Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021816A

00:35 Hello friends, we want to welcome you
00:37 to Sabbath School Study Hour here at the Granite Bay Church.
00:40 And today, we have a very special lesson,
00:42 we're going through preparation for the end times,
00:45 and the lesson today
00:46 is actually dealing with Jesus in Revelation,
00:50 and our teacher is going to get to that
00:51 in just a few minutes,
00:53 but before we do,
00:54 we want to welcome our singers out.
00:55 We're going to praise God with song,
00:57 and then we're going to be getting into the study.
01:01 We're going to sing about Christ coming, hymn number 213,
01:05 Jesus Is Coming Again.
01:07 And if that is your hope and your dream,
01:09 I invite you to just sing along,
01:11 we're going to sing all four verses
01:13 of Jesus Is Coming Again.
03:32 You know, as we look around us, those words are true.
03:37 And I am so looking forward to that day
03:39 when Jesus comes and takes us away from all of this.
03:42 Until then, I pray that all of us
03:45 remain faithful to His cause.
03:47 At this time, Pastor Doug will bring us our opening prayer.
03:56 Thank you to our singers.
03:58 Welcome once again, friends.
03:59 I want to also welcome those who are watching
04:01 via one of the internet outlets, Facebook
04:04 or some other mechanism.
04:06 And now if you have questions about the lesson today,
04:09 you know, Pastor Ross and I
04:10 both wanted to teach the lesson today
04:12 about Jesus in Revelation,
04:13 and we arm wrestled and he won.
04:17 It is just one of the most splendid themes,
04:19 so you may have some questions about Jesus in Revelation,
04:22 if you have questions about that,
04:24 send them in somewhere around
04:25 three quarters of the way through the lesson,
04:27 we'll be going over that.
04:28 And we also have a free offer
04:30 that goes along with our study today.
04:32 They're going to put that up on the screen for me right now.
04:35 We're going to be giving out the DVD
04:36 from the Landmarks of Prophecy series
04:38 called Return of the King.
04:40 And so, if you want a free copy of that,
04:42 that's our offer 841,
04:45 it's called Return of the King
04:46 from the Landmarks of Prophecy series.
04:48 At this time, we're going to begin with a word of prayer,
04:51 and I'll invite Pastor Ross to come up
04:52 and to share our lesson with us.
04:55 Loving Father, we want to thank You
04:58 that Jesus is revealed in this Book of Revelation.
05:01 And as we talk about the theme of preparing
05:03 for the final days,
05:04 Lord, we just pray that our minds will be open
05:07 to hear Your voice speak,
05:08 that the Holy Spirit will just give us clarity,
05:11 and we pray that we can be inspired to be more like Jesus
05:14 as a result, in His name we pray.
05:17 Amen.
05:18 Welcome again to Sabbath School.
05:19 It's always a joy to see you here week after week
05:22 and also our friends who are joining us online.
05:24 Especially, we want to greet our online members.
05:27 We are delighted that you're part of the church family here,
05:29 even though you can't be here in person,
05:31 you can tune in every week and study along with us.
05:34 As Pastor Doug mentioned,
05:35 we've got a fantastic series of lessons this quarter
05:38 that I'm very excited about.
05:40 It's dealing with end time events.
05:41 It's just so happens, one of my favorite books in the Bible
05:44 is last book in the New Testament,
05:46 of course, the Book of Revelation.
05:48 Today, we're gonna spend quite a bit of time
05:50 looking at some rather important passages
05:52 in Revelation that highlight Jesus and His ministry.
05:56 Sort of on a side note, one of my other favorite books
05:59 in the New Testament is the Book of Hebrews,
06:01 which also highlights Jesus and His high priestly ministry
06:04 in the heavenly sanctuary.
06:06 We probably won't have time
06:07 to get into too much of that this morning.
06:10 But we are going to spend quite a bit of time
06:12 looking at Revelation.
06:13 The theme for our lesson today
06:15 is Jesus and the Book of Revelation.
06:18 And we have a memory text, it's Revelation 3:21,
06:23 I'm going to read this straight out of our lesson,
06:25 it says, "To him," Jesus speaking,
06:27 "To him who overcomes,
06:28 I will grant to sit with Me on My throne,
06:32 as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne."
06:37 So there is a promise
06:38 that Jesus gives to the Church of Laodicea,
06:40 that is the seventh church
06:41 and he says to those who overcome,
06:43 they're going to be able to sit down with Me on My throne.
06:46 And whose throne is Jesus seated on?
06:49 His Father's throne.
06:51 It's probably one of the greatest promises of all
06:53 that you can find in the Book of Revelation,
06:55 a promise to those who overcome.
06:57 Now, as you know, chapter 2 and chapter 3 of Revelation
07:01 are letters to the seven churches,
07:03 each of those seven churches
07:04 represent seven phases of the Christian era.
07:07 And to each church, Jesus gives rebuke,
07:10 He gives words of encouragement,
07:13 and He also gives promise.
07:15 Incidentally, there's only two churches
07:17 that don't receive any word of rebuke,
07:18 that's the Church of Smyrna, the persecuted church,
07:21 and the Church of Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love.
07:24 But it is interesting when you look at all of the promises
07:27 that Jesus offers to those who overcome.
07:30 To the church of Ephesus, that was the first church,
07:33 Jesus said, "To those who overcome,
07:35 they get to eat from the tree of life."
07:38 To the Church of Smyrna, that was the persecuted church,
07:42 especially around 300 to 313 AD,
07:46 10 years of supreme persecution during the time of Diocletian.
07:51 There is a promise that Jesus gives to those
07:53 who are persecuted, He says,
07:54 "Those who overcome will not be hurt by the second death."
07:59 To the church of Pergamos, Jesus gives the promise,
08:03 "If you overcome, you will eat of the hidden manna."
08:06 It also says, "I'll give you a white stone and a new name."
08:11 So three things promised to those who overcome
08:14 during the time period of the church at Pergamos.
08:16 To the church of Thyatira,
08:18 interesting promise Jesus gives here,
08:20 "To those who overcome,
08:22 they have power over the nations."
08:24 Of course, they're going to sit with Christ on His throne,
08:27 they will be power over the nations.
08:29 He will also give them the morning star.
08:32 Who do you suppose the morning star is?
08:34 That's Jesus.
08:36 So Jesus is going to give Himself to those who overcome.
08:39 To the church of Sardis, the promise is,
08:41 "You will be clothed in white garments."
08:44 To the church of Philadelphia,
08:45 the promise is, "To those overcome,
08:47 they will be a pillar in the temple of God."
08:50 Meaning, they will always be in the presence of God
08:54 and they will also receive a new name.
08:56 And then our memory verse to the church of Laodicea,
08:59 probably one of the greatest promises to the seven churches,
09:03 "I will grant you to sit with Me on My throne,
09:06 even as I am seated on the Father's throne."
09:09 So there are some of the promises that Jesus
09:11 gives with reference to those who overcome.
09:15 Now on Sabbath afternoon,
09:16 the focus of this lesson as we mentioned
09:18 is Jesus and the Book of Revelation.
09:20 We have an opening statement
09:22 I'd like to read from the lesson.
09:23 Revelation is all about Jesus, about He who is,
09:27 about He who was, and He who is to come.
09:31 It's about what Jesus is
09:32 and what Jesus will do for His people,
09:36 especially as it relates to the end of time.
09:38 Any focus on last day events
09:40 must keep Jesus front and center of necessity,
09:44 which is exactly what the Book of Revelation does.
