Sabbath School Study Hour

The Results of Stewardship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021813A

00:35 Hello, and welcome to another edition
00:36 of the Sabbath School Study Hour right here taking place
00:39 at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:42 in the greater area of Sacramento, California.
00:46 It's always good to have everyone join us together,
00:49 both, those who are with us live here
00:50 in the Granite Bay Church, of course,
00:51 that join us each and every Sabbath.
00:53 Always good to have everybody that's joining us live stream
00:56 and the various Facebook pages that are taking place right now
00:59 as well as those who are watching this program
01:02 in the future on various television networks.
01:04 It's always good to have each and every one of you.
01:07 It's always good to have our online members,
01:09 those who are guests and visitors,
01:11 and perhaps you are watching this program
01:12 for the very first time,
01:14 and we want to give a special welcome to you,
01:16 and pray and trust that this program
01:18 will be a blessing for you
01:20 as we continue to study a very important subject
01:22 and that is the topic of stewardship.
01:25 Now, as we look at this particular topic,
01:27 today is no small lesson study
01:29 because basically we are looking at the conclusion
01:32 of this particular topic Stewardship.
01:35 And so we are going to be looking at lesson number 13,
01:38 and that is entitled The Results of Stewardship.
01:41 What are the results of stewardship?
01:44 And, so I look forward
01:45 to continuing to study this important topic
01:48 and as we come to its conclusion.
01:51 Now, before we invite our singers out,
01:52 we always like to share with you a special free gift
01:55 that we can give out
01:56 and today is a very practical one as well as spiritual
02:00 it's entitled From Stress to Joy.
02:02 Just simply dial 1-866-788-3966.
02:08 Again that's 1-866-788-3966
02:13 and ask for offer number 705.
02:16 We will be happy to send that out to you.
02:18 We're just so blessed to be able to have our singers here
02:20 today as they bless us in song
02:22 and help us to be able to praise the Lord in that way,
02:24 and so we're going to invite them out
02:26 even right now as we continue on.
02:29 I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold
02:36 I'd rather be His than have riches untold
02:43 I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands
02:51 I'd rather be led by His nail-pierced hand
02:58 Than to be the king of a vast domain
03:05 Or be held in sin's dread sway
03:13 I'd rather have Jesus
03:17 Than anything
03:21 This world affords
03:25 Today
03:30 I'd rather have Jesus
03:35 Than men's applause
03:39 I'd rather be faithful
03:44 To His dear cause
03:48 I'd rather have Jesus
03:53 Than worldwide fame
03:57 I'd rather be true
04:01 To His holy name
04:06 Than to be the king
04:10 Of a vast domain
04:13 Or be held in sin's
04:17 Dread sway
04:21 I'd rather have Jesus
04:25 Than anything
04:28 This world affords
04:32 Today
04:37 He's fairer than lilies
04:41 Of rarest bloom
04:44 He's sweeter than honey
04:48 From out the comb
04:51 He's all that my hungering
04:56 Spirit needs
04:59 I'd rather have Jesus
05:03 And let Him lead
05:07 Than to be the king
05:11 Of a vast domain
05:15 Or be held in sin's
05:19 Dread sway
05:23 I'd rather have Jesus
05:27 Than anything
05:31 This world affords
05:35 Today
05:43 Thank you so much for singing along with us,
05:45 and at this time Pastor Shawn will have our opening prayer.
05:50 Father in heaven,
05:52 we are thankful to be able to come together
05:54 and to be able to ask for Your Holy Spirit
05:56 to be with us that Your will be done today
05:59 as we continue to study Your Word
06:01 and You write Your Word upon our heart.
06:04 We thank You for Pastor Marshall
06:05 as he is going to be teaching us
06:07 our lesson study here today.
06:09 We want to pray that You will be with him in a special way,
06:11 anoint him with Your Spirit.
06:12 Be with each and every person
06:14 that is here in Granite Bay Church
06:15 as well as those who are watching
06:16 on this program even right now,
06:19 God, that Your Holy Spirit will help them and teach them,
06:22 and help them to be able to see the light and the love of Jesus
06:26 in everything that we study here today.
06:28 In Jesus' name, we pray for these things, God.
06:30 Amen.
06:32 Thank you, Pastor Shawn.
06:34 Good morning and Happy Sabbath.
06:37 You know, we are so blessed to study these lessons.
06:41 Each topic that we covered, it's like a marathon.
06:44 You know, at each stage
06:45 there's just so much that you're covering
06:47 and there is so much that you are taking in.
06:49 And it's no different than when we finish the lesson.
06:52 So I am hoping to kind of bring things together
06:55 as we look at this lesson study
06:57 as we close this topic on stewardship.
06:59 We are looking at the results of stewardship.
07:02 All the things that we've been studying,
07:04 now we're gonna look at the results
07:06 of what life is like as a steward for Jesus Christ,
07:10 and so we're gonna look at the results.
07:12 Now, we all love results, right?
07:15 In anything that we do there is always results.
07:18 You know, if you are someone who enjoy sports,
07:22 you always like to look at the standings
07:24 of your favorite teams,
07:25 wins versus the loses,
07:27 because you want to know
07:28 how they stack up
07:30 in relationship to the other team.
07:32 So we are looking at the results.
07:36 You know, it's very interesting this last week,
07:38 you know, I peruse the news once in a while
07:40 to look at different articles
07:41 or what's happening and what's going on.
07:44 And in doing so I noticed,
07:46 it said, this headline was kind of like
07:48 for this little video clip,
07:49 it said, "70 foot shot wins state championship game."
07:55 And I thought, "Oh, I got to see the results."
07:56 And all it was just like
07:57 a 30 second clip of the end of the game
08:01 and that was amazing to see this amazing man
08:03 actually take a pass from the other side of the court
08:06 and throw it 70 feet with a second left
08:08 and actually make it.
08:09 And I had to watch that several time
08:11 just the results of that game.
08:15 You know, just a few weeks ago we had what?
08:16 We had the Winter Olympics, remember that?
