kingdoms
03:26 Above all thrones
03:29 Above all wonders the world has ever known
03:36 Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
03:45 There's no way to measure what You're worth
03:51 Crucified
03:55 Laid behind the stone
03:59 You lived to die
04:02 Rejected and alone
04:05 Like a rose trampled on the ground
04:12 You took the fall
04:16 And thought of me
04:20 Above all
04:27 Above all powers
04:31 Above all kings
04:35 Above all nature
04:37 And all created things
04:42 Above all wisdom
04:45 And all the ways of man
04:51 You were here before the world began
04:57 Above all kingdoms
05:01 Above all thrones
05:04 Above all wonders the world has ever known
05:11 Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
05:20 There's no way to measure what You're worth
05:27 Crucified
05:31 Laid behind the stone
05:34 You lived to die
05:38 Rejected and alone
05:41 Like a rose trampled on the ground
05:48 You took the fall
05:51 And thought of me
05:55 Above all
06:00 Crucified
06:04 Laid behind the stone
06:07 You lived to die
06:11 Rejected and alone
06:14 Like a rose trampled on the ground
06:21 You took the fall
06:24 And thought of me
06:28 Above all
06:32 Like a rose trampled on the ground
06:40 You took the fall
06:44 And thought of me
06:49 Above all
06:58 At this time, Pastor Ross will lead us in prayer.
07:03 Dear Father in heaven, once again,
07:04 we are grateful for the opportunity
07:05 to gather in your house and open up Your Word
07:07 and study these very important prophetic truths
07:10 that relate to our time.
07:12 Father, we ask of the Holy Spirit
07:13 to come and guide our hearts,
07:15 lead us into a clear understanding
07:17 of Your will for our lives,
07:18 and where we are in the stream of time,
07:20 how we can be ready
07:21 for that glorious day when Jesus comes.
07:24 Thank You for Your promise to be with us,
07:25 in Jesus' name, amen.
07:29 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought to us
07:30 by our AFCO Direct.
07:32 AFCO is the amazing facts center of evangelists,
07:35 Pastor Marshall McKenzie, he is not a stranger
07:38 to the Granite Bay church,
07:39 he's actually a member right here.
07:41 So, Pastor McKenzie, welcome.
07:43 Thank you for sharing with us today.
07:48 Well, we have quite the topic to study today,
07:51 The Change of the Law.
07:54 Have you ever, I'm sure you have,
07:56 been to a buffet or you've been to a party
08:00 where they're serving lots of food or church...
08:02 you've been to a church potluck,
08:03 and you just see all kinds of food,
08:05 and your eyes get really big,
08:06 and you kind of fill that plate full.
08:10 And then you get back to your seat
08:11 and you look at all the food that's on your plate,
08:13 and you think, "I might have overdone it."
08:18 But it's on your plate,
08:20 and so you have to figure out a way to, what?
08:23 Get through it, and finish it,
08:26 and eat all that food that's on your plate.
08:30 Today's lesson is kind of like that,
08:34 entitled The Change of the Law.
08:36 And what we're going to be talking about
08:38 is a lot of different things.
08:40 You could have actually taken this whole lesson book
08:43 on the preparation for the end time,
08:45 and we could have taken
08:46 this over a longer period of time.
08:49 But they're crunching so much information together,
08:54 and so I've been prayerful this week about this lesson
08:56 because we talk about the little horn,
08:59 we talk about the moral law,
09:01 we talk about the Seventh-day Sabbath,
09:04 we talk about this perceived change
09:07 which doesn't actually exist in scripture
09:09 but is believed out there, that's a lot to chew on.
09:14 Matter of fact, we would study these things
09:16 over a series of meetings together,
09:19 so I would like you to bear with me,
09:21 we're going to jump right in, and there's lots of things
09:24 that we're going to cover in this lesson,
09:26 The Change of the Law.
09:29 Now the backdrop for this end time issue
09:34 is Daniel 7.
09:37 Now Daniel 7 is a parallel of Daniel 2.
09:41 And in lesson number two, we kind of briefly touch
09:46 on Daniel 2 and this image,
09:51 this image that has head of gold,
09:53 that has these chest in arms of silver,
09:56 that has thighs of bronze,
09:58 and that has these legs of iron,
10:00 which we clearly knows Babylon, Medo-Persia,
10:04 Greece, and Rome.
10:06 And then we finally get to the feet,
10:08 which has 10 toes.
10:10 And then those 10 toes represents
10:13 the divisions of Europe
10:14 because Rome was never conquered
10:16 by another power historically.
10:18 It was actually divided from the inside out.
10:22 And this is the backdrop for actually getting
10:25 into The Change of the Law
10:29 because in Daniel 7
10:30 we see what is inanimate, in Daniel 2 become animate.
10:35 In Daniel 7, we have a lion, we have a bear,
10:40 we have a leopard with four heads and four wings,
10:43 and then all of a sudden you get to the iron,
10:46 okay, of Daniel 2.
10:48 It's described in Daniel 7 as this terrible,
10:52 ferocious beast that has these iron teeth.
10:56 You kind of think that's something
10:57 right out of Hollywood,
10:59 but it's actually something right out of the Bible.
11:03 And in the midst, you have these 10 horns
11:06 that are on its head,
11:08 which go back to the 10 toes of the image in Daniel 2.
11:12 And notice with me, we're going to open our Bibles
11:14 and actually read the scripture reading for today's lesson.
11:20 This is where we're going to start.