09:47 This week's lesson,
09:48 we'll look at Jesus in the Book of Revelation.
09:51 So I suppose a good place to start in our study
09:54 of the Book of Revelation and Jesus
09:56 is the very beginning, Revelation 1.
09:58 If you have your Bibles,
10:00 you can turn to that Revelation 1,
10:02 and we're gonna read the first three verses here.
10:04 Revelation 1, and I'm going to read the first three verses.
10:09 Revelation 1:1,
10:13 and it begins with these words.
10:15 And by the way who wrote the Book of Revelation?
10:18 It was John.
10:19 When was the Book of Revelation written?
10:21 And where was John when the book was written?
10:24 He was on the Island of Patmos,
10:25 we'll look at that little later on.
10:27 As best we can tell, the dating for the Book of Revelation
10:29 is somewhere around early AD 90.
10:33 By this time, the other apostles were all dead.
10:35 John, being the youngest of the apostles outlived them.
10:38 He was ministering at the church in Ephesus.
10:42 And by the way, that's the church
10:43 that is first addressed in Revelation 2,
10:46 the late church of Ephesus.
10:48 It's believed that he was pastoring there
10:49 in the church of Ephesus.
10:51 And then he was ended up on the Island of Patmos,
10:55 because he refused to worship at the Emperor's shrine,
10:57 I'll tell you a little bit more about that,
10:58 but I'm getting ahead of myself.
10:59 So here, John is on the Island of Patmos,
11:02 it's somewhere around 90 AD.
11:04 And this is what he has to say
11:05 as he receives these visions about end times.
11:09 Revelation 1:1, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ
11:14 which God gave unto Him to show to his servants,
11:17 things that must shortly take place,
11:19 and He sent and signified it
11:21 by His angel to His servant, John."
11:22 Notice the phrase
11:24 The Revelation of Jesus Christ."
11:28 The word revelation means revealing.
11:30 And it's kind of an interesting way it's worded there.
11:34 It could be understood as the Revelation of Jesus,
11:37 meaning Jesus is the one doing the revealing.
11:41 Jesus is showing us something, the Revelation of Jesus,
11:44 but it could also be understood
11:46 as that which is revealed is Jesus.
11:51 Can you see it both ways?
11:53 The word there "Revelation" comes from the idea
11:56 of lifting the lid on a basket or a pot
12:01 for the purpose to reveal the contexts
12:03 or whatever is inside.
12:05 Now, that's kind of the root meaning of the word.
12:07 So when it says, it's the Revelation of Jesus Christ,
12:10 it's as if Jesus is lifting the lid on a basket
12:13 to reveal something inside,
12:15 but that which is revealed inside is Jesus.
12:20 You understand?
12:21 It's the Revelation of Jesus,
12:22 Jesus is revealing Himself and His acts through history.
12:26 Then the verse goes on and it says,
12:28 "Which God gave unto Him to show to His servants,
12:31 things that must shortly take place.
12:33 And He sent and signified by an angel to his servant John."
12:35 So God, the Father
12:37 is the fountain head of all truth.
12:38 Jesus receives this truth from the Father,
12:42 He then sends it by an hand of an angel,
12:45 sends it by an angel to John, who is on the Island of Patmos.
12:49 John writes down everything that he sees,
12:51 everything that he hears,
12:53 as well as what the Spirit reveals to him,
12:54 the testimony of Jesus.
12:56 So the Book of Revelation is a firsthand account
12:59 of what John is revealed in vision.
13:02 That which God gave to Jesus,
13:04 Jesus sent by the angel
13:05 and John wrote it down for us.
13:07 If you look in verse 2, when John says,
13:09 "Who bore witness to the word of God,"
13:12 speaking of the prophet,
13:13 he wrote down everything that he heard,
13:16 "and the testimony of Jesus Christ."
13:19 Now, we need to let the Bible interpret itself.
13:21 What is the testimony of Jesus?
13:23 Revelation 19:10 says,
13:25 "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
13:29 So John was a prophet.
13:30 The Holy Spirit was revealing things to him.
13:32 He wrote down what he heard,
13:33 he wrote down what the Spirit revealed to him,
13:36 and then it says, "He wrote down
13:37 everything that he saw," that's verse 2.
13:41 And then looking at verse 3,
13:42 it says, "Blessed is he that reads
13:45 and those that hear the words of this prophecy,
13:49 and keep those things which are written there in,
13:52 for the time is near."
13:53 So the Book of Revelation
13:54 covers the entire Christian time period,
13:57 from the time of the apostles,
13:58 all the way down to the church of Laodicea.
14:00 The church today talks about the second coming,
14:03 talks about the 1,000 years of the millennium,
14:06 and then it talks about the earth being recreated,
14:08 and that's in Revelation 21.
14:10 So Revelation covers the whole Christian era.
14:14 One of the three things that people need to do
14:18 according to verse 3 in order to be blessed.
14:21 John says, blessed are those who do what?
14:24 Who read the book.
14:25 And then what else?
14:27 Those who hear the book.
14:28 And what's the third thing?
14:29 Keep those things that are written therein.
14:32 Now, the way the Book of Revelation came to us,
14:35 John was a prisoner on the Island of Patmos,
14:37 who received these visions,
14:39 he wrote them down in a letter form,
14:42 and then he sent this letter to the church of Ephesus.
14:45 You can just imagine,
14:47 word gets out to the members of the church of Ephesus
14:50 that a letter has just arrived in the mail
14:52 from their beloved John.
14:55 Of course, they knew that he was in the Island of Patmos.
14:59 They hadn't seen him,
15:00 they hadn't heard from him for a long time,
15:02 and suddenly a letter arrives in the mail
15:04 and it's written by John himself.
15:06 Could you imagine the excitement?
15:08 That Sabbath gathered there in the church,
15:10 in the church of Ephesus.
15:11 And one of the elders gets up and he says,
15:13 "We've got a letter that's just come
15:15 from our beloved Apostle John."
15:17 And he opens up the Book of Revelation,
15:19 and probably in one reading,
15:21 he reads through the entire book.
15:23 And everybody sits and listens.
15:25 And maybe they read it again for a couple of weeks.
15:28 So John says, "Blessed is he that reads,
15:32 blessed are those who hear,"
15:34 that would be those in the congregation,
15:36 and then "blessed are those who do."
15:38 So after the letter was read to the church of Ephesus,
15:41 there were a few scholars in the church,
15:43 and they carefully copied everything
15:45 that John had written in his letter,
15:47 then they would keep the copy,
15:49 and they had mailed the original
15:51 to the next church,
15:52 the church of Smyrna.
15:53 And the same thing would happen in Smyrna.
15:55 An elder would get up in the church,
15:57 he would read the letter from John,
15:59 they would carefully copy it by hand,
16:02 and then the letter would be sent to the next church,
16:04 and the next church, and the next church.
16:05 Each church would make copies,
16:07 and that's why we have many different manuscripts
16:10 and copies of not only the Book of Revelation,
16:12 but many of the letters that Paul wrote,
16:15 they dealt with it in the same way.
16:16 It would be read in the church, and then carefully copied,
16:19 and then it would be sent on.
16:20 So we don't have any of the original manuscripts,
16:22 but there are many copies available,
16:25 at least portions of New Testament letters
16:28 that are available today.
16:29 And the more archaeologists dig,
16:32 the more they find these different manuscripts.
16:34 So there's quite a few of them out there.
16:36 All right, so there is a blessing
16:37 upon those who read, those who hear,
16:39 and most importantly those who keep the things
16:43 that are written therein.
