Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021817A

00:35 Hello and welcome to yet another edition
00:37 of the Sabbath School Study Hour.
00:38 My name is Pastor Shawn Brummund,
00:40 and I'm just so happy that
00:41 you have decided to join us here,
00:44 not only for those of us who are local here
00:46 in the Granite Bay Church
00:47 as we come together to study from Sabbath to Sabbath
00:50 but, of course, always, we will always want to welcome
00:52 those who are watching either live stream here today
00:55 on Sabbath, the 7th of April
00:58 or on various television networks,
01:01 it's always good to be able to have
01:02 each and every one of you come and join us
01:05 as we study where Jesus is lifted up
01:08 and the Word of God,
01:09 the Holy Bible is our key textbook.
01:11 Today's key subject is going to be entitled
01:15 "Salvation and the Time of the End".
01:18 That is Salvation and the Time of the End.
01:19 That's lesson study number four,
01:22 and that's coming from a quarterly
01:24 that we just began recently,
01:25 and it's entitled "Preparation for the End Time".
01:29 Preparation for the End Time, very relevant subject,
01:33 very important topic from prophecy
01:35 and from the Bible
01:36 as we continue to study that even here today.
01:40 Every time we come together, we always like to give you
01:43 a very special free offer to continue your study
01:45 and the Word of God
01:46 in addition to what we are going to be studying
01:48 here today.
01:50 And today's free offer is entitled Assurance,
01:53 Justification Made Simple.
01:56 Again, that's "Assurance, Justification Made Simple,
02:00 very important topic in regards
02:01 to the topic of today's study as well.
02:05 Now you can get this in a couple of different ways.
02:07 You can just simply dial on your telephone
02:09 1-866-788-3966,
02:14 that's 1-866-788-3966
02:18 and ask for free offer number 727,
02:22 that's number 727.
02:24 Now if you're in North America,
02:26 we're happy to send that out to you,
02:27 now if you're not in North America
02:29 and you still like a copy
02:30 of this particular free gift offer,
02:32 you can find a digital download copy of that
02:35 again on
02:39 It's always good to have you,
02:41 we're just so excited being able to
02:42 have our singers here together
02:44 as they're going to be leading us out in praise
02:46 before we invite Pastor Doug up for our lesson study today.
02:50 We're going to be singing number 189,
02:52 "All that Thrills My Soul is Jesus,"
02:55 "All that Thrills My Soul is Jesus,"
02:57 it's such a thrilling thing to worship Jesus
03:00 and to sing to our Creator and Savior, Jesus,
03:04 let's sing together 189.
03:16 Who can cheer the heart like Jesus
03:21 By His presence all divine?
03:26 True and tender, pure and precious
03:31 O how blest to call Him mine
03:36 All that thrills my soul is Jesus
03:40 He is more than life to me
03:46 And the fairest of ten thousand
03:51 In my blessed Lord I see
03:56 Love of Christ so freely given
04:01 Grace of God beyond degree
04:06 Mercy higher than the heaven
04:10 Deeper than the deepest sea
04:15 All that thrills my soul is Jesus
04:20 He is more than life to me
04:25 And the fairest of ten thousand
04:30 In my blessed Lord I see
04:35 Every need His hand's supplying
04:40 Every good in Him I see
04:44 On His strength divine relying
04:49 He is all in all to me
04:53 All that thrills my soul is Jesus
04:58 He is more than life to me
05:03 And the fairest of ten thousand
05:08 In my blessed Lord I see
05:13 By the crystal flowing river
05:18 With the ransomed I will sing
05:22 And forever and forever
05:27 Praise and glorify the King
05:31 All that thrills my soul is Jesus
05:36 He is more than life to me
05:41 And the fairest of ten thousand
05:46 In my blessed Lord I see
05:51 All that thrills my soul is Jesus
05:56 He is more than life to me
06:02 And the fairest of ten thousand
06:08 In my blessed Lord I see
06:16 Thank you for singing, and we have a special number
06:18 on this lovely Sabbath morning,
06:21 we have the Orange Veil girls' chorus
06:24 which is going to do a number for us at this time.
06:40 Healing rain is coming down
06:46 It's coming closer to this old town
06:52 Rich and poor, weak and strong
06:58 It's bringing mercy, it won't be long
07:09 Healing rain is coming down
07:15 It's coming nearer to the lost and found
07:22 Tears of joy and tears of shame
07:28 Are washed forever in Jesus' name
07:35 Healing rain, it comes with fire
07:40 So let it fall and take us high
07:47 Healing rain, I'm not afraid
07:53 To be washed in Heaven's rain
07:59 To be washed
08:02 In Heaven's rain
08:09 Lift your heads let us return
08:15 To the mercy seat where time began.
08:21 And in your eyes, I see the pain.
08:27 Come soak this dry heart with healing rain
08:34 Healing rain, it comes with fire
08:39 So let it fall and take us high
08:45 Healing rain, I'm not afraid
08:51 To be washed in Heaven's rain
09:04 God, as we come together, we want to pray
09:06 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us once again,
09:08 reclaim Him as our teacher, even as we thank You
09:11 also for Pastor Doug in the way that You've called him
09:14 and the way that he will serve again today.
09:16 I want to pray that You'll bless him
09:18 and that You'll bless all of us as we study together
09:20 and we come closer to the knowledge of Jesus
09:22 and His holy word, in Jesus' name,
09:24 we pray these things, God, amen.
09:28 We're continuing on our study
09:29 dealing with Preparation for the End Times,
09:32 today we are in lesson number four,
09:35 talking more specifically about Salvation and the End time.
09:39 It's going to go with our message
09:40 a little later today
09:41 'cause we're talking about Armageddon, part one,
09:44 and we have a memory verse.
09:46 And the memory verse is from 1 John 4:10,
09:50 that's 1 John 4:10
09:51 if you'd like to say it with me,
09:53 and you can read it in your lesson here,
09:54 it's out of the NIV version.
09:56 You ready?
09:58 "This is the love of God, not that we love God
10:02 but that He loved us and sent His Son
10:05 as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."
10:09 I think they chose the NIV here
10:11 because it uses the word in the King James
10:13 "appropriation,"
10:14 and I remember when I first read that I thought,
10:16 "What in the world is appropriation?"
10:18 But it means in the "place of"
10:20 as the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
10:22 So we're going to be talking about God
10:25 and the plan of salvation in our study today.
10:28 And I don't always do this,
10:29 I assume that you have your lesson
10:30 and you read your lesson in the opening comments,
10:33 but just in case to the some here that haven't,
10:36 I want to read the opening comment
10:38 in the study guide.
10:39 It was really good for our lesson number four.
10:43 "One fascinating
10:44 but critical difference between Christianity
10:46 and non-Christian religions is that while others emphasize
10:50 what their founders have taught them..."