11:23 Daniel 7, describing these 10 horns,
11:28 Daniel actually zeroes in on specifically a little horn.
11:34 Okay, Daniel 7:24, 25,
11:40 we're going to look at this.
11:44 It says, "The 10 horns are 10," what?
11:48 "Kings."
11:50 Who shall arise from this kingdom,"
11:54 that fourth kingdom,
11:55 which is represented as Rome, Papal Rome.
11:58 And I saw him.
12:00 Oops, excuse me, I jumped too far.
12:02 "And another shall arise after them,
12:05 and he shall be different from the first ones."
12:07 Now you might ask yourself, "How is this little horn
12:10 different than those other 10 horns
12:13 that represent these kings in kingdoms
12:15 or Rome as it was divided into what we know is Europe today."
12:22 Okay, notice it says, "And shall subdue three kings."
12:26 So this little horn has this attachment
12:29 to these three kings as a political power,
12:32 but it's not only political, in other words,
12:35 it uses the state to accomplish its purposes
12:38 and 3 of these 10 were taken down by this little horn.
12:44 And then it goes on in verse 25,
12:46 as we get into our scripture reading, it says,
12:48 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High."
12:52 Notice this, all of a sudden this horizontal attack
12:57 that is occurring by subduing three kings
13:00 by this little horn, all of a sudden goes vertical.
13:05 And who is this little horn after ultimately?
13:09 God.
13:10 It says, "He shall speak pompous words
13:13 against the Most High.
13:14 And he shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
13:18 and shall intend to change times and law.
13:22 Then the saints shall be given into his hand
13:24 for a times time and half a time."
13:27 So there's a little horn, This little horn power
13:32 not only attacks politically, horizontally,
13:35 but attacks vertically,
13:38 specifically focusing on God and God's people.
13:42 What's one way to really get to God?
13:45 You attack His people, right?
13:47 And so the goal of this little horn is,
13:49 "Listen, my goal is to attack God,
13:51 but as I do so, I'm going to attack His people."
13:55 You know, if Satan changes our ideas, he changes, what?
14:02 Us.
14:03 He realizes that, "If I can mess with your mind,
14:07 then I can mess with how you believe,
14:09 how you live, how you act."
14:12 And so not only we're going to find
14:14 with this change of the law as that he's going to go
14:16 after the very heart of God's law.
14:20 God's law in general, and the Fourth Commandment.
14:24 Now as we get into this, specifically this attack,
14:29 the little horn's greatest attack
14:32 is Satan's greatest deception.
14:36 To literally take it to God if we're to put it that way,
14:40 and he's going to do so, he does so by going
14:42 after His people, but he does this in a way
14:45 of intending to change times and laws.
14:49 I'm actually going to start with Thursday's lesson.
14:52 Thursday, kind of, breaks this down.
14:54 But I'm going to start here with this phrase.
14:56 It's an important phrase.
14:59 This concept to think or intend to change times and laws.
15:05 Daniel 7:25.
15:08 Now it's interesting that the word "Times"
15:11 is used twice here in Daniel 7:25
15:16 and there are two different words
15:20 that are used in relationship to this word "times."
15:25 The first word "times" is the one we would say,
15:29 it actually in the Aramaic and in the Hebrews, úiddan.
15:32 Okay, it's used to describe the duration
15:36 of the little horn's persecution of the saints.
15:39 So we're talking about time, the first definition is úiddan,
15:44 which talks about a span of time.
15:48 Okay, notice we see this in Daniel 25,
15:52 at the very end, it says,
15:54 "For a times, times and half a time."
15:57 Now we don't have time to go into all of that,
16:00 but that's actually 1,260 days or 1,260 years.
16:05 This is a span of time.
16:09 Now the other word used in relationship
16:11 to this phrase is a little different than úiddan.
16:16 It's the word Z@man.
16:19 And in the plural form, it's Z@men,
16:23 which is very interesting.
16:24 This Aramaic word
16:27 has more of a function of point in time,
16:32 not a span of time.
16:36 But in the plural form,
16:39 it's actually repeated points in time.
16:44 Now this little horn is attacking, who?
16:50 Attacking God's people
16:51 and ultimately through the process
16:53 is attacking, who?
16:55 It's attacking God.
16:56 Remember when Paul was on the road to Damascus.
16:59 And he was on the road to Damascus to persecute, who?
17:05 The people of God.
17:06 He was going after the Christians,
17:08 this is before it was Saul, before he was Paul,
17:10 and Jesus meets him on the road,
17:13 and says very clearly, "Why are you persecuting Me?"
17:18 So in other words, by attacking God's people,
17:21 God relates intimately with His people.
17:23 This is what that covenant relationship,
17:27 right, is all about, that connection with God.
17:31 God is so intimately connected to His people
17:34 that when you attack His people,
17:36 you attack God directly.
17:39 And Jesus made that very clear in relationship to Paul
17:43 on his way to Damascus.
17:45 Now I'm getting back to this repeated point in time.
17:50 He's attacking God.
17:52 Now notice the word here, in Daniel 7:25 says,
17:56 "Intend to change times and," what?
18:00 "Law." Okay.
18:02 "Intend to change times and law."
18:05 The word law here is singular.
18:07 We're talking about the law of God.
18:11 This fits best in this description.
18:14 And the repeated point of time
18:17 that you find in God's law is what law?
18:21 What commandment do we find has to do with time,
18:25 specifically a repeated point in time?
18:29 The Fourth Commandment.