16:45 Okay, a little bit more background
16:46 to the Book of Revelation
16:47 as it relates to revealing Jesus.
16:49 There is a structure that we find
16:51 both in the books of Daniel and Revelation,
16:53 they are both prophetic books,
16:54 and they have a similar structure.
16:57 One of the common structures that we find
17:00 is the books are divided up
17:01 roughly into a historical section
17:03 and then an eschatological section
17:06 or end time events section.
17:08 You find that in the Book of Daniel,
17:10 there's some stories and some history,
17:12 but then you also have the vision portion of the book,
17:15 and that's true also with the Book of Revelation.
17:17 Now, I'm gonna have somebody read for just,
17:20 in just a moment, 1 Corinthians 10:11.
17:23 Do you have a microphone there?
17:24 You've got the mic,
17:25 okay, I'll have you read that in just a minute.
17:27 But before we get to that,
17:28 roughly the Book of Revelation is divided up,
17:30 the first section or first half of the book,
17:33 from about chapter 1 through to chapter 11
17:36 deals more with history or historical events
17:40 during the Christian era.
17:42 And then starting in chapter 13 through to 22,
17:47 it's dealing more with end time events,
17:50 or really issues relating to our time.
17:52 You'll find chapter 12, which we're going to spend
17:54 a little time studying here in more detail
17:56 is summary of the historical portion
18:01 of the Book of Revelation.
18:02 Now, there are exceptions to that.
18:04 You'll see some verses scattered
18:05 in the first part of the book
18:06 that really relate to events taking place today.
18:09 For example, you have the sixth seal
18:11 which is in Revelation 6,
18:14 and you have the seventh seal,
18:15 which is silence in heaven
18:16 about the space of half an hour,
18:18 that's in Revelation 8,
18:19 that's really referring to the second coming of Christ.
18:21 The sixth seal also brings you
18:23 right up to the second coming of Christ,
18:24 but for the most part, from chapter 1 through to 11
18:27 deals more with the historical events,
18:29 chapter 13 onwards deals more
18:31 with the future events or current events
18:34 that we're living in
18:35 and things that must take place.
18:36 But why do we have this history
18:38 in the books of Daniel and Revelation?
18:40 Let's take a look at 1 Corinthians 10:11.
18:43 "Now all these things happened to them as examples,
18:47 and they were written for our admonition,
18:50 upon whom the ends of the ages have come."
18:52 Thank you.
18:53 So according to Paul there in 1 Corinthians,
18:56 these historical accounts
18:57 that we have both in the Old Testament
18:59 and also in these prophetic books
19:01 were written for what purpose?
19:03 They were written as examples.
19:05 Examples that we can learn from
19:07 and specifically who are the ones
19:09 who ought to learn from these examples?
19:11 Those who are living near the end of time,
19:13 upon whom the end of the ages come.
19:16 So they are valuable lessons
19:17 that we can learn from this historical portions,
19:19 the books of Daniel and Revelation,
19:21 and, of course, many of these historical portions
19:23 of the Old Testament, New Testament as well.
19:25 They are there as an example.
19:27 Now as I mentioned that transition chapter
19:29 between the historical portion of Revelation
19:32 and then the eschatological portion
19:34 is really Revelation 12.
19:36 And in our lesson, they actually encourage us
19:38 to look at the entire chapter.
19:40 Well, it just so happens
19:41 that this is one of my favorite chapters
19:44 in the Book of Revelation.
19:45 So we'll take a few moments to look at it,
19:47 because it covers the great controversy theme
19:50 throughout the Christian era.
19:51 So, hopefully you've got your Bibles in hand.
19:54 And we're gonna take a look at, just a quick overview
19:57 so to speak of Revelation 12.
20:01 Beginning in verse 1, it says,
20:02 "Now a great sign appeared in heaven,"
20:04 Revelation12:1, "a woman clothed with the sun,
20:08 with the moon under her feet,
20:10 and on her head a garland or crown of twelve stars."
20:13 In Bible prophecy, what does a woman represent?
20:15 It represents a church.
20:16 A pure woman represents the true church,
20:18 an impure woman, as you find in Revelation 17,
20:21 represents a corrupt church or a fallen church.
20:25 Here, this is the description of the true church.
20:28 The woman is clothed with the sun.
20:31 The Bible tells us in the Old Testament
20:32 that the sun, S-U-N shall arise with healing in his wings.
20:37 Who is the sun, a symbol of?
20:40 Jesus, the Son of God.
20:42 It says that she's standing upon the moon
20:45 and she has a crown of 12 stars.
20:46 Where does the moon get its light?
20:49 It gets its light from the sun.
20:51 So the moon reflects the sun.
20:53 Who does the sun represent?
20:55 It represents Jesus.
20:56 Where can we find the clearest reflection of Jesus
21:00 and His teachings today?
21:02 In the Word of God, right?
21:04 In the Word of God.
21:05 Jesus says, "It's the scriptures
21:07 that testify of Him."
21:09 So what needs to be the foundation of the church
21:12 in the last days.
21:13 She stands upon the moon,
21:15 what needs to be our foundation?
21:17 The Word of God.
21:19 Does that make sense?
21:22 Is it important for Christians in the last days
21:25 to know and be rooted
21:27 and grounded in what the Bible says?
21:32 Jesus said in the last days,
21:33 the devil's deceptions will be so well crafted
21:36 that he will deceive if possible, who?
21:39 Even the very elect.
21:40 Who is the devil going after anyway?
21:42 He is not going after the lost, he's already got them.
21:45 But the ones that the devil wants to deceive
21:47 in particular are those whose names
21:49 are written in the Lamb's Book of life.
21:51 He wants them to believe his lies
21:53 and let go of their faith in God
21:55 and be deceived.
21:57 That's why knowing the word,
21:59 keeping the commandments of God,
22:01 being rooted and grounded in the scriptures is critical,
22:05 especially in the last days.
22:07 So here we have a church
22:08 described as standing upon the moon,
22:10 she is grounded upon the Word of God.
22:12 She has a crown of 12 stars.
22:14 Numbers in Bible prophecy are significant.
22:16 The number 12 represents the church.
22:18 You have the 12 tribes of the Old Testament,
22:20 you have the 12 apostles of the New Testament.
22:23 Very quickly on a side note,
22:24 the number one in Bible prophecy
22:25 represents unity of purpose.
22:27 The number two represents the Word of God,
22:30 the law and the prophets, the two witnesses,
22:32 the two-edged sword.
22:33 The number three represents
22:34 the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
22:37 The number four represents the earth,
22:40 the four points of the compass, north, south, east, and west,
22:42 otherwise known as the four winds of heaven.
22:45 The number five represents doctrinal teaching,
22:47 the first five books of Moses represents doctrine
22:50 or teaching the Pentateuch.
22:52 The number six is man's number.
22:54 Man was created on the sixth day of the week.
22:58 What is the number of the mark of the beast?
23:01 666.
23:02 How many 6's? Three.
23:04 It's man's attempt to usurp God's position.
23:08 Incidentally, the false Trinity in Revelation 16
23:10 tells us is the dragon, the beast,
23:13 and the false prophet.
23:14 The dragon tries to take the place of God, the Father.
23:16 The beast power tries to usurp the position of Jesus,
23:20 and the false prophet tries to usurp
23:22 the position of the Holy Spirit.
23:23 Of course, the number seven in the Bible represents what?
23:27 Perfection or completion, that's God's number.