10:53 As in Buddha or Muhammad or the Siddhartha or Krishna,
10:58 one of the others,
11:00 "They do not emphasize
11:01 what their founders have done for them,
11:04 and that's because whatever their founders
11:05 may have done for them, it cannot save them.
11:08 All these leaders can do is try to teach the people
11:10 how to save themselves."
11:12 Christianity is very different in that,
11:14 we don't have a founder that just said,
11:15 "Here are some teachings,
11:16 here are some good proverbs for life."
11:20 Here, Christianity, God says, "I'm doing something for you,
11:24 not only did I die for you,
11:25 I will give you power on a day by day basis."
11:28 Christianity is very different
11:30 from the other religions of the world.
11:33 Now under the first section,
11:34 we're going to be talking about the Father,
11:36 we're going to be talking about the Son,
11:37 we're going to be talking about the Holy Spirit.
11:40 And this is a subject that is often misunderstood
11:45 when we say Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
11:47 what do you typically think of?
11:50 We think of a doctrine or teaching called the Trinity.
11:53 And that's been...
11:55 Have you heard... Is it just me?
11:57 Have you heard people questioning
11:59 the Trinity doctrine lately?
12:02 Yeah, I've been running into it.
12:04 It seems like it comes in waves.
12:05 It comes in waves, and then it's dull,
12:07 but then it fades away
12:08 as people are better instructed,
12:10 and it comes up again
12:11 and we're going through a wave of that now.
12:13 I just completed a book on the Trinity.
12:18 It's not quite printed, they're just doing
12:19 the final edit on it now,
12:20 but I'm anxious to get it out
12:21 because I'm meeting people everywhere
12:23 that misunderstand that teaching,
12:26 they're reading too much into it
12:27 or they don't understand it
12:29 or they think that Jesus is a creature
12:31 that He was created,
12:33 and they say, "Oh, no, He wasn't created,
12:34 He was begat."
12:36 Well, that's the same thing.
12:37 If you go from not being to being
12:40 and if God is the one who initiated,
12:42 you go in from not being to being,
12:44 you're a creature.
12:46 And so, there's no in between, and so they say,
12:48 "Jesus had a beginning,
12:49 He's not from everlasting and everlasting."
12:51 And it diminishes
12:53 what God does for us for one thing,
12:56 it's almost like God creates this creature
12:59 to be the fall guy for humanity.
13:02 It's different from God giving Himself.
13:05 And I better be careful not to launch off
13:08 into my thesis on the Trinity right now,
13:11 but we're going to be talking about
13:13 the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the lesson.
13:14 And it's a very important subject to understand.
13:16 First of all, one of the big points
13:19 is that people think
13:21 that God, the Father and God, the Son
13:23 are somehow different Gods.
13:25 How many of you were here last Friday
13:28 when we had the friendly debate?
13:30 That's quite a few hands.
13:32 Did you notice one thing that kept coming up,
13:34 and if you're not acquainted with that, friends,
13:36 we're having a debate about the Sabbath
13:38 and the New Covenant
13:39 and should Christians keep the Sabbath
13:41 and the friend I was debating against
13:46 kept trying to differentiate
13:47 between Jesus' law and God's law
13:51 as though they were two different things,
13:53 and it's the same God.
13:55 This is a common mistake that is made.
13:57 People think that God of the Old Testament
13:59 is different from the God of the New Testament,
14:01 and they say, "God, the Father,
14:03 He is stern and He is severe but God, the Son, He's loving."
14:07 And that is a very common misconception.
14:10 Listen to what Jesus said about the Father and the Son
14:13 if you look in John 14:8,
14:16 and I'll read through verse 11,
14:19 "Philip said to Him, 'Lord, show us the Father,
14:22 and it suffices us.'
14:24 And Jesus said to him,
14:25 'Have I been with you so long
14:27 and you've not known Me, Philip?
14:29 He that has seen Me, has seen the Father,
14:32 so how can you say, 'Show us the Father?'
14:34 Do you not believe that I am in the Father
14:36 and the Father is in Me?
14:38 That the words that I speak to you,
14:42 I do not speak on My own authority
14:44 but the Father who dwells in Me does the works."
14:46 The Father doing the works through me.
14:48 "Believe Me that I am in the Father
14:50 and the Father is in Me or else believe Me
14:52 for the sake of the works themselves."
14:55 Now Jesus couldn't say it any clearer
14:58 that He and the Father are one.
15:01 Matter of fact, in John 17, that great prayer,
15:03 "I and the Father are one."
15:05 Back to the Trinity problem, people say, "How can God say,
15:09 'Hero of Israel, the Lord, our God is one.'"
15:12 And then you say, "Well, God is Father, Son,
15:14 and Holy Spirit."
15:16 Well, in Hebrew, when you say one,
15:19 does one always mean a numerical quantity
15:22 or does one often mean unity?
15:26 When a man leaves his father and mother
15:29 and cleaves to his wife and God says they become what?
15:32 One flesh, and in John 17,
15:35 when Jesus is praying for the 12 Apostles,
15:37 he prays Jesus, "Father, let them be one,"
15:40 it's a dozen of them, "that we may be one."
15:44 And so when you say there is one God,
15:46 you're talking about the unity, and keep in mind,
15:49 all of the other countries and nations, not all of them,
15:52 most of them were polytheistic.
15:54 And they had all these different Gods, you know,
15:56 the Greek gods are all warring with each other,
15:58 and they're involved in this intrigue
15:59 and it's like some cosmic chess game
16:02 between the Gods and the Egyptians
16:03 and the Gods and the bushes and the frogs and the clouds
16:06 and the sun, and they all had their domain,
16:08 and God says, "No, no, I am one God."
16:12 It's the person of the Father, Son, and Spirit,
16:14 but a united God.
16:17 They're not at odds with each other,
16:18 they're perfectly in tune.
16:20 They're perfectly in harmony.
16:21 This is what Moses meant,
16:23 because even if you go back there in genesis,
16:25 God says, "Let us make men in our image."
16:28 It's perfectly plural
16:30 and again, you see that in Genesis 11
16:32 when they're at the Tower of Babel,
16:34 the man has become like us and so forth.
16:39 So, yeah, God, the Father and God,
16:42 the Son, they both love us.
16:44 And that brings us to John 16:27, it says,
16:48 "For the Father Himself loves you
16:51 because you have loved Me
16:52 and have believed that I have come from God."
16:55 Now I don't know about you, but the way Christianity
16:57 was first presented to me,
17:00 not always, but many of the pictures
17:02 that I saw coming from pastors and sermons
17:04 and different books was almost like God,
17:06 the Father was sitting on a throne,
17:08 how many of you, when you picture the father,
17:09 He is sitting down?
17:11 Come on, fess up. Okay.
17:13 He's always sitting down,
17:14 but Jesus is a little more mobile.
17:16 And we figure that, you know,
17:18 we think of the great white throne that God,
17:19 the Father is sitting there, how many of you...