08:20 You know, people that are really into the Olympics,
08:22 they love to see the results, the final results,
08:25 which country had the most medals
08:27 in the Olympic Games.
08:30 And I too, I didn't really watch much of the Olympics
08:33 but I caught some of the results
08:35 of some of the events that I enjoyed looking at also.
08:41 And then finally, you know, medical,
08:42 you know, when we go to the doctors
08:45 and we go with loved ones, or we go ourselves,
08:47 you know, they do a lot of different tests
08:49 to figure out what's going on and what are we doing?
08:52 We are really waiting for what?
08:54 What's on our minds?
08:56 It's the results.
08:57 What's going to come in?
08:59 What's it going to say so that we know how to pray
09:02 and we understand certain things
09:04 that may change our lives,
09:06 you know, results are important.
09:09 And here in this lesson,
09:10 we're gonna look at some key results
09:13 of the life of the steward.
09:14 Now, I have some volunteers that are going to read
09:16 some passages of scripture this morning
09:19 and as we look at this topic of stewardship,
09:22 but results are important.
09:25 In every stage of life, results are important.
09:30 Matter of fact, I want to look at
09:31 the scripture reading for this morning that's kind of
09:34 starts this issue of the results of stewardship,
09:39 it says, "Having your conduct honorable..."
09:41 This is 1 Peter 2:12,
09:44 this kind of starts the lesson,
09:46 it says, "Having your conduct honorable among the gentiles,
09:51 that when they speak against you as evildoers,
09:54 they may by your good words
09:56 which they observe, glorify" whom?
10:00 "Glorify God in the day of visitation."
10:04 We're looking at the works,
10:05 the results of the life of the Christian.
10:09 Everybody is going to observe these things
10:11 in the last days of earth's history,
10:14 and they are going to give glory to God
10:16 and, you know, when we live the life of a steward,
10:19 it's not always easy,
10:21 but we want others to observe Christ.
10:24 We want others to observe these results
10:28 so that God truly may be glorified.
10:31 You know, I'm gonna jump right to Sunday
10:33 and I want to look at a passage,
10:34 I have someone reading 1 Titus 1:1,
10:40 as Paul begins to share or Titus shares with us.
10:44 First, it's Titus 1:1.
10:47 "Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ,
10:52 according to the faith of God's elect
10:55 and the acknowledging of the truth
10:57 which is after godliness."
10:59 Okay, interesting what Paul has to say.
11:03 The first result that we're going to look at
11:05 in relationship to stewardship.
11:07 Living the life of a steward
11:09 is the result of godliness, okay.
11:14 This godliness comes from Christ
11:16 as we're going to find out as Paul shares with us
11:19 right here in Titus 1:1
11:22 and it is aligned,
11:23 we'll understand that it is aligned
11:25 with faith and truth.
11:29 Paul starts out by saying, he is a what?
11:30 He is a bondservant.
11:33 What's a bondservant?
11:35 An essence of bondservant is a steward,
11:38 one who belongs to God,
11:40 one who has placed his life
11:41 willingly under the authority of Christ.
11:45 So Paul starts his passage and he says, listen,
11:48 Paul or Titus talking about it, it says,
11:51 "Paul, a bondservant of God
11:53 and an apostle of Jesus Christ,
11:55 according to" what?
11:57 "According to faith of God's elect
12:01 and acknowledgement of the truth
12:03 which accords with godliness."
12:06 Two areas here in the result of godliness
12:10 for the life of a steward,
12:11 faith and truth, Paul being a steward.
12:17 That word accord
12:19 is very interesting to me in this passage
12:22 because the word accords just means
12:25 in accordance with or in relationship to.
12:29 So you are looking at faith and truth.
12:32 These two things blended together
12:35 give us this picture of godliness
12:37 or this result of godliness for the life of a steward.
12:44 Truth and faith coming together
12:47 in the life of a steward of Christ produces what?
12:51 Godliness.
12:52 Friends, one who is godly
12:55 is one that lives after God's own heart.
13:00 Not his heart, not her heart, but God's own heart.
13:05 And Paul writing to Timothy brings this out also.
13:08 Notice with me, you have your bibles,
13:10 I would like you to open also to 2 Timothy.
13:14 Because we are told
13:15 in the last days of earth's history,
13:17 there is going to be those walking about that
13:18 have a form of godliness,
13:21 but that says they deny its power.
13:25 So here are the result of stewardship
13:27 is true godliness based upon two elements, faith and truth.
13:32 But then Paul identifies to Timothy
13:35 that in the last days there is going to be
13:37 those that walk about with a form of godliness
13:41 but they deny its power.
13:43 Notice with me, 2 Timothy 3:4, 5, and 7.
13:49 I'll read verse 1 to kind of give us the context of, what,
13:52 you know, Paul here is sharing with Timothy,
13:54 he says, "But know this, that in the last days
14:00 perilous times will come."
14:02 And then he goes on to describe
14:03 what these perilous times include,
14:06 you know, "for men will be lovers of themselves,
14:08 lovers of money, boasters, proud,
14:10 blasphemers" and he goes on.
14:12 And notice verse 4, he says, "Traitors, headstrong, haughty,
14:17 lovers of pleasure rather than" what?
14:19 "Lovers of God."
14:21 Okay?
14:23 Then he goes on, he says, "Having the form of godliness
14:28 but denying its power and from such people,"
14:31 he says to Timothy, what?
14:33 "Turn away."
14:34 It's really, you want to be careful
14:36 to make sure that the godliness
14:38 that you see is true godliness
14:41 versus this kind of false godliness
14:44 that Paul says it's going to be out there
14:48 in front in the last days of earth's history.
14:52 And he breaks this down
14:53 but I want you to notice verse 7,
14:55 he describes, okay, this false godliness
15:00 which denies its power.
15:01 He says, "Always learning
15:03 and never able to come to a knowledge of the" what?
15:07 "The truth."
15:09 Now this is interesting to me, when I looked at these passages
15:12 in relationship to godliness,
15:14 I wanted to look at a few different words.