18:31 So we know this is a direct attack
18:34 on God's moral law, but even more than that,
18:37 it's a direct attack on the Seventh-day Sabbath,
18:42 the only commandment you find that deals with
18:45 a repeated point of time, okay?
18:48 Matter of fact, when you go back to creation
18:51 and God creates all these things
18:53 in six literal days,
18:55 what does God ultimately do at the end?
18:57 He rests on the Seventh-day Sabbath.
19:00 Now after this, He what?
19:02 He blesses and sanctifies
19:05 the Seventh-day Sabbath for all time.
19:10 And this is why Daniel points us out
19:12 that he is attacking this repeated point in time.
19:15 You know, it wasn't just that Sabbath that God blessed,
19:18 it was Sabbaths throughout eternity
19:21 that God was blessing
19:23 and continuing to prove to us is valid even in our day.
19:28 This is an end time prophecy.
19:30 This is a prophecy that relates to you and I in this day.
19:34 And so we should take note of specifically this attack.
19:39 Now we're going to talk about in this lesson,
19:42 the law of God and its importance.
19:46 Today, we're going to look at this issue
19:50 of under law verses under grace,
19:53 you know, we hear that a lot, okay?
19:56 Some people kind of do away with the law, why,
19:58 because we're under grace, we're no longer under the law.
20:02 Well, Paul has some very interesting things to say
20:05 that we're going to take a look at.
20:06 We're also...
20:07 Some people have kind of pushed away the Seventh
20:10 or the Fourth Commandment, right?
20:11 They've set away the Sabbath.
20:13 While you're under grace and they specifically say,
20:15 "There's no need for the Sabbath anymore."
20:17 Remember Jesus nailed that to the cross.
20:20 He kind of did away with it.
20:21 Well, not according to Paul, when we actually look at
20:24 all that Paul has to say.
20:27 And then we're going to look
20:28 specifically at this change, okay?
20:31 There's a lot of our Christian friends,
20:34 who are keeping Sunday instead of the Seventh-day Sabbath.
20:38 Well, there is a change that this little horn
20:42 has brought about
20:44 to make people think it was changed.
20:46 But scripture doesn't actually change it.
20:48 And we're going to look at the passages
20:51 in relationship to this also.
20:54 So getting back to the background
20:55 and this attack, so this little horn
20:57 is attacking the very moral law of God,
21:01 specifically the Fourth Commandment,
21:03 the Commandment that has to do with time.
21:06 Now I have some readers,
21:07 and I've asked to read some passages.
21:09 In just a moment, we're going to read
21:10 the first one from Romans 7.
21:15 And so we get back to Sunday's lesson.
21:18 Sunday's lesson is entitled The Promise.
21:22 This lesson as it is entitled The Promise
21:25 is really identifying the human struggle
21:29 that we all face, that fleshly struggle,
21:32 the pull of the flesh.
21:35 See, one must understand the reality of sin,
21:39 and what sin is,
21:40 and what sin is the opposite of.
21:44 If they're going to understand the existence,
21:47 purpose, and blessing of God's Law.
21:51 Speaking about this, Paul writes,
21:54 Romans 7:17, 18, 20, 21.
22:02 "But now, it is no longer I who do it,
22:04 but sin that dwells in me.
22:07 For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh,
22:10 nothing good dwells, for to will is present with me,
22:14 but how to perform what is good I do not find.
22:19 Now if I do what I will not to do,
22:22 it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
22:26 I find then a law, that evil is present with me,
22:30 the one who wills to do good."
22:35 This is a powerful passage as we start the series
22:39 of lessons going through this lesson,
22:42 The Change of the Law.
22:43 Paul, from the beginning, starts to identify
22:46 what his flesh is like,
22:48 and he's not just talking about himself,
22:51 he's actually talking about all of us.
22:54 Remember in Romans 3:23, It says, "All have," what?
22:59 "All have sinned
23:01 and come short of the glory of God."
23:04 And I'm sure we all have stories
23:06 where we have fallen short of the glory of God.
23:09 And we could talk about them over and over again.
23:12 While Paul says, here in Romans 7,
23:15 as was read, you're going to notice
23:17 he uses these phrases like, "Sin dwells in me.
23:23 In me, nothing good dwells."
23:27 And then he says, "Evil is present with me."
23:31 So he's talking about his life without Christ here.
23:37 And he's saying the human flesh, right...
23:41 "Sin dwells in me, nothing good in me dwells,"
23:45 and then he says, "Evil is present with me."
23:47 Sin is the presence of evil,
23:51 where nothing good dwells, okay?
23:56 We see this again. Notice with me Romans 7:8.
24:01 Notice with me in your Bibles, Romans 7:8.
24:06 We see this again.
24:08 Paul writes, "But sin taking opportunity
24:14 by the commandment produced in me all manner of," what?
24:19 "Of evil desires." What did sin produce?
24:22 All manner of evil desire, okay?
24:26 Not the commandment, he's talking about sin.
24:29 But Commandments reveal what?
24:32 The moral law reveals sin. It reveals evil.
24:36 But it's sin that produces in him
24:39 all manner of evil desires.
24:43 For apart from the law sin was what?
24:46 Sin is dead.
24:48 So if you didn't have the law,
24:49 you wouldn't have a knowledge of what?
24:51 You wouldn't have a knowledge of sin.
24:54 You know, we have rules in our homes.
24:56 I'm sure you have rules in your homes, right?
24:59 Especially those of you that have children, okay?