17:21 He's got great white grey hair?
17:24 Jesus hair, He dyes it, it's a little later?
17:28 We get these pictures in our mind,
17:29 some of its artists' concepts and God's sitting there,
17:32 and He's the Judge.
17:34 He's on His great white throne, and he's looking at the books,
17:36 He's going, "They're in trouble.
17:38 Destroy them, in the fire for you."
17:40 And Jesus, "Oh, wait, Father, but My bloodstain hands."
17:43 He goes, "Ah, all right,
17:44 for Your sake, I'll let them go."
17:47 And it's almost like the Father is anxious to be the judge
17:51 and to punish us, I had this picture in my mind,
17:54 and Jesus is the merciful one.
17:56 A lot of people have that kind of picture,
17:59 but Jesus, He is merciful.
18:02 He says the Father Himself loves you.
18:03 As a matter of fact,
18:04 who is it according to John 3:16
18:07 that initiates the Son coming to save us?
18:12 For God, obviously, the Father,
18:14 so loved the world, He gave His Son,
18:17 God the Son, you see that?
18:20 And so this idea that the Son is down there trying to...
18:25 Ever seen two men get into a fight
18:27 and then some other men
18:28 come along try and break them up,
18:31 that's like Jesus is trying to stop the Father
18:33 from thrashing us.
18:35 And so we run to Jesus for mercy,
18:37 and we run from the Father.
18:40 That's not a biblical picture.
18:41 They both love us.
18:43 It's the law and punishment of the law,
18:45 They're saving us from, it's not from Them.
18:48 They both love us, is that clear?
18:50 All right, in a moment, someone's going to read
18:52 Psalm 147:1,
18:55 okay, I'm going to read a couple other verses.
18:58 Go to 1 John 4:8,
19:01 "For he who does not love, does not know God for..."
19:05 What? That famous verse.
19:08 "God is love."
19:12 Now if I were to say to you, "John speaks French."
19:18 Well, that just means that John has the ability,
19:20 it's an attribute that he can speak French,
19:22 but if I said, "John is French."
19:25 That's something that's ingrained in his DNA.
19:28 You see what I'm saying?
19:29 We're not saying that God loves,
19:32 that would be something God does
19:34 or saying God is love, that's something God is.
19:38 He is the essence, He is the ultimate,
19:44 supreme definition of what love is.
19:47 In other words, you don't say what is love,
19:49 and wonder if God is love.
19:50 You say what is God, and that describes love
19:53 'cause He is love
19:54 and He's the author of all love.
19:56 Now one more thought...
19:58 By the way, I forgot to mention at the beginning,
20:00 a lot of people, matter of fact,
20:02 more people are watching, streaming on Facebook now
20:05 or some other Internet version
20:06 than actually sitting in the room,
20:08 and we try to take a few questions,
20:09 don't forget, text your questions.
20:12 And we'll try and capture a few before the end of the program.
20:14 They put them up on the screen for me.
20:16 I don't know if some of you saw the live program
20:18 Karen and I did at the home last night.
20:21 Yeah, bless your heart. You're faithful members.
20:25 So we kind of did the Bible study online,
20:29 and Karen was looking at the questions,
20:32 and they were coming in so fast and scrolling by
20:35 that as soon as one came up, another one bumped it down,
20:37 so she had to like do a flash memory of it
20:39 and then write it down real quick,
20:41 and so they do that in the studio.
20:43 So if you have a question,
20:44 we'll try and take a few minutes for that
20:45 before the end of the study.
20:48 So God is love.
20:52 Can you love when you're the only person in existence?
20:57 Can there be love without another being
21:00 to express love
21:02 or demonstrate or give love to?
21:05 If you only love yourself and you live by yourself,
21:07 is that love?
21:11 That's like self-worship.
21:14 God is all about going out,
21:17 the devil is about loving himself.
21:20 See the difference? God is a giver.
21:21 He's always...
21:22 Love from God is flowing away from Him.
21:26 As soon as love cannot flow away from you,
21:29 it ceases to be God's love.
21:30 If your love is a vacuum or you're always sucking it in,
21:33 that's the devil's love.
21:35 The devil's love is reverse polarity,
21:37 it's broken.
21:39 It's all about me, I, take.
21:41 God's love is about give.
21:43 So the idea that God existed
21:47 zillions of years ago without Jesus,
21:49 God the Father, and God the Spirit,
21:51 they say is just the force,
21:52 I'm talking about this false teaching.
21:54 How can God be loved with no one to express love to?
22:00 God the Father, Son, and Spirit had always exist
22:03 as three distinct persons through eternity
22:06 or they could not be love
22:08 because it's always about giving away love.
22:12 You see what I'm saying? Does that make sense?
22:15 And so God is love.
22:17 I just want to emphasize that again.
22:18 Psalm 143:8,
22:21 "Cause me to hear Your loving kindness
22:23 in the morning, for in You, I trust,
22:26 cause me to know the way
22:27 I should walk for I lift up my soul to You."
22:30 It's not the idea of God being a God of love
22:32 in the Old Testament.
22:33 It's consistent, it's true.
22:35 Read for me, please, Psalm 147.
22:38 Psalm 147:11,
22:41 "The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
22:44 in those who hope in His mercy."
22:47 All right, now maybe I should stop here.
22:49 Sometimes people say that God in the Old Testament
22:51 is a God of wrath.
22:52 I mean after all you've got war,
22:54 and you've got plagues,
22:56 you've got judgment in the Old Testament,
22:59 and in the New Testament, Jesus is mercy
23:02 and love and grace
23:04 as though they're two different Gods,
23:05 is that true?
23:07 Or are they both loving Gods?
23:12 Do you find judgment in the Old Testament?
23:16 Do you find judgment in the New Testament?
23:19 Do you find love in the Old Testament?
23:22 Do you find love in the New Testament?
23:24 Do you find plagues in the Old Testament?
23:27 Do you find plagues in the New Testament?
23:30 Is there war in the Old Testament?
23:33 Is there war in the New Testament?
23:35 There is in both places. There is war.
23:38 You got the Battle of Armageddon.
23:39 New Testament,
23:40 you got soldiers in the New Testament.
23:43 And so this idea, it's really a myth
23:45 that the God of the Old Testament
23:47 is wrathful, severe, plagues,
23:50 love is in the New Testament.
23:53 In God, you find a lot of love and mercy.
23:55 In the New Testament,
23:56 you find the most severe judgments
23:58 in the Bible are in the New Testament.
24:03 Look at one, it talks about the seven last plagues
24:05 poured out without mercy.
24:07 At least, the Egyptians had some mercy in their plagues.
24:09 Psalm 145:8,
24:12 "The Lord is gracious and full of compassion,
24:15 slow to anger, and great in mercy."
24:18 And I see that we got a question
24:20 popped up on the screen.