15:17 One of those back, if you go to verse 5,
15:19 he says, "Denying, okay, its power."
15:24 I have to look up that word 'its'
15:25 and I found that actually in the Greek
15:27 it's in the nominative form
15:29 and so the word 'its'
15:31 actually is describing a definite person.
15:34 So it's not really its power, it's his power.
15:40 And you think about it,
15:42 who is the "his" that we are talking about.
15:45 If you go back to verse 4,
15:48 it says, "Traitors, headstrong, haughty,
15:50 lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of" who?
15:53 "Of God."
15:54 So Paul is actually saying to Timothy,
15:56 having a form of godliness but they deny God's power.
16:01 They deny His power.
16:04 And then he gets into that even further in verse 7
16:06 when he says, "This is what it looks like."
16:09 He says, "They are always learning
16:13 and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth."
16:16 I had to look at that phrase
16:18 "to come to a knowledge of the truth"
16:20 and actually it literally means to come
16:22 into the knowledge of the truth.
16:26 So you have a group of people
16:27 that have the form of godliness,
16:30 but they are really denying God's power,
16:33 still learning but they never really come
16:36 into a knowledge of the truth,
16:38 that settling into the truth
16:40 and that's what stewardship,
16:41 this whole lesson on stewardship
16:43 was really about.
16:44 It's about being a steward for Christ.
16:46 It's about coming into a knowledge of God
16:50 and God's power,
16:51 and how is that applicable practically in my life?
16:57 And so Paul says, "Listen, be careful"
17:00 and his idea of coming into the truth.
17:03 You know, it's really, it is to come
17:07 to an understanding of meaning of something
17:10 with special emphasis upon the process.
17:15 Okay, in other words,
17:16 this coming into the knowledge of the truth
17:19 is really a process of learning,
17:22 and applying, and growing
17:24 so that the power of God may change me.
17:28 How many of us want to be changed?
17:31 It's a process, isn't it?
17:34 You know, I was in a big...
17:37 Well, let me put it this way, math wasn't my greatest subject
17:42 because in math there is always a what?
17:45 There is a process to arrive at the answer, okay?
17:50 The result being the answer,
17:52 but there is this process that you have to go through.
17:55 And I didn't get it, you know.
17:57 Matter of fact, when you work
17:58 with young people sometimes on math,
18:00 they always want to get to the answer.
18:02 As like here, let me throw out an answer,
18:04 and when you ask them, well, what does your work look like?
18:07 Show me how? Okay?
18:10 You've arrived at this answer, they struggle.
18:14 Okay.
18:15 Because we are not used to going through that process
18:18 to actually arrive at the result
18:22 which in this case is the process
18:24 of understanding and learning truth,
18:26 so that the result as a steward will be, what?
18:30 Godliness, godliness.
18:34 And so, in high school,
18:36 I remember there was a teacher though.
18:38 It was a first time a teacher ever told me
18:40 to go to the back of the book
18:42 and look at the answer first.
18:44 I thought, I get to start with the right answer
18:48 and it opened up a whole new world,
18:50 I was like, "Oh, I can start with the answer.
18:52 Now, let me learn how to arrive at that answer."
18:56 And oftentimes God does that in scripture.
18:58 He gives us the answer and He says,
19:00 "Now, I want you to study further so that you can" what?
19:04 "Come into the knowledge of the truth
19:06 and arrive at that answer in your personal life."
19:10 This is the result of stewardship, stewardship.
19:15 Paul brings this out, matter of fact,
19:16 notice, this is not the first time
19:18 he talks about this
19:19 coming into a knowledge of the truth.
19:20 If you go to 1 Timothy 2:1-10.
19:24 Notice with me, 1 Timothy
19:27 in his first epistle to Timothy.
19:30 He writes here, 1 Timothy 2,
19:35 okay, verses 1 through 10.
19:41 It says, "Therefore I exhort first of all
19:44 that supplications, prayers, intercessions,
19:47 and giving of thanks be made for all men.
19:51 For kings and for all who are in authority,
19:54 that we may lead
19:55 a quiet and peaceable life in our" what?
19:59 "Godliness." I love this.
20:00 When you put faith and truth together,
20:03 the result is godliness.
20:05 Stewardship is really putting faith and truth into practice,
20:09 so that you arrive at the result of godliness.
20:13 And he says another result here
20:15 just on the side is quietness and peace.
20:19 Think about that, a person who is living that godly life
20:23 through faith and coming into the truth,
20:26 they experience a quietness and a peace.
20:30 A peace is we always think about, right?
20:31 That passes all understanding.
20:35 Paul goes on, he says and reverence,
20:40 "For this is good and acceptable
20:43 in the sight of God our Savior,
20:44 who desires all men to be saved
20:47 and to come into the knowledge of the truth."
20:50 Here we see it again, what's God's greatest desire?
20:54 God's greatest desire for us
20:55 is that He wants us to be saved, bottom line.
20:59 And to do so, He says,
21:00 "I want you to come into a knowledge of the truth.
21:04 I want you to go through the process
21:07 so that this may be a result in your life,"
21:10 this result being godliness.
21:12 And now, Paul is gonna talk about it in practical terms.
21:16 As they go through the process, we see change.
21:19 Notice verse 7, I'm gonna jump to verse 7,
21:22 it says, "For which I was appointed
21:24 a preacher and an apostle,
21:26 I am speaking the truth in Christ and not lying,
21:29 a teacher of the gentiles in" what?
21:32 "Faith and truth."
21:33 We see these things brought together
21:35 just like in Titus 1:1.
21:38 And then He goes on and He says,
21:40 "I desire therefore that men pray everywhere,
21:42 lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting,
21:45 in like manner also that the women adorn themselves
21:48 in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation,
21:51 not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly clothing,
21:55 but which is proper for a women professing" what?
21:59 "Godliness."
22:00 One who exhibits faith and truth
22:03 "which with" what?
22:04 "Good works."
22:06 So here we see it practically applied to the life.