23:30 And I better hurry up,
23:31 we're never gonna get to our passage if I keep going.
23:34 Verse 3, it says, "Another sign appeared in heaven,
23:37 behold, a great fiery red dragon
23:40 having seven heads and ten horns,
23:41 and seven diadems upon its head."
23:43 So we don't have time to get into the details here,
23:45 but verse 4 says,
23:46 "His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven,
23:49 threw them to the earth.
23:50 The dragon stood before the woman
23:51 that was ready to give birth,
23:52 to devour her child as soon as it was born."
23:55 Who does the dragon represent?
23:57 We don't have to guess as to who the dragon is.
23:59 Matter of fact, Revelation 12 tells us verse 9,
24:03 "So the great dragon was cast out,
24:05 that old serpent of old called the Devil and Satan.
24:08 So the devil is there ready to devour this child
24:11 that is born to the woman as soon as he is born.
24:14 It was the devil working through Herod or pagan Rome
24:17 to try and destroy Jesus as soon as He was born.
24:21 Verse 5 says, "She brought forth a male child,
24:23 who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron,"
24:25 we'll talk about that later,
24:27 "and the child was caught up to God and to His throne.
24:29 That's referencing after the resurrection,
24:31 Jesus ascended up to heaven.
24:33 But after Christ ascends to heaven, verse 6 says,
24:37 "Then the woman fled into the wilderness,
24:40 where she had a place prepared by God,
24:41 that they should feed her there 1,260 days."
24:45 And we have in Revelation 12
24:47 and in some other passages as well,
24:49 a wilderness time period.
24:51 The wilderness time period described here is 1,260 days.
24:55 One prophetic day is equal to what?
24:57 One literal year.
24:58 So for 1,260 years,
25:01 the true church of God was in hiding,
25:03 it was in the wilderness.
25:05 That time period began
25:07 when after Christianity was legalized around 313.
25:12 There were a number of pagan teachings and doctrines
25:14 that made its way into the Christian Church,
25:17 538 is when the bishop of Rome, otherwise known as the pope,
25:21 received civil authority to so called correct heretics,
25:25 meaning he could persecute
25:27 those who refused to acknowledge papal supremacy.
25:30 The true followers of God who didn't want to bow the knee
25:33 and kiss the ring of the pope, they fled into the wilderness.
25:36 A well known group
25:37 or the Waldenses in the mountains
25:39 of northern Italy for about 1200,
25:41 well exactly, 1,260 years,
25:43 from 538 through until 1798 that God's true church
25:49 was more so in hiding.
25:51 Now, near the end of that 1260 year time period
25:54 persecution had slowed down
25:56 in some of the nations of Europe,
25:58 but still it was a time period of persecution
26:01 for the true followers of God,
26:03 that's that 1,260 days or years that you read about there.
26:07 Now, the question that comes up then is,
26:09 why is this dragon so angry with the woman?
26:11 Why does he try and destroy her child, representing Jesus?
26:15 And the question needs to be answered.
26:17 What's the reason for this conflict?
26:19 Well, the reason is given in verse 7,
26:22 it kind of jumps us back in time,
26:24 way back before the creation of the earth.
26:26 It says, way back when, we don't know for sure
26:28 when this happened,
26:29 but we know it was before creation.
26:31 It says, "War broke out in heaven,"
26:34 War starts in heaven.
26:36 "Michael and His angels fought with the dragon,
26:38 and the dragon and his angels fought."
26:41 Now the dragon is Satan,
26:43 Michael is the prophetic name of Christ.
26:46 In Jude, Michael is referred to as the archangel.
26:48 Some people think, "Well, wait a minute,
26:49 how can you say Michael is Christ
26:51 when it's said to be an archangel?"
26:53 The word "Archangel" means
26:55 covering cherub or covering angel.
26:57 It's the messenger, it's the one in charge,
27:00 it is the general of the angels.
27:03 Arch-angel doesn't mean He's an angel,
27:06 but He's above the angels, He's commander of the angels,
27:08 He's in charge of the angels.
27:11 Jesus is the one in charge of the angels,
27:13 He's not an angel.
27:15 So what's interesting to note
27:16 that when Jesus comes the second time,
27:19 His voice raises the dead.
27:22 And you read in Thessalonians
27:24 that when Jesus comes, or Corinthians rather,
27:26 when Jesus comes again with the shout,
27:28 with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God,
27:31 and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
27:33 So Jesus says the voice that raises the dead
27:36 is the voice of the Son of man.
27:37 And Paul says in Corinthians
27:39 that the voice that raises the dead
27:40 is the voice of the archangel,
27:42 and Jude tells us the name of the archangel is Michael.
27:45 So if you put all of those verses together,
27:47 Michael is the symbolic name or prophetic name of Jesus.
27:51 So Jesus, the leader of the heavenly host of angels,
27:54 the good angels are at war with the Dragon, Satan,
27:57 and those angels that sided with him.
27:59 And by the way, I skipped over that a little earlier,
28:01 it says in verse 4 that the dragon's tail
28:05 drew a third of the stars of heaven.
28:07 According to Revelation 1, stars represent angels.
28:11 The devil was able to deceive
28:12 a third of the angels of heaven
28:14 to join his rebellion against God.
28:17 It's also interesting that it uses the word tail.
28:19 How did the devil get all of the angels?
28:22 Used his tail.
28:23 What does that tail represent in the Old Testament?
28:26 It represents lies and deceit.
28:29 False prophets in the Old Testament
28:31 are said to be as the tail or tail of the scorpion.
28:35 So here the devil through lies and deceit,
28:37 he's able to deceive a third of the angels
28:39 to join his rebellion against God.
28:41 All right, so this war breaks out in heaven.
28:43 The devil eventually loses the war, verse 8,
28:46 and he is cast out of heaven.
28:49 Verse 10, "Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying,
28:52 "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God,
28:54 and the power of His Christ has come,
28:56 for the accuser of our brethren,
28:59 who accused them before our God day and night,
29:01 has been cast down."
29:02 Now, there are two things I want you to note.
29:04 Early in the chapter,
29:05 the devil is cast out of heaven,
29:08 here in verse 10, it says the devil is cast down.
29:12 The casting out and the casting down
29:14 does not occur at the same time.
29:17 The devil is cast down when Jesus dies on the cross,
29:21 when it says salvation is now come,
29:23 then it was very evident.
29:25 After Adam gave his allegiance to the devil
29:28 instead of his allegiance to God
29:29 way back in the Garden of Eden,
29:30 the devil claimed the earth
29:32 as his dominion, as his kingdom.
29:33 He claimed to be the representative of the earth.
29:36 That's why you read in the Book of Job,
29:38 there is a gathering of the sons of God,
29:40 these representatives of the unfallen worlds,
29:43 and Satan shows up,
29:44 and God said, "Where did you come from?"
29:46 And he says, "Oh, walking up and down on the earth,
29:48 walking through my kingdom."
29:50 And God says, "Well, if you notice
29:51 there's somebody in your kingdom
29:52 that really belongs in My kingdom."
29:54 And Satan gets all upset.
29:56 He says, "Well, the reason Job worships you
29:58 is because of all of the blessings
29:59 You've given upon him."
30:00 So the devil claims the earth as his.
30:02 Jesus even acknowledged that
30:03 and said the prince of this world, referencing Jesus,
30:07 but when Jesus died on the cross,
30:09 he became our second Adam.
30:12 He now is the representative for us in heaven.
30:16 He is our advocate with the Father,
30:18 He is now our high priest.