24:22 "Is the 144,000 a literal number of believers?"
24:26 You're talking about salvation in the last days.
24:29 Boy, I'm real tempted to...
24:32 I'm talking a little bit about that
24:34 in our sermon later today,
24:35 but I think I can say something.
24:38 Yes and no.
24:41 When you give a yes and no answer,
24:42 it means you're qualified to run for public office.
24:48 The numbers in the Bible all have a literal value.
24:52 When the Bible says there are 12 kinds of fruit,
24:54 12 times a year on the tree of life,
24:56 are there really 12 kinds of fruit?
24:58 When it says, there are 12 gates around the city,
25:00 are there really 12 gates?
25:02 When it talks about 42 months,
25:04 is that just a spiritual nebulous number
25:06 or is it a literal number
25:08 that needs a prophetic application?
25:10 The numbers in Revelation have literal value in some way.
25:15 But it also has a spiritual message, in that,
25:18 12 is a number for God's people,
25:22 in the leadership in particular,
25:24 12 apostles in the Old Testament...
25:26 Sorry, New Testament, 12 tribes in the Old Testament,
25:29 there are 12 patriarchs, 12 princes of Israel,
25:32 12 judges.
25:34 Most people count 12 judges including Samuel in the Bible.
25:38 And so it represents God's leadership.
25:41 In the last days,
25:43 God is going to have special leaders,
25:45 144,000, that will do a special work.
25:48 Let me just tell you in a nutshell.
25:50 Christ came the first time,
25:52 He filled with His spirit and trained
25:54 12 that followed the lamb wherever he went,
25:56 that's what it says in Revelation
25:57 about the 144,000.
26:00 He used them during His First Coming
26:01 to prepare people and Israel
26:03 to accept Him on the day of Pentecost,
26:05 Judas had killed himself, they only had 11 apostles.
26:09 They replaced Judas, they got the number 12,
26:12 the Holy Spirit falls in the next verse
26:15 on not just the 12
26:17 but 120 in the upper rooms.
26:19 So it's not just the 144,000 that are spirit-filled
26:22 and doing a special work in the last days.
26:25 They represent kind of leadership.
26:27 There'll be many more beyond that that are saved.
26:30 I see another question.
26:31 "Do you believe in a pre-tribulation rapture?"
26:36 I believe that there will be a rapture,
26:38 and I believe that there'll be a great time of trouble,
26:40 but the time of trouble comes before the Second Coming.
26:44 Bible says at that time, Daniel 12,
26:48 "Michael will stand up,
26:49 there'll be a time of trouble such as there never has been
26:52 since the resonation, even under the same time,
26:54 and at that time thy people will be delivered."
26:56 Jesus said in Matthew 24,
26:58 "He that endures to the end will be saved."
27:01 Their salvation,
27:03 being caught up comes at the end,
27:04 and something to be endured.
27:06 So let me give you another example of that.
27:10 You have the seven last plagues of great tribulation,
27:17 it is the great tribulation, seven last plagues.
27:19 They overlap.
27:21 Were God's people in Egypt when the ten plagues fell?
27:25 They were.
27:26 Did God preserve them through the plagues?
27:28 Yes.
27:31 He doesn't save them from the plagues,
27:32 He saves them through.
27:34 Paul says, "It is through much tribulation
27:37 that we enter the Kingdom of God."
27:38 Not from.
27:40 It's a very popular
27:41 and it's a very attractive belief to say,
27:43 "Oh, we're saved.
27:44 He loves us too much to let us go through
27:46 trials and tribulations."
27:48 Friend, this is not biblical.
27:50 God typically saves His people through trials.
27:53 He didn't save Joseph from His trials.
27:56 He saved him through his trials,
27:57 Job is saved through His trials,
27:59 Noah is saved through the storm,
28:01 Daniel through the lion's den,
28:03 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
28:04 are saved through the fiery furnace.
28:06 He saves them.
28:07 Doesn't He deliver them through it?
28:08 But they're in it.
28:09 So this doctrine, the secret rapture doctrine
28:12 that the rapture takes place before the time of trouble
28:14 is comparatively a new teaching.
28:17 The church for 1,900 years believed
28:19 that at the culmination of the time of trouble,
28:22 the Lord would come to deliver His people.
28:24 That's 1 Thessalonians 4.
28:27 All right, let me do another lit bit of lesson,
28:29 I'll get back. I see some more questions are coming in.
28:32 All right, talking still about the Father,
28:34 we need to get to the Son.
28:36 Let met just give you a couple more things
28:37 about the love of the Father.
28:39 Jeremiah 29:11, I love this verse,
28:42 "For I know the thoughts I think towards you,"
28:44 says the Lord, thoughts of peace, not of evil,
28:46 to give you a future and a hope."
28:48 God is a loving God, a merciful God.
28:51 Zephaniah 3:17,
28:53 "The Lord, your God, is in your midst,
28:56 the Mighty One will save,
28:57 He will rejoice over you with gladness,
29:00 He will quiet you with His love,
29:01 He will rejoice over you with singing."
29:05 I mean, can you imagine God singing over us?
29:08 And so here's a God that creates, He loves,
29:11 He makes all things good, He has mercy, He sings,
29:13 He's long suffering, full of compassion,
29:16 you read the descriptions of God the Father
29:19 in the Old Testament.
29:21 Of course, it often describes God the Son too.
29:23 All right, now let's talk about Jesus, the love of Christ.
29:28 John 1:1-5,
29:31 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God..."
29:34 There is that oneness again with the Father.
29:36 "And the Word was God."
29:39 It says He was with the Father and yet He is God.
29:41 "He was in the beginning with God.
29:44 All things were made through Him,
29:46 without Him was not anything made that was made."
29:49 Now back to my question about the Trinity,
29:52 if all things that were made were made by Him,
29:56 then how could He have made Himself?
29:59 That's like which came first, the chicken or the egg, right?
30:03 To say, "Well, all things were made
30:04 except the God the Father made the sun,"
30:07 that verse doesn't work anymore,
30:08 it says all things
30:09 that were made were made by Him.
30:10 Without Him was anything made that was made.
30:14 He is not the creature, He is the Creator.
30:17 Amen? Amen.
30:19 And that's speaking of God the Son.
30:20 That's right, when we had our little debate last week
30:25 and they tried to make it sound like Jesus' law is different
30:27 from the Ten Commandments.
30:28 Ten Commandments came from the Father
30:30 but Jesus gave us a new law.
30:32 I said, "No, Jesus gave us the Ten Commandments."
30:34 Right?
30:35 All things that were made were made by Him.
30:37 So this is not in conflict.
30:40 Hebrews 13:8,
30:43 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,
30:45 today, and forever."
30:47 Now we know that Jesus is the same
30:49 but what does it say about God the Father?
30:52 Malachi 3:6, "I am the Lord," He says Yahweh.