22:09 There are certain things that happen in the life,
22:11 not only internally but what?
22:14 Externally, okay.
22:16 This is true godliness.
22:18 This is godliness that does not deny His power.
22:24 So result number one of stewardship is godliness.
22:29 The second result,
22:32 we are going to come to in just a minute,
22:34 I have someone read Proverbs 3:5,
22:37 but before so I want to go back to our scripture reading,
22:40 you know, stewardship is an expression of a godly life
22:46 in good times and in hard times,
22:49 it's consistent.
22:52 Okay, consistent.
22:53 And this is kind of what the scripture reading
22:55 as we read just a little bit earlier
22:57 starts to kind of bring out and encapsulate.
23:00 And I'll read it again so that we kind of get it,
23:02 kind of in our minds, it says, "Having your conduct
23:05 honorable among the gentiles
23:07 that when they speak against you as evildoers."
23:10 And believe me, we are living in a day
23:13 where good is evil and evil is good,
23:15 and people really don't know
23:18 and we say all things about different kinds of people
23:20 and especially those that live for God.
23:23 But they are told,
23:25 they are going to be spoken against as evildoers,
23:28 that they may by your good works
23:31 which they, what?
23:32 Observe.
23:34 Glorify, who?
23:35 God, in the day of visitation.
23:39 It's truly awe for the glory of God.
23:42 True godliness is about glorifying God
23:45 in whatever we do, wherever we go,
23:48 whatever we say, it's consistent,
23:50 and God is gaining the honor and the glory.
23:54 Now, I'm gonna actually move to Tuesday's lesson
23:56 and I have someone reading here Proverbs 3:5
24:00 and then we're gonna actually come back
24:02 to Monday's lesson on contentment.
24:04 But we're gonna first talk about trust, Proverbs 3:5.
24:09 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart,
24:14 and lean not unto thine own understanding."
24:18 Trust in the Lord with what?
24:20 All your heart.
24:22 As we live the life of a stewardship,
24:24 result number two is trust.
24:28 A steward develops
24:30 a complete trust in God.
24:35 In hard times, as we're talking and in challenging times,
24:40 Jesus told us some of the signs before He comes again.
24:44 We are told there is going to be wars
24:46 and rumors of wars in Matthew 24.
24:49 He also said, "Listen, nation will rise against nation.
24:53 There will be famines, there will be pestilences,
24:56 there is going to be earthquakes in various places."
24:59 Are we not seeing these things?
25:01 And we're seeing these things increase exponentially
25:05 as we're approaching the second coming of Christ.
25:09 Definitely, enough things to worry about,
25:13 not including all the small things
25:15 we face from day to day,
25:17 enough things to worry about.
25:19 There is enough things
25:20 in our world to be depressed about,
25:23 yet in the middle of all of this.
25:27 I want you to turn with me to Matthew 24,
25:29 in the middle of what Jesus has to say.
25:32 He also says something very interesting,
25:34 Matthew, 24, Matthew 24:6.
25:44 Love to hear those pages turning,
25:46 Matthew 24:6,
25:49 Jesus says in the middle of all of these things
25:51 that we can be worried about, that we can be depressed about,
25:54 that we can be anxious about as they exponentially grow,
25:58 Jesus says something very interesting,
26:00 "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars."
26:03 He says what?
26:04 See that you are not troubled.
26:09 Now in the midst of all this chaos, Jesus says,
26:13 "No, but you shouldn't be" what, "Troubled."
26:17 In other words, you should be trusting.
26:22 Remember the disciples on the boat
26:23 in the midst of a storm, right?
26:26 And were they not troubled?
26:29 And yet Jesus is in the back of that boat sleeping away,
26:33 not troubled at all.
26:34 Why was He not troubled?
26:36 Because He trusted.
26:38 The life of a steward, one of those other results
26:41 is this complete trust in God
26:44 no matter what the situation.
26:45 So Jesus says, "When you see all these things..."
26:48 He says, "Listen, please do not be troubled."
26:51 And that word troubled means to be in a state of fear
26:56 associated with surprise.
27:01 Have you ever been surprised so much
27:03 so that you were little taken back?
27:07 Okay, maybe even fearful because something just happened
27:11 out of the blue that you weren't expecting.
27:15 And it takes you back kind of on your heels
27:18 but Jesus says, we shouldn't be this way,
27:22 because we should have trust.
27:23 You know, God doesn't leave us hanging.
27:25 He is going to tell us what's going to come.
27:27 He is going to tell us what's going to happen.
27:29 He is telling us what's taking place,
27:31 and if we live the life of stewards,
27:33 we will develop this continual and complete trust,
27:37 no matter what the situation is,
27:40 no matter what the situation is.
27:41 The steward of Christ trusts in Christ,
27:46 therefore, he or she is not troubled.
27:50 Now I've got another verse,
27:51 it's going to be read in just a second
27:53 in relationship to this in Isaiah 26:3 and 4.
27:58 And I love the words here of the Prophet Isaiah
28:02 as he is under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
28:04 The Spirit of God is leading him and guiding him
28:07 and he writes about God, the Father and Jesus Christ.
28:11 And he writes about this trust that all stewards should have.
28:16 And I want you to notice this passage,
28:17 Isaiah 26:3 and 4.
28:22 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
28:25 whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
28:29 Trust ye in the Lord for ever:
28:32 for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength."
28:36 Says trust in the Lord, right?
28:37 Those who keep their minds stayed on the, right?
28:43 They trust in you.
28:45 And he ultimately says, as a result of this trust,
28:49 there is another thing that's connected to this trust,
28:52 that is perfect peace and everlasting strength.
28:57 You know, I don' think we really comprehend
28:59 and I speak for myself.
29:01 Comprehend is, you know, perfect peace
29:07 to wrap our minds around perfect peace,
29:11 or everlasting strength.
29:15 You know, there is times in our lives
29:17 when we just feel at a point where we're just totally weak.
29:21 Lord, what do I do?