25:02 You know, if you didn't have some sort of rule
25:05 or some sort of standard, what would there be?
25:09 There would be chaos.
25:10 And the kids would know that chaos is chaos,
25:15 have you noticed that?
25:16 Children can be chaotic and not even know
25:19 they're being chaotic, until you stop and say,
25:22 "Wait a second, let's go back to the rule."
25:25 And then they say,
25:26 "Oh, maybe I was being chaotic."
25:30 Here Paul talks about sin and its relationship
25:33 with the Commandment, but he talks about it as evil.
25:36 So he says, "Sin dwells in me, nothing good dwells,"
25:40 where sin is, "And evil is present with me."
25:44 Sin produced in me all manner of evil desire.
25:50 Now thankfully Paul also writes...
25:53 Now this is interesting,
25:54 notice with me verse 7 of Romans 7.
25:59 He says, "What shall we say then?
26:02 Is the law sin?"
26:05 Is the law what? Sin?
26:08 "Certainly not!"
26:10 He's emphatic on making this point
26:13 that the law is not sin.
26:18 He says, "On the contrary, I would not have known sin
26:22 except through the law.
26:23 For I would not have known covetousness
26:26 unless the law had said, "You shall not covet.'"
26:30 So Paul's making it very clear that the law points out sin.
26:37 And, friends, all of us have fallen,
26:39 all of us have fallen short, all of us without Christ,
26:43 you know, sin dwells in us,
26:45 there is nothing good in us and evil is present with us.
26:50 We need Jesus.
26:55 We also need His moral law.
27:01 So what is sin?
27:02 Sin is evil, where nothing good dwells.
27:05 Now we're going to read here in just a minute
27:07 another passage of scripture in 1 John 3:4,
27:12 but I want us to grasp
27:14 and understand that without Christ,
27:16 that human nature, that fall in fleshly nature
27:21 is one that is inhabit...
27:23 That sin inhabits, that evil inhabits,
27:27 that nothing good inhabits.
27:30 So sin is evil, where nothing good dwells.
27:33 Another biblical definition is lawlessness.
27:39 What law are we talking about?
27:41 We're talking about the moral law, okay?
27:44 The law, that by the way has always existed,
27:48 we're going to take a look at this,
27:49 that has always existed.
27:51 It didn't just come into being on Mount Sinai,
27:56 that wasn't its first place.
28:00 It actually came before that. But you know what?
28:03 I thank God for the promise. What is the promise?
28:08 "There is therefore no condemnation to those,
28:13 who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk
28:16 according to the flesh, but," what?
28:20 "They walk according to the spirit."
28:22 Okay, now when Paul talks about the flesh,
28:25 he's talking about those sinful desires,
28:29 that evil that is present with us,
28:32 and where no good dwells.
28:35 So now we're going to jump into Monday's lesson.
28:37 I'm, kind of, moving fast and I'm looking.
28:40 So we're going to have to go through this quickly.
28:42 But you'll notice with me,
28:44 Paul, in his writings is actually,
28:48 okay, writing consistently on the law.
28:51 And he writes from two different perspectives.
28:56 You know, Paul is very balanced in his writing.
28:59 The first perspective is that
29:02 of a wrong relationship to the law,
29:05 which is like pre-conversion.
29:08 Now these are key phrases, pre-conversion.
29:11 There's a wrong relationship to the law.
29:14 But then he also writes in support
29:16 of a right relationship to the law,
29:19 which is post-conversion.
29:23 So when we talk about the law
29:25 and we talk about Paul's writings,
29:27 we need to understand he's writing with a balance,
29:30 pre-conversion, post-conversion,
29:32 which one is he writing about, at what time.
29:36 And so he breaks this down.
29:38 Pre-conversion, we read such verses like this,
29:42 "I would not have known sin except through the law,"
29:45 Romans 7:7.
29:48 He also writes, "Moreover the law entered
29:51 that the offence might abound," Romans 5:20.
29:56 He also writes in Galatians 3:23,
29:59 "But before faith came, we were under the guard,"
30:04 "We were under guard by the law."
30:09 Another way to put this is as he writes in Romans 7:14,
30:13 "We were all sold under sin."
30:18 And being under sin means that an individual is under the law,
30:25 the condemnation of the law,
30:28 this is how somebody relates to the law
30:31 who is living contrary to the words of Christ,
30:36 to the teachings of Christ.
30:41 "To be under the condemnation of the law,
30:43 sin being seen as it is exceeding sinful."
30:49 Now it's interesting, notice with me in Romans 7:12,
30:53 and in just a minute we're going to have
30:54 another verse read, but notice Romans 7:12,
31:00 Paul, in talking about the law,
31:02 consistently, in these different ways...
31:06 Notice what he says kind of in the end,
31:09 summarizing the law.
31:11 He says, "Therefore, the law is holy,
31:15 and the commandment holy, just, and," what?
31:19 Good. "Good."
31:20 So the law is good,
31:22 but sin is where nothing good dwells.
31:26 Are you understanding? They're literally separate.
31:29 Sin and the law are not together,
31:31 they are separate.
31:33 Sin is where nothing good dwells,
31:35 and yet Paul says the law is, what?
31:37 Good. The law is good.
31:39 And it's shown as good
31:41 because it shows me what sin is.
31:44 Therefore, I understand it to be good, holy, and just.
31:51 Now notice with me, we're going to look at post-conversion
31:54 and one passage I'd like to read,
31:56 we have a reader reading it, Romans 8:3,4, and 10.