30:19 So in that sense, the devil is cast down.
30:22 He is losing his dominion,
30:24 the kingdoms of this earth
30:25 are soon to become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.
30:28 Verse 11, speaking of those who overcome,
30:31 "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
30:33 by the word of their testimony,
30:34 and they did not love their lives unto death."
30:38 Then verse 12 says, "Rejoice, O heavens,
30:40 and you that dwell in them!
30:41 Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea!
30:43 For the devil has come down unto you, having great wrath."
30:46 Notice the last part of verse 12,
30:48 "because he knows he has," but a what?
30:51 "Short time."
30:52 The devil is running out of time,
30:54 and like a maddened criminal,
30:55 he's doing everything he can to bring pain and sorrow
30:59 to as many people on the earth,
31:00 especially the followers of God.
31:04 And he knows his time is running out,
31:05 he's doubling his efforts to bring chaos, and violence,
31:08 and disaster here upon the earth.
31:12 All right, verse 13 then, it says,
31:14 the woman or "When the dragon saw that
31:17 he had been cast down to the earth,"
31:18 that occurs at the crucifixion,
31:20 cast to the earth, "he persecutes the woman,"
31:23 that's the church "that gave birth to the male child."
31:27 It's the New Testament time period.
31:28 Verse 14, "But the woman is given two wings
31:31 of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness,"
31:33 that is that 1,260 year time period,
31:36 "where she should be nourished by the Word of God
31:39 for a time times and a half a time."
31:41 Now the word "time" in the Bible means a year.
31:44 There are 360 days in a Hebrew year,
31:47 so if you do the math,
31:48 you got 360 plus 360 times 2 plus half of 360,
31:53 it works out to 1,260 days,
31:55 exact same time period that we had spoken about earlier,
31:59 538 through until 1798.
32:02 You know, in the Bible, the original,
32:04 it didn't have sort of exclamation marks.
32:07 So how did the Bible writers emphasize something important?
32:10 They couldn't underline it either,
32:12 they repeated it.
32:14 That's why Jesus says, "Verily, verily I say unto you."
32:19 Why does He repeat it?
32:20 Because it's very important, He wants you to take note,
32:23 exclamation point, all right.
32:25 So John repeats this time period,
32:28 because it's important time period,
32:30 we call this the wilderness time period.
32:33 And then it goes on verse 15,
32:34 "So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth
32:36 as of a great flood after the woman
32:39 that he might cause it to be carried away by the flood.
32:41 But the earth helped the woman, the earth opened up its mouth,
32:44 and swallowed up the flood
32:45 which the dragon spewed out of his mouth."
32:48 Now, water in Bible prophecy according to Revelation 17
32:51 represents multitudes, and nations,
32:52 and kindreds, and tongues,
32:54 so the devil is now working
32:55 through the various nations of Western Europe
32:58 to try and persecute those who are holding on
33:00 to the truths of the scripture.
33:03 But there is a place of safety, it says,
33:05 the earth helps the woman.
33:07 What nation around 1798
33:09 as the first beast power of Revelation 13
33:13 receives its deadly wound?
33:15 One of the lamb like beast, according to Revelation 13
33:18 was arising on the scene
33:19 from a sparsely populated area of the globe,
33:23 The United States of America.
33:25 And those who first settled
33:27 in the United States of America,
33:28 for the most part, came seeking religious freedom.
33:32 They wanted to escape the persecution
33:34 that came through the church and the states of Europe,
33:37 and they came to a country where they could worship
33:39 according to the dictates of their conscience.
33:42 So that's a reference right there in Revelation 12
33:44 to the United States as being a place of freedom
33:48 at the end of that 1,260 year time period.
33:50 Although there is a change according to Revelation 13.
33:52 All right, last verse, verse 17.
33:55 It says, "And the dragon,"
33:56 Satan, "was enraged with the woman,"
33:58 the church, "and he goes to make war
34:01 with the remnant of her off spring
34:03 those who do," what?
34:04 What are the two characteristics
34:06 listed there in verse 17?
34:08 They keep the commandments of God, and what else?
34:11 They have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
34:13 Now, remember, John is said to have the testimony of Jesus.
34:16 Did John the Apostle have the spirit of prophecy?
34:19 Yes, he was a prophet.
34:21 He saw dreams, he had dreams, he saw visions,
34:24 he heard the Word of God.
34:26 Revelation 19:10 says,
34:28 "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
34:31 So in the last days, God has a special gift for His church.
34:35 Through the ministry of the spirit of prophecy
34:38 to help, guide the church in the last days.
34:40 It doesn't take away from the scriptures,
34:43 matter of fact, any prophet must be
34:45 tested by the scriptures.
34:47 The scripture is the ultimate authority.
34:49 But through the gift of prophecy,
34:50 God helps guide us
34:52 and gives more specific instruction
34:54 as to how to navigate the challenges
34:57 that we face in our lives today.
34:59 So in a very special way,
35:00 God has blessed the remnant church
35:02 in the last days through the gift of prophecy.
35:07 Okay, we're going to take a look at Monday's lesson,
35:11 and it's entitled, "Images of Jesus".
35:14 I'm gonna have somebody read Revelation 1:18 here
35:16 in just a few moments.
35:19 Revelation 1:4, 5, I'm gonna read this quickly
35:22 and then we'll have Revelation 1:18.
35:24 "John to the seven churches which are in Asia:
35:26 Grace to you and peace from Him
35:28 who is, who was and who is to come,
35:30 and from the seven Spirits that are before His throne."
35:33 Now when it says he who is, who was, and who is to come,
35:36 who is that referencing?
35:39 Jesus claims the title
35:41 as the one who is, who was and who is to come.
35:44 But it is also a title that is used
35:46 with reference to God, the Father.
35:49 Typically, in the Bible
35:50 when you have a reference of the Godhead,
35:52 the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
35:53 it's almost always listed in this order,
35:55 God, the Father first,
35:57 then Jesus, then the Holy Spirit.
36:00 Almost always in that order.
36:02 However, here in Revelation 1, the order is slightly changed.
36:07 It begins by addressing the one who is,
36:09 who was and who is to come, that's God, the Father,
36:11 but then it skips Jesus and it goes to the Holy Spirit
36:15 and it says, "The seven Spirits which are before His throne."
36:18 Now you might be wondering what does that mean
36:20 the seven Spirits before the throne?
36:22 Are there seven Holy Spirits or is it just one Holy Spirit?
36:26 Well, there is one Holy Spirit, but there are seven attributes
36:29 of the Holy Spirit that we find,
36:31 revealed in the Old Testament.
36:33 And if you want the verse for that,
36:34 that's Isaiah 11:2,
36:37 where it speaks of the spirit of the Lord,
36:40 the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding,
36:42 the spirit of counsel, the spirit of might,
36:44 the spirit of knowledge,
36:45 and the spirit of the fear of the Lord.
36:47 Seven attributes of the Holy Spirit.
36:49 So this greeting comes from God, the Father,
36:51 and then from the Holy Spirit, and John reserves Jesus,
36:56 the third one to talk about,
36:57 because he has a lot more he wants to say about Jesus,
37:00 so He brings greetings from the Father, the Holy Spirit
37:03 and then he gets into Jesus.
37:04 Look at verse 5, and from Jesus Christ,
37:08 Now, John is referred to in the gospels
37:10 as the disciple that Jesus loved.
37:12 He was the youngest of the 12,
37:14 and it seemed like his heart was more open
37:18 to the teachings of Jesus
37:19 and to receiving the love of Jesus
37:21 than maybe some of the other disciples and Christians,
37:24 he just had this deep love for Christ.