29:22 And yet, the Lord says,
29:23 "Listen, if you keep your mind stayed on Me,
29:27 you will understand what everlasting strength is like."
29:32 You will understand what perfect peace is like.
29:38 You know, I shared some time ago about India
29:41 and I had the opportunity to go to India.
29:43 And this is not about me but there is a friend of mine
29:45 who actually stayed a lot longer.
29:47 Matter of fact, he was originally there
29:48 and he was there for a period of ten years,
29:51 he and his family,
29:52 and their girls kind of grew up there in Northern India.
29:56 And he shared with me one experience
29:59 after I had come back some years later,
30:01 he was, I wanted to know,
30:02 you know, how did things go after I left?
30:04 I was only there for a short time, a year.
30:06 And after I came back
30:07 and then when finally they come back to the States
30:09 and I was like, "How did things go?"
30:11 Because they had, there was one point in time
30:13 when they had to move from where they were
30:16 up to the northern part of India
30:19 because things were getting really challenging.
30:23 And he had to send his family away first,
30:26 I mean there were death threats,
30:27 it gotten so bad to the point
30:29 where he had death threats on his life
30:31 and he had guards literally around the house.
30:35 There was definitely a gate there
30:37 but the gate or the wall was,
30:38 you know, only so high
30:40 so, you know, kids would sit on that,
30:42 you know, wall all the time
30:44 when we do something in the yard
30:45 and we would have like 300 people there.
30:46 And he was the only family, the only English family or,
30:50 you know, white family that out of like
30:52 five million people, ten million people
30:54 and they all spoke Hindi, he spoke Hindi fluently.
30:58 And yet he is getting these death threats
31:01 and so they had to put guards around the house
31:03 and he sent his family up north.
31:05 He said, "But Marshall, that's not it though."
31:08 You know, it was at that time that I had the greatest peace
31:12 I have ever experienced.
31:15 When he had all these death threats,
31:16 he is experiencing what Isaiah talks about when he says what?
31:20 If we keep our mind stayed on Him,
31:23 He will keep us in what?
31:24 Perfect peace.
31:26 He will keep us in perfect peace,
31:27 no matter the situation.
31:29 And I was amazed,
31:30 you know, I thought about that day after day,
31:33 Lord, to have that peace, perfect peace
31:38 and to experience everlasting strength,
31:43 the type of complete trust in God.
31:45 This type of complete trust in God
31:48 is associated very closely with contentment.
31:52 This is kind of why I wanted to talk about trust first
31:56 before we talk about contentment.
31:58 Because when we have complete trust in God,
32:02 that's when ultimately we will be content
32:05 no matter what the situation.
32:08 And so, okay, the first result
32:10 is godliness of life of a steward.
32:13 The second result is trust, a complete trust in God.
32:19 And now the third thing
32:20 we're going to talk about is this contentment.
32:24 You know, I really appreciate
32:26 if you turn with me in your Bibles to Psalm 23.
32:31 You know, often times we hear this Psalm,
32:33 most of the time read when we experience
32:36 a memorial of some kind.
32:37 We always, you know, turn in those times
32:40 to this passage in Psalms 23,
32:43 because it's in those times that people are looking for,
32:46 you know, contentment, comfort.
32:51 And I look at Psalm 23,
32:53 it's kind of a psalm of contentment.
32:56 So if you look at this with me carefully,
32:58 it's very interesting what David has to say
33:00 and David went through a lot of things.
33:02 And you read all over the Bible about the life of David.
33:06 You know, Pastor Doug preached
33:07 the whole series on the life of David in,
33:08 and you realize all of these things
33:11 that David experienced.
33:12 He writes this psalm even in the midst of all,
33:15 that he says, "The Lord is my shepherd."
33:18 He says, "I shall not want?"
33:21 Sounds like contentment to me.
33:23 "I shall not lack" Why?
33:25 Because the Lord comes first.
33:27 See, when I completely trust in God,
33:29 He is first, then contentment follows.
33:33 He says, "The Lord is my shepherd
33:34 I shall not want.
33:35 He makes me to lie down in green pastures.
33:38 He leads me beside the still waters.
33:40 He restores my soul.
33:42 He leads me in the paths of righteousness
33:45 for his namesake."
33:46 Notice, in every case here, who comes first?
33:49 God comes first and God supplying comes second,
33:54 and David's response is contentment.
33:59 I shall not want.
34:01 He makes me to lie down in green pastures,
34:03 beside the still waters and he goes on.
34:06 Notice verse 4, "Yay, though I walk
34:08 through the valley of the shadow of death,
34:10 I will fear no evil.
34:12 In other words, he says, "I will not be troubled."
34:16 Just like what Jesus said
34:17 in the last days of earth's history,
34:18 His stewards do not need to be troubled.
34:23 He goes on, "I will fear no evil,
34:24 for you are with me.
34:26 Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
34:28 You prepare a table before me
34:31 and the presence of mine enemies.
34:32 You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over surely."
34:37 And ultimately in the end he says,
34:38 "Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me
34:41 all the days of my life
34:44 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
34:48 I long for that day
34:49 when we can dwell in the house of the Lord for how long?
34:52 Forever, but David's writing a psalm of contentment
34:56 because God is with him every step of the way
34:59 and he recognizes it, and he longs for it,
35:02 and he desires God to be there every step of the way.
35:05 Now, that doesn't mean
35:06 that David didn't have his moments
35:09 like we all have our moments where we slip and we fall.
35:14 We have a, you know, a lapse in faith,
35:16 a lapse in trust but we are talking about
35:19 the general train of the life.
35:22 And if you look at David's life generally speaking,
35:25 he trusted in God and God gave him contentment
35:31 with whatever the situation was,
35:32 he was going to be content.
35:35 Notice with me 1 Timothy 6:6 and 7.
35:40 1 Timothy 6:6 and 7.
35:49 Back to Timothy again, back to Timothy.
35:54 1 Timothy 6:6 and 7, Paul again writing to Timothy,
35:58 he says what?
35:59 "Now godliness with" what?