32:02 "For what the law could not do,
32:04 in that it was weak through the flesh,
32:05 God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh,
32:09 and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.
32:12 That the righteousness of the law
32:13 might be fulfilled in us,
32:15 who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
32:18 And if Christ be in you,
32:20 the body is dead because of sin,
32:22 but the Spirit is life because of righteousness."
32:25 Now this is a powerful passage because notice the promise
32:28 from this lesson comes out of Romans 8.
32:31 And if you continue reading, when he talks about this
32:34 walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh,
32:38 he talks about fulfilling the, what?
32:41 The righteous requirements of the law.
32:45 He says that they might be fulfilled in us
32:48 who do not walk according to the flesh
32:51 but according to the Spirit.
32:53 So here he is talking about what?
32:55 Post-conversion.
32:57 He's talking about someone who has come to Christ,
32:59 they have given their lives to Christ,
33:01 they have laid all on the altar for Christ,
33:04 and now they live by faith and they do live by grace.
33:10 But in the process, they are fulfilling by faith
33:14 and by grace through Christ...
33:16 What are they fulfilling?
33:18 They're fulfilling the righteous
33:20 requirements of the law.
33:22 Now notice with me Psalms 119:172, okay.
33:26 Psalm 119:172.
33:30 Not only does the Bible define sin for us,
33:34 but it also defines the opposite,
33:36 which is righteousness,
33:38 and this is what Paul speaks about.
33:41 He says...
33:42 The psalmist writes,
33:43 "My tongue shall speak of Your word,
33:46 for all Your commandments are," what?
33:49 "The righteousness." Okay?
33:52 So when we, by faith, walk according to Christ
33:58 and His example, believing, trusting in Him,
34:00 He gives us the grace that enables us to, what?
34:04 Fulfill the law, which our flesh,
34:06 by the way, couldn't do.
34:09 There was no way. It's not possible, okay?
34:14 Now you'll notice, the law is good.
34:17 And this is important.
34:18 Matter of fact, let's go to Deuteronomy,
34:20 I want to show you something.
34:21 See, this is the basis of the covenant by the way.
34:24 Notice with me, Deuteronomy 4:13, okay?
34:29 We always talk about
34:30 this covenant relationship, okay?
34:34 That the Bible consistently speaks about
34:36 God formed that covenant, by the way, with Adam and Eve,
34:39 He formed the same covenant with Noah,
34:41 He formed the same covenant with Abraham,
34:44 and thereafter He continues to form
34:47 the covenant with His people.
34:50 Now He says what the basis of that covenant is.
34:55 Deuteronomy 4:13 says,
34:57 "So He declared to you His covenant
35:00 which He commanded you to perform..."
35:04 The what?
35:05 "The Ten Commandments,
35:07 and He wrote them on tables of stone."
35:10 So what is the basis of the covenant,
35:13 this relationship,
35:14 this right relationship to Jesus Christ?
35:18 You know, there's a wrong relationship
35:19 to Jesus Christ,
35:20 and there is a right relationship
35:22 to Jesus Christ,
35:23 just like Paul's talking about here.
35:25 And he's talking about this and the law.
35:28 And notice it says here,
35:29 the basis of that right relationship
35:32 or a relationship that is based upon righteousness
35:37 has the law at the foundation, okay?
35:41 So as we believe in Christ, Christ teaches us
35:45 more and more of His law.
35:47 You know, what is the man, in Psalms it's told,
35:49 we're told in Psalms 1, "Blessed is the man..."
35:52 and then it goes on to talk about
35:53 how they meditate on the law day and night,
35:57 it's like looking at Jesus.
36:00 By the way, Jesus is the, what shepherd?
36:03 He's the Good Shepherd.
36:05 Notice, He's the good shepherd,
36:07 there is no sin that surrounds Jesus.
36:10 Now He became sin for us who knew no sin.
36:15 Therefore, He's the Good Shepherd, okay?
36:18 He's the shepherd that keeps the commandments of God
36:22 and all of His sheep hear His voice, okay?
36:27 Matter of fact, notice with me Matthew 25:21.
36:32 Matthew 25:21,
36:36 this is a powerful passage,
36:40 it's in the context of the Second Coming of Christ.
36:44 Now Matthew 24 talks about the signs of His coming.
36:48 At the end of Matthew 24, what Jesus does is He says,
36:52 listen, He asks a question.
36:54 He says, "Who then is wise and faithful?"
36:57 You find this in verse 45 of Matthew 24.
37:00 And then Matthew 25 breaks down in parable form
37:05 the answers to that question.
37:08 The wise, is the first parable and the unwise,
37:10 the faithful and the unfaithful is the second parable,
37:13 and the blessed and the cursed are the third parable,
37:16 but now, going back to the second parable
37:18 when Jesus comes,
37:20 notice how He identifies His children.
37:25 Notice with me Matthew 25:21, "His lord said to him,
37:31 'Well done, good and faithful servant.
37:33 You are faithful over a few things,
37:36 I will make you ruler over many things.
37:37 Enter into the joy of your lord.'"
37:39 He's talking about the faithful.
37:41 And notice what He declares them.
37:43 He says, "Well done thou," what?
37:46 He doesn't use the word "Good" by accident.
37:50 If He is the good Shepherd and the law is good,
37:54 when Jesus Christ comes again,
37:56 He's going to declare His children, what?
37:59 Good. How can He do that?
38:01 What's the standard for good? The moral law.
38:06 So in other words, He's in essence saying,
38:09 "My people at the end will be like Me.