37:27 He really appreciated it in a tremendous way
37:29 what Jesus had done for him personally.
37:32 And we got some of the most beautiful passages in scripture
37:36 dealing with the love of God are penned by John.
37:39 John 3:16, "For God so loved the world..."
37:43 And John tells us that we need to love as God loves us.
37:47 He tells the church members, love one another.
37:50 It says he's the firstborn of the dead.
37:53 Now, was Jesus the first to be resurrected
37:57 and taken to heaven?
38:00 Do you have an account of the Old Testament
38:01 of anyone who was resurrected
38:02 and then taken to heaven?
38:05 We do, Moses.
38:07 There are also accounts of those
38:08 who are resurrected, but then they end up dying.
38:10 Jesus resurrected Lazarus and others,
38:12 but they died and they are waiting for the resurrection.
38:14 We do an account of Moses quoting the Book of Jude
38:16 who died and then he was resurrected
38:18 and taken to heaven.
38:19 So he probably was resurrected in his immortal state,
38:21 in the immortal body, like Jesus,
38:23 when Jesus rose from the tomb.
38:24 But when it says, he is the firstborn
38:26 from the dead,
38:27 it is not so much referencing the sequence of time,
38:31 meaning Jesus is the first to be resurrected
38:33 and ascend to heaven,
38:34 rather it is emphasizing the importance of His position,
38:39 because Jesus rose from the dead,
38:42 we have hope of a resurrection, does that make sense?
38:45 So Jesus is first in position.
38:48 He is first in opening the way for others to be resurrected,
38:52 so that's what it mean when it says
38:54 that He is the firstborn from the dead.
38:55 Ruler of the kings of the earth,
38:57 that, of course, happens in its fullness
38:59 when Jesus comes again.
39:00 And then notice what John says,
39:01 He can't talk about Jesus
39:03 without talking about the love of Jesus.
39:05 "To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins
39:09 in His own blood."
39:10 And then he goes on and talks about
39:12 how Christ has made us kings and priests,
39:14 and so on and so forth
39:15 a little later in that same chapter.
39:17 All right, we're gonna read another verse in Revelation 1
39:19 that describes Jesus and what He does.
39:22 So let's take a look at Revelation 1:18.
39:26 "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold,
39:31 I am alive forevermore.
39:33 Amen.
39:34 And I have the keys of Hades and of death."
39:38 Okay, so here Jesus is speaking
39:40 and He says, "I'm the one that was dead,
39:42 I'm alive, I live forevermore,
39:44 and I have the keys of Hades and of death."
39:46 The word Hades there just simply means the grave.
39:49 Now Jesus said in John 5:25, "Most assuredly,
39:53 I say unto you, the hour is coming,
39:55 and now is, when the dead will hear
39:57 the voice of the Son of man and those who hear will live."
40:02 So Jesus is the power to open the grave.
40:05 Of course, that's what's been emphasized,
40:07 especially at that time
40:09 when the church was facing severe persecution,
40:11 how comforting were the words that Jesus says,
40:13 "Do not fear those who can destroy the body.
40:15 I have the keys of the grave.
40:17 I can open the grave."
40:19 And then in Revelation 19:11,
40:22 we have another passage talking about Jesus,
40:25 describing a few characteristics of Christ.
40:29 This is now talking about the second coming of Jesus.
40:32 Revelation 19:11, "Now I saw heaven opened,
40:35 and behold a white horse,
40:36 and He that set upon it is called faithful and true."
40:39 Who is the one seated upon the white horse?
40:41 Jesus.
40:42 What is the title given to Jesus?
40:44 Faithful and true.
40:45 In what way was Jesus faithful to a promise
40:49 that He made to His disciples?
40:51 What did Jesus promised the disciples in John 14:1-3?
40:56 Uh, I heard it.
40:57 Jesus said to the disciples,
41:00 "If you believe in God, believe also in Me.
41:02 In my Father's house there are many mansions.
41:05 If that were not so I would have told you,
41:06 'I go to prepare a place for you'.
41:09 And if I go and prepare a place for you..."
41:10 What's the rest of the promise?
41:12 "I will come again."
41:15 John was there in person.
41:16 He heard the words of Jesus
41:19 that Jesus was going to come again.
41:21 Now in Revelation 19,
41:22 Jesus is pictured as coming again on this white horse
41:26 and He is faithful and true..."
41:28 Faithful to His promise, Jesus will come again,
41:31 that says, "And in righteousness
41:33 He judges and makes war."
41:35 Verse 12 says, "His eyes were like a flame of fire
41:39 representing purity, power,
41:42 and upon his head there were many crowns."
41:45 Something interesting to note.
41:47 You read the description of Jesus given in Revelation 1.
41:50 I don't think we're going to have time to get to that
41:52 but that was also in our lesson.
41:54 Jesus described as wearing the high priest's rob
41:57 and it talks about His hair being as white as wool.
42:00 Doesn't say anything about
42:01 what Jesus is wearing on his head,
42:04 but here in Revelation 19,
42:06 when it's talking about Jesus coming the second time,
42:09 now it is describing Him wearing a crown.
42:12 Did a priest wear a crown of royalty?
42:14 No, but a king did.
42:16 So there are different phases to Christ's ministry.
42:18 When He was on the earth, He came to bear our sins,
42:21 to die as our sacrifice.
42:23 Jesus now in heaven,
42:24 He's ministering in the heavenly sanctuary
42:25 as our High Priest.
42:27 Revelation describes Him
42:28 wearing the high priest's clothe,
42:30 but now in Revelation 19,
42:32 He is coming as our Deliverer,
42:33 coming as King of kings and Lord of Lords.
42:37 All right, moving on.
42:39 "Many crowns upon his head,
42:40 He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.
42:43 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood
42:45 and His name is the Word of God."
42:47 No question as to who we're talking about here.
42:49 It says, "In the armies of heaven..."
42:50 verse 14, "clothed in fine linen,
42:53 white and clean, followed him on white horses.
42:55 Now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword,
42:58 and with that He should strike the nations,
43:01 and He himself shall rule them with a rod of iron.
43:05 He treads the winepress of the fierceness
43:07 of the wrath of Almighty God."
43:09 I want to say something about the rod of iron.
43:11 At first reading, it might give you the impression,
43:13 "Oh, Jesus is just really, really angry
43:15 and He's coming the second time to get even with the wicked."
43:18 Not necessarily, the rod of iron,
43:20 if you want to understand what that means,
43:22 you need to go back to the Old Testament.
43:24 David says in Psalms 23, "Thy rod and thy staff..."
43:28 what do they do?
43:30 "They comfort me."
43:31 Now the shepherd would have a rod
43:32 and the shepherd would have a staff,
43:34 primarily the staff that's the part of the crook
43:36 on the top was used to guide the sheep.
43:38 So if a little sheep was wondering
43:40 close to something dangerous,
43:41 the shepherd could reach out his staff
43:42 and pull the sheep back.
43:44 But if a wolf came to steal one of the sheep,
43:47 the shepherd wouldn't worry with his staff,
43:50 he'd pick up his rod
43:51 and the rod was used to defend the sheep.
43:55 So here Jesus, the good shepherd
43:57 it's described as coming again
43:58 and He's coming with a rod of iron.
44:00 He's coming to the defense of His people.
44:03 Why is He coming to defend His people?