36:01 "Contentment is great gain"
36:05 not just gain, it's great gain.
36:10 Notice the convergence of these two results of stewardship.
36:15 The first result we talked about godliness,
36:17 the result we currently are speaking about
36:19 is contentment and what Paul does is,
36:21 he says, let me bring this thing together for you
36:25 and help you to realize
36:27 that as you experienced
36:29 the results of these two things,
36:32 you will experience great gain,
36:38 "For a steward to be truly content with everything."
36:43 Means that they have to give up control of everything,
36:48 trusting that God will see him or her through...
36:53 everything.
36:56 Contentment, I don't have to be in control, God's in control.
37:02 I don't have to be worry about anything
37:04 because God will take care of everything.
37:07 Because He has promised
37:08 and as I choose to live the life of a steward
37:11 and giving over everything to God,
37:14 God gives everything in return.
37:18 Remember what Jesus said,
37:19 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God,
37:22 and his righteousness,
37:24 and all these things shall be added unto you."
37:27 We can be content with whatever the situation,
37:32 whatever the challenge, we can be content
37:38 because we are stewards of Christ,
37:40 and stewards of Christ will be content.
37:45 So you got the first one,
37:46 I am going back over these so we get done.
37:48 The first one as we're concluding this lesson,
37:50 the first result of stewardship is godliness, true godliness.
37:54 The second result of stewardship is trust,
37:58 complete trust in God.
38:00 And the third is contentment, to be content in all things,
38:06 to not feel like we have to be in control
38:09 and believe me there are times
38:10 when I feel I have to be in control,
38:13 and the Lord reminds me, no, you don't.
38:16 You know, I had an accident about year and half ago
38:20 and the vehicle I was in flipped three times.
38:25 I've never been in a vehicle before that has lost control.
38:29 And believe me when you are sitting in that seat,
38:33 there is nothing you can do, you are just turning.
38:36 But, you know, God was in control,
38:39 literally a miracle.
38:40 We passed this huge street sign,
38:42 the back end of it flipped right past it,
38:45 right over a tree, it didn't hit anything
38:48 but you could see the marks.
38:49 I mean a guy from the newspaper is like, "How did this happen?"
38:51 I am like, I have no idea.
38:53 And for me to get out of that car
38:55 and the person sitting next to me was sleeping.
38:57 To get out of that car
38:59 and to walk away with no bruises,
39:00 no scratches, nothing.
39:01 Who was in control?
39:04 God was completely in control.
39:07 When we trust Him completely,
39:09 we can be content in every situation
39:12 and this is what stewards live by.
39:15 These are the results of the life of a steward.
39:18 And in the end, the fourth result,
39:21 we're going to hear those words,
39:22 I'm kind of jumping right to the end here.
39:25 I want to bring this out a little stronger
39:27 is the fourth result
39:29 and that is to hear the words we want to hear.
39:32 This is Thursday's lesson
39:34 in this lesson of the results of stewardship.
39:38 We hear the words we want to hear.
39:41 And in just a minute we're going to hear those words
39:43 read to us, Matthew 25:21.
39:47 The words of Jesus is what we're going to hear
39:50 when He comes in the clouds of glory
39:52 to take the redeemed of the earth home.
39:56 These are the words
39:59 and I hope we desire to hear these words,
40:03 Matthew 25:21.
40:06 "His Lord said to him,
40:07 "Well done, good and faithful servant,
40:10 you were faithful over few things,
40:13 I will make you ruler over many things,
40:15 enter into the joy of your Lord."
40:20 This is the conclusion
40:22 when Jesus comes in the clouds of glory.
40:24 We're talking about the conclusion
40:26 of the study of stewards
40:28 but here in Matthew 25,
40:30 we're talking about the conclusion of the whole matter
40:34 when Jesus comes in the clouds of glory.
40:36 He's got a declaration to make, and believe it or not,
40:39 He is going to make that declaration
40:42 and that declaration is very special to His stewards.
40:47 They have given up everything, they have walked away,
40:49 they have given control over, they are living faithfully,
40:52 they are growing into a knowledge of the truth,
40:55 and they are going to hear these words,
40:57 "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
41:01 I long to hear those words from the mouth of Jesus,
41:07 that I've been the steward that by His grace
41:11 He is making me to be, that He is making us to be,
41:14 "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
41:18 Do you realize that Matthew 25
41:22 is a continuation of Matthew 24.
41:27 You know, Matthew 24:45 and 46,
41:31 Jesus poses a question and the question is this,
41:36 He says, "Who then is a faithful and wise servant?
41:40 Whom his master made ruler over his household,
41:43 to give them food in due season,
41:45 blessed is that servant."
41:47 Now, we're talking about servants,
41:48 we're really talking about God's stewards.
41:52 And he is saying, "Who then is faithful and wise."
41:56 And then he says, "Blessed is that servant."
41:58 And this is in the context of the second coming.
42:02 Do you know where Jesus answers that question?
42:04 He answers this very question in Matthew 25.
42:08 The first parable is about the wise and the unwise.
42:12 The second parable is about
42:13 the faithful and the unfaithful.
42:16 And the third parable is about the blessed and the cursed.
42:19 So really Matthew 25
42:21 is a continuation of Matthew 24,
42:25 and it all revolves around the second coming of Christ.
42:28 And the faithful steward is going to hear the words,
42:34 so will the wise steward, so will the blessed steward.
42:39 They are all going to hear these words,
42:42 "Well done, thou good and faithful servant.
42:45 You were faithful over a few things,
42:47 I will make you ruler over many things."
42:52 And then what does he say at the end?
42:53 "Enter into the joy of your Lord."
42:57 What a day that's going to be like
42:59 when those pearly gates swing open,
43:03 and the dead in Christ have risen,
43:06 and those that are alive
43:07 that still remain are going to be risen up into the clouds
43:10 and they are going to taken into heaven,
43:12 and those pearly gates are going to swing open,
43:14 and what is God's stewards going to do?
43:17 They are going to enter.