30:56 "I do not change.
30:58 Therefore you're not consumed oh, sons of Jacob."
31:01 God doesn't change, Jesus doesn't change.
31:03 You know, when you study with the Jehovah Witnesses...
31:08 Someone...
31:09 Karen had a question about that last night.
31:13 They don't believe Jesus is Jehovah,
31:15 they believe Jesus is a lesser God,
31:16 a created God.
31:18 Oh, you know, the Bible says you technically are God.
31:21 Jesus even says that, "Know ye not that your Gods",
31:23 meaning God made us kind of Gods of the world
31:26 compared to the animals and we're not divine.
31:29 But they make Jesus how to sort of be a created God,
31:32 it doesn't make them very different from humans
31:34 by biblical definition.
31:37 But when you start looking at the definitions of Jehovah
31:40 in the Old Testament, they all fit Jesus.
31:44 The Bible says in the beginning,
31:45 "Jehovah created the heavens and the earth."
31:48 Well, who created the heavens and the earth?
31:50 Jesus.
31:51 The Bible says that,
31:53 "No one can forgive sin but Jehovah."
31:55 But the Bible says Jesus can forgive sin.
31:57 The Bible says, "There is no savior but Jehovah."
31:59 Bible says, "Jesus is savior."
32:01 Bible says, "Only Jehovah knows the thoughts of men's hearts."
32:04 Bible says, "Jesus knew what was in their hearts."
32:06 You go through all the...
32:07 "Thou shall not worship anyone but Jehovah."
32:09 Jesus rose and He said, "All hail."
32:12 Hebrews says, "Even the angels worship Him."
32:14 Look at all the definitions of Jehovah,
32:16 you're going to find Jesus fulfills those.
32:18 Amen.
32:19 And so, you know, I've had that study
32:21 with Jehovah Witnesses before
32:23 and it kind of leaves them a little bit anxious
32:26 because Jesus is Jehovah and the Father's Jehovah.
32:30 It's a term for both of them really.
32:33 Okay, we're talking here still about the love of Christ.
32:37 Philippians 2:5-8,
32:41 it explains why Jesus appears lower than the Father
32:44 'cause He humbled himself when He became a man.
32:47 Philippians 2:5, "Let this mind be in you
32:50 which was also in Christ Jesus."
32:52 We have to allow it to humble ourselves
32:53 and allow the mind of Christ to be on us,
32:56 "Who being in the form of God
32:59 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God."
33:02 He said "It wasn't being unfair to say
33:04 I have equality with God.
33:06 But He made Himself of no reputation
33:09 taking the form of a bond servant
33:11 and coming in the lightness of men
33:14 and being found in appearance as a man,
33:16 He humbled Himself became obedient.
33:18 They are in the God, not my will,
33:20 Thy will be done obedient to the point of death
33:23 even the death of the cross."
33:25 So He chose to humble himself.
33:28 You know, there's a great quote
33:29 in the book Desire of Ages page 22,
33:32 "The earth was dark through misapprehension of God
33:36 that the gloomy shadows might be lightened,
33:38 that the world might be brought back to God,
33:40 Satan's deceptive power was to be broken."
33:43 When God finally came into the world
33:45 as a man in the time of Christ
33:47 is because there was great darkness.
33:49 It's like Isaiah said, "Darkness fills the land,
33:51 gross darkness covers the land and covers the people.
33:56 But I'm sending light, My light will arise upon you."
33:58 When Jesus came,
34:00 He brought light to an age of great darkness.
34:03 Now when He comes again,
34:04 will there also be a time of great darkness in the world?
34:08 Yeah, there is.
34:10 And so Christ came to show the light of God,
34:12 to show us what the Father is like.
34:14 I've got another question on the screen here,
34:17 "Where in the Bible does it say a woman represents a church?"
34:21 Well, there are several places.
34:23 Ephesians says, "Husbands, love your wives
34:25 even as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her."
34:28 Jeremiah tells us,
34:29 "I have likened the daughter of to Zion
34:31 to a delicate and a comely woman."
34:33 And you can look at the depiction of God's bride
34:35 in Revelation chapter 12,
34:37 "And she is likened unto a woman
34:40 clothed with the sun, moon, and stars."
34:42 Light, God said to the church,
34:43 "You're the light of the world."
34:45 Hosea said, "The church is like a bride
34:47 except she was an unfaithful bride,"
34:50 a harlot that ran from the Lord.
34:53 So there's many, many analogies in the Bible
34:56 to a woman being an analogy of a church,
35:01 faithful or unfaithful.
35:02 Revelation 17, you've got an unfaithful church.
35:05 Okay, a little more about Jesus
35:07 'cause we still got to get to the Holy Spirit here.
35:10 If you look in Romans chapter 3:23,
35:13 "For we have all sinned
35:15 and fallen short of the glory of God."
35:17 God made us in His image, but we fell from that,
35:20 it's like the fall of Adam.
35:22 And Jesus came to restore us to reveal the Father.
35:25 Now someone's going to read for me in a moment Romans 5:5.
35:29 And before we get there I'm going to read Hebrews 1:3,
35:32 "Who being the brightness of His glory,
35:35 and the express image of His persons,
35:38 and upholding all things by the word of His power."
35:40 All things are upheld by the power of Christ,
35:42 He is the express image of the person of God.
35:46 "When He by Himself purged our sins,
35:48 He sat down at the right hand of majesty on high."
35:52 Here He's enthroned with God the Father.
35:56 So you look at some of the descriptions of Christ,
35:58 you see His love.
35:59 For instance, Luke 2:16, "He is a babe in a manger."
36:04 And it says, "He is before all things and in Him,
36:07 all things consist."
36:08 Colossians 1:17, it says,
36:11 "He is the same human child
36:13 that increased in wisdom and stature."
36:15 The incarnations of mystery, how do you have Jesus learning?
36:18 If God knows everything, then how can He learn anything?
36:21 Well, He laid aside His knowledge
36:23 when He became a human.
36:25 Everything that Jesus said supernaturally in His ministry
36:29 came through the revelation of the spirit of the Father.
36:32 He took on Him the form of a man.
36:36 And you can read in John 3, it says,
36:38 "Everything that was made was made by Him.
36:42 And He is the same one who was murdered
36:45 by man hanging on a tree", Acts 5:30.
36:48 All right, let's go ahead, now you read Romans 5:5 now.
36:52 "Now hope does not disappoint
36:55 because the love of God has been poured out
36:57 in our hearts by the Holy Spirit
37:00 who was given to us."
37:01 All right, so we've talked about the love of the Father
37:04 and we talked about the love of the Son.
37:07 No one ever questions the love of Jesus, right?
37:10 But now it's talking about the love of the Spirit.
37:14 And so here it says,
37:16 "The love of God was given to us."
37:19 When we think of the Holy Spirit,
37:21 He is love, God is love,
37:22 God the Father is love, God the son is love,
37:24 God the Spirit is love.