38:12 They will be good as I am good."
38:14 God is not a liar.
38:16 He's not going to make a declaration that isn't true.
38:22 And so He's waiting for those people
38:24 who will live by faith and grace,
38:26 we're going to get into that in just a minute,
38:28 that keep the commandments of God.
38:31 This is what Revelation 14:12...
38:35 When we talk about Revelation,
38:36 God identifies this group of people
38:39 that have the patience of the saints
38:41 who keep the commandments of God, okay,
38:45 and the faith of Jesus.
38:47 These two things are linked together,
38:50 faith and commandment keeping.
38:54 Now I'm going to run really quickly
38:56 to the Seventh-day Sabbath.
39:00 This is huge.
39:02 Because if we're keeping the commandments,
39:05 we're keeping, what?
39:06 All of them because all of them are good.
39:11 Now when God created the earth,
39:13 right, what did He say the earth was?
39:16 It was good. There was no sin in it.
39:19 You can go to Deuteronomy 32:4,
39:21 and He defines His work right there.
39:24 And He's actually talking about creation,
39:26 "This is My work," okay, "My work is good."
39:30 So in other words, to call it good,
39:33 that law had to exist because what is the law?
39:37 The law is good. Jesus is good.
39:40 God's people, when He comes back
39:42 will be declared by Him as what?
39:46 Good.
39:47 You can't get away from the law,
39:49 you just can't, and neither can you get away
39:52 from the Fourth Commandment.
39:54 Now I want you to notice, go with me to Acts.
39:58 Because of time, we can't really dive into
40:00 all the passages, okay, that this lesson brings out.
40:03 But I want you to notice Acts 13.
40:06 I thought this was a very interesting point.
40:08 Acts 13, and then we're going to actually go to Ephesians,
40:13 okay?
40:15 But I want to go to Acts 13, and then I have someone else
40:18 that will read Ephesians in just a minute.
40:20 But notice with me, Acts 13,
40:22 all throughout the New Testament,
40:24 Jesus, what was His custom?
40:26 Since being a little boy, what was His custom?
40:29 In Luke 4, it was to keep the Seventh-day Sabbath.
40:33 That was His custom.
40:34 You would always find Him in the synagogue,
40:36 like you and I here are in church
40:38 today on the Sabbath, you'd always find Him, right,
40:41 in the sanctuary on the Seventh-day Sabbath.
40:46 Paul is no different.
40:47 You can go to Acts 17 and you'll read
40:50 right in the very beginning there,
40:51 verses 1-3 how Paul as his...
40:55 Now get this, Paul's custom as a Jew
40:58 was to keep the Sabbath, was it not?
41:01 And when he became a follower of Christ,
41:03 by the way, Acts 17
41:05 is after he became a follower of Christ,
41:09 and in this context, what is he living by?
41:11 He's living by grace.
41:13 He's living by faith,
41:14 but what does he continue to do?
41:17 And he teaches us about grace and faith,
41:19 but what does he continue to do?
41:21 Keep the Seventh-day Sabbath.
41:24 Now notice how this is all brought together
41:25 right here in Acts 13.
41:28 I thought this was phenomenal.
41:29 If you go to verse 14 first, it says,
41:32 "But when they departed from Perga,
41:34 they came to Antioch in Pisidia..."
41:38 I may mispronounce that, so forgive me.
41:41 "And He went into the synagogue on," what?
41:44 "The Sabbath day." Notice "the Sabbath day."
41:48 He's not talking about
41:49 all the feast Sabbaths and all these...
41:50 He's talking about the Seventh-day Sabbath.
41:53 Now if you turn from there, so he's teaching,
41:57 okay, in the synagogue on the Sabbath.
41:59 And then you go to verse 42, okay?
42:02 Notice with me verse 42, it says,
42:05 "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue,
42:09 the Gentiles begged that these words
42:12 might be preached to them," what?"
42:14 The next Sabbath."
42:15 So Paul's making it a point
42:17 to keep the Seventh-day Sabbath,
42:19 a teacher of grace, a teacher of faith,
42:22 who is keeping the commandments.
42:25 By the way, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, right?
42:28 He also was a commandment keeper,
42:30 and that's Old Testament grace,
42:32 same as New Testament grace, okay?
42:34 Every time, by the way, God forms a covenant,
42:39 you can go back in the Old Testament,
42:40 it's very interesting.
42:41 Every time God forms a covenant with His people,
42:42 like Noah, Abraham, the children of Israel,
42:45 deliverance always came first.
42:49 God delivered Noah from the flood.
42:53 What would we call that? Grace.
42:55 And then He forms a covenant with him.
42:57 He delivers Abraham from the land of Ur
43:00 and then He forms a covenant with him.
43:03 And then all of a sudden He delivers the Egyptians
43:07 from bondage, right, by His great power
43:10 and His great might, and then what did He do?
43:12 He gives them the basis again of the covenant, the law,
43:17 and then forms a covenant with them.
43:18 In every case, you always see grace,
43:22 in every single example, you always see grace,
43:25 and it's no different here.
43:27 Notice with me what happens, verse 43,
43:30 "Now when the congregation had broken up,
43:32 many of the Jews and devout proselytes
43:35 followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them,
43:38 persuaded them to continue in," what?
43:40 Grace of God. I love this.
43:43 I'm keeping the Seventh-day Sabbath,
43:46 and I'm going to encourage you to continue in, what?
43:48 The grace of God.