43:20 They are gonna enter the home they have longed for,
43:23 the home that they have lived for,
43:26 the home that they have hoped for,
43:28 it's all going to be real.
43:30 It all is real to a steward of Christ.
43:35 Gonna hear those words.
43:38 What a day when those pearly gates swing open
43:40 and we enter into the joy of your Lord.
43:43 And for Jesus to say that, for Jesus to sit there and say,
43:47 "Oh, you know, they are going to open them."
43:48 And He is going to say that, "You guys can all enter."
43:51 Oh, man!
43:53 There are so many things I want to see in heaven.
43:55 So many places I want to run to,
43:58 but He is going to say
43:59 enter into the joy of your Lord.
44:03 At the end of the lesson,
44:06 and I'm gonna actually read it right here,
44:07 it's on page 105 of our lesson,
44:11 this is in Thursday's lesson.
44:14 There is a powerful statement from the book Desire of Ages
44:16 and it's page 523, Desire of Ages, page 523,
44:25 it says, "When Christ's followers
44:28 give back to the Lord His own,
44:32 they are accumulating treasure which will be given to them
44:38 when they shall hear the words."
44:40 So, right now what are we accumulating?
44:43 In our stewardship,
44:46 in our ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ,
44:50 what are we accumulating?
44:52 We are accumulating treasure.
44:54 You may not think you are rich now,
44:56 you may not think you have all the things you need now,
45:00 you may not think, you know, you can make it
45:02 but the Lord says, "Listen, if you are following Me,
45:05 believe it or not, you have all these things.
45:07 They're just accumulating, you know, it's like interest.
45:13 We love to see the accumulate if it's on our side.
45:17 We don't like to see the accumulation of interest
45:19 if it's the other way
45:22 but we love to see the accumulation of interest
45:25 on our side, don't we?
45:28 Because we know what?
45:29 We're accumulating a treasure
45:30 that may help future generations,
45:34 but more than that
45:35 is the accumulation of this treasure.
45:39 She goes on to say,
45:42 "They accumulate the treasure which will be given to them
45:45 when they shall hear the words..."
45:47 We're waiting for the day when He says here,
45:49 listen, "Here's the treasure you've been accumulating."
45:54 And He says, "Well, done now good and faithful servant,
45:57 enter into the joy of your Lord.
46:00 In the end..."
46:02 And I'm reading the last part of the lesson here on Thursday.
46:05 "In the end stewardship is a life lived
46:08 in which the two greatest commandments,
46:10 love for God and love for our neighbors
46:13 are the motivations and driving forces
46:16 in all that one does."
46:20 It's following after Jesus Christ.
46:24 The life of the steward is all about
46:25 following after Jesus Christ.
46:28 So the results, looking at the results,
46:31 the results are in, on the life of a steward,
46:34 result number one, godliness.
46:38 Result number two, complete trust in God.
46:42 Result number three, contentment,
46:45 being content in all things.
46:47 And result number four,
46:50 hearing the words we all want to hear.
46:53 "Well done..."
46:55 From the lips of Jesus,
46:57 "Well done, thou good and faithful servant,
47:00 enter into the joy of your Lord."
47:02 Now I want to share something with you,
47:03 God does not lie, right?
47:05 The Bible says God does not lie.
47:07 God is looking for His stewards
47:09 that He can make this declaration about
47:13 because He's going to make the declaration.
47:17 Just like in creation when He said,
47:19 listen, everything is very good,
47:22 He's just waiting for His stewards
47:25 to allow Him to do all these things in their lives
47:29 so that He again can make the declaration.
47:33 "Well done thou good..."
47:35 He's turned it all the way around,
47:36 brought it full faith, full circle.
47:39 "Well done, thou good and faithful servant,
47:41 enter into the joy of your Lord."
47:44 May God bless us
47:46 as we continue to be His stewards.
47:50 May people observe these characteristics in our lives,
47:57 godliness, trust in God, contentment in all things,
48:03 and that will hear those words,
48:05 "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
48:11 Let's have a word of prayer together.
48:13 Father in heaven, we thank You so much for this Sabbath day.
48:17 Lord, we thank You that You've given us
48:19 in Your Word an understanding of true stewardship,
48:24 each aspect of the life of what a steward looks like,
48:29 and, Lord, may in the end these results be our results,
48:34 in our lives for Your honor and for Your glory.
48:39 We thank You so much for Your many blessings
48:42 and we thank You so much
48:43 that we've had this time to study.
48:45 Lord, help us to come into a knowledge of this truth
48:50 more and more as we see the day approaching
48:52 when You'll will come in the clouds of glory.
48:55 We thank You and we praise You
48:57 in the precious and holy name of Jesus, Amen.
49:02 I'd like to remind our viewers and those that are watching,
49:05 we do have a free offer for today,
49:08 it's From Stress to Joy.
49:11 It's offer number 705
49:14 and you can get that by just calling
49:16 1-866-788-3966.
49:21 Again, that's offer number 705
49:23 and it can be mailed anywhere in North America.
49:25 If you're outside North America,
49:27 just go to
49:28 and you can find this and download it
49:30 and truly learn to live
49:32 a stress free life in Jesus Christ.
49:36 May God bless you.
49:48 Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?
49:51 Can you hear me now?
49:54 Actually I know they can't hear me
49:55 'cause there's no cell phone reception here.
49:57 We're right now standing in what is known as a quiet zone
50:01 and there's a very good reason for that.
50:04 Hidden nestled among the jungle mountains of Puerto Rico
50:07 is a giant Sentinel, an aluminum ear
50:10 1,000 feet across located 10 mile south
50:13 of the coastal city of Arecibo,
50:15 this enormous space age parabolic dish
50:18 is aimed at the sky, listening.
50:21 Build in 1963 by Cornell University,
50:24 the Arecibo Observatory dish is one of the largest curved
50:27 focusing antennas on earth.
50:30 The dish surface is made of
50:32 nearly 40,000 perforated aluminum panels
50:35 each measuring about three feet by six feet
50:37 and supported by a mesh of steel cables.