37:26 Look at Galatians 5:22,
37:28 "The fruit of the Holy Spirit is,"
37:31 what?
37:33 "It's love."
37:35 I went to a church one time...
37:39 Do I have time to tell you that story?
37:42 Pastor John Lomacang and I
37:44 were doing evangelistic meetings
37:46 in Vallejo, California.
37:48 And John and Angie met another couple,
37:52 and they invited them to the meeting.
37:53 They said, "We'll come to your meetings
37:54 if you come to our church on Sunday."
37:56 John said, "Sure, if you'll come to the meetings."
37:59 And so they came to our meetings, they said,
38:01 "Now you got to come to our church."
38:02 John said, "Doug, you want to come with me?"
38:04 I said sure.
38:06 So John, and Angie, and myself, and I brought...
38:07 I didn't know what I was into, so I brought our son Daniel.
38:12 And he was very young at that time,
38:13 and it was a storefront church
38:15 and it was a charismatic church.
38:17 And I mean I've never been to a church that...
38:20 They had such a hootenanny going on in there.
38:22 And it was the drums,
38:24 they were literally dancing up and down the aisles.
38:26 They weren't dancing stationary.
38:27 It was like a parade, up and down the aisles.
38:29 And they were shouting and we got to the door.
38:32 And we were going to turn around
38:33 but the couple that invited John spotted us.
38:35 They said, "Oh, come on in."
38:36 And furthermore they said, "You're pastor,
38:38 you sit on the platform."
38:40 They sat us up on the platform, but they don't think
38:43 women should sit on the platform.
38:44 So Angie sat with Daniel.
38:47 I'm glad she could sit with him.
38:48 And John and I are sitting up there
38:50 and they broke out
38:51 and they started speaking in tongues.
38:53 And they were...
38:55 And then they saw us just sitting
38:56 and reading through our Bibles.
38:57 We are just listening, we are just trying to be nice and...
38:59 And they noticed that we weren't speaking in tongues.
39:04 And then they started saying,
39:05 "You think because you've got the Bible,
39:06 you've got the Holy Spirit..."
39:07 They started to testify,
39:09 they wanted to do their testimony service.
39:11 They started testifying against us,
39:12 first time we had been there,
39:13 we didn't ask to get sat upfront.
39:15 They sat upfront, they started testifying against us.
39:18 And finally, they said, "You don't have the Holy Spirit
39:21 'cause you don't speak in tongues and..."
39:23 And a number of other things
39:25 and we're just trying to sit there,
39:26 read our Bibles, we don't know what to do,
39:27 we've never been here before.
39:29 And finally, I spoke up.
39:31 And I said, "The Bible does not say
39:34 the fruit of the Spirit is tongues,
39:35 the Bible says the fruit of the spirit is love."
39:37 And the pastor jumps in and says,
39:38 "Good, let's have a debate."
39:40 I don't go looking for debates, sometimes they find me.
39:45 And so we, John and I,
39:47 actually there was another pastor there,
39:49 I think Melvin Janey.
39:50 John and I and Melvin got into a debate
39:52 with this whole congregation, and they are elders,
39:54 all speaking in tongues.
39:56 And we said, "No, the fruit of the Spirit never does it
39:59 say the fruit of the Spirit is tongue.
40:00 The fruit of the Spirit is love."
40:02 And if you speak in tongues and you don't have love,
40:03 what does Paul say? "You are nothing."
40:06 So the evidence of the Spirit is not that you babble,
40:10 the evidence of the Spirit is do you love your neighbor,
40:14 do you love your spouse
40:16 or do you have
40:18 the 1 Corinthians 13 in your life?
40:21 All right, let me give you some more
40:22 on the Holy Spirit here, Galatians...
40:25 I'm sorry, Colossians 1:8,
40:27 "Who also declared to you, us,
40:30 your love in the Spirit."
40:33 Romans 15:30, "Now I beg of you brethren
40:36 through the Lord Jesus Christ
40:38 and through the love of the Holy Spirit."
40:41 Notice, he specifies, he singles out Jesus,
40:44 "And the love of the Spirit
40:45 that you strive together with me
40:47 in prayers to God."
40:48 Now notice that one verse, Spirit, Jesus, God.
40:53 You see it all over in the Bible.
40:55 But he specially says the love of the Spirit,
40:58 how much do we need the Spirit?
41:00 The food of the Spirit is love.
41:02 Amen? Amen.
41:04 Go to Luke 12:12,
41:07 "For the Holy Spirit will teach you
41:09 that very hour what you ought to say."
41:11 One of the things that Holy Spirit does is
41:13 he teaches, he instructs.
41:15 You look in John 14:26,
41:17 "But the helper, the Holy Spirit,"
41:19 the Holy Spirit is called the comforter.
41:21 And some places, it's translated the paraclete.
41:24 And that is something like
41:25 He is a family defense attorney,
41:27 He intercedes in your behalf.
41:29 That might be what Paul is referring to in Romans 8,
41:33 where he said, "Likewise the Spirit
41:35 also helps us in our weakness,
41:36 for we don't even know what we should pray for
41:38 as we ought but he spirit himself
41:40 makes intersession for us
41:42 with groanings that cannot be uttered."
41:45 Sometimes you don't even know what to pray,
41:47 and God through the Spirit,
41:49 He translates our prayers into words
41:52 that are eloquent before God.
41:55 Not only does Jesus intercede for the Father,
41:57 the Holy Spirit intercedes before the Father.
42:01 Holy Spirit brings things to remembrance.
42:04 You don't know I slip into the office sometimes
42:06 when I get to church by myself,
42:08 I kneel down, I pray among the things I pray.
42:11 And I pray this prayer more often now
42:13 is that the Holy Spirit will bring back
42:14 to my remembrance, my memory.
42:17 I used to just have almost a photographic memory,
42:19 never had film
42:20 but I had a photographic memory.
42:22 But I pray that the Lord will help me remember the things
42:25 that I've read before
42:27 'cause sometimes I feel like Nebuchadnezzar,
42:29 when the wise man said, "Tell us the dream,
42:30 and we'll tell you the interpretation."
42:32 I say, "The thing is gone from me."
42:34 And so I pray.
42:36 But that's one of the promises,
42:37 John 16:4,
42:40 "But these things I've told you that when the time comes,
42:42 you may remember."
42:44 Amen.
42:45 And you read in John 14, it says,
42:47 "He will teach you all things
42:48 and He will bring to your remembrance,"
42:50 that's John 14:26,
42:51 "All things that I've said,"
42:53 now that means you need to read everything Jesus said
42:56 for the Holy Spirit to help you remember it.
42:58 Holy Spirit doesn't promise to help you remember
43:00 something you never read, amen?
43:02 Amen.