44:05 According to Revelation 13, "Just before Jesus comes,
44:08 there is a universal death decree
44:10 that is passed against God's people,
44:13 and God is not going to stand by ideally
44:15 and allow the devil to destroy His faithful ones.
44:18 In the last moment, Jesus comes with the rod of iron
44:22 to deliver His faithful people."
44:24 Are you with me?
44:26 So this rod of iron isn't just an angry Jesus,
44:28 it is a Jesus standing up to defend His faithful ones
44:33 that crown to Him day and night.
44:35 It says, "He comes to tread
44:36 the winepress of the wrath of God."
44:38 This is an interesting imagery that you have here
44:41 and it comes from Isaiah 63:2-3,
44:45 I'm going to read this to you, Isaiah 63,
44:48 bear in mind the imagery talking about His coming
44:50 to tread the winepress of the wrath of God.
44:54 Verse 2, Isaiah 63:2, the question is asked,
44:57 "Why is your apparel red..."
45:00 He is talking about the Messiah Jesus' second coming,
45:03 "Your garments like one who treads the winepress."
45:06 Then Jesus speaks, "I have trodden the winepress alone
45:10 and from my people no one was with me..."
45:13 Jesus defends this, "For I have trodden them in my anger
45:16 and trample them in my fury,
45:18 their blood is sprinkled upon my garments
45:20 and I stain my robes."
45:23 So here, the destruction of the wicked
45:24 at the second coming are described
45:26 as grapes thrown into the winepress.
45:29 Jesus is the one that comes
45:31 to the deliverance of His people,
45:33 the wicked are destroyed
45:34 with the brightness of His coming.
45:36 You also find that same imagery by the way in Revelation 14,
45:40 following the proclamation of the three angels' messages,
45:42 talks about a harvest of the earth.
45:44 There is a harvest of wheat representing the righteous,
45:47 and there is a harvest of grapes
45:49 representing the wicked.
45:50 The grapes are gathered
45:51 and thrown into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
45:54 Okay.
45:55 We're going to read one more verse here,
45:58 one more thing verse 16,
46:00 it says, "Then He has on His robe
46:01 and on His thigh a name written,
46:03 'King of kings and Lord of lords'"
46:05 as described in the second coming of Christ
46:07 is coming as a king.
46:09 All right, we have somebody
46:10 that's going to read for us now,
46:11 Revelation 21:6,
46:14 and this is also referencing Christ
46:17 in the Book of Revelation
46:18 and connected to some event that He does,
46:20 so Revelation 21:6.
46:23 Revelation 21:6,
46:25 "And He said to me, 'It is done!
46:28 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
46:32 I will give up the fountain of the water of life
46:35 freely to him who thirst.'"
46:37 Thank you very much.
46:38 Notice the words of Jesus says, "It is done."
46:43 Can you think of another time in the Bible
46:45 when Jesus said, "It is done?"
46:48 What did Jesus said on the cross?
46:50 He said, "It is done."
46:51 What was done on the cross?
46:53 The first phase of Christ ministry for man.
46:56 He was our sacrifice,
46:58 He laid down His life as a sacrifice for our sins.
47:01 Now, we are at the end of Christ's priestly ministry,
47:05 you have the second coming,
47:07 it's got the 1,000 year millennium
47:09 and then the earth is made new,
47:11 and again the words are heard, "It is done."
47:15 Christ has finished His phase as our high priest.
47:19 He's no longer a priest but now He is King
47:21 and His Kingdom lasts forever and ever.
47:25 So it's interesting to note those words "it is done"
47:27 and you can actually research that in scripture,
47:29 it's kind of interesting.
47:30 Well, Pastor Doug, I see we have some questions
47:33 that have come in from our Facebook audience
47:35 and we're going to try and take a few of those,
47:37 and if we have any time left after that,
47:38 we will highlight a few other points
47:41 mentioned in the lesson.
47:43 So, Pastor Doug, welcome.
47:44 Hi. All right.
47:46 We're going to begin by taking a look at our first question
47:48 and this is the first time you've seen the question,
47:50 the first time I am.
47:51 Who are the two witnesses in the Book of Revelation?
47:55 Very simply, it represents the Word of God.
47:57 And you read about this in Revelation 11,
48:00 and it talks about these two witnesses
48:03 that prophesied 1,260 days.
48:07 Now this is a time period
48:09 that appears three different ways in Revelation.
48:12 One time it's called the times, the time and half a time,
48:15 it's called 42 months.
48:16 In fact, you can read about
48:18 the 42 months in Revelation 11:2,
48:22 it says, "They will tread the holy city
48:23 underfoot for 42 months."
48:25 And then, you even get another three and a half days,
48:29 if you go to Revelation 11:11,
48:31 "Now after three-and-a-half days..."
48:34 42 months, if the months have 30 days
48:38 is 1,260 days.
48:41 That's the same time period that you find
48:44 is that great persecution that goes from 538 to 1798
48:49 when the Word of God was being suppressed.
48:51 It says, "These two witnesses,
48:53 plagues can go out of their mouth."
48:55 They are like the two olive trees,
48:57 they are like the two candlesticks
48:58 by the throne of God, and it's representing,
49:01 "Although thy word is a lamp unto my feet."
49:03 And you can also look two individuals appear to Jesus
49:07 on the Mount of Transfiguration.
49:09 You find this in Mark 9, one is Moses, one is Elijah.
49:14 One represents the law and one represents the prophet.
49:17 They are both pointing to Jesus and saying,
49:19 "He is the Messiah that we have spoken of."
49:22 The law and the prophets all points to Jesus.
49:24 So if you say, "The New and the Old Testament,
49:26 the law and the prophets,
49:28 commandments are written on two stones.
49:31 It's a sword with two edges.
49:34 The Word of God, that's the two witnesses."
49:36 And I don't have time to get into the whole prophecy
49:38 about France.
49:39 Okay.
49:40 Next question that we have.
49:41 Why does God use symbols to explain prophecy
49:45 in the Book of Revelation?
49:46 Good question.
49:47 There are several prophecies in the Bible
49:50 that are apocalyptic prophecies that use visions.
49:55 Ezekiel, Zechariah, Daniel, Revelation,
49:59 they are the main apocalyptic prophecies.
50:02 All of them are given
50:04 when the writers are in captivity.
50:07 For example, in the prophecies of Revelation,
50:10 it talks about the fall of Rome.
50:13 Well, that would be considered treacherous
50:16 if you were to talk about
50:17 the overthrow of the Roman Empire
50:19 and so, God protected the prophecies
50:21 by kind of putting them in code.
50:23 Daniel in his prophecies, doesn't he talk about
50:25 the overthrow of Babylon and Persia?
50:27 They are given in sort of a symbolic language
50:29 so the Jews would understand,
50:31 so that it wasn't seen as treason
50:34 and it preserved it.
50:36 And I think even in Revelation,
50:38 it says, "God sent and signified it
50:40 to His servant John."
50:42 The word "signify", it means, to sign-a-fy.
50:46 It's sent in the symbols and signs
50:49 so that the wise will understand if they study.
50:53 I also think just to add to that, Pastor Doug,
50:55 I'm grateful that Revelation and Daniel
50:57 are written using symbols.
50:59 I find it a whole lot easier to remember
51:01 symbols or pictures than just text.
51:04 So in Revelation, it talks about the dragon,
51:06 I have this picture in my mind
51:07 of what the dragon could look like,
51:09 or the woman standing upon the moon
51:10 with a crown of 12 stars, we have a picture of that.
51:13 The beast rising up from the earth and the sea.