50:39 The vast antenna surface covers 18 acres
50:43 or about the same size as 26 football fields.
50:46 When the huge telescope switches to radar mode,
50:49 it beams out a powerful signal of one million watts
50:52 towards the planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.
50:55 The faint echo of the signal bouncing off
50:57 its astronomical targets is collected by the huge dish
51:01 and then amplified allowing scientists to create
51:04 scanner like images and maps of the object
51:06 but another primary purpose
51:08 for the Arecibo Observatory is SETI.
51:11 SETI set is an acronym
51:12 for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
51:15 They're listening for messages from above.
51:18 For over 50 years,
51:20 radio astronomers have used
51:21 the world's largest radio telescope
51:23 to study the radio signals emanating from the cosmos.
51:27 While listening to the strange songs
51:29 buried in the heart of distant stars and quasars,
51:32 they're also listening
51:33 and analyzing every signal for signs of intelligent life.
51:38 It's really astonishing when you think about it
51:40 that for more than 50 years now,
51:41 the Arecibo Observatory has been scanning the heavens,
51:45 spending millions of dollars
51:47 wondering if there's intelligent life out there.
51:50 Yet in more than half a century of listening
51:52 SETI has not identified a single radio signal
51:55 that seems to come from extraterrestrial intelligence.
51:59 Perhaps they're missing the forest
52:00 because the trees are in the way.
52:02 Some messages have actually already come from space.
52:05 You know, the Bible tells us in the Book of Romans,
52:08 "Faith comes by hearing
52:09 and hearing comes by the Word of God."
52:12 It seems often when God wants to talk to us,
52:14 He has to take us where we can actually hear His voice.
52:17 When God wanted to speak to Elijah,
52:19 He ended up down in the deserts of Mount Sinai.
52:21 There was a fire, an earthquake, and a wind
52:24 but God was not in earthquake or the fire or the wind,
52:27 but God spoke through a still small voice.
52:30 Jesus wants to talk you, He has a plan for your life,
52:33 but you need to have a quiet place
52:35 where you can hear Him.
52:39 Oh, it's for you.
52:50 Amazing Facts changed lives.
52:58 I'm Tlingit Indian from Sitka, Alaska.
53:02 My Tlingit name is Wahchdustid Clou.
53:05 It was a very depressing time for the people of Alaska,
53:09 a lot of alcohol abuse was taking place,
53:15 and unfortunately my mother got caught up in the alcohol.
53:21 It made myself and my siblings
53:26 grow up in
53:29 a pretty horrible environment.
53:32 It was really hard to understand God.
53:37 It was really hard to understand what love was.
53:41 I ended up having a child
53:47 in my 12th grade
53:49 and leaving home when I was 15 years old.
53:53 But somehow someway we made it
53:56 and I became alone, I became a hermit,
53:59 so I went up to the biggest marijuana county,
54:03 to Humboldt County and started my new career.
54:08 Things weren't right though,
54:10 no matter how nice I kept thinking life was,
54:14 living up on top of the mountain,
54:17 not having to worry about wearing clothing,
54:21 just waking up and watching the plants grow,
54:25 searching still for more and more.
54:28 I went to the post office
54:32 and I was standing there by myself,
54:34 I looked down
54:36 and here was this what is called handbill, a postcard
54:41 and the letters on it grabbed my attention
54:44 and it said Revelations.
54:46 I never heard Revelation taught before and I thought,
54:50 "Gosh, that would have been so good."
54:53 I looked at the time and the date and I said,
54:56 "Wow, that's today."
55:00 And for six weeks I sat there
55:03 in the front seat of that building
55:08 and could not believe the things that I heard,
55:12 and I found this hunger
55:16 that I had in my heart for decades being filled.
55:20 I was actually like a starving child,
55:23 you know, wanting to get into,
55:25 learn more about Revelations
55:27 and I chose to be baptized on April 3rd.
55:33 Even though I chose to serve God, I kept falling.
55:38 I was going to Bible studies all four times a week
55:42 and just so hungry to learn as much as possible.
55:48 God just overnight had me studying the Word of God
55:53 through AFCOE and the miracles
55:56 that happens through AFCOE is so incredible.
56:00 The only preacher I was listening to
56:02 was Pastor Doug Batchelor
56:04 who I didn't even call by his name,
56:07 I called him the caveman
56:09 and then here all of a sudden I'm sitting in front of him
56:14 in his classroom learning from him.
56:18 On October 11th, I sat there though in my room saying,
56:24 "Lord, here I am studying Your Word
56:27 but what am I doing here?
56:32 What do I need to do?
56:34 What is it You want me to do?"
56:36 And that night about one in the morning
56:38 God spoke to me and He said,
56:41 "I want you to write a note to Pastor Doug
56:44 and tell him what you do."
56:45 I sat there and I said, "No, I'm not going to write a note
56:47 and I'm not going to write a note."
56:48 And I said, "Okay."
56:50 So I ripped up a piece of paper and I wrote on the note
56:53 and I said, "I'm an experienced fashion designer,
56:57 I can sew anything I could make, any patterns,
57:00 if there's any way that I can be of any service to you.
57:05 God told me to be bold and tell you."
57:07 And I walked up and I handed him the note
57:09 and he didn't know what it was but he said thank you.
57:12 And four hours later
57:13 I got a phone call from Amazing Facts.
57:16 Pastor Doug told me that I was an answer to their prayers.
57:20 They had been looking for wardrobe stylist
57:24 for their new film that they're producing.
57:27 Action.
57:28 Two, three.
57:30 Amazing Facts has changed my life
57:34 in the direction that God wants me to go.
57:38 And now out of all the knowledge
57:40 that was taught to me,
57:42 I'm able to go out into this world
57:45 and share the gospel
57:47 and finish the work for Jesus Christ.
57:52 Friends, it's because of God's blessing
57:54 and your support that thousands of others
57:57 like Nida have found Jesus and everlasting life.


Revised 2018-03-26