43:04 I know students years ago, they got this crazy notion
43:07 that if they would listen to tapes
43:09 playing the history book when they slept,
43:12 somehow they would remember the history lesson.
43:16 It only took a couple of generations
43:18 before they found out that doesn't work,
43:20 you won't wake up remembering anything.
43:23 All right, assurance of salvation,
43:24 and this is our free offers dealing with assurance.
43:28 Joel 3:31, someone's going to read for me in a moment,
43:31 John 6:37.
43:33 Joel 3:31, it says,
43:35 "The sun will be turned into darkness
43:37 and the moon into blood before the coming of the great
43:40 and awesome day of the Lord.
43:42 And it will come to pass at whoever calls
43:44 on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
43:46 Isn't that a wonderful promise?
43:48 "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved,
43:51 for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
43:53 there will be deliverance as the Lord God has said
43:55 among the remnant whom the Lord calls."
43:57 Now what does it mean
43:58 whoever calls on the Lord will be saved?
44:03 Won't the wicked be calling on God
44:05 when the judgments fall?
44:07 That's just...
44:08 They are blaspheming God actually.
44:10 When it says all who call on the Lord,
44:12 it means all who have a life of calling on God.
44:17 You have a practice
44:18 of calling on God will be saved.
44:21 And so you can't say,
44:22 "I'm going to wait till the last minute,
44:23 and I'm going to email or text the Lord
44:25 and He will save me."
44:27 No, it means that you're a person,
44:29 who is one of those people that calls on God,
44:32 they will be saved.
44:33 So it means that this is a practice,
44:36 but that's a wonderful promise too.
44:37 Go ahead, please read for us John 6:37.
44:40 "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me
44:43 and the one who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out."
44:47 What a wonderful promise of assurance.
44:50 Jesus said, "All that come to Me,
44:52 I will never cast out."
44:55 And that's what He says, "Whosoever will,"
44:58 we don't believe in this predestination idea
45:00 that God's arbitrarily decided
45:02 some are going to be lost
45:03 and you don't whether you're one those or not.
45:06 If you hear Him speak for you, many are called,
45:09 few choose to respond to that call.
45:12 But if you hear Him calling, you come, will He cast you out?
45:16 No. That's a wonderful promise.
45:18 He is longing to save you.
45:20 God's more willing to answer your prayers
45:21 and you are to pray.
45:23 He is more willing to forgive you
45:24 than you're to ask for forgiveness.
45:27 John 10:28,
45:28 "And I give them eternal life,
45:30 and they will never perish
45:32 neither will anyone snatch them out of my hand."
45:35 What wonderful promises of assurance.
45:38 And, you know, it's got that wonderful parable
45:41 that you find of the Pharisee and the tax collector.
45:46 They both go to the temple to pray.
45:49 Pharisee says, "Lord, I thank You,
45:51 I'm not like other men.
45:52 I fast twice a week."
45:56 He says, "I am not an extortioner,
45:58 I'm just adulterer, even as this tax collector back here.
46:02 I fast twice a week,
46:03 I give tithes of all of that I possess,"
46:05 but the tax collector,
46:06 the sinner who knows he is lost,
46:08 standing the far off
46:10 with not so much as raise his eyes to heaven
46:12 but he beat on his breast and says,
46:14 "God be merciful to me as sinner."
46:17 That's a short prayer you can all remember.
46:19 You got to pray in the same spirit, though.
46:22 I tell you this man went down to his house justified,
46:24 meaning forgiven.
46:25 He came, He humbled Himself, He confessed, He prayed,
46:29 and He was received.
46:30 Isn't that wonderful?
46:31 It's like Zacchaeus, God says, "This is the son of Abraham."
46:35 Last section is on the everlasting Gospel,
46:37 which you of course can read in Revelation 14:6-7,
46:42 you read in Micah 5:2,
46:44 "But you of Bethlehem, Ephratah,
46:45 though you're little among the thousands of Judah
46:48 yet out of you shall he come forth to me,
46:51 the one who is to be the ruler of Israel
46:53 whose goings forth are from old even from everlasting."
46:57 So how long ago did God know about the plan of salvation?
47:01 It's called the everlasting Gospel.
47:03 It's the lamb that was slaying
47:04 from the foundation of the world.
47:06 Nothing is snuck up on God.
47:08 He always knew that there would come a time
47:10 when His love would be challenged,
47:11 and it would cause a terrible rebellion.
47:14 I want to remind those who might have missed
47:15 the opening announcement
47:16 that we do have a book that tells you more about
47:18 this assurance.
47:19 We hope that you'll make most of it.
47:21 I meet people all the time, they just struggle,
47:24 and I believe in obedience.
47:26 But I also think that there are some people
47:28 who are preoccupied with obedience
47:30 that they don't know what it means to live a life
47:32 of peace and assurance.
47:34 So I wrote this book to try and give them
47:36 the promises that you can have
47:39 that kind of peace in your life.
47:40 And simply ask for it.
47:42 It's called Assurance, Justification Made Simple.
47:45 It's offer number 727
47:46 but you got to call 866-788-3966,
47:51 that's 866-Study-More, ask for this.
47:54 If you're out of the country, you can find this online,
47:57 and download it.
47:58 And if you do order it, read it
47:59 and please share it with a friend.
48:01 God bless you friends,
48:02 we look forward to studying His Word
48:03 together again next week.
48:07 Did you know that Noah was present
48:08 at the birth of Abraham?
48:10 Okay, maybe he wasn't in the room.
48:12 But he was alive and probably telling stories
48:15 about his floating zoo.
48:17 From the creation of the world
48:19 to the last day events of revelation,
48:21 is a free resource
48:24 where you can explore
48:25 major Bible events and characters.
48:27 Enhance your knowledge of the Bible
48:29 and draw closer to God's Word.
48:31 Go deeper,
48:33 visit the amazing Bible timeline
48:35 at
48:46 You've probably heard the expression before,
48:48 "If you don't like the weather in Texas,
48:50 just wait, it will change."
48:52 And you've also heard everything is bigger in Texas,
48:54 the ranches, the belt buckles, the cowboy hats.
48:58 But the most famous slogan about Texas
49:01 is "Remember the Alamo."
49:06 The violent battles and bravery of iconic heroes
49:09 have been the stuff of legends
49:11 throughout which entire culture
49:12 often drawn their identity in pride
49:14 even long after centuries have passed.
49:17 And in Texas, the story of the Alamo
49:19 has been a rally in cry
49:20 of Texas Independence for 200 years.
49:24 One reason that Texans love to brag
49:25 that everything is bigger in Texas
49:28 is of course because Texas is the largest
49:30 of the lower 48 US states.
49:32 It's hard to believe that this massive state
49:35 got its beginning
49:36 in a very small Christian mission
49:38 during the Battle of the Alamo.
49:40 Every year, this famous mission museum
49:43 receives over 2.5 million visitors
49:45 from all parts of the planet
49:47 that are eager to get a good look
49:49 at this legendary site.