51:15 I think it's a whole lot easier
51:17 for us to remember these important principles
51:19 because they're presented in symbolic imagery.
51:22 Another reason is in order to understand these symbols,
51:24 you have to go back to the rest of the scripture.
51:27 So in that way, it protects from a private interpretation
51:31 of what these things might mean.
51:32 If you really want to know what the symbol means,
51:34 you have to go back and study the context
51:37 and see what else in scripture talks about this symbol,
51:39 so I think it's a good reason for that.
51:41 Another question that we have is,
51:42 can someone receive the mark of the beast now?
51:47 Well, the mark of the beast becomes especially a problem
51:51 when they make a law
51:52 that is compelling people to worship the beast
51:55 or they'll be killed.
51:56 And since that law is not in effect now,
52:00 you can certainly be lost now, you can turn to the devil now,
52:05 you can be controlled by evil forces now.
52:08 It has been that way
52:09 from the time of king to the present.
52:11 But the special mark of the beast mentioned
52:13 in Revelation says that, "When no man can buy or sell
52:18 and they're forced to make a choice,
52:20 and both sides of the issue
52:22 are clearly presented to humanity,
52:24 and there will come a time
52:25 when the whole world will be polarized
52:27 into one of two groups.
52:29 One group will have the mark of God,
52:31 it's kind of scares you to say it that way, right?
52:33 But it's the seal of God.
52:35 And the other group has the mark of the beast.
52:38 And so these are the two contrasting sides
52:40 in the last days.
52:42 You want to add to that?
52:43 No, I think that's about it for Christians.
52:45 We're going to probably hold that one until next time,
52:47 that might actually tie in to one of our next show.
52:48 Thank you Pastor Ross.
52:49 Looking at the clock and we're running out of time.
52:50 Thank you for your questions,
52:52 our friends on Facebook have sent that in.
52:53 If you didn't get,
52:54 weren't able to get to your question this week,
52:56 maybe we can address that next week
52:57 as we continue our study on end time events.
53:00 I have three minutes
53:01 and I want to close with one very important theme
53:03 that our lesson brought out
53:05 that I think it's important for us to understand.
53:07 The entire Book of Revelation
53:08 is written in the imagery of the sanctuary,
53:10 you don't want to miss that.
53:12 Revelation 1 begins by describing
53:14 Jesus standing amongst
53:15 the seven-branched candlesticks.
53:18 In the sanctuary, where would you find
53:19 the seven-branched candlesticks,
53:21 in the Holy or the Most Holy?
53:22 In the Holy place.
53:24 You read a little further in the Book of Revelation,
53:26 Revelation 11 talks about the altar of incense,
53:30 talks about the souls under the altar.
53:33 If you look at the Book of Revelation,
53:34 it's as if Jesus is actually moving
53:37 through the heavenly sanctuary.
53:39 Chapter 1 describes
53:40 Jesus standing by the seven-branched candlestick,
53:42 then as you keep reading through Revelation,
53:44 it's actually Revelation 4:1 and 2.
53:49 No, that's not the one that's talking about.
53:52 Let's see, it's Revelation 6:9,
53:54 it talks about the altar of incense.
53:56 And then when you get to Revelation 11:19,
54:00 now Jesus has entered into the Most Holy place,
54:03 we have the Ark of the Covenant that's brought to view.
54:06 So it's important if you want to study the Book of Revelation
54:08 and understand the Book of Revelation,
54:10 we need to recognize
54:11 the context of the heavenly sanctuary.
54:15 The courtyard represents the earth,
54:17 that's where Jesus died.
54:19 When Jesus ascended to heaven,
54:20 He began His ministry in the first compartment
54:22 of the heavenly sanctuary.
54:24 At the end of the 2,300 days of Daniel 8:14,
54:26 Jesus entered into His final phase
54:28 as a high priest in heaven,
54:30 that was in the Most Holy place in Revelation 11,
54:33 when the seventh trumpet sounds
54:36 describes the Ark of the Covenant
54:37 where Jesus is following His work
54:40 in the Most Holy place.
54:42 Jesus then stands up and says,
54:45 "He that's holy, let him be holy still.
54:47 He that's filthy, let him be filthy still."
54:49 He removes His priestly robe, puts on His kingly robe
54:54 and then Jesus described
54:55 as coming as King of kings and Lord of lords.
54:59 So in your study of the Book of Revelation
55:00 recognize the imagery that we find there,
55:03 it's sanctuary language, it's sanctuary imagery.
55:05 We need to go back and take a look at Hebrews
55:07 that teaches us about the heavenly sanctuary
55:10 where Jesus, our High Priest ministers for us.
55:13 All right, well, those are just a few of the highlights
55:16 that we find in Revelation with referencing Jesus.
55:18 There's probably a whole lot more we can say about that.
55:21 I would like to encourage you,
55:22 maybe if you have a little time this afternoon,
55:25 look in Revelation 1,
55:26 read the entire chapter,
55:28 you'll have different descriptions of Jesus
55:30 found in those passages.
55:32 You might also want to spend a little time
55:33 reading through Revelation 19,
55:36 the last part that talks about the second coming of Jesus
55:39 which describes Him coming
55:40 as King of kings and Lord of lords.
55:43 And then, again, I would encourage you to read
55:44 the last portion of Revelation 14,
55:48 which again talks about the harvest of the earth
55:50 and Jesus coming the second time to deliver
55:53 those who have put their trust in Him.
55:55 So again, I'd like to thank those who joined us.
55:58 Just a reminder, we do have a free offer,
56:00 and that free offer if you like to receive it,
56:02 just call the number there on the screen.
56:05 It's one of the sermon series
56:07 in the Landmarks of Bible Prophecy,
56:09 it's offer number 841.
56:11 We will be happy to send that to anybody in North America
56:13 who calls and asks.
56:25 Friends, one of the amazing things
56:26 you will often find in the South Pacific Islands
56:29 like here on Fiji is the Wiwi plant.
56:32 Now in North America if you want to build a fence,
56:34 you got to get a fencepost,
56:35 and then you put the wooden fencepost in the ground,
56:38 and then after few years they're gonna rot
56:40 and break off unless they're specially treated.
56:42 But here they got these trees, the Wiwi tree,
56:45 they can cut them right out of the woods,
56:47 they'll take a stick, they'll stick it in the ground.
56:50 And because they have so much rain and precipitation,
56:52 it begins to sprout and turns into a living fencepost.
56:56 It makes up its mind
56:57 that it's gonna flourish wherever you stick it,
56:59 which is a good lesson for you and me.
57:01 So you might wonder sometimes
57:03 if you've got a purpose in life.
57:04 You might feel like you are growing sort of
57:06 sporadically in every direction,
57:07 and then along comes this person
57:09 who cuts you down and carries you off,
57:12 he sticks you in the ground.
57:14 But you look back and you say, there was a plan,
57:16 there was a purpose.
57:18 God knows how to teach us
57:19 how to prosper where He plants us.
57:22 You might wonder why the Lord has put you
57:24 where He has in life.
57:25 But you can put down roots and you can grow,
57:27 and you can serve a great purpose for God.
57:29 You know, it's like God says in Jeremiah 29,
57:32 "I know the plants that I've got for you
57:34 to give you a future."
57:35 God has a purpose for your life, friends.
57:37 And He can help you to prosper and grow
57:39 wherever you're planted.
57:45 Can't get enough Amazing Facts Bible Study?
57:48 You don't have to wait until next week
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Revised 2018-04-12