43:51 So the grace of God is synonymous
43:54 with Sabbath keeping here.
43:56 They're not separate.
43:58 They're actually one and the same.
44:00 If you live by grace, through faith,
44:03 you will keep the commandments.
44:05 You will be encouraged, as you continue in grace,
44:08 to continue in the Fourth Commandment,
44:12 the Seventh-day Sabbath.
44:16 Now Ephesians, we have someone
44:17 that's going to read Ephesians for us.
44:20 Now here's another passage I want to break down for you
44:22 just briefly, Ephesians 2:8, 9.
44:26 "For by grace are ye saved through faith,
44:29 and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God,
44:33 not of works lest any man should boast."
44:36 Now we love these verses.
44:39 And many of my Christian friends
44:40 will quote this, listen, they bring out the fact
44:43 that we are saved by, what?
44:46 By grace, through faith.
44:48 And then he says, "It's not of yourselves
44:51 but is the gift of God, not of works."
44:55 Now I want you to notice what Paul's going to do,
44:58 and I don't want to miss verse 10,
45:00 this is why I have asked only the two to be read,
45:02 because that's what most of the time
45:03 we point to verse 8 and 9,
45:05 but notice with me verse 10, okay?
45:08 Ephesians 2:10, and I'll get there.
45:15 Here we go.
45:16 It says, "For we are His workmanship
45:21 created in Christ Jesus for," what?
45:25 Notice, we're back to this good works thing again.
45:28 The law is good.
45:30 Jesus is the good shepherd, okay?
45:33 And notice, through Christ what are we enabled to do?
45:38 Good works.
45:39 And He talks about His creative power in the life
45:44 that actually fashions us to walk in good works.
45:48 Notice He's making a distinction.
45:50 Listen, you're not saved by your works,
45:53 by your fleshly works,
45:55 you're only saved by Christ and you're saved through grace.
45:59 By the way, this grace, through this grace,
46:02 He does a creative work in you that produces good works
46:08 that you could never produce on your own.
46:11 But what's the standard of good?
46:15 How do we know it's good works?
46:17 Because it's according to a good law, okay?
46:22 Notice He goes on.
46:23 He says, and it takes us back to creation even, he says,
46:26 "For we are His workmanship,
46:28 created in Christ Jesus for good works,
46:31 which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
46:36 Where did God prepare beforehand
46:38 that we should walk in good works?
46:41 At creation.
46:43 When God created everything and He created us,
46:46 there was no evil,
46:47 God only wanted us to know good,
46:51 God only wanted us to walk good.
46:54 But of course, we made a bad decision,
46:58 and we chose to bring evil and sin into the picture.
47:03 And so later through Israel's experience, later,
47:08 what God has to do is remind them,
47:10 first He delivers them and then He reminds them
47:13 of that standard of good again.
47:16 And says just like I delivered you
47:18 out of the bondage of the Egyptians,
47:20 I can create in you by My grace
47:23 the ability to follow my moral law even the what?
47:30 The Fourth Commandment. The Fourth Commandment.
47:34 There are so many passages that we could look at.
47:38 I want to end with one here in Hebrews 4.
47:43 Hebrews 4, Paul writes,
47:47 "For we who believe do enter that rest,
47:52 for He has spoken in a certain place
47:54 of the seventh day in this way.
47:57 And God rested on the seventh day
48:00 from all his works that remains therefore a rest."
48:05 And this word rest, by the way,
48:07 means a special religiously significant period for rest.
48:14 What's he talking about? The seventh day.
48:17 This repeated point in time that God has given us to rest
48:24 and to focus on our Creator that He's going to do the work.
48:29 According to His law, we shall walk and be like Him.
48:32 Then it says, "For the people of God..."
48:35 Paul writes, "For he who has entered
48:38 into His rest has himself
48:40 also ceased from his works as God did from His."
48:45 Hebrews 4:9, 10,
48:49 the Sabbath Paul says still remains
48:52 because as we rest on the Seventh-day Sabbath
48:56 and we break from all of our work,
48:58 it's a representation of our faith in Christ that,
49:01 you know what, I can't earn my way to heaven.
49:05 But through faith in Christ and by grace,
49:07 He can do a work in me and I can live righteously
49:11 in Christ Jesus according to all of the moral law.
49:16 And yet in the new heaven and new earth,
49:20 where shall we meet?
49:22 From one Sabbath to another, from one new moon to another.
49:26 Isaiah 66.
49:29 Friends, the papacy wants people to think
49:31 that Sunday is the new Sabbath.
49:34 But, you know, when you read scripture everywhere
49:36 where we talked about the first day,
49:39 never do you see it ever making a change
49:43 from the seventh day to Sunday being the first day.
49:48 Everywhere the first day is spoken about
49:50 in the New Testament,
49:51 there is no evidence of any change by God
49:54 or by His disciples.
49:56 And regarding the papacy,
49:59 lesson 10 gets more into that power.
50:03 But no, the law is just as valid today
50:06 as it ever has been in relationship to Jesus Christ
50:09 our relationship with Him, and the Seventh-day Sabbath
50:14 is linked with grace and is just as vital today
50:19 as it always has been.
50:23 To remind you of our free offer,
50:25 our free offer is The Last Day of Prophecy,
50:28 it's a special sermon by Pastor Doug Batchelor
50:31 on this very topic, it's taken from the series,
50:35 The Last Day of prophecy.
50:37 All you need to do is call 1866-788-3966,
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51:05 and receive this sermon,
51:07 you want to get it as you continue studying His Word.