49:50 The Alamo played a critical role
49:52 in the Texas Revolution.
49:54 In December 1835, Texans and Tejanos volunteers
49:58 battle Mexican troops quartered in the city
50:01 forcing General Martin Perfecto de Cos to surrender.
50:04 The victorious volunteers then occupied the Alamo
50:07 and strengthened its defenses.
50:10 Famous Americans like Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie,
50:12 and Colonel William Travis made this location,
50:15 this ancient mission, the beachhead,
50:17 the last stand in an epic battle
50:20 to win independence of Texas from Mexico.
50:23 On February 23, 1836,
50:27 the arrival of General Antonio López de Santa Anna
50:30 nearly caught them by surprise.
50:32 Undaunted, the Texans and Tejanos
50:34 prepared to defend the Alamo.
50:36 For this small ragtag group of rebels,
50:38 the youngest of who was about 16 and the oldest 75
50:42 was against the well-trained and organized Mexican army
50:45 of 6,000-plus soldiers.
50:47 It was a fierce and lopsided battle,
50:49 yet the small force of rebels
50:51 was able to repel the troops for 13 days.
50:55 Legend holds that with a possibility
50:57 of additional help fading,
50:59 Colonel Travis drew a line in the ground with the sword
51:02 and asked, "Any man willing to stay and fight
51:05 can step over the line."
51:07 All except one crossed over.
51:09 The final assault came before day break
51:11 on the morning of March 6, 1836.
51:14 The 13th day of the siege
51:17 cannon and small arms fire from inside the Alamo
51:20 beat back several Mexican attacks.
51:22 Regrouping, Santa Anna's soldiers
51:24 scaled the walls and rushed into the compound.
51:27 The desperate struggle continued
51:29 until the defenders were overwhelmed.
51:31 By sunrise, the battle had ended
51:34 and the garrison was slain.
51:36 You know, historians may debate some of the details
51:38 regarding the battle of the Alamo
51:40 but none of them questioned
51:41 the incredible sacrifice that was made
51:43 and courage that was displayed during that intense conflict.
51:46 They made the ultimate sacrifice,
51:49 giving their lives.
51:50 And this is why the story of the Alamo
51:52 is so inspiring and so encouraging.
51:55 You know, and that's why the Bible
51:56 is so inspiring, friends,
51:57 because someone was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice
52:00 and give His life
52:01 so that you can have freedom and eternal life.
52:04 Don't you think you could trust your life to a friend like that
52:07 that would give everything?
52:08 The story of the Gospel is a story of courage and hope.
52:11 It's a story of a God who will never leave you
52:13 without defense and support.
52:15 Jesus is the good news,
52:17 and the Gospel is the story worth remembering.
52:31 Let's face it.
52:32 It's not always easy to understand
52:34 everything you read in the Bible.
52:35 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books,
52:39 the Bible can generate a lot of questions.
52:42 To get biblical straightforward answers,
52:44 call into Bible Answers Live,
52:46 a live nationwide call-in radio program
52:49 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor,
52:51 and ask him your most difficult Bible questions.
52:54 For times and stations in your area
52:56 or to listen to answers online
52:58 visit,
53:10 Amazing facts, changed lives.
53:18 My greatest wish is that my children will see me
53:24 the way I see my own father.
53:29 He is a very devoted man.
53:32 And that kind of framed my childhood
53:34 going forward from there
53:35 where I was involved in church work
53:40 and I had a very rich experience
53:42 with the Lord at a young age
53:46 all the way up through college.
53:48 Then after I got married,
53:50 I got into a company called Comcast.
53:53 And I spent the past roughly eight and half years,
53:57 nine years at Comcast.
53:59 And I was actually watching television with my son
54:04 and a Comcast commercial came on the air.
54:08 And he said, "Oh, Daddy, that's Comcast.
54:11 That's where you work, Daddy."
54:14 And most fathers would be proud of something like that,
54:17 but it really struck me that,
54:20 you know, my son's getting older.
54:22 And he does not see me as a servant of the Lord,
54:24 he sees me as a servant of my company.
54:28 And I knew that I would have to make some changes
54:32 because I wanted him to know me as a man of God.
54:38 I'd never thought I would be a preacher
54:39 or anything like that.
54:41 But I knew that there was room in the work for me
54:45 and for my talents.
54:49 And I wanted my son to see me operating in the work.
54:55 That's when I knew that my time there
54:58 was coming to an end.
55:00 I was sitting in my office one day
55:02 and I was kneeling in prayer,
55:04 I said, "God, show me what You want me to do
55:07 because, you know, it seems like a big move here
55:12 and, you know,
55:15 everyone's thinking I am crazy."
55:18 And I don't know exactly how,
55:22 you know, things are going to go,
55:24 if they don't go well...
55:26 You know, the crazy thought when you're thinking about God.
55:30 And I lifted my head up in prayer
55:35 and just like a flock of,
55:38 you know, maybe 300 birds that were just flying.
55:42 And they were just swooping down
55:44 over the water and they would fly back up
55:47 and then they would chase each other around.
55:50 And, you know, I was just looking
55:51 at the pattern of the giant flock,
55:53 and the promise of the Lord came to me where He says that,
55:58 you know, He takes care of the sparrows.
56:02 And you don't see them worrying about
56:04 how they are going to be taking care of from day-to-day,
56:08 you know, they don't, you know,
56:10 wring their hands wondering, you know,
56:12 will there be any worms to eat tomorrow.
56:15 And that promise really stood out to me,
56:19 you know, He said, "How much more do I love you?
56:22 You know, I'm not going to send you
56:24 on a mission to do My work
56:27 and leave you high and dry
56:29 because you claim to be My child,
56:31 you claim to be My son."
56:32 And everyone knows that.
56:36 That assurance allows me to know that
56:38 whatever happens here,
56:41 whatever happens after here,
56:44 we are sons of God,
56:46 and there are certain things that we shouldn't worry about.
56:50 From that day, we arrived at AFCOE,
56:54 it's been obvious that God has blessed
56:57 the Amazing Facts Ministry, the AFCOE program.
57:01 And I will be using my AFCOE experience
57:05 no matter where I go to reach people
57:08 because the personal touch of face-to-face evangelism,
57:14 speaking and sharing the Word of God
57:17 out of your own mouth.
57:18 There's no replacement for that.
57:20 And Amazing Facts has been very instrumental
57:23 in helping me
57:25 find the area of the work of God
57:30 and showing me how large and how broad it is.
57:34 It's been a tremendous blessing to be in a place
57:37 where we are around people seeking to do God's will
57:42 and listening for His voice in their life.
57:44 And that's very, very important today.
57:54 Together, we have spread the Gospel
57:57 much farther than ever before.
57:59 Thank you for your support.


Revised 2018-04-25