51:10 And I'd like to have a word of prayer with you
51:13 as we end this lesson together.
51:16 Father in heaven, we thank You so much
51:18 for Your many blessings.
51:21 There's so much food on this plate today.
51:26 And, Lord, I pray that we will spend our times studying,
51:29 growing closer to You,
51:31 drawing closer in our relationship with You.
51:33 We thank You for Your law, we thank You
51:35 for the Seventh-day Sabbath, and we thank You for Jesus
51:39 who enables each of us to follow it.
51:42 Lord, we thank You that we can come together
51:44 on this Sabbath to worship You,
51:45 may You be glorified in all that we do
51:48 and say and thank, in Jesus' name we pray.
51:51 Amen.
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52:32 Friends, we're out here in the Pacific Ocean,
52:35 not too far from the island of Fiji,
52:37 and we're getting ready to look at some wonders in the deep.
52:41 The Bible says God made the heaven, the earth,
52:43 and the sea, and there are things
52:44 under the sea that are beautiful
52:46 that many people have never seen.
52:48 Some folks might just skim along snorkel on the surface.
52:51 But if you want to see the real majesty of the ocean,
52:54 you've got to go deeper.
53:09 Because people don't have gills like fish,
53:11 we have to do something extraordinary
53:13 to be able to breathe below the surface,
53:15 and because you have to breathe all of the time,
53:18 we need this special equipment.
53:22 In the same way, the Bible says,
53:24 "A Christian needs to pray without ceasing."
53:26 We need to always be breathing the atmosphere of heaven,
53:29 if we're going to lead a Christian life
53:31 in this world below.
53:59 Wow, what a wonderful world.
54:13 Let's face it.
54:14 It's not always easy
54:16 to understand everything you read in the Bible.
54:18 With over 700,000 words containing 66 books,
54:22 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
54:25 To get biblical straightforward answers,
54:27 call into Bible Answers Live,
54:29 a live nationwide calling radio program
54:31 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor
54:34 and ask in your most difficult Bible questions.
54:36 For times and stations in your area
54:39 or to listen to answers online, visit
55:00 What can be more irresistible than a kitten?
55:02 These guys might look cute now
55:04 but some of their ancestors have grown into man-eaters.
55:11 We're here in a lion park in South Africa now
55:14 where we can view these creatures
55:15 in rail of the safety, but there's a reason
55:17 they're known as the king of beasts.
55:20 So what is it that people find
55:21 so enchanting and frightening about lions?
55:24 Is it their speed, their claws, their sharp teeth,
55:27 or all of the above?
55:29 Might also be some of the stories
55:30 about man-eating lions.
55:32 Like in 1898, right here in Africa,
55:35 they were building a bridge over the Tsavo River in Kenya,
55:38 and two brother lions terrorized
55:40 the construction process eating a 135 workers.
55:46 Did you know lions are mentioned in the Bible
55:48 over a hundred times?
55:50 And you can find them all the way
55:51 from Genesis to Revelation.
55:53 It's usually in reference to their ferocity
55:55 and how dangerous they are.
55:57 Of course, Samson killed a lion with his bare hands,
56:00 David killed a lion,
56:01 there are man-eating lions in the Bible.
56:03 The way that they punish criminals
56:05 was by throwing them in the lion's den.
56:07 And early Christians were even fed to Lions.
56:10 But amazingly, as the Bible mentions
56:12 not all Lions are to be feared,
56:15 there have been a few friendly lions in history.
56:17 For example, in the 1950s, a couple,
56:21 George and Margaret Westbeau who lived up at a ranch
56:24 near Seattle, Washington adopted and abandoned lion cub.
56:28 They named it Little Tyke 'cause they felt sorry for it.
56:31 But they discovered as they tried to feed her,
56:34 she refused to eat any meat at all.
56:37 They were concerned thinking there was no hope
56:39 for this little lioness to survive
56:41 and everybody told them the same
56:43 because we know in the wild,
56:44 lion survive on almost entirely meat diet.
56:48 Then someone showed the Westbeaus
56:49 that verse in the Bible that talks about in heaven,
56:52 the animals are vegetarians,
56:54 and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
56:58 That encouraged them, and so they began to feed
57:00 little Tyke a purely vegetarian diet.
57:03 Not only did she survive, she thrived growing into a lion
57:07 that was over 352 pounds and over 10 feet long.
57:12 In fact, zoologist that examined Little Tyke
57:14 when she was full grown said, they had never seen
57:17 such a perfect specimen of a lioness in their life,
57:20 a pure vegetarian.
57:23 You know, when we hear incredible stories
57:24 about that of Little Tyke,
57:26 it reminds us that God's original plan
57:28 was to make a world of total peace.
57:31 It describes it here in the Bible
57:32 on Isaiah chapter 11:6,
57:35 "The wolf also will dwell with the lamb,
57:37 the leopard will lie down with the young goat.
57:40 The calf and the young lion and the fatling together,
57:42 and a little child will lead them."
57:45 Nothing is going to hurt and destroy
57:46 in the new heavens and the new earth
57:48 that God is going to create.
57:49 Wouldn't you likes to live in a kingdom
57:51 with His perfect peace where there is no more
57:53 death, or killing, or pain?
57:55 God says that He wants you in that kingdom.
57:58 The Lamb of God made it possible
58:01 for you to have an encounter
58:02 with the lion of the tribe of Judah.
58:04 Wouldn't you like to meet Him today?


Revised 2018-05-30